Golf Players

I PLAY WITH A TOUR PRO! | Break 60 Scramble | Back 9 | Jamie Rutherford | Knebworth Golf Club

We are back for another Break 60 Scramble at Knebworth Golf Club and this time I’ve got Tour Pro Jamie Rutherford! We’ve got work to do after the front 9, but we’re confident we’ve got what it takes to break 60!

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Back 9

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[Music] got to go in stay up stay up stay up come on no that is a big po there Chris play it I’m real yes yes yes yes yes yes yes that is huge oh he absolutely absolutely bomed it be as good as you look then oh it’s a great iron shot J literally straight down it oh what a golf shot right welcome back to the channel part two Scramble with Jamie rubford Tour player we are now back nine seven under par we’ve got a at least match that to shoot 59 which is the goal hopefully do a bit better but we’ve got a got a challenge ahead of us so you know the sun’s out course is in great condition we’ve got no excuses breezes up a little bit but going to keep it rolling hope carry on that little bit momentum we built at the end of that front line and see where we end up let’s go hold 10 par three we got 131 slightly downwind now this is probably a gap wedge but because it’s scramble and I’m really going to be aggressive I’m going to go up to a pitching wedge which goes about 138 to 140 and I’m going to try and take a bit off it and really try and get it back to the PIN confident that if I don’t do that Jamie’s going to be able to hit it on the green no problem so let’s give it a go flighted pitching wedge I’m going to grip down a little bit and make a three quarter swing hope for the best to the out of it to the crap oh oh it’s a back Fring terrible look at that strike yeah not your best not my best it’s good look line move right tou left move right shot Jay pin ey it it’s a touch short I think three yard short yeah good shot right who missed the green to the left oh it’s a bit Breezy taking Jamie below the O I had a nice little pull off that te lovely haven’t really haven’t really got the swing going at the moment but Flat Sticks rolling now in it after the last hole see if we can drop another one in the hole almost looks like it’s cut the other way I mean my first in is right to but the fact I feel like it could go like bit of a double wiggler yeah I would not be going far far away from the hole oh it did wow that was pure I thought You’ had that dead center it was literally pure such a good PT I mean you can afford to go a little bit more Pace than that there you go I like the roll though yeah it’s perfect line way right it’s gone right and and then that kind of started on your line though didn’t it went right early hard to tell I don’t know whether I started it too did you feel like you pushed it maybe yeah all right oh no it’s a par it’s a par freeze you can accept it on par freeze you’re not we’re not going to run out like with with a Freewood right no we’re not that’s why you hit it yeah cuz if you pushed it a bit you’d still stay on The Fairway but you we would get close to where the trees will nearly be in play all right okay hole 11 come off the back of a par we’re still seven and we’ve got a par five 450 yeah we’re both hitting Freewood here you three or five I’ve got Freewood yeah fre because we don’t want to run out Jamie’s giving me course knowledge here so try and get a fairway nice little Fairway finally get it in play and then just try and keep it down the left side as tight as we can but don’t have any issue going down the left side so we’re good I did as well it’s actually a really good strike it struck it lovely see that should still be fine there yeah it’s okay is it fine yeah you got a shot ripped it just bullet straight it’s lovely though it’s fine Perfect Mate So Jamie at a good freee here I was a little bit behind him to the right we’ve got 138 yards plays uphill 1 to 145 it says okay which right which yeah that sounds right with the wind um it’s a 1 it’s probably a 130 it’s probably a perfect wedge for me it’s got to be a perfect wedge I my wedge 138 yeah I’m gonna I’m going to go upper Club just because I want to make sure it launches a bit higher um so I’m just going to open the face on the nine just to make sure I cover this tree I feel like if I hit a full one do you want me to go first TR yeah get right oh just pulled it very good for distance it’s on the I mean it hit good shot I’ll be honest with you like the last thing that went for my mind is don’t don’t I gave it a little added bit added LOF with the right hand cut a yard it’s trying keep cutting is that good distance long it look could be long it look like it took a bit of a bounce I thought it would come in really soft 22 ft come on we need this little bit off the right yeah so a good time to make one I’ll go first again love it come on Christy you need to just make one was a good part started a hair straight how many times though yeah I’m actually hitting good putts how many times golf man why do we play golf oh man probably the line is it yeah it was a good line it rolled well as well so I just tweaked you said maybe I started on the edge yeah so maybe you said just outsides the play stay up loads wow it’s okay all right the we’ve got plenty of