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Does the NFL‘s Rooney Rule Need to be Changed? || Foxboro Rush Ep. 8

On this episode of Foxboro Rush, Travis Thomas and George Balekji break down the Patriots hire of Eliot Wolf and the Rooney rule, and just how good of a football analyst Tom Brady will be.


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Foxboro Rush what a rush Travis th is here with my man George blei and you know what George on this show we talk all things Patriots all things NFL and I for one sir am fired up for the NFL release tonight baby let’s go you know maybe it’s a hot call here hot take I don’t care for the schedule releases just put it out just just I want one graphic on social media laying out the 17 games I know when the buy is I know when the prime time games I don’t need this stupid roll out over the course of 4 days and then they’re going to make us sit around a TV it’s going to take 2 hours on a Wednesday night like dude I don’t care just roll it out and put it out there there’s no way it actually generates his viewership it’s the ego of the NFL with this that’s my take who peed in your football serial like what’s your problem I’m all about finding out who they’re playing and when like trust me but just just put it out there you just want it out I’m not I’m not I’m not going to watch it I’m not I don’t care yes you are Twitter will get it done for me I will gue you’ll watch it I’m be sitting right next to you watching there are other things going on NBA NHL playoffs right oh WNBA Seasons here he Kaitlin Clark what up we acknowledge all those things on Boston has enter the chat and hold my banner and all the wonderful shows we do here at Nessa George but here on Foxboro rush we talk football baby what you mean you don’t want the NFL release show I will literally be outside touching grass instead of watching the NFL roll out a schedule I’m not doing that enough Roger Goodell well listen everything the NFL does is pretty much a production now George you remember when the draft used to just be a bunch of fat guys sitting around on a rotary phone making picks those days are gone it’s a concert now and it feels like a music festival they’ve done the same thing with the scheduled release show I don’t have a problem with it most of but hey to your point most of these games are leaked before we already kind of know so I I get it I get it just put it all out at once all right let’s start here so it’s official as we know Patriots Executive Vice President of player Personnel always a mouthful de facto GM right Elliot wolf got the job but now reports are starting to come out here we know per the NFL’s Rooney Rule teams are required to interview at least two minority candidates for these positions right well so we know they’ve interviewed a few for that position but in the end an article from Albert Breer said this George quote candidates weren’t brought to the team headquarters and did didn’t meet anyone other than the crafts so essentially they were just took him out to dinner somewhere in Boston I’m sure it was a wonderful dinner but it was basically what you and I suspected checking a couple boxes okay let’s give Elliot Wolf the gig so no shock to us we saw this coming but I guess now George we’re getting confirmation of what we thought that this Rooney Rule thing for a lot of these teams I I want to be easy on the Patriots specifically because I want to acknowledge how important it is that they do have the first black head coach in franchise history so I do appreciate that and I’ve spoken about that but all of these teams I’m not letting the Patriots off the hook but I’m putting everyone on the hook of they bring in these minority candidates to literally just check a box they damn they have interest in hiring them and this is what if you remember Brian Flores was complaining about right that it’s it’s it’s a it’s a charade to bring you bring us in and interview us when you’re not going to give us an opportunity and you know that going in so it’s pretty much what we thought George this is confirmation yeah it was as you put it talking about it before it’s a dog and pony show just hey we brought people in we opened it up it was just to me though an odd start to finish process of finding who your deao GM is and after all this you still don’t have a general manager like why are you holding out on that title right is it a pay thing Robert Craft is it you being cheap I don’t know now Elliot wolf was the right hire to lead this team in that front office a because he just drafted a team but the past issues of your Drafting and Personnel decisions wasn’t because of Elliot wolf it was because of Bill bich and him walking all over guys like Matt Gro who was the head of personnel when belich was still the general manager and head coach now you touched on it it’s not like the crafts are going around and saying you know they don’t believe in the Rooney Ro the minorities because obviously they have gerod Mayo a blackhead coach but the way they went about this whole offseason I’ve said it before the crafts and the Patriots did the laziest coaching NGM search I’ve ever seen they baked into Gerard Mayo’s contract before last season began because remember he was getting head coaching interviews elsewhere around the NFL and for him stay without getting the DC title was hm that raised some eyebrows but they baked it in you will be the successor to Bill bich once he’s gone they expected it to be two or three years down the road not immediate one year after putting that then with this GM search same thing they don’t go and actually interview any serious candidates Brendan hunt the eagle scouting director good for him because he’s a low man on the totem pole in that front office and that’s good experience for him to at