Golf Players

Scottie Scheffler addresses his morning before the 2nd Round of the PGA Championship I CBS Sports

World No. 1 Scottie Scheffler addressed the media following a 5-under 66 at Valhalla Golf Club. Scheffler was arrested in the early morning before beginning his round.


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good afternoon Scotty thank you for joining us uh before we open up for questions is there anything you’d like to say to start um yeah yeah first of all you know my sympathies go out to the family Mr Mills um I I can’t imagine what what they’re going through this morning um you know he one day he’s heading to the golf course and to watch a tournament and um you know few moments later he’s trying to cross the street and uh now he’s no longer with us so I can’t can’t imagine what they’re going through my my heart you know I feel for them I’m sorry my my situation will get handled it was just a uh it was a it was a chaotic situation and a big uh big misunderstanding and um I can’t can’t comment any of the specifics of it so I feel like yall are going to be disappointed but um can’t comment any specifics but my situation will be handled it was just a uh just a big misunderstanding so if y’all got any questions about the golf today I’m happy to answer him but outside of that I can’t really get into what what transpired outside of you know my heart goes out to the family thanks Scotty we’ll open up for questions now starting with Marty on Mike two how do you encapsulate everything that happened to you today I I I don’t really know I feel like my head’s still spinning I I can’t really explain what happened this morning um I did spend some time stretching in a jail cell that was the first for me you know that was part of my warmup I was just sitting there waiting and you know I started going through my warmup I felt like there was a chance of May able to still come out here and play and so I started going through my routine I tried to get my heart rate down as much as I could today but like I said you know I still feel like my head spinning a little bit but um yeah I was fortunate to be able to make it back out and play some golf today here on one Scotty what was it like even making the decision to continue to compete today and shifting Focus to the task at hand and coming out and shooting 5 under yeah well like I said it was just a just a huge misunderstanding this morning that that’ll get resolved I think fairly quickly and um yeah I mean I I came here for a golf tournament I was I was driving in this morning trying to get to my my warm-up time um um and get ready for for the round of golf you know I didn’t really have an understanding of what what had transpired this morning um and you know my main focus after you know getting arrested was you know wondering if I could be able to come back out here and play and you know fortunately I was able to do that and um yeah it was nice to to put together a solid a solid round today for sure Dan on 17 it seemed like the crowds were really behind you and your fellow players kind of rallied around you did you feel the support out there today from your community yeah I I I really did it was it was it was really nice the fans were were tremendous today you know I felt like they were cheering extra loud for me today and it was I mean I really do I know sometimes you can’t really see it on my face but I really do enjoy playing in front of the fans um the support I’ve been getting the last few months out here has been tremendous and I’m I’m really grateful for it Dylan on 18 how long did it take before the golf felt normal or did it feel normal at any point once you got out there um yeah I probably took took a few holes to feel normal you know obviously I didn’t have my normal my normal warmup and I’m a pretty uh I usually stick to my routine um I’m a big routine guy especially when it comes to my preparation but it it took a few holes to settle in and um you know it was It was kind of nice just to be out there inside the ropes competing you know it’s it’s one of my favorite things in the world to do and so I was fortunate to be able to come out here and do it again today right here mark on four Scotty we’ve come to know you as a pretty unflappable person out here not affected by a lot of stuff can you describe how rattled you were when you were and you just referenced you know being in a jail cell and whatnot just describe that mindset and how surreal that was for you yeah I was I was I was pretty rattled to say the least um you know I the the officer that took me to the um to the jail was was very kind he was great um you know he had a nice chat in the car that kind of helped calm me down and I was sitting there waiting to kind of go in I I asked him I was like Hey excuse me can you just come can you just come hang out with me for a few minutes so I can calm down and uh you know my I was I was