opportunity made made an eag that’s the first time though we’ve overtaken where we and Tom were to this point okay well so we’re on the right side of it yeah 59 watch is on right ho 12 we’re eight under par 368 down wi stroke index one try and get a good t-shot away fre up Jamie just straight away you can see the flag just straight at that Flag straight at it all right yeah there he is finally shouldn’t reach that bunker I’m enough smoke that it’ll be close I’ve smoked that yes it’s good to hit a good drive if it was the first one of the day out of the middle all right come just follow that freed up it’s good no it’s okay it’s not bad ah if that’s your bad one yeah I’ll take that bot me it’s gone pretty straight not my favorite flight though so we have taken Jam’s mine little bit little bit too much up in the rough you know run out of Fairway and all that uh we’ve got 80 was it 85 85 downwind but now we’ve gone with this one because it’s in the Fairway so we’re going to get more control out of it probably playing what you probably want to land it maybe 83 yeah I think yeah I think we want to get still land it pretty close to the number the greens are soft y I think 80 yards is good all right 80 yard shot with the downwind just a little shoulder lob wge I think it’s all over it get up get up good shot mate few yards short played it well didn’t you well yeah but I think it’s landed five off the number really pretty poor shot okay so what I’ve done is I’m going up a club to 54 even though it’s downwind because I prefer to hit it a little bit softer downwind I always fine when I try and hit it too hard I get I pull it and it goes too far so I’m going chest to chest shot same as what I did a couple of holes ago it wasn’t great but see if we can redeem oursel sit oh I’ve been too aggressive too aggressive I pushed it probably two and a half yards but it looks like it’s gone about four or five yards past it damn we just make one of these it will change the game man change the game you want it yeah unless you want to mix it up yeah let’s mix it up let’s go I’ll give it a roll what you got you can follow in again I don’t think it’s got a lot of break I think it’s going to wob snake its way down a little started just left of it and it looks like it just came me you you started at left of the hole you pull it a little bit pulled it a little it almost like it was going straight and then just wiggled right at the end I think I think maybe left Edge yeah all right I wouldn’t give the hole away got to go in stay up stay up stay up come on that is a big part there Chris that for you mate love it nine under just mixing it upx it up maybe Jay do you reckon I should go back on tour the silence says it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I’ll I’ll s to coach there go right we’re nine on the par whole 13 350 downwind we fancy it straight downwind it’s strong so I think a 300 yard Drive is probably going to get close is it 300 310 the front probably and on the angle go on then J right lead us away here we go smoked it cut a bit no sit down should be fine though just in that rough it’s only a straight forward pitch from there is it this could go offline just to put it clear right it’s fine we’ve got we’ve got you’re in we’ve got 60 yards from mine if I can pull it off we’re good come on in and we’ve hit a duck hook we’ve hit we you know it’s fine to be honest with it was terrible through the ball right so we’re taking Jamie after my power draw off the te we got uh 47 yards got a rid short of this screen so you got kind of two options here you can either go in low and the percentage play would be if you’re you know an intermediate golfer something with a little bit less Loft and just run it up the ridge you know Jamie because we can prefer lies here Jamie’s maybe going to float something up land it over the ridge yeah I think so be a little more aggressive I think we’ve still probably got you know eight or nine Paces is quite a lot large landing area to stop that ball so we got 47 pin Landing it what 40 40 I think’s good mate mate I’ll probably maybe even just got a touch more than that cuz if it gets a little behind the hole we’re putting back up at it played it unreal go in go in stop what a golf shot sir there we go still released on a touch great golf shot thank you right that frees me up I don’t know what I’m going to do but it’s going to free me up I mean try and beat that is going to be really difficult I’ll try and play a similar shot it looked like it moved right to left at the end so I’ll try and I’ll try and hit it just right the hole see if we can scare the hole sit flowing it too far I wanted to be aggressive I just flew it too far all right Jamie’s close though right then to go to 10 knocker in yeah you want me to knock it in yeah it’s your hole in it nice don’t want to take away from the drive and the second shot okay it’s very kind of you well done sir good thank you Birdie on your own L natur thank you 10 under par here we go we dve tailing yeah nice I had that hold off deserved it after the part on the last Jamie stepped up there we go right just while we’re waiting for the green to clear you know I think it’s good to ask when we’ve got someone of Jam’s quality on the channel you know I tried to make it as a player was certainly not good enough