The Essential Iron Shot 94% Of Golfers Can’t Hit! (RARE STRIKE)

Could there be a simple, essential iron shot that the best golfers can achieve on command, yet most amateurs struggle to hit??

⛽️🔥 *Milo’s Favorite Drill to COMPRESS the Golf Ball:*

In our experience, most golfers struggle to produce a dynamic, pro-like impact. The strike is most often not compressed and the swing lacks the movements required to produce consistent ball striking, especially when hitting irons. By learning to execute this flighted iron shot we demonstrate in this video, golfers are then better able to train at lower speeds, control their ball flight, and produce a better impact position. And we label this iron shot as essential as we see the best players throughout history demonstrating this shot on a regular basis. Look no further than Jordan Spieth, Tommy Fleetwood, Tiger Woods, Rory McIlroy, or Wyndham Clark for evidence of this crucial shot. And once mastered, you’ll stop flipping at impact for sure!

We hope you enjoy this video and do encourage you to add this simple shot to your next practice session to springboard your ball striking. We look forward to your feedback!

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today we’re going to talk you through a shot that I would say most golfers we work with aren’t able to hit but if we were to ask a Tor Pro to hit they’d have no problem doing it TR it’ be so easy so here’s a quick look at what that shot is so by now they’ve gotten a glimpse of what this essential shot is something I think that you really can’t play highle golf unless you have and it’s also a great exercise or drill for better ball striking so and what this is is sort of flighted iron shots when you’re out in the golf course you’re not always hitting full out you’re high launching hopefully not you’re not always hitting High launching shots okay when you watch the tour Pros there’s even some players for example a Tommy Fleetwood he’s never making a full finish no right so there’s a lot of shots where they kind of carving it or arcing their swings or holding it off whatever you want to call it yeah I hear people poo poo the idea of holding things off but I think a lot of tour players hit a lot of hold iron shots exactly there’s plenty of guys that are flighting those shots now yeah there’s various conditions wind and everything but even on a just flat normal day 80° beautiful day they’re still flighting some shots cuz they got to take distance off they want to come in lower when it’s lower they can usually control the dispersion a little better too it’s easier to hit it straight when you flight it when you start swinging all out and launching it way higher yes the ball kind of gets squirly on you Milo talk us through some of the positions that are achieved with this shot when you watch a a pro face on which I’ll I’ll add a video what they’re able to accomplish by being able to hit this shot and why you recommend this sort of exercise or shot to a lot of our students first thing I see is in order to be able to pull this shot off the player will naturally Flex down and move their chest a little more forward on top of the golf ball okay next thing is it’s impossible to hit this shot without having rotation or nearly impossible I guess you could hold it like this but then it’s like well then you truly are dragging or pushing the handle but we’re not we’re not after that we’re doing this more with we’re turning the handle so the handle’s basically passive or relatively you know there’s probably there is some Force being applied but most of that Force being applied is coming through the how the chest is yes moving and I think that’s the key most people the reason they can’t hit this shot is they start to apply Force like this causing them to react so they jump and they throw it at it and they Mish hit it and they wonder why being able to do some of the keys of flexing down and unwinding cleans up contact drastically well in my experience the biggest reasons people aren’t able to hit this shot goes back to something sooner in the golf swing a lot of times it’s transition you talked about how they’re powering it what I’ll typically see the pressure will be back too long like you said so they don’t get their chest and kind of their whole Mass falling a little more on that lead side they’re kind of back and then what I see from there is they kind of power and shift at the same time so the club gets sent way back out their arms are actually kind of lagging behind and they start sliding and kind of tilting pushing up out of the ground early and when you get that that’s when the bottom gets kind of there’s variable there yeah and you get a little a little bit Scoopy let’s say and a question or an observance I see often is when I see a player’s arms lagging yes the reason they’re lagging is not so much how they’re using their arms it’s how they’re using everything else yeah so if I’m over here and now I decide I got to hit it I’m going to shift and throw and I’m going to have that space Y where if a player gets more flexed down and forward naturally they’re they’re Trail arm takes up the slack y so to me what I see is they go together you get somebody that probably turns a little flat maybe they even lower in their back swing and it’s like a standup push off the right side and once that happens they have to start throwing that club out to get that club down to the ball so that’s the combo I don’t know which is happening you could be doing this and this is your body responding you could be doing this and this is the club and your arms responding I don’t know we don’t know but they go together so sometimes we got to fix those two at the same time so this is a great drill for that so you can feel like okay now I’m up now this club is up I can drop in and that’s the matchup now that club is up and I can turn yes and get the low point where I want it and hit these nice tasty flighted shots that’s what you see the pros hit regularly for sure for all those at home the question’s going to come up when I do that I hit it fat yes I hit I hit it fat hey sometimes we do too but this is why we do some exaggerated yeah exercises and look you’re you’re probably so far on the other side of the spectrum with how you’re doing this from the top that yeah you’re going to Fat the crap out of it for the first few times it happens have patience with yourself that’s what I’m getting at exact just like when we have students that were first working with them on creating a more flexed downswing a more pivot driven downswing they start shanking it well yeah when you’ve been powering it out like this for your whole playing career you’re going to probably start shanking it when you lower and turn because you’re still powering it out so you got to again this is why there’s matchups and we got to work on a couple things at once the key to keep in mind if you start to do the correct thing with your body over a little bit of time your hands and arms will figure out a new task and you’ll start hitting it really good better but it won’t be right away so if you if you come out here and you say oh I’m doing it and I’m fatting it I quit don’t do that one last point in this we’ve worked PGA Tour and LPGA Tour players who have done these drills and shanked it and chunked it and they didn’t get upset about it it was not a big deal they knew they knew the movement was getting better that’s the key you got to just be patient with it and understand that it’s not going to be instantaneous okay but you better believe every Tour player can hit this shot on command and that is something that most of you at home probably don’t quite have so let’s go a little bit more into how we hit this shot yes cuz I explained some of the basic principles the chest is dropping the chest is turning yes the hands are not powering it yeah for me there’s a matchup and this matchup is my right wrist and my chest if I can just feel those two go together I can execute this shot pretty much on command directionally maybe not always but the flight of it I can get that flight down right the way I want So when you say your right wrist and your chest go together what exactly are you getting at I feel like let me show it this angle this right palm of my hand is parallel to my chest okay now when that matchup happens you see my right wrist goes into quite a bit of extension so that right hand the Palm matches my chest they’re parallel okay and I feel like from here if I’m sort of at the shaft parallel to ground these are still aligned and I just turn that unit into the ball and maintain that match up boom so you’ve done a video before on the shaft well most of the downswing being relatively parallel with our chest I call the parallel lines drill so this is the same idea that this shaft is parallel with my chest it starts to be parallel about here and I want to feel like it’s parallel all the way to the ball so so show show us one where you’re going to have that parallel relationship okay for a [Music] while but I like to think of it with the Palm I think that’s maybe an easier combo for people to understand is that if I have that hand bent back like that matching my chest now I just go whoosh whoosh and you better believe my Dynamic Loft which is crucial to distance and trajectory which most people their Dynamic loft is thisit impact if my Dynamic loft is more like that you’re talking more compression you’re talking a lower flight all the tasty things we’re after good stuff yes for me I really feel like my chest is on top and the club is back hold that club head for me you’re going to feel like you’re pushing that up into my hand it feels like it’s pushing up into my hand I’m not pushing the club head down yes this feels like it’s going into my hand and that’s matching my chest turn I feel like the club is staying back that’s a similar feel to what I have yes I feel like the club stays up and back yes and my chest gets down and turns if I do those two things I get that you can think of it like if I had a sand wedge at 54° is what my sand wedge is when I come into impact with that 54 I’m actually delofting it some amount so that’s creating more that lower flight higher spin shot like the pros are hitting cuz they’re launching wedges sub30 you know you guys at home are probably launching wedges 35 and up who knows yeah we’ve had students show up and launch their seven iron 35 yeah this is so this is a big problem we see and it’s causing you to lose distance and uh make solid impact so Milo I’m going to move this camera I want you to show them face on a few examples of this they saw me do it earlier but now they’re going to see you okay what the right wrist and the chest look like from face on would be so I’m winding up now I’m turning if I open my palm I can see my palm and my chest are basically pointing in the exact same direction here and then I just keep turning that into the golf ball something like that and it produces a nice little bullet lowlight now they could also as a test hit some a little shorter and slower yeah where they don’t load the angles right on the front end so that would be where I never let that angle go so you can see the angle is still intact all the way around you really exaggerated that one yes and sometimes you see Tor Pros get close to that maybe not that extreme yeah but more so so for us it’s a great way to exaggerate it and and turn on the pivot cuz so many people don’t know how to unwind through the golf ball so if I keep this parallel here there’s only one way to get back to the golf ball that’s to get my Pivot to keep turning Bingo and that’s why we use it as a foundational drill so one last one I’ll add a little bit of speed nice work Milo I think that shows them sort of the the impact we’re looking for with this flighted shot and why we think it’s such a crucial shot to train and have in Your Arsenal again most golfers we see and work with aren’t able to at first accomplish this essential shot we think it is so if we can get the dynamic Loft right you’re going to be able to Pivot and do some really cool things in your golf swing that maybe you haven’t been able to do before so add this shot into your practice and we promise you’ll start hitting it better and controlling your ball flight more for sure so hopefully you all like this video if you did like And subscribe come visit us at Milo where we have way more content like this and more drills that will be specific to your needs to help you learn to swing like an athlete and play the best golf for your life


