Golf Players

Live from the Kill House: PGA Championship (SAT)

No Laying Up recap of Day 3 of the 2024 PGA Championship at Valhalla. Presented by High Noon.

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[Music] be the right Club be the right club today joh me that’s better than most how about in that is better than most better than most expect anything different [Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome to the nolting up live show presented as always by high noon May 18th Saturday at the PGA Championship a foggy morning in the Derby City turned into a sunny afternoon with the horses running a muck at Odin’s place the leaderboard is stacked and we’re teed up for a shootout tomorrow Neil here Live From Brooklyn we’ve got s back with us from the broadcast back to the podcast how are you my friend yesterday was a record for the earliest uh the breaking news has ever hit for the the night that I’m going to be off the show I mean before we even got out of bed it was like oh of course s’s out on Friday night biggest golf Story of the Year probably hits uh immediately just not even a chance to get your coffee before that story hits but great to be back you guys did a great job last night I’m thrilled to be here I mean took it kind of took the crown from when uh Kessler punched that fan at President’s Cup I think exactly right I think this is now the uh anyway moving on big ry’s here as well M Mr Randy how you doing out in Denver I’m doing fantastic I got a kiwi High Noon Neil I know the horses are in Kentucky but no long faces here amongst the boys I love it it was a little rainy here in Brooklyn today but that’s okay because no matter the forecast we can live like the sun’s always out with high noon Selzer made with real spirits and real juice text some friends to get the plans going and pick up a pack on the way high noon is 100 calories with no added sugar and available in vodka Selzer and Tequila Selzer variety packs rated the number one best tasting hard Selzer by the tasting panel magazine Randy did you know that I had no idea Neil this is this is just breaking in my ear I feel like TC probably has a subscription to the tasting panel Magazine anyway nine classic flavors include pineapple Peach watermelon grapefruit black cherry lime lemon mango and of course passion fruit Su what’s your favorite these days watermelon in amongst those uh but guys I’m a big fan of the big cans I got a bunch of the big cans got the tequila one tonight the lime uh it’s great that’s the closable lid is really clutch if you don’t want to finish it you can put it back in there but otherwise I don’t have to get up and get a second one so usually live shows are good for two high noons for me or one big can for sure I’ve got a I got a watermelon going right now um visit High nosp to find High Noon near you high noon Suns up Cody let’s queue up the agenda what do we have on tap tonight we’ve got obviously Xander and Colin a duel uh we’ll be looking out tomorrow we’re gonna touch on Shane Lowry’s 62 we’ve got a few segments baked in gonna get an update from the LPG LPGA muho America’s classic and a final prediction on who’s going to win but first so let’s get a little summary we’re going to run down the leaderboard and I’m going to kick it to you guys for uh stories of the day so we’ve got Xander and Colin out front at minus5 and we’ve got eight guys chasing within three shots of the lead including Bryson the medium golfer hin sah and low at minus33 Team Rose and big shot Bobby Mack at minus 12 uh and then we’ll get to the rest of the guys down the leaderboard but those are the uh I feel like the guys in contention what you got quick correction there sahit at 14 underpar not him on that one he has just one back and uh I think he has the chance to to capture the hearts of America tomorrow I think so I’ve got some I’ve got some things to say about that we will get there but uh early on it was it was smooth sailing for Xander through the front nine uh it felt like Colin was pacing him up the mountain all lot of tour to France Randy I know that gets you going uh meanwhile Lowry goes out in 29 and comes in with a bogey free 62 to set the bar uh at minus 13 and playing with Justin Rose team Rose uh shot 64 to finish minus 12 so those guys got in the house pretty early uh then 15 was kind of where things changed uh three shot swing on 15 cin sinks a birdie that goes all the way around the hole Xander makes double after the worst swing of the week uh from middle of the Fairway so we’ll talk about that a little bit we end up with Colin one up and at that time nine guys within three shots of the lead then we get to 18 Bryson has some fireworks with a chip in Eagle havin gets it in the house with a birdie so those guys are in the mix which is great Xander battles back with two birdies on 17 and 18 Colin and sah both birdie 18 as well sah just overall riding the lightning all day um shoots a 67 with 25 putts uh I just you know I’m gonna we’re G have to break that one down uh and a couple other notes on on some other horses Rory made a run but left the block party early that’s a bummer we’ll go through that one really really quickly let me do that one uh I’m I’m doing some reflection over here Randy uh I I appreciate you encouraged me on that last night and then Scotty did The Impossible he went backwards he shot a 2 over 73 his first overpar round of this season and I think is it in 43 rounds something like that 41 41 straight so that was interesting um Cody I would say Cody kind of called that last night you know little the adrenaline’s out and and Scotty went backwards today so say I just to give my guy Cody some flowers I I don’t think he kind of called it I think he nailed it boom thank you Randy the adrenaline was out of the Body for Scotty and um yeah Scott wasn’t there we just a weird day for him but anyway Neil this is your show go ahead please no it’s not it’s our show Randy come on uh Solly I’m G to kick it to you story of the day what do you got a very very exciting finish there a lot happening in that final 18th hole uh a bunch leaderboard I think kind of best case scenario we were hoping for Valla was going to be this that you know we’re going into the final round without any clue as to what’s going to happen um we’ve got that you know good solid crowd out there some energy there in that backstretch uh that’s that’s what’s got me excited about it I certainly have some critiques about this golf course and setup and and how we’ve got here I it feels very weird to be this aligned with big Randy this far into a major championship week but it feels good at the same time uh but man I I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow I have no idea we have a chance to bust some narratives um you know a lot of guys in the mix Xander coming backwards there with that double bogey on 15 has really opened up this this tournament he had 162 yards in uh to the 15th hole icarito at long left into like the thickest of thick rough about a foot into that like what honestly like a main critique I have of Valhalla is like it’s pretty hard to find some of these spots and to find that from the middle of the Fairway with probably a nineiron in was uh a shocking more of a Sunday Xander thing than a Saturday Xander thing but uh dude I I have going to bed tonight without any one single clue as to what’s going to happen tomorrow Randy story of the day well I I agree with Su I I think Scotty going backwards is a story of the day but I’d rather focus on the leaderboard and the horse race that we have for tomorrow I I think just to expand a little bit on what Su said what makes it super interesting is we saw Shane Lowry shoot a 62 today he went off pretty early we saw his playing partner Justin Rose shoot 64 today so I I’m sitting here tonight wondering you know is this winner going to come from these top six guys 13 and under better or we gonna get you know a Sunday 6263 from I don’t know a guy like JT or or somebody perhaps here at 10 under I I I just think we’re in for a totally open-ended day tomorrow and and whatever gripes I we have about the golf course it is kind of fun to sit here on a Saturday night and truly truly have no idea who or where the winner tomorrow is going to come from yeah I think well we’ll unpack the golf course stuff shortly but I would say my story of the day is I think it’s going to be in that final group tomorrow between Xander and Colin I think we’re going to learn a lot about both of those guys I I I sent Cody a graphic earlier I was just thinking about the uh True Detective MCC time is a flat circle like are we doing it again but then I was like well I feel like Xander might be doing it a day early um so so maybe that’s helping him right like it is tough for mentally for some guys to play with the lead that doesn’t excuse the fact that he can’t play with the lead like he’s going to need to do that if he wants to be a dude but I’m wondering if being tied and kind of being in this final group being in a horse race without the lead does that free him up to be more aggressive tomorrow um is time a flat circle that’s what wondering on the flip side morawa looked like awesome all day I mean he got off you know one bogey on the front nine and then I felt like he just kind of he was very patient he bited his time and uh you know I thought he he played really really well on the back and he pounced when uh when Xander made a mistake so those two guys I think the winner is coming out of that final Group which I think is almost a sticky neck out play to say that I mean you got so many guys right behind them that can all like I mean just Dudes Only right like I mean big names chasing like Bryson like I don’t know it’s there’s a lot of guys in the mix but I think the final Winner’s coming out of that group what say you s well I’ll caution everyone for tomorrow this is this happened today and I’ll caution everyone again um in tournaments like this that are turkey shoots it’s a race to a number more than it is a leaderboard climb right so seeing Shane Lowry shoot up the board today and tie for the lead doesn’t really mean a whole heck of a lot when Xander got seven eight holes more to play right like there’s just a ratio there of you know a lot of value is going to come from having a lot of holes to play which is different than a lot of major championships so that that’s almost certainly going to happen tomorrow someone FAL JT Lee Hodges Harris English Austin necro Thomas Detriot 10 under like one of those guys is gonna probably shoot four or five under on the front nine and like jump up to the lead um Rory will too Rory will of course Rory of course will so especially if I go on a walk or or or leave just leave my apartment for a little while so uh what a tease that was all I ask is don’t fall for it right like you got to look at how many holes are remaining you got to understand like you know that it how much of an advantage it’s going to be tomorrow to have a ton of holes to play that’s one thing but it it is like I can I honestly say the Scotty situation today even if it was somewhat predictable based on what happened obviously yesterday and and kind of coming off the adrenaline and and into into today should have seen that coming more than I did but it honestly just throws that curveball in to say like we don’t [ __ ] know what’s going to happen right I mean we don’t know that Xander’s going to collapse tomorrow like he’s done it a bunch of times you can have a really