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Sandra Gal | Second Round Highlights | 69 (-3) | Amundi German Masters

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wind will level it out it seems to be that strong wonderful oh it went in it came out it went back in again and Sandra gal joins the lead in out shake it all of out I’m not sure I’ve seen that before German who turned 39 years of age last week still feels there’s plenty of golf in her given all the health and injury problems one or two may have called it a day but G has believe there is more to come a far I would trying to find this Slither of a fairway on nine down there so let’s see how this the shot’s going to react from a longer distance to that front left pin downwind played for release landed it in the correct spot looking at a solheim cup player here is still bogy fre this one down the hill not too much break in it reaction suggest that hasn’t quite dropped pity excellent front nine out in 33 on the comeback Trail and looking good back nine for gal coner 262 yards down the left hand side that’s the layup over 160 left back pin 79 good chot just released isn’t it slightly tugged maybe face just closing on her the 10th where sandre only just off the green but deciding to chip it yeah she played in [Applause] the like seven iron into 10 it’s going to be a similar Club here for G such a good swing that wasn’t it saw the whip at the bottom of the strike excellent result most players will want to go down the left hand side of the bunker girl just has that bit more in the tank that if she she does go at it she can carry it you can see she still gave it everything there because that 30 yards you’ve lost because of the wind for your first done your second shot well been Fairways and greens for Sandra fairly poent recipe on a difficult Day in Germany and every time we see her she’s giving herself a a really good birdy look at the top of the leaderboard but this to go solo make sure you hit this one back into the wind up the hill well this is some performance we know she’s class we know she’s played a couple of solheim Cups we know she’s an LPGA Tour winner but when you’ve been out as long as she has to produce this quality of go I know it’s only day two but so controlled so over the bunkers is the line dog leg from left to right sandre [Music] gal that is position a she is not she’s going with it for a fairway would try and cut it see the ball’s below her feet so that will help with that left to right movement start it left of the TV tower well we’ve watched a fair chunk of her so far today she hasn’t missed a shot that’s how serious she is she’s still pacing off all those stats longer birdie P than she would have been hoping for here sandre gal just the part you were adant yesterday that we wouldn’t see a a bogey free round what are your feelings watching Sandra G right now boogy free so far five holes to play but right now Sandra gal the player ahead just wants to flick this one from right to left oh she did that too much it was bouncing it may be in the penalty area she’ll be hoping it’s just got caught on the bank there well this is where we’re told her t-shot finish that is a big break for Sandra G it’s 125 yards now so it’s a wedge plenty of green to work with pin 24 on five from the left so you want to take it maybe on the edge of the bunkers especially with the ball above her feet that’ll want to turn from right to left so you can see the gap between the bunkers on the right hand side that’s the start line couldn’t get any spin could you from the light the ball above her feet and being in the rough downwind better well she’s got the leader in her sight literally very rare missed green for Sandra G but it still results in an up and down for par remains bogey three sharp dog leg water all the way down the left side going for driver it’s 260 run out to those bunkers on the right that’s fine there I just can’t imagine many players will go at this pin because of how well it’s took so she’ll play it long of it yards over the bunker on the right hand side it’s all downhill to it long and left is good there is a spot on the right which is flatter as well so yeah there’s all right cuz you’re on that that same plateau of the top right part of the green it too long because you don’t want to have that pot all the way down downwind but you can’t hit it too short because of those bankers and yeah has a tough pin position there and and I think that that’s the why sandre G she’s she’s missed the green on the right hand side but she’s avoided everything that Patricia was said there so there’ll be certain spots where you go actually where where SRE was there that that’s okay isn’t it yeah I’d say that’s just a perfect Miss because you I think she played in two Soul home cups so far so I mean she’s been on tour forever like since I first thought about playing on tour she’s been there so yeah she’s a big name oh big mistake the first drop shot of the day for her so the Le’s back to three under did you go I mean what would it mean tomorrow to go out and play with Sandra girl third round in ladies European Tour event in Germany well that would be great um to be honest I don’t know her personally so I just know her as well dimmick they’ve hit it in the middle of the green and it just waves goodbye as it goes through the back a driving average for yesterday on this hole for the entire field averaged at 290 yards where were you how far down were you do you remember um like what I had into the pin well yes you were you’re more than 290 down there so you’re saying 290 yards oh she’s got a yard so prepared look at this one skip on I mean that’s chasing a good 60 yards well I’m a meter person so I can’t really help you there but I was like two looks like that one sat down we’ve got place in but she won’t be able to place it in that second cut of rough she’s not hit them hard enough so far this one needs to carry on to the front edge and that was maybe a result of what we’ve seen earlier well the chances Take the Lead Take the Lead back for Sandra gal Swift one for a birdie for and a PA for sandre go Patricia we’re going to let you you wouldn’t know it but I’m sure she must be feeling a little frustrated three fives in the last four holes at the line just not quite the right club play the second hardest hole on the golf course yesterday 50 FTS worth of put between the German and the h pretty nicely judged yeah that’s a tiny three from [Music] G 3 under still leading the way one more hole to complete round two though [Applause] just refuses to do anything silly doesn’t she just hit the fairway wood more often than not on the uh back nine M and just wants to aim at the the white scoreboard good 10 yards right of it take that water out of the equation job’s been done today this whole downwind from the right that’s a very aggressive line go straight at it heart would have been in her mouth there but it’s on dry land bonus and it would be to take the lead out right should come off the water from right to left it’s hitting Excell round of 69 from Sandra so the two time solheim cup player coming back in style that is good enough right now for a share of the lead alongside her compatriot Patricia Schmidt the local


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