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NFL Teams With the Easiest Schedule | The Huddle

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The Huddle EP#65

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[Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome to another edition of the Huddle happy Friday man schedules have been out OTAs are here there’s QBs that are allegedly holding out due to contract issues we discussed a little bit about that yesterday maybe we revisit the topic and so so much more as always uh you have the regular hosts that join you every single Monday through Friday at 3M EST Richie how you doing today man I’m doing fantastic I’m doing fantastic it gets to Friday right before a nice weekend coming up the last day of the week um another great week of the Huddle in the books like shout out to everybody tuning in man I I’ve been really just blown away by the support of this show you guys have been so consistent showing up every single Monday through Friday at 3 pm EST and the best part about it is we’re entering the off season and this should be the Dead period so can you imagine what it’s going to be like when we get into the season we’re going to have like triple amount of people in here and it’s going to be a party um hopefully for me as well so I can be happy about my team for once but that’s another conversation then yeah I’m feeling good we got the Knicks hopefully going to close the series tonight in Indianapolis to head it to the Eastern Conference Finals I’m actually going to New York City for a a watch party hosted by Nick fan TV which is going to be a lot of fun so I’ll be C I’ll be catching the train right after the show headed into Manhattan so uh it’s going to be a good day let’s go Nick so you’re gonna catch a train right after this show yeah not right after I’m actually going to go live on Nicks media after this to do a quick little preview show and then I’m going to get ready and then you’re hopping on I’m hopping on a train I hope the Nicks can get a win Richie man to Boston man we’re just we’re tired of waiting man come on man get Tuesday it’s already scheduled it’s Tuesday no matter what happens tonight I’m just saying we at least want to know who our opponent is we’re just like tired of around T we’ll see so is series tied up yeah the Knicks are up 3-2 so it’s in game six so Knicks win tonight they Advance if they lose then game seven is Sunday which would be uh 3-3 and then all or nothing back at Madison Square Garden so the Timberwolves as well they ended up tying the series yes so that Series going to game seven which is Sunday that’s a great series anony Edwards is he hurt um no he didn’t get did he get hurt in that game I don’t know I thought I saw somebody on Twitter saying that he was injured or something along those lines did I miss that I don’t know I know that the Timberwolves blew out the Nuggets last night I don’t know if he got hurt in that game um so the Wolves dismantled them 27 points from Anthony Edwards last night I don’t know if he got hurt wow 29 to9 in the fourth quarter and yeah so the Knicks are facing the Boston Celtics next round if they Advance when they Advance right because we got to get this done baby I want to face the Boston Celtics it’ll be the first time in my lifetime as a Knicks fan we have went to the Eastern Conference Finals first time Dan actually not true the last time was year 2000 and I was two years old so that doesn’t really count does it very you’ve never seen a happy Richie with my team Dan because the Jets never have gone anything hey you know what man you have yet to see a happy Dam Mitchell either so I’m hoping ah what do you mean you’re holding on to the one of those people and so I’m not one of those people who don’t wish happiness on others because I haven’t felt happiness you know what I mean so Richie for your sake I sincerely hope that your NBA team wins never your NFL team me first TD how you doing man I’m feel feeling great man um episode 65 here we are another week um in the books after this show thank you everyone who Tunes in every day showing love and support we greatly appreciate it right here on the Huddle hit that like button let your friends and family members know about the channel listen man today you know it’s a good day but you know there’s a lot of drama controversy going on in Miami with the whole tour thing dropping this morning he hasn’t been showing up to voluntary um you know workouts and usually no one cares because it’s voluntary but he did his first four years he did he showed up um the 100% his first four years and all of a sudden he hasn’t showed up you see videos of burrow and other guys Herbert out here throwing passes and they already working on the Playbook getting it in and not Tua he’s and so we’re believed that he might be sitting right now we don’t know interesting times uh hey guys we have a uh it’s so a window that is uh like on the screen they can’t see it Dan I don’t know if they can see it all right yeah guys we have like a docks window right now I think it’s quick notes I’m looking at so man I don’t think they can see it it’s just us they can see it keep going all right all right most definitely that’s always good and so they want to make sure that like you know so yeah yeah so so they’re looking out for vanity like like so no vanity for me and TD folks if you can’t see so there is a Windows a Microsoft Windows window right in front of mine and TD’s face um interesting interesting we’re thank you there it is that we’re back we are back um but yeah TD listen man I saw it dude I saw it man your fan base out there or the two aners I would say specifically not happy with you saw one guy say oh man he didn’t and so he didn’t release a single free agency signing zero draft picks and uh now of course he comes on he talks about two a holding now man that’s D you D you really be on my on my Twitter page man but yeah yeah it’s it’s it’s a controversy out here you know it’s it’s bringing lot of unnecessary attention to Tua um I I’mma Be honest with you and I want to get you guys’ thought on it because I have two perspectives I have a tu Tong of Al perspective and I have a team perspective from a t perspective man sit out sit out the the the general manager didn’t go get um the general manager did not go get insurance sit out you have leverage right now you know you can demand I mean sit out there’s I mean I don’t think that our organization has the the the strength to play chicken um especially with all the talent on the roster but then on the organizational side of the ball you know do they have the the strength to play chicken and and and not give him a $50 million contract and and basically incentivize the whole thing I don’t think that they’re in agreement with the contract that they’re talking about right now so um it’s an interesting situation going on in Miami now I know some people say he’s not sitting out this is just voluntary yeah and it might be true but I’m gonna be honest with you