least go through talk with an NFL owner put his name and his face in front of an owner so if something opens up they remember Brandon Hunt of the Eagles we interviewed him got to know him he stuck out to me I want to hire him then Samir sulaman who used to be with the Parina can uh Parina panthers Carolina Panthers as ex cap chief for them I mean that’s a guy that does the numbers knows how about cap management meeting the bottom line but also staying within budget that’s everything Robert Craft was but again not a serious candidate what they did with all this was just say Elliot we’re not giving you the title for whatever reason it just doesn’t make makes sense do this search in January right after you fire bill bich and if you do this search the right way and you actually go out and interview a Jason Peters who learned from the 49ers before becoming the head guy at the commanders who was in your building talk to him interviewing Alec helby from the Philadelphia Eagles who’s the number two be behind Howie in Philadelphia look at how they draft and how they do free agency and how they consistently be a contender the reason you bring these guys in is because you learn from them you do your own Intel on these interviews while they’re doing their Intel by getting interviewed by you you go and learn from other teams and other people how it’s done you haven’t done a head coach search or general manager search in 25 years you might have to do it again in three years if Drake May doesn’t work that’s right but you didn’t do it and you didn’t learn anything so that’s where again the Patriots are just lazy but it’s the Kumbaya that Rober craft feeds to everybody an elegant ution of bich and US parting ways you fired him just say it it’s fine Robert it’s fine Jonathan so that’s where this was the right hire made but the process didn’t make sense at all and this could have been done two weeks after the end of the season where you interview serious candidates you don’t make a mockery of the minority candidates you interview actually take them serious actually bring them in actually go through the process yourself and your people learn and if you still come to the endpoint of Elliot will fine because he’s a right man for the job but you gain something in the process so that’s why with all this I just hate how the Patriots did it it is so lazy and it is so wrong the process they went about it and they’re not a better team for it they got a good head coach we’ll see first- time head coach first- time head of personnel deao GM and Elliot wolf but they could have done so much more for themselves right hireing Elliot wolf but this process and the logic behind it doesn’t make sense at all I don’t think it’ll ever make sense but it’s Robert Craft and Jonathan Craft trying to be the smartest guys in the room like you don’t have to be the smartest guy just take the right hire and do the right process it’s all anyone’s asking for I can sense your frustration but I think your frustration is sort of misdirected you know I pushed back with the lazy narrative with you because I said I both of us agree that Elliot wolf earned the job and they wanted clearly to hire within I don’t necessarily have a problem with Elliot wolf being the hire I don’t really personally think it was lazy for that to be the outcome the method in which they got there as it pertains to the Rooney Rule is really what both of us have the issue with it it’s not so much at least speaking for myself it’s not so much that the Patriots just decided Elliot Wolf’s our guy and they didn’t do thorough interviews of other people I mean hell if you decide that’s your guy that’s why they didn’t do thorough interviews of other people they knew they already had their man it was his job to lose he didn’t lose it so he got the gig the issue both of us have and I know is the Rooney Rule is in place for the right reasons the issue is the accountability of the Rooney Rule these teams there’s no one to hold them accountable there’s no one to say listen you can’t just parade minority candidates in here without giving them a fair opportunity to land the gig within your organization that’s not happening I’ve been interviews personally where I’ve gone in and interviewed for a job that I was not qualified for and the the hiring people say you know what you’re not qualified for this job but we really like you you have talent we see on your resume you have this this and this in terms of experience we’re going to put you in this position so I ended up walking out of there with a job just not the one I applied for If This Were happening I bring this up because if this were happening in some of these NFL gigs then I don’t think there would be as big of an issue the issue is when you bring in minority candidates they have zero shot at the job and you’re not even interested in bringing them in your organization in some other capacity where maybe they can get their foot in the door and be more qualified for a position a lot of times a lot of these minority candidates are qualified for a position overqualified for a position and you’re still just bringing them in to BS them to check a box all of these examples George lead back to one word and it’s accountability someone the NFL needs to hold these clubs accountable it can’t just be enough to say you you have to interview two check check and that’s it it’s it’s just not enough again I’m a little sensitive to the Patriots situation because I think they have for the most part in the post bellich era albeit short have done things the right way but Big Picture This Rooney Rule stuff it’s all good on the surface but there needs to be accountability to hold teams to the standard and it’s just not happening it’s it’s my gripe is it’s not Ellie wolf getting the job because I think