Golf Players

Live from the Kill House: Wells Fargo Championship

No Laying Up recap show presented by High Noon.

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[Music] be the right Club be the right club today joh me that’s better than most how about in that is better than most better than most expect anything different [Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the no right all over it fellas all over the timing welcome back to the no laying up live show presented as always by our friends at High Noon Su here big Randy is here hello Mr Big hello guys hello hello uh that rare time when um a lot of golf that wasn’t particularly close but uh a great weekend of golf a fun weekend and looking forward to getting into it a lot to talk about this week some really really really good golf this week some good golf courses we can talk a little bit about that as well cleanly shaven gonna get a lot of comments on this on the chat Mr Kevin Van valkenberg hello kvv so I’m doing great uh you know I’ve been getting a lot of comments that I was like an old man was ready for retirement so I tried to you know turn back the clock a little bit go clean shave it now I got to I got to lose a little weight because I was feeling like oh man my my sexy jawline isn’t there anymore but uh we’re working on that let’s see if we can get on the pet after the show’s over this reason this this Beard’s been on my face for the last 12 years there is a non-existent jawline over here as well the moment everyone has been waiting for is here the high nude pool pack is back grab a case text the group get your friends to the nearest pool it is only here for summer Now’s the Time to enjoy lime Peach and two limited edition flavors who happen to be my two favorite flavors one of them is guava the other one is kiwi I got the Kiwi on backup tonight for round two when we get in the back half of this show uh as always the pool pack is made with real vodka real juice it’s got 100 calories gluten-free no added sugar you can go to High nosp to find it near you high noon Suns up winners from around the world this past week Roy mroy wins of course at Quil Hollow Chris gdup wins at Myrtle Beach Rose Zang hunted down meline sagstrom at the founders uh huo Kim wins the aramco te Series in Korea uh we got a lot to talk about we’re going to start with Wells Fargo we’re going to get into a little bit of Valhalla stuff some listener questions some tour drama as well we’re GNA lead that into Founders cup the end of Nelly’s run a bunch of performances to discuss there um just a little bit of little bit of stuff ahead of next week’s major championship and looking forward to some content for us from next week uh first up Rory mroy running away with the show things got interesting uh around the seventh hole today Xander held a six iron from the Fairway he put enough spin on it to take the ridge go down to the right hole location rolled in a 12-footer for Eagle Rory failed to make birdie from the right rough and Xander led by two uh Rory will be leading by seven by the time they got to uh the 17th t or the 18th T I forget at this point but uh Roy Bird’s the eighth Xander couldn’t get up and down Roy rolls in a birdie on the ninth uh Xander drove in the Fairway bunker left of 10 had 279 in and hit a four to 12 feet I thought he was laying up when he was lining up for that shot uh Rory and N iron from 225 again the ball is going very far uh to the front of the green roll in a 34 footer for Eagle Xander two puted for birdie Roy leads by one leaving the 10th Xander made a sloppy bogey on 12 he air mails one on 13 He Bogies both of those Rory birdies 13 uh the lead is four Rory birdi 14 Xander missed a short birdie putt Roy holds a bunker shot for Eagle on 15 he leads by six sander bogie 16 and the lead is seven Rory doubles the 18th hole but wins by five shots uh Randy what’s your reaction to this runaway Victory uh week too early no uh extremely extremely impressive he he’s won here before at Quail Hollow he asserted his dominance today uh we’ll get into you know what it means to run down and put away a guy like Xander but uh no no hyperbole don’t want to take anything away from Rory hell of a performance I’m not sure what else really there is to say Kev any different reaction to that yeah it’s great to see killer Rory back uh this is the dude who we kind of fell in love with when this podcast started way back in the day this is the guy and I want to see more like jealously or selfishly I want to see this guy do more of this because it’s really fun to watch so that’s what okay thank you Kevin because I was trying to like not get into that but listen we know Rory can win week to week on the PJ tour and this was certainly a killer performance but the only thing in my opinion that matters for him we like we got to see something like this at a major championship it’s it’s been 10 years like that’s we can give him all his flowers this week un fair or not like the only thing that matters is dog we need to see this when when the moment matters the most yes but remember last time when he was killer guy like he won the Open Championship and then he won akan and then he went into Valla and he you know had kind of like he was against the ropes a couple of times in that final round and then he just went into killer mode so I think there’s a chance that all the [ __ ] that’s gone on this year and combined with like playing with Shane at the Zurich has kind of put him back in a good mindset of like you know what I’m gonna just go out and play some really freaking good golf so you’re bought in you’re all the way in I’m bought in I’m back in baby I’m back I’m sorry I can’t quit him I was I was like bought in before we started the show and like the last 15 minutes I’ve come back like dude it only matters if you do something this next week and he knows that that’s the that’s the whole thing right and I I don’t want to come on here tonight after that dominant performance huge smile on his face like making two Eagles on the back nine biring a bunch of holes in between like I there’s no reason to downplay that other than to say like he dominates his golf course it’s Taylor Made for him he’s super comfortable there does he show up at Valhalla of course like the course that he most recently won his his his most recent major at of course he feels comfortable there but it’s been 10 years there’s no way he shows up with the same kind of level of ease to it it’s a totally different situation no Scotty this week no ludvig no Brooks no Rah like it everything just gets reset coming into this next week and uh I don’t know man it it I we he won this event last year without like even his best stuff um was that last year or was that two years ago it was no two years ago I’m sorry he won it two years ago when he was kind of struggling and you know it it didn’t really lead to anything in particular um but the alternative I think saw those was if he had shot what nine under wasn’t even in it you know would that be better for him I don’t think so I I think he didn’t have to like expend a [ __ ] ton of energy this week doing this and the driver just looks absolutely filthy at the moment it it it is and I it’s been a while since we’ve seen Valhalla I have not been on site uh we I went in 2019 but I don’t have enough uh of a memory you I don’t know if there’s been specific changes made to the golf course between now and then to to say like hey what happened at Quail Hollow should work at Valhalla all of my instincts say it should like it should be pretty similar and I you know what it really impressed me about Rory this week was this was a firm golf course this was firm greens this is a style of play that is not necessarily synonymous with Rory’s most dominant performances and his major championship wins I walked away we can talk about it little bit later of saying like man quail with these green these new greens and that firmness is a different kind of test different Golf Course different control he was like I go back to the 13th hole he launched a nineiron I believe it was um and they said this has got to be a full bore nineiron if you go back and watch that shot it went way up in the air he hit it hard generated a ton of spin launch was enormous and it lands between the front of the green and the pin and stopped there it was kind of like a he couldn’t lay off an eight and and and get it to stop there and Xander tried to carve a shot in there and blew it right over the green it was like R was playing the golf that you needed to play on a firm golf course and all that to say like that that really impressed me about Rory but going in next week we’ from everything we’ve heard it’s gonna be pretty soft out there it’s uh there’s the weather’s looking pretty soft and and we’ll have plenty of time to talk about PJ Championship stuff but that is the that’s the thing I don’t mind starting the show talking about that because I guarantee it’s exactly what he’s thinking about right now of like I’d trade trivia question for you guys how many PGA Tour wins has Rory had since he last won a major oh my gosh uh yeah I was I was gonna say 15 16 this was 16 I believe this might have been 17 I’m not sure if the wikkipedia page was updated when I counted but like he’d probably trade all of them for one more major right and so that’s where it’s like props dude that’s great fantastic do it this week like at least even if you don’t win let’s see that guy that’s that would be satisfactory for me as a Roy fan would be like from Thursday on I want to see that kind of guy you don’t need to you know shoot N9 under in the first round but like be on the attack on the offensive without playing dumb Golf and that would be satisfactory that’s that’s so well said I’m to the point too Sol where it’s like even if he weren’t to win let’s say next week or to win a major it just kbv channeling some of this like killer [ __ ] and and this this pepon a step and and playing offense like you said Su like that’s just to the eye test has really been what’s missing for the vast majority of his major appearances well you can’t have swag if he don’t play well so it’s kind of go hand in hand a little bit I just I feel better about him having Swagger going into the next week than be like oh I got to get some things tightened up here and there like no he’s like you know what I’m freaking good at this [ __ ] and I’m gonna go out and give my best definitely definitely and I don’t think it you know we shouldn’t just go right past the fact that Scotty wasn’t here I mean Scotty’s been Far and Away the best player on the PGA tour so I I think that matter Rory should not be your pick next week like if you if you gamble and you you you do FanDuel whatever Roy should not be your pick unless like you like the odds a great deal because I don’t necessarily think Roy’s going to win but for the first time in a while Hater Hater Hater Kevin what are you talking about man how does this not get you fired up dude it does get me fired up Cody but I’m trying to be a little bit of like I’m gonna temper it a little bit I’m just saying Scot old man come on this dude until proven otherwise Scot’s got dad back man he’s slept at the hospital in that little tiny ass chair last four days there’s a very good chance they dragged in one of Jason day’s old mattresses or whatever that uh you know L Lou mates yeah excuse me that he could Cody come back I I’ll help you with this kbv Cody come back here right now how long you been go how long you been golf podcasting like three years that’s exactly why you could come in and boo that right when it’s been 10 when it’s been 10 when you’ve seen it 10 you know a little bit a little bit more hesitant to do that but list we pause that why don’t we pause that we we have more important things to get to like maybe more important things to get to maybe more important guests killer potentially killer uh on the loose I believe looks like uh transporting in a car right now winner of the founders Cup this past week Rose Zang joining the show live Rose how we doing good how are you guys it’s been a while since I’ve been on here yeah we we were waiting for you to to to you know to shoot 20 million under par whatever it was to put a historic performance on but tell me about what’s it like to be in contention be like legitimately 10 to 12 shots clear of third place and just be like how will this one person not get out of my way right now I mean honestly it was crazy because meline was in my group and it felt like match play I haven’t seen anyone else play this incredibly throughout the week and I just had to step it up I mean I couldn’t do anything else I was admiring her game at that point um but H safe to say I mean we both put on a show that was a hell of a show Rose uh and first of all for anybody watching you to confirm you are not the one driving the car you’re in right now right no thank God her eyes had not come up from the phone so I’m really glad the answers what it was like dang she can multitask don’t worry yeah she she can really do it all uh Rose what take me through the day and specifically that back nine you mentioned you were kind of just in awe and watching meline you were standing in the middle of 14 Fairway down three shots at that point did you and olly were you guys what was what were those conversations like what was the mindset or was it was it simply like hey I I gotta I got to hunt some Flags here I got to make some birdies I actually wasn’t thinking about that just because this Golf Course is a grind on its own and I knew meline probably had a lot in her to be able to birdie in and out so I wasn’t really thinking too much about that it was more so okay let’s try to minimize mistakes and see where it comes from you know see what I have if I put myself in a good position let’s try to make birdie if I don’t then we got to scramble and that was the very simple mindset that I had with olly we just had a good time we wen’t really talking about the scores we weren’t even talking about the shots in particular we were really