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Toucher & Hardy LIVE (5-1-2024) : Bruins lose Game 5, series now 3-2 | Mike Gorman | Billy Jaffe

[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] Matthew D banged home John tovaris rebound 226 into overtime and Toronto pushed the Bruins to a game six last night care of a 2-1 win at TD Garden the bees got to go goal from Trent Frederick in the first period but Joseph wall was great a net for the visitors making 27 saves as the Leafs won despite the fact they didn’t have Austin Matthews Brad Marian’s team now has to go back to Toronto and tries this try to close this thing out again uh they were just better they came and and they they were willing to leave it all on the line tonight we needed to be better than we were um you know it’s that simple they were prepared to play and start the game and and we weren’t the Bruins still lead this playoff series three games to two game six is at Scotia Bank Center tomorrow night Carolina finished off the Islanders in five gamees 63 Colorado took care of Winnipeg in 5 63 and it was Nashville 2 and Vancouver one to push that series to a game six Celtics Center Kristof porzingis has been diagnosed with a strain of the Solus muscle below his right calf he’s already been ruled out of the team’s next game which is tonight at TD Garden against Miami this is game five of that first round playoff series Celtics up three games to one Grandy and Max had the pregame at seven and the tip off at 11:30 on the bat MGM 985 the sports of Celtics Radio Network the heat will be with Jimmy Butler Terry Rosier and haime hakz Celtics president to basketball operations Brad Stevens was yesterday voted the NBA’s basketball executive of the year last night Cleveland held off Orlando 104 103 they lead that series three games to two the winner of the Celtics Miami series who play the winner of Cleveland in Orlando and the Red Sox won their third in a row 4 nothing over San Francisco at Fenway Park this three- game series continues toight tonight Sports of headlines are brought to you by Valene Instant Oil Change enjoy quick and convenient vehicle maintenance this month visit New England oil for 15% off your drive-through oil change at Valene Instant Oil Change now open in woth Kinton Bedford and natic I’m John wck at Boston’s home for sports 985 to Sports Hub your next update at 6:30 this is Jaylen brown brown turn the corner finger roll is up and good score listen to home of the Boston Celtics 98 of the sports club in the office in your car in your funny pajamas this is how Boston sports fans start their day I bet you’re just jealous tcher and Hardy on 985 The Sports Hub hello hello hello mhm hello hello hello hello he’s naked he has a [Music] sword let’s talk about cheese Bruins are back from the West Coast what [Music] the is it okay do you use this for the radio yeah welcome to the show you [Music] sweet hey good morning everybody good morning morning we are toucher and Hardy brought to you by FanDuel sports book make every moment more with fandel and you can watch us every morning on YouTube search 985 the sports sub on YouTube subscribe to keep up to date with all the best moments from Boston home for sports and uh you can call us 61777 n 9854 in the Town Fair Tira Studios I’m sure everyone uh is very disappointed today as uh things uh history seems to be repeating itself the Bruins with a pathetic performance last night they almost were able to lock into something and uh they did not and this seems like part of the DNA now of this team uh it’s it’s I I don’t think anyone today feels uh very good about a game six in maybe since it’s in Toronto I’ll tell you this if they don’t win game six in Toronto with as bad as I think they’re won five in their last home playoff games if they lose in Toronto I have absolutely no faith put all your money on Toronto but I’m telling you right now I I have all the faith that they win tomorrow night why um I thought they had that thing won twice in overtime last night I there those those first two possessions that went into Toronto’s end last night I thought it was done I thought it was over and I think Marian is going to be good and pissed off as well he should be after you know the the call that we’ll get to here in a little while but that I mean those double miners that were the uh the matching miners that sent him off last night when they had to go four on four was one of the more ridiculous I I think like um sequences I’ve seen in a hockey game in a long time sure the fact that he was getting that he was going to the box at all and that the linesman came over and took him down to the ice for I I I still can’t figure it out and and we we’re gonna have jaffy on later I don’t think jaffy could figure it out last night I watched it I rewatched it I watched it again this morning and and Marian is not you know completely innocent in that whole exchange but he got held two or three times during that and there was maybe one retaliatory like uh grab onto uh what was it homberg that he was uh mixing up with yeah like so he’s going to be good and pissed off I think posto obviously has to do something to reassert himself I think it happens in Toronto in game six having said that if for whatever reason they decide to go back to the rotation and they can’t they can’t they have to stick with they were in the game after the first 10 minutes they have to but we’ve been wrong a couple of times at least if you took a poll it was 5050 as to who was going to be in net for certain games because we didn’t really know if for some reason they say uh now it’s now it’s a shorter stint here that you know swan has gotten these these three consecutive starts now because there’s been extra time built in if for whatever reason they go back toar for game six I’m going to throw my hands up and say well this is what you get and this is what you deserve I don’t think that’s going to happen I don’t think so either John but we didn’t know SW unbelievably good for longes of time last night and the Bruins showed me absolutely nothing for the first period and a half two periods they got their game back in the third but getting back to what you were saying about Maran yeah that was a lousy call what was it that was at the end the second period right I meanning third there there was still a lot of time left for him to be good and pissed off I think the power play nothing and nothing happened I mean that’s the thing they could be as angry as they want to be the real danger to all of this is that Toronto found a go tender that got hot Joseph wall is the epitome of mediocre and he was great last night Bruins could have won that game three or four different times wall was fantastic that’s the danger that was the clear Advantage you had over this team your goenda together wall was the reason that Toronto was able to get that game to overtime well you got to put more shots on net we’ve seen this from this team earlier I mean they got cute again they got they got uh I just pictured watching the game with when you if you ever watch your game with Jeffy cuz we’re friends he goes uh he go shot it shoot it shoot it and like last night in the third period shoot it shoot it shoot it more like passes to the middle getting broken up like sticks in the way I don’t know if Martian was penalized twice ridiculously but the the one I thought you were talking about was 729 in the third that is the one there was one that Maran got called for roughing on Marner that’s the one that I was mistaken for that carry that powerplate carried over into the third the Marner penalty according to Brickley should have been on both of them and then Maria and you’re right didn’t do anything and uh then got taken down by the linesmen which I you know it’s got to be embarrassing when they watch the film and then also did you see the T the thing Hurley put out when um one of the officials grabbed M makoy and I it might be Martian and makoy but I can’t remember exactly but it was maoy was one of them he grabbed them by the sweaters and he’s like shaking them and then he’s like knocking the F off and it was funny because the both of them look like when you discipline your kids and like but when back when they take it like you know and they wouldn’t just say tell your that off like like when you could and they would get like a hang dog look they both look like it’s pretty funny but I I don’t like I don’t recall seeing officiating like that where they were like we the tough guys I’ve never seen a player taken down like that by an offish I haven’t but I’m no I’m no expert but I have not was po not back i’ I’ve never seen outside of a fight where they’re trying to separate the two guys I’ve never seen an official skate over and physically knock a player down did you hear what did youate what Martian was saying to him oh yeah get the F off me I thought he came up and I think he had his left hand back he did he was getting he was getting whatever those I don’t know if it’s adrenaline in quotes or whatever is going coursing through those guy’s veins I thought Martian was going to hit him I really thought so too and then the officials started laughing but uh I I do think I don’t think Martian was kidding he was like get the F off me he he he says it and I’m watching it again right now I’m trying to see if there was like another player coming at him I think he’s getting ready to hit the I I totally agree and I watch it a bunch of times too and I think he was getting ready to to haul off on the linesmen but by the way like out of all the players on the Bruins what skill level do you think maroon is at in terms of if you had to rank him by skill at this point or athletic prowess last last isn’t it funny though like Maroon stands out because because you can tell it’s a totally different game in the second period you needed him on the ice as much as possible because this team was floundering and he was the reason it’s like and you know what give Montgomery credit I think he double shifted him at times in the third he had him out there a lot did and it’s like Maroon and Marian are are playoff guys in in posto and uh linol no lyol again and I don’t know if it’s just because it’s in my brain but linol again just seems to be making mistakes lowai take it easy was not good yesterday lyol is is at his best when you don’t notice he’s out there yes you know what I’m saying yes no no I mean and he’s not like a physical guy in the third you didn’t notice him which is the good thing the first two parents are like oh there he is he’s like a Right Guard know yes he is he’s an offensive lineman when he does his job you oh that’s right he’s playing but nothing bad has happen I’d say he’s more like a linesman I wouldn’t I wouldn’t I don’t think I don’t look at him as a guy The Trenches he’s more more like the uh the backfield judge yeah uh honestly the uh the the goal that that that won it for Toronto uh they Toronto was getting like easy entry into the Bruin Zone and I think it’s grizzli who’s over there on the wall yeah tares beat him to the post and it wasn’t that’s the thing if after after he said to to Taris come on in there you go there’s the Blue Line you’ve got the puck don’t don’t let me get in your way and if you want to go to the net it’s this way come on I’ll put his shoulder down and just pul and and just pushed grizzli to the net and there was and grizzli just sat there yeah that was terrible that was bad the thing is they looked much better I was optimistic entering overtime because they were much better in the third they they looked normal in the third after playing a say 35 minutes of lousy hockey they looked much better in the third I’m like all right great and then they started so well in that first 90 seconds I’m like okay they got this they had their first good shift of the game and halfway through the second period is they started they started getting physical and before that it was about as bad as you can play which I don’t quite understand I don’t understand what gets into this team why they come out so so flat and it can’t be coaching because I don’t think I mean you can’t will up someone to try like I like I don’t I don’t understand what it is I don’t get what it is but uh we will have all of that for you 61777 n 985 a uh listen they still got a two game lead but this is eily uh lost game five in overtime last year they lost 43 in overtime last year at home to Florida just exactly the same thing superb well good good stuff all right uh we will have uh catch you up with all the Highlight the F off me now get the F off me now good I don’t know if if he had it in his you know in his being to punch that linesman which takes a certain breed okay and Maran is that breed I don’t know how he stopped himself and had he done it he’d be gone that’s it no more marshan the rest of the season he would have been gone all right uh we’ll be back in just a moment you’re listening to toucher Andy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that had many offers become an Insider did you catch your game last night hey we are toucher and Hardy uh Paul go ahead hey good morning guys um Toronto fans had so little Fai that after that overtime goal was scored they go back to the square you see people waving Edmonton Flags no you you think they had backup team absolutely they have a backup team it’s Toronto yeah I mean who can blame them I mean who can blame them but here we are I mean if there at least the Bruins have got the three CBS since 1964 was it 67 67 The Beatles were still a band Yes JN Lenin was uh not even the Hollywood vampires yet with Alice Cooper and Mickey dolins his drinking Club were you aware of that and Harry neelen no the Hollywood vampires were Alice Cooper Mickey Dolan and Harry neelen and John Lenin got Harry neelon so drunk one time and they went in the studio and he had Harry neelon Yelling to the microphone until literally chunks of his vocal cords were coming up on the microphone and it ruined his voice were they real vampires well they drank the blood okay mhm what do you got what do you got there what is that what’s I uh in Hilton Head I got a burr in my hand and uh it stayed in there and so now I’m putting I’m compressing it with a moist towel so I can see if I can extract the uh bur like a sliver you know like what a burr is like they’re on the beach yeah but they’re like on the beach I got one and it went into my index finger and my thumb okay and now they’re still in there and uh it’s not painful John so thank you for your concern why didn’t you let in there because among the things I love most in life are home surgeries yeah you and my daughter you’re not popping it right you got to pop it you got to put your nails in it why aren’t you popping it right I mean what is it with women in wanting to see things popped it’s very cathartic for them I don’t know i’ I it’s been one of life’s great mysteries for me too it’s disgusting why do you want to see this women and Scott zolak zo when you see him looking at his computer on TV or here at work he’s watching pimple popping and like bug bite popping videos dude the core the core is about to come out dude you got to get the core how many times have you been forced to sit there you more than me the core dude check it out but when it comes to like slivers or one time Marcy had a a very badly injured nail she like you know like pinched it in like the shower door and you know it was you know it had like the blood blister underneath the nail you know how we released the pressure on that Fred how tiny little drill bit 116th de Walt you just take that thing and you just hand turn it with your fingers and went right through the nail right through the nail bed and boom that blood came up sweet relief someone might have used a needle but why when you yeah you you can use you can use a hot needle but she was afraid of the hot needle I said let Daddy get the old toolbox out get his drill bits out there’s a video of it on my Instagram iiz that drill bit no uh no but she was drinking so much that I think I there was no way any infection was going to invade her blood stream she had a lot of wine a lot of wine okay let’s just say that there was no Jurgens uh needed in the house after that you see why you got to take a beautiful home surgery and make it filter because I made it about your mirle bed let’s talk about the bru hey tell me something about the Bruins um they now uh have a one game lead over the Toronto Maple Leaves after falling last night in overtime 21 at tedia Garden scoring began with the Maple Leafs in the first period and off the draw marner’s got it up top mccab shoots he scores mccab through a crowd sizzles it by San and the leaps open the scoring they lead it one- nothing which makes sense because they were the only one actually taking shots in the first period yeah the Bruins had two shots in the first period it’s about as bad as you could play and it was top died uh no one felt good after the first period they got a gift to keep them in the game yes I mean that was benoa wrapped up with boquist out in front Frederick shoots he car Trent Frederick does it again to his old buddy Joseph wall drills it in his third of the poffs ruins one leaks one so they’re shooting 50% for the period at uh the end of the first period what would you say The Possession was in the first period 8020 yes 8515 and they came out in the first period tied for hits which is insane considering you figure that counting god well no but that Toronto had the had the puck 80% of the time but yet the Bruins still somehow managed to be equal in in hits you would think that it would be at least slanted in their direction that way the last time I saw the Bruins play that poorly in a playoff game was game seven against St Louis no I can’t think of another playoff game they played that badly in a period than in game seven against St Louis the good thing about game in St louises they played so bad but I contend by the end of it no one cared well I I I was going to say the good the good thing was they played so badly that uh with about four minutes left in that game I was there with Beetle we were way up on the Press level watching that thing and Beetle looked at me he said you want to get out of here I said absolutely and we left game seven of a Stanley Cup Final with the issues still in doubt there was no doubt they were not winning that game beat the crowd I died to game seven that I cannot fault you for leaving I I I mean it was so boring like I remember like here’s the Bruins series we’ll have all morning to talk about this but like when you talk like the Carolina series that they lost up 31 where Aaron Ward was on Carolina and and there then there was the Philadelphia series that they were up 3 mhm there are nothing in game seven yeah the the uh Blackhawks Stanley Cup Final series like those sucked that St Louis game was just so bad it was just such a bad brand of hockey that like the next day I wasn’t I didn’t even care like it it was hard to care yeah that was sort of like the first period last night like y I don’t like the crowd wasn’t into it at all as you shouldn’t be you had nothing to cheer for literally almost nothing to cheer for you had that goal you and then one other shot and then other than that the play was completely slanted the other way and I mean I could I mean it was almost impossible to to stay focused on with the internet and everything else going on seriously I mean it you sat there thinking this is a waste of an hour of my life yeah like or how why am I watching this like if there’s other things laying around how am I not like looking at that stuff like you want me to just like look at this the whole time it’s very difficult well uh uh one of the one of the things that gives me hope is the way Jeremy Swan played and the Hope belief faith that they will start again in game six uh Swan was outstanding last night now Taris left to the net fir Swan came out to challenge got a piece for the blocker here’s doy across Riley Sho rman what a stop right to left and he holds so he was coming out of the net at the right time but he was also playing good positioning uh good position gold tending and he he’s got something I don’t want to say to alike about him but there’s a lot of times when he is making the right plays and he’s not all that flashy doing it cuz he’s just in the right spot quiet very very quiet very quiet uh an economy of movement I like it I liked watching I felt good last night obviously when you get backto back chances like that and DOI gets the you know the the junk in front and then he’s uh as opposed to the junk in the back where’s Nicholas he uh he he did his job and that was it that was it for the goals in the in in this game in that first period and then he just had it like you said Fred suffered through when he made of time the big save and he was smiling afterwards when he was giving the putt back to the official like he was you know he’s relaxed he seems to be very locked inh and very relaxed right now I imagine that the team sees that and I