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PRO & EXPERT Playthrough, Hole 1-9 – Southern Safari Tournament! *Golf Clash Guide*

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H1: 01:05
H2: 02:54
H3: 04:45
H4: 06:01
H5: 08:59
H6: 09:59
H7: 11:50
H8: 13:23
H9: 15:13

This is Hole 1-9 for Pro & Expert Division and various winds – Southern Safari Tournament!

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hello everybody and welcome to this playthrough for pro and expert division with various wins before we have a closer look at all the content here in this video make sure that you do hit the Thumbs Up Button also subscribe to the channel and turn on the notifications doing those three things doesn’t cost you a dime and it helps the channel immensely for those of you that do want to invest more in your game and become a better player quicker then you can scan the QR code here on the screen or use the link that is in the description down below tommmy and for those that are looking for more free content as well our website golfclash is the place where you can find loads and loads on loads of free content to learn from all the info box on the right hand side to get to the club distance adjustment elevation adjustment also a ball and Club type I suggest you to play with have in mind that those are all suggestions and you don’t have to follow it if you don’t want to but there’s always a plant behind it so let’s go to Hole number one on the drive here in hole number one we play with the rock this as we do have a good accuracy we also have the power with The Rock and when we do have Tailwind there’s no need to uh play with anything that has more power if we do have a more straighter Tailwind then we can try to get this ball to green with which is obviously recommended but when we do have like a crosswind Tailwind like this then it’s a layup that we’re going to do uh two and half Top Spin three right spin adjust Max plus 15 P3 Center the ball hit perfect bounces on the farway nicely over towards the green and we are setting ourselves nicely up here now with a long iron from distance here on the second shot we are going to use our grizly here we’re pushing up three rings and playing in theid three 5% slider with a 10% elevation P3 numbers we should however been playing this one 15% elevation instead of 10 and that’s the reason of our Edge burner the reason we’re not resting at the M line is due to the fact that we do have a slight Tailwind component here and therefore we made that little push-up three Back Spin uh it’s going to be around three Back Spin some sometimes two and a half sometimes three and a half it all depends on if you do hit great left perfect or great right on your drive Center ball and hit perfect and again adding a little bit more elevation for this sh when it is more or less a straight cross win would have been good otherwise we’re going to settle for an edge burner like you see in the video for hole and number two with Tailwind here it all depends on how much Tailwind you have meaning what’s the wind strength you have and also what angle in this type of angle we can’t really get over to the what will it be the third faway so then we’re going to have to lay up on this second fireway which kind of makes this hole being still really really tricky to make an albatross on but if we do have a more straighter Tailwind my recommendation would be to use a P5 ball trying to have the first bounce on the second farway over to the third and that will leave you with a long iron towards the pin and I think that’s going to be the way of getting an albatross in a way ad just max plus 20 and try to use some curl to compensate as well sure you can use a king maker if you do want to have that extra side spin all so be careful not going too far into the rough second shot here you can still get an alatrol from distance but we’re going to have to do h a bounce over the rough or do a second bounce rough bump but what I’m going to show you here is I’m going to show you I just a single bounce over the rough trying to have um trying to not have too much speed for the ball to hit the pin and out but this is I mean this is an outside chance for an albatross and will most likely end up to be an eagle in the end and sure some albatrosses will be made but it’s going to be more considered lucky anything bounces on the farway over the rough and you can see here now we com in with a pretty decent speed and would have been lucky once again if it would have been hitting the pin and drop on hole number three you can either play a rough bump or you can play play a bounce up if we do have a Tailwind the rough bump is not really the way to play in my opinion then the bounce up is better and the reason for that is that if wanted to play with a club with a good accuracy and a good ball guideline such as sniper you’re going to have to either have a maxed out sniper and play with a P3 ball to reach for the rough bump or you’re going to have to play with a P4 ball or even a P5 ball if you have a lower level sniper so that’s going to be as messy as using a driver will pull you into