SHOCKING FORGIVING CLUBS!? What’s In The Bag with THE WORLDS BEST GOLF COACH! When talking about golf clubs we often look at what’s in the bag with the worlds best golfers, Rory McIlroy what’s in the bag, Brooks Koepka what’s in the bag, Scottie Scheffler what’s in the bag amongst lots of others, but we could actually learn what the best golf clubs are for your game is by looking at what golf clubs are in the best golf coaches. Today we look in the bag of David Leadbetter. you may be surprised as to what golf clubs are in the bag with David, are these the best forgiving golf clubs of 2024? the best senior golf clubs of 2024? potentially the easiest golf clubs to hit and even though he swings it amazing, the best mid handicap and best high handicap golf clubs of 2024.

okay guys so what is in the bag with the world renowned golf coach Mr David Leber David how are you this morning I’m good James thank you how are you I’m very well thank you so I’ve had a lesson yesterday Rob’s had a lesson this morning you’ve you’ve sorted us both out so we’re going to be uh battling each other for big money when we get back home to England of course today we’re at the golf on driving range by lead better here at new Newbury Westbury Westbury here at Westbury New York talk they might rename it the might re I don’t know I don’t know where Newber is but it’s actually a race course isn’t it um so we’re going to talk about what’s in the bag cuz so many people did ask this actually when we had our Lon they saw your bag lurking in the background um I know you’re a big fan of Club fitting you worked closely with callow on that and we’re going to just dive into what David’s got in the bag why he potentially uses them there’s a few really cool training agent here as well I think could help a lot of people so we’ll talk about those as well but I’m want to kick things off with the irons David because right irons wise and I think this is something which so many golfers would potentially learn these are the Paradigm AI smoke HL ions HL obviously standing for high launch nice light graphite shafts in there well you have to understand I’m an old Croc now and I’ve been I’ve been beaten up I say in fact I’ve got so many injuries if I was a horse they’d shoot me you know so you know obviously using clubs that uh user friendly something that’s going to help you I mean they’ even got sort of regular shafts in here now yeah so it’s you know it’s it’s interesting obviously a lighter Club a club with a little bit more Flex in it and obviously the head design which enables the ball to get up in the air you don’t have to work as hard I mean so as you get a little older I mean it’s like you know I mean players are not using you know you get players on the on the senior tour the champions tour they’re not using the club they were when they were 25 I mean know it’s just the speed and so on and so forth I mean listen I mean we know some of these guys are still hitting it a long ways but I think any club that you can get actually to help you to I mean I’ve got you know I’ve got obviously I’ve got big hands and so I think a lot of people neglect to get the right grip size yeah okay I think because the problem is if you have a a grip that’s either too thin or too thick for you the tendency is to grip it too high in the Palm okay and so I think for a lot of players you know obviously we’re trying to get the club down a little bit more here and say getting getting the right grip thickness is really important experimenting and getting with your your your Club professional and or fitter and and get get those grips fitted it’s sort of I think a bit of a you know it’s it’s it’s it’s not talked about enough you no it can have a real effect on your release pattern as well can’t it too thin you’ll turn it exactly I mean look if we’re trying to get a little bit more hand action we probably suggest a slightly thinner grip that’s why I think it’s important when you get fitted to tied it in with some instruction yes because it’s always the old adage right do you fit a golf club to the person’s fault or do you okay work with their technique and realizing that okay it’s probably going to change a little bit so we need to have a club that can maybe changeable I mean the great thing obviously with with the with the woods now or whatever you want to call them Metals you know or whatever we call them I mean I told carbons I supp call them now I think they’ve come up with the term but you know they’re adjustable obviously and you can change you can change the LIE etc etc and and that’s that’s the beauty I think of of launch monitors now we can actually see okay what what club gives you the best launch angle which club gives you the best spin rate yeah uh especially we’re talking with the driver and so you know you can you can find a club that really will fit you well so I’m I’m I’m of the opinion I mean you look like I I think that even with say PS for instance I mean I think it’s really important to get fitted because if you if you’re setting up to a putter which is maybe