Golf Players

The Shotgun Start Podcast | Thursday at the PGA Championship

Let’s talk about the 1st Round of the 2024 PGA Championship at “HALLA”

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all right we should be good here we go do we have a link we do we do tweet this out real quick sure blocky can see it saw a lot of Blocky today today yeah corporate Chad oh yeah how about that Corbridge stock was up today I guess get inside info inside info somebody sending us a not inside Wall Street specialist you think that’s a unsubstantiated rumor I think you can readily access Corbridge the stock and see where it’s at we ready to go should we let it rip here let rip he’s on right now nice shirt couldn’t tell you what Corbridge does something Financial I think they do retirement I think it’s the same type of product as a scene he’s battling with can’t on that it’s probably why can’t they told Klay to hit hit the Tweet they probably found out that that uh there was going be Mass blocky they’re going up against the big week of H Corbridge uh cornicopia yeah all right here we go greetings and welcome to a Thursday edition of the shotgun start it is May 16th Andy how we doing Brendan I’m doing great I gotta say I feel I feel like this live stream’s going to work today I I’m getting the the green the Green Dot says excellent connection um the only thing that could derail this is I’m I’m on kid duty and uh if somehow if somehow the TV fails to to keep her interest here for the next half hour or so what TV show are you have on are you trying to keep her occupied with she’s going PJ masks today she’s been a big PJ masks and I don’t know the power something gang I don’t know they it was funny I was like what channel is this on or what what’s you know streaming service I’m like I think it’s Netflix right and she’s like no Disney the power gang on yeah on Disney I click Disney it pops right up I’m like oh she knows they know they know which ones unlike you you can’t find the NFL schedule you see that it’s on like 18 different streaming services now you GNA have to have your kids keep track of that but they know their cartoons can I tell you something I learned today what’s that I thought Louisville was in the central time zone I I got I got up at five West Coast ready to go for blocky’s first t- shot and I and I open up Twitter and they’re already going I learned this too I I was like I was ready to lock in to work at 8 Eastern CU I thought they were going at 8:15 7:15 local and so I’m doing that I figur I got my hour with my kids before they school I’m getting them off packing lunches next thing I know Luke Donald’s hitting ball I’m open Twitter and they’ve got highlights Louisville not in the central time zone it is apparently East as East can be uh you probably get more Daylight there because it’s on the western most part of the Eastern time zone right you get a little extra minutes which they may need here tonight pace of play it’s not good I thought Sheffer would be done when I set the time for this I thought Sheffer would be long done I should never be surprised at the pace that that man can play uh golf at and he’s with Harmon he’s waggling two and fro getting did you see the scummy drop I mean you can’t say the rope’s in your way then drop in the same place just with the better lie and now the rope’s not in your way is essentially what happened yeah it’s crazy crazy uh let’s start with a little Thursday night Scuttle but just amusing amusing Scuttle you know nobody needs to take this stuff seriously I like we need hardcore analysis of Xander round we’ll get to that I guess but we’re one leg we’re like a a turn into the Derby here to use to use the phrase it’s anybody’s ball game that didn’t use the phrase that may or may not anyone I think anybody under under par any under par is still in it Contender Pretender Xander Schley oh come on he’s a contender he’s playing awesome he’s playing Great Golf he that’s never been the issue he he got he got he got tossed by arguably the greatest player of the generation who who was on an absolute heater last week I just asked Contender prender I’m just he’s a contender without a doubt he might he might run away and hide it’s possible might he might he might on this sort of half-baked major championship course that Roy ma I said is exponentially easier than last week just coming off of of Quail Hollow so you never like to hear that what honestly I’m not a players guy I think the the the record has shown that I’m not a players Guy where are we going with this I was watching this morning and I couldn’t help but think as people were mentioning it on a group text I’m on this year the players feels like a bigger tournament than this H I don’t know about that this such a subjective who who knows to each their own kind of debate the players we didn’t watch a lick of we were in Ireland we’re all do locked into this one I know I just think that I I don’t know I don’t want to go into it too much butt butt Scuttle butt Scuttle butt there’s too many PGA Pros here too there’s too many players