Golf Players

Live from the Kill House: PGA Championship (FRI)

No Laying Up recap of Day 2 of the 2024 PGA Championship at Valhalla. Presented by High Noon.

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[Music] be the right Club be the right club today joh me that’s better than most how about in that is better than most better than most expect anything different [Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome to the no laying up live show presented by High Noon it’s May 17th Friday at the PGA Championship a day that will live in infamy for Avid golf fans everywhere a day that started in the Louisville Slammer at 6:01 a.m. and ended with the grand Stam grand slams still alive we’ got a lot to cover tonight and you’ve got Neil here running the ones and twos you’ve got Tron down at Jack Beach Tron what’s going on yo soy Fiesta Neil I got the prickly pair tonight uh ready to I just wish we had more to talk about kind of an uneventful day a big day Randy calling in from Denver how are things hey guys I’m mellowing out on guava Lane right now TC I want you I want you really taking that prickly pair to Heart during this show and in a tale as old as time and anything crazy happens in the golf world s has a personal commitment already on the calendar so he will not be here tonight it it pains him it pains us but uh he uh he had already made he’ already made plans which we kind of knew was going to happen if something crazy goes down uh we will be bringing in kvv a little later to help us break down uh a few of today’s events but first let me address our thirst yes the moment everyone’s been waiting for is finally here talked about it last night the high noon pool pack is back so grab a case text the group and get your friends to the nearest pool it’s only here for the summer so Now’s the Time to enjoy lime Peach and two limited edition flavors guava like Randy tonight and kiwi I’ve actually got uh passion fruit it’s kind of digging into the back of the fridge tonight I’m not huge on passion fruit I think I might have to uh crack open a second one a mango I have on Deck so mango is good we will get there I’m sure you know it’s kind of a two high noer kind of night um as always the High Noon pool pack is made with real vodka and real juice has 100 calories you know that and is glutenfree with no added sugar and of course during these big weeks we also have the big cans those are reclosable big cans people and they come in vodka Selzer Peach and pineapple and an allnew tequila Selzer lime big can so to find it near you that of course is Cody on the ones and twos High Noon Sun up gentlemen Neil Neil I was going to bring some big cans over for the the block party this weekend but uh we can get to that that’s why s’s not here either he’s bus issuing citations you know he’s gonna he’s gonna leave the block part party at at the first chance he can but we’re gonna we’re going to bump that down the list we’ve still got some golf on the course but it looks like Xander will take the lead into the weekend or at least to share the lead at minus 12 uh we’ve got Colin Mora with a great round he’s second at minus 11 and sah is still out on the course currently at minus 10 he’s having a very volatile round which has been fun to watch uh but I do want to start with kind of the news of the day that has brought in probably a lot of casual fans uh and I want to start off with uh you know just a note of condolence so you know there was a fatality of traffic accident this morning a man named John Mills uh died which sucks like period Point Blank there’s a tweet from Terry miners local radio host in Louisville quote John Mills was killed earlier today heading into Valhalla to work at the PGA Championship Mr mills’s family released this photo to the media which we have on screen now noting he was enjoying his time at Valhalla while working security he liked to stay busy in retirement and we love him and we will miss him and uh I saw this earlier and it just you know kind of it’s tough man I I feel really bad for his family I feel like it’s just a tough way to kick off you know a big week a big day in golf um and it kind of just kicked off this series of like wild events uh probably the the craziest day I can remember in pro golf so I want to take us through a quick timeline just to get everybody on the same page I’m going to try to summarize this as quickly as possible and then go to utron and you Randy for for some commentary but because of this fatality tea times were delayed for over an hour at 6 a or just about Scotty sheffler was P seems like he pulled out of traffic a massive traffic jam at the entrance to Valhalla tried to jump the curb they kept saying median but it looks like it was a curb to the entrance of the club uh to get into the entrance it sounds like he drove by a police officer that was trying to stop him uh he was wearing a yellow rain jacket uh then the police officer quote attached himself to the courtesy car I kept hearing that term attached himself so we want to dig into that uh sounds like Sheffer drove 10 20 yards into the entrance of Valhalla he then pulled over uh and it sounds like the uh police officer pulled him out of the car handcuffed him and he was taken to Jail uh then by chance ESPN reporter Jeff Darlington was in traffic right behind Sheffer or nearby he provides firsthand footage of Sheffer being uh put in the back of a police cruiser Sheffer event uh even turns to him as he’s being cuff and asks Jeff Darlington can you help me uh which was just you know first video I saw today was this kind of firsthand account not from an a bystander but by an ESPN reporter so dig into that at by 7:28 uh sheffer’s process and booked at the jail his mug shot is taken with an orange jumpsuit or orange prison shirt on uh he has a sandwich with the cops watches himself on get up which is on TV in the jail house uh and he begins his stretching routine in his cell uh it sounds like he was released around 8:34 a.m. escorted back to the clubhouse by Jimmy uh kirchdorfer Jr a co-owner of Valhalla uh he arrives at 9:28 a.m. in Street close has time for a quick quick warmup before he uh tees off I think just after 10: a.m. uh and then a police report comes out mid morning uh states that detective uh the detective directing traffic at gate one was admitted to the hospital with pain swelling and abrasions to his left wrist and knee and his $80 uniform pants were damaged Beyond repair uh and then Scotty sheffler goes on to birdie his first hole and shoot five under 66 he’s currently nine under and tied for uh I think tied for fourth uh Place well that that might change a little bit with golf still going on heading into the weekend all right sorry that was a mouthful uh did I miss anything and if not what is the most outrageous part of this situation TC let’s go to you uh TBD on if Scotty got his sandwich served Scotty style I thought when uh when Scotty got back on site Ricky being the first one to say hello to him on on the that’s I’ve left that one out TC thank you pretty on the nose uh I don’t know I slept in this morning and I woke up to just loads of messages and our slack was melting and all that it was like when tiger hit the fire hydrant and uh you know and then see seeing Scotty haming it up with with some of the some of the police officers uh working security after his round was just like what a surreal day I haven’t really wrapped my head around it I definitely don’t think Scotty has like his his post round presser was surreal electric I mean he K it off saying like you guys aren’t going to get what you want I can’t talk about it and then he goes on to give just I mean half of the details I just mentioned came directly from him I mean I thought that was a fantastic press conference uh which yeah the police report we can talk to kbv about that but you know the Louisville Police don’t have a great reputation I’ll I’ll put that mildly there uh you know we can we’ll talk about all the logistics of this later on like we’ve heard a lot of things this week about just like how poorly executed this event has been uh so we’ll get all there but I think bottom line like props to Scotty for putting it all to the side and going out and playing golf play ball 100% Randy what do you got yeah I just don’t think that can be overstated the guy was arrested and then went out almost immediately and shot 66 in a major championship like it just it boggles the mind and I think what really drives at home going back to Scotty’s presser you know talking about listen I’ve never been arrested so I I don’t know the I have once Randy I got got arrested I think you were with Randy weren’t you we were at a bar together yeah I was wearing a Deion Sanders jersey like five days before my 21st birthday cops rolling but him just talking about the the adrenaline and fear and and you just kind of move out of your body and it’s and when he was in the jail cell like talking about trying to low his heart rate and getting it to a point where he could then like begin stretching and warming up for this round of golf like it it really I like I don’t think this one’s GNA set in for me for a while right there there’s no chance this is really set in for Scotty it it it truly is unbelievable I I think that that word I use it a lot it’s probably way over use but like this fits in my opinion like what an unbelievable sequence of events I and not just like getting arrested like four counts a fony like like the orange jumpsuit mug shot yeah I know it my God it’s the orange jumpsuit it sounds like a lot of uh mug shots get taken in Street Clos I don’t know if he we didn’t want to get the sponsor in there but the fact that the orange jumpsuit was all we all we had but then he comes back to the course in Street close I mean there’s just a lot of little nuances to this another thing I got out of his Presser Scotty big routine guy love my routine as he said I thought that was funny so he’s like yeah I started my routine in the jail cell so he’s he’s kind of activating the thoracic spine in there I mean just a lot of like easy like crazy things to visualize as a golf fan of like is this really happening and the other thing I can’t get over is how this crazy stuff all seems to happen during PGA championships I mean you go back to I guess 20 is it 2021 Mickelson wins over 50 years old we get mikkelson as a winner then we get blocky like Ali it you know playing with Rory just absolutely outrageous scenes last year and now this it’s like it seems to always be PGA week and I’m I can’t really figure out why I mean Scotty won the PIP this week right has to then you got his Local Louisville attorney who’s oh my God I forgot about uh is it Bo what is the name boines or um have to dig that up TC can you dig that up for me yeah uh uh I don’t know it was it’s just yeah what a weird day I from Scotty’s press conference I am I I hope this is true I I’d be very proud of him assuming it is true that he never once you know went with the do you know who I am you know wasn’t wasn’t like name dropping and and trying to make a big deal out of who he was which is admirable um Cody was this a uh a very Dallas move of him going around a barricade or you know going going off to the side I’ve heard that that’s that’s a very Dallas move no I don’t know Dallas ising yeah the Dallas move would have been his car would have lit on fire on the side of the road uh but honestly TC I I appreciate you calling me into the show Randy I I am kind of there with you on the thoughts and feelings