he’s a right hire and Gerard Mayo I’m fine with that if you believe in him but you still open the doors you gain stuff from interviewing serious candidates and if they bring in serious minority candidates from the front offices of the Detroit Lions the Dallas Cowboys some of the better drafting teams in the NFL who are led by minorities that are their head of personnel so go to their personnel tree and see who’s their right-hand person and interview them my issue is that the Patriots could have gained a lot from an actual serious GM and coaching search and they didn’t do any of that so that’s where it goes into and you’re a th% right Trav the Rooney Rule is made a mockery of in the NFL every year we saw happen with Brian Flores when remember the wrong Brian got a text from Bill Bel man to text Brian dable congrats on getting the job when Brian Flores was still in the interview process for the New York Giants and he was confused it was the same thing here you bring in Brendon hunt and good for him to get this interview and get that experience it’ll help him when someone actually takes him serious and he’s been through the ringer of the interview process so good for Brendon hunt yeah Samir sulaman if he wants to get back into a front office sure go ahead we’ll see what happens with him you get that experience but it’s just the Patriots not taking it serious and not doing actual football work and this all could have been done by the end of mid January to end of January everything could have been done Ellie wolf could have had this title and guess what probably would have done the same in free agency and in the draft so that’s where it goes you you had him yeah you’re going to draft the team then we’ll reassess from that point on it just doesn’t make sense and there’s like you could Zig when everyone’s zagging that’s fine you could do stuff a little differently but I just don’t get it why they did it this way it just doesn’t make sense to me and George you know we keep bringing up Brian Flores but there’s countless examples one it comes to top of mine recent is Raheem Morris how long did it take that guy to get a second chance at a head coaching gig where we see other situations where that’s not the case there’s retreads all the time but when it comes to minority coaches that is not the case and Raheem Morris was paraded around George with this Rooney Rule for several gigs over the years he finally got his chance in Atlanta and we’ll see how it goes but everyone will acknowledge he should have got another head coaching opportunity way sooner than he did but again checking boxes on Rooney well we brought in Raheem Morris I I mean where is the accountability that’s where I’m at with it it’s also what they did this was basically a one-day search they met with Brendon hunt pretty much at one point of the day s sulan the next in person never brought them to Foxboro the headquarters took them out to dinner never met with anyone else that’s literally checking the box and just being lazy but everything I’m going on being critical I do like the Ellie wolfire yes we like how he drafted I there’s picks I don’t love but the way he handled free agency wasn’t the best either but the draft and you start from there this can be a multi-year rebuild I do like that Ellie wolf has experience from outside the building you didn’t go with Matt grow who’s just a nepotism play by Bill belich doing a favor for algro Matt’s dad Elliot wolf was a finalist for the Chicago and Minnesota jobs for those front offices when he was with Green Bay he was the number two behind Brian gudakunst and look at how the Packers have drafted random years picks that come to mind for me Jer Alexander ran Gary elen Jenkins Jordan Love Christian Watson Romeo dubs Zack Tom Luke Musgrave Jaden Reed Kenny Clark those guys are Pro Bowl level to All Pro level players J Alexander ran Gary Jordan love I’m talking ceilings here Kenny Clark those guys can be all pro then he’s been there too when they drafted Devonte Adams Jordy Nelson Greg Jennings Randall Cobb James Jones a third round pick all those guys second or third rounds he just took a second and fourth round receiver so he’s been there and knows and he learned from his dad Ron wolf of course he’s been around for an offices since he was 14 I like Elliot wolf getting this promotion but again why not general manager like what’s the logic here give him the damn title Robert Craft what are you doing but I think it was good and you point out in Albert Brier’s report he said wolf came in broke down walls in which had been very siloed off operation communicated a very clear process and strategy and set of expectations all while keeping some elements of the old bich way keywords in this article collaborative capable levelheaded there it is so that is something a Robert Craft like zelia wolf because that keyword siloed off belich did his thing the crafts probably never knew right leave me alone let me do the football stuff and then that’s what happens when he trades back and he takes a guard 29 overall in the first round so they knew what ell was planning to do Elliot wolf knew what they wanted to do that leads you to Drake Maya number three get a receiver get a tackle get a receiver get a playmaker and Jem Bell late in the draft too so that makes sense why Elliot wolf got this promotion I just still don’t understand the non GM gut feeli are we talking about a Patriots Executive Vice President a player Personnel search in four years years or do you think Elliot Wolf’s here for the long term I think he’s here for the long term because I believe he hitched his wagon to Drake May and I believe Drake May is going to work and and list listen in this league if you get the quarterback right and and all of us are optimistic cautiously optimistic that