Golf Players

The Bryan Bros VS. Ben Kruper & The DOD King

Part 1 :

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you guys already know what’s happening Ben ker and I teaming up this is the continuation of the match that’s been on the Brian Bros Channel go watch the front nine right now we are here at the back n we have Wesley Bryan George Bryan gentl boom boom boom nine hole stroke play Scramble at Selena Golf Club the number one golf course on the East Coast we’re going to get right into this let’s rock and a little picking up the match match is all square that’s right match is all square but we know it’s not going to end that way we’re doing stroke play so two1 to wonder they’ve been playing phenomenal we’ve been scrapping it together just some Scrappy Virginia dogs and obviously if you guys are wondering why the PA King and I are here next to each other we squashed the beef all right squashed it I’m I had to be the bigger man from the previous self you know sometimes you got to just take a look at the mirror and be like all right I was a keyboard Warrior and that’s what it was Ben hell of a guy today we’re going to get it done we all know he just saw Ben kind of on the rise he was like I need to latch on to that for a little bit of growth it’s just two dogs going we know L country and going to come smash yall on your own Golf Course let’s rock roll oh here we go okay and yes I’m the 3od king now all right that’s just what it is that’s just what it is all right this is this has been a hell of a match y’all got to make sure to go check out the front night on the Brian Bros Channel okay obviously have the bigger YouTube but go subscribe to them help them out a little bit oh my worm burner look at that look at that you know that’ll work that’ll so work drove all the way down here sorry Muno this is who you get when you sponsor me I left both the drivers and the putter at home so I went to the party and Tom gave me a brand new or a used but brand new to me driver so we’ve been using it Ben ker the Paw King number one ball Striker on the East Coast okay we we’ll go with that he he’s also he’s the number two ball striker in the group yeah but the number maybe three but the number one on the east coast that’s right that’s the most important one correct we got an aggressive line yes as we know I can I could probably get to the screen if I take it on that aggressive night line we got helping win that’s F little too right but it’s fine that’ll be completely fine it’s just the trees up there for those you haven’t watched the front night go watch it but I’m I’ve been in Wesley’s head since day one okay he’s all he’s thinking about is a DOD King I wish I had his hair I wish I could putt like him wish I could look like him but hey you know one day I know we’re in their head because we’re not playing good and we’re still tied with them corre and that says a lot cuz we’re two amateurs from yep just scrapping it together here oh that’s going to be really good I think I made him a little upset oh that might be actually putting got to draw just a little bit that was a good swing like honestly you’re like a little brother to me man that’s what I tried to do good guy you’re about to be exposed today by the way I’m sorry why am I going to be exposed I I don’t know I just feel like there’s going to be headlines on mate edwards’s Channel about this oh oh oh I just don’t hit it high enough L that was perfect line perfect line these guys are really good the good news is George you trimmed up a little the that’s going to help us in the future you’re sing forward I like that George than y’ don’t know the Brian Bros now you do great guys better golfers George is insanely better than Wesley we’re bringing it to him today two Virginia dogs once enemies now teammates taking on some PJ tour FR us but everybody’s going to be confused as to why you are now my teammate against them and I’m your teammate against them why we’re matching up together squash the beef for the greater good of Virginia I had to own the fact that I didn’t I just kind of assumed a lot of things about you and uh I’m man enough to admit that I was wrong hell of a guy hell of a golf game mad respect and now for the state of Virginia we’re going to go put on but it’s true it really is true we’re going to we’re going to run through yeah we are we’re going to we’re going to represent Virginia we’re going to take down everybody all right first and foremost we apologize for the gas carts they’re only temporary out here temporary gas carts second very excited to be on the dod guys I’m not I’m not either I ref I’ll call you Carter or DOD guy we will not call him King unless they win we will call him King at the end of the day that’s the deal that’s the deal but I’m excited for this was I hesitant at first sure I was like do I really want to stoop to this do I really want to associate myself with but I I really am excited because hey to see his game up close he’s a fun guy to hang out with front n was a treat it really was look where this drive is George we are inme time position where are you I don’t see it this is going to be a weird little shot isn’t it we have to be soft with this one looks like his wants to kick right from this angle I mean if must really soft High we’d have to be extremely soft we can I mean but look at these lies they’re yeah they you might be able to spin the crap out of that I know we’re in we’re in a good spot here I just feel like we’re burning every hole here I’m tired of I think it you be George back not you’re the nice guy we’re chipping in right here George we’re not birding in we’re eagling six as well I need get that mentality back cuz that’s what honestly let me play well or helped me play well last year and I feel like I’ve just gotten doubt myself not confident you just need to get the you get delusionally confident I if I had half of what he had quarter of what a quarter of what Carter had if you could just be quarter Carter speaking of quarter car that is horrible bad that is a bad golf shot for a man with self-proclaimed soft mitts that is okay all right sorry I actually apologize that was mean you hurt my feelings man I’ll be nice all right let’s go all right oh what a shot that’s so nice quality George you got to be not we’re not going to hurt we’re not going to hurt their feelings you’re right that’s I take it back back um let’s go and hurt the golf course’s feelings no let’s just be great simmer simmer simmer for that that that goes a lot right yeah I mean the contact though 10 out of 10 Wesley contact was good that’s right I mean that’s just yeah Wesley was praying that you would make that he was shaking in his boots I mean I do spend a lot of time praying just not over like three Footers I don’t make them all I just don’t spend any time praying over them got it got it got it got it can is it is it safe to admit that I’ve been in your head all day arguably I’ll tell you it’s safe to admit that zero of your shots have been taken on this hole whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa yeah that’s fair easy but trick I’ll tell you what think if we’re not going to get compliments fine with that as long as showers the golf course with compliments we’re at Selena golf club by the way it’s been quite the project over the last year and a half or so it’s been a lot of fun we are excited about what it’s going to be back ‘s going to be open in the next couple months so stay tuned went a lot more right than I thought goes back left you had that I think