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PGA vs. CMF | Game 9 | Preliminaries | 2024 PVL All-Filipino Conference

Watch the full game replay of the 2024 Premier Volleyball League All-Filipino Conference Preliminaries Game 9 between the Petro Gazz Angels and the Choco Mucho Flying Titans.

6:00 PM | February 27, 2024

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ladies and gentlemen introducing our national officials for this match our first referee elindo yio second referee is Bobby celo and now let’s meet the starters first for the petran as Angels middle Walker number nine team captain Remy Palma Center number two Janelle CH let’s go opposite header number eight Isa Mao ponas outside sper number 10 Bruth vano middle blocker number 12 KY gonz and outside Spiker number 20 Jonah saete starting the battle is number 22 Be Love Barbour head coach for Petz is Ki [Music] suzar and now the starters for the too mucho flying Titans middle Walker number seven team captain Mim matad outside Spiker number one Isa mold s number nine Mars [Music] Alba opposite hitter number 10 centino outside Spiker number 18 CC rontina and middle Walker number 22 Cherry Nuna starting the battle is number 16 than head coach for Cho is Zante alri this match is held under the supervision and regulation of the Gams and amusement board we got two teams who hit the ground running in their first matches hoping to bring that same momentum in today’s game the Petras Angels their starters on your screen galdones Palma ponas vanle sabet barbon and of course Janelle chenan over to the other side side of the Court choco mucha flying Titans and there starting seven we have cherry nunag mad madag centino isod C rondina Tang Pon and of course Mars Alba B capestrano with Z hervas Lexi Rodriguez Manning the sidelines for us in this Tuesday game thank you so much for spending the Tuesday evening with us here ni and this is going to be a pretty interesting match I would I would say indeed so let’s see as Palma starts us off with that serve I mean earlier a lot of people have been asking what is going to be the outcome of this match both teams 1 and0 so far good showing on their first match but uh cat liino making the first point right away of course centino in their previous match scored 12 points second to CC rinaa leading the scorers for the choco mucho flying Titans and we see that Mar Alba Z is still starting here for CH mucho but sa lexina Dina was warming up she is in her Jersey so maybe she’ll make an appearance in our game today as this point will go to the Petras Angels attack error there from Cherry Nuna that’s right um but interestingly enough since uh dois uh Miss Fortune in the last game uh there’s only really four of them now so everybody’s definitely suiting up but in the last game they were saying also Dena still not 100% so let’s see uh we’re all hoping for good recovery for everybody here in the Titan Squad you see uh Des Chang also on the sidelines as well of course there’s nothing we want more than everybody to be healthy and every single game and that includes every single team as well as we go back to this match it is a point for Maddie madag let’s take a look at this sequence mby just making sure she her presence is felt right away here and as you said z k Sila players so every single person on this Cham mucha flying Titans team they really need to step up Mars Alba will send it to ISA molde picked up by MAA pontillas Van Sickle with a push no go Alba back to Isam they will try again Cheng and that sails outside for saete as we turn it over to Lexi Rodriguez go ahead Lex thanks Billy and Z well believe it or not coaching for 37 years is not a joke especially if we’re talking about experience right here but you know coach coji always tells me that I should refer to him as an international coach and not a Japanese coach but you know a fun fact that he told me as well is that out of all the teams that he handled the Filipino teams never failed to amaze him he actually said that the be God’s angels are always so fumed and he described them to have the highest energy level among all of the teams that he coached well it’s always nice to hear about these things these things from International coaches of our local teams you can hear more of these stories through the Filipinos Live app where you can experience the pvl anytime and anywhere in the world now back to you Z and Billy thank you so much for that report Lex and great to hear that coach COI is you know having a good di here with the pet Angel energy I mean if you have on your team I’m pretty sure that it’s going to be energy build because we can’t see them on the screen right now but they’re dancing to the tune of the drums that we have here in the Phil Sports Arena meanwhile petas now at 3 Cham mucho leading by one point as vanle will serve that will sail outside for Brooke Brook still finding her momentum here finding the groove uh in the pbl overall well um as uh it was reported that she has been feeling kind of nervous you know as much as she has been a division one athlete atmosphere especially and there’s really nothing like you know the Filipino fans especially in such a big match like this so in a sense it’s also going to be a test for for Brook how she’s going to handle the nerves and that was Jonah sapete powering through the blockers of the flying Titans as Casey gonz on Deck to serve for the white shirts Alba with a onew play now Janelle Chang sabet this timeon saete a little out of time there because the set was too high from R Palma and I mean I I love seeing middle blockers taking the charge with the setting there but Jon saete able to adjust to that uh set and she had a point that’s right and she’s been you know the angel one of the angels that has been with petas the longest M mhm so she is surely one of the veterans of this team Alba to Maddie single block no go MADD madayag with her signature running attack there Jon saete was right on time as we take a look at this three single block look at that power behind that swing good effort by Jona K mad and right now madag two points leading all the scorers for choco mucho saete will try again they’re going to ask for a touch our reps call it out and they are going to go for a challenge second referee seeing that there was indeed a touch usually and usually the second referee is the one checking what happens or what goes on at the net check that is going to be a point for the Petras Angels much to the Delight of saete we’re tied at six all Alba sends it to CC rinaa popped up saete again and that will sail straight to the net for Jonah saete I mean one thing you got to expect from Jonah saete is she’s always going to go for the power she’s always going to go all out behind her every Spike so you know it’s it’s a matter of finding that Groove finding that consistency for for her game and once she does find her footing to to and that’s a good thing about Jonah just like that one right on the dot x marks spot for saete already with four points here for Petras definitely making up for her previous error there Jon you know I love her attitude she’s very competitive you know sometimes but that’s also the kind of teammate you need you know sometimes especially when things get a little tough especially when you got someone like CC rondina up against your [Music] squad so far it has been a rondina versus saet stay here at the first part of the first set technical timeout T let’s listen in or we’ll be [Music] back [Applause] you a Chanel RPV analog TV channel 9 DT Channel satellite providers nationwide at signal play there you have it the fans of the choco mucho flying Titans enjoying this match you know a classic match up between the Petras angels and the flying Titans something we all look forward to every single conference and another Point goes to Cherry Nuna to under her belt in our match today definitely and and you history wise let’s look back at their matchups before last conference in the second all Filipino it was the first time that CH mucho was back on the semifinal round theas semi-final round so of course coming into the new conference in the new season with new teammates as well and coaches in the case of conference and it is going to be you know we said it was a test for Brook vanle trying to overcome her nervousness for Cho mucha a test for them if you know they be able to sustain all that momentum they had from the previous conference as we get back to this game getting a little bit exciting here in the Phil Sports Arena as Chang will give it to vanle what a good big by and she has been so good here for the flying Titans REM Palma dug up by Alba Here Comes centino not yet vanle again good defense by both our squads soleno tries to end the rally comes up short Van Sickle nobody is giving up rondina nope another chance for rondina good coverage from both our squads W it’s still alive and this is possibly the longest R You’ have seen in this conference the far but who other than the Cherry Bomb to end that rally CC rondina look at that I mean it was a different kind of approach and swing behind that Spike and it really seemed like it was going to end that rally after all and this Spike of the set is brought to you by D Bayan and who else no fitting to to end a rally who else then CC Rond we we know what she can do Jonas sa this time alive Peta and this is going to be a chance ball for the purple shirts Alba to centino gets it to go despite the blocker that rire now was a little bit late and off the Neto this time coach Ki and the rest of the angels are calling a timeout let’s [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] listen okay okay okay [Music] good ready good ready youve everyone [Applause] [Music] cover and you have the Petro gas Angels you heard one word there it was cover so they need good coverage here so far right now you got the taller blockers of the number one hitting uh athlete here on the side of petas bro centino that’s why a little bit Limited in her attacks in the last sequence that’s right it’s a five to nothing run here for Cham mucho but saved by that point where they’re going to call a challenge I believe they’re going to call that ball out Tang Pon was really confident behind that ball Landing that it was out saying no no it was in but let’s see what the the challenge system says visuals pgas Angel so there you have it it’s going to be a ball in ball out let’s see yep s Naman SI D I mean it’s also a coach dant call to you know to give uh chance to the players Grievances and requests so deep work deep effort so we saw the cringe from from Tang Pon and the point will go to the Petras or remain rather with the Petras Angels they are down by four points against choco mucho as moris Alba sends it to cat sharp angle there Dan sickle still trying to get her groove here Alba the CCE CRC I mean if I said Don saete would always go 100% every time she approaches for a ball C rondina same story 110% you know I I want to see what 80% looks like for C because I feel like it’s going to be 100 for for a lot of us I don’t think we’ll ever going to see it B laging 100 every single game 80% T Nam as we go back to this game Isa M challenging the blockers Here Comes Brook they’re going to try Brooke again this time she gets it through finally after so many attempts vanle getting one through a set from mailas at b as well it’s going to be the first point for Brook very obvious that there is is still that adjustment period coming from her but we don’t doubt her she was the MVP in the pnvf Perez serving Tolentino Brooke tries again what a good thing again by T Totino with a fast attack and gets it a quick conversion there I mean see story from last year’s face to face match up between the two teams tangon has been pulling the confidence down of these angels every time she digs a ball just like that but unfortunately a momentum Buster here for chamu that’s going to be a free point given to petas we got to talk about Tang because gra improvement from her College days and she she really stepped up especially last year I mean last conference rather for for choco mucho and glad she’s getting the recognition that she deserves Alba to MADD with a push a Jou at the net one by the BET signature Isa move there n Isa this time using her smart which which we usually see a lot of variety