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Choosing a Coach, Uncomfortable NMCs & the Wild West | Real Kyper & Bourne Full Episode

Nick Kypreos, Justin Bourne and Sam McKee start with the latest on the Leafs’ coaching, Craig Berube, Todd McLellan and the future of John Tavares. Jason Bukala breaks down the Leafs’ draft capital, prospect pool and contract conundrums. Kevin Lowe discusses a fiery Canucks/Oilers matchup. Aarif Deen chats about the Avalanche’s biggest concerns ahead of a pivotal Game 4 against Dallas.


0:00 – Leafs’ Head Coaching Search & John Tavares
31:25 – Jason Bukala on the Leafs’ Asset Pool
54:32 – Kevin Lowe on Canucks/Oilers
1:16:27 – Aarif Deen Analyzes the Avalanche & Bruins/Panthers Recap


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[Music] all right let’s kick off the week welcome into the real Kipper and Bourne show ni kios Justin Bourne Sammy mck Derek bro David CIS boomba in for our Leaf Edition that no longer has the Leafs playing that won’t stop us though we can generate something actually I think the ratings go up when they stop playing and we start talking about the leaves when they get knocked out wher you are though we’re glad you’re board sportset 590 sportset 360 sportset plus from 4 to 6 and wherever you get your pod when you can’t catch us live so we’ll dive right into it plenty to talk around the National Hockey League which we will later on in the show including our national hour as Susi gets a hearing for his cross check to McDavid we’ll get into that a little later in the show K win can Winn this is cross cheing yes but in the time coaching spots are open we expect coaching spots to get filled as early as this week including here in Toronto where Craig Buu’s been interviewed as twice appar as uh Todd mclen who right now just seems to be a two horse race so does that mean quinnville is not a horse I don’t believe so for and we talked about this last week where the league the League’s open to revisiting Joel quinnville it just won’t happen fast enough for the Toronto M beliefs wow do you think the league would want to keep him out of Toronto because that would heighten the scrutiny no I think I think if they if they do let him back in they they want to do it at their Pace MH at their comfort in their comfort zone the last thing that they want to do is look like they’re bending over backwards for the Tonto maple leaves and that’s yet another case Sam the Leaf’s getting even I it’s not it’s not a good look around the league uh that that uh all of a sudden the doors open up because it’s the Leafs that may be interested in Joel quinnville so now you are you know in a race for a head coach cuz there’s other spots being open that’s why you can’t necessarily wait for Joel quinnville MH musical chairs here or you can’t even really or maybe you can depending and I’ll get your thoughts on this Rod brendam Moore I’ve said it right from the GetGo and this is prior to what we’ve what we watched in here in the second round against the New York Rangers but R brandamore wasn’t going anywhere yeah well they they got swept though right isn’t that what I heard last show wasn’t that the K already eliminated oh yeah who said that I believe that was you oh yeah does does that oh they won one game congratulations does that change anything moving forward if they lose in five games yeah well well the fact that they’ve been negotiating the coach’s contract throughout playoffs I think that would mean let’s say they so they they lose in five if you’re dunan you could say well you’re not that great you keep losing in five I’m not going to pay a you know you want six I’m going to give you a three and then that makes bore go a bye-bye you’re cool you’re cool none of you were cool actually is a shine off bore a little bit with disappointing playoff runs the last two years I made my I made my point very clear I think on the weekend that you know I think he’s fancier Sheldon Keefe in a lot of ways I actually think that’s a great point I do it’s I really feel that they’re very similar sort of philosophies when Sheldon came here hold the puck hold the puck shoot the puck have the puck all the have the puck I guess that’s the point of the game but there’s a lot of similar sort of systems BR teams go north a bit Yeah a bit more but I just feel like it’s kind of a if you’re going to be doing a crazy move here where you’re bringing another coach you kind of want like the screamy old tough guy kind of Coach here now as oppos Rod’s tough I do but I don’t think it’s I don’t know like I is he a players coach all I know is we had rod bremore on our show I don’t know if you guys remember this our first year and yeah and one of my questions to him was um you know I’m surprised that your teams aren’t more in your image like I remember I I told him that I thought his teams were like Puck possession fancy teams compared to how he think about that and he was he was not happy with that really was that on our show well maybe it wasn’t I don’t know was in Hockey Central I don’t remember I don’t remember this he he sees himself as having hard-nosed teams even though they score and they create he thinks his teams are hard-nosed so I think he we do not agree yeah I think it’d be a great fit here you don’t watch the game very well is that bad that’s a great drop I don’t know who that is I don’t yeah yeah yeah but there is a race right now because new jerseys looking for a coach uh you seem to hold on this brandamore thing you think there’s a chance a puncher chance no I I think it’s a long shot at best and I I’ll stick to what I’ve been saying all along was that the Rangers really really pushed hard for him prior to going getting uh Peter Laviolette and they drew it out as long as they could and couldn’t pry him out couldn’t pry him out even with the thought that he’d be paid they they’d make him the highest paid coach in the league I’m not leaving I can see Rod as like now what changed making 100 Grand a year being the skills coach for the canes or something does does he get tired of his owner right now with a loss that’s the only possibility is that the the owner uses the loss a potential loss as an excuse to lowball him and it offends him and he says bye so he’s he’s nuts if he’s going to try to play that game already with him he is nuts yeah he is nuts yeah so we’ establish that yeah yeah but the the terrifying thing that this is all nice to talk about from a least fan perspective here that like oh like in this Pie in the Sky scenario where the guy that says he’s never leaving and had a opportunity to be the Rangers coach and he’s like maybe he’ll leave this time yeah if you’re waiting around you’re chasing you’re look oh God don’t remind me and you’re looking for you’re potentially losing out on your other guys like brub or melen who they love or like GL like all these guys are going to get jobs because there’s so many openings there’s so many teams looking for it like you may be left holding the bag here where you don’t get one of your top options because you’re waiting on grenore the flip side of that what if he does leave and you hired Todd mlen that’s the that’s the delicate balance in why Brad for living makes the big bucks I guess and why you you you figure I’ll play the other side of it what happens if you don’t name a coach this week and then you watch Ruby go to New Jersey M or you could get a Sheldon Keef then uh everything’s great like you you also have to play if we name someone as early as Thursday and and we meet the right price which is never a problem here right then you get the guy that is out there right now and you get first dibs on him if you let New Jersey come in and and swoop up maybe barui then now you’re you’ve missed the boat mhm I wonder if they are waiting for to see if the canes lose tonight before they hire someone to at least have a phone call to brymore and be like we need to have some idea if there’s any chance I mean that’s playing a dangerous game to me and like I the thing the part of it that if you want to wait for brymore a lot of the guys in the the free agent market right now the hot names everybody’s talking about to me they’re all very like I don’t similar yeah like it’s not like any of them to me move the needle that much like people will say baru Cup winner whatever like but none of them really really are like huge differen makers to me so if you want to wait you think Rod’s the guy maybe you do but boy it’s a dangerous game like I said so what would you do right now would you name bruy as Thursday or Friday is your head coach here probably why is it got to be so long I can’t hire him tomorrow I would probably oh listen they could but I I would think that even if they’ve identified it even if they contract the contract signed all of that I don’t know like they just interviewed him again on the weekend Thursday or Friday would give people enough time to breathe time time I’m not the person that they came here to hear that from who do you think they should hire what do you think they should do that’s the question you Kippy you Barney yeah I I like I like the thought of uh of a kind of a hard-nosed kind of guy like Craig bruy I like brinda more too it doesn’t listen the whale out there would have been John Cooper prying Cooper away from Tampa that’s not happening that that’s yeah I mean he called Jim MCG to how to beat the leaf so I don’t think he’s for the leaf that’s the ultimate home run but he wanted the job to open up that’s not happening but it’s it’s someone that could take a little bit of that uh warm blanket that Kyle dubis and Sheldon have put and wrapped around the players the last few years and BR bruy won’t do that yeah he’s he’ll make them a little uncomfortable for sure and I do think that the team needs that they need some discomfort they need some they yeah they need someone a little bit different and that’s fine cuz that’s sort of some of the texts I get from people around the inside of the group is that guys just they want it to stay how it is everything everyone’s getting exactly what they want right now and they’re not winning but you know there’s no punishment for that so yes I like that idea I do my only qualms with Ruby and I’ll be honest are just the media side of it you know like this is a tough media Market Sheldon Keefe was really good at saying very little but still saying enough but sheld did had a very good relationship with a lot of people and you you could tell that it it it it served him well when he left too because people were praising him class move and he started showing that he was a real Coach towards the the end although it’s debatable a little bit you know on things that you liked and things you still didn’t like about his coaching Styles but it opened up enough where people are really pushing him and think that if New Jersey does not get Ruby or mlen that he would be in line to get that job in Jersey in Jersey the one thing I was thinking that terrifies me oh yeah you go you go to Jersey suddenly get a goalie they get they trade for markstrom they get all their guys hamton comes back all of a sudden they can points on Fuego that does concern me you can see that happen absolutely um that’s happening that’s that’s going to happen whether Sheldon’s there or not yeah it’s true they’re a team that’s trending upwards yeah yeah it’s a great job to get the one thing it did cross my mind is everyone was so complimentary about Sheldon on the way out the door is like I’m sure mlsc would like to have that salary off their books now when you fire a guy and another team hires him do they pay that salary then so he makes the same amount of money unless they give bit more but they pick it up they’re dumb those coaches are dumb they’re dumb they don’t because they need to be like a a player getting bought out you get fired you owe me the $2 million and then if I go find another job and they owe me $2 million Sheldon yeah Ryan sud like seven different pay Sheldon should be getting paid $2 million from New Jersey and totally he should be making 4 million next year yes two from the Leafs two from New Jersey he should but that’s not the way it works no and is that on the coaches Union contract structure or what I know yeah but mean then union doesn’t matter made a bad decision off brother take that free money like personally my theory is is you know if you’re mlsc on the way out the door it’s really smart to be like this guy was an unbelievable coach can’t even believe we had him I guess someone why we fired him yeah you know and then someone else maybe more eager to pick that money up uh Craig bruy will not be known as a sound bite here well that’s what I mean kippers Clippers are toast yeah we’re going to have kippers clip every day interesting thing per day but like you know there is more to being a head coach in this market and I wrote this about Sheldon last week there’s more to being a head coach in this market than just coaching a team and I think he grew in that regard how to handle the media the alumni the yada y yada and bruy seems a guy who wants to coach a hockey team yeah you gotta be come here and be I’m not saying that you gotta like kiss ass here but you you you go to you got to work it a little bit Kyle worked it unbelievably like it wasn’t hard to figure out who Kyle worked yes in the media yes he did for sure right yeah he had his people yeah there’s no doubt about it and I think a lot of people tree Liv is a great example a guy with tremendous relationship to the media not making it that obvious right yeah yeah sure because everybody’s got people yeah well that’s that’s exactly it it’s not making that obvious and yeah if Ruby can handle that all that other stuff then great I think he will be as good as any other coach x’s and O wise totally fine and hopefully a little bit more