in general Ryan Van velon I got I’m getting semi substantiated rumors from people in the game frustrated with PG of America and how they build their Li their their field you know how you were how did MAV McNeely get in the field people are proposing to me in the game maybe with a gripe for it that it’s a KPMG thing KPMG you know has a relationship with the PG apparently like the list like the last 20 so guys just totally sort of shrouded in subjectivity no real explanation guys who like qualify by objective standards that they have money from one you know point to the next getting bounced for guys they’re ahead of based on just invitations that they want to hand out a lot of a lot of grumbling the last couple days about the last 20 to 25 invites but there’s too many guys all together Ryan Van velon or whoever that is just just guys and the pros are you trying to get rid of the possibility of a Michael block redo is that what you’re trying to cut down on you Bowser my guy Bowser was just rolling in putts all over the place today apparently he’s a burly boy what yeah he was did you see him on The Telecast no I missed him somebody say he look like pot guer yeah he’s he kind of looks like a Bowser you know I think people i’ be worried about he might drop some banana peels behind him on GRE that’s doy that’s donkey K come on I will not let this you’re Mario Kart ignorance that banana peels Bowser fire a tool you could he could do the green shell backwards you know I would be worio I’d be worried if I was playing anywhere in vicinity of Bowser be you know he could could be throwing red shells up dropping banana peels behind he does he got big shell with the he’s got curly hair he’s not wearing a hat it’s unbelievable I got to look him up when we’re done with this um that’s great that’s good so you just want to cut all the Corbridge team out of there I want to cut all of them I think we could just trim it down like I think if we trimmed it down a couple a year we’d eventually find the right number the right number is probably pretty small a couple year down to two uh we’ll see uh all right little Scuttle butt for just amusements got little bird from the ground inside the uh Champions dinner room on Tuesday night so we’ll talk about the golf here this is a quick thing apparently they’re done they wrap up with Champions dinner at Churchill Downs you know very fancy uh not the infield the whatever that is the clubhouse and John Dy just takes out a cigarette and starts smoking inside and people like uh uh I don’t know that you can do that here he I I smoke I smoke inside and just starts using his plate with his scraps as the ashtray and he’s just ashing in his plate with his food scraps at the Champions dinner on Tuesday John Dy you also wanted to throw out on the field in our tea times portion you know have we reached the end of this got some other inide Intel on daily maybe someone who was involved in that group today said well is he good company he’s he good banter they said he doesn’t chat because he’s so far ahead in his cart no one talks to him because he’s just Miles Ahead in his cart miles ahead of his caddy too could can’t put the bag on the cart like talk about a stupid rule yeah I mean Ryan Harmon’s getting drops from the Rope what like what advantage would he already has an advantage that he rides in a cart that you know yeah but what advantage would he have with the cad Caddy’s fresher maybe what’s that GNA do I don’t know like the cadd is all a sudden hitting the shots I guess if I guess if bones was his caddy then if bones oralta story was his Cy then I guess that makes sense why they yeah yeah yeah heyo eron OB Ober holer can never say that was supported your take on television the other day say you know I gotta say everybody loves bones bones a great caddy I think you know uh JT going to Matt Minister has been a great thing I think it’s been good needed it not not that b you know we overinflated the bones all right let’s get into it we did a little John daily ashtray scuttlebutt driving around his cards where do you want to go Xander schafle is our leader it was just a dart board it was great golf it was a great not golf Thursday morning coffee golf I was jazzed about this it was awesome they had it was it was Thursday morning good walk coffee golf good walk coffee shotgun SGS gets you that 20% off your first purchase if you subscribe you might be eligible for a year supply of coffee and $100 either fried egg or the shotgun start blend either one yeah you don’t need to be subscribed to just shotgun start Some people prefer the lighter roast I got my cough back that you know trailed me for a couple years of this this podcast um yeah good walk coffee you need some honey some local honey here’s it was great it was great coffee golf it was just for whatever reason the tea times appealed to me you know some people maybe like Scotty I like Scotty too but just with you had Rory you had ludvig you just had a lot of power in the morning it was off early 8 AM you know and then just and then Xander is like clearly pulls