Golf Players

Tap in Birdie – PGA Championship with @adplacksports

all right we’re live taping birdie PGA Championship at holla with my good friend Andy lack Andy how you doing tonight I’m great man uh you know last time we did this I was in austa at the Masters and I I’m I’m genuinely really happy to to watch this one from home for a number of reasons I think I’d be tremendously triggered if I was at that Golf Course based on some of the information I’ve been receiving from from you know some of our mutual friends and um yeah I’ve just you know I’ve been doing a lot of traveling so it’s it’s good to be sleeping in my own bed for this one I I feel like I have a better I don’t have the practice info round info that I was able to provide at the Masters but I’ve spent so much more time like on my computer this week thinking about ownership and thinking about C guys and looking at data and stuff like that whereas at the Masters you know I was phoneless for nine hours a day so I didn’t really have that type of edge you were jonesing for takes like you didn’t know what people were saying I know I know exactly what people are saying okay this week yeah because you’ve been on you’ve been on a quite a run of like going to major championships like you were at Lac and you were at woke Hill and you were at the Masters so I mean you obviously didn’t ship over to uh to England but you’ve been you’ve been burning the candle at both ends trying to get to these major championship venues let me ask you this question would you rather attend the master let’s just say Logistics and price yeah aren’t part of the equations would you rather attend the Masters or the Open Championship what obviously the Masters like I don’t know what it would have to be like multi no honestly going to Majors is like not that amazing to be honest like going to the master is but like just in general like the amount of people they let in and like I don’t know maybe o wasn’t the greatest viewing experience like for I mean it was po it was pouring rain oakill was pouring rain I you know I will never forget we’re walking up what is it the part five no we’re walking up two and me you and Natalie and you just eat total ass was a part five it was a part five what was that four yeah it was four and I just fell right on my I was like trying to get a spot and I just slipped and fell and everyone laughed at me like everyone just stopped can you believe that was a year ago hon I I texted R shout out I was like when I was like I had been dating Natalie for like a month like a month and a half and I was like hey you want to come to Rochester for the PGA like Rochester New York you want to come to ro you want to come from San Francisco to meet me in Rochester New York for two days to hang out and follow Rory maroy in the pouring rain with me and my buddies BK and RK who you’ve never met before but I promise it’s gonna be sick yeah no I mean I I texted I was like I wish we were shipping up to Rochester this week like that was a great time um had a lot of fun there like the course was good obviously now like playing it you know like I oill has a has a special place in my heart we had a very nice dinner um that week that Italian spot that was that Italian spot was good we had a fun um night at that game place with c and and Twitter list Steve too a coup and if you’re if you’re free if you can fit in your schedule we’ll we’ll head on back to oill yeah this summer I want to take Kyle up there like honestly no beef with Kyle because he’s watching this like I love like Kyle’s one of my best friends in the world I don’t know if he’d enjoy oill yet I mean I don’t know did you enjoy it like I did not like again I I’m not very good at golf game’s trending like we could we’ll do game do you think you’re better right now than you were last summer oh easily like we’ve leveled up the iron game because I I still think you [ __ ] impossible for like a 15 plus handicap yeah like if if we play like it’s like it was raining like whatever it was a little bit wet but yeah I mean it was tough but like I’m down to go back play the West CO like no beef like I I love Rochester like love oakill um so it’s it’s a true no beef situation yeah I think that you would really enjoy the East course because first of all like it’s in just as good condition as the West yeah like the green are so pure it’s in really great shape and it’s it doesn’t really hit you over the head the way that um the way that the East yeah Jim Jimmy Dunn just play the forward te you’ll have fun I’m down legit I’m like legit down um but PGA Championship week like solid event last week aquel Hollow cannot wait for the PGA Championship to be there next year it will be the worst major of this Century like without a doubt like I it’s I’m like I hate the PGA more knowing we’re going to Quail Holland next year but that’s a story for a different day like it’s okay but I I think a pretty relevant tournament um in terms of this week and you know there were obviously two guys at at the top there Rory maory and Xander chafl kind of want to get Xander out of the way uh before we dive more into Rory but to me like that wasn’t that bad of a Xander loss in my book like I’m not going to say that was like an embarrassing loser like he’s actually the worst um lost because no one even Scotty sheffler or anyone in the world was beating Roy maroy on Sunday like I think last year losing to Windam and like the players championship and Genesis like those are all worse like I’ll I’ll give Xander a pass for Wells like was it that bad for you or do you think that um we should be a little bit harsher on uh Xander who’s my dad’s pick this week by the way um yeah I I’ve defended Xander’s performance in In Contention a lot over the years and this was another one of those where he gained Strokes to the field um but he never he he didn’t produce the ceiling round that you need to produce in contention to win a golf tournament and that’s a that’s what happens with very often so the stats can be a little bit misle like I will throw a challenge flag on myself sometimes in terms of the stats with Xander because what Xander does very well is um he he doesn’t eject um and he plays to his Baseline and his Baseline is really strong but every single time the guy that wins a golf tournament produces a ceiling round right like that’s how you win the golf tournament and Xander seems like Xander’s best opportunities to win are the occasions when the other guys in contention eject which happens sometimes right like that happens all the time but uh no I mean Xander um Xander gained 13 Strokes ball striking L week Xander hit the ball better than Rory last week I I I like Xander a lot this week so Rory was