Golf Players

Round 1, FPO | 2024 OTB Open

Catch Round 1 from the FPO broadcast at the 2024 OTB Open!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] from the Prairies of Kansas to the coasts of California our tour has arrived out west the Port Town of Stockton May differ from the bay but there’s no doubt the home of OTB reflects a California state of mind and underneath the sunshine lies our first test out west Swenson Park a bomber course requiring power and accuracy will we see a return to Victory from former Champions three time Champion paig Pier or can those on the brink this year finally break out one thing is certain Victory this week will require only the best the 2024 OTB open Starts Now [Applause] good morning discol fans and welcome to the West Coast Swing here on the disc golf pro tour it is the 2024 OTB open brought to you by MVP tournament central time we’re going to bring you into the foo action here at Swenson Park Brian aart Nate Perkins let’s get going Nate yep we’re here at Swenson Park this is the fourth time they’ve ran the OTB open here they used to run it in San Francisco they used to run it at Glenn Eagles golf course and now they’ve moved to a different Golf Course 200 acres of land they are given to design a championship facility and I feel like Leonard Muse is really coming into his own here longtime course designer he’s put so much work into this property uh Nate designing traditional Golf Course disc golf courses is really challenging what do you think about this place well first when you know we moved from San Francisco obviously it’s a little sad Eagles was a a very special property but it made sense cuz it was hard to bring the tour there and then we hear we’re going to Stockton and everyone’s like where where is that exactly I I don’t know and you see it’s in the smack dab in the middle of the valley you’re like uh I’m not so sure about this and if you’re you’re coming from the East you you cross over the the world-renowned Sierra Nevada mountain range maybe you cruised over to the play the Las Vegas challenge down in Nevada or maybe you actually went over to yose for the weekend but you crossed over the mountains you’re cruising into the valley and it’s dry it’s dusty you get into the city you’re like I don’t know about this and then you pull into Swinson Park and all those doubts kind of wash away because this golf course is beautiful it has these baby redwood trees that we’re sitting underneath right now and then it has these massive oak trees which linard used to Perfection out here it’s hard to to find gaps out here 200 Acres there’s a lot of low ceilings and we don’t normally have that when you think golf course you think just like plenty of airspace right but Leonard used the trees to his this course has a lot of water carries and I personally think that Swinson Park is one of the better Golf properties that we play and I I know that a lot of players feel the same about it almost 11,300 ft for the mo division almost 10,000 ft for the Foo I think it’s necessary to add the length here because there’s a lack of elevation and Leonard Muse had talked about it in the press conference earlier this week saying you know what I’m doing the best I can to take the flat ground and add as much variety and Challenge and opportunity to scramble even though there isn’t that much to scramble out of and I I I think he’s really done a good job and Nate the Champions Cup is coming here next year this is traditionally a wooden major a lot of people are very upset about that but I think with some tweaks they can they can definitely put something together out here with how many of these redwood trees Valley Oaks that are still out here on the property we can make this a wooded course despite it being on a traditional golf course what do you think oh I have no doubts about the the the club here and the designers here and yeah of course Champions Cup has become known for the wooded tracks we played it twice at WR Jackson once at Northwoods black but really it’s about the the club that can a raise the money and also B have a venue that we can expand at we can have spectators at both of those things are hard at WR Jackson and and Northwood so I think the adjustment is is going to be difficult for some people but I have no doubts in the club and the course designer here to switch things around and kind of tailor to a little bit more of a technical a little bit more of a wooded track they definitely have the trees out here Brian to make that happen well Paige Pierce coming here has not lost a tournament at SW Park she is the three-time defending Champion going for her fourth straight she’s coming off of obviously the big injury where she wasn’t trusting the plant foot she talked about uh trying to get that speed back trusting the timing what do you think after talking to her this week what do you what do you feel like you could take away well honestly Brian I feel like I was expecting to see Paige Pi try and play as a different golfer and what I’ve noticed is that she’s trying to still be the old page Pierce she’s trying to get hyper aggressive she finds herself off the Fairway she’s she’s constantly trying to throw those hero shots and it’s gotten her in trouble this year and her best finish was 10th place after the her return after six months off so I still think Paige has what it takes I just think that she has to learn to play with the speed that she has that week right she she’s trying to force the the overstable drive or the neutral Zoo she’s trying to force those in positions where she could potentially throw slower and just kind of you know play for par a little bit more often and play as a different golfer you know when we saw Eagle McMahon and Simon lazat when they returned from their injury they didn’t try to become the same golfer that they were pre-injury morphed into something different and potentially something better Brian so I still think Paige is going to find that path and learn how to play off with the skill set that she has right now what are you seeing from Pierce well regardless of what she says uh you know I want to get back to the old page Pierce you’re not the old page Pierce you’re older you’re more experienced you spent a long period of time throwing slower discs slower more under stable disc to get them to fly she said she threw nothing faster than a nine-speed for quite some time and when that happens your timing changes your footwork changes everything kind of molds around the molds that you’re throwing and she talked about in the press conference and and we’ll hear a little bit more from her uh in just a second about how it’s hard to get back to the wide rim driver it’s hard to get back to throwing the lines that she used to throw she used to hammer on these 12-speed overstable drivers and get the nose down and she’s dialed in these nose up shots with all this time she’s got to spend throwing slower but I think if it’s just a natural progression I love that she’s trying to get back to that speed cuz that’s how you went out here at this course we did talk to Paige earlier in the week and let’s hear a little bit more of what she had to say sometimes like when life keeps moving so quick you it’s hard to reflect on a week ago versus three weeks ago versus three months ago um so getting back here and getting on the course and being like Oh I landed there last year I landed there and seeing how close or far off you are on those that really helps figure that part out and a lot of these holes I’m landing in similar spots with similar discs so I know I’m back power-wise to where I was um and now it’s just yeah the repetition you know I’m I’m still throwing as good of shots as I ever have it’s just few and far between you know like I’ll throw a shot that I’m like you know that was sick you know and feeling like good about it and then two holes later I just early release right out of my hand or late so yeah just I know it’s there and that’s like the frustrating part is like I’m there I just got to repeat it and there’s like this mental pull and push and pull of like at what point do I like make a new form do I try to find this old form or do I kind of like move on and start a new form so I’m kind of in that Valley right now trying to trying to choose to go backwards or forwards well a couple things to take away from this talking about do I go to Old throw or do I kind of take what I had from the old throw and and put it into something new I think that’s kind of what you were talking about with Simon lazat in in particular he came back after an elbow injury which really made him more conscious of his body slowed everything down started to throw more flippy discs started to throw some really controlled uh long Hiser flips and the lack of speed was made up for in a uh huge boost in accuracy and consistency and hopefully that’s what PA finds alongside of a little bit more speed she talks about how timing is a day-to-day thing and it’s really the case when you’re recovering from an injury uh in the beginning you have to find timing a slow compact throw and the more you get the speed the more you can kind of lengthen the steps lengthen your upper body and then you have to find timing again for when everything quickens up so even for her it’s dayto day but once you find that consistent speed once you fully recover from the injury timing is a much more consistent thing that you’ll feel so she’s hard on herself it’s page Pierce after all she has nine wins in California so she knows how to take tournaments down here I’m excited to see what she has but we have a lot more players to talk about Nate Missy ganet is coming off victory at the dynamic disc open and she looks fantastic right now two wins already this season that ties her best ever she won the US Women’s Championship got the first major and then now this unbel in the against haly King I ask you Nate player to play like that who what is going through her on 16 well you know Missy she likes to pretend like she’s the nicest gal out there she’s always smiling at the camera and laughing and everything but inside she is a coldblooded killer Brian I mean you can’t teach having ice in your veins when you’re staring at the water like that like I I talked to Missy afterwards and like what were you thinking and I’m like well I was thinking that there’s no chance that I could just let her go up on me in this playoff and for her to stick that you you you have to be able to just let it go through the nerves I mean this is the best part of her career this is outside the circle there a little bit of right to left wind I mean most players most caddies are going to tell everyone hey we just got to lay that up we’ll go get her on 17 unbelievable the little bit of wobble on on Missy’s putt you can’t teach that either there’s a few people that do it own Scoggins James Conrad uh Jay reading the yeti like you can’t really teach Missy’s putt what what makes wble Brian uh it’s just a lack of clean spin on the disc you know that’s what happens in the putting stroke it’s not like she’s straight in straight out with the wrist and with the arm she’s bending down she’s arching at the back it’s not a full risty spin putt like a Michael for example that has that beautiful no wobble spin putt she kind of has a hybrid of both and personally you don’t want your disc at a thousand RPMs hitting the chains that gives you a lot more action and a lot more opportunities to ramp off the pole or ramp off the chains so the way her putt is it kind of gives her a little bit more on the weak side there’s not as much energy going into the chains and I actually was thrown to I was on the course reporting and they said Brian if you’re the caddy what are you telling Missy to do and I’m saying I’m going to lay up that all day bangs it right in my face and I go okay all right no problem and we moved on and she ended up winning the playoff in dramatic fashion and uh yeah I don’t know I I think it’s commendable that a veteran of the sport is not scarred from the misses of the past she’s able to continue to play aggressive when it matters and it seems like she really gets amped up when that happens we also talked to Missy earlier in the week let’s take a listen to what she had to say going into round one today I feel like I used to be more of an end of the season type player um where everything would kind of Click towards towards the end third um so i’ be able to start off pretty hot I mean I had a really really good consistent year last year um so I was always kind of finding myself up in the top and so I I’m glad that I was able to sort of carry that over to this season and um you know do most mostly the same um but at a at a major under my belt uh which was something I hadn’t done yet so um that was a big goal of mine and yeah I’m hoping to keep keep pushing along and and get get some more and it’s really going to be wind dependent on courses like this um you know I feel really comfortable with all of the shots out here it’s just again um being able to be uh adaptable again the wind might change direction from one day to the next so being able to just it’s more it’s most the most important thing is knowing your discs and knowing what they do and all kinds of wind uh conditions and so like I played one practice round then the next day I play I uh I did more fieldwork stuff because I again I knew that that was going to be the most important thing just knowing exactly what my district were going to do um no matter what conditions the course throws at me well I think I’d have to say that Missy Ganon alongside a couple other players might be considered the favorites going into this week alongside Paige pierce the three-time defending Champion Nate we were really missing the European presence a little bit ago when all of them went back home some of them played the Copenhagen open a lot of them have just been resting Anakin Sten is back in the States after going home to Norway taking a rest she played the Copenhagen open gave us some really nice highlights with the Lefty backhand and she’s coming back after winning the Texas state championship she went home right after that we got another Lefty in the field that’s a real gamer I mean I think of her kind of a rare breed right now in the disc golf pro tour across the board yeah and good to see her back you you don’t see a player win a tournament and then take as much time off as as Anakin did but it you know it kind of uh it kind of is where this tour is going you know like we’re we’re expanding over to Europe and players are having to to make the decision hey am I going to cross the United States am I going to drive 2,000 miles or am I going to fly back home and play the Elite Series off that we have over there and that Texas States tournament was still one of the better Foo events that we’ve seen all year and the way that she Rose to the top and handled a charging Christen Tatar a hungry own Scoggins it it was you know a a big showing it showed us that we have a new threat out here on the tour like I feel like Anakin has enough distance she’s not a bomber but she’s in that 350 to 375 category has plenty to score out here at Swinson the wind’s down this morning Brian I think that the scores are going to be pretty hot this this FP layout is is tailored to Perfection for them in years past we saw it play far too difficult and we got a lot out of Leonard Muse about addressing specifically their layout and and how the what is it the SSA is six down a thousand rated round is sticks down for the foo with the win down today I think all you need need out here is 340 to to score consistently on 15 of the 18 ho so I have no doubts that Anakin can get right back in the groove I mean first at Texas States fifth at Copenhagen she’s definitely a threat to win the tournament well I have to look at the distance of the course it’s just under 10,000 fet so I believe 10,000 fet on the nose averages 555 per hole so when you piece that apart you don’t have to have 600 feet of distance to play a course like this and I think for the fpo division right around that 9,000 foot Mark is a really solid distance I believe right now the course record is set by Paige Pierce last year she had a 12 under par which to me says this course is attackable and I can’t wait to see players o of all uh abilities in regards to distance or shot shaping or forehand or backhand have a shot at scoring low here we talked to Anakin as well let’s take a listen after Texas I got to go back to Norway and have April off and it was really nice to just see friends and family again and to rest actually and so my body feels good now and then it was Copenhagen and then I flew straight here I would definitely say that I do feel more confident now cuz I know that I can what I can do that I can put together tree solid rounds in a row that I yeah I feel like I’ve struggled a bit with that but yeah definitely more confident what is it like playing as a lefty when you can’t really read lines or the wind from anybody else yeah I mean I’ve been used to that for a while now so it’s nothing new for me but I mean it’s just yeah you got to find your own lines even though you practice with other FB players that throw completely different shots than you and you got to trust your own decisions and before we move on to the no division next we got to talk about Chris and jar making history here that onepoint jump in the most recent update gives her the Thousand rating Mark first woman in history to do that Nate what does this mean for disc golf in general uh it’s a Monumental for you know the foo field to for to have someone break that bar and she’s she’s breaking it and the next closest person is over 10 points behind her Brian so obviously the way that these ratings work is it’s not just your past few tournaments right this goes back 12 months so we got to go back from the the early part of May last year to may this year and that’s the stretch where she she made history that’s the stretch where she won all four majors and kind of redefined what you need to do in this Division if you want to compete at the top what do you have to say about this the definition of solid uh everything is so solid I think the The Shining uh skill set for for Kristen is the putting I mean she is absolutely ruthless from