strong belief but hey maybe like that you know having that shitty hole on 15 today is is the the kind of jolt he needed to have a different approach into tomorrow of some kind instead of he’s sleeping on a two- shot lead tonight all of a sudden it is this narrative you know can I close it can I close it I don’t know I really don’t know we’ve seen Colin close it multiple times in major does that mean he’s going to do it the third time uh that’s obviously not gone that way for someone like Jordan speed sometimes at the Masters after he won in 2015 we thought he’d shut the door in 16 and he absolutely didn’t so lot of mystery um and so you said you think the Winner’s going to come in the final group you know uh data golf’s got about a 57% chance that it does come from one of those two guys so toal stick your neck you’re way out there other the 7% I wasn’t making fun of that I think that’s like a pretty no I I mean it feels like an obvious thing to say but then I’m like I don’t then I start looking at the names down the leaderboard and I I’m like and what you’re saying like yeah man like what low did today flirting with the great unknown take it ease Jimmy I don’t know I think natural discussion then is what’s the target number right s to your point totally like what what if if you’re amongst this top you know 10 tonight what what’s the number you guys have in mind that you need to go reach tomorrow I threw that out on Twitter Randy um 34% of people said 20 under or more 34% said 19 25% said 18 and seven said 17 or less so uh I would definitely not feel comfortable at at 17 uh 18 could potentially do it but I’m I’m at least G in for 19 or 20 and yeah I think 19 is the number I was thinking 19 feels right to me to at least get a playoff which like then all of a sudden it’s yeah Justin Rose is gonna to shoot 65 tomorrow uh or 64 tomorrow excuse me uh Robert McIntyre 64 like it does kind of make your eyes go a lot closer to the top of that leaderboard um that’s that’s again that’s why the odds are going to favor those guys near the top so one other guy another story of the day for me personally was was s I feel like every time I looked at my TV he was hitting it to all parts of the park I I know I’m with the the seamsters union here I mean the guy is going Oppo he’s pulling it down the third Baseline it doesn’t matter and then you know he’s digging out a double and his it’s like his reactions to everything too are like not so much disgust but hang dog and yet he stays like on the first page of the leaderboard it’s it’s un it doesn’t like Randy it’s a true eye test like it’s not passing the test I I don’t understand it he if I had to make the baseball analogy I I’m going to try this out on you guys he’s reminded me of Vlad Guerrero swinging at everything all over the strike zone he’s he’s hitting ground Ru doubles to right field I mean he’s just he’s just whing out out there um and and so I I I struggle to trust that on a Sunday at a major but God I’m gonna be rooting for it I mean it’s hard not to root for it’s it’s it’s fun golf to watch when he’s hulling out you know flop shots on on the back nine it’s it’s incredible S I know he’s your guy so how you feeling about sah I love that comp first of all like just hitting balls that are bouncing front of the plate you know over short stop I mean he’s he is all over the place is there anything better than being known as a bad ball hitter too like what an honor sweet you know like I I mean that as a compliment but like it is very stressful to watch and you know it’s like oh man yeah he went like One for four with three strikeouts but he had just an unreal triple to right field you know like that was a great hit well usually usually at this point of a tournament you can check kind of the H how guys are doing it The Strokes gained categories and see like all right 54 holes in you know ball striking rules the day and that does not seem to be the case through 54 holes like Shane Lowry’s got negative Strokes gained ball striking so far and he’s uh you know a couple back from from leading this tournament it does seem to be a golf course that’s gonna you know you can Chip and Putt your way around it you know you make some long putts on here gain a lot of shots on the greens more than a normal tournament that makes me feel better about sahith right again I don’t if it lasts four rounds but um I mean Back N 31 in the thick of things he’s not in the final pairing tomorrow I think that’s a great thing for him just kind of being you know one shot back but one group ahead is better than you know having to wait for that final pairing and uh he didn’t you know he hit it he hit it not great today to be honest is his iron play was was was not good enough to go out and win it tomorrow but man he got the ball in the hole and he’s he’s like I don’t know I he might be my favorite guy to watch I you know I strug there was probably he’s he’s T1 with a lot of other guys as far as favorite players to root for and I’m absolutely thrilled he’s there tomorrow that’s where a lot of my emotional energy is going to be invested tomorrow and it kind of snuck up on me honestly I don’t I don’t know if I fully saw this coming on this back nine I mean 25 putts is I I just want to know what it feels like to have 20 in the 20s 29 putts I mean I I just struggle to comprehend 25 putts Randy sah what what’s he doing for you he uh you know for for as many kind of crazy places as we’ve seen him I was just looking at his three round scorecards here it’s crazy that he’s only made four Bogies quite honestly I I would have guessed he’s made many more than that um so while while he has been a bit erratic he he has an ability to to correct and to get the ball in the hole um yeah I I I would love to see him win I I think for this type of major with with Scott bowing out of the proceedings with Brooks bowing out of the proceedings uh just me personally I kind of look at him and Colin if it’s going to come from those top three guys uh Victor and Bryson would be cool um but I I just think sah the story and I I think there there’d be a wide swath of people that would not only get to know him uh his dad is quite a character it just would be a very uh good winner I think for the game of golf and and to just bring more characters into this game right I I think that’s an important thing I got a this this comment scroll past and I thought it said something different than it does but I’ll flash it up here from Kevin Quigley said love sath just makes me nervous as hell watching I’m with Neil and I thought he said just like Neil and I’m like yes that is that is so well said like that is so well said he reminds me of watching Neil chasing the mega bonus that’s exactly how I feel watching it’s not really the way you’re supposed to do it doesn’t look like the way you’re supposed to do it but when it’s good nothing looks better than when you’re doing it sometimes you know we end up a little bit short and expend a lot of emotional energy but uh that’s exactly what it feels like watching saw him two two things it’s not it’s not efficient uh and it it’s it’s not stressfree uh and I I would say that I probably unfortunately have in common with him my the post shot reactions like it it it go kind of runs the Spectrum it’s not it’s not so much anger it’s just like ah damn it not again another and he’s hitting that big right Miss off the te like they’re you know hand up there’s some similarities there uh all right Randy I want to come back to you I want to move into our first segment uh we’re going to do a little draft here and and the best or most compelling winners we’re g go with three rounds um so you know kind of got a it’s a bit of a take sale here there’s some guys once we get into the later rounds you got to you maybe reaching for a storyline but let’s see what you got what what’s what’s up first first round pick and 2024 most compelling winners gosh I know I know SU covets right he kind of just tipped his hand there um I’m I’m gonna go guys I just can’t figure it out I’m back in on Colin going I thought you GNA say no I thought you say something different damn it no I’m I’m I’m taking Colin I I just think it’s it’s tough to Overlook at his age three major championships and the historical significance and relevance of that like that’s what gets me excited watching golf it’s it’s for people chasing greatness um and I think he’s got a chance to to take a really big step in that regard tomorrow so I know we’ve had our differences about the dog I know I’ve completely sold all my Callin stock but I’m back in I’m back in I enjoy watch I think it comes down to this I just enjoy watching him play golf and and I think that’s not nothing you know and I I find myself kind of naturally rooting for him despite you know some some philosophical differences over uh some things hell yeah big don’t ignore your gut brother like if you just like ask me Point Blank do you Eno enjoy watching Colin play golf like yeah I do yeah do you enjoy like watching Xander play golf no I don’t and I don’t know if I could explain why but I just I just don’t yeah yeah it’s like stick me in front of this painting or that painting it’s like yeah I kind of like that one I don’t know why but big pick sold low and is buying High David Stewart comments it’s it’s uh it’s the sure find way to financial ruin oh man that’s good stuff all right s second pick and then we’ll snake it back so I’m going to go double is this like most compelling for the golf world or for me I don’t know take it wherever you want man it’s our show you make up the rules brother no rules just right out take sah I’ve taken saah I I I don’t know him as a major Champion would it’s just a whole different world for uh for him and you know that could springboard him to so much into you know he’s already a popular player from the Netflix series and I just talk about just loving the way somebody carries himself on the golf course it if if we could all model our game and our golf swing after that guy’s like um arm tension like I’m so envious of how free swinging and free wheeling he is and in Emotion to the ball and going back to like does that enjoyable to watch compared to how Xander does it it just is to me it’s just a wonderful playing style it’s different looks different than so many other guys nicest guy in the world great interview great to do videos with it’s 10 out of 10 Sith for me I love it I I would say another stressful thing for me with sah is how he lines the ball up so close to the hosle I don’t know if yeah I’m with you there it’s like I thought it was a camera angle thing but then I’m like oh my God it’s like right on the neck and I I just can’t believe he doesn’t shoot it straight right that’s part of why I can’t take them one one overall right like it’s stuff like that where it’s like no I don’t like seeing that I don’t like that ry’s got too much Scar Tissue with that I’ve seen that too much I don’t want I don’t want anything to do with that all right s i I love that I think that’s good for you I think that’s good for the golf world that’s that’s exciting stuff I’m going to go this a snake draft do you get two picks here got a couple good ones here so I’m listen I’m taking Xander for the story line I think that it’s um like we mentioned earlier I think there an opportunity to fight off the yellow King you know time might not be a flat circle this time around and I think for golf itself I want the field chasing Scotty Sheffer to strengthen I want Xander