if he shows up Monday for team voluntary workouts when the whole team shows up that’s a shame on his behalf because if I’m him I would secure my bag because no one thinks about the fact that what happens if our quarterback has a non-c cont injury in his season and is ruined like we had with Ryan tanah Hill around the same point in his career it happens to all type of quarterbacks Aaron Rogers Herbert um burrow these things happen and and you know one thing that has been somewhat consistent in the NFL what’s that almost every quarterback goes through it at some point in their career and I’m talking about that nonc contct injury you know so I’m not talking about I’m not talking about tua’s previous injuries like concussions or the hip from college I’m just talking about that freakish accident where it’s like man nobody even touched them or he tweaked in practice or whatever so I wouldn’t take the chance if I’m TOA secure your bag and then show up on the field because if something did happen his whole stock is gone yeah his whole value is De depleted there were already a lot of questions so that’s from the player standpoint manto man you know I’m always for players getting their cash but from a general manager standpoint and a fan standpoint I’m like man I can’t pay this guy right now so it’s a tough situation what do you all think about it is it smart for him to actually sit out or he needs to show up here’s the thing right so here’s the thing I feel like it’s intelligent on both sides right right because I want to put myself in the shoes of Tua and I also want to put myself in the shoes of the front office of the Miami Dolphins and I’ve been seeing a lot of it because I’ve also ended up putting some content out about how I truly believe that if this is an objective take nonbiased I genuinely believe that what the Dolphins should do with the Tua situation is drag it out something similar to what the Baltimore Ravens did with Lamar Jackson right I thought that that was probably one of the smartest ways of handling it really making sure that he can get past the injury bug he can get past like quite a few things and there’s certain Milestones that were hit prior to giving him that said contract and I’ve seen a lot of people come out and say oh my God what about Justin Herbert and Dak Prescot man like they got paid right before so they got paid right before they proved anything and I’m not saying that that was a smart thing to do I think that that was not a smart thing to do for either of those occasions going into it I feel like a lot of people become fans of a player and not the team me personally I am a fan of the team so that’s wait what Josh Allen hypothetic gets traded you Roo for him somewhere or you’re over Josh Allen forever I mean I wouldn’t hate on the guy right I mean depends what happens obviously yeah yeah I mean say for example that like he pulls a Stefon Diggs and he starts becoming like massive issue with I’ll give you a perfect hypothetical because this is what’s going to happen I’m sorry to just break the news to you Dan this is Josh Allen’s career you ready he is going to be Matthew Stafford he’s gonna be an all-time lion like he was an alltime bill nine 10 years down the line gets him in the playoffs and then he gets traded to a team and Josh Allen wins a Super Bowl in this first year without the bills are you rooting for Josh Allen in a hypothetical scenario where he’s the bills franchise guy for 10 years the bills maximized him they’re entering a rebuild like the Detroit Lions did and they trade him away like the Lions did with the Rams and the Rams took the benefit of Matthew Stafford won a Super Bowl would you root for Josh Allen in that scenario dude 12 Josh Allen years tra you guys see the the fear that just put in Dan’s face of that reality but it’s a it’s a possible reality hey right I know listen hey like for Bills fans luck that’s a th% on par that that could very well happen if some first year gone from the bills he’s the Lombard if somebody were to come up to me and say hey I’m from the future Josh Allen’s on the bills for for another eight years right like still a consistent playoff team like maybe an off year here and there and then yall are going to start a rebuild and you’re going to send them off to like the Seattle Seahawks and then his first year in Seattle he’s going to win a Super Bowl that would be the most build thing that would ever happen but that goes pray that you’re wrong that goes hand in hand with what I’m talking about in this NFL though the way the league is currently constructed it’s like you have to be on a rookie contract early um or you’re getting you know you’re you’re a free agent going to a new team on a proven deal with a low cap number or you’re just that dude and the problem with Josh Allen he may end up being the Charles Barkley of it all he never won because Jordan was sitting there the whole time and and that’s bad for the Buffalo Bills you could go 12 years and momes just keeps dominating you gotta hope that it’s a off year where momes goes down or something like that it’s just not a good look but it’s a lot of quarterbacks that might have to deal with that and your best bet is having a quar back on a rookie deal like Joe burrow when he knocked him off just saying that I’m sorry Dan that I had to put that in your brain I mean I suppose you did give me some content D gonna be streaming about it you better give me credit for that you better have me as a guest ABS is Josh Allen X Matthew Stafford is I already tweeted it so I went ahead and my microphone since you guys are so entertained with my my typing heit we got to pull up the Tweet what did you tweet dude what did I tweet you mean you already tweeted it man dad Mitchell’s on Twitter lately boys and girls and hey this image is approved from the dam Mitchell Camp by the way look at his PFF great graphic strongest position group said I said Richie just told me he think thinks Josh Allen is the next mat staffer he’s GNA be great in Buffalo for another eight years then we trade him away three years before he retires then wins the Super Bowl that next year worst night it’s so realistic though it’s so possible dude listen man I’ve been through some [ __ ] before all right and the pessimist me is saying that that’s but no no no no it’s not dude it’s gonna happen this year let me tell you the only reason I don’t see that this is the only push back I’ll have about the comparison to Matthew Stafford I know people would disagree with me but I think Matthew Stafford um for his career is a better thrower of the football Josh Allen is a better athlete but eight years from now I can’t imagine Josh Allen being the same bulldozing running quarterback so will he be able to do it in the pocket solely because Matthew Stafford could his whole career so that’s the only thing that could hold him back from actually winning one on another team but I do see the outcome of another six to eight years him being a bill and eventually the team saying all right