Golf Players

Florida Gators Updates: Is Cormani McClain a GOOD Option!?

The guys from Stadium and Gale sit down and update everyone on the Florida Gators football program, including an update on Elijhah Badger and Cormani McClain.

we’re going to build the best football team in the SEC Conference we’re going to build the best football program in the SEC conf you have now arrived at Stadium inale the K it’s been loed again it’s the block again going to heat one deep down the field it’s going to be to the goal line it’s going to be G it’s the touchdown and the G have won the game I can’t believe what I just saw dropping back to thow thps and fires the ball over the middle it’s down D’s got a touchdown oh man D’s got a touchdown a mod black and his final game as a gator takes it all the way home and sends uran out to the winner you have now arrived at stadium and jail boys and girls ladies and gents welcome to another episode of Stadium Miguel it’s your favorite uncle Corey Dan and delatori Cory does r with delator top of the top beautiful Monday morning we back at it we in May got some good Porter news on the horizon I think or at least some interesting how y’all guys feeling man how was your weekend it’s good happy Mother’s Day um to uh to everybody um that that impacts I had a great weekend uh Brook’s mom was WR in town so uh we did did a lot um ni I’m learning that my recovery days need to be more built in um multiple days in a row just uh and not even much right I mean early nights just just not recovering the same way A lot’s changed in the last six months I don’t know what it is man College you could Bender sleep on some nasty couch fall asleep on the floor yeah you’re up you’re up at 700 a.m. ready to ready to day get back after it yeah 30 30 hits hard yeah the 30s are hitting hard uh that’s okay though that’s okay you know it doesn’t change you just modify right you know sound sound like a crossfit instructor listen everyone can take this class we just have to modify the rep scheme the amount of injuries to the amount of Crossfit workouts they’re doing some I don’t know what it is man I I see weekly people that I know that do CrossFit that are injured I’m just going to get back after and keep doing it again I’m like I don’t know your fourth injury in the last year but anyway yeah yeah yeah not my bag it’s the 40th uh rep in the past three minutes of a two heavy snatch or overhead squat yeah that’s what I mean trying trying to weightlift for time is is nuts but anyway uh that’s enough about that don’t need to cross CrossFit guys to get mad at me on Mother’s Day Mother’s Day uh Rampage what um would you guys get into this weekend beautiful weekend I had um my parents uh got so excited about uh being grandparents for the first time that they bought a house up here in Gainesville um look at that so they closed they closed on it so I I have mom up here and Dad up here for uh Mother’s Day dad’s up here all week uh you know taking care of his new house stuff like that so they uh they were like are we overstepping I was like honestly daycare bills are overstepping daycare has overstepped how much they’re charging so no no you’re not overstepping so happy to have them up here got to spend the time with my mom for Mother’s Day got got my wife some gifts for Mother’s Day uh even though baby’s not here yet celebrated this as her first Mother’s Day so that was awesome um and then I watched Florida the best way I could describe it is Kentuck or Kentucky Kentucky handed Florida a gift and like a kid on Christmas they shook it and they were like ah it’s probably socks no thank you and handed it back and they did that twice Kentucky was just asking to be swept this weekend uh and Florida finds ways to lose two a three uh so this is the roughest baseball season I can remember following bro like personally like a longtime baseball guy for Gators but this is this my 12th season uh and it’s the worst season that they’ve had in in those 12 years the last one that was like this was 2013 they finished the regular season uh 29 and 28 were three seed in the Indiana Regional and went 0 and2 and and and finished the year 2930 um Kevin O Sullivan spent nine years at Clemson this is his 17th year here he’s never missed the postseason in 25 trips and I’ll have I’m going to write something for Tuesday um but I’m like going through the scenarios like they are in danger of missing the postseason entirely so they have to go they have to have above a 500 record right Georgia this weekend and georg’s played pretty good ball yep right so you gotta win gotta win the series at a minimum um I know they were talking about trying to find a midweek opponent and it seems interesting to try to find one the week of but you know I don’t deal in baseball they’ve been trying for a little while so they lost their first two game or two their first three so you have to find an opponent one who can also schedule games who also had games cancelled two who wants to play this late in the season not a lot of teams are looking for the for an extra game when you’ve already played 50 right uh and then three it’s not going to be like the University of Central Washington Washington it has to be someone close who can bust to you uh because they’re not going to take on an extra expense of flying um and getting a hotel so you’re looking at like Bethune FGCU ju FIU looking at teams like that and a lot of them are just like listen man our pitching staff is tacked right need an extra game we need to get ready for our conference tournament so so it’s tough yeah well we’ve got uh baseball’s way baseball’s out of the way uh a win mid or midweek and then a drubbing on Saturday and then an unfortunate Extra Innings loss to Kentucky first time in what eight years Florida’s lost to Kentucky um a series to Kentucky I believe uh also saw something uh and and maybe it was slightly wrong that this is going off memory uh seven players with double digit home runs did I make that up for Florida probably that I don’t know what no but they probably do they probably do oh probably do they hit lots of home runs I haven’t really looked at that been looking at uh how they can get into the tournament less than yeah who hit who hit their 10th home run gotcha gotcha well let’s get into uh the big news that’s transpired over the last week Corman mlan money mlan Colorado transfer Former fivar Defense we get weekend baby like I want to know what what the damn weekend was like what did you do oh what did I do the weekend Nick seg into yeah yeah yeah um we uh went to the beach did some beach bars on Friday uh took the afternoon off and then Saturday just kind of bounced around St Pete um love bouncing around down there went to a place called Concrete Jungle uh went to a market I went to a place called good night John Boy it’s like a 1970s themed bar they play like disco music mixed in with some you know house tracks I know I know every rug in that place was cut you give Dan some little hip swinging disco 70s Dan shoes a whole bur and shout out to shout out to my parents uh that’s music I grew up listening to the oldies uh you know the bgs the b52s the monkeys all the music from the 60s and 70s uh Earth Wind and Fire I mean just Soul music there just absolute Banger after Banger after Banger you know you go to the nightclub now and every once in a while the throw on something that’s not a banger but you know an elite two hour set of just straight bangers so yeah yeah yeah yeah that sounds like a VI right there I ain’t gonna lie to you man I’m a sucker for like band and whatnot dog uh just chilled man know time with the family as usual I didn’t have an exciting weekend nothing