Golf Players

Hit Your 3 Wood Solid | Avoid These 2 BIG Golf Swing Mistakes

Learn how to hit your fairway woods solid out of any lie on the golf course. This simple step by step drill will show you the 2 major mistakes that amateur golfers make when trying to hit a fairway wood off the tee or off the deck. Golf Instructor Chris Tyler and Jace Ranson demonstrate a drill you can start working on in the comforts of your own home before you start taking it out to the course to attack the par 5s like you’ve always wanted to.

0:00 Intro
1:27 BIG Mistake to avoid
2:11 Step 1 Drill
4:34 Step 1 Refined
5:31 Step 2 Drill
7:05 Step 3 Drill
9:19 Final Swings and thoughts
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today we’re going to learn how to hit Fairway Woods off the deck the right way that’s good cuz I don’t know how to do it well you’re going to today ladies and gentlemen boys and girls welcome back to my golf DNA where today you and I and Jace one of our new instructors here at my golf DNA my golf DNA okay so when it comes to hitting your Fairway Woods there are two very big mistakes that a lot of you make at home that make it almost impossible for you to hit the golf ball out of the center of the club phas now when we have our Fairway Woods in our hands this is one of those things that because it’s got such a shallow face meaning it’s got a really really low profile and it doesn’t have a whole lot of LOF to it is that our subconscious starts to go a little bit crazy and we start to try to help the golf ball in the air with our body and our hands jce let’s show them what that looks like at an impact position that has way too much secondary tilt to their spine so you can see that he gets a lot of stretch in his lead side flank when you hear me say the word lead side flank think about the lead side portion of the body you’re going to hear me say that quite a bit in today’s drill we get to this position much too quickly and when we start to create a lot of this secondary tilt what you have to remember is is that that’s moving the low point back in the swing and on top of that it’s shallowing the swing plane and it’s forcing the hands to start to recover and when your hands start to really get active from this position and you start to create a positive angle of attack on a golf ball where you’re supposed to be hitting down on it then that is a recipe for you to hit a lot of worm burners and worm burners are just not fun so what we’re going to do here is we’re going to help you feel what it’s like to be in the correct position at impact we’re going to give you a step-by-step process that’s going to help you actually burn this into your brain about what you should be feeling with your Fairway Woods or your hybrid so that you can go out there and hit down on it and hit it out of the center of the club face every single time and the beauty about this drill is when we’ve been playing around with it is that you can do it in the Comforts of your own home you can do it on the drive range and if you start practicing it enough you can actually kind of tie it into your pre-shot routine so the next time you’re on a par five and you’ve got a long carryover water and you’re trying to get the golf ball up around the green that you’re not going to fear a bad swing coming out of you you’re going to know exactly what you should be feeling and you’re going to be able to tie that back into a good golf swing and be able to produce really good results let’s go a and take a look at it now so first thing that we’re going to do is we are going to make sure that our stance withd is perfect we don’t want a big wide stance when it comes to our longer clubs I know a lot of you at home have been trained to Go wider and move the ball position forward we’re going to keep our stance width exactly the same as we would have with an eight iron or a pitching wedge we want to be just just a little bit wider than our pelvis and we want our ball position to be off of our lead ear now what we’re going to do here is we’re going to go ahead and move our body into a light impact position now what a light impact position is is where you’re going to shift your hips over to your lead side and have about 80 to 90% of your weight underneath your lead ankle your hips are going to be open 10 to 15° your spine is going to be fairly upright so you should be forming a straight line from your ankle through your knee through your hip socket and your shoulder and and what you can notice here is that he’s got the club just resting in his lead arm now what we’re going to do from this light impact position is we’re going to do a series of nine to three swings we’re just going to get the lead arm to swing back and forth freely and we’re going to try to keep our chest and our head very quiet and we want to shake out the tension as much as we possibly can to let the club brush the same bit of grass or the same bit of carpet every single swing we’re going to do one swing at a time and we’re going to be very disciplined as we do this so go ahead and get yourself into a light impact position okay so keep your tension levels really light and just keep that arm swinging freely so that’s one two three let’s do two more four five now all five of those reps hit the same bit of grass every single swing we did one rep at a time we weren’t just swinging our arm back aimlessly our Focus points were to keep the tension levels down and let the club swing if you notice that the club is not hitting the ground then there’s two things that are going to be happening either one you’re standing up which you shouldn’t be or number two you’re going to be hanging on to tension too much tension in your shoulder your arm or your wrist or your grip you want to make sure that your tension levels are reduced hold the club lightly in the back three fingers and start building some trust in the golf club to do a lot of this work for you golf clubs are designed to swing on an inclined plane and they’re certainly designed to rotate around their axis you don’t need to help it do the these sorts of things you want to make sure that you’re keeping the tension levels down and the body in the right spot now to expand on step number one what we’re going to do is now we’re going to start allowing the Tilt to increase as that lead arm starts to release and extend to 3:00 now what I want you to make sure that you feel here is that as the lead arm starts to swing down underneath you it starts to move its way to 3:00 is I want you to feel like you’re stretching your lead side flank back away from the target so you’re going to feel like your spine is upright arm swing through and you’re going to feel like you’re stretching out