away Brookie I was F just a guy was there at the top of leaderboard for a hot second kind of leveled out you know the the one thing that happened that turned it from a 63 to a whatever it was 69 you know there one swing and everything like like I’m sure he had an explanation for otherwise I think he probably would shot 61 if it wasn’t for that one was uh it was great great coffee golf I was fired up for it uh what was your sort of early situation what was your early reactions total dart board out there I yeah I mean I just in general I think like zoa’s zoa is a really good surface if you could get it dried out um if it’s if it’s dry like I think like what people are going to take away is like zoa sucks like the new zoa strands play like as good as it can play if it’s dry now are we ever G to get dry zoa and Louisville probably not um you know is it probably easier to maintain yeah but like this is a golf course that I mean it’s it’s very similar to a lot of other golf courses that of its era that have been it’s been obsoleted right like modern technology and modern players have have rendered this golf course rather irrelevant um you know the the challenge of the game isn’t to hit it far and straight anymore as much as it used to be when the driver head was 190 CC’s you know it’s so much easier to hit the ball far and straight and it just makes the golf course I mean especially if it’s soft it’s not going to show well it’s not going to defend itself it’s going to this golf course would have a hard time defending itself if it was firm um it is you know it’s it’s just a a golf course of a bygone era it’d be like going back and playing a a baseball game in ebot’s field right like you’d be like wait why is everybody hang home runs um while the fence is 250 feet away uh yeah it’s not going to be a big challenge you know I saw last night Johnson Wagner predicted 20 under uh we’re already almost halfway there that’s not to suggest it we just keep building nine under may come back tomorrow maybe the lead tomorrow who knows um I found it interesting on the equipment byon era Adam Scott plays that like mini bur or burner mini driver because he like the driver’s a little too much then the three-wood drops me down to 270 and like they pinch in all these Fairways and bu bunkers and everything at like 320 or whatever it is he’s like I just use this mini driver that they’ve made up that hits at 300 and like it’s like it’s that perfect in between Club between three- wooden driver for him now that they’ve fashioned all these courses to pinch or penalize at whatever it may be 320 315 and the mini driver they’re just GNA like like so why are we using all this much land if we’re going to just you know like it just makes no sense like let’s dial it all back use a little less land and try to figure out a way that they can actually be penalized well I I I think this is the reality of pro golf pro golfer’s job is to figure out how to solve the problems that are put in front of it and and Valla is a golf course that had a a very formulaic problem it’s like long and narrow that’s in thick rough that’s the formula guess what modern professional golfers have figured that formula out the formulas that the the the thing that works is if you build something that’s super interesting that you can play a lot of different ways and it takes a little longer figure out that’s what Augusta National is now Augusta National is modernized it’s it’s gotten longer but like the core of the golf course is like you have some you have some leeway you can play over here you could play over here you could lay back you could push up here it’s just do you push up or do you lay back that’s the only question um and it’s on repeat for 18 holes and that’s fine it you know I thought the crowd huge crowds obviously um and hey it’s neat bringing a tournament to different parts of the country uh I just think if Valhalla wants to have championships in the future maybe they need to look at trying to create a new golf course really just start from I was gonna say doesn’t sound like a minor tweak we’re suggesting to get to where you want to be uh I thought Justin Thomas had a fun quote I would say the challenges are just what the course is the length and we saw that today that’s what 66 65 62 just kind of it’s not that tough of a challenge if you’re kind of keeping it relatively straight um it was good fun to watch it was fun to watch this morning there there’s you know I find it interesting JT also said you know it’s just the weather like if this place uh firms firms up you know the greens you said he was talking to Austin Kaiser xanders caddy how tough it would be uh if it got firm and fast Rory kind of said the I wouldn’t say he didn’t say the opposite but he was like look zoa is what it is it’s not going to run out like that’s just not like the fairways are effectively wider right because it’s a stickier grass like it’s it’s it’s just never going to be like super firm and so but he also said like Quail Hollow this was like a if you’re coming from Quil he’s like the guys