Golf Players

HyzerClassics | White Rose Open 2023 | Brooks-Wells, Horst, Hammersten, Laughman

Join us for a shorter trip to the past, but a great one! Back to April of 2023 as we take you to Codorus State Park (Purple) for an exiting first for one of these players, as none of them have an A-tier win at this point in time. Don’t miss this exciting throwback to a pivotal moment in HyzerHistory!

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Commentary: Nathan Johnson, Dan Brooks-Wells

Tournament Director: N/A

Tournament Club: Glen Rocks

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[Music] hello and welcome to Heiser media’s coverage of the 2023 White Rose open presented by MVP disc Sports this is the final round of the tournament which we’ll be playing at the purple course at cadora State Park thank you to our sponsors of this coverage Cosmic disc golf dtown disc golf and ER disc Supply I’m Nathan Johnson and I’m joining the virtual Booth by Dan Brooks Wells how’s it going Dan going good man how how about yourself I’m good I’m excited to watch this final round coverage yeah so am I it was a beautiful day different from the uh previous one and uh leading the way I’m at neg 18 I had two good first rounds tied for second right now is Dylan horse at neg 16 two eight down rounds uh 1012 and 108 with the same exact score is Matt Hammerstein uh same exact rounds neg eight neg eight for round one and two and joining us on the card is Nathan lman at neg 15 neg three the first round and just absolutely had the hot round at neg 12 so starting off on hole one sponsored by dtown discol this is a par 3 274 dead straight OB left and right and let’s not forget that it the wind is howling right now yeah super Blustery Day out here um on the purple course and as you will notice this course is way more open than the blue course as well so we’re definitely going to be feeling the effects out here yeah and uh I’m going with a tera off the te and try not to throw it too too hard and um just came up a little short but you know first thr out of the car not out of the car but first thr out of the gate and uh I’m I’m not upset with that looks like Dylan’s going to try a similar line yeah I think most players are probably going to go with the forehand here and just kind of try to dig it into this Hillside um oh no and he’s he catches that one tree that’s kind of in the way um but he will have an uphill putt which isn’t the worst thing in the world on this hole no no not at all especially not in the wind you want to be able to have a safe bid at it yeah Hammer he’s going to go with the backhand line something over the road Maybe skip it back in doesn’t quite slide down the hill though so that’s going to be a downhill putt for him definitely pretty scary for your your first hole of the day yeah I’m wondering if he was if he was trying to actually fly it there or if he was actually trying to get a skip off the road I’m not I’m not exactly sure yeah I probably think that’s probably unlikely given the fact that it was a slower disc but um the good thing about throwing the backand is if you do hit the road you’ll likely come in bounds Nice Shot for Nathan as well he is as far as I know only throws Four Hands um I’ve never seen him throw a backand personally so um it’ll be interesting to watch how he attacks the course Dylan wants none of that putt just lays it up takes his part moving on yeah the wind the wind’s blowing pretty good I I know you can’t see much but uh Dylan does a smart play yeah you didn’t quite commit to that but honestly an airball is maybe better than hitting the cage or the band on this hole here’s Nathan with his uphill putt H just leaves a little left I don’t know what these the putters he uses are but they are the strangest Putters I’ve ever seen they have these like dimples in them like I I don’t know they’re they’re they’re weird yeah I I actually picked it up a few times you know out of the basket when I was after he cleaned up his Putt and I was like man do you like it he’s like love hate ooh oh man Hammer just airballs that one that’s a very surprising Miss yeah un uncharacteristic uh he was thrown into a complete headwind yeah downhill head headwind putt super tricky so now he’s got an uphill Tailwind Putt and that just drops out of the sky that’s that was what I was talking about tough to hit metal on this hole and stay close that’s going to roll him back to probably outside the circle 40f footer off the top wow it’s a good bed yeah really good effort but that is not the way you want to start your tournament especially final round he’s two strokes back looking to make a push and just like that it’s going to be fourstroke deficit so good job from Nathan cleans up the par no Strokes lost for him you’re able to grab that part as well and We’re Off to the Races yeah holding nothing back round three baby hold two par 4 sponsored by Reaper disc Supply this is 538 ft there is a Hiser Gap off the te or I think most people kind of just go straight a little bit of a low ceiling but this hole is pretty straightforward it’s just throw it straight and don’t go left too far um on the road OB so I’m I’m going with my Mayhem and looking to flip it up a bit and uh I’m happy with this flight yeah nice shot from you um anything that hits the Gap and just kind of pushes straight is nice uh I have thrown and have seen some people throw like the big Heiser out and around to the right um but I if I at least when we played this hole we had like a left to right wind which really just doesn’t work well for the Hiser play so I think you’ll see most people head up the gut Dylan goes for the forehand does that stay in bounds it does we all thought it was going straight OB um but he threw an overstable enough disc and I mean that was crushed he he’s putting yeah that’s un that’s a smash 538 and he’s almost pin High wow yeah and you’re absolutely right uh Nathan throws forand so just just get used to that everybody yeah I mean he’s he’s a super consistent player right like he shot 12 down uh in the woods like that is definitely his strength so it’ll be very interesting to see how he attacks this more open course um especially in this wind will make things uh tricky for you know when you’re dealing with angle control things along those lines yeah and uh for this up shot I I do remember it being left to right you can see it kind of just pushes disc a little bit um going back to a hammer shot he he did Crush that drive so that that gives you a little bit easier of an upshot when you’re you know 50 to 80 feet closer than everybody else yeah and this basket is like on the edge of a a slope kind of um so you don’t really you definitely don’t want to throw it long um because you can find that road pretty quick so definitely want to make sure to leave yourself a stressfree putt if possible on this hole so hammer he’s got a jump putt into the basket after that drive yeah and he’s he’s