it’s time to move on it’s time to move on dude wow yeah do for your unlock sorry Dan shocking shocking but anyway I mean are literally in that same situation with Aaron roders coming to the Jets in the last final years of retirement trying to win a Super Bowl like the Jets are that team that Josh Allen would go to in this scenario yeah isn’t that crazy like we are the Los Angeles Rams we are the Tampa Bay Buccaneers two teams that won the Super Bowl with veteran quarterbacks that went there but again I would like a Aaron Rodgers as a passer better than a Josh Allen see the thing is also has a lot of lot here’s my so so here’s my theory right I think Josh Allen has the ability to succeed even when he starts dwindling with his Mobility but what needs to happen is is that this guy needs like absolute dogs of running backs oh a lot of time yeah like that like that’s why I feel like this Buffalo Bills team because like for his first four or five years we’ve never really had any like star studded power or like we never really like found someone that was going to be an absolute hit coming out of college but this year you could see that we’re paying a hell of a lot more close attention to the running back position with James Cook for example and then also getting Ray Davis specifically so I think that that is what Buffalo is trying to put together right now is that they realize that his rushing attempts aren’t going to be here forever so I think that they’re really investing a hell of a lot more in the offensive line and just trying to like sprinkle as many solid running backs that he does have that and just you know like one receiver that’s great with separation one solid because he’s got the arm toown man he’s got a cannon he does his thing j Allen I think Josh Allen has a chance to kind of reprove himself as a quarterback does bring up a good point like he I still think there’s time for Josh Allen to prove to be a pure passer not in’s legs I don’t think he’s going to stop running with his legs but I still think there’s like Josh Allen is entering that stage of his career where he’s established he’s Bonafide he’s not a young player anymore he’s becoming a veteran quarterback if you will so I think this is kind of the transition we’re going to see will Josh Allen not rely too much on his athleticism will he be able to maneuver in the pocket will he be able to make those pocket throws consistently because we know he can do it it’s just a matter of can you do it consistently and accurately um and I think that’s the big question with Josh Allen and I think that I’m intrigued to see how he performs just from a football fan I think he’s one of the int intriguing storylines this season yeah Josh Allen right now is what the Giants hope Daniel Jones could be how about those giants uniforms oh don’t even get me started dude how about picture of Daniel Jones in that in that uniform bro that is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen Daniel Jones in that uniform looks like I am so happy to be a Jets fan bro wow so were those so were those actual Throwbacks yeah from like a 100 years ago how many times are they wearing those the Giants are celebrating they’re they just rebranded to Giants 100 because they’re like it’s a 100 year anniversary okay so they’re uh they have a Giants 100 patch on on the jerseys now and it’s like 100 years a it looks like they were 100 years old I think they’re just turning the clock back so much and that’s what the Giants are has always been that just historian just like old like come on let’s have some uh at least the jet be their uniforms all year no it’s like they’re uh they wear like once or twice a year yeah it’s like their alternate uniforms because you could wear two alternate uniforms a season with three gam slots if that makes sense so there’s three games you can wear an alternate jersey and you can now the NFL’s passed a a law for two alternate helmets next year it’s actually actually gonna be three alternate helmets So like um like for example the Jets have the black helmets and they green helmet so they just have two and then you will probably wear the throwback helmets TD right for those games and then same with the bills eventually they’re gonna pass please bring back the red helmets for the love of God bring those back man we’ve been hammering the table for that it still ain’t gonna help you win a Super Bowl I know but you know what at least we’ll be looking good I just saw I just saw a graphic of PFF I’m curious to get your guys thoughts of this um so they’re ranking the top positions the strongest position groups in the NFL oh I saw that sham and I love how like who’s the one player they decided to put on this graphic where was that one person in the chat that I was I was debating with about this I would love if he was watching the show probably somebody overrated so did you tweet it or no no it’s PFF I’m just I’m going to retweet it though yeah yeah uh uh retweet it so I can take a look at this what is the graphic you said strongest position groups in the NFL so they go by each position and they give a team there’s no bills or dolphins on this graphic that’s for sure it’s Ravens twice Ravens twice I saw it earlier today so the Chiefs at quarterback position I mean obviously it’s yeah it’s the starter right but like but why do they like Kansas City right and my question to you is the player that’s on this why do you think they chose him why do why do you think they chose him to be the one featured guy there was all these teams all these great players why him why is s Gardner on this graphic because he was the best corner in the NFL stop it but Patrick Mahomes is the best quarterback in the NFL the Ravens have derck Henry who is the best running back room in the NFL 49ers that apparently tight ends is George KD see where I’m going here why do they choose s Gardner out of all these other great players he’s partnered with PFF he partners with PFF see where I’m getting at this is this is why I say these things because when I say s Gardner is one of the many young faces of the NFL people in the chat get so up in arms and this is a perfect example of what I’m talking about here big NFL media conglomerates they post s Gardner content because he is a young face of the NFL deal with it it’s a fact it’s not an opinion so Browns of the best defensive line not not crazy there 49ers are ranked the best linebackers Jets have the best corners which I can agree with safeties Ravens wait why not the wait why does why that the Dolphins as the best cornerbacks TD uh because all we have is Jaylen Ramsay as a unit um in Fuller it’s a unit we don’t have the best um cornerbacks we just have um one of the best cornerbacks in Jaylen Ramsey so you wouldn’t put Kendo ferz up I mean he’s he’s a he’s a really good corner you but I’m not going to I’m not going to sit there and say who has the better uh cornerback room the Jets or the Dolphins Ty this is what I mean why did the PFF put the Jets then and not the Dolphins they decided