let’s go win one for this guy wi one for the Gipper and all Sheldon on so can we drill down on mlen like what do you guys know or think about mlen because he seems like he’s a very close potentially one of the guys just uh for me I think what hurts him is uh everywhere he goes lack of success lot of round like I’m looking at his page here you know one two three four five times that he’s a team that’s lost in the first round so does he have any deeper success hases he had lost round so this is started from 2009 uh8 2009 with the San Jose Sharks ler lost in round one lost in round three lost in round three lost in round one lost in round two lost in round one out of playoffs out of playoffs lost in round two out of playoffs eight out of playoffs lost in round one lost in round one fired Miss season this year yeah I mean he they’ll fit right in couple couple de runs early in his tenure there to me he’s I don’t think he’s a bad coach I don’t I don’t think he’s a bad coach either but you know to me he’s like the replacement level guy he’s fine the one thing I do like mid is that like good drop that buuy has a little bit of that like not only did I play I really played yeah you know oh I he’s got that he’s got that Rick toet I played that I you’re telling me that I invented that crap yeah right yeah yeah you can call a bluff a little easier that’s where like mlen doesn’t have that there’s a lot coaches that don’t have it not need it not that it’s must not that you can’t win a Stanley Cup without it I just think it barui would be an easier guy to look Austin and a few others in the eye and say not buying that give me your real effort you think you’re trying hard enough no no no 1054 games for baru with 3,149 penalty guns that’s the edge that I also like from barui that’s a lot of pimps yeah a lot of pins it’s a violent but he’s not a he he didn’t coach St Louis like that no he’s a smart guy they didn’t have a bunch of Heavies there that ran around like idiots they had guys that played physical and hard when their Cup winning team with Shen and barbashev and you know they were just a heavy quality team yeah love that Team all right uh good on coaches yeah good on coaches uh one thing that we haven’t discussed yet is uh the Lea current Captain yes Luke has an article on him today Luke fox has an article on talking about Captain Canada Captain Canada which was usually reserved for Smith yeah because he was out of the playoffs every year wasn’t he on I actually used to call this the Danny Heatley tournament where he was playing it every year after the s’s loss in the first round but Danny t uh I did read the article but how would you characterize the topic would it be why did you go uh I characterized the topic as there is an awkward situation between the leaf cavar right now trying to figure out what to do with his contract his captaincy and then highlighting that this guy is someone who doesn’t turn down invitations to play for his country he’s a rink rat you know this guy still loves hockey and still wants to be a part of something that matters I think is a relevant note there too I sorry Taris has won Junior Gold twice Olympic Gold World Cup gold Spangler Cup gold only thing he doesn’t have is this world Championship gold so interesting I think would you put him in the International Hockey Hall of Fame I I think you know we had this conversation I think it’s be real hard to keep him out if he has gold in every single tournament he’s the 81st highest scoring player going to the Hockey Hall of Fame know that Kipper but he’s going to be is he for sure they everybody gets in the Hockey Hall of Fame it’s not the most strict Hockey Hall of Fame unless you’re Alex McGill you’re no no no no that that was the case three or four years ago now it’s a lot harder to get in you’re not guaranteed with a thousand points in a thousand games to get in the Hall of Fame he’s going to play another handful of years he’s going to have another x amount of points if he finds yeah if he wins gold this and maybe that’s one of the reasons why he’s playing in this tournament I think for me just hearing that he’s going over there because a lot of people say that I’m not a top player anymore a lot of people say I can’t play top six am I a checker now I’m gonna go I’m gonna go here and not only that I can play but guess what I’m gonna be I’m the captain too you guys want to take the C off me in Toronto and I’m I’m the captain of Team Canada maybe that’s another reason why yeah I think you want to get the hell out of here yeah maybe honestly like I think that’s part of it too he’s a robot and deals with deals with the med well it it actually is a good strategic move for his career question right absolutely in what way it’s also good for for the leafes how does it help them just play well and win and what to look like a winner is that yeah okay yeah absolutely sure and it could help the Leafs you know in terms of moving him so he has a $7 7.04 million direct deposit set to hit his count July 1st how much 7.04 million oh SI just dropping your feel that’s what Kipper’s checks look like which I will uh remind he does have to pay taxes on um that that does come up sometimes and after that he’ll make 910 Grand yeah which which would be make a very appealing asset for sure as long as you have the you don’t care about cap space right which say Columbus Chicago Anaheim a lot of those teams wouldn’t um sharks sharks for sure so there’s there won’t be necessarily A a first rounder to go at like Patrick Marlo mm MH right you don’t you don’t need it no no you don’t you’re you’re sending a guy that can score you 55 60 points and you’re sending a guy that could look the part of a captain for Team Canada so why do I have to attach anything to that other than give you the they give you the asset yeah and you know you could have this conversation I can see it happening in season as you get towards deadline you know if you want to retain half the hit and say he’s cheap we’ll take some of the hit you know we’re looking to do something else but uh Luke’s article has a list of the high-end centers to hit unrestricted free agency this summer Matt duchaine who’s 33 had 25 and 65 points 25 goals 65 points Shan Monahan 26 and 59 Chandler Stevenson 16 and 35 Lindholm had 15 goals and 44 points tarz had 30 goals and 65 points Lindholm 29 goals and 65 lindholm’s looking great for the can anyways but the point is that tarez is not a non- asset he’s an asset he is your point point it’s not going to cost you to move yes that’s right and he’s an asset that can help you make the playoffs he’s done it every year for the Toronto mate beliefs unfortunate a party can’t help you win a Stanley Cup hasn’t or go deep in this instance here in Toronto so so you you you you you’re not going to try to play that same song again next year I’m sure they would like to move on because that’s a lot of cap space and if you’re able to move that I think you’d be less inclined to trading Mitch mner to me I don’t know the more I’ve thought about that it’s just how some time for sure with Marner how is it going to happen the more I’m thinking about it’s it’s like why like why is he gonna wave well Mitch or John Mitch why is John gonna why okay hold on hold on one free agent at a time here one well Mitch okay who are we talking about well John I just think like you know he’s going to be gone at the end of the season anyway they’re part of his that I think it’d be an easier conversation to me but he might play here for $2 million toar is a Toronto boy yeah maybe you’re right I don’t know just to I think it’s going to be a lot harder to get both these guys to go than I originally kind of thought is what I’m getting at here I think for me personally I would I don’t know whether or not like Mitch if we’re going to talk about both of them right now okay Mitch is a different entirely different conversation because it’s it’s got to revolve around are you willing to give him8 years at 12 12.5 million I don’t see the Leafs going there at all do you no no I don’t see Mitch taking a pay cut do you to stay here you mean yeah I I don’t know no I don’t see him taking a pick so where is the where is the where’s a conclusion other than to trade him this Summer there’s no other conclusion okay we good on that sure all right I just tarus you got to get $1 million off the cap do you want to wait another year to do it yeah I I don’t know I don’t know I just I don’t know how you don’t I know you’re right this the the stats you brought up there about how he is you know the comparable with those guys maybe you can but I guess I just I have a hard time picturing both of them saying yes I’ll wave I that’s the more I’ve thought about it that’s the more it’s they have full Mitch Mitch Mitch Mitch there’s no reason why Mitch should want to stay if he’s not getting a new contract but okay but you think he’s gonna go somewhere and immediate like do you know how tough it would be on him personally if everybody knew that he did not wave his no move Clause to stay here MH knowing that he’s not going to be around next year mhm so they would do you have any idea how ugly that ISAT yeah that’s a for yeah all right convincing me okay he doesn’t want to he doesn’t want to subject himself or his family to that and I got to tell you if I’m another team looking at the situation I’m thinking how do we get him how do we get him you know that’s yeah yeah I know people talk about ah he hasn’t done in the playoffs yet it’s like he hasn’t yet but it doesn’t mean he won’t so let me give you a scenario for Taris now okay he says no I want to stay and your Brendon Shanahan and Brad tree living you say okay so we’ll pay you your 7 million signing bonus and your 900,000 salary and you will play with you all season long yes or no is that what they say Brandon and uh and Brad okay because you said no now we’re we’re just going to keep you I if he were a non-asset I could see them being like ah sit in the in the Press Box like if he’s give going to give you 60 points and he’s a centerman you already need another centerman like tough to go and find two good centerman if you if you sit him in the Press Box I think they would don’t you think they’d play him no no I think it could get ugly yeah yeah wow I just it hasn’t happened in the history of the league that I’m aware tell me something you you start with uh taking do you think you should be the captain of the tronto map police next year no okay that’s that’s a starting point it’s in itself as a starting point does J want to come back next year getting stripped his captaincy no but he might value 11 million pretty highly and he’s getting it anyways being here again yeah like now you’re starting to pin the player against the organization and the town so we’re we’re taking the captaincy away from you and you’re saying do it I’m still not going anywhere how is that a healthy environment for anybody it’s not and you know what actually might have some input on this that he has already left one town in Flames like it already feels like he can’t go back to Long Island and be FedEd for all the accolades he deserves he was a wonderful Islander but people there he’s a snake that’s the you know that’s his reputation if I’m him I’m I’m like if I got to go I got to go cuz I am not going I’m not having in my hometown a place where people don’t want me around and that’s the beauty of of even if you have no move Clause that’s one thing but to have a club basically tell you you’re no longer wanted here and you want to stick around and everybody knows it is not healthy for anyone and that’s where John has to go do I want to be the guy you’re telling me you you want my $ 11 million at the end of the day you’re not mad at me it is what it was I provided you with 80 points it just didn’t turn out to be deep in the playoffs or Stanley Cup we’re still fine here but John now saying I don’t move now now you’re you’re parading to the whole city that we could really use his cap space and he’s selfishly going to absorb it himself and we’re going to go and have a great season what if you weren’t you know I mean you don’t have you don’t have to say that you can just say you know he has no trade clause and we didn’t we’re not asking him about it even if you do ask him you don’t have to bury the guy but I mean one of the strategies is to play dirty though yes and talking you have to acknowledge that we we need to make changes here if we bring you back and Mitch back and the only thing we’ve done is change a coach it’s not good enough for everybody they will burn us all okay we’ll all go down in flames now yeah and John you’re you’re going over to prog right now to show everybody you can still play and you got lots of juice and you’re you know think he assisted on the OT winner you you got a you got a ton to play for here you don’t want to stick around here so we can just kick you out the door A year later or make you or offer you a a a million and a half to stick around to be what a fourth line centerman it’s tough man he’s been a good Maple Leaf you know like he’s a low low event sort of you know what okay been fine didn’t didn’t lead anywhere okay didn’t lead anywhere he’s okay he’s fine didn’t get the job done you know it’s one thing you know to talk about him and act like he didn’t get the job done the team has lost in game seven several times they’re all in it they’re all in I’m not blaming John and he’s been nothing you know low maintenance he says the right things he does the right things he works his ass off he’s Everything you ask from a guy very safe he’s very safe very safe sure but un sex you like he’s been it’s kind of though right it’s kind of over yeah it’s time for people to kind of move on John doesn’t want to shut down at 34 he still can put 50 60 points up he’s just got to do