just like a luck box putter is what you’re saying he they were similar and ball striking and Rory did putt better on Sunday but um you know I I will say was Xander as it pertains to this week from a from a draftking standpoint if the narrative coming out of last week is like Rory sucked Xander’s soul and he’s not gonna be able to play well this week or compete and that was this like demoralizing experience for Xander then um I think it’s just a really bad take like I think yeah tell me you’ve never like had a conversation with any of these guys or their caddies like that’s not how it works Sander’s gonna be fine this week Xander will and he’s looked amazing in the practice rounds from what I’ve heard to he always does so Xander will be fine Xander this week as it pertains to this week like in my opinion he was more of a lock top 10 at the Masters like that to me was like more of a spot for him like I don’t think Xander is just gonna top 10 this week in my opinion like I’m sure he can be around but I’m not like yo Xander top 10 is an absolute whale bom like for me like I could who you think better chance to top 10 Xander or Rory because I know you’re kind of low on Rory this week no I it’s a good question actually [ __ ] [ __ ] um I’ll go like slight Edge to Rory like maybe but I I guess we could get into Rory now um as it pertains to last week how it pertains um to this week you know another thing to add to your models like I know like um yourself like I run many variations of my models throughout the week like I just want to make sure I’m capturing everything correctly and I just found out that Roy did not attend the PGA Championship dinner with the past champions he was not in um the party he you know he wasn’t in the picture so that you know model number four I think it is right now that is getting factored in already had to do another one with the divorce so Rory I I have a lot it takes and it’s it’s tough for me to kind of put out there but I think it’s just kind of preposterous and I don’t think we’ve like acknowledged the fact that since 2021 he has won the event before going to a major at of course he’s one at already like that seems like a crazy thing to happen one time in history and it’s happened three times in three years and it’s just like it just seems wild that he keeps doing this where he knows how to Peak it’s just like an event before at like a slap dick PGA Tour event when all he cares about and all anyone cares about is him doing it a week later so you’re basically saying we’ve seen this movie with Rory a million times before like this exact movie like it’s not like playing well the week before major it’s like playing well the week before major and going to a course he’s one app but can play Devil’s Advocate and give you the other movie that we’ve seen before yeah which is the last time I’m just gonna read I’m just gonna read to you Rory the last Rory coming off a breakup okay yeah the last time this is he he was engaged to the tennis player Caroline Waki Y in 2014 this was the major relationship that he was in before now his ex-wife um Erica but Rory ends his relationship with Caroline Waki in May of 2014 so and he goes do we have an exact date or just may yeah it was BMW PGA Championship week he officially ended it May 27th I did some research on this okay when what won the PGA champion won the BMW PGA Championship the week that he ended the relationship T15 t23 Miss cut at the Irish open T14 wins the Open Championship wins the Bridgestone Invitational wins the PGA Championship at Valhalla t22 T5 T8 T2 T2 T2 T2 T15 so in the next seven starts after his last break breakup he won four times two majors and a WGC so that’s not me that’s not me saying like that’s just the data the data data like I’m not picking Rory this week like I I’m just that’s just the that’s just the data um is that Rory the numbers don’t lie and and and I I tweeted that out and like a lot of people were like oh are you are you betting Rory this week and I’m like I’m literally just stating a fact of the golf that Rory played the last time he got out of a relationship and this is not for us to speculate right like my tweet was not codified with anything about like oh this is good that he’s getting a divorce or this is good that you know he’s single now or I none of us know like this is first of all divorce doesn’t like it’s not like him and um it’s not like him and Erica got in a fight like yesterday and are filing for divorced today right you know my parents are divorced they stayed get they knew they were getting divorced for probably five years before they actually filed for divorce so we have we have no idea how long that this has been um an aspect or affecting Rory yeah um emotionally and been a part of his life all we know is that a variable is changing for Rory okay and I know that you know when my parents finally signed the paperwork and got divorced they it it improved both of their lives dramatically and we’ve seen that with Rory in the past when he ended when he got out of his last relationship he played the best golf of his entire career so it’s interesting to watch this week but I think that’s all you can say is you could say it’s going to be fascinating to watch we we we just don’t know but it’s it’s another fun storyline to track yeah I mean to me and like this is like my general take is that I think Roy gets another major when he’s a little bit more under the radar and he’s just coming in like a normal dude like last year at La where it wasn’t a course he’s ever played before he was playing average golf coming in he wasn’t doing anything crazy he wasn’t off a win he wasn’t at his last major win and he really performed super well that week and it was like oh [ __ ] like I guess we all forgot about Rory and this week it’s like he even knows it like to me him saying I feel like the stars are aligning is such a ridic like you you should never say that as a golfer and the think that he actually believes that that now it’s like trending like oh he’s going back to where he won like he’s playing well and like he actually thinks that’s the reason he’s going to win a major like that’s crazy to me and it just shows he’s too deep into his head about it like give me Rory when he’s just playing average golf and of course he’s never played at before I do not think Rory is going to win this week I do think he gets another major but I just think there’s just too much pressure and too much storylines on him this week and it’s total anecdotal and mental but that’s my opinion on Rory this week like I think it’s a better chance to win LACC in my opinion you mean p and Hurst yeah so we can stop we’ve done enough Rory I think but so can I just ask you about