Scottie Scheffler’s attorney, Steve Romines: ‘He didn’t do anything wrong’ | Golf Channel

Scottie Scheffler’s attorney, Steve Romines, talks next steps after the golfer’s arrest outside the PGA Championship. Live From the PGA Championship will have coverage on Golf Channel following completion of play Friday. #GolfChannel #ScottieScheffler #PGAChampionship
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Scottie Scheffler’s attorney, Steve Romines: ‘He didn’t do anything wrong’ | Golf Channel

let’s first talk uh procedurally um he was charged with four counts including a felony how he missed in a felony how is he released uh I they got a hold of me this morning and said he’d been arrested and asked if I could help get a bond set on him and uh get him out and that’s my job so that’s what I did was a bond can you get disclose he was rard yeah he’s he was at low risk of of you know non appearance no danger in the community so he was released on his own recognizance uh three misdemeanor and a class C felony and so um you know it it’s that’s not unreasonable Bond what’s next legally uh court is scheduled for Tuesday that may be moved depending on you know various factors uh but arraignment is on Tuesday we’ll enter not guilty and get the next court date Scotty released a statement and I know you said this too there was a miscommunication or misunderstanding can you give Scotty’s point of view in regards to this incident well again I exactly what Scotty’s point of view was it’s you know impossible to anybody to say other than Scotty but there had been a traffic fatality down the road and so there were differing traffic directions going on Traffic Control Officers were advising different things and Scotty was advised to you know go around and turn left into the facility to come and you know do as pre pre- round preparation the officer who charged him obviously didn’t know that and so you know he he did what he was instructed to do and you know the officer who arrested him didn’t think he was supposed to be doing that and so that’s where the miscommunication occurred whether they were part of the same you know they were on radio together the two officers you know as to why they you know didn’t believe he was allowed to do that or whatever he’s in a mark marked uh courtesy vehicle with his credentials out and did what he was instructed to do uh is it possible that prosecutors may drop these charges anything’s possible sure you can talks with prosecutors uh I mean obviously to get his bond set I’ve got to talk to prosecutors so uh yeah I mean anything is possible uh they’ll either be dropped or we’ll go to trial because he didn’t do anything wrong so we’re we’re not interested in you know any sort of settlement negotiations or anything like that is he didn’t do anything wrong it’s it’s it was just a a big miscommunication but you know it was kind of a perfect storm of of you know circumstances that the fatality was down the road you know and one thing needs to be clear he didn’t drive through any accident scene or or uh you know any investigation none of none of that happened that that kind of misinformation is out there and that did not occur and


  1. What a bunch of sheep on here, you think his lawyer is not going to paint a picture where his client is not guilty. SC thought the laws and rules didn't apply to him, hopefully the DA has guts and brings a case.

  2. Thank Gid Scotty is white and officer is black or America would have another series of riots and Biden would be condemning police along with every black athlete and citizen. Double standards never seem to go away

  3. good lawyer: doubt this will even see trial . LPD would be smart to dismiss charges. PR mess: bad look. National news.

  4. I’d sue Louisville and demand 500 million dollars or them to issue a public apology to Me (If I was Scottie) and change the name Louisville to ScottVille

  5. This has happened to me–two different traffic police at an accident scene telling me two different things. No cop has ever jumped on my car though.

  6. Steve ROMINES is representin' him?????🥜🥜 Just watch the Trump trials and delay delay and deflect.

  7. His lawyer says he did nothing wrong. If he drove on the median to avoid traffic stoppage, I’d. Say that’s wrong. Details to follow.

  8. I have been confused by traffic directions from law enforcement and also from construction crews.
    I once had an instance when a construction crew waved both directions at each other at the same time. Only the caution and good judgement of myself and the driver coming the other way saved us from a bad incident. I also think some police personnel sometimes lose an ability to keep their cool and overreact from fear or pressure. Please be clear when directing traffic and don't use strange hand signals or dance moves only you understand or expect us to read your minds. A lot is at stake.

  9. Ah…the privileges continue. At least one Class C felony charge but he’s obviously got the money to bond out in time to play golf! If it was anyone who was not ultra rich and/or white there would have been no Thursday golf game.

  10. I love all the automatic allegiance to the rich white guy here. I agree that MAYBE the cops confused him and etc—the big BUT is: so what? Cops, prosecutors and civilians make mistakes, errors in driving and/or in justice. He injured a cop! But it’s all part of the process. No one else would have been released for golf except the rich white guy. And BTW: I would wager that the commenters here don’t know Scheffler-they’ve only seen him on TV and so they believe the persona he presents. Maybe he’s a complete dick who blew his top at the delay and illegally drove through the scene? Or maybe he’s the gentle, reasonable soul as he presents on TV who was misunderstood by the authorities?

  11. If Scottie was a regular guy, just a fan heading into the event, we would never hear about this. He wouldn't have this lawyer. The charges wouldn't be dropped. Regular guy Scott would be facing a nightmare. He'd certainly be prosecuted on a trumped up felony charge and sent to prison FOR YEARS.

  12. USA police are just plain nuts. They’re from another planet. Bonkers. The officer concerned should be advised to look for another job. Insane mentality

  13. Yes mr lawyer (aka liar) . When you are rich, you are never in the wrong, unless of courese it comes out that he is a republican !

  14. Amazing just how many sports fans blindly and automatically defend an athlete when they’re the best in the world in the sport they happen to follow. This certainly seems like a case of typical celebrity/athlete entitlement. I’ve already heard so many ridiculous defenses. It shouldn’t matter if he was in a courtesy car. It shouldn’t matter that he thought they were security guards rather than police officers. And it sure as hell shouldn’t matter that he had an eventual tee time. And the written statement that his publicist wrote doesn’t change his inappropriate behavior. There was already a deadly accident, and there were officials on site to conduct an investigation, control traffic, and make nothing else horrible happened. Scottie seems like a great guy, but he doesn’t deserve a pass on this act simply because he’s a great guy.

  15. right about the time that the handcuffs were applied – a legend was just being born. a legend greater than a lying small man's scorn.

  16. I wonder, are these the same cops that stood by and did absolutely NOTHING when our cities were burning and being overrun by zombie democrat communists during summer of 2020? Its always easier to persecute and arrest a confused law abiding citizen than a mob of lawbreakers…

  17. A lot of Louisville hate. But this is one or a few officers over reacting. Not the whole state law enforcement. Keep it honest.

  18. If I was an announcer I would be all over this. Next time he hits a wayward drive "Oh now he's really in jail."

  19. It seems like the officers were upset that they had to be out at night and in those conditions and overreacted

  20. I mean what are they trying to say? A pro athlete on his way to event was out to maliciously try to hurt harm and injure a police officer? It doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. I don’t think they realized who he was until they had already ripped him out of vehicle slammed him against it and cuffed him

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