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LIVE REACTION to Tim Pool Debate: Pearl, Lauren Chen, Rachel, Isabella Riley

LIVE REACTION to Tim Pool Debate: Pearl Davis, Lauren Chen, Rachel Wilson, Isabella Riley

Chrissie Mayr, Candice Horbacz, Lila Hart, Lisa Reynolds

#timpool #pearl #laurenchen

F your seat belt is going to be a Chrissy is hilarious Chrissy have you ever heard of the comedian Basha K Ali no that sounds like something you yell at before you blow up a [Music] plane 30 seconds remaining to say I doubt I haven’t disrespectful to you at all I was very confused by the title everything everywhere all at once because that’s also what we call it when ass takes off his skirt I shouldn’t be up here I should be in school on the other side of the ocean hello guys hello happy Saturday welcome welcome we are doing h a very special Saturday podcast uh here I have Lisa Reynolds and Laya Hart and there may be a couple others joining possibly a Candace horr boox possibly a Rebecca from blonde in the belly of the Beast possibly oh no Marie Oaks is going to reschedule we’ll have her back um we are here to talk about a uh tenant media special that came out gosh a day or so ago uh and it was a panel called is Trad wife life better the nature of women and men the culture war with Tim pool and this panel featured Pearl um gosh Lauren Chen Isabella does she go by Riley or Moody now I can’t Riley Moody okay Riley Moody and um Becca what’s her last name no Rachel Wilson Rachel Wilson I should have made notes and Rachel Wilson of course um Lisa I’m gonna have you start because you actually were kind of involved a bit in the planning of this panel yeah um it was well we we wanted to get Pearl on to do this type of debate there’s so many people that always hit me up like I want to debate her I can’t wait to debate her you know they really wanted like a shot at Pearl and so we wanted to make it like a little bigger I guess um originally you know it it was the people that were floated were like Lauren Southern and Sydney Watson for whatever reasons those didn’t work out and so Lauren Chen’s like I’ll take a stab at and she’s like let’s bring Isabella Riley with me and and I was like all right well let’s get Rachel Wilson because she’s more aligned with pearl than most people that I that I know um and and we’ll do it that way and then Pearl was like doesn’t Isabella rightley agree with me and I’m like well not really no because she comes from like a more biblical perspective now and and whatever and she was like okay fine and so um it was supposed to be more of a debate I guess than it wound up being I feel like they all agreed a lot more than whatever but um but it was interesting to say the least that is interesting because I have seen people be critical of Isabella online and I don’t know if it’s Pearl or others they they love to bring up pictures of Isabella from when she was single they love to play clips of her like uh there’s one clip where she’s saying I’m not really maternal I don’t really maybe want to have kids there’s another clip people like to play of her and I don’t know if she was joking uh saying that she would like give her daughter her daughter to this guy zura like and I people don’t get her she’s just like a troll she just like wants to like it’s it’s basically like rage baiting people right like she’s she’s a troll if you meet her in person she’s the kindest sweetest s smartest kind of like quiet demure girl person yeah very chill in person she came to uh one of our shows I don’t know if you were there Lyla I think yeah I I met Isabella several times and she’s always been very sweet to me in person she’s super sweet yeah you know she gets she gets a little I guess in trouble for some of her tweets and like before that though like if you look I I’m very close with her I happen to be very close with her and if you look at like I have you like YouTube videos of her when she was eight she’s the same personality like just eight eight like trying to sh is saying crazy stuff right like a yeah it’s actually really cute because she looks like very much the same but yeah those things were like meant to be like shock jockey kind of jokes I get it people don’t like it I probably wouldn’t have made some of them myself right but like Isabelle is like a good person and honestly the things that you were saying about her being atheist and like well she was an atheist before she got married but about her being single and posting those pictures and like saying that she wasn’t really maternal well she kind of wasn’t it wasn’t until she found her husband and God and and when I tell you that this girl leaned in she leaned in so hard it almost scared me at first right I’m like are you all right you know like like you are like real but she’s doing great like her baby is wonderful and healthy and they’ve got such a and everything seems to be going really well but she really is like living the tread life for sure like she wow yeah because I don’t see her I don’t know making as much content or I’m definitely seeing less of her drama with um a tweet that went around oh my God right she she like she’s like oh my my baby’s saying the nword which like clearly the baby was not saying the n word it would be verys they called called Child Protective Services on her for that no way they haven’t like shown up or anything but like they definitely got called for sure because CPS they get a lot of not crank calls or prank calls but a lot of people are calling CPS on a lot of people and they’re used to like a lot of [ __ ] calls and reasons and they’re not they’re not going out for everything they get a call for so it does it does sound scary for sure but I’m sure at this point CPS can decide like what’s real like what’s not what’s a real threat of U yeah I don’t know if they were like flooded or not but because people were like telling them to and putting the number up and stuff it’s really crazy so she’s like scary I understand yeah she like I’m taking a break you know what I mean like these people are not say don’t get my jokes so oh my God okay but she’s a good girl but yeah it was supposed to be a little more a little more cont but it was good I think it’s interesting because there’s a point in this where and we’re going to like start at the beginning and kind of like um jump around a little bit but there’s a point in the panel where they’re when they bring up that girl Nala who was the girl that was uh the red like very like superhero redhead only fans girl and then was saved and Pearl’s like I don’t buy that she’s saved because she still an only fans up and she only took it down right before she did the Michael nolles interview and she in fact even increased her prices as time went on and I’m like isn’t that interesting because you have you’re sitting with somebody right now Isabella who went from being single I don’t feel maternal I don’t think I’ll ever have kids to full on making the change being about that life as you said Lisa like leaned in so hard but Pearl doesn’t think it’s possible that Nala can be saved and it’s like well why isn’t she being critical of Isabella who’s sitting here who made a genuine life change yeah it was I was surprised that Isabelle didn’t even interject there um Isabelle always kind of gets quiet on live streams but like I was surprised she didn’t interject and say like hey this happened to me like it can happen yes I can totally I listen I can understand not buying into people like right away like if a you know like it was like that that black guy that was on Joe Rogan that was like oh I’m for reforming the whatever and he wound up like decapitating people and cut them up into bodies right like he was like this prison for guy I get it like you don’t have to always take people they at like on face value but welcome her in right and let these other people out there know like no there is hope for you and you will be accepted and even if it like I think it was what Tim said even if it is a grift or whatever good let’s see people see people getting praised for good behavior rather than bad behavior why are we shaming her like and nobody said that either I was like I’m gonna I was GNA was going to jump I was like tweeting out novels yesterday like anger essay typing on Twitter it was really bad so Lisa yeah you work for the the culture war or you book or produced for the culture War which is like a channel on on uh on Tim’s Network I guess well it’s on tenant media but it’s Tim but it’s on tenant whatever I don’t know how that all works but yeah God it would have been interesting to see Lauren Southern cydney Watson who else would have been good to see I was going to book myself and I was like this is like it’s kind of weird to book yourself would have been great on it too Isabella was like Lisa can you just Sub in for me like I can’t do that I can’t like book myself unless Tim wants to be booked and Lauren wanted you so like no but I would have love to shot her but um Lyla Rose like had asked me to debate her before like there’s a bunch of people have always said Al Drummond is someone who comes to mind who I think is like example of who’s living the Trad life I asked Ali best ducky and she said possibly and then like yes I love her oh my gosh I follow her uh all the things so I mean we tried to like there are people that always constantly say that they want want like a piece of her but then I know scheduling conflicts and pearl was coming from England and so you know whatever yes Frank I shot at Pearl could be a reality dating show for true I would love to see that actually I would love to see a reality dating show with pearl because I would love to see her let down and be vulnerable and like see her feminine side come out and lla hardt is here hello lla lla you’ve had an interesting kind of journey through through this too because you’re somebody who a couple years ago and I hope you don’t mind me saying this I think you’ve said this publicly you were thinking I’m all I’m gonna be all about the the Trad life you thought you know I’m moving to Texas this is my this is my path now and then you realize like no I don’t actually fit into this cookie cutter kind of life well I you know I got married I bought a house I love my husband we’re living a great life together but I also feel like you know uh my career and doing standup is also very important to me and um I think that there are good things to take from each side right and I think when you get too extreme on either side of things I think that’s where you can get lost and I think a lot of times that’s where Pearl can come off pretty hypocritical right cuz she’s preaching all the stuff that people should do but she’s not doing them herself and then um she’s being so critical of other people and it’s kind of like back to the Jordan Peters and stuff up like clean your own room first before you go out and start attacking people but I will say this she has done a very incredible job of building a brand right which is why like you know some people want her on shows and the fact that we’re even having these conversations I think at the end of the day is very good and to go back to Isabelle O’Reilly um I think Isabella’s change has been absolutely incredible I remember when I first met her you know she was like I’m single I I’m I don’t want to have kids and then to see her get married become a mom and really change her whole life of is a true Testament of the power of God and the power of finding the right man in your life and now she’s you know happy being a mom and I think that’s something really beautiful and I would have loved Lisa like you said to see her interject and kind of maybe stand up for n a little bit to be like well it is possible because it happened to my own yeah right yeah I just think she gets a little like quiet you know what I on the panel type things but you know but she is a testament to it and and it’s funny because she said to me just a couple weeks ago she’s like oh I can’t wait to have another one already like if I can get pregnant right now she’s like breastfeeding so she can’t right so she was like if I can get pregnant right now again I would do it right now like I want to have another baby already she’s like I love this so it is weird it is something you think about like you think more time would pass before you think about if you would have another one and it’s it’s weird how quickly the thoughts crop up like what I do this you have flashbacks to the hospital you’re like would I do that again 100% yeah yeah okay interesting so here we go um I was watching this on speed a couple of times so so this is interesting because Tim I find uh love Tim not the best moderator he can’t help but interject himself he can’t help I found it that Tim was basically just another member of the panel you know when you watch uh a debate like everyone remembers like when Megan Kelly moderated uh the debates like with Trump or whatever we didn’t hear her opinion too much on things it’s just like you help steer the conversation you ask questions and like I just think has too many opinions he’s he’s he can’t help but interject to be fair to be fair the show is more like yeah it’s it’s not like actual debate style right like when you think of debates like Pearl just had a debate with Trent horn fantastic debate style like they had time like 10 minutes here 10 minutes there rebuttal like all that kind of stuff it was actually Trent horn was fantastic this is more like a debate conversation type thing do you get what I’m saying I mean and most of them are like that and when we can’t get to people that disagree we’ll bring on two topic experts and you know it’s more like a conversation but but I thought Tim actually help like as compared to other culture War shows he actually held back a lot in this one actually I think some of the comments reflect that for Tim like his Tim it’s Tim show Tim talk yeah you know so but I thought he I thought he was actually a little more reserved but then again I only got to like 45 minutes and then I had people calling me to book next week’s show I have a life um yay Candace is here hello Candace hor C I haven’t seen you in a while congratulations on the beautiful baby God thank you I can’t believe it every time I look at him I’m like how did this happen and then I look at his head and then I look down at my snatch I’m like how did how how did he come out of there I still haven’t looked down to see the state it’s in it’s fine it’ll bounce right back I promise okay good I’m gonna tell Frank that when we’re having sex next time like Candace said it was going to be perfect we’ll get you a little like y Yoni egg and it’ll be like probably better than before what if I just use a hardboiled egg I’ll just stick do that I don’t know what problem oh my gosh I’ll send you all the links they’re beautiful a Yoni egg is like a little thing you put inside you and then I think you have to keegle it shut y so yeah yeah they’re like crystals so you can get different ones but you work your way through different weights and it helps kind of like reestablish your pelvic floor you take something and then if by the end you can turn it into a pearl because you’ve squeezed it so hard then you know you’re ready to have sex again yes um hello Candace did you watch any of this uh culture panel no I was hoping to get caught up okay cool cool yeah Lisa here um kind of booked it helped helped produce it um I’ve watched like almost all of it on speed but uh just very interesting that you know a few people were like I really want to take a shot at Pearl and then sort of seemingly lost their nerve but Pearl is I don’t know I think she’s kind of she makes it hard to to to call her out on things because she always redirects the conversation back to her talking points she doesn’t just redirect it she goes like to a different thing she’ll jump from like you know abortion statistics to um I don’t know like something totally out in my no let’s talk about homelessness let’s talk about because she knows she’s got like let’s talk about veterans like why are we talking about veter I think she right right I just don’t know why everyone is still taking this person seriously like it’s almost kind of frustrating that everyone keeps putting them on their platforms like it’s not to say she doesn’t have a base of her own because she obviously does but if you look at who’s following her like they’re not healthy happy people and then she’s kind of creating more toxicity within that ecosystem and it’s like every time you prop this person up you’re perpetuating it even if the goal is to um go against something that she says but it’s like why do you have to prove that women aren’t morons or that men there’s double standards within relationships that somehow a man is so so much a victim to his biology that he’s allowed to cheat and have seven wives but a woman we’re something totally different and we just have to be obedient and shut up and take care of the kids which is so hypocritical because what is she doing she’s working it was like soon as they were doing um the giant payouts for uh how many views and your traffic on X and people started posting that they were getting thousands of dollars she’s like how do I make sure that I’m getting a payout and someone retweeted they’re like we don’t have a husband to send it to so you can’t get paid a but I agree with pearl on a lot of stuff so like so I think the conversations are important because of this so a lot of men are feeling like you know they have all they have a lot they have a lot against them right now right and so they’re feeling that and then women are also kind of like pushing back and taking cues from her and it seems to me that women out there right now especially when people are like interviewing them them on the street they’re like oh I got like a hundred bodies right like and they’re bragging about it they don’t even understand why they think like that like they don’t even understand why they think that that’s okay and so I think that those conversations are important because there is something about having a good marriage and and prioritizing marriage and stop she doesn’t believe in marriage I don’t care she’s very she’s very anti-marriage always say bad deal and even there’s a point in this debate where Tim actually I liked that he did this called her out and was like so by your logic you would say marriage is a bad decision so because they’re talking about like personal accountability and bad decision- making so Tim is like so you you would consider every guy who gets married to be making a bad decision and then she actually goes back and says well it’s up to everybody to make their own choices but she’ll always say like don’t get married it’s a bad deal for men it’s it’s a bad deal for men we’re paying women to leave we’re paying and it’s not true I mean if you look at alimony it’s it’s almost it’s extremely rare that anyone is getting paid alimony these days most dads do not want to participate in the child ring like yes there are some guys that get railro Ro roded and that’s not cool but it’s almost like she’s taking um like the rare examples and painting that as the whole story and it’s not true but that’s what I’m saying so so she’s she’s saying I’m saying marriage is good we have people like Isabella riy saying it’s good uh Lauren Chen saying it’s good Rachel Wilson is even married right and so to have these people who somewhat agree with her and having these conversations say yeah but like marriage is good I think it’s important to counter her for those reasons because she is getting a following and and then she has women to follower if you go in these Reddit forms for them like they’re like oh I I listen to Pearl I did the Treadway thing and I was in the most abusive toxic relationship ever in my entire life and so if that’s why I was kind of if there wasn’t a little more push back here like I thought there was going to be but if if we can like really counter her and show women a why they’re thinking the way they are behaving the way they are then there’s some good coming out of it so I mean that’s why I’m all right with platforming her but I don’t I don’t particularly but if you want to Circle back to even like the origin and maybe some not necessarily the origin but something that’s a little bit closer to that it’s why are women behaving this way right so you want to hold men to a higher standard and say that they’re the leaders why have they created this e this um cultural ecosystem where women feel unsafe where women feel like they have to provide for themselves so like it’s very easy to say I don’t like the behavior that women are demonstrating but what led women to that point because there was a point where it was wildly violent that my post had we had master in um what is it master in homes or master in uh master and something laws up until like the late 80s where women weren’t even allowed to have access to a bank account so if you don’t have any kind of Financial Freedom for a lot of women that can be wildly uh violent or that could be very dangerous for a lot of women so the laws that came over actually came from headed Master laws I’m sorry so back in England though the way it was is if you were married then you were your husband’s property however if you weren’t married you had child custody like you had the courts would favor you for child custody the courts would you could you could own your own bank account and whatever it wasn’t until you got married that you lost those things because then you became his property and that kind of is what traveled over here people are like oh you couldn’t well you some could married women couldn’t other ones couldn’t okay here’s my thing I’m so mad here’s your I was going nuts yeah my point though is that this is a great post thank you men men created this right men had like the Monopoly on Force as um you know what’s her name Wilson Wilson said right they do they have they let this happen and they let it happen because they want a free sex and and no responsibility right like that’s why feminism got the way that it is and so then it you know metastasized and people started um you know buying into these things or like it’s it’s become part of the culture and so now you have women and they’re women by Nature by Nature biologically they’re trying to pick the best mate right and they’re in competition with other women and so what they do is they just that they’re competing for resources honestly they’re not promiscuous by Nature they’re not but they’re responding to incentives for men men they see they go on Instagram and they see the hottest prettiest girl with 50,000 likes on a naked bikini picture and they start to emulate that that’s what they start to do but biologically women aren’t made to be promiscuous like this post that she’s bringing up it was talking disputed I think Pearl conflates the the some women who like the attention and the validation from I guess certain kinds of sex work I think she confuses that with actual promiscuity but she said she said in the thing it’s like not just these only fanor like there’s women getting naked in the streets right and okay you see you see some of that like in she mentioned Vegas or Miami or whatever you just saw that girl like flashing her boobies in the portal right like I get what she’s saying but these women are conditioned to think that this is fine and this is they they a lot of them think this is what men like like internally they think getting that constant dopamine hit from men saying yes I like that or I’m looking at you or you’re the hot girl I want to take home but they they don’t understand that that’s a sexual desire and not like long-term partnership desire and then they wonder why at 30 they’re like I I I have everything I have a career blah blah blah blah blah nobody wants me like that girl on Twitter today and it’s because she focused you know all her young years men don’t care men don’t care about your master’s degree I’m sorry they don’t they ask any of them also I also think it’s interesting how the culture has changed so much where people you can interview somebody on the street and they can say they have a 100 bodies or whatever I mean I remember when I was in college it was oh I never do this I’ve never done this before what happened to that what happened well they still do that I don’t know I feel like they’re really like proud of it they’re like really really proud of it where it’s like at least we used to lie about it at least we used to say i’ never been in this position before i’ never even seen a naked man you know yeah yeah yeah you’re reading my like novel that was one of two yesterday because I was like so angry at Pearl yeah I want to make sure we get through points you made on this so this was so your point was that yeah women are not biologically more promiscuous which I think Candace you disagree with I think that there’s a a ton of evidence that says we don’t know and if you I mean Jeffrey Miller is a great example um Chris Ryan like these are people that study evolutionary psychology and it’s there have always been women and like females in different uh animal species that are using this to get safety to get um to protect their young to help build like their nest so we can take like obviously we’re not animals but we are a close relation unless like you believe in just creation we have no ties whatsoever to Bono to bonobos or chimpanzees but there are there is a lot of evidence to suggest that yes like women have always used sex as a tool and we have also had the same amount of pleasure the difference is is that we have like the awareness of how dangerous and the consequences that come with sex and then that adjusts our sexual behavior but if you take the risk of um bodily harm or physical threat out of it women are a lot more open to being promiscuous and having Cas Cas casual sex they’re open to it but they’re not driven by it and so part of most of what I’m saying here actually comes from a study done on like jealousy and cheating right and about resource protection and I forget what his name is but this was from going back to my behavioral econ days and so what I’m trying to say here is you are right right like you you are absolutely right that like you know they may use sex as a tool I’m not saying that they don’t that’s not what this is I’m saying that their in innate desire is not the same as like men’s innate desire to want to go spread his seat everywhere when you’re walking down the street and you see a hot guy you’re like oh he’s hot you’re not instantly thinking I’d like to have sex with him and