no filming nothing too crazy uh went to spent time with my mom that that was it I didn’t do a whole lot I wanted to do more but I tell you what the heat was different outside summer summertime is officially here man but I enjoy hearing you guys’ weekend dude it it is absolutely it went from zero to like a 100 heatwise here and we had a very nice April then all of a sudden just Mike Tyson Sucker Punch to the face you know or ear bite man depending on where you live at that’s right that’s right the place you go to did they have a nice group of sandwich that’s what I miss about Tampa I ain’t been out there in a minute to have me a nice grouper sandwich uh no if you think about it not not grouper not a grouper sandwich place it’s more of like a tapas Tulum style uh bar restaurant that we had lunch at what’s the place on the uh on the on the ocean that you took me to where I had that fire grouper was on the boat we seen don’t remember don’t remember the but I know how to get there you know it’s one of those bars you how get to but you don’t yeah it’s a beach bar right there uh no Tampa’s grouper is absolutely Elite app come to Tampa eat some grouper got some great recommendations for you all right let’s lie about Corman let’s go all right let’s lie about Corman so uh as we were saying Corman mlan the former five star from the class of 2023 at one point was said to be committing to Florida commits to Miami doesn’t sign goes to Colorado uh has some a bit of an up and down tenure over there at Colorado started four games last season for the buffalos after the spring camp he put his name in the portal uh not a lot of traction around that name uh at the beginning your usfs your ucfs uh were popping up uh a number of other schools Memphis I believe was another school uh and so from there we learned last week that Corman mlan visited the University of Florida last week uh and that he had planned another visit uh to come to the University of Florida uh right now the rumors and conversations are coming on as preferred walk- on uh and uh and working through that process to maybe earn a scholarship but Nick I know you’ve been close I know you gave some thoughts uh let’s get into the uh Corman mlan situation at the University of Florida Pros cons everything about it yeah I I titled it Florida’s Pursuit Corman it might be more correct to say like Corman pursuing Florida right um I think he went in the portal and after being so highly recruited in high school I think he went in the portal thought it would just be the same and it’s not like there there’s a lot of college football teams but it’s it’s a small community um to me the pros that the dude is talented like if if you get your head on straight um get a little bit bigger continue developing like you’re a potential first second third round draft pick in the NFL in a couple years like super talented legit 6’2 64 wingspan can run can drop his hips turn his hips change direction uh on the field super talented um I don’t think he’d be a starter right away I think you got Jason Marshall Devon Moore but he fits in with jaem and Grimley and and would play this year so you get depth for sure um the cons are he’s he’s very immature who he’s 18 19 years old 20 years old uh I mean who isn’t at that age um but at some point you you got to look and say Billy Napier has spent three years telling us like the culture wasn’t there there was no culture it was bad culture um it’s taken us a long time to figure it out to to build our culture to get guys to buy in and to build that and not saying one guy can uh mess that up but like they got Mike and mooka last year was not a culture fit and gone um I don’t know that Corman will ruin an entire culture if he doesn’t you know grow up and and and fall in line with what Florida wants but like is it a culture fit and maybe that’s what this second visit the OV will be about seeing how he fits in you get spend more time uh on an OV um but also like you’re back closer to home next to your boys that you grew up with that you run around that maybe aren’t the best people that you need to be around with if you’re trying to be on this better path to go I I wrote this today like when JC Jackson went to Maryland I said good he’s too loyal to his boys and mocki um they’re so close and and he’s not doing the right stuff I mean before he got kicked off the team at Florida he was facing four felony charges for armed robbery when he went to Maryland I was like good he’s away yeah they didn’t they didn’t let him come home on breaks he stayed in Maryland on breaks and then when he got drafted by New England I said good he’s even farther away and I think getting away helped JC grow and help JC mature um so that would be my my question would be like is it the best move I thought going to Colorado good you’re getting way you mature you wanted to play for Prime it’s it completely watch Dion the way he moves even on Twitter talking to former players like maybe that’s not the culture that was going to help Corman grow but at the end of the day you can lead a horse to water you can’t make him drink you have to make changes for yourself people can’t change you you have to ultimately put in the work make the decisions uh and and make the changes I do think Florida um has a good culture and could help Corman but Corman has to help himself and if you’re not using a scholarship if he’s walking on you’re making him prove it and he signs up for that cool cool no skin off your back in terms of a scholarship but at the end of the day Billy Napier Will Harris Austin Armstrong can’t change Corman mlan that change has to come from within sure I like that we’re operating from a position where we’re not desperate at DB we’re making this move as well so like anybody that thinks Florida’s desperate uh I think Billy is doing a good job of showing that we’re not offering a pwo and our DB room has a lot of young Talent the class he came in with you got what Sharie Denon uh gck Aaron Gates Jackson mustard on the beat djon like that class is absolutely loaded with probably the top four or five DBS in the state that year if you look at it like with him coming on board that just makes that class absolutely incredible so we’re not desperate at the spot I think that’s a plus uh Pros is through the roof with this kid like he’s one of the top DBS that come out in like the last five six years I don’t care which class you’re going to be hard it’s going to be hard trying to find somebody with more per Talent than what he had coming out uh and at that time that was a devastating Miss like we thought he was a for sure Gator lock uh SP spurns us at at that announcement I drove out there with my kid you know what I’m saying like everybody’s caught caught off guard he goes to Miami I thought that was weird and also a red flag at that time from just a relationship standpoint and then we we seen more and more red flags he ends up at at Colorado didn’t work out I thought it was a bad fit with prime uh I do I don’t not like down on how Prime connects with kids but every kid isn’t going to buy into that family that atmosphere you know that ego could be clashing with some of the kids EG so it’s a lot to deal with but I like the way will Harris coaches I think he could develop him and most importantly develop his mind physically the kids gonna be able to do what he got to do um adding weight yeah he should add weight but I don’t think that’s a detriment to him either I think he could play DB right now if we needed him to at the size that he’s at but he does need to gain a little weight but I think Will Harris is a good good guy for the job I like that the the the atmosphere that we do have in our