Golf Players

Inner Drive Ep.1: Shane O’Donnell | Hattrick heroism, concussion incapacity & space travel ambitions

Clare hurling icon Shane O’Donnell joins Joe Molloy for episode one of ‘Inner Drive’.

From a teenage sensation to a Fulbright Scholar, he’s had a busy decade since that historic game against Cork in 2013, but it hasn’t been a straightforward journey by any means.

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he’s probably the greatest player that a rogue have had to have somebody that the children could relate to he’s held on such high regard I mean like I’ve got a couple of kids now like I mean we meet sh in every SWA when I meet him on the street or something my guys go over keep him high five like I don’t think the guy realizes what that high five does for my guys without doubt chain is a folk hero in N us and uh you know we’ll never forget the goal scorers what the kids really want to see and they’re when they’re in their backyard hitting the ball against uh their the wall or whatever they’re calling themselves shano [Music] Donald [Music] [Applause] yeah so it’s pure excitement now at start of March to be honest um you can kind of start to feel that it’s coming towards the summer even though maybe the conditions don’t feel like that now but you know that the Championships just around the corner especially last couple years they’ve kind of brought it Forward first round this year is 21st April I think so you really are staring down the barrel of that that six week period that you build into Championship uh which is kind of that critical period where everybody’s coming back in the physios have targeted this period to get everyone back on the pitch and Jo really is a huge amount of excitement building now there’s a part of I haven’t been hurling so much so it’s really thinking I really need to hit the ground when I get back in the last couple of years it’s been it’s been a pretty good feeling coming back in and just getting the first couple of days in first couple of sessions done and had just basically concentrating on bringing that energy cuz Jon Lads are just finished the League they may not kind of notice that it’s coming into this period but coming back in as a young person hasn’t been involved you get to kind of consciously bring that energy and try to lift the training a level or two as a young L Cho Donald was part of a family of four boys yeah so he was the third he was just Lively he was one of the four so yeah Lively kid we would always been playing hurle out here at the back if there was any decent bit of sunshine at all like goal set up there so you’d be poking the ball around so that was kind of going on constantly like harling was really normal part of his growing up just literally back garden stuff stop being under my feet in here would you just go into the garden and play it was purely an enjoyable thing there was no pressure I don’t think it was just fun like he loved hurling hurling’s good fun one of the things uh I didn’t realize about him I underestimated how determined he was really let’s let’s put it that way that’s probably I was saying he he gets the whole team thing that’s that’s no problem and he plays uh for the team and with the team and the team is everything but you know when he does get that ball and he does decide he’s going to go for goal it’s very hard to stop him Shane O’Donnell quietly learned his Craft on the pitches of Aro genis and St flann’s college and then all of a sudden in the space of literally one game it was very much the opposite of quiet his iconic performance against cork at Crow Park in September 2013 a hattrick in the space of a few minutes and suddenly a star was born throw in two Allstars and an alliance league title and 10 years on shano Donnell is still doing his thing albeit the road has been far from straightforward if the Summers the attention grabbing highrise the foundations are laid in the league and in 2016 Clare won their first since 1978 in 2016 probably is the standout I think that was a year where this time of year we were really motoring well I think we had had a we’ had a setup at that time where every match we’ have we’ve had maybe a board after you’d write some quick notes on and we also had our overall tally for matches that year and between the preseason tournaments and the league I think we had won maybe I think it was 11 games by the end of the league so each time you were coming in you were just thinking yeah we haven’t lost a game yet this year things are really going well we’d beaten a couple of really good teams in the league and yeah we were feeling really confident so that was probably the most prepared I felt coming into a championship at this at this period at the early March stage I just remember it being an extremely tight game Waterford had always been kind of difficult game for us we played quite similar to how they wanted to play I think and uh they were also quite tactically aware um in some ways some of the teams that we were playing weren’t at the time so when we played against them it was also quite always a close game and that year no more than any other year obviously we drawn the first game which is you know obviously you can’t get any closer so it was always just this Tac kind of dog fight back and over scores were kind of at a premium in some ways it kind of resembled closer to what some football games might be expected to be like we were very familiar with Waterford by this time of the year and we had played them this was probably going to be our third game fourth even that year okay here’s here’s an opportunity we this is going to come down to one ball and that it really kind of does