Golf Players

How Luke List Became One of The Longest Drivers In Golf

Learn how Luke List became one of the longest drivers in golf in this video. Discover the techniques and swing mechanics he uses to achieve his impressive distance off the tee!

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let’s take a look at the golf swing of Luke list list is a two-time PGA Tour winner and he’s pretty routinely been top 20 in driving distance on the PGA tour one of the sneaky longer guys on the PGA tour in terms of distance and he just has this buttery smooth golf swing with one of my favorite tempos and motions through the ball in all of golf so let’s talk about some swing thoughts that luk list has what he likes to work to what he likes to work away from and how that’s allowed him to become such a great ball Striker and a long player especially off the te list has said that one of his biggest swing thoughts having a nice slow takeaway and a very even Tempo now in looking at this golf swing especially in real time it it he really does look very unhurry a lot of the longer golfers of the ball you look at Rory maroy Justin Thomas they kind of have it’s an athletic motion but it looks like they’re really trying to get after the ball that isn’t the way with Luke list he uses his size to his advantage and it’s a very smooth Tempo regarding his swing Fields Luke list once said the following quote I like to feel starting low and slow then Gathering speed like I’m pulling a bow and arrow now I personally had never heard the comparison between a golf swing and a bow and arrow but when you look at the way that luk list approaches his golf swing especially the fundamental aspects of his Tempo I think that it’s a pretty solid comparison to make when you pull a bow and arrow you’re not really pulling it back super quick and then letting go as fast as you can because when push comes to shove that’s not going to make your arrow go any further if anything the only influence that taking it back too fast will have is an inacurate shot so when you’re comparing that to the golf swing if you’re taking that club back super fast you’re probably going to suffer from having a little bit of worse accuracy I know that there are plenty of pretty fast takeaways on the PGA tour and throughout professional golf but those are people who are extremely athletic to become a professional in their Sport and they also practice so for an amateur golfer a lot of people resort to really taking that club back super fast and that’s just not always the answer for an amateure golfer to improve their distance off the tea another really interesting thing to consider with luk List’s swing and again this is a swing that’s been pretty successful on tour just recently winning this season Luke List’s swing the way that he approaches it really goes against what we’ve seen as the modern golf swing for a lot of golfers what we’re seeing is a really fast takeaway maybe a slight hesitation or pause at the top of that back swing and then a really really Herky jerky motion through the ball to accelerate the mentality with the faster takeaway and the fast back swing is that if you can take the club back quickly and have an A a quick SU motion through your transition into your downswing you can actually create some counter motion that will absolutely increase your Club head speed uh in terms of this modern mechanic I think we kind of see it a little bit in someone like Cameron young Matthew Fitzpatrick even a little bit in Will’s Al taus although his swing has changed a little bit so that’s you know it’s certainly a way to get clubhead speed but it’s not the way that I would recommend an Amer to do it because as I mentioned it’s it takes such good hands such good consist if you’re only playing golf twice a month maybe you can get out to the range once or twice a month it’s just going to be difficult to hone that in so when we look at a motion like Luke list we can make the conclusion that this this club head speed this incredible distance that he gets off the te it is in no way a result of that fast takeaway but rather it is great ball striking which is often brought about with that slow tempo it’s that great ball striking along longside great swing width and a very long hand hand path look at that golf swing and look how far his hands are away from his body it’s great extension and for a right-handed golfer that’s created through the left arm you want to keep that left arm nice and straight especially with that driver to really get that hand path uh nice and long and the longer the golf swing the longer the width the further your hands are away from the body that’s just crucial for in increasing your Club head speed and obviously Club head speed is what’s going to get that ball out there a little bit further let me know your thoughts on the golf swing of luk list I really do think this is one of the most underrated golf swings in professional golf right now I don’t think enough people talk about the silky smooth Tempo and uh again the length that this guy has is really really topnotch so if you have any questions or comments please leave them in the comment section down below as always thank you all very much for watching play well and take care

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