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Lakers Q&A: Coaching search, Donovan Mitchell, Bronny James, DeMar DeRozan

I answer your Los Angeles Lakers questions, including the latest on the coaching search, why JJ Redick remains the current favorite, the Donovan Mitchell trade buzz, Bronny James’ draft stock, the Lakers’ options if D’Angelo Russell leaves in free agency, free-agent options for the nontaxpayer mid-level exception, DeMar DeRozan, and more.

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yo yo what up everybody I see we got some comments in the chat uh welcome to today’s Q&A uh before we start just wanted to say thank you for all of the support and the Love on the channel we just hit 10K last week and I really appreciate it uh for those of you who are new please be sure to subscribe and check out my other videos after watching the stream for those of you who are back back thank you for coming back and welcome uh let’s get into some comments here first one from Robbie Cruz who are some potential Center options for the Lakers outside of yonas Valen chunis uh one thing I I want to say with the center position and I I’ve seen Jonas valent chunis mentioned as a potential option for the Lakers uh if they are going to get someone of that caliber it will likely require them to use their non- taxpayer mid-level exception and for them to use their non- taxpayer mid-level exception that would either mean LeBron James or D’Angelo Russell is not back that is the only way they will have that non-t taxpayer mid-level exception which will be worth about 12.9 to to13 million uh starting out that that base year uh so obviously if the Lakers lose LeBron then I mean they’ve got some bigger issues as rather than you know just who’s starting at Center if they lose D’Angelo Russell though obviously that puts a bit of a hole at the point guard spot and maybe it’s a by committee you know Austin takes on more of the offensive burden uh you start Gabe binon and can get him more involved offensively and maybe see some of the the Miami stuff from Gabe that we’ve seen previously and maybe JHS takes a step as like a backup point guard and you can kind of get by W with those guys uh filling the void maybe you sign a a backup point guard for like the minimum uh but if the Lakers one have this available that means it is LeBron or DLo is gone and two uh it also means that they’re not necessarily replacing that position with a quality uh player in terms of like spending above the the minimum so going through the the free agent list here uh like a guy like Nick Clon I don’t see being available for that price Isaiah hartenstein same thing uh valent chunis I could see though I I think my one concern with Valen chunis is as we saw in the two games in New Orleans against the Lakers La was able to attack him defensively and play him off the floor in the regular season finale so that would be my my one concern with Valen chunis that even compared to like a guy like JaVale I think he is a a downgrade JaVale is the the popular uh model for the Lakers starting center next to 80 because that worked in 2020 but even compared to a guy like javil who had some defensive limitations and was played off the floor or or played into a reduced role at various points a guy like Valen chunis I think does come with some defensive concerns so that would be my one thing with him and if you are using that $13 million you only get one crack at it and as we’ve seen with uh Kendrick nun and Gabe Vincent the Lakers recent track record with using uh their midlevel has not been great and it it has cost them I think in both seasons in which they signed nun and Vincent not having that player available and that’s you know injury versus a guy being limited or two different things but I still think you only get one shot at uh addressing a key roster need and to me I don’t know if Valen chunis like there are some things he brings you know a a big body a low post presence a guy who can stretch the floor a little bit out to like 16 18 20 feet can even hit some threes a good rebounder but he is relatively Limited in terms of his defensive mobility and teams being able to attack him off the dribble so that would be my my biggest concern with him is I just don’t know come playoff time like where he actually is in the the Lakers pecking order but let’s get into some other questions [Music] here from Paul Mamba since no coaches of available uh should just hire coach buha look I’m available for the right price I want three years at least 5 million per year and make that happen and uh yeah okay uh Ethan Perez yovon will you let us know if your prediction on who you think the next coach will be changes uh yes I will be writing Andor doing videos on the coaching search over the next few weeks as this plays out I’ve been saying now for over a week I believe JJ reick is in the lead nothing has changed since i’ you know over the past week if anything I’ve heard more and more Intel that JJ continues to be in the lead right now so um I think it it he’s in the driver seat with with the the you know interview process and um I think of course there are some very qualified assistant coaches that I think will have a shot as we reported at the athletic James bgo and Sam Cassell have some internal support and those two guys are going to strongly be considered for the position uh but everything I’ve been hearing uh particularly the last 24 48 hours but even going back over a week plus has been JJ is right now the favorite for the position and you know if that changes I will let you guys know and I will be reporting out on that but for now JJ continues to be the uh the current favorite right now good question from Tim Moreno are any of the current coaching candidates realistic to be offered an assistant role underneath reic as the head coach uh not that I’ve heard of it doesn’t mean it it won’t happen the Lakers had previously looked at uh Terry STS as potentially an offensive coordinator uh so I I think you know maybe he’s a name that that gets floated I think they will look into having a uh a more experience staff after Darin ham had a staff with no head coaching experience uh and kind of you know compared to looking at the the staff under vogle with Jason kid uh who had previously been a head coach a couple times David fizdale who had been a head coach and uh you Phil handy had obviously uh you know been a 10-e assistant and was was beloved across the league especially with stars so like that staff had a lot more uh experience and head coaching experience obviously Phil transitioned over to Darin as well uh but my understanding is the Lakers are going to try and find a balance of letting the next head coach pick his staff to an extent but also having some input and making sure that uh they don’t repeat some of the the previous mistakes with the previous coaching staff in terms of not having enough head coaching experience and just kind of high level experience overall and if they pick JJ and he ends up being the next coach I think that’s really gonna matter right because you have a guy who’s stepping in for the first time he’s been a player for 15 years he’s remained around the game the last few years so like I don’t think it’s as big of a transition as people are making it out to be certainly a big transition I’m not trying to downplay that but like I think giving him the right support though and the right level of assistance and experience I think that will go uh a long ways uh question from Aman BR 1992 yovon a prediction one will the Lakers hire their next head coach pre-finals during the finals after the finals uh I think they’ll make the decision before the finals but if it does end up being JJ reedc and this is something i’ I’ve started to see trickle out today I talked about it on my channel uh one of the potential complications is that he is under contract with ESPN through the finals he is on the lead broadcast team alongside Mike Breen and Doris Burke and depending on the timing of the finals and and how everything plays out like that could be uh around like a week before the draft when when the finals end and the Lakers want someone in place by the draft so even if they you know wait till game seven of the finals I don’t remember the exact date uh like that that’s a a pretty short window to get a coach acclimated right before the draft right before free agency so I think they’d like to have that process in place before then now if you the the the situation just plays out where JJ has to uh do the you know maybe they they hire him beforehand but he uh has to do the the rest of the the finals and the playoffs with ESPN like maybe that’s the some sort of compromise there uh but that’s one of the things that is the only potential and I I don’t think it’s to be clear I don’t think it’s a complication that would prevent him from getting the job like if if