that’s what we’re talking about as far as promiscuity is concerned and that’s not necessarily true either because if you look at just bi so there’s this idea it’s in sperm Wars so you have well a the woman has multiple orgasms right so why does the woman have multiple orgasms when the male only has one also about 95% of his seen you ask like why does a woman have one egg and a dude has like this massive load one of the theories one of the theories is that 95% of the sperm is actually used to defend and block and kill uh competition that is coming in and only 5% is actually used to fertilize so why would you need that like an army the penis and the way that it’s shap when you have the for skin is meant to pump out other people’s sperm women are more likely to cheat when ovulating because of biodiversity it makes no sense to procreate with one person forever because that’s uh that makes you so comeb to different diseases a lot you’re rolling your eyes which is rude because it’s basically because I’ve read you’re like you’re like getting feminist news news studies out that are not like like I’ll send you debate that should happened I’m just saying like that any woman that you know when girls like do you want like I’m asking the girls on the panel as far as I’m 42 years old I’ve been around like tons of women my whole life I’ve been a woman right I I from all of the women that I know right they they all wanted a boyfriend they didn’t want to sleep with multiple partners and not just because the told them to because after they have sex with one person they get a special dopamine hit that bonds you to that partner well it’s oxytocin it’s not dopamine it’s oxytocin I didn’t say dopamine you did no I didn’t I didn’t I said a chemical that Bond you to them maybe you can’t understand my Philly accent that might be a thing but like my my point here is that we get this special chemical reaction right like our oxytocin that hits us that makes us chemically bond with them and so what we’re supposed to be chemically bonded to like 50 million people every woman I know that I’ve almost ever met in my life no not one of them is like yeah I’d love to have sex with 50 dudes and run a train on them where men are absolutely like yeah I’d love to have sex with like a hundred women at a time most women would feel awful about themselves they they get they get all types of chemical releases and things that happen in their body Channing tatums that would be fine see that has no like almost everybody I know like yeah that would be fun to like joke about but like would you really want like 100 T channings like run a train you like I don’t know any guys that are like I want a 100 girls at the same time you’re using really extreme examples and then also you I do know they talk so you have your beliefs in the way that you live your life and see the world so what’s going to happen is you’re going to surround yourself with similar people that have similar beliefs and outlooks on the on that world that’s not true it is true I the kind of life I led the kind of life I led is I hung out with gangs I hung out with the pagans and I got kicked out of high schools and I hung out with like literal Bloods and Crips and then I like went to college and did things and then I went to work for Congress and then I went and got into this area of life and I’ve had like 50 million different lives so I mean if anybody has like the craziest life it sometimes to me I don’t even know what world I’m in I used to be a bartender for 11 years at makos on S Street where all the the bartenders were living a certain way everybody had piercings and tattoos in their face I was the only one that didn’t like my whole life you’ve never met a single girl that just had sex purely for pleasure no not any they all wanted a boyfriend they all wanted to settle down even the craziest people and then when they got used what how many people have you met that are ply I’m 42 like there wasn’t ply when we were when we were you know in our 20s there were there were people that were experimenting with stuff I guess but like even the women then even the women then they like they got jealous for a certain reason and the reason and this goes back to the study that I was talking about that women get jealous um about men and the way that they do like women don’t care if men cheat on you just like one time like they’re more willing to forgive if you have a one night stand versus as if you have an emotional connection to them and this is research done by I think it’s done or something like that I’ll send it to you but the point is is that because it is because that there’s resources no I’m I’m not saying that yours isn’t mine’s old right I’m saying we have competing ones and the competing studies that I am citing say that the reason women get jealousy get jealous like that is because we are competing for resources right and so that’s why our our mate selection is that’s why women have been more and still are more selective women care about men being in the top 1% right or more attractive than not and that’s because that there’s bi there’s genetic reasons for wanting to pass down your line but there’s also it’s also because they they want to make sure that that man isn’t giving his resources to anybody else and he’s resourc Rich right and so with with it’s it’s okay talk now but it’s all the same thing like women aren’t wanting to share that her man with anybody just be because we have we Harbor upfront costs of death and everything else you’re right because I think what Candace is saying is that if you look at like how much sperm versus how many eggs and and like what goes on in a woman’s mind like that’s why you’ll have examples of a woman who uh she gets off birth control and then she suddenly wants a different type or like she’ll go for a different kind of man it’s like biology does play into how women are there is a theory like okay women are not that they’re constantly looking to upgrade but there is something biological maybe that uh makes a woman like oh yeah I want to like get the best possible guy I can and maybe that looks like promiscuity or maybe that’s that looks like but that’s the thing is too is like I’ve I feel like I’ve talked to so many women who genuinely it’s the ones that are uh like have pretty much successful porn careers or the ones that can make it the test of time those are the ones that genuinely love having sex and love being with a lot of different people so you don’t think that’s born out of any trauma that like being in the porn industry and wanting a lot of people I think that’s a really reductionist way to like blankly prescribe for every single person like you’re like you you are thinking every single woman is the same when it comes to sexual proclivity that’s crazy even there’s a scale oh I definitely think that some enjoy it more than not but if you stat look at statistics and you look at porn stars they they have a history of trauma and sexual induced trauma and therefore are seeking validation through multiple partners I’m sure then you’ve seen that study that there is no more significant um trauma physical sexual or otherwise in people that join porn versus the average person there’s no difference from that has that has been debunked like a hundred times over well there definitely are some people in porn who have been like suffered like molestation abuse and even I know people that are not sex workers at all just friends of mine over the years who you can see like their abuse uh manifest either in a ton of waking or in you know promiscuity they’re not in the industry at all so right waking is a massive one yeah right because you’re literally trying to create a barrier um I think you’re both right I don’t know okay let me I’m trying to redirect this to the I love that we’ve had so much to say and we haven’t even played thing yet been the debate I love it it should have been um I love all of you okay here we go I’m gonna start this up and then tell me if I should make it faster or jump around I know that in the Midway I think it’s funny at one I think this is so funny at one point okay I’ll go to this now because I remember it Tim is talking about uh that there’s more competition like that women shouldn’t try to be girl bosses and CEOs because there’s so much more competition with guys like you have to literally compete against guys and there’s no way you’re going to get equal amounts of women as CEOs unless you have Dei and then he pulls out this chart female vers male grip strength and he use I I think it’s cute that he uses it to make his point um about CEOs let me see if I can start it up from here the guy thinks this is the least concerning thing I have ever had to deal with in my life but but that that then confers to the men saying sure fine whatever I don’t care I I don’t care if you’re gonna do X Y or Z or the law says this I’ve it’s a beautiful thing like I I my life is almost just beginning for desirable I like this point about to make tolerant of the crap they’re used to to things being crudy and so now they’re kind of comfortable they start hearing women say man it’s not fair I’m having these things taken away from me and the guy thinks this is the least concerning a lot of women in their 20s and especially into their 30s they experience this and there there are so many Tik Tok videos of like women in their 30s in their car crying about how they’re no longer desirable because a lot of you know women’s worth is is you know the dating Marketplace a sexual Marketplace so when these women aren’t married and they don’t have kids they are faced with the reality that yes they do have less societal value and it’s terrifying for them because it’s only going to get worse but that is why as a woman motherhood is amazing like I’m going to be turning 30 and I have a lot of friends who are single 30 like unmarried they’re freaking out their prospects look very different from mine like you know I’m married I have a family like I’m actually of the opinion like now my life is really just beginning like now I’m going on the up and up we can have more kids it’s a beautiful thing like I I my life is almost just beginning where it’s like if you are the single girl boss your life is kind of ending at that point and it’s just it’s so disappointing to see that they don’t realize that it didn’t have to to be this way so for them with greater uh I’m I think all can we just say Lauren Chen her always looks Flawless like all her makeup so true I saw her checking into the hotel at turning point in Phoenix in December I was like oh my God she had not a stitch of makeup on and looked better than me on my best day I’m just yeah she’s really beautiful honestly and she’s right here she’s right in that too so um yeah it’s almost like God it’s like be a have your kids if you want first and then go be a feminist then go have it it makes so much more sense to like go start your career uh at 35 I I don’t know I wish I don’t know I wish I had a different message kind of growing up but that’s the thing but there’s some there’s some careers like standup you’re not going to want to just start at 35 because the hustle uh you can only really do it in your 20s like the late nights going to all the spots putting in that that time no 30 5y old woman is going to be like yeah I have to put in 10 years right now before I even make a dent I started a little later I mean I went I was like a Go noer kid in high school and then I went to school later I didn’t go back to school till I was like 25 26 and then I went down and interned at 30 in Congress and all the other interns are like 18 19 or TW in their early 20s and I was like ah um but even that like I I I wish I mean as much like fun as I had on the hill or whatever the time that it took me away from my marriage and away from my children I can never get that back and that’s why I left the hill to like just work for Tim booking at home now you know what I mean like I I gave I gave that career up even though there was plenty more to do but it was it was negatively impacting my children so like I I just couldn’t do that anymore I think he’s about to get into his chart all of you probably have heard of Greater male variability hypothesis are you familiar so uh if we look at the strength actually it’s it’s pretty interesting you can see that uh the median male strength it’s it’s wider than female strength so greater male variability hypo hypothesis is that there are uh uh there are more failure men but there are more exceptional men and women tend to be more average we we cluster around the mean well so think about what this means for entering the marketplace you want to be the girl boss you want to be the CEO the if you look at grip strength which is not in indicative uh doesn’t necessarily correlate specifically with to run a company look at the guys I wish he had found a chart about like how easy to find a chart about like male versus female CEOs but what he was trying to say was that like these these standard deviations are similar across certain things when it comes to male and female um ac across all kinds of metrics it’s like women like like they said there’s there’s like the the few in there that are like the top or closer to the top and then everybody kind of just just like more normal men have and it’s like this across a whole bunch of platforms like a a whole bunch of different metrics so he I think he just found the chart and was like this is what I’m saying he could have found a very similar chart with the same metrics involving um CEO positions and the high end which are triple triple the median grip strength the highest end of guys there’s there’s 500 Fortune 500s there are 330 million Americans let’s say there’s 150 let’s say there’s 80 million adult males only F but I don’t actually think the women that uh are of the girl boss feminist mentality I don’t think a lot of them actually want to be a CEO I think a lot of them are really attracted to the financial Independence and this feeling of like a guy can’t [ __ ] me over and leave me and break me heart break break me heart break me heart and leave me destitute if I have my own income I think that’s what the attraction is like oo I’m less vulnerable if I make my own living I think it’s I remember my mom always saying to me like always have your separate bank account like do you want to ask your husband to buy you buy him a present like ew cringe like I I get that right like I you want to I seeing what I spend at Sephora right yes right like there there is there is some of that but I also think and I and I think that’s true I think that most women are afraid of not being financially um independent however I do know and this is from my time working on the hill because there’s a lot of girls that they would leave and come back and they missed and they they would tell me this like they missed The Prestige of saying I work for congress right like I I I work for the hill it’s impressive people go o ah when they say it and so that’s hard to give up for a lot of people because it’s socially acceptable to think that your your worth comes from whatever work that you do I think DC similar to New York the the finance scene in New York City similar to Hollywood there those like high ego typee a Industries like people who flock to those uh positions in those Industries I think they’re there is like the ego component attached to the selfworth of these positions yeah absolutely I mean and I’m not saying that like all I’m not one of those people that’s like all women shouldn’t work like if you do that’s fine but I think that young women really need to realize that if you do want to start a family like it’s better for you it’s better for the children it’s better for everybody the earlier that you can do that and you’ll you’re you’re more likely to be successful if you try to get that in before you do your career but that’s what’s of course and everyone knows it’s better the earlier to start a family the better but like we’re still not going to change the fact that like kids in their kids men and women in their 20s are not if we take a snapshot of how things are right now the average 20 25-year-old can’t I don’t can they really afford to to start a family un unless they have some kind of yes generational wealth or their parents help them out you can yeah really you could listen if you you can make it work my mom always used to say like if if you really want to like you’ll find a a way to make it work you really will I you know I used to see like people and they would be like oh I I sold real estate in one of my former lives right and that’s what my husband that’s his job is real estate right and and you’d see people like oh that’s at the top of my budget I don’t know if I can make that work and you know what they they find a way to make it work they find a way to make that payment somehow money some other way money comes in kids kind of take care of each other there’s hand-me-downs and all kinds of like there’s if you want to have if you want to have kids Young on hardly any money you can do it and and there will be plenty of kids that come out successful and fine right it’s it’s honestly about like how you raise them and and not the amount of stuff you have like that’s like saying you know poor people you know you only have one TV instead of like five like you’re fine it’ll it work out have kids young you’d be better off if you start a family and stuck together and built built that all together and eventually kids can help you anyway so what’s young though when we say like have kids young like what what age range would you say I don’t know like I would consider 25 and under yeah I would say like 22 to 25 if you can under 30 is ideal I mean I had kids at 30 and I wish that I had them younger I remember being tired and be like wow I had so much more energy 10 years ago there was a lot of things that I think that I did wrong in my life as far as when it came to kids um I wish I had them younger and there’s more complications that come as you get older you know even even with running around with them like even now I’m 42 and I’m going help like all these baseball things and I can’t keep up the way I did 10 years before this so I don’t know but just the values are not in place I just don’t think that’s true I think though but it’s like have kids young but it’s also important who you have the kid with like I think it’s hard when you have kids and then you don’t have your partner with you that can help you so it’s or a support system if all of your friends are in their early if every let’s say you have kids and when you’re 21 you’re absolutely going to be an outlier in that situation and now you’re surrounded by everyone else that’s your age but they have a very different lifestyle you have virtually no support system now if that’s different and you’re in a in a situation where everyone else around you is in a similar place where they’re married young and having kids young and you have an extended family that’s very different but if you’re by yourself I think that’s I think that’s crazy I think absolutely kids are amazing not everyone should be a parent I think to say like everyone have a baby when you’re young like not everyone should be a parent that is I don’t I’m not saying everybody should have a baby I think that we should encourage more women to have babies instead of putting their careers first but also like I don’t I don’t know about you guys but I’ve been through all kinds of friends like I’ve had friends come friends go the only people that are consistent are are is my family right like I have my mom my dad and my brother and that’s it we don’t have a big family we don’t have an extended family whatever but like they are the people that you can’t like you can’t okay but even if you don’t I mean honestly my mom my my daughter was six months old when she moved an hour and a half away and I’m like aren’t you gonna help me babysit she was like no she was like I already have my kids you raise yours and yeah and she’s she’s been involved now but like it’s not like I have my friends coming over they were never part of my kids and their support system that’s crazy it’s like you and your husband and your partner and then and then your kids you know through school or whatever things that you do with them you grow those type of sport acts but honestly the people that I went to high school with or college with or whatever like I mean I still talk to them we’re so friendly but we don’t we don’t have our kids even do playd dates like that’s just not and I don’t know anybody that really does I mean maybe that’s just my experience but I don’t think that you need a friend support system to have kids because your friends like what are they kind of call definitely you do need a support system I would be so [ __ ] like no of anybody like if Frank’s mom was not helping us uh watch the baby as much like I would be or or if like Frank wasn’t taking his like paternity days or not around as much like I would be drowning I would be uh it was never a job for two people ever yeah what is new is the whole nuclear system there’s this logical fallacy that everyone loves to fall to I mean it’s true and you can even like Google logical said I don’t disagree with that oh I’m sorry she can’t hear me it’s it’s this appeal to tradition and we say like you don’t need the support system and you see this huge spike in women that say I have postpartum depression and sure maybe some of them do but like I am in The Firm belief that most of that is because you don’t have support you don’t have help you’re surrounded by people that are telling you like what you I guess they’re not really appreciating the huge life decision that you made which is to get married and have kids because most people aren’t doing that now so it’s wildly isolating you are not supposed to be sleeping for two hours maybe at a time waking up changing a baby having no one else to help no one else to help clean no one else to help cook no one else to confide and like the mom needs like a massive is that hard for you I know for a lot of women yeah and I had when you had kids like was that hard for you because like I I thought that that was maybe I was breastfeeding maybe I don’t know but I had no problem waking up every two hours I’d wake them up put them on my boob put them asleep and like I mean I don’t I don’t I feel ever feel like I suffered with that and so maybe that’s where my bias is coming in because it was such an easy thing with both my children that like I felt I was meant to do this but I you know I think that things should go back to pre-industrial Revolution when the man and the woman were still in the house like that’s where I want to be men and women there were still parenting things out there for fathers and advice her fathers on how to be parents I don’t think it should just be a mom stuck in a house either but I absolutely I absolutely think that you know you and your husband should be able to take care of that there like back before when there was like a village and they lived in small hamlets in the 1860s which is my favorite time period to studyy like back then they didn’t have anybody else like living in their house waking up every half an hour to help with every two hours to help with the baby like they were feeding that baby themselves and then they had to go and hand wash their clothes and cook the dinner and go pull the feathers off the chicken like it I I get that we were conditioned to need more help but honestly I think that if it’s perspective like if you have a positive attitude going into it like I can handle this and I can do it you can Mind Over Matter type thing for sure you must not know a lot of moms because if you tell them mind over matter when they’re in the middle of like a deep depressive episode and like they’re drowning I think that is so cruel I don’t I don’t I mean I don’t know I mean I know a lot of moms but they all they like this support system if you’re not getting a break at at all like if I I can imagine like if I just just in the five weeks like my son’s been alive it’s like yeah you’re waking up every two to three hours I’m I’m exhausted by the time like the morning comes I’m like woohoo it’s morning I made it but then you’re exhausted and they’re like sleep in the baby sleeps you’re like [ __ ] even if I did that there’s no way uh like and then you have to do all this cooking all this cleaning and and I I mean I can’t imagine if I also had to do a nine-o-five job at this point and I I what that’s to be is like the sort of rat race of like women have to go back to work just so they can pay for child care yeah for their kids and then it’s what they’re going back six weeks after giving birth that’s crazy yeah just women should stay home way longer I think that women should stay home all the way up until minimum five years old but I’m gonna go back on this I wonder if I should play it a little bit Speedy I’m going to play it and if we hear anything interesting we’ll we’ll uh pause rage bait people with your post oh yeah yeah yeah this is when she’s talking deserve our respect then you have white Knights and they’re like women can never do anything wrong so so what’s going on what’s what’s the what’s the contentious issue uh do we start with like the role of women uh lur in your view Pearl your view I know that this was there’s a lot of conversation on X sure well I mean just to get started so I I don’t disagree with everything Pearl says but I feel like Pearl is someone who I mean I want to hear your thoughts on this I feel like you kind of enrage bait people with your posts because you’ll post something really like super hot take on on Twitter and then like you make a video about it and the video in turn is a lot more nuanced a lot more I guess rational um so sometimes I I feel like I’m I’m trying to I’m struggling to see like what your actual views are versus maybe what gets the most traction on X so I’m excited for this uh to have a conversation about it but I guess the role of women in society is you know to be mothers to be wise to support their families how exactly that looks is going to differ from people to people that’s one of the reasons why I don’t necessarily associate with the Trad movement um I feel like Trad refers to specifically almost the glamorization and in some ways fetishization of maybe like rural 1850s Middle America would would you guys say that technically none of these women are are tra because they’re all content creators right yeah I I would say that yeah I think the person that actually is the most like Trad out of the bunch would