it is a lot more it’s a lot more than we thought to be able to film oh my God it just gets it just gets fast that’s though I thought that was going to be like scaring the hole when I hit it but Brian Bros Take the Lead minus three Ben and I minus I didn’t do anything on that ho to help so you know I’ll take blame there I’m in Wesley’s head throughout the entire day he’s been having group therapy sessions with George because I keep on telling him how much better George is so he’s going over there just you know he’s figuring it out but I like Wesley that’s the thing CU I like the guy but he’s like a little brother to me I didn’t really do anything on that hole oh but we’re good we’re good we’ve been if youall haven’t watched the front line you have to go watch that because that is the only way to really intro this whole thing but Ben’s been taking over the game I’ve been taking over the game and so we decided to team up for the greater good ofing forces meat right we’re going to create something huge huge huge honestly and it’s crazy and it’s what’s beautiful about us we’re both from Virginia and two different styles of game two different styles of people very different styles of everything but but together I feel like it’s going to make something like you said just going to be we’re only getting started we’re only getting better only getting started our first match is against four players we TI through n not playing that great let’s go let’s do itess you bro allergic to teas man made our way to the second downhill par three 180 yards and t- boox is ours already that’s going to be the one we want back yeah overall overall after like no matter how this match goes we’re going to look back and be like how did we not go too under on that hole correct even it’s actually to be fair as short as it is it’s a fairly difficult green complex and when you miss the green it’s not the easiest shot so anyway seven iron downhill let’s get after it Crispy Cream do yall have Crispy Cream here oh you do we ever there’s one 5 minutes fantastic okay all right hold the hot light on what hey if the Hot Lights it it’s dut preference if the hot light’s not on it can I can see how it could be a fair battle the Duncan is more cakier and like fluffier and lighter right that’s just that’s dut preference like you the hot light on yeah that’s valid I put a big hot light Crispy Cream guy anyone can heat up sugar in the microwave and make it you can’t you think that conveyor belt’s a microwave you can’t save that don’t disrespect the cream just like on TV just cut a little bit just like fall right oh wa short wasie mixing some calf raises from time to time you know there you go how’s the zoom on that camer I have the Horseshoe how’s the zoom is the lighting good yeah put me on bcam that’s dangerous did you hit that good I just hit it high and smooth I guess I correct not bad yeah good shot nice still got seven I do have I remember we went a little long earli we seven that’s right I mean it is maybe a little more into the wind now but it’s also warmer if you don’t if you float it that wind’s hurting it but if you like a yeah if you drive a little more that’s definitely you get back there that’s that’s up there thought that was taking right wow was that long long you at seven yeah I told you if if you hit a drivey yeah I still think I still think that’s the pl I just thought the wind would take it to the right a little [Music] more you hit zero Greens in our match and you’ve hit you still have not hit a green yet in that year 0 for two to start off with by the way that’s 0 for 11 for everybody keeping up dead serious I just literally went back to it that is that is a ofer have I I hit a single green not one just fringes and misses yeah I I’m telling you when I saw that oh no no don’t get me wrong the match is still tight thanks to Ben but he’s made too I mean no the chip in was electric chip in was electric the putt that he made crucial yeah but I just I’m a gamer I know I just went back well some days you have it some days you don’t but I always show up with the gamer the great ones stay in it though but I always stay in it I mean why are we only won back then you tore play youve won no no I’m saying I’m saying I’m giving you credit I’m saying the great ones stay in it they find a way they always find a way or they find a partner well dude here’s the thing I do both can I have the plaid jacket dude I not can we do oneon-one and then if I win I get the plaid jacket if you win then I’ll give you the crown can we do that if you’re that confident I got a crown okay it’s a burger king crown but it’s a crown B number number Ben go in Ben oh Ben partner ba that’s high quality stuff there Ben thank come on now thank you come on now let’s do it let’s knock that one out dude you have been holding it down on the ball striking all day thank you cuz I have not my whole thing is like I’m going to hit the fairways and then you go after it and I have not done that all day tricky course don’t have it today on demo driver too I mean it’s tough you don’t want to make excuses but like you know you know it is what it is you play with what you got and you got to just take it up take it as is you’ve been holding it down because these are tricky Box shots like all of them are very visually intimidating my ball stayed in for no dude look at mine right at the edge of the bunker hell of a shot by my partner Wesley just pointed out that I’ve hit zero greens but I’m still better than the guy you know we’re putting for birdie they’re three under we’re two under we’re in the better spot I am I have been in Wesley Bryan’s head all day still currently he hasn’t made a single pot cuz I keep on telling him what he’s going to do and then he doesn’t he’s a good guy though Ste marker is this by the way I’ve had it in my pocket for like oh yeah I found that in the uh I lost my coin on some hole I found that in the pond when I hit my ball in the pond it’s been a scrappy day some days you got it some days he don’t but you just got to figure it out and win we’re finding a way we’re only one down correct that was a good putt just a little more speed that was a good putt George George you are such a better golfer than your brother thank you everything about it looks good I’d agree you just don’t leave Wesley don’t leave him the job on the putting green Wesley I am circulating your brain 24/7 that’s uh speaking of you hit no greens I’ve I since the first toll I’ve made zero putt I make putts you hit the shots you go to Waffle House after what’s your what’s your Waffle House order uh All Star Extra waffle come on now all right I respect that that I’m seeing chips in the second waffle I’m seeing nothing see I’m I’m a big two entree kind of guy but I like that extra waffle I’ll go chocolate chips and then I’ll do usually like the the patty melt Bowl smothered covered dice peppered cap Chunk on now you know can you leave that well you don’t have to leave the mark there but you know if you wanted to I like it right in firm right in dead center I if anything a little this way I think you just go dead dead center yep good put hey good birdie match is all squares next good party dude back to all square this is a match it’s a match man it really is we’ve been we’ve been on some teammate stuff today um You’ been hold it down on the on literally the ball striking side of things and you’ve made three putts two chip one chip in in two putts Y which has been huge obviously our only three birdies we’re Gamers we’re Gamers man