locker room it’s not a lot of uh big egos but we do need a ego like we do need a guy that could talk some [ __ ] we do need a guy that’s going to R up competition a little bit I talked about this last show we’re missing a little bit of an edge but and I I don’t mind having those players we had Percy Harvin on campus that was you know like doing things to coaches that that you kind of gota allow and kind of develop him allegedly no I ain’t even alleged no more like we all kind we eventually just got to get Billy Billy Gonzalez on his shoulders to like confirm it but we all kind of know we all kind of know what happened but um I like it man I like it we get this kid on campus for the Long Haul like I said he doesn’t have to play this year it does wonders with relationships in Florida Lakeland uh showing that we could take a kid that everybody’s giving up on I also believe in second chances it’s all about developing the kids you know how many great Gators made mistakes soon they got to campus you know U had James Houston on on a flow Factory episode he talked about the gun incident with all those young freshmen if you just dispose of all these kids man every time they make a mistake like you’re not really developing you’re not really saying what you’re you’re telling these kids in their living room room what this is a family atmosphere it’s going to be a father I’m be like a father light figure in this kid life kids going to make mistakes you know clean it up but at the end of the day give me money mlan on Campus on a preferred walk on like what are we talking about there’s nothing to discuss here yeah one year poster move being one of the the highest ranked players in the country comes on his preferred walk on Nick I really liked your take about wanting to change and and needing to be the impetus of change and uh sometimes you just need that that structure and you need something taken away from you right I think what Corman probably saw when he entered the portal was that his options were relatively limited and they weren’t they weren’t the caliber of schools that were recruiting him before right I mean I remember the stories of him asking Alabama for money right before national Signing Day when he was still committed to to the University of Miami right so you had schools like Georgia and Alabama and Florida and Miami and all probably any school in the country that wanted uh that that would take it would take him then uh a year later those options have dwindled and a lot of times that allows you to reset mentally uh you have the structure potential structure in place to allow you to be successful and put yourself in a different mindset and humble you a little bit right going from being a school or being a player that every school in the country wanted offering you hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars in nil to having your options be low-level group of five programs uh can be opening so can Will Harris Austin Armstrong Billy Napier and the rest of the 190 other coaches that are on staff keep him in line uh but again Nick like you said you know it’s it’s very important that he makes that decision and that he sees that uh Corey agree with your take too that there’s an opportunity for second chances you can’t just discard everybody for the way that they are treated obviously there’s enough of a relationship that has been mended to at least bring him back on the campus not once but a second time uh and so now what do you University of Florida uh talking to him about like you said Nick it’s probably Corman uh recruiting himself to Florida right so does he come back and say this is what I’m going to do and this is my plan that I per you know personally have created for myself to put myself in the best position to be successful he comes on as a preferred walk- on he earns a scholarship I mean that he’s done what you wanted and need out of him to be a playmaker and you could never have enough Talent on the field we’ve seen Florida get decimated by injuries uh over the last couple of years and even over the last decade right to be able to have a five star walking on your campus not a bad situation not a bad situation at all DBU Vibes bro what are we talking about dog I’m ready to lie the moment hey we get Badger we get money I’m ready to get my lies off dog like the kids should have been here anyway like that kid should have been a gator dog he made he made a bad decision and we all my son could witness this on that car ride back home I said that was a bad decision and he’s going to be in the portal in the future and Florida going to recruit him again I told my son that on the ride home he follows Koney on every single platform so he’s super excited if this this goes down but it’s a lose lose situ it’s a win-win situation for Florida you’re not giving up any scholarship you get a five-star kick coming in with a edge a chip on his shoulder to prove something you don’t have a lot of options that’s what I like about this if he ruin this where you going to go Joo D2 D3 so you put in a position where he’s got to win he’s got to prove himself and I think the kid is going to bounce back you know and we’re going to see what it is we don’t need him to start game one like let him earn with everything that he got to earn a scholarship he got to earn a starting role let him play his role and figure things out a little bit but yeah getting a kid with that that type of talent that got to prove himself all over again he’s never been in that position he’s been dominating for a long time he’s been on top of the world for a long time like when was the last time where Caron mlan was the underdog yeah probably not since he was maybe ever right least if he ever gets drafted Sil will have a story about how everybody counted him out you know what I mean yeah I’m tired of hear I’m tired of the Five Star Quarterback number one in the country his entire career yeah everybody counted me out nobody counted you out your third grade teacher did not tell you that you were gonna be a failure you know what I mean I did she didn’t go to the pop warning games man she did she had no idea he was saucing it up out there um obviously ly there’s there’s a lot of uh conjecture as well about his time at Colorado I would take everything with the grain of salt in terms of information that has come out or not come out I don’t know we don’t know his class attendance we don’t know his film room we don’t know all of that you know every coach motivates players differently talks about players differently um it’s not for us to know or decide we’ve got to with the facts that we know is how we’re laying it out here so obviously I think I think one time Prime said so they can track on their iPads coach can track how much film you’re watching yeah I think at one point last year earli on in the year he said Corman had watched zero hours of film on his own yeah like I said listen 18 19 20 year old kid you probably didn’t have to watch film in high school just the guy in front of you was taken out of the game right um you know talking to one of the baseball freshman he’s like I’ve had to throw off speed this year because in high school I just thrown 95 and guys couldn’t hit it uh and it was easy uh it’s a whole different game I think if if listen it’s probably less embarrassing to walk on at Florida than to uh go from being a five-star kid and being on scholarship at USF so it probably is more like Dan said Corman recruiting Florida than Florida recruiting Corman okay I got one like Gaffney remember when Gaffney was scholarship was taken away the Gaffney we got back after the scholarship was taken away was a different type of guy bro