to become a a guy that’s like all right now he’s done it and like yeah maybe there’s going to be some chatter around well this wasn’t a real major the course was too easy blah blah blah I don’t care if he gets the monkey off his back who would say that who think anybody say that I could think of a couple guys in Jack’s Beach that might uh but if he gets the monkey off his back here then I I I said it last night I think he fits really well at austa and I think it frees him up to potentially like even if you don’t like him like having him be a major winner and then pushing for multiple Majors makes the conversation of this generation a lot more interesting um so I think him and I think this is a really good opportunity for him to get it done his best yet by far obviously he’s in the lead but Scotty’s not on the board he said in his interview yesterday that like he feels like he’s chasing we’re all chasing Scotty there’s been blood in the water when I shoot 62 well listen man now you’re tied for the lead you’re not out front like loosen up and go get it [ __ ] done like that’s that’s that I’m kind of rooting for him to get the monkey off his back because I’m getting sick of like I’m kind of getting sick of seeing him on the leaderboard and not winning it’s getting boring for me to talk about right so let’s flip the [ __ ] narrative is where I’m at it’s it’s so interesting Neil because like by almost any measure he is like the second best golfer in the world by numbers and just if you ask people on the street who who’s Scotty’s gonna be number one who’s the second best golfer in the world less than 10% would probably say he’s the second best because it just doesn’t resonate with fans unless you don’t win right and I’m listen I’m I’m usually riding for the dudes that don’t win but play really good golf but it’s like it’s time like it’s totally time Xander like you’ve been here enough it’s time to like you know otherwise now we’re down this path of like dude are you like I don’t I don’t know what your comp is at at this point is it like Colin Montgomery at this point I mean you know and I I don’t want to do that I don’t like watching even if he’s not the most uh most charismatic guy I just don’t like watching somebody go through that I want to see him win one of these one note I have on Xander and s i I mentioned this earlier in our slack there as two days in a row on seven I’ve seen 192 ball speed and I I just is that like I need to understand if that’s real I’m going to be looking for that tomorrow that seems so outrageously High like I know he moves it but that’s like it feels like you know I see cam young it’s like 188 maybe right and I I just don’t I don’t know so something to watch for the people out there but I feel like Xander’s like you said he’s hitting the ball pretty much better than anybody in the world like at least today so that does not seem like a right reading to me that one jumped off the page to me as well he has increased his speed but he doesn’t seem like he’s lashing not it that much harder and that would be outside of that would be outside of his his normal range he is in the upper 180s which is a a difference from from last year with his work with Chris KO but I would be I’d be I’d be stunned if it was actually registering 192 could be I could be wrong there but it just doesn’t seem right all right let me hit the snake here go ahead Randy well I was just gonna say I’m you kind of have me excited at least interested right excited in an interested way about Xander tomorrow because I think you’re exactly right if he does come out and let’s say he shoots 65 and he wins like I I have to respect that there there’s nowhere for me to go I I promise I won’t be the guy like this doesn’t count I listen if you win a major championship that changes a lot and he’s a guy that I’ve I’ve picked on and and like this is the opportunity man like there’s no sheffler there’s no Kea there there’s no real big bad wolf There’s No Bully man exactly like you got to be the bully tomorrow I I think you know I’m sure Xander’s doing as much as possible like not to put pressure on him s but from an Outsiders perspective it’s like man this is a big test for him tomorrow and that’s exciting hell yeah baby the block party turned into a take sale Rand I got that t- shot at 298 and rolling out 22 yards on seven that that doesn’t sound like 192 to me all right but it’s it’s I saw the same thing on Friday though that’s what’s making me so like what what is going on on on the num on the numbies on seven um all right let me hit the snake I’m coming back this is a tough one I got two guys uh I’m going to take havin though I think hin is just like whoa here he is again I mean we’re picking up with kind of the same argument I’m making for Xander like hey he’s been close the last year he’s been in the wilderness a little bit so you gota nobody loves a comeback story like you know like your boy right here uh like America uh and it would be fun to see him just like rise to the to the you know to the challenge make unfinished business from last year um and I think again it Str strengthens this generation so then you’ve got Victor and Colin those guys in the same class that argument starts to become a little bit better you know or a little bit I don’t know harder to decide like who’s going to have the better career so I think for me havland has a lot of um uh a lot of juice so s I’ll send it back to you God extreme value coming back at this I almost took him I almost took him at at at two here but uh give me Bryson I want it I need it I absolutely need it the YouTube content creator uh two-time major Champion I I it’s a remarkable you have he has such a unique playing style and disposition that he is truly just one of the great jackasses of our time like not a good dude like he seems to be carrying himself way better now but like has done so many re so many things for to make people not like him that are very very Justified and still somehow I enjoy watching him play and finding myself rooting for him in golf tournaments it’s uh he’s getting less and less offensive as time goes on Randy I know you were big in on this guy way back in like 2017 and he probably done a lot since then maybe it would change your opinion on that but like I’m coming back around he got rid of the dumb hat uh I missed the big body but man it’s I’m I’m excited for Bryon tomorrow and I would love for him to be in the hun I think that’s right Sully no quibbles he’s an interesting character and there’s a dir of them usually in in professional golf so you gotta acknowledge that I saw a stat I think it was Justin Ray you know if Bryson were to win tomorrow he would join Jack and tiger as the only guys to win a US am a US Open and a PGA which is very exclusive company um yeah he God I forgot all about that stupid hat until until you said that earlier he he I’ll give him this Bryson has a flare for just a moment creating moments for for you know that chip in on 18 we even saw a 72 hole at a so like he he he gives us moments and that’s a lot more than you can say about a lot of these guys so I absolutely agree with the pick their strong value I had I had to let them fall to my big board I I just you know we got a great locker room right now and and I I just didn’t know if I I needed that that off the course stuff so Randy we’re coming to you second round pick I’ll real quick you can afford one guy in the locker room like Bryson if you’ve got the culture to offset it it’s kind of the rule in baseball so sorry Randy uh I’m not taking Shane Lowry he does I’m sorry all people from Ireland the guy just does absolutely nothing for me I know he’s like a great guy I know everybody loves him I just there’s nothing much I I really enjoy or gets me going watching him play golf so we’re we’re going down the board a bit um God I be smirched Robert McIntyre earlier this week he’s he’s stuck around this leaderboard uh rosie no chance I’m taking him mean dean I’m gonna I’ll take Big Shot Bob McIntyre you know this this could be he feels like a guy uh again I’m gonna I’m gonna disrespect him here but he he feels like a guy if he wins one that’s probably all he’s gonna win uh I I know our buddy Jim hartzo loves him I I love Scotland the Scottish people love me like why not Bob MacIntyre you know who who who cares Ry ranny’s refuses to take a story line he can’t get behind I appreciate that all right you’re snaking buddy you’re going your third round how long we going here how many rounds we going I think this the last one I think it’s the last one my my third one I’m gonna take JT Justin Thomas he’s got to shoot 63 at least I think tomorrow uh Hometown kid that’s fun three Majors all PGA championships is the kind of weird Wikipedia page I dig um give me JT I guess and and I will say to be fair a third major championship not nothing that would be incredibly significant for him so that’s big big I’ll take JT I I gotta take Shane here if you’re gonna I mean this would be two majors for Shane this would be an Open championship and a Valhalla like couldn’t be two more very different types of Majors too I’m a Shane Lowry guy I I love the dude I think he’s one of the more genuine guys out there and probably one of the best guys to sit around and hang with and uh really weird career can’t can’t really quite figure it out uh you know but it would it would it would definitely change my perspective of him if he went out and won it tomorrow I’d be very surprised though with how he’s hitting the golf ball and the sustainability models have concern I can’t believe you didn’t pick big tone s unbelievable just bailing on your guy he’s sitting there at minus 10 unbelievable undrafted by S you guys don’t hear me riding for him at Majors all right like let’s just we can set the record straight you don’t want to take the next step after after you know was Puerto Rico then it was the big seen trust and now you don’t want to see him do a major I haven’t seen it I I I got to I got to see it right I mean I can only give you what my eyes see fair enough uh God you’re gonna love this one Randy give me team Rose and I’ll tell you why nobody wants to see it and I think that would be a pretty funny storyline at Valhalla like oh okay yeah team Rose two two majors for team Rose just you know I don’t want to see it I don’t know if anybody wants to see it other than maybe DJ uh but would be uh we’re good here we have enough TS listen it’s third round baby we got to we got to we got to take a storyline I don’t know uh he played really well today though I mean credit to him 64 he and Lowry were vibing their faces off in that group um and he had got he had a great shot into 18 um from like 256 so didn’t come down didn’t come down the ridge but it was you know he played some serious Golf and and Justin Rose deserves a lot of credit for I mean great late career stuff going on for him like he’s still very relevant um and I I think still one of the few guys I can say like the moving to the claws like okay he’s like a like rolls The Rock now and I I feel like a lot of guys that have to switch the claw I I still feel like putting is always kind of iffy and I feel like he’s uh you know he’s rolled it pretty well late in his career so I would say just be prepared for me to celebrate the [ __ ] out of sahith winning tomorrow and then if if the winner is not who I want it to be to be like ah alalla deserves to like you know leh Hotes you know in the clubhouse all right that’s what they deserve