we’re Gamers we are that’s I mean that’s what Virginia raises you to be he won a PGA Tour and George has played on tour we take them down and that means something it means something big means something big oh bro it gives me energy getting to that point where I’m just I’m just I need to get back in the gym or I need to start eating better and I cannot afford to eat better see that’s my thing is like I just like eating like clean food cuzz like bad food tastes so good trust me I completely agree I am so hard on ree’s Kick oh really Reese’s I’m a big Reese’s guy yeah have the reesei sticks specifically okay I would have those what there’s so many everyone I’ve come in contact with over the last couple months has never had reesei sticks I don’t understand how it is the number one candy bar I would take to my grave if I had to only eat one for the rest of my life re s Reese sticks where do you get those in every every single place in America okay D I’m a big peanut butter chocolate guy a lot of people have been call telling me it’s called Rees re re it’s re’s Rees right okay just clarifying that Reese’s Reese sticks got it Par Four dog leg right tough driving hole if you’re going off the deck but once again that’s just what we do and we have the box again I think it’s fine I think it’s I think it’s right rough right right rough more if it got around the the last tree right rough oh hit that high in the face I didn’t hear nothing didn’t hear anything I one of us is going to be fine yeah by that I mean both of us dude he he’s a little upset with that now that dude had 135 per hour on that mph for the people him he he’s doing what you do my God he’s not even loving the SC out of the man I mean can you find a better golf swing it is exactly what it’s like online so good good ball thank you you got a great gol you know you’re you’re just better in person than online I like online I’ll slow it down and watch it this this good might not be working well today but you do have a solid swing I appreciate that thanks for coming down to to uh South Carolina playing this match late La last minute late notice hell yeah man um of theame it’s fun I this been I’ve been looking forward to this sometimes other days I question it my ball hung up barely I I missed my target by about five six yards of being really good but we’re still in play got to hit a little bit of a cut cars was in play as well but we took the distance here um yeah it’s going to be a weird little shot so so what do you think so 35 but we have to kind of peel a fade you have to peel a fade all the room long yep I’m almost thinking an eight solely to be able cuz I originally have a nine but to keep it low and to cut it cuz of that wind yeah I I feel like a peeler eight I just like a chippy peeler eight worry about content I kind of like that I do and and like if you fade it quite a bit it’s going to add a lot of spin to it and it’s going to land softer so I’m going to go nine and kind of the same thing yeah CH it ni not a bad Le though all furn would have been hurt yes you’re the one did I overdo it no beautiful brother beautiful we got 153 downhill downwind pitching wedge in hand got to get it up pretty quick again George how far you have Wesley 153 and it just needed to land another two two paces on the front edge of the not downwind though is it yes it is down I feel like if you can get 1402 out of it it’s it’s perfect okay I mean you get 142 out of it I’ll give a try I’ll give a try you get 142 out of it George should be I just I knew I should hit n AR I didn’t think I had the big well the soft nine AR if it lands at the pin it’s going to go 20 30 ft past it anyway so we just got to chip in we just got to chip in George it’s a good spot to be I mean it’s a common theme GE just feels like quality shots are not getting rewarded it’s one thing about Selena a new core sperm greens you’re playing if you want to play grass and Burg you got to play the front edges a pin of greens and like your your our margin for error is is just razor thin but it feels like one of those moments where chip in would go a long way I mean we’re we’re all square in the match and we’re at the disadvantage on this is the first time where it feels like they make this like they’re in the driver seat yeah I got to say I was a hater for a while you got mad game bro I know you’re a hater dude I know and I I I got to I got to I got to look in the mirror and I got to take one and just admit it I had judged a book by its cover mad respect you got mad game you’re hell of a dude I judged you before meeting you and uh dude what a shot thanks man that the people I feel like online people just watch shots that go off and gol they don’t truly understand like the process and how hard that shot was to off cuz they just see on camera pin High I didn’t think I would over fade it either I didn’t think you would either I I told you you wouldn’t but like pin High below the whole right to left off of that live dog dog we’re going to knock this come on now four under which way is it going gently right J right chip in in I’m going just just left of that that uh that ball Mark if you guys going just left of that ball Mark yep Carter chipped in on us on our channel it’s time to chip in on him and his channel George do your thing got right that don’t leave it up to Wesley around the green George I you for Wesley in the store I’m like the 6 old he was literally right here and he grabs his wedge and why that going left kind of we CH that in man we’re a spot of bother here I feel cuz you’re making yeah it’s we’re going to be one down heading to the 13th we had this putt earlier straightens out at the end straightens out at the end that didn’t move like an in it honestly didn’t move the whole time like I I genuinely believe it is a hair of the right Edge that’s exactly what I did earlier that that part right there is the exact same thing I did biger oh my goodness come on taking the lead we know what’s happening hey good putt I’ll give that to you VA baby that was solo birdie solo birdie hey outrageous back wow you were you dude I’ve been do I’ve been do I’ve been do you feel we’re feeling that we’re feeling it now yep I mean I’ll tell you what down but not out battered but not broken waffle but not house solo bird dud solo birdie let the people know how you feel baby I feel good come on now I feel that butt dropping like now I’m in it come on now they just saw the beginning and now it’s now it’s good a little like I just got goosebumps like legitimately dud like I’m serious dude that gave me energy bro dude let’s go dude the whole time we have been scrapping a round together we have I have done nothing with the ball striking you’ve kept us in play we’ve made some Scrappy birdes and we stayed with them and they obviously they they probably thought they were going to smoke us they probably thought they were going to they invited us here cuz they like we’re going to go dog these little internet guys and let them know and we’re here to let them know we’re not messing around we’re not just internet dance we’re golfers we are golfers we’re Scrappy dogs from VA and now on their home course PGA Tour winner PJ tour made cut George Bryan dude dogs obviously great guys great golfers at the end of the day this is competition we’re going to take them down at their home cours that just gave me life great there so we’ve been behind the whole day we just been playing catchup first lead now we capitalize now we continue on let’s go let’s go Ben your box oh going with