be Isabella O’Reilly she’s taking a step back she shut down she didn’t shut down her sh but she stopped doing her show she’s out of everybody she would be the most um yeah but I definitely don’t think they’re try I think that even most conservative women today have a lot of internalized feminism from things that have come down the line and it it just is the way it is like I would have loved to see them let’s like pull an Amish woman out from like Pennsylvania like just we have a lot of them here get somebody like really crunchy and squirly on the who’s not used to like lights or cameras at all I guess they probably wouldn’t agree to do such a thing that’s who I want to hear from the woman turnning her own butter and [ __ ] at least on like what I see on Tik Tok um whereas you know I’m just uh a mom who works part-time from home and is basically trying to do whatever I can to help support my family well I would say there’s character limits on X so I mean you’re not going to get a full opinion with like I don’t know is it 60 characters but I don’t know what tweets are you talking about and I have like 18 what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean right like the ones that women should just expect to get cheated on like those ones you mean Pearl she’s the worst she’s the worst you [Laughter] see well we actually like I do I I I I wanted to be specific here because I I I did pull some of the ones up I sent them to you I didn’t want to like Ambush you or surprise you or anything like that we won an ambush though um let’s see and the role of women in society sorry I was thinking what the second question was well I think it depends like what what do we want it to be or what is it now right and and I think right now it’s like we’re not really doing much we’re not really having kids we’re not really contributing to the economy when you look at output um so it’s like what do we want it to be or what is it because I wouldn’t say women are doing what you described now okay well one of the things that um like I spoke recently actually with uh Rachel’s husband Andrew and one of the uh tweets that I mentioned that I I thought was kind of strange coming from you was that basically you said evil comes from women uh you know Andrew in his interpretation he made a very like very rational very Nuance actually this is what the whole evil comes from women that’s kind of like a Jessie Le Peterson talking point per a lot of people have uh have claimed that Pearl just takes a lot of red pill talking points from other people like from uh what’s his face the guy that died Kevin Samuels Kevin Samuels Kevin [Laughter] Samuels what she mean is is it not true that there is a a lower moral barall for women blah blah blah and it like Andrew smart guy made a lot of sense that’s not what the Tweet was and kind of funnily enough uh you you tweeted out later to clarify Lauren yes evil does come from women because I would just look at every problem in society it all comes from women to be fair I just I just realized this the other day but did you know that Hitler was made by a woman well it’s like you look at you look at the homeless most of them come from single mother homes you look at school Shooters most of them come from single mother homes what about the dad’s leaving is there not for the dad’s leaving she has an answer for that criminals rapists most of them come from single mother homes um no accountability for anybody’s actions though it’s like you’re just you’re continuing to blame somebody else uh which is absolutely ridiculous and yeah she I’ll be honest in 2020 I watched a lot of Kevin Samuel videos I would I thought wow this man is a genius and then he died which I liked him too I don’t know who that is he was I guess would you consider him red pill he was very good at like I I guess his content was aimed at black women and like essentially my opinion of it was like he was just trying to take very overly confident black women down a peg by saying like you you’re this such and such an age you have this many kids do not think that you can get a top tier man who makes six figures you’re you’re 30 years old or you’re 35 years old with with three kids by how many different dads like just check yourself like that that’s what I took away from his content like black women need to check themselves and uh and ask or settle for less essentially that’s but this is Pearl’s whole problem right and this is why I think she infuriates so many women is that some of the things that she points out out is true like a lot of the things that she points out originally are true but then she like blames it completely on women as as as if like human beings aren’t some type like they don’t get some they’re not a product of their so they’re sometimes a product of their society right like they get some of their things that they do and the way that the culture sh better than your circumstances well I think the problem with pearl if we’re being completely honest is if Pearl was very hot and she was saying this I would take it more seriously but it it comes off as a girl that is not very attractive to be if we’re being real here saying this and now she’s getting the validation from men being like wow she’s totally right like and she’s getting validated in that way if she was very freaking hot she wouldn’t be doing this she you know I don’t know it’s very interesting I feel like it’d be like me critiquing basketball when it’s like I don’t even who am I to play basketball I don’t know it’s just very uh that’s the problem with it it comes off as she is trying to get validation from men who are all in the comments like yeah Pearl’s right like women are evil why can’t more women be like you Pearl right that’s so interesting because the thing she critiques the most is women that are seeking validation from men but she’s kind of doing the exact same thing just she doesn’t have the tools to do it which is the more obvious natural way which is your looks and your body so she’s got to use if you were if you were saying all this stuff that I would like be like oh okay you know cuz you’re really hot it makes more I’m being it makes everything easier well it just makes it seem like you’re coming from a place of more realness rather than coming from a place of I’m still trying to get validation from men who wouldn’t like me if I wasn’t saying this kind of stuff yeah I mean I get accused of being a Pik me a lot like I don’t like women we all know I don’t like women that much like especially heavy ones they were mean to me when I was in like grade school we know that right like they picked on me because I was excessively skinny fine right so at least like I can admit where that comes from um I don’t like women every time I had them as a boss they were manipulative and conniving usually heavier and did the same things right like every even my mom is like I’ll never work for a female like it’s really how A lot of people feel wi women are are like that but but they what Pearl seems to forget is that women do do things for male attention they and she’s doing it right now I guess maybe she’s not self-aware she can’t see that but like I I put makeup on you know what I still want the people even though married and kids and I’m not trying to be with anybody I still want people to be like oh you know what she’s attractive right like that you want people to judge you by what you put out there in society and women especially respond to validation whether it’s from their peers females whoever um and I don’t know a woman that like really doesn’t like you’re not and and it’s it’s funny to me because even in the beginning of this episode when Lauren Chen was talking about oh when you turned 30 and all this will happen it’s like they’re talking about turning 30 as if you’re going to lose the ability to walk like you’re going to become disabled like turning becoming ugly is a damn disability you know what I mean as well turn into a troll hole yes that’s what it’s coming off as and I think that of course when I walk in the room I want to know that everybody man woman whatever ogre troll wants to [ __ ] man it’s my decision to say no okay that that is the truth and I think that people we we do care about being attractive and it’s a lie to say that you don’t want to be attractive it’s insane could you make the argument that Pearl does this not for female not for male validation but to make money to have a job to build her brand could say that this is not for men like she do because who knows if she doesn’t like the validation or the well you know you do know her history right like she dated this oh guys come on so she dated this guy right and he left her for an older hotter redhead okay it explains everything oh you got to see her you got to you got to pull her up I mean she’s older than Pearl and hotter than Pearl and that’s impossible you can’t be older and hotter by the way this dude was like one of the ugliest D this dude was one of the ugliest dudes I’ve ever seen in my entire life you have to pull it up find it Chrissy where do I find this just do just Google Pearl Davis ex-boyfriend new girlfriend or something like that okay wait wait to you see guys you’re going to be like it’s a hotter version of her and no wonder all because of a broken heart D yes that makes sense I’m interested to see that what will happen when she does turn 30 is she going to Pivot is she going to you know is she gonna maybe say that no your worth and value doesn’t just come from your looks and it comes you know what I mean like I think that oh my God pivot is H she is hot she is very hot she’s so hot and she where did you see this excited [ __ ] Kidman Wow way all right now this is Reddit but I didn’t know where else to go my screen bigger Pearl’s ex and new girlfriend holy Toledo let me see is there a better lout I could do oh she’s very pretty Co he must like redheads yes oh my God told you yeah and something just happened to him of the game you drop a pass you run a mile you miss a blocking assignment you run a mile you fumble the football so he’s a content creator I will break my foot off in your John Brown High he’s stunning he got arrest he just got arrested though for like beating on her or something like I don’t remember but like he something happened with him I don’t want to say exactly what it is but Pearl’s x-boyfriend got in trouble for doing whatever I think that she had a couple anti-feminist takes and it started blowing up and then oh my God that’s really funny um and then like it just start Tak it off and so she leaned into it but I I don’t even think that she totally believes what she’s saying um the thing that you know what bothers me is like the whole women are hotter when they’re hotter when they’re 20 versus 32 or whatever fine like I will agree on average younger women are more attractive than older women but then I see these women who I love like a lot of them I love they’re like I’m however old I’m 42 and I’m hot or I’m 32 and I’m hot I’m like stop that’s not making you hot that just makes you look like you’re now seeking validation please stop doing this like I you’re right there are exceptions to every rules there is an average she’s right on that part that but that that’s not all you’re about and and men if you ask them and women if you ask them like their age preference it’s usually five or five or plus or minus years of attractiveness to whatever their age is so like it depends on what they’re looking for overall yeah they females are more attractive at like 19 to 25 so what like that doesn’t mean that people just all of a sudden become hags yeah you may be less valuable on the marketplace because people want to have like multiple kids with you or whatever but it doesn’t mean that you just shrivel up and die I and I think that’s why so many women get mad about it I think that okay I have this theory that 27 28 is older than 32 33 you’re old when you turn 30 but you’re young again when you turn 32 33 you’re old when you turn 40 but then you become young again at 42 that’s I don’t know about that I’m still old still really old 42 sounds younger than 40 I don’t know what it is yes and 44 sounds so hot like you’re just you’re at the gym you’re doing just 40 something yeah no I’m telling you you guys are 40 yet I’m telling you you’re 40 and like the the skin above your knees looks different I’m telling you you’re not g to be like yeah no this is hot it’s not it’s not I promise he just gonna work out I’m just lazy um oh my God Deadpool with the pink boy holy crap than [Music] you hey ladies I know these are sensitive topics but emo I think that marriage is now dead in the water under until harder times come into play also saying as a guy but as long as we feel like we have no purpose or viewed as creeps we’ll detach from you agree this here’s okay why does every guy think that like they just it’s like women are just like here you go here’s your woman here’s your woman here’s your woman it’s like you have to work on yourself standard issue ass I’m saying I think that now okay what really what I think the problem is with the red pole is that they don’t want women to really understand that we are the prize we are the more valuable sex because everything that a man does is to attain a woman so all this red pill rhetoric is to not knock women down so that we no longer like it’s it’s to confuse us we take scraps kind of but I I don’t think that I like what Lisa was saying when you interview people on the street and the women are so proud of be like yeah I’ve been with 100 people I don’t think that’s [ __ ] crazy too I mean like we need to bring back shame you know hide that a little bit you don’t have to you don’t have to talk about how you’ve been with 300 people and 365 days on a Tik Tok video you know why because that impresses other other women I think like I think there’s some kind of showboating gloating that goes on I think it I think that impresses they they think it impresses other men because you hear women all the time and you say oh like if a guy is interested in you make sure you let him know you have other options or you’re not available or you’re whatever right and so then they think that that that because a lot of men want to be with them and they’ve had a lot of men they’re more clearly more desirable than their counterparts to think it because I used to be someone who would like brag about my number when I was like when I was very young I was my 20s or whatever but like it it was regardless of what the number was it’s just it I remember being younger and bragging and I think it’s a form of of armor for me it was like I’m armoring myself with this it’s like oh I have exact kind of similar to what Lisa saying I have all these options I don’t need you because I’ve already had this many and I’m not I’m not like the other girls who are G to get attached and bring you down and a I’m a fun girl who’s like being fun the other thing that what lla was saying is like they want to bring women down I think everybody needs to be brought down a little bit right you see these women and they’re getting swiped yes to 100 times on dating apps right and they think they’re they think they’re like hot [ __ ] like you see remember when we were young I don’t know I’m way older than you guys but like the the popular girl in school that was really hot like if she got too ahead of herself people would be like itget yeah yeah yeah you were like that girl’s conceited do you remember that word we don’t even use that word anymore conceited right and so now you have all these women like H I’m a 10 like no you’re clearly not right we’ve told women to love themselves so much that they think their tens they think they can get 1% of the men and with dating apps like with dating apps in plenty you could swipe to the next guy in the in the next 20 Towns over and the next state over it used to be you were in your neighborhood you guys kind of self- sorted with the hot guys and the hot girls and the medium people and the medium people and right but now we find your person in high school and that’s it it’s a w maybe we’re going back to the times like you know that super rich king would just impregnate like 50 women and then they would all be with the King you know what I’m saying and now the the janky sperm dudes that are just you know janky and can’t provide they just [ __ ] out of luck like you got to you’re staying in the basement you’re not working out you’re not going to get to impregnant everybody and Only the Strong I work out I make millions of dollars I’ve got a yacht is gonna you know like the Andrew Tates of the world he’s got how many baby mamas Elon Musk has like how many you know what I mean he’s got like what 11 I don’t know how many kids he has or Nick Cannon he has a ton of kids and nobody has a problem with that because it’s like it’s Nick Canon honestly if I was a dude I’d be out spreading my seed I’d go to multiple different countries I would just have you know retirement plans all over the country with these kids that will find me later and hopefully one of them gets rich and I can go live in their house but just like but just like girls are high just like girls are high like putting themselves high up like think their tens and stuff men now because of porn and because of swiping and whatever they have these and and women using filters and airbrushing their bodies and like all that stuff men think that every woman should be a 10 to right so their expectations are too high right so that their expectations are wildly out of control it won’t accept a girl who’s a virgin who doesn’t do makeup who’s not like dressing hot yeah like nothing is lining up here like well you know what hey maybe take pride in the fact that you might be the last Beacon of your family line like it ends with you it ends with me this is it we ain’t going forward it’s done be me up take me to the next realm Jacobs thanks for the Super Chat still good booking Lisa belated baby congrats a thank you Andrew yeah you did are so nice to me I’m just trying to make sure my like my remember my dad’s supposed to come and like wake walk in on us and bust up the pop in or pop out it’s all good push-ups hi Lyla our $2 in the chat as always kmax thank you for the yellow did you all believe when Tim pool said for females call her daddy is the most popular podcast Joe Rogan for men oh yeah this comes later uh was this to indicate men listen to political shows women to sex or loved ones I would say that this is true I would say that that’s the impression like they were given I don’t know if it’s I guess it’s true I mean I know a lot of girls that I girls talk way more sex stuff than boys do like men do they they because people Pleasers and we want to be good at sex we want to crush it I think we want to be like I know there’s something that goes on in woman’s mind like you get with a guy you’re like I want to be the bestest person’s ever had or at least I felt that way like it’s competitive yes um and like like we’re we’re people Pleasers we’re nurturers we’re we’re friends and confidants and I think when when people and by people I mean men when men bag on women do too bag on female standup Comics oh what it’s because what they talk about their relationships too much their bodies too much it’s like that’s how women are geared to be we we talk about in stand of what we are the Keen observers of and for women that’s our relationships that’s our bodies that’s like our kind of like inner world so you really can’t blame and I always it’s good you got to be well-rounded you got to talk about other things and but when I first started stand up like all I talked about was relationships and like but it’s interesting like I talked about my single person relationships and now that I’m married it’s like guess what I still talk about my relationship but now I just have like engaged jokes and married jokes and I’m gonna have jokes about the baby so because we’re more designed to couple up they’re not they don’t they have other interests they want to go conquer the world I can tell just by my YouTube analytics it’s 90% And and Lauren Chen mentions this too uh she says at one point she’s like I had my my political Channel and it was 80% men and then she started her culture commentary Channel and she thought great now I’m going to get women listeners and she’s like guess what it was 90% men and I look at my analytics and it’s it’s all like 85 90% men men are just more so on YouTube maybe there are women watching YouTube content maybe they’re using their boyfriend or husband’s accounts but just from what I see it’s like men are on YouTube consuming content and women I think are mostly on Instagram and TI Tok consuming content yeah I think that they just I think that men overall consume content a little more and and clearly they do it differently so there is at least one man that is going to jack off to this tonight if there’s not I’ll be upset yeah I used to say that I used to like because women would get mad when they get cat called like walking past a construction site I’m like if I don’t get whistled at or hollered at like I did something wrong with feels bad yeah it feels bad like they should like if they don’t I’m upset yeah yeah z uh spoiled adults are the real problem yeah liberals um miles kinslow hey guys what would the effect of sex robots be on society lla you did great on Tim IRL oh you know what I I think sex robots are going to get so good I I mean there’s no fighting it I think it’s going to be like for the truly I don’t want to say helpless nobody’s helpless but like for men that really don’t want to go out and meet a real life woman I I hope that a sex robot could be almost like a personal assistant to them like remind them of their doctor’s appointments remind them to go to the gym be like hey I can tell you to need a vegetable today because I’m all hooked into your your [ __ ] uh analytics you know what I mean like it’s a heart monitor or something I would hope that that AI girlfriend could actually help improve their life and get them to a point and then there’s an automatic shut off like hey guess what you graduated now you’re ready for uh a human but you know what Chrissy you just proved a great point right there it’s like when a woman does come into a man’s life she does improve it I mean how many guys have you met who don’t even have curtain rods up you know or like have one have one towel yeah one pillow have like no pillows on the bed really just one pillow just your one I just have one head I need one pillow I think that like that’s the whole point is that women and men are supposed to compliment each other we’re supposed to help them they’re supposed to help us I I’m I’m telling you what like they’re supposed to help us with money bring home the money you need to have money that’s I think that’s the big thing in tra the TRD life people that they’re they’re not saying the the big part is you’re able to have this TRD life because you have the husband that’s bringing home the bacon so you can make these little Tik Tok videos and bake some bread and do whatever you know because you have a rich husband who’s able to provide that’s easy to be relaxed and feminine when you’re not worrying about making money it’s easy to be like yes I’ll blow you every day and make the bed and make a stew because guess what I didn’t have to slog it on the Metro North and get elbowed on the subway if you could do a little carpentry that would be preferable too because like I am tired of doing my own carpentry in my house I’ll tell you that like that that’s not fun they can they can cut the wood and they can like use their Brad mailer tired of it here this that’s why Elon Musk is able to have multiple baby mamas or whatever the hell he has because he is a billionaire okay he’s billionaire and I’m telling you people are we’re going back to the king times where one dude is going to impregnant like 50 women that’s what’s happening here and uh the rest of society is just going to get sex robots and die and true love is going to be a very rare occurrent So if you have it hold on to it enjoy your mate cuz people are getting robots are so depressing that’s so depressing people need human contact like they need skin and touching not everybody has a soulmate some people are meant to die alone and you know you’re born alone you die alone I like black pill hour with Lyla it’s it’s representative of our current times like there’s junk food sex people are eating junk food people aren’t taking their supplements people aren’t exercising it’s like the quick and easy is winning out over the long-term gains like people it’s it’s easy to not make the sacrifices uh upfront about anything that’s worthwhile in life it it requires sacrifice upfront and just like and also this guy wrote like so regular women don’t deserve men no we’re living in extraordinary times you got to be extraordinary to find somebody I’m sorry regular doesn’t cut in anymore regular is going to get you killed we get get you dead because we have access to everything I mean we are living in the most connected time on in in history but we are the most disconnected you know and I think what it really comes down to is you need to build community I watched this video where this lady was talking about you know okay I understand having kids it’s it’s a wonderful thing right but what about people who can’t have children like what if you physically are just not able to right you still need to build community so that you have people around you and to have that support and what if you give birth to somebody that’s just an [ __ ] who grows up to hate you like you know you don’t know sometimes yeah people are psychotic I don’t know you hope that’s not what’s going to happen but it could true sometimes my baby just punches my tit while I’m trying to feed him like what’s going on here dude my baby’s ripped my eye like my corny off there I had to like have it go like my nipple off yesterday I was like no I you need that I need that that doesn’t come off buddy it’s a lot it’s a lot grabbed it and pulled it that was bad twice that happened to me I wound up not being able to see for three days they had to like go in and like cut it off do you think sex robots could be a positive thing H I think it’s going to start with the price point right I think they’re going to be wildly expensive initially and just like every other technology it’s going to be more accessible for everyone I worry that if it gets really affordable to where it’s like a girl having a vibrator right like most girls will have at least one they’re like you can get one for like 20 bucks 10 bucks whatever