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2024 OTB Open | MPO R1F9 | Keith, McMahon, Barela, Orum | Jomez Disc Golf

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Thank you for watching JomezPro Disc Golf tournament coverage of the MPO feature cards first round at the 2024 OTB Open.

Card: Emerson Keith, Eagle McMahon, Anthony Barela, Matt Orum
Course: Swenson Park | Stockton, CA
BigBarri Commentary: Paul “Uli” Ulibarri & Zach Melton

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Front 9 Chapters
00:00 Start
02:39 HOLE 1
07:32 HOLE 2
12:17 HOLE 3
16:14 HOLE 4
22:30 HOLE 5
26:19 HOLE 6
32:40 HOLE 7
36:11 HOLE 8
40:50 HOLE 9

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from the Prairies of Kansas to the coasts of California our tour has arrived out west the Port Town of Stockton May differ from the bay but there’s no doubt the home of OTB reflects a California state of mind and underneath the sunshine lies our first test out west Swenson Park a bomber course re iring power and accuracy will we see a return to Victory from former Champions three time Champion paig Pier or can those on the brink this year finally break out one thing is certain Victory this week will require only the best the 2024 OTB open Starts Now hello everyone and welcome to the 2024 OTB open presented by MVP discs I’m Paul ulber I’m joining with Zach Melton this is stop 8 of 18 Zach how you doing newcomer to the booth baby dude I’m pretty excited I feel like I’ve just got called up to the big leagues man like I’m up to the show so hopefully I don’t blow it and get sent back down you know what I mean I know what you mean man but we got a sweet sale going on here uh we got some cicas that are back in stock right here these bad boys so make sure you go to Jes to check those out we also have some new t-shirts right here West Coast Swing these are sweet these are actually long sleeve bad boys make sure you go check those things out if you want to get some new merch from us really helps out let’s get right into the players though our featured card is stacked who we got Zach dude Emer daddy Emerson Keith raining champ I know he was excited to get back here and kind of prove himself again absolutely and of course we got another Superstar here with Matt or Shades down Fairway hits up 75% that’s always going to get the job done especially on an open course out here a little return of Eagle man what do you think about his game right now dude the eagle is back I’m excited to see him throw kind of see how he looks and then rounding out the card we have Anthony Bella doing it all kinds of different ways 86% in the circle that’s going to help him especially since he gets a lot of looks a lot of looks forand backand a lot of looks yeah let’s run into whole one right here par three 475 ft to start off the round nothing really in the way you have out of bounds on the right hand side that you kind of got to worry about but these guys are going to go Hiser and try to skip it under these three trees somehow get to circle’s Edge maybe make a putt some of them will have the power to be able to slide something in that thick grass and maybe get a look inside the circle yeah it seems like the left side of the Fairway is a little pinched right side’s a little more open so a lot of people are kind of swinging It Wide bringing it back in so watch Ganon with a little check in first to see if he can get his round started there’s that wide Heiser yeah typical little circles Edge look right there yeah not a bad start though especially when you can putt like this guy dude I feel like he can throw that same putt from like 150 fet like it just doesn’t change it looks exact same Emerson Kei I loved watching Emerson’s interview before tournament started he said yeah you know coming in here and getting The Vibes I was feeling a little nervous but then he said you know what I’m good enough I think I can repeat that’s a mindset of a champion he gets this one flat heading towards those three little turn okay oh wow he went deep pretty sure that’s that same red Destroyer he was jamming with in Vegas last week Matt that’s right he’s coming off of a nice little finish over there in Vegas little low out of the hand see if he gets the skip one thing about this place is the grass is kind of thick around the greens so there’s not a lot of Skips yeah for a golf course I feel like you don’t get a lot of those 30 40 50 SKS like you kind of need to to land the disc a little closer than normal is this Eagle’s first shot or a tournament back so he played the Champions Cup um I I feel like he was a little rusty there he didn’t do his best so he’s definitely going to be coming into this tournament trying trying to do something at least solid you know gain the Reps back I can’t imagine wood being first tournament back a nightmare so tough the gaps are so