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NFL schedule 2024: New York Jets have seven standalone games | Pro Football Talk | NFL on NBC

Mike Florio and Chris Simms explore how strong the Jets will be in 2024, given Aaron Rodgers’ recovery and their schedule, which features several short-week turnarounds early in the season. #NBCSports #ProFootballTalk #NFL
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NFL schedule 2024: New York Jets have seven standalone games | Pro Football Talk | NFL on NBC

49ers host the Jets week one right out of the gates they got to get in a plane fly across the country and come back home on a short week and then we find out oh wait you’re not coming home for that game you got to go on the road again so to start the season the Jets have to go to San Francisco for a Monday night game fly home late Monday early Tuesday play another road game that weekend and then short week home game against the New England Patriots to start the year and then they have London coming up 2 weeks after that and when you look at the number of Standalone games Chris they have seven Standalone games two 4-day turnarounds in the first nine weeks Mike North who puts the schedule together for the NFL was on serus last night Peter King texted me this because he was all fired up about the jet schedule just because it’s weird like there’s no CBS 4:25 p.m. Eastern games for the Jets which like what’s the story behind that CBS has to be unhappy about that but they I think Mike North said and I’m paraphrasing what Peter King told me basically they wanted to get all the Jets games on prime time early because the wheels might come off well last year the wheels came off four game four plays in yeah yeah so it may not matter but if the Jets aren’t good they will have checked all the prime time Boxes by the time we get to week 12 yeah yeah I mean um I mean the first first off the Monday night we talked about it yesterday to start the year after last year’s Monday night and the debacle and the Achilles injury and all that I mean you talk about having to to face some demons just right away if you’re Aaron roders and like wait I’m I’m back on Monday night to start the season holy cow this is a disaster for me last year but but so the schedule you know like you said six out of the first nine game Standalone games certainly a lot of movement and short weeks and not being able to get in routine now where I will say like compared to the last few years where we’ve looked at the Jets and I’ve gone and you and me we both have gone it and gone like hey the first seven games are literally against the seven best teams in football like it’s no joke like it was right it was just one after another where you were like holy cow this year even though you know the the the movement and the theatrics of the schedule a lot there’s definitely some teams early on where you go the the the Jets if they’re not if they’re healthy and they don’t you know pee down their leg right they they should they’re better than the Titans on paper the Patriots we know they’re better than the Broncos on paper as it stands right now so at least look at it in some games and go hey schedule’s hard all that they’re better than the Vikings on paper too you look at all that and you go yeah there’s movement or whatever but you know the the potential of that team is greater than you know the potential of some of the teams they see early on in the schedule I’ll at least give them that and look here if they’re good look at the back end four of the six teams they play down the stretch were playoff teams a year ago now that’s brutal right and and and and if they’re good if they make it because the thing they’ve done the last two years with a gauntlet to start the season they were four- three and five- two four- three last year five and two the year before the wheels came off both years after that initial surge so this year you have easier games now the schedule is screwy and there’s a lot of travel but the games are easier if they can hold it together with the the schedule all over the map and if they are competitive going into the stretch after the bye you may see some of these games get pulled into prime time if Aaron Rogers is still healthy and if they’re a high-end Contender Seahawks at Dolphins even at Jaguars if the Jaguars are good Rams game at the Bills and Dolphins all those games are going to be candidates to be moved maybe to late afternoon or to Thursday night or to Monday night or Sunday night depending upon how those other games go so the Jets could still be an attractive draw and CBS could get one or more of those 4:25 p.m. Eastern games after week 12 yeah I I certainly could see that happen again you know I mean I know we we don’t have a crystal ball here but you know by all du accounts those teams that they’re playing there at the end of the year the talent on the team the culture of those organizations I just you know barring something crazy injury-wise that’s going to be a tough stretch you know it might be the stretch that gets him in the playoffs doesn’t get them in the playoffs I mean the Jets are the Enigma of the NFL we don’t know what to expect of the Jets on paper they’re awesome the defense is special we know that they got special all over the board on that side of the ball offense they have a chance to be damn good right but we just don’t know and you know the the Salah hasn’t handled certain situations the right way we’ve had a little bit of you know somebody speaking out talking doing something with the Jets every year in the locker room the front office it so that’s an issue right what’s Rogers gonna be right what is it fair do you know the the thing I will say with Rogers is does does can Rogers play the way Aaron Rogers thinks he can play still that’s you know can it can he still be oh hey this guy’s not open let me hop around the pocket and do all that kind of stuff at this age right now I don’t know I was I didn’t know if he could do that even last year I was worried about that you know that I mean we we talked his last you know two years in Green Bay he didn’t want to stand in the pocket and make any throws down the field if it wasn’t wide open he wasn’t going to take a chance it was Dink and dunk special right and that that’s where I don’t know what to expect from him either so they’re one of the true question marks of the NFL season a ton of talent and drama around it but I don’t know what quite to expect from them hey Chris this is something that came up last week either when you had the sniffles on Thursday or when you were in your hammock on Friday cuz the sniffles quickly resolve themselves but you know the difference between Kirk Cousins and Aaron Rogers cousins is never runaround guy so he’s not going to be putting strain on the right prepare to kill his tendon or the other one Rogers has to dial it back we saw it last year when he injured a calf muscle early in offseason workouts with the Jets he’s still a guy who can muster a lot of explosion and force with his legs but the soft tissues