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LIVE Q&A: Jesse Marsch named CanMNT head coach

#CanMNT #CanadaSoccer

Canada Soccer announced Monday the new head coach for the Canadian men’s national team: Former New York Red Bulls, RB Leipzig and Leeds United manager Jesse Marsch. Join the OneSoccer crew as we break down the news with live reaction as we take your questions for our special roundtable show.

well good evening everybody and welcome to a rather last minute but very important conversation about the breaking news of the day in the world of Canadian soccer we have amassed a collection of talent to bring you the news of Jesse Marsh’s hiring as the next manager of the Canadian men’s national soccer team it is of course Christian Jack Canadian footballing media Legend Gareth wheeler one soccer analyst and host of the show taking the nation by storm that is of course one soccer match night and not not a legend not a legend not to be out he’s well on his way he’s okay he’s well on his way to being a legend speaking of that Alexander Gangi rusik who not only is a writer for one love for labuk Kenna a co-host of our brand new show there if you haven’t seen any of those highly recommend you check it out we are of course Live on YouTube so if you have any questions throughout this conversation and that’s what this will be for the next 30 minutes or so please drop them in the chat we will get to as many of those as our producer deems worthy of being discussed on the show we’re probably going to get to a lot of them because there’s a lot to talk about so let’s start with the fact Christian Jack that yesterday on one soccer match night we asked for an update producer Oliver plot’s going to need a new segment on his show because that was seemingly a weekly update from you on what’s going on in this search we finally have our answer it’s Jesse Marsh your thoughts yeah it’s Jesse msh and I think first of all and those of us that were pretty close to the story felt like that it was coming to the Finish Line um but whenever these things happen um and they’re able to keep it pretty close I always think that’s a win uh I know it’s not a win for us but I think it’s a win for them I think it shows a bit more professionalism from their side uh those of us were kind of finding out this afternoon certainly as the players started to to to know but um you know as of last night I was told it was close but I didn’t I wasn’t able to go with it at that moment so um I I I give them a lot of credit that they were able to get it out into the media today and have him speak uh from Europe at night and you know once the stories got out there we able to hear from him right away I think very often in the past we’re often wondering what’s going to be said and days days and days go by before you find out the actual truth and so we’ve got Jesse Marsh’s story we’ve got we’ve got his quotes we’ve got his you know his his um his sales pitch to become the The Men’s National Team so head coach so I I mean for me I think you know it was great to to be to have that opportunity to speak to him uh and uh I think this is um there’s a lot of layers to this which we should get into uh MLS involvement um other people were involved in the in in this you know the other names that we’ve talked about as well we’ll get all into that but my initial thoughts are are one of excitement because they have got a great coach and and one that I think the Men’s National Team players can certainly work with and uh look towards building towards 2026 which is a huge huge moment for this country well Gareth wheeler over to you and I’m curious because this has been a name that’s been rumored or linked depending on which one which words you want to use since the very beginning of this search now that we know obviously your reaction to the news but also a level of optimism you have because we were wondering if we were going to get this news and if we were how soon to cop America would we get it level of optimism that that depends on a lot of things here uh let let’s start off um I I think that there was I’m first of all I’m happy that this is over because the number of names I have heard over the last few months it’s been incredible and this I think is the nature of having so many different people taking a role or whether it’s small or big uh in terms of this head coaching search like former players Executives uh it went down the line I I heard a number of I heard two or three different names who were presented to me at one time as the preferable candidate none of them landed but in the background Jesse Marsha’s name was continually linked and with Angus mcnab’s involvement uh and I was told by multiple people that Ron Waxman Jesse Marsh’s agent was highly involved in the process that interviews were being taken place in New York City um for what now to be more obvious reasons that the name that I think that most people just kept on coming back to and landing on was Jesse Marsh so not surprised by the decision made today speaking to a lot of people over the last two hours as many as I could there’s mix reaction there’s people that are elated about this hire think very highly of Jesse um because he does tick a lot of boxes almost all of them um he’s a brilliant man just outside the soccer World he’s just such an intelligent uh individual well regarded by people his attention to detail um his resume managing teams in in in Champions League competitions having um being an assistant coach with the US Men’s National Team as well um and the fact that he was available and he had shown interest in the Canadian job before it just seemed like this was the the way that they were going to go there are people with questions how this is all going to work um throughout his press conference he did speak of where is this I wrote this down uh he said this multiple times about uniting growing uh improving where is it I’m not sure he can do it alone I mean this is his job through the 2026 World Cup and where does everyone else in the system uh come into play and there are individuals I’ve spoken to that are disappointed that this isn’t a Canadian being hired and maybe it’s less than a Canadian being hired but there are people in this country that look at this situation and say you not only didn’t hire a Canadian but you hired an American um people have told me and this isn’t my personal opinion of this but you know other nations around the world aren’t hiring a manager um that you know comes from your your your staunchest rival um people will feel that way and then there’s details about the way that this thing is played out the fact that the Canada AM Men’s National Team head coach is now for some reason called the MLS Canada national team head coach uh in order to make the finances work I know people have a lot of questions about what that actually means as well so I think when it comes to you know you know the excitement about it I’m impressed with Jesse I I I met him it seems like a lifetime ago before that European Adventure that he wenton on I think he’s a really good coach I think he’s a really smart man and he’s really likable as well and I wish him all the best of luck but this is Canadian soccer after all um and there’s just a lot of influences a lot of noise and whether that can all be filtered and a proper standard and expectations can be built around this manager and he can be given the tools to to take this program forward uh that all remains to be seen I I I don’t dislike the hire I think I lean to the side that I do like it but um there’s a lot of work that still needs to be done sorry for rambling on there there’s just a lot to cover it comes to this there’s a lot to cover it was a very good opening statement and there’s a couple of things in there specifically that you you bring up that I want to make sure we spend some time on I’ll go to Alex next but I always remind