laying up you know smartly and uh getting a stroke back from from whole one and you can see Dylan once we get a picture of the basket this is a legit putt for Eagle wow and probably a Tailwind putt so pretty runnable but just gets knocked down by the wind still I’m sure he’s happy with a t happen birdie H happy as he can be so yeah this is definitely a headwind putt for Nathan and just leaks it out a little left it’s that’s that range you know edge of the circle 25 ft that you just it’s almost too close to lay it up you know you got to give it a bid but with the wind it’s just such a tough putt same thing for you just just a little low didn’t quite commit to it yeah it’s you know the wind the wind kind of got in my head you know I I I don’t want to give up strokes but you know you want to three this one yeah in CL conditions this is a must get birdie right at 538 pretty open par 4 but once it gets windy and especially with this basket placement um it’s one where a big number can sneak up on you if you’re not careful see after those drives from Matt and Dylan obviously easy birdies for them but if you’re not in position it makes it very tricky [Music] whole three sponsored by Cosmic discol this is a par 3 246 slightly uphill and just two Guardian trees here uh throw what you want you can throw backhand you can throw forehand I think the forehand is the preferred play just because of the slope of the Hill yeah I like the forehand here but there you got to go high with it like Dylan is um there’s a bunch of like small little trees that could grab your disc if you go for more of a low route um looks like Dylan leaves it out a little wide maybe a little deep um it’s going to be tricky but this backhand is is is not a bad option you just have to make sure you give it enough width because the hill is going to pull it back down to the left at the end of the flight so hammer to kind of mitigate that looks like he’s going with a more direct um shot with a slower disc and uh unfortunately catches one of the two trees that are up by the basket and leaves him with a bit of a a putt yeah we we wondering what happened to that cuz that looked like it was going to be parked and I mean what else could have happened but that was a great t-shot by him so I I kind of tried to correct off a Dylan shot and hanging out a little bit more left and I just kind of Juiced it yeah a little deep butt uphill putt so that’s that’s that’s what you want to give yourself on a on a day like today Nate he’s lining up the more direct line as opposed to your guys Spike heisers and wow that almost goes in and just runs way deep that’s that’s a surprising skit back uphill um definitely had a lot of juice on that shot maybe the wind had something to do with it most likely yeah yeah so I’m I’m a little outside the circle um have a little bit of a right to left tail oh lot of a tail that that got a big lift yeah once once once the light plate kind of showed itself it just took it so not happy with having a comebacker there there but I wanted to give it a run here’s Nate yeah he got a head headwind lift there just never lets the disc drop it’s one of those puts you almost have to aim at the cage and just kind of hope that your disc lifts a little in the headwind coming downhill so so hard to actually do yeah Dylan’s kind of just does the same thing just kind of hangs up in that wind see if Hammer can grab the birdie yeah so this this feels like a similar the whole one I believe for Hammer I mean this is a headwind circle’s Edge maybe 25 ft just wow great on the stripe that is a really great putt especially like you said after that really tough break on whole one to bounce back with two birdies in a row sure he’s feeling good yeah o just sneak it in we take it yeah pars are good on this on today you know again this course purple course very shreddable very open but once you add the wind there’s a lot of tricky baset basket placements um super blustery and you know pars aren’t going to lose your Strokes well they will but you know as long as you’re getting some birdies in there it it it’ll work out yeah I mean it’s it’s one of those courses where if it’s not windy you’re looking to shred and if it is windy you’re looking to like semi shred in a in an a tier yeah so tricky putt for Nathan coming back you can see the wind on his clothing gets it in just barely hangs on there you know and and giv up these Strokes in the third round like you know any other day these would be automatic putts but you just want to take your time and execute try not to make a little mistake so whole four this is sponsored by BS upshot this is a par 3 305 this basket is blind I believe maybe you can see the top of it but uh OB to the right and trouble to the left so probably plays more like 330 335 uphill yeah is a fast scen too um because you’re going to see most players throw this wide backhand um but discs just love to leak left down this um Hill and into the rough so you definitely want to make sure as Hammer just throws a beautiful shot there he’s discing down throwing the mid-range I love that play if you have the power to get it there um just kind of keep your disc on the high side of the basket rather than skipping something uh skipping a faster disc down the hill Dylan Dylan trying the same thing he’s he’s throwing a reactor just like you said leaks a little left yeah about the slower disc keeps him on the edge he’ll still have a putt there so I I don’t have the power those guys have I’m going with a vault and I’m trying to pump it a little a little bit but I thought this went farther than it did and uh now I can see that it did not yeah just didn’t quite have the height maybe kind of got caught up on the top of that Hill Nathan he’s going to be going straight at it with this Flex forehand line which I don’t hate for the hillside but it’s just it’s pretty tight um and it looks like his just comes out a little low there and gets caught up early a little bit of tester yeah you don’t you don’t want those on a day like this that’s a that’s a Nee knocker so here’s Dylan for his birdie uphill oh just a little short Dylan having to contort his body in a weird putting stance and throws as he’s been doing past two rounds and just a little short from you as well from that 25t so yeah I mean those are the putts that are either going to that could win you or lose you the tournament you know as Nathan leaks out left as well it’s just it’s we should mention that the field is super tight there’s probably at the beginning of this round was at least 10 people within you know four strokes of the lead so there’s if you get hot on this on on this round and are able to make those 25 to 30 foot putts and and get string some birdies together almost almost anybody could make a run for this tournament right and uh not to mention you know Matt just went three in a row to not only erace his first hole but he’s now down one and he’s right back in it