coming from this Lefty right here just swiping it off the hands of Mi madag as vanle will serve for petrogas Alba to ISA mde easy pickings for mde that is her first point of the game and Choo is up by four definely it’s definitely hurting Pro gas Angel earlier we had uh 87 uh scoring in the first technical timeout 5 R CH mucho lots of energy on the side of Cho mucho petaz looking a little frazzled uh in certain place as Alba gives it again to ISA but she is blocked and that would be the perfect time for petas to wake up in set number one definitely two blockers right in front of Isa a little bit late also on that approach the place of CH mucho has been those low and fast sets that has been very effective so far but you know it’s always connection and you know always seeing the context here Mars Alba is new to this team two month old palang Ching TI Mars Alba but there you go centino from the back row giving them their 16 points meaning that our second technical [Music] sky [Music] [Music] [Applause] you Arena plus as dig Sports welcome back to the Phil Sports Arena here in pic City Bap pestano Z hervas Lexi Rodriguez giving us the latest from the sidelines the choco mucho flying Titans versus the Petro gas Angel still no Dina Wong here for Cho mucho but they’ve got Mars Alba sa see the adjustment has been good for for the Cho mucha flying Titans and over on the other side Brook vanle maybe still overcoming the the nerves here today’s game only one point so far for vanle and maybe there is a little bit of pressure on her end cuz highly touted a lot of people were really expecting her to explode here in the pvl Y on your screen dinina Wong still a little bit uh recovering from her knee injury I remember last Conference during I think that it was a semi-final she was already limping a little bit that time and uh the story has been the same she has still in a recovery still has yet to be 100% here but I’m sure all the fans are already waiting for her I’m sure everybody is excited for her return but while she is resting we have Mars ala of course and J let’s not forget that will be a service error for Mao ponas CH kucho up by four in our set number number one coach COI on your screen Lexi Japanese coach he is an international coach I mean I don’t know if you remember you guys but he has he was the head coach of King wh who visited us last year at the Invitational conference and you know I guess he saw this it was another opportunity to you know help Elevate the game especially here in uh Manila in the Philippines and we love to have here as we get back to this ball game three points Cho mucho saete serving Alba will give it to Cece rodina and you know give her whatever angle Place her anywhere and she will deliver off the block for CeCe definitely and uh as much as the angels are catching up right now you got to acknowledge that C’s in front now they have three spikers in the front row and they need to catch up if they want to catch up they need to get a string of points here right now and still errors on the side of the Angels here so things not really going the way of the Petras angels as we listen in to their timeout no no 70% reception return to Center you have a chance now take a five point take a five point okay five point good catch okay concentrate just catch catch so you have a chance okay okay let’s [Music] [Applause] [Music] go so clearly you can see the words that he wants to say now Five Points he wants to do it slowly as we see the pl the highp speed hitters coming off a three set Victory against next Leed in our 4 P.M game as Mars Alba on Deck to serve for choco mucho 19 serving 14 Perez to Van Sickle she’s blocked they’ll do it again Van Sickle straight to the hands of CC rondina they find cat Tolentino Palma [Applause] chance here for Petras Ivy will try blocked Palma again we got and we got another rally going on here for for these teams one again by the Choo flying Titans This Time by centino with five points I mean they have been defending really well and it you know angels and for them to be that patient and getting the angel impatient at that great defense at the net and at on the floor vanle this time go and finally you know we we were waiting for for that kind of attack from vanle now she has two points and hopefully because the Angels need that reinforcement [Music] definitely and we see Mitch morente for the for the Angels she will be serving for the white shirts it is 15 serving 20 and the little is too strong for morente as she quickly apologizes to the Pedas bench it is a six-point lead for the flying Titans in our first set rondina now with four points of four attacks and that’s something we don’t see often service error from CC rondina definitely Michelle Mor thinking that it has been equalized her error her service eror has a of from from morente Iz sign three excellent sets in our match today o and that is a second service error from the Angels something that you don’t want to do at the of this m that’s right especially especially with to the lead so we can say that the Angels kind of shaky no here in this in this first set as compared to the Flying Titans you see Regina ARA make an appearance in our match today she will serve for Choo I think it’s also you know them uh the angels having frustrations n good touches by the blockers in Kat and uh M right now but you know they they really have to be relentless at this point if they want to win they got to be aggressive as well just like Brook vanle having she’s revving the engine up three points for her they go to isal that is outside for Isa chance here for Petra gas ball or the whistle will not be blown up until the 25th score still a steep hill to climb Billy but you know very doable as well sometimes it’s all about the breaks of the game as well here comes Issa again avoiding the blockers and sa a little too late to dig that one up it’s good to see uh Isam they having and more and more variations behind her attack also since uh Des Des Che injury she has really you know embraced this new role of a starter for the flying Titans and Isa mold in their first game against next at eight points for her so hopefully she gets to see the same production or maybe even more that’s going to be a service [Music] error score now 2319 and look who it is it’s chamy leading all the scores for the angels in their previous [Applause] match hoping to bring that same magic in their game against Cham mucho she will head straight to the service line 19 serving 23 good serve Isa [Applause] again MAA ponas Alba CeCe from the back row Cece Dina just making sure we end all rallies with me G and it’s five points for C rondina take a look at that she again we always say this in every coverage but she’s not the tallest player on the court I believe she’s only 55 right 56 but can she fly Perez to saete high flying version as well five points for Jonah SA score right now 2420 petas angels as we see Roy toino on the bench here for chocoo one of the Vets NAA pontillas Alba to randina picked up they go to Brooke Mars to madzilla she’s denied by saete close call there and it is a point for the Angels they’re still alive this time Jonas saete getting that good block touch Return to Sender so far backto back points here for the Angels timeout coach Dante one one one [Applause] one onea Isa Lang Isa Lang h just one point CH let’s take a look at this sequence coverage was there Tang was there but uh little miscommunication there who was going to get the second ball that was a miscue on the part of the flying Titans who are now at set point mhm 24 to 21 set there go there we go we have Maddie madag two points in this game as Mars Alba sends it over to CC o up by tempura saete and that is off the block for Jonas saete don’t look now but the petas Angels see they’re coming for the CH angels angel angels so it’s Rina and saete Showdown and I think this will be the theme for the whole game tonight Billy and we can’t wait to see it in the next coming sets it is 2422 rondina challenging the blockers ponas pi and Jonas it is CCE versus Jon in our first set much to the light of the red side of things so you got to give uh props to REM Palma for for slowing that ball down I mean it’s a spike from CCE and then a dig after froma out [Applause] Cho [Music] last minute instructions from coach Dante asking the girls for good coverage as well because their lead has now trickled down to just one point 2423 Brooke vanle one of the newest fa is here for the Petras Angels We Have cat Tolentino of course hurricane cat crucial serve as vanle game face on here comes MAA pontillas they need a good one talking about Cham mucho they go to cat not yet van SLE from the back row and that’s what we’re talking about Brook panle getting her fair share of tear from the fans of the fedas Angel take a look at this definitely the time to shine for broke van CLE and the time is now and if you’re wondering why it’s getting a little louder here the sports Dina Wong and Rino double substitution Angel making up for that 0 five run early in the set 5 run here at the tail end where it matters the most exactly Here Comes rontina Who good dig saete oh they call it inside Jon Sab finding that sweet spot where nobody was defending and the tides have turned here the in our set number one just like that the Petr gas angels have that chance to win set number one rather skilled from the choco mucha flying Titans there at set point O over set here and a missc from the CH mucho flying Titans will give this set to the Petro gas Angels unbelievable turn of events here definitely for both teams I mean Billy if there’s any team who can have that relentlessness at timing Jon getting those crucial clocks crucial attacks making that 70 run possible you know they were down as much as Five Points can first set but eventually they managed to hold on to their seats really tight and end up the set 26 24 in favor of the angels for set number one we’ll be back for set number two [Music] [Music] he [Applause] he Beau what a turn of events we had in that set number one which had everybody at the edge of their seats the petas Angels they steal the first set from the choco mucho flying Titans 2624 in 33 minutes of play Z we got to talk about what happened in that set because no one saw it coming well you know we know that the Petras Angels could do it but when they did it it was a s to nothing run on their end I mean to have that uh spirit fighting Spirit when you’re down 24 to9 bil 24 naan Mo last point and you’re down 19 and then you’ll get a 70 run I mean guys I don’t know if you can appreciate that but like wow inv live pbl all Filipino conference to see and witness the action in front of your eyes because it really was something something to behold do something to watch definitely and that’s why all the fans here are are really having such a good time because these two teams we know that they are going to put up a fight as you take a look at the the set one statistics let Talk number see what numbers stand out to you the most I mean it’s really the timing more than the numbers cuz if we look at the numbers in front of us on your screen 16 to 15 attacks block points 3 to1 it’s again it’s that Jonas saetti block point that happened in the tail end shutting down M madag and putting her confidence down as well s erors pant more or less 7 to8 it’s really the timing of of the numbers it’s it’s a breaks of the game as well yes definitely Kos to the petrogas angels for surviving the choca mucha flying Titans again the lead was 19 to 24 so K talaga Angels set and of course Jonah saete leading all the scores in this match nine points we saw her in the screen a while back here we go set number two Alba to Tolentino challenging the blockers of the white shirts barbon to saete and she will welcome us with a first point here in our second set Jonas saete keeping that intensity intensity consistent as possible here Jonah I’m not quite sure if she started in the front row in set number one but since she has the hot hands right now it’s it it it just makes sense Billy for her to start in front but look at that speaking of hot hands bouncing it down and we need you know CC needs some help here in this match and of course that’s why Cherry Cherry nunag rather both cherries Cherry nunag answering the call we are tied at one we also see