you get a sex robot for 20 bucks and it’s really good I wonder I really wonder that’s G to if there is any upside to that I think that there’s always been more men in population than women and they say that’s because you know biology these men is dispensable they’re the ones that make crazy decisions jump off of roofs go to war they’re more suscep yeah they’re more suceptible to certain diseases so that nature kind of knows that and always has a surplus of men compared to women so there’s always been some group of men that haven’t been able to pair and what happens and what you’ve historically seen is these men if they don’t have a sexual outlet they tend to get very violent so that they do need some kind of release but again if the accessibility is too much and then the men that would normally be coupling up are now not coupling up I do see that being a problem we already see that the men that don’t want to couple up they are they’ll watch a lot of porn or they’ll focus on video games or they’ll just do other things right so women too women will focus on cats and their job and I think we have a problem a real problem in society of some uh down low bisexual men that’s what’s really going on here I think a lot of these men I think there’s a lot of secret gay stuff that’s going on behind the scenes it’s everything they’re putting in our food with bringing everybody’s tea down and giving them lots of estrogen I’m telling you there’s a lot of download men if you just casually walk up to a dude and ask him you ever sucked a dick before you’ll be surprised that they have they’re doing it and and I don’t know I just think that that a lot of this pent up anger towards women is because some men really want to be women there’s a lot of spectrum [ __ ] going on here a lot of bisexuals which is you know that’s fine but be honest I think there’s a lot of problems with both the Sexes right now and I I think that you know I don’t want to just blame all men men first of all almost more men I know cheat than women and I know the studies say that like no women are the ones that cheat more whatever all so many girls I know have been like cheated on multiple times by almost every boyfriend that they’ve ever had right like men are doing a lot of wrong things they’re they they just are women are too and I think that until everybody starts like getting like a a self-awareness moment like Hey we’re we are all in this together and we’re all really messing this up um I don’t think anything’s going to change and I think it’ll be like it will need like a World War II thing I want to go back I’m a love like I want to go back to the 18 1940s with Penicillin would be preferable but like you know I think that a lot of the reason those that women feel women feel the way they do or not getting self-satisfaction out of being even Homemakers and moms right like there’s women feel that way it’s because they’re not actually doing the physical labor right so we used to like wash dishes and really wash clothes and you you’d feel like you were physically contributing to something right and now you kind of put your dishes in this dishw you you put it in and you put your wash in and you just throw the tide podt in and it almost feels like if you’re a stay-at home mom or something like that at that point your kids are going off the school during the day that you’re like somewhat ornamental like oh I’m just supposed to be here pretty you ever put a fitted sheet on a bed that’s a workout that’s aout but I will say that like when I go outside or like when I build something in my house like if I do my own own electric work or I I put my own I I I drilled into my brick and I put my own flower boxes under the window and I hung the molding that’s there and I put that little light in behind me right in the brick right like when I do those physical tasks I honestly feel better and I feel like I’m contributing more to my house because there’s something physical and touching it and like being a little more active with it I don’t I don’t know how to explain use your dishwasher Lisa just do my first apartment we didn’t have a dishwasher and I was like all right I felt the labor but I was also like this [ __ ] suck but there is something about there’s a show that everybody should watch right it’s called 1900 Island Okay and like I told you like I’m really obsessed and I read a lot of British literature that’s like my favorite time period whatever but anyway all these people they go on this island and they live like they had to back in the 1800s like getting cockal off the beach and fishing to get your food and whatever what’s a cockle it’s it’s like a it’s kind of like a a clam toy yeah kind of right yeah like a clam anyway so they had to do all these things and at the end other than this like one weird couple like everybody kind of was like wow you’re like really appreciate and at first it’s like an adjustment it’s really hard but there was something more simple about it something more connected to Earth and connected to each other connected to family I think the Industrial Revolution like really screwed it up for all of us it brought men out of the house it brought women out of the house the printing press it’s been it’s been not great so I that’s where I want to be I want to be like in a like old dress like back there doing that kind of stuff and having I’m gonna blow through a couple of these you gotta watch it Deadpool kid not saying all women are bad or mean but some interactions men have experienced have also been unfortunately shamed in public or online for all to see also social media is narcissism fuel yeah because we’ve all seen those videos of like women at the gym and yelling at a guy and the guy’s like I’m just [ __ ] trying to exist and like I men women you can’t help look at somebody’s ass if it’s in like a tight pair of yoga yoga and it looks juicy and good yeah men don’t want to be like constantly head on a swivel like I’m a about to have a gotcha moment um yeah there’s been I’ve seen girls just being absolutely mean to men that like were yeah trying to approach them and stuff but then again I’ve seen men really be mean and awful to women too I I probably seen more of men being mean to women than than the other way around and we just didn’t have social media back then yeah I mean I I’ve seen men be atrocious to women the way they would talk to them do all kinds of things and I’m not sitting saying like oh women this is what PR says she goes oh see there’s no accountability you how many times under my post is there’s like no accountability no account no I’m saying that we’re all doing bad behavior women should be held accountable men should hold them accountable if you’re if you don’t like that women are around dressing like hose and you can’t find a wife then stop liking all those Instagram pictures like yeah you you do your job right and then out your Instagram we’ll do ours yeah we’ll do ours right like so yeah everybody but we’re all we’re all very much guilty of living and not virtuous um terrible narcissistic life sorry we are I’m I’m included in that like I’ve made mistakes too I’ve got two towels where am I going wrong I’ve got two towels where am I going wrong yeah they probably both stink throw them out go to home women are more disgusting than men anyway you ever been in like a Bart like maybe you guys know from being bartending and like whatever but women’s bathrooms are exceedingly especially at a bar more disgusting and foul than men’s and men’s cars are always clean it’s different like that’s a that’s a space where like uh you’re not responsible for cleaning I I think if you look at homes like women probably treat a public space a little more disgusting but their homes I feel like are less disgusting but who knows there’s exceptions to everything men are gross they’re banging each other I’m telling you a lot of these have you ever dated a narcissistic man you’re like oh he’s a narcissist yeah he was a bisexual that was what was really happening I agree with that that’s big thing that people are are not putting two and two together here any man that’s a narcissist probably likes it in the ass sometimes we know one that lives right there in Texas right near you right around the corner lla not too far like most people Pearl is Right sometimes and wrong others but all this cattiness around her is just fueling her bad takes I wouldn’t say we’re being caddy I don’t think it’s caddy to bring up her level of attractiveness and say that that has an effect on how her content um reson people I don’t think that’s caddy it’s not when she’s telling everybody that you’re gonna be ugly by the time you’re 30 and you might as well just off yourself it’s fair game if she’s goingon to comment on people’s looks we can comment on people’s looks you guys can comment on our looks you know doesn’t matter you’re gonna if you’re G to put yourself out there if you’re going to put yourself out there with your face right and and start saying your opinion whatever it is I I get beat up for my appearance all the time right like we all do everybody does that’s what you get for putting your face out there people are going to judge you because appearance matters like I was just saying about those kids in high school dressing like slots if they actually had a dress cob or they had to have some respect for themselves and dress nice maybe their productivity would increase but hey no you what what you what you wear how you hold yourself what you do to your face whatever is a reflection of you and so you it’s absolutely fair game if you’re putting yourself in front of a camera even if you’re hot people oh they they go at your life choices your job your no they were saying what’s her face was mid who was that uh that hot chick that was like the Marie Margo Robbie that was crazy okay what Universe because the I’m telling you we got a lot of secret bisexual men out there and that’s the real problem in society is these bisexual men I have a problem with it I have a problem with you lying to people and not telling people the truth that you are out here sucking dick on the side we are not okay with thata KX thanks for Super Chat the other point Pearl kept making was about women having more power in society does it feel that way I guess it depends on what kind of power you are talking about um I could say the left I mean the way that things have shifted uh the left has definitely taken over and I feel like Lefty women have more power and and women on the right are conservative women they’re they’re still home doing their thing no think about your everyday life come on girls right like you go to the gas station and you’re like oh I’m running late and they they like here honey get take my spot or you know what I mean it never happens to me it happens to me and it’s great and I love it I think we should you know you should enjoy it okay it feels good to be in power take that away from me but no like they um there’s like all these Dei hires that are specifically for women women are doing better in college women are getting into colleges more right like there is something in society that’s like hey we need to pay attention a lot to women and I do think that women have the advantage I think that if you put an equally matched female and male up for a job right now in today’s society the woman would get hired first because she’s a Woman They want to be diverse and they feel some obligation like oh you know she probably didn’t get whatever before but we’re g to give her the opportunity now because she’s a woman and didn’t get it before I I definitely think that men beautiful women have always had power and and they always will but I think now it feels more in society because of all the Dei [ __ ] and all the the girl the girl power girl bossing the future is female [ __ ] like correct that really started revving up in the 2010s but I think that women will always have power and because they can create life and wh like men want to be around beautiful women yeah that’s what bothers me too they the women are always like um oh like they say like I’m anti- Fe female which I am whatever fine I really don’t like women that much okay and you think you are oh my God yes you don’t you don’t even know so but either way so they’re like Lisa get off the internet then like get like if you don’t think women should have the right to you don’t believe in feminists like get off the internet stop giving your opinion I’m like guys do you this it’s like one of my biggest pet peeves about these women is that they’re like they think that women had absolutely like no rights they couldn’t have jobs they couldn’t work they couldn’t do anything before feminism like that’s not true we had women writing books we had women running countries right we now granted there were certain things Le like that were less and certain things that we’ve adjusted over time like rape was used to be defined as forced sex on a woman that was not your wife they made the distinction that you could not rape your wife correct well I I don’t necessarily know how I feel about I I think that I think that we over classify raping your wife as a certain thing I I think that if it’s like you’re you’re in a fight you’re angering you’re forcing her and like whatever like that’s a thing but if like I remember there was a story just the other day where a woman had said no went to bed fell asleep it was like a couple hours later she woke up and her husband’s like whatever is that rape and I’m like that’s your husband no right but did he pay for dinner but a lot of women things a lot of women would be like yes right but that’s not what I’m talking about but I but there it wasn’t like women weren’t allowed to be a part of the Public Square they were allowed to have opinions and they did and they often contributed to society quite frequently look at Mary shell look at all these other people now sometimes there would be social consequences for doing so right like not actual monetary consequences or whatever like they would be shunned or they would have to go you know have a look at they would they would be looked down upon by some women fine but not all the time I mean there were seamstresses there were um people who had women who made wigs like all kinds of crazy things that happened you know before feminist came around feminism came around and they act like it’s the end all Beall and that like just because you’re anti-feminism you don’t get to have an opinion but that’s not traditionally the way it was I mean look at when Elizabeth gasal was writing her novels look at when um you know all these people were doing so many things Jane Austin Pride and Prejudice right like she’s writing about Society she clearly had a voice in that Society so yeah but back when Jane Austin was writing books it was consider considered um unver virtuous to go to the theater so if you went to the theater and you were watching entertainment like a woman that was seeking entertainment was seen as um like getting rid of her Purity in a sense that was more that was more in William Shakespeare days they weren’t women weren’t allowed to go to theater in like the 1500s and William Shakespeare days um as as far as the 1800s came women definitely went to the theater they weren’t a lot of women weren’t allowed to be actresses in the theater but they did and yeah like you’re talking about like a couple hundred years before the Jane Austin time but Jane Austin they were definitely allowed to go to the theater maybe not by themselves with a male shop own was fine though but but yeah like I just think that like feminism isn’t the end all all be all to everything so and I think that’s what pearl one of the things that she hits but it’s not her the way that she puts her message out there I don’t think it’s helpful to anybody men or women because it just gets men to keep hating women and and then in turn will create more feminists so that’s true uh guys get a landside lla hat and repopulate the world thank you pushup pushup kmax uh Melinda Gates just left the Bill Gates Foundation declaring she wants to get more women elected to congress and as world leaders is that what we all want no that change though did anybody just see the fight of the women on on the hill the floor of the house two days ago it was AOC it was um Taylor green mar mar Taylor green a little bit of B fight no it was so margorie Taylor green says to I can’t remember her name right now um I forget what she’s really chrisy no no no no no she’s a den and she was like you don’t know why you’re here margerie Taylor Green’s like you don’t know why you’re here I think your fake eyelashes are getting in the way of like looking at this paper and so then she starts like going crazy then AOC jumps in then the poor men are like what is happening and all these women are like yelling insults at each other PS pop out or anything like that or no no but then then she started saying like if that’s how yall work if like I were to say that to you I’d say she was like a p but body Butch bottle blonde Butch body like whatever and they started just like slinging J that’s I’ve never heard of her she’s beautiful actually she’s really pretty woman but but man it was and I’m like this is women get it together because like if you don’t want people to say that you’re emotional and you’re whatever you’re you’re at the top of the you’re at the top now you cannot be acting like that and I get it margerie Taylor green started she’s just as bad and disgusting as the other one like they they were all out of control all the women up there were horrible and out of control so no no more women in Congress thanks I work there they’re crazy all of them Sheila Jackson Le is the worst they’re not no navigate we can’t go home again Lisa go I again where I don’t know maybe he just lost his house key filthy uh can we bring back the low waist pants and thongs of the Arts make girls hot again no way that was the worst time for anyone with any body image issues whatsoever it’s like wear these jeans that are supposed to be skin tight now try to sit down and not feel even just skin go over and then you get told you’re fat and then you’re underwear hanging out we need to bring that back though I love that perod I’m tell you guys right now the whole body positivity movement I think that was supposed to be for like disability not for being fat if you’re telling me I if I walk on a tread mile treadmill for 25 minutes a day and my back would straighten out you must believe I’d be walking okay I think OIC is great let’s bring back the thigh gap it’s awesome dude I need little self selfish this is about me right now I am 75 lbs and it’s my time to shine I love those low waisted days like I was rocking those like those shirts that just tied in the front and tied in the back with my like lowrise pants on I love those days but my issue was I was always so tall that I couldn’t get pants to even fit me like you know you go to get them from like Abra cromie or wherever they we would buy them they would kind of be like a little bell-shaped and they’d be like three inches too short because I’m like 5’11 it was horrible it was the most awful thing so I’m just thankful that we have like tall people pants now and that I can wear them and now that I’ve had kids and I’m getting fat at the moment like I prefer to have highwaist it now but those those were the days those were those were the rocking body days uh I like big butts and I cannot lie whenever that song would come on I’d feel mortified because I don’t have an ass at all and I felt very uncomfortable I felt shamed I felt like I I have no business dancing to this right now I better just sit here big butt and that does not work with lowrise pants cuz no matter what it does not stay in the pants see but men love that they loved you I remember walking Beach and I a man said to me did somebody hit you in the ass with a shovel they just yelled it out the window right and I was like dude I was 18 I was in my bikini walking home from the beach I thought I was all that and he said that to me and then my girlfriend used to say to me Lisa you ow ass like me and then like itive deficient like I owe it it would be that bad I got so many fun off for that but um that’s why I said Jennifer Lopez came and like ruined my life like she was the one that started like the whole big butt thing she ruined it for me it was like twiy before Kate Moss that was that was fine I want to go back to Kate Moss days yes Daniel C have you noticed everything that y’all have said about Pearl’s looks like her hair and frumpy way of dressing she improved kind of funny she has she has been impr gently gently improved her her makeup and hair she has like sort of a half bang going on I noticed i’ love to get a hold of her head wouldn’t you is that when was this um podcast Friday this one Friday so we’re this is the improved Pearl that he’s talk well that wondering this is this is the Improvement that picture’s not really doing her justice you know what Sheed herself into a corner because now if she does come back with like a slick blowout or extensions and a slick like cut crease eyes Shadow you know what I mean like then she looks like a huge hypocrite so now she can’t read really drastically improve her looks because she has talked so much [ __ ] about you know being attractive she could like a totally ugly girl like she if she just knew knew what she was doing a little bit or somebody like helped her a little bit she could she needs a gay yeah I think she’s taller than me though that’s a lot like I’m a lot she’s a lot like that’s a lot big girls big girls my brother used to say nobody’s going to the bar looking for a sixf footer thanks she should go on like a fishing boat maybe you know she could be helpful I don’t know I think I think she could I think she could use little um make in hot again yeah all right I’m gonna play this again here we go what happens when women get power so when men get power they build societies they do awesome things when women get power we’re just not very good with it I I just brought Hitler I mean I kind of feel like there’s a lot of Bad Dudes you know well yeah but there there’s also bad Queens right if you look at Queens the last 500 years women are more likely to wage war women are way more violent with power and we see that in society look at what women are doing in the court system today what is more evil than breaking up a family and women do that all the time yeah so so yeah I would say most problems in society come from women so that’s interesting because I watched your uh conversation with Michael noes which I thought was really interesting and in it you were very adamant that people need to take responsibility for their own actions so when it relates to women it’s not really an excuse to say oh well feminism brain watch me you still made the decision to sleep around you still made the decision to get an AB yeah I think if you get an abortion you’re responsible okay right isn’t shouldn’t we have that same standard when it comes to the rapist the men you made a decision you’re responsible it’s not really like oh but my single mother like you and they and they are responsible they go to jail for it but you have to look at there’s significant differences between single mother and single father homes and I can’t help but notice that all of the men that seem to lack morals they were raised by a woman right but is is the answer then that evil comes from women we are kind of leaving out the fact that yeah a man actually left the the the the parent or his family in that situation there are some situations where a woman does want the man most of the time men don’t leave women are the ones that overwhelmingly leave and if you really dig it if you actually do the work in interview men that the known to be like I want to my favorite drinking game for any of Pearl’s content is to drink every time she says I’ve interviewed people I’ve interviewed a thousand people I took my girlfriend to get an abortion back when we were 20 okay like she was going to do it anyway I didn’t want her to do it but I went with her and I sat in the I sat in the waiting room and it was like this one INF Philly on Cherry Street okay I’ll never forget it and in in there in the lobby there was a notebook right and it was like women writing before they went in and every single one of them was like I want to keep this baby but my man will not step up with tears tear drops tear drops on the page and I’m sitting there while she’s back there and that was the same reason he didn’t want to stand up this guy that she was just with and granted yes she shouldn’t have opened her legs but they he but when they say to you I I’ll throw you down the stairs or I’ll just never talk to you again and you’ll be all alone to raise this baby and nobody cares about you and you’ll be homeless and degenerate fine like a lot of people don’t understand the pressure that comes along with it yes but it took two people to lay down and make that mistake it was a mistake obviously clearly but that doesn’t mean it just should just be the sole responsibility of that woman both of those people did that and Men leave they don’t want resp POS and that’s statistically true like I don’t know where she’s coming up with her numbers she I think she’s using the divorce like women there’s this thing because it it goes around the red pill community that 70% of divorces are initiated by women that’s true but if you dig deeper into that statement it’s how many was a mutually agreed upon thing women we get [ __ ] done and we file the paperwork we’re very tedious men don’t really like dealing with that so yes the woman files it was very much a conversation and most of the time both parties were like yes I don’t want this anymore so just because she’s filing doesn’t mean she’s leading that situation correct yep yeah she she just does she manipulates the data to make it more favorable to her argument all the time it’s just not true your point Lisa my the last uh not well the last person I knew in my life that got an abortion it was the same it was a girlfriend of mine she was dating this guy she really wanted it to work out she really wanted to marry this guy she wanted him to propose and she got an abortion because he would he just didn’t usually that would be the thing to sort of like catalyze uh a you know if you’re with somebody and you’re like yeah okay I could see myself getting married and having kids with them and then someone gets pregnant that’s like the Catalyst for moving those things along a bit more quickly and he didn’t want to do that with her and she was