who came from Quil Hollow guy loves quill Hollow so much well yeah yeah he he made it he made it sound like you know Carusi when it was baked out that one year is the ultimate test of like you know fman he did say like guys who came from Quil Hollow was like wow this is such a nice little soft and F uh soft and dart forish he didn’t say that like this I’m paraphrasing them uh just a weak weak step down and that’s it’s so soft but the zoa no matter what firm fast dry is going to be effectively you know softish or wider than firm and fast I gotta say I was super impressed with Rory’s round today because he did not play well he didn’t play well of course you were no I know he didn’t play well he actually like did what everybody hammers him for not doing for once he like kept stuff going he had momentum Savers the wedge on 18 and up and down for for par from you know the Fairway really kept his the momentum going two he had a really hard up and down on two he got up and down that was a round that should have been one under he turned it into five under it was great he did he lose Strokes uh off yeah he’s like 130th off the te right now yeah lost just a half a stroke off the te you know that’s where he makes a lot of his hay um was wild missing left missing right missed right on 18 his ninth hole into the water I think someone asked him um like do you feel like you left a lot out there he like no no I didn’t leave anything out like I this was not one of the rounds where I left it out there I was kind of scrapping and search not searching but scrapping I didn’t leave anything out there I’m happy ecstatic with my 5 under 66 so it was a good fight an impressive round for a guy who was missing a lot of Fairways and and gave a couple away on a par five or one away maybe on a par five uh got it back it it was just it was an impressive round not the most impressive round of the day uh and that was probably Xander shle 62 he gained five shots to a green gain four on the greens just hot as hell rolling right off Quail Hollow this is kind of the test you might expect him to play well on um and just gets you know gets hot with the Putter and it’s good night shoots 62 he’s now shot two of the 4 62s in major championship history shot one at Lac on Thursday of last year so he’s an Excell crazy is that two of the four low lowest rounds in major championship history are Xander shop play I don’t think it’s crazy I mean he’s one of the best players of this current moment where 62s are feel more available and he’s done it on Thursday both times feels like a Xander special do you think he’s do you think he’s hanging around on Sunday I mean he’s nine under if he’s not hanging around something’s gone Terri on a soft Golf Course where it’s going to be hard to shoot like 704 if you’re like in any kind of form which he is I think he’s probably hanging around don’t you yeah I I think he might win I think he might win too he’s got some big ledge I’m going out on top five player in the world shoots 62 up three and I think he might I think he might win I’m you know what I’m doing I’m a house cat clawing open the door looking outside well people were saying you can’t the house cat came out of a laundry room you might have go out on the porch just feel the breeze for a minute today but you got three more days of potential thunderstorms and whatnot to come through before he leaves the house um hey yeah he go ahead do you want to talk about uh our sponsor sure you know the telecast was talking about how it was uh it was windy and it wasn’t that windy it was the hardest wind to play in because you don’t never knew what direction it was like it’s not strong enough to know where it was always blowing but it it was strong enough for there to know there was something going on you know but you couldn’t yeah but you couldn’t always gauge where where it was because of how soft it was you know what would be useful in that situation I bet a Bushnell golf prox 3 plus I don’t always guess your your questions right all the time but I’m guessing you’re going to suggest the Bushnell golf pro X3 plus a rinder that could tell you exactly what direction and speed that the wind is coming right on the on the dial you want to have this problem that the PGA tour players were or PGA the best players in the world were confronting today so you go to you get the new Pro X3 plus uh if you had that you’d be dialed in who was your person or thing we’re going to do this all all week week long is the the segment is uh dialed dialed in or they could be not dialed in okay needed a Bushnell Pro X3 plus yeah they they’re either dialed in or not dialed in today I’m gonna give you a couple options and you decide who was least dialed in all right oh least dialed in yeah least dialed in Block Butch Haron oh I had this in notes maybe my favorite moment of the day all right go ahead so P Haron was it an Instagram post uh yeah like who goes to Instagram static Instagram post you got it there just read it off I don’t have it I’m SC oh here we go here we go here we go has ESPN turned into a betting