  1. Tommy Fleetwood switched to this shot because it's so good. His little sawed-off swing is not his real swing. He was doing this drill and loved the ball flight so much he stuck with it.

    Milo knows exactly how to teach this. Yah, you have to go to the website and sign up, but I promise it's worth it. It made golf about 3000 times easier for me. That being said, IT'S HARD to change your swing. Just remember, chunks whiffs and shanks mean you're getting somewhere. Practice a lot. It's fun.

    No I'm not paid so friggin zip it.

  2. Outstanding video!!
    Recentering too late….then the arms behind……I never made that connection. (4:30 mark)
    It seems counter intuitive (like a lot of golf) But the earlier recentering gets things into the delivery position better, and with the complete package, right?
    I have seen the Fleetwood drill before, but your explanation really was valuable.
    It is said the recentering should begin somewhere just before the end of the backswing…..agreed?
    I tended to recenter as the backswing ended but I can now see it must happen much earlier.
    Thanks to you guys.

  3. Yes for a full iron shot you do not want to lose the ANGLE in the trail wrist as you rotate the chest downward. For a chip shot this is a complete disaster. You want to release the right wrist and left wrist to hit down on the ball as if you are using a hammer releasing the clubhead with the wrists. The hinge and hold method for chipping is problematic for many to be consistent.

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