hole five sponsored by on your card where you can play Fantasy disc golf against the pros this is a par three 420 ft way downhill and you can throw whatever you want putter mid Fairway I think the probably the common play is either a mid or Fairway but you can do what you like yeah we had a pretty strong Tailwind here so um whatever you can keep straight going this far downhill is probably the disc that you want to go with as Hammer splits that tree on the oh my gosh what a shot yeah trying to make it four in a row I mean that’s that yellow mid-range he keeps throwing he’s just such good control and Dylan’s GNA go with a slower disc he’s I believe this is a proxy so putter yeah I like the putter play here for Dylan he’s got all the power in the world to reach this hole but looks like this one’s just going to leak not even just great held straight goes deep on a 420t hole with a putter yeah he just threw that putter like 450 or 60 feet wow what a shot yeah I’m I’m going with the Vault here I like to play a little flex and try not to go too far past yeah I don’t hate the flex line um down the right hand side and kind of drive it back into that Hill there’s really just one tree that can kind of grab your disc that the one that hammer went through um as long as you avoid that one you’re probably going to have yourself a pup yeah now Nathan he there’s definitely a orand line I think he just gets over on this a little bit going downhill yeah that’s definitely the Miss there’s there’s a bunch of rough on the right hand side that you don’t want to find yourself in so if you’re going to go with a forand or something that Fades out to the right definitely want to make sure your Miss is left yeah and if you’re if you’re not close to this basket you know you’re up there you’re pretty much looking at a death putt so look a good layout by him Dylan he’s given that a run just a bit left squeaks out the left hand side this is a scary putt for you here downhill basket’s kind of on a little bit of a slope we are in a bit of a valley though so there’s not quite as much wind and yeah you’re able to take advantage nice first birdie of the round yeah that that one felt good after missing the first four you know all those putts I was just telling myself give this a good bid and uh happy to do so really nice birdie putt Hammer’s looking to make it four in a row after the double bogey to start take this time and he connects great birdie he’s be feeling good I mean he’s just on a roll right now he that that double bogey little little fire under him and uh not making any more mistakes right now yeah and this these couple holes um that are coming up too are going to be a great chance to kind of string some birdies together especially if you’re feeling good like he is cuz um they’re a bit more wooded and a bit more out of the wind yeah uh coming up on hole six sponsored by slippery saucers discol this is a par 4 466 not the farthest uh but it is technical so you can see you got to hit this Gap it’s more uphill than it looks in the video and uh the basket’s off to the left yeah I think most players are probably just trying to drive something into the hill and and get a bit of a scoot up up it um it doesn’t really matter what you throw because that Hills probably only oh as Hammer kind of leaks out left fortunate kick to to not go too far in there but yeah I I don’t hate the forehand here from you um doesn’t really matter as long as you just throw something straight for like 250 fet then it’s bound to hit the hill and then it’ll kind of just you know do its thing right yeah and you know when when I was practicing this course uh the day before or the two days before you know I said just be over to the right if you’re going to make a mistake so I’m happy with the center cut and should have an open up shot so Dylan on the other hand can crush it see where he gets to yeah puts a little more height under it catches some cabbage but bites its way through there a little bit yeah he’ll be all right he’s he’s on that right side Nathan surprise surprise he’s going to line up the forehand as well maybe a little overturned but it’s not a bad thing for him cuz he’s going to be throwing another forehand into the green I would think here’s hammer it looks like he has a little tight line I don’t know if he’s going on the outside or the inside of that that tree on the right that we see but either way he’s got a gap to hit yeah this if he’s trying to get to the basket it is playing pretty far from down here so I would think he’s probably just trying to get up to the top of the hill which he does very nicely and just take the par smart play yeah this is going to be a really technical shot here from Nate I don’t know if he’s going to go for a roller or maybe just like a slow turning shot but he’s got to get this disc to finish to the left somehow on a forehand and that one just came out a little low yeah it seems seems to be his his misses right now are just just overturning it a bit a little bit little hyped right now you know yeah just putting a little extra juice on and maybe that little bit of wind is kind of toying with him Dylan after a really nice drive just a nice straight backhand putter into the green comes up a little bit short but he’ll have a putt yeah it’s it’s a little bit shorter than what it looked like from where we were uh but like you said he’ll have a chance at the bird yeah it’s probably maybe 200 or so feet from here slightly uphill well not slightly very uphill this is tricky to get your footing honestly but you’re going with the backand too scoot it up there maybe a little little left but that’s a putt as well there’s Hammer to uh get up there so he can save his par and that’s a nice that’s a nice touch flick yeah super smooth nose up to to get a look to control the ground play very well done see if Nathan can do the same yeah comes up a little short maybe a little overturned again like you said all right let’s see if Dylan can connect here 25 feet or so for his birdie just just didn’t quite commit it is worth mentioning it was a bit chillier on this day I mean obviously you can see Nate he’s got his Bean on but you didn’t quite have the same you know life in your fingers as uh oh he just misses a bit short um as yesterday probably a good 20 to 30 degrees colder yeah it makes it makes a grip in the disc and putting a little a little bit harder and obviously the the wind makes putting way harder so not hard for you though yeah nicely done connect on that 26-footer for your birdie kind of cushion that lead again it was getting a little little hairy there but able to to rate the ship Matt has a really nice par save from where he was and uh the rest are going to be cleaning up yeah we’re going to get into probably the really the only wooded stretch on the course um on the purple course I should say coming up so we could see some a little more score separation over the next three holes ho s