and I think that’s what we about to get here shout out to Q in the comments yeah School the school thing the watching film thing all that is getting through and developing as well and I don’t think like as Prim does a good job of motivating kids and all of that and maybe does better in the portal getting kids with that are older and a little bit more mature but I haven’t seen him grab a kid like that that that has a lot of immaturity and and if you could if you could flip this kid it does wonders on the recruiting Trail to be able to take this kid get them right to sell this to other parents on hey we we’re here for the Long Haul for these kids overall development to see them through the Finish Line graduation NFL being better people you know what I’m saying that’s what all this [ __ ] is about like most of these kids aren’t going to go pro you know what I’m saying and right PW or not I think Kone mlan is going to have enough money uh nil wise to be able to pay for his tuition in state tuition baby yeah yeah I think he’ll be all right uh want to give a quick shout out unique 863 PSA 2025 Gators could be scary yeah a lot of unknowns between now and then but certainly stacking a lot of stacking my lives for 25 baby stacking a lot of talent appreciate the Super Chat donation while you’re here make sure you hit the like button the Subscribe button share with your friends I do all that stuff appreciate uh kwami coming over here as a Miami spy listening make sure you hit that like button before you uh before you head out of here um so we will know a little bit more about Corman I would imagine this week uh so do we have a timeline Nick I guess it doesn’t really matter right I mean I know summer a starts what probably this week yeah I mean it doesn’t matter you can get him in for summer AB or C whatever they call it I don’t know why quam’s over here talking like he wouldn’t take money Mario Chris Ball was pretty much twerking he was doing everything he could to get money like them shoes even when he was going to Colorado they was twerking and bouncing that thing on a handstand to try to get that boy into Miami so we got him on a preferred walk on man just sit back and relax big fella checking out luxury boo to see what they can get that weekends yeah yeah that’s nuts that’s nuts to think about I need you to run me a boat all right I’m about I’m about to run the uh FSU Birthday song I got a lot of like just crani mlan pass because I caught a lot of heat so I got I got SP a lot of heat about you being out there everything else for need to find the kiwan Ratliff video of him singing Happy Birthday to Carman mlan yeah shout out my guy the gator that day too what’s up what a terrible what a terrible day on the internet that day was that the Corman mlan birthday celebration day embarrassing that’s when I knew college football was on a terrible trajectory bro jump the shark that day yo yo Randy shanon in that video was looking like come on dog like I recruited Ray Lewis Warr sapping a whole lot of killers y’all got me singing happy birthday to a kid that ain’t about to come to Florida State whatsoever yeah so you know I think we all in this Corman mlan discussion was saying you know he’s got a lot to prove to University of Florida’s got a lot to prove to himself I not a lot of skin off Florida’s back if they take him I’m sure that they can keep uh their culture in check pretty well I think that that’s one thing that you can say about Florida is that they’ve done a pretty good job uh with with their culture perspective it’s the rest of it that we have some questions about but uh but yeah so that’s where we are with Corman mlan stick around for what’s next in the Corman mlan Saga I’m sure this will not be the last time that his name gets mentioned here with that being said uh Nick let’s get into some Elijah Badger discussion before we do that let’s give a quick shout out to our friends over at HomeField apparel go visit HomeField use promo code Stadium Andale at checkout it’ll get you 15% off of your order they are doing retro baseball uniforms that are dropping on Friday uh and they look absolutely incredible uh some Elite work for about 10 different schools uh that they are partnering with the University of Florida is one of them so go check that out that drop is on uh Friday at I believe noon uh sometime between 10 and noon you can check out HomeField 10 o’clock 10 am uh you can check out HomeField app perils uh Instagram or Twitter or X whatever we’re calling it these days uh for uh more information and then look for that drop but that HomeField apparel promo code obviously maybe not the best year for Gator baseball uh but C certainly going to be an elite drop uh of apparel so go check out HomeField promo code stateum Miguel at checkout 15% off of your order Rob talk to my talk to my guy over there and uh I think he might might have one on set here next week next Monday next time we film he got two more hopefully he’s got two more since we don’t have a set um so when you say a set it sounds to me like my set your set gotcha personal set I do want a baseball jersey for that Miami game though I don’t want to come I want to make sure you know I get me some some baseball drip I got the right shoes I’m big on uh yeah yeah we see a lot of jerseys in at baseball I’m a big uh I think you can get away with ba a basketball jersey especially when it’s hot a basketball jersey at baseball because because it’s hot if you’re if you’re if you’re lounging with a $30 high noon uh out on out on the BM in the grass oh yeah yeah yeah let the guns flow avoid avoid the farmer tan I’m cool with that but like a a football jersey at baseball I get it you probably have more football jerseys than baseball jerseys but like what are we doing football jersey just got to go with football you can’t wa at another sporting event but baseball it’s a buttonup man so it’s like sports professional but you see my vision though you see my vision we we’ve got a drink we got a blanket down on the grass was on the BM so I know the Vibes baby guns out guns out that’s the vibe yeah that’s Vibe yell yelling at a random 20-year-old in the and just just absolutely harassing a young student athlete doing his best to to manage tutoring I’ll tell you what man his best was not was not great damn was a menace it was Menace we we had the whole we had the whole burm and and back back when Gator baseball won those were the days all right let’s get days man let’s get into Elijah Badger the wide receiver uh from Arizona State uh set up for a visit here shortly Nick is that is that still happening or yeah yeah the expectation is that he’ll be on campus this week I think the biggest thing with him is there’s rumors that he had I mean not rumors he had a injury back injury last year that caused him to miss games uh there’s rumors that it’s more serious and and might have needed surgery he didn’t want surgery so I think when you get him on campus he goes through um has to go through a medical um and that might be what Florida really needs to see I know that there’s other schools who have he’s had interest in big schools who have backed out because they didn’t like what they saw and that’s why he’s still in the portal and hasn’t committed somewhere um do do we know what what the back injury is is it like a surgery thing is it I I mean he has had surgery um it caused him to miss some games carrying the last team um maybe he was carrying Jaden Rashad’s bike and just slipped a disc or something yeah that’s nut about man R nil situation yeah because he’s at Georgia but man whatever if Elijah bger is is healthy he can start for Florida August 31st against the fighting