it somewhere else now can you see John tarz becoming Cory Perry not in terms of the Worm but the happy to play in the NHL even if it’s fourth line on a cup Contender and do the right things I can see him trying to stay in the league as long as he can no I don’t see him no no no no no when he’s been the best player since he first put on skates from the Toronto Marley’s to the Islanders to Ashawa to he always been the best he won’t be good at a third or fourth line roll I don’t know wins face offs he’s strong can see him doing it you’ve convinced me I was thinking about this all weekend I think with at least too much but I just picturing them waving and both of them saying okay but all the stuff you’re saying you’re you’re convincing me KY so that that H that they’ll both like both of them would wave yeah it’s just time it’s just time don’t don’t make you don’t have to sucks bad though which one it sucks Mar the trade like the fact that we’ve all agreed on the fact that you have to trade a 26y Old 100p Point Winger in his prime that part does s when it’s all said and done it makes you nervous moving forward you know even before things got ugly again in the playoffs he gave 92 to Willie right mhm yeah you gave 13 and a half to to Matt Matthews like you can’t keep giving these guys 12 or 13 yeah and there’s too many of them the the the time to trade Mar was last off season if you were gonna do it but that’s why Shanny probably deserves a little bit more heat because that break up with Kyle going down the way it did took away from a pivotal time to make a roster decision that you know you had a new GM coming in going I’m not coming in and trading Mitch Marner you know or whatever let’s break and get to boooks and we can talk more about this stuff okay listen uh we didn’t’t even discussed like okay what easy decision to tell Johnny no longer can be the captain is it that simple that you’re just going to give it to Austin oh yes yeah probably we should have he put it on Mitch’s shirt when Mitch goes to play for Jersey em he wants to S jerse all right well except said he want to do all right listen I’m not saying yes or no I’m just saying it’s worth a conversation sure after the break more real Kipper and Bourne back in studio on the real Kipper and Bourne show Nick K Justin bour Sammy mcke all right plenty to still dissect out of the Toronto map Leafs we’ll have that captaincy conversation moving forward here but uh in the meantime let’s welcome in Jason Bula former NHL head Scout writer for and a friend of the show luks what’s going on well you know not too much just uh working on a Toronto Maple Lea organizational breakdown that’s going to drop tomorrow onca and as you guys can well imagine uh when you go right from the top through the entire organization including draft Capital future cap etc etc etc it’s uh it’s been a daunting task and I’ve been trying to have as limited amount of bias as possible through the process where do you where do you start like if you were to prioritize what some of the things that you’re talking about what would be uh the most challenging or concerning to you is it the salary cap is it the lack of assets like where do you begin well the first thing you do is you take a look at what your cap scenario looks like uh off season and Beyond that’s the first thing on the pro side and that’s even before you go into the evaluation of the roster you take a look at how much money you have uh to work with what’s coming off the books what could potentially come on the books is a secondary discussion on the other side of the Ledger um you start to go through the organization and and you know your own depth chart and place realistic value on what you believe your depth looks like and what it might look like to a team outside your organization that’s delicate isn’t it because teams tend to fall in love with their own um that’s why like when I was in Florida for example Kipper and you know like even when you and cber and I were at the Memorial Cup there in shigan if you remember back then like you know we’re sitting there and C’s like I really and I’m like cber just let’s let’s let it simmer for a bit because you can’t fall too in love with these guys this is what we like now that might not plan out and for the Toronto map beliefs uh that’s been a heavy lift for me I’m not going to lie there’s not a lot there to work with depthwise that’s a that’s a challenge Kipper uh and then bney on the uh on the draft side you look at draft Capital you see you look at the cups and what you don’t have to work with I guess is the best way to put it so there’s your starting point and then uh of course you go on uh you know from there to evaluate uh your roster and if you’re getting the value out of your roster in all positions cap relation wise um and then you start to pinpoint exactly where your weaknesses are where you’re where you need to beef up better and uh and what it’s going to cost to do that so you know full disclosure you know I’m looking at that the virus and Mara situations I mean I think we all are right the two of you guys are probably as well and I’m looking at the value of the contract I’m looking at the no moves I’m looking at a variety of different things the reality for me is that both of them will not be able to be moved out in the same calendar year it’s going to be one one year and then one’s going to expire the next year that’s my gu yes the other thing is that on the trade market if I’m uh saying some if I’m advising tree and you know Derek Clancy for these guys in the upper management team um expect to lose a trade on paper when you’re looking at Marner so if you trade them on 70 cents on the dollar for example um what you’re doing though is you’re opening up uh the the coffers to spend elsewhere so I would put it back on YouTube would the with the team have looked better this spring um without even addressing the goal tending yet would the team have looked better this spring with say um a Montour and a zadorov on the back end instead of Marner and those are the types of questions you start to ask yourself I’m not equipped to answer that but watching ol zador off for Vancouver it certainly makes you think maybe at least you’re you know you’re actually getting more offense out he’s been piling it in the net for him so those are the tough questions they have to have you know how much of a big pit viw would an organization take heading into the summer like I imagine tree and Shanny going to room they got all the names the magnetic names on a whiteboard and they say what do we want this to look like next year what questions do we have to answer they have so many ufa’s books can they make any decisions before they find out about Marner and tz’s answers that’s a great question and an enormous challenge um so thank you for putting that on me because what you have is control over those assets until July 1st so it’s a two-headed monster my my first inclination is that you’re not going to get an answer well I think you will get an answer out of tarus I think tarus is just going to be a no like he’s he’s coming back that’s that’s my that’s my belief at this point um I do believe that Mitch might be open to a conversation now um the only reason I say that is uh because here’s a fantastic player let’s let’s call Spade of spade he’s an Elite Talent in the National Hockey League who hasn’t got it done with his group in the playoffs okay not just him his group in the playoffs so his value out on the market is you know if you’re shopping him to um say Columbus for example there’s there’s market value there for sure that team needs to go to another level even in regular season they’ve got fantilli there they got some some nice parts right good dro I know it’s a smaller team but I’m just spitballing what I’m trying to tell you is that he might be open to that conversation which opens up a Pandora’s box of opportunity before the draft because if you target a lottery team and hopefully a high-end Lottery team you’re definitely going to be looking at trying to get a first round pick and return and then the secondary asset might not make the market uh you know super excited but then you have to remember the money that’s coming off the books right so it’s got a lot of moving parts that way um as far as the other ufas go you have control of them to July 1 but if they’re not going to sign and they have interest a known interest in going somewhere else would you not want to try and at least trade out the asset for uh for an extra pick at the at the draft even if it’s a late round pick you know you know it’s like when Heyman said he wouldn’t sign with us in Florida and we knew he was going to the Leafs well at least we got a a six round pick out of it it’s a swing at least but you gota you have to manage it that way because you’d want to be held or sit there July 5th holding an empty bag so under your assumption then that if if Marner and Taris aren’t going anywhere throughout the summer anyways then what happens to berzi and and Max doy here how high can you go can you can you bring both of them back one of them back none of them so I think Martin I think Marner is open to the conversation just for clarification I think the bars is a no I think you have the conversation with Marner and that’s where it starts strategically I will say this if they both say no and they’re both back even if you’re going to look to make a hockey trade in the summer or a training camp whatever the case may be um you know after Marner has the summer to Stew on it and he’s really not feeling welcome you know Human Nature has to fact in there right when you’re not welcome somewhere or it’s not that he’s not welcome it’s just that the team needs a change and he looks like the sacrificial lamb so um yeah it’s gonna have a monstrous impact on the berzi and the and the uh and the DOI situation so um like in my books right now uh DOI was the best version of himself fellas in the tail end of the season you know when he played a a more steady elevated role in the lineup you got the best hockey out of him so um if he’s willing to come back with a a little bit of term with not too much of a raise I have to say because he’s not a pure two he’s not a pure two I think had 47 points this year so the argument could be made if he’s stuck it on the second line he could have been a 60-point guy we might be able to say that I you know I could I could convince myself of that um but that’s not a highend to so there’s gonna have to be a value in that contract for doy to return because we absolutely have to look at our back end still it’s redundant I know it’s a conversation and let’s not forget about this Joe wall I love Joe wall but he’s been made of glass so far so his contract’s fantastic we need another guy to come in are we looking at somebody who’s a veteran guy who’s got a year or two left on term I.E a Saros who’s going to cost you more money down the road or do you shop in the waters of an Anthony stars in Florida who had fantastic numbers he plays the game the same way sort of as wall that big body goenda this doesn’t sound like it might be important to people when they listen but I would present to management that your defense and you guys have both played the game when you have one guy a goalie Who’s super athletic messy in the crease if you will he’s a Wanderer uh butterfly athletic and then you have the other guy who’s that composed between the post guy the way that you guys defend and approach the game in front of him is different for both I I don’t think that anybody can deny that if you can have a a two-headed monster in the net with size and the same sort of style of play I think that benefits the decor as well we’re talking to Jason B A former NHL Scout now writing for so books your your factory in the you know if if Marner does get traded that’s 10.9 that you can save on your cap but four of it’s going to a raise for Willie neander uh two is going to Austin is is there enough left over to go service your blue line and get Max doi to reup well if it’s doy over berzi depending on what choice they make I think is going to come in cheaper than berzi there’s not enough of a difference between those two in my estimation so I go doi to save some dollars the reason I do that is because my first Target on the back end if he hits free agency and there will be a lot of teams after this guy but I’m shopping for like Brandon Montour we need a guy who can not only transport the puck but quarterback the power play differently than what we have right now like for me guys Riley um I struggle to call him a pure power play quarterback it’s it’s you know he had 173 shots on goal I don’t think he rips putts necessarily like it doesn’t stand out to me as an asset Montour rips putts and he’s just one of the guys I’m using as an example here of course you could trade for somebody as well but um you know those are the types of things that I have to see what the lay the land looks like see what the cost association’s going to be because in Florida I believe they’re not going to have room for both Reinhardt and Montour so all things being equal it’s pretty hard to give up on what 58 goals this year so he probably uh probably Montour as a man out there you know Kip to your point there like also the cap will go up an additional 4.125 million um plus that money so you’ve got you would have a lot of money to play with the other question I have is if any of the players the Leafs have coming could potentially take a spot you’re looking for guys to play on the cheap that helps you out Cowen Minon seem like potential names I think Robertson could score you 25 plus next year I think lilligren is probably going to you know once again play regular minutes you have some guys playing cheap but will they have more coming with guys like C and