just having each other’s company and I think that really helps because um when you’re in the th H it’s it’s a little bit it gets intense but we kept it really lighthearted which I really appreciated Rose what’s your feeling with the putter right now because Mercy looks good I appreciate it because I mean I I’ve had some ups and downs with my Putters um previous listen I was gonna go there but I want to know about the good stuff okay okay well I’m feeling good about it now I mean um it’s a it’s a new one in the bag I’ve been using it for the last couple weeks and um I think I think it’s rolling at least hopefully I can get some momentum on it a little bit more next week um and we’ll see where it goes but right now it’s going to be in my bag and it’s not going anywhere better not I’m looking after it you’ve had an incredible start to your career you won your first start last summer uh what following that leading up to into this like what what what’s it been like I guess were you expecting to uh to have more success since that first start into now have you learned much about like what the process is like to being to for to winning on the lpj tour and being extremely competitive on the LPGA Tour I’ve learned so much in the past year and really just understanding what it’s like to be out here and make it a lifestyle um has been pretty difficult for me I think a lot of people don’t really see what happens behind the scenes of practice preparation prams and then media on top of trying to come out here and play the best you can um so I really just had to learn how to balance all that on top of rest and I think this week one of the biggest things that I prioritized was my own rest which I haven’t been having in a hot minute um so in doing all that um I’ve really kind of allowed myself to let go of any expectation and really just dive into what the process is and how I can most or better achieve everything that I’m doing one of those things that has you busy uh you’re you’re still taking classes at Stanford Rose I I want to ask how everything’s yeah yeah any more tough uh computer science classes or did you give yourself an easy workload at least oh no I’m definitely not doing that I’m actually taking a leave of absence right now which has been incredible for me um in the last quarter at least for winter quarters I’ll be doing that you know rotationally every single year um but I’m taking 20 units every winter quarter when I’m back there physically in person um and that alone has has been a grind because I was functioning on 5 hours an average of 5 hours of sleep so I almost it felt weird that I’m getting eight and safe to say it’s incredible more you spoke about your putter uh more broadly has anything clicked recently with with either your wedge play or your overall game I I guess what I’m asking did you see this type of week coming answer is no um I’ve been struggling a little bit in the past couple events and obviously Nelly has been putting on a show so it’s honestly not something that I’ve been thinking about too much um and I think I slowly had to think that or get to that point where I didn’t really care about what place I finished because sometimes you really want it so bad and you get ahead of yourself and that’s what what I’ve been trying to I guess fight against um so in doing so this week I mean I was doing a pretty good job at staying in the moment and really understanding how I can best play uh without having to think about that outside noise all right Rose you mentioned Nelly watching her put on a show what’s it been like you know from your perspective to see the golf that she’s been playing has been motivating to other people on tour what do you think Beyond motivating I think she’s even though you see her in the field even though you see her in the locker rooms just passing by um her presence is very inspirational and I think she was always one of the most inspirational players out there on the LPGA um I’ve watched her growing up as an Amer as well and for her to come out and play five events winning all five I don’t I’ve never seen that before and I don’t think anyone else has so um the fact that she was able to do everything that she’s accomplished um really kudos to her uh I’ve I’ve watched and I’ve admired I’m we’re gonna get to this later on in the show we haven’t gotten there I’m gonna spend a lot of time just admiring this leaderboard because I’ve never seen anything like it you finished 15 shots clear of third place and you won by two does does it feel more like you won by two or you won by 15 because that is some of the most ridiculous golf I think I’ve ever seen like as far as the level of golf that you played this week um I’ve definitely won by two I in my opinion I think I won by one I mean I think at that point I was just oh I don’t even know how to explain it like that final pot dropping I’ve never seen a final pot drop like that for me and I’ve always had an extended lead or I was able to make you know just a short putt to win something um but for me to to steal the deal there I Was preparing myself for a playoff let’s just say that so um I don’t know win by two by far gosh that was epic so you are gonna be defending uh this coming week at the mizuo America’s open we look forward to watching that we thank you for calling in know it’s always uh frantic after after a win but we appreciate you making some time for us and uh best of luck this coming week keep it going thank thank you Rose appreciate you guys all right that was uh polar opposite of uh of from the Chevron when we’re were waiting 20 minutes for Nelly to come on rose rose comes in earlier than we were ready for but that was very much appreciated we uh appreciate her uh taking the time on the way the car great reception in the car too by the way great sounding audio uh she’s you know she’s getting better at golf Randy you know what is fun getting better at golf one of the fastest ways to get better is to go to and find a fitter or fitting event near you custom fittings are not just for better players there for any player who wants to play better your titles fitter will St will start by getting to know you and your game you and your specific needs Drive the fitting experience and every Club you hit will be the exact Club you will order there’s no guesswork no hoping that the recommendation will work out I greatly enjoyed this process because kind of for the first time ever like just decisions were being made for me I I people are asking me like what is this two iron that you’re in what what I’m like dude I don’t know I I told them kind of what I liked and they just built it for me and I just swing it with that much more confidence when you take out that variable of like you know am I making the right call here it helps you hit the club with a lot more confidence that’s what I’ve found so uh a certified Titleist fitter can help you can help any player at any point in their golfing Journey find the right equipment to get better more consistent golf shots so head over to titles. comom fitting and go get dialed uh few more things to wrap up on the Fargo here uh do you guys want to have the floor with Xander here I mean is this is it time that we that we discuss this one look all right I brought this up a little bit time I don’t even know if it needs a lot of time you know what I here’s what I’ll say sly Frank Nao said something on the broadcast that I kind of got a little annoyed I I don’t mean to pick on Frank on this but he was like you know this will make him better I don’t think it will I think this is like a humiliating curb stomping of Xander’s hopes and dreams like this is I would go home right now if I were Zander and I would be like I don’t know that I’ve got it like I don’t know that I’m good enough to win against the best of the best and it would be kind of deflating and humiliating I mean I I don’t want to pick on sander but he just never shows me something special I think Xander honestly could win a major but it’ll be one of those Majors where everyone else kind of shits the bed and he plays steady he plays solid he shoots 71 on a day when average of of the field is 74 I think that’s like his best chance to truly touch Transcendent golf because he’s never going to feel like he’s going to shoot 66 on a day when he has to do it this is where you’re expecting me to ride for Xander and I I feel like I’m taking a lot of accusations lot of ACC on my Xander I’ve just I’ve just had to stop you guys from saying dumb things about him uh I don’t think what you’re saying is dumb I never I did not I thought it was borderline offensive that Rory was an underdog only trailing by one coming into today I was like oh my God Rory is going to absolutely wipe the floor with Xander today that was that was my and when he Xander was up two through seven I was like man Maybe not maybe this is the time this today meant so much more for Xander than it did Rory like Rory could it’s it’s kind of like money with the Saudis it’s just more money for them right it’s just more PJ tour titles that Rory’s got plenty of and Xander needs it bad like he really needs a definitive win uh like in a Big Time Event like this the stage was relatively cleared for him you know he got beat pretty handily by U Windam last year after having a great tournament and then had a great tournament this week like it it it’s hard to like before we started recording you guys said he sucked which I will fight back on hey what goes on before the recording should not be entered into the record frankly which just Tran out takes then no you know what I’ll say to that Xander probably gets picked on by us because he puts himself into the arena it’s not like he shrinks and does like never around you know so I think that’s to his credit he keeps himself up off the mat and climbing into contention so if I could say anything about it props to that you know he’ll probably climb into contention again after I just said that he got completely you know his like Spike marks all up his back but I just it makes me frustrated to see him just never rise to the occasion and I think that’s exactly right KBB I I think the frustration and I think that the spotlight on Xander is because we’ve seen a clear ceiling which he just keeps bumping into over and over again and I I equate it more to like the tennis environment Right Where You know guys like Rory and Scotty and Brooks like th those are your yo jokovic and and Carlos alarz now and and shafley just is very clearly a notch below those guys and we we have just seen that time after time um he he’s still a very good golfer suly to your point he he’s going to make a lot of money he’s going to have great results but he simply has not and all signs point to is not going to get it done in these big spots against the the biggest stars in the game and today was just one more illustration of that I’ve got an illustration that will help it so it’s hard I I feel like I’ve I’ve pulled this up uh you know a few times to say like hey when he gets when Xander gets into contention does he turn into a worse golfer does he the answer the question the answer is no he performs technically like above his expect when he goes into the final round either in first or second place he performs better than he does in a normal round right let’s enter that into the record however since the 2020 W CJ cup at Shadow Creek he has gone when he’s been in that position he has been I’m just gonna if I say negative that means he’s performed under his expectation he’s gone negative negative negative negative negative negative negative negative big- time positive negative negative every time he’s been in uh gone into the final round in first or second so that’s a lot of really consecutive ones right a lot of very recent results he’s actually won three of those uh he won the Genesis he won The Travelers and he won the Olympics uh despite you know giving less than Stellar final rounds but that’s a lot of final rounds in a row quite under expectation you have to go all the way back to the HSBC when he like slammed the door on one and like really went out and got one he had an eight% chance of winning going into it and went out and posted a ridiculous number 68 on a difficult day and won uh won that one so lot of evidence stacking up of like dude when you you’re not the same dude in the last five years really when you get into contention I think that’s right the Genesis I should note is the Scottish open not the one at uh at Riviera um yeah listen I I I don’t know I I I do feel a little bit for Xander though because it it is like man he’s he’s good enough to get himself into these positions and he very publicly has to wear the result and I you know I I I’m not sure what he can do about it except play better you know like it’s it’s totally on him the but again it goes back to like the odds would say like so going as of from between now and March of 2021 so basically the last three years he where his standing after 54 holes he would be expected to win three times right like if you add up all the probability of those wins he would come up with three expected wins since 2021 and he’s won three times so it’s like basic he’s performed relatively normal-ish and gotten three wins out of it right he hasn’t gone and run a bunch down I’m sure like the guys that roll off our tongue among the best winners like go beat those odds by a fair amount and that’s why they’re the names that we bring up the most but he just like is relatively level and that doesn’t equate to a lot of winning unfortunately and that’s what fans care about the most I think it’s qu such a question about sports like what do we care about right ultimately if you’re not winning championships then you’re coming up short and if he if he if those three expected wins happen to be like two majors I’d probably view it entirely differently like right I don’t I hold him to a higher standard than I hold Jordan spe because he gets into condition way more often and spe might be just a dude now and so I want to see Xander like deliver on some of