Golf Players

I Wasted My Life Doing Jiu Jitsu

I’m on to bigger and better things.

Jitsu is a waste of time to learn and I just lost the last 15 years of my life doing it throughout the years of training I thought I was learning the best martial art a real superpower I was convinced that you could beat people of a bigger size even if they’re 260 bro walk around with a fresh ego knowing you’re safe and could defend yourself and that I would be learning valuable skills for the real world from coveted professors but it turns out just the opposite was true instead what I racked up from all those years was a list of regrets and the worst one being regret number one injuries have you seen this clip couldn’t walk right for months or have you ever shot a double leg and been Sprout on just right and tore your shoulder in Jitsu we love to tell people that it’s fun and a safe sport YouTubers talk about MTH safety coaches talk about band moves and people claim they don’t roll hard in the gym yet everyone I know starts Jitsu looking like this and changes into this a few years later let’s be honest here the sport is about breaking Limbs and choking people unconscious and we pretend that will never happen to you it goes as far as saying Jiu-Jitsu is a gentle art when this is the reality when we say shujitsu is a gentle art we mean that regret number two the ego a famous quote for Jitsu is to leave your ego at the door this is a great model because you can strip yourself of worries and just spend time learning but instead of that happening my Reddit is stuffed with people crying about eagles in the sport the ultimate goal of any martial art is tranquility and self-respect so let me show you the top athletes of the sport and tell me if they’re using it even the founders of the sport didn’t believe in this as they would kick you out the gym if you even had the thought of training elsewhere have a friend in another gym banned you’re a paying member of a gym you should be treated well however that just isn’t the case when ego is involved in the sport and it especially plays a role in regret number three the belt we practice a sport where you wear a fancy uniform wrestle around some pajamas and one mythical thing holds the whole outfit together the belt this belt is supposed to represent your expertise in the sport if you’re higher ranked than someone else they’re basically a free meal to you right wrong there are no Universal standards to who gets what belt JSU is a sport that requires money to operate and be successful business but the students pay those bills and they want to see their time is rewarded so they all obsess over the cloth around their waist gym professors rank up students on a whim have standards different from everybody else and some gyms even charge more than $100 just to rank up instead of trying to better yourself the students just want to chase a shiny new color I regret doing jiujitsu because I was robbed of my time I spent 15 years learning a sport where I’d be walking away practically paralyzed I’m still extremely cocky and even though I have a black belt does it even matter when Professor Amazon can just promote you the only other regret I have is that you watched this video on April 1st and took the video seriously while commenting an essay on how I’m wrong


  1. Many people have had guns thinking that they didn't need to learn hand-to-hand combat until they had their weapons taken from them and used against them. Many people also thought they didn't need to learn jiujitsu until they ended up on the ground or went to court because they struck someone when they didn't need to.

    Jiujitsu isn't the only answer, but it's a vital and large piece of the puzzle. Don't wait until it's too late to learn this lesson.

  2. I am definitely worse at fighting than when i started when you add in how crippled my body is from training lol

  3. I feel it's important to learn grappling and AT LEAST basic striking or street fighting as it don't matter how good you are when you get close when the boxer takes you out in two seconds or the street fighter straight kills you

  4. I'll take the tradeoff. Masters purple belt and have a few injuries. But I'm better off to defend myself than the average joe, in better shape than other thirty year olds, mental health benefits, and have a great friend group in the sport. Worth it.

  5. Lol dancing at the end doesn't make anything you said less true. My experience with BJJ has been hot garbage. Biggest egos in the world and terrible instruction. People are paying to learn a martial art. Instead you become a grappling dummy for the competitors in the gym. You are expected to learn by trial and error even though the fundamentals of grappling are pretty well agreed upon and have been for decades, if not longer. BJJ is a joke. Lacks structure and pedagogy and the moral framework that underpins traditional martial arts.

  6. Your "joke" has a lot of truth in it, at least in my experience. I was injured a lot in Jujitsu (including one very serious shoulder injury) and belts generally su ck. Eight years of Muay Thai, it fixed my injuries from Jujitsu, and I didn't get a single serious injury training it. And no belts.

  7. I always advice people who want to try martial arts just to get a little fitter and stay healthy to try taekwondo or karate because it’s much saver due to not being a full contact martial art.
    Bjj, thaiboxing, wrestling or even krav maga is so great but unless you need it professionally because you are a professional fighter or law enforcement of any kind you honestly don’t need it, the pro’s don’t outway the cons in the long term.

  8. Took me the earning of a bachelor degree in philosophy to have teachers instructing me that saying: I wasted my time…
    Then dropping some hard truth shoved into my stubborn mind: time is a man made concert, time doesn't exist, time is an abstract entity.
    Wasting time ? Wasting what ? Then go ahead and proclaim you gianed time by doing more wrestling ? How exactly do you gain time ?
    This psychological abstraction is similar to the theory of: I'm born in the wrong era or wrong side of history.

    You're right here where you're suppose to be.
    Well that too is a man made theorical creation.

    Fact: you are here, period.
    Fact: there are no time. Period.
    Last: if you wasted time, or you could have gianed time, then explain and expand on trying to pin time, if you're that convince that time exists. Go ahead, I'm ready, I can take it.

  9. Interesting timing. I just took two intro classes and both times had overzealous beginners trying to prove something. And an instructor failing to instruct. That was it for my jiu jitsu career. At least for the foreseeable future.

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