the number one thing that I think back to here from personal experience not of I’ve been detained quite a few times uh like five different times which is you can catch that stories later on the Trap drop but uh this is one of those things where like when you’re a high performing athlete in his example and like you live and die by your routine like that is your comfort space and I used to have a job where my every single day was about my routine and it didn’t really matter what phone calls or other news or anything is was like when your pager goes off you just kind of can lock back in and go into your your comfort zone and be able to turn it on and I honestly will probably say that as crazy of a day today was for Scotty Sheffer tomorrow is going to be like worse than today was for him because he’s not gonna have Ted Scott there and that is going to throw his routine off more than anything today was and I know that sounds crazy and you’re like what how does that make any sense but that’s just kind of how these things work and to to Scotty like I think there’s a obviously he’s imp he’s he was booked right he was charged with things but at the end of the day he like knows in his heart of hearts he’s like I followed the instructions of whoever it was police guard who who knows I don’t think Scotty still really knows because everybody’s out there at 5:30 in the morning in the same exact reflective jacket that he followed the guidance that was given to him and somebody else that wasn’t relayed to and they decided to arrest him and I think he knows like deep down that he’s like I didn’t do anything wrong here so of of course I’m going to go do this I’m going to follow the rules I’m going to get re release for it and then we’ll figure this out on Tuesday at 9:00 am or whatever it is yeah Cody uh you’re always banging on the the courtesy cars this is maybe an instance where having a courtesy car was a good thing right yeah you would think you think so right I mean honestly this sounds like just a it’s kind of everything that we hear about like these big events and the courtesy cars were just like a small little example of security and everything that goes on at like these major sporting events uh usually it’s because like I’m worried about like these multi multi-millionaires some of them billionaires driving around in marked cars and like being mugged and something bad happening to them but on this occasion it’s like just a complete breakdown of all tournament operations as a whole and I know we’re going to get to that later but this is just a prime example of it and I think when we bring kvv in and you talk a little bit of like the comments that will zot Tores made like there’s a little bit of of fact there like you know somebody died this morning and that really sucks yes that not only sucks for like him and his family obviously but like this tournament the the organ the local organizers who have been there like Blood Sweat and Tears trying to get everything ready the people of Louisville the people of Kentucky and it just seemed like oh [ __ ] like we got to get this thing like on the air let’s get it going we can’t get this thing you know heaven forbid play goes into Monday and that was the first thought there anyway we got a lot Neil I don’t want to Jack this it’s okay one thing I want to add to that though is I I I felt real like for about an hour this morning um you know before he was released I guess at 8:34 I was up at 6 and so from like 6 to 8:30 was like oh my God Scotty’s gonna have to withdraw he’s gonna get DED and like this is gonna be why he doesn’t get a chance to win the Grand Slam like that’s truly was like oh that’s that’s first off that sucks second off like I mean what like what is going on and then the rule starts coming out that like extenuating circumstances so then you’re like oh my God are they going to bump his tea time back so there was just a probably a 90 minute time frame there where everything was just up in the air and it was incredible that there was a ESPN you Jeff Darlington from ESPN one of their main reporters was just like on the scene and had like pretty much the the first information I saw was directly from like somebody that could handle that information it wasn’t coming in from like user generated content so I thought that was really interesting and something I want to get to uh wasn’t coming in from Marty Smith either that’s damn sure there you go but I do want to get to a question from uh Nick Anderson Ms today on Twitter he said today has been a top five golf Twitter day tremendous content all day where do you rank it what are the other quote best Twitter days or an out best X days in your opinion Tron would you agree with that I do one second before we get to Tron here because I made the sick graphic and we kind of blew past the agenda for today all right but there’s there’s people killing us in the comments right now that they they’re gotten Scotty fatigue I promise you we’re not going to spend this entire show talking about Scotty sheffler uh what happened to him this morning and the incredible round he had we’re actually gonna get to stuff and Randy again I apologize for your your face job yesterday so I went with NG Shu uh but we’re eventually gonna get there but guys Twitter on fire today I look like Voldemort in that picture like I don’t have I look like Ralph fines from from the movie from Voldemort unbelievable Cody you you you owe me no apology for yesterday it was fantastic thank you all right so would you guys agree with that top like top five best Twitter day like where would you rank it TC yeah I mean it felt like the old days right it felt like the good old days it felt like the 2014 uh PGA Championship not the 2024 PGA Championship it was it was was fun it was light it was it was you know Cody let’s roll a few flowing I mean you know we got Johnson Wagner here I I I don’t know what he’s doing on live from tonight I don’t know if he’s he’s down at the jailhouse I don’t know if he’s exploring the back of a police cruiser uh I don’t know if he’s out analyzing the curb but I got a feeling he’s out there uh so this is this is good stuff um I mean just the police report coming out and and being able to analyze like that I we’re going to talk to kvv a little bit about that uh but the uh approximate value of uh Detective his pants being at $80 uh of course you know whispering in in W’s ear here trying to visualize this for the for the podcast listeners it says uniform pants valued at approximately $80 were damaged Beyond repair with the picture of George W bush hearing about the uh uh planes going into the World Trade Center uh we’ve got a picture of Phil uh Phil Mickelson here on the phone with the caption 911 what emergency hi there’s a car in front of me guys driving real crazy maybe 63 170 new father Vibes blue lives matter uh okay we’re moving quick here we’ve got a Moneyball Meme here we’ve got uh guys you’re still trying to replace tiger I’m telling you we can’t do it but we can re recreate him in the aggregate so we’ve got Rory getting divorced and Scotty getting arrested in the same week uh with a picture of Brad Pit from Moneyball so just some some alltime content TC do you have anything that that stood out just people yeah like this whole [ __ ] morning Golf Channel which s has said can we can we do can we just start calling the channel uh instead of Golf Channel because it’s like the Overflow Golf Channel or whatever they’re just stuck on reruns from yesterday they’re not even doing anything so uh you know Sam flood and his his Brilliance keeps he’s he’s leading a really quality operation over there uh Cody just keep just keep rolling these memes out Randy you got anything you want to call out though any uh comments that got you yeah we’re looking at well we’re looking at the teardrop picture right now from the tour junkies uh one of my favorites I’m not sure I think Cody might have it but not to put you on the spot here you know after the police they make a big bust usually it’s like drug related or weapons they they’ll put them all out on the table and and they’ll stand there behind it like you know look at what we did today uh somebody photoshopped Scotty’s golf bag on the table with with the Louisville Metro Police Department standing behind it thought that was funny uh to bring it into golf a little I saw a tweet that was like guys a guy literally got arrested on felony charges and went out and shot 66 good sign that the the setup might be too easy I appreciated that one um here it is showing Allan Kenny blatant homerism on Twitter if you go to jail in the morning and shoot five under that same day the course is too easy amen couldn’t agree more TC I know you like this one from Tom I just love the picture that he chose of n a champion in the second degree oh my God it’s it’s it’s good stuff um so the the the you know we’ll listen we we’ll try to flag some more we got Grand Theft Auto Valhalla with a picture of the the classic video game here so just way too much content way too much content today and you know what else Cody uh I think earlier this week we published some content of you out in California at Omni Lacosta with Cam young and it looked like you had a foresight Sports quad Max launch monitor on the course with you did you learn anything about your game as a result of that launch monitor I learned that cam young hits his ball a lot harder and a lot farther than I do but uh it’s awesome to be able to get these devices out there Neil and like not only mess around with them but use them on the course and you get obviously instant feedback a couple weeks ago we were in San Diego when we filmed that thing and like just walk around the foresight sports headquarters you see everything that they put together like everything’s made in shop in the first floor of their building all the office buildings are on the or the like normal office space is on the second floor and they’re they’re just like obsessed with everything Precision detail ease of use it doesn’t matter if it’s like the bottom end product or anything up to like the big massive like you know big home uh launch monitors that they have it’s truly an impressive operation and everybody they’re just like cares about making the best products to help golfers it was really really cool I love it tC have you used the uh the quad Max yet I have we used it in Scotland quite a bit kind of getting our yardages dialed there I think the uh the craziest part is like how it just like you put the ball down and it’s just in The Hitting Zone and the green light comes on and you can hit it like there’s no anxiety of like oh is it like have I set it up correctly is it behind the ball it’s like right to the side of there and it just just works so I love it if you’re looking for uh immediate feedback on ball speed carry distance and a whole lot more check out the uh foresight Sports quad Max and and their other launch monitors I’m also excited to share a custom discount code from they don’t do this for everyone Neil this is important this this discount code well I’m excited to share it I’m excited to share it to no laying up listeners right now you can go to forid forward no laying up and use promo code nlu a checkout to receive 10% off a j a gc3 bundle or a GC quad offer is valid for us customers now through Monday May 27th at 8:00 a.m. Pacific that’s forit laying up promo code nlu at checkout for 10% off a gc3 bundle or a GC quad all right let’s bring our guy in out of the bullpen we’ve got kvv waiting