myself Alex in these moments that people who hear the news that Canada has a new head coach might not necessarily have been following the searches thoroughly as you have as some of us have so for those who just might need a refresher on Jesse Marsh a bit of his bio former US International 14 Seasons as a midfielder he’s won in Major League Soccer he’s won four US Open cups he was on Bob Bradley staff at the 2010 World Cup of course he went to um England very recently to coach with leads and in his relationship with Canadian soccer Alex goes back to 2012 when he was the inaugural manager of then Montreal Impact of course so hitting a bit closer to home for that sense in the Canadian soccer landscape I’ll give you a chance to have your opening statements and then we’ll get to some of these questions in the chat yeah for sure I think uh you know that that tie to Canada can’t be ignored because you know at the end of the day the Canadian infrastructure is a unique one so that he comes in with that perspective at least having gotten a taste of it he kind of referenced it in his press conference saying he learned lot in Montreal um you know he noted that at the time there when he was working he kind of noted the fra how fractured the Canadian soccer Community was that’s always something that stuck with him I think it kind of shows that why when he left Montreal in 2012 he reached out and wanted to to to coach the the Canadian Men’s National Team he didn’t get an interview then um and so it doesn’t surprise me to to hear some of the things that you guys have mentioned is also that I’ve heard that during the interview process he was extremely prepared he impressed just the knowledge the he wanted this job he he genuinely wanted this job and I think that’s important that uh you know can be forgotten in this this is a high caliber job it’s this is the team that’s about to play a cope America it’s about to play a a World Cup in 2026 uh there were people out there that wanted the job but he was always someone that showed uh you know a serious commitment to to to put in the work and I think we’ll see that as a higher and now the big question will just be what can he bring because his his resume is interesting I think in terms of style of play I think it’s something I’ve always liked watching Red Bull teams they press high they press aggressively they play vertical they play direct uh it can be quite the the system to behold there are genuine questions of how does it look at a national team level can you actually translate that that sort of physical demands on guys who are playing so many games who come from different systems where they might not be used to those sort of physical demands I’m very curious to see how we adjust but the impression I’ve seen from him is he’s a student of the game he’s a smart guy and I’m very curious to see how he puts that into practice because he certainly has the pieces to to do something special if he can maybe you know tweak some elements of his Red Bull system question in the press conference AGR you asked a good question AGR in the press conference because I think that was the initial thought of of many people how this style of play translates and I I think that that there’s going to be some questions that we’re going to need to see in practice about how that actually works definitely there were lots of um I think in fact now that we’ve had a chance to sort of Digest who will be the manager the questions can start to come and I’m sure they will until we see Jesse Marsh fully in charge KJ I want to come back to you quickly here just because it’s a couple of questions or comments we’ve seen in the chat there was one we show from from Dave Allen about disappointment from Canada going outside of the country to hire Gareth bringing up the fact that there will be people who would have preferred to have a Canadian candidate but then this one from Benedict rhods I’m not sure how much you can divulge but I think a lot of people are wondering because of your reporting how deep into the process were Bobby SM Otis and Tommy wield and you’re still being considered from this job from what you were able to gather yeah they had interviews you know they had interviews just like ISO karanka just like uh you know aligos are just like Stephan kuns they they had interviews and Jesse Marsh was interviewed and um and these were not just casual chats this was not Just Like Jesse Marsh is the man let’s go out and have like this was um this was pretty serious professional stuff Jesse alluded to it in the press conference but we’d already heard about it those of us have reported about it um you know everything from you know who who’s going to be your starting 11 in in the in your opening game cup of America to the preparation plans to your tactics plans to um more things than just the national team you know this is a this is trying to Galvanize a program in this country uh so you know the fact that those those you know SM you know wielding and smas were involved in it is is a is a tremendous credit to the Canadian premier league and and I think Jesse Marsh will understand that that the infrastructure is very different in Canada than the one he found in 2012 um and what we’re trying to provide a professional level here in this country so um no but all those that we reported were considered were interviewed were you know and I didn’t hear from one of those Representatives or anybody complaining about this process um it seemed like it was a very fair professional process Jesse alluded to it I’ve heard it about Kevin Blue’s ability to recruit and his professionalism and his sales pitch for for for Jesse Marsh to get there uh so I think that’s very very interesting I think the other thing to discuss is um is is what Gareth alluded to is that the the title um MLS Canada ML MLS Canada Men’s National Team head coach um I think that is a a very interesting word um you know Kevin blue went to compare it to golf in the press conference and in his um in his press release I’ll just say that you know it it is pretty unprecedented in the in the world of football um and we didn’t get a chance to speak to this at the time but there are people who are rightly going to ask about conflicts of interest if you’re on an MLs Club do you get suddenly get a little bit more prefer preferential treatment than you do if you’re playing on a borderline European club for example um how much did MLS have a say in the hire was it strictly we want to hire this person will you help us with it or was it or did they have a say in the hire uh so there I think there are some questions that should be answered uh and hopefully will but I do think the majority of the people who follow the sport in this country will just be more um focusing on on results and X’s and O’s and what can Jesse bring and I do think that it’s exciting the fact that he is um I think he’s a good personality I think he’s an excellent talker he’s got a presence that I think is going to be interesting and going to be needed um as we go towards hosting a World Cup the faces of the of the of the World Cup though should not be including him and I just want to say that you know sometimes managers can become a little bit self-absorbed a little bit believing in their own media believing that it’s their team and they’re hosting every press conference and it all becomes about them I think his next big Frontier as he gets towards Copa America and particularly hosting a World Cup is that he’s able to to move as ego aside and allow players to take over that storyline which is what they should do because they’re playing on the field and as a former player I think he’s aware of that g let’s come to you next more on this MLS um link in the title it’s not fully out of the realm of football on the international stage I can immediately think of the com Bank Matilda’s using that to sponsor their programs