just be prepared for that tomorrow that’s coming either way thank you thank you for calling that out um all right good stuff there let’s go a couple quick hitters one Mulligan to hand out so give a guy if you want to give him a shot back What’s it gonna be Su you go first I I would love to have Scott for Scotty to have his t-shot on two back you know if he doesn’t put that in the bunker does it lead him to putting it way down almost in the water with his second making double just totally things started moving quickly for him that point like he shot 73 it wasn’t that close but that early on of a shot you know if he hits that one in the Fairway knocks it on the green you know maybe gives it a good run going to three played relatively easy today four was drivable and you bogey in that one like maybe that sequence goes differently and maybe he doesn’t get his energy Zapped and and and fade back that quickly because it does still felt like this was his to to win or lose if he shoots three under today he’s sitting at 12 under just a few back that’s that’s the Mulligan I’d hand out sure Randy what do you got I have uh literally take your pick any of Rory’s Birdie putts on the back nine today I I’ll single out his putt on 11 though um he he was on a run of four straight birdies and that’s the type of run he needs right and the par 3 11th he he gets up he hits an excellent shot to 11 feet and he doesn’t make the Putt and after that on 12 he misses like an eight-footer for birdie 13 He misses like a 14-footer for birdie then Bogey’s 14 15 he misses like a 13-footer for birdie 17 he misses uh what is it a like a six-footer for birdie like it it just you make that Birdie on 11 and you got a chance to do something special and he didn’t and he didn’t do anything special so I I that would be my Mulligan today how you doing Neil H man I was I was great this morning I was at peace I after our ESPN thing I went for a run Cody I had to get my miles in and then I met a friend of ours from Australia uh the party Panther came to the neighborhood we had a couple Pops I took my dog it was we were having a lovely time I was out and I come back the first thing I see as him missed that Birdie on uh 13 Randy you know I got push every I mean I had like a hundred notifications like I’m bringing ice I got the cooler poo is coming over with Diet Cokes ah and I’m like oh I got wrapped up in it again I got [ __ ] wrapped up with the wrong crowd again are you are you are you drifting towards our side the beaten down side the people that you know have have been there for years of just have this scar tissue that are you are you seeing where we’re coming from well technically I’ve been here for years and and I I I feel like I I’ve said that I can I can be hurt and I can handle it maybe I’m giving myself too much credit I don’t know um but God we got Quail Hollow next year like man like don’t fall for it St going anywhere after the Ridder Cup last year I looked into the camera and I made myself a tape and I said hey play this pack for me before they go to Ireland in 20 in 2027 like don’t let me pick him like don’t let me fall for it remember the pain remember this moment remember the feeling because a lot of things can happen between now and the next one that can convince you that it’s going to go differently and it’s been like we’ve seen it enough times like he literally just won on a perfect golf course fit rolling into a golf course that’s a perfect fit for him and just like is a different player a totally different player it’s not the same Alpha and uh I was starting to buy it a little bit this week just a little bit you you that magnetic pull happens every time and dude it’s just not it’s just not there I don’t and I don’t know it’s so hard to to like square that with our conversation last night you know somebody asked a question like does he get zero or two plus majors and it’s like oh well he’s got 40 more good shots at it he’s only 34 and so you start to do the numbers you’re like well God he’s playing you know he’s top of the world top three it’s just like back to the Xander numbers conversation it’s like what the [ __ ] man so I don’t know Randy I’m going to leave it on I’m going to leave it on your your text has been read but I’m not gonna respond yet it’s kind of what I’m gonna do I’m Gonna Leave You On hope it’s the hope that kills you Neil just remember that the hope that kills you um all right I’m gonna my my mogan’s easy but I’m almost rethinking now Xander shot from the Fairway on 15 I mean good Lord now he comes back with two birdies on 17 and 18 and I’ve kind of talked myself into now I mean look I right off the club face I was like you know got on screen here it’s just like oh my God that’s like is that going to be in the crowd like just hit it in the worst spot possible makes double now I’m thinking maybe that was a good thing like a blessing like take oh oh my God you know he’s reeling he hits it in the rough on the next te then he he settles himself makes par on 16 uh comes back with a birdie on 17 and a birdie on 18 and now like we said he’s kind of in a horse race and and he’s not playing with the lead which seems to be uh kind of a mental hurdle for him so I bet he wants a mulligan on that shot but you know so I’ll give him one if he wants it it’s kind of what I’m getting at um all right that was a that was a nice part on 16 that he that he had it was yeah deep rough right of the Fairway uh gets it up to the front of the green good two Putt and then yeah really nice Birdie on 17 18’s kind of a a gimme birdie hole um I’m Gonna Save he may have the only thing it’s like he he may have brought like Bryson and Vic into this and and I’m not sure you want to bring those guys into it if if you can help it but yeah I I agree with everything else I still like I think the best I don’t know analogy of made I I still don’t think there’s some really really really good golfers and big names on the leaderboard but it doesn’t really feel like there’s a bully up there um and and I think that’s uh that’s what he has in his favor right now I’m gon to skip our next segment we’ll do the did you see this at the end a little dessert um for everybody uh let’s go with a sticky neck out prediction Randy I’m go to you first a stick my neck out prediction I I uh I’m I’m not very prepared for this because I didn’t have a good one Neil if I’m being quite honest I I’ll take it if you want if you want we’ll move on we’ll move on what you got yeah please please go I think somebody’s gonna have and I don’t know who but I think somebody is going to have a massive hole out tomorrow like a hole out from the Fairway or a hole in one there’s going to be a huge one huge moment of somebody sucking a ball back in or something like that that is just gonna you know we’re gonna see eight different replays of it and uh I again I don’t know who it’s gonna be but I think there’s gonna be one huge moment like that at some point tomorrow I like that that’s a that’s a really good one um I’m going one more more on the the odd side um so I again yeah let’s pull up we’ll do the FanDuel uh break down some odds we’ll look at the the leaderboard my my stick your neck out prediction though is I think Scotty is going to be back door top 10 I think he comes back tomorrow Revenge round uh and and balls out like I I I think that uh and so I had a I actually picked the um a really my parlay is still alive people can still get on board with this obviously All Odds courtesy of FanDuel official sports book and no laying up odds of course are subject to change got some great odds on Xander and Scotty to top 10 parlay with Randy you’re gonna like this the New York nicker boers and the Denver Nuggets to win game seven wow a couple of home teams winning game seven 561 we’re still alive I think my original odds are like plus 1200 something so I I like where we’re at if people want to hop on board come on get on the bandwagon that’s my uh my stick your neck out prediction though as part of this parlay is is Scotty to top 10 tomorrow this segment was supposed to be like come up with a play Saturday night into Sunday and Neil used it to tout a a a play from earlier this week not on board 561 those are good odds I I I I think this I think this hits for sure you can’t current this is not what it would currently be yes it is I did it literally before the show this is what it currently is Scotty is plus 125 to top 10 he’s 224 doesn’t that’s what it said I did it at uh 6 PM yeah but he’s three shots back I I stand correct I I did not know I did not realize no the original odds were like 1241 previe show Scot this is also a genius pick because we won’t know the result of that Nuggets game during the live show show tomorrow night so hope you know it it for sure could hit for a long time Scotty’s plus 260 to top 10 as of right now not plus 125 so that’s why I did it I did it at 6 PM so I I even the odds are going to be better so that was before they went to 15 probably or you know what I mean like there was there’s a lot that happened in the last hour or two so again odds are subject to change Randy we know that okay we know that know that but let’s see if you want to have some fun hop on board all right suly let’s go down the leaderboard any odds jump out to you here for uh to win finishing position two-time major winner in the final group nobody had him on the board I know it’s bunched I know a lot of crazy stuff could happen uh I think by the time I when I sent this over to Cody Colin Mora was plus 300 uh to win I think he’s down to plus 260 now that he both he and Xander birdie uh the 18th hole but that was the one that was jumping out to me of um just the dude that’s done it and looks really good right now I feel I feel I feel I can trust him a lot more than I can Xander uh and with that lead I know a lot of people gunning for him but um I don’t know dude done it twice that’s that’s where my eyes go my mine is uh listen I I have some Scar Tissue with Bryson the little wedges around the greens I I’m I didn’t like what I saw at Augustus I I don’t love that sah very new position for him just can’t get on board the one I’m seeing is is The Vic hlin what is it plus 750 to win um there’s a guy he’s he’s obviously found something in the swing he he was flagging the ball today I mean he could shoot 60 what well [ __ ] 65 gets him to that 19 number right so um yeah we see Instagram from his reunited coach Joseph Mayo gol saying I am pleased uh I I think a lot of good stuff with Vic and if we’re just hunting for Value I think that’s about the best value I see on the FanDuel board right now we didn’t do this but we weren’t prep for this but what’s the wor what’s the worst winner tomorrow like what’s the worst thing that could happen tomorrow I mean I think I was kind of going for that with Team Rose yeah Rose I mean mean dean or Rose Dean bur winning winning the PGA would be tough yeah mean dean it’s good stuff Randy I I haven’t heard that one before mean bur there I pronounce Hodes were to shoot like 62 and win like what are we doing Lee Harvey Hodes uh any other any other piic you like non winner non- winner collection I’m weirdly disincentivized to try to make calls I I want I want to like the lone thrill for for tomorrow is going to come from like the uncertainty of like what’s going to happen I want to be along for that Thrill Ride you know I my horses aren’t here I had Scotty like none of my pre-tournament calls are looking great right now I just want to