Amateurs lose 91% of their power EXACTLY HERE in the golf swing…

You are loosing power & you didn’t even realise that its exactly here where you can loose 91% of their power here in the golf swing and you don’t even realise that its happening! Golf swing power is a missing piece of the golf swing for most amateurs and Alex Elliott Golf is going to show exactly where and how to regain power in your golf swing with irons and driver!

Amateurs lose 91% of their power EXACTLY HERE in the golf swing…

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I know this is going to be you too Paul said this I feel I don’t commit to striking the ball it seems if I guide the ball rather than commit to a full shot thus losing distance how can I improve well we need to bring back your power your freedom in the shot and that’s exactly what I’m going to show you today now this really couldn’t be any simpler I’m going to make you feel like you’re literally spring loaded into this shop now briefly you need to understand this if you’re guiding you’re losing power it’s simply one thing or back swing Associated yes back swing we’re not coiled up enough we’re sort of turning the upper half and the lower half by the same amount because in every single YouTube video you’ve ever seen it says turn more to get more power when really I don’t care how much you turn because my turn is different to your turn and turn is different to every single golfer that you’ve ever played with so what you can’t ever do is stand here here and imagine two lines between me here one through my hips one through my shoulders and all you’ve got to imagine is that they never turn by the same amount just never turn by the same amount so the first thing you can actually start getting working on this right away at home so don’t think oh I’m going to wait watch this video when I go to the range no no no no you can start right now just grab an old golf club place it on the ground and place your Trail foot on it so you can see there it’s like on a SL slight angle just like that so yeah I mean just a slight angle like that preferably don’t wear your golf shoes with spikes otherwise you’ll Mark your shafts but the whole idea here is that we’re sort of locking off this hip a little bit where we’re feeling some resistance we should feel some resistance in the right hip now to where our upper has turned more than our lower now you can really hear the change in my voice I don’t want to stay there too long because now I’m springloaded and that’s what I want you to think that’s how you don’t guide it in if you’re almost like a coiled spring on elastic band pulled back that’s not guided through pull back ping so stand there just Club across your chest at home in front of the mirror with this setup with the foot here trying to feel this and you can really see my hip feels like I’m turning and spiraling up into it and I’m feeling that pressure staying on the inep and that by default will stop you turning the hips and the shoulders byy too much it really helps create that foot pressure and feeling have eight to 10 reps feeling that position and if you’ve got space really then try and wind it up get that feeling in the golf swing of the upper turning more than the lower or whatever way around you want to think about it the lower turning less than the upper I like doing that you know you can really see that coil and that low mod in that golf swing starting to happen that is stage one done and dusted now think of stage two as something you can either do as a drill at the driving range or something you can feel on the golf course and sort of picture I guess I can’t tell you how good that will feel after that first drill but this is one where you’re practically going to hit some shots just need one more golf club and let’s get our golf clubs set up on the ground just like this so the first Golf Club will sort of be illustrating our ball position like this and our second one this is how I do it okay place it down to where you create a 90° angle with that golf club and this golf club so to start with you’ve got your ball position set up like this with this golf club and the second one just here now all I want you to do if this is a 90° angle here let’s har it boom boom just like that now it’s 45 in this space here so that’s really nice and simple and from face on it should look something like this now remember I said we want to have the upper turning more than the lower so if we said we want to feel like our back matches this golf club right here that turns let’s say 90 from where it started boom there and our hips turn against this one and match this line right here 45 so our upper has turned more than our lower just something like that now the the beauty of this drill is you can stand here and hit ball after ball after ball now I’ve shown you how to set that drill up and I’ll show you the best way to bring this into your game just hit three ball drill at the range and you’ll start to develop that springload feeling but before that not only improving your Technique will give you power but actually having the right golf ball too if it’s outright distance and power you’re looking for then I need you to think about the vice Drive golf ball this is all about extra Young Ys and will definitely allow you to hit the gold ball much longer this if I wanted to hit the gold ball further and that was my only goal this is what this gold ball is designed to do after loads of testing and loads of data from real golfers so yeah the vice Drive is where I would go with this but I also realize you’re a golfer who maybe wants sort of that feel around the green still well when we want to be having a looking at the Vice Pro air this is designed for distance and feel definitely a good combo that one if you’re wanting extra yards in the te to bring in the power with this drill but still on that touch around the greens this one is a great option okay the three ball drill is coming your way so back to these three gol balls the first gol ball I want you to hit away I want you to feel that your back swing is done at 50% of its normal speed working on back being parallel to this golf club and hips being parallel to this one so a little bit of something like this and then just look how you spring load through the golf ball I guess it’s a little bit like Hideki matsi armor and you’ll probably just get super comfortable doing it at that speed but then for the second golf ball I want you to feel your back swing now at 75% of normal speed so I guess a little something like this just look how springloaded I was there there was absolutely no guiding going on in that shot and by all means save this next one for one way on an open par five but then feel it all at normal speed but I’ll be perfectly honest with you I like that 75% one nine times out of 10 so majority of you round feel the back swing at 75% hit those two crucial points and you’ll feel so much more power and you’ll never guide through the GOL ball again thanks so much for watching don’t forget to subscribe to the channel here at Alex Eli golf for free simple golf tips that are powered by you


  1. Don’t loose your power!! This is a huge mistake that you can avoid and start to spring load your power right back into your driver swing

  2. Are those Adidas Superstar golf shoes? If so, do you have a discount link for purchase?

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