Focus you because you you realize that if you miss a touch or if you catch a ball and beat a man that will decide the game so it really does Focus you on on the here and now which is kind of brings out some of those incredible moments in games and really when you win those games they’re incredible to win but yeah it definitely does you notice everyone knows the crowd knows as well this is going to be one ball and uh yeah it’s extremely exciting part of the game 2013 quite a while ago now but the league at the time was six teams in division one and then there was a distinct division 2 which did not going to combine together the league was extremely competitive you had your six teams that you really did not want to be relegated that was the absolute priority when it came to the league that year we played cork in a relegation final in the league and we won that and it actually did set us up for the year it really felt like we’d won a big game against cork you have to remember before 2013 we really were not competing against these teams at all we were firmly in the second tier so to come into the league that year to compete in the top division to to survive in the top division and to relegate Cork was a huge deal and we definitely took a lot of uh inspiration from that running into the championship it would have given us a lot of confidence 2013 blessing or a curse oh definitely a blessing sometimes I talk about it in negative terms but it’s definitely the best thing that ever happened to me so I don’t think I could ever pretend that it wasn’t a blessing you get the nod that you’re starting with just a few hours to throw in this was to ctail nerves that’s the it’s the old school don’t tell him until he’s about to go out so it was the morning of the final yeah it was even the afternoon i’ say it was literally when we were eating food which is 3 hours before the game basically but I think genuinely everybody else knew in the panel uh multiple people came up to me directly after and be like so you know now and started talking to me about the tactics of the day so Jimmy Barry Murphy had come out after all of it happening after the match saying that he knew two days before so I I don’t know how that happened and then he came on and he scored the first goal and I was like okay thank God that justifies starting him because you’re just terrified that he gets this great opportunity and it just you know it mightn’t work obviously because he hasn’t played in front of 880,000 people before I don’t think Superstar yeah in hurling circles it yeah it’s for a year it was also outside of Hur and circles but that thankfully didn’t quite last um it was crazy yeah I expected it to kind of die down any stage I think in then the first couple of weeks I wrote those off being like Jo things are going to be crazy and yeah whatever but it just did not really die down just did you enjoy the first few weeks of craziness the homecoming all of that stuff I enjoyed elements of it I enjoyed the homecoming a lot but anytime I was outside of the bubble of the panel I didn’t really enjoy I would say um when we were doing something as a team like the homecoming or those kind of things there was enough of us to kind of dissipate the attention but then when I was doing things on my own or went back to college or anything like that on a normal night out down in Cork in college things were really intense and really just didn’t enjoy that side of it what happened if you go into town at 10:00 a.m. on a Saturday just I take pictures with people for the day basically which is crazy to think about looking back on it but that was essentially what what would happen I uh either get pictures or as people got more drunk receive more and more abuse over I was in Cork as l so a certain amount of it is probably warranted but um it gets tiring pretty quickly oh I suppose you couldn’t take something that big and say it didn’t influence him it must have been hell for him really you know because I mean everybody wanted a piece of him you know no matter what nightclub he’d go into where what hotel he’d go into you know people would be looking for photographs autographs I mean the whole thing crazy supp really yeah just wanted it to go back to normal really I mean delighted for him so delighted CL had won but we weren’t really the sort of people that wanted all that that adulation and sort of attention really there was a lot of media interest obviously as well as sort of local interest and Club interest and County interest and all that so that winter of 2013 and into early 14 like you if you wanted to I suspect could have been doing lots of interviews sponsorships Late Late Show appearance whatever you want you know you name it I don’t remember you milking it I’d said I didn’t want to do anything and they were like just do one Radio One TV and one uh print uh media day or something rip the claster yeah so that was what I did I think I did one kind of bigger newspaper piece with the times I did I think I went on Marty morsy’s radio and then I did late L show I had no illusions that I was going to be scoring two three goals a game so I never had that real pressure on me I also had this level of confidence after that that I just could do anything basically so when I went back training the next year I was playing the best I’d ever played a lot lot of things changed with concussion I’d say my style of play lended itself to putting myself in danger putting like physically literally putting my head down and and whatever happens happens on top of that when I moved out to Wing for and realized I was going where I was going to be playing I kind of got a heavier hurle and I