This Simple Looking Mini Golf Course Destroyed Us…

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Playing the Putt Putt course at Leisure Lanes in Lancaster, PA

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What is going on BHV! I used to travel the world playing drums, now I travel the world playing mini golf on the internet. Subscribe to my channel so you can be notified when I post new videos playing some of the best and crazy mini golf courses from all over the country! From getting a mini golf hole in one, to finding the best and craziest mini golf courses from all over the country, join us as we travel all over the United States and the world!

This Simple Looking Putt Putt Course Destroyed Us…

Brooks Holt

“Music from Epidemic Sound (”

he sassy let me oh my gosh that is pink zebra print it’s me and ballor can’t argue mine’s America go right in out of all the bounces the one I couldn’t see there it is I don’t know why I hit that light but it kind of worked go ahead we’re going to pretend that was me using my noodle and that was on purpose cuz yeah that’s totally what I meant to do I don’t know what I hit the ball just didn’t move that rolls really fast also it’s almost 90° outside today we’re trying to beat a storm but stay hydrated yeah no way I’m trying to go underneath him so I’m going on the outside they roll so fast it feels like it just barely touch them and they go and also we’re not going to hit off the mountain on every single shot Leo where’d you go I hit the tiger oh comeing around sorry terer I didn’t mean to hit you what it’s on a hill what the heck I ain’t feeling too bad now wow that was a four on basically a p h course yeah you might still do better than me on this oh well we’re up to a great start this video what get about this hole I think Tigger put the curse on us both after you hit him B all on me we got Bambi I been I want to do that to a real one oh I know you do at least they roll fast go in the hole that was really close that roll so fast on any other tur it I don’t think it would have made it over the second no it feels so unnatural hitting that light oh my gosh I don’t understand [Music] three what in the world tide I don’t understand I don’t either what’s Happ it’s hot that’s what it is it’s like really hot exactly there you go the heat index day is in the ’90s oh I don’t want to risk it but I don’t have a choice please make it through I’m laughing cuz I’m probably going to do the same thing B going into retirement I’m done I’m going home okay I guess I’ll continue the trip by myself also if you’re wondering what I said earlier how it’s really hot and it’s in the ‘ 90s the heat index and while we’re both wearing black so to break the fourth wall a little bit kind of go with Ala why it’s so dark behind us it’s rained the last 4 days non-stop here it’s been in the 60s we saw today the weather clear it nice that the weather was going to clear but we were so excited about that we didn’t pay attention to the temperature today I did I didn’t and the temperature shot up from being in like the mid uper 60s to Upper 80s overnight I didn’t realize that I was dressing like it was in the’ 60s like yesterday I knew the temperature but I thought it was going to be a little more cloudy yeah Sun cleared a lot more than it said it was going to I’m going to go ahead and go since you got a lot figure out yeah it’s a good call come on so with all that said did not come prepared today and I’m melting so if I actually make it to the end of this video without going insane it’s a win for everybody he’s already halfway crazy thank you so let’s see how my brain makes it through this video it’s going it’s slowly making it to Mush that’s a little behind the scenes for you guys we just ping ponging around please hey we both got a three there’s a little behind the scenes breaking the fourth wall for y’all you can have a sip of water if you want it if I get lipstick on my lips y’all just ignore that shout out Stanley we’re just going to ignore that yeah you want to sponsor us to not sponsored but if that I would like to be great or so wouldn’t complain it do do the things it’s true oh my Lord it it happened look at you it’s so hot we don’t even know how to celebrate confetti need some more it’s so hot we can’t even celebrate with much energy at all I can’t even speak I absolutely know I’m screaming inside yeah that was a great shot though really and this is uphill I didn’t even realize that me neither I that’s enough don’t you do it also I’m sorry I kind of poked your butt a little bit there didn’t mean to I wouldn’t like if someone did that to me just out of nowhere so I apologize oh that’s not going to be easy if I make it through I’m happy there’s a lot of bird debris if you know what we’re saying along the way oh my gosh I didn’t I think I missed all the bird poop they roll so fast I think I actually cleared all the bird doooo not too [Music] bad please please you said they like just blow on them and they go look at us getting a two I know I don’t know what to recommend for this one and we’re not going to hit off the map much cuz it’s launching the balls so we’ll hit right off in front of it that’s going to be a great spot if it sits you’re going to be happy with that oh okay I didn’t want to to hit it too hard and hit you and send you all the way around I appreciate it I was looking out for you please don’t miss I missed it is not level no it’s not at all I’m just committed oh thank God if you want to roll in some clouds and some more Breeze too while you’re at it I appreciate it thanks nice I didn’t think that was going this one say is me oh you can actually ride his tail and that’ll curve you around down to the bottom that’s fun I really hope I don’t miss this I did hit the mat but that might not be bad never mind you’ve got to hit that at just the