Golf Players

Scottie Scheffler detained by police for incident before start of PGA Championship | SportsCenter

On SportsCenter, Jeff Darlington and company discuss world No. 1 golfer Scottie Scheffler being detained by Louisville Metro Police Department on Friday morning while trying to drive into the entrance of the Valhalla Golf Cup, the site of this week’s PGA Championship.

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ahead of round two of the PJ championship at Valhalla Golf Club just outside of Louisville Kentucky that’s Randy Scott I’m Gary stry the start of Friday’s second round delayed for at least an hour Randy with reports of an accident just outside of the gates of the golf club yeah that that delay coming uh news coming as you take looks here live looks down in Louisville Kentucky outside the championship gate let’s throw down to Valhalla now with more from Dave exping Dave good morning all right good morning guys uh it is truly a strange scene and you can see what it looks like outside the gates here at Val Valhalla Golf Club where it the sun has started to come up so what is happening is a little more visible than it was just about an hour ago a massive delay we were told there was an accident just before we arrived here on property and that accident involved a pedestrian fatality so that’s one part of the story Dave Fleming Andy North Jeff Darlington it has been a scramble this morning to get here and and get ready and guys that’s only part of the story uh we don’t know much more about the accident Jeff uh we do know that wasn’t the only thing that happened outside the gates this morning uh that’s correct uh entering vajala Golf Club this morning uh we witnessed a car pull around us uh that was Scotty Sheffer was in the car to be very clear about the details here Scotty Sheffer has been detained by police officers placed in the back of a police vehicle in handcuffs after he tried to pull around uh what he believed to be security ended up being police officers they told him to stop when he didn’t stop the police officer attached himself to the vehicle Sheffer then traveled another 10 yards before stopping the car the police officer then grabbed at his arm attempting to pull him out of the car before Sheffer eventually open the door at which point the police officer pulled Sheffer out of the car pushed him up against the car and immediately placed him in handcuffs Sheffer was then walked over to the police car placed in the back in handcuffs very stunned about what was happening looked toward me uh as he was in those handcuffs and said please help me he very clearly uh did not know what was happening in the situ ation it moved very quickly very rapidly very aggressively he has he was detained in that police vehicle for approximately 20 minutes the police officers at that point did not understand that Scotty sheffler was a golfer in the tournament nor of course that he is the number one player in the world how do you even explain this stuff I mean there’s been hundreds of times that you’ve come up to a gate as a player and gone around security people to get into the golf course uh you know unfortunately these things are happening and then right now it’s it’s just crazy we don’t have any idea exactly where we are at this moment some more details so I can as I step back uh obviously this is something that we just witnessed and we’re essentially trying to explain what it is that we saw uh this is not what we’re being told this is what we saw so there was a bus that was essentially waiting to enter the property traffic was backed up Miles because we were told by police officers there was a pedestrian fatality police officers also instructed us that the only people that were allowed to enter Valhalla Golf Club were players we were then positioned second in line to enter Valhalla Golf Club behind a bus that did not have a driver in the driver’s seat police officers were trying to attempt to figure out why that bus was still sitting there at the entrance not moving we were waiting behind that car sheffer’s car did not know it was sheffer’s car at the time it was marked as an official vehicle of the PGA Championship it had that moring on the side he was the only person in the vehicle he was driving the vehicle he attempted to pull around into the shoulder which was a wide shoulder it was not off-road by any means he pulled his car around at that point that’s when the police officer told him he needed to stop he I shouldn’t uh assume anything it seemed as if he to said something to the police officer and then continued to go he went again about 10 yards before the police officer then started to bang on his vehicle yell obini uh eventually when Sheffer lowered the window the police officer grabbed his arm and started to pull it out of the vehicle uh that’s all I got so that’s now live they are starting to allow some of that backup to make its way into the golf course and and look Jeff there there are two different incidents this morning and I think it’s important that we have it uh detailed on the screen there this is not related to the accident and what we were told was The Pedestrian fa fatality we we don’t want to be a part of this story but we happen to be there you and I happen to be there right as this was happening and we were told by those security officers that players were allowed to get into the golf club so I’m sure that Scotty Sheffer was told that same thing nobody else was allowed in but players were going to be allowed in so I again we’re not going to speculate on what he was thinking or what he specifically was told but I’m assuming that he was told the same thing we were uh some more information too that I should uh as as this is all coming to mind I attempted to then walk across the street uh to speak with police officers instructed that I was a member of the media they told me that I was now part of a invest investigation that I very aggressively walked me to the other side of the road and uh told me I’d be arrested if I continued to pursue uh when I did attempt I to get to the back of the squad car I did hear Scotty try to address the person who ripped him from the vehicle the police officer ripped him from the vehicle and tell him I did not know you were a police officer at least based on what’s I heard Scotty say to the police officer some confusion about that and and we don’t know the theyve announced that the tea times have been officially delayed by at least an hour and most of that I think is related to the accident of the backup it is a massive traffic