she still to this day is trying to get pregnant she’s like oh yeah I have to go to Italy because it’s cheaper to get these treatments like she got this abortion this guy thinking it would catalyze you know making the relationship more serious I mean she didn’t do it like [ __ ] you I’m baby trapping you it just happened it broke her heart to get the abortion and it then they broke up because that was like a Do or Die moment for that relationship and then she’s still she’s a few years older than me still trying to get pregnant by herself she’s doing this like conscious single motherhood thing that’s uh that’s been trendy the last few years I know about 10 10 women and and you know what a lot of it is it’s even funnier conservative people very men that are very very conservative and very outspoken on hey you know we’re anti-abortion as soon as they knock a girl up they’re the first ones to be like we’re gonna get an abortion right and they push it on them and I know a woman who’s going through she kept the baby anyway and she’s going through this insane custody dispute this guy was like they were living together she was with this guy for like two years she got married I mean she got pregnant they didn’t think she could she was older woman um she got pregnant and he was like no I want nothing to do with that you have an abortion and now instead now he’s going for full custody because he because he didn’t want the baby and he’s mad that she had it it’s crazy oh wow yeah it’s crazy oh got another pink boy thank you Deadpool kid let’s play the sound thank you thank you not every guy is going to look like a superhero not every girl is going to look like a Victorious supermodel but for the big chungus out there me included workout lift men looks men look like strong men fat and fit girls be a muscle mommy L women don’t even care that much dude they like we just want you to really love us and pay attention to us and um and have money and be confident even more than that I’ve dated such poor dudes come on guys like if they act like they’re confident and they act like you’re important but they could have other women too honestly like women don’t really care all that much I promise you they don’t we say we do but we really don’t we really we care about you having funds to provide soet I was like I’ve dated people who were like collecting welfare uh what bothers me about like Pearl I guess is like I don’t even think she’s necessarily for the opposite of Trad life it’s not like she’s for feminism she’s for like don’t even bother don’t even try and that’s always been my biggest criticism of pearls like she doesn’t want to help anybody’s life she’s a she’s just a big old black pill don’t bother don’t try the courts are rigged women are evil but at the end of the day if you really wanted she she talks about oh I interviewed all these men all these men that spend all this money to be with their kids it’s like if you really cared about men you would know that most men just like most women want uh a partner want that someone to go through life with and you would be helping them try to find that person rather than just be like and I’m sorry that that’s ultimately marriage for most people if not just an maybe you’re like oh I don’t want involve the government I don’t I don’t want you know you do a what’s it called um when you live with somebody for a long time domesticated partnership domestic partnership yeah but for the ma majority of people uh there’s so much stats about like you know married men living longer it being better for you like men need a woman to take care of them by and large right and uh I think she should be promoting that instead of just being just blackpilling everybody with the current statistics she debated Trent horn like she debated Tren horn just like a week or so ago and his like they both did an opening statement I think it was like five or 10 minutes and 10 minutes and his 10minute opening statement annihilated her and I’m like why isn’t this clip going viral I need to clip it myself and then tweet it and be like make this go viral because he was saying all the wonderful things about how men are better off they’re less likely to have cancer they’re less likely to I mean like he just was going on and on about how much better men are all men are being married and I’m like why do why why isn’t anybody talking about this they’re all just taking her clips of where she did bad but talk about the wonderful things that he was saying um it’s very disappointing I got to go home and clip that but if you haven’t watched it watch it yes Trent horn okay it dads most of deadbeat dads don’t really exist excep dead peat dads this was clipped I saw a lot of people talking about this on Twitter dead peat dads don’t exist it’s really got one you know go blame your mom she’ll go blame your mom like it’s her fault listen and I understand like I I have some I had some major issues in in my own marriage but like yeah we do stuff and we both do things wrong and then you have to say okay we’re both Sinners we’re both going to make mistakes but you have to like make that conscious choice to like figure it out you don’t just get up and leave your family and dead beat dads do exist dead beat dads are come to Philly everybody has a dead be Dad here I think this is where I feel like she’s playing a character and she is saying stuff that is like clippable that to promote her brand or whatever she’s doing and maybe she is different in real life but yeah absolutely deadbeat dad sucess I have a friend that was born with dwarfism and her her dad left her mom because he was like you must have cheated on me with the dwarf there’s no way that I had a dwarf baby you know so it’s like I don’t know I I think that’s such a bold statement for her to to make cuz it’s just total wait they actually thought like a cheating on someone with a dwarf makes a dwarf baby yes yes absolutely that’s what he thought and that’s why he left her mom oh boy that’s sad and if you actually do the work and interview these guys I’ve done the work you guys haven’t spent hundreds of thousands of dollars fighting for their kids and unfortunately we’re in a society where women can claim abuse you know they can say he emotionally abused me and not see his kid for years what’s the real quick what’s the stat uh I I know that there’s stats on women initiating divorce more it’s almost like Pearl has to lean in and never get married and never have kids just so she can like justify her own belief she’s protecting herself that’s what I see for her I see her never ever gonna get married she’s never because she whatever issues she has I think she to me it just if I’m playing therapist it looks like she’s got issues with her mom or maybe a couple guys you know what her mom does right my mom’s like this super feminist woman working for the UN there you go oh again this might be a character that she’s putting on to you know create her business and make a ton of money and have power which is good for her yeah I forget what her exact job is but it’s definitely feminist boss babe I just hope that if Pearl does want to one day like want to get married and have kids and that makes her happy I hope she she feels like she can do that and have Grace for herself instead of like oh I’ve painted myself into this corner with my brand like I can’t shift that’s always weird too when anyone over identifies with their Persona that they’re putting out there right like you’re not you’re sharing very carefully hopefully parts of your life like you’re not this thing there’s so much more to you but I don’t know you see people get captured by a base a lot and I think that’s a trap I overshare so nobody can get one up on me I tell all my darkest deepest disgusting stuff on Twitter and and then they’re like Lisa you’re oversharing I’m like yeah but then nobody can say come back and be like oh well Lisa did this one time well guess what I already told you that somebody tried to dox me I think it was um that guy Charles Johnson he’s like oh Lisa you’re on a list too and I was like my address is in a Twitter space I just said my address out loud like I was like and my phone number is and my birth date is and come get me if you want like I I over I overshare the problem does that is you have height confidence okay Lisa that is strong tall confidence right there that you know a fatherlessness is predominantly driven by women is that is that what you were saying yeah because women are choosing to leave and the number one reason is irreconcilable differen but that’s when you’re talking about that’s when you’re talking about single mothers who are a result of divorce if we’re looking at single mothers who were never actually married it’s not it’s a very different group of people but the whole but the whole point is women have all the power here we have a million you get to choose whether or not you get pregnant abortion is legal so you’re we are 100% in control of who’s born so there’s no there is zero excuse to make a kid with a guy that’s not gonna stick around zero excuse I I would also say there’s zero excuse for a guy to not stick around well but the issue you’re getting is because you’re basically saying but what about the women though when we’re talking about but the difference is men can cannot opt out of fatherhood women can opt out of motherhood and I think we would both agree that you should not be able to opt out of motherhood we can and not my point but should whatever like abortion is legal it’s here to stay unfortunately I don’t say this because I’m happy about it but I mean in the UK they’re introducing a law where they want to make it legal up to birth so abortion is legal and right now men are not able to opt out of fatherhood only women are what do you guys think of that the option does anybody care about the kid like like okay not one person said anything about like okay she’s like if if you get pregnant and uh you know a guy does want to be with you you B abortion right like doesn’t anybody care about the kid and she’ll go further into this and not one person says that like oh like like I said before you both make a mistake you’re both being physically irresponsible you’re both equally held to account there and by the way men’s she acts like there isn’t any cost for a women to have a child she has her body changes right she has the the chance of mortality the child has a chance of death right she has all kinds of things happen and Chang we bear The Upfront costs of pregnancy they may bear some long-term costs but if he disappears we bear that long-term cost too so like it’s not just like a walk in the c a walk in the park I mean she also has to take if you do have an abortion you to do that to your body too like are we forgetting right that’s not that’s not nothing and Men opt out all the time I don’t know what she’s talking about you know how hard it is especially in the state like of California to get child support from someone because the systems are so backed up and then if you get anything it’s like oh well here’s 400 $100 for the month for all three of your kids like that’s a joke that is that is basically opting out of being a father how is it not correct and so and that’s if you can even get them to pay that like my friend was working for to like to collect that that payment these guys never pay they never pay and then they’ll pay a partial payment so it looks like they’re trying to be in good faith right Y no it’s nominal there’s no especially if they don’t claim that they make any money they they’ll go make money under the table just they’ll get real creative they do I’ve seen it happen like I guess she hasn’t lived in the real world long enough like that’s that’s she’s done interviews yeah yeah she’s interviewed she’s interviewed does she not understand like selection bias right like people that are willing to talk to you right are the people that are willing to say those things there is such a thing as selection buyers which she clearly has and then you can find so many examples of women who take a a child support payment and use it on themselves and don’t spend it on kid and and men get blackpilled by that so people are equ terrible we’re all Sinners that’s the point like like men and women are both collectively responsible for what’s going on it’s not one or the other and that’s where feminism gets it wrong and that’s where like insane red pill gets it wrong like that there has to be some Middle Ground here yeah I think anything if anyone that is preaching something that’s dividing the Sexes or creating a riff there it’s kind of a red flag like you should be looking at someone who’s trying to bridge the gap and see how we compliment each other and really trying to demand the best out of everyone but if you sit there and you just completely write off an entire sex one way or the other like you’re a grifter yeah I agree that I’m feeding the bean right now so I’m trying to hi Bean oh hear only socially not physically wh women in the United States overwhelmingly have the right to abort correct or are allowed to abort men don’t have any say whatso whatso ever but socially I looked it up about it says according so it’s like wouldn’t that make men be extra extra careful about who they have sex with but that’s not the case it seems that men are more likely not careful about who they have sex with because of the they don’t even know what it entails you you can hear them like with that with that guy on that was just on from the Fresh and fit guy and even I don’t know what really happened with her but the the coldness in the Calis like well you could just go take a pill like you could just go and get it taken care of like you know I’ll give you a couple hundred bucks and that can just go away they don’t understand any of the the ramifications that that come along with it like they infertility right they think it’s as easy as birth control they really do like so they think it’s like you take your birth control is the same thing as you taking Plan B is the same thing as you getting an abortion within the first couple of months and so you know they they they don’t they don’t see it as abortion actually women a lot of women don’t see it as abortion they see it as a they call it Healthcare yeah it’s crazy yeah and also I think too like you know every time you have sex doesn’t mean you’re going to get pregnant so I think that we’ve kind of like made it seem like you know having getting pregnant could be like this mistake but it’s actually like a miracle to even have it happen and maybe if we switched in society and talked about it more as being like this miracle that to even have the sperm reach the freaking egg like you know what I mean and and also you shouldn’t be having sex with anybody you wouldn’t want to have a child with and I think that’s where we’re missing the mark on this it’s that too many people are [ __ ] each other that they wouldn’t want to create with you know it’s really funny that you say that there was a a a plan like a pregnancy test commercial that came out that I was so horrified by and it was on like Family TV like these were cartoons that my kids were like going to be able to watch and it was like a girl in college and she got her pregnant test and it was negative and she was like like that was the pregnancy test oh my gosh it’s horrible like this stuff is being baked into the culture and then when women make these choices because they think like it’s not a good thing to get pregnant or it’s not a miracle as you said which it is like it this is what Pearl’s missing too it’s not women wanting to be evil it’s not women wanting to be whatever we are you know yeah you have autonomy and you know right from wrong sure but if somebody’s constantly telling you like that’s not a big deal to do that that’s not a big deal to do that that’s not a big deal to do that you’re going to start to believe that you will internalize that that’s how it will be and I think also it comes back to like even people that are already here who might feel like oh my parents are not together was I a mistake and I think that’s where a lot of people have insecurities and feeling of this like sadness but every person that is on Earth it is a miracle that you’ve you’re even existing and that’s what we’re missing talking about I don’t know I I do think it it is uh there are extremes right and you need to have these extremes be able to have these debates but there needs to be like what Candace said be able to bridge the gap and I can I think all these people who people who go on extremes like Pearl we know that she’s on this extreme side because she has been hurt right like she was in a relationship where she was you could see in the videos I saw saw some videos of her with this man and she was in love she looked genuinely happy she had her heartbroken and this is kind of her Outlet so there’s there’s nuances to all of this yeah we all have our destructive ways of dealing with like our hurt and stuff I know I had my fair share of destructive ways you know as long as you you take a step back and be like whoa I can’t do that but she’s now she’s getting paid for her destruction right and she’s and she’s gonna be negatively impacting a lot of women so C what do you say what is the answer then so for the women who just to get back to your point from before like the women who genuinely love having sex for pleasure what how do you how do those women I guess get what they want taking into consideration right like I I I I guess I want to find out like are you for monogamy are you for I’m for people consciously choosing their relationship and I think what like there’s High the there are high forms of monogamy and then there are like unconscious ways of monogamy and I think that applies to a lot of different relationships it’s have you really gotten down to like why it is that you want whatever parameters or rules within your relationship are you just accepting that because that is like quote tradition and the one and only way to do things um I also think that women are so disconnected from their bodies so these women that are having these pregnancies that aren’t planned it’s like well you really can only you’re ferti like 3 to five days a month you know so it’s those three to five days that if you were to abstain from sex you’re not going to make a baby and I know for me the way that I was taught was you can get pregnant anytime any day I thought you were fertile every single day of the month because they don’t really teach you and they I feel like it’s almost intentional to kind of scare yeah it well to scare you yes and then also to dissociate you from your body because there’s so much power and like confidence that comes when you like know yourself to like a real real level so if you are going to be in any kind of I guess atyp atypical kind of relationship and child like children are not the goal you’re trying to avoid that that’s very easy and you don’t need a pill to do it you just need to be in sync with your body CU there’s so many Clues I know the day that I ovulate I know the day is leading up to it and I know when the egg is like not not in there anymore and it took a little bit of practice I wish I had someone that had taught me that or I had tools but um now I think there’s a lot of great information out there you can find it and a lot of people are talking about it so yes like I know I I actually agree with Lisa a lot like most women do want monogamy most women don’t want sex with someone that they’re not going to do a long-term pair bond with but where I think we disagree is I I would average it’s probably about 5% of women that are On The Fringe and kind of behave more like men and I don’t think that that’s necessarily because of like femin feminism I think that right now you see a lot more women doing that and it’s out of alignment like that is not what they truly want I would actually agree with that I actually I would put it probably round 3% but I definitely think that there’s like I definitely think there’s a spectrum I’m when I was talking I was talking about the majority of women I think of course 3% fine but but the PE guys are acting like these girls that they see at school that are like you know sleeping around gu to gu to guy like oh no trust me she really just liked it she really just and like it’s 5% of woman like how do you know did you ask her you know because there’s also this thing with non-concordance so when it comes with to like the whole vulva and the vagina like we automatically at least what I was taught is if it’s wet she’s enjoying it and then that can be super dangerous as well because women it has we have like an insane uh level if he’s hard he’s enjoying it it’s l but men so with men it’s a level of about like 50% of the time if they’re erect they are enjoying it with women it’s like it’s um statistically insignificant so you can’t even really measure it that’s how out of touch we are with like what is happening so we don’t get torn up everybody so you know I hate to say it like that you have to be able to recognize like this is sex or this is not sex that way you don’t get injured where a man it’s like they are a little bit more tuned into it so again like just to say oh she likes it how like how do you know did you ask did you actually ask her did you enjoy this or you just assuming because it was wet yeah like there like my that was my point and there are certainly women that want could be fine not having sex ever again for the rest of their life right but I’m just saying they’re Pearl was trying to make the argument that like no women want to be horse like at like the majority of women on average want to be horse was her argument I’m like that’s just not true she’s got chip on her not true at all like you’re you’re wrong and and she was like no but they’re they’re fleshing their boobies and they yeah because they think that men like that and they want the attention they want that that’s where I said dopamine they want that dopamine hit from the like from the whatever hit right got it they want that immediate hit of like oh he likes me that that that’s why they’re doing it look how many guys look they think my boobies look pretty like simar like the guy who takes their shirt off at a party like it’s for the atten I it’s fun it’s it’s like the Chris Farley like jumping through a coffee table I don’t know I think like some women who flash their tits it’s like similar to a guy who just I’m not but but flashing your tits doesn’t mean that you don’t want to be in a monog relationship and don’t want to a serious boyfriend and don’t want these things it may be like you want some validation you want somebody tell you you’ve got nice boobs that’s fine but but she’s acting like the women that do that are also whes but they are purposely like they just want to go out and like sleep with a million men that’s just not true it’s just not it’s not true that’s just not how women are made she’s gross I I I just I’m sorry I’m so mad at her like I was I was so mad yesterday I wanted to like hit back on so many things like why is anybody saying this but she she really stressed me out but I shouldn’t let her stress me out I should mute her again sens we 20.2% of fathers about seven million are absent dads they don’t live with their minor children so right why right right so this literally mean that 20% of fathers are like getting up and saying later kid I’m going to buy scratchers and then disappearing but my my point was just that of this you have men who are like okay you’re having a kid I’m leaving you’ll never see me again well but you don’t you don’t understand this I mean how how would you how would you do you what did you do you just getting into the good part I F oops sorry I a baby knocked my thing out Okay g out knowing the man will not be there at times yes at times so I guess my concern then is like let’s say there’s a woman who deeply loves a man okay and she says let’s get married he sayses and then they do and then she says oh hey you know on the honeymoon I got pregnant he goes no way I’m not doing this I never wanted to have kids I’m filing for a divorce immediately what is the option does she get an abortion or does she become a single mother she could pick what she wants right but my point that doesn’t put the responsibility on her it puts it on the man no I I still think it’s on her because we have 100% control you can track your cycle you have plan B you so again if she she she she married a guy she loved she thought they were have a family and then he betrays her okay I’ve never met a chick that’s happened to that had like a real St this is what happens with pearl when she can’t she’s like well I’ve never met somebody that this is they don’t exist and she’s talked to thousands of people don’t you remember well I know people like that that exist I know people that got pregnant by accident right and and you know it is true that we can track our Cycles but there’s also things that your body does sometimes it leases two eggs like that’s how you get pregnant with twins sometimes and sometimes your body has like these abnormal things that are out of touch maybe you you know you’re your whatever you’re into you were putting into your body that month was strange or weird or whatever and accidents do happen like they they actually do happen I think that’s why I think you know when I was growing up we were doing Healthcare I also went to a Catholic school though they were like saying you know you can get pregnant any time but they’re saying because there’s that like you know 0. one% of a freak chance thing happening but it does happen and so it you don’t just the option isn’t just abortion like okay let’s just kill somebody because like this guy’s a dead beat and I made a bad choice I think women do make bad selections they ignore red flags and we could talk about all the reasons that those things happen but um you know they are responsible for somewhat for laying down with these type of guys yeah they’re definitely responsible for that but but now now that there’s another being involved then it’s both it’s both your problem like there’s because it’s not about you two anymore it’s about that child like that’s that’s how it should be anyway story with facts and evidence I’ve never met one I not it’s not overwhelmingly happening that’s one and and two you generally if a man marries a chick he he wants to have a kid with her generally speaking I I do I do agree I do agree I I think so but again should shouldn’t you know I I think that if women have the right not to be mothers men should have the right not to be fathers so if he