are going to start to go he’s going to get the old man injuries he got the C injury and then the Achilles goes he’s almost got to play like he did the year that he had remember the year he had the bad calf yeah and he was pocket quarterback right and very careful about moving around he almost has to do that cuz once he starts and we saw like every snap against the bills week one last year all four of them he’s moving around because the offensive line isn’t giving him time he’s got to get rid of the ball from the pocket he’s got a morph into I’d be studying Tom Brady late career the decisions he made to get rid of the ball quick cuz if he starts moving around something’s going to go from the waist down that’s that’s going to be you know the big thing you know what like what you’re talking about too you know how how many creative ways can they come up with to get the ball quickly out of his hands and do that type of stuff but yeah as you saw last year right to play that game hey we’re going to spread the field and I’m going to do all that you know defenses are pretty good at defending that and if you’re not boom like have it right away then it’s going to be what whoa you know it’s my Five Guys blocking four and I got no extra guys staying in to help do whatever else and I got to move and make something happen or do something that way and that’s that’s where I wonder like will there be some tinkering of their offense a little bit right that’s what I do Wonder too you know do do do they take a little different approach do they do I know like Brady and Tampa you know they they did a great job o line around them and it wasn’t always just shotgun quick passes what was amazing about Brady and Tampa at the end of his career is he actually became more patient in the pocket Bruce arens got on him a little bit and he started to become more of an aggressive thrower down the football field but they could protect him in doing that and they would keep a tight end in the block and do stuff like that you know will the Jets take that approach because of Aaron Rogers and his age and the injury status and all that that’s where I’m I am interested to see how this goes down with the Jets and again the Jets have twice before week nine play Sunday and then off Monday off Tuesday off Wednesday play Thursday twice that’s pushing it that that’s pushing it I you know by the NFL and the league and just like hey human you know care they don’t care they don’t care they don’t care that’s where it bothers me just a little as I said earlier and and I you know I’m past the point of caring if they get mad because don’t do things that we can legitimately complain about and you won’t get mad don’t do things that defy common sense and logic and once they accept is true well the injury rate’s no different from Sunday to Sunday than Sunday to Thursday it overlooks everything else and you know I know a lot of folks prefer to watch the show on demand or the clips so and we appreciate it if do listen to the podcast know it’s early it’s live hey there are plenty of people in the league that watch the show live and I’ve already heard from a coach who’s like they got to add a second by if they’re going to do this play every day of the week to have maximum Standalone games you got to add a second by to let people adjust and react because if you’re going to be moving teams you know it used to be every game was Sunday at 1 o’clock or four o’clock except the Monday night game it wasn’t all that long ago pre-1987 you either played at 1:00 4:00 Sunday or 9:00 Monday night and that was it they would do one Thursday night game a year to get away from the conflict with the World Series they didn’t want to go head-to-head with baseball it’s kind of quaint to think there was a time the NFL actually was afraid of baseball right and Thanksgiving but now if you’re going to go all over the map if the Chiefs are going to play every day of the week except Tuesday you’ve got to factor in the cumulative effect that it has on the players you can’t just fold your arms and say well the injury rate’s the same well the injury rate’s the same it doesn’t matter it does matter because the human body it’s just like the whole grass Turf bull crap that we get fed oh the injury rates same it doesn’t matter getting out of bed isn’t the same the next day your life isn’t the same when you have all these variables in all these short weeks and all this moving around it creates extra stress and you have to account for that in some way you can’t just fold your arms and say well you get paid shut up and play you can’t do that it ignores the human element and the sport is already dehumanizing enough we try to bring the human element into play in large part because the NFL they just they don’t care you’re Parts they act like they care football is family your parts in a machine and if one breaks we throw you out and we plug another one in and the Machine keeps going yeah no listen I I don’t disagree I don’t disagree and to me it’s it’s yes it’s it’s a cumulative effect it’s you know I I’ve been a part of those Thursday games and it’s guys on Wednesday going oh my gosh I’m still sore from last Sunday I can’t believe we got to play tomorrow so it’s not being able to maybe put yourself you know put your body on the line like you might want to and what I would want to do and at some point I got to look this up because I brought this up before before because I want to get to the bill schedule and I know we got that but the it’s the I wonder what the injury rate would be after that that’s what I would want to know it’s the cumulative effect of those two games four days in a row how many people miss that game now 11 days later where they can’t play and have an injury because of those two game they might have not got hurt right there in that game or came out but as we know in the NFL a lot of the time because of Tor doll and stuff guys are hurt and they don’t even realize they are hurt until the day after the game and then that’s when it happens so you know I I’m with you there Mike and you know hopefully one day it can be remedied here’s what it is here’s what it is and look I I I really don’t want to spend the day you know on the phone saying I’m sorry but I’m not sorry but when you mash together and this is not a reflection on the person who’s in the job when you mash together health and safety and PR when you cram them together into one job what happens is well this is what we want to do how do we spin it how do we sell it how do we sell it from a PR standpoint how do we balance health and safety and PR let’s find a stat that supports what we want to do oh hey the injury rate’s the same if we look at the raw number of injuries let’s use that let’s use that let’s forget about everything else and let’s use that you can always find a stat to support anything you want to do anything you want to do you can find a statistic you can m the numbers to do it hi it’s Mike Florio thanks for watching PFT on YouTube hit subscribe for the latest news and Analysis from pro football talk