Circle 2 she’s so Rock Solid from the edge of circle one and those are the putts that can put you over the edge and win you tournaments just has one of the most pure putting Strokes that I’ve ever seen from that straddle position but Nate last year there was a stretch of time where because I had to follow along and report on her so often I forgot how hard disc golf was seriously I mean she changed the way that I view the game she did all of the simple things correctly she’s not over shaping the disc she can if she needs to but she doesn’t need to she makes the putts that she needs to make to put you over the edge to beat players to take those two or three extra Strokes she gets up every single time from 2 to 250 and when you do that you can take 10 15 Strokes on the players over the weekend and that’s why she was so dominant sometimes she’d win tournaments by 10 strokes and it didn’t even look like she did that much more than the other players zoom in a little bit yes she did and she’s been doing that since La the beginning of last season so this year she already has three wins can’t wait to see her back at the Portland open uh Kristen we’re definitely missing you this week but we’ll see you soon Nate we’re going to take a quick commercial break on the other side Mo has been a battle all year but we have a new Champion coming back overseas to see if he can go back toback you want to know what a disc is going to feel like before you get it you have to check out OTV disc the first thing I’m looking for when I grab a new disc is the feel of the disc it’s got to be confidence instilled virtually in your hand tells you what the disc is going to feel like how heavy it’s going to be it’s everything you want to know before it shows up to your house it’s really really helpful in not only finding a disc that looks beautiful but is also exactly what you’re looking for it to feel like of course when you’re dealing with OTB you’re going to get only the [Music] best I’m David Wiggins and in 2016 I set the disc golf world distance record with a throw of 118 ft with our mount in the field measuring a max distance throw or on the course checking the elevation change for an upshot I rely on the eagle Seeker 360 to give me accurate distances it’s the only Rangefinder on the market that measures in feet yards and meters it’s USBC rechargeable and features a lithium ion battery visit Eagle Seer to get yours today welcome back folks and now we have to talk about something very serious Nate it’s perk’s pi time we got another weekend of picks for you Nate what are we starting out with yeah it’s my favorite part of the week uh battling with my my buddy Brian all right so we’re picking two fo players better average finish takes this one down obviously Christen tar off the table and the way we do this we we you know flip a coin and then we do a little draft right so I had to unfortunate spot of choosing first I went with my girl Holland Hanley I’m still a believer that she’s ready to take on her first Elite Series I got the snake back two and three I went Missy Ganon and Ella Hansen who’s actually been on a bit of a heater recently and then you got the fourth pick Nate and of course you go with I gotta go on Scoggin I mean we’re here in Cali and she historically hasn’t played well on the longer golf courses but I think that is a thing of the past I think she’s got plenty of distance out here obviously if the wind is down the scoring is going to be ripe and and she could be the player to go 10 101 so we got a pretty good battle you got the homie card over there Missy and Ella are playing uh obviously Tom’s catting for Missy and then Aaron at OTB is catting for Ella uh Jared black with Paige Pierce and then Danny Corbett is also cading on that card so they’re going to be throwing a little party there on that feature card next up Brian we’re going total n winner score last year what was it 20 23 under par kind of surprising the wind is down a little bit this year so we’re going better or worse than 27 and a half I think the score is going to be more in the 30 to 33 so I’m going better on this one Nate if somebody goes 30 or 33 this weekend I’ll I’ll buy you steak dinner I I’m not even I’m not even kidding I’ll buy you a steak dinner I’m going worse than 27.5 I think it’s actually going to be pretty close to that 23 Mark too much OB or going going eight under here is really hard two I believe two over is the scratch scoring average that’s thousand rated out here so I’m going worse than 27.5 Nate what is the last category so whole three we’ve switched it up this year we’ve got a double Mando that we have to filter it through last year you could play the flick wide or you could play the Hiser wide now it feels like you have to get it but nonetheless it’s a tough birdie so can you string it together can you get it all three times we’re going over and under 10 and a half players to do so on that one I think more than 10 players more than 10 and a half players this week will birdie hole three three times I I actually am taking the under on this one because uh the hole itself is such a tight Gap and that Mando is framing up to where the Heiser flip has to be pristine to get up into Circle one and then the flex forehand that we’re going to see some from some players is going to have to beat the second Mando tree which is well inside Circle two and on that left side so a lot of players who beat that Mando tree are still going to have 35 ft to go to the basket so we got a full slate of picks Nate good luck my friend good luck dude we have a man who just won in Copenhagen and then without any delay flew back over into the states to try to defend and go back to back yes a nanin man this guy is such a special talent Nate what do you think about yes well he lift the putter up this past weekend I mean he played pretty well top 10 finish there I believe and then he hurt his finger was kind of struggling a little bit and totally found his Groove out there at Valby parking and yes’s a guy we’ve seen him pop in the past but when the moment got big you know he what was it 14 under back at the European open maybe three or four years ago even all forehand but when he was on that filmed card the second round and the third round he kind of crumbled and he’s he’s been a forgotten Finn over the years it’s not someone that going oh yeah that’s that’s a vino MAA or Nicholas antila or even Yona um he’s been forgotten and this was an Elite Series we some people might look at the the field and go yeah but you know it didn’t have Calvin and Ganon and Anthony but we have to put that aside if we’re going to call it an Elite Series exactly that was just their fault for not showing up I mean barsby was like Hey I’m going to go get it PA uari was going to go get it where was the rest of the field I think that in a couple maybe three more years we’re going to see all of the Americans taking the trip over there to play so I’m not going to take anything away from yesterday’s Elite Series and go hey the the field wasn’t stacked because they can play good golf you still have to go 1060 1070 if you’re going to win a tournament over there and Europe so I think that his level of play last weekend if he could bring it to the table this weekend or any other EV here in the states he could take it down too well I I think you know as we kind of wrap things up here I do want to speak on yes because he blew me away when I first watched him play I think me and you commentated on him and he told us in the presser his play style is suited for Finland those technical woods and his forehand only style for a while did really well for him and now over here in the states he knows that distance backhand has got to come along if he wants to take down victories and he said he’s excited to come here to Swenson uh almost 11,300 and try to get the backand going here can’t wait to see him alongside of the rest po field but first let’s go back to the fpo and take a look at some hot rounds cat merch off to a hot start Nate are we going to see a new course record this weekend yeah C March merch 6 through 10 but my girl Holland Hanley 4 through four Brian let’s go perks picks for the win this week well we’re going to wrap things up we will just see how those perks picks shape up Nate Brian aart Nate perk you’re stuck with us this weekend folks we got another show this afternoon we’ll see you [Music] soon behold the Eagles Crossing disc golf course a sanctuary where the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary as each dis takes flight Destiny intertwines with the flight path but beware brave souls for the course Harbors challenges that even the boldest must confront yet fear not for victory and caderie are your companions on this Voyage visit Eagles Crossing dis gulf. comom [Music] welcome into beautiful Stockton California for the first round of the OTP open presented by MVP disc Sports looking to make it four in a row is five time world champion page Pierce can’t she keep the street going and kickoff her season you’ll find out live on the disc golf Network Sarah let’s watch some Disc Off F boxes let’s do it from a Fox to a goat oh that was a goat one producer Mo there is Paige Pearson in the building and welcome into the booth I Ian Anderson world champion Sarah hookum over there we’re back at the OTV Paige Pierce is pretty good on the west coast sah yeah that’s where a lot of her wins has come she has a huge win percentage up here and she has been undefeated at this tournament wow on this uh on this course right you you got her you got her at the SFO right back in the day and Katrina got them when we were at Glenn Eagles but now that we’ve been on this property at swensson Park it has been the Paige Pierce show taking a look back at 21 this shot is so intimidating Sarah I like this play though oh man you know skipping towards the basket you can still make that comebacker or put park it or park it it’s about the only stress fre put on that hole is getting that close coming back in 22 and Natalie Ryan gave her a run Sarah coming down the stretch yeah she had a huge lead going into that final round and Natalie just chased her down it got within one I want to say if at least two it was definitely a battle it was very tight Natalie did things like this coming down the stretch but then 17 good old 17 a lot of water on this course and this is where it’ll bite you y I think this got Katrina last year didn’t it too yeah yeah paig sneaks in that left side for the win and then just last year not a common forehand out of page but it’s good Sarah she has a sneaky far forehand and this is a great place to use it and like Sarah men but she is fantastic west of the Mississippi you think it’s like is it the courses you know just the time of the year what do you think it is s well she’s good pretty much anywhere but when we’re looking at the stats the wooded versus the open course are definitely going to favor Paige and a lot more open courses west of the Mississippi yeah with you there we got some gems coming up here on the West Coast Area I’m excited me too TB Portland Beaver State fling ah it’s a fantastic time of the year here is Paige Pierce warming up raining in three-time OTB open Champion only to win since it has moved over to Stockton from San Francisco PA’s been playing hasn’t we haven’t seen the pig that we’ve seen in past years this year so far but she’s been dealing with that ankle injury she’s been little struggling to trust the ankle we’ve seen you know her putting’s been pretty good but maybe a little bit off on the drives so today at this course she has a lot of air space to work with I mean there is out of bounds that will bite you she may find it but hopefully we’re going to see A Renewed driving um prowess that we haven’t seen so far to get a right up in the mix and get this win this here the form looks good you know I think it might just like a confidence thing coming off that injury yeah a lot of options on the roller out here that she has been working on so I think that she could do it and if she’s going to do it it’s going to be here yep I’m with you there uh not here but we got to give her her flowers to Tar the first woman ever to a th wow yeah that is so encouraging it’s been so motivating to hear everybody um talking about how great that is I’m I’m just like enamored at the fact that she actually got to a thousand I didn’t know if it was going to happen and here she is we saw Paige running at that last year the year before but now Kristen is the one and the PGA put out this or pdj put up this really cool video tracking the the highest rated woman through over the years I this is really cool Series yeah Val braking it in N uh 970 that back in the day that was really really good um but now that’s actually you know barely top 10 yeah it’s fre wild we saw paid to get up to 980 then 990 and then as it happens with ratings you kind of drop back down but then Kristen there to pick up the [Music] slack and there she is and we are going to head right into the course cat merch putting for Birdie on whole 11 and she is on a heater so far Sarah leading our field six down through 10 very focused very good speed and blemish free with a whole bunch of birdies there is so much op out here that’s impressive doing a great job we will be heading over to the T of one for your second feature card awesome spectator area down there Sarah yeah this place is a great place to come spectate there’s so many great vendors great areas to hang out really just kind of a party they’ve always done really good atmosphere at this particular event 9 look at these couches look at the the gold first on the club Lounge here feet from one te Sarah right there there is no better spot to watch this nothing right there Scoggin up first looking for a bigger fade there she’ll have a long putt we’ll see how her C2 is dialed in today this course is going to call for some big putts from shorter throwers but not in that category is Anakin nice your Texas State’s champion on Circle one J my friend John Toby doing the announcing there and the SS army knife Jessica whis on the boxer catch is a little bit too high in those trees she’ll be outside the [Applause] circle little high out of lenon or a l high if you want to call it that yeah both players need to swing that much [Applause] wider I’m going to jump over to 12 for a moment and Cat merch on the team play well three stroke lead turnover puts her really close to the water making that approach much shorter to the island green and anik and Sten is with our very own Nate Perkins take it away perk oh looks like might be muted oh we appreciate that I think she’s talking about how much she loves it here in California you know I I wouldn’t blame her the weather is it’s lovely this year Sarah this is the absolute best weather I’ve seen here in a while yeah no worries there Nate is juggling a a host of mute buttons so I’ll get it right next time there we over a nice approach should work for Jessica for par lorensen in her second from the Fairway lot of ceilings on this course give you the opportunity to really put the disc up in the air even on e e they’re all dropping in for par while they do we’re going to jump ahead to merch her second shot on whole 12 we will show you that putt on the other side of the break back in just a [Music] few MVP and OTB partnered up again for a huge run of exclusive and awesome discs to support the OTB open thanks to your local retailer these sweet flying circles are available everywhere and great greatly contribute to the High Caliber event that thousand rated Productions have created scan the QR code to check them all out now figure out which disc might make your bag this run is ridiculous [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh backup hole yall ready for this girl we’re always ready yep Sarah have you tried this new true athlete pre-workout it’s so good [Music] good food good [Music] birdie 5:00 somewhere soup sup what’s even in there it is birdie Simon in for the birdie he’s just been making these like it’s nothing it’s just no problem that putt has looked so good this week another nice birdie for Simon oh my come on yeah I mean that’s a perfect play 24 NB Champion Simon [Applause] [Music] laon the OTB open is presented by MVP disc Sports the Leading Edge of dis golf [Music] and the women’s Global event is coming up Sir yeah that’s this weekend oh it’s this weekend yeah thousands of competitors worldwide are competing all uh at the same time but on their respective courses throughout the world we have record numbers of events and record numbers of women it might not be too late you may still be able to get in yeah your local event check your courses near you yeah you can head over to wge if you want to find an event near you merch for birdie eight under through 12 incredible from it or anything we saw a 12 last year by Paige so double digits is possible out here cat is on on track for that double digits she’s one of those women where she gets dialed you know she’s going to drop L it’s a little wide should work for par though this one is really tough to get into especially if you have any of those blocker trees in front of you it’s over it’s like 350 to get into that green yeah just low ceilings the whole way yeah and the low CE ceiling if you hit it is going to put you outside Circle two with like 30 trees in the way St she still got 340 to the te or to the pin excuse me might have a put in there Laing hanging out in the lounge she’ll be teeing off in about 10 minutes you left her chances on this course Sarah I really do she’s finished really well at here at this course every year and she’s got that roller she’s got that control distance with the fairways in the mids with you Scoggins back on two gets it all the way there inside the circle a little obstructed but it’s very makeable putt Sean Jack right there the man with the laptop on hisp oh is working he is also does a lot of hard work for the protor getting us sponsorships does he does he is all over that so just in front of that tree line and now she’s got 280 the pin at this point catches one of the blocker trunks these are outside the circle with a ceiling merch T of 13 now early release on this kind of technical par three she’ll have a lot of work to clean that up most likely a