sponsored by linked disc golf supplies this is a par 3 264 it’s downhill and like you said it is wooded so there’s a little bit of a gap on the left side which I think most people are going for I’m trying to flick my Pyro and not too hard just hit the Gap yeah anything that’s overstable down the left is kind of the play um it’s it’s tough to get your disc to stop on this hole it is quite a ways downhill looks like you little overturn there from you but it’s it’s a it’s it’s a tough hole it’s a bit poke and prey um there’s not really one defined Gap it’s more just like the left is the most open part of the hole so that’s probably what you’ll see most players take yeah yeah and Matt Matt hits that Gap but like you said it’s hard to get it to stop yep goes about 30 long he up he’ll come back or putt see if Dylan can kind of correct on the speed control here and Dylan’s Dylan’s throwing a Zone here to try and slow it down I like the angle but it’s a little high yeah also just nothing to stop it deep ding issues yep Nate he’s going a little more inside oh fortunate maybe unfortunate I don’t know I think that was unfortunate I I think he would have settled a little bit closer than that and had more of an open putt but here’s Hammer outside the circle ways yeah quite a ways uphill about 35 and he cashes it gets it to hang on the right side that’s a really nice birdie oh yeah just flexes it in there uh another note for this green it’s it’s it’s a beautiful green you can see at Dylan and Hammer’s feet those uh purple flowers do you know what those are called I do not me neither but they’re all and uh they’re awesome yeah yeah it is definitely picturesque I will say although I am not a nature expert um I think the te term is purpel flower yes yes yeah in the Latin as Dylan oh just off the band a bit high so yeah here’s where Nathan ended up after that kick and roll about 25 ft or so and just didn’t quite get the power on it yeah it was you could see how his footing he he couldn’t like get back at all to put any of his lower body so hard to get the the power on it and I almost missed that little right hand side on your on your part tap in but no pictures on the scorecard just just videos this week that’s right just videos [Music] whole eight sponsored by Anthem films this is a par 4 333 and this is a dog leg left as much of a dog leg as you can get pretty much a right angle yeah this hole is reachable I I I mean although I don’t know if you would want to run a circle Edge putt if you got it on this hole because the green is very downhill but yeah this is kind of just take your most overstable or you know a very slow disc like Hammer’s doing here put it on a bunch of Hiser and let it cruise down the hill yeah oh that’s okay that’s how it got so deep into the rough we thought it looked great and I was wondering how you know how it got so far to the right had a little log kick but that was a it was a good shot unfortunate kick into the rough yeah it’s it’s almost one of those like you said it’s it’s pretty much a right angle left so the only way to hit this you know tunnel is to get a big flare skip I think off the ground and it’s such a short hole that most people are throwing a slow enough disc that you’re just really not going to see that too often yeah so most players will just lay up kind of to the mouth like you did looks like Dylan comes out a little low he’s going to end up in pretty much the same place um the up shots from there are tricky it’s probably like a 100 foot you know straight downhill um shot so it’s definitely not a easy birdie this is a terrifying forehand hole but no that’s a really nice shot yeah he makes it work I mean that that could possibly be another way to get there but it’s super technical and Dylan with a great upshot I mean I know he looks a little a little far but you’re you’re you’re pretty much happy with that yeah it’s almost impossible to get a disc to stop next to the basket on this up shot it’s so sloped and it’s an elevated basket and there’s so many roots near the basket like yeah if you end up 15 like you did there that’s completely fine cuz I’ve seen so many discs just stand up and roll to like 40 ft long what a nightmare yeah I the other thing about this hole is I I like being on the short end of the basket just because you’re the ground is higher so you have more of a basket level putt yeah that’s a good point so here’s Hammer he goes he went Deep Off The Fairway but he went far enough down there that he’s probably close to the edge of the circle I mean again you’re not running this putt just because of the elevated basket on the severe downhill he’s happy to just lay up and take his birdie yeah and I was asking him like what kind of line he had and he’s like I had like a 2 by one Gap so good on him to hit it and nice putt nice putt from Nathan yeah that’s a scary putt because if you airball that one it is gone down that hill so good job to collect himself connect on that one and uh if you hit this we’re looking at a starf frame for the card no pressure yeah sorry good thing you can’t hear me o sneak it in left side there you go thank God yeah that’s a side of relief for sure I mean only got 10 holes left in this tournament so it’s it’s coming down coming down to crunch time it is and you know you don’t you don’t want to give up any Strokes I mean every stroke matters you want to take your time on every single thing and uh oh oh speaking of yeah take your time there top shelf hey it’s in nice starf frame there for the group Hammer he’s trying to show off the logo for the fans watching at home whole nine this is sponsored by the Glen rocks disc golf club it’s a par 3 246 pretty good uphill elevation uh take a mid-range take a fairway driver and uh Pump It Up the middle there’s a few trees to miss yeah I think most people are just going to take that straight line I think there is a Hiser gap on the right but I don’t know I just think the straight line is the most direct way and most consistent way to get yourself a birdie putt so hammer just comes out a little low he’s going to be well short of the basket um it is it is a bit of a low ceiling and a high floor situation so definitely a good a good tricky hole for coming in at only about 250 ft yeah I think next time time yeah I get over on that I’m going to practice the heer line I’m I’m really curious about it uh when I practiced I threw the straight line it was fine so I was like go with that but I mean yeah theer Gap is definitely bigger like right off the T right um but I think it gets quite a bit tighter as those backside trees come into play and a lot closer to the green Dylan’s hugging the left side here but he’s able to sneak all the way through puts it under the basket yeah trick shot Dyan that was great yeah this is going to be a tricky forehand hole as well given how uphill it is definitely shapes better for the back and but he’s going to use the whole width of the Fairway