he wants the job and the Lakers want to hire him like they will figure it out it’s just a matter of like the the timing of officially announcing it officially having him on board and is it maybe he’s hired right before the finals then he just does the finals and he’s maybe flying back and forth between LA or at least having Communications with Rob pinka and the rest of the front office like there are a lot of different ways it could play out but um in terms of my int tell that that’s kind of been one comp potential complication just the timing with JJ in particular obviously anyone else it’s going to come down to you know if it’s Sam Cassel he’s an assistant with Boston right now they already lost Charles Lee to the Charlotte Hornets uh you know some of these other assistants be it Mike an Nori David Adelman they’re potentially coaching into the Conference Finals final so so depending on who they hire there could be a bit of a complication in terms of does that coach leave during the playoffs do they leave during a series um or do they have to kind of stick it out with that team and then join the Lakers a little bit later in the process uh but in terms I think JJ is more the one where with the finals uh could get a little tricky but uh we we we’ll see how it all plays out but I I suspect they’ll have their choice well before the finals it’s just a matter of again kind of figuring out the timing uh question from quality moment TV what’s the cap space look like if DLo opts out uh there is no cap space if DLo Ops out the Lakers will have their non- taxpayer midlevel exception uh which will be about $13 million annually so they could sign something like uh three years 39 million uh four years 52 million somewhere in that range uh but there there will not be the only way they’re gonna have cap space is if LeBron and DLo leave like if LeBron leaves they might have a little bit of cap space but we’re talking like potentially 15 million and that’s not getting you much and there’s also some complications in terms of uh their their roster holds and empty roster charges and uh it’s I could do a if you guys want me to do a cap breakdown or have someone on to do a cap breakdown uh I can do that I think that would be a good buas block episode but uh essentially unless LeBron and DLo leave they’re not going to realistically have cap space and even in that case they’re not going to have more than like 20 to 30 million and you’re not replacing LeBron James and D’Angelo Russell for 20 to 30 million especially with this current free agency market so I think the Lakers are going to try and obviously keep you know both keep at least LeBron DLo I think it’ll come down to the price and and the market and um if they’re able to you know what he decides does he opt in does he opt out but uh if DLo does leave uh they will have the the $13 million non-t taxpayer mle and that’s again about $13 uh$ 13 million a year for about three or four years depending on uh how long they want to sign a player to typically they’ve done about three-year deals so that that would be my uh expectation question from Robert Gonzalez what’s Ty Jones Market looking like in fre agency does he stay in DC not asking for the Lakers specifically although he would be nice but just in general I haven’t had much uh excuse me I haven’t heard much on tus Jones uh with the Lakers I mean I’m I’m pretty tapped in on Lakers stuff and and trying to track all that stuff it is a little bit premature for the free agency especially with LA like that they are dealing with a coing search that they have the draft potential draft a trades or trades post draft like right before LeBron has to make his player option decision so I haven’t heard a lot in Fr agency in terms of actual like candidates yet I’ve heard more like player archetypes I I think if D’Angelo walks and the Lakers want to replace him with a point guard tyus Jones would be a realistic option I think that non-t taxpayer ml is a a fair price like maybe Washington or another team is willing to pay him a little bit more but I think that’s that’s pretty close to market value for him so uh I think he would be a realistic option as a DLo replacement around that $13 million a year I just again I think the Lakers need much more help in the front Court particularly on the wing and in terms of big men that could either play next to Anthony Davis or back up Anthony Davis so I think those are the two positional archetypes that they’re really going to be looking for in free agency and on the trade market aside from uh you know a don Mitchell or Trey young some of these starer names Ethan Perez how long do you anticipate the head coaching search taking again I think it’s going to be what it’s May 15th I think it’s going to be at least at least a couple more weeks but but probably until like early to mid June uh that would would be my guess because again some of these guys are in playoff series and they’re doing their due diligence there’s no rush and you know if JJ again if JJ is the favorite and and if JJ is the choice that he might not even be able to join the team until like mid uh to to you know mid June to the week before the draft so uh my understanding is it is going to take a little bit of time they’re going to be conducting interviews uh starting this week next week the week after and and kind of going through that process and then whittling it down to uh a few candidates and then from there making the you know continuing to make cuts and ultimately settling on their next coach Jonathan Safar is Adelman a real estate candidate yeah yeah he is I think among the uh popular choices on Lakers Twitter uh I know he he has a Cris has been a a big Adelman supporter and and there are several uh you know notable Lakers Twitter uh people who are are supporting Adelman I I’ve heard he has you know he’s in the running for sure um my understanding as we reported reic brego and casselle would be the three names that are ahead of him but I think right now it’s it’s likely between him and Chris Quinn in terms of who is the fourth spot uh in the the current pecking order but a lot of this stuff will be determined by uh the interview process and how these guys answer the questions and and how prepared they are and um you know we we reported like the Lakers are they tend to overcorrect off of their previous coach and one thing they’re really looking for is a coach who is super prepared and organized and disciplined and and some of the traits that they did not feel like Darin ham had and uh they want a guy who’s a grinder a guy who’s going to work really really hard and and I they’re also looking for someone who can help not only in the short term but in the long term and like that was the original Vision with Darin was they they knew inexperience it was going to be a factor just because it was his first head coaching gig despite being an assistant for over a decade but they wanted him to help Shepherd the end of the LeBron ad era and then be a the long-term answer at the coaching position that obviously did not play out uh but now they are looking for that type of guy and then uh be it again Reddit Cassell or bgo or or one of these other assistants that have become popular on Twitter like they’re they’re looking for someone who can help both in the short term but also grow with the franchise and become their Steve Kerr their Eric spola that type of Coach who’s going to be there eight 10 12 years so that they’re trying to weigh both the short and long-term Outlook with his coaching position and I think that you’re you’re going to see that reflected in the interview process and depending on the answers and and how this all goes we’ll see who they end up uh choosing although again I think it’s uh likely gonna be JJ anything on tyo no haven’t heard and it’s it’s pretty weird right like it’s they’re I mean he he’s about to be a lame duck coach if he doesn’t come to an extension and a coach of his caliber with his resume with his pedigree it’s pretty surprising and I I suspect that this is just a a stalemate and he and the the Clippers will come to some sort of extension I don’t see Steve bomber letting tyou go across the hall and joining the you know join the Lakers join LeBron and potentially help the Lakers uh get over that hump and make the finals win a championship whatever like that would be the worst case scenario for the Clippers and I I think there’s been enough Bad Blood between the two sides that I just don’t necessarily see that happening but I mean crazier things have happened this is the NBA Anything could happen at any Tai but uh I I would be skeptical of of tyou becoming available um spoolin spoolin yeah uh 99 why are the Lakers confident when it comes to Donovan do they feel like he will direct himself to La there must be some behind the scenes Intel I haven’t really heard anything new I I do think that um if I had to