a couple guys that like in the range would you be more surprised if this guy won the golf tour tourament or Rory won the golf tournament yeah ROM who’s more likely to win Rory or ROM I think VOR just because I’m like so like the point that I’m making is like we’re gonna go down the odds board and you’re G to be like Rory can’t win and there’s going to be like three golfers that you think have a better chance to beat Rory this week out on R okay all right but like I don’t know I I just think that we’ve just seen it so many times like it’s not nothing it’s nothing new and like as good as he played last week like Rory in an elevated event at Wells Fargo like playing against Xander is like Peak Rory Peak Rory is not in a major right now it’s like on the PGA tour where it doesn’t really matter and like that’s just kind of where I’m at again I would love Rory to win like I genuinely be super pumped it would be great for golf like I would love for Rory to win like I’m not gonna Vick laap it but I would really love to see that and I just I think there’s just too much going on with him this week for him to act like 26-year old Rory with a massive dick and like start Club twirling his drivers and like go out and actually win a tournament like I just I don’t know I just don’t see it uh well I mean he he is single again um he is single again is Rory like a is I know he was just married like I feel like Rory like you know I think he’s like kind of a Bor do like I think he you know likes to be around with women like the video of him at at uh Bridgestone in 2014 where like that random blonde girl was there like he likes to get around so good for him honestly like I hope that it helps him but I just don’t think this is gonna be like Roy’s gonna shoot minus five on Thursday yeah I think it’s honestly like I think it’s a fair take I’m not picking Roy this week I am playing him in in Daily fantasy I I will admit like I would be very surprised if Rory doesn’t play well this week I would I’d be genuinely shocked if he I think he outside I think he has outside top 15 potential this week yeah yeah I I’d be genuinely shocked if he finished outside the top 15 or 20 I think he’s a good daily fantasy play my expectation is not for him to win the golf tournament and for me that’s a that’s a freeing place to be um because you witness firsthand the energy that I walking off of the grounds at Augusta after watching Rory yeah play Augusta on Tuesday and it was like a spiritual experience for me watching getting to watch Rory you know up close with my dad walk those nine holes with him at Augusta and watching him and ludvig shoot like a best ball 24 with like Rory telling ludvig I love how the bestas ball’s gotten lower 24 like on the yeah shooting like a best ball 24 and him like teaching lvic how to play golf and how to play the golf course and then Thursday morning happens and he hits like two shots and I’m like oh wow like no like dude no like he that’s not the guy that I watched a day ago and um after that I was like I don’t care what the circumstances are heading into a major I don’t care if he like I made the joke like last week’s the ultimate Rory thirst trap like one of the most provocative performances I’ve seen on a golf course in the last five years I’m not going to expect it um I’m not I’m not going to expect it anymore yeah if it happens it happens so we’ll we’ll talk about the other guys that I’m picking ahead of him but um is are people like sleeping on Scotty this week I’m like not even joking like I that’s like a real take like I feel like people are forgetting that he just wenton [ __ ] harbort toown after winning the Masters um and and I don’t know like I I reports from the ground Adam and jur are good friends are saying Scotty has no chance to win this tournament he is not going to win he can’t separate himself here he hasn’t played golf he hasn’t played professional golf in four weeks like is that is that from a coar fit standpoint or like what they’re seeing CU I’ve been talking to jur a fair amount this morning too and I think I’m like on the same page about this being a much more it’s all relative with Scotty right but I think that this is a much more difficult Golf Course for Scotty to like win by five on than than the Masters was but have we seen anything in the pre-week preparation that would be a red flag no I I just think they they like again like this course is just going to bring more people into it and a lot totally can contend versus August work it’s just like youo like Scotty starts on whatever like he starts basically at 500 what I will say and this is legit like this is like in all seriousness Scotty has never won on a course that he’s never played before genuinely and I know that most people probably that checks out um yeah like but at the end of the day like Scotty has won on courses where he feels comfortable he has a plan he’s probably already won at it he’s already played well at it and he’s yet to win a major that’s obviously not the Masters and I don’t know I think there’s something there like I genuinely do think there’s something there in terms of like when he’s played a course and he could plot it around with Ted like it’s just a lot easier for him versus show to Valhalla which he’s never played before and I know most people haven’t played it before but I do think that there’s something there in terms of like yo like he has his spots and Valhalla is not a Scotty spot so I hope everyone’s right and that he’s not going to win but I’m not going to be like no he actually like might not win this week like I’m still like losing 500 bucks most likely to Scotty yeah um I I’ve spoken about this a lot like I think the course fit argument the the course fit argument against Scotty is is really strong this week but at the same time you know worst case scenario like you’re hoping for like a situation like Houston right where Houston was a golf course that um I thought brought a fair amount of guys into play because it didn’t really penalize um inaccurate driving the way that I I think we it kind of turned into a driver putter Golf Course right y um and this golf course I think is starting to feel more like a long irons and putter golf course and and Scotty is um Scotty is a better long iron player than he is a driver um yeah and so I I like I still think at worst like the way that Scotty won the Masters he’s not going to be able to win this golf tournament right like how did Scotty win The Masters he WN the Masters because he was the best long iron player in the field and he had the best short aming and and Augusta is really difficult around the greens and so when everybody’s missing greens not only is Scotty hitting the highest percentage