small seriously Anthony burella I feel like this is a dream course for him he had a solid showing last year at this event gets this one h high and that scoots into about 25 ft that’s a good little spot money start Ado’s got that little frog hop right here man I just normal one right there pulls it a little bit to the right sometimes he really gets into it yeah he’s been working those record judges since I gave him a pair last year and then Paige’s dad Doug gave him a bunch of them I love E’s putt oh my God so smooth effortless I wish I could putt like that off to the left side kind of a timid looking putt it really was which isn’t his style he usually jams them in there o and then AB off to the left too yeah I’ve been so impressed with Anthony’s putting this year it seems like it’s had a a really good Pace compared to years’s past where he kind of just fired it and it was either feast or famine and that’s a three putt in the circle for Emison not like him no definitely not the start he wanted rain and champ coming back even Maddie has a little extra what dang there’s something wrong with this basket Eagle took all the juice out of it you’re never going to see that I mean this has got to be the first time I’ve ever seen a starting hole where there was five Miss putts in the circle yeah that was bizarre has to be the first time this year everybody’s been playing so good yeah you can’t miss those anymore you can’t well I don’t think you ever could but you could get away with it a little bit I feel like they almost cost more than a stroke now you know a circle one miss it’s almost like 2 three everyone’s so good it just every stroke matters a lot yeah that’s a great point all right take us through hole number two Zach what do we got here um so we’ve got I think a pretty common theme for Swinson it’s a low ceiling t-shot uh you want to push it as far as you can got to keep it in the Fairway there’s a little OB left running the whole way and then you have some natural OB to the right and then also the green is low ceiling it kind of sets up for the forehand approach that left to right uh if you’re throwing a backend approach you’re going to have to keep it even lower um approaching straight at it try to get a little slide in to the green really cool green nice and protected beautiful tough par 4 absolutely little Mando on the right there that keeps people from doing the Hiser and that’s the tough one does that stay in bounds no oh man probably worst case scenario be going with the low sidearm flip up it needs a Sit though yeah ride is okay but it kind of pinches the the approach a little bit yeah he might have to do another one of those I feel like this course favors the forehand a decent amount yeah Power forehand for sure yeah not like a little pitch forand but if you can push it out to high 300s over 400 ft and I was there is a sneaky little heer rout I’m wondering if that’s what Matt yeah madd’s going to try it but it’s it that Mando gets in your head I remember throwing it in practice and then seeing it in the tournament and I was like oh no that’s not even an option today yeah I’m sure practice most people didn’t even worry about the M then you get on the te you’re like do I really want to go that way exactly Eagle that’s that’s going to be bogey at at best he’s going to have to earn it from back there the good thing about hitting and just being in the middle you can then air it out a bit and and kind of get within two 250 ft yeah kind of play for like an easier par right I was surprised nobody went with the roller option off the T I feel like that’s open but it also has a uh look at this shot though oh my gosh get under doesn’t that that Guardian right there that Branch does a really good job of blocking all kinds of good shots from coming in you really have to be precise with how high or low you you throw this disc yeah I think it’s a really really well-designed green oh look out good do good dodging there yeah deep but still Circle one look e go from about I would say 300 feet yeah I’ve been interested to see how his forehand looks I know he’s had some issues with the shoulder and everything and it’s not what it used to be but it still looked pretty smooth there money this is a fast green if Emerson puts the full want on this one and misses there we could be bad but he doesn’t drops one in from about 55 ft that’s a real quick way to erase a bad mistake on ho one yeah I think that putt was longer than all of his putts on whole one combined like it’s just disc golf man and there’s there’s the right stroke there from Anthony about the same distance he’s back yeah gets it to fall down I feel like if you can the first two holes if you can be one under you’re doing pretty dang good whole three is actually tricky we’ll get to that in a second oh for sure good clean up there that’s so clean it really is