Club so bouncing on the fireway trying to aim at the hole Max plus 10 and I’m using a katana here for its side Spin and obviously you can use a ball with more wind resistance which will then be easier to drop rolls down they’ll missing just right but in the end it’s always going to be a safe bird this is a part three uh playing the bounce up which is always going to be safe for any grades it’s not there is no danger towards that but obviously want to leave whole three with a drop we hole number four this is a very short part four whereof if we do have a more straighter tail win then we can go for the Green in one but we don’t have that now we do have a minor tail win together with a lot of cross win and I’m going to use six bars of Top Spin and as much left spin that I can get with that all guideline to be centered down the Fairway Max with no elevation you can see here that I’m using a P2 ball and the P2 ball I mean can definitely be used but you can use a P3 ball as well which will make the short iron on the second shot to become much closer to the Min line because here we want to be somewhere between Min and mid distance to make the second shot as easy as possible so second shot I’m going to play with my Thor and I’m looking at where the M line is and then I’m looking at the max line where it is and then making a call of what Club distance I’m use here it’s all about finding a spot that gives you no glitches there are some glitch is spots here by bouncing on this farway and that’s definitely something that you need to have in mind because that could create a big inconsistency in the way of attacking the PIN for an eagle here I’m using a lot of Back Spin to allow myself to bounce very close to The Fringe no elevation with my shot and again it’s through Club distance so whatever Club distance you judge it to be Center the ball and hit perfect perfect ball here will have a very good chance for a drop I mean you can obviously miss it like I’m doing there now but in the end it’s going to be a hell of a chance to end up the with on whole four bar Eagle take your game to the next level with our ultimate tournament text guides for the southern Safari tournament a full nine of the akaa reserve where we only have Tail wins which is going to be awesome if we can have some real nice sended shots to get into the action and have an edge over your opponent playing free topl or with paid balls or a mix you decide Tommy you use link that is in the description down below or you scan the QR code here on the screen we do have other premium guides as well such as checkpoint Challenge and also tour play especially with the new rotation here in tour playay come the season 74 we do have tour play guides for tour 7 up to tour 13 so again scan the QR code on the screen or use the link that is in the description down below call Tommy and sign up today hole number five is a very difficult part three regardless what wind direction we do have of T the rough bump is most definitely my favorite here it gives us somewhat a bold guideline to follow and we don’t have to have our first bounce on the very bumpy farway or green uh three Top Spin and three right spin is what I’m looking for landing position blue Rain by the sand red rain to be by the rough line uh and we are going to make an adjustment that is min no elevation P3 numbers and to correct myself I’m playing with two and a half bar of Top Spin not three bounces into the rough and rolls up towards the pin and we’re missing just left but just with some minor correction of either P angle or you know wind angle tweaks is going to be a chance for a drop ho five very difficult part three on the drive here in hole number six and here we can obviously get much more tail win if we are lucky because this is definitely uh part five where we benefit from having tail win because direct crosswind or headwind in any way is giving us a real problem here getting a chance for an albatross but now we do have a chance for Albatross all the way and either you do play a bit more aggressive Drive trying to blast over the rough then you will have to have a minimum P3 ball um if having this minor amount of Tailwind you can also lay up on the left and go from go and attack the pin from distance from there if you would so like bounce on the farway 5.8 Top Spin to right Spin and we do want to have that little roll out that you can see there in the end which will result into getting into grizly range on the second shot we’re playing with our Grizzly from close to max line here I do recommend to use more Back Spin than less what I mean with that is that i’ rather start higher up using more Back Spin than start to fur the back and come in with less Back Spin because the green slopes downhill more or less all the way so if we do come in with too much speed we’re going to fall off the green and we’re going to be on the frame we’re never going to be in the bunker but I do believe having more Back Spin is going to give us better control now I play Max plus 25 from plus 7 here in the video we should have played Max plus 30 uh that’s obviously obvious due to where we miss