to forward football ferns but to have it specifically on an individual coach’s title you have to wonder about that MLS influence because while I have a very modest sum of money to my name I know generally if I’m going to give that money to something I want something in return it’s called a transaction it was called philanthropic support I’m not to say that I don’t believe that the MLS sides are engaged and want ing this Canadian team to be successful but what is your takeaway from something as KJ put it rightfully unprecedented in this role the philanthropic approach has been utilized by previous you know Canadian managers and by the Canadian Soccer Association to to to help prop up and help support these programs th this is nothing new Greg kerfoot like the peloe era just I’m sure most people kind of know how that works out in terms of Herdman allocating and making sure that he could bring in um more money into the program so the team was more properly like this has happened before but no one’s ever had the stipulation add MLS to the title which let’s be honest here and I have nothing against MLS I think I think all three clubs are are doing something to help the game move forward in this in in this country so it this is an anti- Major League Soccer but Major League Soccer is an American League it it’s not kenned is you know de highest level of domestic football um and there could be conflicts of interest I’m less concerned about selection on the field because quite frankly fewer and fewer players from mLs are making it into Canada camps more and more of their players are are playing abroad and representing the team it’s just you know we did a segment on Match night last night about Joey Saputo and his decision making with Tony Marinaro I mean he’s done some really good reporting about saputo’s um in interests within within the within the Montreal Market uh and some of the realities of potential expansion and what’s being limited and how that works there like when the CSA who is supposed to represent all the soccer soccer interests in this country and all the stakeholders in this country are are now kind of looking to be a little bit second class when the national team head coaches brought to you by Major League Soccer like it it it’s just so bizarre to me like other coaches worldwide like I’ve heard of other managers of other nations um getting kickbacks from like kit sponsors for example so if you wear Puma or Nike then that then there might be some money allocated from one pocket into another to to to help make up the wages or whatever’s required here but but this is a different one when the MLS clubs are stakeholders in in the in the Canadian game I by the way I’m this is by no means belittling the MLS clubs or or those those parties including Joy Saputo for wanting to help out to make sure that kenada can get the best manager POS possible but when it’s a lot of times this has happened where it doesn’t include mls in the title of the job from the national team head coach it’s it’s just I’m I’m gonna have to do some more research into this Adam to to what this actually means but your initial Instinct instinct to most people I don’t think it’s yay it might not be ew gross but I think there it might raise a question what exactly does this mean Alex to for some thoughts and anything else that might have stood out to you from that press conference you were in yeah I mean if if we’re just going to you know kind of roll off the back of the the thoughts on MLS uh and you know the designation and the the head coaching title um it’s interesting because I mean something Kevin Blue’s made very clear since he’s come in financially things need to need work and you know there needs to be Improvement to to improve some of those financial streams so to see him go out and land a high-profile coach and do so by you know exhausting a different stream that we might not have typically seen in the past you know that that he’s true to his word in a sense right he said they needed to look at different streams he he used a model that you often see at the Collegiate level uh you know where where there’s donors there’s different parties that might help and chip in you know especially with the whole complication around nil and everything name an image likeness rights and the whole debate that’s gone on South of the Border so that makes sense but I guess really the the question will be uh the involvement like like Gareth mentions uh and and you know what Jesse himself feels about it because that’s another thing that kind of stood out from his press conference it was very like yeah he was talking about the team that he’s inherited super excited about you know the athleticism he mentioned the intelligence top footballers like any coach in the world he’s excited to work with Jonathan David Alfonso Davies who wouldn’t but he also spent a lot of time talking about look this is a big moment like for for the country he mentioned Youth Development which I always know as a as a Hot Topic in this country how he wants the the whole program to be aligned pulling in the same direction well that’s where it’s going to be you know that the MLS involvement is curious because what what are they bringing to the table in the sense that in in theory there’s no what reason why they can’t be in a situation where they benefit from the Canadian Men’s National Team doing well right some of their former players current players will be involved it helps grow the sport it helps get more people out to CF Montreal Toronto FC White Caps games you know it just helps push forward the game in the country but for example a huge debate you see at the youth national teams level is there a bu towards MLS teams you know there’s there’s players across Canada getting professional minutes or you know across other leagues is there going to be a bias that’s of course a whole other discussion but I think we we’ll have to see because I found it interesting that Marsh’s philosophy and what he was kind of emulating in this press conference was really you know forward first get this program together okay is this donation just a sign of that mentality kind of filtering through to to donors and others or is this something where you know maybe those other interests will start to crop up as Marsh truly gets to to work with everyone and gets into the weeds with Christian by my count we are officially five weeks away from just a minor match called Canada versus Argentina to start the Copa America so Jesse obviously we we’ve heard that he was very well prepared he obviously got this job because the CSA believes he can do a job but from now now in the next five weeks as he reaches out to players and gets himself familiarized and has the staff announced and built we’re still I think wondering what Mar Bell’s involvement will be going forward in all this what do you think is the first order of business for Mr marier well I think what we talked to him about today is communication uh the first order of business is developing relationships um and he said it right he said today in the press conference for those who didn’t see it is that you know communication and building relationship ships and then the coaching becomes a little bit easier after that um and he’s in he’s in the right continent right away right now because most of his best players are there and he can go and talk to them and that’s very important that he has those conversations with those players um communication is everything um it’s everything in business and it gets lost so often in sports um and that’s why I really hope that he has the ability to communicate with marob Bello as well we don’t know where marob Bello will be we don’t know where he’ll be we asked him about that either he said he’s going to have a conversation um but Maro Bello’s involvement in all of this process has been nothing but first class um you know the way