drag it right to left Fades back at the end and he’ll have an uphill birdie putt nice shot yeah that was really cool to watch from the te so now you’re going to just try to get up and down here leaked it out a little bit but that’s it’s fine is yep yeah so that tree is about Circle Edge Short so Hammer’s coming up about 45 50 footer here for his birdie just just cont after that after that he goes I almost hit that tree it is a big tree I will say nice birdie putt there from Nathan as you can see a hole 14 I think on the blue course in the background um yeah but yes nice and nice tap in for Dylan replicating from hammer on the last hole he scoots out of the way yeah couple par tap-ins for the two of you and uh you got yourself a one stroke lead coming down the stretch how are you feeling at this point Dan I don’t know man there’s a couple of couple of holes I want back but um I was happy to hit putts like this and I feel fortunate to be you know to still have the lead going into the back nine we got nine holes left of the 2023 white Row open and it is going to be an exciting finish I promise hello and welcome welcome back to Heiser media’s coverage of the 2023 White Rose open presented by MVP dis Sports this is the back nine of the final round it’s bound to be an exciting finish thank you to our supporting sponsors of this coverage Cosmic disc golf dtown disc golf and Reaper disc Supply I’m Nathan Johnson joined in the booth by Dan Brooks Wells how is it going I’m excited for this back nine and we’re going to start it off on hole 10 this is a par 4537 this hole sponsored by the Glen rocks disc golf club it was extremely windy on this hole and uh there’s an OB road on the left side and trees to get caught up on on the right side so it is it feels like an open shot uh and it is but it can be a little hairy yeah this is one of those holes in calm conditions it’s a musk bird and coming playing into a headwind is just makes it quite tricky um still very getable at only 537 ft but your upshot you want to put it close yeah you can see the wind kind of flipped Dylan’s discs right there and he gets caught up in the trees but he’ll he’ll be in an all right position yep here’s Nathan if you didn’t watch the front nine he is an all four hand player so he’s going to go with the forehand off the te puts it in the middle it’ll work out is fine yeah and if you didn’t watch the front nine go go watch that first yeah what are you doing what’s going on here uh Matt Matt uh decided to look at Dylan’s line he said he beefed up the wind just takes hold of it and was surprising he was surprised to see it flip that much yeah those right side trees coming quick if if your disc turns over I think most players are just trying to you know aim for the trees knowing that your disc is going to fade left but yeah once the takes it and flips it there’s no comeing back yeah and I I saw that so I threw the most overstable thing in my bag which is a patent pending Nitro and you know that flew a little bit straighter than a used to it fine yeah still great shot though puts you in the middle of the Fairway this that’s a real that’s a tough forehand to commit to with the OB road on the left he’d really have to hang it out wide and into a headwind it’s tough to trust that you’re disc isn’t going to flip over yeah Matt Matt here he he ended up going with a mid-range and uh I was talking to him about this shot it’s got a nice flight comes up a little short I was talking to him about it I was curious why he didn’t go with a fairway he said I know I can get a mid-range there and if I throw a fairway I might throw it out the back so I can’t argue with that um the wind just kind of knocked it down yeah knowing that that mid-range is just going to kind of hold uh to the right the whole time and not fade out too is definitely a good option and you throw a beauty of an up shot but that one super close Dylan seems to be going with his Zone here yeah wind’s kind of take oh wind was taking that one a little left might have been into some trouble but catches that one tree and that’ll leave him with a putt so Nate now just trying to get up and down for the par catches that same same tree um but that tree is only about 20 ft or so so not the worst thing ever this is a scary though on the elevated basket into a headwind and Dylan just gets the nose down and that putt just gets slammed to the ground Nathan now to save his par and his putt gets lifted man just the slightest differences in nose angle making a huge difference out here in this wind nice putt though from you to keep that one nice and flat drive it into the chains yeah some sometimes you know when you’re not sure what the wind’s doing I I I know it’s tough to get yourself to do oh no oh man that’s a tough a little right but still a really tough spit out yeah um I was saying it it might it might be tough to get yourself to do but putting it a little bit harder might help you fight through it but yeah Dylan I mean that one you just think it’s going to stay and just gets pushed out yeah just maybe a little lapse in Focus there just lets a leak out on him ho 11 sponsored by Central PA disc golf this is a par 3 261 the only real trouble are is this Gap off the te and for the most part it’s just mind games uh hit the Gap and get the disc in the circle yeah it’s close enough to the te that you really shouldn’t have to worry about it too much um I think most players are going to elect for a forehand if you’ve got it just because of that right to left sloping Hill you can kind of just drive your disc into the ground and let it scoot up towards the basket like you done there leave it a little short but that’s a good shot yeah a little bit shorter than I’d like but you know happy to hit the Gap here’s Hammer he’s going to try to correct off your line maybe a little little bit higher yeah he’s throwing a little bit faster of a disc too he’s going with a fairway I notice that when he flicks he usually flicks Fairways so he gets a little bit more distance than I do bit more of a yeah a bit more of a flex line as opposed to the straight at it but um worked out for him Dyan with the zone you can see you know we all throw forehand but we’re all throwing different speeds just play your game you know yeah I mean I’m sure yeah whatever whatever you’re comfortable with right that’s kind of the name of the game on this whole it’s that it’s that distance where you could probably throw any disc in your bag and get yourself a birdie putt but you know which which one is going to work for you on on the day right we wondering if we can get all four four hands all right we do and Nate’s going with a little flexy line comes back very nicely and he’s going to be the closest to the group well done so looks like Dylan’s going to be up first here came up a bit higher on the hill so he’s got another downhill putt maybe 28 feet or so and just just leaves it out left putts just been a little