Minon minton’s going to need time in the miners that’s my estimation okay okay for what for what he’s gonna play he’s a three and to play a three you’re gon to match up against middle six I’m gonna need you to to take up some time on the penalty kill win Key faceoffs all these things I think he’s capable of that so he might get a cup of coffee but I think he’s a recall guy more than a regular next year Cowan on the other hand I believe that Cowan can slide into the lineup play even on the wing with a John tovarus I watched c a ton this year um obviously OHL player like the kid just doesn’t stop guys it’s been ridiculous in playoffs and he just keeps going and going the nice thing about Cowen and we’ve had this discussion before about nce nce tracks 200 feet hey I think we would all agree with that he competes from goal line to goal line how’s got more upside offensively but he also competes from goal line to goal line and he can kill penalties and he’s quick to space on the for check like he can create turnovers even if he doesn’t bump the way n does his his quickness to space and everything else in addition to his offense he’ll score more points earlier in his career than n will they’ll just be different players so there’s room for both on the lineup next year on the cheap like you say uh bourney uh the other guys that I that I think that on the Cheap on the bottom end I mean I think Connor Durer is there’s a role for Conor deer he’s got AR brights he’s RFA he’s 800 and whatever he is 8870 so whatever his number turns out to be I like his up ice pressure I like that he’s involved I like that he plays fast he’s got some tenacity um you know the one assist in the game against Boston he boted out in the crease he was in the area you know he does some things that to the naked eye people might not appreciate and he’s 24 years old I believe turning 25 so um there’s a guy Noah Gregor 167 hits in limited role plays with Pace like these aren’t guys that are going to be you know they’re not the most exciting you know they’re not the icing on the cake to get you the Stanley Cup but they’re going to come at a at a cost Association that’s affordable and sometimes the devil you know is a better than than the devil you don’t and I think that those types of players fit um you know some of the outliers for me the yarn Crux uh an outlier you know as numbers not bad at 2.1 it just doesn’t do enough for me when the games get really hard so is there somebody out there that might want to take that on in the checking roll I don’t know time will tell um it’s going to be interesting but you know what the cap going up alone just think of it this way with the cap going up of it alone that’s a player isn’t it so at 4.125 or whatever it is you can actually get Doer um uh Gregor Cowen and you know somebody else they’re all on your roster within that cap just the rise in the cap alone those guys are on your roster with that and Anthony Stars even so all there there you got like five guys out of 20 just from the raise in the cap alone so you can get creative outside that box Ju Just One note on Cowan and like we’ve seen it over the years where Toronto gets really excited about somebody and then the reality is they got to come in and get their feet wet he’s still eligible for junior next year he cannot play in the miners he’s playing at about a buck 75 a buck 80 he’s not nce at two plus he’s not a heavy guy so got to be careful with guys coming in still in their underage years here boooks that that’s my my first thought is protecting the asset instead of throwing them out there and saying oh now you’re going to you’re going to play second line and you’re going to do all these great things no I listen totally agree with it but that’s the unfortunate reality like when you trickle down all these conversations Kipper who are you gonna call up from the Marley to take on the role like I really like Jacob quillin I think Jacob quillin can push for a job I like Alexander Steves like these guys are are gritty fast they’re older you know they can play a role Bobby McMahon let’s not forget he’s on the rise right so there are there are situations here I don’t want to eat our own so I totally get it like um if uh if N is a Great Dane you know K’s a chahua right so they’re they’re just going to approach the game differently that’s all he’s really quick though he’s quick and he’s in and out and he had a great Camp last year he’s had a fantastic year here and this is what stinks fellas about the AHL Junior rule doesn’t it like we need Cowan to play 20 25 games in the miners next year and be and be able to play NHL games it stinks that the it’s set up this way because honestly like we had Owen Tipp it back in the day in Florida we had to send him back to Junior I’ll tell you like the tip we had to I don’t want to say we had to whip him like a you like a racehorse but it was hard because he was just too good for the league and they start to lose their attention to details so um if he earns the job I think he’s going to be ready for it if he earns the job and I think he’s very close Kipper think we gotta go Kippy we got to go boobs and we can do an hour and a half on this he great job is man really appreciate your time awesome guys talk to you soon thanks for having me thanks boooks appreciate your time boooks all right well talk about the leaf captaincy tomorrow oh we can do it now we got uh we got about two minutes do we when do we get to make fun of the Bruins next hour okay yeah next hour time for that so is it that natural to just hand it over to Matthews as early is September so the other options are Riley no one no one no one no one so then yes like’s the face the franch I that’s I know he is but is he a natural leader to you is this has it always felt like this was his team and he is the he is the face of it like through and through from puck drop to the end of the game yeah yeah I think there’s there’s definite flaws in that logic are they all following him they all on him I don’t know what they’re following him too but they’re definitely following correct that’s or do you just give it to him and say it’ll it’ll naturally come throw into itow into it I think you know Keith P was very clear saying we were not trying to just sell jerseys but I think they’d like to sell the 34 with a c on it it’s going to happen yeah it’s going to happen yeah okay I just win L that’s where it’s headed you know sure is where it’s headed okay don’t go away when we come back Uh Kevin Low’s going to join us Edmonton Oiler great is there in a bit of a pickle maybe a hole no a Dilly of a pickle no not that bad it’s a pickle it’s a real pickle all right we’ll find out how big of a pickle it is when we return to real Kipper and Bourne after these words here we go the kios Justin born Sammy mcke Derek brand David sis boom National hour on the real Kipper and born show wherever you’re watching live on sportset sportset 650 in Vancouver sportset 960 in Calgary glad you’re along for the ride this hour real Kipper and Bourne brought to you by bet 365 in a few minutes we’ll welcome in six time Stanley Cup champion Rocky Hall of Famer Kevin low we’ll talk a little Oilers talk a little Vancouver Canucks we should have come into the streets have no name today but Sammy we got some breaking news oh we do yeah Carson sus got a game suspended yeah can’t cross check people in the face guys that’s safe yeah I guess yeah you can it’s just cring right that’s a great Point yeah you can don’t say you can’t I hate it when people say you can’t and it’s like we just watched it he did they said you can so like what do you mean you can’t you can’t do it and go UNP punished okay there you go okay that’s what you have to say then technically then you could do anything so watching the play yes it is initiated by Conor MCD David swinging his stick wildly zadorov what do you mean it’s initiated that’s how it started behind the net Conor McDavid swings his stick wildly hold on zadorov comes in and gives him a shot in the back which he got suspended for 5K oh he got uh F yeah was domino effect it Carson Susie does not go anywhere near mcdavid’s face if that cross check in the lower back doesn’t happen his stick was at waste level he was prot protecting himself from a wild slash by the best player on earth so the cause and effect you got cross shck in the face you got suspended a game but if I was a vanc fan i’ probably be a little bit pissed yeah to me it’s like shooting your gun wild aimlessly and if you hit someone allowed to have a cross check when a guy’s swinging his stick at you it’s same with a high stick Sam if you if you have a high stick and it hits someone it’s Reckless you have to control your stick so if you do this and someone hits someone in the face you’re on the hook for doing this anybody but 97 it’s a fine agreed and that’s fine but I think the the the league itself should do that we got to protect our Stars our quarter can’t touch a quarterback you can’t send a text message to a quarterback he’d let alone hit them and that’s fine they’re the stars of the game he’s the best player on Earth but I mean he deserves an ounce of Extra Protection sure it’s not it’s not upsetting to me I that’s not the worst thing no I’m just defending it anything more than a game but that to me is secondary to the Vancouver Canucks making this I mean a hell of a series now we got something going on here we got some juice this is this is real this is sustainable and repeatable yeah this makes it you’re like of the juice H makes it feel like it’s a must-win for Edmonton I they got a lot of Firepower there they got a power play that’s over 50% that still has a an impact here over 50% and they’re losing yes they’re losing because they can’t get a goalie to be a top three star top three star well you just need to be you need to be one of three best players on your team the goalie yes if he was an 875 they’d be laughing he’s a 790 I’m just yeah that’s that’s it in a nutshell yeah it’s a huge problem though it’s a big problem right now I think Frank Sali had an article on daily face off today where he said the sample size is not small anymore he’s played 15 playoff games and he has the worst save percentage of any goal Ender to have play that many playoff games so then they go to Picker I guess for game four yeah just move on a chance I am I’m with K not a chance not a chance not a chance for me not a chance I think there’s a chance Bud well there’s chance but I I don’t think they’ll do it they’re having a long meeting today about it guarantee I think you’re right I think the mere fact that they pulled them in the third period but the game’s not out of hand 42 at that point 42 to pull a goalie at 42 is very significant so you really took a chance there because if picker comes in and lets one goal in just one it’s over it’s over and he didn’t so the effect of the effect of uh Skinner not playing the third is equivalent to him thinking about almost not playing the next game so this the psychological effect that you had on a goalie that you’re not good enough and like skinder should have been embarrassed to be pulled at 42h you you’re pulled at three nothing four nothing five nothing you’re not pulled at 42 Vancouver didn’t pull pull sheafs when they when it was 41 the other night so I think whatever whatever message you wanted to send Skinner that you need to be better is now ingrained in him and you got to come back to him now I’m with you we got uh we got Kevin all right let’s go to Kevin low loie why don’t you just pick up this conversation on uh who would you start next game how’s that for an opening question I I missed the early part so I’m going to uh uh beg forgiveness and not chime in but I I do agree I think they go got to go back with steuart Skinner uh he’s been goalie uh he has proven that he’s been able to to rally and um um although I I mean at the end of the day I wouldn’t be fearful having Calvin picker in there because he’s played well for us but I think just overall you know the easy discussion is to pinpoint the goalie but uh you know there’s some egregious errors that happened before some of those goals that need to be cleaned up so it doesn’t even have to get to where the goalie has to stop the puck so overall I think the uh I don’t think anyone in that dressing room should be feeling comfortable the way they played the other night I don’t think they they didn’t look prepared and ready for the onslaught of of Vancouver when they started the game and they should have been because that’s all Rick to had talked about for a couple days was to play a a more aggressive meaner game against the the Oilers and and they delivered yeah coming out of the gates you saw both Lind Holm and I forget who it was who and Joshua both hit uh E Holmes hard I think eoles ever been hit in the same shift um which is uncommon he went on he had a great game he scored a goal and it didn’t affect him but certainly a different Canucks team are you seeing something from the Canucks that the Oilers wouldn’t have expected no I think they I mean the Canucks beat the Oilers throughout the regular season and you know we can we can look to the fact that it was early in the season the Oilers weren’t playing that well but but I mean I admire with Rick talken St he’s you know he obviously played the game uh I wasn’t as tough as him but I like the way he played the game I think I tried to play the game firmly and uh and hard and then and uh you know it obviously skills a very important part of it but uh he had those guys fired up for that game and they were ready to play and not saying that the Oilers weren’t but I think the Oilers were a little surprised by it so I think the the response needs to be hey they’re not going to turn the Oilers into uh into the 72 Flyers but it’s the playoffs man and