to choose one I believe it’s tied Richie oh it’s not it’s not even close actually oh here we go it’s not Richie we’ll see this season we’ll let this season determine it okay oh my gosh okay yeah sure last year season was objectively the Jets and it’s going to continue to be the Jets again so I feel like we got off task for a little bit but uh I thought that two a thing so circling back right into the twoa thing um I do genuinely believe that the front office should handle it like the Lamar Jackson situation because he probably had I mean I would say he probably missed as many games where Tua is in his career right now as well right so I think it’s worth it for them and dude worst case scenario fifth year option doesn’t work out franchise tag him after that say that he can’t prove it once again because like some people are like okay like what could the other option be because the QB class next year really isn’t that crazy I mean out like outside of shador Sanders I do like Carson Beck out of ug as well but it’s hard to say that he’ll actually translate pretty well um last solid QB that came out of Georgia was Matt Stafford right so many other starters just didn’t fizzle out and I think that the fins would have no shot at being able to get shador Sanders but I think that following year they could well franchise tag Tua if necessary if you R of the fifth year option and slap a franchise tag on them think about the the truth Dan here’s the truth okay people don’t care they don’t care care about the well-being of the team this notion of where you don’t have to now you can franchise tag people are looking for every excuse why to pay him instead of you know they’re looking for every excuse to go the unknown route versus the security route to be safed and sorry they don’t care that’s all this is about there like like we’ve been talking about there’s a war in the Dolphins community on whether you love to aong of aloa or the team and there are very few that’s that loves both very few okay now some dolphin fans hide under the banner of I’m a real Dolphin fan I support my quarterback you should that’s what all Dolphin fan should do but at the same token just because you say I don’t think they should pay him yet does not mean you don’t support him it’s the logical thing to do for the organization not to because it’s gambling it’ll be a lot better if people just say I think the Dolphins should Gamble and take the risk on T but they can’t even say that because by saying they’re gambling on taking the risk on T is acknowledging that we still don’t know yet if he’s the guy and they want everyone to believe right now he is 100% no question whatsoever the guy and that’s the problem you don’t pay a guy who you don’t know if he’s the guy and at the end of the day we’ve all come to the point where he hasn’t done anything special he hasn’t done anything that makes you say oh man we could go to war against anyone like there ain’t a single circumstance where someone would pick the Dolphins over the Chiefs right now pick the Dolphins over Baltimore right now pick the Dolphins over the bills right now there ain’t a scenario and then you have to ask yourself why they’re not going to be looking specifically throughout the roster and the team they’re going to start at that quarterback position and end the discussion t i just as a a friend I feel so bad for you yeah here you go no this is genuine I genuinely feel bad for you you but you don’t have to Richie I’ve already come to grips that they’re going to give him the money I’m just waiting for 2020 2020 when we’re talking quarterback again that’s what you’ve accepted I’ve accepted that as a real possibility because they’re going to set themselves up for that possibility but but the reason why I feel bad for you is because the Miami Dolphins are about to do everything you are against as a football fan like all the debates that we have about these quarterbacks about paying them and financially and stuff you’re always on the side of the opposite of what the Miami Dolphins are about to do so I just feel bad for you that the Miami Dolphins are operating and you have no say Obviously as a as a fan and they’re about to do something that you completely disagree with I could see I could see Richie if the last five years everything I disagree with I could come back and say is a good thing I’m not the general manager but in the last five years everything I’ve disagreed with or said would happen 90% of Us come to fruition you know I I was banging the table trade xaven Howard now while he’s in his prime go get a young star you’re going to be paying him big money in his prime while we’re rebuilding it’s against what the team wants to do and everybody thinks I’m crazy and now here we are today no xaven Howard wasted Capital money and everything this is what we do it’s tough man it’s just frustrating I man Yik I do have a spontaneous segment Dan if you wanted unless you have a plan of where we’re going next well I’ll tell you what I mean I did want to transition over to some Trevor Lawrence action since we’re talking about QBs that are likely about to be paid but Richie I mean you’ve dra my interest you’ve drawn my interest what are you thinking all all we have is the standing Graphics that Round Table Sports have produced ready to be presented and we can break down our standing predictions after the Trevor Lawrence segment that sounds perfect have you it’s all proved and ready to go yep wonderful look at that working around I’ll tell you what Trevor Lawrence first though Trevor Lawrence man because you know why like we’re all sitting here being like you know what and the whole Tua conversation right does he get the contract does he not there’s a few other QB that are in this conversation one of which is Trevor Lawrence who I feel like a lot of us well so at least two of us on this panel believe that the Jaguars should also be timid of being able to pay that QB especially since he really hasn’t shown a lot of course he did have a pretty solid performance in the playoffs well a solid second half in the playoffs we won’t count the first half um but dude what should the Jaguars do about a be that has not even lived up close to the hype that was surrounding him in that year’s draft class shout up Richie what do you do with Trevor Lawrence right now man and so are we gonna get a massive contract from this dude here in a couple of months or if you’re the Jaguars how you approaching this um honestly let me just pull up his his details is he going into the final year fifth year four no fourth fourth year going fourth year and they picked up his fifth year yeah so he’s eligible to get paid right he is um it’s a good question man if you’re the Jaguars and you believe he’s the guy again we said this about um Jordan love yesterday if you believe Trevor Lawrence is your guy you can lowkey ink him up now for cheap but does Trevor Lawrence feel like I want to double down I don’t want to sign this cheap contract I feel like there’s another level to my