that he’s taken on this interim tag those of us that have the fortune and blessing to be able to cover the sport we know we get messages people always checking in with you what are you hearing agents and all this marabello doesn’t care about that marabello is nothing but a Class Act he’s not a gossiper he doesn’t want to tap into what we’re hearing he just carried on he’s got his job to do he’s been scouting for coer America he’s at his assistant guy for CPR America thinking that he’s still going to get that and now he doesn’t necessarily have to he’s not going to probably going to be doing that job and I bring that up because Jesse Marsh needs to talk to him because maroel has been there for a long time and he can tell him many many things that Jesse Marsh needs to learn from and my hope that is that he he is able to do that and then he will be better suited to talk to his players because then he will be I think a little bit more um prepared to know what’s gone on as his players start to let him know what needs to go forward you know opportunities to name a new captain opportunities to set a new style of football opportunities to explore and do things people will say and I think I saw it there a bit of a trial by fire uh with you know the Netherlands France and Argentina um I don’t think he would want it any other way uh you know we are blessed in this country to have opponents like that I don’t I don’t think there’s another country in the world in World football that are playing these kind of teams right now when you think about the the world the world rating of these teams in the SE in the seeding so you know and by the way expectations just go out there and start planting seeds for forward no one’s going to expect them to win these games so that’s a real opportunity and then comes games four and five in Copa America for him to continue to explore and get something out of these players so um you know gradual gains and working with key players in that Squad communication and developing a trust and I don’t think Jesse Marsh is the kind of person that will want to be buddy buddies and best mates with these people he understands he’s got to hold an Authority above them and he needs to go in there and and and tell some of these players in difficult moments and have difficult conversations with them and he’s used to that and I think that’s important KJ KJ can I ask you this should there be expectations though like this is the thing there was so many voices across Canadian football who were the experts that Kevin blue thanked um who essentially is going to judge the job that he is doing and if things don’t go well through the summer months albeit they’re playing very difficult teams they’re going to be changing their style of play should there be expectations and if there isn’t you know should there be and who’s judging him in the performance of his team based upon that because other teams in World football especially heading into a World Cup like you got to make sure that you got the have the right individual at the helm and from a personality Persona perspective Marsh ticks all the boxes but look like it didn’t go well in his last stop at leads United for a number of different reasons that’s why I really like the question that AGR asked during the press conference this all out like chaotic um you know transition football press the Le like everything that’s to do with it didn’t really work at Club football how does that translate to International Football the game is for all the Red Bull teams other than New York who are having a little bit of a Renaissance right now it’s been a little bit of a difficult go is that was the style of play O over the last you know up until the last last year or two it was a style of play for the the the five years before the the rough rck style of play that brought Leipzig and Saltsburg all all kinds of success but but the game is changing and typically in International Football you don’t see that style be utilized on a regular basis that was Canada’s strength under John Herdman by the way playing in transition but it almost was a detri detriment to them at times so how do they adjust and who’s going to be gauging whether this is this is working or or whether it’s not KJ that’s why I asked that question like who is analyzing who is assessing this and is this style of play transferable to the international football and the players more importantly the players that this Canadian Men’s National Team actually has yeah a a lot there I would say look first of all expectations of course there are I’m not talking about expectations on outcomes I’m talking about there’s lots of different ways that you can evaluate success and failure not based on how many goals you put in the back of the net against Argentina France or the Netherlands right so look if they go out and they get smashed 70 then that’s a serious problem if they go out and they think that they can play this High press against Argentina and then you’re getting picked off and suddenly no disrespect you’ve got you know Joel wman and others standing on the halfway line trying to play a high press against lonel Messi then you’re in trouble right so look of course there’s going to be ways that all of us get to evaluate this but your other point about who’s evaluating him is another one that Canadian soccer I don’t think a Canada Soccer have have identified that there is no director of football there is no sporting director there this is Jesse Marsh’s job um and you know he’s got this job until the World Cup and we and and I think at that point you know we’ll have to see he did talk today about maybe trying to extend that beyond that but you know by the way from his point of view why would you sign Beyond 20126 this the way that Canada looks right now before you’re hosting a World Cup comparable to way it will be in 2026 with all that comes with it and all the lucrative offers and all the exposure of a World Cup hopefully Canada Soccer and every all the finances around the sport will look very different come August 2026 than they do in August 2024 so yeah of course Gareth I think there’s got to be expectations that they’ve got to perform but I do think that nobody in the right mind of any kind of common sense of football would expect Canada to go out there and and be expected to beat these three clubs these three these three countries what about the teams afterwards I just I I wonder how long it’s going to take to apply yeah I said I definitely think that you know come games four and five you know you’ve got to show that you’re you know you are absolutely in the game and you’re competitive and I think that that’s it the the other thing for me is that don’t forget that it’s one thing for us to judge what they’re going to do in these first three games players are judging players footballers are selfish they care about what can you do for me what can you do for me how do you make me a better player what is Jesse Marsh gonna do for Alfonso Davies Jonathan David ton Buchanan all of these alist Johnston you name it how are you gonna make me a better player so against Argentina I feel like I can compete so against then you know the next team Peru and the next team Chile how can we compete but I can guarantee you if he does the right job come September and the play in Mexico and I don’t know if it’s been reported but by the way they’re going to play the us but that’s going to be spicy so let’s get them ready for those spicy games in conquer CF uh where Jesse Marsh versus Greg berhalter and let’s sign us up for the press conference yeah C Adams can I ask AGR one question if if you don’t mind because you’re really good at this stuff um a criticism of the style of play at leads was they didn’t really utili the wide areas very much I believe he was quoted saying like we just need to we need to be playing and be more dominant in central areas I look at