everybody’s got a finisher checks and if they think if they just start with that and I mean manto man I mean I I’m not talking about Leon and and Connor I think Connor had four four body checks himself but I think down the roster some guys got to look at themselves in the mirror and say you know forget about the scoring go out and play the game right finish your checks play hard and I think eventually the skill level of the Oilers will will take over uh they’ve proven that in the couple games they mean they outshot him badly I know the conu might have been sitting back on that lead but uh when when the Oilers get fired up it’s tough for the for the conects to compete but uh when they when the conects bring it into a into a you know a a muddy track uh like they did early in the game last night the ORD got to respond we’re talking to Kevin low six times Stanley Cup champion Hockey Hall of Famer and once upon a time a teammate of mine in New York so Loy we’re we’re we’re seeing kind of a a night and day style of play when it comes to the regular season at times and there’s a lot of games no question but the tight checking the physicality that you see now and and the effect that it can have on on your star players and you know we we’ve seen it over the years in Toronto with sometimes um Matthews neand or Marner not being able to break out we’ve seen two games all already in this series where McDavid is pointless and I’m I’m just wondering you know in your early days with the Oilers with the likes of coffee and and Yari and uh you know know some of the greats Glenn Anderson and 99 of course like was was was that the case back then where the attention to detail was so great on the stars that they just had to find different ways to produce yeah you have to absolutely Kipper I mean you know Wayne gresy never scored a goal in the Stanley Cup finals I think until I want to say game three in inh 1985 he went scoreless uh and that’s an unknown fact and of course Wayne did everything he won the con Smite but uh it it you got to find a way to battle through and sometimes you can go through these things I mean you know everything is compounded because it’s the playoffs and you only have so many games to do it um but uh and I don’t think that uh I don’t think and there’s more emphasis on what’s Happening you know the camera angles and the stuff and they’re they’re emphasizing the Stars if they aren’t producing and why is it happening uh like I don’t think Susi meant to cross check Conor in the face uh last night but that’s something people will be talking about how abusive the playoffs can be to the stars but Hey listen if you want to win the Stanley Cup you got to find a way through it and and and uh and the refs I mean they do as good a job as they can they miss a few things but but by and large uh you know everybody’s playing within the rules the game within the game as you know Kipper the you know the the pushing and shoving after the faceoffs is uh you got to figure that part out and the little cheap shots when the refs aren’t looking but uh hey it’s it’s it’s not an easy trophy to win and if you want to win it you got to figure out how to do it I curious to get your thoughts on Vancouver and uh Edmonton the third period last game you know there’s sort of this idea you know Edmonton really took it to Vancouver I think the shots were 22 to3 but a lot of the high danger chances I think were like 1-1 or 2-1 Vancouver really packing it in against the doers how do you break through that I know it’s been a wall for the Leafs that we’ve talked about is just when another team is content to just sort of pack it in Block shots what are the best Avenues to to break that well you know when you’re leading in a game and and your game plan seems to be effective it’s it’s it’s easy to stay in that in in that tightness that you’re talking about they’re not going to you know they they they’re on their game plan they’re going to stay that way it’s working so I mean the key is to come out of the gate and get them on their heels like I don’t generally when the Oilers are playing their a game particularly at home they come out and outshoot the opposition they’re ready to go and and you know the speed and they finish their checks and and they they they’re a great home team and and you know like as I mentioned earlier I I just think that they they’re on their heels a bit early and then Vancouver hey the puck went in the net I don’t think it was terrible goal tending by steuart Skinner but at the end of the day you got to make a save or two to sort of help get your team back on track and uh and I you know I I think once you do that then um you know you got to you got to put some uh not some fear in the opposition but you got them you got to get them out of their element where they they get behind and now they gota they got to score a goal and then that opens you know that’s what our team strength is when they do get the opposition down they can really they can really finish them off you know loie one of the things throughout the regular season I was questioning on is the depth of that blue line but you know it just seemed like once atol really came in off of that trade and it’s it’s kind of just reset them all um maybe you can just speak of where how you’ve watched that blue line evolve over the last few years and maybe what what Paul coffee has brought as well yeah cof’s done a great job and just in the some of the the basic Common Sense things about the game you know like you know for instance if a defenseman makes a play that you know looks egregious to the fans but it was the right play he just didn’t execute it you know cough will you know reaffirm that no no that’s the right play just just executed the next time I think our defense get too much criticism to be honest uh I think uh you know there’s so much emphasis on analytics and all those crazy stats and and at the end of the day uh you know if anything I’d want out of them is you know safe plays a little more physicality make it a little a little tougher on the opposition uh they move the puck overall as a group well and as you say a lot of that changed when Matias e Echo came uh I mean I’m just loving watching this guy play he he’s as good a defensively as I’ve seen play for the orders you know since Chris ponger so uh it you know I figured it was going to be a long series and the kucks are uh they a tager and the Oilers are down now they’re going to have to they’re going to have to um you know again put their big boy pants on and come out and win a game tomorrow night but uh I think there’s enough desire in the in the room to want to win a cup and uh that’s half the battle how have you felt about the Oilers depth forwards um you know dry Sidle and McDavid played quite a bit last game 29 minutes plus each um you know that that puts a lot of pressure on them are they getting enough support from the guys beneath them well you know they were Justin they were like behind you know those dominant so yeah but those are bad those are not good minutes for those guys they they can’t sustain that that’s a recipe for disaster uh and again the you know the In fairness to the bottom end guys they you know they get some criticism because they’re not producing but they’re not on the ice but at the end of the day a little less worry about producing scoring goals that is and a little you know a little bit about getting out there finishing your checks making life difficult on the on the uh on the Vancouver’s defense make them play in ourand a little bit more and soften them up and that allows the big guys to come out and and work their magic hey I got to ask you about the power play running over 50% here and you had Gretzky you had Curry you had cough and you’re like this one’s better really yeah I mean it’s amazing they’re they’re feeling it you know they’re feeling it uh uh they they obviously they’ve got what I like about them they have so many options right and they they all score uh you know Echo um when he’s out there as well but you know when he gets out there for the second part but you know the bu bomb and and you know NJ is the bumper a lot of times but I mean he can score goals so it’s uh it’s hard to believe that they’re doing it the at the pace that they are because we just haven’t seen that ever really but uh let’s just hope it keeps going for the Oilers sake how have you felt about officiating in the series I think some Oilers fans would like to see a few more calls for their Superstars how have you felt in general ah it’s always you know when you lose a game it’s the officials fault um um you know someone high up in the NHL world uh told me a long time ago and and this is in the slight against the officials you know they like to keep the same amount of marbles in each pocket you know so sure do you can all you can almost bet again I’m not suggesting they did it on purpose but because of what happened in Vancouver you know the call on the Quinn Hughes High stick and a supposed slooh foot uh you knew that the refs were going to be watching closely again I not suggesting they they went out to call penalties but they certainly were going to miss any and and uh in terms of the Stars uh it’s playoffs it’s playoffs man you just gota you got to fight through that and and eventually eventually you keep playing that you know playing hard uh and playing as you know as well uh if we’re talking about particularly Connor and Leon the refs are going to catch the opposition uh doing what they doing they’re going to the opposition are going to push it too far and they’re going to get called and and hopefully the other score on them I don’t want to age you here loie but like you watch in every year this time a year in Edmonton and and the tailgating parties and the ice District locations and all of that just man it must be a great time out there ah it’s it’s really is magical uh I have to say I’m so fortunate to be here and watching it um you know but I I see from a different uh lens now really I I I see it how important it is obviously to the fans and to the players but I see it for the economy for the businesses you know for the taxi drivers and the bars and restaurants and and just just for the the general well-being of the city it’s so it’s so uh critical and so exciting to see when when the team is playing so that’s what I hope for now of course I want to see Conor win a Stanley Cup because he’s deserving of won because he’s such a great player and that’s how you know as Wayne Gretzky told me many years ago before he won a cup that that that that that that was his ultimate ultimate wish was to to be able to say lifted a cup like you know like Bob Yore and Bello and and all the greats before him but uh I I really you know the you Daryl Kates and the Kates group did an amazing job the The Ice district is you know so exciting I mean there’s thousands you know 15 20,000 people just around the rink which is kind of cool because you know not everyone has a ticket or can afford it to you know the price of a ticket so yeah they can be part of the atmosphere it’s it’s really special well listen if you find yourself in Toronto in the next couple of days I can get you a cab like that here they’re not they’re not busy at all here a reserv anything you was actually cheering for the Leafs I was cheering for the Lea first time ever I have to say first time ever help Loy you w you won a bunch of Cups you couldn’t help the leavs loie we’ll take any Stanley cop on Canadian soil anywhere yeah that’s right yeah loie thanks for doing this man really appreciate it always great to see you yeah anytime you guys thanks Edmonton Oiler great Kevin low so uh you know this series is fascinating to me what do you got well just officiating and yeah I got to tell you to these two fan bases are losing their mind it is at like a fever pitch this is excellent playoff this is awesome like it’s back and forth like mcdavid’s talking about the cross check today then apparently the media wanted to talk to zadorov and like the representative said no they didn’t he didn’t talk good like it’s just this is sound all the column the hearing before media availability Vancouver wanted the the hearing before yeah why is that I just they they wanted it out of the way and they wanted the answer and they and I don’t know what was said during uh media availability so I’m not privileged to that information but I would imagine it was just to probably think that if a one game suspension was coming they get to voice their displeasure on off day the one thing so leading into the series and even during it I’ve said that I don’t really see a way forward for Vancouver I thought that Edmonton was much better team and I thought that was going to play out I’ll take my L there I was wrong um happy to see that we’ve got a great series on our hands now their reaches a sample size where you have to sort of re re-evaluate and what what Kevin low just say the Canucks are six and one against them this year MH and to me when the score is close like in the first period the Canucks come out and control contr the shots you know like they look like a team that that first shift was Peak playoff hockey unbelievable they’re just everybody’s crosschecking and fighting and there’s the two hits and they take it to the net like they came out hard immediately and so it’s really hard not to notice that the Oilers are having a tough time five on five yeah when they’re behind they’re chasing the game and they’re you know great in the power play and they’re great chasing the game but they haven’t exactly looked like boy they should they’re going to get this series the way even when it was one1 B in Florida was like it’s Florida mhm I don’t feel that way you start Puck watching in your own Zone and F Fogle ends up coughing one up the middle