kwamis 100% like if he’s healthy we got some breaking news here Harrison Sanchez noted medical expert at insight for for all things healthcare related said it’s a herniated disc so thanks Harrison I hope you enjoy your foga tonight in Vil or is it Asen where does he live Vil how many years uh Elijah Badger got to play what so like it’s the same situation for me like what’s the risk there like bringing him in with the I guess like insurance I don’t know if we like he could sue us for something crazy but I don’t know how that world works but what’s the risk of bringing a guy in at a position where you need help at if he doesn’t pan out he’s injured you lose one scholarship I think the risk is worth the reward in that in that capacity as well yeah that’s a good question I I don’t know obviously that the healthc care piece is a component but I don’t know you know what that would be from like a premium perspective right I mean the they once the guys are on scholarship all that stuff is taken care of yeah yeah there’s not a lot of it’s not a lot of options in the portal I do think we need another wide receiver uh a guy like Badger with experience uh production and there’s not a lot of that in the porter right now and going into the season relying on a lot of young boys isn’t the IDE situation you know for for some of those young boys were hurt in the spring wasn’t a lot of like returning reps position like KH Jackson I’m not that high on DK um where I think he could be a possession receiver for us and and a Target that gr MC is uh comfortable with um we’re going to need bigger targets uh won’t Badger but arst Bonham and some other guys are going to have to step up some as well as the young boys at receiver but um the risk is versus reward like I don’t know how you not like try to bring this kid in clothes on them um even if with the back the back problem it’s right now I know Florida Arizona and Washington are the schools that I’ve heard him connected to Nick have you heard any other schools yeah I mean like Alabama there’s other SEC schools Alabama Texas have kicked the tires and and they and and they’re just out yeah I like that they’re out especially Texas uh so we’ll know I guess a little bit more about Elijah Badger this week uh maybe doing some some more medical assessments but her we got a we got a medical question for Harrison Sanchez man is the injury skeletal or muscular yeah Harrison yeah Harrison just let us know you know that sounds sounds skeletal to me yeah sounds SK don’t don’t ask us his his actual physician uh via Skype from Vil via some some double black diamond in Veil uh maybe they maybe they met at like one of those healing you know centers you know I know there’s a lot out the mountains of Colorado maybe Harrison and Elijah badg were hanging out over there let me find out Harrison is the injury changer coordinator man I know that that Washington’s still pursuing Arizona is still pursuing I would imagine that they’ve done their medical evaluations as well uh every school looks at things differently uh every team has different experts uh so so we will see on Elijah Badger uh quick announcement here Florida has added yet another gamechanging uh associate to their coaching staff I don’t know his job title but Thomas Fletcher uh born in 1998 which just really makes me feel old was a former Long Snapper um and a special teams coordinator for the UCLA Bruins played college football at Alabama won the patch manal award uh played for the Panthers uh but was injured with a hip injury and then Wade got into coaching so he will be joining the staff um can he count can he count oh coach at UCLA makes me think he did went to Alabama questions you know so I don’t know right um Harris get the game changing coordinators wearing sandals during the game because you can only you only have 10 fingers I like you be able to look down and see a big toe and like oh shoot 11 yeah yeah yeah yeah so the Gators added him uh women’s softball is going to be hosting they uh have a win on won the SEC uh so congratulations to them they will be hosting uh one of the regional rounds of the tournament so want to say congratulations to them women’s lacrosse won yesterday to want to give them a quick shout out they won in the sweet 16 uh beat Virginia was able to watch part of that game over on ESPN plus so congratulations to that program as well very nice softball went on a little run um yes Champs man let’s go tell you tournament Champs hey man don’t don’t don’t try to like bro tournament champions what’s the difference like so there’s no way we could be the SEC Champs or no uh so the SEC so the way softball baseball works the tournament champions get the automatic bid to the tournament that’s how you get a team like Tain last year who was like 16 and 35 make the NCAA tournament they got hot and won their conference tournament to me the SEC Champion is the team who over 30 games that’s to you or just like everybody else too is just to you well so SEC honors and gives a trophy the actual you know like those wooden trophies that that you associate with the SEC Championship you know the ones I’m talking about yeah yeah I know the big one the big joint that’s kind yes the big one yeah yeah um the team who wins the SEC regular season gets that the SEC tournament has his own Trophy and that gets the automatic bid to me the better better judge of who is the best team is who does it over three months and 30 games not who gets hot in a week yeah that being said Florida had a great week it propelled them to the fourth overall seed I think they have a favorable region a favorable Super Regional and because of what they did in the SC tournament are now now have a better easier path to get to Oklahoma City and to get back to the uh World Series yeah I think it is I think it is important Nick the gator softball team still went 46 and 12 and 17 and in the and they won a tournament yes yeah Mark me down for the tournament we got the real we got the real SEC Championship uh in the words of outcast you only funky as your last cut and I last cut is pretty funky yeah it is fun Tennessee won the uh regular season we don’t care about Tennessee on show people Ain even got teeth man we worry about them man shout out to our girls doing what they got to do handling business bro around here but they can’t count to 11 with their teeth I love it uh Florida uh is a matched up uh with Florida Atlantic South Alabama and Florida Golf coast and their Regional uh they’re paired up with uh Louisiana yeah uh who has Princeton Louisiana obviously Baylor and ol Miss uh in their uh Regional so the winner of the gainville regional will play the winner uh the Louisiana Regional in Gainesville and hopefully the gator make it back to Oklahoma citya City um so that’s where we’re at in uh in Gator baseball news I know track and field had a number of people did you guys see the Freshman Runner gassing himself up as he was R rounding the turn on that run Nick I’m not sure if you saw this uh and I’ll pull I’ll pull up the video here 100 meters and he’s like all right y’all boys watch this [ __ ] I’m about to go crazy and I mean he just took off let me see if I can’t find that that video while we’re uh while we’re waiting here uh Parker Valby uh also just what an incredible performance by her uh at the University of Florida goes and wins uh her uh match as well so uh while I pull up that video uh this was an interesting quote or a comment that that kind of went around Twitter this weekend who was the first Gator quarterback that you ever saw play in person warful baby yeah that was mine too that was mine too I had a uh some with my dad up here I I had I asked