par perk I heard it was pretty warm last year out in Stockton and looking a pretty nice today talk about that man how’s it feeling on the ground [Music] today might have some audio issues with our man Nate Perkins but we were walking around outside earlier it was nice it is and the it’s got to be mild winds 10 mes hour or so mhm mid 80s on the temperature for the high manageable wind it should be prevailing all all weekend through about the same direction so players should be able to make improvements uh on their reads throughout the weekend Sten to start two for two look he’s got a step through lined up must be outside the circle in the bucket wow she’s starting off hot continuing her putting progress from Circle two huge [Applause] make that BS well for the rest of the round get putting like that early no doubt over to whis also in circle two looking at birdie good effort we’s see what kind of look own has over here the birdie putt coming up she will Rattle and his F wasting no time firing that home lenen this is a par look and nicely done by luk [Music] whis cleans up par and your second fature C is off to Hole three in the meantime merch throwing two on 13 she would go on to make par that works in about five minutes your future card will take the te before that though a quick break on the network we be back in just a few we’re [Music] here going going [Music] if you want to know what a disc is going to feel like before you get it you have to check out OTB disc the first thing I’m looking for when I grab a new disc is the feel of the disc it’s got to be confidence instilled virtually in your hand tells you what the disc is going to feel like how heavy it’s going to be it’s everything you want to know before it shows up to your house it’s really really helpful in not only finding a disc that looks beautiful but is also exactly what you’re looking for it to feel like of course when you’re dealing with OTB you’re going to get only the best Jonathan Jonathan wow [Applause] amazing hi yeah yeah check this pad out tomato I think you should use your wrist a little bit more I know is he okay yeah he’s fine [Music] [Music] [Music] you want a new disc but you’re overwhelmed by all of the options well we’ve got you covered meet the Innova Pathfinder guides a series of Graphics that match a set of discs for your style of play curated by our own Riley O’Neal and Eric Schwan whether you’re the beginner the crusher or anywhere in between we’ve got a lineup for you so scan the QR code find a guide that matches your style of play and discover your path to a better game if you haven’t seen these you’re missing out all right back to the action Onin Sten tf3 welcome back setting up really well for the Lefty but leaves it short I’ll be outside Circle one the very long ceiling look on 15 cat merch what’s your line here Sarah left side sidearm but this has a lot of options you can take the the Heiser the flex up the middle she’s going to go heer get a big skip just like the doctor order that might be parted wow she likes it chasing merch though is holl Hanley also off a hot start wow 5 through six so many birdies scoring conditions she is ready to take her first win it’s it’s overdue at this point she is ready yeah this is the dreaded 18th green you’re hoping to approach in a very skillful manner we are flying over to one the grass is so green and Luscious this year very few dead spots nice thick grass in some spots but then there’s some Skippy grass in other spots we’ve had a nice couple rainy years in California the drown is over pretty wild good yeah thank you El finard thepo first on the T box from Pensacola Florida Paige Pierce [Applause] the tree and heart yep that was wi enough if you get far enough out there you’re not going to hit those trees and Paige found that gap on the high side pure heer too yeah that’s I mean when you can throw 500 feet then that Hiser is there for you the rest of the players may have to flex it to get it there Walker does go to the flex play on the low line she get the skip she gets a little Skittle up there Edge a circle Washton Ella H love watching Ella play this course she makes it look a lot easier than it is he’s going Fairway driver kind of splitting the difference on the Lions just outside the bullseye that’ll give her an easy look at birdie and Missy Ganon coming off for a win at the dynamic this open in dramatic fashion Sarah it was so exciting comes out a little wide catches those trees to Good Luck ladies have fun Sten throwing two on three that up for par nicely merch for Birdie on 14 merge low out the hand doesn’t get into the chains on the elevated pin nowar that one does the job cat starting to slow down just a little bit as she gets to the end of the course it’s a birdie look for Scoggin on three ooh left miss that is rare from that distance there’s your feature car making their way down one’s Fairway live look down for your flight Factory drone Walker from Circle two for birdie produce an easy par swinging over to Ganon next with a birdie look also in circle two tough balance there dealing with a little bit of a crosswind this one this is tough to get to if you don’t really have really good distance here even though it seems like 339 is within everybody’s wheelhouse the angles to get there are just a little bit it’s a little far for the wide Hiser that’s required but not for our two huge distance starters Pierce and Hansen Pierce off the a good start with the birdie on one hands in to match that [Applause] birdie Walker for par and Canon should do the same shortly she’ll make that let’s Jump Ahead to 15 cat merge this is a tough hle s yeah we’re going to see a lot of people utilizing a sidearm that they may be less comfortable with right there like we saw with cat came out a little bit early St tf4 is it good enough sir this one is really not a birdie hole unless you really get out of the shoot okay one of the hardest birdies on the course actually even out of par five yeah playing almost 900 ft right look at all the spectator cards up this is one a great tournament to watch a person you know yeah I agree there’s a lot of space to move around there’s really good amenities you can park right on site um a lot of fun stuff there’s even hot tubs I saw I don’t think they’re full but there’s hot tubs I mean you could pretend it’s hot enough yeah Paige Pierce on the TF2 testing the ceiling yeah with the turnover it gets her in front of that tree line which which will make that approach possible it’s kind of she usually goes that right low power shot so she actually was looking to get a little bit extra distance today Hansen is this the shot you were talking about that would be the one okay you do kind of bring that right Bush into play if you push it too straight and also that tree also yes be a long second shot for hands and after the tree hit but she has great sidearm distance Walker this is good positioning yeah she may be a that’s probably 300 feet to the pin from there genon oh that’s a lovely kick at the end there Sarah yeah she did not want to push into those bushes those bushes are only like 280 off the T so if you really kind of turn one over into it you’re into kind of Death Zone you’re going to have to pitch out and merch her second on 15 very dangerous approach with Obie on the left and a green on the right she has pimped it that was beautifully done Sten on four her seconds the drive a little short Sarah this is a good second though she’s getting across the screen and in front of that tree line it’s still going to be right at that road which is just really far to get to the basket on the next one but she’s fine she’s inbounds it’s a good good hole for par speaking of parr’s merch on 15 great recovery after that t-shot Miss and that really scary approach yeah maintaining her bogey free round and Hansen her second back on hold too got a lot of work to do from here there is OB left and kind of natural OB right as well yeah the goal will just to get this keep this in bounds and and forward progress that’s too low that’s ell’s low low sidearm is going to be great for a lot of situations but the Miss is going to be too low with this grass that’s nice and Lush it’s not going to allow the skipping that she may need 16 and Cat merch there a blind Landing Zone the right side is more open for the approach shot but players can also get over on the left side genon oh that’s another I mean she you know take it where you can get it thankfully those bushes are so thick they are going to push her out but two hols in a two shots in a row pushing it over a little bit leaves herself out of position looking to save the par here yeah Sten throwing three on the par five fourth she’s still what 400 away Sarah at this point over 400 okay yeah I mean that’s about what she needed right yeah I mean you really have to get off the T and make a great second shot and she’s just played okay at that at that point so she she’ll be just fine back to two for Pierce throwing two sneaks it in there Circle two look okay a chance yes good with PA’s bullet um style spin putt I think she can make those uh with low ceilings second shot for Merch on 16 does this have enough Sarah it’s fading out left and early we’ll see what the flagger says it’s in not much of a putt but it is a cross that’s a ho that’ll get you too yeah these last four in a row are actually really really penalizing and on two Madison Walker throws her second after a great drive and beautiful line on this second shot puts it inside the circle wow there we go giving Walker a chance to get on the board and no Hansen her third after the low second sneaks it in with circle two look or Circle one look to save her par taking an early peak of the scores Hanley with another Birdie on whole eight Cat still out in front but Holland chasing her down we are looking down on ho two and Ganon her third so technical to get that turn into that Gap you have to put a little bit of height on it but you don’t have height to put on it if she had a low side arm Skipper I think that would be the play otherwise she’s just got to get that control down on that angle to get it under those branches still on that anheiser this course is going to be a little bit tougher for for Missy because she relies relies so much on glide but the ceilings are not going to allow the Glide to exist when because you can’t put the disc into the air so a lot more like overstable bullets at the on the low side are going to be where you’re going to get the farthest progress up up the Fairway Sten her fourth oh my goodness I can’t imagine she meant to do that Sarah but it worked wow and we are jumping back to two for Ganon it’s a long look at par very long look at par this is Fairway oh my that was really good speed that was very so close really nice attempt Pierce also in circle two looking at birdie oh to perfect everything but in the rim just grabbed it what a good putt though catching the back lip or something Sarah what was it it was yeah the front lip I think chains pushed it out oh wow mean that looked really good from our angle Paige looking really good early yeah her putter has been been pretty good all season it okay just the drives been a little while yeah hen for par showing calm collected and cool Ella Hansen for the par mhm Walker a birdie look to get on the board great hole for Walker wow yeah showing that you don’t actually this is one of the holes that doesn’t get birdied that often but showing that you don’t really need big distance just great accuracy genon coming back I believe for bogy Easy Clean Up there is a pierce par and they are off to three we have caught up with Paul and Hanley she’s waiting on the T of nine currently we we’ll show you that t-shot once it happens what a start S yeah I mean really I mean every birdie except for five and seven which are one of the more difficult holes but now on nine okay this one is a decision maker she’s got a lot of distance but she still has to get across on on that second and make a putt to continue her birdie run we back with cat merch can’t she make Birdie on 16 that is a smart layup for par is what that was from your yeah that backside On The Backs side of the basket rolls away to an OB green Hannah win off to a hot start as well three through five yeah she had a good showing at DDO as well yeah and we see weatherman up there hey how about that and Jennifer Allen this course is set up for her [Music] power we going to fly hole three here Sarah it’s 277 ft [Music] [Music] there but there is a nice little gap on the right side you can kind of punch uh with the backand it’s one of the shortest holes on the course but very guarded as you can see the tree is overhanging the basket this is one of the changes from last year when um the course designer decided to kind of shorten some of the holes make them a little bit more scorable I think this was a really good change shouts to Leonard Muse yeah he’s always making improvements we appreciate that him checking the data and optimizing Swenson for Foo I kind of feel like he was the originator of the shot shaping with trees off the tea idea at golf courses you know he does a good job of yeah of giving us ceilings off the te’s and then kind of running perpendicular to um the golf Fairways rather than up the actual Fairways yeah live on 17 with your leader cat merch oh boy this is huge she could stay from that big tree she’ll have a really simple approach and we are live with Holland T of n all that brown and grass is that is inside does good though be okay the only inside only problem with the inside now it makes that shot across the water so much less likely and she has to throw a blind layup if she decides to do so we are on L three with Walker Madison taking that right Gap Smooths it up there and she’s Bullseye count that one that’ll be two in a row Walker throwing some dimes right now Paige Pierce also punching that right Gap stays too straight Le are some work Hansen will take the forand line just the more open line to your ey sah definitely the the there’s later trees that uh the right side trees are going to come into play much earlier but it always depends on the Wind as well out here mhm and with Ella having both both throws she can really utilize the wind Canon no surprise will take the backhand line ooh very nice looked a little inside but that Thrasher flipped up nice Missy of course coming up the dynamic dis open as your Champion big money Missy yeah making that putt on the island and the playoff God that was well it started with this coming back after Poor putting and then she made that Putt and then just smoothing all the shots as she as Missy does round two was probably the worst we’ve ever seen her play at least but and then she comes back like the champion she is you know oh yeah throwing great shots all day beautiful and then 18 Happ and Haley just needed to get this across the up and down and shorts the shot it gon takes advantage heads to the playoff and this somehow stayed in Sarah that island is off the water I it’s very discriminatory I cannot tell what it discriminates against but I know and it makes that putt that was the most gutsy play I’ve ever seen unbeliev I talked to her about that but last night she I didn’t know what I was going to do until I got over it and I and feeling it and then she gets 17 before that and gets that birdie and then she’s there on 18 um plays really well in the playoff which is you know that’s big money Missy she’s ready to step up for the challenge she is a diamond Under Pressure Pierce for birdie apologies for the spoiler there and that will be a par for Pierce likely little bit of a limp there I think on her did you see something her foot which I would expect that to still be she had a pretty severe injury Hansen for birdie oh the p is looking great for Ella early really really solid calm just really good she always has great speed she does yeah right online Walker to also grab a two and look like Pierce will drop a stroke to the card with this par Ganon a birdie putt to get back to level on the day jumping ahead to 17 and Cat merch her second you saw the drive it was booming Sarah look at this wow that’s so far oh my goodness this is aggressive and it’s fantastic fantastic excellent that is the OB is like 15t from the basket it is right there and back to Hanley her second on nine carrying the water Sarah she is it’s very open that little bit of turn oh in business will she make the putt you’ll find out on the other side we’ll be back before you know it [Music] [Music] Edge is a nationally recognized 501c3 charitable organization what we do is we empower the teachers with complete programming along with the equipment and a standardized curriculum so you have a One-Stop shot for teachers and youth Educators that’s really what Edge is it makes everything simple for the teacher to get involved with this golf if we want disc golf to be recognized we need to introduce disc golf to the youth and if nothing else they’ve got got a healthy game that they can enjoy with their families throughout the rest of their lives [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] pound’s the best of the best it’s the quality the craftsmanship the vision for what a bag could be I don’t don’t think anyone’s disputing that it’s the best made [Music] bag you are looking at cat merch with a birdie putt on 17 oh frustrating Miss after she kind of slowed down and now she’s had this birdie look and not been able to capitalize one more chance get over it Walker T of four she is throwing today Sarah great line she hits that difficult gap on a flex line this is what you need to do if you are one of the medium throwers is to hit that line and get all the way out in the open she got a chance to birdie Hansen will take the forehand line gets out of that alley of trees and gets good fade that’s a great spot you taking Walker or Hansen for for a second shot there well what to throw it it was closer oh um I it’s probably a Hansen okay Walker has to go to the right more genon doesn’t get the turn playing for par now huh yeah absolutely and now Pierce Paige has the power to take this early Gap she wanted a little more highs around that because it did not move forward up the Fairway and just s simply move to the right that may take birdie out of play for her as well