there those are just those are game they got finishers game changing series changing moments I I mean Skinner that let in a couple softies last night but I have a hard time I didn’t like the skin I didn’t like the one far far post either on besser pretty good shot oh he gave him so so much there’s a lot of net there he didn’t he lost his net and actually he doesn’t get it off the inside post inside Post in there it’s not I mean I have more I have a bigger problem with Fogle tossing a pizza into the middle and then having one of the it’s a world class goal scorer between the hash marks beat him low glove like I I have a hard time killing him for that one people will but man besser Lind Holm yeah and it’s not even petson that’s the crazy part like he scored or whatever in the other game but it’s just yeah they’re winning without him he’s barely noticeable they brought up some guy from I I’d never even heard of him from the AHL to play with him it’s so funny that besser was a guy who was kind of widely known to be available and he’s become such a crucial piece for them I think we need to discuss the shav’s reach back grab of Derrik Ryan’s stick while the puck is in behind him not holding yes it’s a penalty it’s an unbelievable play great presence of mind it’s a holding penal absolutely a penalty for sure that’s the first thing I thought how do you not see it I think because a referee has literally never seen that play ever in the history of the game good point and they’re like what is happening and then it’s over it’s like something you do play in with your your friends like it was I don’t know how he had the thought to do that but you’re right it’s definitely a penalty but I just I don’t blame the ref on that one they’re like how am I supposed to what happened she loves credit he seems like he’s in the moment he’s got some Puck luck too they beat post the Kane post what was dry sidles line uh it’s not good goal tend the post hit inside the post is not good go not yeah it’s not good goal Den you don’t need to be a good goalie to they’re definitely going to score eight on him at one point in this series it feels like it does feel like there one of these games like I think it’s going to be a close series and it’s go far but he’s picking pucks off the goal line feels like a bunch just seems like nothing I’m I’m just saying I can see a world now where Vancouver is hanging you’re they they’ve got some breaks they’ve got maybe some officiating it’s gone their way how about the door off just putting a big strong man into the bench just the presence like that he has and just the the aura that he carries it’s it’s impressive it’s impressive he seems very comfortable in the playoffs in this type of setting yeah and I’m not everyone calm down here there is something zida Chara like about having a guy who can slap it in the net slap you in the face not afraid of anyone like he’s a little bit more mistake prone but having the biggest meanest strong guy on your team it’s great like it’s got to be great I actually wonder about his number this summer he’s a UFA is he not UFA oh yeah I wonder what his number is for tree over pay him got tell 29 can’t wait for tree to over pay him age is 29 just mentioning zorov the counter to the Susi argument because like I’m I have so many Canucks people in my Twitter just I don’t know how this has happened but like Rio and and S all these guys they’re talking about himman com in late on zadorov and cross checking zadorov right in the mouth which is equally as egregious as what Susi did and that’s hot with the Canucks right now they’re saying it’s even worse and watching the replay it’s really bad to me so if you’re going to suspend the guy a game for cross check and McDavid you’re literally doing the cause and effect of like he’s sus is not the star so he’s not getting a game for it like you’re watching it happen in real time I’d be sour if I was a Canucks fan watching it yeah sure no you’re making a fine point suck it up and take it cuz nothing’s changing so they’re not they’re not going to review the no oh no well he cross checked him in the face the other guy got suspended a game just because McDavid old you know Untouchable McDavid I haven’t noticed that I I’ll have to watch that again for me Untouchable McDavid swings his stick around like no notic it Dan Murphy put boys are hot out in Vancouver I’m telling you but it’s gonna pass okay it’s going to pass when hman scores a hattick next game and they lose they’re going to be really happy they won’t they’ll forget about it this is the s Bennett moment you don’t suspend Sam Bennett and all of a sudden he scores a huge goal which was also controversial was that uh like even up call after he threw uh Kane in the bench like was that oh yeah bench Min the Oilers got a bench Miner for for what holding on to him I don’t know so what he did they did hold on to him but anyways all right I feel like I’m a Canucks owner here but I actually am kind of more on the Canuck side of it they hate you you’re just a leaf guy to them I don’t know if they do text in from Vancouver you Sam doesn’t normally do officials talk but let me tell you he’s got thoughts I do I think Zach kman should be suspended a game of cars and sus spend it again oh my God I watch okay go to Dan Murphy’s Twitter you’ll see a great video on it on Dan Murphy’s Twitter let’s go we do not agree let’s take a break take a break and then you got game time after the break sounds good got to talk Boston is going to join us right yep we’ll do a bit of do a bit of Colorado we Jam all right plenty more still on real Kipper and Bourne don’t go away two games on top tonight tune right into sportset you get them both Carolina at New York and Dallas at Colorado to help us tee up that game let’s go to aif Dean Avalanche beat riter for M High Sports host of hockey Mountain High Avalanche podcast erif how are you pal I’m doing well guys how are you we’re good we’re good so uh Colorado at home down two one we’re were talking about the Oilers feeling it uh at their next game must win kind of feel for you at this point yeah I would say so I think um this kind of gives me a lot of memories of of past Avalanche Series where they’ve lost where it kind of culminates to it you know if you go back to 2021 against Vegas you can even look at last year versus Seattle where the Avalanche have a strong game one and and they look like they’re going well and then you see the other team start to do the things they want to do and then they perfect it you know almost nearly perfect in game three what we saw from the Dallas Stars and if the Avalanche don’t break out of that habit tonight I think it’s it’s it’s game over for them they’re they’re going to have to find a way to get through this defense to uh get to Jake ainger to get that traffic in front that we didn’t see a lot of in game three uh and to really have to make Bor and the Dallas Stars make the next adjustment so what are your biggest concerns for the Avalanche at this point number one is Jake OD Ander I think he’s been he’s been exceptional this isn’t quite you know going as well as it did against another guy in in Connor heluk from the last round but ultimately it’s it’s uh the traffic in in in the crease and and getting to those big bodies you know I remember having a debate with somebody about a month ago when uh it kind of became clear that the same deal the Avalanche made to bring in Shawn Walker the first rounder and Ryan Johansson there was like murmurs that they tried to do the same thing to bring in Chris tanv and and that seems like the difference because that guy in front of Jake ainger right now is not allowing the Avalanche to battle in front it was it was the main reason why we saw Val nushin held off the score sheet for the first time in the playoffs um it was a main reason why moiko or not Miko Nate McKinnon didn’t score on what looked like an open net on a one-time because he got in the in the place in in front of the puck he’s either blocking these shots or he’s clearing the crease for ainger and making his night a lot easier um and he’s not the only one doing it it’s all the stars Defenders right now and I think that’s the biggest concern the Avalanche were able to crash the net and to get in front of Connor huk if you remember him saying I didn’t see half the goals that went in they’re not doing that with Jake ainger at least not in this game if you mentioned uh nushin I think mid January he entered the NHL uh PA sub substance program or help program did you see this at all not maybe not so much coming back but coming back and and and dominating in the way he has putting the puck in the net I it’s it’s hard not to see it at this point I mean we we we all we all remember what happened last year in Seattle and kind of spent the entire summer wondering if this guy was even going to be an option and then he comes in at the start of the season at the time of him entering the player assistance program I believe he had 21 goals in his last 30 games he was leading the NHL I think up there with Sam Reinhardt tied for first in Power Play Goals and all of The Whispers of what had happened in Seattle nothing really got to him and again when he went into the assistance program he was playing great and it just kind of felt like this guy is just a good hockey player no matter when he plays he gets it done uh we saw what he looked like in the 2022 Series against the Tampa Bay Lightning you ask a lot of the guys in that room McKinnon cogliano even Kel Mar a lot of the leaders in that room will tell you when it comes to that final series specifically against the lightning nichushkin was their best player then in Seattle he scores in game two helps them win that game and then disappears the Avalanche fall and then he comes back against the Winnipeg Jets and continues to do his thing so it’s a pattern here every playoff series you see out of Val NuSkin he seems to be getting better um it’s hard to say that it’s surprising at this point the the the the toughest thing for him in the Avalanche is keeping him in the lineup keeping him mentally and physically healthy to stay in the lineup uh because if he does 6.125 million in the prime of his career you have a steal like one of the best steals in the NHL probably there yeah it’s it’s almost like being gigantic and very fast uh is a helpful tool in the playoffs he’s very effective so good at taking the goalie eyes aways it’s it’s incredible he’s a Horseman he plays in that area of the rink um what about at the other end uh gorgiev has he lived up to expectations in the postseason so far uh yeah he’s he’s really calmed everything down I there’s an alternate universe where Eustace ananin doesn’t get sick on that road trip heading to Winnipeg and wondering what could have happened because I remember I I didn’t travel to Winnipeg like this series and I remember the day before game one the Avalanche practice and ananin took a lot of extra reps cuz gorgi was the first guy off the ice and it was a short practice cuz they were taking a flight to Winnipeg right away and he seemed fine and then suddenly he’s not there for game one the ABS didn’t even take their third Stringer in proov they took the fourth Stringer not expecting him to even dress and now he’s on the bench and Winnipeg enters the third period leading four to three they quickly make it 5 to3 they quickly make it six to3 and I genuinely feel that six to3 goal would have been the time to pull gorv and put an ananin had he been there and then there’s an alternate universe where the ABS end up losing 76 gorv ends up letting in the seventh goal well what if ananin doesn’t end up letting in that seventh goal what if the game goes to overtime 66 what if he plays well what happens for game two but by not having him available by not having that competition gorv has really calm things down uh we’ve seen him do this over the last couple years every time he has a tough stretch he follows it up instantly with one of his best stretches in the NHL or at least with the Avalanche the biggest question is how long can he hold that stretch M it was four games against Winnipeg it’s been three against Dallas seven games he’s either played above average or pretty good average uh how long can he hold that because against this team you’re playing at least two more maybe three or four against the Dallas Stars and the guy on the other side’s playing really well so he’s going to need to keep doing what he did in game three because he was really good in game three maybe not as good as ainger he didn’t face as much but he kept the ABS in it until they were able to pull their goal lead down two to one we’re Target erif Dean Avalanche beat riter for Mile High Sports as we get ready for Dallas Colorado so erif not too many series over my years I’ve covered where where two powerhouses get together here um and you know one of them’s going to go home disappointed here in in terms of Colorado if that does happen and it’s considered I guess a failure to lose in the second round here like what kind of Fallout would there be if if any at all based on the fact that you’re also playing a team that favored to win the Stanley Cup so like how how do you see this thing playing out if Colorado does find a way to lose this thing it’s honestly it’s going to matter how it happens that’s that’s going to be the biggest takeaway like if you’re the Winnipeg Jets I mean you’ve probably said it on your show but since maybe November every single person had to have at some point said something along the lines of Dallas Winnipeg and Colorado are a top the Central Division and you want to do everything in your power to not be in that two3 matchup you want to be the team that gets a wild card not knowing the wild card is going to end up being the cup you know Champion Vegas golden