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TRANSFER PORTAL NEWS | LSU Loses 3 Defensive Players | BIG Additions Coming Soon?

On The Hunt Palmer Show, we discuss LSU’s most recent players that have hit the transfer portal: Ryan Yaites, Jeremiah Hughes and Christian Brathwaite. How much will these transfers affect the Tigers’ secondary? Will LSU turn to the transfer portal to replace these guys?

hey I’m hunt and this is hunt on LSU your channel for LSU fighting tiger Football Talk enjoy the video we want you to leave a comment below hit that like button and subscribe right below the video enjoy LSU spring game concluded back on Saturday and as you would expect as spring concludes and the transor portal opens you would imagine there will be some activity we knew that there would be activity for LSU because Brian Kelly has been adamant about the fact that LSU will be pursuing defensive tackles in the transfer portal and that becomes difficult when you’re over the roster limit already as you conclude Spring ball so you figured there would be 7 to 10 players headed into the transfer portal and we saw pretty quickly uh Jackson Howard moved on and he’s now committed to his home state uh Minnesota Conor gilber the tight end decided he was going to move on Kai PR who had a nice touchdown catch in the spring game has decided he’s going to move on he’s headed to two lane spring game this weekend and that seems like a potential landing spot for him at wide receiver and then three more names that we’ve seen here in recent hours Christian brawe a linebacker Jeremiah Hughes a corner and Ryan Yates a safety have all declared their intentions to enter the transfer portal and so the question is like how big a deal is this for LSU well I’ll tell you it’s different in different cases we’ll start with Jeremiah Hughes who LSU brought in from out west to play corner he was a three star from out in Nevada and you bring him in and he decides he’s is going to transfer out now we know that LSU was very very poor at cornerback last year the play was not good teams threw it all over the place it started with Jordan Travis Keon Coleman and company over in Orlando and it never really stopped it was just very very poor all the way around but just because the play was poor doesn’t mean the depth is not good LSU has more than it needs at corner and safety I’ll run through the list here jav and toiano and Ashton stamps are sophomores who you would imagine are toward the to of the depth chart Z Alexander is a senior when he gets healthy you’d imagine he’ll be there as well those appear to kind of be the first three right now what you get out of the two Ohio State transfers that are both Juniors JK Johnson and Jer Brown will see PJ Woodland early enrolled and made some waves uh in the in the spring and then you’ve got Bernard Cy Wallace Foster and Jawan Johnson all in this class that is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nine at cornerback without Jeremiah Hughes and only Z Alexander is out of Eligibility after this year so assuming everyone stays which they won’t but assuming that you’re talking about eight guys that you go into next spring with without even adding this freshman class so as far as Corner goes LSU’s depth is just fine without Jeremiah Hughes it’s just a matter of Ken jav and Toano Ashton stamps Z Alexander JK Johnson Jer Brown and PJ Woodland play up to the standard that la Leu holds itself to at cornerback we’ll see but in far as depth goes you’re fine it’s safety you’re even better in terms of dep the numbers are astronomical at safety even with Ryan Yates leaving you’ve got major Burns who’s a senior you’ve got Sage Ryan who’s a junior you’ve got Jordan Gilbert who’s a junior you’ve got Jordan Allen who’s a sophomore you’ve got kylin Jackson who’s a red shirt freshman and then you bring in Deshawn McBride Joel Rogers who are freshman as well Matthew L is still here he is a junior and then Austin Alsbury transferred in from Auburn that’s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nine guys for two spots depth is okay I think that the staff had high hopes for Ryan Yates when he came in Ryan Yates did play a little bit last year everyone who was dressed out for LSU in the secondary eventually played some especially in the bowl game when you basically had nothing left when Z Alexander got hurt you’re kind of looking around like I we’ll see you didn’t have Denver Harris like you didn’t have D’s Chestnut like there was whoever could play in the secondary was out there playing but between safety and Corner even with Yates and Jeremiah Hughes out that’s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 guys in the secondary now it’s just up to Cory Raymond to go out there and Coach him and as I look at this I kind of think your secondary right now looks like J and Toano Ashton stamps Z Alexander major Burns Sage Ryan Jordan Gilbert and then behind them JK Johnson Jer Brown PJ Woodland kylin Jackson Deshawn McBride like that kind of looks like your first group that’s a lot of guys that garnered a lot of attention coming out of high school jav and Toano fourstar one of the top 10 players in the state of Texas Ashton stamps a little bit under the radar but we know about those guys in Louisiana JK Jonathan JY Brown were four stars major burn was a four- star Sage Ryan was a five star Jordan Gilbert was a Four Star kylin Jackson was a four star Des Shawn McBride was a four star this is the type of recruiting profile LSU is very used to at defensive back the production remains to be seen that’s something I’m still looking for so those two guys I don’t think leave huge holes here you’ve got the numbers Christian BR weight is an interesting one he’s a guy that you look at and you say they’re probably playing time pretty close to around the corner like Greg Penn is here but he’s a senior and Harold Perkins is here but he’s a junior who likely won’t be here next year West weeks who doesn’t play a ton is a senior and so behind that you got Whit weeks who’s a sophomore that we hope to be a star you’ve got Devon keys who’s a freshman you’ve got tylon Singleton coming in who’s a fourstar behind you and then Xavier Atkins in this class is a freshman as well but he’s 6 foot 194 pounds I don’t think he’s really ready to go in there and play linebacker so Brath weight kind of seemed like the next guy behind Penn Perkins and and West weeks to kind of come up with wit weeks and the three freshman to be kind of the next crop of linebackers but he’s decided he’s going to move on so for LSU this year it looks okay you’ve got Penn Perkins West week wi weeks that’s four guys that you feel like can go in there and play linebacker behind them you’ve got Devon Keys tylon Singleton Xavier Atkins who were all highly thought of players in the 2025 class behind them as you look to the years in the future Charles Ross is a four star from Houston kelen Moses is a four star from igh but I think after this year that may be a spot this time well actually January of next next year where we look and go they probably need to add a junior linebacker it feels like that’s Penn’s gone Perkins has gone west weeks you got Whit weeks Devon Keys tylon Singleton Xavier Atkins let’s let’s bring in the next you know linebacker who can come in and help that and I think that would have been Brath weight’s spot but I think he does leave a whole kind of in the in the program as opposed to the 2024 roster so that’s kind of where we sit right now nothing is Earth shattering here we knew that seven to 10 transfer portal guys were coming we knew that two or three we’re going to come in most likely at defensive tackle and that’s just kind of how it’s transpiring just a few days after Spring ball has concluded so Jeremiah Hughes into the transfer portal Ryan Yates into the transfer portal Christian Brath weight into the transfer portal that follows the news of Ky pren Connor gilberth Jackson Howard I don’t have any inside information on any other folks that are headed directly to the transfer portal if I had to guess I would pinpoint the secondary as well as the wide receiving core as potential spots where guys could leave but again that’s just potential and just looking at the numbers and understanding how things could shake out over the next few days but right now LSU kind of right where they thought they would be we’ll talk with Shay Dixon in hour number two about what visits are being set up for guys that are going to come into LSU via the trans St portal that’s probably the more interesting news for L you guys that are going to be with you as opposed to guys that are moving on hey thanks for watching hunt on LSU before you get out of here do us a couple favors hit that like button leave your comments below and subscribe to the channel for all your fighting tiger football talk see you next time


  1. Braithweith wasn’t going to play this year, and they have more talented guys coming in the future years, make sense that he would leave

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