off today for Dylan just doesn’t quite have that confidence that you’d like to see in a in a final round just a bit High that’s surprised Tailwind putt too just didn’t quite get the drop yeah not not happy about that but so now Hammer coming back he’s able to grab the birdie that’ll pick up a stroke to bring it to one yeah you know you know you know when I was stepping up to that putt I I know Hammer’s going to hit that and it’s just like I really don’t want to lose a stroke here so don’t leave it short but uh good on Hammer to take advantage of my mistake and get within one yeah well done Dylan he’s able to clean up his par Nathan’s going to tap in the birdie and uh yeah it’s kind of turning into a two- horse race at least on this card um we’ll see we’ll see how the chase card’s doing up here in a little bit but a bit of a match play scenario old 12 sponsored by home again discol this is a par 4 for 26 there is a tight Gap to hit off the t uh but once you do it’s a decently open up shot that is uphill yeah this is another one only at 426 as long as you kind of hit this Gap um and play something into the hill you’re going to have um you know some way to to to get up there for the birdie so hammer he’s just throwing some backhand Heiser flip scoots it up there gets a nice Skip and that’ll work out just fine yeah that’s that’s really all you want to do surprise surprise Nathan’s going with the forehand leaks out a little to the right but once you’re once you’re through the Gap and past that little building over there on the right it’s pretty open so it doesn’t really matter if you Fade Out one way or the other more just throw the disc you’re comfortable hitting the Gap with yeah not great you kind of pulled it into that tree seen some dis sneak through but looks like you caught a branch and dropped down into the right there it’s going to be a tricky scramble there’s Dylan looking to correct and that’s just a little overturned but yeah he gets over on it but I mean he’s in the middle it’s not that far of a hole he’s got all the power in the world he’ll be all right yeah still a great shot definitely birdi B from there um I’m sure he’s fine with you actually just a little high not good yeah I was I was I was going for the green I just didn’t get it turned over at all so I’m left with uh still a tricky upsh shot yeah quite a ways uphill definitely low ceiling and and as we’ll see in a second here this basket is a highrise and this is probably the windiest screen on the course at least that’s what it felt like when I played the whole I’d agree so definitely want to put your upshot close Nathan’s going with the forehand and it just catches those two Guardians on the on the left hand side the right is definitely more open as you approach the green um so that’s why Dylan is going to elect for the backhand here looks like a Berg comes up a bit short but that’ll be a putt probably a headwind putt I would think as you have a lot of the wind coming up the hill off the water yeah Hammer here had a great drive just a little pitch up and uh catches it look at I mean that’s just wind just blowing it wow yeah yeah just a great shot but yeah just gets on edge and stays there once the wind gets a hold of it so now he’s got a much longer putt than I’m sure he originally wanted Nathan is going to run this maybe a little safer bid with that cross wind able to stay close so windy I I Tred to give it a little floaty bit and I’m not too upset I mean I’m I’m upset with the bogey but you know I made mistakes right yeah and it could have been made a lot worse on this green you definitely don’t want a three putt Hammer though wow just puts it on the striped straight headwind that’s a really great putt to pick up two strokes on you yeah just just clutch I mean he didn’t let the roll away get in his head you um he just steps up and does what Hammer does and ah Dylan leaves it a little high yeah I mean I I was very surprised we didn’t see a a lift like that when when Hammer putted just but he just such good spin control such good nose angle control on that putt to Dylan just off right again it’s yeah this screen is just so windy you can’t tell on camera because there’s no flag on the basket but that’s such an impressive put right I’ll tell you what though the one thing that this course gives you are views look at that background I mean just beautiful beautiful course yeah so sick if you if you haven’t been to cadora State Park and you live in Pennsylvania or Maryland definitely worth a visit there’s three courses on the property and it is uh it’s a great place to come for disc golf yeah it was it was home of the amateur worlds correct not too long ago 2019 yeah as we check in on the scores Hammer’s got a one-stroke lead over yourself and Lucas overh holds or Hess making a push from The Chase card to keep himself in contention so we’ll make sure to keep an eye on that the rest of the round yeah uh ho 13 sponsored by Daddy disc golf supply this is a par 3 364 there is a pretty hefty headwind SL right to left I’d say more headwind and you got to pump this one cuz the basket’s off to the left yeah it’s on First Look at just wow what a shot from Hammer leaks it a little deep but not a problem cuz he’ll have a Tailwind cross tail cross kind of putt coming up this pole plays really far in this wind um it’s really important to make sure you you’re going to have to throw a super overstable disc and getting that nose angle right to keep pushing forward is very tricky this just rolls out it like flexes out on the roll um tough just a tough shot for a forehand in the wind yeah yeah with the wind and the slope and yeah just just definitely not a forehand hole what are you going with here so this is that super overstable Nitro that I have and you know telling myself just pump it out there and hopefully the wind will push it you definitely want to make sure you give it enough width yeah I I was kind of upset I was that that it didn’t get that much of a push but uh I still have a putt yeah you got a putt it’s going to be a scary putt but it’s all you can ask for on this hole it’s just in this wind anything anything inside the circle is is good Dylan throwing I’m pretty sure that’s a Max um he has a bunch of those in his bag and he I can see why he knows what to do with them yeah he’s got plenty of power where he can just throw super overstable disc and play lawn darts there nice up shot there from Nathan to make sure to secure his par and uh what is this cop probably a right to left wind on your putt here I don’t really remember I just remember saying give oh my gosh just off the cage and then off the chains great bid I I I know Matt’s a good Putter and I I felt like I uh I didn’t want to lose another one to him so here’s Matt to pick up another stroke and he delivers such a good Putt in this win man like just he’s just he’s just on the stripe he’s locked in it’s there’s no other way to describe it Dylan almost