knights but you want to do everything to stay out of that well Winnipeg comes into the two3 matchup it’s not that they lost to the Avalanche it’s how it happened it’s the fact that hellu let in 24 goals it’s the fact that the Avalanche scored six and seven and five goals in every single game or whatever it was that’s going to be the case here the Avalanche juon game one they trailed three to nothing they luckily were able to win that game they were down four nothing in game two and they came back and made it a game they let in the first goal they trailed and they chased the whole time if they lose tonight again where Dallas takes a two to nothing lead and kind of locks it down and wins two to one and then they go back to Dallas on Wednesday and Dallas takes a one- nothing lead and shuts them out one nothing like you play a whole series where you never once played with the the lead cuz they haven’t yet to this point the Dallas Stars went four straight on you like if it’s kind of something like that where you’re like the Winnipeg Jets kind of have your hands up like what just happened I think it’ll be a lot worse and it’ll have a lot more ramifications than if you know it’s a tough series between two teams where one of them’s got to win and one of them’s got to lose you know something similar to what we just saw with the golden knights and the Dallas Stars so I think there you know it is a tough team in the Dallas Stars it’s the number one seed in the Western Conference and you just played the Winnipeg Jets and you know beat them in five games it’s it’s not about if you lose it’s about how you lose um but alternatively if you come out of this series as the team that was the lower seed in the two3 matchup and you managed to beat the two and the one in the Central Division um you’re looking really good going into the Western Conference Final well sure feels like a must-win game for Colorado enjoy it erif thank you for joining us man really appreciate your time absolutely thanks guys for having me on thanks erf good series that one yeah I can’t see I can’t see Colorado coming back winning three in a row tonight no if they lose yeah right I was gonna say yeah I can see them winning the series still very much so yeah yeah but they gotta win tonight yep uh game time yes sir game time it’s game time presented by bet 365 uh visit the app latest odds and find out why it’s never ordinary at bet 365 must be 19 plus on T only please play responsibly so two games tonight as we know we’ve been talking about the starters in Colorado Carolina and New York tonight at Madison Square Garden the New York Rangers have the chance to move on to the semi-finals uh they are minus 105 the Carolina Hurricanes are minus 115 I think It Ends Tonight I think that the you know I I like I do like the Rangers in that and you could even convince me into you know a a under in that game feels like it’s going to be tight shurin has been red hot maybe the other way maybe I know who they’re going with in that but it’s a it’s a close one and that’s the scary part for Carolina right like are you going to get the goal tending yeah and even that the goal I uh my reputation is so tied to bad Freddy Anderson I I was out on Saturday night and I didn’t watch any hockey and I looked at my phone and I had like seven or eight texts including Steve alette was texting me like I had DMS from people like did you see that Freddy go I was like oh my God was it that bad anyway so yeah you worry about that and the Dallas Stars pretty big well not pretty big but they’re underdogs tonight plus 115 Colorado Avalanche are minus 135 bet 365 expecting the Colorado Avalanche to get back in the series tonight and that was Game Time presented by bet 365 visit the app fatest odds and find out why it’s never ordinary at bet 365 Mr 19 plus Ontario only please play responsibly okay uh don Sweeney general manager of the Boston Bruins made some noise today just stop it stop it over there there this is your only chance to like save any Toronto mapley face right now by making fun of Don Sweeney that was the press conference before we get into his specifics here like it’s no different from any other Playoff year where we pick apart what we like and don’t like about officiating this isn’t any different from any other year is it it’s not no it’s such a fantasy it’s happening to the Boston Bruins so they have to come out cry about it do I need to call you a wambulance I think it’s somewhat Justified but anyway all right so most controversial play was the Sam Bennett goal with the shove oh was it the Sam Bennett goal or is it the Sam Bennett punt let’s just play where do you want to start let’s play the first Sam Bennett yeah let’s play from the first clip from his General thoughts un officiating so let’s start there let’s go we’re not in a position to be criticizing you know the officials and League wide such that that’s you know s protocol will get fined as a result of that so there’s no no intention of my point to uh to be critical um the overall premise that I have is to be perfectly honest with you we should not be asking the coach after a game what what they feel about officiating and and what happens that you guys should really be focused on you know what what we didn’t do well enough in the course of the game and win a hockey game those questions should be directed at either director of supervisor supervisor officials supervisor series Andor the officials you want full access you know and transparency then then put the officials on the you know in front of the microphone to answer the question because they’re the only ones hold on they’re the only ones that have the experience to be able to handle you know whatever interpretation they applied to rule 69 in that case to answer your question that’s it so the rest of us uh we have you know clearly we challenged it because of our interpretation right so the only ones that can answer that don’t put out a statement just just stand in front and answer the question that’s as simple as that Comba I mean he went with like the fan take that’s every fans take they should put the refs out there to talk to the media after why why I I hate this why so they can be like it was a good call and then everyone’s even more mad it’s the stupidest thing ever the statement that they put out is equivalent to them standing up there and saying the same thing that’s what they’re going to say yes yeah so I was doing the game last night and we called The Situation Room when it happened so get them on the phone what’ you see why why did that call get go that way and you know it’s a it’s a subjective call it’s a close call but in the end you’re allowed to have a little bit of a fight in front of the net whatever it’s not like you can’t touch someone but the biggest thing is that San is fully extended he’s not he has no momentum going that way he’s not going to make that save it’s called a goal on the ice yeah you know they call it a goal I see a lot of people going coil had a better chance to come back and make the safe for sure yeah coil you know could have turned and whatever but you can’t just get touched and go you know into the goalie there’s some I didn’t I didn’t mind the non call yeah so I actually agree with it we all Al so we’re all in agreement that it was a fine goal yeah that’ll make the Bruins fans happy we’re not here to make them happy but I I thought it was fine I think you should be stronger in your skates there’s a conspiracy oh yeah it’s crazy you know there’s no greater you see that judg the cross check on Nurse last night the shove yeah it’s bad bad bad call like yeah they’ve they’ve they they’ve gone I don’t know where they think they are with the the the the cross check shove the cross push the cross push yeah and it’s like let them battle let battle battle for sure um Sam bannett is the wrecking machine nail gun he is ruining the Bruins franchise he’s got the general manager coming out crying he he ruined yours last year he’s good at what he does he’s doing what Tom Wilson did to the Rangers he makes people mental he’s like they don’t know how to act yeah they don’t know how to act and you’re the Bruins and all Florida does is score on the power play and you’re like we got to get mad guys here we got to get Bennett and it’s like Bennett gets 20 goals a year maybe go do hockey Bennett he just I mean you’re gonna try to hit him yeah he’s he’s made of Dark Matter he’s the densest person on Earth okay but let’s just talk about it chap shot on Maran do you think he threw the punch suspend should it that was a little rabid Punch Yeah and and do you see the comparable to play you happen to see the video yet yeah the uh the right hand gets a little frisky he knows what he’s doing he knows what he’s doing he disguised it beautifully how is it like it’s a dirty play so it’s a dirty play like two days later here we are in the world of like 70 cameras and angles and HD and now you now you guys bring me this two days later like where were you after the game where were you the next day nobody saw it well then don’t bring it up two days later and you know what the Bruins didn’t say anything the Bruins didn’t say anything because they let a player play through what was obvious head injury um right you’re talking about con concussion spotters Marian couldn’t get to the bench after that hit and they were like he’s fine do would you like to uh Derek could you please play Sweeney clip four for us we did not get that until later on talking about that angle again if you had had it earlier maybe you would have passed it along but but clearly somebody did and they passed it along um we felt that way all along but uh you know that was more definitive to us as to what transpired do you know if the if the league had that view can’t speak for the league you can call like an offside within like a hair mhm MH but you guys can’t find different angles of this till two days later it’s funny I actually I heard Biz talking about it on spit and chicklets or whatever and he said their camera angle it passed in front the camera passed right in front of a stanion exactly as it happened so they weren’t able to get whatever look they had he hammered them should have been a should have got a game should got a game or two maybe it should have been a game yeah the reason it it was against a guy who’s done that aund times in his career to other guys and I see Maran coming at me I don’t know if he’s going to hit me high low or lick me okay so okay with a little rabbit punch but it doesn’t make it legal clean whatever to me it’s like if you don’t get a a lid on Bennett and he’s emboldened by this you’re creating a monster right now no the monster has been created but it’s he needs yeah to be put on a leash or something I don’t know we all want him on our team Sam Bennett should have to wear a bell like a cat on the ice so everyone knows where he is at all times the the things I would do to have Sam Bennett be a tronto mapa are well Kip says the leaf didn’t want to give up Nick Roberts two years ago so too bad and who was the guy that traed him for nothing oh is he running the leas you told me you’re all excited about Brad tree living now you’re telling me he gave away s you want that with back tree yeah but so it is going to be interesting to see you know uh Frederick had made some comments like he you want to hear Pat maroon yes Pat maroon was crying about how every the media is making narratives he’s not doing enough oh yeah do you have that we have that Sor yeah we have that too it I mean it’s just it’s frustrating that you guys are trying to do a narrative right now for nothing to be honest like we got to win a hockey game that’s what it comes down to unfortunately what happened we can’t turn we got to turn the the page we got to find a way um you can sit here and say I’m not doing my job maybe maybe I’m not but like I said before I’m damn if I do if I’m damn if I don’t and I don’t want to put my team in Jeopardy I don’t want to take a suspension I don’t want to put my team on a power P kill I’m doing everything I can so we can sit here and say I’m not maybe I’m not but I talk to my captain I talk to the guys in that locker room they know and they know I care and U that’s the most important thing wow unraveling he’s trying his best dur and warm up I can tell you that yeah I mean why why would Bennett in a million years a million years that reminds me of like you know when someone says something that’s not really about you but you’re like taking it personally it’s like my wife were like yeah the garbage smells I’m like well you know you’re not taking it out either it’s like no one said it was your job to do it it’s not just a blue job no it’s you know it’s no one went to maroon and was like we didn’t mention like how come Pat maroon hasn’t done that yet didn’t even crossed my mind that it’s his responsibility I think it falls to me it falls on extremely deaf ears from Bruin fans and they’re like you know Sam Bandit’s got to fight Brad Maran never I got news from Bruins fans they’re not that good yeah you guys stink you beat the stinky leaves they beat the stinky leaves so now they’re going to get crushed by the listen they have they’ve had a great goalie for two rounds so far and he there’s not much more he can do but hey no PRI and no Bron they still beat the leas boys and now they’re crying all right they inherited the the crap solved nothing thanks to Jason buet in the first hour ER from Colorado helped us tee up tonight’s game and six times Stanley Cup champion Kevin low good show today guys good work team not bad hey who need I don’t know now anyway Sammy We’re going to turn you into an NHL guy might take me years to do it it’s my job enjoy the games tonight we’re back tomorrow on real Kipper and born have a great night everybody


