Golf Babe

*Golf Clash*, Qualifying round – Master – Driving Legends 9-hole cup!

Hey guys and gals,

Driving Legends 9-hole cup, Qualifying round, Master!

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don’t forget to subscribe and follow the channel everybody [Music] [Music] get some booms in the shot everybody [Music] to [Music] be sure to hit that thumbs up button that would be very kind [Music] [Music] get in the hole [Music] boom don’t forget subscribe and follow the channel everybody boom get some get some get some boom everybody H that thumbs up button that would be very kind everybody don’t I [Music] get in the [Music] [Music] sure to hit that thumbs up be no oh no Let It falling down don’t it falling down oh na oh n [Music] the way there we go welcome everybody to today’s stream I found a new song yesterday that is um just absolutely amazing glad to see so many of you this early morning be all right going to put them charging a little bit before we start playing so who do we have in in here har so I do apologize I didn’t never put the vertical stream on I only put the horizontal stream it should be on now though Matthew good morning to you sir or good midnigh is wa there thanks B blade thank you Jonathan welcome Jason welcome risky thank you so much um appreciate all of you being here Andrew Stewart I’m good today thank you how are you doing today Matt sh mate thank you so much we’re going to play one round of Master today uh is the plan I played one round of M yesterday and I’m only playing two rounds in total in the final round where I’m actually myself and um trying to to not waste too much time on the Saturday got a minus 20 yesterday super pleas with that I think minus 20 is honestly the max score I know we can drop or but it it is such a lottery type of drob that you know I’m not I’m not going to sit here thinking that’s actually a solid drop chance so uh for me minus 20 then the super place I think anything like 16 17 or better is extremely extremely good on these holes they are very um very difficult I would say and some of them not really my favorite I would say say morning Colin thank you for being here appreciate that that’s 6:12 p.m. that’s perfect time for you then M it’s the 1012 here in the yeah early days 1012 and I was like you know I usually don’t stream during qualifying round I was thinking like I’m going to still going to play one round I can at least do something fun together with with you guys instead of just playing that one you know quick quickly by myself um just to get it done and see funnier to do to this with you all uh make sure to um yeah make sure to uh place your beds if you haven’t done that already on Twitch it’s um what you think I would shoot on the one round only that we’re going to play and uh we are going to not practice at all today uh is my intention and that’s that intention we are going to follow just because it’s part part fours part fives it’s the part threes that I generally practice if I do practice um yeah we’re just going to take it for this and enjoy our time here all together games Ling thank you so much um if anyone is looking for guides for this 90 cup or tour play checkpoint challenge upcoming 8 and0 tournament we have something for everyone every the only place you can find updated and and good guides for for all the game modes Tommy um I have the link in the description down below below if you are on YouTube so five more minutes I’m going to go and grab myself uh a little drinky drink make sure to continue place your bets there with the gold BS and uh going to go from there now I’m getting a called from see I’m just going to mute myself e he it’s the I m hey got guys sorry I had a phone call from my um ID doctor um so wait um yeah I have a phone call from my ey doctor because I did search to them asking for a check out because I do feel the same type of feeling I had you know a couple of months back regards you know having some small pain up here a little bit of a blurry vision on on the right eye and such so they just basically directed they said to me that you’re going to have to you should look this up today but we can’t we can’t help you you have to call somewhere else they have to do this or that so just going to do that afterwards here Ry thank you so much for the 14 month Ru with a one month as well thank you very much both of you all right we’re going to get started sorry for the wait there thank you everyone for betting and we are going to jump in to uh you have a horizontal stream up yes that should be up uh arus it should be up both should be up um according to the where I see the streams there hopefully but I’m terrible at those type of things all right um One battery in these one see go um hold number one no no let’s see what we can shoot today though right how was every W be shooting so far not now finish thanks man appreciate it Mega shine thanks so much appreciate that Andreas very well done I mean you’ve been absolutely killing it lately like last season absolutely smashed it starting up well this season too I know wor about well done Jonathan that’s what qualifying is for to get through and then we accelerate in the weekend hopefully we no no N na n n n n find the [Music] [Music] way I found a banger if anyone is interested in the music it’s called I found a [Music] way with Martin trabby Trevy we always glad to help Andreas so you still have to do the job though but thank you found the way oh mat did what did you think about that I mean I cringe every time I hear my English from back in the day forever9 Maybe open up your go B some boom sh no way found a way me all right J May appreciate that I haven’t watched my old videos in a very long time actually because I can’t watch them it’s just uh hard for me find no way all right so on this one here we do have loads of room for greates on the drive second shter I’m going to play it the Precision one ball all right let’s go two can you please I don’t forget spin D [Laughter] huge sorry for laughing about that but I’ve done that so many times myself it’s helpful though to add spins for sure oh Grand CH mate thank you