CH it on the court here for for the Angels oh that is going to sail outside for saete oh they’re going to call that challenge I [Music] believe oh there is confirmed Challenge from the Petras angels are going to call for a block touch on that and that’s going to be their first challenge of our game thank you so much for watching us on the Filipinas Live app if you guys are in the area we invite you to come join the party because it is going to be a good game Lang Kam Sports Arena so if you guys have some spare time with you set two palang guys gab bil and I believe so and there was a black touch so you know what things go the way of the Angels here in this game good call by the coaching staff also good call by actually so I mean again it’s a team effort challenges and you could see the petrogas coaches having those walkie-talkies those radios uh that we don’t see often we don’t see often but now they they’re utilizing it like if if you can get as much help as possible why not we love the Innovation as scat lentino will try a good dig there by tempura saete another one for saete and she is on a roll here in our match see 12 points for Jonah saete only player in double digits it’s just our second set wow 12 points set number two a little Miss H there on the throw behind that serve n Isa so just like that first set second set early parts of our second set as centino with five points off five attacks will serve for Cho sa it will give it up to REM Palma finding that donut hold of the defense of Cho mucho as we set it over to Lexi Rodriguez well bil Z we know it’s Dina Wong coming off fresh From the Bench if we hear screams here in the heart of volleyball well the latter part of that first set they didn’t come in favor of the chucha flying Titans but the hopes of getting that set was with Coach Dante trying to get Dina Wong on the court he actually shared with me that both of the Setters are good but as for Dina she is the type of setup to try new things and execute the place more maturely compared to Mars Alba well we’re hoping to see them bounce back in the second set as this is only the start of something great and this report is brought to you by the Filipinos Live app where you can experience against the pbl anytime and anywhere in the world now back to you bilanz thank you so much for that report Lex well we got to command both Setters everybody has their strengths and their you know things that they need to work on they’re two different players but glad to see that Mars I read in one of the interviews that Dina has been helping her a lot especially with the the adjustment that she’s been making here with the choco mucha flying Titans speaking of they are down two points here in our second set they go to madzilla she’s blocked BM set to rondina gones with a push isala from the back and chance here for Cham mucho and they choose ccod up top down low for rondina again it will always more well most likely be CC ending the rallies here but good defense on both sides of uh the Court here second Point made by CH mucha there behind C’s hit o another unfortunate uh service error for choco mucho which is something that they need to watch out for it really depends on the timing in a while ago we saw that misc from Dina Wong and mad madag so they got to be wary of those little things as cha it serves Alba to centino popped up vano see watch sauce on that s Fon could not handle it I think that was the first Brook vanle hit that Tang Pon couldn’t handle and this Spike of the set is brought to you by Duncan Bay great to see her finally getting her crew service errors on both sides yeah on both sides we we have been seeing it quite a lot especially early on in our second set take a look at that score petas now or still leading rather by two points Alba with six excellent sets in this match they go to Brooke she pushes it Alba to Cece she’s blocked cat a little too late for CH sa you’re talking about that serve that set rather CC blocked but CC sets and Cat hits there you go seamless transition there on the side of the flying Titans total team effort for Cham mucho they’re down by one CeCe waited for it she knew what was going to happen nobody there for the pgas angels and right now Cham mucha ties it seven all by that kill from rondina there you go you can’t blink now cce’s in front definitely going to catch up here racking up points as well that’s right I believe that Casey gonz has other plans and they are now in the lead again pgas at eight CH mucho at [Music] seven he [Music] he [Applause] he Arena plus a sports welcome back to the Phil Sports Arena here in BK City you’re watching the 2024 pbl all Filipino conference wi capestrano Zer Vaso and Lexi Rodriguez thank you so much for joining us on Filipinas live it is the Petras Angels versus the choca mucha flying Titans for the who just tuned in Petras won that first set we are now at our second as centino she’s met by Jonas saete at the net MAA pontillas bump set and what blocking here by the CH mucho flying Titans and of course by that girl on your screen hurricane cat Katrina Tolentino this time centino making sure she stuff blocks the number one scorer for the Angels there chis back set to ponas Cece from the back that’s going to be oh that’s going to be a point score for cc rondina they’re calling sorry this is a net touch I believe there was a violation call let let’s clarify via this replay yep on the way up for Adon so L lucky for Cece net touch ponas dug up by Alba catch she’s blocked with her a sender getting a taste of her own medicine definitely J bab and the bab earlier she got a couple of blocks already a stuff block on Mi madag this time on centino comp Jon oh that was good defense for pgas CH to the net won by choco mucho Tolentino again unsuccessful this time maon quick thinking nice out system set there too by E galones who’s loving that point by n Isa n Isa her usual form so many angles behind that left arm and right now the pgas angels are at 10 they’re up by one against choco mucho Here Comes KC galones oh that is inside because from uh from this angle when I look I’m outside but it is in and she just made that happen let’s take a look at [Music] it yep yep right on the line for galones Coach Dante also saying yep that was in but this time K and so Cho will get the [Music] point tians nunag four points she will serve for choco mucho buob set to vanle from the back row almost a point good dig SA she’s blocked it was a very predictable set right there to Jonah and centino and miad Madel the towers of the flying Titans were already established there anticipating that set to Jonah they were they were ready for it and that’s why they get the point but again the service errors those unforced errors just ruining the momentum for for the side of choco mucho pgas again up by one it’s been a very very close set so far Alba fights Isa molde nice ke that was vanle saete that is too wide for Jonah saete outside Jon saying wagna [Music] challenge and uh the coaches take it back the first referee acknowledges it point and serve to the Flying Titans the play continues TI we’re tied at 12 a deadlock here in our first set as CH s it to Palma just touching her on the way out but once again good blocking anticipation there for Isa molde as petaz will call for time let’s listen in to coach COI but you’re inside but it’s okay okay yeah just make you know you know it’s okay opponent team have a good [Music] [Applause] [Music] block you know I think more than anything it was motivation very motivational time out the coach COI and he was just telling them the you know it’s okay it’s okay guys again I mean they were able to catch up 70 run so you know it’s only one point lead as well for choco mucho Van Sickle straight to the hands of CC ala with a save one hand and I hope she’s okay yep yep she’s good she’s on the court and a cross court from Jonah sete I mean we got a commend Mars Al diving towards us right in front of us we got to take a look at this yep yep Mars Alba laying it out giving everything she got in that last rally but Jonas saete maximizing that empty Cross Court spot there usually tons is standing right there but since the adjustment on the floor had to happen out of system too and just like that Z I was going to say we were tied at 13 but I guess ble vanle will get another Point under her belt pgas up by one that is her sixth point in our game remember in our in their last match rather she scored seven yep yep so we are expecting more numbers from Brooke in the game today Jonah saete 14 big points wow she will serve that will sail outside for sapete that is her second service error of the match I think she’s trying to get to her new service routine and service form I remember last year she was trying to get that float serve so I think she’s testing that out this year she a adjusting yes and that is going to be Brook B again ties her output from that game against strong groups really getting confident in this match for sure warm up that’s why we are so excited to see her full potential in this match here in the pvl CC rondina meanwhile she is dug up Vance sickle Alba to centino s it to vanle again Alba one hand set to m p what a smart from MADD noticing that nobody was there yep yep directing the ball to where it was supposed to land exactly and I guess acknowledging that it was R Palma not the libero was playing defense in that Cross Court andang SI Jonah Nang SI Jonah saete Nang Daw next point and we’re at we are at another deadlock 15 all well Casey wanted a version of her own but that will not go as planned for gon toam mucha takes a lead 16 to [Music] 15 [Music] hey hey [Applause] happy Tuesday to all those watching us right now via the Filipinas Live app this is a game between the chakam mucha flying Titans and the pgas angels on your screens we have Ivy Lina Joe marot and Vince M sister second set from USD also as well we got isosa P Bal Jon o we have Cruz in town welcome back and Sir Ricky vieno we see CF as well Kim Fardo in attendance yes yes of course enjoying this this exciting matchup between two Powerhouse teams we have CC rondina for the choco mucho flying Titan she has seven points in our match today meanwhile miad madag will serve for Cho mucha three points for her s it gives this one to Van Sickle it is still alive it goes to Petras van sigle for the second time and she will power her way through the blockers of Cho mucho there you go Brock definitely gaining some momentum and some confidence as she rocks up her own points here second which is great news if you are a petrog gas fan you’re tied at 16 rondina good save by tempura Van Sickle outside for Brooke he good Target there trying to land the ball in zone one that corner pocket right there on his Mila Pablo has yet to see action here in this match so far the outside hitters have been doing quite well so Mila will just cheer for them first on the bench and cheer for maaas of course one of the veterans of the Petro gas Angels contributing to the scaring party here for the white shirts little late to close a block there for Cham mucho another deadlock at 17 Mar Alba ooh one handed set to nunag MAA ponas Powers one through second straight point backto back attacks froma definitely loving those sequence coach [Applause] [Music] Dante [Music] [Applause] for one stop that is what coach Dante is looking for from the choco mucho flying Titans as we see the Petras Angels discussing their strategy we take a look at the screen it is 1817 in favor of the Angels we’ve had 10 11 Deadlocks rather in our second set it has been neck to neck between both our squads a classic matchup between these two teams Van Sickle on Deck to serve for the white shirts a good serve Alba bobet C rondina Casey gonz with a little Hang Time Alba to that does not go over for CeCe but look at con and the rest everybody’s just all smiles despite that uh lost Point talking about the flying Titans right there but n Isa was definitely there trying to block that ball I mean there could be a possib two-o Advantage for petas as Alba ccab not today oh that’s going to be a point for Soo mucho quick Thinking by centino I mean every time a ball goes up in front of you you got to be aggressive you can’t wait for anybody your teammates or your opponents to do something about it but look at that hustle Jon as saet getting that