game I can tap at tap into I’m doubling down I’m going to risk it all this year and say he goes nuclear and is an MVP candidate then his price increases tremendously so I don’t think that they’re G to come to an agreement on a contract for that reason I think Trevor Lawrence is going to want to wait because uh he still has two years left on his deal uh next year will be the contract year when you think all the negotiations are going to start so if I’m Trevor Lawrence I wouldn’t even want to sign an extension because if you’re Trevor Lawrence you feel like they’re still a l a lot more to your game that you need to prove and he obviously has not demanded a uh contract like Jared gof just signed for example and all these top tier quarterbacks he does not prove that he deserves any of that money and if I’m Trevor Lawrence I’m thinking like this is the year to prove that so I don’t think he’s going to sign an extension I think that he’s going to play this year with no extension and if he balls out then that’s going to be the conversation if he fumbles the bag and say he has the same exact season as he did last year where he’s just average and just the Jaguars fizzle out and he’s just like good then that’s going to be another conversation or if he’s just like absolutely collapses or gets injured then they’re going to have a really big decision next year so I think um they’re not going to get an extension done before the season no so what are you thinking about that CD uh if you’re the Jacksonville Jaguars you stay as far as away from a contract this off season as you possibly can I agree I disagree with Richie if I’m Trevor Lawrence if I can get 40 to 45 million per year right now you better take it on a four or five deal you better take offer that well which is true that’s why I’m saying but if they are offering 40 or 45 million you better take every penny you can now betting on yourself to get in that $50 million range when you probably might end up being the second or third best team in your Division and missing the Playoffs potentially not saying you will you might win the division but man you take that chance against the Houston Texans and and Tennessee you all you want and Trevor Lawrence does not have a better Supporting Cast than he did last year in my opinion he better try to tell his agent hey I might even take 38 annually right now on a long-term deal cuz you blow this season and miss the playoffs they’re gonna be looking at you a little lopsided and they’re probably going to make you pay your fifth year option in and then you could end up being in that Baker Mayfield territory as far as how things went in Cleveland so that’s how I’m feeling right now that Trevor Lawrence is on that Baker Mayfield Cleveland trajectory uh but time will tell and and now Baker did revive himself a little bit like as of last year but that’s what I’m feeling with Trevor Lawrence take what you can now if you can it is very risky to be going after the bigger bucks when you ain’t even proven to be a bigger Buck guy to this point in my opinion anyway M I’d probably have to agree with you so i’ probably have to agree with you I just don’t think they’ll offer that you think they’ll offer like a 38 year just depends like where he sees himself right like if only that there was a way that we can get inside of his head and see if he’s truly confident that he’s gonna go out this year uh with a couple of brand new weapons of course you have Travis etn coming back um decent D he’s more than Daniel Jones though right no no Diddy Dan no Diddy no did he indeed what did he say about Daniel Jones he’s worth more than Daniel Jones he’s worth more than Daniel Jones yeah so you don’t think that they would at least be okay with a $40 million contract for Trevor they would I’m just kind of I mean what’s their here I’m kind of curious too about what the Jaguars cap situation is looking like as well kind of curious to see where they’re S I mean they have 35 million right now in the bank they have 35 million in the bank already so and and they can fre up space let’s it just depends on what the QB is wanting to do but folks thanks to Richie all right thanks to Richie we actually ended up putting together some of our afce standings predictions all right so we ended up putting in a lot of work into our research understanding where this team is going to be or our specific teams are going to be by the time the season is over with or the regular season that is so without further Ado let’s start taking a look at some of these bad boys I’m curious which one comes up first yeah you could put up whichever one you want first and we’ll go from there Dan’s prediction how about it gra is so clean man shout out to our Graphics guy for putting this together over here love this AFC East Round Table solid graphic beautiful at that look at that Round Table sports logo at the top right though the transparent come on so clean it is nice man it it definitely is nice a piece of art especially since this is the most factual graphic you will see for the I will take 11 wins Dan it’s not factual whatsoever sto the cap is certainly factual I’m going to go on ahead and I’m GNA throw out a couple of scenarios for you out this point folks all right so we started off with the New England Patriots 6 and 11 I want to say that this was probably the most generous record prediction if I remember correctly maybe Richie gave them more wins I know TD definitely didn’t however I do have the Patriots still being able to scrape by with six wins here folks understand that Drake May rookie quarterback I foresee brassette starting vast majority of the games their first like 10 or 11 are absolutely brutal don’t put Drake May out there you’re just going to in his damn confidence as a kid let jacobe brassette you know fly this season out work out the Kinks and I think that defense is still good enough to where I think that they’re going to be able to scrap by whether or not that it’s by defensive scoring whether or not that it’s by defense making sure that they can give them favorable field position winning the field position battle and the Patriots are just annoying we know that this is going to be the first time we see it with Gerard Mayo not a bill bellich Le team however I do think it helped that they did end up promoting within the building so I don’t really see this team’s Identity or DNA changing as much as people are willing to admit so 6 and 11 I have right there have the Miami Dolphins sitting at 9 and8 UM this league man hates the Miami Dolphins when it comes down into structuring a schedule I feel like for as long as I can remember they file on one of the largest gauntlets you can see at the end of the season season and they always make sure that they are up in either a North division during several away games where it’s going to be below 40 degrees maybe even below 20 at that situation statistically shown as well when Tua just has a very difficult time in performing in those conditions um I see them dominating for September