this promise but it just can’t it can’t be like this I mean this is just today was like I think a a pretty like humiliating Beatdown you know instead of like what Rose did hang hang hang and scrape out a win with m or M or and flip M Rose he just kind of you know ejected and that’s a bummer or like go out and match you know go go punch for- punch with Rory right like it’s it’s a six shot difference today and really that’s looks closer because Rory doubled 18 I mean Rory beat his ass and that’s where when it’s really a two-person tournament and you’re staring the other guy in the face for all 18 holes it’s like it’s it’s hard to put much lipstick on this performance and it’s like you know you set the record of the US Open last year right but then never really contended uh in that I mean I guess he was sort of In Contention but then he drills two into the face of the bunker the final round and just never is in contention that final day like it’s just I want more it’s it’s okay to want more like it’s not unfair to have these expectations for him it’s hard he is playing the best golf of his career uh and it’s it’s a classic example of like he literally you know I’ve said this a lot like you’d rather have a win and a missed cut than two runner ups and like he at this event over the last two years he’s been runner up the last two and it’s just like write this dude off like [ __ ] this guy but uh you know that’s it’s just that weird it’s not quite a fale situation but it’s that weird spot where like we zoom in and like just like rip on uh you know on Xander this week and probably won’t say a word about Klay I don’t even know where Klay finished this week but you’re almost better off in a lot of fans eyes being way down the leaderboard and out of contention than putting yourself in the spot that’s the only thing I’ll ride for is like dude I think they’re in two different classes now though I don’t think Patrick is like an elite like top five golfer regardless of what the stats say because in the big tournaments he’s just not delivering anymore like you know coughing up that lead this year at the Genesis when he could you he wasn’t even playing that great but he had jumped out to like a four-stroke lead and then just was not even relevant in the end I think he’s getting his activations launched though he’s had a huge fall off this year he’s he’s he’s over a shot worse than he was uh last year per round which is a massive falloff but also just want to note Sanders’s been putting some time in the gym or some swing changes with Chris KO like he’s pounding the ball he has added a ton of length like he is it’s wild like his like distance profile like Fitz Rory’s distance profile from just a few years ago like I again don’t think people are realizing how fast the the tides are are the sand is Shifting in this distance thing of like Rory’s like very like frequently touching 189 which is you know Bryson got up near 200 it got like to 196 on the PJ tour I think was one of the highest he got but like like Rory’s driving distance or ball speed this year is higher than the year that Bryson put on all the weight it wasn’t higher than 2021 but he’s got a higher ball speed than 2020 which is like dude it’s going very very quickly and Xander’s caught up man like he is he’s putting up 185s relatively easy and that bodess that bodess well for him I think I still think he’s gonna run into a major do you guys think Xander win’s a major uh yes I actually do I I like I just said it’s not going to be one where he like has an amazing final round where he outd DS everyone but every every few years there’s a major it’s just like a car crash at the end and I think he’s he’s solid enough to where he’ll survive a car crash I could see an Open Championship though you know weather kind of dependent those happen from time to time like I think yes can’t L [ __ ] no but but I think yes on I’ll say no on Xander just don’t not seeing it Case Closed just stamp it move on uh now’s as good a time as anyen to discuss the Tio relief that that happened to Xander on that Thursday maybe some Arma seeping in uh from this one into uh you know into Sunday if you didn’t get a chance to see it uh on Thursday he blew a ball way right into the trees on the eighth hole they originally said it was in a in a penalty area then the video they did after said it wasn’t I don’t that that was very confusing to me because apparently it doesn’t matter so maybe we don’t need to confuse people with that because I guess he could have got the relief even if it was in a penalty area moving on from that uh he’s like up against the fence like way into these trees and his caddy Austin Kaiser gets in there and looks up and notice sees like a hole in the trees and there’s a wire from a shotlink tower that’s right out of the window that he would be hitting out of so uh official comes in now I think a key part of this is the camera does not get in there and like as you’re watching this it’s like this dude is totally boned in there can’t hit a golf ball like there’s no way like you can get ever get relief from this uh they the so the camera doesn’t get in there and see that and all of a sudden he gets relief outside of all these trees along the tree line and is able to hit it under the green and it looked Absol absolutely horrendous I was desponded TC’s TC’s GIF was fantastic just all the dudes on the basketball court just in Solace just can’t believe what they’ve seen uh what take me to your emotions in that moment and then if you watch the video the PGA Tour did later did it sway you in any way we can talk about the rule afterward but the reaction on Thursday versus that once the tour put out that video did your opinion on this matter change at all all right I it’s the most egregious Tio since Michelson found the sprinkler head in the middle of the Bush down in Chipolte uh it just it seems obscene physically or optically like legitimately or optically I guess optically all right I will I’m not like a rules Guy s I’m always asking you the rules whenever we’re playing making sure that I’m you know following the the rules as I can so I guess I get it what I I just find the sort of like I feel like the shotlink stuff or the like the towers the obstruction of that stuff like anywhere you can convince a rules official that it almost never ever works against the player when the when the rules official comes in and the player makes his case the rules official is almost always like yeah yeah I could see that like it’s so rare for the rules official to be like yeah I just do not see this like I am sorry but I don’t think like this like you know with Rory at the Players I don’t think this hit above the line man so I think like you’re gonna have to drop back here it’s always like yeah to your benefit like if you feel comfortable with it you go ahead and do it and what I would love to see and no this is like obviously this has to change like a pretty high level but like you’ll go ahead and take the shot if you hit the shot link Tower it’ll be like when you hit a power line in my home course like you get to redo it like but you got you actually have to hit the shot We’re not gonna just give you the benefit of the doubt of like all right we’re gonna move it out here I I just maybe there’s some safety concerns with that sometimes s so that’s where would go that’s where some but like in that situation like I feel like yeah man we’re we’re giving you relief from these wires here like that seems horseshit and I I I’ll give credit to Johnson Wagner I obviously that helps it’s so helpful to have someone go in there explain it the rules official there comes and makes the case and says you know what if this were five six feet to the left he wouldn’t have gotten y this relief because the whole you know that is less likely that it’s there I don’t it seemed like they didn’t make him go in there and take his stance and sort of prove that they just sort of took his word for it when I was watching it live I was like this seems a little shady but I don’t know enough about the rules about like if you actually have to stand over it and sort of prove that like you could you know do that shot apparently it was obvious like it was apparently it was obvious in there and that’s again we didn’t have that camera angle looking in there um I I’ll I’ll react to some of what you said there but I’m I’m Randy anything to add or or uh or or any color to add there no preach it kbv I think if I were made the Zar of golf one of the first things I would do is tournament infrastructure boys and girls is in play it’s all laid down at the beginning of the week it’s not like they’re putting it in there right before you’re hitting a t-shot or Hitt an approach shot and if you come up against it or you’re blocked out you can take a drop for a penalty but tournament infrastructure is in play period I’m sick of these technicalities preach big no preach that’s so silly supposed to be the best players in the world so I’ve been on this this block for a year about how we need to have a tournament with no drops period like hit it hit it and find it that’s that’s been my like stupid shtick for a year that is the oh my God all right you’re gonna make my head explode here like all right you’re G to take like potentially a really good golf course and the design of the golf course and just put hazards around every single green of all all these bleachers and if you hit it it’s a penalty like the design of the golf course you can play you can play the ball as it lies the Des go out the play it as it lies but if we’re talking about design and Golf Course design why you’re not supposed to [ __ ] hit it there anyway dog why a penalty if you hit hit it there like that there’s supposed to be like natural challenges of that listen very closely you can play the ball as it lies without a penalty but if tournament infrastructure if you feel it is in your way and you do not have a shot that’s a penalty that’s that’s an unplayable you you have to take a penalty to move away from the tournament infrastruct I think there should have been a reckoning when like and when you guys are in Australia and Kevin Yu hit it like over the top of the grand stands reasonably the ball should be in there somewhere we can’t find it reasonably that should have been like holy [ __ ] everything has to come to a screeching halt but we talk about this is [ __ ] up we cannot have this kind of thing anymore in professional golf that the most fun shots are the recovery shots I want to see these these the pros men women play the most difficult of shots around infrastructures around towers around bleachers like if you get yourself in that position make a shot to get out of it or take a penalty drop this is an amazing comment I it’s too long to put up on the screen but where currently at with tournament rules right now is you have to hit the ball out of a divot in the middle of the Fairway but if you’re in the middle of the woods and there’s a wire 15 yards in front of you you get a free drop out of the woods yeah it’s Madness it’s gone too far it’s also a freak occasion right this is like this is happens every tournament every tournament this happens multi you don’t get Tio like don’t don’t try to this Tio is is grossly taken advantage of yes like haunting for TI relief yes it is the player the player is immediately looking for and I understand I would too but immediately looking for those kind of advantages and in a game where you’re supposed to police yourself that feels scummy it’s cross over the line of where it feels wrong s but there’s also like a a Rel you have to there’s not a there’s not a fantasy world where like the as these aspects of pro golf don’t exist right like bleachers and hospitality and stuff near a green is like going to it’s going to be close to the green because they’re want to sell tickets to it right that’s that’s always going to happen right and if you just make all that stuff in play the Integrity of the golf course goes completely out the window like it’s kind that’s kind of ridiculous like that’s not it can’t be improved upon like there are safety concerns with like hitting over bleachers and hitting it at bleachers and things like a shotlink tower shouldn’t necessarily be the same category as bleachers I think as a reason I mean you’re acting like these are directly like in play like they hit shitty shots to end up over there yeah some but sometimes like a like if you’re from 260 yards out and there’s a grand stand right behind the green it’s like not a shitty shot that you’ve hit to be up against that wall like it it it’s you’re encouraging backboarding I I would not say I would not say I’m encouraging I’m saying there’s a realistic element of this stuff like if youve played a tournament and that if it’s if 260 out fly at 28 290 you two in the corners that don’t play tournaments I won’t take this from Cody that tourn silly you’re supposed to be the best golfers in the world and they get all the upside advantages of having you know officials there to find their ball and they they get every upside Advantage possible with tournament build outs I’m just asking for him to have to consider the infrastructure when playing tournament golf I think that think leads to exciting golf do you think that leads like more ex hell hell yeah hell if if you had come into this situation in the US Open qualifier that you played last weag would you have asked for relief from like from a a sh say they’re happen to be a shling tower up there that was like Hey we’re we’re setting up shot get this US Open qualifier the usj’s got a bunch of money for would you have gone to your partners and be like hey guys look I got a window here but this Towers in front of me I I thought I would really love to take relief like tow the support why would you not that’s like literally the rule like that’s how the rule was written I probably would gone over to the your playing partners and said I I really think I uh I should get to take relief here and then two club links from there outside what we think is