the strength of this Canadian team it’s it’s in wide areas isn’t it just what sort of form is there a formation is there a style of play is there like a framework that you believe is transferable from the way that Jesse Marsh typically plays to make it adaptable to make it suited for this Canada team AGR yeah I think based on what we’ve seen of him one thing I found really interesting when looking back at his time at salsburg he’s he loved a 442 there but he could get away with it he was a dominant team in in the Austrian League they dominated possession had more talent and then going to to to salsburg and leads he kind of went from more of a 4231 at leads he loved inverted Wingers and that kind of leads to to the point about wanting to control Central areas and wanting to to play a bit more vertical I think the 4231 seems to make the most sense when looking at this team um I think for for Canada like you mentioned the strength is absolutely in wide areas I think if you’re looking at the best players of course Alonso Davies ton beanan the speed they provide even if you go beyond them Liam Miller they got guys who can run and then you know Jonathan David up front I think as he’s shown for liil he can be a pressing Striker uh in that sort of Lone Striker system so I think 4231 um in terms of the the inverted Wingers it could make sense because that’s you know the age old question where do you put Alonso Davies if there’s a scenario where you think his best position is at left back um you know Jesse Marsh has always placed a lot of emphasis on his fullbacks being very very aggressive so it’s a scenario where uh it ends up being very flick likee in the role that Davies could have at left back where it’s a lot of freedom to go forward uh and go back but naturally in all this there are a lot of questions that I would ask right away looking at this team where does Kyon fit because that it’s something where something over the last few years that we’ve seen can of play top level teams it seems like they can either play two Strikers you know and then sacrifice somewhere else or you know and then they’ve usually sacrific in the Midfield and I think that’s something they can’t really afford to do because yeah they have some some solid midfielders but maybe they’re not as strong in that area as they are elsewhere in the pitch 4231 you can kind of fill some of those gaps uh that might see Kyle aen sacrifice right 4231 David’s up front pick the Wingers where does he fit in he’s he’s not the most mobile of press or is that something where I see a big question and then also what happens at the back because if he’s playing more of a direct system we got you back we had you there go glitched out but thought it was me for a [Laughter] minute oh say how how now there you go live technology there it is live shows always a delight um but yeah the the back four Mo you know someone like a MOA bomo I see what he’s been doing to start the year at Colorado the speed the profile he can bring playing in a back four under Chris armis who Jesse Marsh himself is familiar with the you know another Red Bull disciple um might he have to sacrifice some regulars we see there like Kamal Miller you know he’s been an excellent Center back for foran under Herdman sometimes straight line speed uh you know can be a question who’s some of the other options aler Johnson in a back through I don’t think we we see much of him at Center back I think those are some of the other important questions that that that we’ll see but I I definitely to answer your original question 4231 is this is something I see and then from there uh definitely using that the strengths out wide and and Jonathan David is a big focal point well this is a one soccer reacts live Q&A discussing the appointment of Jesse March as the next head coach of the Canadian Men’s National Team and I will eventually get the order of words right with the MLS let’s make sure I’m doing this properly the title will be officially MLS Canada Men’s National Team head coach if you have any questions for No No One’s Gonna be calling it that in the chat no you’re not gonna be calling that I I assure you it’s going to be on our L thirds in studio can you can you imagine FIFA World Cup first game of the World Cup Jesse Marsh the cut swim two minutes into the match and it’s like a a font lower third and it becomes like it’s it’s just going to say Canada head coach yes it will it will if if you got your questions throw them in the chat we got about 10 minutes left before a bunch of us have to go um I’m just delighted by that thought here I don’t I think be is gonna have to expand the the name key to make sure it all fits in there K who do you think has the most to gain by this appointment it could be a player it could be a stakeholder it could be anyone but now that Jesse is officially at the helm who has the most opportunity to grow and flourish now that this decision’s been made uh soccer in Canada finally we ‘ got a little bit of stability let’s move forward and I know and Gareth alluded to it we live pretty similar lives um a lot of noise there’s a lot of noise going on and um you know no one want no one cares what’s going on gareth’s phone no one cares what’s going on my phone but like I just want to say like let’s this has happened now and whether you love the hire mixed feelings about the hire don’t like the hire not a fan of aner it does not matter it’s done it’s I’m sorry this this is I mean we can all debate it but now what’s got who what’s the most to gain Canadian soccer they that we’ve just been drowning in this instability for too long and now it’s we’ve got we have a figurehead we have a coach we have somebody that can connect with players who coached at the highest level in the Champions League there’s won trophies in Europe and regardless about how we got it over the line I do think that Jesse Marsh is an exceptional coach and one that I think that is very comfortable in CF and I believe is that you know is clearly is kada Soaker believe with the names that were involved in that process is the right higher and you know you mentioned it kada Saka Angus McNab the the professionalism of bringing in like karanka and CT and Allon soska to get over the line like this and Jesse alluded to it today the the caliber and the talent in Canada Soccer is the reason and the players is the reason why he was attracted to this you think Jesse Mar is applying for this job like two years ago absolutely no chance you know like there if it was available like this just goes to show and I don’t think we do a good enough job in this country of understanding what we have with the Canadian Men’s National Team coming up for a world cup and a lot of people Point different fingers and sometimes we get lost in the weeds but here’s an outsider here’s an American picking Canada and now it’s time for Canada to pick the American and get behind him and go forward okay KJ but like I I I I’m we’ve been doing this for a long time a lot of the recent issues weren’t drummed up by Media or outside voices it was players that didn’t want to play for the association in a game at one point like the like there’s still no CBA so what is this exercise being that we’ve transitioned from one coach wanting to leave and going to an MLs Club to now is MLS Club paying for a new head coach coming in like the these are undeniable factors that still exist and we wanted to move forward with all of these projects along I think most people that cover the game in this country like there’s been and people that are involved in the game in this country want this thing to grow and Thrive and continue to move on so will all do all those outside noises just go away do lawsuits get dropped do cbas get signed because these aren’t things that have been made up by the media this there’s been elements here and what’s gone on with the board like there’s elements here