Jamie has done that now what do you see when you’re out there playing with these guys as the biggest sort of difference between you know you there’s thousands of professional golfers of my level and there’s hundreds at best you know that make it on that main stage what what are you seeing out there a week to week that’s different um I think it comes down to I mean I’d say none of it’s pretty like you know it’s not hitting the golf ball it’s not the ability to hit it far or distance or anything like that it’s just it’s probably between the years really and it’s just that ability to to when you turn up at a tournament to be able to play the same quality of golf or if not better quality of golf than you do when you rock up with your mates and being able to just trust yourself to to perform in the same way whether it be anxiety or you know pressure or anything like that that players struggle to deal with when you get to the the higher up the levels you get to you know you see players thrive on those situations Asos still feel it as some people can just handle it more I re a really good example of that an interesting story it’s just come to my mind actually so when I did play or attempt to play used to stay with Jamie a lot in preseason and uh Jamie will probably fill you in a bit more about this story but day one Portugal 201 maybe 16 15 16 we went for a run believe it or not and on that run Jamie was a little bit ahead of me on the Run um he actually got hit by a car at 60 MPH first day in Portugal in preseason broke his back messed up his foot was in hospital for weeks his dad and mom had to fly my dad had to fly out it was actually a terrible terrible time but just going on the thing between the ears funnily enough after a few months off that happened in the March I believe maybe March yeah September C School Jamie got his DP World Tour card so having months off he’s just had that resilience mentally to come back and beat the odds and you know he’s gone on now and he’s had a really good solid year last year on a challenge to obviously made the open qualifying made the cut in the open you know no doubt in my mind he’s a friend of mine but no doubt that he will get onto that main stage and hold his card and compete and win because he just has it in the brain and you know I’ll be really honest with my all my clients who see me the difference is I could play golf but I just didn’t have it I just didn’t have the bottle when it came to it you know I could put rounds together put but putting tournaments together as you move up the levels is just really difficult yeah ex so I guess my last question would you would be any advice for the average golfer what would you say is the most important thing for them to get their handicap down in your opinion um I mean I’d say Obviously you know time and and just work working obviously if they’re seeing a coach and they’re um able to put in just a couple hours maybe extra practice than they do currently practice right that’s I think that’s something I battle all the time people have lessons and then play a lot but Al in that time to practice the Reps you know years and years and years of graft is is what it takes to be a pro but if you want to be a single figure golf for you got to realize how hard that is and how much commitment it takes to get there um so obviously thank you for that Jamie um make sure you’ll follow Jamie on his social medias keep on top of him you can on the European tour app you can watch him he’s playing some challenge tour and European tour events this year you know give him some support send him some messages as I mentioned good friend of mine and now the green is clear and maybe I should go into interviewing cuz that was top notch top not Hello Jamie a b a worldy get left looks great I mean that is a golf shot looks pin ey as well I think that was right of it beautiful lovely flight thank you mate appreciate that every dog has its day oh Chris what is that it must have been the interview you had a break oh that’s a terrible shot don’t worry it’s dve tail mate we’ve got a chance we have we’ve got a chance to be honest this is not really a birdie o no must have pitched I reckon it pitched here there you go yeah it was a good shot I mean it’s a really really tough hole that so we’re right in between putting and chipping so a good a bad putt is going to be better than a bad chip but we need to try and hold this so part of me thinks if we just fly over that and bump it down there do like it actually that collor is really high yeah um really high collor so if I you know if we are putting this we’ve got a chance of getting snagged with the wedge we can just sort of drop it over the top of it all right yes yes he has he has he has he has he has oh that is huge get in there on son what a two c it called it I’ll have a little go have a go yeah go on have a go pulled it play it well though yeah just tued it right 11 under come this is dovetail perfectly we’re coming into it we’re flying now and now myself and Tom finished on 12 we have two short par fours two short par fivs and a tall player come on easy money whole 50 11 under par we’ve got a nice finish here we’ve got 316 yards into the wind so it’s not going to be reachable but we can get 50 of this yeah it’s a very strong win now it is yeah we’ve probably