started doing my own shooting and you’d be surprised how much a difference just changing the hurly would make I used to have this really light thing that was easy to flick around and get the ball close to you but if you’d hit it more than 60 yards the thing would more likely break than it would send the ball your dad designed the hurle my dad makes the Hurley yeah designs as well yeah I guess yeah this his full-time job or just on the side no he’s an engineer so this is on the side which means that the the pace of hurly’s coming out is like two a year and there me and my brother both need them so it’s a bit of a crisis when one breaks I presume they’re good are they yeah they’re good for us anyway Martin makes them from scratch he doesn’t have a mechanized system really it’s very very labor intensive so they take hours and hours to make when he does make one I probably do insults to uh a lot of the The Good the Harley makers around the country like in what I do uh I’ve made Harleys for him I’ve made but I make one or two hys literally a year it’s made from a Harley that um uh you know that that he’s happy with anytime I’m in a new panel it was funny we did the hurling for cancer um this year in Carlo and I walked into the dressing room and suddenly my hurle was being passed around and everyone making comment on how awful it looks and I’d forgotten that that happened cuz I’ve been in the same panel for so long everybody would look at myly be like how can you use this thing Bush yeah it’s quite different that’s I kind of shaped differently there’s some design considerations he he would say it’s the best hly in Ireland okay like I think the secret with his hle in a lot of ways is that he has the same Hurley for years on end like to it could be three year old hle he Hing with like and they’ve been broken and been fixed and broken fixed and broken fixed and then becomes a hle you’re very familiar with so I I I make new like will be a direct copy of the old I try and match the old to to a new Harley this is really more trying to get to what an old Harley that’s been used and he’s comfortable with and he has got a good feel for a good touch with it’s more to do with that than and uh secret formula in terms of of hly making let’s talk concussion this has clearly had a seismic effect on you on your career on the way you play hurling 2021 happened in training I have read your arms were trapped in contact head hits the rock hard Turf do you have a memory of it no no I don’t have a memory of even two hours before us getting ready for training and going to K Park and I have kind of intermittent memories of the next three or four hours after there was a lot of things going on at the time his uh oin his older brother was getting married uh in in in dyall we’re halfway d g at that stage when the Thursday evening sort of uh I got a call say look you know uh Shen’s bit of other is in uh in the regional in he didn’t seem too bad to be honest to start with and then they weren’t doing a whole lot and we sort of he finished up getting transferred to limmerick but we’d said we’d bring him in because they were going to have to wait for an ambulance so we finished up bringing him to limmerick and on the check in in limmerick he was able to tell them his phone number and stuff but even on the journey in he couldn’t he couldn’t remember anything and he kept asking the same questions he kept going where are we going what are we doing and 5 minutes later be like where are we going what are we doing what are you doing here what happened what time is it now how long since that happened but the thing that kind of sort of scared me was that he wasn’t really aware of his brother’s wedding at weekend so that uh set off alarm bells in my head anyway and yeah NE FR to Danny G for the wedding and he was not too bad for the couple of days of the wedding how soon after that incident do you and your family and the doctors realize this is a bit more serious than first thought probably a week or so probably a week I had a strange grent grace period after it it was my brother’s wedding so I was I went straight to the wedding and there’s so much going on in that that and I wasn’t really like looking at my phone or watching TV or doing anything really that involved kind of the triggers essentially that I later understood were going to cause my symptoms so I kind of felt okay really like I I had no real symptoms but the like random outbursts of like crying which was really strange but that was probably all I had for the first couple of days your brother probably just thought you were emotional yeah yeah that could all be just pinned on Us’s wedding so but that was probably it for the first two or three days and then I tried to go back to work and that’s when there was kind of a slow decline okay so you mentioned phone screens those triggers result in blinding headache I went to kind of different phases of the first phase was like this no really intense nausea basically so I would have a really strong pressure in my head kind of in the middle of my head it would just feel like it was in a vice all the time and then I would have eight or 10 eight or nine out of 10 nausea could be getting sick at any moment and that was a permanent feature for probably two weeks I would say so and it would kind of EV and flow it would be that I would feel so bad that I would just sit down for the entire day and then go to sleep kind of nodding in and out of sleep as well while I was sleeping a lot and then the next day I would feel the slightest bit better so I would stand up and I would walk around and I would talk to my parents who were in the house and trying to take care