in the wings Mr kvv what’s happening in Baltimore uh a lot of crime I’m sure but uh you know we’re not going to talk about that right now but uh I figured you guys needed a crime expert might as well bring a a high crime uh the crime well and a former uh ESPN man um I know you know Jeff Darlington uh from from your days at ESPN um so you know why did Jeff Darlington just let’s start there why did he just happen to be there when all this went down yeah so if anybody who covered a golf tournament who wants to do it right especially if you’re a TV person you were going to get there at like an ungodly hour which means probably like leaving your hotel room at 5:00 a.m. and so I’m sure Jeff was just you know thinking I’m going to get set up maybe I’ll sort of chat with Scotty shuffler as he kind of rolls into the the clubhouse get a little nugget for getting on get up this morning you know I talked to Sheffer this morning blah blah blah and then just to sort of see this kind of unfold right outside the gates of alalla I I think really glad that we had someone like Jeff there a really good competent reporter who’s covered a lot of breaking news who could sort of deliver in a calm way all these facts and not get into a sort of you know tizzy with the cops because it’s clear the cops were interested in taking no [ __ ] from anything or anyone in this whole you know as a situation unfolded it’s a small town kbv can’t don’t try it you know it’s interesting I like a lot of people don’t really grasp I I think and so if I’m explaining something to you guys you already know forgive me but if you’ve never been to a major before like a lot of these majors are essentially at country clubs that are might as well be in neighborhoods right they’re off they’re down like two lane roads there’s no place to like Park 40,000 cars so there’s all kind of buses that are coming in and out there’s different lanes for different people every time you know I go to one you are hopeful that you get like a media parking pass which might mean that like might mean if you’re lucky you get to go all the way up into the clubhouse lot but it might mean you got to drive you know 16 miles around the clubhouse to get into a lot whatever so it’s very confusing all the time and the good Majors have like a really good infrastructure they have people who know what they’re doing people who know where to direct traffic people what’s going on and I can totally understand how I mean the PJ of America is kind of notorious for not doing this as well as some of the other ones you might remember the K stff they owned this [ __ ] course you remember the kiaa stuff where the the shuttle buses to the island were taking three hours we remember how could we forget kbv how could we ever forget so you know I wasn’t surprised honestly that there was a like the fact that we’re were having a a major right at a place where there’s no traffic that pedestrians can walk on right they’re like having to walk through people’s yards and stuff I could see how like some terrible incident like someone getting hit trying to basically cross one thing or another when there’s no you know crosswalks there’s no way for them to go like we’re putting Majors we’ve kind of always had them in places where 40,000 people are never easily going to fit and so it’s truly awful that someone you know got hit by a bus in the situation but it’s kind of understandable that this kind of was happened because some of the sort of infrastructure issues that you have when you do this kind of thing yeah I think the um it’s it’s really interesting that this is the fourth major that they’ve had here in 30 years plus a Ridder cup and they’re having Logistics issues like this is the first time they’ve been there or something and and there’s one way in and one way out and obviously we’re not there but talking to plenty of people a couple players text me first thing this morning and say hey like fortunately like this wasn’t surprising Gabby Gabby herig from the athletic had heard tweet as well of of you know hey like it’s been a complete [ __ ] show talking to talking to Wills alores this morning he told his his uh said uh Gabby hering said just spoke to will zarat Tores who says he’s he walked two miles to make it to the course this morning with Cam young and Austin eckroad took them over two hours to make it inside the gates was very critical of the set the setup for the entry this week he even told his parents on Monday not to come because it was such a mess quote I’m I’m not happy I was proven right so so you know Scotty Scotty gets arrested and that becomes the storyline but like a man died this morning and you know maybe legistics are to blame for that I I feel like the story line yeah I mean like you know shuttles for pass like like like shuttles for fans have been bad water for fans uh you know I was talking to a couple players this morning they were saying the exact same thing and I think it’s it’s a trend with the PGA of America and I think Beth Page could be like like this is a this is a massive wake up call for them sure I guarantee you TC one of the reasons that the owner of Valla or the co-owner went to go and get sheffler is because he’s embarrassed and he’s really upset about how all this [ __ ] is starting to sort of pile up and he’s like I gotta fix this I gotta do whatever I can because this is a nightmare for me which is a bummer too because the fans like it looks like it could be such an electric as uh atmosphere this weekend right I mean the the I think that if you’re going to point to a strength of Valhalla it’s like the the big ballpark the it’s almost like a big backyard concert field where you can get a million people in there and there can be tons of energy and so the thought that those people like don’t have enough water or it’s a miserable experience getting in and out just like kind of pisses me off as somebody that’s that’s not there like that’s frustrating to hear dude the rer cup could be a nightmare if this is like you know a two-lane road and you know only buses can go in and out I mean players honestly like they got to have you know a designated Lane for them to drive in if they’re going to be driving their own cars in like that’s they’re the reason that the event is going on and that might sound like entitled or privileged but we don’t have a golf tournament if like the Scotty Shuff of the world can’t get to the thing now should you can you make an argument that they should like not be like pulling around police officers when there’s a tragedy going on yeah but it’s also it’s 5:30 in the morning it’s raining it’s dark nobody knows exactly what’s being sort of said like you know Scotty is rolling down his window trying to understand what’s going on as he sort of cruising by I’m sure you know he said and one of the things that he a bunch of other players had already kind of done this I’ve guarant I can almost guarantee what happened is this cop was like trying to deal with one thing looking up seeing some cars going by getting pissed off about it turning turning around again and seeing another car go buy and being like enough of this [ __ ] like I’m tired of people not listening to me and then just like overreacted about it yeah I think the other thing too is it seems like talking to some industry people who know who have been attending PGA championships USGA events the Masters for decades now there’s there’s a serious brain drain at the PGA of America between layoffs moving from Florida to Texas people who didn’t want to move from there and just you know kind of just a lot of turmoil and transition there uh and I you know I’m a big Seth wall guy but there’s there’s there’s stuff that gets lost in transition right and uh you know it just seems like they’re not up to the task like these events are getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger because the entire organization is being you know floated off of the revenue generated so uh I don’t know I think bottom line if the if the course isn’t great logistically it better be a damn good golf course and this is neither and so this should never be an issue again because they’re never [ __ ] coming back here so sure uh I mean I do I do like the way the leaderboard looks right now I will say that so I am still excited about the weekend um I even if it is a shootout um the the leaderboard gets me excited kbv let just just I I don’t want to stay on this too much longer but feels like Darlington I thought he did a very good job uh feels like he had the wherewithal to see that like whoa breaking news is about to happen and you know films it and then has a really good recollection of what happened doesn’t really match up with the police report but what are you doing as a as a big J journalist in that situation and what do you think Darlington did well there I thought the best thing he did was just stay calm like not kind of interfere in any way like that’s not his role like even you know I guess sheer said can you help or whatever that’s not Jeff role to like step in there and be like guys guys it’s number one player in the world like your job is to sort of For Better worse like yeah observe what is going on like if you know for all Jeff knew at that point make Scotty Sher deserved to be arrested he didn’t know anything about what was going on necessarily about what he was you know what the reason was for the arrest and so you know then he’s like documenting what he can and just basically all right I’m going to try to you know jot down either mentally or in a notebook everything that’s going on so that I can sort of testify to this to the world later right and then we’ll see later we’ll get the police’s official account of this I think Michael EES another ESPN person was the first person I saw who got the police report and you know this happens honestly a lot I mean I covered crime for the first six months that I was in Baltimore I know Jeff worked the Orlando Sentinel before you know he he bounced around at the NFL Network in ESPN like I know he covered some real quote unquote uh journalism for a while and you know you learn to go and like the police support is official document of like its public record right but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s it’s a true accounting of what happened and there’s definitely been an evolution in journalism in the last decade or so of not treating that like gospel because we know and we’ve seen it over and over again that police departments lie or they or they mislead they write things in a way that sort of is not exactly the true you know accounting of what went down and I think honestly like you can see evidence of this here like you know the cop is trying to sort of shade it in a way that makes it seem very much like you know he was in not all cops I understand where you’re going with this not all We’re not gonna have that he didn’t say but you know what Cody but the L Louisville Police Department has been cited by the federal justice department for being doing all kinds of terrible things two cops in the Louisville Police Department went to federal prison years ago for driving around and throwing slushies at homeless people agre Louisville Police Department and we don’t even have to bring up the sort of big one that you know the Brianna Taylor stuff all of that is like it’s it’s a part of Louisville Police Department’s reputation I think what probably what happened here that’s that’s another thing is that like you have security people who kind of are in no event stuff