of greens but because so many people are missing greens and the shots around the green require so much Challenge and creativity that’s how he has his Edge and he gains eight strs around the greens and wins the Masters he can’t win that way here um because the shot around the green as I’m sure you’ve talked to jur about it’s the same shot every time the ball lands in the r rough two yards long of the green and you have the same plop out shot every time and that’s why I think you and I like Victor havin this week because it’s like if you know how to execute at Augusta there’s like 18 different shots that you can hit if you know how to execute one shot at bhalla you you can you can be fine here and so I think there’s less Pathways for Scotty to separate and that’s why I’m not playing him in DFS you’re out I’m fading him yeah I’m fad D love it no I hope everyone’s right like I’m I’m down like I might do some dual forecast we’ll see I’m out on Brooks I I don’t think he’s gonna win um I honestly I don’t think he is like a lock for a top five top 10 like again I see him I think he has outside top 15 potential this week okay he won live Singapore like are we really gonna like do that again I I just again I know we’re kind of on the same page I don’t think he gets the six Majors he might um but I’m just no I’m just gonna peel my eyes and hope that he doesn’t win uh I think I’m a lot higher on you than uh I think I’m a lot higher you than Brooks on Brooks yeah than uh uh I don’t think he’s gonna win either but I think he’s gonna be heavily relevant in this tournament yeah yeah I’d be I’d be I’d be pretty surprised if Brooks isn’t relevant here yeah no I I didn’t bet him but I’m I’m playing him in Daily you’ll VI laap if he plays well well be in a lot of my DraftKings lineup so hopefully that creates a path to me okay do he like first guy in second guy in or uh I’m gonna I’m gonna do 50% Rory lineups and 50% Brooks lineups okay um you bet John ROM um he’s kind of uh shot up the odds board um a little bit you know there’s a lot to say about John Ram um you know he upended the World of Golf like he plays on a team called iian 13 like he has he plays with Caleb shad and Kieran Vincent like he’s top 10 every week on live there’s reports he wasn’t really getting along with people while at the Masters he sucked at the Masters like there’s a lot to kind of say and at the end of the day um he’s a top five player in the world it’s a great course for him um he’s had a good number like I think overall in general like I think betting ROM 1820 to1 is a winning bet um longterm and I’m sure that played into your um strategy and thought process for for going in on Robo yeah I was having like a really difficult time choosing this week between uh Rah and and Brooks um I I do think both those guys are gonna show up this week I really do and I kind of settled on like I guess I suppose hedging it for myself where I’m going to just bet ROM and play Brooks and DFS mainly because ROM’s 11.4 and 20 to1 and and Brooks is 10.8 and 15 to1 I know ownership plays a factor in that but that’s I have enough leverage in other spots so I listen I think Ron at 20 to1 that’s just a bet that you could feel pretty good about given the fact that I think there’s still a chance that like he’s the second best player in the world I just we have a we have a little bit more of a difficult time quantifying live data but what we can say about it is you know he’s the only guy on live to finish top 10 in every single no no we’re not saying that on tip that’s like bare minimum like it’s literally bare minimum of what he should [ __ ] do when Brendan steel and Dean Burmy are [ __ ] winning like I’m I’m not doing the wrong top 10 every live event I’m not like Cox out for live like I’m just not doing it I don’t know where all the live guys are right now because I I have so I bet so many live I’m playing so many live guys this week so I was hoping our guy I was hoping what’s his actual name he like changes his name on no he changes no no no don’t give his real name but like what’s his name on Twitter right now he changes his name I think know I looked at it I looked at it this morning it was like AER got snubbed like yeah no he literally had like what happened to Louie at PGA after like it came out that Lou was like no not he’s my favorite he’s my favorite no he’s a good guy he’s a good guy he guys is the man I love that guy um but yeah I mean I assume there’s a lot of guys that we need to get to so I’m not going to give you a million ROM reasons but I think 20 to one is a uh about as good of a bet as you can make this week on on the calber player that he is yeah um no I I agree um I think it would be good for G if he contends ludvig Oar you know the knee thing that’s enough for me to to not be on him you know again I just want to let people know this guy has won the RSM class like he that’s it like I understand he’s extremely talented and you know played great at the Masters but like this is still a guy that his only PGA Tour own is the RSM classic when he was the favorite and he went up against [ __ ] Eric Cole like and Matt Hughes like all right like I I just don’t think he should be you know 18 to 22 to one like I just don’t and like I just I just need to see a little bit more before he’s going to go out and win a major um I believe that Open Championship pod last year we you know Bryson you know lit up the world at Green Brier and he shot a 58 and we were talking about next year and it’s kind of like yo like Bryson at at Valhalla like seems like a good spot and this was when Bryson was playing really really well on live and he was just kind of mixed he was you know first- round leader at um woke Hill and you know he mixed at Lac and I was like yo like 66 to1 bet Rivers like I’m betting that like I’m in on him like long term um in the majors next year year he’s 28 to1 you bet him 35 to1 we’re both riding Bryson um I just think you know this is a great spot for him I think he’s going to win another major um talk about long iron player who’s hitting a [ __ ] eight iron when everyone’s hitting a five iron like yeah I’ll I’ll take that yeah I think the last two courses on Liv were not great course fits like I don’t give a [ __ ] what he did in Singapore like it just doesn’t matter to me um and again I think the short game did him in at austa like he just doesn’t have those shots he has a simple ch he could Spike with the putter um he could hit [ __ ] three-wood and be 320 like I just think this is a great Bryson spot and I could really see him winning this week and I’m lucky I have a good number um agree with everything you said he’s he was my pick to win this golf tournament in December uh I I see