wants he should be able to say hey you know what I don’t want to be a part of this kid’s life I want to opt out of child support for 18 years you want to have the kid good luck I don’t think that’s cor like morally but right now we can is not about the mother or the father it’s not about you anymore the kid there’s a life there now right that kid have rights yeah that kid has it’s it’s it’s not about I don’t want to be a father or I don’t want to be a mother or I do want to be a mother and I don’t like you both did the ACT whether you wanted kids or not both of you if she wouldn’t one and you didn’t or whatever it’s not as soon as there’s another life it’s it’s no longer about you and your partner anymore it’s about the child and the resources that that that child needs so then Lisa would you say as soon as somebody gets pregnant like it’s kind of like game over you guys have to get married and figure out I would love that yeah I would love that you you would have to figure it out I mean if you if you can’t like if you you know if you can’t live together whatever okay which I think you should do your best to try no matter how hard it is because I think that’s ultimately better for the kids but um but you know you should at least like I everybody knows I have some issues with my husband right like whatever okay as much as I you know have we have our problems like I would never not want him here in living in this house I would never want him to not be around my kids not for him and not because of how I feel about him but because I love my children so much that there have been times where they were like good night Daddy as he’s like pulling away from the house and it kills them like it literally hurts them and it kills them it’s not about like my feelings for him or his feelings for me there’s no abuse happening in this situation right it’s like okay we get on each other’s nerves sometimes but like it’s not right for those children so he needs to be in this house and taking care of his children with me or whatever um and and and be there for them because it hurts their feelings like it it it messes with their head it’s not about me or like the mother the father anymore it’s about the child and and that’s where your priority should be and that that’s why I think SRA is bad like if you’re immediate thing is like I’m gonna make this kid for my own wants my own desires and I’m going to rip it from the only womb that’s known and the only person that it’s known really for nine months then like honestly then you don’t deserve to be a parent if your first decision as a parent is a selfish one to make the child like that’s what we have are creating a a society full of narcissistic self-indulgent people who are a slave to their own desires they think they’re free these people aren’t free they’re a slave to their desires and they are they’re they’re hurting not only themselves but now there’s other lives involved that they’re hurting too and she’s just encouraging it that’s why it makes me crazy sorry that’s was my my do something we can we can get abortions we can opt out of motherhood they should be able to opt out of fatherhood I mean they can opt out of fatherhood by not getting people pregnant right but so that that is very very possible without abandoning the child and that that’s the thing like the child does not have the ability to opt out of needing basic care comfort and things like that and that’s true but my point is you know having unprotected sex that’s an equally irresponsible decision we can agree right right so but my point is after that happens the woman has the plan B option she’s the only one that can guarantee she took the plan B right then we have she but a guy could get a vasectomy a guy you could also pull out early but then he wouldn’t feel it wait guys how about this I had a friend who she was being a little promiscuous and she slept with two guys in one week and they both used condoms I guess and a week went by and she was like there’s something wrong well one of them it slipped off I guess during the thing and didn’t tell her didn’t tell her okay and for a week he took it off what well no it stayed up there oh God so she didn’t know ate it she didn’t know for a week right that that was like in there and he didn’t tell her like he could definitely feel it he didn’t tell her and he just let it stay there right like sorry the there’s men that are scumbags I haven’t talked to this friend in like 15 years but she was what happened to her she smelled something awful and went and got it taken out and she was like like this yeah and and and I was like well which guy did it she goes I don’t know cuz there was two that she was there like I’m like this is why you don’t put yourself in this situation but anyway yeah gross but this is what they do they don’t so yeah it’s definitely the girls thinking she’s protected the guy’s like doing this and then and then now not only does she kind of get sick right she kind of gets sick but she also has the risk of pregnancy now and then what what she she couldn’t take the plan B was five days and then she won’t know who to who to blame because there was two of them yeah that’s what no girls this is why you don’t sleep around but she got mad at me she stopped being my friend over politics because we were talking about this abortion thing and she was like yelling at me about Planned Parenthood like they do education I’m like just because you want to have your trrs and she didn’t like that I used that word and then she never spoke to me again it was very sad wow that’s crazy a lot of it is the culture I don’t know girl said oh you can’t just blame feminism you have to have personal accountability but know had a lot of influence on Me growing Up it does have women are impression well kids are impressionable nobody’s brains are really like fully formed till like what 25 right at least that way as as far as maturity you are conditioned you know they used to do studies they did studies to lower the birth rate up down in um where was it Latin America right I think it was Brazil maybe but they they started putting into soap operas um women getting divorced and women um set having abortions so they want to lower the birth rate there and then they the these soap oper people worked with the government and they opened up clinics and they significantly decreased the birth rate population because it was more acceptable to um have abortions and things like that that they’ve done they’ve replicated this study multiple times you guys can look it up but like there’s definitely Society is impressionable we’re social creatures we want to be we want to fit in we want to be accepted by the people that are around us and so when people say it’s not the culture well there’s a million studies that you can see like they put it in in the soap opers for women and then there’s an actual statistical result what after the year or two is up I think we were we were lied to okay I remember truly believing you go to college for four years you get out of college and then you get your dream job and and then you get to buy a house and a car and it’s just easy peasy and I remember my first 9 to-5 job I was stuck in traffic for an hour and half on the way there and back and I would ball my eyes out and I’m like this is what I went to college for to sit in an office for eight hours a day Y and I didn’t even have a real office it was just a bunch of boxes that they put together in the back storage room it was weird but I’m like this is what I went to college for you know so we’re we’re kind of yeah we’re just lied to oh yeah and that you’ll probably meet and get married from some like with somebody from college you’ll get your F your first job will be your I gave tours at Radio City Music Hall it was like a part-time job no insurance could you blame yeah could you blame my my choices of like majoring in Communications instead of like majoring in nursing sure fine it’s my fault all right wait but let’s talk about this accountability thing because you know in your chat I definitely see people saying like oh call the show like no accountability whatever I’m not saying that these women shouldn’t be held accountable for their actions like I’m not saying that at all is any if anything I think that we should we should shame women and bring back a little more civility when it comes to that that’s how I feel I definitely do and like I said about that girl she put herself in that position she put herself in a bad position nobody’s denying that right and so bad outcomes come out and you have to be responsible for your decisions there well she had consequences she did get negative consequences from that right like she had to go to the doctor and spend time and like deal with the negative consequences of her actions but there’s two people that acted badly there the man and the woman woman and he lied to her right like why why is it that like I’m not saying that she wasn’t gross and I’m not saying that she didn’t do something right like that she she wasn’t she was behaving in a way that was harmful to her not just to her body but to her mental health to her spiritual health right like there’s a lot of consequences that taking accountability is like but addressing the entire situation you can say yes I put myself in a bad position I kind of guess I could say I deserve what happened to me do doesn’t excuse the other person’s Behavior it doesn’t excuse them lying it doesn’t excuse them being promiscuous too like I hate this it’s not it’s not no accountability we’re we’re we’re saying that we’re accountable for our actions I’m also saying that you’re influenced by culture you’re influenced by your spiritual stuff you’re influenced by your biology there’s a million things that you’re influenced by and you can’t just say like oh that’s women not taking accountability it really bothers me you also say the culture has equally influenced men to think that yeah girl can just get an abortion yeah you can get out of it if you aren’t if you won’t want to yeah you you don’t have to you don’t have to commit to this person like you really seem like it’s not a big deal and like that that isn’t something that women struggle with and and and have negative mental repercussions for and granted they put themselves in that situation and you’re going to have to deal with that I’m not saying that like you know we we should just hate men for that that’s not what I’m saying at all but there are two people that did equally bad things and they both need to they both need to be held accountable for when women do [ __ ] things we should [ __ ] chain them when men do [ __ ] things we should [ __ ] train them it used to be that men right that when when we’re talking about when women didn’t have rights and we’re talking about like the 1800s or like more around like the 1840s 1850s when women were seen as um property of their husbands if that woman was like if that woman was having an adulterous affair with somebody else she didn’t go on trial the other person that she did went on trial okay and then whatever his fate was was kind of her fate too right and so we held men accountable for adultery in court like just like they did these women they would also like if if you were a high status man and you got caught cheating you would be like exiled out of that Community there was just like we’re saying we want these high value men well the high value men were the moral leaders they knew better not cheap because they had to set an example for their Community okay now she’s saying that like it’s the other way around and that like it’s women are The Gatekeepers but men were the moral Authority that you look to and that’s why these men didn’t do it and and guess what they would be they would go to court you a man could sue a man it was like called like a call talking or something like that like it basically like you’re enticing um a woman to commit adultery like they went on still do that in North Carolina right now yeah they like they you sue the man you didn’t sue the woman she stayed completely out of it and and we held men accountable now we’re not holding men accountable we’re also not holding women accountable so nobody’s taking personal responsibility for their actions we’ve legalized no fault divorce we’ve legalized um of willy-nilly abortions and you wonder why men and women are falling apart it’s because nobody’s held accountable and they’re like oh that’s because you know everybody has their own idea of what morality and virtue is well I’m sorry that’s why we need to legislate one because when you legislate one it it filters in through Society anyway interesting yeah it’s like how can we expect to have high value High morality men our culture does not create that uh lla spot on as usual don’t e pores Ladies Brian Barton Bella family is supposed to be the whole not consequence that’s the freaking problem right now oh I love that that’s true yep yeah navigate Pearl only bangs black dudes in discriminatory in a discriminatory imagine how that would twist your mind wait I get it he was supposed to say like he was saying Pearl only bangs black dudes indiscriminately oh indiscriminately right I think that’s what he meant imagine how that yeah Mark of reality dead beat dads do exist but they exist in such smaller numbers that they’re that they’re credited with uh if someone lies and forces a man to raise a kid that isn’t his they should go to jail for that he should never have any custody of the kid yeah that’s wild if you lie about paternity and then like like you saw that one lady where the guy actually went to jail he went to jail for not paying child support she knew the whole time he went to jail for five years for not paying child support and she knew the whole time that it wasn’t yeah now she should go to jail for the rest of her life like she really should like you cannot be doing that to people that’s horrible am reality excuse me I’m required to go to the gym now yes we’re all we’re all required to go uh Corey Anderson thanks Lisa I hate it hate what yeah I don’t know R house Chrissy did you say in college and even up to 2016 the feminist and liberal culture of New York affected you in terms of feminism what did you think then that you now reject for sure I was a foaming at the mouth liberal and feminist um yeah and raised in New York although I think that it was probably that way all over the country um and he BW State really oh yeah and I think a lot of my uh beliefs were tied to my fears because I think if I would be really honest with myself I probably always wanted to be married and have kids I just didn’t have the selfworth in my 20s to think that I could actually get it and and I loved pursuing standup I loved the grind of like the open mic scene getting better and um getting better and better shows I just I didn’t I never thought I could have both I thought I’d have to give up completely one to have the other and I just didn’t I was not picking good guys because I didn’t have I did not have a great relationship with my father but also my parents were not really there was not a conversation of like hey uh what are your values what kind of a a spouse like what kind of a person should you be with that not that I’m blaming my parents but my mind was not on finding a life partner I just had low self-esteem low selfworth I didn’t think I could get anybody to stay with me long enough to like get married and have kids based I was I was so so petrified of get you know sure maybe I wanted kids but I thought in my 20s like I was afraid to because I was like I have to be prepared for the worst case scenario and the worst case scenario is like they’re going to leave and you have to pay for it and take care of it entirely by yourself that’s like what I would tell myself basically up until I met Frank because I was like well if you can’t do the worst case scenario then don’t have kids so I didn’t it was a sad life I made poor life decisions when it came to men and my choices because of low self-esteem like I I think that a lot of women do and did and that’s it’s um it’s sad honestly and we’re seeing a lot more of that now I think people’s self-esteem is is plummeting because of social media and the things that they see on there and so you’re getting more risky behaviors associated with because it feels good instead of feeling bad about you had the option before also to be on birth control or the idea of patriarchy I don’t think it’ll ever happen in my lifetime that that’s I think it’s a good idea but I don’t ra so you’re saying that at any point if like the majority of men in government were like yeah women women you’re done that’s it yes we wouldn’t have we wouldn’t really be able to do much okay so yeah Rachel’s talking about like ultimately we still live in a patriarchy because if at any and and women have have been allowed to have the power that they do because of men because Rachel’s saying like at the end of the day men are the enforcers of of everything like if if we were to wake up one day and be like all right we’re done with letting women vote like let’s go back um they’re physically stronger than us at the end of the day so that was her argument that that’s why we’re still in right no she was that’s why she wasn’t saying we were in the patriarchy she’s saying that men let it happen and and Men did give they voted for feminism right like they voted to give women the right to vote they voted for feminis think they voted for these laws that are on the books about family court right and if you still look at the the the legislators now it’s a majority male legislature across the board so um you know men do have a monopoly on power they are by and large overall stronger than us physically um and they are letting women have this power why um is basically I think what she was trying to ask there yeah much about it disagree tomorrow they went you know we’ve had enough of this little experiment hasn’t gone so well I think This Woman’s right stuff is over and you know uh no more voting for you and uh you’re going to mostly be at home if you have young children and your mother you’re going to be at home raising them you’re not going to be you know trying to be a CEO that what would women do about that get mad cry a little bit we would stop sleeping with you we would stop sleeping with you and it’s not gonna happen I know okay I I just got to tell you guys I I do like the times that we’re living in I enjoy the fact that I can get on this stream and talk to people I and actually I I enjoy the fact that if a woman wants to start an only fans and do that and she doesn’t have to be a a prostitute on the corner with a pimp she can do it her own thing because you know it’s been happening since the dawn of time there’s been prostitutes since forever I think the difference now is that a woman can be more in control of it but that was usually like a last minute yeah that’s true that is true right and now it’s ubiquitous and it’s like cool and and you have women that were going on I forget who it was but there was some woman that was famous saying it’s empowering right um who was that girl she was like a singer that whatever anyway uh I think that it can be I think where the lie comes is that inherently it’s empowering like just because you got paid to take off your clothes it’s automatically empowering where I think the empowerment comes from it goes back to like that 3 to 5% that we talk about for someone that maybe does have a different sex drive and a different relationship to what desire and pleasure are for someone like that and and I think the caveat is if they are safe and successful then it can be empowering absolutely because there there’s like this idea that if I can’t understand it and in no way would I ever be empowered in this situation then it must not be empowering at all but there are some women and myself included where I would find I find it extremely empowering but that I do consider myself on The Fringe in that 3 to 5% and I am wildly successful so that does obviously til it into my favor if I was destitute I wouldn’t obviously say that this is empowering I’ve also been blessed to not be in like really dangerous situations where I was like ever coerced or forced um or I like what’s the word um like exploited you know what I mean I do have more of a disagreeable personality so I’ve always been able to say like a very hard firm no I know most women tend to be more agreeable so for those women it could be a very dangerous situation but where the LIE again comes in is just to blank slay like who was it um she’s one of like the impossible girls and she’s like I made a million dollars in one hour this is empowering well that’s a [ __ ] lie because you are a unicorn and that doesn’t happen for most people so you have to like give them the whole truth right in all possibilities and if you know all possibilities social Fallout all of these societal consequences that come with that and real life consequences if you decide to get married and have kids if you can take all of that and you still find it in alignment and empowering then sure it is for you but again not for the for the majority of women yeah I I just think that I think that the only way that I I really see it is empowering because I I can see where it might be and that might be if say you’re in a really vulnerable position and you need a way out and you don’t have there there’s some scenario where you don’t have an option or you’re you know what I mean and you need to make money to get out of this terrible situation like well clearly that can be empowering in in that right you just got yourself out of it somehow but um I think that a lot of these girls are doing it because they think it’s quick money and they think it’s like oh look at me guys like me and I made a lot of money and then they don’t realize that the negative consequences that come along with it nobody’s telling them and it’s going and it will hurt them later in life are they prepared for that I think that they’re not and I don’t know how that can be empowering if you’re not prepared for all the negative consequences that come along with it right I totally agree you have to have the whole story before you can say whether it’s empowering or not but but it’s also like okay these girls girls who are making all this money what about the men that are subscribing to it and like they’re you know they go on these shows like fresh and fit and then they get more fans and more followers and more subscribers on to their only fans even though these men claim that they don’t like it and it’s horrible yet they’re the ones that are subscribing to [Music] it yeah like I said I I think I think we have too much Freedom like I honestly do if for up to me you guys you poor candidates would not like to live in my Society at all like I definitely not I’m a freedom maximalist so I believe in yeah I as long as it’s not you know it’s what is it the um Do no harm or the what’s the libertarian libertarian Do no harm principle yeah yeah yeah no I’m I’m not like that I think a lot of these women because I think of the the one and only time I did burlesque I think I also a long time ago did stand up in my underwear for like a a very uh like schlocky show uh at a Comedy Festival but I also think about like the burles like burles show and uh I think my name was um my name was kitty style because I have a joke uh about like kitty style SE and I had like this little costume and I wasn’t taking my clothes off I think I was just like rolling around in this like outfit or something but I liked it because of the performance aspect of it so I wonder if like a lot of these women that that say that um sex work is empowered powering or like taking off their clothes and powering I wonder if it’s because of the performance aspect of it like for some absolutely to say like it’s all the same is um it’s just simply not true because you have stuff that is very much erotica right you’re using $100,000 cameras to make it you have real script writers from Hollywood you have like there’s a lot that goes into it it’s not just something that’s you know like this violent horrible taboo scene now that also exists too but they’re very not the same thing and even when it comes to like the industry of porn like you can break that up into chunks like you have like this very capitalistic model where the these billion dooll Brands and then you have some guy’s basement with a handic cam and both are ending up on the Internet like those two things are not the same thing right yeah I think it’s so it’s so easy to to look at uh social media and say oh the vast majority of like sex worker these glossy gorgeous you know what I mean all like the one percenters the one killing and earning when it’s like a lot of it is not glamorous not on social media like back backdoor stuff yeah well I just think if you’re gonna do anything be the best be number one you know become Nala and then do a reverse and come to Jesus and it’s [ __ ] great you know if you’re gonna do something you gotta get to the top be the best at it yeah Corey Anderson the piggybacking condom gross can’t you feel it I’ve never must have been the second guy that’s what I was thinking right cuz like the first guy if it was the first guy the second guy would have felt it or have like lodged it out probably yes I think it was probably the second guy grabbed it out like what’s this yeah I would love to stay here for the whole thing but I have to go garden with my little before the thunderstorm oh my God I really enjoyed your commentary you too and I would love to do this again I think this is my favorite p panel that I’ve been on so far so thank you so much chy thank you Candace really I really value your point of view yeah I value you ladies too this was so fun okay thank you so much Candace where can people follow you um you can go to chatting with that has all my socials my podcast my YouTube all that good stuff and it’s Candace we back everywhere else yay everyone follow Candace bye guys bye guys sorry was there late but bye guys thank you for having me bye um Lisa if you have to run too let me know I was going to jump around a little bit more on oh yeah my dad that’s why I blacked my whatever my dad yeah I was like oh but yeah I was coming back on to say goodbye and I thought you were ending the whole thing because she was leaving but I have to run too if that’s all right with you is that no I’m gonna end it in a little bit yeah you’re but you’re good to go um yeah let thank you so much Lisa like really I really appreciate your in my God we had so much discussion and we barely got through