change so I I previously said on here I think it was actually my last uh live stream and this kind of got me in some some trouble with some people uh but I said Trey young if I had to pick a third star that was the most likely at that time and I want to say that was like late February early March uh it’s been a minute since since my last live stream but I said Trey young was the the most likely uh of the star group to potentially be the Lakers third star I would change that answer now to Donovan Mitchell I think there’s been several things that have changed but uh you have a lot of uncertainty in Atlanta right now in terms of uh if it’s going to be Trey Young or dejonte Murray being moved there’s a chance that they just keep Trey and end up flipping dejonte his contract is more manageable and palatable across the league he’s making less money and um I mean they they had more success with the jante last year so uh now with them getting the number one pick with with Trey switching from clutch Sports to ca I think that’s something that we can’t Overlook either uh not necessarily a great sign for Trey coming to LA and um you know it’s doesn’t mean it’s it’s over by by any means to be clear but like it’s just that the agency stuff does matter and so I think that’s certainly you know a factor here uh but looking at like that looking at Kyrie and Dallas now potentially making the Conference Finals depending on how the rest of that series plays out I believe Donovan has become the new front runner also like the Knicks have gone in a different direction where now Jaylen Brunson has become that dude he’s been playing like a top 10 player for really for a lot of the season but like he’s really showed that at the playoff level so I don’t think Jaylen Brunson and Donovan Mitchell make sense as a back court and then it really leaves just the Nets but Lakers orus Nets uh like Nets probably have more overall uh in terms of like that they have all the picks from the Suns and uh like they have some stuff to to throw at the uh at the Cavs that I think if you’re comparing packages like you could kind of make the case either way but I think the Lakers 2029 and 2031 draft picks are very very valuable uh I think there are a lot of people who are skeptical of what state the Lakers will be in at the end of the decade ad0 will be 36 and 38 uh during those draft selections so LeBron will theoretically be out of the NBA so I I think those two picks in particular have a lot of value and if the Lakers are willing to put those three picks Austin Reeves and and you know filler you know ruy or or Vando or G like whatever to to make the the salaries match up and and basically all their assets I think Cleveland has to take a hard look at that if they if Donovan tells them he’s not extending resigning and and he’s not staying there so um I guess like I I haven’t heard anything new really in that sense but I I think things have certainly shifted over the past couple months in terms of like what’s going on with Trey uh deante Kyrie and it really is is looking more like you know maybe Miami gets involved here that’s that’s the other team to watch but uh with Donovan I think almost by process of elimination he’s become the most realistic of the the three stars uh Aaron P how would the Lakers handle the DLo situation if they landed Mitchell would they still try to uh keep him to pair with Mitchell or let him walk for nothing I don’t think the Lakers want to let DLo Walk For Nothing ideally um I think ideally for them he opts in and they could just trade him uh but if he opts out uh then you know signing him to a longer term deal that they can move down the road I think would would be the reference there uh but him walking for nothing like there there’s not much upside in that uh because again as I’ve mentioned on here you know earlier in the Stream at that point you just have the non- taxpayer mid-level exception so you’re signing a $13 million player who’s almost certainly going to be worse than DLo uh even if DLo comes with some playoff complications so um I think in in the case that they do make a move for DLo I mean uh for Donovan Mitchell uh like I I don’t think they’ want to have a a DLo Donovan Mitchell backourt that’s a a pretty bad backourt defensively and it comes with some of the similar problems to a DLo Austin back court terms of both guys being uh at their best with the ball in their hands and it not being the the cleanest fit so uh and then that’s to say nothing of like LeBron and AD also being one and two in the pecking order and them needing the ball a certain amount so I think at that point like that the Lakers would again it really depends on what is happening with DLo in terms of opting in versus opting out most so the signs are are pointing to him opting out and either leaving or just getting a a longer term deal from the Lakers that they will then likely shop uh in December or January depending on the type of deal and depending on the restrictions with it uh so I I guess to to answer your question um I don’t think I I think it could be like a short-term pairing uh if they do end up keeping D but I don’t think they view DLo and and Donovan as a long-term uh fit Robert Gonzalez Lakers should just signed son Shawn Davis to a five-year deal for $50 million you know what it’s not not a bad idea although I’ll throw my name in the the ring um David cim how real are the Donovan Mitchell rumors it’s tough to say like I my my default with any Star trade is uh I mean like we felt Dame to Miami was and that it was real right like that there was legitimate interest from Dame side and from the Miami side it’s just you also had to have Portland playing ball so like anytime there there like there’s always multiple parties involved and these things can get a little tricky um so I would say it’s it’s real if if Donovan wants out and there are a lot of signs that Donovan wants out like the Lakers will be in the mix it’s just a matter of uh is Cleveland like remember there’s some history here with Dan Gilbert and LeBron and U things seem to be in a much better place he came back a second time they won a championship LeBron was just there in Cleveland sitting courtside uh in part thanks to Dan Gilbert like you know he helped set that up and uh you know he he let him know he was coming and he let the Lakers know he was coming as well so like I think that the relationship is in a much better place but I don’t there’s still something about like Dan Gilbert sending D of Mitchell to the Lakers remember he was also one of the the owners who spoke out about the Chris Paul trade to New Orleans in uh in 2011 and he was very vocal uh you know against that so like think like times change people evolve uh and and I’m not saying it’s impossible but uh you know but now I think the the the one thing in the Lakers favor is like if you send if you’re trading Doman Mitchell you probably want to send him West right like you don’t want to send him to Brooklyn or New York and that is those are now teams you have to compete with if you’re the Cavs and maybe you’re still trying to be competitive with Darius Garland and Evan Mobley and Jared Allen uh maybe you’re not doing a a full rebuild or or tear down uh so if you are trying to remain competitive in the East and you’re saying like we’re going to try and get a a package that we can remain competitive like obviously Mel Bridges is in the trade then I think that that’s a potential X Factor but if you’re the Nets you’re probably wanting to keep male Bridges and pair him with Donovan Mitchell and and then take that that leap next season so uh I think like it’s real with within as far as like if there’s a several things that have to go in the Lakers favor for it to be like really real but it does look like Donovan is potentially going to want out out and then once he potentially wants out the Lakers will be in that list of teams uh interested in him and and I think in in the list of of realistic you know places that he could land it’s just a matter of um ultimately that the final trade package offer like does Miami get involved what are they willing to offer are they willing to throw in Tyler hero like there are a lot of different things that can kind of Swing this uh but the Lakers I I believe will be on the short list for donman Mitchell and if you consider that real then or you know if you consider that distinction making it real then then I guess it’s real in that Cas davs how realistic is a signning trade including DLo to the Bulls for demard de rosan if you’re the Bulls uh if you have Caruso and Kobe white I don’t necessarily see the need and if you still have Zack LaVine I I don’t really see the the appeal for DLo uh like maybe they can expand that to like a three team trade and I don’t remember their restrictions with the a sign in trade and a three team deal but um I would say that’s probably unrealistic [Music] um George Santiago any idea on what they will ask candidates last time was how they will handle Russ on the team uh I think I mean I think there G be some of the obvious questions of like what what are your principles your beliefs your systems uh schematics uh it’s going to be how like how can we better maximize the uh Lebron ad pairing uh what are your your strategies uh defensively what are your strategies for developing players like um so I I think it’s it’s going to be uh I haven’t heard anything specific on this regard but I I again it’s just kind of someone who’s going to be very organized disciplined and prepared and then someone who is going to have a really good relationship with Anthony Davis and someone who’s going to uh have a a Keen Eye for Player Development and uh you know that being more of an emphasis for Lakers and I think an example of that was like this past year not developing Max Christie and and the Lakers feeling like they kind of dropped the ball in that regard of like Max Christie probably could have been a rotation player by the end of season that was not the way that he was groomed that was not the way that he was treated and you look at what Christian Brown is doing for Denver and like I see similarities between Christian Brown and Max chrisy if anything I think Max chrisy has more Talent than than Christian Brown especially as a scorer so that the fact that Christian Brown is closing playoff games in the in the west semi and like that was by Design with Denver where they said like we’re going to take our lumps with this guy in the regular season and there’s going to be nights where he you know goes scoreless or is like two for six and and there’s Growing Pains here with developing this guy but that’s a priority for us and Denver now has a a very interesting group where you do have some of the starters are a little bit older in in their early 20s but you also have some young interesting role players who are in their early to mid 20s and like that is how you build something that’s sustainable and that can have a five to seven five to eighty year run uh versus something that’s only like a two to four year run and I think the Lakers are are trying to build that in the longer term and so that’s like I think Player Development is going to be a big part of this for sure and that’s partly why uh you’ve seen guys like Sam Cassell be mentioned here because that is one of his strengths uh so that that’s uh hope that answers kind of your question I I don’t specifics like I can try and dig dig in on that in terms of questions um uh Freddy Lopez thoughts on Drake versus Kendrick beef keep up the good work bro uh this one’s been tough man um I’m a a big Drake fan I I’m a drake Stan uh this has been tough It’s been it’s been a tough uh couple weeks for for us Drake fed and uh I don’t know man I gotta say like I I give like you know Kendrick’s from La I’m from La so like on one hand it’s uh nice to see the West Coast having a moment and and Kendrick having a moment but um I’ve been a a drake fan since’ 09 like that that’s been I I it’s been like my my dude since then so uh it’s it’s been a rough like week and a half uh especially in La just walking down the street or driving and you just hear not like us playing uh everyone have their windows down it and played it so like it’s it’s been a rough week and a half but like I I will say uh K I mean Kendrick Kendrick’s up Kendrick I mean if it’s over Kendrick won um I think it might have been a little bit closer than than people have made it out to be I think Family Matters is is right there with basically any other song you you want to pit it up against but uh in terms of strategy I think Kendrick won with the strategy and um I think he he outwitted him with the the drop of of Meet the grahams and then uh hitting back with with not like us and really um I think Drake could have taken it more seriously I felt like he he was a little overconfident and uh he almost treated it like a sparring session which he kind of alludes to on uh on the Heart part six and Kendrick was not treating this like a sparring session Kendrick was treating this like I’m Gonna Knock You Out and uh he I don’t know if he knocked him out but he he got some good some good blows and it obviously did some damage to Drake so we’ll see um but enough of that I don’t want to uh but that that’s a little bit of a peak behind the curtain on on the beef I could talk about it more if you guys are interested uh Mr Paul gaming would the Lakers bring back Phil or has he probably done I haven’t heard anything on on Phil um I think I don’t know like my guess would be probably not uh just because I I think like unless unless the the whoever the next head coach like really points out like I want Phil hany on this staff and like I want to bring him back that would maybe be like the lone exception and then Phil would also have to be okay with it and and you know like people are prideful and uh getting let go in in that manner like it would be totally understandable if Phil didn’t want to be on the staff next season and I’m sure he will have uh League wide interest and and there will be a team that swoops him up if he so chooses to uh return to a bench next season so um I think it it would really have to be like a a coach saying like I want Phil handy and like really kind of pushing it otherwise because like otherwise Lakers would have just kept him on staff and just been like well he’ll roll over to the next coach but that that’s not how it played out so I’d be skeptical that wouldn’t completely rule it out but um yeah uh okay uh RPG FX design who do you prefer though for head coach uh I’ve said this before like I think it’s I think among the current pool uh I would go J J reic and I know it’s a very polarizing topic it’s a very divisive answer but uh for me it kind of like I I think like I’ll just be honest like I I think JJ is is just incredibly smart and Incredibly um you know well spoken and and just knows how to communicate at a high level and I think those are two aspects that um like and that’s not to take away from any of the other candidates and obviously some of these guys have been assistants for over a decade and in the case of as Sam Cassell he played 15 years in the league has been an assistant for 15 years has coached under Flip Saunders and Doc Rivers and now Joe moula so like he he’s been in he’s won championships uh as a a player and like so that’s not a knock on anybody else but I think um like to me JJ screams Elite coaching Prospect and I know I’m not the only one that feels that I know there are people with the Lakers that feel that I know that there are people around the league that feel that um so I I know the lack of experience is a a risk and I I don’t want to downplay or dismiss that but I personally would be very surprised if JJ reick does not end up being a good coach uh like it just seems to me like he just checks the boxes on paper and now again checking the boxes on paper doesn’t mean he’s gonna be a good coach he could be a bad coach and uh like you know for for every Steve Kerr there’s a Steve Nash right and um you know so just because you make that transition without coaching experience at the NBA level doesn’t mean you’re going to succeed uh and you know for every doc you know like you could go down the list of like there’s a reason why we could point out Doc Rivers and Steve Kerr as like two exceptions and and there’s been other people who have made the transition from the booth to coaching and it hasn’t gone as well uh I just think every time I I hear JJ talk about basketball I learn something new I feel like he has a the right approach I I more often than not agree with his takes and again just because you have good opinions or smart opinions doesn’t mean that you’re going to be a good head coach but I also think people are are overlooking the fact that like like playing in the NBA for 15 years is not like this isn’t like picking a a p this isn’t like picking me to be the the head coach and and me being like well I’ve covered the league for 12 years and like so I I know how to co it’s like oh this guy you know was a high level NBA player for 15 years he has remained close to the game and around the game since retirement and he he’s got good relationships across the league and he’s been picking people’s brains for years on coaching preparing for this moment so again it’s not like on a wh JJ reck was just like I’m gonna be excuse the the helicopter flying over it’s not like on a whim JJ reck was like I’m just gonna be a head coach and like I just want to do this it’s like he’s been preparing for this for years uh Steve Kerr prepared in a in a remember like there’s a famous story of like Steve Kerr had this giant binder of all these plays and schematics and scenarios and like all this stuff like JJ’s been preparing for this so again that doesn’t