imagine that that I can’t imagine making a change in goal for game six especially in Toronto where he’s had all that success and how well he played well uh the problem is it would be really really strange I mean it would be of it would if they lose game six and then ultimately lose the series I mean it would be you’d have to if your ownership be like what are we doing with the coaching situation unless those decisions are being made from above Montgomery which there is some talk that they are yeah no head coach in their right mind would go away from this guy if plays game six that isn’t a Montgomery decision there’s no way that Montgomery can look at what has happened over the last three games and go you know what I don’t want that guy inet no I’m I’m married to this rotation thing damn what I see the rotation the rotation is done so if you go back to it now now you’re just being stupid it was kind of stupid to to begin with but that’s what you decided that’s what you decided months ago you’re going to do you’re going to have your identity built on two gold enters okay dumb but go ahead do it and they did it until there was no reason to do it there’s no reason to do it now the problem is the guy in net at the other end who was very good last night Boston College is own Joseph wall out in front Frederick shoots W let save the rebound available that puck is still free they’re jousting for it and finally they say it’s covered that happened several times last night refs lost sight of the puck a couple of times and just big scrums in front of the net but Fredick had him he had him on the Left Post well Co himself Cole had him Frederick especially had him and that guy that’s the scary part of all of this is that Toronto made the goal tending change they needed to because Samson off was bad and they found this kid and he was great as good as San last night that’s the scary thing a mediocre goalie who gets hot in the playoffs oh boy how many times have we heard that and that sucks that sucks to for the Bruins right now because as wall just said they’ve just found a guy who letting out does one game constitute hot no he was I mean scor early in game six and he’s you know you can get to him but but the thing is is that every minute that goes by without getting anything past it it’s confidence you came through in a big spot for your team and if you look at Wall’s numbers I mean he’s just a guy you you throw him in a hat with 70 other league and I that I’ve played over the last decade he’s he’s right in the middle of all of that and he came out and played great last night and his confidence level to be able to do that in a situation where your team’s season is on the line and everyone’s already counting you out I think the first 5 10 minutes of the game tomorrow night very important very important to beat that guy and by the way uh we haven’t mentioned it yet Toronto didn’t have their best player yes oh that’s correct that you might want to throw into the pot there well is Toronto didn’t have their best player well uh Bruins didn’t have one of their best players last night uh for at least a couple of minutes because this happened and then went adamberg went to the hit Martian knocked him down now homberg knocks him down they’re going to take both of them they didn’t have an original penalty now just wiped out mar mar so this started right off the face off Jud Maran won the draw and then they got all tied up in the faceoff Circle and I don’t I didn’t mind the the call in the second period I’m not crazy about this one they they taking a both but I thought the BR should come out with a power play out of this one and they did not uh homberg and Marian go off I and still can’t figure out why Maran uh ended up serving two minutes for roughing on that when he was held two maybe three times throughout that sequence then was taken down to the ice by a linesman for no appar of Reason tackled I’ve never seen that uh by an official and a nonight situation Marian had a good chance too he had a good chance in the third I mean it’s it’s a it’s a shot you don’t see him Miss on very often but uh uh he did which uh allowed just uh two minutes and change into the overtime session for this to unfold up The Far Side the leads crank it ahead here’s Taris he’ll motor his way in drops the shoulder set it out in front they score Matthew n is able to scoop up a loose puck in the slot he scores in overtime and the Toronto Maple Leaf stay alive and the Bruins miss a big opportunity to finish off the series uh thank you for that Jud Motors his way in that’s that’s correct that is absolutely correct dvar just came into that zone with a lot of speed and then made his way toward the net and got behind put the puck out in front and that was it 2-1 the final it’s 3-2 Boston with game six in Toronto and everyone’s feeling very good CU Lord knows when they have 3-1 leads in series it all it all works out for them I me it happened to I mean Vancouver had the same situation last night they had home ICE they were up three games to one and lost two to one but it it it’s this is so much different the history of this team my God I don’t feel confident at all I do I I I think they’re going to have uh they’re going to have all kinds of Venom in their blood and they’re going to go out and and if if they score first on wall tomorrow night you just go to bed it’s over win yep it’s over it’s over first if they score first he’s gonna you’re going to turn him back into You’re Gonna Knock that kid back to the Ozarks or wherever the hell he’s from that was a Cinderella Man reference right there that’s really impressive I had that on the brain he wow back to the godamn Ozarks I think he is from Missouri or some he’s from St Louis oh yeah yeah yeah the Ozarks yeah right well are this is St Louis the Ozarks are there mountains in St Louis I don’t think so you could have there’s an arch well no in St Louis though you could have property on in the ozar yeah that’s where your like your summer home would be yeah it would be how far away the Ozarks from St Louis oh I mean by by as the crow flies is that what you’re asking me no no no no it’s the duck walks oh that I can’t tell you I’m more of a crow guy ask John W how long would it take you to get to your to your summer nest in the ozone yeah if you’re going from the uh the arch where you sometimes res Roost right Roost and then you’re you’re heading to the lowlands right all right we will be back in just a moment here the headlines sportsub headlines give Toronto credit they came into TD Garden and kept their season alive they beat the Bruins 21 in overtime last night Matthew NY the gamewinner at 226 of extra time Joseph wall 27 saves in net Bruins still lead this first round playoff series three games to two but game six up in Toronto to tomorrow night Celtics play Miami at TD Garden leading that first round playoff series three games to one this evening grany and Max have the pregame at seven the tip off at 7:30 on the B MGM 985 the sports of Celtics Radio Network christops porzingis out for tonight and for the near future he’s been diagnosed with a Solus muscle strain in his right calf this heat are expected to be without Jimmy Butler Terry Rosier and haime hakz Celtics president basketball operations Brad Stevens yesterday voted the NBA’s executive of the year and the Red Sox beat San Francisco at Fenway Park last night 4 nothing the two teams will continue their three- game series tonight sportsub headlines are brought to you by East Coast Metal Roofing the official Roofing partner of the Boston Celtics mention 985 The Sports Hub and get 10% off your new roof visit East Coast Metal I’m John wallak a Bost at home for sports 985 to sportsub your next update at 7 o’ [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey we’re toucher and Hardy and we are brought to by FanDuel sports book make every moment more with FanDuel what’s going on hard well don’t feel bad since the uh Bruins had a chance to close things out last night uh with the 31 series lead there was a bit of an epidemic of that last night when you factor in what happened in the NBA as uh the New York Knicks failed to close out the Philadelphia 76ers losing 112 106 in overtime uh similar thing happened in uh Cleveland last night I take that back Cleveland actually got the win it was it was the uh Indiana Pacers who had a 3-2 lead and I I I don’t quite know what happened in this game cortis comes away with a steal of Big C he’s going the other way and he will [ __ ] it home well Indiana appears to have folded up the tents I say I don’t know what happened because they got blew out by the Milwaukee Bucks last night 11592 11592 Milwaukee gets the win at home no Yiannis no Lillard they still won by 23 stay alive in that series and Indiana is one of those teams I looked at earlier in the season like yeah they’re going to be tough they’re going to be tough uh not tough at all last night how you lose by 23 points to a team that is missing their two best players is beyond me but they managed to do it last night now real quick before we Skip by it did you see what happened to the Knicks last night yes yes they were up six with less than 30 seconds left in regulation it was inverse to what happened in game two and lost tyres Maxi scores 46 points back-to-back threes in less than 10 seconds to and got fouled taking one of those threes I I’ve never seen anything like that I have in a in a close out game you’re on your own home floor you’re up by six with 30 seconds left and you lose and the Sixers are playing you know embiid again playing on a lean half and he’s he’s got the bells paly diagnosis he miss shoot around he had a migraine earlier in the day and Philadelphia still won the game that’s remarkable and that I’m if I’m a Nick fan I’m more than a little worried that this happened to me brunson’s final uh shot attempt I think to uh to uh to win the game in regulation um that was nowhere near the mark and it looks like just Philadelphia was playing some better defense down the stretch from the from the highlights that I saw and I still like New York in this thing obviously but that Jo lmb Factor just him being out there and being able at times to do whatever he’s got the size and the skill he’s you know one of a handful of guys in the NBA who can when he decides he wants to do it he can do whatever he wants the other thing is and benbi had a triple double last night and he’s not all the way there he’s never and that’s the other thing Fred we’ve talked about this at late he’s never really quite all the way there there’s always something going on with him and I think when you look back at embiid’s career I mean and he’s on his way to the hall of fame because got the numbers but I think history will show that man if embiid had only been this or if embiid had only been healthy or if he had taken it more seriously there was arguments that he was out of shape for couple of years there and he just decided not to try at times I mean if he ever put it all together and he gu a guy won the MVP last year if he ever put it all together how good would he have been a triple double when he’s not healthy at all in a playoff game is remarkable and the other thing is you look at the Knicks and we’ve said this before Jaylen Brunson scored 40 points last night and but if he doesn’t make the play if he doesn’t take the shot if he doesn’t excel in those moments the Knicks have no chance Tom tibo played Seven guys last night and they lost because Brunson didn’t come through I mean there are other guys on that team that are half decent but it’s Brunson or nothing and this is coming off of uh Brunson scoring 47 in game four so set a new Knicks playoff record yeah you need him to be otherworldly apparently in order for them to uh to beat the this Sixers team I don’t think they’ll have to be like that if they advance and go through rest of the playoffs you can’t I mean it’s no recipe for uh any kind of success you’re going to you’re going to depend on one guy to score 40 over 40 points I got 40 is that enough no no it’s not we need sorry we needed that last bucket at the end you have to take 30 he took 32 shots you got to take 32 shots last night and there’s no excuse for embiid because he this is this this is the guy he’s not embiid doesn’t even have to be the best player on his team I I if I’m Maxi made that that shot from half court yeah if I’m a Sixers fan embid frustrates the hell out of me well they it does frustrate him and and and be says a bunch of stupid crap after games too like after the the game in Philadelphia he was like I’ve been here for 10 years and he was pissed that there were so many Nicks fans at the game like it’s just shut up you’re that you’re pissed that that many Nicks fans were at the game what would you like everyone to do would you like them to come over would you like them to tithe you uh a percentage of their paycheck so they can go and support you more you’re you’re upset that there’s so many there’s so many fans there I just he knows what he’s doing I mean he knows he’s just ring them all up yeah they they’ve they’ve always been mixed about embiid and just like the Knicks fans cry about embiid being dirty and cry about all this and they would have him on their team in 10 seconds which has always been the rumor that he wants to play in New York and he’s going to end up there that’s always been the rumor so the whole thing is ridiculous and be in in Philadelphia have like a codependent dysfunctional relationship where they keep trying each other and keep pushing each other’s buttons yep and they like you know embiid will tease him with you know a 50-point game and then he’ll turn around and say that the crowd sucks there’s and then the crowd will uh you know they’ll pay him $50 million and then they’ll turn around and tell him that he sucks so yeah it’s a it’s a dysfunctional relationship going on there um more NHL scores from last night uh I’m not sure the league will let the Knicks lose this series by the way I’m not positive the league is pumping out more like Courtside celebrities at those games I mean there’s people that I haven’t even heard of yeah at those games that they’re showing I mean they are they are all in on this Nicks team like this Nicks you there’s these narratives like this Nicks team is the most likable team in the NBA and like like where who that’s not true who who on this team so how would I Who on this team besides Jaylen Brunson am I supposed to know the league is not going to let it happen friend yeah I didn’t say it uh I didn’t make it up Paul Pierce and uh Kevin Garnett were saying how the league wants it to be the Celtics Knicks and this goes back to the mid 80s remember the Frozen envelope that David Stern picked out of the drum so Patrick Ying would wind up in New York you don’t think that happened oh if the NBA had any sense that’s what happened of course that’s what happened oh I I believe that conspir theory wholeheartedly and if I was an owner in the NBA I would be like yep like I mean you’d have to give me some money but at the end like if you pay me off sure you you rig it any way you want to rig it yeah it wasn’t a mistake Patrick youing wand up in New York no New York had the least amount of chance to get him in the lottery to get the first pick in the lottery and they just miraculously wound up with him yeah best player in the country here take him yeah yeah uh oh biggest college basketball star I mean that was when I was a little kid yeah I mean I was in Detroit if you didn’t know and I pretended that was the did you know Billy jaffy back then no no but I I had a feeling that I would one day there was just a can do kid at Michigan that’s awesome I was 9 years old and Billy was a freshman at Michigan and I used to watch those Michigan hockey games and I’d say who is that yeah who’s the Jewish kid is what I would say one was big ass no no just the Jewish kid I’d say who’s the Jewish kid Michigan well not the Jewish kid in Michigan then you’d be ruffling through tens of thousand oh okay no no I’m seeing the Jewish kid on the hockey team in Michigan I don’t know how many Jewish kids are on the hockey team what are you counting Fred you keep a [Music] list if I needed to to keep everyone safe I would oh Charlie Murphy came into the bcn studio once and he was looking at the pictures on the wall and we for some reason you remember we had a Seven Dust like promotional photo up on the wall Fred yeah okay I don’t remember but yeah so he’s looking at Leon Witherspoon he was like uh but and and Charlie Murphy said something like kind of funny like oh he was a black guy in rock and roll I didn’t know there were any I’m like yeah there’s uh two actually and he looked at me dead Ser he’s like oh you keep count I said no you kind of made a joke about a black guy running a rock and roll band and then I made another joke he’s like okay who’s the other one and I well well hoodie it’s I don’t not really don’t I don’t I don’t have a number but when well that’s just you got to go to the default that anyone in country music does now uh there’s no black people it’s it’s it’s there’s no black people in country music hoody yeah right hoody right um Hood’s there Darius Rucker Carol Carolina able to finish things off against the Islanders 6-3 to win so they the other teams in the East the Carolina won their series that they were up 3-1 in and uh also you had uh Nashville lose out west Colorado was able to finish things off last night uh another six3 final over Winnipeg and then Nashville what Nashville Nashville 2-1 over Vancouver yeah yeah so Vancouver still has a 3-2 series lead so other teams were able to finish things up the Bruins were not couple yeah sure all right uh more thoughts on the Bruins 61777 n 985 this is uh terribly terribly uh this is this is a series that is history repeating itself so far I mean like legit just HS history repeating itself same score in game five same series lead I mean it’s better than being down 3-2 I suppose but if they don’t win in Toronto Haim Machi there’s no way they’re winning that game seven I can tell you that right now they’ll be too tight and they can’t win in in playoff games at the Garden so it’s going to be a real big it’s going to be a disaster and I’m just glad we’re not in the air the next day because uh that’s I don’t want to deal with that but young Nicholas was out at the game last night and voted he night but uh nck those audio fore at 8:00 he was getting stalked the whole thing was happening well uh he’s very nervous this morning but we will uh have audio of young Nicholas out there uh and so much more coming right up toucher Andy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] first SP sports sportsub headlines well the Bruins missed a chance to put away Toronto last night at TD Garden Trent Frederick scored early but that’s all the Bruins got for the night in a 2-1 loss in overtime to the Maple Leafs Matthew kniv scored 226 into ot to hand the visitors at least one more game they now Trail its best of seven first round playoff series three games to two Jim Montgomery’s team for whatever reason did not have it last night we go in a game and we always trying to evaluate our execution our effort and our emotion our execution was off our effort didn’t match theirs game six is back at Scotia Bank Arena tomorrow night Carolina finished off the Islanders in five six to3 Colorado took care of Winnipeg in five game six to3 and it was Nashville 2 Vancouver one to push that series to a game six the Celtics Brad Stevens yesterday voted the NBA’s executive of the year the team that Stevens put together as a three games to one lead in their best of seven playoff series with Miami Miami game five is at TD Garden tonight granny and Max have the pregame at 7 and the tip off at 7:30 on the B MGM 985 the sportsub Celtics Radio network christops porzingis has already been ruled out of this game he’s expected to miss multiple weeks moving forward too after straining the Solus muscle in his right calf the heat are expected to be minus Jimmy Butler Terry Rosier and haime hakz and the Red Sox won their third in a row 4 nothing over San Francisco at Fenway Park Rober F Snider two RB Cooper chriswell and four combin on a four hit shutout this three- game series continues tonight Sports up headlines are brought to you by Roto rder plumbing problems called Roto rer that’s the name and away go Troubles Down the Drain 1 1800 get Roto I’m John Wallock at Boston home for sports 985 the sportsub your next update at 7:30 if you’ve got the app youve got toucher and Hardy to wake you up no matter where you are or who may or may not have been to jail the app the 9985 the sports up app uh they were just better they came and and they they were willing to leave it all on the line tonight we needed to be better than we were um you know it’s that simple they were prepared to play and start the game and we weren’t hey we are toucher and Hardy during the first period of that game uh I was getting ansy because the Bruins played so poorly 617 779 0985 so I