he barely throws that thing and goes forever he’s throwing super stable into there and that’s like 350 out yeah yeah so whole three has this mandatory on the right SI changed up a bit from last year that mandatory really makes it tough you got to go right down this gut right here with a mandatory on your left too so you can’t go wide side arm you can’t go wide higher you got to just throw a dart right down the middle depending on the Wind can really make it tricky right to left right here genon going with a flex shot that is not too good didn’t look like he had enough shank on that shank and flex and he did not look Happ yet no I don’t know what was wrong but guess what though he can putt from everywhere yeah dang he almost missed the Mando it was right on that so what’s tough about this when you have this right to left cross wind it’s hard to throw a Hiser flip you really want to pinch it off to the left side but you feel like maybe that wind’s going to pull you to the left and then that’s a typical Miss trying to make sure you have enough room on the right side yeah trying to throw that Hiser flip and expose the bottom of the disc with that crosswind it’s just tricky and Emerson squeezes it on the right side I’m not sure if that’s what he was trying but that we get into the circle yeah that’s a great result could be what he was trying if it is hats off cuz that’s a tight line you normally see people try to flex it this is early that’s okay cuz you can get some bad ricochets off of these and then get yourself into Big Time trouble here yeah especially with that late Mando yeah e going with the Heiser flip sidearm I don’t mind that play get yourself out to the right give yourself a look it’s definitely one that you want to get but when you get to it it it tightens up it does especially with the way the wind was crossing today probably the worst case scenario wind makes it play a little more difficult exactly and with those offsetting trees makes it got pretty small they found a they found a Woods Hole yeah in the wide open the designer did a really good job of making it that way that’s hard to do I think that would that was kind of a little bitsky from him I think so I think he’s gotten used to this little spinny backhand guy there you go yeah you were right that first putt he had was a little timid cost him two but now backto back putts finds himself one under par which now getting to my old point if you’re under par after the first three you’re feeling pretty good cuz now coming in these next holes are are very getable for this this crew that we have on this card about five six holes yeah distance definitely helps whole one kind of tricks you into feeling like there’s some air space on the course and then immediately after it’s like low ceiling low ceiling tight Gap weather’s great out here though it’s going to be this way all week a little Breezy on this course is that’s typical what is the simplest way to improve your disc golf game the answer learn from the very best Paul ulber Simon lazat Ezra AER hold and Holland Handley they’re not just players they are your Elite coaches guiding you every step of the way the power dis Golf Academy is the Premier online Disc Golf Academy with over 150 ond demand lessons that are specifically designed to improve your skills right now so what are you waiting for join today at powerd all right what do we got here uh what is this hole four um let’s see out into the Fairway kind of a big shot it’s par five really long hole over 1,000 ft this I got to see see this whole in person today it’s way more difficult than it looks on video for sure you need distance on the first two and then you still have a tight approach into this green yeah I feel like it’s one of the harder holes to get as long as you get past that green on the left and you have a decent t-shot par is easy yeah but birdie is extra difficult here easy to par hard to birdie hemerson just getting the full treatment on this one he burns it over a little bit but that’s fine to be out there in the Fairway now he has a decision does he want to try to push it past the green or lay it up to the right yeah looks like a little bit of that Crossman probably got on top of that disc when it made it out Anthony knows oh wait I throw it farther than everybody I just need to get it to the opening and then I’m going to send it to the moon that’s the most casual 400ft flick I’ve ever seen right he looks so casual and this wind is tricky you’re going to see all these discs mtio somehow gets it to flex out but if you notice he’s not going to be that much farther than the other two on the right no it’s hard to get past those trees but that’s definitely far enough though Yep this is another play not too bad no I feel like that had to be a stable disc the way it reacted and kind of held cut but it’s probably far enough he