  1. Tree is very respectful of players and thier situations…. he will do what is best for the player under contract and will honor thier right. If he doesn't, other guys won't sign with him.

  2. What about Tavares for Couture? Couture is younger ,playoff star and leader in the locker room. Toronto gets Tavares off the books and of Couture can't play he can go on injured reserve or LTIR and Toronto gets more cap space

  3. For "motivating" Tavares to move out, Treliving can simply tell him that they will buy him out to get back his contract slot!

  4. The captain should be a smart and gritty player, not the highest scoring player. Just sayin.

  5. Hard to watch Kevin Lowe when the real reason the Oilers are where they are is that people like him didn’t build the team properly. I guess you couldn’t ask him why senior management could never figure out how to put a serious contending roster together.

  6. You guys are delusional. Marner has to go. Not only is he not not able to carry his own weight in the playoffs, but his stupid competitive attitude when it comes to his contract, always wanting more than Willy and Matthews is bound to cause salary cap problems for years to come – AGAIN! Ship him out! Toronto is allowed to sign team friendly contracts too guys.

  7. It will be a significant contrast if Berube becomes the Head Coach and Matthews becomes the captain. The $13M figure skater, who disappears into nothing in the playoffs, and a hardnosed head coach who expects his players to step up and be men. Matthews will be expected to put on his big girl panties in the post season.

  8. Matts Sundin refused a trade and took some Heat and then signed with Vancouver as a Fre Agent. What;s wrong with offering Tavaras 2 years at 7 million.

  9. I don't really see why the league can't let Quenneville come back…he'll be back next season at the latest

  10. You think cowen will make the team next year? He’s lighting up the OHL yes but he’s too young & not playing grown men. He will struggle his first few years in the league likely due to his size. Typical leafs thought process

  11. I want Marner and Tavares on the Leafs. HOWEVER. Marner should be paid 9.0 million and no more. Let him go if he wants more. Tavares should get a 2 year 5.0 million deal. If he wants more let him walk. Both of these players have value but are currnetly being paid above their market value.

  12. Really, you think JT is worth an 11M cap hit for any shlupp team .. maybe.. your minions agree, but they are not going to making any decisions anywhere

  13. JT wants to win a cup, not going to a team that is rebuilding, will happen after July 1st, and needs to happen quick after that or there won’t be any players for them to sign

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