Gerard Mayo’s right so you get the head coach and the quarterback higher right in this league you win games if you win games you keep your job I think Elliot wolf is here four years from now do you yeah uh if I’m going to project the the Drake May works and they are able to develop him and I believe in how they drafted like the receivers that got around them this is a thing where gerod Mayo said it himself my legacy is tied to Drake May that’s right Ellie Wolf’s Legacy is tied to Drake May the one thing I’ll give him I mean look at the LA Chargers the quarterback will out Outlast the head coach and the and the GM and Tom Tesco and of course their head coach that they just fired as well so do you’re asking me yes or no I’ll say no I’ll project Drake May works out it’s going be a long rebuild but by year three if they’re back in the playoffs winning playoff games being a serious team then Gerard mayo and Ellie wolf are going to be here to stay oh they’re going to get fat contract extensions is what they’re going to get now there’s a lot of talk about Drake May between you and I but we’re not the only ones my friend our old buddy plexico burus says the Patriots regret drafting Drake may already plexico okay he says uh he it’s based these comments I’m about to read you on gerro Mayo’s comments that Drake May has a lot of work to do so of course plexico goes on and says quote that doesn’t sound good to me if I’m jro mayo and the fans of New England Patriots basically what you’re saying is we might have drafted the wrong guy we’re just going to paint this picture right now he may not be as good as we thought he was coming out George here’s my issue with this and and it’s not just plexico CU obviously we could pick on him for a bunch of reasons and I don’t I’m not interested in doing that I’m going to put Lex in the box with all of the people who are saying the same thing and I don’t get it Drake May oh you may have drafted the wrong guy look at that video he looks raw he looks like he needs some work yeah duh that’s why gerro Mayo said it but we knew that on draft night we knew that in the pre-draft process hell we knew that watching games at UNC Chapel Hill with this kid he is raw you know who else was Josh Allen at Wyoming I mean there’s a ton of people Patrick mes Patrick mesot all these guys were raw I mean they’re college kids now some are more polished and refined than others Lamar Jackson Caleb Williams is ready to play today that doesn’t necessarily mean Drake May is yeah you’re a lot of what you’re drafting is projecting into the future now the Patriots were smart as hell to bring in jacobe brassette a veteran who doesn’t get hurt solid guy consumate Pro if you’re developing a Young quarterback that is the perfect guy to have the Quin assential teacher Mentor in jacobe brasset so the Patriots not only knew Drake May was raw but they put plans and and practices in place to help bring this kid on I I just don’t understand this sort of gotcha that we’re seeing in the media of these different National broadcasters saying former players and Geniuses so-called Geniuses right and analysts saying oh man you seen the video that windup looks a little slow oh it’s footwork it’s choppy no Shack Sherlock I mean it’s going to take time to develop this kid everyone knew that but the ceiling the ceiling and the words of Michael Jordan the ceiling is the roof that’s what you bought the kid in for what I love too and you know I I am I’m going to take Plaxico burst out of this because I didn’t even know he was doing media so this was news to me yeah hey that was Plaxico bur saying this I’m like Plaxico is doing media now I don’t know I don’t maybe this was like pla’s third day on the job I’m being dead serious right now because I did not know he was doing media but if he is that guy deserves better coaching hey hey yeah come out have a take on Drake may but be smarter than that like anyone that knows the NFL knows like you said a rookie quarterback any rookie Point Blank period first round pick third overall pick seventh round pick has a lot of work to do May coming out and saying that he has a lot to work on it’s tempering expectations he said when they drafted him Drake May has to earn his job he’s not the starter right now I’m not going to call him qb1 if Gerard May came out and said yeah Drake may you know he’s got some work to do but man that arm looks good you know what’s going to happen here in New England start Drake May week one people pounding the table that’s right instead by him coming out and doing this in Gerard Mayo he’s taking the pressure off Drake he’s and he’s saying this to him behind closed doors this is what you have to work on Alex vanel is telling him Gerard’s laying out the timeline and going look we don’t need you to be the Drake may we drafted week one we don’t need you to be a franchise quarterback week one we want you to be good every day and get better and better day by day and if you are that guy by week one if you’re that guy by week eight great you know what look at this plan and maybe they’re being candid with them we have to do this in year one this in year two we have these contracts to take care of year three is when we hit the ground running and year three is when you’re going to have a full season under your belt already and that’s when you really get going that’s what he’s saying to Drake May so what he’s saying to us in public he’s saying the same thing to him for plexo to come out and say this you know I I just feel bad that he’s the punching bag in all this but that’s just a guy I think is new at the job that’s what it says to me if he’s been doing it for a minute then man plaques got to get better but it’s no no duh Jacobi brassette 49 starts in the NFL under his belt Drake may obviously zero Bo Knicks in