him I was like hey what what year did you bring me to a Gator game I had a picture with me my dad and and my mom’s dad my grandpa and he said that had have been 95 that think I must been like I must have been like six or seven years old I was in like I didn’t realize I that I was in like eth ninth grade or some [ __ ] but well listen we already someone commenting on my grays black don’t crack you look great for 27 I look great for 64 but I’m only 35 hey man gray is the New Black that’s how we gotta roll you gotta make new rules when you get older you just twist things Man Gray is the New Black 40 is a new 20 so so I so I tweeted this a ton of responses that was cool to see but it’s crazy because you get a bunch of the no picture Twitter Twitter pages GRE and [ __ ] yeah but then but then you you get to start to see like oh how old people are and some people who talk Greaser like Wayne pce I’m like you have so much hate in your heart there somebody who’s in their late 60s my goodness first congratulations for knowing had a Twitter they say Steve my goodness somebody tweet Steve spray you’re like whoa you gotta change your diapers more often my man too cranky that’s I see why you don’t like the black jerseys bro let’s see we’ve got Harrison Sanchez with an absolute abomination of the spelling of worl and Terry Dean doctor he’s a doctor not not a journalist not a spelling be uh don the amount this isn’t a dig at Harrison I know worle is a hard last name to spell uh but the amount of people that called Urban Meyers Scott strick land Danny worle spell I mean Gator undefeated and not knowing uh important people’s uh spelling of their names I know you guys will criticize me and Scott Strickland doesn’t matter and we shouldn’t learn how to spell his name and got it uh Terry did you see did you see Scott Strickland’s birthday wish from the from the uh Florida Gat football account yeah pull it up pull it up like why not we’re having fun man like life is about fun pull that tweet up bro that tweet was you talk about not reading the room when I seen it I was like really do they not know the Vibes or what people are saying about strickling right now that’s like putting in Gator Nation that’s like putting real deal like no no like to make light or anything but it’s like putting Hitler up like his birthday now not something okay uh Kim Jong Yong I would say then how about that it’s like putting up Kim Kardashian during the Tom Brady bro she knew was there no no Kim Kim Kim birthday is allow you gonna get some good PR Kim Kim birthday [ __ ] it’s gonna be good and bad there was not one happy birthday in Scott’s whole thread man no I’ll pull that up here in a second I’m gonna show you guys par parves Khan here in a second but uh Shane Matthews Eric beholz uh Terry Dean we had uh here’s one Doug Dicky September 1952 Gator be CL 55 to3 Ray we appreciate that shout out to Ray Ry remembers when Florida played on concrete spray painted green when they had Doug Doug no Doug’s rug Doug loved that uh that that Turf I can’t imagine can you imagine how hot it would be on a field in Gainesville Florida in August playing on that old school AstroTurf like not the new joint they have now with like sand and rubber and and Les Miles might mistake it and actually try to eat some of it like back back when Doug Dicky was here it was straight concrete green concrete AST Turf um thanks Sharice for watching again always appreciate when you pop in normally it’s around the season hit that hit that like button sh yeah make sure you hit the like button subscribe make sure you watch the ads to Super Chat donation the next time uh Roland x uh put in here uh 1915 quarterback Ramy ramsdale was Florida’s first scholarship athlete um I’m going to pull up the Ric Flair story Q Le seems one Q Le Q Le’s pressed about this Q Lee is ready for us to talk about Panos and Ric Flair my neighbor Ric Flair uh but I do want to pull this up real quick the hell happened to rck Flair he got kicked out of Paisanos over graduation weekend what was he doing too many WS like what happened Flair Colombian jet fuel some yelling you know what I mean I like it I like it I like I’m here for it baby little booger little booger sugar from the wo all right um was in the bathroom you I’ve been in South Florida bathrooms I thought Ric Flair was in yeah Rick that that all right um let’s go back because I want to uh I want to show this guy uh this is a a natural woo um so this is um parves Khan he’s a freshman Runner so Nick you’ll notice here my boy hype him up last go second place here looks over to the crowd and says let’s bring let’s bring the heat bro you you have to win you have to win now oh he’s pulling away so so he won that fist pumping the whole time do like this is crazy oh my go he ran he’s vibing he ain’t even trying to get a PR or nothing he just there for the ladies and The Vibes hey y’all see me my hair flowing got my chain on these guys are lightweight I’m just a freshman that look 33 uh he ended up so he won that heat ends up coming uh in bronze uh for the uh for the tournament so uh congratulations to them all congratulations to him congratulations to all of the uh performers that’s funny that uh that did well so let’s see what what account was it from Gator football no yeah it was Gator football I think or it was just the gator account I’m not sure but Florida Gator all right that’s that’s a reason to fire the intern if I’m the intern and Scott coming as my birthday put me a post I’m like um do want to while we’re doing this could have been internal email would would have appreciated an internal UAA email yeah um I do want you say uh Norm Carlson um sadly he passed away he was uh the Gator’s first I believe uh sports information director he was 90 years old uh he is credited with creating Heisman hype uh which he did around Steve sparer to win uh the Heisman back in 1966 so he’s the first one that really uh took advantage of of being able to Market and advertise somebody uh to win and obviously see you see a ton of it uh going on now so do want to um you know certainly thoughts and prayers to his family and everything else um but I know if you look at Scott Carter’s account if you look at Keith neber a lot of them did uh a lot of uh writing about uh norm and his impact at the University of Florida all right gentlemen should we start with uh the replies or the quote tweets of this Scott Strickland announcement here um um quote tweets is usually where the winners are at bro they like to get in their bag with the quotes all right so here we are it’s going to be good all right so some quote tweets bar stool Florida oh brother this guy stinks some FSU fans um definitely a succession a montage of uh of saying [ __ ] off you can’t screen share it do like that that’s going to take it the production to another level we can screen share the tweets is that possible I think you guys have a pretty general idea another 47 seconds there um our boy T-Mac no thanks I have other plans uh a lot of folks in here that’s that’s like a lot of people just go over the a lot of people go over the top curse yada yada a a simple join us in celebrating this person’s birthday a simple no thanks I have other plans that’s that’s funny that’s funny shout out to T I don’t even have a moment of silence for that guy like there’s nothing I can offer him busy yeah I mean these just bad you know what I mean do we have one positive what’s the first positive reply you see is it like a cake a birthday other than uh the FSU fans and the Tennessee fans calling him the goat um George Foster here noted Georgia Bulldog uh unconquered 904 null shout out to the goat lots of people saying he’s not