so much hope your dog’s all I hope phb is all right I hope I I remember the correct name I’m terrible at names but I hope she is all right today n oh spins I’m watching whatever we make the phone mod thank you so much for being here see 77 found my way Mar K you’re coming on to the sing along mate always okay great CR hopefully she’s watching some good good films it’s like I mean doesn’t watch films anymore she just watch YouTube and crap no no no no live [Music] what of all you don’t have to apologize for that I mean no one no one is forced to have a subscription or or so with with me people should do that because they want to and obviously in return I’m doing my best to enjoy the time and have fun with uh with you all and obviously trying to produce some good content oh that’s sweet I mean honestly there’s so many good jobs on uh in programming there’s at least a lot of jobs that’s the obviously the future on your old VD didn’t do any rings you went with the flow you did great though yeah I I’ve been part of I’ve been part of the game all the way from it was just purely all by field when we didn’t know the Rings at all and stuff like that and I was just using reference points on the course and it’s just uh different times it was exciting in a different way you know it’s m 15 right now Way open up your gold P you’re going to get some for this one as well right [ __ ] Bud thank you so much next month I will on bit right now oh yeah again never never feel forced to get in supporting us we’ll be happy when you when you get back butd now like speaking of that like that you brought up M it was definitely so different back in the day when we didn’t know all the the numbers and stuff like that and it’s um and I just feel like if I’m looking back to my own Journey as a player I’m extremely proud that I’ve been able to adapt and always been able to keep myself at the top I haven’t you know I’m not sitting here saying that I’m the best far from but at least I’ve been at the top fighting regardless what type of um regardless what type of way the game has been played play all right all three no whatever too many holes where I have to use x m this ter do not like that no I Martin that’s like I kind of these holes are not I mean some of these holes are just boo very boo falling down go thank you so much johnan thank you so much [Music] one ball left uh it’s right add a Thor double check no wait left confused myself a bit there 421 good guesses today go down no no all right see if he gets lucky that was a pretty decent off center P there ah the op might actually help to be fair come on dude then maybe I think that kind of even itself out hopefully well done nice I hope you beh H all right see if I can do 77707 rings open up your gold bags hey toy does your country to like make link chocolate we doesn’t we don’t make it but we have it in the stores Marcus and bro Patrick what’s overlay on the screen that’s grid lines and then you have the zooming window which is on iway thank you oh thank you Yan sorry down [Music] thank you everybody for being here a little bit a little early early stream besides for Australian people then La this account rotten one has been in the game for so long not sure if it’s um Scott Douglas that do have that one still though every oh okay it’s fine just looks looks strange oh Rasmus Rasmus congrats on the on the [Music] gold yeah it should be fine like I obviously when this is such a like I mean we are not really going to drop it though so at least it should be safe all right 504 a little bit short you know but doesn’t really matter okay ni 19 again what the [ __ ] no surprise there hitting a great ball with non Precision we’ll be fine though I mean a perfect ball would been pretty close I think or like closer at least uh Tomy in general do you prefer to play Max E or Min Thorn Min Thorn always like I would say no let me go back and say if the rings with EB is less than 10 rings than EB but if the Rings are over above 10 I don’t fancy it I do fancy a thorn instead worthless hold this one or useless or worth whatever you want to say what did they me that do they come to believe D I did send it h yeah for me it’s very much like the Lesser things you have to do on the screen and all from like less Spains less um uh less spins less um aim fiddling less adjust which obviously com into that then that’s always going to be much more cons consistent or at least you’re going to the risk of being inconsistent is not going to be as great I think that’s the easiest way to to say that no nice save though spdy my Spud face thanks so much hold my f the 73 though I’m going to do a uh little pullback here I think let’s see [Music] no no n maybe shouldn’t have done that I rather take the longer Drive I just wanted to see like low wind I was thinking because I had to drive like 38 four yesterday in Queen win but maybe shouldn’t maybe did something wrong though no way no no so yeah not going to do that CU I rather I have like 382 to keep myself this is also a thing like if we do have a high wind we’re going to have to pull twice I don’t like that andig Daniel thanks so much appreciate it you [Music] B it’s called catch a full time y That’s good life not just gold clut but gold CL is a big part of it but do make content for a living uh since uh December 2018 I give him the shut all right let’s end it I’m being let’s end it fire all right s hey bud how you doing all right are you ready and 3 send it come on be good way for grade no all right need to focus on this one though this one is awkward wge in my opinion should be like around 60% put that six open up your go P you on iPad iPhone iPad iPad all right no seven t one this one I think this is the toughest hole we have all right all right come on here it’s like here I deliberately shoot a ball with less Precision than a ball that I can’t use just because I do want to have the three left spin on the approach I feel like it helps so much having the correct side spin on approaches like this or again for consistency safe because I can speed up the whole process L all right on the [Music] nothing all right so approach