this video so you should have been on the debate Lisa you should have been on this debate I definitely talked you much but U no you talk the right amount just women should be more responsible but so should men everybody should be more socially responsible and have morals and virtues like that’s basically you also can’t ignore the power of culture and propaganda true do look up that study though because um actually chrisy I’ll said it to you when I’m done I’ll just s it to you because it’s really really interesting and it and it just goes to show you how powerful that culture like what the effector has on they know what they’re doing they know what they didn’t put the Planned Parenthood the black neighborhoods by accident come on right exactly listen all right well thanks for having me I really appreciate you ladies and and lla I’ve always wanted to be like doing something with you because you’re so much fun energy so fun so hopefully I’ll see you next time I’m in Dallas we’ll hang out yes let me know please do all right bye ladies bye love you L bye give that baby lots of squeezes oh I will all right bye oh my everyone follow Lisa um follow her her handle is [Music] is Lisa Elizabeth there it goes that was awesome Chrissy I love I this was this was great this was fun it was good to have a focus and my God we only got through 17 minutes there really is so much but I could probably I feel we had more deba discussions than this video had I’m I’m gonna finish speed watching through this and I’m going to make a bunch of notes and maybe we we could actually do a part two and I’m seeing some people in the chat saying this could be a multi-part series um we could get together again and and go through this again because there’s a lot to uh criticize and critique on here Lisa needs to book Pearl yeah this was good uh and I felt so B I actually tried to feed the baby like while we were going like I just turned my cam like I’m literally wearing this uh this uh breastfeeding pillow like strapped to me and I tried and it was so difficult because I couldn’t like take my headphones off to because I wanted to hear what you guys were saying but then I couldn’t really hear him and he was like being so fussy and I was like oh my God we can’t have it all it’s it’s a ruse so um but he’s so cute and I feel bad no but Chrissy I think that your story is really inspiring though like you know I feel like you have this amazing career you have an amazing audience you have an amazing husband you have support from his Incredible family you have your beautiful baby you know but you also kind of took a different route to get there but I also feel like all your life experience and your wisdom that took you together makes you such a great person to be able to speak about these topics right because you can see the nuances and so many different aspects of it and plus you you actually talked to so many different types of people you’ve actually talked to like hundreds of people with so many different backgrounds and I don’t know that’s what I should do I should say like like Pearl I’ve interviewed a thousand people I should say that I probably have at least yeah interviewed a thousand people absolutely all your shows every W spot has four guests on it that’s that’s weekly that’s been going since 2019 and then I think about all the interviews I’ve done all of the if you count all the Sim casts yeah at least a thousand yeah 2,000 I’m gonna count and people in person that you meet yeah and if I think about everybody who’s come to a standup show I don’t know yeah I uh I have I’ve had a really interesting crazy life every time I look at the baby I’m like how how did this happen how did you get here it’s he’s the best it’s like the biggest miracle and it’s like true what you were saying Lyla it is a miracle any of us are here and I wish that that that there was that human life was valued more yeah and you know who values that is our women who’ve had abortion who then can’t get pregnant later on but when you’re doing it you you’re thinking like I was talking about this the other day on Carrie Smith had a uh chat it was like Christians and talking about like abortion I was like babies are not like buses you can’t just get there won’t just necessarily always be another one that you can just catch yeah so and that’s not even really necessarily an age thing sometimes like the the abortion could [ __ ] with your [ __ ] I don’t know I just I I just feel like every person that is here on Earth is meant to be here and everything happens for a reason and you know that it doesn’t make sense you can try to plan your life and think oh I want to get pregnant by 25 I want to get married by this time and it’s like God has a different plan and you know people try to scare you and say that oh you can’t get pregnant by this time or that it’s like I don’t know Chrissy I just feel like your story is so empow owering because you kind of disprove so many things that people try to women with you know oh yeah this whole like you’re you’re trash your body’s trash after a certain age and in one of the books I read I think it was called expecting better by Emily auster it was one of the first books I read I think when I got pregnant and uh because there’s the the typical book that a lot of people read called like What to Expect When You’re Expecting and this is like maybe a more modern take on that and she goes into detail about how most women kind of think like oh as soon as you hit 30 you can’t get pregnant anymore all your [ __ ] down there expires and she’s like really the your fertility does not even begin to start to Trail off until after 40 and then I read that I was like wow I wish more women knew that because I think a lot of women are like they really start to freak out at 35 and yeah and I think Candace brought up a great Point earlier like we’re not really told about our Cycles I’m 32 and I just figured out I just fully feel like this year I totally understand my cycle and I realized I only get three days of Happiness that’s it three days and the the rest of the days my hormones are trying to catch up and I’m I’m you know dealing with stuff and that’s why we are so much more emotional but to get pregnant it’s a miracle like all the stars have to kind of align in the and your body and all of that and uh it we should you know even when we’re talking about kids being like a mistake it’s like it’s not a mistake it’s a miracle to even have it happen and to deliver your baby and have the baby everything work out and no one dies you know that’s yeah it’s a lot especially when you go through like if you have a little bit of a gnarly or traumatic birth situation you’re like oh I can I can see how people died doing this like I’m so glad I didn’t try to do it at home uh because [ __ ] would have gotten real real fast and uh God what was that how did Chrissy how do you feel like um becoming a mother has changed your outlook on on life and just these conversations in general I feel like something happened to me during birth where it was like a [ __ ] and I don’t say this to in any kind of like with any ego like I think I’m better than people who haven’t given birth uh something like a [ __ ] portal opens up and you feel like a little bit spiritually elevated when I say that I say that for myself I don’t say like I’m elevated above people who who haven’t given birth I just feel like for myself like I don’t know if it’s that oxytocin or like all all the hormones and [ __ ] that gets released during the process but like um you I feel transformed like uh like if you look at Pokemon I feel like oh wow like I have evolved like oh now I have this extra tail I can use to swim cool but you can’t go back you know you’re like oh wow and I I mean I’ve always like had I think like the bones to be a mom because I just you look I treat the baby the way I treat my good friends the way I treat the animals like you know you’re n you’re going to be nurturing whether or not you have a a kid or not sometimes it can like bring it out of you but uh oh my God you know what really changed my view was my first ultrasound that I got at nine weeks and I was like because we we were in La I found out I was pregnant I had to go right to La I like I only knew for like a couple of days I was like well I still have to get on this plane so by the time I came back from La trip and got to the doctor it was nine weeks and there was a full little baby-shaped baby in there and I was like holy [ __ ] I wish women knew that there’s this much baby at nine weeks because and I remember I talked to the ultrasound she was a technician she wasn’t a nurse or a doctor and she said like I was like I was like yo how far along are we and she’s like I’m technically not supposed to tell you but here’s like the age of the the fetus or whatever the embryo and uh I was like and she turned it around and showed me and I was like and she made me hear the like I was like can I hear the heartbeat and she like let me hear the heartbeat cuz usually it’s a thing you don’t necessarily what did she say she’s like she’s like sometimes we don’t turn on the heartbeat because uh if I wanted to get an abortion it’s they said she said it’s a thing that can like [ __ ] with people and I’m like maybe people should be [ __ ] with I’m like do people do women see this and then still decide not to keep their baby and she was like yeah and I was like that is [ __ ] crazy because it was formed already and just like uh just from being pregnant giving birth so much happens in such a small period of time I think it’s just because I think about other things I’ve done in my life that have taken a lot of time like like diving and how many years it took to get really good and really competitive and like hone that skill and I think about standup and like I’ve been doing it what 13 years how many years that took to hone that skill and that craft and then boom you can make a full ass perfect baby in nine months two of those I had no [ __ ] clue I was pregnant uh so really it was like seven months and wow just eating and sitting on my ass and this perfect baby is made so I for me I was like wow this is the best thing I’ve made in the short shortest period of time like I think it took me longer to do my first album and it was harder to do in a sense like I had to work harder at it so it’s I don’t know if I’ve answered the question he came at the perfect time though Chrissy I feel like he came at the perfect time in your life and like you know again like I said you try to plan things but it’s like maybe you were supposed to go through all the experiences that you went through so that you would get to this point and just have even like a greater appreciation and a stronger love and like you know you’ve built an audience that you can be able to impact with your story and you had to go through all that stuff and now here you are and it’s it’s a miracle he’s here and you were so blessed to have him and we are all so blessed to witness this I’m really happy for you oh my god thank you lla it’s such an insane yeah like what a miracle I’m just like how the [ __ ] I look at him I’m like how did your ears get made like when he when he screams I’m like there’s like a perfect little like mouth and tongue like how did this happen I was just like sitting on my ass like well not really we were touring we were doing things I was doing a lot of podcast it is crazy for me to think that the nine weeks before cuz we were in Austin right we were we’re at the Houston we were in Houston anime moer you were pregnant then and I had no idea and that was like one of the best shows uh was that secret group show and you were pregnant you had no idea pregnant had no idea and I remember when the The Green Room was really cool and I remember we were like and I was stressing because I was like oh I let too many of our friends like come back to the green room and I was like oh no I was like I wonder if lyla’s annoyed at me i’ like I’ve disrupted our pre-show piece with all these people hanging out uh that was really fun and it’s it’s crazy to think that all happen so quickly but again like I don’t know it’s it’s wild for me to even think like you were on stage and he was you’re telling the jokes and he’s in your belly and he was there and then now to see his face it’s like he was there oh my God he was there he heard all the jokes yeah yeah like actually keani was coming over um later today and I’m like you’re going to meet an keyth and I’m like wait you already know her you already know her voice like you heard it on the road so yeah oh my God it’s wild I still don’t believe it I still don’t like I didn’t believe I was pregnant I don’t believe that I have a baby now it’s crazy like I see it I physically can hold him but I’m just like how the [ __ ] did this happen so like what advice would you have for like women of today’s society who are saying like oh I I never want to get married I never want to have kids kids like cuz you were at that point in your life I would say it depends uh how old that that woman is who’s saying that if she’s in her 20s and brainwash or even if she’s in her 30s still and brainwashed I’d be like okay I’d have to like really like listen almost like a therapist and hear them what else they have to say and the tone of it like if it’s coming across a little bit like it’s a cope I’d be like I’d be like let’s talk about your relationship with your mom and dad let’s talk about about your past boyfriends you know is this come are you here out of self-preservation or you really are are part of that percentage of people that’s like can be happy alone doesn’t want somebody truly loves their career or maybe you’re like yeah I’m totally set I have I have nieces and nephews I’m good I don’t need my own um but if if it’s coming from a place of like self-preservation like I’ve been hurt and this is a cope and a cover up I’d be like all right let’s break that down like because if it ties back like to how it was for me and it was a self-worth thing it’s like well you should try to unravel that because if you don’t you’re going to be very resentful and you’re going to carry that the rest of your life um I would say it is I would say in all cases try to find that like really good partner and then if you know and if kids Happ been great if they don’t you still have this person who loves and your person who like loves and understands you and it’s not it’s never going to be a perfect match or like Perfect Chemistry or perfect uh living situation it’s like find someone who you’re pretty good with and then you work your ass off to make that work with um for the rest of your life so yeah I guess that it’s made me like way way more like PR marriage um like getting married was like another like pivotal like kind of elevation moment I was like oh wow I feel like also very transformed by this too yeah yeah which I didn’t think it would I’d be like I’ve been with Frank nine years how could being married feel different but it does you do feel you take the oath it’s like you and this person and God and it’s like it’s it makes me feel like I don’t want to disappoint God like I really uh it’s very serious for me so and I was not a super religious person really I was Protestant which is like Diet Coke of religions like Methodist is like H then we all got confirmed and we all stopped going to church so so did H do you think this experience like made you believe in God more oh God birth absolutely it’s so humbling I’ve never prayed so hard like me and Frank prayed so hard together when he they whisked him away to the NICU and we were like oh my and I was so [ __ ] hard on myself for like not pushing hard enough or not birthing good enough and uh God because I kept I kept thinking like my whole pregnancy that I could just like read my way into feeling to read more books I just have to take more classes like I just have to like watch more videos and there’s just just like with standup you do not know till you go to the open mics until you hustle until you like bomb and that’s how like childbirth is like you just there’s just so many things you can’t prepare for and you just have to like really have faith and um God and then when they brought him back they’re like yeah he turned around right away like we didn’t even really need to bring him to the nicku I was like oh my oh my God bir is insane I was crying I was either crying or throwing up or praying the entire time it was nuts and then I was so hungry I was like this is the best food I’ve ever eaten I’m like it’s [ __ ] hospital food but I was just so hungry and tired uh it’s so emotional it’s so like physically gruelling but the bean is like you and Frank’s love come to life oh my God that’s what the bean is he’s so cute I’m so worried what he’s going to think of me but I guess I could deal with that later when he’s older I’m like I hope you like me he will he’ll love you he loves you now a he chose you he chose you he was swimming I was like Frank can you believe he was swimming around in your balls now he’s this podcast is off the rails guys all right we’re gonna do this again we’re going to regroup um I’m not crying you’re crying we’re g to regroup with time stamps and uh we’ll do a part two yes this was good was so much fun at first I was like um Candace and Le Lisa were like disagreeing a little bit and I was like oh no oh no good though it was good it was really good like the part of me that doesn’t like com was like oh God don’t get upset don’t leave but then they worked it out and they found com ground yeah and at the end they they actually agreed with each other so see and that’s that’s what I’m saying it’s it’s important to have these conversations because without these conversations you can’t come together you know and right and we’re gonna there’s always going to be extremes of everything but you need to have the extremes be able to get to the middle so it all works out you also have to want to understand the person that you’re talking to and disagreeing with you have to be a very good listener and so many of these debates and panels that I see it’s people aren’t listening they’re just waiting for their turn to speak and they have their talking points and they’re going to bring it back to their talking points whether it’s organic or not yeah no and they just enjoy hearing themselves talks and they’re they’re really not even answering any of the questions they’re just like I just want to talk to talk because I like the sound of my voice yeah and like Lisa said like oh I wish more people could have could challenge Pearl but I don’t think she makes herself challengeable like she’s not really susceptible to to I think like meeting people are again Chrissy I do think maybe this is a character an act that she’s putting on and it’s and it’s a it’s brilliant for her brand you know like you this is WWE okay we need to have we need to have the this is the character that that plays the bad guy we have to have that this is all entertainment baby and even um who was it even Lauren said like yeah in person Pearl is not like what she is on Twitter she’s I’m sure she would be lovely I bet we’d have a great time at dinner and talking to her yes F but as soon as the camera’s on we got to get rolling we gotta you know say some crazy [ __ ] we need that we need that Viral clip okay we need she got get the mask on she’s like all right I’m ready got the game face yes all right oh we have one more little Super Chat conspiracy extremist thank you darling why white is eight months oh my w I think you’re trying to say wife my wife is eight months with our fourth and miserable yet she is already talking about number five women are crazy oh that’s really cute oh yeah like I thought um like why the [ __ ] didn’t I do this sooner why didn’t I meet Frank earlier why didn’t we get married sooner why don’t we have kids sooner but like I think about everything like we met and my my grandma died right away then my mom was diagnosed with [ __ ] one of the worst cancers you can have uh and and then she died and then it was the pandemic uh or no before that yeah then my parents moved to Florida pandemic mom no then Mom yeah then mom died then it was a pandemic then Dad was murdered like it was so much so yeah you don’t have control over these things yeah everything was on God’s schedule you’re right Junior we and he and I went through a lot um like we really had this had to decide like we we’re going to stay everyone like everyone does you know I don’t talk about like me and Frank’s like problems or whatever but every couple has problems nobody’s perfect you have to kind of just get to a point where like yeah I love you so much we I am deciding to work through whatever happens with you because you know what life is messy it’s not black and white there’s like there’s a lot of nuance in it really and you do have to choose to work on things and it’s like this your life partner you’re going to work through life with but it’s like crazy I feel like everything does happen for a reason you know like you you go you can look at life and think like oh why are all these bad things happening to me right because it’s like everybody has their [ __ ] but it’s like maybe these things happen so you have a greater empathy with your audience and you can reach people and you can impact people and you can be like I know what it feels like to go through that so you have more authority to speak on certain things then you have all this uh your whole journey to back it up you know so makes your voice more powerful which is why you’ve been able to you know attain such a loyal audience and fan base and you’re only going to grow and impact more people and you know this baby is a blessing that’s going to bring more blessings along the way because I find it kind of insufferable when people talk about why not just get married early why are you wasting your time women or why men you know why can’t you just like be a Chad and and make six figures it’s like what the [ __ ] that’s not real life that’s not how real you to go through stuff you know and it’s like I look back on my life and I think about my standup career like there’s been so many times I’m like oh I should have done this and I’m like yeah but then I wouldn’t have that Big Show at the Ford Amphitheater you know like I I think about that kind of stuff and it’s like those moments matter to me and those times on stage mattered and I feel like there we can try to make this plan but God has a bigger plan for all of this even everything that’s happening in the world now at the in the end God wins and we just have to trust in that and just be able to impact people by sharing our own stories and trying to find the good in the [ __ ] because shit’s gonna happen it’s not going to be perfect but my goodness there’s so much Beauty in it right and you don’t have to be like covered in rosary beads to to feel like God’s love and God’s Miracles like you could just be like kind of into it you know what I mean I feel like I could have a much deeper relationship with God but I I feel like even just praying a little bit and and those Quiet Moments have such a profound positive effect on your life yes and even being like a little bit God-fearing has such a profound effect on your life I read this quote it said um sometimes the only Bible that someone will read is meeting you and it just shows that like your impact on people is so huge it’s like you don’t really know the difference that just like simply smiling at somebody at a gas station or just you know a hand job yeah you know it makes a difference you could you’re you’re out here saving lives one hand job at a time it could really change somebody’s day that’s what I think of when you post lla your little like Bible one pager things I read those all the time a you know I people as ask me they’re like where where do you get this what is this book from it’s actually from my second cousin’s uh wife Susan when my aunt passed away two years ago she started sending me that every morning and for the last 2 years she texts me the page she wakes up at 6:00 a.m. every morning and she reads her Bible and she sends me that and she says I’m praying for you l i love you and then I po put it out to the world and even think about that like that’s a small like an impact that’s become something really big now all of these people read it and I told her last time I was in Louisiana I was like I share these on my Twitter and like thousands of people see this and wow you know it’s just she texts me every morning and she for the last year she’s done that and I just post it I love that God that’s something I really wish I had more time to do just reading and general but like yeah reading the Bible highlighting it um like showing that I don’t know posting that stuff for people I feel like so behind on all of that that’s probably my thing that my life thing I have to work on is this like uh never feeling good enough or prepared enough or well read enough or like but it’s you know what Chrissy it’s because you care and that’s never going to go away you know and it’s actually a good thing if if you didn’t care you wouldn’t feel that way and it’s good to care it’s it’s good to want to improve and you know but yes it can take a toll on you when you’re like constantly like I’m not good enough but you are and you you’ve accomplished and done so much and Chrissy I think at the end of the day you really need to realize that there are so many connections that you’ve made with other people who would not even know each other without you like all my friends in Texas that I’ve made or simply because I went on your show oh my God isn’t that crazy and yeah and it’s like it can all be led back to you so think about it’s a ripple effect so and those things matter and it makes such a big difference oh and AR here AR’s here Ari you don’t have to Super Chat me we love Yeah Ari’s crushing it now making a ton of content and AR’s another great example I would not no Ari without simcast and content house through you and Frank and she’s and I love her she’s freaking awesome I just saw her in Los Angeles that was cool yeah she was there for a baby shower all right we’re gonna do this again yes thank you Mary and Nation uh in the chat good questions people oh Sam is here and Sam introduced me to German gummies yes that that I found I can order from Amazon so there yeah you’re building Community yeah a what a what a lovely note to end on this was great thank you for joining lla uh you always add such fun levity and light-heartedness to these serious panel conversations okay we’ll do this again guys thank you so much bye