throws far enough that he can bite off on the second shot I think there’s a big right to left win that we’re not seeing as well which is why Emerson’s once it got over didn’t want to come out what we all love to see roller oh oh my gosh so good oh my God that jumped the spotter he had to duck and he hit the tree that is just so far yeah that’s great is this going to come out oh it’s panning that’s so big my gosh are right I forgot like luckily we’ve been able to see Anthony all year throw those shots and we’ve been missing those big shots from Eagle I feel like the only person who can kind of stand up to ab’s power you know yeah kind of forget when people are injured and you don’t see him on the you know the tour every week and Emerson great roller that’s a like 164 G Star Beast he he played a practice round with James Conrad watched him throw like seven rollers and went into like found a use beat at Frisbee and it’s like I can throw a roller too this is very understable this is what you can’t do once you get it over there low ceiling you’re not getting birdie yeah Birdie’s gone this is I mean roller it is possible yeah very diff difficult we should say and he is going with that play but I just don’t see that working out for him as far as a birdie play he did go long which is hard to do but yeah he was in a tough spot that angle was kind of pinched over there from the right so now they have like a low Hiser oh he’s going turnover turnover okay maybe a little farther than I think for them yeah it’s got to be a little further cuz it if it was in that 400t range I feel he would have thrown the forehand Emerson’s got a good forehand and Anthony going with the turnover as well I I just feel like there’s an accessible Hiser down down to the right especially with the right to left wind it’ll kind of push you in there but yeah it’s low ceiling but if you hit the Gap and don’t perf it that wind would help it get to the pin oh man that must be nice it is nice yeah that’s I also forgot that Eagle’s throwing MVP discs yeah it’s been a minute oh no that’s a bad reaction he definitely didn’t want to flutter that into that bra Branch I feel like if he didn’t even hit the branch though he’s going to have work left yeah I agree can ammy find another bomb Oh Boy Oh I thought he did it Emerson’s one of those guys I feel like you’re just always pulling for him yeah watching them on coverage easy stuff from there that’s what we’re saying and you don’t really have to be in position to get a par here one inch low he would definitely love to throw that jump uput again mhm you go 4 in low the worst is the one in low because you think it’s in the whole time and then it’s just not yeah and then it just clunks yeah when it comes out of your hand it’s going to hit like the bottom of the cage you you know you there’s no there’s no disguising exactly kind of underwhelming for her feature card here on a par five yep you would think that one at least one person would have an inside the circle look especially with eagle Emerson AB all being in pretty good position after two yeah Mio kind of out of position twice and still had the easy par like you said now whole five has all kinds of different options it’s a par 4 586 so short par 4 but these are all artificial Lakes so where you see the yellow flags there those are all going to be Hazard areas if you land in there you got to throw from there with a stroke and then they tuck this pin in a pretty good area guarded by all kinds of different trees so you got all kinds of different places you got big anheiser over the top you got roller I’ve even seen people play straight to the left and Tred to just have about a 400t shot in this crushed is it going to flip please flip wow that’s so good though it’s left but it’s probably pin High that’s so good yeah he’s got a short approach in there Mato going just Sky Annie or is this a roller play sky an Sky Annie that’s not that’s that’s not bad at all no probably under 300 feet to the pan so high it’s just out of frame immediately yep oh and it’s flexing oh my goodness so these guys are trying to get there yeah I bet they all were probably hoping for an eagle look if they executed their shot is this going to hold I think that’s the issue is you get it high enough you need it to hold and not come out cuz there is OB left he’s going to find it yeah easy par from there though it’s not what he’s looking for I I think I think all these guys like you said if they execute their shot they’re going to have a try to get a two-piece on this Ado though routine you yeah you throw a great drive here and it’s and it’s pretty easy but they did a good job of making you throw a really highly technical Power Shot over the top or roller and I think HS that some of these guys can go for eagle or fun and there’s still some some danger you can’t just throw it anywhere