our athletic director some people firing him I like it this is one I hope his birthday present is a door hitting him on the way out um you know we don’t like to be negative but we do like comedy uh so this is a great place uh to look if you have a bad day uh got a young thug photo in there it’s it’s a lot going on lot got y’all smash that like button man it don’t cost nothing to show love bro like subscribe comment all of that we appreciate everybody for hanging out with us this morning Ric Flair took some booger sugar at at at the spot in the Ville graduation so um I think that that part is unknown okay I would say having seen some interactions don’t think that that’s necessary I don’t like to accuse people of that but you know I I wouldn’t say that that’s out of the question you know what I mean he was drinking he was drinking yeah he is a legendary Drinker he is uh so he lives one building away from where I live here in tampas a floor below Dan probably no no no it’s not it’s a different next door he just do away his address right now yeah yeah um there is a stateum Mel listener that was on the elevator with the other day Dan right I’m like yeah L your podcast and we got to his FL that’s always awkward man Dan’s like I was going home but now I’m going back down to the lobby ni name I’d give him a shout out seemed like you’re super nice guy uh but um but yeah so he got kicked out of Pisano’s uh which is a a noted pizza restaurant and games didn’t get kicked out first they cut him off they said hey you’re too drunk you can’t have any more drinks so so from what we heard there was an alter the where somebody maybe one of the chefs or the cooks was taking a while in the bathroom is my understanding and he got a little loud and Rowdy about that is that substantiated I that’s the first I’m hearing of it I also not a wrestling nerd uh stop watching I don’t think actively wrestling stop no stop watching wrestling when I realized that or some [ __ ] that girls existed so uh haven’t kept up on Ric Flair’s if you listen to this podcast and watch wrestling and you know girls exist that’s okay too we’re a welcoming we’re a welcoming show here shout out to my buddy Paul big big wrestling guy did you realize girl exists I’m I’m curious I’m saying became interested in girls found out that I didn’t need to watch uh men and underwear throw each other around a ring yeah I feel that Paul’s I’m trying to find out this article and they’re doing a whole history on who flare is this is this was the Tweet um I spent $1500 at Pisano’s Stone Fired Pizza to be disrespected more than I ever have in my entire life now being a wrestler and watching I think he’s been a little more disrespected than that but anyway after taking 20 pictures with customers and staff I was asked to leave because I had an issue I had with the kitchen manager taking too long in the bathroom I’d highly recommend that anyone who wants to enjoy a relaxing time in Gainesville at a nice restaurant to never visit this place woo here’s my thing it’s very difficult to spend $1,500 in a Gainesville bar during the offseason that petza place yeah well I think he was in town for graduation I think it might have been like a grandkid graduation daughter graduation so you’re you’re talking about maybe five six seven 8 nine 10 people there um that’s still tough 1500 bro that’s at a pizza spot that’s drinks in Gainesville like five bucks bro like they they very cheap uh so that leads me to think Harrison is the most connected guy in the world he gave the waitress a $1,000 tip well a video a video came out uh that it looked like a Pano’s employee because it was from behind the bar behind the counter and he was calling one guy names um and basically he said to the waitress I’ll give you a $ thousand tip if you call him a [ __ ] she’s like sounds like bar sound like bar bar Vibes a little bit in the college town like this is but I don’t know if this sounds like pisos you know what I mean like if that happen BS you know it’s different you or Gater City salty you know salty probably it was probably the Panos there’s two locations probably the Panos on University right by campus too either way it’s a family show either way like either way some guy some he he had he told the the man that he was yelling at he told him like let’s step outside and some guy clearly not a wrestling fan um was like I’ll go outside I don’t work here I don’t care I’m like buddy wrestling might be scripted but it’s not fake Ric Flair will Flair’s like 70 though dog yeah Ric Flair’s drunk ass will starch that man in the parking lot no he’s definitely not going to need alcohol to fight a young man he’s going to need the booger sugar for sure uh cuz he’s like 70 but if you get out of line in a place like Pano spend, 1500 like The Vibes was up there and that’s I want to be a Granddad like that when it was his grandchild if you’re spending if you’re spending 1500 Panos Vibes are up they’re up they are up there one and then A1 thousand tip he thought he was in Miami for sure I think uh yeah it was his granddaughter yeah this Granddad goes right there bro yeah definitely Grand goes yeah so anyway uh if you guys are looking to find out more Ric Flair was kicked out of Pisano um he spent a lot of money gave a lot of money as a tip um some issue they kicked him out he got upset free RI Flair hashtag free Rick Flair free Ric Flair all right gentlemen uh any uh any final comments things you guys want to bring up before we head out of here today I’ll be up in Jacksonville tonight Dan Dan Dan County Duvall um if you’re there say what’s up I’m gonna we we interview bil nap year before and I’m going to hang out and uh see what the new gator Caravan what a meeting looks like so I’ll have so this is all for beat writers right like all the beat writers no no no no well yes so yeah yeah obviously it’s for the Jacksonville faithful that I have nothing better to do on for your people right oh Jesus um yeah they they only wanted us asking questions about the gator Caravan um when we did the Gainesville stop when we meet with him before so meet with Billy before it’s just writers local writers right um and I’m not going to be told what questions I can ask they ended the Press they ended that session a little bit early which is fine listen if you didn’t want me ask you certain questions and I asked them and you want to end it cool uh yeah yeah I’m GNA hang out um it’s 15 bucks I think there all these meetings are open to any fans you don’t have to be affiliated with a certain you know booster uh organization or Alumni club got 15 bucks and you’re in Jacksonville you can come I think you can buy a ticket either on Florida’s website or just walk up and sure they have room um over at TPC at the marot there Dan beautiful location yeah it’s a great I mean you know of the places in Jacksonville uh if you really want to show somebody really the only part to go to that’s worth a damn Ponto vadra Beach is definitely that uh you can also check him out if you want to come to a real City he will be in Tampa next Monday at the West Shore Grand uh at here in Tampa so that’s on Kennedy Boulevard uh so go check him out either in Jacksonville today or Tampa next week and that will end his Caravan he was in Gainesville Orlando Fort Lauderdale Lakeland and then Jacksonville today and then Tampa Nick I presume you won’t be in Tampa for that one I will not negative no not being in that one I know it’s hard to get you down to Tamp I know that you’re not a big fan like I am so T was temples of Vibes man when I get this bag this duffel Dan I’m gonna be out there with you bro and then you’re only two hours away from Panos you know and