too long too upright it’s it’s going to change your posture so I’ve always been a big fan of you know getting somebody in what I feel is perfect posture and fitting the club to them yeah maybe you know obviously depending on you know what’s happening with the club if it’s coming in a little steep and you think well this is going to be tough for this person to get it shallower yeah then you might have a little bit more of an upright lie for instance so I mean there are things that you can adjust and that’s why you know getting with a good Club Fit is really worth it because now you’ve got a set a club it’s like you know having a pair of shoes that are perfectly fit you’re just not going to go in the shoe shop and say listen give me a pair of size n that’ll be fine you know I mean it might be a size too small so You’ you’ve got to I think it’s really important and you know callway have done a great job and I suppose on that sense different shoes fit differently a pair of Nik fit differently to a pair of Puma so if you go to a different fitter a different fitter might fit differently as well so the anology works really nicely pris so it works well hand in hand with you know having a little bit of instruction uh and so if you you know my suggestion always try to find a fitter that sort of has a little bit of knowledge about the golf swing as well yeah oh fantastic David so um we go down there’s a there’s a gap wedge in there which is a 47 degree and again so many golfers I think would benefit from having a proper gap wedge instead of maybe an actual wedge which we’ll talk about a little bit later on but I think if you are going to play a little bump with that I imagine that just makes it a easier as well it’s nice I mean look I mean I think today I mean especially I think having having that sort of variation in in clubs and Lofts with the short irons is important I mean you know I mean yes if you’re if you’re very talented I remember you know Tom Watson for years only had 13 clubs because you didn’t have a didn’t have a 60 I mean remember asking SE B stus years years ago hey you ever Ed a 60 and he he he got the club just open it up I know need 60 so you know I mean if you’re that talented well that’s fine but I think having having a club that you know with these short arms which allows you to you know with the short arm we’re talking about the wedges uh IDE that we can now have a shot for a certain distance and you know if people practice if I mean you I I tell you what I think you know Loft wise a 60° you got to practice with okay it’s not the easiest Club to sort of become proficient with yeah so you know I’ve got it like a 58 there which you know open it up obviously it’s going to get to a 60 but yeah the uh um as I say I haven’t spent an awful lot of time with my equipment as of late because of a couple of injuries but you know hybrids certainly I mean now I think you know I mean I think even Bryson D Shambo only went up to a 5 iron last week at austa it’s really interesting that you do have so the longest iron in the bag is the five iron and again I imagine so many golfers can learn from this so we go from 5 in straight into the hybrid which you were speaking about so again we’ve got a nice matching graphite shaft nice thick grp with the hybrid and then instead of a 4 we have a 4 round replacement in the hybrid which again is just a standard 21 degree with a nice square face so realistically how many golfers should have long irons I think we’d both agree not many well I think you know I think three and four irons for most golfers they’re really good for holding up tomato plants you it’s like that’s what because I mean they’re difficult to hit I mean you look at you get on you go on the LPGA Tour I mean they will start around 6 time yeah yeah I mean very I mean there’s a couple of them but don’t but for the most part on on the average which I think a lot of is that a relationship to Club head speed do you think in launch or is it some extent yeah and just as they’re more forgiving and you can hit them from different lies I mean you can you know you can chop it out of rough you can sweep it off the top you can you know I mean so I I just think you know the hybrid has been a boon really to golf and um it’s uh you know you treat them like an iron I think a lot of big problem that a lot of people have with hybrids they sort of think of them as Fairway Woods yeah all right and they’re trying to sort of get the ball Airborne but you know I feel like you’re taking a little divot hitting down on it slightly just to get the ball up in the air you know but they are much much more forgiving um say I mean if you can hit a three out well I mean well you know as I say we know the old story Tom Watson used to warm up with the 3 because he he thought well you know if I’m hitting my three hour I can every Club well so I mean but I think for for most golfers they say these hybrids and when you take somebody like Bryson the Shambo who started at a five five iron you know in the Masters yeah I mean you don’t you don’t see 2 E3 