backup they’re trying to get players caddies officials here onto the golf course Dave I was in the car maybe two minutes behind you guys and we sat out literally the last half a mile for half an hour and traffic’s not moving at all it’s absolutely a gridlock at there I don’t know how they can get people in and out of the golf course any quicker than they’re doing because there’s no other way to get in here I don’t know if the sheffler incident has anything to do with their feelings of starting the the tournament on time or not I we don’t I don’t know that again as this is coming to me I can also tell you that a police officer did tell me as I attempted to uh approach the patrol car that had Scotty Sheffer in the back of it uh there is I I made clear he he I believe thought that I was perhaps Scotty sheffer’s with with Scotty sheffler I made very clear that I was with the media he said there’s nothing you can do he’s going to jail wow police officer looked me in the eye and said there’s nothing you can do he’s going to jail number one player in the world Scotty sheffler detained in handcuffs in the back of a police car I mean the craziness that can happen when you get situations like and obviously the thoughts are for the family who lost somebody this morning and to have these kind of things happen and and we see confrontation at gate players getting in and out family getting in out all the time uh but I’m assuming everybody was Major League on high alert after this horrible accident this morning Scotty sheffler by the way uh to be clear was not confrontational whatsoever yeah as far as we could see there was no compation I I I was I walked up to the vehicle Scotty was still he was being taken out of the car and placed in handcuffs as I was approaching the vehicle and at no time did he raise his voice Beyond it was well below where I’m at right now and since we’re approaching the I’m sure people are tuning into to us Moment by moment just wondering what is going on so there are two things happening this morning here at Valhalla and we do have video of Scotty Sheffer world number one being detained an incident not related to a separate accident we were told when we arrived on property that accident involved a pedestrian fatality there were I don’t know how many dozen police cars out near the entrance it happened somewhere very close to the entrance to the golf club there were 50 police cars maybe uh out there when we first arrived a massive backup Scotty sheffer’s incident is not related to that separate from that Scotty was trying to get on property and again we were told players were going to be allowed to get through the gate onto the golf course nobody else was going to be allowed but players coaches were going to be allowed to get onto the property and Scotty was trying to do that and that led to this second incident separate from The Pedestrian fatality uh to once again explain sort of The Surreal nature of this and again to be very clear when you see these scenes of these police cars that is unrelated to Scotty sheffler’s situation entirely in fact the police officers around the patrol car in which Scotty sheffler was in had no idea that he was even Scotty sheffler I say that because one police officer came up to me with his Pad and said Pen in Hand can you tell me the name of the person that we just arrested yeah which I mean it seems hard to believe but it was dark it was already chaotic there it was raining there I think everybody was already on edge whatever happened this morning was a very serious incident and I I think clearly people were on edge because of that and I don’t know if that exacerbated the situation or what we were just told that the PGA of America has said they’re going to have another update at 7:30 so we’re almost at the top of the hour so we’re still a half hour away play has been delayed by at least an hour at 7:30 they’re going to give us another update as to when they might be able to get the second round of this Championship underway a championship that I again we we don’t know but it they started to take the handcuffs to give you a vivid picture of what was happening they started to what I thought take the handcuffs off of Sheffer uh at which point I thought he was going to be released they then helped him adjust his wrist and place the handcuffs back on Scotty Sheffer in the back of the patrol car wow uh Scotty’s tea time was what roughly 8:40 8:48 eastern time scheduled and so that then would have been delayed by an hour even if that were to hold who knows and one of the reasons Scotty was here two two and a half plus hours before maybe three hours before that is because the players spend an awful lot of time in the gym getting ready to play so even if there was a chance to get him back here it wouldn’t be a normal routine of any kind for him to go through all right Jeff for people who are just tuning in let’s once again I think it’s important to just sort of Step by Step we’ll put the the accident aside that’s sort of the Prelude to what you and I saw this morning and step by step let’s just go through again what we saw happen the the accident I think is important um so early morning here at valala golf club the very still very dark out still rainy there was an accident on the road just past the entrance to Valhalla Golf Club traffic had been backed up and building Scotty Sheffer tried to enter Valhalla Golf Club using a side median at which point a police officer instructed him to stop Sheffer attempts to continue to go the police officer then attached himself to the side of sheffer’s car Sheffer stopped the vehicle as he turned into Valhalla Golf Club at the entrance about 10 to 20 yards is that accurate I think that’s fair from the point at which the police officer first told him to stop at that point the police officer instructed Sheffer to get out of the car there was probably 20 to 30 seconds that Sheffer sat in the car and did not move the he had rolled down the window the police officer when he rolled down the window grabbed his arm and started pulling at it Sheffer he I believe he reached inside opened the car door pulled Sheffer out pushed him up against the car immediately placed him in handcuffs uh at which point Scotty Sheffer seeing me behind him said can you help the police officers instructed me to step back uh I instructed that I was a member of the media they walked Scotty sheffler to the police car a police officer turned to me and said you need to get out of the way he told me there’s nothing you can do Scotty sheffler is going to jail