and then you throw in cops who are dealing with the tragedy stuff and it’s like nobody knows exactly like who to follow what’s and that just kind of like as a cauldron of like volatility at 5:30 in the morning yeah for sure ottom line like I’m not gonna dump on the PGA of America like I’ve been to PGA of America events that have been really good too you know and so I think it’s it’s year by year but you know I I’m just astounded that they’ve got a level of familiarity with this place and still could have happened right so all right KV while I’ve uh while I’ve still got you got a question here from Eric uh uh BR eyes Bron eyes let’s say I don’t know how to pronounce that uh can we exume Dan Jenkins to write the post game this week uh I feel like that’s a direct challenge to you what say you sir you got you got some some stuff brewing for a uh for a Sunday gamer God yeah I’m going I’m going to be there on on Sunday we’ll see how long it takes me to get from the airport to the actual course could be a 4-Hour Trek uh might have to rent a scooter Randy I hope you can approve that on the NL budget if need be but uh yeah I I’m you know love Dan Jenkins but uh hey let’s let’s let uh the young kids have a little crack at what’s going on here hopefully we’ll be able to bring back a dispatch of some interesting happenings on site well people may not know but you wrote I think your best work for us so far is uh for no l up has been the Victor havin feature Vic kind of bucking his head today I think uh was at seven under when I last checked did he finish at let me get it here finished at eight under five under today 66 any updates to your story um you know what do you make of H Victor’s play this week yeah I honestly I’m not surprised to see him playing well because I think a big part of that story was just that like Joe Mayo was the one of the few guys who really was able to push back against Victor and be sort of like there’s this quote in there about like they’re crazy kind of aligned and I think that that’s what you’re seeing is now that they’re back together working that someone is willing to sort of stand up to Victor and be like yo this is the best way that your swing works like stop searching for another sort of fat another Trend and as that sort of clicked you know it it really happened and I Joe Mayo texted me today and he was like it’s working baby like you’re not going to believe how good this is going to be at the US Open uh Pinehurst here we come and yet like he’s actually kind of he’s not out of this at all like he could shoot two good rounds over the weekend and steal this one which would be a a ridiculous turnaround from stinking at the Wells Fargo and talking about how he feels totally lost with his swing and feels like he couldn’t even you know he’s scraping it around I believe he gave it an interview and Norwegian news stuff so it’s kind of it’s fun to see Vic back because Vic’s a just a fun player to have in the mix I love it any any other paring thoughts before we let you go anything else stand out watching golf today honestly I when I see the cat I just don’t know like how to feel anymore and I I hope you guys will kind of dig into this a little bit but I I guess I I would be curious to know like how my father’s generation felt watching Arie kind of Limp his way around and like you know I don’t know if whether I want tiger to sort of I don’t want him to go away right I I don’t mind at all like him you know still playing and still if he’s still getting something out of it great like I’m not going to bully him off the stage in any way but when we keep up this sort of like I still think I can win the golf tournament I still think you know look I hope it’s a long play down the road so that like a few of these all of a sudden he’s 50 years old and it clicks and one week has finally got a chance but right now it just looks kind of sad and that’s okay that it looks sad I just it doesn’t make me super have a lot of fun to watch it on TV for sure maybe in person I’ll feel different yeah I mean the thing that I saw stat they they popped up on The Telecast it was like his F on number two it was what, 1400 like 41 holes at the PGA Championship with no triples and then he made two triples on the front nine it’s just like it sucks you know that’s that’s it’s 747 yeah of the not what we’re looking for there and TC you said it last night you know maybe it’s time for him to be a little more selective about the courses he plays I mean he clearly doesn’t care about playing anything but Majors so I guess he’s trying to get every rep he can but it’s like if he’s not going to play golf in between it’s hard for him to expect to compete a lot better served playing picking his spots at the right majors and then playing a couple tournaments in between that they can help him knock off some of that competitive rust without without challenging his body too much places like harbort toown or Colonial or you know uh even [ __ ] even saw grass he could go stay at spice bush Randy you know Randy could hook him up over there we would love to have how about the fact that this is this is just his 24th M cut of his career like in 2018 and I hate seeing these kind those kinds of stats like the the triple stat and and stuff like that it’s like don’t I don’t want to like muddy the resume where you’re like oh well yeah but late career that like that stuff doesn’t matter in some ways it does it’s like that’s that’s kind of the the historical record we’re trying to preserve here so I’m with you kvv I don’t want him to go away like you know perfect world I want to see him ball out but it’s like I don’t know if this in between is is uh is you know what I want to see either maybe this is maybe it’s building to something maybe we’ll look like fools for saying rip to the cat down the road but I I think for the most part the part is kind of over and he’s you know just Milling about like the block party yeah yeah just like the block party we’re gonna get to don’t worry we’re gonna get there kvv we’ll let you go uh Friday night en enjoy your evening and uh maybe we’ll see you this weekend and and look forward to seeing what you come up with uh on site sounds good buddy all right thanks uh all right Gentlemen let’s get to some more golf talk they are still wrapping things up it looks like is still on the course we’ve got Xander at minus 12 I I think we got to start there I mean I feel like uh minus 12 is the number we kind of picked for a a kind of a job well done or or the target for Xander um it it gives him the lead I’m sure he would love to have you know that three-stroke lead still but I I feel like he got the job done today I thought he hit it really good played really well on the front nine u kept it together on the back the only criticism I have is he was just just wearing those blowby Adidas black shoes like those things just don’t look good and and it’s it’s hard for me to to get down with the uh with the all black kicks Randy um but what do you think of Xander today I I thought it was a very good round for him quite honestly I I was on record anything in the 60s I thought would would be good um comes in with a 68 still leading the tournament after 36 holes only made one bogey looked like he was very much in control of his golf ball uh didn’t to my eye didn’t really see any cracks or fissures uh forming that that would portend struggle this weekend so I think it’s a I think it’s a great Thursday Friday for him quite honestly it it will be interesting to see him in that final group tomorrow afternoon yeah TC yeah it was F I mean it was fine he played well he did what he needed do he he had a great front nine um you know the up and like up and down on 10 that he had for birdie it’s just there’s just not a whole lot going on out there man there’s not a whole lot of spots you can get in trouble there’s not anywhere to really go backwards except for maybe a couple of the par 3es or get a a little Wayward on two or three of the par par fours um yeah I don’t know we’ll see I mean it’s a you know it feels it feels like a WGC right so maybe he feels right at home yeah TC I do like this though from a just a golf watching perspective I like having Xander out front because it is a storyline we’re we’re used to and and i’ i’ I’m very interested to see if he can hang on like can he can he hold it together over the next two days when he has like some serious horses you know kind of trying to track him down on the uh on the last two turns here so uh but credit to him for playing really well like I I I nobody really nobody is other than maybe Scotty is hitting the ball better than him and I always feel like his putting it looks a little mechanical but he’s rolling it really really good um and he’s he’s making a lot of five six seven Footers um you know both for par and for birdie because he’s hitting it so close so I think 18 was a great example of you know he goes long left or pin High left but he’s on this he’s in deep rough on this downhill lie straight towards the green straight at the bunker lands it on hits a good chip but it stops and like on a real setup like that that ball should have no chance of stopping I don’t care that it’s rained a bunch the last two weeks it’s just there’s no slope in these greens they’re they’re [ __ ] flat as pancakes it’s crazy so sorry I’m not I’m trying not to get frustrated but like Xander makes me frustrated because I feel like he got away with a lot of stuff on that back nine today yeah well a guy I felt like that that played really really well uh bar a bogy on 18 was uh was Colin Randy you were out on Colin are are we back in I mean you kind of missed the dip I guess like where do we stand with Colin and his uh 60 was it 65 today 65 65 yes sir so uh best round of the day tied with Bryson and Matt Wallace and Hideki all shot 6 under today listen I think Colin I think I’m just gonna have to accept I like the idea of Colin maybe more than I like the reality of Colin um I nothing about his round nothing about his first two rounds have surprised me much I mean we we saw him play for the most part very very good golf at the Masters he’s doing the same thing this week he’s won a couple major championships like I I if I myself wanting to get excited because he’s still a young kid he could win his third major there’s just you know it’s hard to get past the the little dog shoes quite honestly you know there’s there’s some stuff where I probably just don’t see eye to eye with him but I I think he’s a very interesting character right now in the larger golf world and if he does get to three Majors come Sunday it just I don’t know it makes him very interesting very relevant once we turn up to all these majors and he he should be that way a little bit Anyway by virtue of winning twice but you know we’re we’re looking for guys to kind of or at least I am I’m looking for guys to separate and and and to Peak and to win at at these biggest events and these biggest moments and if he’s gonna kind of continue doing that I gotta I mean I do respect it yeah I I he was flagging it today yeah I’m gonna find myself in on him he was I mean he was knocking down flag Stakes like repeatedly as we were on the air today on uh on ESPN 2 I mean just hole after hole after hole made a one little stumble coming in but um like that was a strong round of golf well and I he you know said to your boy Marty after the round TC that he feels like he’s really hitting his lines with his putting which has kind of been you know the uh the issue I would