college 60 plus games played Jaden Daniels 55 Michael pennick 49 Caleb Williams 37 games JJ McCarthy 40 games only two seasons as a starter Drake May 30 games played those are the six guys taken in the first round Drake May has the least amount of games played in the NFL every rookie has something to work on and get better at Drake May’s Raw coming out of college I said it this guy can take a year he’s going to have to develop but I love that the Patriots got jacobe brassette because I don’t want to see Drake May in year one and that’s fine so plaques to come out and say this he may not be as good as we thought he was it doesn’t sound good to me if I’m Gerard Mayo fans of New England he’s like he’s he’s saying they’re smoking fire he’s saying there’s a fire where there isn’t even smoke sure sure they know the expectations inside that building and the people in New England the smart football fans know the expectations under Center Drake May isn’t a 2024 Band-Aid he’s a fix in 2025 2026 and years from then and I love what you pointed out I didn’t even go there in my head the Josh Allen looked terrible his how many guys can we name they trusted him to learn on the Fly momes sad here he got a start in there he played threw for a ton of yards but still was off with his accuracy Jordan love looked terrible he sat more than one season how raw was Jaylen Herz coming out exactly Jaylen Herz sat year Lamar Jackson sat right Justin Herbert started right away but he’s still improving with his game these great quarterbacks in the league right now the guys that are top 10 they sat and they learned gerod Mayo is just the first coach to come out and say he has a lot to work on and maybe gerod Mayo is gonna learn a lesson like now I get it why bill was such a prick yeah because you say stuff like this and you have morons like pla go burus saying that you know we messed up and Drake sucks but I think gerro I mean he didn’t learn it from bur and cash he didn’t learn it from everything he’s been saying I don’t think he’s going to learn from here I I do like having a yeah transparent football coach he’s transparent he he actually talks to you I do respect that it’s going to take some getting used to for what we are used to or what we were used to around here but I respect that about D Mayo that he’s going to keep it real with you and and he’s going to open up the curtain a little bit Yeah but I I’ll say this even though you did call him a I think you’re kind of taking it easy on plexico Burst when you say he just needs maybe he needs some broadcasting coaching because I I don’t believe that look you’re a former player yeah like give us Nuance that’s what you’re there for bro like if we just want Talking Heads who think they know everything you tune in to me and George but you played the game so yes we want your opinion on things but we need that Nuance of playing the game bro so don’t just come out and say based on what Gerard Mayo said and looking at this grainy ass video it looks like Drake May doesn’t look very good maybe they made a mistake I mean Lex tell us hey my first practice or two with Eli I knew right away the ball came out the footwork was there this to that look at how Drake May holds the ball here he doesn’t do this look at the slow windup break down and I understand this was a a short clip and and maybe you and I don’t know the entire conversation but I’m willing know bet that plexico did not go in depth he doesn’t exactly seem like the most in-depth individual I’ve ever seen so I’m thinking he’s just going by Word of Mouth here and that’s not what you’re there for right as a former player and this is I would say this I’m in the media but I would say this as a consumer too watching these Sports shows you’re there to give me that give me those stories tell me a difference between you know Eli and some Jag some just a guy runof-the-mill quarterback and what was the difference that you could see and why Drake May isn’t maybe the right choice based on your experience as a player we didn’t get any of that from Plex we just got a bunch of nonsense Ben benefit of the doubt I gave up plaxo he’s been doing Media stuff since 2014 oh there you go so so then he he should know better right and it was watching the clip like I watch pla go say it for me I guess in these instances I have to have more patience but I just swipe out of the video the second I hear him done talking but you bet it was an echo chamber Craig C’s like yeah just like everyone shut up it’s like yeah noted NFL Insider really embedded in the NFL day-to-day Craig Carton and plaxo burs really in tune in in touch New England Patriots reporters plal burst and Craig Carton making a comment like that it’s just like it’s just dumb um so listen we I was just talking about Nuance from former players right you’re G to get it from this guy Tom Brady makes his first game as a debut debut broadcaster play-by-play Cowboys Brown September 8th uh too bad for Tom he’s got to go to Cleveland for his debut at broadcasting but I look I I think it’ll be the exact opposite of what we just said I think Tom could actually maybe bore people because he is such a robot in terms of his work ethic how he prepared for the game George how he played the game how he processed the game I think he’s going to be maybe too much in depth would be my um would be my prediction we saw this a little bit with Drew Brees do you remember Drew Brees on Sunday Night Football it it wasn’t long I think he had a couple Seasons but he was as boring as watching paint dry yeah and I think it’s because he went too much in the weeds of breaking down plays of of playing the position and it was like okay but Drew you you know we see you on these commercials we saw you win the Super Bowl holding your kid and and and having fun we’re not