aass if that was the case I probably wouldn’t have thought of it I really would not have thought of it in this scenario I would not have thought that I that I possibly could have but yeah absolutely did you see the drop I got in the Gasparilla off the ropes like the this is how tournament [ __ ] Works guys I’m sorry like I Don’t Care Optics S I agree with you and I’m gonna meet you halfway I just think that it’s pretty grossly like taken advantage of I mean a couple weeks ago like speed literally hit it on to the top of a [ __ ] like merchandise tent just to get Tio to get himself out of a pretty bad position he put himself in that position I’m asking for a better solution than none of it you get relief from none of it right I think that’s the challenge because that what you proposed is so wildly unrealistic that I will not accept it as an answer why not have a fun why not have a tournament like that where you don’t get Dro game it’s the spirit of the game play the ball as it lies it’s not the spirit of the game to have all these structures all over the course do you think when the Scots were that they were like oh we I got to take aief from these goats here it’s not it’s it’s really I swear the goats in my Lane that’s dangerous animal relief you do get relief that’s in the rules too the Scots did not come up with dangerous animal relief that didn’t come for another hundred some years what about dookie did you could they move it if there was a God I thought you guys would come better than I thought you’d come with a real solution here these are real problems here H to insinuate it would be more exciting to see people have to navigate shots with t when I’m saying wor it would affect strategy in the opposite way it would lead to less risk-taking it would lead to a more boring style of golf right if if that it’s like it’s like Hazard back there like then all of a sudden the bailout you’re strictly focusing in on like Hospitality directly behind greens though at we’re talking about I guess won’t fan this seminar and 25 fet into the woods like because might have to if you would listen me my proposal was like maybe you have two different categories of this stuff the shotlink tower should be different than bleachers was what I suggested I was hoping somebody in this conversation would be adult enough to hear that I would be in favor of that I think the shotlink tower stuff is [ __ ] I I really do a lot of that stuff feels always in trees like they’re they’re never like where you should be hitting the ball you know I saw Scotty shelford get relief about one in like inside a tree like tent at Lac it was ridiculous and he was of course he was like well well you know it just happened to hit it over yank it over here left into these trees no I yes I I think and I also like the rule of like if you would if you hit it then you get to replay it right which could be a sick challenge as well you try to hit it I think we also need to talk about though like these hospitality and overall build outs you guys remember at the US Open last year you guys were out at Lac there was literally like a Hos Hospitality tent in the bunker off the first four first whole Fairway literally like anchored in there in the sand gotta push a back man true now if you want those sponsorship dollars Cody well that’s not our business that’s their out hard hats man it’s not our business I a lot I think a lot of what’s going on in golf right now is that fair imagine how much more Hospitality you could sell if like yeah there might be guys playing their shots inside inside the tent inside the bleachers listen Norman if you’re listening and I I’ll I’ll be watching live if we can have no drops if we can have guys playing it out of stands playing out worse what was it live Las Vegas I think DJ like blew it right on 18 and he had to hit over the that giant billboard uh that they have out there in the pond he got Tio from that exactly God a bunch of children around here it’s ridiculous uh there’s not a lot there’s not a lot to like uh to like about wearing how do you say there’s not a lot to like about wearing sunscreen on the golf course gets on your hands compromises your grip your skin feels greasy and sticky you smell like a bana it’s a pain to carry around it stings when it drips in your eyes but not when you use ORS and Alps ORS and Alps has made it their mission to create sunscreen that eliminates those problems golfers are 250% more likely to get skin skin cancer than your average citizen so this these kind of things matter arm yourself this season with sunscreen that’s designed for the course with hands-free spray options lightweight and fast absorbing formulas refreshing sense and travel sizes you’ll actually look forward to using them for a limited time you get 15% off ores in Al’s entire line of powerful clean sunscreen and skincare with code nl5 Cody you got some in the mail I I hear your your family was impressed by this yeah it the first time ever I think there was a package that showed up in my doorstep I opened it up and Yi my wife is like oh great another package but uh open up and she’s like oh my that’s Orsen Alps you how did you buy that I’m like no a new partner of ours and took it out she’s like she had it on her Amazon wish list already she like absolutely raving about it that’s it some uh Miss thing that she immediately took out of my hands she took all the little travel things out and she’s like this is going in our beach trip uh packing that we’re going on a couple weeks honestly I was kind of rated I don’t have much left but it smells amazing I will say that and I’m very very excited because no one loves sun protection more than I do so I finally got some high quality sunscreen uh maybe drop those Sun Sleeves Randy keeps stealing them from me anyway I let him borrow him in tour suu he never gave them back so uh I’m excited check him out I mean how how does he have the same Cody’s a bad guy he’s starting to play my game where he just makes stuff upes people are saying I need to take relief on that on that in the intro of that ad read which might might be spot on tough transition there guys uh guys Quail Hollow interesting golf course this week if I may say and I don’t know if it’s from talking to Johnson Wagner I think I’d owe a lot more to the reshaping of a bunch of the greens and the brand new green that are in that played really really firm I still think it’s very flawed I think the the teed uh Green Design of the of the golf holes is not my favorite style it’s way too emphasizing of driving distance they’ve made it even more of an emphasis on driving distance by pushing a few more T’s back but a golf course with short rough and firm greens is you’re going to get so much more of the effect of the firm Greens in the challenge uh when you have short rough like this and that that example I gave earlier of of when they were playing the seventh hole Xander’s in the Fairway with six iron and was able to hold the green find the ridge take the ridge down to the hole make an eagle and Rory’s in the right rough and you hear him actually on the broadcast after he blows it long left of being like I was afraid to take on the right like the effect that the firm greens had and the way it worked back through the golf course was something I don’t recall experiencing at Quil Hollow in years in the past maybe I’m misremembering maybe it’s just been softer in Prior years uh but that was as enjoyable of of a Quail Hollow Golf tournament challenge-wise almost near major championship testwise than I can remember for this tournament yeah I liked it I liked it more than I usually do I can’t pretend like uh you know I could tell you why I disliked it in previous years I’m just not that much of an architecture person but firmness makes for fun golf man it just it’s the only way to test these guys is to make it firm it doesn’t matter how freaking long it is if it’s not firm it doesn’t matter so this is what what it’s got to be it also brought out like nowhere for Xander to hide today when it started going poorly like it’s just going to keep getting worse like his wedge into the 12th hole that spun away and went uh down the ridge to the right like him air mailing the the green on 13 and not being able to hold it like you just have to be that much more precise with all of your shots and it identifies a better Champion than just a dart Fest like the line between birdie and bogy was relatively close this week and uh I’m not gonna apologize for any Quail Hollow takes that but I I threw this question at you guys where does where does quail rank among signature event courses because I think I don’t think it moved this week for me but I think it uh it’s pretty clear to say like exactly where this place ranks uh I don’t think it should host Majors but I think it’s like uh worthy of a being a PJ tour uh test you know it should be on the schedule every year like Rory cleaning up here a lot of times four his four wins now makes me feel like it validates it in some way not just because I like Rory but because I think his ability ities as a golfer are tested here uh and shows that he can pull away from other people when the those tests are are sort of brought out so I you know I don’t think it I don’t love that it’s going to be the PGA next year I don’t love that it’s going to be the President’s Cup I think there more interesting places it could go but I think there are certainly other courses I would complain about before this one let me uh let me let me bring a couple takes together it’s almost like Quail Hollow is the Xander schle of uh of of tour stops certainly among the sign events I mean off the top of my head I I don’t think I can put it above Pebble Riv I you guys know I love Harbor toown I think Harbor Town’s a great Golf Course um Waste Management maybe obviously the buildout with signature continue There we go um what else Travelers Travelers is a fun course so I yeah here’s how we do it I’ll throw this at you guys capala or Quail Hollow what what was it sorry capala or Quail Hollow capala excuse me sorry push calua caloa for me and you can Define it any way you want this is a personal personal test uh Pebble or Quail Hollow Pebble a pebble Pebble Riviera or qua Hollow Riv Riv R saw grass or Quail Hollow s grass kind of making my point here but Bay Hill or Quail Hollow Quail Hollow quail quail for me as well Harbor toown or Quail Hollow Quail Harbor Town I actually go Harbor toown I think it’s fun when they’re forced to dial it back and play different test yeah Harbortown for me mirfield Village or Quil Hollow ah God might as well take the original yeah yeah I you know what I’m gonna go quail over mirfield I’m mirfield Village for sure you Ohio Homer though the final three holes absolutely stink uh River Highlands or Quail Hollow they can’t ever get River Highlands firm so I guess I’ll go quail but River Highland’s always fun close yeah the idea of river Highlands I would take River Highlands but in actuality maybe Quail Hollow I that’s the only one that like moved this week I think for me Quail would move a if it plays like this moves above River Highlands for me like normal Quail that we’ve seen I think River Highlands I would still take but I I’ll bump it up over that but then South Wind I’m taking Quail over that I mean I I it’s a fine golf course but and we’re in the playoff venues now um and then East Lake again totally redone don’t know what we’ve seen don’t know what to take yet but I would take Quail over East Lake so it’s like middle of the road for a signature event of course I think that’s a fair yeah classification it’s just Overexposed we get too many big events there you know uh couple questions before we move on to the founders which we’ve covered a little bit so far but car for the core should the PGA pair Rory Brooks and Scotty for rounds one and two I don’t love super pairings I don’t either I want to go back to like being less about like I don’t know I guess if you’re a fan we ought to be on the side of the fan viewing experience it is a great way to get to see three great golfers you don’t feel like you’re getting screwed out of somebody but I just feel like we’ve gone a little bit too far in that direction of like it’s s such an emphasis of like hey let’s have the three big Titans come out here then somebody always plays like [ __ ] I don’t know yeah I feel like it never actually uh delivers a ton of juice I would rather earn our great pairings on the weekend right I I think there’s something to hey Rory’s going out this morning he posts a number Scotty or Brooks or who whomever it is is in the afternoon like let’s see if they can match it and if you if you get two of them kind of colliding into the weekend I think that’s a lot more fun I’m yeah I’m with you kbv I feel like these super pairings rounds one and two they ultimately end up just leave me wanting a bit Yeah the answer again is probably TV right and making it easy to cover easier to cover three guys that they know they’re going to cover um but yeah I think it you’d rather that happen a little more naturally I think the Masters usually does that the best like they’re just they don’t really force it this year they kind of did which was kind of surprising but um 10 cup O2 does this win even count since Scotty wasn’t in the field I think it has an asterisk a little bit honestly right now I think I I do I truly do with how good Scotty had been playing I I think absolutely um Jesse Noble said as someone a little newer how does Quail Hollow compare to Valhalla is the stuff Rory did transferable to Valhalla I know the putting was Unreal I it’s I I it’s been 10 years I mean I’ve watched a fair amount of of back to 2014 and it’s hard to kind of get the full experience just from watching highlight films and the final round broadcast um I know bombers were rewarded then I don’t know what the rough is like at Valhalla I think it’s going to be pretty bad and thick but it is a little bit wider Fairways there Nicholas courses usually do have relatively wide Fairways but I’d say it’s