started like reading the news which I don’t do very often but I was bored on the account of the way the Bruins were playing and uh you know and then this morning they were showing like it’s like Anarchy at Columbia University there’s the kids have taken over this building and the police are arresting everyone and then overnight there was like riots at UCLA and then the local news is like tough’s kids and there’s like four tents they’re like trying to make like oo it’s happening here too it’s happening in Medford it’s like there’s a You’re just showing tense yeah that thing at UCLA is no good and you got you just to PA that with six people standing on the yeah I mean what I’m telling you is that that it they showed New York City’s got like real rids going UCLA’s got real riots going and they’re like but you know Massachusetts got a bunch of colleges too police have put a deadline on toughs and it’s just like five T yeah all right they preempted my Saturday morning Today Show over the weekend because of the northeastern uh protest being broken up oh did that piss me off I don’t get my fix of like warm porridge national network news anymore during the week and I can only get it on Saturday mornings so there I am up early because sleeping in now means 6: a.m. like a freaking loser so I’m up for an hour had the coffee dogs been outside you know I’ve already done a couple of chores for the day and I’m settling in on on the couch hours before the house is up and I’m going to get my Today Show and instead I got to watch them you know like slowly and methodically moving kids out of some encampment at Northeast I’m like come on you preempt for this you if you were at my gourman thing you could have rubbed elbows with Harry Smith oh yeah that’s right they’re buddies and he is the uh Charles Oz good of our day uh who’s the other guy see road with Charles caralt yeah Charles caralt is another one Charles Coral’s a Stern looking man though there you go OSG good was just like a like a plump Little Slice of Heaven you know what I’m saying I do I do or Paul Harvey did you did you hear how we got to get to the Bruins thing but did you hear how it turned when he was talking to this guy who had been on the radio in in New York for 50 years he was his 50th Anniversary he’s like who’s the best you’ve ever seen dude he’s like Paul Harvey I’m like really he’s like yeah could talk he knew exactly when it was time to stop that’s amazing yeah when the when the stopwatch went off and your syndicated segment had reached its time you knew exactly what it was time to stop bar the bar is so low in radio 50 years later this guy had no idea what it listen I listened to a podcast about that I guess his son was the one who was like responsible for writing all that stuff I think uh well then he had the oldest son in the history of the world he had a 90-year-old son his entire life I think his son took over the franchise well it’s well he failed I mean it’s like whoever’s right in the circus now all right uh last night the uh by the way we are brought to you by fandel sports book make every moment more with fand you could watch our show on YouTube search 985 the sports sub on YouTube last night the Bruins come out in the first period chance to put this whole thing away something that other teams can do when they’re up 3-1 in the series they’re capable of winning at home you have a team without their best player in Toronto you have a team who had been arguing on the bench you have a team who’s own crowd had turned on them you have a team that uh you have to reckon with the likes of uh this guy time now for Matt’s opening thought oh I’m sorry did I break your concentration and here we go I mean it’s really nothing more than a self-absorbed monologue at forat to ran about something and pretend he’s a serious radio personality instead of a gas bag so they got to deal with the likes of that gas bag oh man he’s how did how they let that happen he’ll be taking his shots later today no he’s going to have to eat crow what he’s going to have to what’s he going to rant about today all is well he’s going to have to rant it himself for being a great a phony uh hot and cold you know you react he does a Daily Show like the the rest of us yeah well he can turn he can turn on a dime well he’s got a rant he’s got a rant he’s got a rant to 3:30 he’s got to be upset about something so uh the Bruins uh come out and they’re absolutely just terrible just absolutely terrible they get two shots in the first period they score on one of them so it’s tied after one period and that was a gift the fact that the puck just happened to bounce in front when Frederick happened to be standing there but yes which is the second goal for Frederick in these playoffs where I think he was surprised like like surprised that he either had the shot or that it went this one this one was a legit goal though I mean it just was a nice bounce for him to put in but like no the goal in the other goal that he had in this series I think no he was just trying to put it on because there was no one else around and he went oh that’s nice yeah went went in but uh yeah the goal tending the second star of the game and third star of the game were both goenda the Bruins even though they only had two shots and they had uh like 20% of uh Puck possession they still tied with hits which is interesting considering that you would uh believe that if you were chasing the puck and you would be hitting more than the other team who’s has it on their sticks 80% of the time but uh they managed even to fail in that category the good news to all of this and I believe Andy Brickley said this during the game the good news is all of what happened to them last night is easily fixable I mean you can he said it after the first period didn’t really fix anything well I know they didn’t do it but it is possible it’s not as good to know it’s possible it’s not it’s not like they were outgunned they’re not outmanned if the Bruins play their best and Toronto plays their best the Bruins win the problem is getting to that level which they didn’t do it all last yeah that doesn’t make me feel good at all like I don’t I don’t know that doesn’t I mean yeah I guess they could fix it but they didn’t Beyond line pairings and line combinations and de pairings grizzli made that mistake at the end but that wasn’t the main problem during the game but they uh they started to get a little bit more physical halfway through the second period and then but still nobody scored the Bruins had a bunch of good chances uh wo was uh wall was uh very good in net last night because he’s local kid sure St Louis Missouri by way of uh BC or B one of them two spent summers in the Ozarks that’s what we decided and uh last night Maran was T the the very physical officiating last night there’s a video of poock in maoy being roughed up and talked down to by one of the officials and then of course Marian with his BS penalty and then gets knocked down by official which none of us have ever seen outside of a breaking up a scrum or a fight an official tackle a player and then if you watch the replay Martian tells the official to get the F off of him and then he like he’s going to throw a left cross at him I and I really think that Martian was about to smack him in the face with the gloved hand which wouldn’t have been good for anybody no that would have been that would have been very very bad but I don’t blame him in the moment because I think he already knew that he was going maybe he had already seen the signal or gotten indication that he was going to be going to the box and for what he got held two three times there was one retal like retaliation grab that Marian uh had and they were tied up after the face off I get that but you don’t you don’t go to the box for that and and and I’m sorry you do call things differently in the playoffs so I I question whether or not even homberg should have gone for what was going on there was some holding going on but if you’re going to call that you call homberg and that’s it he would homberg should have been penalized for the first part of it and then they get up and action goes on and then they tangle up again and then you’re right in that instance nothing happened right so it was almost like they were like let’s get these guys separated something’s going to happen let’s penalize them both which is imagine what the officiating the officials were thinking is that something’s going to happen between these two like someone’s going to do something dirty let’s break this thing up and in the meantime let’s tackle Marian which has got to be embarrassing that the uh that one of the dorky officials knocked you down like you can’t figure that those are the coolest guys at the Canadians school I mean they’re pretty bad I mean you want to be like the guy who makes you follow the rules Andrew go ahead hey guys uh first time caller uh you know just wanted to say I think uh Matt grizzli is getting a lot of the blame here uh not from you guys from a lot of fans in general um you know I don’t think the defense was the problem last night um you know there are some guys who are invisible including paab zaka David psto uh you know I really think Brad marshan is the only one pulling uh up front uh you know I think there are a lot of people to blame and it’s certainly not on the defense I’ll hang up and listen zaka had a uh had a a great play in that game uh but he hasn’t been scoring maroon you can tell who the playoff performers are Martian maroon like you can tell and the defense wasn’t good last night the defense was bad the defense couldn’t get the puck out of their Zone in the first period they were awful couldn’t get the puck period they just they they never possessed the puck like the defense was not good last night and grizzly got pushed around on that game-winning goal and when you get visibly pushed over and just manhandled Tavares just like almost an act of desperation just puts his left shoulder down and just it’s like I’m going to knock you into the goal I’m going to literally skate you from the corner into the goal and there’s nothing you can do about it you can’t stop me that’s going to raise some eyebrows I mean even I can see that happened you have to elevate and I don’t expect them to you know Chang their identity at this point in the season because the team wasn’t built like this going back to Montgomery’s first year they don’t have big blue liners that are going to stand guys up and stop them from getting into the Zone in the first place but you got to find something and you have to you have to increase your your level of intensity or awareness or something and yeah grizzli is going to get the finger pointed at him by me and a lot of other people for the gamewinner for allowing tarz easy entry and then for as Fred just said getting pushed toward the goal and allowing that puck to end up out in front uh maybe unfair to grizzli maybe unfair to the defense no because the the the defense allowed too many things to happen last night so what changes do you make in the lineup I’m not talking about take the goenda this what changes do you make I I wouldn’t change goldendict I don’t know if I’d play lowai I didn’t think lowai was particularly bad I thought lowai was pretty bad and lowai has been getting penalized a lot I don’t like we’ll ask jaffy about it I don’t like lowai this whole thing this whole thing it it was a very bad loss everything about it was bad we I don’t tend to get overly negative about things in sports but this I’ll get very overly negative about they came out they’re up 3-1 in the series they’re at home against a team without their best player a team that has been arguing a team that’s fan base has turned against them a team that’s country has turned against them a team that fans are apparently going to the watch parties with Edmonton Flags so they just have something Canadian in their hands and you had every opportunity just come out if they come out they score a couple goals it’s over they just skate around for the rest of the game and it’s over they I mean everything was against that Toronto team you had to change right to come out flat and just get the season over with fire the coach it’s all over you’re at home and that’s all you got to do and you come out and you play you couldn’t have played worse in the first period And You by the skin of your teeth got out of that first period tide and you still can’t turn around and and and take advantage you go to overtime and you can’t just get through the game other teams did yesterday why can’t you this is there’s no reason as a Bruins fan that you think that this team’s going to win this series I don’t think that there is it’s it’s I really don’t think that there is why should you think so you should have no confidence this is the exact same thing that happened last year this is the exact same thing that happens all the time with this team I have Supreme confidence Fred because not just confidence Supreme confence and I’ll tell you and I’ll tell you why you said everything about this loss was bad untrue the goal tending was good Swan was good Swan was very good but but so was the other goal tender okay so if you figure out a way to get Marian and poock and zaka going offensively I don’t think you can change defensively how this team plays at at this point that’s too late but you can Inspire those guys to put more shots in net starting in the first period tomorrow night and you get them going and you get why wouldn’t they be get why wouldn’t they be going I don’t know why they didn’t go last night but now that now they have to and they will and you’re going to be fine that’s there’s no reason you should think that there’s absolutely no reason that’s not something that you should be legitimately thinking oh yeah yeah like sure they came out flat but now they’re going to be inspired yeah do you really mean that yeah no you don’t why would you even say that to wind you up that’s why he’s doing it it’s working they going to come out inspired next game what the hell are you talking about I think Martian’s pissed off are you there little lady is that what you think’s going to happen Mar’s angry now now we’re fine yeah you know if and if the crowd comes out and cheers real hard you’re going to be singing a different tune after uh when we come in here Frid you know it might be nice if this team could take us to a second round and get us through a little bit of May instead of crapping themselves in the second round we will be talking about the second round com Friday morning all right well I don’t think that’s the case and I the Florida Panthers Friday morning is that what we’re doing yeah a little little Panthers preview okay let’s get that play-by-play guy on you made a good You Did In fairness you made a good point I mean they’ll watch the tape and get inspired your point about everything about every about this happening the exact same thing last year yeah that silly point with the same team with the same players what happened last year has nothing to do with course not same coach yeah same coach same players nothing to do with it yeah good your point about everything being bad was wrong the goal tending was good it’ll be good again tomorrow night one thing one thing and it wasn’t and it wasn’t good enough one thing what’s the history on wall one game one G have one good game one good game cu no h no we’ve already talked about this I don’t know what you’re doing I can’t wait I can’t wait for them to score first down Walmore and I he’s going to turn into a or or wall plays well in the first period gains confidence and he’s a young goendale change my mind but at this point that’s right he’s not hard and fast on this point he’s just confident in it for now and then he’ll be super Jaz about game seven because they’ll have two games to look at how poorly they played I don’t know why get angry you’re predicting a loss I’m predicting predicting a win so if they lose because you have no reason for predicting a win is but my my issue is is that your thing is was you sounded like my mom yeah like like I think the team will be good because I enjoy talking to her we should get her you know what bring her on for a segment because I think she and I would be in lock step on this and frankly Fred you need some cheering up so let’s have your mom oh and you’re so confident dumbass I’m not I’m with you on this one I think hard’s out of his mind after watching the way they played last night and seeing what happened to the exact same way they lost it overtime in game five last year in the same situation at home and this last year’s team was a better team than this year’s team and tomorrow’s a new day these are all great points gosh you’re inspiring is a yeah I mean you’re really making your case thank you I can I can see that well I just start to come around I mean I suppose if the world ended tomorrow that we wouldn’t know what happened or maybe it would just be whoever was left could play well I’m not going to hope for that you want the world to end Fred no I don’t but I’m saying if it did end I suppose because you said there would be another day and there’s and there we have every reason to think that this team will be come out uh hot dog inspired they won’t be able to get enough of watching the tape I’ve been right on this team many many times before I predicted the you predicted I predicted the sweep of the Penguins I predicted the win over Vancouver after they were down two nothing every series and then if they win you’re right and if they lose they’re wrong absolutely not I’ve been and I’ve been when have you predicted them to lose and been right I can’t recall any right now very good but you can predict the winning ones so you predict them to win every series and that’s when you win it’s that’s you can’t and you and you get everyone all fired up my analysis does have to tends to have a positive bias I don’t know why in particular this team would would generate any positivity from you again like I’m not sitting here saying the Celtics are going to lose to the Heat or the Celtics losing the game two against the Heat we didn’t come on the air and say this is a disaster we didn’t come out after game two of this series and say it was a disaster last night was as close to disaster as you can have it was very bad and they almost just like been able to crap themselves in in Salvage it by going into overtime but they couldn’t even manage to do that and now momentum is completely shifted the whole narrative has changed and the oh by the way Toronto just gets their best player with 69 goals back game to game momentum is wildly overrated momentum within a game yes but with a day off and now you’re going to stop it there’s no momentum it’s a new game tomorrow all I know is that they’re going to be playing in front of a rejuvenated home crowd that they’re getting their best player back and those are two things that cannot be argued I mean you’re you’re being the anti-gas bag right now all right uh 61777 n0 985 we’ll be right back stay tuned for more toucher and Hardy on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the Bruins history repeating themselves young Nicholas was at the game yesterday perhaps he will let’s face it he stole this idea from Dennis Miller now I don’t want to get off on a ran here I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore Toronto’s bigger than Boston there you go Jes Toronto is a bigger Town than Boston that is a major Market Toronto where would it rank versus like US market I think it would be fifth I think it would be ahead of San Francisco behind Chicago wow and uh that’s what happens when you give government control of everything is you get that kind of crap Sam go ahead Fred I’m with you 100,000 million percent this team uh the excluding the 2011 season are the biggest bunch of chokers I’ve ever seen they I didn’t even watched the game last night because I knew they were going to lose I didn’t even give myself the I didn’t even want to have the stress of watching that game so I don’t know what Hardy’s like doing he’s just like out in the clouds all optimistic as everything and I’m over here realistic saying that I knew they were going to lose last night and now they’re they’re go they’re they’re tight whenever they get the 3-1 so now that they’re three they’re still going to lose this series I just I just know what’s going to happen well if they lose game six they they might have a chance to win in Toronto if they lose game six it’s over because there’s no way they’re winning game seven at home and that’s not being overly negative that’s I dare you dare you to bet Boston straight up even in in that game because that’s a Fool’s bet there there’s there’s no way no way by the way there’s no way the Knicks win in Philadelphia There’s no way that uh the that Boston wins game seven oo so these are things I know and by the way you but you you did yourself a favor not watching the game yesterday because I defy anyone who was watching it on TV at home to have not picked up another Implement of