October but then that November December stretch is pretty tough um I could see a five- one for the Dolphins going into the bye but then after the fact I could see them finishing off 9 and8 the Jets at 11- six man I like their schedule I do because I really don’t notice like a back to back to back to back to back Gauntlet I think that it’s spread apart pretty well so I think that there’s like times like there’s some travel issues I am a bit concerned about some of the jet lag and the recovery from the travel from the London series since we saw it so much last year with all the teams that were in that situation uh but I still see them being a very credible team just 11 and six even if Rogers does go down listen I have a lot of faith in Tyrod Taylor although that he also has injury concerns but I think Tyrod Taylor was a better quarterback than all of the active ones last year especially compared to Bole especially compared to Zach Wilson so I think that they’re so they have all the depth pieces necessary for 11 and six and then as far as 12 and5 for the Buffalo Bills is concerned it’s funny because somebody put this out there for me the other day they said Dam Mitchell in 2019 the Buffalo Bills uh uh wide receiver W was John Brown and Cole Beasley was the slot going into it and the Buffalo Bills ended up finishing 10 and six and a lot of people might say oh man well the rest of the AFC ended up getting a hell of a lot better and the schedule is going to be a little bit more difficult and I answer it with this Josh Allen is now in his prime so if the Buffalo Bills were able to go 10 and six with a seconde Josh Allen wide receiver one being John Brown wide receiver two being Cole Beasley I feel very confident this coaching staff has remained consistent making sure these promotions are from within they’re great at developing some of these younger pieces and yes we have some very difficult teams that we will be facing off but as far as I remember this coaching staff has proven that they do a wonderful job of making sure that this team stays competitive so 12 and five I honestly think that is very reasonable Richie talk to me yeah I mean listen you have every right to believe in your bills because you have four straight championships in terms of a division title so why would you predict them not to win the division until you have to win the division until you don’t right so I I understand that from a Bills fan perspective 110% I think you have every right to think this way um I think it’s I also have a lot of respect for you giving the Jets the respect of 11 wins I mean that would be a huge win for the Jets that will put them as the fifth seed potentially in the wild card or six seed depending on how the AFC Stacks up um the Dolphins at nine and eight definitely around the window I can see them finishing that that obviously would not be ideal I don’t think they’ll make the playoffs at nine and eight if you’re the Miami Dolphins and then the New England Patriots at 6 and 11 that’s the same record I had for them so listen man if Josh Allen levels up his game to a Superhero level and he can Elevate the guys and the defense starts to stay healthy and things can go the bills way and they don’t get off to a slow start I don’t know how you’re looking at this Bills team on paper today compared to how they looked on paper last year heading into the season and thinking that they’re better how they’re going to get more wins that’s the only thing I’m going to say just looking from the outside in there’s nothing that the Buffalo Bills did this off season that made them get better on paper I think there’s a lot of new things that could Trend in the right direction but as of right now it’s a lot of unknown for the Buffalo Bills so that’s how I look at the bills but again I don’t blame you and any Bills fan for predicting this type of season for the Buffalo Bills it should be your expectation it’s all you know so what you got TD ah this is a homer um prediction oh my God it’s that simple Dan you glorified the Buffalo Bills that’s all you did and you put a little respect on the Jets um name just to justify yours you’re not going to be a better team than the New York J this season it’s a book it’s it’s a WAP you’re not going to be a better team than the Miami Dolphins either okay now you’re not gonna be that much different than the Miami Dolphins in my opinion but to get to 12 wins Dan you didn’t have 12 wins last year and you didn’t get better everything around you got tougher and you didn’t get better and yet you’re gonna up the win total schedule got tougher the opponents got tougher and your team regressed a little and you go up a win more than you did last year this is blasphemy this is a homer pick clear as day at the the Buffalo Bills are winning more than 10 games and I got them way less than that so yeah that’s what I think about this so were you saying that both Dalton cancade Shakir and James Cook have hit their ceiling last year going to take a step well some could argue they overachieve last year how about that and you don’t think that our quarterback is in his prime right now yeah yeah he is your quarterback is in his prime but he was in his prime last year yes exactly but you know what man confident I absolutely love it let’s see the other graphic bring them on up who’s coming up next let’s have this let’s have this off you oh man I forgot how much this upset me really go ahead TD go ahead all this is simple the Patriots will beat three teams it’ll be the worst three teams in the NFL pretty much they might sneak Oney in on Buffalo um but I doubt even that um three and 14 not much to see over there unless we get a surprising shock at the quarterback position from Drake May in which the coach have already said oh he got a lot of work to do yeah they’re already behind the eightball uh Purgatory uh Buffalo Bills seven and 10 man um I went through the schedule I wasn’t trying to hate on the bills although that that record predict ition um seems very hateful but I’m sorry man until the bills show me that they’re a better team they are who they were last year and who they were last year with the opponents they have now I only counted seven wins now I told you they could get up to 10 you know if they’re better than I think they are they could get up to about 10 but to go all the way to 12 is just blasphemy I mean I don’t oh anyway um I got seven and 10 for the Buffalo Bills my Dolphins 8 n that shows you I’m not being biased on this I’m just being realistic this is what I truly believe when I look at the schedule until we show that we’ve gotten better we’re the same team until we show that we could come over overcome our December woes what reason should I have to feel like we’re going to beat some of the best teams in the NFL in December in cold weather you know it’s something that we struggle with so when I go through the schedule considering all of those things I got us 89 the crazy thing is a lot lot of dolphin fans are really mad at me for having us