getting that from you as a broadcaster it it was almost like too much Technical and not enough personality and it’s tough It’s a tough gig what we do is tough George because look you you have to give numbers and metrics and statistics and know what you’re talking about but you also have to show some personality too yeah and and there is a fine balance you know you look at a guy like Tony Romo people make fun of him because he’s ooing and on too much yeah he’s ruining and and it’s almost maybe too much personality right yeah so it is I I understand it’s a fine balance I’m certainly not picking on Tom Brady it’s a hard gig but I I wonder if he’ll give us enough personality George that’s my concern when you’re getting paid that kind of cabbage and all those eyeballs are on you seven and a half million a year right all the eyeballs are on you you are the goat as a player people are going to pick apart your every word and I almost just think he’s going to be too safe he’s going to be too much in the X’s and O’s and not show us enough personality my concern you say too safe that’s what I think he’ll be will you be critical of the quarterback on the field will you pick apart what he’s doing wrong like we want to learn and grow will you call out a coach for a bad decision because I’ll say like you know the Manny cast came out it’s great everyone watches it my favorite part of the Man cast is Payton and Eli mother effing coaches up and down because of their awful clock management especially inside two minutes but are you going to get that from Tom Brady is he going to call players out on the field for not doing their job for not playing well for not executing for not being smart and the same thing with the head coaches and also I’ve said it before on this very podcast you listen to Tom Brady’s let’s go podcast all he does the whole time is filibuster every time he’s asked about the game and he it’s so difficult ah and he just knows he knows how to eat up four or five minutes without answering anything think back to his press conferences he didn’t have the most dazzling press conferences either yeah but if you get the Tom Brady that is sober that we saw on Netflix at his roast I think he’ll be phenomenal CU I’ll say this so I have two friends one actually was the caddy at the golf course in Brookline where Tom Brady lived on right and he was lucky enough to be Tom Brady’s caddy at certain points said he was a complete bro like coolest guy on Earth would make jokes you guys are hydrating right give them water you know just just be one of the guys and hang with them and they were mind blown that Tom Brady could be such a normal dude yeah again I have a friend that worked in the NFL and would work with Tom Brady when he had to come in do a bunch of autograph signings whatever and he’d be in a room with him for an hour non-stop just Tom Brady by himself signing footballs whatever but just being one of the guys and they both told me they were just amazed at his personality that he had so if you get that Tom Brady in the booth with Kevin Burkhart right calling Cowboys Browns it doesn’t matter what the game is people will love it and be locked in but if you get someone that closes themselves off won’t call out what’s going wrong on the field or point out what’s going great just be 100% honest with officiating with quarterback play with coaching on the sidelines everything then it’ll suck and he won’t do well well you’re going to hate it then because listen you you brought up the Manning cast it’s appropriate to do what they do on that Manning cast that’s why they started it right you’re supposed to be on there and give all personality and then your knowledge of the game is just the icing on the cake but really we’re there to watch the Mannings and all their guests and oh yeah there’s a game going on and guest are the worst part to me like I hate it when they bring on like a random actor rapper because they’re talk football but that we’re not talking about our opinions on it we’re talking about why the show was built the way it was right you’re there to see Mannings both Mannings and their guest in in theory so it’s appropriate to to break the game down the way they do I think in Brady’s case he can’t do that he should have did a Brady cast if that’s what you want from him in his case would you call it filibustering that’s what he’s going to do he will be critical of coaches and quarterbacks but it’s going to be in a way appropriate to a play-by-play guy it’s not or a color guy it’s not going to be the Manning cast if we’re looking for that as consumers you just might as well not even watch him but I but I’ll say this the guy he’s going to replace in that fox Booth Greg Olsen he fantastic and Greg wasn’t too much in the weeds you can point out what’s going wrong or what’s going right without going too into detail so I think Tom Brady is definitely capable of that yeah a guy of his IQ and knowledge you know he’s going to go there in there preparing I think that’s what it comes down to for Greg Olson he went in there prepared a ton we saw Tony Romo fell off and what’s been his issue I mean literally Fox had to get with him and say stop playing so much golf we need you to be ready for these games on Sunday these Prime Time games because Tony Romo doesn’t know what he’s looking at where the G game a passed him by but also when he’s looking on the field you can tell the prep isn’t there because he just says whatever I don’t know Jim and steps all over Jim Nance so you can be that guy you can do it the right way like you said it is all about chemistry knowing when to lay out when knowing when to pull back when your play byplay guy needs to talk and the color guy has to hold back like Tom Brady can do that because we saw Greg olon do it hey by the way that was