say historically for for Colin is he rolling it well with the uh with the claw or the saw grip whatever you want to call it um and just to clarify for the listeners Randy has it uh multiple sources that that Colin um puts shoes on his his little dog I believe it’s a very little dog and he puts shoes on yeah just I was going to say these aren’t even my sources this is public info yeah so that listen that’s tough you know we we hate to hear that don’t I’m not I’m not a Big Dog apparel guy like I can’t I can’t get down with that either so you have to the dog’s gonna be flying first class he’s gonna eaten at you know restaurant of things like you know it’s tough to trust a man with two first names tough to trust a man that pours a drink for you and not for himself tough to trust a man that wears a bow tie exclusively and I think it’s tough to trust a man that that puts clothing on his dog let’s say on a regular basis right that’s tough it’s just a it’s a totally different lived experience than me and maybe I’m just the old fuddy duddy you know maybe that’s a me problem but uh if he’s keeps wining Majors I’m I’m gonna be in I’m gonna have to respect it all right TC sah I mean absolute Thrill Ride today uh roller coaster what what’s the spots uh in in Ohio King Island Kings Island Kings Island yeah not to be confused with King Island just brought up Kings Island yesterday said somebody saw us on ESPN 2 at thg not just somebody himself like no the theme park in Ohio I was like oh okay that blast from the past anyway sahith uh bald out today TC tell us about it yeah I feel like sahis the new speed man interesting hitting it all over the map with the driver uh he he can pull off some crazy [ __ ] with the irons sometimes he doesn’t pull it off like like we saw in 10 today uh he was up the left in the hospitality or you know he was I think he hit one off the cart path it was on the cart path first and then into the hospitality and that was a whole Saga over there which he didn’t take you know he didn’t take a drop assuming because the the closest drop would have been to the other side and I’m sure he had a better window or whatever but yeah we had the courtesy you know we had one of the the model cars that I’m sure he could have finagled a drop from there and he didn’t ends up making six had a putt for five on on 10 there and then comes in pretty pretty between the Mayo and the mustard uh birdie 12 and pars the rest of the way in shot 67 and he’s two back so he’ll be playing uh he’ll be playing in the second to last group tomorrow yeah SOLO third right now and I wanted go ahead he like sa is just a guy that I’ve wanted to see I think Pinehurst suits him extremely well uh especially with you know being a little bit Wayward off the te but excellent iron player great putter um I don’t know he like he’s someone who I’ve just wanted to see play well in majors and really Ascend to that next level and I feel like he’s kind of a confidence guy that he just needs to kind of like Max he needs to kind of figure out his own way and and build the confidence in himself and chart his own course he’s a really easy guy to root for I would say it I would like to see him put it together for four rounds um I worry about one of the next two rounds him him uh you know going backwards a little bit but great round today and and a fun one to watch I also want to shout out uh a couple things one you mentioned the drop where where he or sorry the uh he did not take relief from the hospitality which is awesome he didn’t take it from the cart path either which is awesome uh it’s good theater uh two wendam had a was looking for a bailout uh today when we were on ESPN 2 they didn’t give it to him so he didn’t get uh Tio relief over on I believe it was seven uh and Randy they played the ball down today and I saw several mud balls and I want to call that out because I thought that was uh a net positive in my golf viewing and I wish they would do that more often I I’m totally there with you Neil and yes we we for anything that we say against the PJ I’m glad that they did not played lift clean in place I think the biggest example I can remember Brooks with a three-wood in his hand uh sniping one out of bounds left with a mud ball ended up making double bogey I believe it on was that 10 maybe that first par five on the back uh but yeah kudos to them no no easy way out the these guys have enough of an easy setup for a major championship let’s let’s get a little dirt on the ball I want to see how guys guys handle Duval was not happy about it which Duval’s I like David Duval but he’s been dead weight in the booth this week uh Andy North said tiger had one of the worst mud balls he’s ever seen in his life and yeah talking to a few guys and they’re like oh it’s it’s just it just introduces luck and it’s just so random and I’m like yeah because there’s not enough luck and Randomness out there on these optimized setups and a characterless featureless course like this which I would say if valhall wants to have another major they need to make every hole look like 13 like just go all in on looking like a golden tea Golf Course amp it up to a million like be a showpiece I mean 18 and seven are right there with 13 when you see the Aerials I mean the lake on seven is just outrageously large there should be pontoon boats out there it’s crazy TC we got Bryson big tone and JT on the list as as kind of highlights of the day where you want to go next yeah I mean you’re you’re gonna get a lot of flack from people for skipping over homeless hubs but sure we’re going to uh homus hubs is is at nine under got Scotty we talked about him we’ve got dietry but yeah Bryson came uh he’s we’re going to go down the leaderboard towards the end of the shows that’s why I skipped over those guys okay yeah I mean Bryson awesome round today he’s uh I think he just finished up um so he shot 65 today birdied five out of his first 10 holes uh seven birdies I mean strong stuff he’s he’s right there I I didn’t feel like I saw enough Bryson uh maybe I was distracted this afternoon did you guys feel that way I think we saw plenty of them kind of down the stretch it was like Bryson bigtone sah unfair maybe unfair for me because we we went live before coverage ended so I’m sure we there was of Bryson towards the end Neil I’m with you that we we could have you know subbed a little bit more Bryson in for a little less cat maybe uh deep into the round today sure they should just put cat on his own feature group if you want cat eat your heart we got Cody scrolling his Twitter on live on air here uh you know letting the people know who’s are we I’m trying to check we’re getting breaking news that Tommy lad eagled 18 so I want to make sure and see if there’s a video or anything of it from my guy TC here brother I just try to cover your six man just in case you’re pulling up the wrong tab all right if one more person tweets at me saying hey when is when when are you gonna apologize for ludvig for for what the guy’s injured okay first of all is he hurt PC is he hurt or is hej injured he’s injured okay just he’s injured all right secondly Tommy like he’s gonna have some off weeks he’s he’s not going to perform in every single one of these things what more does he have to do besides win one what more does he have to do I’m not looking for another top five you know I’m not looking for a back door top 10 I don’t care if he made the cut or missed the cut I was gonna say if he has made the cut i i a little back door top 10 I see let’s see what our friends at FanDuel have those odds I was gonna ask you that are are we breezing past Thomas diet Tre a little too quickly and I only say that that the guy’s made one bogey through two rounds he had a clean card today uh you know of course he’s maybe not the guy any of us would want to be there Sunday but um at least props to him sure sure I mean we could go down the leaderboard if you want I mean drie e Ro are right is right there at eight under havin and fow fow had a tough finish what he made double on 17 I mean there’s just a lot of names on like good players on this leaderboard like I mean brand names and and that’s why I know you have your complaints about the course TC don’t be one of those guys oh the look at this leader it’s like B re look at this leader I think s and you know we talked about it last night I I just I’m cool with just like not worrying about it for the next couple days like I’d like to just enjoy the golf you know it’s an execution test these guys can execute I’m all I’m all for that like they’re you know we we’ve tested them on this material yeah TC and I are looking for a little new material to test had the syllabus I I and I I I do agree with you guys like I’m not like I’m not writing for the course by any means but I you know yeah it’s nice to have a good leader you want to call it the best signature event of the year like sign me up like if all the Signature Events were like this then I’d be fired up for you know 11 rounds or 11 tournaments this year instead of you know instead of this major so let’s figure out how to make the rest of them feel like this because it’s working for me right now yeah you know we talked about havin a little bit uh I think Brooks I think Brooks is kind of the last guy of those big names that we need to talk about before we get into your boy Rory and and things of that nature uh Brooks just can’t make any putts it seems like every time like I’m not sure if the stats are bearing this out but every time I every time I like look at the screen he’s missing a 12 15f footer they’re not bad putts they’re just not falling yeah I felt like he was playing from the rough a good amount today he had an up and down round uh finished with a birdie on 18 I thought he battled um unlike Rory which we’re going to get to I want to talk a little you know buying and selling here but before we do I want to talk talk to you guys about an expert in buying and selling and that’s that’s mizuo I want to give a shout out to mizuo who is mizuo mizuho is a top Global corporate and Investment Bank a Powerhouse in Japan as a retail bank and the americaas is now the fastest growing region for mizuho’s institutional banking division they are also the title sponsor of this week’s LPGA event the mizuo America’s open being hosted at Liberty National right across the river on the other side of Lady Liberty from from where I’m sitting uh the only event where top Junior players compete alongside 120 LPGA Tour players in concurrent in a con concurrent tournaments the ajga Invitational uh is the Junior tournament and on Saturday and Sunday the Junior and LPGA groupings are combined which is always fun it’s a fantastic format and the leaderboard is stacked this week so that’s muho for more information visit and be sure to check out the mizuho amicas tournament coverage all weekend Randy give us a quick update while uh while we’re on mizuo what’s what’s the lpj leader look like before we get to the block party yeah Cody’s got it up on our screen here for those watching ataya tium big big move today she shot a bogey free seven under 65 to Vault into first place going into the weekend she has a two-shot lead over somi Lee who was your first round leader uh excellent excellent leaderboard though Nelly Corda right there T3 I mean it would be it’d be a bit of a bummer just because the PGA Championship is going to take all the oxygen but we could be looking at it in a taia versus Nelly Showdown this weekend on you know a good venue I know TC we we have gripes