got these two bunker left and bunker right that will probably be roughly in in our sort of landing area all right um just to try and avoid but yeah give it a rip and get as close as we can all right there we go I listen to what he said and try my best oh she’s cutting best swing of the day I love that flight short of it it’s right in the middle missed it right perfect Tom make sure you got a boomerang banana cut on that cuz just love a fade what a swing just like that that is the best one of the day as well Jay yeah it’s ever so slightly towed but we’ll take low spin little cup beautiful just just done me by a couple yards but took a bit off it as well yeah I didn’t really toad need put my back out right so we’ve got we’ve got 64 yards okay so the drive’s gone what it’s 320 it’s only gone 270 odd 260 odd but we get them good the wind is strong uh 64 this 70 yard shop yeah I mean it’s it it should spin we had we had 68 earlier on didn’t we on six playing a similar Direction I’d say the feels maybe a bit stronger now so same shot is that is that dirty now or was that clean to you so dir is it really look at the toe how important is clean imperative like how can you hit the same shot every time if one time it’s covered in mud and one time it’s clean the spin number could change by I leave a bit of mud you know you can probably test it but I reckon the spin number could change by 2000s Well yeah if you hit dead mud yeah it’s not going to it’s not going to but usually I leave a bit of M there could could mean you carry 10 yards different professionalism that y why that’s why you’re a professional up shot the ladder it’s lovely that I’m telling you the ladder yeah it’s very good should be a fireman the amount of times I use a ladder cut that out cut [Music] oh he’s pushed it it’s got so much speed on it though just a bit long catch you a bit thin um slightly yeah I was just it’s just a little 54 so trying to hit it you know not much Di and more of the push than anything but we’ll take yours like to see you make a free two threee back to backs yeah I could just sit in the buggy no no no you’ve had plenty of holes where I’ve been sitting down doing nothing come on in we need this we need this to go 12 me you mate you roll it in I want to see you make a nice free perfect good read good part Dead Center 12 under come on boy let’s go tell you what we this I love this sit around do nothing what what a format though what a format whole 16 we are flying now we like really got it going it’s very fun it’s fun day to be playing golf it’s lovely we are 12 under par we’ve got 301 yard par for down wind now we’re right in between sounds crazy three-wood and driver because he probably playing like 260 so driver’s going to go too fast so I’m going to try and hit high fade uh take a bit of distance off it yeah I think you’re going to do the same maybe depending on how I yeah I said we want to be aggressive we want to try and get out there we’re trying to be aggressive so we we’d love to make a two here last down wi hole do have two par fives but last sort of downwind good chance here oh hello that’s a high fade oh be good oh it’s unreal where’s that landed I think is perfect I think it’s I think it’s landed just on the front edge kicked a bit to the left should be close to pin eye I think maybe a touch past smooth driver high fade tell I’m getting going I don’t know what’s happening first time on the channel I’ve actually felt like I’m moving all right took him a little while to warm up but now he’s flying oh tried to H it soft and just P so hot sit sit you hit it way too good you hit a bomb it’s way too far right as well which doesn’t help 63 ft Drive ended up here good Drive Par Four but it’s gone a lot further and that’s why it was in between the driver and the 3-wood it was a soft driver but it’s still gone 60 ft so 20 yards past where you know where we should have gone but we’ve got a p for Eagle you never know oh my goodness that tracked the whole way beautiful but thank you well there’s your tapping mate I like that oh he’s showing me the line got to try and make sure I get it there give it a chance low too low a great Pace great Pace great Pace F good birdie another one flying three in a row whole 17 two to go two par five 13 under par Jamie just told me we’ve birded every hole since the 10th it’s been a good back nine but we got to finish it off cuz we’re still not going to shoot 60 unless we finish good so we’ve got a dog leg left par five it’s only 440 into the wing quite strong but it’s a good chance for us so let’s try and hug the left side here yeah get it in play Let’s go through it it did it’s perfect that’s pretty money yeah it was a great strike I pulled it about two yards but I hit the flight I wanted to hit oh that is money that’s better than mine oh and a lovely bounce swing mate very similar again I right so we’ve taken Jamies he was done he done me by about 15 here yeah great Drive leaves us 65 into the wind okay what do you feel like more than seven I do yeah all right well I don’t know actually might thing is I’m between seven and six yeah I’m going to fly a seven fly a seven I’m just going to I’m going to hit a little trap drawer back Lefty pin you can go right it and then like wipe things and move it into it exactly yeah I’m going to going to look