  1. The JETS will be no good even if they are slightly above avg.(record wise) they will still be no good. NFL continues to ride the jock of Aaron Rodgers. A QB who has done nothing but 💩the bed in crucial-important games, the last hand full of years.
    If it wasn't the achilles, it would have been another part of his fragile body that failed him

  2. I’m a Jets fan and even I can say how overrated this team is. Great D-Line, Corners and a stud Halfback but every other unit has major questions/concerns. Oh and the coach is a buffoon.

  3. that is a brutal beginning to the season. Rodgers with his injury, then you go to the OL with Smith's history as well as AVT. team gonna need a miracle to make it through unscathed.

  4. Yes but the Titans have a secret weapon this year. Cleveland has had him the past 5 years. Bill Callaham the coaches Father is the offensive line coach for the Titans. And he isn’t just good he is the best there is. Why the hell do you think the Browns o line has been so good the last 5 years?

  5. This is the season Saleh gets fired. The last 6 games are brutal. They could easily go 0-6 during that stretch or 2-4. Add in that the Jets have to face the Bills, Steelers and Texans in the middle of the season, I think it's over for Saleh.

  6. Florio. He makes sense so much of schedules that shows the stupidity of NFL decisions . Bang the drum. Some people just dont want you to criticize there wrong.

  7. Thank u for the rant at the end Florio. The NFL doesn’t care the turf the schedule. It’s so simple to fix they make too much money for this to still be an issue

  8. You’re banking on Rodger’s being his best self. But they forget who the coach is. Probably Salehs last season with the jets if they don’t win a playoff game.

  9. This year definetly feels more spread out in terms of opponent difficulty. Last few years have just been 4-8 game gauntlets vs playoff teams.

  10. I'm dumbfounded at the Jets early schedule. The Jets playing 3 games in the first 11 days with first two being road games! And then fly to London with no bye week on either side! Run the gauntlet Jets! 17-0 Let's Go! 20-0 Let's Go!

  11. Not AR's fan but I don't bet against him. There is a reason why he was regular seasons MVP and king. Our team never want to face him although he likely benefited partially due to cold weather in Green Bay that other teams weren't accustomed to.

  12. The Jets are going to be in third place again Salah and Douglas will get fired. They’re not gonna beat Buffalo. They’re not gonna beat the Dolphins. They’re not gonna be any good teens. They’ll be in the toilet with the patriots again.

  13. God definitely isn’t on the field for the Jets … they have such a crappy home life both the New York teams just a Dumb schedule mite as well call the season

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