Hanley putting for birdie you saw the first two on hole nine as some Canada geese and some goslings watch in the background a great Birdie on one of the most difficult course holes on the course T of 18 with your leader just by stroke though cat merch that’s a tough one too Sarah you were mentioning yeah the these last few she’s got to Pier this one up that middle Gap get a little flex and it’s got to come back there is OB on that left side she’s gotten in front of the main tree that opens up the shot tremendously she’s in good position can a raven Klein low five flying above whole FL with our flight Factory drone should be looking at a Missy Canon second after the early tree hit this green may come into play for her cuz she’s throwing from so far back the second shot we’re trying to get over that green she’s probably taking this right Gap where it has a slope that’s going to allow her to not fade all the way back into the green but those blocking twos are right at the end of her flight it’s just really about making progress from here filter through that’s great front side still going to be about 400t to the pin from there but she did say she’s like I’m going to bust out 360 and she might make a 40 foot putt so I’m not going to count her out facts Paige Pierce and caddy deciding her second shot not a lot for the backhand here unless she wants to throw a roller right I would say the sidearm is going to put her in position that’s Jared on the bag for her part of the Guardian aliens you check out their Art Online I was hanging out with him last night yeah they’re a lot of fun he’s got a baby on the way mhm yeah third third little girl I want to say Hon throwing two Ella looking for that high Gap well over the Green in business still yes absolutely she’ll be looking just laterally at the at the pin maybe [Music] 350 Walker throwing two so it looks like Walker did out throw her oh you’re right huh Advantage Ian it caught some of those branches and left her on the wrong side of that pathway she will be in the similar position to Missy and what that looks like a slow disc for Pierce is it roller roller oh no it’s a fast disc it could be a slow disc yeah he’s trying to get that roller to move to the right a lot of cut I think too much oh good tree good tree so she’s way on that left side of the Fairway at this point that roller did not stand up to the 18th merch and her second up for a fantastic Drive she’s got about 280 to the pin from here and looks like a mid in her hand this one is tough if you’re I I feel like you almost have to go for the green it is the biggest space open if you try to lay up you’re getting to that pinch point that’s great merge playing 18 fantastic the T of 10th now with Hanley 10 10 discs hold 10 even that’s fun throwing the flex it does look like it’s coming back Paige Pierce throwing three after the ER second not going to birdie but should be a pretty easy part you you know what disc gol PS over golf today Sarah what’s up we didn’t arrest paig Pierce on the way to the course this morning right oh my gosh I can’t believe that that happened so funny poor poor Scotty Sheffer if you’re not paying attention for the PGA got arrested this morning by some Rogue cop Madison throwing the low right line gives herself a really long and slightly blocked look but that’s a really great way to get a par on this difficult hole and maybe a birdie cat merch for Birdie on 18 let’s grab a two-stroke lead as she has to the clubhouse can she focus up here right at the end she had a really early morning and a really quick round she just missed a putt on the last hole that’s the same same Miss y right online disappointing finish for her but really still bogy free yeah you can’t you can’t complain about that handle for Birdie on 10 right at the wall water no problem that’s as deathy as it gets cuz you might lose your putter too hope you brought another that is very true she’s got a hamb bone and a turkey on that card does Hollen Hanley and a Sher of the lead sah with a bunch of holes left to go of eight holes left to try to extend that lead also bogey free some really great golf happening out here what could Hanley get to today we shall see stick around genon and her third back on four playing some fairway golf wow Sarah did she just throw at the 360 that she told us she could do on a okay oh yeah she told us in the in her interview uh on Thursday that even though people don’t think she doesn’t throw far she’s like I could throw 360 and that’s enough out here it sure is cat MCH doing enough out here today on home day one cooled off at the end yeah missed a couple putts I think three putts down that last six yeah she did yeah um but you know kogi free can’t complain about leading the tournament for now Hansen throwing three on the par five fourth yeah this is great get in there oh parked for birdie hella hen showing off the arm let’s roll back that zuka replay yes please I missed my zuka card I haven’t rolled it around a course in a while Sarah bet your back hurts I just haven’t playing this golf I I never leave home without the that means your heart hurts that that is accurate Paige Pierce and this will be her fourth gets away from her a little it did those touchy putter shots in in wind can sometimes she’s really great at those putter shots but when you’ve got that wind sometimes you got to go the overstable with the big fade 11 Hanley your co-leader looks like she’s looking at that wide right route which opens up the approach if she she got to get it far out there that’s about it’s got to go 350 that’s going to fade it’s a good spot but not right enough to go over the water on the second Walker get the crafty Skipper she will have that left for par paig Pierce it’s a birdie look yeah for par oh thank you for excuse me get his Ganon with the birdy look they marked it a 39f footer they couldn’t have given you the 40 ft Sarah she threw it one foot further than she said she would yep oh wow she threw it too far if she was one foot further back that would have dropped home the equation did not equate yeah now really great effort from Missy that’s a really tough birdie I mean we’ve only seen one other Birdie on this besides Ella and she didn’t even make it out the Gap clean correct Walker this is a par does the job Pierce back to level before that we should have a Hansen birdie this is just the second birdie of the day for the field the other by her friend Holland Hanley they probably practiced this hole together bet you’re right there is the Pierce bogy followed by the Ganon par we’re going to take a peek at whole five as they walk over to the te this one’s slightly new there used to be a trust here there’s no longer anymore the first shot is really trying to Traverse the other side of this wall of trees and then we have some new hazards that kind of pinch the Fairway don’t want to land in those hazards but if you do you’re going to play from them the second tree line then there’s kind of either the low a low gap shot a high Gap shot or if you end up to the right on this Fairway youve got a nice big kaer over the top to try to get to this sneaky green that wall of trees is going to require a low entry point or you could throw a roller you have a lot of control this one is pretty tough to get to um unless you get on the other side of those trees off the tea so this new Hazard I’m not sure how this is actually going to play we’ll see I I followed James Proctor Chandler frer and their pratice around yesterday they were throwing this big anheiser around the trees mhm yeah curious if we’ll see a play for that has a beautiful shot from our fight factory drone yeah there’s not an obvious t-shot so it’s really going to be players going to play their strengths I’d love to see Ella put down a roller on this one make sure you guys head over to flight Factory for all the latest gear there is that QR code look get you straight there that’s a catty sized uh water dug right there yeah yes looks like there’s a little backup here for our competitors yep time to get out the snacks for the hacky sack Madison with the leg swings yeah some disc golf strong on your weight oh Sten putting for birdie p I believe did cardi bogey back on five that need a sit a got catches the high side all right we are ready here we go with the roller Hansen the only trouble with this one is it could go too far cuz there is that Hazard Zone this is an does go too far wow try to get up and down from there for par Walker picks her Gap and hits it she is throwing lies today Sarah and nice and low and controlled like bullets it’s really the height control is has been really phenomenal it’s that a premium out here isn’t it genon I see even on the day me see with that control Heiser looks like he right by a Madison shot yeah paig Pierce next on the box that looks like a slow disc s yeah she’s definitely looking for that turnover just in front of the tree line that’ll work and she’s going to throw another probably tight Gap again nobody really getting over to that right side that opens up the T opens up that second shot so it’s really going to be more technical shots really similar to the shots they just threw your co-leader cat merch is in the clubhouse with our very own Brian aart take it away Brian all right joining us in the clubhouse your current leader second tea time of the day but cat merch you came in with an eight underpar effort clean no Bogies how you feeling I’m feeling pretty solid about it I know there’s a lot more golf to play so I’m just I’m happy that that I got through the first round as solid as I did how did the game feel overall backhand forehand putting felt good I think I lost a little bit of steam going into the b nine I definitely went on a par train for a while and I missed I’m going to say three three birdie putts I feel like I should have made but um yeah how were the conditions out there pretty windy how was it feeling it just felt good I mean it just feels good to be out in the sun there’s a little breeze but if you can just look at the direction it’s gone it’s all right doesn’t really uh mess with you too much at least it’s at least not on the putting green well you’re done pretty early it’s 10:35 in the morning uh what are you going to do the rest of the day just rest wait till tomorrow I’m going to take my buddy Cameron to In-N-Out cuz he’s never had In-N-Out before and I’m going to go home and just lay in my bed and Ponder sounds like a great day to do that yeah cat congratulations we’ll see you out there thank you Brian thank you Cat and Brian and to the woman chasing Holland Hanley her second as called by S not in position to carry the water with her second well punch it low with the forehand that’s the trouble with this hole it’s really tough to be that those that low ceiling coming into the to the green is it’s outside Circle two but she found a spot she may have a putt there genon back on five throwing two sneaks it through that’ll be a look looks like mid Circle two Walker also throwing two that looks identical to Missy’s shot a little closer that’ll be a short putt for birdie again Walker just playing really good really solid all the way around at every skill should be headed over to Hansen next in the hazard throwing her third this is left way short it’s not good Sarah now that ceiling was in her way she couldn’t get it up high enough she’s definitely wishing wishing she chose a line on that one are you an In-N-Out fan Sarah you know uh no offense but it’s a little overrated the fries terrible the burger is good that’s my take anyway Hanley long look at Birdie on ho 11 there’s a lot of trouble on the green there 20 ft from the basket the water and it rolls away towards it Scoggin with a birdie look till seven puts it up there and snags the left side there’s a C2 make and let’s check out our powered by knocka replay on this huge make by own Scoggins Aqua keep your phone powered on the course make sure you grab a aqua for the bag Pierce it’s a long look at birdie she’s giving it her all yeah I mean as she always does yep Hansen a long look at par for Ella oo that had great height not missing by much is Hansen she will pick up a bogey had started three for four as well that’ll send her back to two genon out in circle two for birdie and is low from genon never had a chance doesn’t like it making the correction Hansen a little work left on this bogy putt to avoid the double early Band-Aid putt [Music] strong run but trying to make that 50-footer with the ceiling is what pushed her so far sometimes there’s times to lay up and other times we need to go for it maybe that was not the time Pierce no problem with her comebacker Salvage is par gon for the same we haven’t said Madison’s Walker’s name in a while because she still waiting to get to her frisbee seriously a fantastic drive and has this left for birdie to grab a stroke on the card and quite a few on Hansen get to three bogey free Hanley now on the T of 12 first drive just a layup short of the pond me of the hole is that second that’s all she needs we’re about a third of the way through the course let’s check out Sarah’s Keys brought to you by our friends at blacking it’s the premium disc golf store well utilize the [Music] [Music] wind man those greens so utilizing that win managing those greens there’s lots of mounds and death putts and then play to your strengths hopefully it’s distance yeah that helps out here it does yeah almost courses too this is is this the second longest course on tour I think I think Portland is the longest yeah I don’t know the exact data on that but it’s definitely it’s up there although it has you know it has parred back over the last couple of years yeah so it’s getting more and more scorable speaking of scores there is your baby and a win sting this a little third trying to chase down Burch and Handley and really the distance Advantage out here is really related to being able to throw power shots underneath the trees you most of the players can get to The Landing zones if the tree limbs were higher so those Power Players are really going to enjoy being able to throw low and more stable discs and not needing that extra Glide Manis Walker on a heater so far three down through five T of six that’ll work see to get in front of that tree line This is actually an eagle B par five so even if you don’t quite get every bit of distance you still have a chance for the birdie Canon next that is the biggest hole but that was a little low yeah she’ll still be all right as long as she can get her neck shot in front of that tree line the next tree line it’s kind of rning this this Fairway runs perpendicular to those golf Fairways paig Pierce just too high Sarah if she was it was actually a little bit just too right if she had height was actually okay had she hit the very center of that gap which she’s trying to do cuz she wants this Eagle she almost got it last year she may have actually got it but one of the rounds she almost got it so it’s there Ella though taking the low route so even if she doesn’t quite hit the Gap perfectly it’s going to continue to move past those that line of trees let’s jump back to Holland Hanley her second shot onto the island green pretty nervy this shot the green is not very big very just bigger than the circle oh that is penalizing she won’t she will not go very much farther before she has to throw her next shot and we are now ready to check out with our man Nate Perkins third member of our broadcast team how’s it feeling on the ground today Nate as good as it can feel down here in the valley mid 80s no humidity out here no wind on this side of the course right now I think the conditions are pretty ripe for scoring guys it has been fun to watch so far Nate thank you pierce in her second catches the upper trees again and Birdie’s still in play she can do something yeah true genon another another low and turned shot out of Miss e mhm that kick out to the left kind of opens up that that third though yeah and I mean this is a soft bar five so I mean they really not this is if you’re going to miss miss shots this is the hold to miss him on at least till we get to the green yeah there is the the green is a little tricky is the green is trouble Jen kazanov digs for par on 12 she’s got to make it right yes death putt Central that it is like five feet yeah it’s it’s there’s a bunch of these on this course we’re going to get to see what kind of Courage people have in their on their putts and we also saw Holland Hanley there at the drop zone as Walker throws her second back on six this is great Walker is throwing just gems every time it’s really peering the lines using the airspace that she has really pretty flawless Hanley just watched a make from Jen can’t she follow those Vapor Trails oh she runs it that was gutsy Scoggins wow see2 look with a Hazard To the Left okay I’m keeping it clean through eight so that’s our second SE two in a row wow I think oh yeah we just watched that yeah so she’s dialed that in from Far Hansen and her second does go roller I was hoping we’d see this it’s wide though will it curl that’s the easiest birdie that ever birdied yes he’s set up just a jump putt approach from there is we’ll see maybe a little baby throw okay okay I do think we may see an eagle on this though this weekend this weekend at some point cool there have been a lot of birdies no Eagles yet today though that’s one we’ve definitely seen a lot of eagle putts in the past though Pierce and caddy lining up her third she’s probably got around 320 that’s pretty good she C2 looking probably lay that up and tap out a par see how she how she’s feeling frisky yeah right she hasn’t he hasn’t knocked down a T2 yet but you can’t knock him down if you don’t keep him so bummer for Holland oh I’m glad they got that back for her yeah drops out of her share of the lead your solo leader again is C merch but Hanley some holdes the regain a share or more and then she Hanley still has to go through that treacherous final Flor but 13 14 she’s got a little time to grab a few par 3es even 15 I would say place to her strength the sidearm you Ganon throwing three the second was a little short yeah both drives so far haven’t been great but she still it’s a very open line to get to the pin turns it over that looks so good she’s on the other side of the mound with a look