so 100% slider plus 30% elevation P3 numbers from plus 7 with Grizzly 9 is my recommendation otherwise you’re going to most likely have yourself a close Miss like that hold number seven is a really difficult part three to get any consistency on when it comes to getting drops however though the video you will see here now I’m doing a bounce up towards the pin I’m bouncing over the rough and the sand and it’s always going to be a safe birdie with greates and with a perfect ball however the hole in one very difficult as you’re dependent on having the the correct speed and when it’s so elevated it it is hard to zoom in and to be accurate with the amount of rings to pull I’m trying to play medium distance plus 40 and a perfect ball here will be somewhat around the hole what needs to be said here is that there is a rough bump you see that rough that is just above the bunker that is a rough bump that you can play obviously that’s going to mean that you’re going to take some risk but playing um with that rough and bouncing into that rough give you a very good chance for an hole in one every single time and you might be a player that want to take that risk whereof if you hit a bad grade you will miss the rough and then that will most likely be a par uh or you are a more conservative player playing this type of play where the hole in one chance is less but it’s always going to be a safe birdie no matter what uh no matter what great or perfect you play on hole number eight it’s going to be what can I say more or less every type of wind we have here with Tailwind is going to be somewhat a send it and what I do recommend is to use a power Fireball that’s why I’m suggesting that in the info box on the right uh but you can in a more straighter wind use a P3 or P4 Ball but it’s always going to be a Max op needle and that’s going to be super shaky by using a P5 ball you could come around by using a slight less shaky needle and have a much better success rate with that you see this needle I mean I can obviously hit perfect here a single grades and still be fine but I don’t want to rely on um more luck than that I have to you can see here now that even though I’m coming in with um um a good speed in terms of getting the ball to Green uh it’s still a little bit too shaky that kn and happens then to hit a great left and then you do have the rough and the sand in play but what is important and also the reason why I chose this video is that even though you have a crappy Drive you’re still so close to the green that shooting from rough and sand is still going to be better than having to lay out for a long iron from distance so my recommendation use a P5 ball uh if you have the possibility use the driver with the most power possible uh and then the Top Spin is not going to have to be the most you have it needs needs to be somewhere around 4 and 1 half to six bars of Top Spin because we need to control the speed having the ball going to Green directly and this one should be an eagle and will most likely be that for most of your opponent and hopefully yourself on hole number nine here it is crucial that we are reaching as not maybe as far down the farway possible at least far enough so we can use our sniper as a rough bump Club we’re going to do an nmt so we’re not touching the targets until it’s time to adjust the Rings adjust Max plus 10 push up to Max and then Max overpower with a little bit more than half a ball of right pearl I’m using the all the Top Spin that I do have on my club with two right spin you can see here that we bounce nicely down the farway and position oursel a little bit more on the right side of the faway compared to being a more centered or on the left because the more right we are the closer to pin we uh we will be and that’s going to be helpful on the second shot now we’re going to have to do some type of check here just doing based on true Club distance will not really reward us with many drops so what I do recommend to do is to do a Fring check or a pin check or or if you have a shter drive you can use your landing position a little bit of right spin I like to do right spin if I do have a wind coming right to left no elevation on the second shot and here as I’m not doing a check it’s just true Club distance together with no elevation Center the ball hit perfect and you will give yourself a possibility for an albatross here with your titon green turns around but missing that one kind of a lot on the left hand side but in the end you see the trick the rough pump is definitely the best opportunity to drop this shot from distance thank you so much everybody for watching this play through for pro and expert division here with various wins make sure to subscribe to the channel also make sure to hit the Thumbs Up Button before you leave scan the QR code here on the screen or use the link Tommy that is in the description down below that will take you to our premium guides where you can subscribe and start improving your game today thank you once again for watching I wish you the best of luck in your golf Clash game for

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