I’ve found the PERFECT GOLF TEE’S!


As we all know, its so important to tee your golf ball up consistently, in order to achieve the most consistent ball flight possible.

However, most golfers are wooden golf tee snobs and don’t like using the plastic or bamboo graduated golf tees!

WWW.DMGOLF.CO.UK are also wooden golf tee snobs, but they have created a classic wooden golf tee to replicate the tee heights of a ORANGE, PINK and RED Graduated tee!

Come take a look!

#golf #golftips #golfcoaching

[Applause] So within the last couple of week we’ve discovered how important it is to tee up your golf ball consistently whether it’s driver or whether it’s irons you’ve got to be te up consistently to get consistent numbers but if you’re a wooden te snob like me you’re not going to use graduated tees to get your ball teed up consistently and I think I’ve discovered the best wooden tea in the world which replicates the height of plastic graduated te’s I’m going to pop up the link on screen now it’s a it’s a guy a bit like myself it was a wooden tea snob and he’s he’s created these te’s with just simple markings and I think that is such a good little invention I wish him all the luck in the world he set up his own business he’s probably not being heard of by many people but if you’re a t- snob like us go and check them out I think it’s a fantastic invention all the best guys if your first time watching the channel make sure the Subscribe button and we’ll see you in a couple of days time bye f


  1. Hi gaz I saw a device on amazon, you put your wooden tee in it set the height away you go, is also a pitch fork…about £7

  2. I am also a "Tee Snob," but what I've done is stick a tee in the ground at what I know is the prefect height for my driver (actually lying down on my stomach to eyeball it), and then mark a notation on the tee with a Sharpie pen where the tee is in the ground. This then becomes the "Master Tee" and all other blank tees are placed beside it and similarly marked. I can mark an entire large bag of tees at my desk while watching James Robinson videos. 👍

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