about as similar as you’re going to get of of a rollover from week to week in terms of distance is going to play well here A bunch of holes have been lengthened there there are already a bunch of long par fours F’s launching high wedges and holding firm greens at Quail Hollow it’s going to work at Valhalla I just think we might get totally different course conditions if it is as soft and there’s as many thunderstorms as it looks like there’s going to be this coming week yeah that’s the bummer of it I think the conditioning is going to look look a lot different play a lot different I know it’s different but I then it was back in but watched when Anthony Kim came back I watched the uh Ryder Cup thing with when it was there I didn’t hate it like I there was some fun holes that I thought like were cool I I don’t hate Valhalla I the the events I’ve watched on TV I I don’t mind it it’s a nice stage it’s it’s provided some nice drama I I’m not like waking up on Thursday excited to watch pros play Valhalla like I’m excited to watch the PJ Championship but it’s not an offensive course right I think like sometimes when we can critique course or not necessarily be overly stoked on courses people think that just means they’re terrible golf courses I don’t think valal is a bad golf course I think it’s kind of silly like it’s kind of it’s a little bit Bleak from time to time it’s definitely not the most thoughtful architecture but like sometimes PJ of America honestly the way they’re training on courses they’re choosing they don’t necessarily believe in that to begin with so if you hit the if you’re the favorite and you hit the ball like in the woods someone will throw it out like down the cart path so that you can you know have a a better look at the green I mean that’s you know we can’t discount that factor if you guys are getting aligned on that one that will make the Tio conversation make a lot more sense to me just I love the idea that like during the most exciting like run of golf ever there’s somebody that just waiting in the Heather like just sitting in the Heather waiting waiting over there in case the ball comes in will kick it out from here I think that that guy was already kind of over there and just kind of like nudged it down the hill like it was like Sting makes less sense that makes it doesn’t make less sense listen it if you are interested in this mystery if you don’t know what we’re talking about we’re talking about tiger when he played Bob May at the end of the PGA believe it was in the playoff is that right uh I can’t remember anyway our friend Joel Beal wrote a pretty fun story about this this week where he went and found two people one person who says he does believe that someone uh kicked the ball down the hill and one person who says like absolutely not the ball went uh and rattled around in there and then bounced out the question though was appeared for an awfully long time and then it just oh it sure did bouncing bouncing H the Optics farther away from hole if you’re saving his ball why would you kick it back towards the Fairway all right we we’ll save that we’ll spend most of PJ they looked around they didn’t see any shotlink Towers the tiger get reliev from so they’re like I gotta make this happen I gotta make sure I gotta get this one in just because uh as made me laugh borsa Scott said did Jay choose June 6 for the initial merger release date because it resembles Jan 6 so closely in the same vein as the Disney Frozen movie release so people stop searching did Walt Disney freeze himself as a Disney employe former Disney employ I do not I cannot comment on that I’m sorry that’s that’s uh that’s just funny um tour drama this week honestly you know I don’t really know where to go with this we kind of talked a little bit about some of this on Wednesday of Rory not being uh he put his hand up to to rejoin the board um and then it was kind of reported as saying some people he I guess he said out loud some people had problems with him coming back on the board he would later come back and say you know I think it wasn’t necessarily that they had problems with me coming back back on the board it was the way of doing it um so Webb is going to stay on yet Rory also revealed he is going to be a part of the transaction subcommittee uh which is the first time hearing of this uh of this subcommittee that’s going to be negotiating or discussing this with piff uh ignoring all that KV can you just like can you catch me up uh or the listeners not me I know what’s going on catch the listeners up of course this is not for my own edification on where where the hell everything stands where this drama lies uh and kind of your understanding this situation so this is kind of based off of some conversations that I have had with various people I I am and I feel pretty comfortable that this position is true this is not just conjecture with me Rory ultimately feels like hey we thought as hard as we could against the piff and I was out front I was willing to put my neck on the line and DV style stick your neck out just stick your neck out and take like you know by the way he didn’t actually finish top 15 in that stick your neck out yeah I know it’s bad uh he was willing to be the face of it all and you know what as soon as the framework [ __ ] happened it took a while for them to kind of like the dust to settle and understand it but I think Rory knew that they had lost the war and so at this point like his perspective is like okay we can continue to fight this and then a an entity with billions and billions of dollars is still like adamant we are going to do everything we can to basically like ruin your business or we could invite them and figure out a way to make this work because they’re going to be involved in golf one way or another and there are other people I think it’s fair to say like Patrick and Jordan tiger who honestly like held the position that I held for a long time which is like this is it’s not something we want to do like this is not uh we can figure out a way to sort of make this work and we can Outlast the piff and we cannot have to join this and Roy’s kind of looking at it logically like guys like you don’t read in the room like it’s over like you think I want to shake hands with Phil and Greg and Bryson and Patrick Reed and all those people and like play on the same tour with them of course not but as a business person I realize the big picture probably means that if we’re going to grow this into some larger thing those people need to be involved and so that is where essentially the philosophical divide is between the two sides and I I don’t know quite that I believe like that they were just like oh no no we would let you on the committee but you know we we think like the rules should be followed like they didn’t follow the rules when tiger wanted to join the board they follow the rules when you know they had Jordan get added to the board they didn’t make him wait around like I think there’s some clear like frustration amongst those guys with Rory like they just feel like he changed his mind and they don’t like that appreciate that and so now they are feeling like we have got this man like you stepped away from the board and we’re gonna take care of this and if you want to be involved in some aspect of it that’s great we appreciate your expertise but we are going to be the ones who decide I think there’s a lot of people who don’t want a global tour they have in some ways maybe they’ve been spoiled by we get to play all of our golf or the majority of our golf in the US and Rory is trying to think of it like hey guys like we should be playing like more events around the world that’s the only way that this thing is going to work and I honestly I don’t know who’s right in the whole situation but I know who’s like likely to win and it’s probably the people who have shown over and over and over again unless there’s some sort of regime change that they’re going to get to keep dumping money into this project as for as long as they want and as long as that’s the case as long as the osar is adamant like I am going to make you guys bleed this forever then I think you kind of got to figure out to make make this work it’s really interesting because when when we say win I’m not I’m not even sure it’s as much as like Liv is gonna win or they’re just going to make sure the PGA Tour loses never exactly and I think that’s I I think that’s what just frustrates me most about all this is like the the I think the live product isn’t great I I the shotgun start the 54 holes the music etc etc they’re not the they don’t have The Shining Beacon product I but on the other hand you’re I think you’re right kbv they can keep poaching the biggest stars if they want to and where does that leave the tour eventually it I don’t know I it’s a is there a world is there a world where it’s not that Klay and spe and tiger don’t want to do a deal with piff they just think Rory’s rolling over too too quickly too fast too hard right is too willing to give in right is that like that because to me I still can’t picture those guys getting a room and being like yeah we’re totally fine we’re going to do it without all these live guys and we’re not going to lose any more players and we’re totally going to be able to extend our media rights deals and everything’s gonna be totally fine we’re GNA get to keep all these sponsors just because we’re all still together in this it’s like dude I just don’t think any reasonable humans get in the room and and and get to that conclusion I think they the the most hopeful scenario for me is like yo we we got this like we’re going to figure out a way to make this work we’re just not going to give in right now like we have it we’re in a more powerful spot than we were we’re not in a powerful spot we’re not going to win this but we’ve got the SSG structure we got the money we think we’re going to be able to put a solid stay on keeping everybody here you know maybe it makes Liv like have to reup a whole another round of contracts with their guys and kind of Damages them a little bit maybe changes their timeline I don’t know that’s like best case I think right now for what the where the difference lies I’ll tell you two where I think the difference is it’s their feelings about leadership I think that the guys who like understandably are looking at Jay and I’m gonna stick up for my guy TC here and say like you’re not good at this and you deserve to sort of like feel the heat from us a little bit and whatever Rory is feeling about Jay and and Jimmy and Ed like we don’t feel that same way and so we would like some better answers some you know some more like substance in our like discussions and see the table I think as much as we [ __ ] on Patrick uh I think that a lot of the players very much feel like Patrick is one of the few people who is asking really hard questions of the tour leadership and I think that they admire that of him that he has that thing of him where he isn’t afraid to sort of make other people feel uncomfortable to sort of sit there in the awkward silence and be like no we don’t think we don’t agree with this and so I I think that they probably love Patrick for that and I you know they probably should because I think maybe Rory sort of forgiving Jay a little bit for he should probably be you know feel more upset about some of the way that he felt betrayed but you know I wasn’t there it’s not my for thing to say but I I do think I can just tell from the the comments that Xander has made that Patrick has made whatever they’re still pissed at leadership yeah I mean it doesn’t make sense to like have these guys leading the whatever this is I don’t even know what you call this like a a merger acquisition I again I don’t know what you call it like almost takeover attempt like this whole corporate boardroom succession style Thing versus like running a 501 C6 which also was not being run that well like there’s no way you’re G to be good even if you are good at the 501 C6 part and like getting sponsors to Pony up money this is a totally different thing and it’s not going well and it hasn’t been going well for quite some time the longer it goes on on the more damage you do I I don’t know I’m honestly struggling to keep up with it and keep like the enthusiasm up to like keep following it if I am and it’s my job then I’m guessing golf fans are getting a little apathetic about all this stuff so um while we’re on the the live for those new Tio TI Tio rules baby uh I’m gonna nominate as long as we’re talking about live here I’m gonna nominate a a menace of the week uh which is one Anthony Kim coming the Woodworks I’m going to ask you to read it KBB when you get to the Tweet you never sent uh if you if you need me to I will but it made me hard uh this is again ak’s words he says uh ramble shamble at shamble brandle you’re such a [ __ ] for beating on your own chest and basically saying never Retreat and hypocritically Retreat it is well known this talentless fool is disliked by most people in the golf world you still going to cover golf if live golf is involved question mark and this is out of this is out of nowhere because uh what what what take me to to what ak’s Twitter is like KBB well so I follow I I like AK I’ve been following his Twitter for you know since he came back and you know every like literally like twice a day it’s like yo man love my wife so much love my kids so much so grateful for this chance really appreciate all you guys hey I love all the love that you show me is so unreal being a girl dad rules hashir dad [ __ ] brandle and all his whole family a bunch of ass [ __ ] they Chang in tone was like oh [ __ ] we’re doing this now huh it was so strange that got me so good I you know I didn’t tweet it because I just didn’t want to deal with the live Nutters in my mentions but I did I did share it in our slack and uh it got got a little tickled I mean look AKA kind of makes me wonder has AK been online for like a long time because he he’s uh adapting to the online Twitter beefing uh with the sort of maturity