no reason to deviate from that now don’t love the amount of people that have kind of hopped on the bandwagon I mean you and I invented Bryson at Valhalla what a year and a half ago yeah yeah um so you know I know that he’s he’s gotten fairly popular this week but I think it’s for good reason um he always wins on Ben grass like you look at all of his best performances all of his best putting performances like Caves Valley rocket mortgage Wingfoot John Deere classic mirfield Village like these are all bent grass golf courses in either this part of the country or the Northeast right planfield Ridgewood Oak like all you want the USA where did he win the usam again I think it was I want to say when no Ben on was or Ben on was Southern Hills point being Bryon just plays well on these On th in this part of the country on longer golf courses with thick Ruff um and I think that this is another tremendous spot for him like I was talking to our friend jur today and we were talking about how this is almost like more Caves Valley than oakill right like I initially thought that this was a lot oill in terms of the challenge and the thickness of the rough and it’s like no it’s kind of more like Caves Valley where you know you it’s still long and they’re still thick rough but like it’s going to be easier for these guys to hit greens and I think the um the main thing that you need to look at this week is everything needs to be viewed through the prism of can this guy go toe-to-toe with Scotty sheffler in a final pairing and I did this I did this little bit with Wy on our Monday show but like if you are drafting players that you feel the most confident with in a final pairing with Scotty Sheffer on Sunday this week Bryson is at worst what like the number two or number three guy off the board like he won a US Open by five like when Bryson’s at his best like he’s the best putter in the world too yeah right so no I’m I’m I’m down I’m I’m hoping we get a winner together um and who’s your who’s your number one draft pick in that like who who would be number one who was winning Mo no no no no no the number one guy that you would take in a final per okay so is Bryson your number two pick no I I think it’s no it’s either Rah or Rory okay but but Bryson’s Bryson’s in that mix for you right brys I don’t think like Bryson is like [ __ ] Jack like I don’t think he’s like yo like I trust do you think his ceiling can can beat Sheffer do you think ailing could beat Sheffer maybe I don’t know I’m not like Bryson is like yo he gets in the mix like he’s going to win like I don’t feel that that well statistically he has been like one of the best closers the last 10 years yeah no he like but to me he’s not that guy and it probably has to do with him playing on live like it just it’s tough for me to say um we not we you bet waim Neeman um like 40 to1 I think I bet it for you maybe on uh on 365 so I’ll I’ll Vic laap that um if it if it goes through um good benr putter um good long iron player Elite driver um 40 to1 good ger percentage on live like is that it like what’s what’s the vibe with with Joo um I just think that like there’s still a little bit of an element of unknown with some of these Live players and I I do think that one thing that we can say for certain is like the best that the PGA Tour has to offer cannot beat Scotty Sheffer right now um and I do think that losing to Scotty Sheffer every single week and this applies to guys like Rory and Xander and even guys like wendham that have put up really good fights like and I talked about this I I’m repeating a little bit of this take about like how demoralizing it must have been for Rory and Xander to watch in in real time Scotty just proved to them how much better than he was on Friday at the Masters I think with these live guys like it’s a little bit like Scotty who like okay like sweet like they’re not losing to this guy every single week on the PGA tour of course none of them beat him the Masters um but I’m going to take a little bit of the element of unknown that maybe just maybe and this is the reason for ROM this is the reason for Bryson this is the reason for Brooks this is the reason for Neeman maybe just maybe they’re play they’re a little bit closer to Scotty Sheffer right now I mean we don’t know there probably aren’t it’s a true who can say it’s a true who can say but maybe they’re a little bit closer right now than some of the guys on the PGA tour and I’m willing to take that I mean Neeman just gained eight Strokes on Approach at Liv singy on that doesn’t they’re not real it’s not real it’s not like it’s not a real stat it’s fine it’s fine eight eight Strokes on approach out LIF singy two wins two wins on l two wins on this is like when the live people are supposed to back me up in the comments and they’re not coming two wins on live my question to you is and like this six top 10 and seven starts on live mixes a fourth in Dubai and a third at Oman a third in the international third at Oman no this is this a genuine question because I think it’s it’s interesting what would wae Neeman have to do on the PGA tour this past year to be 35 to1 in this major never goes to live live doesn’t exist in what world is wae nean 35 to one if he stays on the PGA tour what would he um to be honest with you it’s it’s probably like a wind of Clark season yeah which is he’s having a wind of Clark season on Liv okay fine I’m not gonna argue he’s been like he’s been the best player on Liv like he’s one two times on Liv he’s he’s having a Windom Clark season on live sure sure I’m not I’m not doing this like I’m just by like by that argument like I understand that wendam now thinking about it like what do wendam have that Neeman doesn’t have a Uso um and nean has Point higher and Neeman hasn’t top 20 in a major yeah like that like Windam but like wendam wendam hasn’t hit his irons well in his last three starts and Neiman just get eight at singing yeah no like I you know I I’m just not I see it I’m just not there I’m just not there with nean because I genely think his price is lower that he went to live than like it would ever be on the PJ tour and I understand he played well it’s just like it’s I just neeman’s not a 35 to one in a major guy for me just yet and that’s fine it’s all good it’s like it’s a true situation like it’s it’s genuinely okay we’re both on havland um I bet a 50 I have a 20 betting a 50 to like we’re doubling down here um you look I still think this is a great course for him I mean the guy was [ __ ] nine to one to win this event um I like the short game aspect it’s easy around the greens the ball striking was great last week at Wells I trust Victor hland um again you you know could do it like he’s done well on