the three-wood going past your drive was that good that was that was hot one that actually is going to land on the hard pan over there I think that’s fine I mean that’s just roll dang it that is going to go past it that’s so unfortunate pass what this driver that I’m about to hit I know I’m just a dog well it’s the head I the there’s no way around it right now unless I hit it in the left trees like where that one is something you got to figure that out and Creer yeah keeps you in the hole heat it up heat it up why not heat it up now Trac it’s fine don’t need a tracer for that one the pause King as my teammate feels good I never thought I’d hear those words out of your mouth it feels you know what i’ hear those words I’m happy to have you as a partner cuz like this is It’s Working yeah yeah yeah oh he went nuclear do you think you have me too far right it’s fine though that’s a good shot dude it’s so okay that’s actually semi decent yeah those those Muggles or whatever those well George I gave us a launch pad to a front pin yeah there’s a launch pad over there we yeah you guys saw what we did earlier off that launch pad so yeah a little better angle slash I didn’t pack any that’s just on repeat yeah all the time every day George Brian you got to have a look off swing man yeah we we’ll tow it even when you miss it’s just like Fairways are Fairways and yes almost got almost have a little rookie mark on it sure I will say I I’ll give credit that three-wood hitting the perfect spot on this hole to get maximum yard that’s 300 shoot it actually 315 yards back to the T no how far it’ll hold 3w went about 308 I don’t know I’ll I’ll check that in just a second 124 125 focusing on G cuz he doesn’t want to admit it but he’s cuz he doesn’t think he is but he’s just not focusing on focus on me just being an idiot I’m bringing him down to my IQ level and making him live there we got let’s do something crazy let’s do something s up the order our order was just a bunch of conservative parts now we’re switching up to the aggressive order come on wind just push it right I mean just just go right ball just you know when you hang back off an up slope and you flip it it just the ball goes left I not miss all too well Wesley you don’t have to tell me this time it will not happen all right let it draw play for that little hook got to kick left it’s got to sit down just a little bit too it’s a good shot it’s fine oh you got you got the deer hand raise hey solid swing I think he’s probably like inside 10 ft it’s almost downward oh dude what the it’s almost downward I think it is downward I I still like a smooth I do too I don’t think you need to do anything special with it though nope there we go we did it come on baby first green in regular day solid shot too hell yeah they they said it couldn’t be done like I’m genuinely excited for you my man my man my man Wesley Bryan green and red ation baby all right let’s stick it tight is that good I can’t tell short they’re looks little chunky we got to make just let me have my let’s go let’s go we’re going to switch out the putting order I hadn’t made anything I’m going cross-handed too yes I am George I I can dial up one cross-handed putt around and make it Carney knows it snapped hard yeah yeah that went hard okay tell you what this is going to this going to take a peek this going [Music] to oh my God hit the ball all right oh that looks so much faster this this is the spot George this is the perfect time to go cross-handed too yeah oh feel your yourself now Wesley such a good read by us i’ take credit there I know he made it but I take credit giving him the perfect read we need we need the worst version of Wesley back to give us the best chance to win I think I I think I bring it out of in the fifth hole I think he’s a little upset – four- four I want it go I wanted that to hurt he’s angry angry come on baby come on now feel yourself nice birdie dude hell of a putt cross hand yeah maybe you got to keep doing that no once it only that’s it so then now now it’s done I mean it’s obviously going to be a game time decision in back pocket right yeah back pocket hell of a putt hey hey now all right we’re at hole five back to back five and six two toughest driving holes on the golf course this is about a 470 fourar not like fish no that’s going to be okay it’s going to get on that it’s going to get on that sand path and it’s going to run could be it’s all to you though what do you feel no no I think so okay I think I just got to trust it obviously like different driver trust it left to right good like mov see that’s that’s my part had to play elect safe for you yeah no I like that just just in case just in case because obviously plan a is in the Fairway Plan B would be right of the bunker up the sand path just inside the tree line maximum distance so we got a we got a great couple options I think Ed te’s hit it in the trees right I think actually I think that’s fine I think Wesley has tried to use his home course advantage to get into our heads it’s obviously not working he’s not hitting you got to just figure it out and go you just it’s been a long time today and you still have not figured it out I know you haven’t hit one that’s gotten me excited I know but I hit my three left not even one of those that’s got me excited you hit one in the left trees that went up the harpan completely blocked out no shot I would have hit get in the bunker golden that’s a good swing we’ll sit we felt I mean I put a good swing on mauno and Wilson teaming up for the greater good of humanity I I’ve been in Wesley’s head all day all he’s thinking about is DoD King this DOD King that you know dude you have been holding it down on the ball striking all day thank you cuz I have not my whole thing is like I’m going to hit the fairways and then you go after it and I have not done that all day for all that pressure of like you have to hit a good one you’ve been holding it down all day thank you the driver feels good you know if I could just grow on that get the ball striking down a little bit putting some putts dud gold golden need do you feel it George do you feel it walking off that tea box the Shi you usually I’m like getting Hur like like what if we lose what like so I I think we lose today like matching against you but today for whatever reason I’m like there’s a calmness I’m there a calmness I’m just confident maybe playing with Mr delusionally confident himself brings out the best or the worse of me depending Onan look at you left side of the Fairway now get now let’s let’s go see let’s go see where the uh the got bunker one a that might be me we got two in the bunker two in the bunker might be him and that’s a oh here we go Yep this is exactly this is exactly what we thought was going to happen come on baby no you got to know the course you just got this we want to play oh absolutely 50 yards closer ABS KCK that so we’re both in the bunker taking Benz here bunkers are very pure for your new golf of course this bunker placement is Elite for this track Like This is a great bunker placement yeah and even when you carry it you have this one to deal with it’s it’s not in it’s blind off the tea good golfing I had a good ball it’s just a great yeah it’s just a good hole bunkers are well placed this is what good hard golf courses should be like we got 167 to the flag they were saying earlier that like you want to play it short of it yes but I mean being out of the bunker we can’t really be too too picky butre I still like what do you think like like