as Anthony learned yep easy peasy all right these are the ones you got to make get to Red figures y yep it’s probably the goal when you go for the big t- shot hoping to get an eagle look but as long as you don’t throw it out of bounds should be a pretty easy birdie hopefully Emerson gets the two under see that’s tied for look like 20 second so under par on this course is good it’s great it’s it’s scorable but you don’t see like 15 and 16 unders it’s definitely challenging that par for Anthony probably feels like a bogey on that hole well without a doubt yeah we see a few people coming in with five for five Calvin and MC Beth few four for fives whole six we have another par 5,000 ft um I think what’s important with this hole is to get the t-shot a little left kind of set up through here so then you can again bite off a lot of distance and I think left is good again um hopefully traveling kind of through this Gap here and then at the end you’ve got it a little to the right on this hill under this tree I think it seems like if you if you get right off the t-shot kind of makes it low ceiling kind of hard to to gain distance little check in here with MC Beth we saw his fast start now he’s on hole six going with the r roller looks like it flipped a little bit on him see what he has left crowd likes it yeah I was like it’s still going apparently they love anything this guy does yeah it’s true was that a eagle look I think so oh that’s that’s awesome and and this one’s tricky too right here on this look because it it’s seems like he’s parked but the basket actually sits over the little Ridge there and so even 25-footers they’re they play a little bit farther and there’s there’s OB on the back side of the green too Emerson generates so much power for a little guy mhm small build man he gets it done and that’s in a perfect spot right there right underneath the branch into that opening that you described rollers can be the play here as well but the win was not favorable for that shot but when it is you can get rollers way down there and that’s how you get those Eagle looks so I’m curious because we saw Eagle try it on the first part five will he do it again no he’s like no thanks I’ll throw my mid-range up here yeah all right little low and this is going to be too high he’s going to catch that Guardian bush tree yeah if he had that had that lower under those limbs that probably would have went like 100 ft out that Gap now he’s throwing it too high again yeah and he’s still going to have some sort of look into the green it’s going to be tough because the low ceiling you want to stay away from the right side that’s the problem you get over here you get on that right side and it’ll just keep it’ll keep having you throw these low ceilings that looked like a pretty bad misfire from Eagle I don’t know if he’s trying to land a roller or what but Emerson stay away from the those guys I was just saying that if you get through it though they’re just they’re not listening to you they’re not listening he’s going to have a wide open look into the green that’s a good shot there for Merson what in the world big high Flex Shot yeah he’s going to catch those trees e going over everything this looks like it’s going to be a little bit left yeah just outside the circle that’s a tough putt little short that putt plays further than it looks for sure big pet peeve I have is when they don’t have a flag on top of the dang basket cuz then as a commentator you don’t know where that wind’s coming from yeah I’m looking for banners all over the place okay tough putt he definitely had a makeable shot with his forehand just seems like he’s a little off on this hole on every throw man he’s got a mid-range or a putter in that’s a good sign yeah that’s a good throw silky smooth go yeah great being passive those treeson to is so good on this Hall good bid good touch okay it’s a left to right wind we know what’s happening left to right wind makes this putt right here for Maddie a little easier catches it drops it right in the corner there must have been a left or right it kind of pushed it to the right side Emerson okay three under now with a bogey he’s heating up yeah barel stagnant through six even par he’s got to start getting something going as we saw MC Beth Calvin 5 through five being even you don’t want to spot those guys five shots ever scratch that let’s say six for six for those two so spottin them six Strokes no bueno whole seven par 3364 see those reads on the right you got to carry water the whole way and get past those bad boys you can throw a straight shot but it’s highly technical there’s usually a right to left wind coming off that water and then there’s a green to the left as well so if you throw a staly shot it can bite you on the left hand side for being a par three man this one’s tricky yeah that crosswind makes it hard to keep