about it but it’s it’s a legit venue Liberty National yeah um Gabby Ruffles is right there T3 she’s she’s looking to spoil the fun um area Janar has has surfaced that that’s a name that you know she has all the talent in the world see her kind of pop up a couple times a year so really really good event going on uh if there is a rain delay tomorrow I’ll just remind folks 3: to 6: PM Eastern on Golf Channel will be the mizuo America’s open and if it is a nellia ataya showdown you can bet I’m G to be second screening that all weekend yeah I got to check the weather the weather’s just been really buming me out up here in in the tri-state area just can’t seem to uh get it get a consistent spring sunshine I feel like we’re going to skip right over the intermediate and go right into the hot stuff the humid stuff in the city which is tough um all right gentlemen uh I do well one other I want to call JT I thought he played well today um in in the hometown he struggled to make some putts missed a few short birdies but I I thought he showed up and and played hard and um you know that’s that’s good to see I mean it should be the home game model should be off the charts I I’d like to see him uh find some per form this weekend um you good on the leaderboard a little bit well I want to get to the Forgotten men real quick so we talked a little bit about tiger I I got to address the block party Rory very disappointed I’m very disappointed Randy uh just it couldn’t have been said it earlier today I felt and this is a Neil this is a safe space you like how disappointed are you please feel free to to let it out no I’m I’m more disappointed in myself um I I just I keep you know I keep I’m Diamond hands and and I shouldn’t be uh it’s just he finished at minus five even par round today uh birdied 18 which was you know a little poetic but he came out and birdied one I was feeling great and then he just got stuck in neutral all day and it kind of was a little bit of old Rory uh I was hoping the driver would click in he didn’t seem to have have much off the te uh but it just felt like he was not tidy with his uh with his iron game was was what stuck out to me I thought he battled on the front nine and then that double on 12 was just like you know stabbed himself in the chest as TC says uh which is like it’s just so frustrating it’s very frustrating this like there isn’t a better could not create like a movie script that was a better fit for Rory this week course he’s one at soggy long uh just like flat greens like we we don’t need much from you with the putter just like pin your ears back and go not to mention your biggest competitor the guy that you need to Vanquish got put in the [ __ ] Slammer took the attention off of you when you were in the news and like it was just so set up for for him to ball out this afternoon and he didn’t do it and there’s like I I don’t have anything else to say about it so like and I don’t feel great I I don’t feel great about him at Piner number two right like this was it it’s like it’s not like I’m looking ahead like oh we got the US Open coming up we got trun coming up like I don’t feel like there’s a coarse fit for those like this was the course fit this was it so yeah Rory should be good enough to where like the course fit doesn’t really matter but that’s kind of the problem an argument that you can make when I’m in a better mood and probably an argument I’ll make to myself in about a month but like right now it’s just like yeah I’m frustrated so so so what’s going on with the block party uh I mean I think it’s still like if you want to come by and and maybe we sit in some lawn chairs in the garage but just feels like weather sucks and if people have better [ __ ] to do like you know no sweat man like I mean we’re not g to have it catered it’s it’s like pot luuck whatever what what’s gonna suck is he’s probably gonna play well tomorrow he’s probably GNA top 10 right and that’s the frustrating part is he’s going to play well the next two days and just you know you’re going to try to justify it Rory needs to do tonight Rory needs to go to that Italian restaurant that Rick patino used to go to DC that’s blow up some steam deep cut get an otphj unbelievable unbelievable poll from from tronald Carter right there uh no yeah I mean I would support him having a couple Bourbons tonight got a sarcophagus Blast Off you hit I don’t know if I can say sarcophagus on live TV well I know I could say sarcophagus I was like I don’t know if I can make this patino sarcophagus joke but when am I ever going to get a better opportunity I you know we’re in Louisville Louisville Slugger you know it’s a big baseball town I I’d say you know Rory does he you know TC needs a slum Buster maybe go out get bombed you know I don’t know what else filed for divorce doesn’t mean divorced yet though right uh I don’t know I mean yeah maybe maybe sleep in until like noon tomorrow kind of just roll out to the first te change it up get out you know change the routine up maybe um say go over to Jeff rubies but Jeff Ruby kicked my guy OJ out one year I hate that uh I I think that it’s just going to be too little too late on the weekend here I mean minus five were seven back I I don’t with with the amount of names on the leaderboard ahead of them I just don’t know if if he can uh I don’t know if he can track him down so Cody what do you think man I mean you’ve been riding with me at the block party it’s a lot you’re asking an awful lot from the guy there um but I don’t know I I always say maybe it’s the Optimus eny that like it’s maybe it freeze him up now maybe today was just too stressful for him even though just like you said n everything like pointed to be like today was his day to kind of go out and get it he just he didn’t have it so it sucks man it just it just is a really bummer that like he seems to when the time to take take advantage of it he just kind of a failure to launch situation yeah you guys want to come by Club magenta thank you TC with that big tone TC here you know what I’ll say I’m stupid SM uh you’re goodlooking I’m not I haven’t been I haven’t been opposed to the we want more I think self-reflection I I that’s what I’m just you know you Randy are we are we learning anything about ourselves are we I mean everybody knows the definition of insanity I’m just worried about some of my friends sure I just you know I’m not scared to get hurt I like I I enjoy rooting for him he gets me going when he’s playing well and I I uh I don’t know I like a someone vanquishing their demons I mean we’re going on 10 years which is a long time uh and I thought the I thought the script was was uh was pretty dialed this week but alas uh we’ll keep searching uh maybe I need to set up some time with wendam and and Max’s psychologist she seems to be doing I think Windam might need to set Up’s probably gonna get in that in that chair before I am uh that’s for sure a couple other guys I was disappointed in cam young Cody I know while you’re here your boy your your alt shot partner I just I felt like this was a good fit for him I I feel like he’s just I don’t know he’s a bomb threat off the tea but he’s just not hitting the Fairway enough and I could have told you that if you have watch the video I mean I we could have told you that he’s he’s got a little spray with that driver right now but uh I don’t know he’ll get it figured out just well I’d like to see him hit the two-wood more like the second serve I mean you know we got that club in a bag for the re for a reason let’s let’s get it out um TC who give me a forgotten man who who who am I forgetting here I was just going down a deep dive of who else could Rory go out with tonight Papa John Schnatter Mark King formerly of young Brands then he went over to tailor made he’s ry’s guy that came up with the big the big hole the big yeah gol holes bigger you know what he’s doing now he retired from uh from from Taco Bell he is now uh chairman of the board of the big three basketball league wow so uh blowing brain idea other guys I’m I’m not disappointed in lvic I’m just gonna say that right now I think he you know I don’t think he needed to be playing a bunch this weekend I first and foremost I’m disappointed Ram man I mean we watched a lot of it the last two days he was just just didn’t have it didn’t have it off the tea was missing left left left and then you know just not controlling his emotions and I think it’s going to be interesting to see what happens over the next two you know Majors because I think I think if he goes into the next off season without much success in the majors that’s you know two really poor performances uh by any standard much less his standard I think you’re looking at a narrative building that he’s not going to be able to control unless he just comes out and wins the Masters next year or something so that’ll be really interesting um what else we got not a whole lot I mean you know Windam was like I felt like kind of validated today watching Windom uh just you know he acted like kind of a a weenie there at the end um JT Poston always sad to see him miss a cut best pound-for-pound player in the world didn’t feel like a great course fit for for it wasn’t it wasn’t uh blocky and tiger tying you know a couple of generational talents and uh yeah I don’t I mean no no huge disappointments otherwise I think you know main disappointment I was gonna say a few disappointments quite honestly that have snuck inside the cut I I called out Wain Neeman yesterday he did shoot 68 he’s going to play this weekend on the number you know Ricky’s right there with him DJ actually same thing shot 68 he’s going to play uh but just some like really uncompetitive showings from some guys that we all hope would be a little bit more in the thick of things yeah yeah DJ legit looks like he’s like just wants to shut it down and go fishing which more power to him I respect it you know it’s fine but like don’t waste our time what did uh I didn’t see any any cam Smith today what did he do he shot one under I believe he’s four under total yeah I know it’s kind of like all those guys at 4 under a lot of them are in that disappointing category yeah because I put cam like cam Smith I put Rory in this category like the tournament would be better if those guys were in the hunt and that’s kind of where the disappointment comes from um it just like come let’s you know let’s go fellas I mean spe 6969 nice he’s at four under uh I gotta call out I mean disappointed myself for my ho H coin play that was that was a bad investment your KN out I did he shot 73 today didn’t work out so T of Max that’s what I mean like our guy Max he couldn’t hit a fairway today Klay minwoo horel day Lowry like all really good players there’s just they’re just kind of plotting along but they’re they’re far enough back and I don’t think the leaders are going to back up so there they’re far enough back to where it feels Out Of Reach and they’re just playing for for Wiki yellow you know all right well TC stick with it man let’s we’ll let you cook a little bit longer say yeah I I just want to shout out e Ro T8 right now 6767 walked two miles this morning you know uphill both ways uh two hour two miles and two hours is I’m guess we were sitting in the car for a while and then we got out and walked yeah I feel like I feel like 18 was kind of an eraser today too a lot of guy like a lot of eagles on 18 they kind of cover papered over some bad stuff uh Big Shot Bob McIntyre nobody nobody has believed in this guy and I think it’s telling that s’s