okay Walker throwing three after two fantastic shots short work to get this birdie look at this approach puts it close yeah nothing fancy just clean that is her game today hasn’t it been yeah yeah I would say in general I mean she does make some big putts though yeah Hansen speaking of big putts it does look like she’s putting it does huh for Eagle technically probably just laying up for birdie oh that’s so far yeah she putts from so far she does oh my gosh okay 120 foot jump H okay uphill no big deal it’s that hand strength actually she’s got she’s recorded as has having like massive grip strength no kid much more than any of the other players when they did the test interesting so I mean that’s just she put more spin on it it’s easier for to putt from farther Anakin puts it in circle one this is a really great Lefty hole the airace is all on the left side and has that left for birdie making short work [Applause] out and a tie for fourth touch it three down for the first time today Pierce back on six puts it birie there is an Opie green on the far side of the pin it doesn’t matter wow there it is is she dials it and she’s had a lot of C2 putts many of them not even hitting chains let’s check out a caddy reacts one of our painters last night over at OTP y Jared her caddy giving her giving her all the love genon also a long look at birdie another low bid from genon the high the high Miss is much worse you are backside Mound yeah Walker for another one that’s 4 through [Applause] six Walker is cooking early yeah really not she’s only not gotten the holes that you basically can’t get if you don’t throw super far oh yeah you know I mean one and four those are distance holes Hansen get the bir to the bottom and racing at least one of those buggy stroks from Whole five it’s again in Park Holland after the bogey let’s check out the bounce back 13 technical hole one of the easiest holes on the course however shaped it up just fine inside the circle with on the good side of the basket and that is a look at party island where how many holes can you watch from this spot Sarah I think you can watch out at least three you can watch Seven’s te you can watch 17’s green and then I also think you can see 11’s um approach and green oh yeah you can that’s right multiple awesome spectator areas out here at the OTB open I’m telling you guys it is a gem event to watch in person Good Vibes yeah if you want to join in on the fun buy some tickets so our website tickets we still have some left for this one I think so all right yeah great always maybe not though there’s crowd out here it’s it’s a great spot you know you get all the Bay Area people come down from Sacramento all the people in the valley we get this Gem of a course too shouts to the whole OTB team on this one Walker T of seven uhoh challenging those reads that is ter is not likely to get through but this time she’ll actually go to a drop zone instead of taking it from the last inbounds they added that this year perk was that maybe a misread on the Wind there from Madison is a headwind here or that just a Miss throw yeah a little bit of a headwind right to left you could see it kind of shove Madison’s Annie a little bit further over but it makes this whole really difficult to park yeah I with you I don’t I don’t mind playing this one for parer I mean it’s a sidearm hole Well yeah if you got a great sidearm present to Ella it’s a birdie hole hen live look at this shot from our flight Factory drone and that is speaking of part P I think uh Ella is proving Nate wrong no I guess he was talking about the backand he was talking the back she grabbed one of those handicap parking spots up there Missy Canon looking to hit that window over the needs really technical window cuz there is also branches that will kick you into the water that’s the safe play especially with the unfavorable wind I want to see her bust out her sidearm though because I have seen it go that far this is Hanley for a share of the lead on whole 13 right on the edge of the circle beautiful nice bounce back and sure was and regaining her share with cat merch one more look at that Hanley putt nearly perfect yeah great great push out of the hand zero wobble good good touch own Scoggin would not approve at that part though not not enough wobble it’s different strategy I guess it went in though here’s one of our water helpers down there with a GoPro oh Madison might have hit this guy oh that’s what we’re hearing apparently let’s take a look from our flight Factory oh my oh wait what bro you uh I don’t approve it what if like some weird thing happened and it pushed through not that wasn’t cool well we all never know huh let’s not do that again Madison putting it up need’s to sit that was probably like a 90 99% OB though right Sarah um yes I do agree I totally agree it was definitely 99% op yeah but genon for birdie oh one millimeter low paig Pierce also in circle two these are pretty courageous putts as well to an elevated basket there is a rollway potential on the back side to OB it’s close there it is two in a row here’s looking child she’s she’s found her her uh she’s found her putter yeah found that fire piercing the chains Walker it’s a bogey B does the job her first blemish sliding back to three under on the day again in par got a handsome drop in birdie coming up what a drive Sarah yeah and pure Heiser the whole way just so much power H quickly erasing that double Bogi on five with back toback birdies on six and seven you love to see it h back to three under as they head over to whole seven eight excuse me Hanley now on the T of 14 what’s the shot here Sarah well I think Hanley has so so much power and a big fade on her sidearm this left side is primed for her it’s got the later trees so if she does end up hitting it and not finding the Gap to get to the pin she’s going to have a jump Hut comes in a little short but she’ll have a look yeah yeah that’s great inside the circle yeah Sten on nine this is a tough Lefty hole the OB comes up quick as it fades so she needs to make sure she’s getting all the way that could be back into the OB it stays oh really tough for the lefties it’s got to push so far straight at least it was inbounds a long time yeah yep and it crossed over on the other side yeah but this is already a hard hole and then starting it with an OB is not the way she wants to do this how’s that position over there s it should be all right to get to the pin yeah okay she may she probably can go across even it will be a gap shot look at all those threes as Scoggin tries to get out of that pilot three with her second this is tricky that was with you was it short doesn’t look like that was enough Scoggin out of bounds after two throws on whole nine that tree looks like it was in her way to be able to really Flex it like she likes to to get that left and distance so unfortunately she’ll be taking it from the wrong side of the water back to pierce and her drive on eight yeah that’s huge 591 and I’m sure she but off more than half there Hansen roller this is a great play the ceiling is low it doesn’t really set up for a backhand the airspace so if you’ve got a roll got a sidearm the airspace you can you can get there with a backand it’s just the trees you have to navigate a few trees that you don’t from the other side like we’ll see Missy playing this line needs to fade right before these trees and that’s pretty good Madison Walker just looking for that fade also similar to Miss’s line yeah that’ll do and as they make their way up the Fairway we’re going to sneak in a break on the network we’ll be right [Music] back OTB and MV P have curated another release of discs exclusively for the OTP open here’s phase one highlighted by the tempo in the proton soft plastic scan the QR code now and check out the full lineup at OTB discs or a retailer near you behold the Eagle’s Crossing disc golf course a sanctuary where the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary as each disc takes flight t Destiny intertwines with the flight path but beware brave souls for the course Harbor challenges that even the boldest must confront yet fear not for victory and camaraderie are your companions on this Voyage visit Eagles Crossing dis gulf. comom Sten throwing four on nine so she did up having to lay up after that first shot and she puts it close that’s a great recovery it’ll still cost her the bogey but Holland for birdie in a Solo lead that is identical to what cat did on this exact same hole when she was trying to push past eight maybe something on that green yeah let’s jump back to eight for Pierce in her second that’s going to be close to the [Music] hazard and unfortunately she’s in it that’ll be about 25 ft inside the circle with the extra stroke Scoggin after fighting the water on her second on ho 9 throws four and while have a pretty long putt at five not too bad got pin high at least Hansen her second as our man Nate Perkins looks on that’s a lot of open space on the right side of the green she’ll be inside the circle for birdie there is a green right behind that one so it’s very dangerous approach it’s a bogy putt for Scoggin gets it in but nine claims another victim yeah a lot of trouble either off the tea or on that pond back to eight for Walker in her second get to see the sidearm with that airace on the left but she turns it over that’s going for the hazard it’s wide enough it’ll miss it or short enough it’s safe all right Sten Boi what an approach to get to here Sarah absolutely and to keep her head calm after missing that first shot even though she threw a really good shot it was just faded right out great great recovery and eight again for genon too needs this to kind of bump and run on that mound that’s [Applause] great Hanley now on the T of 15 love her sidearm here there is Obi left though she’s got to push this a little flatter than she likes and there’s a ceiling ooh bad Miss friendly he turns it over that might be out of bounds that left side comes up quick I think it stayed in though we’ll see uh jumping back to whole 10 and Scoggin looking for a flex ooh that came out nice sure did just in the short side of that tree sheeld be just outside the circle with a death putt yeah let’s go no other woman I’d rather have the putt that though than on Scoggin let see how Walker’s doing from Circle two good effort always want to hit that metal especially on all of these mounded greens Pierce in the hazard putting for par not off by much but she found her putt from Circle two and still kind of dialing that in from Circle one The Edge those are the probably the hardest putts where you can’t jump but you’re also at the farthest point of the circle so sometimes that sand footing can true story be a little slippy Hansen it’s a birdie putt makes no connection there leaves it pretty close though should be an easy comebacker Missy again in hey birdie look count it grabs a stroke on the card a nice birdie Hanley a tricky approach for her second she has some work left to do on the oh maybe not that’s scooted yeah that’s some short grass just enough power I thought it was an exciting putt but we’ll show you that putt on the other side back in a [Music] bit with this collaboration with disra and grip the goal is to make the best bag in dis golf on and off the course this bag is designed beyond the course this is made for the travel this is made for the tour it’s really made for the athlete at support so many new changes that I can’t wait to to show off and and others see and use and utilize I believe disc gol will love this new [Music] bag your rating is one of the most valuable things you get with the membership this gives you accurate numbers to track how well you’ve been doing and your overall Improvement in the game you also get a member number when you register with pdj your pdj J number is a stamp for when you got involved in the sport it’s a badge of Pride for players and a part of your disc golf identity get your number today visit jooin I’m beyond excited to introduce my first disc with MVP the prism proton Envy also known as rebirth the stamp is really special it’s an eagle rising from the flames it’s a disc that I feel like is so versatile whether it be an approach putter or or a throwing putter that can be almost classified as a mid-range I absolutely love the fact that my name’s on it and I’m going to be able to throw it it’s an incredible [Music] disc hope you’re enjoying the coverage of the OTB open all tournament long use promo code OTB 2024 and get 15% off at powergrip this is the game changer Step Up of the course with the pure premium disc golf bag adding a touch of glamorous flare to your play use the code dgpt at for the best price upgrade your game upgrade your look welcome back to the action at the OTB open presented by MVP disc Sports hand leaf for par oh oh what a bummer she worked so hard to get that back in in the C Circle the solo lead back for Merch and Scoggin a death putt on whole 10 you got to lay this up Sarah um yeah I mean unless you want to lose your putter in the water or you just make it come on oh skets there’s no way that stays unless it hits like front cage who does that I mean you know she just got a bogey so she’s like all right we got to do something here let’s take one more look at this from scogin this is how you get a birdie on a hold is too far yeah um just get those c2s in there man she is such a it is great to see um somebody of her distance score well on a course that’s really meant for distance we’re jumping back to nine the T with Ganon this looks good coming into that Central alley give her a look to go for the pin on the second hen Ella’s going big she’s trying to get in the front of these huge trees people lay up to there Sarah yeah I mean almost not quite but wow she does look like she might be pinched by that tree though yeah I hope that’s not in her swing Walker had her first Miss that’s a little wide back will this scoot in perk we can’t see that Walker disc can you fill us in did he get back in bounds I hear clapping oh she hit a soft bit of dirt didn’t look like it had enough and it just barely curled in guys she’s safe fantastic news for Walker as Pierce throws this should be safe right out there by Missy middle Fairway for Pierce some playing as the second hardest hole so far is it really we are live with Hanley now again one off the lead of merch three holes left to grab a stroke sidearm is going to open up that second shot to the green where she can throw more of a Heiser with a back hand in but this is really Choose Your Own Adventure on this one is it yeah looking at the green of nine feature card about at their lies yes they are Ganon throwing two going for the water carry does it have it nice it’s good she’ll have a long look yeah yeah yeah Walker barely inbounds grabs her meter in we’ll see if she wants to try to go for this one with a sidearm is possible she is far enough up there but she’s got to navigate these trees needs big fade at the end of the sidearm and uh she also may just lay up I was going to say what would you what would you C to her to right here Sarah I would lay up but she looks like she’s going for a backhand turnover that looks pretty good it does yeah edge of the circle wow Madison totally blind Shot full turn that’s great the layup is blind so it’s so hard to see how far to throw it and the slope is going to the water and you’re giving up on the birdie at that point for sure and you’re also putting bringing bogie into play getting up and down from 220 is not always automatic Pierce looking for an up and down birdie that flipped up really nice that was gorgeous page Pier hello get parked in the bullseye drop in birdie coming for Paige that will get her to two under on the day through the front nine that’ll be four birdies balanced out by two Bogies one more look at this approach that flip up to Flat it’s her it is so beautiful it is definitely something she is known for and I love watching it fly Hansen got a left to right over stable sidearm and it’s pushing it right flashes the basket that’s great she’s so far up there all the air space is on that sidearm and that’s wow it’s great positioning she did she did take quite a risk to get there though she was pushing that right side oh yeah got h a win on the green of 12 right by the water putting up I’d imagine this is for birdie see it is for birdie confirmed this is very share of third great great putt center cut getting to minus five on the day yeah tied with Sophia doni there’s the scorecard at one hand a win another bogey free scorecard I love this 33 from C2 33% wow 83% c1x is also very good mhm Walker a birdie Putt in circle two wow so close and after being out of position and still making it across that is a really good look and a par is great here Canon edge of the circle for her birdie look another Miss for Missy Ella Hansen lining up a birdie putt all that work and in the basket she’s going to get to capitalize continues to get more and more under par Walker the cleanup par like get gained two under on the day there is the Pierce birdie after the beautiful approach right one with the park look get there yeah she had kind of a slow start there’s opportunities in front of her though there’s more ankles it’s everywhere like when you’re driving the golf cart it’s like yeah it’s not a relaxing golf cart no it’s really not it’s fun but it is fun P trying to make it four in a row to be open Scoggin her second got to sneak it under those branches that trouble Sarah oh it gets through wow that could have gone way different yeah I thought that was headed for the water second for Handley on 16 this is really wide o that tree gets right in her way she was going to get up there in circle one she’ll still have a circle two look it’s makeable scin inbounds and a look at birdie thanks to that late late tree hit snakes hit it left side that is enough let’s roll back that zuka re that’s back to back 5050 Footers for scogin she has found her Su C2 fire she’s such a monster gosh let’s jump back to Hansen T of 10 big Inside Out play not a great tree reaction but it looks in bounds on the Walking path it almost looked like she’s just throwing it into to those upper trees and letting it filter down yeah yeah which isn’t a bad play Pierce she’s got the same angle that’s a stable disc is it