Golf Players

State Wrestling Championship match review w/ Marcus Turnley (Christian County; 1987 167 lbs.)

Marcus Turnley, the 1987, 167 lbs. KHSAA State Wrestling Champion from Christian County high school joins me to review his state finals match video.

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[Music] all right in the Bible we read in Ephesians 6:12 the first three words for we wrestle our guest here today knows a thing or two about reading the scripture and being able to wrestle sir if you would tell us who you are hi everyone my name is Marcus turnley I’m a physician assistant here here at Mercy Health uh in Paduka Kentucky have been here for the last 27 years um many years ago I was a wrestler at Christian County high school and the state champion in 1987 I am married I have two children and three grandchildren and again I live in Paduka Kentucky absolutely man thank you for for telling us about yourself there and like you said you’re the 1987 167 PB Stak Champion representing those dag on red white and blue Colonels of Christian County it seems like I’ve done 5,000 Christian County Colonels the last week Andy Lee Tom Lee David Donley you it just keep coming as a matter of fact there’s 25 of those dag on guys down there I think they’re all my friends now so I can say that about them there’s 25 Christian County state champions you make video number 22 we only need three more to complete the entire Christian County roster uh Frank McWilliams 1972 Jimmy pin 1984 and rest in peace to Antonio Earthman 1985 we’re going to be doing a memorial video with him we’ve got some guys down there Tony Harris Livingston D couple other guys are trying to get Antonio’s family together those that want to be a part to do Memorial video but the Christian County uh tradition Legacy if you will runs deep three team state champion uh State Runner UPS I should say the state championships 1986 1987 2020 and then they took it all in 1988 so we ask all the Christian County guys all the hot town guys what did you all have going on down there then man what was in the water in Christian County in 19 in the late 80s early 90s man talk to us two words Jim Perry coach was our coach uh he our coach he was not only our coach he was our Mentor he taught us a lot about manhood he taught us a lot about of course about wrestling but he Tau us all about how we wrestle throughout our days and and and throughout our times now so I would say Jim parin and the foundation that he set really uh moved us forward I I can believe that and I believe just about every Christian County wrestler that had coach parin as their head coach has mentioned him as being like you said a mentor more than just a wrestling coach yes we’re going to teach you techniques but we’re going to teach you about life as well and the um not just Christian County the high school but Christian County as a whole between Christian County High School and Hopkinsville High School back in the 80s and ’90s they probably had two of the best coaches in the state of Kentucky with a paring at Christian County and then Placer at Hoptown I mean those those two man they had it going on just some of the names on both ends you know you Andy Lee Tomley David Donley Antonio worthman at Hoptown you had Steve Bailey Troy Bailey Aaron Haring gtha Herring we could go 80 persons we could go on and on and on and on and it’s just like what it was just like a never ending pool of wrestling Talent just kept be pumped out and there’s been I don’t know how many guys um that we’ve done videos with from outside of the Christian County area the Northern Kentucky Louisville Le ten area Eastern Kentucky whatever they never saw you guys because you all you know Western end of the state and they wouldn’t see it until the state tournament they’d be like all right you know so and so finally graduated so these two finally are gone and they’d be two or three more like what what are we doing down there guys come on what what’s happening are we are we just cloning wrestlers and you know re uh changing like getting plastic surgery having guys come back is different people different names or whatever but just a like the people don’t understand that well I guess the series has brought it out but beforehand people didn’t know just the U you know Hoptown won it 85 86 92 you guys won it in 98 or 88 I should say and the the Le the U the dynasty that the Christian County whole had was just like where did you know what was going on you know what I mean sure you know I think again it’s to coach Placer and Coach Co coach paring but Christian County and Hopkinsville there are some great athletes that come from there and if if we can’t play football or after football season is over uh there’s wrestling but if we can’t play basketball uh there there was always wrestling so you know there’s athletes that come from Christian County that are made it to the NBA made it to NFL so there’s just a lot of athletes to come from our area and one thing I love about Christian County in Hopkinsville as the school is like I don’t know the name of the road there in front of Christian County high school but you guys will see photos they have the state outlines and they have like their team state championships baseball softball football wrestling I think track and field Hopkinsville same thing and you’re just like you know some of the not just wrestlers but some of the names that’s come out of there um played at University of Kentucky running back R Spiner Curtis pulley um the the basketball player for Kentucky he he he’s drawing a blank for me I can’t think of his name off the top of my head it’ll come to me um the uh the he went to Old Miss and played basketball for Christian County he hit the game-winning shot in the state champion ship in 2011 had the dreads can’t think of his name Miguel Merritt played football at Alabama I mean just some of the names that have come on Miguel played against Tom Brady in the Orange Bowl in 2000 so you know this some and Miguel started I mean Miguel just wasn’t on the bench I mean he was a captain and started and he’s one of the one of The Proud sons of of Hoptown there but the um the wrestling in in Christian County man back then speaks for itself so let’s talk about your state tournament run in in your high school days uh 1984 155 pounds you make it to the state tournament we have an old Saiyan in wrestling you either win or you learn 1984 was a learning year um it’s it’s good to go up and just kind of see the show see see the as the as Ric Flair would say see the bright light see the big cities the