that have been done by the people that that that they care about the game a lot so how does that sort out by one high I I again I I H sabotage yes right let’s go with that self- sabotage okay so does this change it I can’t predict the future I’ll just say that I think can I think Canada Soccer the new general secretary Jesse Marsh the new Way Forward I don’t believe these people will allow self- sabotage again to affect onfield performance that’s what I will say of course it’s going to carry on of course these things don’t suddenly go away in the Buried and it’s forgotten about it will happen but at the end of the day the leadership needs to be able to say there’s a time and a place for everything much like some players told me in Frisco that you cannot have the camps coming back to play an international game of a of of real importance and then having your thingss about cvas at that point so you know they owe it to the badge that they wear on their chest to the people who spend thousands of dollars traveling to cover them they owe it to the fans who are watching it to be able to put on their best performances high performance athletes to go out there and deliver for the national team whether it’s a friendly game behind closed doors training or a World Cup opener or a Messi game against C in the cup America it doesn’t matter the value they owe it to the country to do that and I just got to maybe I’m naive but I’m positive to think that the new ownership group and Jesse Marsh will not allow the self sabotage and the distractions anymore to fuel this argument in within Canada Soccer and I think they will have the best interest at heart which is on the field I I I hope that’s the case like like again I want to reiterate this like I think Jesse Marsh is an exciting hire I think he’s an exciting manager and things although there nothing’s a slam dunk in this sport there’s a lot of things to really like but that includes buying from the players Buy in from the stakeholders across the board as well as people being hired in alternative positions we need a director of football Jesse is going to be the head coach between now and the End of the World Cup he’s going to need help from people that understand the lay of the land people in rules that really truly bring together football in this country through modernizing through uniting it um through teaching it the right way and Marsh cannot do that alone that’s all I’m trying trying to suggest here it’s going to take a village honestly in order to get this done but Marsh like in in a vacuum in a ton alone as a Canadian men’s national team manager I I don’t think if you were setting out to to pick the next K in a manager with realistic options I don’t think that you could do much better just in terms of the manager or the individual himself I I agree with that and it has to be said that my take on the distractions of the self- sabotage is based on evidence of the last few months and things have quieted down since things have changed why have they quieted down what what’s the reason behind that KJ things have things have changed Gareth there have been let’s talk about two of the fact I want to get to a clip of Jesse Mar speaking to the the US Men’s National Team rivalry but I want to get to the fact that how many episodes of one soccer today or match night or any of our other programming or even just conversation that supporters have with their mates at the matches or at the pub about we have this checklist of things that we need to accomplish and the turmoil did the change over we need a general secretary we all of a sudden had an AGM where the president changed and we have a new president elect we need a head coach in place for Copa America like one of the things for me today is celebrating this like new layer of stability and that’s not to take a magic wand and say everything else off the pitch is solved because we’ve made these hires but it just feels like positive steps in the right direction and with that change and the quietening the quietening of some of the off field drama that we’ve seen at times leads us to the fact that we are five weeks away from Canada playing the cop America and we know who will be the person at the Helm of the group when that ball is kicked against lonel Messi and Company KJ brought up a very fascinating point about a potential Jesse Marsh versus Greg berhalter match on the near Horizon and Jesse actually spoke to this in the premess pre conference that Riv let’s have a listen yeah well you’re right uh winning conaf in World Cup qualifying was a massive massive achievement and it I think has changed the dialogue certainly for this group of players right certainly for the expectations that they have of themselves and yeah along with that come you know certain pressures and and and the awareness that that you know we have to meet even bigger goals and I I think we shouldn’t be afraid of that I think we should be ready to take this responsibility on fully to understand that we need to emerge in the group with us and Mexico as the three powers of of conaf and I and I think that you know that can that case can already be made and then the question is can we can we push on to to continue to move the needle of the sport in this country right and that’s from a youth youth level from a from a development uh perspect perspective and and now continue to push the program and the and the sport in our country so that we can develop and compete more and more at the international level so of course that means every tournament Copa America Gold Cup Nations league and certainly the the World Cup that that we want to put our best foot forward that we want to perform at our absolute best and compete for trophies that’s ultimately what we’re we’re in this for so so I’m excited about that challenge um the competitor In Me In Me Is excited about you know I have so much respect for the US national team and for the Mexican national team and I and I think that uh those challenges will be big but but there’s no reason with this player pool that that we can’t push ourselves to be certainly uh in that conversation and and hopefully win some trophies here so that was Jesse marshan his introductory press conference having been named the MLS Canada Men’s National Team head coach I’m just going to keep saying it until becomes your team Christian Jack I know you got to go so let me offer you one final parting word or message if you’d like or it could be as simple as thank God this search is over a little bit uh again just thank everybody for joining us on this Monday it’s great to see so many people involved in the chat just goes to show how passionate people are in this sport in this country um you know this you know very quickly and people are are caring about this there’s a lot of things going on so um you know just one thing I’ll stick with me is what I talk to Jesse about today about the World Cup and uh he did shy away from being that one who wants to go somewhere where no one else has gone before right and um you know Canada hosting a World Cup uh they’ve scored the first goal now they host the World Cup and now they get the chance to get through and boy they better get through uh in that knockout stages they got to get through they got to get through to that last 32 and then you know Captivate the country and um you know all of this right now will be forgotten about and it’s time to go to work so that’s what excites me the most and uh it be interesting to see what happens over the next few weeks but it’s going to be interesting you know brilliant games brilliant opposition uh it’s a special time Christian Jack we thank you as always we appreciate you we know you got a run so we will let you go but thanks as always for joining us your work during the search here on our live Q&A today Jesse March the new head coach of Canada’s Men’s National Team Alex I’ll come to you next