she’s going Flex you think yes oh turned it a little too much yeah the better Miss than not enough though see what Pierce does from that range staring right at the water I’m hoping Paige even LS this one me me too that one looks even scarier Missy genon sets up really well for her preferred shot shape gets the skip in ooh that’s a potential [Music] make Walker that was a little Yankee but Yankee in the right direction likely layup from C2 Hanley again to grab a share of the lead wow 50 foot straight uphill to a mound sneaks it in that’s amazing that really makes up for the last hole and re gaining a share of the lead with this huge make from Circle two Holland Hanley just enough Sarah gets a little tip off the rim let’s go wow incredible Sten putting for birdie green of 11 and it’s good from see 2 action all over the place at the OTB open taking a peek at the scores there as we take a breather wow we got so obviously cat’s in the in the clubhouse Holland fell back but came back she got two more holes to see if she can take the solo lead yeah we got Hanah and Sophia jumping up into that tie for third Hanson having a great round four down through nine Dean car on the board nice and speaking of Ella lays up for par smartly indeed Walker I would imagine we’ll do the same very skilled approach I think even own might have laid that one up couple decisions here no I think it’s going to be the young player that that runs the putt on this one it was our masters age player scogin buried up from 50 yeah well when you putt like her yeah right Missy genon to grab a stroke on the card channeling whole 16 from the DDO playoff last week oh that’s two in a row thankfully she caught enough chains to keep her dry yeah it’s like pars around for the gang and you won’t miss a thing a quick break on the network [Music] hold [Music] [Music] [Music] I think this golfing can improve a community in many ways it brings people together that maybe some of these kids who feel a little bit lost could find something like this golf find friends find people to come together and play the sport encouraging people to work together kids to know one another love one another a way for these kids to have a really fun thing to do together I think that’s what we need lead in the world love one another and do life [Music] together introducing fractal line discs from Prodigy fractal is the new visual treatment joining Spectrum glimmer and glow flashing colors in a comp Lex Motif it’s calming chaotic and completely oneof a kind learn more at welcome back to the OTB open and the MC Beth effect is headed to dgn proos very soon it’s a behind the scenes of pic best 2023 European tour don’t miss it I was just talking to Joy tamali about that last night he’s really excited for that one to come out presented by our friends of drumes pro that it’ll be awesome is that the sign that Brian aart hit a while back I don’t know Ella Hansen T of 11 perk you’re on the ground is that the OTB sign with uh Brian aart signature on it right there as Pierce throw you got it Ian same exact sign and uh bearheart signature uh is still on it to this day I love it I think he’s still the only disc hit I did an inspection of that last night gon will take the left route a little bit low and but traverses right between those bushes really good line there it is I’m sorry Brian aart he almost missed it to his credit you know just a couple inches higher and he’s good love that awesome work by our our camera folks out there killing it this is all I need this is a long walk of a course by the way Sarah I wanted to give our flowers to our camera operators this weekend they are hustling and walking a long way walk really good turn I love it finds the grass a lot of the meat of this hole is on the second shot whether you can get under those tree branches as you get closer to the green Paige may be able to go over the water on the right side okay jumping ahead to 17 Holland Hanley on the box Hanley trying to close down the round grab a stroker to lead over merch using that airspace on the left she’s in good position on the front side of those major trees nice and as we come down the stretch I’ll check out Sarah’s keys for closing brought to you by our friends at blacking premium disc golf store yeah number one be conservative aggression if you’re in position you got to go for these we need the birdies um but if you’re out of position you got to play conservative play like off to the SE left 17 left side you may not want to go for that PIN number two know the situation you got to know where you’re at I mean is it is it casual Friday or is it Sunday runday and then stay focused it is not time for lunch yet stay on focus on those putts there these last four holes are treacherous so losing focus is going to rack up the Bogies on the end page Pierce on your screen attacking the green with her second on a big Hiser as Sarah called out oh yeah this is the open airspace and she did it perfect she comes in a little bit early those tree branches are going to pop her right into the water Scoggin for birdie dialed after 250 makes one half that with no problem back to Walker on 11 her second what would you do here Sarah I think it’s the the left side arm like she’s lining up it’s got to be low enough to go under those branches but high enough to get to the pin very conservative or just maybe a Miss she throws it low but in doing so probably turns it over a little bit doesn’t get the fade she’ll be pitching up for her Canon inside outline a little low also struggling with that height again with her shot you know it’s just you can’t put it too high on that turnover um and she did put it too low and that’s the that’s the Miss yeah if she would just bust out the sidearm speaking of H there it is will go to it and attack this needs to calm down oh sit all right bull there 20 ft there it does slope but from one best friend to another Hansen to Hanley her second on 17 to the peninsula green that’s very wide she is playing this for par maybe even I think that might have been a Miss okay you’re right it is pin High yeah I guess we’ll have to ask her yeah I wonder huh I do Wonder this walker her third after the erant second that gets her back on track for [Applause] par Ganon has a long look at birdie mostly just pitching up they did actually move the pin on this one it is shorter by probably 60 ft nice it used to be on the farther Peninsula I know yeah this is a short putts here finishing off it’s a birdie look for Ella Hansen to get to five under on the day that’s just three off the lead little less than half to go for [Applause] Ella gon looking at par still kind of struggling to get things going she is isn’t she I just one under on the day Pierce will move to to three though after the Walker [Applause] par nice birdie Paige she’s happy with that birdie oh Scoggins on the tf13 she is tied with Sophia doni swinging this one back in great Flex that big tree might be in her way let’s see if she can stretch around it and we’ve got the Canadian Sophia D you want know about her s have you played with her yeah I have played with her and we’ve stayed together a couple times oh yeah she’s hails from Canada uh she’s a runner very strong woman um throws a country mile also made a really good run at the Las Vegas challenge last weekend she was leading um she’s got tons of distance really nice lady awesome well hopefully we’ll get a look at her if you know I’m sure we’ll check in with her tomorrow at some point she should be on your Chase card and maybe even your leag card depending how this latter half of the round shakes out and we are flying over to party Islands little family picnic going on right there live with Hanley on 17 it’s a birdie putt but I’m sure she’s laying this up [Music] was a strong layup but it’s not going to cost her bad Ricochet off those uh Wheels on the ground sometimes that’s a little dangerous that is yeah look at the backside of that green that Hanley was just putting towards yikes yeah these are the things nightmares are made of Katrina Allen got to live this nightmare last year that was tough to watch Sarah and look at all the stuff you can watch from party Islands yeah t of 12 over there yeah Hansen five down through 11 this is go she doesn’t need to get distance on this at all but she does that is really far making short we work for the next shot it’s pretty standard shot here people can kind of do whatever they feel most comfortable only need to throw it 250 280 to get in position nice shot by Pierce as well genon nice turn little low once again kind of seen that out of her a little bit today but it’s enough one of the two hot geese Madison Walker teing on 12 oh overturned that’s um going to be a long approach sah it’ll be about 300 ft from that tree branch what do you do from there that’s scary the layup is very short though she only has like 80 to 100 ft on a layup so it’s almost a jump putt to the edge if she decides not to go for it scoggan on 13 for birdie wow those tree trunks are huge she had to do a full stretch and look at this run she is on yeah that one little blemish on nine but really good otherwise moving her way up scores are stacking up as well looks like Hannah also got to six where did she sneak a birdie in oh yeah and I got one on 14 as well as that birdy we saw her get on 12 Scoggins T of 14 sets up really well for her heavy fade on the sidearm oh c catches the blocker tree she’ll be Circle two from there though which today might mean it’s still a birdie facts Sarah Walker does lay up okay now she’s got to play Perfect to save this par yeah that felt smart though honestly that’s a that’s a scary Green from 300 ft truth I just got a note from one Brian aart he would like us to know he still saved his par after hitting the sign oh that’s impressive yeah it is yeah Brian is no slouch he is he’s a world class disc golfer Missy Ganon her second on 12 little bit of extra carry here probably 280 to the pin sticks The Landing perk how is the uh the wind here for this water carry shot that looks like PA Pierce will set up her yeah relatively relatively calm right now Ian it’s a a bit of a a tail left to right and the OB line has moved just a little bit further off of the water this year making it feel a little nervy and ‘s actually opt in to use the wind here going to hang this forehand out wide she’s committed to the width good height and skips it just in front of the pin scoots a little long 20 ft coming back man Ella has looked really good today Nate talk about that yeah she looks clean Paige oh just enough with the fierce to climb up and over the OB thank you perk pi to see two different ofes Ella with the big fade Paige with the flip up straight shot showing so many different varieties of skill sets Walker with her third looking for the up and down this is shaping yeah that’s great puts it nice and close hopefully she can tap in that par and erase any early issues yeah Holland on the T of 18 one last hole to grab a stroke on your leader cat merch let me have my moment looking for that Clubhouse lead is Hanley demanding t- shot [Music] she throw something slow enough Fades a little towards the OB but it’s going to be in bounds oh there it is she’ll still have a couple trees to Traverse on the early part of her line not quite the merch drive we saw ear not quite as far I don’t think okay Scoggin a long look for birdie can she do it again oh my god wow she thought she had it I thought she had it a and there’s like trees in the way lie I don’t even know what what what’s going on there this tiny little green on the other side of this um Pond y it’s got a it’s duckweed down there the brown I like the angle that Ella and Missy are putting from it feels like it’s less deathy mhm yeah from that left side Canon first birdie look Center chains good height pretty standard for Missy Ganon Ella hon to match that birdie and to get within two of the lead continues her great putting streak wouldn’t improvement from when she first popped on the scene Sarah remember that oh sure well I mean she was such a good frisbee thrower just didn’t know quite dis golf yet so it’s been great to see her develop those specific skills Walker to clean up the par after the errant Drive oh no did that get wet perk are you able to see that disc for Walker bummer it’s one of those you look at your hand like are you still attached to me whose hand did that he go hard a double that stroke compounding that mistake had been playing so well today too but just one hole it is it is just one hole but that will drop her back to just one under on the day now Paige with that beautiful approach picks up the birdie thank you and as they had to 13 we’re going to sneak in a break on the network we’ll be back with some drives in just a few my name is Garrett girthy and I’m the founder of double G craft jerky I love the fact that it’s resealable I can just get a little bit keep my energy levels up but not eat like a half of a meal in the middle of my round my favorite bag is the smash crack pepper that’s my perfect salty snack this is my go-to the sex and sweet and spicy if this bag gets open there’s no need for the seal cuz I’m going to eat it all [Music] [Music] trust [Music] me TR [Music] [Music] that was on Scoggin with her second on 15 she’ll have that left for par and Hanley second on 18 after being barely inbounds off the te takes advantage though Sarah puts it really close that’s looking like a birdie that might be for the solo lead it is indeed back to pierce on 13 out early yeah needed needed more turn more of a right uh a right uh sideline she missed the same way a couple of times today Missy genon this shapes up perfectly for Miss see booms it long yeah and I think she’s got an open look those trees are huge the trunks on them are very hard to get around if you’re in the just the wrong spot let’s check out the bounce back for Madison after the unfortunate double on 12 overturns it’ll be a long look lunchtime yeah get those snacks in yeah whis for Birdie on 15 a floaty run goes in left side Annie heyo that Weis bit I love it you know it’s not going to go anywhere if you Misses totally it’s right there so cool have like the Annie version of her man’s putt yes oh my gosh like are you left-handed no no no Pierce her second after the errant drive that’s not good either yeah but another kind of not turning it as much as she’s expecting to Hon has a long look at two that’s a layup for three don’t mind that Sarah these two are are it’s fine if you don’t get the birdies definitely don’t want to Bogey them 13 and 14 Walker edge of circle 2 Fairway for birdie that was a little bit fluffy pretty high and it kind of cost her I’d like to see her put that on the on the ground rather than trying to make it from that far Scoggins that is a par after the nice approach just that one blemish so far 15 is really biting people off the tea we haven’t seen a lot of people get close to it it’s a very demanding and a very specific t-shot genon coming back for birdie after the long drive another right miss a little bit of a roller coaster for Missy today yeah paid with a lot of work for this par covers up two mistakes with a great putt SAR abolutely total ademption putt got some amazing trees in this property Sarah look at this green you know so pretty so many different kinds of Oaks and birch trees box Elders Willows Nate what’s it like soaking in the all these gorgeous trees on the ground my man yeah I totally agree the the oak trees kind of make the property and then they’ve actually planted some coastal redwoods out here and it’s pretty far inland for them so they have to give them a lot of water but everyone loves seeing a little baby Redwood out here that’s super cool they love that tip this is a Hansen par we are on to the next Hansen still cooking two or three off the lead depending on this putt for Hanley I’m going to call it three Holland’s not missing this one right Hanley had eight holes to get the lead and it is on the final that she takes it solo is Back N playing a little tough Sarah huh it is it’s taking Strokes and these back four we’re surprisingly seeing less birdies on 13 and 14 than I would expect at least maybe today solo lead at the top Hall and Hanley still looking for that first Elite Series win big jam up on on TI for third oh wow still got Hannah and Sophia hanging on Ella and on have a few more holes to try to get that a little lower Paige Pierce keeping herself in the mix and part thanks to that nice parut on 13 I think if you come out with with at least a handful here I think you still got a chance to win this yeah I’m with you wi has a par putut on 16 this to hold on to her share of third and it’s in fantastic clean living from Hannah wi zero Bogies and really tester putt from the bottom of that mound zero obese Strokes for Hannah today as well Hansen big distance on that side arm needs to fight through those trees catches the edge of them is it a circle two put it looks like it okay so many options on this particular t-shot I’m assuming Paige is going to take the big Heiser is going to skip there are more trees on this route but if you’re a righty backhand you don’t want to throw the sidearm you can still get there okay Paige at the edge of the circle there tell me you look at all the scores you look at everyone’s doing there a lot of work on the front nine and then you look at Maria Oliva doing her work on the back she lighting up the back right now as she marches to A Different Drummer sometimes she does and that’s a good thing oh genon with a look as well nice Madison Walker going to throw the flex to get that extra distance bringing him to play some of these other trees but this might have been the play for everyone cuz that’s a bull siy love that risk reward and she found it that’ll help get Madison back on track that should get her back to 200 under on the day look at this Walker Drive sneaks around that route perfect Skip and that’s a live look down from your flight Factory drone your feature card make sure you guys head over to flightfactor if you want to pick up some swag I know they are the home of Walker gear you’d like to support her Holland Hanley I believe is also on there there is that QR code the Drone giving you a a great perspective on how Leonard uses all these golf Fairways and off Fairway