irons even in in Tor play might see a driving iron you know I mean some of these three irons and two irons now are more of a driving iron you know keep the ball in place like the in the old days we’re talking about you know the old ping one iron you know which was obviously very fashionable for a long period of time but uh apart from that I mean and and that’s the thing depending on the course you’re playing I mean look if you’ve got a lot of short shots in then you definitely want to load up on the on the wedges I mean austa last week seven Woods nine Woods in play now so guys just making it easier for themselves if we look at the fairway wood you’ve got it is of course the Paradigm AI smoke and it’s a seven wood yeah so again yeah lots of Loft there’s no three-wood in the bag cuz realistic I mean I I think you you know it it used to be a bit of a stigma you can’t use a seven wood I mean you know it’s like you know we’ve we’ve got to use you know driver three-wood fivewood possibly uh so I mean it’s h it’s interesting I mean you know some players even got two drivers in the back yeah yeah yeah well Chris our friend of the channel who we also do get good at golf with he loves the seven wood so he actually hits his seven wood so past my 3w sometimes which is a bit annoying but um the one that everyone wants to see the driver it’s the driver of course it’s going to be the AI Paradigm smoke but what really interests me here is the settings of the neutral weight 10 and a half degre a little bit more Loft to get the ball airborne and again a nice light fitted graphite shaft so yeah I I think look for the most part um I think a lot of amers would do better with more Loft on their driver okay cuz getting it launched we know look if you launch it up in the air it’s going to go further okay assuming that you’re not putting a lot of spin on it yeah and so uh you know I think even on even on tour now I mean listen you do see a lot of those long drive guys have you know 3 to 5° of Loft which is amazing most people got in a long time yeah that’s right and so getting getting a little more of a lofted a lofted driver um I I think is is is a big help and you know just messing around a little bit with the weights I mean look if you want to hit more if you want to if you are struggling you moving moving it right to left and you’re hitting it left to right I mean just hey just shift the weight a little bit I mean it’s it’s you know we’ll go for a lesson yeah a lesson helps I mean but there again you it’s just nice to have a setting which you know I mean that’s the advantage obviously the pros have I mean you know they’ve got all the Tour Vans out there they’ve got the they’ve got the launch monitors there so they can they can actually see hey well we’ve got this new shaft up you might want to try this and they they obviously they can compare it to what they’ve got and uh it does it does make a difference let’s face it I mean I don’t think there’s probably anybody out there really that just has a standard set of clubs you know that they would take off the shelf of a of a pro shop and go out and use them you know it’s like because I say he just want something that actually you know a custom fitted Club there’s nothing better I mean then there’s no excuses okay now you’re sort of at a point where okay hey it’s me it’s not the club yeah yeah so there’s no hiding plac is there um so last but not least before we’re going to talk about a few of the training AIDS in here as well because you are world renowned for your training AIDS which is people trying to get yeah we we sort of got to the point where we call them swing Aid rather than training AIDS as I say I training training aid sounds to say a lot like hard work you know and you going to be running around running around the practice area and what have you you know before you hit balls but the thing is it’s all about devel developing a product that can actually help somebody with their feel yeah okay because feel to me is a really important commodity and I think it’s when you’re playing well and you’ve got a certain feeling well that’s great I mean you know these feelings a lot of times don’t last we know but the thing the nice thing about with with you know a swing Aid is that you can sort of like straight away for in or this for instance this is you know we call this the boomerang cuz it believe it or not it does come back people dis me actually yeah so you know actually got I got this from years ago from Callaway because you know they had their putter covers had magnets in them so so what happens as you swing it if it drops out you know instead of having to bend over you just do that and pick it up and put it back in so use what more do you want so that’s why it does come back here you know shape like a boomerang but it fits nicely under here and you can use it for you know your connection with short shots you can put under left elbow right sorry left armpit right armpit depending on what the problem is you you got a floating elbow a flying elbow you can stick it here and