mean that he’s going to be a better head coach than say David Adelman but I do think the one thing with JJ that is getting a bit overlooked here is he’s going to have a certain level of buyin where like what one of the appeals to hiring Darin and Darin isn’t maybe the best example here but like like there is a certain like players view former players differently than they view coaches who never played in the NBA that’s just a fact it is a bit of a bias and fair or not like players just have a a baseline level of respect for guys who have played in the NBA uh so that is a factor uh obviously he’s got the relationship with LeBron and and that goes without saying uh but but three is as JJ says on his podcast and like I think it’s pretty clear based on a lot of people not liking him for his personality like he’s got some [ __ ] to him he’s a he’s a fiery guy he’s competitive and again that’s not to say any of these other guys aren’t but I don’t like in the way that that the the last season went with Frank vogle and the way that the last season went with um you know with with Darin ham I just I don’t see like JJ might just not be a good coach and and there might be other issues with him but I don’t see him losing a locker room in the way of like him being too nice or him not communicating well with players like I think he’s going to be a direct Communicator I think he’s gonna call out Stars I think he’s going to hold people’s feet to the fire and I think he’s going to demand a level of seriousness a level of professionalism and a a level of accountability I think he’s going to be a coach who throws himself under the bus when he has a bad coaching performance I think he’s going like I think he’s going to like I think he can handle the bright lights of LA and like there are elements here that I think get overlooked because they’re not as sexy as X’s and O’s and stuff but like you got to be able to command the locker room which Frank vogle was a a coach who uh won a championship with the Lakers he was a coach who went to the Conference Finals before and he eventually lost the locker room and then just lost the locker room again in Phoenix like Darin ham what isn’t a huge dude he’s 67 68 good 250 260 270 however much however big he is and like he lost the locker room too and it’s like so and those are you know guys who on paper you know would profile as um you know again Frank being a successful head coach and Darin being a former player and and being a big dude like you think if anyone’s notna lose locker room it’s like those types of guys and they they still lost locker room so maybe maybe there is just a like maybe whoever coaches the team will be facing that challenge but like I I think JJ is going to do a a good job with that and it is a little bit of a concern with an assistant kind of stepping in who maybe doesn’t have now Chris Quinn I think is an interesting name just because he does have playing experience he has experience with LeBron in Miami uh so he’s someone who maybe checks some of those boxes and again we we’ll see how the interview process goes but uh that’s my two cents on JJ I I think I’ve in talking to people and and hearing uh his preparation and and the way the Lakers view him and the way people around the league view him I’ve come around to JJ I was a little skeptical at first but uh I think he just checks a lot of the boxes outside of experience but sometimes there are people who get a job and they’re you know they they just like they they check all the boxes for the job even if they’re not necessarily the most experienced candidate and um fair or not like that’s sometimes how these things goes and I just if I’m wrong I I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll eat it right and and I’ll I’ll admit that I’m wrong but uh we we’ll see Kurt Affair yovon good to see you live how’s your ACL healing up so it’s actually my kiles but I appreciate you asking anyway uh kiles is going well I had to take some time off during the playoffs uh because of you know just the the the travel and everything wasn’t able to do my PT as much as I wanted but uh back to doing PT on a one to two time a week basis and it is it is going good uh thank you Sam I see you pointed out it was Achilles um see here here um I see let’s see uh JJ’s been changing career so quickly do you think he’ll lose interest coaching the Lakers due to the pressure from Christian Navaro uh I don’t think so um like I I I think and he’s kind of talked about this a little bit with uh talking about why he wants to coach but like there’s something to that competitiveness and camaraderie that is different than being in the media uh so I I wouldn’t even say necessarily he’s change like he he started podcasting while he was still a player uh so it was clear he was pivoting towards the media and then since then has grown out his podcast grown out his YouTube channel uh obviously has become a a bigger star at ESPN taking on the challeng so like to me he seems like someone who’s like addicted to he’s like a competitiv like he’s a he’s a competition junkie and and just has that Gene uh so I I think that’s a good uh I think that’s a good trait um I see some people saying Sam Cassell I I hear you guys I I think so like at at some point I do wonder and we we kind of saw this with Darin to to an extent but like sometimes there are assistants who for whatever reason uh continue to interview and like not get the job and with Sam he has interviewed now multiple times for multiple positions and not gotten the job uh so I don’t know I don’t have any intel as to like why that is but I I think at some point I don’t want to say it becomes a red flag but it becomes a little bit of a concern of like if you if you are a you know such a good Pro coaching Prospect like why have you not gotten any of these jobs and there’s always some level of politics and there’s always some level of like um you know preconceived notions or whatever and like there’s plenty of factors that go into a coaching search and and who gets hired but I do think it’s interesting that Sam Cassell has been a an assistant for 15 years he has has um you know he’s gone for for multiple jobs at this point and not gotten them and again maybe it’s just the right position at the right time and maybe that’s with the Lakers but um I I do like make note of that uh Emil young are is the front office leaning on three star model or depth uh I I think it’s been leaning more toward the depth route and upgrading the either the starting small forward or point guard spot now uh and just again as I continue to mention like wings and and big men are are the two positions the Lakers are looking at uh now with that said if Donan Mitchell is available I I think the Lakers are gonna trade for Donovan Mitchell right like Donovan Mitchell is the top 20 player and I I don’t see uh like most teams would trade for Donovan Mitchell if they had the opportunity to so uh I think it’s it’s gonna the Lakers are going to do their due diligence in terms of who’s available and what’s the price but if if it’s a guy like Donovan Mitchell who I think is a a pretty clean fit uh next to and LeBron I think they will do it I think if it’s a Trey young he’s a bit more polarizing if it’s a deante it’s going to come down to the price so uh different ways it could it could play out there but um I think if Donovan’s available that is someone that they would uh go after hard and and make an aggressive offer for um I will be wrapping up in a few but I’m going to try and get to as many of these as I can uh Kurt Affair yovon we need to we need to hear more Yovan hip-hop analysis I will I will do that I I just I saw people started to tune out so um I I didn’t want people uh tuning out um Christian limco who’s your top free agency signing so this is a tough one because it just depends on like what happens with DLo really and do they have the non-t taxpayer mle if I pull up the free agency list right here uh let’s see like Maxi George LeBron Pascal OG like these guys are not realistic uh honestly maybe Demar if he’s willing to sign for the non- taxpayer mle uh I know some people aren’t going to like this like I don’t hate Tobias Harris at the to at the non- taxpayer mle like uh that might be the best you can realistically do at that like I’m not I I’ve covered Tobias Harris before I like him as a person the biggest fan of his game but at that price I don’t think like if you get Casey P though that I think that’s a that’s a a discount for him like he’s probably going for more uh trying to find like it’s Buddy heeld available but I don’t Bruce brown but that’s also someone who might not be available for that uh Obi toen it gets real like then we’re we’re now getting into the Kyle Anderson Gary Trent I like Gary Trent uh but like Spencer Den Woody Isaac aoro Caleb Martin’s an interesting one too I like Caleb Martin Derrik Jones Jr