never you know angry I was just in shock and I think my body was just I was shaking the whole time I was shaking for like an hour it was it was definitely a new feeling for me and he came out and we had a nice chat and then the the officers inside the jail were tremendous a couple of them made some jokes I think when they figured out you know who I was and what happened and you know how I ended up there you know they uh this one this one older officer looked at me as I was doing like my fingerprints or whatever and he he looks at me he goes so do you want the full experience today and I kind of looked at him I was like I don’t know how to answer that he’s like come on man you want a sandwich and I was like sure I’ll I’ll take a sandwich I didn’t eat breakfast yet and so I mean they were really kind I I’m I’m grateful to have uh I’m grateful that we have you know such strong police and you know they’re there are protectors out there and you know like I said we just got into a chaotic situation this morning that’s really all it was Mike six Jim thanks Scotty in terms of the ability to compartmentalize how difficult was that challenge for you today once you got on the on the course yeah like I said you know my body was I was shaking you know almost I would say in shock and In Fear And so um coming out here and trying to play today was definitely a challenge but I did my best to you know control my mind control my breathing and uh you know basically just calm down so I come out here and try and play golf you know I knew there was going to be a lot of distractions but I didn’t really know what the reception would be like and um to be honest with you it was it was great having the fans behind me you know they cheered for me really loud it was I felt like they were really really glad to have me out competing today and um you know it was it was uh it was a nice day to come out here and compete over to Doug on five is there any concern I mean it’s been a a huge rush from you know 6 o’ this morning that when you have the afternoon and you have the night to kind of process this how it will affect you going into the weekend um you know I’m going to go back to my my normal routine now you know I’m I may go practice to touch this afternoon depending on my energy levels after I eat and then I’ll probably go into the gym go through my movements and then see my trainer and um go home and get some rest so as far as the rest of the week goes I’m you know I’m going to do my best to kind of continue to calm down from this morning you know continue to get my heart rate down and uh yeah get ready for uh for a long weekend what was I’m just curious what was your level of concern that that you wouldn’t make it back out here today what was going through your head I mean I I didn’t really know I was just so confused at what was happening at the time that you know I I didn’t know what time it was I didn’t know what was going on but um when I was sitting in like the the holding cell or whatever I was there was a TV there and I could see myself on the TV on ESPN and it was get up was on and so in the corner it showed the time and it said they were delayed and I was kind of thinking about my ton I was like well maybe you know I I could be able to get out you know the the officers downstairs and uh you know they were they were discussing how long it was going to take me to get released you know obviously you have to go through all all the due process and everything and um you know I was able to kind of see a bit of the TV and you know then I laid down and then I started to stretch a little bit once I got my heart rate down a little bit up to Mike 16 uh Scotty did you did it ever cross your mind with you shaking stuff that um voluntarily not playing today and maybe going home or and and uh yeah did I ever cross your mind not really no did any members of your team tell you anything today to like calm you down just kind of reset before you went out um yeah like I said I was I was in shock and so I was I was shaking and it took me a little while you know in the car on the way over here to kind of calmed down but my manager was in the car and two two gentlemen from the from the club were were in the car with me um and yeah we were able to to talk have a nice chat um you know they were uh I mean I’m not really going to get into the details of that either but um yeah I was able to have a nice chat there I got here gave my mom and dad a hug you know my uh my coach Randy was there Blake was there you know my whole team was was there for me you know in a moment where I really needed them uh especially to like I said I I was I was in such shock at what was happening that I think you know I really I didn’t I didn’t stop shaking for a while just because it was it was a chaotic situation and uh yeah my team I I I leaned on them pretty heavily this morning to kind of get me into the right frame of mind