lets that one low but he gets it to drop that’s a nice that’s a nice bounce back birdie from him yeah definitely a nice birdie to get he’s still fighting to get a top 10 finish so don’t want to leak any more Strokes not at all whole 14 sponsored by indd sits this is a par 3492 it is a peninsula green you can see the road and Beyond plays OB and uh with the wind I mean almost I don’t want to say forget about the birdie but forget about it it was straight headwind yeah it was it was so hard um it this did play as the hardest hole in the course uh at 3.36 Strokes overpower yeah it’s a really good play by Hammer he was not going for it uh he knows where he is right now and he puts it pretty much in the center so good on him yeah nice shot you just take your overstable disc kind of put it out to the right um or if you’re deal go straight at it this is probably going to leak though and this could find the road if he’s not careful good checkup it’s a good checkup yeah the danger here comes in if you do choose to get aggressive right if you if you play this safe keep it in the middle keep it low it should be a pretty stressfree par but um if you you know if you get aggressive with this head wind that’s when you can get into some trouble yeah you can see I’m still wondering what the wind’s doing in my mind I’m like you need to try and get the birdie you know you can but I just kind of like checked up on it and my body was like don’t don’t do it you can’t even can you see there it is yeah yeah it’s kind of just get your PA and move on yeah we might see yeah I would be surprised to see anybody run these long looks but you never know Dylan’s been first two rounds if you haven’t seen it Dylan’s been getting uh aggressive and has uh it’s done pretty well at it so it’s true see maybe 60 70 footer for you but a tree right in the way I think it’s a little longer than that okay oh yeah maybe maybe closer to 100 yeah just lay it up happy with that don’t want to have to have a putt in the wind and going into a stretch where you can get every single birdie so don’t want to take a a you know a stupid bogey yeah just lay it up put it close Hammer’s going to do the same put his under the basket let’s see where Dylan ended up and maybe a runnable putt here it’s pretty long though no he doesn’t want any part of it n all right so as as they tap out there was one Birdie on the day you want to guess who it was oh Tommy it’s you yes it was hit a circle two putt for the bird nice dude what did you what’ you throw uh off the tea I went with my brover stable Calvin Destroyer just hung it out wide and uh I got a nice wind L for my 40-footer so I was able to connect nice very nice stroke on the field for sure all right so let’s take a look at the scores hey I know that guy in fourth place Hammer’s got a two-stroke lead now though through 14 holes myself and Lucas on the Chase card were trying to make a push but uh we know we are going to need a little help coming here down the stretch yeah it’s still anyone’s game and uh this is hole 15 sponsored by gripper and Ripper plays as an island as you can see very very awesome builtup Hole uh but if you if you don’t land in it it plays as a hazard so there’s no Drop Zone you just putt from where you are and with a with a penalty stroke so hammer throws that mid that he loves so much or yeah dude what a break skips off of the stone wall and stays in bounds an inch lower and that’s OB and he’s got 35 footer fo par yeah looked like it slipped out of his hand a little bit Yeah and especially these last four holes we’ve kind of got a swirly wind so it’s it’s really tricky to kind of predict what it’s going to do to your disc and uh that kind of just makes this island hole even more stressful yeah this this plays great for the the spike forehand and Nathan executes it you know textbook yeah really well done there to keep his shot close what are you going for straight backand yeah during practice you know I was throwing a proxy or a hex and there was a little bit of a headwind so I I kind of went more over stable with a reactor and you can see I got the nose up a bit and I I thought it was there and it just a bit short yeah so you’ll have a makeable putt just at the edge of the circle I I believe the island is the size of the of circle one um so Dylan’s coming in about 45 on that putt just doesn’t quite commit to it so yeah probably sitting around what 35 ft 33 on the edge yeah something like that and you know knowing where the scores are at I pretty much know that if I want any chance this has to go in yeah with Hammer as close as he is this is a two-stroke swing if you don’t connect here and you do that’s a huge par save to keep yourself at 21 under par and at worst a three stroke deficit with three holes to play yeah you know at this point I’m like I need to birdie out out and I need Matt to pretty much mess up so yeah all three of these final holes are very getable um but at the same time you know with a lead in an a tier there’s no such thing as a gimme you know the nerves are definitely going to come into play so you know it’s definitely not over especially with the wind for sure so yeah here’s hammer for his birdie about 10 ft make sure to take his time and put it on the pole and he does so 24 underpar Free Your Leader with three to go 16 sponsored by Nish bags this is a par 3 249 slightly uphill the green uh slopes a little bit left to right and a parking lot OB to the right shouldn’t really come into play but Hammer going with a a putter here yep just straight at it not too much in the way just want to make sure you throw something over stable enough to not leak out like this and um not a terrible shot he’s still going to have a putt but definitely not the putt he wanted I’m sure on this hole no you can you can kind of see off Nathan’s shirt I I think it’s a slight headwind um Nathan beefs up and he’s going to find himself over over with Matt yeah it is that’s a tough I’ve seen multiple people throw the four in on this hole it’s just really tough to keep it close with that left to right slope um I think the straight back in is definitely the play and just kind of Drive something into the hill and let it scoot up there which it looks like you’re trying to do yeah so I saw the I saw those two guys and I I beefed up to an to an entropy and I wish I would have stuck with my regular play but uh I still have a putt just not as close as I’d like it to be yeah a little bit short but still a putt nonetheless let’s see if Dylan looks like he’s was that an Envy maybe something like I believe yeah he Clips envy and usually stable enough but this one kind of gets away yeah kind of just threw it flat out of the hand maybe wanted to to come out on a little Heiser never quite has a chance to finish so we’re going to have three guys over here in these leaves putting back uphill Nathan up first and he’s able to connect wow what a putt yeah floats it in there that was