entertainment at some point during that first period to distract yourself from what you were watching and not and and it’s and it’s the worst kind of Bruins team like that disgust of like just not caring like that that me like if you’re not going to try like why am I watching this like how is this wasn’t just the first period it was probably the first 45 or 50 minutes well until sorry not 45 they had they finally got physical halfway through the second period and they started and it was maroon really that got it going and they finally got like a little physical and they finally had a shift where they had some pug possession in the second period so we’re talking about a period and a half where like just even for like for just the rhythm of the game they have some sort of Rhythm to the game a shift a shift where they looked normal a shift about minutes left in the second perod and that crowd’s got to sit there all they want to do is just see this team move on it’s more of a relief than anything else cuz then then you can start really rooting for them because they get to the second round now something’s on the line now you’re playing a Florida team who might be better than you so this is uh you know that’s a that’s a series where edge of your seat this is a series where again Toronto didn’t have their best player the whole fan base was against them their coaches about to be fired they lose last night their coaches fired there’s no reason they’re all set in their contracts the whole talk in Toronto is about how there’s no changing this team that were stuck this way this is the end of the Maple Leafs this is the end of this Maple leafes team this is it’s all downhill from here they missed their opportunity so on and so forth and you come out and and it’s inexplicable how you come out like that you score the first goal in that game and that game is over Toronto is is sleepwalking through the rest of that thing and it’s over but you come out not only do they score but you come out so flat even if you came out and we physical to begin things you might have been able to just frustrate him and and just get him to quit I feel so bad for Jeremy swam I mean I the reason the Bruins weren’t down 3 nothing after the first period is so solely because of that kid he’s been so good I mean he’s taken that next step forward this is why we wanted the Bruins to trade Lena omark that’s this kid is not only is he doing it he’s doing it in the playoffs which is when it really matters he doing it he’s doing it well and if he’s able to do it again tomorrow night I like him in Net versus wall who’s going to be you know making his second big start and he’s of course I like swimming over a wall but there get one pass wall early and I think has happen Toronto turns into a puddle again well they’re not GNA get one pass wall early because they if they show any of the same are you sure they won’t come out just as flat as they did last night exactly like what are you what what why why are you sure they won’t be flat as a pancake like they were were flat last night they were flat in the series last year what makes you think that there’s really no evidence it’s almost like you know how sometimes we can be overly negative that’s like like really overly positive why why why is that Fred had somebody uh that he went to immediately on the phones to back up his point I don’t have control of the phone so I have to go to the emails so I will allow Kevin to help me make my point Hardy IDK how you wake up every morning knowing you have to deal with that miserable negative slob Fred who raises his voice when he doesn’t agree with something like a child go Bruins thank you Kevin now that’s the type of hockey point that needs to be made here [Laughter] he’s firing lyrical bullets at you sir he has inflection to his voice on the radio we don’t need that and allow me to reiterate it’s like what do you think that what do you think that allow me to quote Kevin once again go Bruins you need to be Canadian Fred in your delivery that’s that’s the difference it’s all about ASMR nowadays John go ahead if he raises his voice when he’s arguing um here’s the deal this is my beef something we can’t control right before the game starts is the lineup I don’t know why we threw to brus on the first line I don’t know why he put brazzo and messed up the whole fourth line that we had going Danton Heinen on the third line when is Danon Heinen zaka and posano never worked also when has Matt grizzli been in the lineup we like oh look at this guy he’s really doing something for us no no Kevin Shaner has been like actually pretty solid for us yeah there was a head fake too by Montgomery yesterday it looked like it was going to be different the lineup was going like it was going to be forbert and then an hour later then it was going to be grizzli it it he was playing games and there’s a bit of a difference between forbert and grizzli in size maybe and after what seeing what happened to grizzli last night maybe we see forber tomorrow night I would hope so because I just I mean against this team you would just want I want size I want them to impose their physical will on them the other the other thing is faceoffs and zaka could not have been worse for long stretches of time John beer a guy who was very good oh the face offs oh that’s another thing thank you for bringing that up cuz I forgot about that yeah they lost like 99% of the face off be a guy who was good in the dot two games ago did not play last night I think DOI won 10 of his first I think I know that DOI won 10 of his first 11 face off he he was 12 for 14 12 for 14 on Face Off so that’s another thing thank you for reminding me that’s another thing and I would imagine that’s not irely skill that there is some sort of uh in I don’t think DOI is the best like I he might be the great Faceoff man of the league but I don’t think he’s the greatest who ever lived I don’t think it’s impossible to beat DOI in a Faceoff Circle zaka lost 13 of 17 yeah that’s that’s got to be a bit of an effort issue that’s got that it seems to me that clinging sticks together might be a little bit of wanting it more and positioning your body in such a way to not let the puck buy you might be a little bit of effort I don’t mean to raise my voice like a child I mean how many times have a program director come into you and they said enough enough with the passion that’s what the Consultants do enough with the can you put can you please put your foot a little more on the break and could you please a little more uh go team relax that’s calm down you know don’t get all caught up in the and it sucks because it just I can see may just going and then you got the dumb Celtics Cleveland series that’s going to be a joke and then you waiting until the Eastern Conference Finals for anything to happen I mean it would be nice if the Bruins could take us through May at one time you want you want me to um show you that I’m not a total lunatic yes um they lose game six tomorrow and I forget it don’t even watch game seven no chance no chance to win that even though it’s back at the Garden forget it oh they terrible at theard yeah yeah series is done if if Toronto ties this thing up tomorrow night furthermore Florida I hate that matchup hate it hate it hate it because they play physically all year long we’re talking about the Bruins trying to find something defensively I don’t know if they can’t doesn’t matter even if they did whatever they were they would be able to do differently with more physical play and to make things uncomfortable for Florida you’d be doing it for essentially the first time all year and Florida plays like that all the time yeah they wore him down last year and the thing is about the Florida series if the Bruins win that series then you got a story now you got some juice like that’s a series like cuz again I don’t like him in that series either but in this Toronto series up 3-1 at home against a team without their best player again like you couldn’t have played worse it’s really very frustrating and I look could they win game six absolutely but I’m with you if they lose game six there’s no way no way that they’re going to win game seven no way they’re going to win game seven at home and the sad thing is Toronto knows it so hopefully Toronto gets tight at home and and goes back to the way they played in game four I mean that’s obviously a possibility but I hope you didn’t give them some kind of confidence because that that place I mean as much as it can be with $20,000 tickets legitimately $20,000 tickets it’s going to be about probably about as alive as it can be and there might be really $2,000 price tag to get into that some of those seeds someone else here helping me prove my point Fred’s a gas bag instead of a gas bag that’s right did someone really write that well it was on a it was a YouTube comment oh you’re I’ve done that before just filtering stuff until you find something I’ve done that here’s another one Fred is a living fart what do you think of that now you know that was that’s real you know that act somebody actually wrote that well I don’t like it at all you’re asking how I like it I think you know how that makes me feel about one inch tall there are hundreds of people chomping at the bit to get at you and they just succeeded congratulations all right maybe you want to have some fun yeah okay we’re going to have some fun all right we’re we’re going to change things up to something completely different completely unrelated to the Bruins the Celtics or anything else all right all right I’m looking forward to it all right we’ll be right back sports headlines Matthew n scored 226 in overtime and Toronto beat the Bruins last night 2-1 at TD Garden as a result this best of seven series is headed back to Toronto for game six that’s tomorrow evening Bruins to lead the best of seven three games to two Celtics Center Kristof porzingis has been diagnosed with a strain of the Solus muscle below his right calf he’s already been ruled out of the team’s next game which is tonight at TD Garden against Miami this is game five of that first round playoff series Celtics leaded three games to one Grandy and Max have the pregame at 700 and the tip off at 7:30 here on the B MGM 985 the sportsub Celtics Radio Network the heat will be without Jimmy Butler Terry Rosier and haime hakz Celtics president basketball operations Brad Stevens was yesterday voted the NBA’s basketball executive of the year and the Red Sox shut out the San Francisco Giants yesterday 4 nothing at Fenway Park the two teams back at it in the same building this evening Sports up headlines are brought to you by WellPoint formerly UniCare they’ve teamed with Charlie Coyle Mass state and local police the professional firefighters of mass and Bruins radio for faceoffs for First Responders if you or a loved one are thinking about suicide get free and confidential help 24/7 on the lifeline Network just text or call 988 now I’m John Wallock at Boston’s home for sports 985 the sportsub your next update at 8:00 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 985 the sports sub we toucher and Rich uh or toucher and Hardy sorry we’re brought to by FanDuel sports book make every moment more with FanDuel my bad uh what’s going on here my friend well uh there is an idea that is being implemented at uh at an establishment I enjoy very much that I think is a terrible idea that is going to be embraced and is going to um it’s going to cause all kinds of problems for me and I think a lot of other people restaurant and arcade chain Dave and Busters will soon allow its customers to make Wagers on its popular games you will soon be able to place a $ five bet on the dve and Busters mobile app on their Hot Shots basketball game ski ball and other arcade games so as you go into dve and Busters which I often do my son and I will go there just the two of us it’s great play the games and I’ll drop more money at Dave and Busters than I will sometimes I feel like in a casino I’m like yep let’s charge up that Dave and Busters card let’s just go nuts let’s you and I eat some food I enjoy the food at Dave and Busters that is my menu one in nitic is very good oh my God wallik you go and now do you do you go in the upstairs near the food court is that where you upstairs right next to the food court right next to level 99 right there yeah I know it well I’ll go to the one in brain tree I’ll head over there sometimes we’ll make a day of it hey let’s go down to golfer’s warehouse and on the way back we’ll stop by Dave and Busters oh oh warehouse now we’re cooking it’s the PGA Tour store but same thing that is a Father’s son outing which I enjoy very very much I I will take I’ve gone to the dve and Busters of the NAIC mall and I’m very well aware of that level 99 because it’s a siren song to my son Yes mine too he does not he’s like let’s go to level 99 no my two kids always want to go in there once you’re in there it seems like you’re in there for a couple hours and that’s not that’s not on the menu for today but I uh often get into these competitions with my kids whether it’s pingpong whether it’s um throwing a Frisby out in the yard you know we love to the fastest after dinner yeah who can stay the lightest who can lose the most weight that’s right they just keep a fullsize picture at Kate Moss and see who can get there first stepen Tyler and Kate Moss who could who k stick their head next to the exhaust pipe the longest you know fun games how dare right right uh no I who can drink the most bleach I get into these beding things with my kids and and it’s like I don’t know I don’t know why for whatever reason it just always goes there with me it’s like you know what if you can catch this one I’ll give you 20 bucks I why why I don’t know to to keep my interest level up to keep their interest level up but now you’re actually you’re going to put in wagering one of the you know one of the few wholesome things I have have left between me and my son which is a trip to Dave and Busters and I know I’m going to do it and I have I I think it has a chance to ruin things because I have to win I have to win Pap a shot will never be the same it’s it’s just wait so are you g you’re gambling against the person you’re going there with well you’re just gambling in general now this this particular uh app I guess that you use it on um is it’s real money wagering is how they’ve yeah yeah but who am I wagering money with am I wagering money against the people I’m there with so we’re just cycling money between us or am I wagering against the house well it’s all it’s all my money if there if it’s an over under situation on a papa shot now we’re talking because I’ll take my son in the over on pop shot every time see that’s the thing that’s what I understood it to be I don’t know but based on what he’s EXP if you break the record on Papa shop which my family has done on several occasions really several occasions you get to the you get to that amusements in uh Newport early enough there very reasonable high score on that thing but that would be ingenious actually if you cuz like you open up in the morning and the high score is like say zero or they set it at like 10 mhm and so throughout the day it gradually gets more competitive and as people drink more during the day they’re more likely to gamble against it that’s actually a genus idea first of all you get customers in first thing in the morning because like if you set like a $20 limit so you lose 20 bucks but people are going to spend a million dollars on Papa shot and then it gra and just as it moves up like it’s a natural line like as it moves up you know you that that’s what you have to beat in order to get the money I like that idea I just created a great idea David Busters you’re welcome well there are a couple of things that might save this in terms of my relationship ship with my family and you do have to be 18 they’re using a lucra which is a platform that already has more than 50,000 active players on their peer-to-peer recreational wagering platform so I I remember when this started up before mobile sports betting was a thing I was like here’s this thing where you can bet with your friends nudge nudge wink wink you’re not really betting but of course you’re betting as long as that and this is why would I need to get someone involved and why would I not want to make a cash transaction with those people well because people don’t carry cash anymore yeah but so you want the government following every move you make and then and you’re playing a a vig to the company I mean there’s got to be something you’re doing so there’s an artificial Vig in it like no why would you you’re that lazy you’re that dependent on the phone that you can’t even bet between your friends artificial viig that’s another good band name I’m right that one you’re welcome the answer to your question is yes that’s that’s so you just need the phone for everything you can’t even go like I bet you five bucks on this thing why do you think why do you think that David Busters is doing this of course well initially I thought they were doing it because you’d be able to wag your uh points that you acrew on your card which is the one thing I do not enjoy about Dave and Busters because the kids still want to go in and redeem their points when you’re done there’s nothing worthwhile to redeem your points on though there’s like nothing good it’s all crap those gigantic stuff animals are Delight no you get enough of them and the dog eats them and the kids don’t even care go ahead the last time I think we got anything that I was somewhat excited about was like one of those Moon balls like a super ball and we take it out in the parking lot and bounce it once and all of a sudden it’s going out into traffic I’m like please don’t chase that across route n no no don’t do that I told you but we I can’t believe if I haven’t cuz it’s a Humdinger of a story we won the a model airplane and I took it out to Newton High and it just landed on the roof I it took off it wento right onto the roof how long was the flight it took off it went right on the roof eight seconds that’s bold 8 seconds the over under is 5 seconds if you want to get back we can get the app oh look a loop to Loop it went once oh no no it didn’t do any loop-de-loops It took off from the parking lot and landed on the roof it went in a direct line I I got it to take off off the ground yeah and then it went straight and onto the roof and then it was done we but my kids AC crewed point the worst thing that happened with all that stuff and maybe the best thing because they don’t really want to go anymore is my kids used to always bug me they’re getting older too but they used to always Bugg me to go to that National amusements National amusements in Newport National amusements it was like the carrot you dangle to get them to behave and we would just acrew all these points over the years and finally we had like some insane amount obscene amount of points like like probably $2,000 worth of points $2,000 of games like over the course of years and they went in and they could have gotten as much of anything really as they wanted and they realized it’s all garbage like they didn’t have anything like a PlayStation or anything like something like maybe DAV Busters does yeah if you get like a 100,000 points you they didn’t have anything like that it was like like a garbage like that um the bean bag like Cornhole game like like it like it’s a cornhole but worse or it’s pool but worse it’s like you know like everything was just tiny tiny we went tiny tiny little po yeah it’s like Ping Pong like you know how sometimes you think it’d be fun to have a ping pong table imagine like a real bad one yeah yeah like so they realize then oh no matter what we do it’s always just going to be garbage that we’re getting so what’s the point which is really a good lesson to learn in Life or then they want candy you know they they they still have like the the you know the suckers and all this stuff but but if you have a 100,000 points in a a lollipop is two points what do you me 2,000 lollipops no no you really don’t you don’t want anything in I don’t want to go in that store I don’t want I I don’t want to go in there I want to I want to go there I want to uh you play some games sit down eat maybe play a few more games you know try and time it out so we back of the table when the food is there eat few more games leave never go in the store bold statement you’re reading the dve and Buster is good for you I like it we get the chicken alfredo big fan no they have a duck Lage which you would not every day and you and you got to order ahead but if you do you will not be disappointed the lobster thermador you got it you do have to order a ad because you could be there all day well sometimes I mean obviously sometimes we just go there and get like like a sweet treat we’ll get like baked Alaska but you have to order it as soon as you get there that takes a while to prepare that takes a long time yeah it’s a traditional menu Anthony Bourdain inspired