you also don’t have to spend your full non-t taxpayer mle on uh one of these guys De Anthony mton uh so Drummond uh Patrick Williams although he’s restricted uh yeah I mean there’s some guys but I don’t uh it’s going to be an interesting fragant Market because there are some several teams with cap space and there’s not a lot of players worthy of cap space so there’s probably going to be some guys that get overpaid uh khed a adala do the Lakers think tyo is realistic no uh but they there’s a little bit of Hope and until the Clipper situation like that’s been a I talked about yesterday on Anthony or show uh where like part of the reason why Lakers have been a little slow on this process has been holding out some modom of hope that tyou becomes available and if he does he immediately vaults to number one on the coaching list uh Jeremy Crim hey Yan what do you think of Demar roen being add in for agency I I’m like that might that’s probably the best player they can realistically get uh with the non- tax per M assuming he’d be willing to take that discount I like it like I I think dear would fit I do think there’s a little bit of a defensive concern of like if you’re going uh ad80 Lebron Demar Austin I almost think you need to go bigger and go with like a big wing and maybe that’s Vando maybe it’s ruy but like a ruie Demar Austin back court or I mean uh just Trio like defensively the perimeter defense is going to be a bit shaky there so my one concern with the Mah is like it almost makes you have to lean defense in that fifth spot and the Lakers potentially have a couple options there and uh Jared Vanderbilt Gabe Vincent and Max Christie if they retain him but I I think it it kind of like like it can work I’m not saying it won’t work I I just I I do think like I’d ideally like the Lakers if if they’re building the team around uh Lebron 80 and Austin those other two spots you need a a certain level of defense that thear just doesn’t provide now obviously he’s going to provide a lot more offense and maybe you just insert V and there’s some more balance there but he also doesn’t shoot a lot of Threes so that there was potentially some spacing concerns uh but again for $13 million you can’t really nitpick and I think dbar is overqualified for that uh non- taxpayer ml anyway so I think you you take it and you figure it out Corey Williams how do you think CP3 will fit as a backup and also you potentially me I think it’d be a great fit uh the Lakers were considering making him their starting point guard last year before he ended up uh getting traded to Golden State uh you know there had been interest in uh signing him to a likely minimum contract so obviously he’s got the the relationship with LeBron uh New Orleans fans never got to see he and and AD they they just missed each other but uh yeah I think that would be a I mean I thought he was solid All Things Considered for Golden State and in a backup role something like a 15 to 20 minute a night guy maybe 25 to 30 in the playoffs if if it’s the right matchup I like that seeing some stuff uh Casper is T.J McConnell a good fit with Reeves if Theo walks yeah I think so um I don’t know off top of my head McConnell’s status I don’t know if you’re referring to like trading him uh or what um Oden booha booha thank you I appreciate it um pavi thanks for doing this Yovan is Brandon Ingram an option uh I have not heard much on on Brandon Ingram so I don’t I don’t I don’t think so uh I don’t I don’t think New Orleans wants to trade another star to LA but we’ll we’ll see we’ll see there’s always a always a chance um uh rv14 what’s the possibility of JB bicker staff being in the head coach Market if Cavs lose tonight and how high would he be on your tier as a possible Lakers head coach I think you would get he’d be in the mix um I don’t know uh my understanding right now are reic and bgo are the top two uh and I believe if you were ranking it it would be reic bgo uh Sam Cassell uh and then as I mentioned earlier probably Adelman or Quinn battling for for that number four spot so uh I think bigger staff would be in the mix I don’t know how high I would guess he’s probably not in the top three and that that top three is pretty solidified and then maybe he’s battling for number four but um I don’t think like get it like I don’t think he well he he’s got the pedigree obviously with with his dad and um I think he’s done a solid job all things considered in in Cleveland I don’t know uh him getting five like I I don’t I don’t think he’s going to be necessarily like a hot commodity on the coaching market so I don’t I don’t necessarily see that uh rod have you heard if the Bulls have changed their asking price for AC I have not uh I would assume probably not because he had a pretty good close to the season so I I think that the asking price for kuso Skyhigh uh ice cold Ace JJ NOS playboard X is J doesn’t know how to manage coach himself so I mean that that’s a fair Counterpoint and I I like I think you like to be clear I don’t think there’s a perfect candidate and I think you can poke holes that uh like James brego we’ve only seen him Coach Orlando and Charlotte and not like neither of those teams was good so we don’t know what he looks like in a good environment obviously he was a long-term uh excuse me longtime assistant coach with the Spurs won a couple championships with them but like we have not seen James bgo uh coach a good team and we’ve also not seen James brego in a high-profile situation he’s been in San Antonio Orlando uh and New Orleans and it’s like those are all small Market teams with low pressure from a media and attention standpoint uh Sam Cassell again as I mentioned earlier has been a longtime assistant has had a bunch of uh head coaching interviews and and uh opportunities he’s gone after and not landed any of them uh and and you know and I I don’t uh I haven’t heard as much recently but like when he was with the Clippers and I was covering the Clippers like a big thing was like his Player Development and that was like his strength which is an important thing but that those types of coaches tend to be better for like younger teams and getting like a team from like the 13 seed to like the nine seed and like get them in the playing tournament and like uh like I I I could see Sam Cassell maybe excelling more in like that role uh than some of these assistants where that they have a lot of assistant coaching experience but like can they command a locker room can they like one thing that on paper Darin was supposed to be good at was like handling the Press handling the media answering questions in uh press conferences and like he ultimately struggled in that and he said the wrong things a lot of times and like and Darin was a pretty great you know friendly guy and and extroverted and like really nice good personality and yet that didn’t always translate in press conferences so like there’s just a lot of factors that go into finding a head coach that’s why um and look experience I’m again I’m not try to like downplayer to smiss experience I just think with JJ it’s he checks a lot of the boxes other than experience and that is a huge box and that is a box that could swing and ultimately determine how good of a coach he is but if you put the right coaches around him uh I think there’s a chance that they could help ease him into uh the the position uh Brian gerso how much leverage would Mitchell have if he wants to play for the Lakers uh not a lot because he’s he’s still on contract he still got a year left in Cleveland and then has a player option for the following year so if he is threatening to opt out after next year like he he certainly has a modum of of Leverage like there’s a there’s a baseline level of Leverage that he has but the Cavs are there’s going to be multiple suitors and there’s going to be multiple teams that talk themselves into having a shot to retain him I guess the one way he would have some leverage here is if he just outright says he’s not gonna say it publicly but like behind the scenes if he says I’m only playing for the Lakers and like that’s that’s one way but outside of that like Brooklyn and Miami maybe there’s another team that that steps in like they’re going to talk themselves into if we get him here he’ll be interested in resigning like we’re New York we’re my you know we’re Miami like we can we can convince him to stay so I I think he has some leverage in terms of like like stars always have a leverage leverage of you know these are the three to five teams I want to play for but not necessarily picking a specific team because again go back to Dame and and that’s a little bit of unique circumstance they Portland didn’t really like like how Miami was handling things and but like if anyone had leverage it’s Dame Lillard after being in Portland for uh what 12 years 11 years and and staying loyal and resigning and always putting on for