awesome to watch yeah into a headwind super smooth uphill spinner 40 feet that’s a great birdie m trying to get another stroke yeah this almost seals the deal if he’s able to connect on this putt just a bit High kind of floated on him yeah it was a good it was it was a good confident run you know he’s not a scared run it’s uphill putt so good to see that though and kind of the same mistake there from Dylan just gets the nose up and never really has a chance to push into the chains kind of stalls it out so you got a chance to pick up a stroke here from maybe circle’s Edge just inside of it yeah I uh yeah I I think you’re right circle’s Edge and I I know I have to make this if I want any sort of a chance just doesn’t didn’t quite commit leaves it a little low off the cage I just you know you hate to leave it low in in that situation you just tell yourself give it a chance you know if you miss high you miss high but that’s the only thing I’m really disappointed about in that putt yeah tough tough break and that that’s definitely deflating knowing that now the deficit is three Strokes with two holes to play it’s going to be it’s going to take it’s going to take a big blunder from uh from Matt especially with these final two holes um not being nearly the two most difficult holes on this course absolutely um one of the easier holes in the course it’s a hole 17 this is a par 3 333 ft uh just wide open I mean I believe you know for worlds they they chopped this this hole up uh and made it 17 and 18 but this is just you throw it and get it you see Nathan kind of turns it over that’s kind of been his mistake of the day and you know Matt’s looking to put this away um you know with a birdie yeah a birdie here gives him a great chance to win this thing um pretty strong right to left wind I believe um on this hole so just wants to make sure he swings it out nice and wide let the wind bring it back Heely has the width anti skip you know he he wasn’t counting on that anti- Skip and it leaves him a uh a tester yeah kind of a weird reaction there and uh unfortunate but he’ll still he’ll still have a putt still give himself a chance see if you’re able to correct maybe maybe a little lower line or slightly more direct still give it some good width yeah I think I threw a little bit more of an overstable disc than he did and just to fight that wind and happy with the result yeah nice shot from you put yourself around 15 ft Dylan he likes the forehand I don’t hate the forehand play here I mean you kind of go more straight at the basket with the forehand and the wind and Dylan has all the power in the world so shouldn’t be too difficult to get there and yeah great shot all right so Nathan will be up first after turning his drive over probably about a 60 footer or so really good effort his spin putt is it kind of looks a little wonky but like it just comes out so clean so now here’s Hammer just outside the circle to get to 25 under just a bit low tail might have dropped it maybe didn’t quite commit as much as he would have liked to yeah and he he knows as you’ll see very soon what that put is for and uh the rest of us are going to clean up but whole 18 is going to be an exciting one yeah definitely G to I I promised you guys an exciting finish at the end of round two’s coverage and uh I wasn’t lying even though this card is still a two-stroke deficit for yourself um it’s still going to be quite an exciting finish in terms of the overall scope of this tournament so good birdie for you good birdie for Dylan we’re going to have a tap in par here for Nathan and we’re going to take a quick score checkin here before we jump into our last hole and that’s right folks it’s tied at the top so myself and Lucas we are finished we started on poll two we’re done Lucas is in the clubhouse at 24 under par are tied with Matt for the lead so if Hammer is able to get the birdie on 18 he will be your white rose open Champion yes and this is probably the easiest hole on the course hole 18 R3 237 you can flick it you can backhand it I’m choosing to throw my pyro on the left side and just kind of skip it in so hammer knows what he has to do and everyone is watching so you have that extra added pressure yeah definitely some pressure here even though this is a dinker easy like you said this is the easiest hole in the course at 2.38 scoring average so almost all the whole field you know more than two-thirds of the field is taking a birdie here um you and Dylan nicely done just chip a forehand around the corner you can kind of aim for that electrical box and just slide it up to the basket yep we all we all do our job and all right so here’s h he I at this point you got to think he knows he needs this birdie right oh yeah I mean everyone’s come to watch he knew it on the last hole he said I just got to get one of these two so here we go Ls up the forehand this is a little wider than you’d like but he’s going to get some ground play scoots just a probably Circle Edge long not the putt that he would have liked to see uh for the win here so about 35 ft headwind put it’s not it’s going to be tricky absolutely there’s wind and you can’t see it but literally everybody’s watching so yep quite a big Gallery this is one of the last cards to finish so all the pressure in the world for Matt hamston he’s got this 35 foot 35f footer to win the white rose open bang on the stripe you can tell from that fist pump he knew what that putt was worth yep just like he’s been doing all tournament Matt hamerson comes up with the clutch birdie putt this one is for the win yeah man I mean just ice in his veins dude like everyone could feel the tension you could see Lucas gives him a hug you know everyone what a just great competitors what a fun tournament and uh beautiful day and congratulations Matt yeah super well done super consistent play throughout all three rounds congratulations to yourself that putt right there was to give you Soul a third place and uh cost me about $100 but well done really fun really really fun tournament yeah again congratulations Matt hamerson your 2023 White Rose open champion super consistent very fun to watch him that little scoot off of the uh Stone on full 15 was nice break take a look at the rest of the top 10 yeah congratulations everybody in the top 10 we had a pretty pretty good field and just just a lot of fun yeah super fun tournament thank you to our supporting sponsor the north gods thank you to the patreon family for making this all possible and yeah thanks for you thanks to you Dan thanks for joining me in the booth this was a lot of fun yeah thanks for having me I uh had a really good time so hope to do it again yeah we’ll have to have you back again soon for the rest of you all I’ve been Nathan Johnson thanks on also on behalf of Dan Brooks Wells make sure to subscribe to Heiser media for more tournaments coming in the future later guys


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