that disc flat and not have it flip towards the water like this I mean this is just as good as they make them oh that’s so good oh man I have so much um PTSD from this hole M mine’s Heering towards that green every time baby dude Emon I uh walked a practice around with them yesterday and he said he was going to throw at 30t left and and just try to make the putt so he definitely lied but that was that was a great shot that’s what I say I say aim to the right with a Hiser disc if you pull it you park it if you don’t you get that 35 45f footer yeah this is just a highly technical shot that Matt arm threw lot of trust with a stable disc over that water yeah he started that with a little anheiser so that had to be a stable frisbee I mean this kind of looks awful to me but does it have the distance to catch those and then just drop down for a butt yeah that’s good I don’t think that’s what he was trying honestly don’t I don’t see a stall heer flip the anheiser side AR working if he has just thrown it into the those limbs for a putt he’s a mad man for sure and this is going to be on that left hand side where we’re talking about down yeah that’s okay that grass is so grabby yeah hard to get one over there onto that green really so Eagle was farther away than I thought yeah the catch cam angle made it look like he hit the limbs and dropped down at like 25 but may didn’t want any part of it this is a tough green to run long putts on slope towards that OB good clean up Emerson just in the bullseye man you don’t you don’t see that his a mat strives back to back I feel like maybe you see one birdie out of a group on this hole but okay little Annie out of the hand gets himself to two wonder I’m wondering when Calvin and Paul are going to stop birding six through six man like whole whole four is tough yeah all three is tough I was going to say about half of them are not easy birdies yeah one what not okay they slowed down they’re human yeah they played to that left side they’re padding that score yeah all right ho 8 par 4 828 low ceiling through here this is one of the tougher gets on the whole course man you you got to get it way left off off your drive and then you don’t really have much into here you it’s one of those Dealers Choice once you get into position you got to just kind of see what you got try to throw it over this green on the right get in position I feel like with a few of these guys they can get into a spot where they can maybe throw the highs or second shot but you got to get so dang far and if you come up a little short there’s that little Hazard area that that catches the the short approaches the good thing is is deep is safe It’s just tough to get deep this is the way you get way left is there’s a little uh cart path area if you hit that spot you’ll get the skip if you don’t hit that spot you’re not getting any skip yeah but like maybe 20 ft that hits 3 ft to the left he he’s about 80 shy where he just ended up here’s this low Beamer let’s see if he gets that skip see that nothing he didn’t listen I feel like this is another hole that oh man that’s so far this is another hole that par is easy as long as you get like 250 ft off the te par is kind of easy and Birdie’s just really hard yeah and the only way you can really bogey it is by trying to get the birdie you know yeah yeah Anthony’s shot is not ideal but I would be surprised if he didn’t take a par at worst well the only way you get a bogey is by trying to get the bird so here he goes oh no he hits the Tall Pine and from there he’s got 200 feet into the green it’s not not that bad yeah I actually heard some guys were trying to turn over off the teapad to get to this area and then kind of throw this back door Heiser um seems tough looks like Mato is just like ah I just want the par lay up to the right Emerson see you get into if you get far enough to the left off the T you can throw this in and it makes the hole pretty easy but that you don’t see that because you have to hit that path Eagle can just power it there there’s like five guys in the world who could get an air shot to get all the way over there and you can see he I don’t know what he would what just happened I don’t know that was weird he had like a Hiser approach and he threw a turnover I don’t know I ain’t going to question him but I’m questioning him yeah maybe he just likes that putt from 80 ft long back there think that made it over should be safe yeah it’s hard to tell it did look a little fluffy Ado this looks better and maybe Eagle was just trying to go deep no that kind of looked like that Simon like wobble putt the little dad put he talks about kind of brought it out here that one year his first win mhm it’s making all kinds of those yeah this is not a gimme left it to circle’s Edge it was a bit fluffy it was Fluffy but he cashed it putts look so good this year it’s