big nobody well two girls uh bumping each other petas sending that ball Away really quality volleyball we are having here what a block for the sh mucho flying Titans I believe that was Isa mold another deadlock in our second set that is our 12th Deadlock in set number two 19 all is what is on the scoreboard right now they go to saete another block from The Cho mucho fly Titans solid block there this time centino making sure Jonah saete cannot go through her that time as the pgas Angels care of Coach Ki will call for time one catch one catch [Applause] cover everyone I hope the [Applause] [Applause] m there you have it coach Ki I’m not sure if he said one I I’m not sure what maybe one Lang one one we’ll clarify but 20 to 19 is our score right now with Cham mucho hanging on to that slim slim lead in set number two s toon nobody there for choco mucho and she times this game Nang Isa avoiding her blockers this time around going for that very sharp down the line hit this time Mitch morente designated service specialist jumps back in any all crucial times for both petrat and choco mucho and that was a story also when she was SED in to serve it was a service error for for morente that’s going to be a crucial one gives cham mucha the advantage same story here for flying tit re arocha remember in that first set there was also a an error on her part 21 serving 20 that’s a good serve chis sa goes cross for haset learning from that last sequence when she opted to go down the line This Time Cross Court P blockers and nobody on the floor to put that up big 15 points for saete and we see substitutions very familiar face on your screens Mila Pablo is back on the court as well as idy Perez taking on the setting duties crucial parts of our set number [Applause] two we are at 21 all Mars Alba to centino single block Isa mde saete and that’s for off the block they’re making sure centino is okay cuz that ball went through her arm straight to his head to her head rather there you go right to the top of her forehead I believe I think as a volleyball player that’s something you kind of get used to and something that you expect that could happen anytime that’s right of course never intentional as Alba will go to CC R Dina too quick [Music] sheina with an off speed shot to that awkward spot it’s usually return balls are usually sent to that zone to the setter but uh miscommunication there between Perez and Pablo gave that point to the Flying Titans and look who it is Billy and she is back again much to the the light of the flying Titans fans Dina Wong Roy tabino check in again that’s a good dig by Ponte isode with a push morente to saete oh they’re going to call it in that is Jonas saete 17 point out on fire 17 big points and this time scoring from the right side but the flying Titans are asking for a challenge here tians falling it is proving to be such a great game and what a treat for all our fans watching this this Tuesday I mean it’s a pretty full venue for a Tuesday evening at that that’s right and you still have a chance if you’re near you still have a chance to catch this game we don’t know if it’s going to reach five sets it might we don’t know but one thing is for sure that it is a good time here in the Sports Arena a classic match between these two teams let’s take a look at this ball in or ball out well it’s very obvious that it is ball out a successful challenge for Coach Dante alen suurin and the rest of the flying [Music] Titans time outa see coach Ki and the rest of the Angels [Music] Angel false alarm for the Petro gas Angel play continues 23 22 oh there’s going to be a yellow [Music] card a yellow card issued on the petas angels for delaying the game I believe that’s right that is a yellow card for the Angels We Have Jonas saete 16 points because that was a successful challenge for Coach Dante petas behind by one point saete will try she is unsuccessful at W will give it to Milla away from the from what they did in the last set there was a misc that’s why Maddie really pointed at Dina much that’s right blockers there on the side of petas angels right now Cho mucho has a chance of winning this set number two 242 they are at Seto Dina Wong serving s to sete she’s blocked van cirle from the back Palma to pick it up sete blocked again good reaction from morente oh that’s in oh that is outside you got to look closely or you’re going to miss it big in out oh they’re going to well at least during the final Parts especially with plays like that coaches really tend to fall that challenge yeah why not nothing to lose at toose but again if it is unsuccessful the cham mucha flying Titans will take this set number two it is 2422 as we take a look here we go oh that is outside clearly outside for Grand Palma and the flying titons will take this one from the FED gas Angels that’s going to be an unsuccessful challenge for Coach Ki and the rest of the angels and of course one player here in our set number two dominated really led the way here for the flying Titans see it it’s none other then C definitely first set definitely Relentless at the net as well blocking Jonah saete the a player of the Angels so far well that’s it two sets have already gone by one set a we’ll be back for set number three you [Applause] [Applause] he the Petras Angels versus Cham mucha flying Titans the flying Titans make it even in set number two they take it from the Angels 2522 in 34 minutes of play 15 deadlocks in that second set and nine lead changes gra I mean that alone can already tell how intense this game is B go [Music] possession and that’s exactly what we want to see and that’s what we expected right from from these two teams we did not expect anything less especially from the chakam mucha flying Titans and the Petro gas Angels everybody on the court just putting it out there their heart out there especially centino in that second set as well as CC rondina let’s not forget Jonas saete here are your set two statistics again 34 minutes of play Z we talked about the breaks of the game what can you say about the second set I mean I was checking my own statistics cuz I try to write down the trends of scores and so far I’ve seen a 40 run a 3 zero run at the tail end in favor of CH mucho but looking at the numbers right here I didn’t feel like eight attacks only for Cho versus 16 foras Angels para CH mucho so a lot of unforced errors on the part of the Petras angels that we saw so if if you think think about it and that’s that’s why I think this game is so interesting to watch I mean both teams really have their own sets of strength and and weaknesses and everybody contributing on their end as we see Mars Alba taking on The reigns from Dino Wong who we saw a while ago with a double substitution alongside Roy toino and as we said so far so good for Mars adjustment has been going well for her and here we go set number three with an error from CH s that’s going to be a sorry service error for her that’s her second one of the game I mean one set Ace but if not if you’re watching us live uh on your screens on the TV screens on your gadgets tweet # p224 and because we want to of course hear your thoughts we want to engage in conversation with you we also have that question in our Pilipinas Live app would love for you guys to answer that as we see the ball alive no that’s going to be a violation of course called oh attack error double contact y yep double contact by centino n Isa was also so quick to like raise her hands with a two asking for a double violation here from both our referees yeah Brook vle will serve for the white shirts their team down by one Alba to molde Here Comes M pontillas the up by Tang Pon CeCe from the back and CeCe gets it as we turn it over to Lexi Rodriguez well Billy and Z I don’t know about you but this game is leaving me and everyone on the edge of their seats but see you mentioned earlier that Mars ala only became a flying Titan of just about two months ago but we’ve got to talk about the undeniable connection of CC and Mars for the past two games CCE actually told me that right off the bat her and Mars got along pretty well well off the court there relationship revolves around her being the ate to Mars but on court they work together to deepen develop and display the winning culture of the choco mucha flying Titans well we’ve witnessed this culture through the past conferences and you may have the chance to witness it again through the Filipinas Live app where you can experience the C anytime and anywhere in the world now let’s turn it back to you bilan D thank you so much for that Lex and as you were talking a bunch of really good plays from both our squads real good defense from both teams but right now the cham mucha flying Titans they are up by three in our third set as sa it will go to maaas ooh oh that’s off the [Music] blocko pilas has been the bright spot so far here for the Angels seven points for her and that is her first point here in our third set so far the top scorer leading all scores in this game still Jonah saete vanle here you go to saete oh that is a point for for saete out of system set there for Jonah saete but a miscommunication there on the floor between two Titans there you have it I think that is CeCe that was Cece and Tang Pon trying to to get the ball sa bet now with seven points mold to rondina chance here or Palma opting to set it to the other side I mean it was a miscommunication between uh REM Palma and N Isa going for that running nobody knew who was going to go for it but REM went for it just put it over with a quick tip but a point is a point correct no matter how you get it we’re tied for all As belones will serve and get an A so things pretty much going the way of pgas here early on in our third third set rather take a look at this service Ace for galones Point number five for her she’ll try again second straight for KC I was going to say wow I think they just Happ been trying to Target the two outside hitters and especially the passing hitter now in Isam M two for2 for Casey gones let’s see if it’s she’s going to make it three not this time Mars Alba to Marie solid Connection in that sequence perfect pass there and you know Billy every time you see a perfect pass most likely it’s really going to be given to the middle blockers to hit now we see Mars also activating the middles of the choco mucha flying [Music] [Laughter] Titans it’s something that we can expect from her in every game and she just execute it so so well so Flawless so effortless I mean that has been the sign nature n Isa that we know the trickery is there that is outside for mad madag it is a three-point lead for the Petras Angels score is 8 to5 [Applause] [Applause] you Arena Plus at s Sports welcome back to the Phil Sports Arena pasic City pgas Angels versus the choco mucha flying Titans our fans here in the arena being treated to quite the game between between these two squads we have the CH fans of [Music] course Alan on your screens one of the managers of the Disco squads this time wearing in purple got CC Rond leading scorer I believe off this match so far how many does she got I think for cc it is nine it’s scat for the CH yep CH flying Titans with 10 but leading all scorers for both teams of course Jonas saete we were just talking about her 17 big points a little more quiet on that second set that’s what I was going to say because now we see Myas coming up big here for petas what about isae for the CH mucha flying T actually if you take a look at the stat sheet right now it’s a good distribution points for all our teams as we see the spike of the set is brought to you by Duncan Bay PR good ball distribution I would say from from the Setters definitely activating the hitters in the front row in the back row you see CC flying from the back row Mula set number one earlier in set number two uh or set number yeah set number two it was Brook also getting some points off of the back row as well and I know this is something you mentioned to me off air Z but with with Petras everybody’s contributing everybody has their time to shine in in the games which is good for for the confidence of the players as well right now saete with 18 points as you can see we just saw on your screens but what about CCE rondina but what about that dig by tempura but CCE will try again that’s one thing that we got to admire about CeCe