these classical courses with thick rough ton of long irons like half to hit a fade like he’s done that multiple times like he checks all the boxes with the comp courses and yeah I don’t give a [ __ ] if he got AIDS like I’ll bet hlin is 50 to one here like I just don’t care like it’s just too big of a price to miss out on this guy that’s a great course fit like yeah 25 to1 30 to1 it’s like all right like he probably sucks but like 50 to1 I’ll [ __ ] bet anyone at 50 to1 like I don’t give a [ __ ] likein 50 to1 I don’t care totally agree I mean if we were based on De like I was ready to bet this guy at Valhalla at like 20 to1 yeah based on the podcast that I did in December if you told me you know that I would be able to I got a 43 so I’m still pretty I’m pretty hyped about that but um if you told me that I was going to be able to get 40 plus on a golf course that I was built for Victor hofland um I would be over the moon and I wouldn’t really care too much about form I would just make the blind bat um like we are talking about zoa he’s had he’s won East Lake on zoa all these thick rough around the green golf courses his best around the green performances of his career it’s Olympia Fields it’s mirfield Village it’s oakill it’s all these thick rough Bay Hill Tory Pines like all of these golf courses that have thick rough around the green has shown to us that he he actually has that shot in his bag and the short game got better for him over the weekend at Quil Hall he wed the field and approach play on Sunday at Quil Hollow so um I love the bat I I feel great about it I genuinely like I think I think it’s a good bet like I’m playing him in DK like I think hain’s gonna [ __ ] this week I’m I’m with you I we’re usually not in lock step like I I’m with you like is that your official pick to win like who do you like more if you to give like one I think my official pick to win is definitely Keith Mitchell like without a doubt like over Bryson Keith Mitchell I mean I’m kidding I don’t [ __ ] I genuinely like I I’m not like yo like because you haven’t told me the card like all I know your card no it’s almost done I’m probably at like your card is cu you have room all you have is Bryson 66 are you counting the havin 20 against you no I’m I’m bet I mean I bet a full 50 yeah okay so is the 20 full yeah okay no like I what I don’t I don’t give a [ __ ] what people want me to do like I could just say I never bet hlin like I’m doubling down right right which is what most which is what most people do like they they bet a bad future they act like it doesn’t exist like absolutely there is zero correlation with me betting a lot of money on havin to win this golf tournament in August and me still thinking he could win there’s no correlation it’s completely unbiased zero I’m kidding this it’s a joke it’s it there’s no confirmation bias here but I I’m I can admit that but in all honesty he [ __ ] that um last week and I’m ready to go on him why are you out on H I bet hom why why are you out on hom well um he’s never finished top 20 in a US opener PGA ever okay kind of like our boy kind of like our boy nean but um but Neiman but H did did hom finish third at Oman hom did not finish third at Oman hom has not gained a trucks on approach on zoa at LIF singing we’re just every like every time nean makes a par this week I’m just gonna text you and Kyle third at Oman um no I don’t like home at all I think it’s a Bad Bet to be honest with you like what do he he’s never played well at a US Open or PGA championship before and I I don’t think it’s bad bet I’m just like trolling a little bit like you know like if there’s a guy that you really like and I’m not betting where was H at Oman you can’t spell Oman without h no um like I did with you who is the guy that I’m like this is the worst bet McKenzie Hughes I it’s a little bit of a bet but um okay H’s long irons have not been good and he’s not been driving the ball well this year and I don’t I don’t think that his ball striking is sharp enough to win a major it’s fair I you know I don’t love why do you like him what’s the main tell I don’t know I mean he was good at um he was good at Olympia Fields like he basically won that tournament um back to back feel can’t lay doesn’t it feel like Klay Market corrects every hom argument like if you’re arguing for hom at whatever 40 to1 3 wins Canley doesn’t win Canley has more wins than hom on the PJ tour k seven count got to subtract the uh [ __ ] Zur and I think I think he’s I think they’re I think they still have the same amount of wins regardless and can’t been better klay’s been better in Majors it’s fair I just I Patrick cley’s not wi you’re just yeah you’re just vibing hom more okay yeah I don’t love hom I’m not like yo like telling my [ __ ] boss b home this week like I just I think it is a little bit too much to like contend at the Masters and then win the next major like you got me like it’s fine um I haven’t bet him yet but I just think Windam 45 is just like a numbers play for me yeah fair enough it’s just like this guy’s shown it and I think everyone will feel really dumb if he’s in the mix at 45 to one um just do I but genuinely I do not think wam Clark is gonna win the US Open in the PGA I don’t I don’t yeah um I mean he if you think about like Valhalla potential Lac comp you think about like the Valhalla 2014 leaderboard and it’s Rory and Ricky and then Rory and Ricky [ __ ] at Lac again and that’s where wind him and are you tracking I’m seeing it I’m seeing it are you seeing it um no this is like this is like my uh eighth hour of of podcasting of the week so I’m just like trying to give new takes um but uh I don’t love Windam this week either I think it’s a Bad Bet like just trending not trending he hasn’t been hitting his he hasn’t been hitting his irons he could have this year where was he in Oman yeah I mean he hasn’t been hitting his iron well I just still think wind what about like the Nicholas Trump wendam connection now we’re talking um Power fade off the te like on paper this is a really good fit for for wiom he he hits a power cut off the te um you know he should be good on this style of longer thick ref golf course he hasn’t really done a lot of it yet though um but that’s just because he just got good recently so like he doesn’t have the the track record as of these other guys but so so who do you like like 60 to 100 like no chance to win but ESL uh ESL um well like SJ doing anything for you no no no no no absolutely seep sha doing anything for you Kim doing anything for you no no really um I’ll give you a couple ESL guys um seah ESL really minwu Lee ESL you like minw Lee this week yeah but I like him a little bit less if I think it’s going to be long irons