enjoy the ride tomorrow Randy anything we should be looking for on the LPGA oh God how long do we have I I actually I me pickwise just specifically pickwise we’ll get to the in a little bit I sent over a couple picks I don’t know if Cody has them the two I really like Jennifer cupo okay she this is a winner without Nelly Corda play right now Nelly Corda has a two-shot lead uh in second place alone is Hannah green at 11 under Jennifer cupo is nine under she was a in the playoff with roseen last year at Liberty National this is a course she really likes uh she she’s played three really good rounds of golf controlling the golf I think she’s only made a couple bogeys I like the value jener cup cho plus 1100 winner without Nelly and then the other one I think if you can get Gabby ruffles at even money plus 100 to top five she’s currently tied for third at 10 under she’s playing exceptional golf uh those are two I like from the LPGA tomorrow Randy are LPGA sharp that’s good stuff well you know what let’s what speaking of the LPGA let’s see mizuo America’s open let’s give shout out to mizuho real quick who is mizuho mizuho is a top Global corporate and Investment Bank a Powerhouse in Japan as a retail bank and the Americas is now the fastest growing region for mizuho’s institutional banking division they are also the title sponsor this week of the LPGA event the mizuho America’s open at Liberty National this is the only event where top Juniors compete alongside 120 LPGA Tour players in concurrent tournaments and on Saturday and Sunday the Juniors and LPGA are grouped together it’s a f fantastic format and as Randy just alluded to uh Nell’s in the lead and the leaderboard looks stacked so that is mizuo for more information visit and be sure to check out mizuo am mizuo Amer open tournament coverage uh tomorrow uh Randy but quick LPGA update what’s the big story thus far well it’s Nelly I her of course her five tournament win streak got snapped last week but she is right back in Solo first she shot a bogey free 65 today I mean as much as on the men’s side we’ve been talking about Scotty rightfully I relative relatively speaking Nelly has been every bit his equal if not better a win tomorrow would be six tournaments out of uh well six out of seven and six out of eight on the year for her this is the final tournament they have a week off and then they play the US Women’s Open so she would potentially be going into the US women open having won six out of seven tournaments including the first major of the year it just is like really really heady stuff and super impressive with Nelly you know obviously deflating not winning last week but to bounce back to grab the solo lead through 54 holes it just I mean she’s doing everything anybody ever wanted to see out of an American Superstar or any Superstar for that matter it’s it’s a wonderful thing for golf um but I will say I would be remiss not to shout out Hannah green you saw her there she’s 11 under solo second there’s only one other person that’s won multiple times on the LPGA this year and that’s Hannah green uh she has won twice it’s a hell of a uh they’re playing together it’s a hell of a final grouping tomorrow arguably the the the two best seasons going on the LPGA going head-to-head at Liberty National again Golf Channel 3: to 6 pm tomorrow um the Chann if the PGA gets boring the channel we’re get there s but I just want to shout out that’s that’s as good as it gets on the women’s side it’s a bit of a bummer obviously being overshadowed by a men’s major I get it um and then just finally Gabby Ruffles you know we we’ve touted her she’s a friend of the program she she really is playing good golf this is a rookie season she’s got herself in contention again she’s three shots back at 10 under um and that’s not to Discount you know aaka Foodway she is having a great season Stacks top 10 I mean I could go down the leader board he’s going down the leader board no we’ll save it Neil we’ll save it I I won’t do that all right well look forward to the final update for you tomorrow um all right s I’m gonna hit you with a shot and a chaser here all right the shot nlu tweet from yesterday quote hard to picture anybody but ESPN being able to handle this Scotty situation with the depth they have today remarkable from the joke from the jump end quote Chaser Golf Channel PR response a day later maybe over a day later uh important context ESPN has exclusive coverage and was scheduled to come on before 8: am Eastern Golf Channel cannot come on live once play is underway nlu is working with working for ESPN this week as remote broadcasters uh that is one tweet I think they responded to four separate tweets with something similar Sly it is your move I mean my move was a reply I hit him with of just like again it was such a confusing response never mind it being a day later one the the implication that our one-week agreement working for Omaha which is our broadcast is going on ESPN would require us to praise ESPN for uh literally wall-to-wall coverage of this breaking news incident one of their reporters Jeff Darlington was the guy that videoed the whole thing was the one that first came out with the report he was on the television when I woke up he was on television for like two straight hours I watched him drop into sports center I watched him drop in to get up uh they they went like commercial free on ESPN Plus for what felt like hours before play had all started following the whole situation wondering if Scotty Shuff was going to make it from the jail in time for his tea time all this stuff it deserved a shout out for incredible reporting so I I regret nothing by shouting them out the implication that just because we’re working for ESPN uh this week would would buy my words on that but it was obvious to everyone that they did a great job with it is one of the many issues I had with the tweet that they sent out two it’s a breaking news story I was not asking them to break into covering the live golf tournament that’s not what we were talking about it would uh you know ESPN flexed their previously scheduled programming this wasn’t a scheduled block on Sports Center and a scheduled block on get up they don’t ever talk about golf on get up and like they great line and slack about get up by the way like prison prison sounded awful they had get up on in the prison cell when Scotty was in there anyways all that they’ve showed like ability to flex into this stuff which golf channel has clearly did not show in anyway they I don’t know what this person who’s tweeting at me is is saying that they can’t go to a live studio in Stanford to break into this story they can’t they’re not allowed to cover breaking news they’re implying that the golf had started so they couldn’t do it this was hours before the golf had ever started again it didn’t really make any sense at all uh not the battle you want to pick when the whole golf world is not seeing eye to eye with you on a lot of issues currently so um yeah your inability to flex into programming has been an issue for years and years and years that we’ve covered in great detail and to not be able to break into a news story to be able to cover it uh the way ESPN did uh yesterday was a big deal it was a very big deal that’s why that’s why we’re now referring to as the channel instead of the golf channel so I would say this was uh which can I can I real quick yeah like I said the same exact things about Golf Channel on June 6 last year like it’s not like everything you I I was not doing did a great job handling all that stuff on on you know live on the air for like three hours we did not we were not working for Golf Channel that week that was not important context for that conversation they did break from the scheduled program they covered it wall toall I don’t think they went to commercial for like four hours that day and we were happy to give them praise when that happened uh so yeah when they refused to break into it this go around again we’re quite concerned a lot of people are concerned about the budget cuts and what’s been going on over there in general and like to not be able to cover that story live without any real explanation as well a lot of people had an issue with that so I have zero ISS I have zero problem zero with any comments I made on this issue so I’m going to I’m going to chase your Chaser it’s three things to me initially the the lack of coverage is lazy uh the the Tweet the four tweets is petty petty as [ __ ] I want that on the record and straight up it’s just embarrassing it’s like you’re worried about what we’re saying you know oh podcaster it’s like go go do your job dude like what are you what are you talking about or if if you’re not going to cover it Go cover the LPGA which is on your channel why don’t you go focus on covering that better so I I was I was pretty pissed off seeing that too well the the really really really lame part is the impli like the ESPN implication here right like we are clearly independent we’re doing something for ESPN this week that does not change like that was not important context which is what they kept and you could quotes last night I mean we had a Hamsterdam section last night where it’s like the ESPN broadcast has some warts this week like they got too many I think they got too many cooks in the kitchen on the broadcast like not getting a ton out all and Ogie like I thought you know it’s not uh I I I thought that was uh shady and and uh just totally unnecessary like to come pick a fight like that is so it’s just so petty man it’s so petty Randy what do you got well I didn’t want to jump on SOL I step on your toes did you have other no I’m I’m I’m quite quite good here I was good before this started they did not need to do this no I know I and I’ll be brief I I have one statement and then I almost have a question for you guys is i’ like to make a statement any like I would like to make a statement I’m actually glad that they’re responding to our tweets like maybe what we’re saying and the drum that we’re pounding like maybe somebody will hear it right and maybe they’ll make more of an effort to to broadcast golf on on their Channel um so I I almost take that as a good thing I my question to you guys if I’m putting myself in Golf Channel shoes all of their I guess their their A-list Talent right is on site in Louisville like are they not allowed to go to their live from set during like that’s where I’m a little confused like are they saying they can’t get like brandle or Johnson Wagner uh these guys that have been in Louisville kind of on site is is that what they saying they can’t go to like I understand they’re not allowed to show golf shots but they’re tweet said what they cannot come on live once play is underway and play didn’t start for until after 900 a.m. I think so if that’s the case then they could have come on to cover the story uh again their their response makes zero sense uh in any of this I I I get that there’s some of that like you can’t and once play has started like they can’t do their live from desk or or any of their coverage I get that but that was also not the case like that’s they’re using that as an excuse that the golf was not going on at this time I mean I guess but it truly is like you you are the Golf Channel and this will be the biggest story in golf this year and for you not to like it it just doesn’t add up like it doesn’t explain the stford part either you know there’s there’s you know it’s a massive conglomerate that you