she will not stop until she gets it right earlier she went cross cour but then padura was there this time she talks to go down the line a little Mish hit there by Mitch morente to pull that ball up put that ball up and right now it’s a two-point lead for the angels as madayag will get the service Ace miss you there from the new Angel Mitch Mor Jonah belove as well these are the things that you see from like the new teammates you know trying to fit in the new system trying to get that’s right their groove with a new system at hand Alba finds rondina popped up by saete it’s a chance here for choco mucho as Mars ala goes to Cherry nunag Mars Alba taking a quick look let’s see if Makita play know yeah she does have a lot in a lot of her of her play it’s actually a really good sign of um a good s you know making sure checking where the blockers are before they set up the hit it’s it’s okay okay again stop [Applause] let’s go let’s go let’s [Applause] [Music] go we are at a deadlock nine each for both our squads we see Brooke Van Sickle one of the big names to to enter the pvl to join the PV we have Isa molde as well she has six points as Maddie will serve for Cham mucho Cina you cannot give a free ball like that to anybody let alone CE rondina because chances are she’s going to make sure she gets the point she knows exactly what she needs to do they’re up by one point in our third set s they go back to Cece s to sabet from the back row that’s going to be good and it flies to the stands saete always ready for that back row attack and out of system uh play there but still manages it to to get the point for the Angels another deadlock here 10 all R Palma four points off four attacks as Mars Alba will choose centino s it gives it to Van Sickle that’s going to be a point that’s going to be a point what do you call it hair flip F you know honestly Mar ala is one of the most entertaining players to watch as well one of the more animated athletes here on the court and I remember last year she had that very viral photo of her doing the peace sign while CeCe was going up for the hit and look at them now their team teammates Mars ala CCC Rina we see Des Chang cheering on her teammates of course wishing for her speedy recovery 11 excellent sets for Mars Alba 12 serving 10 s it goes to Van Sickle she’s been a little silent rina’s turn again off the block for cc with a little smile at the at the end of her attack knowing she got that one take a look at the fans of The Cho mucho flying Titans CI acknowledging the shorter blocker between the two going for a check ball through cha C again s to Van Sickle what a good dig by Mal Here Comes rinaa stuck it in the block once again choosing to go she saw it this time I mean that’s a no-brainer for cc rontina and there you go it has been affected back to back points [Applause] [Music] by Ma you running ma okay okay one more he two [Applause] three that has been the theme of the timeouts of Coach COI just one point at a time right now petaz they are down by four points against the CH mucho flying Titans as we see Bure making her first appearance in our game Mars Alba continues to serve 14 serving 10 s back to Van Sickle oh that’s a good point for Brooke I mean I saw that swing Billy she made sure that she gives everything she got she got the pass and she got the hit this time powering right beside the arms of her blockers and that’s that’s exactly what we can expect to see from Brook ble uh in the next coming sets in the next coming games so he better get ready right now three-point lead for choco mucho chance here for the Petro gas Angels s will go to Mya ponz good dig by Alba what was a call there was a challenge mid rally that’s right and it’s usually the net touch challenges that you can call Mid that’s right rally so that’s that’s why the play was stopped because as Z mentioned coach Dante and the rest of the coaching staff of flying Titans it call for a net touch violation against the Petr gas angels I mean I guess that’s going to be the work of the or one of the assistant coaches usually Coes fault violations they have the designated violations to watch out for in the challenges that they can call that’s right well right now scoreboard says 14 for choco mucho 11 for the petas angelson take a look was there indeed a net touch oh I think there was there you go from she s it it was her elbow her arm yes that’s ra the net good eye on the side of the flying Titans coaches that’s right so responsible for that successful Challenge and you know taking a look at really what happened there see teamwork then among the coaches it is a point for Cho 15 serving 11 Here Comes CeCe s too pontina CC was ready for it here comes Isa molde successful attack for mold and I believe this is one of the biggest leads that we’ve seen here in this match Cham mucha at 16 FAS at 11 ladies and gentlemen our G is on Thursday February 29th here in the sports arena at 400 p.m. it’s the fresh foxies versus the Capital One solar spiders and at 600 p.m. Chargers will face at GRE L to [Applause] Smashers [Applause] you good news RP anal Chann 9 Chann cable at Satellite provider at signal pl we got CC rondina on your screens 13 points for the cherry bomb in our match as CH it will send this one to vanle D Pon was there Rondo from the back three straight points paraa flying Titans here and so far they have been on a rooll bil and for the Petr gas Angels Z what do you think is you know going wrong in their side of the things I mean we can see Cho mucho I guess I mean comparing it to um the choco mucho flying Titans right now they’ve been getting good touches from the net Defenders unlike that R where Brock just got a point hitting it down the line you know everybody’s doing their role here for flying Titans and Coach Dante really prioritizes blocking and Nu men know blocking is the first line of defense and if you’re either going to get stuff block or block points might as well get good touches to slow the ball down and as you were saying that Z we saw a good dig there from Brook vanle good defense but what about the choco mucho flying titles really more compos I would say here in this third set it’s it’s it looks like this is their tempo they have been setting the tempo here in this set passive gas Angel not making so many errors at this point as well so we’ll see how things span out here for the petas Angels because so far the Cho mucha flying TI it’s look really good here in our third set take a look at the scoreboard 19 to well we had a really really close second set so this you know tells a different story defitely [Music] definitely nunag serving s bump set to chami who is back on the court Alba to Cece from the back row cannot be handled she is just again you put her anywhere she will deliver flawlessly at that definitely front row Mano back row the the percentage of her efficiency is the same front or back out of system or perfect uh transition you know that’s a signature randina for you and that is why she is the reigning MVP here better first ball from the angel but it is an eight-point lead now make that a seven-point lead Brook ble TR to stop that bleeding they’re going to take it Point by Point remember what happened to them in the first set a good cut shot there acknowledging that there was no libero around targeting the middle blocker buitre serving now for Petro gas oh that’s going to be a violation there you [Music] go that is going to be a violation called on Mars Alba Jonathan n Patron Vol ball thank you so much for always being here supporting uh the rabisco teams and the PVF that’s right it’s a six-point lead for the flying Titans But Here Come the petas Angels oh good one from Brooke Isa m good dig from chami and that is outside the intention was there yep yep yep I mean it was a good idea to like send the ball over onto nobody anticipating that one but a little too much love and the height behind that hit from [Music] Maas and just like the past two sets we have Dena Wong and Roy toino join their teammates on the court Cham mucho is up by seven oh they get the point talking about petas rondina and Wong Wong seems to be a little bit shaken after that that’s why they were they were checking up on her after this happened was CC and and Dina Dena will give it to tobino well that is going to be outside for Roy chance here for the Petro gas angels as she quickly apologizes to coach Dante alinin we have chami led all the scorers in their previous game Isa ponas now with eight points Roy toino she’s blocked tobino will try again better attack from the veteran no look hit there from Roy toino earlier being checked when she was going from the crossport hit this time opting to go down the line nobody on the side of you just put that up is we have Isa molde on your screens eight points of five attacks and three blocks for the former lady maroon speaking of Lady maroon here comes chamy back set to tobino D up by Perez myo ponas that is a little too wide for myo ponas Cham mucha now at 23 versus the 16 of petrogas reluctant uh approach to the last two hits there by Isa Mao pontillas there’s got to be that sense of urgency for the Petro gas Angels Shamy will try she is unsuccessful Maddie no good great coverage from both squads Here Comes CC J of the net Cham mucha has it they give it to toino Perez to vanle Dena will go to Runa and that will go to the Petro G Angels Rina wanting you know to go off the Block in that attack this time a taller Setter is in front of her in Ivy Perez a good block touch behind that one but nobody to cover for that rebound 17 serving 23 Dena will find Cece and remember when we said that she will not stop until she gets it right and this is again another perfect example of that acknowledging that uh RMA was a little bit too late behind that block approach finding that sweet open spot there Cross Court and right now choco mucho is at set point vanle says not yet vano this time with a Down the Line hit over and above her blockers in that time and that is her 10th point of the game talking about Brook vanle R Palma serving Wong to nunag and that is it Crower set number three rightfully so the Cho mucho flying Titans will claim this third set as theirs as we highlight of course who else but CC Roo Z just relentless on the attack again and again and again definitely I mean uh her mindset really has been like one that made for Champions and uh let’s see how the angels will respond to a 21 set deficit here after this break we’ll be back for set number four w you you and just like that the choco mucho flying Titans they take set number three from the Petras Angels 25 to 18 shortest set we’ve had so far at 29 minutes as we take a look at some of our set three highlights and we got to talk about that set as well because it seemed like in the end sense of urgency Petr gas angels that’s right Billy and you they were making their own errors and it was not the best of timing also for those ears but looking at the score Trend that happened in the last set having 4 Z runs a couple of times early on in the set that made um it’s very difficult for the angels to catch up and you know having this much confidence see behind CC Rond and the rest of the Titans it could have been a a tougher set taga for the petrogas angels and right now on your screens our set number three statistics what do you think went right for for choco mucho what went wrong for petas and vice versa I mean earlier after set number three we saw the disparity of the attack points par eight l s CH mucho versus around 14 15 for Petras and this time they were able to manage to like um get their own points and not rely on the errors of petrog gas so we will see how things will pan out for our squads we see coach goddi on your screens always in attendance in in our games not just in the pvl but also the uaap beside him is also Mark alafara Scout former tiger yes for former tiger and a golden tiger from from USC correct correct some coaches also in attendance there at The Scouting area interesting to see how the scouting level has leveled up as well Billy right now Z we have set number four Cham mucha versus Petras Here Comes Jona saet with a wind up unsuccessful though Alba will give it to centino gets the first point here in our four fourth set I mean Mars is just having fun playing defense giving that much energy and Joy