the long irons worry me a little bit more with him like driver putter he [ __ ] driver putter he [ __ ] um who was the other guy I was looking at oh Hatton ESL Adam Scott ESL I like Scott I could [ __ ] with Scott yeah Dean Burmy ESL Shane low ESL Shane Low’s 120 to1 that’s a good bet um can we do the dean thing yeah oh wait hang on I I can give you I’m just going to read you every player that’s ESL for me Ry Mitchell kittama pendrith ekro Lucas Burmy joerger Bradley are are ESL like those are the puns down that’s the whole player pull yeah I I just gave it all away people people actually pay for that like to me Dean Burmy like is he really gonna is he really gonna do it like is he really gonna win like live Miami and contend at Valla in the same year like to me like that just seems like too much but Elite driver good long iron player um like I think he is a solid guy like I think he’s like actually good at golf like I wish he was on um the PGA Tour it’s just like I kind of worry about the pressure of being invited and everyone expecting you to kind of play well um is he going to be shocky in DFS yeah I was going to comment on that I feel like this concept of like is Dean B really going to do it is like the ultimate were in a bubble take because like that was a joke that was like yeah 99% of people don’t know that Dean B is in the field I don’t even think that he’s gonna be super highly owned in in fantasy okay yeah I don’t I mean what’s super high I can give you an ownership projection yeah what is it and what is Ben On’s ownership projection dude it’s not that high like there it’s too spread out this week like I don’t there’s nobody over 25% Rory and Scotty are gonna be 25 and everybody else is gonna be Benny on is gonna be what how how expensive is he 7.8 yeah yeah Benny’s going to be like 133% he’s going to be higher than like it’s a lot who are the who are the highest own guys 75 and Below give those to you right now um Cory Conor’s 12 I really like that though um Alex noran 10.5 he’s under he’s underpriced yeah OE 9.5 okay deanb nine um joerger yeah 8.5 I could I could because to me I really like jger this week I bet joerger yeah this week like Jesus why is Denny 14% because of go Beck had his tweet he [ __ ] on B and he [ __ ] on Long courses oakill not oakill Memorial like he’s done it on Long bent tracks for whatever reason I think that’s the worst I think that’s the worst on the Slate 14% Benny um what is Keith Mitchell um I just got okay sorry I just got a a a a text I just got invited to a MBE guest I just got sidetracked um Keith Mitchell Hudson National Flex nice um uh Keith Mitchell’s High dude [ __ ] yeah I mean Keith Mitchell’s gonna be Keith Mitchell’s gonna be the highest St guy in the 6K range outside of Denny so I’m still gonna play him but that’s because I’m playing a lot of like Keith Mitchell can win this guy tournament I’m not even joking like his ball striking stats are unbelievable this year like he is hitting the ball so well I think he’s like second in ball striking in this like entire field over like a pretty large sample size like I bet him at Byron I think I bet him at valer like I’ve been on him so like I’ll Vick laap that but on a course we have to drive at Super Elite be a really good long iron player like you know might not have to make a zillion PCH probably will but like I really think Keith Mitchell could pull Amo Pereira like I genuinely do think that it like yo where the [ __ ] did Keith Mitchell come from but you look at his recent results and he’s had a really consistent year and the ball striking has been really really good like again I’m not you know doing anything crazy like whatever he’s high on the DraftKings but I really think that Keith Mitchell has a potential to pullo Pereira so I bet him with eight places what what was the number like 150 to one with eight places each way yeah I think it’s a great betat I think if you’re asking me like all of the articles that I’ve had to write all the people that have texted me like what’s one mega long shot top 20 play Keith Mitchell um core four guy for me um he’s in the core 4 he’s in the core four I’m not gonna give away anyone else but [ __ ] dude like he’s [ __ ] right now yeah I I think the the modern skill set that that the PGA Championship tends to favor um I think Keith Mitchell has that and he has developed into one of the best long iron players on the PGA tour this season so I think even if this golf course doesn’t test driving in the way that you’d maybe hope for Mitchell’s still been like a top 15 long arm player on the PG for this season so uh I I could not agree more with you on Mitchell I I don’t know a lot other I should know because I’ve actually been around and online this week but I don’t know why the I don’t think people like betting him but but he’s going to be highly owned in D next up 11 next up 11 is it halftime yet yeah I got a uh I gota watch an hour this game and then I gotta head to a dinner but um Jagger 150 to one get me on Jagger courses where you can just Bomb It Off the tea and hit a bunch of long irons he’s been putting well um good bent putter again again I I don’t think like I think Stephan Jagger’s like an elite elite golfer for 2024 on the PGA tour and I really like him also last year PGA Championship he played really well the first three days and had a really bad Sunday so it’s not like he can’t show up at these courses like I really think Stephan joerger will be um top 20 this week like I I really could see him actually um contending this week Keegan Bradley’s been hitting his IRS really well in he’s 20 25 to one yeah and and I don’t know why you’re talking about these guys in the outright market like they can win the tournament but like all these guys are in my DFS pool it’s what about I like tal War I uh we gotta talk I mean what’s the demographics in Louisville I mean Kentucky’s a red ky’s red right it’s very red like I I don’t know the last time it went blue like it’s not even a swing state yeah ky’s red for sure no you’re you’re absolutely right about that in an election year I mean Taylor Mo read in an election year it’s a model play you just play Taylor Moore like in a solid red State yeah you play yeah that’s fair that’s fair I’m I’m I’m cool with Taylor Moore there for sure he he bombs the ball off the and then also like if you want to jam in two guys high in DFS I like Jordan Smith and I like gray and what’s this what’s the what’s the Smith and Murray case because like three guys have mentioned Grayson Murray to me and it’s like what bomber Deep Red State [ __ ] last week and he’s like $300 he’s $100 more than y Yang yeah I’d rather play luk Les but I understand the general sentiment like he’s a $100 