eight or seven eight or seven I’m bringing both in oh God uh that the thick stuff did you flush it or did you I thend it a touch it a touch I I mean you get a club length I would take it back as far as take it back with the seven I like that that sounded so pure Ben ker sit down sit down for did that land over him yeah SAR was was the wrong Club yeah I kind of knew that over the ball it was probably a nine IR that probably is the most flush that was sick how do you hit does the pause help with bunker shots uh I don’t normally hit in bunkers but yeah I guess so cuz you’re playing with Carter doesn’t mean you have to be like Carter hey hey hey it rubs off a little bit you know it rubs off a little bit got gap wedge in hand this right here y this is this is our time 130 13 30 shot Max 28 shot Lanes 35 skips to 40 spins checks goes in it’s our time George go in the hole kick right there go short a little bit but that’s fine it’s good shot that needed to land on that down slope George that landed right on top two three yards further just two or three yards further is all want two I need to hit a 128 shot no one no that was that was 128 at least right there give me give me 132 132 133 no 32 then that’s going to fly to like 137 and skips all the way over the okay you can give me 131 28 no 28 is going to land on top of the hill I just hit that all right play 130 it’s fine fight no that’s that’s actually fine that’s fine give him the hand raise I didn’t hey he didn’t pan over so like oh he’s giving it the kind of hand ra so it’s it’s gently outs gently outside 15 ft okay I’ll take it if you landay it like right here it’s going to kick left okay and I think it’s going to feed right to the cut no no I agree I agree looking at it like that now from back here yes I agree yeah like if I look at it from here you got that you got that b to the right got that that makes sense I think it will’ll Go SL slightly left I don’t know if no no that makes sense that makes sense he landed in the perfect spot he just got hands definely right that was a good shot though all right so it does go left yep no doubt come on come on come on come on come on come on stay stra oh wow that was a good shot I tried to peel it in there but good effort I’ll take it great shot we still we still think it’s going gently right Wiggles the whole way right then back left when did they change up the order am I I don’t I don’t I think two holes ago I think Wesley his head about it all switching what they usually do that’s typically what happens I think overall left one lucky putt to go in last hole but it’s not going to stay that way there we go George it’s big that was big that’s good game Rec ni game don’t hate on that good birdie hell of a birdie crazy I knew that for the confidence hey thanks for the read yeah we switched up through order last last this you guys start last hole this is our aggressive order yeah we need to switch something up this is your more risk like this is your risk high risk so good switching up things you see that toss right there perfect a little more like you know no I’m saying keeping it within two clubble in the T markers you put a little English on good should we rock with it I think so how far is norol Virginia from Charlottesville uh 2 and 1 half 3 hours it’s not a bigger State than people think L like out out is a bigger State than people like yeah they we’ll just we’re going to rock with it I love that was a great no no let him do it let him do it let let us rock with it I mean I just threw it from the cart it’s set up perfectly within the team ground like it’s meant to be and he brings a three-wood back herez he’s scared and I’m going to out drive him with it wow that was really Wesley Brian kick but you know that was an optimal flight though D make a niiz game respect hell of a shot toss from the carts within Club length within box length and just P it hold on respect and that’s really good if that would be the fly West that your driver I think ear hit it in D’s backyard that was hot hey that is that that’s good that you gave your you gave your partner you free him up good ball a lot better than earlier it’s call a spade a spade D squ shout out to D squ I know you’re watching spinning better from the last time very that Solo in the face oh wait a second George just George leaving these bran Bros te’s just around I know I didn’t use a te George can I have one of those you actually if you can touch a a te that that’s one no no no this is one you can respect you want me to hold it yeah I just want you to hold it just put it in your pocket for the day okay it’s you’re about to toss it do that you’re to disrespect our I was going to throw right into the trees but the fact that it is Brian Bros and you guys had us out on your your course today I’ll pocket it I’ll back pocket I was going to throw it in the tree so you know what you should do in all serious what’s that start a collection yes you should start like a one of the sickest tea collections of all time that would be electric I’m going to start doing that and this is going to be the first one because you’re you’re never going to use it but you’re to collect them okay you know what this starts something right here shout out to Wesley Brian this is going to be the first one I’m going to start framing te’s the Brian Bros look at that first te that’s ever gone in this bag okay so we’re not going to be able to see the pin but like 10 yard righty that water tower is the play got it 240 I mean would you think it’s playing like 220 with like so slight help wind and then downhill yeah oh yeah look at that wind it’s down I think it cut off that that water tower yeah yeah I I I think that’s perfect so bad my iron is not the good news about this hole it’s kind of golf without consequences so y’all can still make birdie from there it’s not my best Swing Man my iron game has not been good today God I stooped it why do we like doing that here oh my God that is Nails in coffin I I I’m going be the guy that I I was last year time to be a dog no I’m just going to be that guy it’s you’re the Beast George it’s not written on my hat it’s written on my soul on your heart I don’t want to say that sounds terrible not a beast you’re the Beast written on my outerwear that I wear every day not my body on your sleeve yeah my sleeve yeah you wear you wear it on your sleeve yeah that’s an evil laugh too fre no no no don’t throw it I’m not going to I just don’t want to be down there putting from like staying straighter this is fine it’s it’s going to be just putting up the mountain George we we’ve been there once can you miss one left of the green just get it left of the hole all right so directly in between the two right yeah I mean even if it comes down on the right edge of the the water tower I think it might be a better chance at Eagle than where I’m at Wesley well I you cannot you can’t blame me for that no I am because you ingrained my head just like right under the water to that’s the left of the green I understand that but the wind’s going to take it back to the right that’s like that’s just left of the left edge of the green which will left us a 18 20 footer I know but yeah I mean you can blame me I’ll accept it you can blame me but that was I got a 52 here I’m just going to let that like that firm that first reaction skip it run up the hill like a little putt drip in the hole oh no right idea just a little more Pace was that little like little that was a 52 I still think I got a 50 real Kings would throw it upstairs here