eight- n a as a prediction but some reputable people came out today and said I got the Dolphins going 89 and everybody’s like how could they how could they other people see exactly what I potentially see now we could win 11 games but you know that means we’re proving what I have yet to see so hopefully we get to 11 that means that we are the team that can compete for a Super Bowl this year all right New York Jets you know again 10 and seven isn’t the greatest record in the world but it’s enough in my opinion to win a division this year when you look at their schedule overall they’re better equipped they have a more loaded roster they have better depth they have a great defense their offense um we could sit here see this is the difference people are arguing with me to say well you’re saying until Miami proves something you know like um beating teams in December then you won’t give them credit then why are you giving the Jets credit when their offense has been bad because at least we could pinpoint straight up why their offense has been bad they’ve had the top three worst quarterback in the NFL okay and at the end of the day they invested in that position to make it better and if their guy can stay healthy I know who Aaron Rogers is and I know what he can deliver even on a low scale even if he plays above average which would be a low scale the Jets can win nine or more games and I think that he’ll coming off of an injury the odds are he should stay healthy this year and I got the Jets winning 10 games it’s a brutal schedule for them too but I feel like the tougher games they may win one or two more than teams like Miami and buffalo this year because their defense is gonna hold them down no matter what okay so at the end of the day 10 and seven to the Jets um it’s it ain’t for everybody to like this um prediction but this is it I’ll take an AFC East title TD I will take this as a reality it’s early it’s early things can change but this is early okay see see you called my list a homer list and I call your list a hater list all right this is what I’m thinking all right I think that you have such little confidence in your own team but your hatred for the bills runs so deep it runs so deep that you could never you could never put the Buffalo Bills above the Miami Dolphins even if you had the Miami Dolphins winning six games this year you genuinely did I genuinely believe that you would have put the bills of four WIS I promise you I I’m not gonna sit here it’s I don’t think I’ve ever seen a single uh record prediction ever for the past four years that has ever had the Buffalo Bills above the Min let me tell you why let me tell you why I’m being this is genuine Dan first of all I’m not going to sit here and lie I have the utmost deepest hatred for the Buffalo Bills let’s get that straight down okay um but I’m being objective in this take just like I was objective in week 14 last year when I told dolphin fans man I know it’s GNA come but I couldn’t dare say it out my mouth you got me on stream I’m recorded saying it I know what’s about to happen but I can’t dare say it out of my mouth and there were times I snuck out and said man I ain’t gonna say it but if the Buffalo Bills come back and catch us and win this division is going to be the most embarrassing thing of all time and I ain’t going to lie it’s a strong possibility but I can’t bring myself to say it I I was being realistic then I knew what was gonna happen I knew exactly what was goingon to happen for the same reason I have these record predictions the way that they are because this year Dan y’all in trouble bro y’all in trouble y’all don’t have the Cakewalk late in the season like you had and yes you can still rely on the Miami Dolphins collapsing late potentially but at the same token that ain’t going to save you this year because the Jets with a healthy Aaron Rogers aren’t going to collapse it won’t save you yeah we’re not sorry look at that Richie’s list pull it up talk to us oh baby now this list I have to give you my perspective on this list because I’ve been seeing a lot of people you know obviously calling me Homer this is a bias list right on the surface that obviously have the Jets winning 12 games that’s a lot um let me say this I said it on the afc’s round table just from the Jets record at 12 and5 I’m starting at that right because that’s a very high expectation that’s a very high prediction people in the chat going to call me delusional and biased towards my Jets don’t give it you know what this is my expectation for my football team this year this is what I want to see this is what I expect is possible and the way I look at this Jets team assembled on paper it’s the best Jets football team I’ve ever witnessed and if it’s not this year it’s I don’t know when it will be that’s how I’m looking at it and by the way every single Jets fan has every single right to predict this and expect this expectations from Jets fans should be high with this football team if they do not win their floor this year is 10 wins because they’re over Runners at nine and a half on the books they have to hit that over anything less than 10 wins is a failure anything less than you know I might I’ll say this my expectation is winning the AFC East and I honestly think if we don’t win the AFC East that’ll be a slight disappointment but if we sneak into the wild card with 10 or 11 wins then let’s go in a run to make me feel good but if we go into the wild card and lose round one I won’t be happy right my expectation and jets fans expectations this season for this football team should be the highest it’s ever been you want to know why because it is 110% completely Justified and if there’s any fan or any doubter that says it’s not justified for us Jets fans to have high expectations for a football team they’re simply a blind hater and they cannot look at this team and understand football it’s that simple because when you match in a top caliber Championship level defense and look what they added on defense this offseason mixed in like TD said it is obvious what made this Jets team only a seven- win uh team last year it is bottom level quarterback play and this is also with a healthy hypothetical Aaron Rogers for the entire season there is no reason why the Jets cannot do something like this because you look at this Jets team assembled they are loaded and they are also prepared for injuries everyone keeps saying yeah but they got to stay healthy yeah they got to be they got to stay healthy yeah they got to stay healthy of course at the quarterback spot that’s number one but let’s not pretend that this Jets roster also deep everywhere where if we do get injured we are prepared especially on defense I mean luckily we had two straight seasons on defense with really good health all the injuries were sustaining some how is on offense okay but on defense we can have we have players that nobody knows about that will step in if injuries happen and get the job done for example last year against the Philadelphia Eagles s Gardner