right angle to curve that with his tail you actually landed on like the plastic piece it was going to go left of that also sorry about your tail buddy oh there you are yeah that’s not a great spot yeah mine’s not the best here we’re just going to can’t really aim here so I’m out of your way go in that’s pretty good can’t complain it catch Oh I thought I was going to catch it there’s no forgiveness on this dang go nope don’t worry I got the most important thing I got the water child St for keeping this thing cold so aren’t you glad I brought it over here yeah actually I am also we found the other spot for all the birds as you can tell missed the doooo again all right thank for it yeah that’s leaning too ironically that’s about where I would have ended up if I hadn’t gone for it you going for it or you going around I’m going to go around join me nice no sit three hey you made it through you want me to go uh n I’ll leave it for fun mhm unless you want to hit it but I’m okay if you leave it okay I’ll risk it we’ve seen my aim so far this game so you’re you should be safe oh my oh so close wow at first I actually thought I was going to hit you and then I thought I was going to go in well if there was any question if it was funneling at all the answer is no so close to a ho one for a split second I think it was actually going to make it over that last hump so I’m glad it did all right nice sweet it’s meant to be for Lucky 13 to be you up first and the little horse no also if you guys are still watching this video one thank you too thanks for bearing with us it is really hot we’re really tired we wanted to film this video for you guys cuz the only day we can do it because of all the rain we’ve had so if you are still watching I still go in that was actually really close for real thanks for watching thanks for sticking with us no way yep wow how did it’s like you’re putting on Ice they roll so fast I cannot leave that one in hey we both got a hole in one thank you lucky 13 oh wow you might would you like me to go to get out of your way uh yeah okay potential for sure let’s see if she can do it that’s how much or That’s how little energy I have that’s all the laughing that I can get out ah so you got you can try to go through the middle go around the sides and you got rocks I think I’m going to go around the side unless you want to go for it I’m going to go for it wow go in the hole you hopped the hole into the Rocks I go you know I couldn’t resist since you went for it why not hey you just dropped right in the Rocks I knew as soon as I hit that was way too light well let’s just set them both out there’s no way we’re hitting out of it it just well basically I’ll put yours where mine is too I’ll just go first we’ll just so we’re both in the same line so it’s even I thought I was going to go around yeah basically where it’s the same straight line yeah the hundreds of videos that we filmed I haven’t felt this out of it in a long time with the heat for some reason it’s just really getting me today he’s going lock up we’re going to have a whole lot of extra obstacles in the next two holes Y no I couldn’t tell if that was close or not you’re right behind behind the berry oh yeah oh gosh look at all of them over there I thought that was I thought all that was just mulch most of that’s actually berries like it is mulch but you can see the blue hue as you transition over here a little blueberry tree wait did blueberries grow on trees up there or bushes I don’t know again it’s hot let’s you let know in the comments if we’re wrong so we probably are I thought blueberries grew on tree or on bushes but like they look like blueberries I like it’s not the best camera shot they look like they really look like blueberries you guys can let us know are those are blueberries on trees we’re not going to find out but it’d be cool if they are darn it I’m like 99.9% sure the blueberries grow on bushes and not trees I’m really positive about that bad which is going to make me look even worse when I’m wrong yeah a bunch of extra obstacles yeah I saw myself roll over one of those there’s no way you’re avoiding it well I’m going towards you if the berries don’t get in the way so we’ll see if I Boop you there’s no way to aim oh that was a great shot you can go ahead also we were talking about it earlier off camera but consist we’ve been breaking the fourth wall anyway we’re filming this on a Saturday in the summer and as you can probably tell as we filmed the video we’re the only people out here that are crazy enough I guess to be filming us I don’t know if we have a heat wave coming through to put in the ’90s in this part of Pennsylvania I don’t know if that’s normal for this time of year in this area but yeah we’re the only ones here and all most of the other cours we’ve been to there really hasn’t been that many people either on a Saturday in the summer which is kind of weird so I don’t know if where’s in a heat wave or what’s going on I’m sorry Mr Rhino I’m sorry do I need to hit uh probably Yes actually okay we here I can only fit my club in here like this anyway go in never mind okay you’re clear that worked you can go ahead good too thought I was going to go around we’ll say if you get in any of those it’s a one which is going to be really hard and if you miss it’s a two I think those are also like pushed off the wall okay I didn’t even make it into the thing that’s how my game went you get a point for that hey I was it good or bad that was hot yeah it was hot that was a lot more challenging than I thought it was the figures added a lot we thought we were going to burn through that in like 15 minutes well with the scores with with the bonus hole you had 51 I had 46 wow so good job well guys hope you enjoyed the video thanks for watching thanks for bearing with us we’ll see you very soon in the next one bye