we go that’s a good shot well done well done well done tough one to go after that one still make sure you get up the hill yeah very quality definitely wanted to make sure I ped it so I pulled it a smidge but I’ll take that no it’s money dude bir P hey you mind pulling that out as you go by it I can do that can you see yes sir sure can not for long though she dropping she dropping right left it short I mean what are we doing the thing is I trust George from that distance but not you he has left a lot left it short and a scramble a lot I feel today no but I’ve I’ve taken on a different roll George I’m lagging it up there so you can be aggressive and make it that’s good good P George George defin with me there we go that’s birdie three birdies in a row too left to right not much I like left Edge I think left Edge is good yeah is that the hole it’s not going to do anything big putt for you there CVA golf left Center I mean left C golf whatever it is that thing goes right right away go right let’s let’s see what the old paw King has to offer I’m because talk about a world of hurt if this one misses a world of hurt oh oh my God I thought I put a good keep it keep it in his face keep it in his face the whole time all the way to the cart camera in the face keep it right here keep it right here the end of the day we’re here to win two down three to go that’s that’s the way I like it I love the grease Wesley does not okay he’s only a Allstar special plus one waffle I’m an Allstar special plus a waffle plus a patty melt Bowl okay that says something about a human being it might not be on that level but you got to appreciate the extra waffle just at face value at face value yeah yeah yeah brother’s Brian two in a row we have now opened the door Gates but also we have made one more buring than we did in the front nine on our channel so Carter when you’re watching this uh we we’re nice guys and we want to give others we wanted people to intrigued to come to this match to the conclusion of it that was yeah we’ve mentioned a lot but tough new greens were the toughest put them because you don’t know their brakes I would not have put it U aim that Center I would have aim it left hole missed it like w he did but guys we didn’t play those holes bad we just played them better two birdies on those holes is legit they came we went ahead of them and then they snuck in ahead of us and that’s just how gold on the bright side I’m still in Wesley’s which is crazy cuzz like if you’re down in a match and you’re still in somebody’s head that’s shows a lot about a human being 22 downhill downwind off the left six iron in hand pretty dangerous pin location next to the water that Carter frequented taking on a little bit of a different role we got our aggressive order right now definitely not going safety here going to try and go jar jar go take it wi just have your way with it wi still good swing really was hoping to see more aggressive I was trust me I was hoping for substantially more aggression I’m really glad he did it makes my shot way uh D just the spot that’s your spot okay with it too oh what a golf shot harder oh look at what George did look at what George did oh dude I can’t believe that George I’ve trained him so well I’ve trained him so well you talk about we felt the this and that make the man go back switch his clubs it’s all a decoy it’s just all it’s all a speaking of calculations it was a calculated risk we took you bit went back got the five shipped it long it’s good swing I see that smirk good I see that smirk I see that smirk it’s a good swing that was a good swing oh boy got option oh not good op up it looks like it’s downhill everything goes to the back of the green like they’re putting what looks to be downhill but it’s pretty much flat cuz this slope right here on a typical green I feel like I’d chip it but with this how it jumps I think putting it I don’t think yeah cuz I only think that like where we’ have to land it for chipping would either be on a side slope or a down slope and it I don’t like and I still like I still like putting this it’s just hit it hard and hope like that’s it really I mean just get it there and just like yeah you can really do hold your head go oh my gosh I think that was that was line L dude wow that’s like it goes back that’s like tough to hit that’s like it looks like it’s downhill but it really is like gently uphill last thing I told myself is I’m going to get it there and I just I just didn’t get it there I’ve left to smash it not like this no way o like this I have to see that no way second time wow that would have been it it’s like the same time today but again good putt good stroke can’t good three I think one of the two went in wow I thought made that Georgie boy I mean if there has ever been a must mate Carter it’s here and now is it here and now Carter got that line I got the line tell you what the worst the worst part about this whole situ is watch time if you’re in the YouTube game you understand the importance of watch time and seeing that for the third or fourth straight hole I just hope that some of’ will stick around just for the sake of uh Carter and what he’s trying to do on YouTube so anyway if you do want to leave at this point appreciate you guys watching make sure you check out Ben uh check out our stuff goe subscribe like drop a comment let us know if you want to see more of this and for the rest of y’all that are going to stick around see yall on the at box why that wind not I don’t know why that wind’s not taking I still think that’s going to be fine that’s finable I think that’s still going to be fine I would I would absolutely suggest taking a little more conservative line though I’m going to take my normal I’m going to hit it where I Norm hit it here that’s Mr reliable right there that is the George that we all all love it’s going to be a little short though it doesn’t matter at this point with a three shot lead pops it just don’t matter that’s a that’s that is that’s what is that yeah that’s that’s that that’s it everything’s going to be I thinkone said That’s all folks no everything’s going to be okay think talk about it I think in theater they say the show is over and the monkey died Wesley you’re big the GU worst out of Wesley this is who I like I know you do don’t George doesn’t like it I know I in all seriousness I do see how there is a world in which we could be friends that’s a beautiful ball well done I do like Ben more though if we’re being honest that’s valid that’s so valid tough you know just a tough tough stretch of holes at the end of the day I you carried us it’s called a sped of SP You’ carried us on the balling I have been all over the place all day all day and uh but we’ve held on and it was just those last few holes like that last hole just everything went opposite of what we thought we just couldn’t commit to it mentally like each shot like I hit a five iron good through the wind all the way to the back of the green and you hit a six iron and a balloon and fed yeah and it’s just like and then we were in between on the on the chip like should we take the long putt or should we take the like and we made the wrong decision twice in a row and that’s that’s what happens made ay like that’s you can’t do that scramble no NOP see you guys watching that is not I fight hard with the the year the Beast thing and being overly confident and just being you’re nice respectful the real you yeah but I I got to get there to get myself in this mindset so athleticism it’s battle which I