I High Jumped 7’3 With One Shoe #shorts #highjump #trackandfield

I High Jumped 7’3 With One Shoe. In the high jump competition, I faced a unique challenge: competing with only spikes in one shoe. During one of my initial jumps, the unexpected occurred – all of the spikes came loose from my shoe mid-air. Unaware of this mishap until the end of the competition, I was amazed to discover that I achieved a height of 7 feet, 3 inches, securing the silver medal and staying in contention for the gold. This experience taught me a valuable lesson: always ensure your spikes are securely fastened before stepping onto the field of competition.


  1. I used to do high jump a few years back and I was one of the best in my state for my age but every time I was able to progress to bigger comps I would either get super sick or they would be canceled it happened 5 times 😢

  2. i’m a distance runner, running the 4×8, 3200, 1600, and 800 all at every meet, my last meet i got a break and only did the 4×8 and 1600, i took that break and practiced with the high jumpers for fun to see how it was and i hit 5’2. is this good for someone who has never done it before, obviously my form wasn’t right and i didn’t always clear it.

  3. I just PR'd 5'4 for my school, and just looking at this makes me excited for how much more im gonna improve!

  4. Jesus Christ is the only way to be fulfilled. I'm writing this as I just had an encounter with Jesus the Almighty God. I was being tempted by demonic forces. I fell into temptation, and I ran away from the Lord. This hasn't been the first time. I have been on a on and off cycle which seemed to be an endless. But today, I feel called to share this testimony. I watched a video which really opened my eyes while I was still "hiding" from God. It touched my soul to the point that I fell on my knees right away, and begged for forgiveness and guidance. This was beyond anyother feeling I've felt while repenting. This one felt true. I had been like mad at God for being dumped by my this girl I was talking to. So this was a way to be tempted by evil demonic forces. I would get intrusive thoughts, and I kept trying to solve this feeling of being dumped on worldly things. And let me tell you, it only makes it worse. If you're someone who is not sure if you're saved, or if you are saved, but have been going through these on and off cycles such as porn, or secular music(which are other cycles I've been having a difficult time with) I want you to call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the way, the truth, and the life. If you don't know what to do, I want you to get on your knees, and pray this prayer with your heart:
    Jesus, I believe you died on the cross for my sins, and was ressurected on the third day. I believe you came to the Earth, to pay for our sins. Thank you for dieing on the cross for my sins, in Your Name, I pray, amen.
    I don't know who is reading this, but if you ever fill an empty whole, which cannot be fulfilled, the only way to fulfill is by Jesus. When you turn your back on Jesus, you seek everything other then him. All worldly things, will never fill that hole.
    God Bless Yall!

  5. Im a sprinter and a high jumper starting hs track rn! Last year I cleared around 5’3 as an eighth grader idk if that’s great but 🤷🏽‍♀️ tryna get better this year

  6. I'm new at high jump and have yet to do it in a meet but during practice I have cleared the 4'6 bar. I'm not entirely sure if that's a good height or not. I am 5'8 and mainly a 400 sprinter. I was wondering if you could give me any advise or feedback??😅

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