the lead side flank as much as you possibly can so it’s going to require a little bit of timing here as you start to get comfortable with it so it’s a lead arm only swing okay your weight’s going to be on your lead side okay light impact position now I want you just to go ahead and feel like that spine stretches back or your lead side flank stretches back as your lead arm is swinging through there you go good so feel like you get long on that lead side good so now you can start to see the Tilt increasing ever so SL slightly good now the second step is a piece of cake we want to take that same movement that we just put in place we want to bring the right hand back to the side of the club and let it follow along now when we bring the right hand back to it what I tend to like people to do is to start introducing some movement here introducing some weight shift back to the mix so when Jace takes his setup here what we’re going to do is make sure our stance width is not too wide and we’re going to just basically think about right heel or right ankle left ankle and then release now when we’re letting it release what we’re going to be doing is keeping that lead arm moving make sure our spine feels upright at the point of contact and we’re going to feel like we stretch out the lead side flank as the hands and arms go passing in front and we’re going to do a series of reps here let’s do five okay so little small swings stretch out that lead side flank as the hands and arms are releasing through keep your tension levels down feel that stretch on that lead side I feel it how’s your tension levels uh very low okay stretch out that lead side flank good nice feel like you’re getting long on that side now I do yeah lots of stretch on the left obliques okay good good those are good muscles okay now you’ve just completed step number two step number one is working on getting yourself to relieve that tension and understanding okay I’ve got this sort of side bend that needs to happen when it’s happening step number two introducing some movement in the trail hand back to the club now step number three and this is where the fun starts to happen and it’s going to feel pretty complex but I want you to understand that in the golf swing we need to move very quickly and things are happening in milliseconds in the downswing down swing’s happening in less than a quarter of a second right it’s fast qu second okay it is fast fast but what we’re going to do now is we’re going to take that feeling that we just created in the lead side flank and we’re going to stay connected to that during the entire swing shape now when you watch really good swingers at the golf club go ahead and take our setup for us and you see them load into their Trail side and turn their body they’re going to get long on this lead side flank now so you want to feel stretched out on this lead side now as we start to make our move onto our lead side and we start to shift we want to think about shortening down into that lead side flank kind of squinching it together almost like you’re doing a crunch so you feel like you kind of compressed that side I do so the lead shoulders should look low the trail shoulders should look up and how much weight have you now moved onto your lead foot say 80 to 90% so it’s stretching out shortening down and now the final piece is what going to go ahead and stretch out that left side stretch out that left side and release the club on the way through so you can and see how you can use the same side of the body to create the correct movement and what we’re going to do is we’re going to do a few slow and chunky reps first we’re going to make sure we back check the positions on camera to make sure that they’re right and then we’re going to start increasing the speed and then we’re going to hit some shots so let’s do a couple slow chunky ones now stretch on the left side yep stretch okay feel like you’re shortening it and then stretch it back out okay keep the tension levels down in those hands and arms okay stretch out the lead side okay shorten it down good nice see how you can just keep the tension levels down in the arms absolutely gets the low Point more consistent exactly so you keep those that tension level down when you start to widen up on that lead side there you go good the club should be on its way down beautifully okay nice good all right let’s do a rep now where you try to do it in fluidity let’s try to do it like 50 or 60% speed okay okay we’re not going to try to hit a big shot when it’s time we’re just going to try to feel our body move so I want you to feel stretched out squinch down get wide okay good how’d that feel feel good okay connected to it yeah really connected the crunch really helps out there okay the squinch down and the crunch into that lead side so it’s stretch shorten and then stretch it good keep the tension levels down in the shoulders and the arms and the club should be responding beautifully here let’s go ahead and hit a shot now really good there really really good good solid down contact abely ni little div Little Brush not too deep that’s the big thing is that we have to understand that when it comes to swing in the golf club everybody’s a little bit different we know that in order to be able to compress the golf ball we need to be hit hit down on it a lot of people have this misconception that you’ve got to take these monstrous divots it’s not the case at all we need to make sure that we’re optimized right so when it comes down to it if you notice that you’re coming down a little bit too steep or maybe you’re a little bit too shallow now you have the understanding that you can go back to step number one and two and really work on the spine’s position and what you’re feeling and the timing of that to get the club to move its way through perfectly then as you start to get more proficient with it you start building a little bit more speed in it and then you start backchecking on camera and hitting shots we want to give you the freedom and the flexibility to be able to work on this stuff on your own we know that there’s no shortage of golf instruction out there when it comes to online golf instruction and we know that everybody’s a little bit different if you need personalized coaching and you need help on a drill like this then come over to my golf DNA sign up for a membership we help you out from beginning to end we’ll help you understand what it is that you should be working on and why you should be working on on it and most importantly we’re going to help you get the job done from beginning to end let’s get out there let’s play some great golf thank you thank you good job


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