don’t have much anymore so shout out to me getting older aggressiveness it’s all we can do and it really boils down I hate to say I know we’ve made mistakes ball striking but if we knock those last two putts in we’re only one down correct and they were inside 10 ft it’s like you got to make those got to make them what club you got I got peed up I feel into the wind I like that I’m going to go right at it I got to pee as well go chunk go work out though I think it’s actually going to work you go all right let me CH the I’m I’m just going to chip this one CH the out of pure strike be the number stop dating oh dude that’s fine dud okay that’s actually a good that’s actually a good luck I just I wanted to hold it I’m going to be honest with you I really really wanted to hit it like either a foot or knock it in but we make a birdie here that’s all we can do yeah that’s all we can do well I don’t know our uh we’ve been each other throats a lot so that’s the one thing that we’re we we changed up the order no we did we changed up the order and we’ve really changed the vibe of the day and our and our relationship as brothers 103 got 56 in hand I I need to hit it perfect I need to flight it just a little bit that’s just gotten crushed by the the wind is so strong it’s a great looking shot it’s just so short isn’t it wait a second where are you going ball just just see if wind is it is it going to get us that landed like relatively close to that down slope and spun all the way back there George there we go baby turn out the lights boys oh I got double fo come on Georgie Boy two good shots one chunk one Pier y both worked out bang hey let’s go there we go that’s nice I like seeing a little fight out of y’all good F Carter that keep alive we have to make this what do we we got a three sh know but birdie bogey swing is very real so no George let’s let’s just let’s just let’s just do it whoa straightish until past so weird it does it does sheesh you don’t like that the slightest chance you don’t like that need to be sh the slightest chance let’s do here we’re still here we’re still here still here this is a tough part three tough part three very tough part three like you said man we make those two six seven Footers on the last two holes I know we’re tied hey Le the way let’s go gentlemen why not last time I took a seven and that was nowhere near enough so I think and it’s straight in this time it’s straight in it’s it’s a shot yeah it’s got I’m going to hit six but I have to hit it good yeah that’s deep that’s deep yeah that’s deep pin highish it’s past pin High what it probably land around pin High be the number be the number to death go be the number to death number just in the little go okay well that was more than plenty of Club make dang it dude I just tried to is that green it’s um bir it’s Fringe definitely bir it’s definitely bir 25t this good shot I going left ball go forward no that’s in a good spot George I left us chipping straight back uphill again playing a different role I’m just trying to put ourselves in good position so that George can be [Music] aggressive oh this is this is get in the bolt get in there yeah get in there now get in the hole just going in on SOL going in on put ourselves in this position and uh we’re doing what we can we put up a good fight I mean here’s the thing we go back they birdied hole one twice which was like the easiest birdie hole ever and we didn’t birdy it once and we didn’t birdy the par five it’s like and they did both and there’s only one par five on this track yep so we really just didn’t take advantage of the two actual birdie holes both nines yeah it’s a totally different story if we go three even three under on that hole is like a bare minimum yeah and we there and we went even far y some put for which to rechange the order here they don’t know this but this is minus two strokes when I use this so put for minus one we’re putting for oh my course you would do this a shame see this is what I want to see I want to see theatrics out he played it’s almost like two vanilla oh boy oh my no way just miss RIT just didn’t that’s impressive I mean hit his line charge dude it really just doesn’t move that little how does it not break that’s good that’s good we’ll just I just lack respect in my like there’s no line get it just get it out of here don’t don’t let us only lose by two on our worst day ago that was a buzz kill that’s what I wanted to see from you start the day end the day that’s what I wanted to see oh man respect respect pleasure lot fun hey George thanks for having us outy thanks for coming out that was fun it was fun watching up close you guys have game didn’t it actually dude this is the start of everything this is the start of everything hey congrats on the Friendship well done hey well done you overcame beautiful thing it’s nice to know that beef can actually be squashed it is it is so well done congrats on that but it’s fun to play well is fun like it like itan winning winning great I mean it solves everything but it was it was fun it was fun to see these guys up close and see play again we’ve just seen online you guys got game Ben you’re solid you you’re way better than I thought you were I’m just going to be honest you didn’t have it today but you have like you can see you got game short game is sick chip in clutch putt soft soft hands so it was fun thanks for having us on the channel appreciate that thanks for having us out to your course honestly we’ll do it again well I’ll tell you what like we we came I feel like I mean I didn’t play well at all you held us together on on so many shots today there’s like so many tight holes this is a great like tournament course even like I put us out of play like for you to have that pressure on you and still put it down the middle respect to that I feel like on our best day we can compete with the bo these are the best y y beating us through 13 holes for a little bit so I’m excited to see this whole course open up honestly you guys are doing a hell of a job down here respect to that South Carolina great state a lot of southern hospitality shout out to party Tom my man um but at the end of the day y’all come back to our home tur for the rematch not happening y you don’t want to come to VR are you scared no I’m not scared I just got in your head I got a wife and three kids I know but I have no wife and no kids yeah so you come back here anytime you’re literally any all right dude we’re not we know the course now so I think I’m cool coming back here in a couple months the back n all of it’s going to be open up we’ll we’ll come back and do it again I’m not going to Virginia appreciate it then hey dude first of many yeah first of many first of many we’re going to go take down every single player in YouTube we got the guy here we got the guy here this is for Virginia we lost today but really it was a win because we squashed the beef we can take an L like a win and at the end of day the people are going to think we won we held our own against the best of the best we played some of our worst Golf and only lost by three which is like I know that sounds like a lot but it really isn’t you our games compliment each other great what I that’s what I learned today which I wasn’t sure about but now I’m sure about it I am for sure the future is bright and we’re going to go take down everybody Grant Mike is next bust the Jacks after them then we might swing around and dust these fools again B King out make sure to sub to everybody Link in the description see you guys