then I’m G be on the same floor as you and Ric Flair you we got a we got a running back commit to uh talk about that we didn’t that we didn’t discuss real quick before we get out of here I know I know we got a hard exit sorry about that so the Gators did grab a 2025 commitment I I had that on the outline then completely I forgot to to talk about it so let’s pull uh that information up while we do that let me just do a quick ad read so we’re not wasting time here uh go visit our friends over at Alumni Hall go visit them in Gainesville Florida maybe before you go swing over to your pisos for dinner uh or you can go visit them at alumni anything that you want Florida Gators related uh whether it be apparel accessories uh ornaments gifts uh whatever it might be Father’s Day is the next big holiday around the corner so go visit alumni or go visit them uh in Gainesville Florida let them know Stadium Gale sent you you won’t get a discount maybe if you’re nice you can ask for one but you will let them know that you are hearing about them from this podcast which we do appreciate uh silk you mentioned that the Gators did land Chad Gasper he is the 519th ranked player in the Onre industry ratings he’s the number 40 running back on the number 81 player in Texas he’s 5 foot1 195 pounds from CAD Jordan High School in fshare Texas uh he is the second running back commit in the gator class uh with waltez Clark uh who’s from the Bay Area over here uh he committed to Florida over Ohio State Michigan Oregan Tennessee uh Nebraska Duke and Liberty is where their reported offers are from uh what are your guys thoughts on Chad Gasper I like to get he’s not ranked as high he’s in a in a pass happy offense out there in Texas uh but I think they’re doing a good job of of evaluating these guys I expect him to uh climb the rankings a little bit but in in in the film that I’m seeing on hudle great balance uh great vision he’s your pro prototypical SEC running back the sizewise he fits the mo bodywise of a Trey young web the bigger backs that this staff seeming to like um so I think it’s a good get we’ll see how he climbed the rankings and and and how like his offers and things go up as this year continue to go but but um just looking how they’ve evaluated backs in the last few years I think they’re still on par with uh another good get by juk yeah I think we talked about Mullen kind of padding classes uh with guys who either never made campus but were four stars um and and I said last week that I thought this staff was kind of like Jim M staff in terms of getting a great evaluations early um and you start to see even more offers not that this offer this is bad but you start to see even more offers come in after uh and the what Florida has brought in starting with you know Montell Johnson TR web Jaden ball all the guys they’ve brought in Trevor etn uh the evaluations at running back have been on spot have been fantastic so don’t look at the stars yeah Rivals has him ranked I know we don’t really look at Rivals anymore for for a lot of reasons but they have him as a 25th overall running back in the class so we’ll see so obviously you know they’re still an entire season uh they’re still an entire offseason pardon me of spring camps and or of summer camps and seven on sens and opportunities for these guys to go and prove themselves and then you have an entire senior year uh ahead so uh but Chad Gasper uh is your newest uh commit for the Florida Gators uh in the class of 2025 uh right now you pull up Florida is ranked 19th uh in the class or in uh 2025 uh doesn’t really matter obviously we’re still a long way away 10th in the SEC with an average class score of 88.8 uh five total commits Jaylen Wiggins out of Tallahassee Waltz Clark out of Plant High School uh here in Tampa Jeremiah McLoud out of Havana Florida up in the Panhandle jiah Abdullah uh who is from Woodward Academy in Atlanta Georgia and then Chad Gasper um Josiah Abdullah ran a very fast 100 meter uh Dash saw the other day so uh track gu track speed uh there in him so all right um hey shout out to Errol got listeners up in Pittsburgh happy uh belated paulk’s Day to you Mr Walker one time for pit I seen Chief borders got just committed to pit as a tight end and a edge rushing I was like what going on third year in college third school both ways they recruited for both ways for some reason pause whoa also do want to give a quick shout out to our listeners in the Philippines and in Bolivia uh who both had us ranked as the number seven most listened to football podcast in all of Bolivia last week so crushing it in Bolivia just absolutely crushing it in Bolivia number 171 ranked podcast in the philppine size I’ve always said love my Filipino and Bolivian brothers and sisters more than you guys no G gang gang gang uh so with that being said uh I want to do I guess I have song of the week right so let’s close this out uh this was a concert that I was at last year in Red Rock Shane Smith and the Saints uh they put a live album from that show so we’ll play canvas from that show it’s a lot of fun uh just a really good heartfelt song uh they break it down uh I really have a great time out there jam it out so uh let’s do that everybody that’s listening we appreciate you uh go to HomeField go to Alumni Hall let them know stumail s you use that Stadium male promo code those jerseys drop on Friday at 10 and they absolute Elite very very good uniforms uh if you’re watching listening make sure you hit the like button subscribe button share this comment uh hate listens count too so Sharice make sure that you share this with all of your FSU friends as well with that being said we will get HomeField send me a jersey send send me a I need that drip bro I need that drip the bag you sent that text too bro I see the Jersey I need that drip in my life pause we will uh we’ll shoot an email we’ll see what they can care of us yeah all right guys we’ll see you guys next week thanks for joining in [Music]


  1. Silks face when Dan started reading off Money's recruiting timeline is hilarious 😂

    "Commits to Miami doesn't sign goes to Colorado "

    Appreciate y'all fellas 🧡💙🐊💪

  2. If a kid can control the narrative then you are desperate.. he was given many chances to do his homework, stop smoking, skipping sessions, and not being committed to better his own future. He is looking for money period. Corry you guys are desperate. Education first everything else comes last.

  3. I was hesitant on Cormani coming to Florida but if it’s done right and if it helps the young man become a better person and reach his potential the right way then I’m all for it. Sounds like he will have to earn his way on the field and to a scholarship which is the way it should be the way he’s gone about his recruitment and last year at Colorado not being on time to meetings and classes. He’s a great talent so I’m all for it if he has to earn it. Go gators!!! 🐊🐊🐊🐊

  4. Is it sad that Micah mizzucca will always be remembered and really his only memory for us is that Tennessee game when he squared up ready to box with helmets on lol says it all right there 😂

  5. Wow wow wow. The gators officially have a coach 7 years younger than me lol so this is what it feels like to be at the other end of the age spectrum….I don’t like it 😂

  6. The alcohol is definitely not enough at 70 bogger sugar that man 😂😂😂😂 aye silk you a fool 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  7. Your wrong Dan go look at his player profile and bio his Wikipedia says he's a redshirt meaning 2 year's left another profile has a red shirt literally right next to his classification

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