know you got to have somebody available to to be able to speak on this in a heartbeat I know that’s hard that’s easier said than done but like we’re hours into this is when I was when we were pointing this out of like yo they’re not even like they’re not even trying here and then the response comes over 24 hours later over a day later it’s like well what are you do why are you doing that like what what the it’s just like I don’t know unprofessional like it’s just a lot of things it’s just bizarre yeah it’s a little low rent it just feeds into the budget cut stuff right like it’s just like what are what are we doing and and I’m sorry like I’m sorry you’re mad that we’re being critical but like again it’s it’s kind of it’s honest number one and two it’s just like we just want it to be better like we know you can do better too like right last year is a perfect example we know you’re capable of it like a ride for Rich learner come on man let me I would love to see him holding court on this this topic this was this is what they call the Strand effect they’ve now drawn more attention to the fact that they did not cut in yesterday case study this is a a business school case study right here all right guys let’s get back to uh let’s go down the leaderboard a little bit um suly I’ll let you I’ll let you cook a little bit TC is not here tonight he’s recharging the batteries he’s he’s in the bullpen so we’ll bring him in tomorrow but uh anybody stick out as we get off that first page I’m about the biggest down the leaderboard guy you know I uh we haven’t talked we haven’t haven’t talked a lot of JT had a great hole out there uh you know kind of cool moment for him and good interview afterwards just uh kind of driving home the Kentucky tie-in as as I do believe we’re visiting Valhalla for the last time uh in this championship and a major championship so it is cool to for him to get that experience of uh of playing a PGA there but um man honestly it’s hard to do this without feeling a getting a little bit of Hamsterdam as well in CBS it felt like they kind of lost the plot at at several times the course of the day and I don’t know uh it’s hard to kind of give give rundowns on a lot of these guys rounds because it felt very halfhazard but what do you have any other anything else to say about Scotty I mean like Randy you said up top kind of the story of the day I mean it’s I guess it’s pretty straightforward homeboy didn’t play well it’s honestly stunning to watch him totally go backwards on a golf course that was queued up to just be taken advantage of I think the scoring average today in round three was 69 a half which was the the lowest like by two by multiple shots I know the club Pros are no longer in the field and you know the guys that aren’t playing well are no longer playing this weekend but uh that was honestly shocking I mean he had zero he had absolutely nothing just did not have the same look on his face uh today and uh we literally literally have not seen that all year all year long not for one single round have we seen anything like that from him and that was that was quite shocking I I I got just a couple Neil if if I if I may please uh I I was dis Point speaking of Scotty I was a little disappointed in Amanda the the post round interview you know Scotty said he he he just was office routine today we all know Ted Scott was gone I wish you would have asked him a followup on hey is that just a matter of Ted Scott not being here she did allude to like you know it was a let down from adrenaline and um just like post-traumatic honestly um but I I wish she would have kind of followed up a little bit more on Scotty just to understand what exactly about today and and being off uh he felt led to his poor play and the only other like real shout out uh push Daddy I didn’t see any of them today and I’m gonna you guys want to hear me butcher a name is it Rio hea Sunni I’m sure that’s not right um we’ll go with it it’s not right and I also don’t know what’s right well he’s in a battle now for low Japanese which uh seems like a big deal and what I was saying Mr Poo said his his outfit today was like spectacular so uh if anybody did see that maybe they can let us know in the comments um well that kind of feeds into me I was disappointed in Hideki today uh shut 70 felt like it was kind of primed for him to to do some things and and maybe get into the into the hunt into that first page of the leaderboard uh Tom Kim three under um you know if he’s generational I’m might be expecting a little bit more but t19 right now uh going down the board H coin is t29 so you know uh meme coin was not a great call by me S for the record on Tom Kim I I have not been quoted as saying he’s generational I’ve made fun of the fact that he is a global Superstar as noted in full swing but I am I’m a Tom Kim stand I will I will uh I will continue to ride for last year’s Open Championship runner up I also felt like it was gonna be a big week for Jason day he’s stuck in neutral a little bit 69 today he’s at six under um and then I I would give shout out to Zack Blair friend of the program uh he had a great finish to the day when we were on air on ESPN plus birdied his last uh his second to last hole and then went right back out and shot 68 so he’s t29 at minus 6 um and one other let’s see I had one other note I wanted to call out uh yeah we got a note uh Randy this for you uh one of the club Pros Braden shatak he’s a teaching pro at Rolling Green which I believe is Tom coin’s home course I think it’s a different Rolling Green okay well that that’s an honest mistake then but he’s a a pro at at a Rolling Green course uh and he’s playing really well and uh coming back from car accident in 2019 but qualified here and uh and playing well he’s at four under as Club Pros in the field so he’s looking at low low Pro Randy I also might be wrong because he’s from Philadelphia I believe so I the right I’m sorry I’m send that may CA back your way sir that’s I will double Med ca for yeah trying to correct you there that’s my bet and he Neil he’s got a six shot Le on my guy uh Jeremy Wells for low Club Pro tomorrow so so if we’re going to celebrate brocky I hope I hope we get you know some love for for uh Braden shadik can we go back to Hamsterdam that little blocky Montage like midaf afternoon like guys what the what are we doing like we don’t have to keep doing this this is ringing the towel man we gotta get choice this is a choice we’re making does it feel like to you guys that CBS during major weeks kind of goes a little bit backwards into into some of their old stuff like I feel like they’ve honestly and truly Advanced really hard on their PGA Tour stuff and then Majors can sometimes kind of feel like the same thing I mean the the the P the CBS PJ of America contract if you remember kiaa like that was a commercial disaster and this today felt like a big damn commercial load it really did it I struggled with today I I hope tomorrow’s better I didn’t commercials I and I you said you lost some of the golf maybe I was focused on like writing stuff down but I felt like I I had the plot all day um you said something in our slack earlier though that sometimes it feels like in a big week like this where they maybe more casual fans are watching that they’re trying to cater maybe to uh your aunt you know my mother like let’s let’s kind of not dumb it down but let’s let’s give some Wikipedia stuff to get the whole audience caught up which I can understand that but it’s not you know it’s not as enjoyable for us probably I think we have a cut in here uh sge has a some some reporter a tweet here from uh looks like Todd Lewis sorry I’m looking on a very small screen not my TV I spoke with Scotty sheff after shooting 73 in round three of the PGA Championship he said I talked to my lawyer on the phone to try to process what really happened I don’t think it hit me until this morning what actually transpired yesterday he was trying really hard in his post round not to make an excuse for today it’s like yeah yeah dude I think you’re kind of pretty Justified with whatever kind of excuse you want to want to roll with here so listen assaults felonies that’s tough that’s that’s a tough one to kind of get the when you go read the definition of what you’re what you’re looking at that’s it’s like that that sucks uh that’s what really sucks Randy it’s unlucky yeah um how about you know if well tomorrow no never mind we’ll we’ll we can talk about it later stash it sorry that’s bad podcasting withholding Deets on people uh all right let’s get to our final segment Cody let’s ceue up the did you see this uh and then we’ll we’ll make our final win predictions and and a little housekeeping So Sol you go first did you see this yeah just updating people uh we talked about it um on Thursday’s show just put to keep people posted about the the 13th hole and how things are transpiring we’re currently at 89% green regulation rate uh for the part the Fantastic par 4 13th hole uh nobody trying to drive the green everybody hitting a layup and a wedge uh onto the green couldn’t quite count how many balls have gone into the water uh just yet but it was the the 14th easiest Hole uh or 14th hardest hole averaging 3.7 shots today but uh one of the silliest golf holes I’ve ever seen in a major championship just a complete complete lack of design or Intrigue to that golf hole other than just being a postcard and cut out in a limestone and uh it I just I I’m 89% is outrageous for uh the field to be hitting a green in regulation it’s it’s for not for a non-par five especially okay well let me ask you guys this because I saw a comment in the live chat before we got started it was like some folks in the audience feel like it’s okay like what when St Andrews and the wind doesn’t blow and they go 19 under or you know Augusto when it’s when it’s not firm and fast that’s okay but it’s not okay here like what what is it is it the low it’s not the low scores is not the issue but there is an issue with the course for you guys so so walk me through that from that perspective to start with that Neil I I have to we have to be willing to like point out and and acknowledge the difference in like the old course like the old oldest golf course out there and like the you know a a a true oneof one course like they only they go to that golf course because of its place in history right it is incredible golf course and technology has completely passed that place by so many times over even with moving the the t- boxes to where they are so there’s still so much Intrigue in playing the ball on the ground and the design of those golf holes is a template that is used all over the world to challenge golfers the wind blows out there like it typically in July doesn’t blow as strong and we did not get windy conditions at last year at the old course and at the length that these guys hit the ball now like those holes are a total joke so many of the the design features of that course Randy’s made the point before like they shouldn’t take the open to the old course anymore like says that out of love and like there’s a case for that honestly because it just becomes a turkey shoot but I I I think the jig was up when they had to build a tbx literally off the property of the old Court yeah that should have been like guys we’re done here and we’re talking about like one of the world’s great golf courses right like potentially having low scores for pros now right Valhalla is not one of the world’s great golf