to do it’s nice shape turn over strike it good bit towed it’s all right it’s got quite a friendly B it’s a bad shot it’s not a bad shot it’s a bad shot not a bad shot you got you we’re looking for better than that yeah we’re looking for better than that it’s not now it’s making me think CH that looks like it’s a bit short yeah it’s short it was not struck very well a I literally Struck it so good it’s not actually that is that missing the green yeah it’s missing the green yeah but it’s it it might not it might be a better leave it was such a good strike as well the right eye looked like it might be a hair long right so we’ve gone with Jamie mine was on the left side his was on the right side mine was a tiny bit long his was a tiny bit short same distance but we feel like this one’s more makeable and we do want the eagle so let’s hopefully we back that up with a nice putt now feel like it’s right Edge yeah I like it a lot right Edge and it will move to maybe inside left left Edge and then hopefully straighten up at the hole You’ hit your line you’ve hit your line go wiggle back wiggle back wiggle back oh my God didn’t move did it I mean that was such a good P pushed it well on mate that’s 14 under par that’s good right it means if we par the last which we’re not going to do where about we 59 is done yeah but 59 is completed if we but if we can Eagle the last exactly don’t stop I love it all mentality i’ Coast in7 is up there take the 59 but Jamie wants the 57 I want the 57 come on I we we eagled the first though we can Eagle the last though what finish that’ll be there we go and anyone who follows this challenge having a partner like Jamie I know I’m going to be on all of them it’s going to be tough to beat I’ll be honest it’s going to be tough to beat whole 18 14 under par we have had a great back nine we’ve dovetailed very very well we’ve got a 46 yd par five very short but it is upper Cliff it is let’s see if we can just finish with the eagle exactly fin find the Fairway find the green come on then let’s see if we can get that lemonade down here one more time just a little leaky lemon we love same as the last hole oh he’s found he’s absolutely found toally bombed it that is everything I’ve got Center stripe what a strike to finish oh no it’s fine necky up the right we’ll have a shot in from there but I mean what a lovely Miss though it’s like my favorite Miss in the whole world just up the right you can’t miss this whole left so but we’re in the middle we’re in the middle my man whole 18 I’ve hit a good t- shot middle of the Fairway probably the best one of the day it’s left us 145 yards to that pin says it plays 155 yeah it’s up 10 definitely up 10 I normally think it plays more longer than it longer fly out that here at least and there’s a bit of back room so say 155 at least 158 into the wind are we looking at like off and up slope a little bit I’d say 170 79 yeah I think so I think it’s a good I think it’s a nice 79 draw for me turnover I mean I’ve hit such a good strike there bunker couldn’t tell short right I mean that is such a good gol shot for me this right go in the bunker I think it might be well I think it might be bunker yeah I a damn it I really did like that shot no I’m tempted to hit one more just feels really strong it’s quite a long up up slope there as well yeah be as good as you look then oh it’s a great iron shot J literally straight down it oh what a golf shot could be long but who’s clapping for you there’s always someone out mate got a calerie US level [Laughter] galleries right so Jam’s ball ended up here mine was pin ey to the right not in the bunkers just say but Jamie is closer we’ve got this part two efforts at it for a 57 which On a par 7 3 would be 16 under par much better exceeded our expectations and early in the round we did not think would be it yeah it was a bit of a slow start for us but we just picked up nicely like a like a holdup horse towards the end of the Grand National cut left to right come on Chris it’s low oh my God it’s pathetic is what it is it’s absolutely pathetic it got it’s got the four right so we’ve got the 58 but I thought I I’d like to say I deliberately missed that so Jamie can have the I did block that as well but I think it’s probably touch more yeah I’m looking about it yeah I think it’s more than you think oh his chances oh does move a lot doesn’t it it moves loads it was a good part oh all right that is it but I am very happy 15 underpath 58 well done thank you very much thank you mate enjoyed it guys that’s it 15 under par thank you to Jamie for coming on the channel midseason little bit of fun for a day off that you had appreciate your time my pleasure um it was good fun it was good fun and we did we did break 60 the leaderboard will be here somewhere around here I think Tom’s going to do that and I’ve never done that before so I hope that works out and the next person I mean you’ve got your work cut out I mean I’ve got my workout out but I need to pick my partner wisely thank you very much for watching I hope you enjoyed hope you enjoy enjoyed our farly did and we’ll see you soon


  1. What a video and what a score!
    No coincidence Rutherford has a top 5 finish a week later after spending an afternoon with coach Chris 👀😂🏌🏻‍♂️🔥

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