some final thoughts from you uh take it in any direction that you’d like here but I I’ve asked the question about potential winners KJ says Canada Soccer but is there perhaps a player or a a type of player that might benefit the most with this news yeah I feel like anyone right now who uh who likes to press likes to run you might get an extra look at right like if Jesse Marsh wants to kind of on board that system as as soon as possible like right away I think of someone like Maeser everyone in Montreal Raves about a fitness freak he is he wins the beep test every year um someone like that Canada kind of who’s the third guy beside usak on K A guy like who could come in and run right away you have to imagine is is looked at um you look across the the board as well another one Ali ahed Amed at the White Caps he’s he’s got an excellent motor he can kind of play that front forward direct style that Jesse Marsh plays so I’m very curious to see I think it’s something where we know this core of this team I think when you’re reading up a lineup you’re not excluding David Davies Buchanon usako K Etc but who kind of ends up being the key pillars of his system right for Herdman it was guys like denil Henry Steven Victoria guys who kind of maybe brought a bit of leadership a bit of something different to to to help the belief side and I’m I’m curious to see who Marsha’s guys end up being like does the Schwaner impressed right away with that kind of Fitness that work rate Ahmed um you know what who who wins the battles at the backline because I feel like there’s a very interesting contrast in terms of some of the regulars we’ve seen and how they might fit into to Marsh ball as I guess we’ll have to get used to to calling it or some other alternative um so yeah I’m very curious to see some of those individual battles play Gareth your final thoughts Before We Say Goodbye today just yeah never mind the politics blah blah blah KJ’s right like Marsh is a manager now I want to see how his uh way of playing because it is very distinct um how it comes together again the criticism in his last stop with Leeds is that they were very narrow defensively they were narrow in wide areas they scored a lot of goals and they did a lot of high pressing they led the league and just in terms of like limiting the the opposition attacking you know play out of the back like they they they turned over teams all the time does he of the players with his canidate team that are going to be able to buy into that International Football is a different animal it’s oftentimes much much slower um so we’ll see how applicable that is to this Canadian Men’s National Team and if it highlights some of the good um in in this Canadian Men’s National Team then what does it mean just in terms of protecting the goal as well do Canada have good enough center backs good enough players at the back in order to keep the ball out of the back of the net like the Red Bull style I’ll repeat this was very on Vogue like five six years ago everyone was trying to play this High pressing style now we see it today but the game has changed a little bit I’m interested really interested to see how Marsh will bring his principles to the national team program but Tinker with it based on the players that he is available with this national team it’s going to be oftentimes watching him his teams play it’s thrilling it’s cha chaotic it’s maddening at times it’s really effective at times there’s there’s a wide array of results that could really play out with with with him as manager uh lastly I found it interesting how this whole situation unfolded as well because he was I think he was on CBS who was doing some media work where he kind of got into it with him and be halter traded remarks and they seem to be like directed at one another which is gonna add to the Intrigue about this this us uh Canada upcoming game but through that he was asked by I believe it was Jimmy Conrad straight up like would you want the US job and he said no like without hesitation he said no but now he’s gone on and taken on the Canada job was the South Korea thing a real thing or was this a means of negotiating I I don’t know the mechanisms that made that work I just find it really interesting how we’ve landed in this spot um you know I I feel a little bit AG grieved for the likes of Bobby neotis Tommy Welden Jr I thought they would have been great I hope that Canadian coaches still remain committed um to working through the system in this country and going abroad and and becoming the best managers that they can right now there are three head coaches for three Canadian MLS teams um none of them are Canadian um we we do have some in the Canadian Premier League I hope that they were really taken seriously over the course of these interviews and it’s been a long time time since we’ve had a Canadian again I don’t I I’ve subscribed to hire the best person available but it’s undeniable we haven’t had a Canadian coach for quite some time I think it was Tony fona it was an interim tag but we’ve had Zano floro hardt Herdman um different individuals so I just wonder when that does that time come after 2026 we’ll see um but as long as Marsh can get this team winning focused on football get them back on track and start maximizing some of the really really great talent that this country has produced then I think the rest of it will take care of itself I nevertheless an exciting day a day where we finally get some answers on who’s Frozen me Adam Adam hey jar you can finish off with your point cut USR word AGR but I just wanted to pick up on something gar said to kind of finish off I think it’s a good place to end off like you know the the Canadian infrastructure like let’s you know I hope that’s something I hope Jesse Marsh leans into I really curious to see what this staff looks like does he bring someone reliable who knows the Canadian system is it a Maro Bello does it maybe tap into someone in the CPL um because I think it’s it’s very important to build up this Canadian infrastructure that we have and ideally you’d love that you’d love it for it to to to produce Canadian coaches Canadian Executives uh Etc like this because um ideally longterm that’s that’s the goal right and I’m hoping Marsh can be one of those guys where he comes in and and and leans from that learns teaches sometimes you see International managers they come in they want to do things their own way they ignore what’s there it’s not easy to to operate in Canadian soccer people have seen that for for good and for bad so I hope Marsh can can tap into that and really build it up because there’s some special going on in the sense that they’re Canadian coaches um you know in in the CPL getting professional reps winning trophies going in conaf heck there’s some you know some Canadian names around North America guys with Canadian passport who are coaching at a very high level heck well Fern nany might not have been born in Canada but he has a Canadian passport he’s about to coach in a in a Champions Cup Final the infrastructure is there I’d love to see Marsh help accelerate that help build that that up and I think that could can help him in his job I’m very uh hopeful that he can can tap into it well gentlemen my thanks to you I’m gonna do a quick sign off before my internet dies again but we thank the chat as well for joining us if you like these types of live streams and q&as let us know in the comments throw a like that lets us know that you’d like to see more of this style of content but I assure you we’ll have plenty more we’ll have one nation coming up tomorrow we’ll also have one soccer today coming up on Thursday and then Gareth What’s that show of yours again on Sundays on one soccer match night that’s the one thank you so much everyone for joining us and congratulations to Jesse March the MLS Canada Men’s National Team head coach onwards and upwards everyone