  1. 35 mins…The moment Wesley and George were discussing a 2 yard difference in yardage just shows the difference between the level of golf us average golfers play and these guys

  2. I appreciate the content. However, this is at least a couple of videos where Carter has 'Forgotten' or 'Lost' clubs prior to the match/event/video.
    Honestly, that's the kind of thing that wears on me.
    I'll watch a few more, but ya gotta come at least a bit more prepared

  3. Carter’s demeanor in this video is noticeably different from other videos of him I have watched. Acting very insecure around Wesley. Interesting to see this side of him. 😉

  4. Oh Wes, just had to ruin the heart warming moment. Although he may be right! Hahahha.
    All kidding aside, doesn’t matter. Respect to Carter for saying what he said. And if you saw what he said on his channel, I do think it was from the heart. Good to see

  5. I see the DOD King isn't uploading his latest defeat, to a guy who usually operates the camera. 😂😂😂😂 The whole DOD circus is coming off the rails. 😂😂😂😂 He'll be playing Delfico every week soon. 😂😂😂😂

  6. Wesley should be called KING of SMACK!!!! He is burying 1/4 Carter!!! AND can back it up!!! haha in all fairness him and Ben are so fun to watch and this is pure gold!!! Love me some Bryan Bros!!

  7. and nothing makes me smile more than when Wesley BOMBS a drive and then simply points to the sky!!! haha!! he is the best!! I was squeezing for him to win at Puntacana sooo bad!! Billy Horschel played out of his mind to win…great showing and just proves how good these guys really are!!!!

  8. I like how Wesley didnt even respond to DODs comments cuz they were too stupid lol and held no weight

  9. Just found your page because of bryan bros. The two up, two down sold me 🤣 VA for life! 434

  10. Maybe a bad day for him but A TON of bad shots for the DOD for a guy who talks that much trash. Ben carried that team man.

  11. Dude honestly carter is right about George’s swing being absolutely beautiful and pause king too dudes a G

  12. I grew up saying Reesies. Everyone I knew said Reesies.Never thought anything of it. It wasn’t until I met my wife that I learned that is absolutely not the correct way to say it.

  13. If Reese Witherspoon had a candy bar, and someone asked who's candy bar it was….its Reese's candy bar…her name isn't Reesee Witherspoon…

  14. Do the man boobs help on golf? I think I shoot better if I grow some and hit 3od every tee box

  15. Got to play out at Solina this week and boy oh BOY is that place pure. What you guys are doing is incredible! From the restaurant to the views down by the water…just such a vibe! Shout out to Ted and Scott who took around and showed where to not hit the ball (even though we did). Can’t wait to see the finished back 9! 10 was probably the hardest hole for me 😮‍💨💛

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