to where I could go out and play right back here to Mike 14 Scotty with with your ability to focus on the course was it actually a relief that you had around to play I I think for sure it was nice to be able to get inside the ropes and do what I love to do you know I love competing out here on tour I love playing the major champion ship and um you know I’ve I’ve kept myself in the tournament now with a pretty chaotic day and so I’m going to go from here and focus on getting some rest and recovery and getting ready for uh for a grind the last two days and um we’ll see how the leaderboard shakes out but um yeah hopefully I won’t be too far back going in it tomorrow back to Mar at two I imagine the last thing you thought you’d be doing this morning was sitting in the back of a cop car cuffed within the shock and the fear and the confusion of that moment what do you recall were some of the things that were spinning and racing through your mind I was just I mean I was just really confused I was do my best to to uh to diffuse the situation really um and yeah I was just sitting there just trying to remain as calm as possible like I said it was it was pretty chaotic with what had happened this morning I mean once again you know I can’t imagine what the what the family’s going through um but like I said I was do my best to to diffuse whatever was going on and so I was just sitting there in the back of the car just listening to the police officer as you know he’s trying to figure out who I am figure out my name um they were trying to find me in the system but there was something wrong with my with going across state lines with the social security number and stuff like that so it was all around it was a very very confusing and chaotic situation but you know I did my best to just follow instructions and um do as I was told as I was sitting there handcuffed up to Mike 18 Scot did you ever say to someone this morning like I’m Scotty Sher no um when when they got me out of the car I you know I uh it like I said it was very chaotic and you know I said I’m sorry I’m just trying to get to my tea time and outside of that it was then it just things you know escalated from there I did you know numerous apologies and whatever but like I said it was it was chaotic it’s dark it’s raining you know there’s a lot of stuff going on they they just had an accident I didn’t know what had happened at the time other than there was an accident I didn’t know know that it was it was fatal and um yeah like I said my heart goes out to the family but no at no point did I did I try to name drop myself to diffuse the situation I just tried to remain as calm as possible and um you know just follow instructions over to Mike nine and what point did you feel as if you were definitely going to make your tea time or there would be some kind of exception made um I didn’t really feel like I would make my tea time until one of the officers at the jail came by my holding cell and knocked on the window said let’s go and uh he said get ready and I like in motion like this to start rolling out my mat and so then I poked my head at the TV and I was like oh I might might be able to get there we’ll see how bad you know the traffic is getting in and out but like I said I’m just sitting there I don’t really know what’s going on I don’t really know what was going on out here I didn’t know how long the delay was I mean at the time I couldn’t even remember what my original tea time was so I was just trying to do my best to stay calm and when they you know when they took me out and we got in the car on the way here figured it was ready to play and my manager asked me if I wanted to and I was like of course and then we just came here and got ready to go play got time for one more we’ll go up to Mike 19 scy just on the detail how long were you actually in the cell for and in the context of everything else where among the sort of best rounds of your career would be a 66 after getting arrested yeah I I couldn’t tell you how long I was in there uh you know you don’t have access to I wasn’t wearing a watch or didn’t have access to my phone so I didn’t really I couldn’t tell you how long I was in there but um like I said the the officers at the jail were were tremendous you know I’m very grateful for you know the people that serve you know all of us across the nation and um as far as best rounds of my career I would say it was it was pretty it was pretty good you know I I I definitely never imagined ever going to jail and I definitely never imagined going to jail the morning before uh know one of my tea times for sure but um yeah like I said I was I was grateful to be able to go out there and compete you know um and yeah it was definitely it was it was a nice round of golf my heart goes out to the family um but outside of that yeah I’m glad to be out here competing doing what I love thanks for your time Scotty thank you