more than [ __ ] y Yang like I you know I don’t know if it’s a Hazel team comp but like you could do some work there um yeah in my I I I I actually had somebody DM me that they’re friends with Grayson M’s coach and that allegedly Murray’s like playing some of the best golf of his career right now holy [ __ ] should I play him like I get a lot of those I get I get a lot more messages of those I don’t I don’t know out of respect for Grayson Murray like you you’re not gonna well I don’t even not only do I not always tweet them or like tell people about them like I don’t even act on them myself half the time because like that’s a crazy DM to receive I’ve gotten a lot of those you know the you want to know the best DM I ever got is I’ve gotten some weird ones but like an hour before they teed off in the second round of Vidant viarta somebody dm’ me and said gup has food poisoning and I and he’s been throwing up all morning in his hotel room in Mexico and don’t play him in Showdown out I was like okay okay like what am I going to do with this information and he and he withdrew he withdrew and and the information was correct so I can’t believe I with green check yeah like after he’s actually a great guy like he’s a and but you know like you can pick up these things and you gotta like I’m getting dinner tonight in an hour or two with um somebody who’s really close with Benny on um they went they played imgm together growing up and um he he went off to start his own company and now he he work he he started a company called form that actually uh sponsors Benny on and a lot of other golfers it’s like um they have patents on a lot of uh technology um that they put in their shirts that helps with posture so it’s actually really good for for golfers a lot of golfers use it they’ll wear it as an undershirt and it will help them uh with their posture like the shirt naturally forms your body to make it more upright at a dress um and he’s really close with like all of you know the Asian golfers on tour and um he gives me stuff on them all the time where it’s like this guy’s play this guy’s play this guy’s playing great and it’s like everybody’s playing great like guess all these guys like look amazing everybody look looks it’s you just you have to you know the practice to fold them yeah I mean the practice rounds the information it’s like every take ever is is this guy looks great so you gotta you gotta know how to dis in all seriousness I think it’s like too much for benion like I don’t think he’s g a top five back-to-back weeks and like pop at the PGA Champion he is undoubtedly close like I agree it’s not going to be this week I mean [ __ ] owes me four grand so can you tell your friend to relay that message to me I mean godamn son I ke genuinely though yeah that’s I Keegan that to [ __ ] Grayson Murray yeah godam no I genuinely like Grayson Murray like I’m putting in I made the cut po La I Grayson Murray might be an ESL guy like Scotty Grayson now that we have the inside info on him Scotty Grayson every single lineup okay so just give me like real quick recap of I got to go quickly and write an article like five but um tell me Hilton Head recap what’ you shoot at rtj I shot a 91 at rtj lowest round of my four friends and they are all like Pete’s better at golf so we’re talking pety Tommy and Buckley you don’t know Buckley I don’t know Buckley but like you know Tommy’s game you know Pet’s Game beat all I know uh yeah I mean I think that you are Tommy I could see that being a tossup yeah Tommy and pretty much even but Andy I am like a good iron player now it’s crazy like it’s like I get up to a par three and I’m like yo like I’m gonna hit this green right now like my girl percentage on par 3s have shot up exponentially it’s CRA like I got do you like a new do you have like a new swing thought or what do you think no like I have a new grip and like new posture with my arms but like my iron like I haven’t hit that like wipy way left ball like I have it it’s amazing like my irons are so much better and like I went into the trip like yo like I’m really playing well like I’m really hitting my irons well like I really want to play well like like because I never usually play well in gol drips and it’s like eight it was like literally like 180 par three six iron to like 15 feet and I was just like like it was crazy like my like I had seven greens and rag on and on five which is like a tougher course so what is your golf do you have a golf goal for this summer yeah golf what are your 85 like break 85 is like first You’ you’ve done that before I think I sh had 84 once but like but obviously golf goal is to break 80 do you have any and like get handicapped down to like a 13 12 I’m like a 16.2 right now what’s the goal in terms of like rounds per week like how often are you play once week yeah once a week okay but like I so I went to gol Tech like did a bunch of lessons like Iron’s way better and now like I drove it well like I drove it well in Hilton Head like easily like the best out of everyone everyone was like you drove it great but you you you kicked all these guys’ like you beat them all like I played well like I was very happy with myself but now I think I’m gonna go to Golf Tech and get like a drive like do driver lessons because I like I’m like I’m not gonna [ __ ] slice it OB but like I’m like I’m hitting just like a low draw like I I want to unlock the off the te and like it worked for the irons so like now I’m focusing on off the te but like I’m very happy with my golf game right now sweet well we’ll play a bunch this summer you for like are you in for like we’ll do yeah we’ll do some LP we’ll get Kyle up there maybe John again get you up to yeah we’ll get you up to oill as well did uh well we’ll end it but did you did Scott reach out to you cdge no about what I don’t it’s his news to tell you so I I don’t is he having a kid or something no it’s way better he’s playing Pine Valley he’s playing PV yes how good for him that’s so sick right I thought he was joking that’s so sick you got I love I love Scotty I’ll text him that’s awesome it’s his news to tell but it couldn’t wait Andy pleasure everyone check out igp um one of the best podcasts out there the the content has been really great um this week we got a couple guys together that were riding so you know it’ll be nice to to have some some dual sweats um going but uh very appreciative of your time and our friendship and um I uh I’m looking forward to uh holla in all caps this week lot of golf this summer yeah can’t wait third at Oman yeah we’ll be uh should be a good week thanks buddy all right everyone have a good night see you next week Colonial

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