of a 15-year-old boy but uh it doesn’t really seem like someone who’s just hesitant to like tip dipping his toe in the water of uh of social media God it’s a sad quick transition to but just [ __ ] brand as a instructor a commentator and golf channel is a [ __ ] crewp if you want to be down with Golf Channel [ __ ] you too what and brandle and this what sparked this is that brandle was like hey I think they should probably do a deal with the Saudis okay and brle did reply this is about as an accurate as Mickelson’s drives and sadly ironical coming two tweets after you asked for advice on raising your daughter that you would refer to someone as a female body part in a juvenile attempt to denigrate them it’s clear you were not offered disability for your piy takes as for your criticism of me saying a deal with the Saudis is the best deal for golf right now it’s something I’ve said recently because I don’t think the Saudis are going to turn away from the game and they will continue to be a poaching threat and dilute the product of PGA Tour it’s the sad reality of you and your brethren on the live tour willingly dealing with a murderous dictator for profit so that he can hide his atrocities the golf has had to try to figure out how to mitigate the influence of MBS piff and Liv and the otherwise philanthropical and merit-based world of professional golf now why don’t you get back to doing what you’re do it formally did best which is to Wild the world with your talent I don’t like live for a lot of reasons but I certainly enjoyed your golf and would love to see you playing anything like the semblance of the golfer you used to be brandle kept it classy he he said took the high road there so um which yeah we can talk about that too like my opinion on the matter has certainly evolved since Jan uh since June 6th uh brandle has has as well like the the Saudis have had the world golf world by hostage for quite some time and there’s only one way out like that’s very than like willingly signing up to play for them and take their money and and hide their atrocities do you think Su if they do do a deal that it’s going to rob some of these grievance merchants of the power that they previously had to just complain about everything like what you know what world are they going to live in we’ll still complain complainers are going to keep complaining um G I have a question for you and I know you guys are not set up for this and I apologize for that but uh you know when it comes every time we talk about piff and Saudi and everything comes around to the sports washing but I I have yet to see really uh like any washing be done like I don’t see anybody at live I don’t see Liv trying or any of those people really taking uh hard stances supporting like the government of Saudi and trying to clean and cleanse their actions I actually see like the opposite a lot of the times and it’s just making a lot of people look more intently into what they’re actually doing and bringing it more to the top so in our circles I’d say so but like I would say I dabble in like other circles as well based off my old job and what I still work and even though we joke around about it a lot on the Trap draw like I don’t know I think it I think they’ve done more to like educate a lot of people on what actually goes on in their country than they did three years ago when Liv or you know Pi investment in golf wasn’t a thing I think that’s if you’re if you’re really like seeking information on how is working and you and you find all that out but I also think there’s like people you know live brings golf to somebody’s doorstep and they’re like hey do you want to go outdoor to the Aon concert and you know watch a bunch of golfers people like yeah yeah sure and like again this is just such a small like piece of the P puzzle like they’re now the news came out this week that they’re going to be starting a three onree Hockey League uh in the United States or they are they’re that primary funer of that it’s like again they’re it’s going to be an onslaught of of the Saudis making their way into many many many different professional Sports and the onslaught has already begun to just to normalize what it’s like to do business with them I mean look at how again would I have stood here two years ago and been like PJ tour should do a deal with them no like that’s it’s normalized now right like it again it doesn’t change who they are and what they’ve done but at the same time it’s like an inevitability like they have shoehorned their way into this and like in 10 years what’s that conversation going to look like people aren’t gonna people gonna still have the same energy to fight that’s where I give brandle credit like I’ve lost a lot of the energy to fight this on a moral standpoint like I’ll still point it out if as but like people are just tired of hearing about that part they just want to talk about the golf and like that’s the whole goal I’ll give Liv and piff a lot of credit on that they were willing to eat so much [ __ ] for many many many years and make themselves look stupid and just be like I’m still standing what are you gonna do [ __ ] and like that’s pretty much where we’re at and I know that it’s not like you know the the goal of sports watching is not like removing any of these things that they’re done but like making it an attempt at normalizing them and having them as part of a uh everyday like lexicon and things like that I just think that like you know I don’t know if this is really the route that I would go about doing that if that was them because it seems like it’s just I wouldn’t say it’s normalizing but it continues to highlight the things that like are really really bad and I don’t I haven’t seen any of that really go away so I wouldn’t say that that’s like really normalizing or making it any easier on them uh as they continue to dump not only billions of dollars into golf but also as you pointed out hockey and a lot of other things around the globe it’s not just us thing I think if it ends you know the end game is not to have a seat on the board of PGA Tour Enterprises but I think if you end up with a seat on that like that’s that’s a major progress right as far as the CEOs and and businesses in the US that you’ll be able to rub elbows with which is I what I believe to be the whole purpose of the whole thing so um anyways that’s your fun piff talk uh of the week Chris gdup is your winner at Myrtle Beach the second PGA Tour uh event of the week he’s a fantastic player uh excited for him this is a uh uh I did not get to watch any the Myrtle Beach I was too screening as it was uh today between LPGA and and Wells Fargo but ton of potential uh great to see like a young guy an upand cominging guy win one of these opposite field events instead of kind of a a hanger on that now has two-year exemption like G up has played a lot of really really good golf and uh has a ton of potential and I’m excited to see what is in store for him so 16-year-old blades uh Brown made the cut this week as well at the Myrtle Beach uh oh yeah this kid’s legit like this I mean we should get this kid on the Pod frankly because what if three years like he’s you know he’s the new Jordan Speed winning tournaments at 19 I I really apologize I don’t know who made the joke on Twitter but I was like yeah blades you know his younger brother’s game improvement Brown Randy if a 16-year-old is making the cut on the tour I believe our our guy uh Lawrence Donan pointed this out isn’t it like should we be taking some cards are people just out there stealing money if like High School school kids are rolling out there and finishing 21st well I really really want to get behind that take then our guy then our guy Wolfie bamama Bearcat like dropped all kinds of stats and info and it’s like no it’s just kind of random stuff that happens there’s no Rhyme or Reason so I I don’t think we have a you know guys stealing money situation like our guy LD was insinuating but God I really behind that take there might be at the opposite field events like that’s let’s be clear like there are some some hanger on there but I no there there are people stealing but it’s not because 16-year-olds are out here making Cuts I don’t think J were doing that back in the day too like that you know that was that was that was happening back then we might need to get Jordan in here to talk about blades Brown and his uh his skill because I want to know more about uh blades so um yeah gosh that’s what three weeks in a row a 16-year-old or something has made the cut on top of Miles Russell making the cut at a corn Fair event um pretty pretty insane uh we we had a surprise call in earlier from Rose Zang as we talked a little bit about Founders and her outlasting mine sagstrom uh by Two Shots uh meline finished uh gosh I don’t have in front of me now what 12 shots clear of third place and truly 13 13 shots clear of third place and truly one of the great separating du I’ve ever seen in professional golf in terms of just blowing the whole rest of the field away uh she birdied uh four of her last five holes including draining a right to left her on the 18th green to to end it after Matt on sagm had hit it inside of her on 18th it looked like sagm was going to be able to tie it uh and go to a playoff uh that was our FanDuel play of the day today was a hedge against ry’s call because he had a six 6,000 to one uh play on mine sagr to win this week that’s a really really tough draw shoot 22 under and not win hope you can make your rent big after that she uh yeah incredible tournament you know the the story going into this week was Nelly going for six straight and came up short I think there’s some interesting conversation I mean I I I think with respect to Nelly two things that I’ve learned this week I think and I’ll pose these to you guys one Nelly’s floor is as we have said is exceptionally High she finished tied for seventh she did not have any kind of game on the weekend okay she she had herself uh through Friday I believe four shots back good look until Rose and mine just dropped the dropped the clutch and and sped away from everybody but yeah Nelly’s game super high floor can’t wait to see you know she she could easily win I don’t know if she’s in mizuo the the tournament after that after an off week is the US Women’s Open I mean I I I think Nelly could pick right back up her next start um and then the other thing I noticed just that good that’s starting to percolate you know ESPN sent a reporter to be on site this week at upper Monclair Country Club when when we’re talking about like you know is the LPGA gonna have this Caitlyn Clark moment like we saw with women’s basketball stuff like that’s very important of course we saw Nelly at the Met Gala early in the week um that’s that’s no small thing so I I’m very encouraged by those two things and then I I think just for women’s golf and golf at large having Rose Zang you know maybe the second most famous name right now for the Casual the very casual golf fan be the one that stops this streak is I mean again if if you were scripting things I’m not sure you could script it much better so um Nelly I think it’s a great way for her streak to end right you know she she had a good week but no one was beating Rose this week it was just silly stuff so um lots to take away there from Rose is still only 20 years old I I think sometimes we forget how young she is she’s schol like she just talked about like yeah she’s now won twice within a calendar year of turning pro um it’s it’s really good stuff I’m I’m I’m super excited where the women’s game is going I need somebody to get on my level of freaking out here about these scores 24 under 22 under and nine under this does not happen we watch professional golf every single week on every tour around the world this does not happen I I’ve never seen anything like this well this was a Stenson Mickelson and trun sort of situ it’s even bigger than that yeah it’s sick I mean I I didn’t get to watch enough of it I was you know running around only saw little highlights but uh I’m just you know it’s so fun to see Rose like playing well just I I love that she can be this good without being particularly long off the tea compared to you know certainly someone like Nelly and big is like is Nelly on the Tiger schedule of like the mid 2000s where she’s gonna play about 14 tournaments a year like you know like there’s a part of me that like man like I really want to see her at mizuo next week like what why not yeah I I don’t think we’re there yet she took a a month break month plus break early in the year essentially skipped all of their first Asian swing um she she did skip the LA Championship but I think that was some like you know hey I just won a major I’ve won five straight like I’m exhausted um I hope because if she doesn’t play missoui she’s looking at two weeks off going into a major so I would guess she probably I haven’t looked at the field entry list yet but I’m like UK VV I I hope she teas it up this coming week at Liberty National um but I Nelly’s not usually one to take a ton of time off for picker spots uh so I think as as we kind of get into June July August we’ll we’ll see her a good amount if she wants to just post up at Lancaster for two weeks like I can bring up some crab cakes or whatever like we could you know have a little a little pod or something we’ll figure it out but it’s only like an hour for me get crushed on Lancaster just this whole runs you’re gonna get it I’m just warning you I’m not auditing you I’m just saying you’re gonna get it from a lot of people Maya Maya um but even I I’ll say this with rose you know the the KPMG performance insights going into this week Rose while not winning yet this year on tour until this week she was still I believe positive 1.35 Strokes gain total per round uh which was 15th on the LPGA Tour so like playing good golf a couple of top 10 um it just I don’t know this week set up really good for in the sense that she had a ton of wedges and when her wedges are dialed I mean you saw it coming down the