inside the court for her teammates and she’s really looking to be a great fit here for the choco mucha flying Titans you can see as well the chemistry that they have is really on point as we go to myo filia is getting a point of her own that is her 10 point of the game and our players really racking up the points in the stat sheet definitely and look at that angle that went for this Cross Court acknowledging that her middle blocker was a little bit late behind that approach that’s right and we have Marian buit starting here in this game Alba to nunag so we like to see see Mars ala she’s really just allowing everybody to play their game I guess that’s what we’ve missed also from uh the Petro gas Angels par open open play so far with the back rows included as well but we have yet to see the middles that’s right be activated in place as well middles I mean for REM Palma only four points for her Marian bu n so far Palma will try Pon gives this one to centino dug up by Van Sickle s to Jonah a little bit too low on the attack approach was off also coming from that out of system set a bomb set from CH it all the way from the back row straight to the net Jonah early lead here for the flying Titans scoreboard says 3 to one as s gives it to Jonah she is denied barbon to myo ponas making it work [Music] Isa again with a variation of her attacks this time going through one of her blockers earlier it was it was a blocker drop it’s really such a treat to watch n Isa play live here in the PB and what about terer nunag I mean this has got to be one of the best games we’ve seen her in lately really just on point with Mars Alba great to see that she’s having the middles activated as well sa that’s one thing that we want to see on the side of the Petr gas Angels well right now Cho mucho I was going to say twoo dead make that a onepoint lead as we turn it over to Lexi Rodriguez well bil the obviously it’s been a minute since jonasz attacks have been working for the side of Petras but earlier today we saw her on a roll especially with a double digit in that second set but obviously that third set was more of a slow pace set as how they were described in their huddles now coach koi stressed in their huddle that they must think ahead and have a more sense of urgency and actually before this game coach Ki shared with me that he’s worried that this game will really test the limits of the angels and it’s definitely showing how strong and effective the Tha are right now now this report is brought to you by the Filipinas Live app where you can experience a pbl anytime and anywhere in the world now back to you Billy and thank you so much for that report Lexi well it really is just about you know the breaks of the game as Z and I were just conversing about a while back so yes they did lack that sense of urgency possibly in that third set but right now take a look at the score we’re tied at four but not for long miad madag that is seven for seventh point of our game I think in then Billy um before I would I wanted to say that this is going to be Petro gas’s first real assignment you know um they were um up against a new Squad right for their first game but this time they’re facing the finalists in The Last conference in the flying Titans and also you know seeing that CH mucho has been with the same coach with more or less the same uh uh girls inside the court versus P gas new coach new system new teammates as well face to face P gas but I mean nothing’s impossible and we saw how set number one happened and the way they caught up the resilience that they showed also but uh let’s see how this set will turn out that’s right it’s going to be a test also I I think for both teams as well I mean here for for the Cho mucha flying Titans they are with their their Setter that they have been and Dina was solid for them last conference it’s a test for them on how they’re going to be able to sustain that that winning tradition from D conference how so really I said in the pregame it is going to be a competitive tournament for every single team and not to Discount as well the the newcomers because they have yet to unleash their full potential as we take a look at this sequence right here that it will be a point for the Angels we’re tied at six good uh defense there by alet rodina from the back row of the hands ofo pilas wal talag effortless Yung front and that wasn’t even the strongest of attacks of CC as we see Mila Pablo we saw her a while ago check in for for a bit right now mold eight points of five attacks and three blocks barbon to vanle tries to make D and it will be a point vanle using the equipment to her Advantage again a point is a point here in volleyball I wish you could see her reaction after when she was in the Huddle whoa there you go and this is going to be another service eror for g s that is her third of the game as CH mucha holds on to the lead 8 to s [Applause] you [Applause] he [Music] all out all heart all Filipino catch a 2024 pbl all Filipino conference every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday on on Sports One Sports Plus rptv and Filipinas live pbl the heart of volleyball again ched nunag with the attack her 10th point of the game and her team is up two points against Petras here in our fourth set we’re going to clarify some things over here asking for a challenge but uh I think it’s going to be overruled by our [Applause] referees and that is a yes they’re going to deny the challenge of the Petr gas angels as a play continues choco mucho again nine points for them P gas at seven s will give this one to MAA ponas but uh challenge so as they should and they’re down by one point [Music] vanle vanle on Deck to serve for the white shirts that’s going to go straight to the net for Brooke her second service error and 13 service errors so far for the Petro angels in our game today a lot indeed s it we’ll give it this one to saete wow oh it’s still alive let’s credit that to tangon ponas they were ready for it rodina regalo not point for the too mucha flying titles by a Cen already as always and you see the effort of both teams trying to get Touches for every [Music] ball [Music] miscommunication there but again the free ball you cannot give the free ball at this caliber of uh players and Tang Pon literally just flying everywhere out of nowhere and that is why CCE gets the chance to have attacks like that because of the defense of the choco mucho flying Titans and with that the petas angels will call for time go go go go lucky over lucky okay one more one more next [Applause] one okay next [Music] one one good again let’s go go [Applause] P gas Angels need to act right now because this is going to be a very crucial set for them I mean Cham mucha up two sets to one we have Brook Van Sickle on your screen doing some damage here in today’s game as well as Jonah saete she is now tied with CC rondino with 19 points each mhm so it is a showdown between these two as you predicted at the start of this game but Jonah has yet to make noise in this set most of her points uh were were made in the first set the CH Brooke and she wants to join the scoring party 15 points for Van Sickle such a big leap compared to her seven in their first game against strong group bu serving Alba sends it over to Cece good checkz will find Jon I mean I think it’s also you know a better pass a better sequence the setter not chasing down the ball left and right up and down so you know that also gives confidence to the hitters to like make their approach CeCe dug up by Brooke Here Comes myo ponas oh that’s going to be a violation net touch violation called on rondina very crucial one as well will put Petras one point away [Music] C cuz in the in blocking you need to press your arms to make sure the ball when it touches your arms the ball goes straight down just like that speaking of blocking single block on centino care of Jon again once again Angels the side coverage anyway let’s into this [Applause] time okay go go go [Music] go take a look at this look at that block that elevation from Jonas saete tumai after that great block and denial of cat Tolentino good 40 run here by the Petro gas Angels Dante what they want to see good receiving on their end talking about choco mucho if you’re a Petras angel you’re hoping you’re wishing crossing your fingers and your toes that this is you know that boost that they need to possibly take this set extend it to a fifth Tang Pon goes to Tolentino with a push ooh miscommunication there between and saete they were both there but you [Music] know but that was courtesy ofo easy push there and they are back on top talking about CH mucho onepoint lead Here Comes Palma Palma with that quick tip goes through her blockers gets the point that is her fifth point of the game a little bit silent also in the past couple of sets as we see cat Tolentino second best scorer for Cham mucho with 13 second to second rondino is first with 19 Here Comes scat let’s make that 14 points for cat Tolentino hin c cinaa o we have someone on the floor here for Petras that’s Ivy Perez being flanked by her by her teammates they’re saying somebody hit oh no of course this neck that’s right this is something we never want to see in any game and we see the yeah them pointing to the neck let’s take a look at this Collision yep yep oh no m o it was the knee of Jonah saete she was trying to get the the ball as Ivy hit her neck on the knee of Jonah when Jonah’s trying to bend back we’ll definitely hopefully get some updates from Lexi Rodriguez at any rate she will be stretchered out of the Court she’s holding on to her neck you got pts from uh the petrogas Angels team and Naik Navaro from pvl making sure this situation is handled properly because this is the neck very that’s right a very sensitive area very you need to handle it with care so everybody just looking on holding our breaths here and hoping that Ivy is okay coaches are standing over making sure they’re also aware of the very crucial situation that we have here and they’re putting on a neck brace for her for more support as she needs to be taken care of off the court they will opt to help her walk instead so no need to be stretchered and of course the fans here from both Petras and chakam mucha giving her a round of applause and hopefully we do get some updates regarding this from Lexi Rodriguez she will go ahead and treat this first as she should that was a very unfortunate accident but play back yeah back to you know play continues and I’m sure Ivy would want her team to to fight on for her definitely it’s a one-point lead now for the flying Titans Here Comes Isam mode finding that hole in the defense of petas M little conservative towards her energy here set number four tail end but also seeing that huge hole mhm good Court awareness for for ISSA it is 15 serving 13 that is outside for Cherry [Music] nunag oh that is her fifth service error of the game I mean you high risk High reward I guess service errors but look at this number two server so far right now in the league tiami shoting up to serve and play defense for Jonas saete it is 14 serving 15 as Mars Alba will look for Marie [Music] madag and right now the choa flying Titans holding on to a two-point Advantage ver petas it is 164 yeah [Applause] [Applause] he we welcome you back here in the Phil sports arena in pasic City our second game of the day it’s a choco mucho flying Titans led by CC rondina with 19 big points under her belt today versus The petas Angels in Brook Van Sickle with 15 of her own an amazing volleyball we get to witness here this Tuesday chakam mucho in the lead by two points not for long what an attack running attack from REM Palma earlier we’ve mentioned how she’s been a little silent in this match I guess it’s also the ball distribution coming from the first ball R Palma making sure her presence is felt this time around and she makes it just a onepoint ball game as Casey galdones who had those backto back Aces a while back she she’s back here well maybe not this time running attack madag as we set it over to Lexi Rodriguez for a report on I I believe that’s right Billy well Billy and Z iy Baris is on the sidelines being assisted by the pts of Petras what happened was all pretty straightforward as one of her teammates knee hit her neck while the PT is advising her to have her neck braced actually