courses it is it would probably be middle of the road on the PGA tour I think I mean this this reminds me of way more of a PGA Tour golf course than it does a major championship venue I’ve honestly got to like revisit some of my previous thoughts on like width of Fairways like I’ve not been a fan of just narrow Fairways thick rough but like I honestly with how soft it is playing out there I think the fairways are playing too wide when the angles don’t matter when there’s no strategy to hitting to a certain side of the Fairway with is a can be a bad thing in professional golf like there’s just no consequence on so many of these t- shots and the there just seems to be way way way way too many golf shots on this course with a complete lack of consequence just JT being I mean I know he holded the shot I’m not referencing that it was an easy shot to hold but missing so long left on 14 on like a good major championship venue that would be bogey like that you would not be able to stop a ball near that hole and he was if that ball didn’t go in it was going to stop near the hole there’s examples of that all over this golf course where the proper punishment for misses and the exacting nature that it’s usually required in major championships is not on display at Valhalla look if you don’t care about that I’m not going to try to convince you that you should for me that’s what I love about Majors is watching like the guys go through a mogul skiing test of like you have to dodge this obstacle you gotta play a delicate shot here you got to do this and I’m watching dudes miss all over this golf course and get away with it on repeat and there’s just no Intrigue to it like it’s it’s it’s completely in line with what we see every week on the PGA tour we get two venues a year in the like there’s no bad venues on the Open Championship Roa like I’ll take them all like those are great so we get two venues a year for the US Open in the PJ Championship on rotations for major championships right the bar to clear should be really really really freaking High really high and look does it check a lot of boxes of infrastructure and fan environment and like the Kentucky fans having a great time and the great local support and all that stuff it absolutely does sure we’re going to get the bunch of leaderboard that you know a very mediocre Golf Course is going to probably give and there’s going to be some excitement tomorrow but that doesn’t mean that it’s it’s it for me it definitely does not clear the hurdle of a worthy major championship venue golf course it just the level you know sure you can say it’s soft it got rain it’s like well this place is not going to play great when it’s fast and firm it would play better but it’s not like it’s designed to play fast and firm we’re not waiting for the wind to blow in Kentucky like that’s not a real thing that you can reasonably expect for May and it that’s so opposite into the spectrum of like Lynx Golf and the nature of ly golf versus like the heaviest Parkland golf imaginable so it falls woefully short it it it really has frustrated me this week I’ve tried my best not to let it seep into all of our shows but I it’s it’s it’s it’s been really really frustrating and I I don’t know where you net out on that rander Neil I’d be curious your thoughts as well but I’ve um I will not be sad to say so long to Valhalla tomorrow God the defense or the prosecution rest Randy we’ll go to you I know I don’t I don’t have much to add except tell you what my my own experience is I so I think that was beautifully said and for how good this leaderboard is for how bunched it is like my overriding thought a lot of the afternoon was like man this is just kind of like boring golf like I’m I’m watching guys hit good shots but I’m there’s zero appreciation for it because the the level of difficulty is just not there and that’s not the same as low scores right like it right that’s par that’s relation to par and we’ve always said that it’s just the actual like consequence of the golf shots is not there and and we see so it’s not that they’re a million under it’s it’s it’s more on a shot like like shots in a vacuum is is more the concern like there’s no downside on a Miss no sorry Randy I know this is your spot you you quick examp better than I can a quick example again of like think of the 11th hole at shinok I know it’s a totally different design to the 14th hole at valal par three right up on the hill a short par three but imagine like going long left of that green and like again think of the shot that JT hit on 14 today and imagine like going long left of shin clock imagine like how [ __ ] you’re gonna be at Pinehurst here in a couple weeks like if you go bomb one long left in a spot like you’re going to be so completely boned the consequences of the of the contouring and the bunkering the slopes and the speed of the greens it’s all like contributes to what should be a strategy of how to pick the place apart when to take on risk you know is it worth getting after this pin if five yards left of it I’m going to be in a bunker that I can’t get up and down with that’s what I that to me identifies a a a worthy major Champion better than a turkey shoot does I mean we’ve seen turkey shoots I think there should be a different category for major championships we see it every week yeah I know God Cody run the run the breaking news Banner Randy and Sul continue to agree it’s it’s out true we are building a Coalition here well Randy but Randy will where we’ll disagree is like Randy just wants to see hard for hard’s sake like I I I think there’s a a balanced line which like yes because we get too many of these weeks more a just hard for hard sake R’s more of a hardliner than S that’s good stuff yeah I’ll I’ll agree with you on that though like hard for the sake of hard is better than this like I I I I think you’re you can get a little on the extreme like again like a politician that I like I like more variability and just luck in it and I think that’s where I probably part ways I I have no qualms with like oh yeah you hit a good shot but guess what like it just found that Ridge and it ended up in a in a terrible spot like sorry that’s where I think we divert a little bit uh but this week it’s just there’s it honestly feels like a big trackman golf or shout out GC quad foresight I I should say golf competition where it it just is you know who’s who’s executing the swing and the spin and and the traje like there there’s no I I don’t see a lot of guys golfing their ball if that makes sense and I I don’t really have the vocabulary to explain it more than that I I don’t know and one more thing on this like if you listen to the show a lot and you think oh these guys say that about every golf course it’s like you know why because they need to [ __ ] roll the ball back right like that introduces so many of these problems like there should be with a a golf ball that didn’t go as far and and would spin more the consequence of these misses would be more exagger ated just within that part right it wouldn’t be so dependent on the perfect conditions Perfect Design perfect setup of a golf tournament which like just doesn’t happen the net for where you could play it doesn’t happen enough right like that is what is contributes to this always being a level of conversation is like the equipment in technology is contributing so greatly to a boring style play like is on Full display this week all right well Randy I want to let you I got one thing real quick I I agree with everything you guys are saying there and I thought long and hard about this last night I think zoa is the issue here because honestly Z teas it up on bass greens it’s like the playing off astr tur I don’t know what direction you guys thought I was going to go there but I want to look at these future sites too soly of this list we’re in Louisville this year of course we’re going to Quail oromic then we’re going and get first look for him at PJ Frisco did any of these places kind of fancy you know do you like this Quail last week was better than this like again I was I I I think I put when we ranked our PGA Championship courses I think I put valala ahead of quail just cuz we see Quail a lot I would flip those immediately right now but then it falls out of your category s of like you there’s only two times a year where we get to see a new course frustrated when it’s like oh great we’re gonna go to Quail like so that immediately kind of makes me like golf course I I don’t really have a huge issue with it I just see it every year so I don’t really want the major to go there this is like me when Randy has to go to a shared plates restaurant like I’m choosing from what’s in front of me right this is not what I would put on my menu here but from if I’m choosing from what’s in front of me like at least Quail showed an ability to be uh you know very firm and and fast and and the new greens at Quail shifted me a little bit last week that I’d not seen Quail play that well and I think we can expect better a better tournament at Quail Hollow next year than we’ve gotten this year of Valhalla that would be my expectations but aronomink can can fall in kind of the same I mean it’s a classically designed golf course but I just don’t know if tech if it holds up to technology it did not at the BMW Championship I don’t know what they’re going to be able to do to that other than make it obnoxiously narrow and with thick um so PGA Frisco I’m very keen to see uh I I didn’t like love playing that golf course but I’m again these guys hit it so freaking I was like oh this place is really hard but they tend to make courses I think are really hard make look very easy very quickly um I haven’t seen the new Olympic Club um new Congressional that’ll be with a roll back golf ball and maybe things will look different by then but uh no there’s not a lot that inspires me on on the PJ Championship uh board going forward God when we start thinking about 2030 I just I don’t want to think that far ahead Randy what’s your uh did you see this let’s let’s let’s get to you on this one it’s in the same vein you know big man if anybody missed it Shane Lowry shot 62 and I just think it’s worthwhile to point out you know this was such a um historically significant number for really most of our first yeah I I mean s we we grew up learning golf in the significance of you know 63 really and the the graphic here so between 1958 and 2022 there was one round of 62 um in in any of the majors and since the beginning of last year there have been four and I I just think it’s it’s part of this trend where easy golf I I am just at such odds with and I felt this way with baseball I I feel this way a lot where like long drives and stuffing wedges and making birdies if that appeals to 70% of the population I just have to acknowledge like that does not do it for me at all as a golf spectator and it just sucks because I mean how much Clear could it be 4 62s in the last four major championships like what are we doing the athlet like Shane Lowry so the the ball roll back the equipment roll back cannot get here soon enough for my uh for for my opinion I I just think I just think this type of golf is boring and if that makes me different from the vast majority of people then I’ll accept that but to me it was like I didn’t have a ton of fun watching today like there was some interesting stuff but it wasn’t just like holy [ __ ] the golf like it it doesn’t do that for me which God you guys are so old and