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Sami Zayn gets HONEST about relationship with CM Punk and his return to WWE!



#wwe #shorts #cmpunk #samizayn

I spoke to KO at Mania weekend he was talking about Punk he was saying how he doesn’t really care for Punk returning doesn’t really care about him as a human he came back to WWE and now he thinks he’s special I wanted to get your opinion on that and how you found CM Punk since he’s returned to the company I’ve known him a very very long time there have been some UPS there been some Downs he showed up and I was like look I just don’t want this to be weird so like what you know say whatever you need to say say your peace I said my pece and uh like clean slate that’s it nice that’s how I approach I guess not just him but life I’ve found in my experience it’s kind of exhausting to hate people yeah you know want to be carrying that around you know to be carry the only person who’s mad is you yeah you know what I mean like no that person so like has there been some weird stuff between us in the past sure I think 90% of people you ask about Punk would probably say the same


  1. when hulkster said modern wrestlers look and sound like they should be bagging groceries KO and sami was who he was thinking of

  2. Yeah Kevin maybe if you stuck up for yourself like Punk does for himself, you'd be booked better. Maybe wouldn't have lost to a near sixty year old Steve Austin. But instead you're a company guy and a mark, and that's why Punk is a bigger draw.

  3. I’m waiting for Phil to get stunned…but I can understand if KO doesn’t want to work with him. I understand completely.

  4. Solid, practical, sensible speak.

    It unnecessarily takes up too much energy and space hating someone… then consider how wasted it is bcuz the person(s) you hate, or think you hate, most likely don't even know that you feel that way, especially if they don't even know you, or that you exist… so the only person that it's truly affecting, in all manners, is you… The Hater. 🤷‍♀️

  5. Like it or not Punk is a main event caliber draw I would pay a ticket to see him and as good good KO and Sami is they are just part of the card and are upper mid card at best

  6. Let this be a lifelesson guys to anyone who keeps holding a grudge just let it go as sami said the only one who's really mad and suffers from it is you not only is it bad for you but it also affects those around you family, friends, partner you might not forget but learn to forgive it's hard sometimes yeah but you'll be amazed how strong it's going to make you mentally

  7. It's crazy how many of these wrestling channels eat sleep and bleed cm punk. Like jesus Christ there are other wrestlers and crazy thought soo many better wrestlers too

  8. I love Punk but the more of this comes out it really makes you wonder how/why so many people hate him to begin with.

  9. When someone burns bridges everywhere they go, causes chaos amongst coworkers, makes enemies like it’s his job, and trashes wherever they were after they leave, they say all the things about themselves that need to be said.

  10. I never knew the big deal with Punk, I always thought he was an okay wrestler. I hate his finisher, never liked it. But one thing I know for sure, when he dropped that pipe bomb I knew he was a cancer. If someone talks bad about someone else, know they talk bad about you. And look what happened in AEW. I hope WWE knows to watch out for this guy. Because he will do it again.

  11. First and foremost Jim Ross said that CM Punk is not a kiss ass and he's pretty straightforward like it or not. That's majority of the people's problems in the back with Punk. Jim Ross say that most people in the back are kiss asses and political. So that's all I need to hear and what the fuck can ppl really do about it😂😂😂😂?. In the words of The Final Boss The Rock: Nothing and like it😂😂😂😂

  12. Lot of people don't like punk and I cant blame them. I think Sami just rather move on and hope punk not that same guy.

  13. When he says “weird stuff” what does he mean by that I wonder? With all these allegations coming out one’s imagination can run wild if you know what I mean.

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