and DJ Reid and Brandon Eckles are top three corners were out in that game we had Bryce Hall who was our fourth string guy and a guy in Craig James we signed off the streets and we shut down Jaylen Herz and won that game they were nine and0 we handed them the first L the only reason Reon why I bring that up is because the culture that this Jets football team has on defense is if there’s injuries if s is out if DJ Reid is out we have no namers coming in balling out that’s just how good this coaching staff is so I Got Confidence of the Jets sustaining the injury bug if unfortunately that happens and of course on offense we need the key guys to stay healthy the main three guys is Aaron Rogers Garrett Wilson Bree hall and then of course the offensive line so I’ll finish it off with this Jets fans this is should be our expectation if anybody calls us delusional let them say that I don’t really give a crap this is what we expect from our football team now when it comes to the Buffalo Bills and the Miami Dolphins I think they’re both 10- win football teams I think this is both of their floors I think that you know from the Buffalo Bills standpoint this is what the expectation should be at a minimum and I think they can get better if things collapse and Josh Allen just can’t handle everything without Stefon Diggs they may be a little spiral the Miami Dolphins I think this is a reasonable season you have one less Lo one less win than you did last year that I’m sorry but there’s nothing in this off season the Dolphins did that scares me I’m still scared of Tyreek Hill I’m still scared of what they already had last year I’ll tell you what I’m nervous of the do the Dolphins but everything I’ll tell you about the Dolphins I’m nervous of you’ve already had so it’s not like you’ve added anything more that makes me more scared so I think you guys are a 10 11 win football team until you could prove to win in the um you know at the end of the season same thing with the Jets we got to prove to win in general we’ve never won anything in 13 years so I get that and then the New England Patriots I mean I can see them being competitive and win some upsets and get a six- win season in their first rebuild of with Drake May so that’s my predictions for AFC East what’s your thoughts of that I first off you know what man I actually respect your list thank that’s all I got say t what you got I don’t respect his list at all okay I’m not mad at the Patriot I’m not mad at the Patriots being at the bottom with 6 and 11 I’m not even mad at the Jets being 12 and5 but here’s the issue I have I ain’t mad at you having Buffalo 10 and seven and Miami 10 and seven but why they got to be above us uh the bills swept the Dolphins last year so stop Richie we talk about prediction for this year they ain’t sweeping us this year I mean I don’t know no we’ll win a tie bre we going to get that first we going to get that Miami win in week two if you split what’s the tiebreaker after that strength of schedule um conference I think yeah and you know the bills always lose to y’all and we’re gonna sweep y’all so damn all right well folks there you have it there you have it folks we ended up giving you our divisional damn predictions for the damn year you know what I’ll tell you what guys it is Friday we always appreciate you guys tuning in to another edition of of the Huddle we’re live Monday through Friday at 300 p.m. EST so make sure that you subscribe to the channel and like this video studies show that if you do not that your favorite team will be given a curse for the 2024 all right so I’m just saying roll the dice As You Wish Richie even a curse yeah yeah yeah a curse will be placed on your favorite organization if you do not subscribe to this Channel or fans that don’t apply to you it’s going to happen anyway rich what you got man how you doing I’m doing great another episode of the Huddle in the books another week of the Huddle in the books guys don’t forget to hit the like button on your way out and subscribe the goal next week is to end the week with 7,000 Subs we’re at 6.62k we don’t even have 100 likes on this show I also want to shout out the chat uh poll because according to the chat Trevor Lawrence is the better quarterback I didn’t know there’s a polls Trevor Lawrence has 63% votes Tua has 37 so just saying and uh let’s go Nicks manifesting in Nicks W I’ll be in Manhattan at the Nicks fan TV watch party which I’m excited for let’s close it out let’s freaking go I do not want to go to game seven at the Garden that will scare the living you know what out of me so let’s close the deal Jaylen Brunson and the Nova boys let’s go Nick and I’ll be live at ni media in a half hour see you guys then what you got TD uh another week in the books um like Richie said man thank you all for tuning in um come back to the Huddle on Monday 300 p.m. to 400 p.m. listen um at the end end of the day we’re gonna keep pushing through until training camp um I’m excited the fun times ahead this is going to be the best football season that we’ve had in a long time and I’m just hoping my team can overcome a lot of the things that we haven’t been able to overcome as of recent so time will tell good luck to everybody’s team and NFL fans all around the world we love y’all we appreciate you all thank y’ all so much for tuning in cannot wait to see you on Monday as we break down everything that is happening during team OTAs deces peace thank you so much for watching if you guys enjoyed the show don’t forget to hit that Thumbs Up Button folks And subscribe to the channel if you hit that notification Bell you’ll get notified every single time we go live or make a video here on BET us TV also do not forget to check out more Sports content over at bet us thank you guys so much for watching can’t wait to see you guys again soon [Music]


  1. Man most divisions don't ever get nearly 40 wins. You might think td is lowballing but only 6 or so teams get more than 11 wins in the nfl

  2. Dolphins always get 2nd in the division. Always enough for a few tough opponents but not top of the division. We're stuck here man. We're not getting third, not getting first. It's purgatory lol

  3. On paper 📜 what the heck, Vegas isn't sold on the jets, even though I think Buffalo & jets both make the playoffs out of the AFC East. The mob 🤌🤌🇮🇹🇮🇹🤜🤛💯🦬🦬🦬💯 📰🗞️ Is Aaron Rodgers is he really serious that's the biggest issue he's a Substance abuser no offense. Drake may is a Baker Mayfield, it not crazy to say dolphins miss the playoffs this year to.

  4. GUYS TUA IS A GROWN FAMILY MAN he makes his grown man decision for his family so he will ball out this year,GOD SAY SO🎉🎉🎉.

  5. I’m a pretty diehard Bills fan, but y’all take NFL football way too seriously! 😒 It’s just a game guys. Should have no real substance in our lives

  6. If I miss a show I try and come in and watch the next day or whenever I get a chance. Work and kids take most of my time. Football and travel take up the rest😁

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