  1. 👍👍👍 to Kevin Blue for getting this done by the middle of May with still 3 weeks before the first friendly. Where ever this team can get to by WC 2026, it had to start NOW and Blue got it done. As for Marsch, he has an aggressive approach that will suit Canada. If he can figure out how to get David, Buchanan and others scoring more, Canada is going to cause a lot of countries ranked 10 to 50 problems. And THAT is what we want to see. Sure Canada doesn't have the CBs and MFs to go all the way, but that's ok. Let's just get the most we can out of what we have, which I think is pretty good.

  2. This is solid gold, man this just made my day. Marsch has a extensive understanding of the modern game, his tactics in pressing the ball and overloading the area are very impressive and will pair extremely well with this talented youthful squad . We are lucky to have him. The boys will be delighted. Loved the podcast as well fella's

  3. Well said KJ! Here’s an American picking Canada. Let’s pick the American and move forward. Canada Soccer has the most to gain. It’s happened. Onward and upward. Stop your wheeling ahem whining. Go Canada!!

  4. Chile had their best years with 3 Argentinean coaches, so… other nations definitely hire coaches from their rivals.

  5. Never heard of this guy. Don't the world class young talents of team Canada deserve a world class head coach. More importantly, you don't hire a coach from your direct head-to-head competitor in the reason. What is wrong with CSA??? What is their decision making process? Only money counts?

  6. SO exciting to see this get done. Marsch is a great appointment. I'm feeling really good about a 4-2-3-1 with this group of players. Looks like we'll get to keep our exciting front-footed ball. Will be interesting to see how Marsch handles his defensive selections to keep the back stable with the inherent volatility of his preferred tactics, though. That's clearly where the question marks are. Feels like Davies should be left full back – maybe start Ahmed left wing? When Davies makes runs forward I'd want to see Eustaquio stay back in CDM, allowing Kone to move forward. Has Adekugbe ever played right full back? If we're prioritizing speed, maybe he starts there instead of Johnston? Or maybe even Johnston starts mid CB? Just can't wait to see Marsch's player selections. Couldn't be more excited about June!! Hats off to Kevin Blue. Well done, sir!

  7. I'll repeat what I said in his press conference media post here on OneSoccer:

    Jesse, you said all of the right things that Canadians want to hear, except when you spoke about "The convelesence of so many things" coming together… I think that you meant to say the convergence of so many things, because 'Convalescence' means "the period in which the body recovers from a serious illness, injury or surgery."

    Anyway, while I love the fact that you will create a very aggressive pressing style; my biggest concern is that I have heard that your style is to fall in love with that one style & not be flexible in changing styles versus different teams. Sometimes it is better to play a blocking style & counter when possible versus the better teams in the world. Hopefully, you will surprise your detractors & show an intelligence to adjust as needed.

    It will be tough for an American coach to get fully supported by Canadians. Winning solves that problem.

    Hopefully you will have a long successful winning career here in Canada!

    We are all pulling for you!!!

  8. lol. Federation is broke. Blame CSB. Be happy the Canadian MLS clubs are bailing Canada Soccer out here. But of course ultimate CSB/One Soccer shill Gareth Wheeler will not state this fact.

  9. As a life long Leeds supporter, I was elated when he was axed as he was utterly dire.
    This is sad and bad day for Canadian soccer because Marsch is snake oil salesman.

  10. Positives? In the '80's and before players walked around the whole game now they run. The game is becoming more and more like hockey. Marsch is like a hockey coach with intense forechecking and fast breaks and pedal to the metal. Also, there are 5 subs now which helps energy management. Lots of the Canadian players like this style – Tajon, Phonzie, Cyle, Richie, Sam, Millar… so it could be a match made in heaven. Also, Canadian fans will probably like the style more than the traditional style. The "Canadian Style" could become a thing. It won't be boring. If it's like Leeds, it might be more heart attack inducing. Look for a good cardiologist now.

  11. What KJ is alluding to some of the old guard of players who were mostly motivated by money, since they stopped being called up to the CANMNT , there seems to be a more positive vibe about the team..

  12. Too much obsession over a Canadian coach. We simply don’t have someone even close to the level of Marsch.

  13. Why is Gareth so whiny.. just get on with it, man. Make your point and let the conversation progress a bit…

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