fun to see him put it together I feel like we’ve I know you’ve known AB longer than any of us but I’ve seen him since like 2015 yeah you we’ve always known he’s got it it’s just he’s got to get that consistent Puck going that’s the biggest change I’ve seen too is him being able to knock down those 25 Footers over and over and over again even 30-footers you know just inside the circle under pressure those are the ones that win your tournaments down the stretch all these great shots long shots eventually the disc golf course is going to give you a 30-footer that you got to make to stay in control yeah or to keep up with someone or put the pressure or whatever it may be hold on we got a par 4 767 ft you have a little OB kind of like River looking area you got to clear you want to end up in this tunnel of trees and then you should have an approach straight at this basket with a little water carry at the end got some like tall reads on the other side uh pretty cool hole you don’t have to throw the furthest to birdie it but you got to put it in position yeah this is one of my favorite holes on tour I think this is just a fantastic hole the way that the Fairway shapes makes you have to bend something and there’s usually a headwind so if you bend too much you can kind of slide down the way a disc likes to fly down that OB line it makes you makes you worry and question yourself yeah the further you throw the shot the longer it carries OB which is kind of unique this is the shape that you want but if it gets on Heiser it doesn’t soft skip that’s going to be prime yeah I almost hammered oh my stable they did tighten it up on the left hand side so if you want to like if you’re not feeling the turnover and you throw something a little too stalled out you can get to the ob deep left AB turns this over that’s a nice shape that’s good stuff never looked out of control just a little bend on it then let the disc stable back so Emerson’s probably 410 420 to the pin yeah this looks way back there he needs to get over those oh no yeah and that was going to be all over the bucket but those reads really keep you honest and that big tree on the right you want to throw like a little Heiser is shot but those kind of block it a little bit make you throw more straight at the pin it’s good shot there for Mato that’s typical cuz you want to stay in front of those trees on the right even though he he didn’t really have the Hiser play yeah you’re going to see a lot of people end up left yeah he was never in danger maybe just going with the and he goes putter but it flips up straight I think he wanted that to stay on Heiser the left to right crosswind kept them kept them straight yeah it was a little Gusty at times wasn’t that windy but occasionally it could kind of pick up on a shot yeah once you get into the last like couple holes and it really kind of picks up on 17 it’s always seems like it’s a hurricane always just cuz we’re thrown over water that’s a good shot there from Eagle a good t- shot will let you bring a mid-range or putter into the basket which is what you’re looking for yeah I think it plays a little downhill as you cross this is too high that cross one’s going to help it a little bit though and drop drop it straight down y little mtio hop right here see if you can connect get to three under oh you just cannot miss hide you’ll skip right off the top of these baskets yeah there’re like RAC trcks up there that ain’t going to work no not the sharp Anthony we’ve seen this season so far and that ain’t going to work baskets don’t catch that low no not usually no it’s tough got to get it up okay another low one but that one sneaks over just high enough that’ll get equal to two under which isn’t bad at any point any of these guys can go on five or six in a row we saw Emerson do it after the first little hiccup on hole one yeah then he got some green on the card pops a little red on there but this course does provide those little swings without a doubt we see MC Beth at seven under par KRA dollan as well 7 through nine heimberg I mean there’s people are scoring on that front nine back nine I feel like gets a little tougher it does it does I mean it sets up I think the back nine if you have a forehand power forand there’s some birdies to be had but there’s also a lot of trouble too absolutely well we appreciate you coming in and listening to us make sure you come and check us out on the back n thank you to the founders Club catch you on the back n I do do


  1. I'm not sure who the commentarter guy next to Zach is but maybe get Vinny with Zach. The other guy with Zach is alright too

  2. The "Jawbreaker Z-FLX Cicada" looks sweet. But I can't wait till Innova's Halo-G-Star-Champion-Eagle comes out! 🙃 Also I heard Prodigy has a 300-400-500-750-ProFlex-Glow D3 in the works!

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