stretch she she can get into zones that are just automatic if anybody hasn’t seen our week in the life video when we went out and followed her Stamford team around for a week I mean part of that video was literally we put DJ at like a 95 to 100 yard stake on their practice range and she was just hitting wedges right to like with the camera like knew she was going to hit it right there she is she can be elite with her wedge play and I think that’s what we saw this week she she’s not the longest her putter can come and go but man when those wedges are dialed she just she knocks it stiff and that’s what she was doing big Nelly is playing this week uh at Liberty National um what about meline I mean heartbreaking uh she was awesome she did a walk and talk today during her final round which is kind of crazy to think about uh like clearly kind of at the time thought she had the tournament kind of under control and then very emotional uh interview afterwards but kudos for her to continuing to say yes to everything but I was so impressed I mean I know it’s not the result that wanted like you end up shooting three under for the day and you just get boat raced I I don’t really know like what else to say I know that there’s a couple putts on her her back nine that she wanted wanted back but I mean all in all mine’s got to be pretty happy with where she’s at this week I hope that interview gets posted I haven’t checked if it does but it was that was like that was the good [ __ ] it was you know she ended up in kind of tears at the end of it was but was like smiling of like said these are really close to being happy tears or something along those lines of you know yeah I played incredible Golf and I you know just didn’t get it done um and I don’t know that was that was that was great I was really really gutted for it was you mentioned the week in life we did with Stanford we also did a week in the life with madin sagstrom uh the first two iterations were uh madin was the first one and then the Stanford women’s golf team was the second one and hope I know a lot of people have gotten a chance to to watch those and get to know mateline through a lot of the content we’ve done with her and things like that it was like man it was really fun to watch because I know no matter what I was going to end up happy for one of these uh two women and I knew I was going to be gutted for the other one and uh it’s a it’s a good place to be as a golf fan but I was really really feeling it for her I totally agree with that yeah meline she’s won one time in her career it happened back in January of 2020 um she Cody you and I were pretty shocked that they played mine’s drive on piece during the CNBC coverage this afternoon if people don’t know madaline’s backstory um she she details kind of what some uh sexual assault incident did to her and part of her recovery I think has been growing into herself being accepting not only of of who she is but Translating that onto the golf course and being accepting of the mistakes that come and the bad shots and uh it it’s something that I’ve I’ve heard her speak a lot about this year is just the work on the mental side to not get uh so down on herself with mistakes to let the mistakes go and I thought watching this whole week she was playing such free and easy Golf and and even today she kind of made a mess of that first hole and and started the round with a bogey but other than that really I mean she made one mistake and I I thought that chip shot on 16 that led to her her second bogey uh being the one real mistake yeah I I just am really hopeful because you could tell how much a second win would mean for meline uh it’d be the culmination of of all this work and I’m just really hopeful she can take this form forward uh upper Monclair is an excellent track for her I mean this is three years in a row now that she has torn the place up so hopefully she can find something that Liberty National and and on into the major season but yeah it just was like God damn as just like a fan of both of those women and having spent time with both of them it was a hell of a week and and you’re exactly right like I know I’m going to be happy on one hand and I know I’m going to be really disappointed for somebody on the other hand yeah other notables I’d say great to see Gabby Ruffles in their solo third uh Awesome event I mean it outside of rose and meline kind of lifting and shifting it’s awesome to see her continuing to round into form and and you know have this successful professional career we talk a lot about Gabby uh on the LPGA podcast that do but all in all like she she she is a young killer like she is going to be here for a long long time and is going to continue to not only contend in regular week in week out events but majors and like when you start looking at specifically US Women’s Open and PJ Championship coming around like Gabby’s a name that’s like her game’s peing at the right time she hits the ball a mile has an incredible short game like will be up there and another one that I was absolutely shocked to see running like I don’t know where Ronnie’s kind of been ronning Yin uh she won the KPMG women’s PGA last year kind of been like not playing so well at the start of this year but her ending up T4 like awesome awesome to see and of course her landlord uh Rooney like is right there behind her yeah the landlord uh yeah Cody that’s it I I’d say on the bummer side Lil AV Vu was not a part of the tournament this weekend uh dealing with a back injury so that’s kind kind of uh for how great the Nelly stuff and now Rose winning again it it sucks that Lilia is dealing with a back injury so wishing her health and when she’s healthy man uh American women’s golf is is great and we got a deeper and deeper pool of of international Stars also I’m I’m so excited for these upcoming Majors you guys did a little a little coverage as well this week on uh on ESPN plus how how did that go some audio troubles Thursday we got off to a bit of a slow start um but Cody it was it was a real pleasure is always something you know we’re we’re privileged to be able to do uh Friday I thought was smooth we we finally got to a point where Cody and I could just kind of [ __ ] with each other back and forth which was a lot of fun um but yeah I don’t know anything other than that Cody to D we we continue to learn uh and I think we we learn on the Fly unfortunately when you’re learning and it’s live there’s some uh silliness that kind of comes up with it but you know we work our way through it just keep rolling with the punches it was awesome to do it with you big it it definitely brought back memories of us calling radio last year for the Women’s Open um but I don’t know uh we’re doing it again so we have two more events left this year for ESPN plus coverage uh the next one that we’ll do is the New Boston event I think that’s going to be labor weekend so we get the summer off excited about that you guys are on summer break right now exactly I don’t know what’s going to happen to our crew because like Shantel mccabes on it she’s about to give birth to uh a child so I don’t know if she’ll be back in time are you guys gonna be back after that comment or got in your ass about your appearance on there that you just rolled out of bed that was big I I don’t do you have any uh I asked for clarification which one yeah she said one of them looks homeless and I was like please tell me which one uh but no it’s a ton of a ton of fun I never expected starting this job that we’d be doing like live TV so it’s really cool and you know we get a lot of positive comments back from listeners viewers uh people that that follow us and want to go over there and and I think we’re doing a small little bit of of our part you know putting our words where you know what is it words where our mouth our mouth where our words are how do you how our actions where our words are actions where our words are okay yeah we’re doing it man we’re trying to invest in this thing we talk about elevating and everything else because this was kind of a a pretty pitiful week of trying to elevate some women’s professional golf uh and and that comment can lie squarely on the shoulders at NBC Sports because it was not good now I’ll say they flipped it and we got live TV coverage but it definitely uh is not good and and live TV coverage on cmbc for the two hours and the hour and 44 minutes of live coverage that they had we had 11 commercial breaks um not saying that I was counting but I very much was counting um it was not good not good at all as we we’re talking about historic Nelly Chase for six and Rose coming out and and you know would their email say though could Nelly be the the Caitlyn Clark of golf yeah it’s uh then of course they follow it up and with the headline to their email I have it uh I have it clipped right here let me pull it up for everybody so this was NBC I got news for them she is and you missed the window to be like the ESPN promote like you missed the whole thing like you you missed it like NBC you don’t realize like you have a very important role to play in this the only Ro important role yes yes it’s kind it’s like it’s kind of laughable now because they it’s just like they don’t they don’t get it uh when they’re like well who’s doing this like well like that’s like your guys’s job and I understand that there’s contract things and they need to go back and try to figure all this stuff out but if if I was somebody at the at the lpj tour and I look at my network partnership I would probably be sitting there pretty upset right now because I know that uh you know two hours of live coverage is a lot better than tape delay but man could you imagine if we’re sitting here right now and we’re like what actually happened uh tonight what do you mean Rose and meline finished it at this number and we’re sitting here watching it on tape delay while it finished what’s up Kev hand up the best thing that could happen to the J is if all the [ __ ] that ends up on NBC eventually like would ended up on ESPN because ESPN takes their [ __ ] professional seriously they don’t scrimp on things just because it’s a women’s event like when the WNBA stuff like the they poured a lot of investment into that over years and they would do the same with women’s golf and I think they would really like to get into more women’s golf that’s those rights are not up uh for buying right now but I think if I were the LPGA commissioner I’d be like yo how can I get out of this yeah I’ll buy I’ll borrow any money from any hedge fund I can to get out of this deal because I’m missing a golden opportunity for this to become a much bigger deal and I want to be with somebody who’s professional and not somebody who was looking at every bottom line and basically saying like ah you know we could just go with two cameras this week that’d be good and we know that it takes time like that investment it takes a while to get those returns in ESPN in the w NBA deal like they they have done that but I do agree with you on ESPN they they’ve kind of shown time and time again not just the WNBA but I remember last fall I was like glued to my TV watching NCAA uh women’s college volleyball at Nebraska and they played it in I don’t know what the name of their stadium is but it was completely sold out and they had it at uh you know volleyball court out in the middle of their football field in a soldout stadium and it was like it was crazy abs absolutely crazy and that’s again ESPN investing in things that they truly believe in I had a conversation with an NBC golf employee you they’ll see you’ll recognize this person when you read the story next week but they were saying you know you guys are really hard on NBC and they they broadcast so much golf like you you don’t really realize like what how much money it cost to Bross all all this golf and I wanted you know I really wanted to say like okay well maybe it’s time for them to broadcast a little less Golf and like you know put more quality into the golf they have because if this is going to be treated a little bit like an afterthought then somebody else would love to have these rights they would do a better job with it and that’s okay if you can’t if you’re stretch too thin and it’s hurting your bottom line or it’s you don’t have enough employees then someone else will take it please please yeah begging um I missed this when we are uh wrapping up our men’s stuff but I I do think we have to have a bit of a Fashion Corner a bit of a a look into a a controversial fit uh from this past week which when this topic has come up on this podcast it’s not gone great for us it has not I mean it’s gotten you know it’s very polarizing Jason day’s fit at Quail Hollow I think this was on Thursday was it um it’s up on the screen there if you’re watching the live show it was a lot of this is the worst thing I’ve ever seen versus this is this is the only good-looking golfer on tour uh Randy where are you netting out on on the on the jday fit this this specific fit that we’re looking at with what appear to be like linen pants and some type of button short sleeve terry cloth shirt this actually doesn’t offend me of some of the the his previous looks this year um but it is just a lot of fabric when I I’m not ready for the societal fashion switch to like tons more fabric I I’m I’m perfectly comfortable in my a Leisure wear uh the moisture wicking you know stuff like that I I am not prepared to go back to the days of much more fabric the challenge I gave you guys was if we are going to critique the fit you you must provide a picture of you of yourself in a bad fit uh I don’t know if you if you guys have one I’m willing to critique the fit and provide a picture of of me and a bad fit do you have a bad fit in there Randy I sent one to Cody yeah I because my my specific critique was a lot of fabric and so I would Point people to a younger me uh a fatter me a lot of beer from colleges uh but a lot of fabric in that shirt I’m wearing a lot of fabric K are you down with the the J fit yeah so here’s what I’ll say I