of me and then because I had done that the next day I would feel even worse I would feel like completely just incapable of doing anything so it kind of like went up and up and down but the general trajectory was was down like each day that I was getting worse I was feeling worse than it ever felt so it wasn’t like any other injury where you the worst at the start and you improve this was like a real tough two or three weeks of like getting actually worse every second day I was in a place where I just started to think that this was what my life was going to be like that I would never get out of this hole basically and that just became like a lot of people talk about like depression and stuff being part of concussion I think that’s where it’s come from just this despair that you’re not going to get your normal life back basically was one of the guys in the club his uh his son was uh over from Canada and he wanted to uh he wanted the kids like his kids want just maybe an autograph totally whatever like and he dropped in Harley like and he was sort of uh he asked me a week week afterwards like is any chance collect them whatever cuz they were going back to Canada and I was say I I can’t not only does he not know his name he can’t sign his name really so he was kind of like anything to do with Focus uh uh screens or phones or literally anything at all it was just uh just not he couldn’t function like you so it was quite scary we sort of believed you know the story that used to be out there that the first hit you’ll recover from but if you don’t this it’s the second one really that you need to worry about so in that sense we were sort of thinking this would resolve itself because he’d never to my memory had a bad bad hit before that so that almost it was it was okay not that it was okay but just we expected to come out of it pretty easily but then after 2 or 3 weeks it wasn’t it just wasn’t getting better it was very very terrifying yeah yeah like the days where I had four five weeks where my day consisted of getting up eating breakfast going to the sitting room and sitting down that was it I used to sit down for 12 hours and could you read a book I couldn’t read a book couldn’t read a book and couldn’t look at my phone couldn’t look the TV even talking to my parents was difficult if I had to maintain eye contact with them so any conversation was like me like a zombie looking at the wall like this and them talking and I would stay like this so that was it for five weeks so like the days are very long you don’t like five years yeah how do you navigate your way out of it so I’d met with a number a couple of GPS my brother and he hates me mentioning this but I’d met with him and he had told me relax and rest and everything and the team doctor and everyone kind of just said the same thing and then I’ve been asked contact person the UPMC which like a concussion Network in Ireland and originated in the US and the first thing they did was send me a like a test basically online they emailed me a test to do on my computer it’s like 20 or 30 minutes and it tests like your reactions and your memory I think and I just rang them it’s like I can’t do that I can’t look at my computer do you not understand like I can’t I’m not allowed to look at my computer you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about so I refused to do it and then the doctor actually uh Anda devis rang me two days later and was like Shane just do the test you’ll be fine I’ll tell you why in a couple of days I’m meeting you on Friday just get the test done before then and then that was where it turned okay so counter to the Instinct they prescribe rehab in a sense they get you active they get your eyes moving this is I mean it’s probably not publicized enough but this seems to increasingly be the route out of concussion yeah exactly so it was you come in and I met him and he explained the kind of category of concussion I had and he talked with you my test results and then basically after I recovered from that and started thinking I might be normal again and he said to me like you’ll make a full recovery that was probably the most important thing I’d heard all that yeah exactly yeah I was very tearful over that obviously but then he did some tests in there so that was what turned out to me my rehab was these kind of tests where you would be like tracking like a lollipop stick with your eyes and you’d have stickers on the walls you’d be like kind of flicking your eyes between these were the tests that I was doing in there but they turned out to be the rehab exercises as well at the time even the idea of like like I’m looking at you it would be like shaking your head while keeping like eyes fixed on it on the lollipop stick that was I nearly collapsed in there trying to do that and he was like okay it’s going to take some time like but you’ll you’ll make a recovery doing them so basic just went back doing essentially a rehab doing those exercises and they made a huge difference the hurling then was just kind of put on the long finger really like I think I think eventually went back after 11 weeks after which is probably another five weeks after the the going back to work that was after doing two exit exams basically just do a full battery testing after you do like basic a small fitness test to kind of drain you um and at that point they cleared me to go back with the club so I went back playing at that point but very nervously this the not surprising not surprising but interesting aspect of going back you know for a fact contact is coming your way as a hurler and you’ve got a lot going on in your life do I want to risk it how do you let yourself