but she doesn’t want that all she needs right now is to calm down and trust that she’ll be fine we’ll have her on standby for the rest of the game till she is cleared to go now that’s it for the update B back to you guys thank you so much for the updates Lexi and we will keep updated as well the the next couple of days hopefully just to really find out how Ivy is but in the meantime Petras they’re down by three they’re down by two that’s a service error from paa mde that’s her third of the game lot of uh service errors are still tallied here in set number four for for both teams as well CC [Applause] [Music] randina deex Brook C Rina but again it’s so good to see you know in the first few games with new teams with new members it’s always interesting to see how the old members are going to work well with the newbies and seeing but again CC we’re just wiping some wet spots here at the cham mucha side oh there’s going to be a challenge as well here for petas I believe I think they’re they called the a point in favor of the flying Titans because there was a net if I’m not mistaken was it oh well we’ll try to get some clarification on that one but right now it is they’re going to be calling a foot fault violation I believe this is from the Petro gas Angels yeah there you have it a footfall challenge and that is the challenge they’re calling right now they are down by three points here in our fourth set so for those who just tuned in in Via Filipinas live or maybe on one sports or rptv Cham mucho they’re up two sets to one against the petas Angels both squads have no losses yet here in our tournament so it’s really important with such a competitive lineup of teams that you start strong definitely and this is yeah that real test for for these two teams as we await for that footfall challenge we have Mao pontillas also trying to clarify some things oh there you have it football challenge oh there you go yep Brook’s feet were definitely beyond the center line and that’s an automatic infraction an error for the Angels but I think Myas was also trying to [Music] appeal foot [Music] violation patience number 18 heree [Music] more we got to take a look at what happened there just to offer some clarification uh to everybody watching right now that is obviously a footfall yes footfall Challenge on on the part of Brook Van Sickle in appeal p is that the ball already landed rally it was already their point it should be counted y yep y but again we have yet to develop those uh challenges to even have uh better calls as the play continues here in the Sports Arena CC rondina dug up by barbon they sent this over to Brooke vanle and Brooke is able to slowly close that Gap look at that solid dig by belov Maron from her old teammate CC rondina in beach volleyball and that was that gave the opportunity for Brook to get a point maab ring sequence and right now it’s a three-point ball game here let’s see what chakam mucha comes up with Here Comes scantino JS at the net NASA Petras Amba and they head it over to saete that is an attack error that goes outside for Jonah Jonah trying to hit High avoid her blockers but this time a little too Less on that a spin that risk action for it to spin and fall down within bounds 21 excellent sets for Mars Alba oh this time Jonah is able to put it away and that is point number 22 for [Music] saete Jonah trying to go a little bit sharper on the cross court this time around adjusting to her right side I guess trying to read the ball but Jonah was able to get a pointway and would you look at that a lucky lucky service a for Marian VRE and a deadlock is Within Reach here for the Petras angels that sense of urgency has got to come out right now Alba to Cece s to saete Jon saete here she comes once again when everybody needs her the [Applause] most let’s take a look at that last sequence one more time that is Jonah saete we got the flying Titans nunag and not be able to close out the block as you can see she is that girl for the Petras Angels sa Alicia this girl is on fire she really is on fire from start to finish and they’re down by just one point talking about petria CeCe good check unsuccessful vanle setting duties to Mao ponas CeCe again nice great composure here by the Petro angels and Jonas puts it away she has been the hero of the Petr gas Angel so far in this match you know like give her that Ro she she’s definitely going to embrace it first set she has been really noisy second and third been quiet but now she’s back and with full Blaze 24 big points for Jonas sabet and wow that has got a hurt for for Petras you know those errors those errors that come at the wrong time and then you got CeCe on the other side 20 points of 20 attacks she will serve s to Mao Pono fing away it was everybody’s anticipated Set uh that was supposed to go to Jonah but myo ponia always delivered ing when the game is tight and we called it right from the start we knew this was going to be a great game between these two teams we are tied 22 all as Wong is back on the court and that is going to be an attack error on Cherry nunag rare error I was earlier I was going to say 100% efficiency bong cherry nunag [Music] that is her second unforced error of the match Isa Mao pontia on Deck to serve Wong bum set great coverage at the net for Petras Isam they will try easy pickings for Van SLE they go to saete again Wong to ISA m hammer it down once again if chide is in front of you chances are that where the ball is going to go wa for Dina Wong to acknowledge that and give the ball to ISA mold with a shorter Blocker on her side you also see re arocha on the court now for the flying Titans designated server retied 23 Oho that got hurt now for the CH flying can we skip all the service errors every time someone makes it and of course gas Angels because right now this is it be it they’re at set point C if they win this we will be going to a fifth and final set saete game face on one head set to matzilla No goo [Applause] [Music] with balls been flying a little too tight at the net and you can’t afford that especially if you have the towers in front of you mi madag and centino seiling that 24th Point here once again we’re at a deadlock L we got the players up on their seats we got to give up with the service errors that have been the storyy of our coverage just just really at the wrong time and right now petas again has that chance 25 serving 24 nerves of Steel Remy Palma six points of six attacks good sir that’s a good one bump set is d my ponas will go to Brook vanle and we are going to a set number five look at the Delight of the fans here at the stadium Billy once again petas Angels managing to extend the set and now extending the match to a five Setter game here I mean I called it earlier I knew this was going to be a long night I know that everybody’s just going to give their all in this match and here you go folks a five Setter match he will be [Music] back [Applause] he [Music] you [Applause] we are back here at the Phil sports arena and this is it we are on to our set number five the Petras Angels survived the choco mucha flying Titans in that intense set number four 2426 in 36 minutes of action as we take a look at some of our set number four highlights what an amazing display of talent from both our squads both ends of the Court really just proving to us that they deserve you know a spot here and see what can you say about what went down in that fourth set and I mean it is such a treat for the fans right [Applause] [Music] now if I’m not mistaken and look at that already a five Setter match here Billy as we take a look at our set number four stat statistics rather I’m going to ask you again Z what numbers send out to you the most because it really looks like [Music] us like who’s going to make the errors at the tail end at The crucial moment but it’s really you know kudos to both teams really not giving up up up until the whistle has been blown and really Kudos as well to the petas angels for for holding their ground holding their own in that previous set but what about CC rondina 20 points for her she scored 17 against uh nexted but Jonah sabet leading all the scorers in our match today 24 big points fif set at May fifth set PA so I wouldn’t be surprised 30 and Brooke vanle finally coming to her own here in the in their second game of the conference a little bit of jitters early on in that set number one but showing no signs of fear here as we have cherry nunag making up for the crucial service error in that attack error that she had in that previous set she means business here in the fifth there you go I mean way to activate your middle blockers early and again it’s really about the perfect passing that Cho mucho has been doing [Applause] here Here Comes CCE out of nowhere but that is going to sail outside little too wide for [Music] rondina you see rondina unusual for her to get an error also especially at the tail end crucial set here but again high risk High reward Billy that is exactly right Z no holds B for for both our teams M ponil single block bya mold this time Isa M at the right spot there reading the angle that isao ponas usually goes for out of all the variations that he she has in her pocket early lead here for choco [Applause] mucho centino good dig good save by S we have SAA challenging the blockers oh what a save by andle Jonas saete straight to the net here you go not enough Runway there for Jon saete to approach that out of system set here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 31 to make a p slowly don’t rush don’t rush [Applause] [Music] okay and pretty straight to the point time out called by the Petras Angels don’t rush one point at the time I mean it’s a pretty close lead but we all know that the fifth set really flies by so quickly so you need a head start as Cher nunag served a while ago but MAA pontillas will set it to the other side Alba was there here comes rondina from the back row myo pontillas Alba sets up rondina and CC Rina from the back row hammers it down as we listen in to Lexi Rodriguez go ahead Le thanks Billy well if it’s urgency that coach Ki wants it’s what the angels will deliver well Z you did say that this was going to be a long night and this is what the heart of volleyball is about they’re down three but they are here to catch up now the angels as per assistant coach coach jumbo they cannot just rely on the errors of the Titans they have to act on it and stick to the system now last Thursday they actually had a team building session which they focused on the psychological aspect of training and it’s perfect that this time on this thrilling fifth set they’ll be putting that training to good use I watch more of these thrilling five Setter matches to the Filipinas Live app where you can experience the PV anytime and anywhere in the world now back to you Billy and Z thank you so much for that report Lex well it is going to be you know a mental challenge for both our squads too they I’m sure physically they’re very very tired sure with a high level of play that we’re having now but really now it’s about calming your mind especially the most crucial parts of this game I mean it’s interesting because you know when you look back to how much or how they prepare for games like these I think there’s a reason why the trainings are for 3 hours is that they can you know sustain and maintain their stamina their energy their intensity for a five Setter match just like this and it is you know such an intense game that we’re watching again high level of play for both our squads you can even see now we got a rally going on here and everybody getting that chance to join in on the fun for both these teams Here Comes Van Sickle good dig Alba goes to M as she’s block ball is still alive Alba over born they got to slow things out here comes Mal dug up by vanle S and that will sail outside for Jonah sapete another attack error it goes long but they’re going to call they’re going to call a challenge can already see Jon Hing and coughing here once again this girl is just like C rondina always going for her 100% every time she approaches the ball but let’s see they asked for a black touch here here and why not they’ve got nothing to lose at this point they are down by three points and this fifth set we did say it is going to fly by quickly with all the rallies that we have