  1. Entitled whites😅😅😅 " I don't care if there's a 8 yr old with his guts splattered all over the road, I'm gonna be late for my tea time"

  2. Y'all sound so crazy. Scott should be ashamed. Funny how he was the only one who so called misunderstood traffic instructions

  3. So many hats up in here commenting on the unknown. You have no idea what transpired but you rush to judgment, guess a lot of you voted for Biden too? Someone died out there and you blame the police for an impatient, privileged golfer who wanted to go work out. Bunch of FT's !!

  4. You bet Rory, Xander, and the rest of the field had some deals with this cop. That’s the only way to prevent Scotty from winning second major of the year.

  5. Worst part is the felony charge, because it is wrong and effects him playing out of the country

  6. Scottie experienced how policemen have become BOOTJACK GESTOPO THUGS. Regular citizens experience this eveyday.Also, they tack on violations, so you have a hard time fighting it in court. These Nazi policemen are just looking to abuse their power under color

  7. You can drive around a car blocking the road but you cannot drive around an ego . Their is going to massive amounts of cop splaining

  8. Lemme tell you from personal experience. Cops lie about this kind of thing all the time and always exaggerate their injuries. Don't know who's in the right here, but I'm always weary of police statement, especially when they conflict with passerby's stories.

  9. Again, proves who you are and special system treatment. If it were you or I, we would still be behind bars for a week minimum for a bond hearing. He pops out in just a few hours, wow….

  10. Pretty sure they would have shot him to death if he would have been a black golfer like tiger woods. Scottie is so lucky to have white skin.

  11. Louisville P.D. could give a flip about some #1 ranked American golfer they've dealt with more high profile citizens of the WORLD at the Kentucky Derby than that petty f*ckin clown 🤡 who refused to OBEY police and be courteous during a traffic accident ignorant MF.

  12. He dragged a cop. Now he's blowing it off. This guy is an entitled prick who drove around police barricade during investigation of a fatal accident. And they don't know how it escalated? They're worried this guy is going to have a blight on his career? What about all the unarmed black men killed in traffic stops?

  13. When a cop grabs hold of a moving car it’s not to stop it. It’s to bring more severe charges to the driver. The cops obviously realize it’s not a calf roping contest.

  14. It was a heated incident. Thats no excuse for the cops escalation. If fhey cant stand the heat stay out of the kitchen.
    I am very shocked at the attitude of american cops. Its not very professional and is unduly beligerant or patronising..
    The police should be a service not a Force.

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