not on the podcast tonight that I don’t think he wanted to to face no that was that was me who called him out no that was me no Su hates him s s has no respect for for Big Shot Bob uh Matt Wallace playing really well he had kind of a provocative blue outfit on today um Hideki you know nice 65 from Hideki today and H Randy Harris English flushing yeah yes love seeing that TC so uh lee HJ is hanging in Neil you mentioned Justin Thomas Keegan’s up there Lucas Herbert Aaron Ry Dean ber we’re we’re good we don’t you know toasty’s up there yo Tom young Tom Kim he made it he was he was vibing early and then he kind of he doubled his last hole double yeah that was a killer he’s wearing that horrible vest not good God that thing the Der leak collection as TC was calling it it’s it’s not a good look um yeah I’m not I’m not I wasn’t feeling that so I’m I’m kind of happy he doubled the the last hole um anybody deep down the leader board you want to call out TC not really I think we got everybody oh my God you’re cutting yourself off unbelievable senson want to shout him out you know and then Martin ker we had we had a cleck make make the cut I did hear [ __ ] air mailed a green by like 35 yards today I mean just outrageously long kind of like you at New South Wales you know it’s going to happen maybe he got a bad number from his distance device you know uh all right anything about Duff I mean you you shatter the guy out there I think you predicted that this round was GNA come uh but what you think he touched the Sun a little too early yeah I mean you know he was playing with house money dner is just you know good stuff he didn’t embarrass himself I saw some stuff this morning of like did da turn around once pres oh [ __ ] guys I’m gonna I’m gonna call in a wd here Randy do you want to shout out any of the Corbridge Financial PGA Pros out there I would TC yes thank you uh we do have officially one inside the cutline Braden shatak has completed his round the the second round as as we’re recording has been suspended due to Darkness a couple other guys my guy Jeremy Wells has a couple holes to play he’s two under he’s low Club PL low Club Pro right now and then the other guy Ben Polland is right on the cut with two holes to play so we might have three Club pros this weekend playing TC we’ll see if anybody can Venture up to that that Immortal tied for 13th Place that blocky got to last year maybe they get the Chase Sapphire shot of the day I mean that’s what that’s what they’re playing for right Randy yeah it’s it’s so cra sorry real quick it’s so crazy that block has a sponsor exemption to play next week on the PGA tour like what are we doing second year in a row yeah TC give us a forast uh forecast update for the weekend yeah real quick one other thing I want to call out Jeff Overton is currently T3 in at the Kansas City uh corn fairy Tour event he’s got Obviously good history here at Valhalla good to see Jeff Overton playing good golf these days and my guy Ryan Gerard solo second one of the hottest players in the world right now so uh forecast wise it’s looking better for tomorrow guys this is this is the North American model uh you know there could be some some stuff pop up here and there but it looks like it’s not quite hot enough to to to produce these massive massive thunderstorms Cody I think we’ve got a European model in there as well there we go there we go uh a little bit more moisture on that one and then you know wind not much wind to speak of like maybe some gusts on Sunday up to up to 10 or 11 miles an hour out of the North Northeast so uh curious to see what they do with the setup see if they they move some te’s around but seemed like you know there’s just not a whole lot to do out there right they you know the greens don’t have a a ton going on they’ve tucked some pins already in certain spots spots there’s a couple couple bunkers that are kind of diagonal you know against like like hard up against some of these these uh greens that they’ve they’ve tucked some pins on so we’ll see what happens um and then yeah just as far as I think like just looking at coverage the last couple days watched a lot of golf um ESPN generally speaking has been great I know we’ve been working with him but kind of working with the Omaha side of things uh Jeff Jeff Darlington SC velt Curtis Strange I think they’ve all been great I really enjoy Curtis I I wish Curtis is I kind of feel like I wish NBC would maybe look at him I don’t know how contracts work but if falo can split time on networks like he used to I feel like Curtis Strange would have been a decent I wish he would have gotten a look from from NBC for that uh that you know 18th Booth job I’m not sure if Curtis wants to work every week or if he wants to that much um but like I don’t know like again I like David Duval it just feels like he’s been a little bit rudderless I think Andy Norris’s always good always enjoy his his contributions and I think I’m a little bit disappointed with Jeff Ogie I think I like the idea of Jeff Ogie and I think we’ve we’ve said hey he’d be a great great commentator and maybe he just needs more reps to get into it but it just felt a little Jeb you know kind of low energy the last couple days I I thought the same thing too Tron and I I promise this is not like a joke but I wonder if Jeff would be better on like a more strategic course worse like almost this this venue is not putting him in the best position I’ll be horrified by it well the other thing though I feel like between the two of those guys I I feel like I never know who’s going to be in the booth like they almost are switching them out too often I I feel like every time they go to the booth it’s like oh it’s Duval and then like Duval disappears and and it’s Ogie and I feel like you don’t like that Neil well I don’t like it on the same day Cody like it doesn’t feel um crazy thing is that one of the other premium broadcast Partners that’s their go-to play right now too well but they do it we they kind of do it week to week and I feel like I like the idea of them sticking with one of those guys for a full day or just it feels like they’re going back and forth like Duvall of them pop up later later on and I’m not familiar with either of their voices you know I don’t don’t hear a ton of them uh in you know on like major broadcast so it it’s kind of like wait wait is that Duvall again like I thought he left the booth but now he’s back so it does feel like it maybe I’m trying to give them maybe the benefit of the doubt of like are they not being put in a great position yeah yeah I agree SVP North dynamic duo but you guys did another uh hit on ESPN 2 today thoughts I thought today was fun I was a little little comfier in there felt like uh you know we the tech is is complex um but uh it feels like sometimes it’s you’re like in the k kitchen like on the show The Bear and I just feel like producers it’s like behind corner you know it’s like there’s a lot going on in my ears like TC yesterday couldn’t you know didn’t show up for like 30 minutes because doing some tech stuff he was troubleshooting and I could hear the whole thing in my ear and I thought that the the audience could hear the whole thing and so I was like oh my God this is a train wreck this is awful and and turns out nobody could hear that but I it’s very it can be very distracting I thought uh Rah just dropping F bomb’s Galore was awesome Harman that’s the life life highlight of mine to apologize for mics may have picked up yeah well speaking of that we will be back tomorrow morning bright and early uh 9 am Eastern to 11:00 am Eastern we’re going to ESPN plus uh tomorrow morning so if you’re trying to catch some early coverage uh yeah yeah we’re back to the Kids Table uh keeping it Loose over behind the pay wall uh but join us on ESPN plus 9:00 am. tomorrow and on Sunday same time 9:00 am. to 11: am. uh we will be calling early golf um guys two questions yeah questions for the group first of all do we wake up tomorrow and Scotty’s charges are either reduced or dropped I think I I saw something that was like the 24 hours the the DA has the within 24 hours they’ll kind of decide what to do I don’t know if that’s true I’m not a lawyer um like they’ll decide to like drop the charges or I saw a lot of tweets out there like oh this is definitely going to just be the traffic ticket so I don’t know what the timeline on that is though and then uh B how far back is too far back good question TC now we’re talk now we’re asking the good questions I think seven is too far back so if you’re at seven I think if you’re at seven you’re too far back I would include seven in you’re still in it I think six is too far back the only guy if you want to include capka or not yeah I could I don’t know does JT have like a 65 in him tomorrow is is that even good enough I I think I’m with you but I might include I might carve out kka from the seven under Brigade I mean I would carve out Hideki there too though because I feel like with this this course I mean it’s not like they’re the greens are flum mixing anyone I mean he can he can throw darts just like everybody else so I I feel like he of all those guys other than Brooks on the you know in the t11 OR better hii’s got a chance to go really low who’s your pick oh man guys I’m gonna take Scotty I think I bold I’m going Scotty or I think Bryson continues to like Bryson’s gonna start running out of major starts here soon Bryson’s at nine wow I mean guys I kind of want to you know be I want change it up on you maybe maybe ride for Xander why not you know just be in the minority Zig while you guys zag say again Alexander Alexander Weird Al um I don’t know I’m not ready to make a pick I I really I don’t I don’t the BL party yeah exactly I just like I I it feels wrong for me to make a pick right now I don’t want to do it please respect my privacy I’ve got I’ve got no comment at this time Cody I assume you have Scotty yeah it’s so hard not to look past him uh but I I like the Bryson pick the issue there with Bryson is I don’t know if you’ll like I don’t know it’s hard when to go back and and think of like his major win uh you know we give Colin so much crap about his Co majors and like Bryson was kind of right there with him I don’t know how how he’ll be able to hold up on Sunday but it’s very hard when you got Scotty I mean staring this leaderboard down it would be awesome if it was like seah hubs but let’s be realistic here like I think Scotty’s just gonna keep running downhill we because plays has SP we don’t have tea times tomorrow I I assume they’re gonna try to go in Tome still and and did I think so was Scotty in at nine under before dietre I mean Scotty could be in the second to last group which I really like for him I think Scotty was in first Scotty and S yeah of course we don’t have pairings yet because uh ZB still has some holes to play so very much grinding to make this cut the cut right now yeah he’s right on it so TC your uh your play blocky vers ZB hits oh I mean it hits regardless of whether he makes the cut or not like you beat him yeah that’s what I’m saying yeah congratulating you oh thank you yeah yeah and Zach’s got like a nine or 10f footer on eight for bird so we’re looking good there he’s 300 a day all right well that’s uh I think that’s it for us we’ll see you tomorrow morning at 900 am uh thank you for watching uh crazy day um and uh yeah make drop some likes and uh you know subscribe on your way out why not you know thanks for uh thanks for coming back to the channel uh cheers