been experiencing and seeing let’s take a look at this was there a block touch looks like there wasn’t any from from this angle seeing right now so no block touch there unsuccessful challenge for the pet gas Angels the point will remain with a Cham mucha flying titons I mean good uh Gamble there cuz it could have been it could be the game changer also the momentum shifter here in the match but so far Cho mucho with a four-point lead here myo ponas Alba was ready for it Pon or regalo CeCe barbon bump set to Van Sickle rondina will set up Isa s to REM Palma once again earlier acate midle so far the sense of the Petro gas angels have been going to the pins and you know very predictable par of Walkers and CH it is a three-point ball game in favor of the cham mucha flying Titans Petras playing catch up here as Mars Alba unsuccessful we got vanle with a push Pon sets up mde Jonas saete one more time and point number 25 26 rather for saete very Jonas sa bet tonight but look at that using also the help of the net to her Advantage why not she’ll take it Jonas saete a flying angel for tonight’s match as Pontius now with 14 Three Angels in double digits Alba back set to Marie mad with a running attack and something that we all know her for for running attack Mi M this time she went for that cross SP knit cuz earlier she has been checked by Jonah every time she goes for that down the line hit mde on Deck to serve saet will find saete not today she’ll try again challenging those blockers B is kept alive rondina backs up a little bit sa to FMA and that’s outside for Ram Palama the intention was there just a little too much power on the attack as we switch they’re going to switch PS Palma asking for more sets from uh cha cuz Jon has been the go to hither so far now and blockers for the sets and you can see Jonas saete huffing and puffing she’s really tired from all that heavy lifting I mean 26 points here but what about cat Tolentino she’s the second best scorer for Choo and of course that beautiful play that we saw a while ago from Alba in madag we have REM Palma the I believe the team captain here for the Petras angels as he mentioned asking for more sets from from CH hopefully we get to see that as well but before that here’s a timeout called by the petas Angels let’s listen in here back okay out don’t do that Lush okay don’t do that Lush one [Applause] more it is a fourpoint push here for the choco mucho playing Titans but this is not you know unfamiliar territory for the Petras angels we saw it happen in that first set the score was 1924 yep yep but if you’re CH mucho well you should have learned from that now is a perfect time to to execute all the learnings that you’ve had here we go REM Palma unsuccessful Van Sickle they go to saete and really just Jon saete Unstoppable in our match today also t i was watching t wanted the entire time I mean she got a hand on that ball from Jonah sete but nobody to second that touch frustrations are setting in impatience are setting in you can see it you can see it in their faces as well Court three-point game Alba gives it to Cece rondina and always anywhere she is CeCe will fight find a way that is her 22nd point of the ball game I mean no time but now once again she s is right in front of her chances are all the balls will go through that area oh wow that is a service Ace from Mi matag and yes flying Titans f we have an official fan base name you that’s what we need to to find out but wow what this service error ace at the right time great defense here by Cho mucho CCE s to Palma and that’s exactly what she wanted ask and you shall receive I mean you got to make you got to take risks at this point I mean if you were just one of the fans watching right now expect Jonah she has been the hot hand she has been making most of the points here but you got to you know gamble a little bit and set your middles and make plays as well there’s got to be variety there you go in your sequences as D will set up quickly apologizing I think that was Casey galones interesting to see also Cina going for the cross part you know she just wanted a little bit more Challenge and uh challenge the Blocker in front of her uh in Marian VRE what about Mars Alba with 24 excellent sets in our match today cha it to Brook vano she’s denied she’ll try again she’s still denied second time still no good not in front of cat Tolentino wait for centino to always be ready that was sent over on two but again a great anticipation great reaction as well you know this is the reason why these girls have been working hard at trainings um skill practices cuz they need to prepare for moments like these fifth Setter matches 610 p.m. time 9:03 as we wait for this challenge requested by uh the petas Angels so they’re calling for a ball in ball out challenge it’s e know I think it’s been around 3 hours since that first whistle that first serve and we are all for it especially when we get the kind of volleyball that we’re getting now great quality of of volleyball from both our teams and you can also see it uh in the enjoyment of the fans here in the Phil sports arena and for those watching us on Filipinas live rptv or one sports and one Sports Plus thank you so much for spending your Tuesday evening with us we have more games to come on Thursday so game days with the bbll Tuesday Thursday and Saturday let’s not forget the way AP is also ongoing every Monday sorry that’s Wednesday Saturday and Sunday as we take a look at this was it ball in ball out that’s an interesting angle or maybe they used a challenge just to just to kind of yeah and kind of talk to no they can’t talk to each other so yes possibly freeze the the server would say well obviously it’s an unsuccessful challenge clear as day as Mars Alba will be on the service line for Cho mucho they’re up by six pretty big lead Van [Applause] Sickle Van Sickle again with more power this time good d by Tang Pon Isa M straight to the net an attack eror for ISSA her second one of the game I but way for her to go at it with a full guns of blaz here but clearance behind that back row hit it’s down to a five-point game here for Cham mucho morente will go back to the bench as Mao pz will check in again c s it serving C onina they were not prepared for that a miscommunication on the side of the Petras angels and right now the choco mucho flying Titans are two points away from winning this game definitely I mean look at that angle super sharp angle there crosscourt para K C rondina Brook vanle naot CeCe rondina nobody there on the side of the cham mucha flying Titans censor to the service line Jonas saete checks back in here miracle moment Petras just like we saw in set number one will we see a redo of that will we see a run from the Petras Angels or will choco mucho go home with a win chance here for choco mucho and Petras Here Comes [Music] Jonah oh that’s going to be a point for the Angels ala try to go for the pancake save a little too late on that one J of trying to change her approach and contact there but again great adjustment Alba back set to centino and Tolentino puts CH mucho at match points so if you are a Petras fan they need all the the prayers in the world could it be another miracle run check what they did in that first set will be will they be able to replicate that that’s what’re 19 Billy that’s re aroa for the win oh it’s going to be a with that we’re going to clarify oh that’s going to be an [Music] [Applause] error we’re going to clarify [Music] exactly the last service by went past the 8C oh okay oh [Music] right ah mm okay that’s why the referee raised eight fingers for the 8 seconds that one has to serve that’s right at any rate play continues yep yep okay gas point 10 serving 14 Mars Alba to ISA mden not [Applause] yet oh there you have it a point for petas they’re still alive it’s was liming okay I think she’s okay she’s standing right now with her trying to shake it off as we listen in to this timeout from The Cho mucha flying Titans one good rece [Applause] one okay [Applause] it is a three-point ball game in favor of choco mucho they are just one point away from going home with a win but over on the side of the Petras Angels they have been in a very similar situation in the first set will they be able to replicate that feat here in the the fifth Jonah sapete leading all scores with 28 big points as Marian Bure serving for petrogas that’s a good serve Alba will find centino she’s blocked and don’t look now but the pat angels are really really catching up I mean a good serve from Marian VRE not the best of passes for Mars Alba to set and the blockers of the petrogas angels to establish their feet in front of centino there a lot of pressure now on Marian Bure serving that’s another good serve Alba a chance here for the angel sa and what a game we are having today take a look at that score 14 13 I am Cho and Cho mucho will be forced to call for time let’s listen [Applause] in go go go [Applause] you know it’s always that last point that is always the hardest to get especially when you have a team like Petras really breathing down your neck and I mean they have utilizing they have been utilizing this rotation as you know CC Rina is in the back row at the same time jete is in front making those much needed for point for p to catch up but let’s see what happens in this sequence all eyes on Marian and what a painful painful way to end this match can we do a redo climactic way to end this five Setter match bu but you know what again we were talking about the breaks of the game you know it happens and you know you know that for yourself you played volleyball you play volleyball you know that it happens hean and I mean for for Maran bu and the rest of pgas AEL what a fight they put up today but for the Cho mucho flying Titans able to just hold their composure in the last couple of sets either way see what a great game we just had definitely e last game 18 excellent Seton 25 excellent sets after this five this thrilling five Setter match I’ve got to ask classing commitment or level commitment flying Titan of for me 100% and without the coaches and M thank you so much two months palang um hello La kuya Sa Australia K ate CH and sa family Co Alba family and thank you sa Cho mucho fans and get well thank you so much Mars make sure to catch her on the Filipinas live fan stream which is exclusively on the Filipinas Live app now back to you Billy andz to wrap this game up thank you so much for that Lex and of course congratulations to the Cho mucha flying Titans take a look at your game games on Thursday 5:29 right here at the Phil sport 39 fic City 400 p.m. Capital One solar Spiker is taking on Farm Fresh foxies and of course at 6 p.m. creamline versus aari great set of games for everybody on Thursday and that is it for us today on behalf of one sports my partner Z hervas Lexi Rodriguez D Marvin Chavez and all the amazing people behind this production I’m Billy capestrano and this has been the 2024 pbll all Filipino conference good night everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] oh e e e e


  1. Pinanood ko UNG game nila wt CCS .. powerful sya duon..pero UNG game nila wt cmft..d sya ganun mgaling..pnsin kulng kpg CCS klban..ngaling UNG others team..

  2. PGA fan here. Mas bet ko talaga si maddie as captain. kahit swaggy cutie pa din. walang ngangabu 🥰🥰🥰🥰 bait bait pa na leader.

  3. pinakamasakit na agkatalo ng gazz sa titnans haha talagang bilog ang bola gazz…salamat gazz pinanalo nyu ang ube… jan naging f4 ang ube…

  4. pinakamasakit na pagkatalo ng gazz sa titans haha talagang bilog ang bola gazz…salamat gazz pinanalo nyu ang ube… jan naging f4 ang ube…

  5. Yong service error ni Buetrri nakabawi lang sa service error ni arocha sa second set laman G nman talaga ang titans ang humahabol ang petro ska yong habol ng petro sa 5set puro error na ng titans mas lamang padin sa block at attacks points kaya service error is the part po score and in the game congrats titans❤

  6. Siguro pag wala si sisi sa choco mucho,palagi talo ang choco mucho . Sigurado yan , kasi si sisi Lang ang nagdadala ng Laro sa choco mucho.

  7. Congrats deanna wong kung ikaw lang sana ang 1st six panalo sana kayo agad maaga sana natapos ang laro we love you boss d❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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