go in that environment and be and be Fearless because you probably need to be Fearless to be h that’s no joke to take that risk and and would have felt like a risk yeah definitely felt like a risk I was extremely reluctant I would say I think I got cleared a few days before championship game we were playing our first championship game for the club CLA was done at this stage I I had taken no part of the CLA campaign so our first match was on the weekend and I’d been cleared just a few days before that and I basically made an agreement we were favorites to win the game so I made an agreement with the manager that I wasn’t going to I wasn’t going to play unless we were in a dire state so we came up with a figure of like eight or nine points down at halftime if we were eight or nine points down I would come on of course we were I can’t remember what it was but we were the exact amount we had pre-agreed down at half time so I took to the pit it’s a conspiracy yeah yeah Club to be fair can be you know can be I mean Intercounty is obviously is phys physical in its own right for sure but you know once you almost win your ball in in in Intercounty you have a little bit of space and you have a bit of room where it’s Club you don’t get that you know it’s just just uh it’s pure intensity from start to finish yeah the first game we watched was pretty scary I must say you’re just just watching and like in the normal course you’re watching and you’re hoping he’ll play well and you’re hoping he’ll have a good game and that the team will win and all the normal stuff but you’re watching every little run like cuz he was playing in the forwards so you’re just terrified when you see him going for a ball in case he gets taken down he did get a knock in one of those games and he got a bit of a rattle from it and you’re like oh my God and then you’re watching to see if he’ll get up and you’re just you could feel the tension between the two of us watching it I I went on to the pitch literally the first challenge I got clotheslined by someone um now he kind of pulled out of it unfortunately we played new Mar who had actually had someone who had a bad concussion the year before so they were they were they were almost pulling out of challenges when I when I started to run in some ways I remember that clothes line he he went to do me and then pulled out that’s quite nice to hear as opposed to let’s finish him off yeah yeah and I remember after the pitch a lot of them came up to me and said it’s great to see you back and we have one of our players is still struggling with it and you know it’s nice to see where Etc so that was actually really nice it’s good to hear cuz the GAA when it comes to physicality can get a very bad repap yeah yeah yeah it was that was a nice entrance back but two matches later I had probably the other side of the coin where I had one of the opposition jering me about he’s going to do me and I’ll spend the rest of my day in the hospital and this kind of stuff and and he did he pulled on my head later that game so he did not yeah yeah no it’s my fault I went in for a goal and kind of jumped for the ball and he swung kind of hard but I would have came off then I came off that was probably 10 or 15 minutes to go and I took myself out of the game came and basically was test doing the same test that Ender would have done on me and trying to understand whether I just sustained a concussion and then that night I would have went to bed and woke up in a total frenzy cuz I had struggled I had struggled a lot with sleeping at the time when I got the concussion I would had a lot of symptoms and a lot of like difficult kind of sensation in my head basically I woke up in a frenzy experiencing the same symptoms and I was like can’t believe I’m back here basically now looking back and I I didn’t have a concussion it was totally a figment of my imagination but I was so afraid of going back to feeling how I felt that summer that my brain just was in such a frenzy and panicked about it that I just couldn’t distinguish what was real from what wasn’t so the next morning I’m having my porridge if I’m you and I’m saying not going back I’m not risking some lunatic every two or three games deciding he’s going to make a name against me and have a pop at my head and I’ll get another concussion I’m done yeah and that was basically the entire winter this kind of internal dialogue I was very heavily weighted in the like I’m not going back because just couldn’t justify I couldn’t justify how I felt that summer and it just wasn’t worth it like honestly when if CLA won the all Ireland the next year I would have been delighted for them but I would have been delighted from the sidelines and I was like I’d fully accepted that that was that was how it was going to be why did you go back it was almost because I was so afraid of it that I went back and my girlfriend I mentioned earlier psychologist so she would have kind of she’s dealing with patients with trauma and stuff and she was saying that I was my symptoms that I was dealing with after like these psychological symptoms were manifesting in a way that someone would have M very mild but comp like a simple trauma kind of patient that I this I my body had processed this as a traumatic event and um she basically said that like all things the way to get through these is exposure like exposure to what you’re essentially afraid of um so it kind of put me in an interesting place where I wanted to play hurling and hurling was essentially the the solution for this traumatic process or whatever it was to actually get over this fear was to go play hurling and it’s it’s funny listening to you uh like if