Portland and and being the best player in in Portland uh you know Trailblazers history and the way that they rewarded him was sending him to Milwaukee uh which was not his number one destination so like that kind of showed it really depends Fran franchise to franchise player to player like every Situation’s different but uh I think Donovan would have to demand to go to La basically okay a couple more here I’m gonna get out of here uh rv14 do we have the full or taxpayer ml if DLo or Lebron walks the Lakers will have the full which is the non-t taxpayer um if they don’t walk it will determine it’ll partly be determined by what happens with Max Christie because they could be pushing up against the second apron and you’re not going to want to cross that second apron there’s all these harsh penalties in terms of who you can trade who you can sign buy out guys all that stuff so uh I think the Lakers going to try and stay under that second apron if they can so it might ultimately come down to using the the taxpayer ml which is about uh six or so million I want to say off thought my head versus max Christie and how they ultimately view that otherwise it’s gonna just be minimum guys also what factor here that people aren’t talking about enough is like Jackson Hayes and uh cam reddish what happens with them because those guys have uh player options for next year and that would create some cap not cap space but like a little bit of breathing room under the second apron for LA to potentially use part of that taxpayer mle uh if if they get access to it uh I see another uh Christian San UB I like UB I like UB too he’s probably another guy that’s in consideration like a little bit too involved offensively sometimes and like like that that’s good for role some role players but already again depending on what like who is still a Laker if it’s they just run it back for the most part and and maybe you know flip a Gabe or V or ruy and and let’s just say they keep DLo all of a sudden like there’s maybe I don’t love Kelly UB as much but like if they lose DLo for example and all of a sudden I was talking about earlier you’re trying to go um Austin and and Gabe vincon and JHS and maybe you sign a vet minimum point guard now UB makes a little bit more sense you need a little little bit more offensive Firepower and I think that could make a little bit more sense but if it’s kind of the same group uh like they do need someone who can score Off the Bench so like I I could see the argument for UB I just think he’s a little bit of a Gunner and I don’t love that uh as much B can we trade for a player like Kevin Durant uh you’re no no I like the like yes technically yes but I don’t see Phoenix giving up Kevin Durant and if they did it would not be to the Lakers for the Lakers best package unless La is putting LeBron or ad0 on the table and I don’t see that happening Gustavo Costa Lakers more likely to draft Brony on first round or hope to draft him on second round uh I think the hope is to draft him the second round but bronnie stock I mean he he just SW player of the game for uh the the game he played today at the combine and like uh obviously came in a bit smaller than people were anticipating in terms of his height but his 40 and a half inch vert uh good you know long arms uh good frame 210 pounds uh he’s I think he said all the right things for the most part so I think bronny stock is starting to creep up a little bit now whether that’s from like undrafted to Middle second round or whether that’s like mid to late second round to like early second round or even potentially late first round like we’ll see how that continues to develop over the next I mean we’re still we got like five weeks till the draft so we got a or almost six like we got a bit of time for his and he’s got to go through uh interviews with teams and and he’s got to go through individual and group workouts with teams so like there there’s still a lot of time for uh Bron’s stock to fluctuate positively or negatively but uh from what I’ve heard like you know he’s started to impress some teams and I think I think he’s gonna get drafted it’s just really a matter of when is it is it second round or first round I still would say more likely than not second round but um the Lakers I think got p uh at pick 55 like that’s probably too late for him uh so Lakers will if they want him will’ll probably have to buy a second round pick uh or or make a trade rather to uh to get him uh okay a couple more Rez what do you think of Mel Bridges Mel Bridges to me is the best uh third star option and he’s kind of a a hybrid in between like he’s a three and D Wing who has some star capabilities some star traits uh like I outside of maybe Donovan Mitchell uh in terms of like realistic players who could be on the market I think Mel Bridges is as good of a fit if if not like to me he if he could come in be a little bit more of like that third guy rather than being the go-to guy in Brooklyn I think that’s like a perfect role for him he’s a he’s a really good Defender uh he’s you know a solid three-point shooter I think he’d fit well next to like he’s a souped up 3 andd player and that’s the exact type of guy that the Lakers need I’m seeing a lot of cuso questions like it’s possible it’s just like he’s he’s very valuable and I I don’t like the Lakers would have to give up at least one first round pick uh if not two and that’s just it’s it’s a high price um just someone passing by if you had to use the full mle on a player who would it be a point guard a wing or a center I would use it on Wing I I like point guard I know talking about DLo Replacements but like I think if DLo walks you just figure it out point guard by committee Austin Gabe JHS and like a minimum guy and you also have LeBron obviously who’s going to do some level of ball handling but like I think you kind of patch it together and figure it out uh like the Lakers got to stop signing these small guards uh so to me it’s if you want to sign a small guard use a vet minimum contract but uh if you’re going like I think you go for the best Wing possible be it uh dear Gary Trent Bruce Brown Kell UB like those are Patrick Williams those are some of the names that could be available in that price range and like I think you go for one of those guys and then uh then you look at Center Spot try and maybe you split it between a wing and a big but I think Lakers need to invest more on the wing and uh at the center spot just because they’ve signed too many small guards and I mean aside from those guys dealing with injuries it’s just like from a roster makeup uh I don’t think they’ve invested enough on the wings and in the front Court uh from Liz gadelha CG what about adman I like Adelman I I’ve heard nothing but good stuff about Adelman again uh with that type of of uh like with assistance you just don’t know how the transition is from uh that I forgot who whose quote is it but uh they were like it’s the it’s the longest 12 in or you know it’s the whatever 12 inches in in basketball is going from that assisted coaching spot to the head coaching spot and um you know inuendo aside uh like that it’s just it’s a big difference so even if you can even if you are one of those assistant coaches who is like uh more involved and you will occasionally pull guys aside or like in the in the film room stop a film session or in the locker room you’ll give a speech or something it’s different doing it as an assistant compared to doing it as a head coach so my my one thing with Adelman and any of these guys as as an assistant is like how do you get buyin and and maintain buyin and command the locker room and like commanding the locker room isn’t just as simple as being stern and like yelling at guys or like holding guys accountable it’s like you have to somehow get them to respect you and I think again with former players and like like I I do think that’s not going to be a struggle for JJ and that now there are other things that could be a struggle for him that again don’t render him necessarily the best option I’m just saying like with some of these assistants being the the the the lead guid it’s just different so that’s my one kind of concern ER but from an ex’s and O’s perspective um from from an offensive perspective he clearly seems to be at the top of the pack and that should not be dismissed I think Adelman should probably be taken more seriously than maybe he has been up to this point but um yeah uh what’s up uh I’m seeing as okay K Norris do you see the Lakers bringing Prince back um I’m gonna guess not unless he’s on a minimum contract like they they might uh I don’t I don’t remember exactly the the bird right situation with Prince uh they might have like partial bird rights on him but it might come down to prince versus max Christie in which case I personally would prioritize Max Christie uh they could potentially use the part of the non- tax PA