Channel this is the worst golf coverage I’ve ever seen it’s impossible to watch and listen to It’s a picture of his uh TV a Direct TV remote all that and the channel he was on was on ESPN bet they betting telecast alternate simoc cast deal that was literally for betting he’s option one ah he needed a bush null X X3 plus to show him the uh Channel guy get him off so that was option one such option option two for not not being dialed in the spotters and the and the Marshall on 18 with Rory there were three of them yeah and none of them knew where his ball went I love him just he’s like in this electrical block block that’s churning the waterfall the fake waterfalls over the Limestone and all this other stuff just puttering around in there nobody knows where it cross there’s all these mechanical apparatus uh yeah they were not dialed in is there another option got for me um yeah I’m finding let’s see I I haven’t checked on his final results here um Mr Asis Tor G shooting even par just not doesn’t seem like he’s gonna be a factor maybe maybe we have an irrelevant T20 coming from Mr gu if he plays well this the rest of the week but not dialed in given his major championship comments I mean you run your mouth this is like Dylan Brook books for the Memphis Grizzlies about this time last year you’re going to run your mouth you’re going to be a pest you’re going to put yourself in the crosshairs you gotta sack up and show you got it yeah and you know I’m not you know putting a final judgment on his week yet but it was you know a ho home first round you you you know 72 wouldn’t have done it so who’s your least dial least Harman which harman’s incredible I don’t want to be aist here but the fact he was so mad he took a picture of his television screen went to Instagram put set picture of it on a caption is ESPN turned into betting only show what is with this it’s unwatchable giving my golf analysis Grandpa you’re on the uh anyways but he’s given uh Rory some good Insight Rory’s dialed I’m going with uh Butch as my bush Nell Pro X3 plus not dialed in or dialed in of the day we’ll have someone tomorrow who’s maybe more dialed in um where do you want to go next I mean is who are you most surprised about on the leaderboard and and by leaderboard top 10 Bobby Mack Big Shot Bob Ryder copper I mean he’s got he’s got John Dy you know 500 yards ahead in his cart he’s got Lee Hodes who was passing a kidney stone apparently was a TBD to play and he had hasn’t played well this year I thought he had some in insightful stuff last week I think it was on Bunker and then today G Gabby herig read her article in the athletic about how he’s just like strug the kirs thing struggling to Make It in America not make it but like you know on the European Louisville is a long way from Oban Oban like he said on the PGA tour everybody goes out with their psychologist and swing coached and they’re this that and the other and like whereas on the European tour we all go out as players together and he’s like been lone and it’s been an adjustment as you can imagine he’s been home to Scotland for three weeks apparently recently uh probably had a few pints uh and got back in a good head space did well last week I believe he said played with foxy at Myrtle Beach which got him right you know anytime you play with foxy you probably come that way happier and better for it and uh now he comes out hot today I don’t wouldn’t say he’s it’s it’s a shock but you know he’s not had a good year and he’s five under and he’s playing with John Dy in his cart everybody for Bob everybody knows the best prep for Valhalla is a Week in Myrtle Beach I mean potentially which what’s further from Oban Myrtle Beach or Val Beach Myrtle Beach well you at least have the the the water nearby I mean that’s one very loose common stra water nearby Myrtle Beach is nothing like oan or Oban Scotland for that has to be a real sort of assault on your senses and culture I think burtle Beach might be closer o oban’s right on the water mtle beach is on the water at least you could like theoretically wave home you could go you’re on the same water you don’t have to switch waterways sound like me talking to my kids when they go in the ocean like you can see Ireland over there that’s where grandpa came from they sound like just stop stop you could who surprised you on the leader board um I guess you know what Tom Kim this wouldn’t be a spot that you’d expect him to to play well he’s not long but I think if you hit enough Fairways out here you can hang around it’s just going to be a question of like can he hit you know the requisite Fairways to get out there you know all the whole time he had 13 of 14 Fairways today can you hit can you hit 12 plus for four straight days and if he can then he could be here yep um yep do you think like where are you at with the winning score here Brooks’s entire press conference was about patience patience talking to Ricky he’s like you got to be patient is this a corn fairy tour type mentality where you gota like oh my God I’m going backwards 17 16 15 to 17 right now