all right we’ll be back young Nicholas who’s so sick wris it all and went out to the uh Bruins game last night and he brought us back some audio toucher and Hardy on the way on The Sports Hub golf fans bring your friends and family to the FM Global Championship August 29th through September 1st TPC Boston see the top LPGA golfers in the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the to Fair Tire Studio the home of the Bruins Patriots rims and Celtics ma is Boston’s home for sports is c85 the sportsub EAS Media Group station Sports up headlines well Toronto was down atin Matthews but they still came into TD Garden and kept their season Alive Austin Matthews sat out with an illness and the Bruins still couldn’t beat the Maple Leafs they lost 2-1 in overtime last night Matthew NY scored the game winner at 226 of extra time and it ruined a great night for Jeremy Swan who kept his team in the game by himself for much of the first two periods he made 31 saves and all Brad Maran wants to put this one behind him quickly you know unfortunately we we we never really kind of got it together throughout the game there’s a lot of opportunities but you know it’s something to the next one Joseph wall made 27 saves for the winners and now the Bruins leading this best of seven is three games to two game six is up at Toronto tomorrow night Vancouver also at home ice up three games to one and loss 2-1 to Nashville elsewhere Carolina finished off the Islanders in five games six to3 and Colorado took care of Winnipeg in five also 6 to3 the Celtics entertained Miami at TD Garden tonight leading that first round playoff series three games to one Grandy and Max have the pregame at 7 and the tip off at 7:30 on the B MGM 985 the sports of Celtics Radio Network Chris Toops porzingis is out for tonight and for the near future he’s been diagnosed with a Solus muscle strain in his right calf the heater expected to be minus Jimmy butlery Terry Rosier and haime hakz Celtics president the basketball operations Brad Stevens was yesterday voted the NBA’s executive of the year and in baseball news the Red Sox scored a 4- nothing win over s Francisco at Fenway Park they’re now 17 and 13 they play the Giants again this evening Sports up headlines are proudly brought to you by Premier Basement Waterproofing buying a home or finishing your basement this spring call the best the guru Mike Albert and get it waterproofed first 844 live dryer Premier it’s game over for water I’m John wallik of aost home for sports 985 to sportsub you’re next update at 8:30 this isad Mar every Bruins game on 985 The Sports Hub now more taner and Hardy on the sportsub hey we’re toucher and Hardy our show is brought to you by FanDuel Sportsbook make every moment more with FanDuel and you can watch us every morning on YouTube search 985 the sportsub on YouTube and subscribe to keep up to date with all the best moments for Boston’s home for sports young Nicholas was out at the uh Bruins game last night as uh the crowd had to sit through that and there I felt bad for the crowd because I don’t know how for the first period and a half I mean there was nothing they tried there was even chance I didn’t know what they were saying uh I I yeah there were chance where I and I was looking at Twitter but there was no one actively that I followed tweeting about the game not even Ryan Johnson was that active and Michael Hurley was put out stuff that was informative but nothing about what the crowd was saying but here is Young Nicholas he can’t get enough he’s out despite his heart valve and his stalking going on he was out there uh he was being stalked don’t look at me like you don’t know what I’m talking about he was out there and here is Young Nikolai in his heart valve clicking away clicking away in his rump swishing away as he uh waddled down the Causeway stre you know stiff Bree’s going to blow that guy over no no he’s he’s firm and don’t try it all right here is Young Nicholas can we use this for the Rayo heck yeah man all right talk to me about thank you for keeping it Christian can we use this for the Rayo heck yeah man all right talk to me about tonight’s game man tonight we won it was too easy uh Bruns fans are sad they’re all walking into their cars drunk and sad as always we won comeback season you can’t win if you don’t cheat and we know they’re cheating so they’re not going to win any more of the series all right well that is a Toronto fan obviously wow going off that going uh little Off Script here picking up time now for Matt’s opening thought oh I’m sorry did I break your concentration and here we going I mean it’s really nothing more than a self-absorbed monologue for Matt to rant about something and pretend he’s a serious radio personality instead of a gas bag oh Canadians can’t even they can’t do they can’t do anger right they can’t you can’t come to Boston and pretend to be angry heck yeah I’ll do it heck yeah and everyone cheats you know they’re a bunch of cheaters anymore that’s right oky dokie o doy give me some sort of uh music of uh some sort like maybe the Canadian national anthem or something I because some safe Christian rock song yeah like like Creed or something or or no no play um L ladies had a million doll if I had a million dollars please pull that up because this is heck yeah you can use it cuz I’m a maple proud Maple Leaf there a bunch of dirty cheaters that is the pain Chiran was built to inflict ah it’s all fun at the end of the day don’t come to don’t come to Boston and try to [Music] yeah got him heck yeah you can use it what do you got yeah I’m just joshing you can we use this for the radio heck yeah man all right talk to me about tonight’s game man tonight we won it was too easy uh Bruns fans are sad they’re all walking into their cars drunk and sad as always that’s true they are drunk and sad as always as always I mean the game’s over it win or lose I mean we’ll we’ll stop him when he’s wrong I mean he is but you know I gotta I got to think if uh you go into a Toronto game they’re really the worst just and they’re nice the thing is they’re nice except for the one guy who got all coked up yeah but he’s the nicest one like someone said like oh hey they call you the heroin guy on the station in Boston he goes that’s a shame I checked him out and I thought we’d be friends that’s literally what he said and then you’re like oh come on man and he’s not even the worst one in the group like the the the other singer guy is the worst the biggest nerd of them all hold and now and watch me Hood wink you got to live with that for the rest of your life all right talk to me about tonight’s game man tonight we won it was too easy uh Bruns fans are sad they’re all walking to their cars drunk and sad as always we won comeback season you can’t win if you don’t cheat and we know they’re cheating so they’re not going to win any more the series how are they cheating I don’t know if you’ve been watching the same hockey I’ve been watching number one Tonto hey you buddy anyways oh yeah some signs of life cuz he knows if you swear on Canadian radio there uh there’s price to pay the government comes out in with a butterfly net instead of a gas bag Toronto has real man Canada hockey this is that American [ __ ] it’s all for theater oh first of all you said theater and second of all we’re all American oh if you were really Canadian you would say we’re all American we all in North America that’s right that was very UNC you and then you went theater I don’t and I don’t hear any kind of hosery accent I’m I’m I’m calling you credentials interesting Toronto has real man Canada hockey this is that American [ __ ] it’s all for theater it’s all theatrical they stage everything but then when we come in their house and win it’s oh you guys got lucky wait till we come no like n they stage it all the refs are in their favor the saw you talking about your jaw earlier you see this I don’t know who the you are clearly you’re Instagram famous cuz you got a camera following you around YouTube actually I don’t know who the oh I got I I got an idea why don’t you interview him yeah why don’t you interview me all right all right all right all right so this is a uh a drunk Bruins fan coming up to the maple leaf F now Nicholas come to a microphone Nicholas Nicholas come to a microphone Nicholas okay he’ll be there in a couple minutes give him time to get there he had to go 5 feet uh Nicholas so this this is a YouTube guy he’s got like a camera on him yeah Toronto guy yes a Toronto YouTuber following so the idea is that he was going to like start stuff with Bruins fans and that they were going to tape it and he was going to put it up there I I guess so yes but he said heck yeah because he knew if you’re going to get on the CBC there’ll be no swearing all right and so a drunk Bruins fan comes up to him and they he wants to interview him yes he did okay here we go go what’s your well first off what’s your name my name is Mitch Mitch can we use this for the radio absolutely all right go ahead here’s my phone no he’s Boston where are you from the winning team what what did the scoreboard say I’m not going to break your jaw again someone broke your jaw I don’t know who you are but this this is made of steel buddy I know but you talked about it earlier today you had a nice little camera crew following you around camera about the camera crew are you wasting my time are you going to like interview me oh this YouTuber is not not believing him at all I my money’s on the drunk guy from Boston there is this how old’s this guy Nicholas is he in his young early 20s mid 20s this there’s this entitlement like I’m on camera you can’t do anything to me which I think the haze of a Bruins loss in alcohol can overcome cuz usually if you’re out and about like there is there is this Millennial kind of Freedom like I’m being filmed like whenever anyone happens like I’m filming you like I’m filming you you can’t do anything I’m filming you this will go viral I’m filming you and if you are a YouTuber and you spend a lot of time on YouTube you should know that just having a camera there doesn’t mean you’re not going to get hit yeah and is it real there like a one in a million chance you go viral if the guy breaks your jaw like that’s you’re sucking out of a straw every meal I mean having a broken jaw sucks like really bad and like the chances of that going viral are not high like it’s usually just you got punched in the jaw and then the guy just disappears into the crowd so there’s not even an arrest and if you’re going to come back down to Canada to like go to trial against the guy for hitting you in the jaw my money’s on the drunk Boston fan in that point all right talk about the game swayman you know y’all passed up on him you had 11 10 Draft Pick 5 years ago y’all took some bum ass I don’t want violence we call that a freebie we call that a freebie want to the too easy want to the hearts down what you all right this guy’s wasting my time I’m sorry radio it was nice going to punch you in the face no it’s because you’re just speaking bullsh but anyways have a good night man you want to spit on the left side right side hold on hold on if you could say anything to the Boston uh B of Bruins what would it be good luck in Toronto he would say he can’t even afford numbers and a name on the back of the J turn around where’s the name where’s the number he can’t even afford it don’t touch me don’t what are you going to do you can’t afford a name and a number yeah like what are you going to do don’t touch me don’t touch me I’m filming don’t touch me I’m filming don’t touch me don’t you can’t touch me I’m filming I can do whatever I want to do you I can bait you and bait you and bait you and there’s nothing you can do cuz I’m filming you and yeah what big YouTube channel you can’t even get a real Jersey it’s like one of those like it’s not even a sweater it’s like a vinyl one it’s one that you got it like at the Tim hordon giveaway he would say he can’t even afford number no I would never have another man’s name on my back because I’m straight what all right he’s a homophobe well yeah really yeah really so then why are you flying down here 3 hours because we just won because because because the hostility here is crazy Bost it is shees I remember my first beer really oh he’s a professional comic you want a second one I got to go nice talking to you guys appreciate it I remember my first beer all right pleas give me some uh Bare Naked Ladies here if you could to get us out of all right F all right yes I have an email here from Ryan Ryan insists that kid Nick interviewed is not from Toronto or Leaf’s fan his whole channel is going to games being a fan of the opposing team and giving people crap and I have the Instagram handle here I have it looked how many follows followers does he have because he is no comic I remember my first beer yeah that’s he’s 156,000 followers Steve Martin from 1977 and he’s also he won’t invest in a real sweater no I would never have another man’s name on my back because I’m straight uhhuh what is is the price point of 178,000 followers on Instagram making 10 grand a year good for him cover your yeah man all right very good we will be back in just a moment the great Mike Gorman is going to join us you’re listening to toucher and Hardy for the sportsub hey Cat [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we are toucher and Hardy still working on Michael Gorman which has been an issue before with the phones this could be a very emotional night for him if someone texts you and they say rabbit rabbit what does that mean uh it’s the first day of the month you’re supposed to say rabbit the first word out of your mouth today should be the word rabbit have good luck for the rest of the month I don’t know my mom taught me that when I was a kid I said it as I was driving into work this morning and just to be on the safe side I say it three I’m gonna give you a big rant right now since we can’t uh get Michael Gorman on go ahead no I don’t have anything uh you know David sederis the author uhhuh he is so OCD and and if you read his stuff it’s it’s hysterical but it’s kind of sad because some of the stuff he’s gone through in his life due to his OCD like it is uh like debilitating at times his hobby was picking up trash on the street right like he would just go out and pick up trash that’s what he did like three hours a day yeah and I I don’t know if he lives full-time in the UK or France now or somewhere but he would go on like 15 20 mile walks all day and pick up trash by the side of the road because he became obsessed with his step counter like on his watch and he wanted to see if he could surpass you know like 15,000 can I do 20,000 tomorrow 205 he was up to like 30,000 steps and he would pick up trash by the side of the road but first day of the month he sets an alarm for after midnight so it wakes him up out of a sound sleep and he knows to say the word rabbit and then he goes back to sleep on the first day of every month and if it doesn’t happen he’s screwed for the month Lake I yeah he would probably obsess and worry himself into into you know a state of paralysis because of his OCD interesting you’ve obviously never said rabbit on the first of any month wallik never no you’d kill it unlucky in love Yeah unlucky in many things I mean if you saw a rabbit it would be Talent glass is half empty Theory I am lucky in love at the moment unlucky at one point lucky now you weren’t no but right now now now he’s salivating cuz you said rabbit 17 years that there’s if I any any wild rodent that’s outside is as good as gone let me ask wallik a question here he flew in the window so my wife saw he saw mirror now he’s stuck what what what my wife saw an owl picking at the carcass of a rabbit a couple weekends ago and she can’t wait to find out where this goes she hypothesized that the owl had killed the rat large rabbit and then was devouring it uh one morning in our backyard seems like a sound hypothesis she and ran inside I was like oh my God there’s Carter there’s Bloodshed I’m like I’ll take care of it so I go out there the rabbit had been decapitated and one of its hind legs had been pulled off and I said that’s no owl that looks to me like a coyote got to the rabbit but then the owl came along and started finishing the job so two-part question wallik yes could an owl decapitate and remove the leg of a rabbit and if not could an owl scare off a coyote and take over the picking of the carcass obviously the answer is no to the second one I have no idea about that and ow could not scare off a coyot are kind of [ __ ] like you can see yeah you can see videos of like cats then why are people scared to death of we I don’t know they’re not even big every time I see a stupid coyote I go what is the big deal they’re just like a fat dog and I and I go and I’ll go is is that a coyote they’re more like you know what I’m saying like uh I always think they look like a mangy undersized German Shepherd yeah they’re like they their Furs all uh M so it makes them look like wider a little bit to me disease ridden Ultra aggressive dog right I don’t know people we’ve had coyotes in my town everyone say stay away from the coyote how come the turkeys walk around all un unfeathered and unb turkeys are a little different they’re not quite as quick as the coyote what I’m saying though is why would there would be no turkeys left the coyotes would eat all the turkeys I’m telling you that I think the coyotes everyone there are things like this in life where everyone just has insisted upon something and it insists insists and insists and then it just becomes like oh that’s the thing I’m not convinced that coyotes are an issue what I know is an issue is did you see the Arizona G the the Diamondbacks game was delayed two hours from bees yes okay so this collection of bees and now like everyone’s a huge hippie so like you couldn’t just kill the bees that would be considered bad because everyone would get mad who would get mad who knows but enough people would get mad if he killed the bees so it took two hours cuz they had to bring a guy in a beekeeper they had to bring a beekeeper in dressed that’s not what happened they brought a beekeeper in they had the stuff there oh they cuz why do they have the stuff there good question no I do know why why because you you keep asking questions I’ll answer all of them they had the stuff there because this happens a lot now this doesn’t happen other places you know why this happens a lot because Arizona shouldn’t have any of this stuff AR Phil Phoenix and Scottdale shouldn’t be cities that’s where we were headed Phoenix that is why I’m telling you that’s an unnatural thing a that bees would be in the desert there’s no way I don’t care what your science says be shouldn’t be in the desert and second of all that they’re all going to that they all gather like it’s a it’s a thing that happens a lot they go up in the desert and gather in these like balls on the back stop that’s what was on top of the back stop literally a Big Blob of bees because they had to delay the game it’s ridiculous that’s that’s that’s unnatural I’m telling you anyone who goes to Phoenix and goes like Oh it’s beautiful and like oh Scottdale you’re you’re you’re everything wrong with the world is that that should just be a Barren desert there should be nothing there there’s no reason it exists Hardy did you have a good time when you were in Scottdale uh I have a very good time you’re the kind of people that have a good time drinking bottled water and throwing in the ocean you’re the kind of people that uh will be on a boat like uh like throwing your trash in the ocean you’re such a Negative slob Fred can we just take a moment and celebrate Matt Hilton the B guy as you call him he’s an apiarist if you don’t mind and he was the hero of that night they had him throw out the first pitch and a bit of a hunk I I guarantee that guy is getting all kinds of attention from the ladies now because he’s in touch with nature and they let him throw out the first pitch which was a little patronizing and he and he said the night yeah noiz about it’s patronizing like oh cuz you’re just like a beekeeper and who the hell are you it’s a very it’s a it’s a egalitarian attitude oh the help Oh look The Help came in let him throw out the first pitch I’m a man of the people not some egalitarian paternalistic fraud I can’t I don’t even know what you’re upset about anymore I’m upset I’m upset about two things a playing God in the desert he hates Phoenix he hates Phoenix they’re playing God why because be there because bees don’t that doesn’t happen other places Hardy and there’s no way if mankind wasn’t out of control that there’d be bees the collection thousands flowering plants in the desert and bees not we’re not to attract thousands of bees you’re out of your is to blame for bees being in the desert you are so be I swear to God I swear to God this isn’t a bit I swear to God I believe this let me tell you something I I when they were talking about it on my way in in the car this