  1. ….. why does everybody want pearl to act a certain way … or be brought down a peg as lilahart seems to intimate … what has she done but expose lies why do yall need to see her fall so bad

  2. The problem is men and woman are different.. what does that mean it means a lot. Men usually don’t think about kids till kids are here. I really never thought be a father till my ex wife got pregnant. 6 years later she left me because I was not willing to move to place I had no job no house. After divorce got into the red pill for awhile. It allows you be anger with woman tells you it ok. Now I pay close to 1000 a month for one kid 600 in child and 4 for insurance and all stuff he wants including the mental doctor because him being yanked away from me because his mom was not happy.

  3. This was a really unfortunate listen, the women here don't seem to be understanding pearl's points. I'd never heard of pearl before the tim pool debate but she's making good observations. Also as an aside, it really doesn't help further your arguments with lila continuously reducing men to their pocketbook.

  4. Actually, Tim leaves all his booking to BDSM Gatekeeper and resident Eliza Bleu simp Cassandra Fairbanks/McDonnald. The same Cassandra that stopped Brittany Venti from appearing on Tims show because Brittany had the audacity to expose Eliza for being the fraud that she is.

  5. I love hearing women play victim and deserving of recompense for the way women were treated in the 1900's, like the women of today are owed preferential treatment for something they never suffered, it's the most blatant, first order, shallow thing I ever seen and absolutely reject the whole concept and any woman that holds that belief, seeing as it's in every single one of them it's made the decision easy.

    I've watched ever single man I've ever known suffer in some fashion or another a type of hell only known to a man that brings a woman into his life full-time. I watch them age and crumble, like a stone on a beach, no one single impact could ever damage the rock, but over time the rock wears down.

    Men never learn until they go through the meat ginder of divorce and family court that no one cares about them and that the world only has ever seen them as means to an end, a tool to be used until it's broken and then to be replaced with a newer tool.

    Men, I'm sounding the klaxon siren. If you choose to ignore this warning, you will suffer injury no pill or bandage can ever heal from, you might be able to build walls of steel and chain around your heart to prevent that inescapable pain from happening again, but you have already suffered the worst you ever will.

    Be smart men, never trust them, fake the appearance of trust, but always be aware, anytime she's not in your visual range is an opportunity for her to be on the lookout for the bigger wallet, the bigger house, the bigger D, the better looking next new thing that catches her eyes, and any protest to that statement is merely any attempt hide that very important truth from men.

    Ignore the women behind the curtain….

  6. Candice was right. Lisa DID say “dopamine hit.” Weird how she had to be so adamant, lying about it. It’s fine to just say “I misspoke” instead of insisting “YOU misheard me.”

  7. This was hard to watch. Pearl made a lot of good points but all I heard from this panel was gossip talk about pearl. It sounded whiny and was difficult to listen to.

  8. The whole world blames men for everything. One woman is doing the opposite… and what do these people do, they all attack her, because she is clearly the problem.
    This is the "counter culture", guys. There is no hope.

    If you prepare a photo op to say you are changed and you are not an onlyfan girl anymore, you are not really changing, you are still the same narcissistic person looking for a new audience.
    Pearl pointed out that the girl OnlyFans was still active, and she admitted it with an excuse. Maybe wait until she turns off her only fans before celebrating her, I think it's the bare minimum.
    Attacking Pearl for saying that is completely CRAZY, it proves people are moved by mob mentality. But that's not the point.

    The point is that your "I'm in the middle", is a 2015 take. You are not in the middle, you are already on the far left (if left and right still have a meaning), the more the left pushes the more your middle is in the left. You have to push to the right or you are part of the problem. We learned it 10 years ago but new people still think they are the enlightened centrists, the geniuses that end up solving nothing. You should attack people on the right only if there is a monetary scam, otherwise you are rowing in the wrong direction.

    In short. Women will drag everything to the left, it's their nature and a statistical fact that proves the destruction of the West is inevitable. Tolerance doesn't survive itself, and female empowerment is the same… let's see how women will do after the collapse. The natural order always finds a way, you can ask the communists.

    When Islam or something similar will rule the land, you can say, at least we stopped Pearl from being statistically correct but mean.


  9. Chrissy when did you become a feminist? I dont agree with all shit pearl says but she does have valid points on lot of stuff that affect men. I also think she loves trolling women cus well women now days are not the women of 20-30 yrs ago. Its a tough market now days

  10. Just one point to make you understand how broken is the female logic.
    Pearl's "single mums create criminals, it's their fault", ALL the girls on this show "it's also the father's fault for leaving". What? If the MOTHER IS ALONE SHE IS 100% RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CHILD EDUCATION, and what she produces. How do you process logic?
    "But the father left" is like saying, we women can't educate, it's your fault for not solving our problem.

    In reality, all these statistics are not really explored, many of these single mothers are single because they are garbage women who choose garbage men and create garbage offspring, but we don't want to talk about hereditary genes, right? Still women's fault, because they have 100% of the decision power in mating and reproduction, unfairly set in their favor by the law.

  11. As a Gen X woman, it's really refreshing and good to hear young women start to embrace motherhood and marriage again. When I was young, you were considered a loser for choosing family life over career. We were pushed down the career route, whether we wanted it or not. They meant well, and I understand why they did it. But being a mom has fulfilled me far more than any job.

  12. Got married at 18, and have been with my wife for almost 8 years now. 4 kids later. We have made it work, you don't live luxury, but it is the best thing in the world.

  13. You know what's funny is I agree with the solution that Elizabeth says, but she's TOTALLY wrong about everything else. She doesn't even attempt to see anything as a man, who has ALWAYS gotten the blame for pregnancy.. Pearls point is WOMEN can end responsibility for pregnancy, and so men should too.. but Liz doesn't get it.. it's not RIGHT, but it's also not right that only WOMEN get that choice.. course in her mind shes like "I'd never abort my baby".. but she knows women do.. and has she seen pro-abortion rallies? Is she blind to see that. And yes I bet in the 80s there were alot of "deadbeat" dads.. and more men cheating… but time is a changing.. more and more stories on reddit that women cheat, and propose "poly" relationships… this is because women know the "chads" wont marry them, but they can get them to bang them, and so they have the simp at home and cheat with the Chads. And it is 80% of women that start divorce proceedings.. and all I heard was "men are so lazy they won't do the divorce.. women have initiative".. for a big payday, yes they do.. it only hurts the man if he divorces..that's why. Hey Liz, for over 40 years I've been told that it's my fault… you hear it once and you throw a fit. Ironically yes.. if abortion was illegal except for the life of the mother, having at fault states, and have women slut shame other women. Then things would be a bit better… but women still baby trap men… and your response is "well he shouldn't have sex with her".. SURE it's easy to say that from a womans view.. if a woman wants to have sex, she can have sex… men have to work at it, and most will not turn it down when offered to us…and like the catty cat you girls are, you make fun of Pearl's appearance… sure she's mid.. but you also know she's mostly right. It's interesting how infuriated I got at Liz, but then she said the right answer.. BUT as Pearl said… they will NEVER give up abortions.. the government won't give up abortions…. the Globalists love to cull us "little people" aka the 99%.. Also when she mentioned she worked in government.. oh she was a Deep State Swamp creature?… when you argue "this is how it should be… " tells me that you are no different than the liberal women.. You know Tim Pool has mentioned several times on his show about men giving up their right as parents.. and you work on his show… so how come you were blind to that? Liz was talking so much about the past.. but men were never taught to not have sex, that was taught to women.. so when a woman says "come get it".. we come get it. So quit pretending that it's really MORE the womans fault than a mans… and women don't get shamed for it.

  14. After just watching the Culture War episode and seeing this….i cant handle any more female drama 😂😂😂.
    ZIP TIES AND BIAS PLIES here i come!

  15. James Sexton, NY devorse lawyer, says the filing being done by women isn't as impactful as Pearl makes it out to be.

  16. I never thought I would think this But.. If the choice was between listening to Pearl or Lila every day for the rest of my life. Pearl is actually the hot one.

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