it feels you know like four under a day feels like you could win that could win it right yep I don’t don’t think it’s getting firmer right it’s supposed to rain tomorrow yep do you think tiger makes the cut we will have talked when that’s F he’s t85 one over right now was pretty wild I’d say he was lucky I don’t think he does either I don’t think Phil’s making either you see there was a fan that said let’s go pppe Peter as he was walking off the green he’s 85 as well other female fan yeah we have some there’s some who listen to stupid podcast someone said this is a product of the some bourbon activation apparently was liquored up walked up to the ropel and said hey pppy beater let’s go but it’s a very positive sort of boost to pepy um H hats are sold out H hats are sold out least surprising development of the day not Tom Kim holla hats being apparently sold out According To Source not surprising at all I know least surprising I got do you want a good unsubstantiated rumor yeah this is actually incredible John Dy completely I you know I’m Gonna Leave This I’m Gonna Keep the club out of it it is a very very prestigious Club in the northern suburbs of Chicago well that limits the Universe I know there’s several but okay apparently the pro bought a bunch of Big G G4 hats like the the Big Tex I don’t know what it said I I want to keep it an anity here so you can’t use the short hand of whatever was on it cannot use the short hand Hala for instance okay apparently a member came in saw them said I will purchase all of these and I never want to see one of these hats in this Pro Shop again I’m with you he one B came in purchased every single all the stock we need to save our country from The Scourge this I love that you have a game the game you want to throw we did we had some inventory we had to get rid of at the pro at the fried egg Pro Shop yeah just a bad bad bad merch pad Scott Scott P T-Shirts or something yeah similar vein those those we sold at Hefty discount like dollar teeth but we wanted to get rid of these things and we were like we can’t just have like can’t donate them in the country and have somebody run around like have a bunch of them go to some City like all these people what were they can you just tell the people what they were no I’m not g to tell I’m not g to tell because they might have they might like the shirt there’s some you know underprivileged individual walking around we shipped them we shipped him to a different country I wonder what the guy did with all the Big Tex ass oh that’s good you had a game within the game you wanted to throw out and then we could wrap this up is there you you I was gonna say toasty versus h two of the internet’s biggest sensation how about the broadcast they’re trying to tell the toasty tail my daughter my daughter’s daughter’s yelling at me I don’t know what it was blue uh PJ Mass T they’re both t18 I’m going with Max hom he looks rather playing rather well his play rather well at Major this year test of skill as he said Alejandro toasty as we know could all come undone real quick with one misadventure into the creek or the high rough last question I’ll I’ll take toasty I’m taking toasty yeah last question does hogi finish in the top 10 we’ve got some research that there’s a Caesars within an hour a lot of river boats right Louisville’s right on the river oh are we going to go there do we know that for sure are we over yes on it’s on River I you drive over the riv it’s the Ohio you drive over the river into Indiana right uh that may be right that may be right is it a river Bo situation driven Missi maybe I don’t know that it’s a Riverboat situation uh so yeah I don’t think he’s going to stay in the top 10 I think he’s going to go to Caesars I don’t think he’s he’s kind of kind of had an up and down year uh yeah that’s not that’s that’s my expert analysis we’re saving some expertise bullets for later this is Thursday is not where you get too deep in the weeds um anything else PJ PGA presser not really anything they don’t know what to do with the Ryder Cup captaincy Tiger’s jamming them uh didn’t have a lot to say about roll back Lucas Glover comments they said Jimmy Dunn get it you know they were pissed that he did on Monday of their major but it’s a Lo Lucas Glover then rips rips into the pros who would be financiers Ono show Joe Ogie uh tweeting tweeting cryptic messages ah yeah that’s the last that’s we need that box check the last the circus of the last 10 weeks or 10 days in the board is a sub tweet from somebody so all right my daughter just yelled again I’m call everyone enjoy your Thursdays will be back Friday after the second round and a cut is man maybe not we’ll see storms coming tomorrow thank you for listening talk to you then e


  1. Holy smokes first time seeing you guys after listening to the pod

    Not even close to what I thought you’d look like 😂

  2. Guys, it's not Obaaaaan. It's simply Oban, said quickly. Shout me if you need any other Scottish place names guidance 😆. Ps Bob will collapse.

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