  1. That's superfast carpet. The mini golf at my job is the same. When I play carpet like this, I always hit off the toe of my bullseye putter. But you can't do that with rubber putters, because the metal in the heads ain't solid.

  2. 15:02 That turf was green until the blueberries got to it. (Someone's probably said this already but I did a quick search and those might be Japanese blueberry trees?? They look like the picture that came up in my results. I know nothing about them so it's very likely I'm wrong.)

  3. Nasty course with carpet not cleaned for years and bird poop all over. Too late now, but I hope you both washed your hands thoroughly after, as handling balls (giggity) that have been roling around in bird poop is a good way to get a nasty infection or worse.

    Oh, and for the last time Elisha…pull your ball 6 inches (roughly two putter heads instead of one) away from the wall – your only difficulty when putting is when you don't have room for a proper backswing. If the 6 inch rule is good enough for the pro putters, it's good enough for the two of you!

  4. I really appreciate you and Elisha subjecting yourselves to such harsh weather conditions to bring us some of that A1 quality content. You two are the best.

  5. So whats the difference between putt putt and mini golf. You refer them differently. I have just you those term synonymously.

  6. Loved the vids, plus fairly new mini golf place in Daytona Beach Shores called Mulligan's Lagoon, located at 2504 S Atlantic Ave, Daytona Beach Shores

  7. Granted, if it rained the last few days, it probably generated a lot of dirt/mud. That being said, it still needs some TLC.

  8. @brooks just curious, have yall ever thought of making bhv official iron on decals. I've not that a lot of online shops never carry the fat guy size, my size, and it sucks when I order it and the cloths don't fit or the store doesn't carry it in my size.

  9. from the looks of it with the outfit that Elisha is wearing she looks like she is pregnant I sure hope she is you two would make great parents

  10. Where me & my wife is from, southern Louisiana, when it's 90 degrees you're drenched in sweat in about 2 minutes. Guarantee 90 degrees in PA, feels a lot better. 😊

  11. So I'm on hole 2 and to me it looks like Elishia's ball bounced off your ball Brooke's, you can even hear the sound of it bouncing off your ball if you play it at .25 speed.

  12. If it was hot and humid, that is normal heat wave weather here in Lancaster County, PA. People here stay inside in the air conditioning. Elisha was smart to bring water.

  13. For some reason I very much like this video!!! It’s not the golfing, or the well maintained course… it’s the very well maintained… 😊

  14. The course looks like it has been around awhile, and the grass is quite worn down. Maybe that is why the balls seemed to roll fast.

  15. I don’t believe that is a Putt-Putt course. Rather it is a miniature golf course. Putt-Putt is a registered trademark. It has a specific orange paint theme and the side walls are metal. Putting-Putting holes are designed to be par 2’s and they don’t have a thing other than green carpet.

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