theme of this series is stop the drop as in teenagers people of all ages stop playing Sport and it’s you know you have gone through so much to go back and play your sport so you must feel very deeply about the benefits of it and and be able to speak to the pull of it so H sport and and what it means to you give us a sense of of How It’s enriched your life because you’ve like I said jumped several hurdles more than most to keep playing sport when so many park it yeah I think it’s hard probably to summarize it but I think a lot of it is the emotion and feeling I get from other people around me I think I was actually just in K GA club last Saturday uh myself Connor wheelen from gway and John conin our dad’s and mother Connor’s mother are all from this tiny area called faah in which is in the REM of K GA club and they were basically commemorating us all getting the allar in the same year and I was there in this small like Hall basically that was jammed to the rafters probably probably three quars of the population Killa in there and was brought up on stage and was had like an interview kind of thing and looked down on one stage my dad was in tears so I think the emotion that I see from other people around me is really what I think of when I think of why I’m so so glad that I’ve gone through everything I went through to continue to play basically Harvard in 2018 full bright scholar from what I can see this um means you’re pretty much regarded as amongst the best of the best in your field outside of the US that about what a full bright scholar would represent so as much as I would like that to stand as the record of what a full bright scholar is don’t let your humility ruin this the original idea of the person Fullbright who set up I think he’s a senator in the US he had been abroad a lot and he kind of understood the importance of like seeing other cultures and understanding the perspective of other countries and people and a lot of the emphasis is on when you’re coming from another country to go to the US is your ability to go to the US and then share your home culture with the US so so it’s kind of half and half you go with with a research question and an idea to this is the research I want to do this is the lab I want to do it in probably didn’t real I that he was you know that bright the whole family like to be first him are sort of academic I’ll put that down to uh uh my wife Mary really whatever he turns his hand to you know you know he’s going to make a success of it why does science interest you why does this world interest you what what attracts you to it What attracted me to research was just that you would become an expert in this you would push the understanding of of every person in the planet even the small like maybe Niche area whatever it is that you could make a difference that you could crack something that would you be shared and maybe make some products that would help people or to reduce or alleviate disease or whatever it might be but that you can make that individual progress yourself so that was something that just really excited me and that was what I was kind of drawn towards research did I read you say that uh in an Ideal World some stage in the future space travel would be very much on your radar it definitely would have been that was something that I always wanted to do and I think having done a a PhD in the science kind of career that does lend itself to it and interesting enough microbiome research is actually something they do on the ISS so it’s something that would kind of be compatible with that the issue is I can’t go in NASA cuz I’m not an American citizen so I have to go with the European space agency but they only do recruitments for astronauts every 8 10 12 years so I think there was actually won a few years ago just before I finished my PhD that I couldn’t go first so now I’m kind of like in the you know dos a small with that say it’s 5 10 years next round of astr recruiting they do may be too late for me uh Shane going to space there’s a bit of me that thinks that’s just a challenge now really but uh I’m sure if he actually put his mind to it he probably could achieve it yeah it’s it’s just a different level of things and it probably in one level would combine the sporting CU you have to be incredibly fit and the academic because obviously they’re not just sending you up there to pocket litter around well I don’t think they are anyway I I I can’t speak for Mary she probably would have no problem in him going into space and wandering around space me it would terrify the life out of me [Music] so your hopes for 2024 to win the old Ireland basically


  1. From a Limerick man I wish shane all the best.fantastic man and brave as a lion.
    God bless you and stay safe can't wait to see you playing very well this summer 👍

  2. superb hurler, went through a lot. hope he wins another all Ireland soon but we need our 5 in a row first. Great interview. Luimneach Abu.

  3. Fabulous hurler. A joy to watch. Would love to see him win another All Ireland. His experience with concussion was horrific. Wishing him all the best for 2024. Stay safe & be your brilliant self.

  4. Great work, Joe! Your first episode covering Shane, his family, his Clare entourage, and the spirit of the GAA was excellent. It's fitting to hope Shane gets another chance at an All Ireland win, but regardless, he's an inspiration to many.

  5. Yet another Limerick fan here, i had the pleasure of meeting him once in Croke park hotel such a friendly and genuine guy and great player. Hope to see him flying again this year, just take it easy against Limerick 🙂

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