don’t mind the outfit that Jason was wearing there I actually think it’s fine I think the hat is stupid I don’t think like that’s the right sponsor brand for the hat for that thing honestly that if you rock like a straw hat like tiger hat that would be kind of sick that’s I agree here’s where you got to be all in you got to be all in on if you’re going to be the fashion guy you can’t have sponsors on your for sure and it you know that the sunglasses look good if someone if I got paired with this person at a golf course I wouldn’t think twice I wouldn’t be like oh what an offensive outfit like that person is terrible here’s what I will say about this though I think that the the terms of the debate being set are sort of unfair it’s sort of like if the what what the people who like this outfit are saying is if you don’t like this outfit you’re an old head you’re not inclusive you’re a racist you’re like you don’t want like things to be cool on golf courses whatever no man like I should be able to like just basically say like Ah that’s not for me but like malbon has other stuff that I think is okay and that’s where I think it’s kind of fake [ __ ] where a lot of this stuff is just like ah you suck like you you’re the you’re everything that’s wrong with golf if you don’t like this outfit dog Jason day is 36 years old Jason day is not like a fashion trend Setter all right like never has no if blades Brown was wearing this like I be like whoa that’s the new [ __ ] for kids these days man like I gotta get get in on this like but I I just just find it absurd that people are like all you people who want to criticize this stuff you’re you’re losers I don’t know man like can’t I just criticize some of it and like other parts of it God that is I don’t know if I needed that you have a a pick of you in in a bad fit I sent some to Cody I you know I don’t know if he uploaded them here but uh I look there’s a couple the couple that I sent was like me also kind of hung over there’s me and my mom that’s you know happy Mother’s Day to my mom uh I think I rolled out of bed for this is our family reunion uh you know it’s it’s a tough look for me let little more hair big sideburns down to that was kind of cool actually like but this the sloppy look of like uh you know untucked uh sort of pull over there and the the beige shorts that kind of down below the knee cargo shorts that’s my my mom looks looks pretty cool she’s she’s flexing there uh I you you you said it better than I possibly could have Kev this is me at a uh I believe in New Orleans at a bachelor party uh if you think yeah if you think I’m a chunky boy now boy look at me back then uh this is probably 2006 no excuse me 2009 maybe because I think you look like you look like you invented like a mid 2000s website like Friendster or something and and sold it and retire that’s what you look like this my friends when we this P got sort of passed around us were like asking me to do the Clinton I did not have sex with that woman uh Kev I thought you said the jday stuff exactly what I’m I as I wish I could have said I’ll add this like if if baggy’s coming back I will miss that I’ll be five years late on that right I I’ll I don’t I don’t want anything to do with it I don’t think it looks good I think some is fit today we don’t have a picture of that like looked a lot better because it’s less baggy like I just I I think the the actual material and the clothes and the style is good I just like really don’t like the fabric look so I’m I’ll join you on that block big but again this is coming from somebody that’s never dressed great especially back in 2012 when I took a visit to Whistling Straits I guarantee you s’s wearing blue and what I’m actually not went for a non blue pick specifically big into the Bubba Watson all whites back then um this was again this is a whistling straights this is like when I you know got to play a course like this in 2012 I pulled out the A1 outfit like this was the best I could put together in 2012 and uh I have some some regrets about you know the Fest that you got going on there it’s a master shirt I went to the masters with big Randy that year and got a master shirt and has little green stripes in it also bad pick like a bad choice I I’ve never had the best eye for fashion so I shouldn’t be critiquing but uh listen that’s that’s our way of of Bridging the Gap here into the conversation of here’s plenty of stuff you can make fun of us for so guys I appreciate you guys sending those pictures in of course uh this is not just an audio medium we also have a video so the the examples of them definitely shine through and I hope that people watching on YouTube uh live Comet here feel the exact same way thank you so much and because of that I also felt like I would throw something out there not my best look uh and these pants actually it’s the entire palette the rainbow it’s the rainbow but imp plaid they go all the way around with a mock uh T would it be a t is this in is this in 120p like is this the most out focused picture I think this I think this picture was originally taken on my uh LG white chocolate slider phone and then over time as I moved that over to process Radio Shack in Great Falls Montana yes I’ve moved it from from uh ioto to ioto it’s just been compressed and compressed and show Invitational in high school isn’t it at one point in time hopefully the pixels are so spread out that it’s no longer justable as myself but I decided to throw that in there we’ve we’ve all been there right well I feel like those pants are are gonna be way back in fashion quicker than anything solar and kbv and I were wearing yeah I would say is that far off I’m I’m struggling to see what’s wrong with this one um looking ahead to PGA Championship week coming up here uh Bob harck I believe was reporting that Scotty is looking like he’s going to be at the PGA I don’t it wasn’t the most definitive report uh ever but he said word is that there’s gonna he’s gonna be there so I would assume that means that uh the baby has come he did in other tweets Sly confirm the baby has been born got it thank you uh blocky is of course on the interview schedule this week I just want to make sure Randy you get uh time set up for that on Tuesday a lot of the interviews uh are there on Tuesday anything else to dump from the week uh from you guys before we look into a massive week coming up for the boys no the only thing that I want to highlight just how cool like the founders event is that it highlights the founders of the lpj tour which is funny because the PJ tour also highlighted their olds this week at their first uh major championship of the year at the champions tour so um good to see him hand in you know hand inand with all the olds out there so I don’t I don’t really want to go back into live stuff but uh Phil did tweet something earlier today about uh you know I think he said you know maybe professional golf was broken and we’re just trying to fix it now and I wanted to just you know say oh what a coin what a what a wonderful coincidence for you that professional golf getting fixed just happened to involve you getting $200 million so what a what a what a stroke of luck that must have been right when you needed it too thank you Phil thank you Phil thank you for all you do online Phil it’s uh he also said he wanted to uh make sure that more YouTube golfers were shown that that was I will say he’s I think he’s not wrong about the aggressive media right stuff that you know that’s the type of stuff where the the tour thing about Phil is he actually kind of like makes some good points he just course then he goes off into the deep end maybe it’s like us I don’t know but it’s all stuff that works like really well on the surface right like again the PJ tour media I think the way they interpret their media [ __ ] is sometimes bat [ __ ] insane it’s like anytime somebody is swinging a a club in a video you need to have approval from the PGA Tour that’s ridiculous but like the reasonable stuff is like hey when the PJ tour is putting up an event like you need a release to be able to go play somewhere else like that’s part of what you sign up for in a PJ Tour player and Phil wants to act like oh Liv you can do whatever you want like would try that Phil during a live event go tell like tell them you’re going to go play somewhere else like try that see how that works doesn’t really work that way like you’ve signed over your media rights as well to live just H so happens they play 14 weeks a year so I will say it’s sweet though you guys got to check out Bryson’s Channel man he’s been doing like in round behind the scenes stuff it’s sweet Bryson’s channel is good Cody I’m going to give you credit but I’ve been I’ve been into it and I’m starting to really see the light here I got I I forgot to tell this story from the Masters I was sitting behind six screen one of the days and Bryson was doing something stupid on the green and this guy next to me was talking with one of his buddies he was kind of a younger guy and he’s like I’m so watching Bryson’s YouTube channel tonight you know what Bryson did a thing where he like played with little kids clubs I was like that’s pretty sick like break par with little kids clubs I want to hear that the PJ tour would I want to hear more on the PJ tour wouldn’t have allowed that to happen you couldn’t run your own media channel on I anyways that’s a different different discussion uh coming up in content this week we have a film room episode we are going to get the first look at gil Hans and Jim Wagner’s restored North Course at Omni Lacosta ahead of the NCA men’s and women’s national championships an ALT shot team of Cameron young if you’ve heard of him and Cody McBride if you’ve heard of him uh took on the of course uh and all it’s a great video it’s fantastic I’m excited for people the world to see that one you guys did a great job with that we of course have the premiere of episode five of tus sauce will be Wednesday night on our YouTube channel 900 PM eastern time uh we go to King Island it is probably our highlight episode of the Season uh every season tends to have one that is just like the one and I think we all agree this is the one it was an incredible trip and uh the episode is fantastic so Wednesday at 900m I know it’s a busy week for a lot of golf watching but please meet us there PGA Championship we are going to have uh maybe the most content ever coming this coming week uh Monday night into Tuesday Morning where our PGA Championship preview podcast will be posted uh Wednesday a uh Victor havin feature written by one Kevin Van valkenberg uh will be coming out as well we will have our special PJ Championship happy hour show is Live on YouTube at 4M eastern time uh on Wednesday we mentioned this on the happy hour show we somehow got re-upped uh for a ESPN Mega cast this time we are going linear baby Thursday and Friday we are on ESPN 2 from 1 pm to 3 pm eastern time uh just watching Golf and talking about it and being Our Idiot selves just like we did last year it was so much fun uh but now we get to go on television this time so no F bombs just go around Randy we are also on got D we’re also on call never mind sorry ESPN plus uh 9:00 am to 11:00 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday and of course of course we will have live shows after play wraps uh 8:00 pm Eastern on Thursday Friday I believe it’s 7 PM Eastern on Saturday and Sunday whenever play ends we’ll be coming on weather might cause a little bit of an issue but listen when play is done we’ll be live here on YouTube just like we are here tonight uh is that it anything I missed no that’s it big thanks uh of course to high noon if people are out at Valla checking out the PJ Championship they’re going to have a special Booth little activation going on out there go out and say hi tell them to no laying up guys send them over there who knows they might get some free stuff from them I don’t know they also have prise that’s that’s not a not not an ADW at all I’m just saying but it would be very nice if you told them that hey we I’m familiar with your product due to uh your association with no laying up guys uh they have some new products come out that we’re going to start teasing this week iced tea action which I’m very very excited about I’m going to go scour the Metroplex and see if I can get my hands on these and some more big cans baby you don’t need to scour go to highp and find it near you come on Co noce dog uh that is a wrap with thank you to our friends at tidalist and to ORS and Alps as well thank you to Rose Zang for calling in after truly historic Beatdown of the field Sans mine Saxon I’m still I’m not over this yet guys I can’t believe we didn’t talk about more about this leaderboard but uh KBB big Randy big Cody thank you so much for being here all the listeners and viewers we’ll see you so many times this week looking forward to major championship week we are going to be bringing you all we got thank you everyone for your support we’ll see you soon Cheers Cheers Cheers


  1. I recently discovered y’all’s podcast and just want to thank you all for your support of the women’s game. It’s so needed and so appreciated! Great to hear from Rose. To answer your question about Nelly at Mizuho, she is entered – however, her grandmother passed this weekend so probably a high chance she WDs.

  2. More takes and less stats please. I listen back on the replay so I can fast skip all the stats and odds waffle.

  3. Im a frequent KVV defender but him claiming others are saying its racist to not like JDays fits has got to be one of the most all time bad lines from him not one soul on earth has said that dog

  4. xander might not be good enough to win but he is certainly good enough to make 10 million dollars this year finishing t4 every weekend

  5. Sports washing was just another level of disinformation perpetuated by the PGAT to blunt the inevitable. Similarly, PIF doesn't need to sponsor golf events to meet American CEO's!!!!

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