you we’re going to have a high win 12.1 with a win three ball is a high win so not really what I would like if I could decide but we’re going to make it happen anyway good luck toy great Brown so far thank you y appreciate that hopefully doing well too oh a close with L good try from our opponent we’re all along it’s going to be SL this is missing I think yep it does [ __ ] should have done the one right there I’m not sure if that would have been uh enough though boo boo boo boo maybe did that a little bit too quickly though yeah that would be sweet but for sure nice well done like I said toughest all on the course might might in the final round if needed do a practice on that one same on this one to come here though to be fair but no practice today all right there all along and I start guessing never stretches you were there all along all alone yes we can s win Finnish yes yeah unfortunately this is just such a drive Jan it’s uh it’s just to expect that great left going to be shite not that I like it but just one of those holes where if we’re going to have a solid ala chance have to take some risk I don’t like those type of plays because it’s know it’s going to be costly um sometimes but yes like if you go back like that’s also funny if looking back at the um at um the way the game was played in the beginning it’s like when this hole came in the beginning was like very few people actually pushed for the Alba at that point because it’s like very risky which is like the mentality is so much so changed nowadays oh my good Lord oh the double sh the whiskey everybody at the bar get tips good Lord yeah it’s not not often we do that uh brother I would say but uh on this one in particular particular it’s it allows us to always make sure that we can play with a P3 P4 and P5 ball obviously a sniper would be very very close to max line with the P4 ball every time and if a little bit short then it so essentially he has a P5 B play in my opinion so in those type of scenarios I can see the value in going with C but other than that it’s like always SN sniper as the first wood club for sure the bar get D everybody at the bar get tipsy all right need to hurry up and no time out though a good start 7 4 58 s [Music] open up your girl bags oh let’s go don’t all right so let’s see if we can grab the eagle here you must Win Every Game T no no no far from I mean tournament and T playay Brad it’s completely different game modes just because I I happen to do well in tournaments um definitely does not um definitely doesn’t make me a good tur player because t play we’re not playing for drops we’re playing to get close and um it’s a different type of uh way of playing where players that do not play with apps or you know numbers and such will have um a very good chance to still be profitable into our play as as you can play that much more all by field in my opinion at least all right Focus I can take it and I’m gone 77 [Music] [Music] 97999 long See’s got a history Street everybody at the bar get everybody at the bar get tip nice nine balls nine balls we get eight drops sweet that’s exactly what you want to have with playing nine holes especially N9 cup no practice still a good chance for good stuff but as I always say like just going in without any practice or now I practice a lot yesterday it’s very easy to make mistakes and happy with though oh nice V good luck hopefully kill it Phoenix thank you so much very easiest way to go is to go on Facebook to to the group called golf Clash grid lines there are experts there that can help you out depending on device and stuff like that I’m no expert very very far from all right quite enjoyed this I must say some of the holes I do not like on paper I don’t really enjoy but I it’s I do enjoy them I did enjoy a bit more the only thing I don’t enjoy it’s like again it’s a it’s a tournament that focuses a lot on balls with a lot of power because many of the holes are are very long but it also means like when we come to a weekend round it’s not going to be every every one’s not going to shoot 19 and 20s and 18 so it’s going to be a lot of brackets in my opinion being one with 15s around that which 15 16s I would say is going to be probably a very good ballpark number uh which is like uh dropping um four out of U out of nine holes three of four out of nine holes and I feel that’s very realistic in my opinion um to set up as a as a goal um so yeah um appreciate it everyone it’s steady wins in this tournament what that means is that we do have the same win that I played with now uh in the final round as well you can find uh free videos here on YouTube and on the website called you can also find on Brandon Channel you do have freet toplay video for those who want to dable into that if you do want to have the full experience which is videos with voice over with voice over and with text guy to follow along without so you know exactly what to do now getting invol in the whole is different different uh different thing because that’s all down to our own personal execution but at least you get yourself the chance to make less mistakes and get yourself a chance for more drops clom you can scan the QR code here on the site or you can use the link in the description down below if you are on YouTube otherwise you can find that platform website basically elsewhere basically everywhere um as well so uh thank you everyone for being here uh I do think Franco is going to stream the weekend round probably others as well I don’t know everyone else’s schedule uh I won’t be streaming the weekend round that I do have the kids um and um it’s usually a little bit more hectic with um with uh my lovely ones during the Saturday but I will be back again as per normal all with the content on the for the upcoming 180 tournament the southern Safari uh tournament and also with um yeah stuff for next week H thank you everyone once again and thank you on for that I’m going to go and uh check do a little check up on my eye and see where where it stands to be honest but yeah I will see you next time love you all bye for now

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