areas scogin tf16 need to clear this green and it’s close she does it just on that left side right side of the green excuse me Hannah up next on 16 17 comes up a little short that’ll be a decision to be made and we are back with LA Hansen Circle two for birdie on whole 14 a little wide yeah but easy cleanup again these are these two in a row are they’re getable but if you don’t get them it’s fine as long as you’re not [Music] bogeying paig Pierce to get the five on the day she needed that one there it is she needed this one she needs a couple more at least one more going in or a clean finish have we seen a round one from Paige this good yet on the year is she back Sarah I hope so me too the sport is better when she’s in it accurate Ganon to match that birdie there it is recovering from a Miss back to the make heading into those final four difficult holes that’s going to be helpful having a little confidence in that putt we’ve got mounds and water ahead of us that is correct Hansen a little bit of work left on the par that’ll do and Walker a great drive back to 200 under on the day she goes once again just lacing the shot to be made for the distance that she throws crazy impressed what they’re throwing today crazy impressed with the whole day from paig Pierce could she finally have found the form we’ve been looking for all year caddy think so let’s go never stop believing she is great in California I don’t know that’s California Conquest F players with the most elite and major wins you’re on your list Sarah snuck on to the bottom all world champions kind of interesting huh yeah California doesn’t give it up easy yeah where’d you get your wins by the way uh Master cup okay awesome um San Francisco open oo and King of the lake my first national tour win in Tahoe that’s a good that’s a grueling tournament too isn’t it like it’s so much fun up there is like five courses or something like that or um I I don’t think it was the year I played it okay okay that’s a hike at elevation zepher Cove you got to love that place man check it out if you can yeah if you guys have never experienced Tahoe disc golf go check it out Paige Pierce TF 15 really technical backhand that height just gets her hard hard to get that turn I’d like to see a lot of sidearms here and not just because I like sidearms but it’s the shot right it really is and these back hands are going to be forcing a really really difficult shot yeah genon can she find the line this is great it’s a really tight line oh my and she Parks it Missy gon getting going late better late than never though that will get g into four under on the day all of a sudden I could see her making a run at these very difficult holes here on the end that makes a lot of sense Walker a different line than Ganon weaving her way through did did that stay clean I think so I mean what trees wow looks like he’s front side with a with a 50-footer or something maybe maybe shorter perk we’re look at the Ellen Hansen t-shot did you see the Finish there for Walker how close did she get yeah Madison actually hit that last Big Oak and a beautiful shape here from Ella I have to agree with Sarah I feel like the backand is just so much more technical than the flex forehand here really show any of that right there what a what a drive hand thank you Nate 16 with Scoggin her second going to the far side of the pond just enough and moves up the mound we’ll have a look for birdie goin’s range and win her second on 17 what are you doing here Sarah this seems like layup right I think you’re laying up to the left side okay kind of pin High left if you can get there y okay just what the doctor ordered Sarah she’s oh that wind is pushing it over but she’s still safe looks like she’s happy about the result of that shot jumping back to for Pierce and her second goes to the turnover with the putter it’s lovely seems to be correcting that turnover line a little bit oh you’re right huh Walker said that tree did stop her progress but we’ll have that left for par those drives from Ganon and enhan we saw the perfect backand we saw the perfect forehand exactly yeah those are if you’re wondering how to play the hole just rewind yep is Madison offering snacks that’s what it sounds like yeah hen for birdie and to get within two of the lead excellent continue to work her way under par she’s been great in the circle today too yeah just the one blemish on the on not even in her putting necessarily but Canon with the bullseye hit off the te will drop in the birdie continu to push her way up the leaderboard she’s got a couple more to grab a share of maybe third m Missy could get up there Lorenson has a birdie putt on 16 backside rollway potential no problem her putt is so effortless it really doesn’t even look like you know she’s got great spin can Scoggin match that putt you’ll find out on the other side we’ll catch you there [Music] so you want to throw further okay here’s the plan step one join the power dis Golf Academy step two watch Holland hanley’s lessons on how to properly select discs that are appropriate for your skill level step three watch Paul yul’s xstep lessons to help you build a solid foundation for generating power step four watch Simon lat’s lessons on upper body mechanic mechanics to make sure you’re giving the disc the best opportunity for distance step five watch Ezra ader holds max distance lessons to build your most powerful swing step six use our fieldwork drills to dial it all in and the last step go out and crush your personal best distance record ready go OTB and MVP have curated another release of discs exclusively for the OTB open here’s phase two with a second release of the trance this time in prism Neutron scan the QR code now and check out the full lineup at OTB discs or retailer near you can Scoggin match the putt of Lorenson oh wow that went pretty far away we shall see if she can make that comebacker yeah win for par on 17 the approach was a little short with our third but covers it up nicely and look at that card remaining bogey free clean golf she’s such a fun story s yes you know yeah really she has such a hard worker grinder she was you know dfl for a while right you know that’s to work through that is you got to have a strong mental game Ganon on 16 very nice Flex Hansen little bit low the Green is right on that area but she uh throws it way past the green low and inside but she’s still all right she’s got a big Hiser in to the pin she may be blind trying to look at the basket from there but great distance no I mean there is that I think she finally got a green flag right there yeah that took a minute Paige Pierce she’s going big up that right side trying to make that second shot much shorter I like it Fairway safe for Pierce as Walker steps up just another great looking spin from Madison just be on the green that’s a great spot too it’s all in the second shot really M approaching this mound so this first shot is a blind Landing Zone kind of going over this OB sidewalk that doesn’t really come into play but then there is this OB green on this left side you could really try to land wherever you want as long as you’re beyond the green or just to the right of it if you can get the disc all the way to about here it’s going to really open up that shot especially if you’re throwing um a lefty line really open to a backhand Hiser the choice to go over the water most people are going to go over on their second but if you heer in you’re likely going to hit these trees on the right is going to drop you down at the edge of the mound so if you can get far enough right you can throw a straight shot up this mound and that’s how you park it but you’ll likely have a putt to try to get this birdie there is also OB on the right side OB green and then obviously the water everywhere second shot for genon challenging that tree just sneaked inside the edge of the circle with that bottom of the mound putt we saw lucky make just a little bit ago Paige Pierce lines up her second from as we look down from the flight Factory drone fagee gave a speech to that disc she wasn’t just talking to it yeah that it worked it did yeah throwing low all day under branches and then you have to throw over water great point we’re looking over at Madison Walker what are we yeah Madison should actually to be to their other side huh okay must be something you’re right yeah that’s right maybe there’s a fox over there oh yeah I saw one yesterday on my my drive around the course they’re not skittish no they’re used to the people yeah madis shot shaping up beautifully again s this looks great yeah into the circle for a birdy look Nate looking at Madison Walker today and she has just been so impressive with her throwing today man talk about that from the ground yeah that little Annie to Flat release has been money for her and really it’s not the throwing that has caused her struggles this year it’s it’s the putting the spin putt from that 20 to 25t range has really been the death of her but good to see the the MVP plastic flying well out here at OTB that it is thank you per hon with a dime yeah she’s so close and and that was blind oh you’re right huh she couldn’t see the pin off that far left side Scoggin T of 17 getting that fade in front of those trees out into the open that’s a good spot is that far enough to challenge the green I think so cool especially he’s going to throw the sidearms she’s going to be over the land the whole time here’s your feature cart making their walk around the water back on 16 Sunbrella never a bad Placer no that’s the uh the watermelon axium umbrellas in fact oh those are like a those are some premium umbrellas yes a lot of fun when on our finishing hole 18 too much turn but catches the tree and puts her better into a better position it’ll be tough to go to the GRE go go for the Green from there yeah but that was a nice little chef’s kiss that was headed for that the death zone of bushes on the right so thick over there leaves you pinched Hanley still holding on of that one stroke lead it looks like it might it might hold S I don’t see it maybe Hansen yeah Hansen yeah yeah she could get there and but these last these last three holes have really challenged people’s skill set yeah which is always a fun finish and your defending and three time Champion Paige Pierce lurking in six what a great day one for her love to see that a long birdie putt now though she looks like she’s trying to make this MH damn that good height I like the effort yeah she didn’t get crazy on the pace either you know give it a little I’ve noticed that about her putt recently more recently that it is actually has a better Pace from all distances she used to have a lot of L comebackers Missy Ganon a long look at birdie and it’s in with a little body Lang English Canon bir’s on four of the last five she’s turning it on at the end yes she is oh that’s Tom approved Miss’s husband Tom S Walker for birdie little tickle should stay close I can’t imagine that move too far ELD the Hansen what an approach from this woman to move within one of the lead and grab a share of second Ella Hansen she’s been an OTB monster sah over the years she has shown that she can do this yeah we’ll see if she can put it all together this weekend yes looking strong so good in the circle today yeah as they make way to 16 we’re going to sneak in a break but you won’t miss a thing you play Disc Golf is your passport to teaching and learning the game our mission to teach disc golf and make it accessible to everyone worldwide from Alaska to Africa Guatemala to Canada and Beyond you play Disc Golf has spread its wings teaching the Love of the Game across the globe get involved in our movement to make disc golf a universal Joy explore youlis and join us in helping people find flight hello we’re Kenna we’re a Dutch growing company we love plants and we want to tell you some cool things about them just like humans plants can communicate they can sense when another plant is close plants look out for each other too they warn Neighbors about nearby threats by secreting substances and Studies have shown that plants love a good tune we love and understand plants let our passion excite you too I’m David Wiggins and in 2016 I set the disc golf world distance record with a throw of 11 8 ft with I’m m in the field measuring a max distance throw or on the course checking the elevation change for an upshot I rely on the eagle Seeker 360 to give me accurate distances it’s the only Rangefinder on the market that measures in feet yards and meters it’s USBC rechargeable and features a lithium ion battery visit Eagle Seeker to get yours today brought back by popular demand zlight plastic from disc cra disc that you already know and love now available in lighter weights Zite more distance with less [Music] [Music] effort introducing fractal line discs from prodigy fractal is the new visual treatment joining Spectrum glimmer and glow as an additional aesthetic variation fractal line disc utilize a new proprietary processing technique splashing colors in a complex Motif that can trick the eye into seeing patterns while each element remains distinctive and Abstract it’s calming chaotic and completely one-of a kind learn more at Prodigy Simon in for the birdie he’s just been making these like it’s nothing it’s just no problem that putt has looked so good this week another nice birdie for Simon oh my come on yeah I mean that’s a perfect put 2024 NB Champion Simon [Applause] [Music] laon Scoggin with a biry look on 17 you saw the approach in the picture and picture that was great Sarah yeah knows her disc really well didn’t go directly at the pin but leaves herself the putt to get within two of the lead there it is Coggin does not care about death putts there just what what’s a death putt I know when they all go in they’re none of them are death putts I guess win throw in three on the finishing 18th swings It Wide into the bullseye from about 250 that’s a great cleanup to save her park it is great round from wi had to clean the entire day back to 17 for genon off the T needed a little more turn but she’s out in the open not sure if she’s going to want to go for the pin from there yeah especially not not with a forehand or not having a forehand right you’ll have to go early out of bounds MH hen rise is out of her hand but that’s a good position that pierce next goes pretty aggressive on the t- shot it’s good distance we’s see if that tree is in her way the branches may hang down Walker yep position I kind of like that they’re going to be running on a slope on this next shot so it’s kind of nice if they can get it all the way back to the right because you can actually get some flat ground to throw such a technical shot and a wi to get off the course clean that is 63 zero Bogies for H win what a save on one of the hardest holes in Solo fifth one ahead of Pierce and genon a fantastic day for Hann she had a great Dynamic this open ni to see her keep it rolling here yeah she’s really finding her stride here in the middle of the Season 40% C2 so she snagged another one I mean 88% from c1x that’s top of the field there [Music] and it should be lurking on your Chase card tomorrow unless something dramatic happens Ganon and her second you got a distance guess in this shot s we’re probably looking at 320 okay so reachable yeah puts it up high gets it over to the left side gon playing that nice and smart yeah that’s yeah they are having a a great time out there today what’s the uh wind like for this approach here on 17 perk it’s kind of the most wind we’ve felt all day it’s a head of right to left maybe a little bit more from the right side Ella has just enough room for the forehand here the hands and second is away someone Circle too Sarah yeah that looked cooked it yeah we see what she does from there imagine a layup you think or we’ll see we’ll see she needs to get I mean she could get another one here she get two more she looks like she’s in a good mood dancing on the on the Fairway Madison Walker second these low hanging branches are kind of in their way we’ll see how they navigate through them to go over the water a little early oh wow that is great that’s the kind of putt you want on this peninsula she is been just hyper accurate today with throws it’s been really fun this just the scariest graen we have out here yeah almost 80% overw waterer gosh into the Pye Paige Pierce would love to hop on those Vapor Trails laid by Walker he’s going to combat this crosswind it’s going to push her over but is it going to push her enough oh just short that’s going to be an early out of bounds perk we’re heing that might have been maybe a little ankle issue for Pierce and did you see anything on the ground you know she seems to be walking fine right there and actually I I loved that release the difference Madison got that little bit of lift with the faster disc and Paige was more pure Heiser and honestly thought she threw it to Perfection and just didn’t get any help from the wind and it’s going to cost her at least two right here that it will Nate thank you so Paige will throw four and just try to scramble up a bogey she was in Chase car position this will likely drop her out or close to it gosh very nice running chains almost grabbed a par in dramatic fashion do you like the straight shot there Sarah would you prefer you know a heer approach or you know I think player strengths you know that’s what that’s the shots that she throws that’s what she practices I’d like to see I mean you can throw the big sweeping fade at the end with something overstable but if you’re not used to throwing that line then I think throw the throw the shot that you know now what I’d like to see is her Overland more on the initial shot rather than going over water immediately but she was pinched up on that left side so really didn’t have much of a choice yeah I think better positioning off the t- shot oh so close was his long look at birdie for Ganon water behind oh my goodness she’s she’s good for every other right now there’s a really good line she thought she made it too sometimes you got to throw up there and hope that they stick that’s what she’s doing she keeps doing it yeah still very much in this thing at five down were right about the layup did she oh y don’t mind that she’s playing so well you know not need to add any stress to