is how I refer to the radio now is when they were talking about it in the car I legit and I thought to myself you really believe this like I swear to God I believe this Arizona is is a a point where mankind has gone too far it is it is our own greed and it will be pointed at like the fall of the Roman Empire when this Earth becomes inhabitable they’ll point at the golf courses and all the stupid garbage The Lawns the idea that Scottsdale is a city if you’ve never been to Arizona people you drive from Phoenix and it’s just the desert it’s the desert like desert desolate we shouldn’t be living there like like maybe Maniacs like should be likeing RVs you know doing whatever they want in the desert it shouldn’t have a major city and you’ll drive for like 20 minutes and then grass and trees oh no what is it by like water no it’s they they and then we’re out of water I don’t know what happened because you shouldn’t be living there why do they have to live in Arizona there’s no reason it’s not like people are like you know where we really need to be is ID Idaho like Idaho is the place to be you couldn’t just cuz it’s cold I like the weather in the desert but I love grass too so I got to put grass if you want to live in the desert live in the desert you can’t live in the desert and play golf you can’t live in the desert and have grass so how does this connect with bees because it’s an unnatural phenomenon that’s happening and they shouldn’t collect like that on a regular basis it’s completely natural haven’t you ever seen a beehive or a Hornet not in the middle of the desert and it shouldn’t happen repeatedly in a place that they keep relatively clean bees are everywhere they’re the glue of our ecosystem and we need to has fact off the top of his head I don’t say I didn’t say I’m not antib Jake go ahead I’m going to say your antib there are 1300 species out there my friend well hearing your voice I believe you all right I had to you have a good day all right thank you I I didn’t even understand what he said I was now I think he actually knew that off the top of his head that’s a man who knows how many species of beasts they are you know a Somalia can taste wine and tell you what region he came for that’s guy who can go oh I can there’s 1,200 species of bees here here’s a quick age test um were you I I don’t have it were you were you age HIV age I have HIV no ag ag g e age test H okay were you ever in your life afraid of killer bees and the swarm of killer bees that were coming to kill you yes no I saw Leonard nemoy in search of they told he told me that the bees were coming north from Mexico yes yes scared to death so you and I are a little bit older than Fred you’re a lot older I’m a little bit older than Fred in search of Leonard nemoy killer bees and this is the first time in like six months that I’ve been referred to as younger than anyone yeah see it’s it’s a constant theme in my life gu by Kendra midleton lockart and jamell have no fear of killer bees coming to uhas is a fear of getting stuck in a doorway with that ass in well he’s got he’s afraid of getting his head caught in the honey pot well that plump rump sticking out the back wiggling trying to unglue himself he doesn’t know who’s going to pop up at raap Ben go ahead I’m gonna dress him baby Benjamin what up Kid ah twitch Nation loves you we crossed over to the YouTube but you know speaking of nonnatural things maybe we need to send young sickly Nick jamell with his bionic heart out into the desert to look for these bees yeah I’ll tell you what if he gets stung it’s curtains if he gets stung there’s no way he’s surviving that I this Halloween I want to dress Nick up like Winnie the Pooh and you like Eeyore because you’re a real Sad Sack you’re the first person to ever say that you’re actually not to dress Nick up like Winnie the Poo no no no just the E thing is definitely friends heard that one yeah I’m a real negative n I’m a real Negative Nancy Dan go ahead party holy crap I’m 39 I grew up like in Southern New Hampshire and I was like like telling my parents they can’t come up all away here right they can’t survive Winters up here right I was terrified all gr I don’t know when it went away but I remember oh my God you just struck fear into me all my childhood I was like they’re coming they’re coming they’re coming up they’re going to get us they’re going to kill everybody they’re going to slowly kill the whole world I don’t know what news program what what they did but they brainwashed a lot of people with that I was terrified oh and then there was a truck carrying the killer bees that crashed somewhere and it made the news and I’m like here they come they’re coming oh God you scared me I’d rather have Killer Bees in Co I mean I’d rather have bunch of killer bees that you could kill and some lab blowing up and getting everyone trapped in their houses for two years I really like that b guy though and I I hope they bring him back and he gets to throw out another pitch I think he’s uh doing the good work and you know he’s not killing the bees he’s he’s relocating the bees and their good work very well aware he’s not killing the bees because they wouldn’t have had a 2hour delay if they killed the bees just killed the bees I I don’t know what you’re aware of hearing you lose your mind over bees in the desert if you don’t go to Scottdale and go oh this should be here there’s no way there’s no way the thought didn’t cross your mind he’s been to Scottdale I just said that there’s no way that when he I was in Scottdale with him so were you I was there I have pictures of it we all D together as a happy family it’s very nice uh the worst trip of my life oh that’s right we did go on to that dinner steak dinner in Scottsdale so you one in Houston you didn’t go to Scottsdale and go oh this is like uh this should be here there’s no way that you went oh this is good because you fly into Phoenix and you’re in Phoenix you don’t really know but when you drive to Scottdale and it’s desert desert desert desert desert and then all of a sudden there’s grass and like all this BS and like like regular trees and stuff not like weak desert trees then you know you know you did something terribly wrong has happened something’s not good and that’s why you get bees like that and I’m not kidding I’m not joking I’m I I swear to God I was in the car I can’t believe it came up today I wrote on the sheet bees because I wanted to remember he did that I wanted to remember bees because cuz I was in the car and I’m like wow you really like like you’re not like this is an internal model I will suffer through your lunatic ravings about all the things that you know are in Scottdale that shouldn’t be there because you’re right golf courses and trees that are not native but bees bees are pretty much everywhere except for like the Arctic so why shouldn’t there be a collection of bees at a baseball game I guarantee you it wouldn’t be happening if it wasn’t for man Shane go ahead hey good morning guys shaking egg uh morning John to the birds as well there Fred there are a thousand species of bees distributed in the sonor desert if you haven’t been to Tucson forget Phoenix I’ve been to Tucson I they did an audition in Tucson yes and for all time for all time sake s sucks take care guys thank you I don’t care how many species of bees there are in the desert they wouldn’t be collecting like that yeah so yes they wouldn’t be collecting like that because they would if you’re talking about if man weren’t there yes they built themselves on the back stop at a baseball game so of course but there are going to be hives of bees in places it happens they they they collect on houses they collect on buildings and this happened to be at a baseball game Mike go ahead yeah so um Fred the guy before I’ll just build on what he said he was right the there’s thousands of species in in the Saran desert they’ve been there for eons eons and they’re they’re helped by the um the food Gathering and the IT boosts the uh pollination with the types of uh desert plants that are indigenous to the desert but the food Gathering by man is makes them collect in this fashion no you know that might attract them to the to the baseball park because there people eating ice cream let’s leave it there let’s leave it on a on a high note so is baseball the problem no but you could play Bas it’s a pastoral game you could play baseball in the desert but the grass is unnatural you need grass to play baseball you ever been to bond Park in Farmington Hills Michigan you absolutely do not there you put some gravel down you got yourself too big baseball fields I didn’t play on a grass baseball diamond until I was in high school and I played travel my friend we played on gravel baby gra grav in the Outfield no uh oh grass Outfield yeah no not Grassi well there’s one lie my bad you’re right it was grass in the Outfield you know what I say yeah play ball I know don’t Mai Mike Gorman is ready to go we will have him on in just a moment Sports up headlines ruins [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] home and Michael Gorman will be calling that game as he has for many many years Mike Gorman is the voice of the Boston Celtics for NBC Sports Boston and Mike is brought to you by Bentley University proud partner of the Boston Celtics preparing for the next generation of Business Leaders to be a force on and off the court Bentley University a force for business a Force for good and Mike joins us on the Volkswagen dealers expert hotline hi Mike good morning good morning how are you I’m good I’m good pretty soon we’ll be doing this about five minutes a 10 you know yeah exactly um what uh this this could be the last game for you yes it will be yep you think it will be I think it will be I mean I I I have I can’t imagine Atlanta he come back here Beach Boston here even with for singer SC I don’t think that’s going to happen so yeah that would be I I would go and do a six game if there was one but um there won’t be I’m pretty I’m I’m going into tonight with the idea this is it is part of you going to be like I hope they lose one more game like I just like is it is is there a part of you that’s G to be yeah there is yeah not a very big part though right I understand you’re comfortable with your decision is there yeah since this is like that’ll be that’ll be a small part yeah sure with you know two or three minutes ago there’s a timeout we we take there usually um and uh yeah I’m sure it might hit me then hasn’t hit me now but after tonight I’m never going to do this again um K I’ve always done it for 40 something years I’ve been doing no when even when the season was over it was just a question when they were going to announce the schedule in July and you were back to work again in September um none of that can reply anymore which would be interesting but I’ll be calling you Fred well listen I the last time I talked to you on the phone we talked for an hour and a half I got like 10,000 steps and I was walking my dog it was the whole situation uh if if you go down that road though Mike and you’re going to like yeah part of me if lose I get one more well then you’re going to have to probably root for them to lose again so you can have one more game at the Garden and have that be the last game at the Garden um yeah again all that’s true but I just don’t think anything’s gonna happen it doesn’t matter then you know I his here’s the thing let me ask you guys a question do I need to say something at the end of the game or do I just sign off like it’s a regular game I would say something and I thought about it actually cuz I there was a point during the last game where I thought for some reason it was the I know I thought it was the end of the series because it’s a mismatch and I just thought why isn’t this over now uh exactly and the reason that I watched the end of the game is because like there was a part of me that was just like oh this might be Mike’s last game and if it had and so I can tell you what I think uh is I definitely would because almost by not I don’t think it’s self- serving uh for a lot L of reasons a if you know if it happens tonight or even the next game it’s like a like a series that is pretty much a forone conclusion so it’s not like you’re calling game seven to the NBA finals and making it about yourself right so it’s a first round game that’s kind of like whatever so if you I think by not doing it it’s almost not cool to your fans and I know that the hesitation is like it’s about the game and it’s not about me but I honestly as like just a a a viewer I would be disappointed if you didn’t and I really mean it and I did think about it and I see the pros and cons but and I and I personally probably would lean to like oh well no one wants to hear me do it like it’s about the Celtics I I honestly would do it I thought about it actually thank you thank you for giving me a thought I I’m I’m coming down on that side it’s gonna be awkward because I’ll be doing it to the television audience and not to the audience in the building um I don’t know they can switch that around about what I’m saying on on the big board but um yeah so that’s going to be a little bit a Juggle on my part but knowing I’m talking to to the television audience not talking to anybody who might be around W going hi M how you doing um I just have as Tommy used to do I’ll just ignore all them and go about my business you know what I well first of all if the Celtics are listening it would be good to to put you on the big screen and uh you know what I would Mike is act like in your mind be talking to the crowd and then you know stand and put your hand up because I’m sure people in the crowd and especially the people that have been sitting sitting around you all these years we’ve been watching you for 40 years Mike we want to say goodbye yeah you’re a part of people’s lives you have to do you have to remember that you almost have like a duty to say something because you have been a part of people’s lives a lot like you know a lot of nights a year yeah you know you’re not some guy in a sitcom that ran for five years you know like you’re you for 40 some odd years you’ve doing you’ve seen the ups and downs back to the up no but you’ve been doing like you know sometimes probably 100 games you know like that’s a lot of nights in people’s living room I’m coming down the other side of this Mike uh you’re up 20 in the fourth corter minute left say you know what I got to go to the bathroom and just don’t come back Irish Irish goodby ultimate Irish goodby we weren’t sure you were going to come back after halftime of the last regular season game you missed the third quarter we were scalibur was sitting there saying we don’t know if Mike’s going to come back we don’t blame him if he doesn’t you know we we were like I is he coming back is he not coming back so maybe that’s the way to go I kind of like that JN I do um but I think I get stopped at the door probably so yeah and then I really appreciate that I appreciate the input guys all there AR a lot of people in the business that really talk I talk more to you guys than talk to anybody else maybe scale that’s about it yeah you know what he’s doing but it is it is kind of reassuring that somebody like you Mike who’s been doing it as long as been doing as well as you’ve been doing it still kind of second guesses things and thinks about how you would address the audience as opposed to the people around you because I would think well if it’s second nature to anybody if anybody has it all figured out it’s got to be Mike Gorman and it’s it’s kind of reassuring in a way to know like oh no it’s okay to to you know kind of still be figuring things out which is this is a unique situation there’s no playbook for this no but but for for your purposes Mike yeah addressing the the television audience as opposed to the Garden audience you’ve been doing it for 40 years you know how to do it you it’s it’s going to be great whatever you decide to do I’m sure thank you all right thanks thanks all to you guys really I wanted to get your own opinion I want to get your opinion John as a play byplay guy he do a play byplay or do you say goodbye oh he does it at the end of every Brian game you say say you say goodbye because you never showing my case which one will be your last no I mean the C they get very emotional Mike at the end of the Brian season that’s right that’s right everyone throws gum wrappers and and things to for N I thank you for the compliment despite these two guys here I thank you very much for the com it was Mike remembering it’s he’s a classy guy you remember that you do play byplay and he got it in there let’s change this every have you guys been watching the Knicks in the uh 76er series yes yes last night how about the end of that last night oh it was great I mean i’ love to see the Knicks go down and last night was fantastic celebrating and acting like it was all over yeah I know um that was pretty cool yeah what they cuz if you don’t like new yeah the New York fans like took over the 70 took over Philadelphia they were putting jerseys on the Will Chamberlain statue and it was like the series isn’t even over I know and it’s a first round series like big New York team you’re up six in your own building all those fake celebrities paying all that money to sit Courtside and Maxi shoots a big hole in it it’s fantastic from about half Court Maxi ties the game with 10 seconds left and then you get the ball and you can’t score it was almost a reversal of game two Mike yeah M yeah do you like do you think Philadelphia has a chance in that series now 3-2 oh I do I mean he he he still doesn’t play very well and and he still getes a triple double I don’t know if the other kid will do as well as he it does but there’s no stopping him when he decides to take the ball to basket um and then he hits ridiculously like that one three he hit at the end of the game that was just that was a big time shot does it scare you do you does does this series with the Knicks in Philadelphia like scare you or does it make you think oh my God there’s no one in the east no I’d love to see the Celtics in the EAS Conference Finals playing either the Knicks or the Sixers that’d be great great theater around here I’m not sure how much the rest of the country can we care about it but around here it’ be great without poor zingas uh who does that who would the Celtics rather face off uh or does it not matter presuming that por Z is going to miss couple few weeks yeah I think they’d probably rather face the Knicks um and not have to deal with the embid because when when be puts his mind to it he really prac Unstoppable and he’s 73 and 280 and he moves very well ridiculously well actually for a guy his size um and you know the shelter sh no answer especially without P any answer at all for him in the middle um I know you’re about 40 years old or whatever it is can you go C this guy for a while yeah that’s a tough ask you know yeah we we were actually talking a little bit about a beid earlier and what a tease he’s been throughout his career you see when he puts his mind to it there’s no better player on the planet but there’s always something with him you know he’s always hurt or he’s always got some kind of ailment or he just decides not to try ex exactly and I I don’t know what but he doesn’t seem to want to acknowledge it in post game or anything El um yeah he’s he’s a strange guy I take him though saying give up part I’ll take him yeah and that’s the thing is that the Knicks fans that are all vilifying him for being dirty would all take him on the Knicks in 10 seconds and that’s the rumor but he also has this LoveHate relationship with the Philadelphia fans he calls them out they call him out it’s it’s a really toxic relationship between him and the people of Philadelphia yeah it is that’s a toxic City that way though what they Sports teamers yeah you’re right that’s but that it’s more with an individual even with the team yeah you think Boston’s bad it’s like real hatred there like there at least is a a joy that comes with the Boston people all right Mike we got to we got to end this are you going to be going 10 yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s it’s all good listen more listeners now uh are you uh are you going to be going to the games though uh if tonight’s the last game are you still going to be going to the games and stuff oh yeah yeah I go the games okay I’ll still show up I’ll call you every Wednesday morning no I know I know that I believe me I know that that’s the retirement plan baby that’s right baby you got that one coming that’s right this is a there’s a lot of time with Mike Gorman but yes of course I know that but uh but you’re still gonna be hanging around you’re still gonna be going to games and stuff without question I don’t think I’m I’m not going to any way games anymore I’ll be hanging around the garden all right cool well listen uh NBC Sports Boston that’s where you watch the game tonight of course course as always and uh if it is indeed your your last game