a pretty damn good Tony Romo I don’t know Jim that’s not a good one it’s actually good that’s what gets like high pissed go yeah he goes different octaves on you I would like to point out though Kevin Burkhart from New Jersey went to William Patterson University and Wayne Greg Olson from my hometown Wayne New Jersey come on so that was a great Booth you ever ask me Kevin burar and Greg Olsen you notice here on foxville Rush folks it always goes back to Jersey doesn’t it how about this Jets reportedly attempted to replace Nathaniel hacket this off seon I mean this this is the gift that keeps on given this loser so apparently they’re trying to move on from him they weren’t able to do it in the last three seasons I’m looking at the numbers here George without Rogers as a St starting quarterback for the majority of the seasons obviously hacket offense offenses finished 29th in points per game 32nd when he was with the Broncos and 31st going back to 2018 with the Jags I I mean look how do here’s my question neither one of us have to be surprised that reportedly the Jets are are trying to move off of the guy and and it was a failed attempt my question is how do you fail at moving off of the guy like how do you not get that right if he if he is this bad and and he’s a pain in the ass yeah and you want to move off of them what’s the problem you can’t move off of them I don’t understand you won’t eat the money you can’t you don’t want to hurt his feelings you can’t find another offensive person I mean if this guy is literally worthless George yeah then bring me a young upstart at least right who knows a little bit of offense and and can chip in somehow some way how do you fail at getting rid of this guy that’s what I want to know I’m not shocked at all by these reports I I mean some of me thinks Aaron roders in between his in between his daily conspiracy theory clips that I see every day every day I get a new stinking Aaron roders conspiracy theory on my timeline I’m like why does this I don’t I don’t look up conspiracy theories I can’t stand Aaron Rogers why does this continue to pop up on my timeline I don’t need it in my life I want to block I want to can you block names can you in algorithm on Twitter forget following his account I don’t follow him can I block Aaron Rogers name can you teach me how to do that because I’m over it so I guess maybe between his rants maybe he said my boy Nathaniel Hackett stays I don’t know what the hell’s going on goes back to his Green Bay days where Rogers did win two MVPs with Nathaniel hacket as his offensive coordinator but the guy running the show there was Matt leflour right who’s one of the best play callers head coach uh and you know Rogers had input yeah and this report too coming out from Connor J Hughes uh going back to the summer Aaron roders would switch play calls that Nathaniel hack had at the line so like we’re talking training camp so a let me answer this question for you they didn’t get rid of Nathaniel hacket because I bet you Aaron Rogers went in and said you can’t do that you get rid of hacket and probably said some crazy crazy scenario like I’m leaving I’m done I’m demanding a trade I’m retiring you can’t fire Nathaniel hacket because Nathaniel hacket is Aaron Rogers boy the same reason they signed Alan Lazard to 11 million a year right Aaron Rogers loved him they brought Randall cob back Aaron Rogers loved him the same reason they almost went out and got Mercedes Lewis a loved him right all these connections because of Aaron Rogers yeah so I think that’s why they try to move in from him on from him because they literally wanted to bring someone in put above him and have them run the show but I bet Aaron Rogers intervened like Nathaniel hack’s a good H you got to give him a chance he didn’t have me hacket didn’t change that offense once Rogers went down 20 seconds into the regular season to when Zack Wilson took over at quarterback yikes and Zack Wilson himself awful pocket presence couldn’t read defenses period decision making was terrible he never got better and the offense sucked you took Garrett Wilson who was an offensive Rookie of the Year and he was irrelevant as a wide receiver when Hackett came in it’s the same reason the Denver Broncos hired Nathaniel Hackett because they wanted to get Aaron Rogers that’s why the Jets hired Nathaniel hacket to be their offensive coordinator remember this too they fired Mike laflor Matt’s brother to get hackit to get Aaron Rogers and that’s why he’s still there so this guy just to much power and for whatever reason they’re giving into him and maybe for Aaron Rogers why he likes working with hackit is because that’s an offensive coordinator possibly without a backbone where when he’s changing his calls at the line hacket doesn’t say anything because he lets Rogers get away with it and maybe that’s why Aaron Rogers wants him there he’s just all about The Vibes it’s why Tim Bole was a backup quarterback again going back to their pack up their packers days yeah because you know what he’s a good guy and he likes The Vibes like Aaron Rogers is ruining the New York Jets they’ve drafted well with with their High first round picks building that defense together I still like people are writing up Robert Salah and maybe you know what maybe he’s bad but I’m not writing him off yet because he didn’t get a fair Shake because he was not the most or second most powerful guy in that franchise to me it goes owner Aaron Rogers general manager and then Robert Salah and the fact that Rogers making decisions above salah’s head ruining this team so talented if he’s healthy you have a top five quarterback in the league will see him coming off in Achilles but man Rogers as a GM he’s the worst to ever do the job I can’t believe you you believe in this Jets team I I