grumpy I can’t believe you have these takes I which I know it comes off like that but it’s like it’s also what I feel so I’m not gonna I’m not gonna pretend to feel get off my lawn Randy there’s a balance to this stuff though Neil and like I know I’m just I’m giving [ __ ] I I I’m pretty close where you guys are Karen Karen in the comments not making fun of Karen had a good comment of saying of saying average viewer wants to see birdies not wrong like not wrong at all my point is or or my viewpoint is like we’re we’re we flooded the market with it right like there so many birdies is not the special nature of a well-earned birdie is uh you almost muted to it right like it it just it’s too easy to make a birdie kind of the same way like I look at like single season home run record in baseball like the top six seasons in uh uh in in baseball for single season home runs 2001 98 98 99 2001 99 like all within the same period like when a home run just wasn’t that special in that time period it wasn’t that amazing to see the shine wears off once ites it’s like Bryson at Bay Hill when he was trying to drive the green on what number five it was like that was awesome but like if 30 guys were doing that like I think it would become less awesome like very quickly and baseball is constantly tweaking their equipment to like regulate and normalize these factors right to make it so it’s a hard-earned thing to get a home run and you know there’s not a scarcity of home runs and golf has refused to do that for so and on that note I have I have a point like I enjoyed watching the golf today but I think if we’re going to hold up like Majors like like the PGA is special because of the tradition and the history so if you want to uphold the that that’s special and you want to have generational comparisons like I agree with you you do probably have you have to like whether it’s the athletes or the equipment like something’s out of whack we you know you got to kind of bring it back so that you can compare uh eras a little bit better and and you know it’s nice to hear like I I don’t watch baseball as much as you guys so it’s nice to hear that at least they’re thinking about that over there um anything else it feels like this is cathartic for both of you so like I know and and to Karen’s point like I acknowledge that’s what the average viewer but what what kind of is a bummer is the average viewers are tuning in four times a year and for folks like us that are watching a [ __ ] ton of golf it just it rubs me a little bit the wrong way that everything’s being catered to the the people that are like just popping in rather than like let’s make this the sport you know dynamic to I don’t know I guess it sounds silly when it’s like let’s make it what I want it to be but I I just feel like what what it has been though that you kind of have history on side a little bit so like I just feel like shot shaping and you know the the common cliche is like golf is most interesting when the ball is on the ground and how how many times Neil this week can you remember like a ball bouncing or only on the ground is is the ball or a flop shot rolling towards the hole like this guy has to worry about his run out or anything like it’s just like I it just is kind of boring to me well and that’s where the one defense I’ll give Valhalla and the PJ of America is like this was decided to go to Valhalla I would assume before they switched this back to being in May yet the same time I mean thunderstorms in 2014 and you it be a it was gonna be either way it’s like that’s why you shouldn’t have picked this venue like it just keeps coming back to this like the course is not worthy of it it’s just flat out not I’m sorry well that said I don’t I don’t think you guys you know I I think you both make a very candid valid and sincere argument I I am very excited about the golf tomorrow because I am I’m willing to suspend my you know Corpus my feel no I mean I’m just fired up about the leaderboard and I think the history for me kind of carries it like the it’s it kind of in the context of the major conversation that still gets me jacked up and and if they’re going to go have a shootout let’s see who wins the shootout like the play the course in front of you if it was up to me I would play it on a different course as well but I’m not going to let that get in the way of of my enjoyment of it no but I think where I’ll draw the line as like this is going to happen tomorrow people are going to be quick to credit Valhalla with a like a good leaderboard and exciting finish which like 18 is an exciting finishing hole I’ll give you that but like almost any golf course is probably gonna give you an exciting finish right I mean for as much [ __ ] as lccc LACC took on like that was a close exciting finish right so it I just I I won’t and I think I said this in 2014 was like yo you got a credit balla for giving you exciting F like no you don’t like you put the best players in the world you could put this field at Jack’s Beach and I’m confident we would have a good Sunday leaderboard God TC’s TC’s comment about it feeling like a member guest is so sick like it’s starting to become feel more and more true but I I am fired up about the atmosphere and I feel like it’s a good you know fan View and got a bit of a stadium Vibe on a lot of those holes so a lot to look forward to tomorrow Cody I’m gonna I’m G to wrap us up with my uh with my two did you see this I I think was late to the party the first one is is I just want to reiterate just how crazy the Scotty stuff is uh this kind of speaks to me there’s a lot going on in this photo all right it’s two guys with Scotty’s mug shot on t-shirts after his round somebody was able to get shirts made as the merch are like I guess they’re selling them in the parking lot I got I got you know nabbed by the cops at at the waste management for trying to sell t-shirts in the parking lot I’m guessing the parking lots are so far away that the cops are are busy closer to the entrance uh it seems like that’s the case as based on yesterday uh so we got these two guys giving them a high five and then I mean Randy what’s happening to the youth we got this this kid wearing a a is that a wood hat uh I I believe like would would be I don’t know what wood is but like kids looking for an autograph but like we’re corrupting the youth with these uh with these big letter hats we this must stop Hollow hats the wood hats they’re not good they’re selling out of them at places I can’t believe people are buying these but we we must stop the uh the big lettered hats and so that’s that’s a that’s my did you see this do you like the Scotty and the orange jumpsuit or the Scotty as is that like prison mic is that an office thing I I think so yeah uh I I think that the the mug shot one is is better if you’re gonna go you go all the way uh the guy on the left his his face looks like I don’t know I don’t know if he thinks it’s funny man I don’t know did he see me I don’t know I’m going to kind of stick my hand out here I’m going to make him make a decision yeah I don’t know man did we oh we’ve been waiting here for for an hour oh no he’s walking by he’s not looking uh this there’s a thousand words of this picture and the second one I just I had to bring this one in for for for Tron I know how much he loves jamus jamus jamus Winston re randomly in the middle of the crowd today on the second hole the guy can’t get enough Louisville uh I mean jamus just out there enjoying some golf fellas Randy I know you love this I know I’m I’m a big jamus guy I’m like is jamus a golf fanatic like I didn’t know that I didn’t know he play I was gonna say we we should do like a film Room video with him amazing content gold jabu wins out watching some golf at at uh at Valhalla at Odin’s place that’s exciting stuff um all right who’s gonna win Final Answer s you’re up morawa I think so God Neil you almost sold me you almost sold me on Xander I’m going to take take more c as well all right I’m going with Alexander weird Alexander shley my final pick uh a few housekeeping items moving off Rory to get to I know I’m I’m a tortured so I got I’m trying I’m looking for love in all the in all the Hopeless places uh time is a flat circle um I want to get hurt uh all right housekeeping we will be back on ESPN plus tomorrow from 9 A.M Eastern to 11: a.m. eastern s might actually get to call some golf what a curveball this morning we had almost no golf to talk about as we’re going on the air for uh for two hours basically got the message yeah just just do your podcast I was like okay we’ll wing it it was a lot of fun it was a lot of fun running running trivia PGA Championship trivia we we we pulled out all the stops this morning so uh we moved the runner over we’ll be back tomorrow um and then yeah just shout out go check out the Pro Shop you sticking around this long go check out we got some good gear in there store. lay we appreciate the support um and then I kvv might be hopping on a play tonight tomorrow morning I would look out for a kbv gamer tomorrow night I don’t know what he’s cooking up but uh haven’t heard much from him today I feel like he might be uh stewing on some stuff so he’ll be on the grounds tomorrow excited to to to kind of read his recap uh Sol did I miss anything I think that’s about it um I think we might have DJ Pi back for us with us tomorrow on ESPN plus as well he just got back from vacation uh coming in hot he he hated valala so much that he actually left the country um just com back from Odin’s Odin’s home Home Country coming back to to watch golf at Odin’s place um no that’s about it except for maybe looking for a response from uh the channel PR uh as well I haven’t seen if they’ve responded on my tweet yet but maybe keep your eyes peeled for that so speaking of good press I just want to shout out our guy here he unfortunately I think The Yips have now transitioned into the shanks really tough tough to see for Johnson out there but was this on live TV or is this just a picture no was it was live this is a screen grab from Smiley but uh yeah not oh man he’s grinding though he’s out there he’s fighting it we’re gonna leave him in the in the Hall of the slain Warriors there’s there’s no way he doesn’t win an Emmy this year like Johnson Wagner is has to be the golf reporter of the year or it could be a different name and he’ll receive it anyway you never know what those Sports emmies the uh the channel needs to protect him at all costs amen all right thanks for joining us uh we will be back tomorrow same time probably here on the uh the live show for our Sunday recap cheers and crack on Cheers hang


  1. Shane Lowry does nothing for Randy because he's never heard of the concept of a "short game" before in golf.

  2. I love watching all the guys in the final group. Morikawa is a badass. But they are harsh on Xander. Xander has a beautiful swing and game and seems like a good hang.

  3. I love your content, but I can only hear you have the same conversation so many times before I listen to something else.

    Ball rollback, make it hard, broadcast, course design snobbery. We get it.

  4. While I love this show, forget who the name of "The Czar" is but he ruins it for me. Doesn't seem to give a shit what his fellow guys say.. lack of enthusiasm and wanting to control the show is such a drag on what used to be an electric atmosphere. Start a solo podcast if its all about you dude.. I'm tuning out

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