the situation and maybe some extra Strokes by pressing there she is 10 for 11 in circle one today is La Hansen really solid day showing no signs of pressure yeah true we shall see if that changes over the next two rounds yeah yeah that’s true Sundays have seemed to get handsome well anybody really yeah also true if you guys are just joining us Holland Hanley has the end of a hot round at nine down Hansen a chance to tie that uh as she has to 18 before that let’s check out some highlights from [Music] Hanley had an incredible start Hanley started grabbing birdies on the first four this is Whole Nine though when we caught up with Holland this the middle of a three birdie stretch on 8910 for Holland this is her Birdie on 13 that was a good and this putt on six it was a big one Sarah snuck it in there H she really dialed by the end just a couple blemishes on her scorecard and coming in to the final green on 18 from the farthest you can really go rather to to even go with this pin and she is she was she’s executing and made that putt to grab the stroke lead there it is at the top of your in of a hot rounds scogin also a chance to get within one of the lead yeah just a handful of Strokes in the top top seven yeah and just one stroke separating everybody really tight field at the top yeah and your leader Holland Hanley caught up with our very own Brian aard in the clubhouse take it away Bri house Holland Hanley nine underpar effort on round number one how you feeling about it oh great I mean I was just chilling today they they started us off with like a Superstition planing while we were teeing off on whole one and I was like failing that and just kind of try to keep that all day they had the Stevie Wonder plan they had Superstition going when you were teeing off are you a superstitious player are you a superstitious athlete not superstitious but I’m a little bit stitious okay I’ll take that I’ll take that I mean you know some some little things like I definitely right now I I think my my red shirt is my lucky shirt so I saving that for for the last day and uh I I try to wear black on moving day like I got a couple little little things I do slightly above average dishes but Le Let’s uh talk about the round a little bit how’s the course playing when there’s not much wind out there is it pretty attackable oh it’s very attackable um yeah really it’s just a few key spots where you need to really think about it before you get too aggressive and um if you if you’re going to make a mistake there is definitely a right and a wrong wrong mistake to make um you don’t want to end up in the water short or OB early or anything like that um and then yeah that’s pretty much it 9 under par currently the best round of the day but you had two bogeys out there talk about the Bogies and are they mistakes that you feel like you have to make adjustments for um not really the the first one was whole 12 I believe was that part four where you got the the pawn shot as the second shot not say out of my hand I thought it was perfect and I came up just a couple feet short um so not too worried about that might just aim a little bit more to the right so I get kind of that fatter Landing Zone um and then the second one was just like a little bit of a brain fart missed a short putt um I only missed two short putts today so I’m not really too worried about it well Holland it was a great start and under par we’ll see you tomorrow Co thank you bran and Holland I appreciate the dad joke from Holland there Scoggin on the T of 18 big fade and roll but are inbounds it’ll be tough to get the birdie from there it will let’s take a look at what Scoggin is dealing with right now so this is a technical shot right off the bat a lot of backhand throwers are going to try to Traverse these two trees flexing a little bit to the right and hoping for a fade back to the left it’s really open for the sidearm if you’ve got it the landing zone is really just be just in front of this tree or Beyond this tree that opens up the F if you can get beyond that tree it’s like 320 it’s better and then you’ve got this bottlenecked Fairway as you approach the green where it opens up just a little bit more this one is tough because if you’re trying to lay up if you have don’t have the distance to get there that is a shorter a smaller amount of space so if you can get to the bottleneck and open up into the GRE past the bottleneck open up into the green you’re going to have a look at a putt on this elevated pin with just circle one on the back side on and Justin planning her second shot waiting for the green to clear it looks like yeah so this is like 3:30 if she comes up short she will be in the bottleneck area she catches the front side of the bubble and that’s in her range he been making them today Nate the the pace has been great out there man I think this just our second backup of the day man talk about that yeah played really smooth out here and I think with the with the wind down uh scoring was a little easier and I think you know the fpo course is just tailored to their division and it just sets up really well for them yeah it’s been fantastic watch Bo as well Sten laying up with her third she’ll grab a four not a bad day for Sten two under looks like she’ll finish there as well TI for 13 her first event after the Texas States scogin for Birdie on 18 not in the cars today no she’ll move into moving day two off the lead in the mix back on the te Walker needs that to turn a little more that’s dangerous grab the grass it does thank you luscious grass and Madison’s heart attack has dissipated Missy genon slow start for Missy but she is in the mix right now five down really turned it on here at the end yeah impressive stuff on the most difficult part of the course which is so her style oo I like this right side and in front of the biggest tree this is prime position see if gon can get to six within three of the lead Hansen throwing a slower disc that was so good until it snuggled up into those roots that’ll really affect her footing she may not be able to get there from a standstill Pierce catches the tree she’ll have to pitch around the corner birdie is out of play par on the green for scogin is the [Applause] result likely on your lead card tomorrow paig pierce has not won since the 2023 OTP open kind of reminds me of was it heberg was about a year between wins too he just got one Dynamic this open maybe to we Pages during this week I could see it yeah she’s uh as she continues to gain confidence after her injury so funny I think that you know this is the place that she can do it her once she gets her head together she throwing the disc pretty well today this look about good to y’all there no Mando on this right or second just to the corner for Pierce she gets aggressive wants to turn the corner okay oh just the only a little OTB stamp on that page Pierce disc I hear every all the pros are trolling through the OTB warehouse for all the good plastic they’ve got a lot of good stuff in there they have some great stuff and the MVP OTB releases oh my gosh they are amazing it’s been a while since we’ve seen Paige in the top 10 let’s check out some highlights look at that distance pure Heiser gets her all the way to the PIN for the initial Park job what a great seven this was we finally started to see her dropping some about here in the course took couple holes to get it dialed in from range but once she did Qui look at her card it’s good job on 17 limiting the D damage to just a single no doubt Walker her second this is very demanding she gets it there catches the front side of that left bubble C2 look for birdie yeah that would give Walker to four under on the day currently tied for ninth that would give her a share of seventh Hansen a crate drive just nestled in the worst spot Sarah this is really difficult to control when you’re from this split stance yeah no run up can’t even get your hips pointed in the right direction that needs to heer get there yes just over the wall see2 look she will have that for a share of the lead with colen Hanley Ganon her second shot the drive fantastic gets to throw the easy line the Heiser seriously and puts it it really close to that Bullseye Missy was just kind of treading water for a while and then she turned it on on this backside sure did you expect nothing less of your Dynamic this open Champion Miss Canon nothing flashy just maintained consistency and then turned it on at the Hard end instead of losing The Strokes that’s where she’s gaining them she’s going to birdie five of the of the last seven Pierce throws her third puts it on the base nice finish great scramble Perkins are making their way up 18’s Fairway love to get your final thoughts on a our day one here out at the OTV open thank I feel like we finally have Paige Pierce kind of back in business here she looked great off the tea just a couple mistakes are going to likely keep her off the lead card and then we’ve got Ella and Holland who are still both battling for their first Elite Series win and I’m guessing this this thing is going to take at least 24 underp par over three rounds to take it down with you Nate it kind of feels like it huh going have to go low could be as the pressure mounts coming in we’ll see if that causes them to increase the scoring or if there’s some faltering that happens a lot of uncontested folks on the lead card looking down from your flight Factory drone at I believe Ella Hansen putting for birdie and a Sher of the lead it’s a Miss but it’s not a bad Miss short par putt left for her share of second Walker this for a share of seventh looks like we have a quite a bit of Tailwind coming in through this final hole really Dro that one out of the sky genon to grab a stroke on the card and a share of fifth p a win [Music] wow Missy turning it on caught fire at the end she’s such a gamer such a slow round to begin with for her yeah Hansen for her Sheriff [Applause] second walk her in for her par be Pierce off the course with a four down it feels like the best round one we’ve seen out a pierce all year that is her best round since wo is the word a lot of color on that scorecard yeah she could definitely clean it up you know yeah still I think kind of missing from uh from the the t- shots are still kind of giving her trouble and welcome into the booth and Stockton Sarah what’s your biggest Takeaway on the day here for our round one what I’m seeing is the birdie rate is a big factor here especially the scoring we saw today the course is primed for scoring I think people really got to they have to get off the tea and they got to make their putts you know the getting those birdies you can’t just play safe and conservative I think you got to be aggressive when your opportunities are given we really saw that today didn’t we yeah with you we’re going to send it off to one more quick break on the other side we have the OTB after show at the OTB open we’ll catch you there [Music] pound’s the best of the best it’s the quality the craftsmanship the vision for what a bag could be let’s start from the beginning I didn’t choose pound I chose Levi I trusted Levi to make the best bag possible he’s always trying to innovate he wants it to be perfect and I think he’s the kind of guy that nothing’s ever perfect I trust the product I trust the people behind the product at this point I don’t think anyone’s disputing that it’s the best made [Music] bag MVP and OTB partnered up again for a huge run of exclusive and awesome discs to support the OTB open thanks to your local retailer these sweet flying circles are available everywhere and greatly contribute to the High Caliber event that thousand rated Productions I’ve created scan the QR code to check them all out now figure out which disc might make your bag this run is ridiculous I got 41 ft per gosage it’s a game of inches your Portland open Champion Adam [Applause] ham what’s up I’m Raven team zuka here here’s what’s in my cart all my main discs are in this bottom compartment easily accessible at mouth and eye level my treats are in the side pockets up there it’s inconvenient but good for self-control a feature I’m iffy on is those unpoppable foam tires I have tried they don’t pop but my favorite thing about my cart is when my mom grabs it I know I’m going o u [Music] t and there squirrels out there OTB is very specific on how they list the disc because they want you to like the disc virtually in your hand tells you what the disc is going to feel like how heavy it’s going to be it’s everything you want to know before it shows up to your house not just marketing it’s only the best welcome into the OTV after show take a look at the fox we got to look at your dog during the commercial break Sarah yes the Raven go get yourself a zuka card dogs love them too they do right so I have a new favorite zuka ad that was adorable and amazing looking at your scores though they really piled up at the end there yeah we had this big break of people right up at the top and then everybody kind of lower and then as the lead card come through we saw those middle spots getting filled in and in the clubhouse and on the chase cart tomorrow is Paige Pierce take it away Brian said that felt lightning fast was it also fun yeah it was it was a lot of fun you know I played with three people that I really enjoy their company and um we were throwing good shots like we all started out hot and some of us finished hot as well um I felt like I was kind of all over the place but I threw some shots I’m really proud of and my putting was really good today so yeah I had a good time yeah it seems like your your drives are there like you you have the speed what do you think it is that you’re missing to to go out here and and dominate like you have in years past yeah I think just with the change of my body I’m I’m not throwing exactly the same and so I’m just I kind of have that in my head sometimes sometimes I don’t and that’s the shots of course that I throw well um and when it is kind of in my head I’m like okay ease off a little or oh you know can I get this all the way there you know those kind of questions rolling around my head those are the shots that I’m kind of messing up um and just sometimes because I’ve gotten that power back I’m easing off a little bit and those are my early releases is and I think that’s my number one place I’m losing Strokes is early releasing and you know finding myself closest to the teapad still and can you talk about the stroke that you found from Circle 2 today wait say that again the stroke the putting stroke you found from Circle 2 you seem to be dropping some in yeah um they just feel easy the fierce is my Putter and it’s just really glidey so a lot of those Circle two looks didn’t even feel like Circle two because I wasn’t really jumping them I was just like kind of floating them a little bit higher and letting them elevator in and um I think it’s the best feeling on the course when when your disc goes in the basket so to do it from farther away I think there’s also an element that in circle two it’s not one of those putts that you should make it’s like so there’s not really pressure it’s like oh if I make this it’ll be cool but it doesn’t matter if I Mi not it doesn’t matter but like you’re not beating yourself up if you miss so like I think that’s a big element of it too um and yeah just like I haven’t really made that many putts this season yet that I felt like amped about and so like today to come out and feel like I was hanging on in that department felt good everyone back home and uh in in the booth of saying Paige Pierce is back would you agree uh I mean I never really left anywhere phys yeah I don’t know I don’t know weird question to answer but I don’t know I don’t think I’m back I the page Pierce that I want to see is like stringing together seven eight birdies in a row especially on a course like this um but but yeah I’m getting the birdies yeah all right thanks for the interview page we’ll see you on the Chase card tomorrow thank you thank you Paige and that was Nate Perkins not airart excuse me there checking out some stats pre and post injury that’s yeah we’re I mean we got this pre-injury stuff I mean averaging like just top 10 basically um but also within this time of her injury has been the rise of the Euros oh yeah right so her finishes are not just her own is a combination of the effect of the field so I mean yeah she says she’s not quite back um but she’s on her way there and I’m I’m excited to see how she finishes this tournament in particular I think she looks pretty confident and pretty happy about where she’s at and I think that that makes a big difference yeah you can see her average place was like 11th or something sitting in sitting in the top eight Ty for seventh yeah so you like your chances I do like her chances and it’s to hear that she recognizes where where she needs to do the work and she’s going to continue to dial that in it makes sense that after her changes with her form after the injury that is going to leave a little bit of tentative questioning um feelings in her mind when she’s trying to execute those shots so still that’ll slly dissipate I think and we’re I think she is back even if she won’t say it yeah that’s right she said it’s it’s gone some of the time right So eventually it’ll be all the time yeah right thinking about it anyway let let’s OTB this thing I have I got I got nothing I’m gonna go with ‘s putt on 11 you could even do like the two back to back 50in yeah I mean there she has no business running that putt that death putt on 10 yeah yeah yeah I’m with you that’s a good pix all right Marky what do you got for us buddy fire this thing off yeah good job Sarah good job on Goin yeah no really thanks for giving us something to be excited about that was unbelievable wow just uh look at she’s not even not not phased at all another day at the office when you’re on scogin and here are your show times for a little bit later today for the no side as well as tomorrow morning for the fpo uh for S and myself everybody on the ground everybody in the booth making this possible and thank you guys so much for subscribing and watching and we’ll catch you in just a little bit for the side [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh

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