Golf Players

Marco Penge switches to Mizuno Pro 243 irons. #nothingfeelslikeamizuno

with the two 43s compared to the two 41s my interaction with the turf is is a little bit different the the two for ones were CU they’re a blade and not as wide of a so the you know when I was making contact with the crown they were just digging a little bit so you know this iron has got a lot wi the two four threes has got wider Soul so should definitely help me like now in Europe being on softer Turf and um you know it should just a little bit more leeway for a m strike as well and you’re placing the ball a little bit you saying a bit more forward in your stance playing a little bit more fadey and a little bit less trappy yeah I’ve gone from like always hitting a trap draw to now starting to see the ball start left fall further up in my St so you know I’m not as steep on it now than I was um so just a few little tweaks there my B flat my IR just trying to find that a little bit more consistency really John with

1 Comment

  1. Look forward to seeing them in action next time you're at The Caversham, Marco! Been looking at the 243s for a little while myself, they do look great and we could all do with that bit of extra forgiveness – even tour players apparently which is comforting 😂

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