Mike uh everyone uh who’s at the Garden tonight remember that and remember Mike Gorman last night and give him the acknowledgement he deserves Mike uh we will talk to you next week uh have fun tonight thanks for setting the table good there you go baby that’s what it’s all about good to talk to you Mike all right thanks Mike I’ll see you guys thank you all right appreciate it there you go Mike Gorman yeah what what do you say we hope this is your last game I mean it’s kind of weird I don’t I don’t care either way I about the they’re going to win the series so you do it tonight if you don’t do it tonight yeah do it do it at the Garden do it do it at the Garden do it tonight I you know what let them win tonight let them win tonight give give the man the proper sense do it tonight all right there you go there’s your motivation something the Bruins had none of my uh Billy jaffy is here he will stay for two breaks I’m already letting him know I don’t care when he has to do whatever rehab he’s always doing uh Mike Gorman was presented by Bentley University of force for business a force for good we’ll be back with Billy jaffy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Studios home of the Celtics ruins revs and Patriots Patriots Boston’s home for Sports in 985 Sports of sports up headlines Matthew n banged home a Jirus rebound down 226 in overtime and Toronto has pushed the Bruins to a game six care of a 2-1 win at TD Garden the Bruins got a goal from Trent Frederick in the first period but Joseph wall was great in net for the visitors making 27 saves as the Leafs won despite the fact they didn’t have Austin Matthews Jim Montgomery quite literally was at a loss for a reason as to why all of this happened weren’t good enough I I don’t have you know um something to give you that’s concrete that would led to our slow start besides Toronto was better than us the Bruins still lead this playoff series three games to two game six up at Scotia Bank Center tomorrow night Carolina finished off the Islanders in five six to3 Colorado beat Winnipeg 63 to end that Series in five and Nashville W in Vancouver 2-1 to push that series to a game six Celtics Center christops porzingis has been diagnosed with a strain of the Solus muscle in his right calf he’s already been ruled out of the Celtics next game which is tonight at TD Garden against Miami they lead the heat three games to one in that first round best of seven IND and Max have the pregame at 700 and the tip off at 7:30 here on the B MGM 985 the sports of Celtics Radio Network the heat will be with Jimmy Butler Terry Rosier and haime hakz Celtics president the basketball operations Brad Stevens yesterday voted the NBA’s basketball executive of the year and the Red Sox shut out San Francisco 4 nothing they’ve won three in a row this three- game series continues tonight at Fenway Sports up headlines are brought to you by John sewer and drain cleaning with over 50 trucks on the road because your clock drain is there Mercy go to I’m John Wallock of Boston home for sports 985 the sportsub your next update at 9:30 this is Chris porzingis left drible loob catches one hand throws it down you’re listening to the home of Boston Celtics basketball 985 The Sports Hub we’re back with tcher and Hardy on 985 the sports Up Up The Far Side the leads crank it ahead here’s Taris it’ll motor his way in drops the shoulder set it out in front they score Matthew ni able to scoop up a loose puck in the slot he scores in overtime and the Toronto Maple Leaf stay alive and the Bruins miss a big opportunity to finish off the series hey we are toucher in heart party and we are brought to you by FanDuel sports book make every moment more with FanDuel you can watch us every morning on YouTube and I imagine we have a lot of people looking now cuz Billy jaffy is in studio uner little eye candy for the ladies rally cap jaffy search 985 he’s just a kid he’s like he’s got the guns out too you see that he did it because of Ken Griffey rules he did it he’s like he’s like the kid Ken griffy right with the hat backwards search 985 the sports sub on your tube and uh subscribe please oh Jesus Christ please for the love of God will you subscribe to us please we’re trying to get a whole YouTube thing going just in time uh Billy jaffy we were talking about it off the air this this is this is the kind of loss that we actually discuss off the air is usually it’s how you doing this was Bruins okay how you doing hey how you obviously Billy Jeffy from nesson uh the okay so last night you have a Toronto team as you know who’s getting killed in by the Toronto media by their fan base the coach is going to be fired after this game they don’t have their best player because he’s sick there’s all these talk about like who’s actually injured I mean real drama they’re fighting on the bench so you’re the Bruins it’s game five at home everything’s going for you all the momentum and you come out and inexplicably you all like as you except for San so everyone who’s not a go tender that doesn’t have pad all those pads on is like almost like unilaterally playing terribly um the the the shot differential was insane the the Bruins did two shots in the first period the time of possession was insane the faceof disparity was insane how about how about the the fact that you go from dominating I agree with everything here you go from dominating the neutral zone the previous two games which was a major point of you know of of their wins because game two if you remember how well Toronto went through the neutral zone against them where they ended up winning Bruns did some beautiful adjustments and then you go away from them meaning the players get away from that in game three and all of a sudden like right away Fred you saw the speed through the neutral zone by the Toronto Maple Leafs and the Bruins D having to back up we talked about in the first intermission and showed it and it was a complete 180 from what they had done so I agree with everything you’re saying you have every you have every reason to come out with the intensity the fervor the passion to win to put them away to do the old choke cold or whatever you want to call the strangle hold on them right you know the whatever cliche you want fo on their neck thank you there you go however one of the other team comes out with a carefreeness you you know that they they being Toronto Fred hard well you knew the in the locker room they were saying guys we have no pressure on here let’s just go out there we’re supposed to lose let’s go out there let’s go kick some ass let’s go have some fun let’s just go play Flow hockey let’s go let let’s go out there and do that and let’s see what happens you know summarizing probably what they said and they probably did bring up hey guys last year they were up 3 to one why not let’s just make it let’s go out win a period let’s let’s go do that and they did that and the Bruins to me look tentative and and and and they were they didn’t appear you know and and this is one thing that Jim Montgomery talked about what he wanted from his team was starting on time and that was the antithesis and remember he gave it to them in practice the day before to make sure that their antennas got up and the guys got their practice legs going and then on on on game day they seem to be pretty sharp you know for what it’s worth in morning SK that doesn’t really show you anything but then they came out and they were completely again I thought playing fearful of losing instead of coming out there saying we are going to win it’s it it’s the old saying if you’re going to lose it happens it’s how you lose so what what is it with this team and the reluctance to shoot the puck or even put pucks on net when you have legit top goal scores you got Maran you got zaka these guys they it’s like they’re looking for the extra pass and I don’t leave anybody out of this marshan has been guilty of it here in at the end of the regular season and the postseason what what the hell I don’t know it’s a mindset that goes again I think to the old the the confidence of play or playing with confidence and they sure didn’t seem to have it in the first period probably the first no not probably the first two periods it got better there were moments of better betterness if that’s a term or goodness in the third um where they did be more aggressive I mean look their first goal was ABS the Bruin’s first goal was predicated on good rush out of the zone Great dump into the ozone you had a speed from a wak side and boquist going to strong side setting up perfect for check those are how have the Bruins generated 95% of their offense in this series Puck deep below goal line hammer away get pucks to net and I I I don’t want to say it’s easy cuz that’s not fair but when they do it that way they’re significantly better but they got away from this so why did they get away from shooting it just seems it must be a confident thing well I mean Nick took a great dump you looked at me I looked at each other bigp dump downstairs in the downstairs toilet so if you’re one of the companies downstairs oh upstairs I apologize Nicholas he’s gets a workout in it takes when he’s lighter he likes to come down the stairs I understand Hardy looked at me so I had to jump on the dump no that’s fine uh humor humor get used to I’m sorry you had to deal with this Hardy looked at me so I had to I got it Tim go ahead so you you win a game and you got the next game to to to totally wipe them out and it’s all over and you change the forwards up front what was the rational there and you know every team knows that they collaps in front of their net with the defense Bruins defense is you know somewhat skeptical but don’t you take grizzli out he’s he’s about the size of you know Dawn Sweeney I mean maybe that’s why he likes him I don’t know but please advise me of the changes up front and and why keep grizzli out there well Jim Montgomery was asked about if he made changes to the lineup why you know what what would be not so much the rationale but just The Balancing Act of how you do that versus he said if we make changes this was I think it was yesterday maybe it was Monday um he just said that it would be you know we think to make our team better we’re not just going to make change to make changes so with regard to the one change up front brazzo comes into the lineup and he the team the coaching you know Jim Montgomery talked about not getting inside the dots enough and wanting more Puck possession know that’s where you have a guy in brazo I I got to tell you something I thought brazzo’s game was fine I really did I thought I thought I thought he was good and he did his and he did his thing there um and it moved maroon to the left side off to the right whatever again I thought at times the third and fourth lines played better at least this the top two lines I don’t think played defensively well whenever maroon was on the ice the Bruins played better yeah well you could tell maroon was on the ice like you you could tell that there was a feel and and and the that so that was that change there um the where you took a potential loss and I sure we’re going to get into you already brought up the faceoffs you taken beer out of the lineup Beer’s first game of the series was off the charts and even Montgomery said that’s the best game he’s ever played as a pro and then he’s been up and down his faceoffs were okay until last game so that would be game four where I think he was 14% I think he was one for seven or one out of eight in the faceoff Circle and so I think that was the decision they made to same well wait a second we’re seeing this game drop so now that brazzo’s healthy will put him in with regard to grizzli I was I was I was more surprised about the change to the D crew given how the D crew had played had played well I know that shaton Kirk hadn’t played a ton but he had been out there as your one of your two units on power play um um quarterback back there uh they had kind of protected him at five on five but the other thing is you know you know you know wspoon had played so well and it kind of worked and and this game last night it it it got changed up a bit so um we weren’t sure what they were do they were Rumblings guys that forbert might play right yeah you heard I think he’ll play tomorrow I think forbert will be in the L now we also I just got to tell this I have no update on on Carlo that’s and that is a significant let’s hope it’s a when I say just a facial injury meaning that he needed to get stitched and hopefully nothing to do with teeth and hopefully he can wear some protection and go play cuz that would be a gigant loss real quick about the goal tending Joseph wall played really well last night he’s been mediocre he was mediocre during the season but he had himself a fantastic game that stop on Frederick on the Left Post was amazing do you think he can duplicate that again or is it just a one-off good question um remember last year John if you do remember in the second round he ended up playing I think it was four games against Florida at least three if not if not four and he played pretty well it was a better team they ended up winning he showed some pretty good composure I agree with you that now first of all he faced nothing early on so whether or not you who knows that makes it more impressive later the guy had no at all well so he must have gone in and got a little exercise in between the first and second to get the heart rate up a bit um he’s got a good way about him you know emotionally I remember covering him when he was at Boston College and watching him there and talking to people about him um can he duplicate it again if they don’t see a lot of shots yeah probably uh uh but but his save on Frederick was was huge he had a he got beat by coil on a post shot uh in the third as well which was a heck of a shot right there um and then the one and overtime the coil turnaround I think that hit geek’s foot and went into his P regardless his Pad was still there I’d like to think if the Bruins if capital I capital F get back to their structured hockey they’re not turning the puck over hockey they’re control of the neutral zone hockey they get back to that they will get more high quality chances which they did in three and four and that would put him more on his heels all right well let’s keep Billy if you can stay can you stay Billy and just for you yes I have a request of Billy I’m GNA ask him a question it has to do with Brad Maran and please just don’t say I don’t know I don’t know Hardy I don’t know when I ask you you know what I’m going to ask you about about the sequence that led to the the matching miners okay okay also just don’t tell me you don’t know you don’t know why it happened you know why why he didn’t get why he got called yes do I’ll come up with come up with an answer during the break I’m giving you plenty of time reputation plus the officials were nuts last night there’s officials ex officials on Twitter going nuts on Jack Edwards there’s uh there’s officials tackling marshan on the ice yeah I didn’t like that call grabbing poast knock and vavoy by the he got held twice on that play Hardy too yes he did he the first the first whole collection was the first whole incident he did didn’t do anything yeah he was the victim all right Billy jaffy will continue with us he’s brought to you by uh delivered by Grand City Electric CC Night Train electrical contractors get on board the GC a Night Train woohoo order your materials to be delivered overnight to the job site and following morning and save time and money go to gcit and Billy joins us in studio where he will stay for another Break Even though he’ll receive no more money as compensation we will be back in just a moment you’re m listening to toucher and H [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thing explos 985 the sports I think everything on the station could use a nice wash it was me years and years and years ago but I mean it hasn’t been my job we can do our own beds we’ll do a bunch of our own beds all morning toucher and Hardy’s specific PS well it seems that Nicholas is the is the Taste maker because he’s the one who’s selection for the intro to the the show as uh now is the intro to the show he’s got a lot on his plate he’s got a lot of in his trunk all right uh Billy jaffy is in studio Hardy was about to he already asked him the question Billy had Billy’s got these morning Brew hats cuz he does the morning Brew podcast oh here we go and Billy’s like would you wear one and he’s like don’t you won’t offend me if you say no which of course you would no it wouldn’t offend me at all let the YouTubers see it yeah turn that around you got cameras on limited very limited edition he’s like and he’s like don’t tell me you want one if you don’t want one cuz they’re limited edition yeah that’s right that’s right cost me two bucks to make the uh I wish like the uh traveler here gave you Fred just left it here what if you don’t have friends you know who needs enemies I understand he gave me a mug and then I left the mug like I forgot I had the mug and then he’s like what he’s like what you left the mug here like wasn’t in the trash cobwebs on it I got the coffee you gave me I gave the morning Brew little thing that thermos you gave me use it well everyone listen to morning Brew Billy’s trying very very hard he’s marketing the hell out of this thing having fun with it although last night was a tough one it was a late one uh we recorded after uh the game by the way I if you guys saw tomorrow night’s start time I know I did see this you did see it it’s due to the now because Colorado won and they finished their series there’s only one NHL game tomorrow night it is at 8 o’ God that pisses me off more that they lost now that we have to stay up later to watch this team all right possibly lose all right so let me let me ask uh the matching miners in the third as homberg and and and Marian get tangled up after the face off and while you’re watching it I and you guys uh you know they broke it down during the broadcast you broke it down again uh during the I don’t get it I didn’t get it okay so so that marshan gets held at least twice you could even argue a third time there was one retaliatory grab that I saw Maran do but certainly not enough a I don’t know that I would have blown the whistle on either one Let It Go like they did when he and berzi were were were going at it the other game absolutely keep it keep it clean how does it how a how does that man come over and not be able to control himself I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and say he ran into Mar I it’s exactly what I think happened I’m going to guess immediately when he took Brad down that he said I’m sorry for that like meaning I you know I I’m going to guess there was some apology there for being a little overzealous and just coming in with perhaps a little bit the angle or whatever taking him down okay so um how is it that they end up both going off I I I agree with you I’m not going to say I don’t know because you don’t want me to answer that because in there the back referee who made that call it it it it was Kyle Raymond who made the call decided that that he was going to I’m guessing manage the game there um you know you got to you have to look at the depth of the series you’ve got to go over things you understand that there have been players involved in stuff now this wasn’t berzi and Brad this was uh Holberg and and and Brad going at it I don’t know if that came into play or not but I again just guessing here because I cannot get into the head of somebody else game game manager you know as they put in in in quotes um I agree because you know we’ this is not Homer but this would be if if if the Bruins had gotten away with those two holds uh you know if the rols were reversed I think we would say he got away with those two holds there before that and probably got fortunate that that it was four on four so a long way of saying I’m not sure why they did it and I know you don’t want to hear that answer do you know who Tim Peele is an ex referee I do yeah he will he’s he tweets like Trump which is something that’s interesting this was sent to me cuz I’ll do you tell me when it sounds like Trump I think Jack Edwards may be having some health issues and I sympathize with that but calling referee number 40 Steve kazari a coward is Despicable kazari was carried off a stretch blah blah blah last year he fat shamed Pat maroon very sad Jack that’s aad that’s yeah sad uh friendly uh let’s talk about the officials uh Jack Edwards had an issue with them let’s talk about the officials they were kind of weird last night grabbing uh poock and makoy which is what Jack Edwards was talking about and kind of shaking around and like yelling at him and and chewing him up vulgari Billy Jack yeah we had so you had that that play that ended up with Coy getting the extra minor as well right um yeah and that was curious yeah that was that was that was very curious and they were motioning about how you ended up grabbing on again I