ML on him and as I mentioned earlier uh you know maybe you split that with with toor I hadn’t said tan but like maybe you split it with tan and a a big man and you you you know get a couple guys with that but um my guess would be no uh I think Toran torian we could do a a whole live stream on uh like I think he’s he’s fine in a certain role and I thought the Lakers figured out that role at the end of the season so if the Lakers bring him back that’s fine like I don’t think he be closing games I don’t think you should be playing more than like 15 18 minutes but if you get a coach who’s going to play him in the right role play him in bigger lineups um I think it makes sense uh plug dubs can the Lakers trade for cam Johnson with the 17th pick uh yes but they would need to send something out they don’t have cap space to trade and and just absorb cam Johnson so uh could it be something like ruy in the 17th pick yes is that an upgrade is that much of an upgrade I don’t know now this 17th pick isn’t going to have a lot of value in this draft um I’ve heard people talking about like the first pick in this draft is worth like the seventh pick in a normal draft the 10th pick or somewhere in like that the fourth pick like somewhere in like a like number five to 10 pick so uh in that case the 17th pick is going to be like a a mid 20s pick or so uh so it has some value for sure but I I don’t know it has a lot but like yeah you probably have to attach it’s probably ruy or Vando or Gabe for cam Johnson I don’t know his contract off the uh top of my head but uh in the zone brego is the go-to Nob brainer he had been dealt with a shitty roster no legit Center but he managed to improve every year Player Development I that that is the case for burgo and I I think uh one thing I saw Jake fiser of Yahoo sports report today that I have heard uh as well is that Anthony Davis and James brego have a good relationship as we reported at the athletic uh James or I mean uh excuse me uh Anthony Davis will have a say in the Lakers coaching search the Lakers are uh not prioritizing Anthony Davis over over LeBron James but they are thinking about ad and what he wants and what’s the best fit for him during the search so that is uh I think an area like that that is a plus in the bgo column um now again I I believe JJ is a bit ahead of bgo right now but that could change in the interview process and again if ad really you know leverages his support behind bgo that’s that’s something that the Lakers will will certainly factor in uh ah I see I see why the okay I’m seeing stuff about um po Smurf could Isaiah colier drop to 17 I don’t think so uh obviously if he does like that that’s a pretty good value but I also don’t know if the Lakers are gonna have the 17th pick uh they might be trading it on draft night so uh we’ll see see cam Johnson uh no new news uh on training staff or front office okay uh dark galaxy I kind of like the idea of f of uh F of SVG being an assistant coach next to JJ I agree I I like that too I would like that a lot uh lot of brego um here I I’ll close on this one uh from Sam Davidson do you think the trade will be on draft night I think the the Lakers there’s a a solid possibility that they make a trade on draft night that would be the first night that they can trade all three of their draft picks and if they do do trade for a star that could potentially happen on draft night if they do make a bigger trade for a role player a starting upgrade that could also happen on draft night and again as I mentioned multiple times uh on my boas’s block podcast and on my YouTube channel uh one of the factors that is going to be leading into uh the end of the month is LeBron James has a player option that uh the deadline is June 29th and what H what’s goingon to happen before June 29th Lakers will hire a head coach and they will go through the draft process and within the draft process uh they will have the potential to use all three first round picks to show that they are fully invested in next season in this roster they’ll also have an opportunity to draft Andor trade for Brony so there are you know I think three uh kind of key decisions that the Lakers have over the next six weeks or so uh to make that will potentially have a say in terms of uh Lebron James and his future and as I’ve reported and as I’ve said I everyone with the Lakers and and you know everything I’ve heard from the LeBron side is that he’s you know going to be back and and that’s how the Lakers are operating and just sounds like it’s a matter of what type of contract does he want does he want to opt in opt out one year two year three years um so I’m not suggesting that LeBron’s going to leave by any means but I think in terms of how long he’s willing to commit and just like how that process goes uh the Lakers have a few boxes not not to check necessarily but a few things that they can show of like Hey we’re you know we’re taking account what you want at the coaching position hey we’re acquiring your son Andor hey we’re making a big trade to improve this roster um you know now here’s this contract you know and and they can go from there so that’s just something to kind of monitor here uh over the next six weeks uh choco Thunder Pelicans still haven’t decided on the first round pick so we we don’t know yet but it it sounds like it’s going to be Lakers will keep the 2024 pick um awesome well thank you guys so much uh for those who are returning to the channel and and have been following me for a bit I appreciate it I thank you so much for your support for those who are new uh please consider subscribing and I’m doing podcasts twice a week buas block on all audio platforms and on YouTube and I’m doing reaction videos and shows throughout the week as well depending on what’s happening with the news did a coaching search update uh yesterday right after my story came out with Sham Shania so uh make sure you check that video out after you finish watching this uh but that will do it thank you guys so much for watching and listening I’ll be back at the end of the week with another episode of boas’s block I will talk to you then


  1. If JJ gets this job this would be a smack in the face for all assistants that have put in the work for years.

  2. I heard that Derrick Jones Jr can only get a 20% raise from the Mavs so if that is 4M would the Lakers have to have lost DLo or LBJ to pay that? Since it wouldn't be a min contract won't they have to have the MLE available?

  3. @jovanbuha do you think internally lakers regret not getting Myles turner/hield deal done. They would have been better equipped for Denver and other big teams

  4. What about the lakers going for both Mitchell and lauri. 3 team trade. Dlo and Vincent going to spurs, keldon Johnson gram and picks to the cavs Mitchell to the lakers . Rui and picks to the jazz for lauri. Sign Drummond to 5m’s

  5. Hi Jovan, how realistic is that Lebron opts out of his contract and work on a team friendly deal Perhaps a longer contract that could alleviate CAP for the Lakers next season in an attempt to create room for a better free agent? Thanks as always for the great content!

  6. Let's get Terry Stotts offensive mind and Mike Brown definsive mind Coach Champion Experience+ Asst JJ Redick, Phil Handy + Rondo.❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉

  7. Did anyone see Doc Rivers is waiting for Sam Cassell to be his assistant in Milwaukee….. says a lot doesn’t it.

  8. @Jovan Buha ? Do you not think Lebron Knows the Lakers Cap and financial situation? Every year you Laker proxies say the samething time after time and the case isnt so. This wouldn't have been such a big problem on roster had Rob Pelinka did his fucking job at trade deadline. Instead as always he does lies his ass off and has some of you proxies paid to pull the wool over fans eyes. The point is Fans are aware. Fans have had enough. Bron has had enough. AD HAS HAD ENOUGH. Buha remember what happened at Brooklyn with Kyrie and Kevin Durant? Same happen here. Bron has all the leverage. AD demands trade. Its very very possible. To think u have Bron and AD in the hat well Nets owner thought too Durant and Kyrie. Who at fault? ROB FUCKING PELINKA, play your fucking little games and his little media proxies. At one time in this country you could trust the media. Not now.

  9. What would our 2029 and/or 2031 unprotected 1sts be worth to a team like OKC, who has more picks than they can use and thus might prefer consolidating "lesser" picks into more valuable ones? Do you think it'd be worth it to them to get, say, a 2024 and 2025 1st plus a handful of 2nds for our 2029 completely unprotected 1st? would make it easier for us to make smaller trades, or could be more useful to acquire a star from a team that has a GM who doesn't have 7 years of job security to wait for our pick in 2029

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