actually work on it so it’s a nice little you know Aid shall we say and um you know this is something we’ve had out for a number of years called the swing Setter which has got you know we’ve got a form grip on here this used to be yellow back in the day it used to be blue blue with yellow yeah yeah yeah so you know it just essentially see I’m not sure we got in the right setting here but you can see it actually snaps here so it just gives us the feeling that hey that we’re actually setting the club yeah you know people who sort of don’t set the club very well so it’s you know once again it’s a feel and the grip is great because it’s like you know we’ve we know constantly when we’re seen with amders I mean their grips are horrendous and a lot of the problems even with the takeaway stop with the grip yeah so if they can get their hands on where it’s a little bit more in the finger so that’s so so just a little tool and say not not every um swing Aid or training aid suits everybody although having said that this straightway is pretty much a a cure all for a lot of people well that’s the piece of re stance isn’t it I’ve said that terribly I don’t know you know it fits on there snaps on there it’s got you know comes in a nice little bag you throw throw it in your golf bag just line it up there make practice swings at home that’s the thing I mean you don’t have to go out and hit thousands of balls you can just make a few practice rings at home and get the well the one thing I love is this one I put in the bag some little short I think I it’s snuck down the bag I think I lost it yeah it’s down here I think it slipped down oh oh it’s my fault I’ve lost it down sorry David that’s all right go ahead right I’ll put it on screen now but I’m going to take one of those home actually because I love that it’s a little short club that you can practice with inside I thought we were struggling to get them in so I’ve lost that down David’s bag un story I remember I think Johnny Miller years ago got a two shot penalty because his his his little boy club actually slipped down there you know which was a stupid rule because he’s never going to use it you know mean say might have been might have fitted in Wen but it wouldn’t fit Johnny I’ll empty that round the back then we’re done last but not least with the clubs obviously it’s the new AI one putter so little bit of a wider blade potentially not quite a mallet but um very interesting again just a little bit more forgiveness off the face yeah exactly you know I mean look Odyssey have been one of the leaders in the field and PS for many a year now and so uh you know this this AI is very interesting I mean you know if I let a secret out here I mean callway been using AI for a long time but just to promoting it now so and uh I mean you you go out you go out to Callaway you go to K’s bad and I mean these guys are they’re all golf nerds okay I mean I think they’re designing clubs for themselves you know absolutely you know if it works for them hey this is going to be great you know so you know chip Brewer encourages them to do that all good players out there and uh so so um yeah I mean it’s uh it’s interesting in the day in this day and age I mean how equipment believe it or not is getting better I mean you know it’s I mean how much better can they get well you know we’ll we’ll see I mean just but at times I mean you know just finding little something I mean you know you take Bryson Des Shambo had an interesting sort of approach to his isons the other day you know at Augusta and so um so just these little things that marginal Gams isn’t it marginal things which ultimately give you really a lot of confidence man I’m you know these feel so good I mean and we know that beaut is in the eyes of the beholder when you look at a set of clubs I mean is there a lot of difference between you know the top manufacturers well I mean probably similar shafts you know similar grips you know a lot of is hey boy I really like the look of this and and and also that big word feel okay man it just feels so good combing off the club face you know so you know especially if you got a forged club and you can actually Fe feel that sort of contact and so but it it’s a blend right you got to have your Technique right in order to sort of benefit from from heavy heavy the equipment that sort of fits you well David thank you very much for your time that is a wats in the bag with one of the world’s best golf coaches Mr David Le better I hope you get out there soon and get shooting in the 60s again with them yeah thanks man thanks D cheers David


  1. The diversity of perspectives woven into this conversation is incredibly enriching. It's like a mosaic of thought and experience.🔥

  2. Engaging with such a knowledgeable group of individuals is a privilege I don't take for granted. There's so much to learn from each other.🍒

  3. Was that a strategic cut just before the handshake to stop the world seeing Leadbetter's gigantic hand completely engulf your tiny mitt? 😁

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