I I saw that as an even up scenario I I I did and again you got to have the the tone of of the series and I mean this has been very physical but has it been off the CH no it hasn’t and even comparatively to pass series it’s not even nearly as pH the last florid no no it’s not like the Vancouver series it almost seemed like and I’m not complaining about the officiating the officiating isn’t the reason why the Bruins lost yesterday in any way she had performed but the uh the idea that they just seemed so over zealous like you said like they were like putting out fires that weren’t lit yet right right and and and so there’s always this talk about game management and sometimes you got to get ahead of it officials usually going to say if I if we get ahead of it it usually keeps things toned down I just thought there is an element that you have to allow the temperature to rise a bit in the playoff series and again you have to understand what’s what’s been happening so it was um yeah curious at times I couldn’t agree with you more though Fred wasn’t the reason that that that they ended up losing as as poorly as they played right as poorly as they played especially in that first period they still had a legit chance to win it so that’s the thing you have to sit and say okay is that good or bad news I don’t know I mean we all know the narrative tomorrow night now heading into Toronto you know the Toronto media is going to be all over is this last year meaning the Florida series happening again Tampa um Toronto is just going to say we did our gig is is Austin Matthews going to come back and play I don’t know he what’s his deal SK it it it it it can’t be an illness it cannot be an illness with how he doesn’t seem as powerful he seems laboring um he only skated maybe three four minutes at morning skate yesterday and then took himself off the ice because this has become great Intrigue in Toronto like this is the big uh investigation is that Toronto the maple LEF start how much better did Max doy look at Center though compared to the wing we talked about it Max doy won 10 face offs in a row straight well yeah more than just that though he was their best overall forward yes last night and and he you know it it might pain people to hear it but he took it upon himself I think to say I’m just going to go out and I’m going to fill this role for Matthews which you know he can’t but he did a a really good job the Bruins let him I mean the first period the Bruins let him do whatever he wanted to do yeah he was good so yeah of course it’s not the officials fault they they played like crap in the first period they were very lucky to be to have it tied and then they were in ineffective for the rest of the game and they lost an overtime when it wasn’t like a power play in overtime so it it didn’t cost him the game it just like I said it it like I know why they I know I think I know why the they they gave penalties to Martian in addition is that like you said they were trying to get ahead of it and they were trying to break it up before it became something else but that means they completely missed the first part of it right because the first part of it Martian wasn’t doing anything except getting getting thrown violated right right and then to get in there and like grabbing them and like like and pushing him down like it was like out of control and do you think Martian was was flexing to hit the hit the ref like if did you watch the replay of that like he was going to hit him in the face Bo I’m glad he didn’t no I’m glad he didn’t too cuz I’d imagine there’d be a suspension I don’t I don’t I don’t know give hit an official but but he was like get the F off me and then he stood up and like cocked his fist back that’s why I’m guessing that there was communication right away as of like hey you know sorry or whatever it’s me and and I don’t know I’m I’m I’m with you on that now it’s again easy to sit here and say but you got to extricate that you you can’t forget the performance you’ve got to say we’ve got to be so much better and and you have to go into this game six confidently if you don’t yes if you come out tight like that you come out tight again you’re screwed you’re you’re absolutely going to be in trouble and it just takes one line by the way to to to fix that like it just takes one line to come out and play Heavy in four check and then get some possession time and like that there wasn’t one line on this team in that first period that did anything no and no there wasn’t I mean I I I think it’s time like I’d really love to see that zaka line come through and and and dominate like like they can I I think that would be be helpful that would be help yeah it’d be helpful it’ be great it would be reassuring um I I think that uh you know again the top couple of lines at times in their own Zone were were struggling the gaps I keep going back to this and I already said it but the gap between the gaps between forward and D were so on so Sublime in game three and game four we showed it in pregame how structured and how they owned the ownership of the ice blue line to Blue Line and then it was very different in game five which you know is always concerning because this goes back to you know you can’t if you’re going to lose it’s one thing but but lose with your best effort lose with your best system Etc so they got to get back to that now of course you have questions what will the lineup look like on tomorrow night Beer’s got to come back in right foro you think in as well I would imagine for I’m assuming I’m just the you know reading te leafes talking to people looking around you think that forbert would would would be in um again it comes down to Carlo I’m gonna say I’m I’m I’m gonna say that it was hope it was just a facial injury meaning just a bunch of stitches a little teeth work or whatever and he’ll be okay to play so he’ll be there so again do you make one change in the back end probably the beater thing I’m you know it’s interesting again he was like at 14% in his faceof efficiency in game four um do you change that do you go back to uh Beach or boist maroon do you change that we’ll have to wait and see let’s there’s been maintenance days for another player in Danton Heinen for a couple days how’s he doing you got to take all this into consideration so we can sit here and spitball but let’s wait to see it really until tomorrow Johnny after morning skate and who’s healthy not again today is today’s just a a midday option for the Bruins and then they will all head out for for Toronto in the afternoon so Carl got hit in the face with a puck so a concussion or a broken jaw would keep him out and then you would assume like a laceration or like losing teeth he would laceration he’ll be in no doubt he’s been so important to this team and and that’s what I’m uh that’s what I’m going with that’s I hope well Billy jaffy you can listen to the morning Brew Bru you going to sell those hats no I’m giving them just a couple of people you sell them no yeah okay Drop Shipping everything I just want you guys to enjoy them see nice guy right there that’s all Billy wants is every just Billy everyone to be happy you know what in this crazy messed up world you’re absolutely right there you go good to see you for two segments two segments you sat in here for two segments thanks for having me that means two off air segments too that lot of time with us that’s even better you’ve been here for 40 minutes today time to go get something to eat see you guys absolutely there goes Billy jaffy watch him on nessen which would be uh the their last game would be uh would be game six so Billy jaffy watch him on nesson listen to the morning Brew podcast we will be back here are the headlines Sports up headline [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] on the air online on the air this is how Boston sports fans start their day touch your and party on 985 The Sports Hub we know what you’re thinking what could I possibly have missed from the show it’s time for the stack untouch your and [Music] Hardy all right we are toucher and Hardy brought to you by FanDuel sports book make moment more with band don’t question me Hardy was talking about how he was uh playing nine holes by himself yesterday you’re like you didn’t everything else to do I’m like I did everything that I had to do and my uh kids were otherwise occupied and I’m like I’m going to go play some of us live full lives with responsibilities and things to do and uh king-sized beds I got to take apart my old bed and my son and I got to somehow uh I ordered this mattress cuz when I got the bed and then it gave me this mattress it’s one of those rolled up mattresses but it’s a king-size one it might weigh 300 lb yeah so my son and I tried to pick it up outside and couldn’t do it so I had to like flip it into my house take it out of the box and now it’s just sitting wrapped up cuz you’re supposed to open it up on the bed so I don’t know how I’m going to get it upstairs there any Burly boys do you have any neighbors that are actual men that could help you with a thing like that he used to right probably yeah yeah the guy used to work out in your in his driveway oh there’s that’s down the street from my old house yeah there’s a guy who works out in his driveway he’s tans in a lawn chair Gotti yeah the sun thing yeah he goes to the deli and plays dice out in front of that too he’s in the mafia so uh no I don’t know what I’m going to do it’s like I I I had trouble sleeping last night because I bought a drill Hardy Jesus you didn’t have a drill you didn’t have a c i a drill but uh I didn’t have the battery charger I must have thrown it away during the move smart so I had to buy a new drill okay that’s 20 bucks oh $20 there’s a good one a DeWit DeWalt you bought a $20 DeWalt Jo joy to with chy to with cost you 20 I got yeah I got the mid-range one you know wor you should buy your tools Fred is in like the As Seen On TV section of CVS that’s about all that you should probably I don’t know if I’ve ever had a crueler insult thrown my way how dare you there’s fun in games and then there’s uh then there’s what you I remember it’s a Meagle cordless power drill it’s 20 volts of of uh American Precision it cost me $ 35.99 it came with a a bit set but I have a socket set so there we are I got a so I’m rolling with a socket set hard so I just put that thing in Reverse right I just put that bad boy in reverse and take them screws out right that’s what you do right well then that’s screw it’d be bolts if you’re using a socket set yeah the bolts I’d be taking the bolts out right I don’t know what you do I remember when uh you were getting ready to have Milo and good days you came to the radio station yeah and in it with the car seat so that Adam 12 could install the car seat for you in the back seat of your car because you just couldn’t handle it maybe it was cuz I knew what a pressure ious precious precious thing was coming into my life and I didn’t want to cut any Corners I wanted to make sure that someone who has had that responsibility could put the car he didn’t I’m glad that it stayed with you like that well I mean why you he kind of just double checked my work you know no I I’m pretty sure he put it in there for I well I did but I I I was over there I was paying attention so the next time I could do it myself was there was a conversation the Ford Fusion maybe going to the fire station to have like again Act men check your work for you I believe that was something I didn’t invent in my head I believe they said you should maybe it was probably Adam 12 cuz it was free he probably said like take advantage of paying taxes that’s what taxes are for you go by the way the library’s got coffee and by the way he’s going to walk behind the counter you go by the fire station at the right time of day they’re going to have a big pot of spaghetti on cuz they’re going to feed all those boys and you get yourself a free me I didn’t think that and and by the way God bless the churches for uh really going all out with the spaghetti dinner that’s that’s got to be 30 cents an overhead not even any meat just if you buy like a big th like you can buy a thing of marinara sauce size of Nick’s ample buzzom buzzom That’s What I Call what his breast I don’t know I don’t know today’s been a long day hle Caboose I don’t know what I’m going to do I don’t know how I’m going to take apart the bed there’s a lot and it’s my son and my son’s not overly uh I mean the two of us I don’t know how we’re going to get this upstairs how do you LIF something that’s 300 lb 200 lb upstairs how do you do it you tell me what’s what am I not getting bring some more people in I don’t know how many people I don’t know how many people could honestly like carry it because of it’s length it’s a mattress still wrapped in plastic yeah like super wrapped you get that thing on the stairs you should be able to slide it up you get one person at the bottom pushing you get the person at the top lifting a little bit and you just push it push it up the stairs the people who put the bed in I’m like I’ll give you 80 bucks to take apart the old bed and they’re like I they’re like dude I can’t do it it was as simple as that too like this conversation went as well as I’m it was perfectly understood the whole thing the answer is no sir yeah they were like oh I’m sorry I but apparently they no no no I $80 to take AP part a bed they have the tools to put together the bed taking apart the bed would take two seconds but uh they liability yep that a lady uh told on them because they she said that they were responsible for so they ruined it for everyone God so I thought about getting task rabbit but then I had a feeling i’ get a task rabbit guy out there and he’d be like can you help me you know can you help me get this up well the problem is it’s going to be I don’t know from task rabbit maybe it I don’t know task rabbit either maybe you could be my task rabbit I would love to help you with this can I no you wouldn’t why not this sounds like fun you threw your back up moving an exercise equipment out of the I did not throw base fell down and hurt his rib I I cracked my ribs but he didn’t draw at his back no that was issue and that’s only because uh my wife had let the fox into the hen house which we thought we had gang bangers coming over to the house to pick up the treadmill it turns out they were very nice young men well it doesn’t just one doesn’t preclude the other it just as a propensity for multiple partners so the the old bed has to be taken apart still m is that right yeah do you have the tool for the job Hardy come on uh Nick go ahead Fred this is what you do all right you’re you’re letting a lot of men down here I’m listening to you is it still wrapped in a is it wrapped up it’s it’s not undone yeah you get do you have rope do you have any type of twine or rope no okay buy some rope not much wrap it up tight tight that way you have a handle you have Milo on the bottom pushing up and and you grab your hand around that rope and you pull it up the stairs that’s all you got to do Leverage What kind of knot do I have to Fashion on this thing what like you can tie it uh not like a shoelace don’t do a shoelace do like a like a granny knot you could you could do any type of knot any type of knot will do just make it nice and tight nice and tight leverage and tension and you just pull that you pull that mattress right up and you’ll be sleeping like a baby by 11:45 so you’re saying go out buy robe but why there was like five guys that put together the bed too they could have done all of this you’re letting all men down Fred where’s the where’s the old bed you might as well join the women where’s the old bed now in my bedroom what the new bed is also put together yeah so to get to the bathroom I have to climb the bed oh so they just shifted the old bed off to the side no no they didn’t move the old bed at all they just put the the king I got I don’t live in a hav I mean my the KingSize bed is spacious master sweet well it’s it’s all mine baby which you can’t call a master sweet anymore no you can’t say the word Master no just like the Hilton Head it’s a real crime they can’t call it Steve tin’s Plantation anymore or Shipyard Plantation they’ve taken those away which I’m sure piss people off for no reason primary site is what we’re going with now okay so anyway in the primary Suite it’s I’m no uh I’m not I’m not hurting for square footage Hardy okay well I got to I have a lot of guys in shair is watching I’m pretty sure we can handle this it’s got to be able to handle at least 15 chairs around the bed when do you when you say we you mean you when would you like this accomplished by I know today would be ideal but oh I mean there’s really no time limit is there something is this something we could do over the weekend um I would uh I don’t have Milo this weekend so I don’t so I would prefer to do it when he was around so I can uh I can get I have him tonight he’s he’s in my care so I was planning on doing it tonight what are we doing with the old bed I’m going to put the mattress up in his it’s that’s only a full siiz mattress and I’m going to put it up he has an attic I told you it’s a Greg Brady situation where I’m going to put the mattress on that floor there so when he has a sleepover his friends can his friend can sleep or friends can sleep on the mattress and the frame uh I’m just gonna I’m going to keep it but I’m going to put it in the storage area in my basement okay this is all very doable no I know but it it just is a little bit above my um above my expertise level you know I’m I’m an artist I’m an artist not a laborer uh RZ who is very active on the YouTube RZ go ahead sir you already know first and foremost shout out to the twitch fam Hardy Wallace my boy Freddy T Nicholas my boy Mike lock hot but hey Fred real talk this is happening me years ago I had an issue same thing bed was ridiculously huge couldn’t get it up the steps you’re going to need some bungee cord or even some shrink wrap you’re GNA need another person besides Milo if he’s not there sh to basically do what that last caller said tie it up and push it up those steps man you got a man handle it do your thing baby love you all right thank you Rez uh Griff go ahead hey yeah I was just going to say why don’t you get that man rocket T-Bone to help you with his uh his uh it won’t require turning his head let me tell you something that T-Bone he moved a three in one game T pretty pretty much singlehandedly you’re saying he’s tall he’s uh strong very very strong very strong he did it at your like a 10 piece and you’re good to go you both of them in on it it was it was Christmas Eve I bought a 3 in1 game table of off of Facebook Marketplace T-Bone went with me to pick it up and while I was negotiating a better price on the game table T-Bone got tired of waiting for me picked up the slate pool table on one side which had an air hockey table on the other side lifted it himself and put it in the back of my truck good god wow that’s what we need well Griff you are indeed a listener we do need T-Bone I would love to have T-Bone just over he can sit in one of the chairs oh my God if he was wearing like one of them tight t-shirts of his which is redundant that’s all he has are tight t-shirts but Beetle back me up on this how how would that be for his site having T-Bone that helping you move heavy things oh yeah yeah yeah it’s you’ll enjoy it I bet and he doesn’t say too much he he knows the score he never says too much except he gets very angry that I didn’t know his name like six years ago he’s like what’s my name which is a bold bold thing to do because he knew I didn’t know yeah well you didn’t know anything six years ago I knew plenty yeah you were right uh Mark bird train hello imagine just having T-Bone around the house at all times like just to do stuff uh move heavy things yeah my son’s taller than me now you’d think that he would be this like he’d be able to lift everything but he can’t lift everything it’s just because he’s taller than you yeah I mean he’s taller than me the man’s six over 6’2 if you had yeah if oh I need to move this heavy dresser where’s man bowl no I don’t want him I want somebody St you want Kim Peta the uh bench press champ well who would who would you who would you want to help uh move something right now do you want porzingis or would you rather have had uh Grant Williams Grant Williams I did it for you uh well say Mark is smart well porzingis would rip every muscle in his body uh Mark B is is injured ever hurt your Solus no never even heard of it no but I you know more correctly proportioned I saw that online doc with the Solus diagnosis yeah good doctors are there sius diagnosing people have you seen like an online like a Twitter psychiatrist that’ be great like we medicate him for bipolar why not give a try I’ve seen enough trial and error yeah yeah just knock it out uh what do you guys got going to uh we’ll start with theom of course all right there you go uh the dis

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