this team that’s a top three defense they can’t even they can’t even the offense sucks offensive line sucked and they didn’t do anything about it they drafted Will McDonald in the first round now belich traded and screwed the Jets over by letting the Steelers move up and take a tackle that’s fine but still like it’s this is a top three defense good receiver and Garrett Wilson have your opinions on Mike Williams he can stay healthy but this is a talented offense but it’s the play calling is just terrible they can’t even fire Nathaniel hacket the right way I got nothing to defend there listen here’s here’s what’s going to happen I can look into the future ready hacket and Rogers will be gone after this season you won’t have to worry about anything that I wouldn’t be surprised I’ll be surprised if hacket makes it through this season man no doubt all right Jared golf got the bag not a bag George the bag Lions four years $212 million with a buck 70 guaranteed my God Jerry G got paid George man good for him I mean it’s a market bro you you and I have talked about this before you know a lot of these quarterbacks were not in love with but what are you supposed to do it’s a quarterback League exactly if you can walk and chew bubble gum at the same time in this league at quarterback you’re going to get paid now there are levels to getting paid we understand but Jared golf has proven George that he’s above average I mean he’s won Playoff games he’s been to a Super Bowl he didn’t win it but like he he’s on the Lions a Perpetual loser gets them to the playoffs wins a playoff game I I mean like they had to they had to do this I at least there are some quarterback contracts that I see and I say what the hell with such and such thinking yeah but this one at least now I look at the price tag George I say good Lord he got paid but at least I understand it they had to do it and and guess what it was a right choice for the franchise this is a guy in Jared GF uh second most passing yards this last season fourth in passing touchdowns and just looking at his numbers the last two years when he’s been with Ben Johnson and got situated in Detroit 59 touchdowns to 19 interceptions that’s a three to one touchdown inter interception ratio right you’re taking care of the football the offense is put on your back and you’re carrying it but also this is the price you pay to have a quarterback because thei would rather have Jared gof an overpay it is an overpay of 53 million a year second highest aav in the NFL but they’d rather overpay and have Jared G than pay to have someone like a Daniel Jones sure who’s just a dead beat not a starting quarterback right yes and I know Jones had his injuries and all that but this is a t you have to pay in the NFL they would rather have somebody than nobody and Jared G is a good somebody take care of the football you said it had them on the doorstep of getting into a Super Bowl if they kick field goals if they kick two field goals yes you know kind of waiver stop the momentum maybe they’re in the Super Bowl in his second Super Bowl that’s right and maybe they win that you know they’re not wi he’s not beating Patrick Mahomes but this te especially with that defense you need do that this is a team where this offseason they’ve locked up pen Su yeah to make him one of the top pay of his position Aman rosain Brown and guaranteed money to make him one of the top pay of his position and they locked up Jared G the three most important positions on the offensive side of the ball quarterback tackle to protect him and receiver they’ve drafted so well jir Gibbs right get him Sam leaport right have him good receiving depth too now the defense has to come along but this is you lock up Jared gof for the next four to five years he’s under Center you know what you’re getting and he’s been great for them the last two years that’s right yes he’s not the most talented quarterback but he keeps his hands a 10 and two on the steering wheel yes and gets the job done for you 53 million years nuts but you know what this is you know what it is man Jared goff’s not one of the best players in the NFL right not one of the most talented or athletically gifted but credit to Jared Goff because the gods were very lucky to him that they gave him good enough arm talent to be in the NL inste of good enough speed where he’s like oh is that guy a slot receiver where he be nobody right he just took advantage of the quarterback market and the price you have to pay to have a quarterback he’s lucky he’s lucky he’s a quarterback if he was his talent at a running back or a receiver he’d be making like 5 mil a year he’d be the bottom that’s well said second highest paid quarterback in the NFL man that’s a good point I I mean look him and Kurt Cousins have shared the same fate in that Dak Prescott to a certain extent too the game although I I believe Jared GF is better certainly than Dak and and at this stage of his career I’d rather have Jerry G who’s younger than Kurt Cousins obviously yeah but look bro this is a four-year deal right guess what he’s GNA get paid again after this Deal’s over and it may be from Detroit it may not who cares he’s going to get paid hey check out Boston has entered the chat for all things Boston Sports and pop culture we’ll talk about the Celtics looking to close out the Cavs and Caitlyn Clark’s W NBA debut as well George it’s always always a pleasure my friend as you know and you always let the people know for all of our best content of the day make sure you follow us on Facebook X Instagram YouTube and Tik Tok for G me plug the hotline real quick 61779 928 61779 79928 call in the hotline leave a voicemail we want you guys to enter the chat for gbz and TT we’ll see you next time peace out later

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