  1. It appears this is the kind of world number 1 golf should have. Great golfer and genuinely great role model. Of course he might still have a dozen girlfriends we don't know about but he's looking good at the moment.

  2. Big fan of Scotty but people lets be real, he lost his shit because he put his tee time above the law, drove through a crime scene and injured a police officer and deliberately disobeyed direction from the police who were investigating a fatality, he lost his shit and acted like a fool, they should have kept him in jail for one night to learn a lesson here, instead he is getting praised for his behavior and his golf performance, professional athletes think the whole world revolves around them and they get preferential treatment that we the public do not get. Its concerning how what he did is being brushed off, somebody lost their life that morning. He is lucky he didnt cause another fatality. Hope the golf Gods seek retribution on him this weekend.



  5. Maybe he wouldn’t talk about the arrest, hoping his attorney ask him NOT to! I’m not sue happy person, as our business got sued by a few employees over time. I’d like to think head of PGA would be in touch with Chief of Police in KY. imo, Despite the morning start, he had an amazing round…Go Scottie 👏 👍🤞

  6. Would have been great if Scottie showed up at the first tee in an orange jumpsuit. The PGA would probably have something to say about it, of course.

  7. What an entitled dick! He drags a police officer across the street and he’s joking about it. How many common people would be released from jail to play golf after dragging a police officer. I guess wealth has its perks!

  8. Welcome to the world of black. Except he got to live to tell about it. Some people just should not be officers. I went through some similar in Birmingham at a Garth Brooks concert without the arrest. A lot of officers just make the worst decisions under pressure I don’t k know what Louisville PD has going on

  9. Not a single Black man in America would have had his experience…even while saying the SAME EXACT THING: "I didn't understand what they were saying", "I didn't know I was doing anything wrong", "I was confused", or by simply having their hands up, on the steering wheel, or in their pockets.

    He needs to own his privilege.

  10. What a morning for everyone. This will be something that all golf fans will remember for a good minute. Prayers for the family of the person that tragically passed away this morning. I hope that everything gets worked out as far as his specific incident, and serves as a learning experience for him and his team.

    I’m sure he learned a different type of love towards the game after he was able to go through that experience and grab that driver at the fist tee.

  11. So let me see if I get this, you drive around a barricade run into a police officer that's knocked to the ground and then a few hours later you're playing golf. Oh and you're charged with four felonies. If you're rich and a celebrity rules don't apply to you. Also why is this man still allowed to compete in this golf tournament?

  12. This is the usual cop. They lose control in a chaotic scene because they unprepared and poorly trained and then resort to violence and arrests for petty things. For Scottie it is not a big deal but for working people these charges can lead to being fired not to mention legal fees and battles.

  13. He was doing a good 85 miles an hour and that Netflix documentary. Do likes to drive fast at least that should count for something l.

  14. In a world where turning around, placing your hands together, but a simple tug when you arms and being bent, is “stop resisting”, i don’t care what the cops say.

  15. The trial is a sham. Scottie Sheffler did nothing wrong. The judge and cops are partisan liberal hacks that worked on Joe Biden's campaign. Scheffler is German the judge is English. When you drive a car you have the right to travel according to the Constitution. It's a sham all the way. Scott is a wealthy popular athelete with influence in the PGA. He's golfed with Trump so that's another reason why they are keeping him a political hostage in Biden's corrupt DOJ. SUBOPEANA GARLAND!!!! PGA 2024

  16. I thought we’re supposed to do what the police tell us to do. A man was killed! But the priority is a privileged white guy. Welcome to America.

  17. Obviously attacking him because hes an outspoken Christian. What do you expect in a satanic world.

  18. Obviously attacking him because hes a white Christian conservative. Thats ok. Blessed are those who are persecuted for God and Jesus sake.

  19. 😱It's SCARY to visit this state knowing if they can do this to the NUMBER ONE golfer in the world & the most humble NICEST human being, how WORSE will ordinary folks be treated?

  20. Yea Scott, CNN here, what is it like to be white, and also a criminal like Donald Trump, will you do the right thing and apologize for your privilege and cry for us, just a tear?

  21. I never saw Jack Nicklaus, Arnold Palmer or Tom Watson arrested with a mug shot. Interesting how pro golfer characters have dramatically declined e.g. Tiger Woods, Scottie Scheffler, Dustin Johnson etc.

  22. Every large police department like Louisville has at least one Derek Chauvin like officer ready to immediately act without thinking of the consequences. If I was the police chief, PGA official or Valhalla official I would be asking this arresting officer do you think you could have handled this a little differently than dragging Mr. Sheffler off to jail?

  23. Oh Scottie, Oh Scottie, give me a break. People are arrested everyday, accused of crimes of a more serious nature with less resources than Scottie Scheffler, and with bigger concerns than making a tee time, and go through a trial prior to being released. I'm sure Scottie Scheffler will survive, innocent or not, yet to be determined by law.

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