  1. Not enough talking about the cop attaching himself to Scottie’s car. I wonder if that’s in their police manual.

  2. Cody could have just not said anything and people might still have some respect for him. What a terrible take and a complete derailment of the flow. Stick to the background for a while, Sarge, this wasn't a good look.

  3. KVV i forgive you for your awful Jday take the other day thank you for dispatching of Codys boot throating like a professional

  4. Did Cody try and defend the Louisville PD? Arguably the worst department in the country? Stick to to production buddy.

  5. There’s no difference in the plow between the 235 or 345. It’s just where you put the adjustable lift shackles on the plow frame. Mid mount for the 345 and front mount for the 235. I think the front mount lift arm that attaches to the lift handle is same for blower and plow.

  6. I get Cody is voicing an opinion that some in our country have… but it’s kind of jarring to see someone so blindly try to downplay what is a very well documented issue in our country. KVV came at this with tact, and Cody took this to a kinda gross place. Unfortunate.

  7. Can NLU make a statement about Cody’s comment?? KVV handled it on the show but it still needs to be addressed.

  8. Can somebody help me out with the NLU lore here? I watch their main series a bit but don’t usually watch videos of the podcast…

    Anyway my question is, why is TC recording this from a holding cell?? Lmao

  9. Maybe let TC take the rest of the week off. People are trying to enjoy 1 of 4 times a year we get this field, leaderboard is stacked, golf is fun. Dont need to spend half the pod beating dead horse on course.

  10. I always knew nlu was in love and caterer to the political correctness and woke ideology fans. These comments attacking cody for saying "not all cops" is a perfect example. Stop lumping some cops to all cops!!

  11. Not getting the hate towards Cody. Yes the department has a bad rap and it’s easy to paint them all with the same brush which is not fair to the good cops out there who do their job correctly. When there are a lot of bad cops in a department; there’s not much the good ones can do. It needs a complete overall from the top down.

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