long limousines all that kind of stuff kind of get used to how the state tournament operates 1985 167 PBS same thing we’ll call it a learning year but you changed the narrative in 1986 167 pounds you come in fourth place and unfortunately for you you ran into Dominic black yeah from clay the first round the first match right out of the gate you run into Dominic and that’s that’s never easy U Dominic wins a 14 to1 decision on you then you the way the wrestle backs go Dominic got beat I believe in the semis and you end up wrestling Dominic again in the third fourth place match and you tighten the Gap you win a nine to7 decision so you come out fourth place and of course Dominic goes on 1987 most outstanding wrestler 185 pound champion goes on to West Virginia University becomes a NCAA All-American joins the my he’s like a seven or eight time Nation or world champion his review videos on the channel so if you’re going to get beat why not get beat by one of the best in the history of the United States you know what I mean yes yes Dominic uh Dominic was pretty tough so there’s there’s no shame in that one in 167 weight class in fourth place Marcus Earley on County High School [Applause] in third place Domin black of Henry but 1987 167 pounds man that’s your year and we’ve asked a lot of guys this question and we like to one of the standard questions that we ask is as a returning State Placer maybe not the place that you wanted but at least you were on the podium and you got to be in the placement rounds coming into that senior year you know you had you had Tom Lee on that team you had I think Alvin Byers Arville Banks I think was on there with you a couple other guys arv if you’re watching this man just want you know you’re pretty weak no AR is my buddy I think he got I think he got me and you hooked up you know I mean he’s probably gonna send me a message when he watches his me somewhere let’s find out how weak I am but when you go in did you play football at Christian County oh yes I played football at Christian County okay so when football season in and you go you start wrestling practice knowing this it’s all or nothing man I got to make it to the top of that Podium this year what was it what was the the mentality what did you do for your body what was it that got you over that hunt to be state champion you know I think first it was mental it was it’s how I wanted to be remembered this was my senior year this was my my my my time this is what I had left um football didn’t go as well as what we had planned in our football season when we were sophomores and freshman and eighth graders we always went undefeated I think we had one loss maybe our JB year so we thought our senior year when we get all of our guys together we’re g to have a great season and unfortunately we went 500 for whatever reason we wi 500 we didn’t have the we didn’t have the greatest of Seasons so it was wrestling for me and I love wrestling because it’s it’s mono imano it’s man on man and so it’s so I have no excuses and and I can make no excuses if I win I win if I lose I lose so uh and it’s it’s really about how did I want to be remembered um you know here I am I’m 55 years old and we’re talking about what I did when I was 18 years old so it it helped me to leave a legacy that my kids can even look at I remember our past videos before my wife um before we lost that video my my kids would look at it and laugh ah look at daddy look so yeah that’s so that’s so that was so that’s been fun and then you know it’s not only mental how I wanted to be remembered but I want to just get my best I I I remember just always coach parent always talk discipline he talked he talked about the three D discipline dedication desire and so so he he just wanted us to be have a desire to do well and have that discipline to do well and so he always talked to us excuse me about that and at night I just wanted I I went home and did push-ups every night and um did a lot of running on on my own and just wanted to give it my 100% I I I always wanted to be a state champion and but unfortunately just like you said there’s been a lot of good great wrestlers in Hopkinsville some of those guys that I’ve wrestled in the past like Eddie person state champion he was 155 pound state champion Steve biley couple of times state champion those those guys were in my weight class and so they had graduated and man it was my time it was it was my it was my time so yeah absolutely and um the uh you you lot to unpack there you brought up leaving a legacy and you know when you walk in Christian County’s gym if or their gym area you walk in there from that main road and you walk straight to the gym to the left of that by the concession stand is the wrestling trophy case and it’s got the photo of all the state champions the trophies that they’ve won and all that first time I went down there I only had a couple I had like Sean Smith um AJ Green Chris Perry couple of the newer like the newer newer guys that had just won and I was looking at it and I was like oh yeah you know I’ve got that video and I’ve got I don’t have this guy’s video but I was looking at it and now that we’ve got it more guys on the channel and we have 22 of the 25 on the series the trophy case is now interactive meaning a a student of a wannabe wrestler maybe they’re walking the halls or come for whatever they just happen to be there or somebody that maybe graduated with you or maybe somebody that know even Christian County had that good of a program they can look at the trophy case and be like oh wow uh 1995 Sean Smith let’s go watch his video Pull up the video watch it oh wow 1981 Arnold Slaughter wow we can watch this video 1987 Marcus turnley W you know wow that’s so cool and that’s what I love about this series is bringing the history to life and giving the guys that come before me the guys during me the guys after me giving them a place to be be honored be remembered be honored like they should have been years ago sure and I don’t think it’s any secret that some U I don’t want to say all schools because I don’t want to that’s a that’s a broad umbrella but the majority of schools in Kentucky we know basketball is King and don’t get me wrong I love basketball as much as the next person I love watching Kentucky win you know national championships they’ve won three in my lifetime I love watching don’t get me wrong and I’m for not everybody body’s going to be a wrestler not everybody’s going to be a basketball player football player baseball you might be uh better suited for swimming uh dance band um soccer who as long as it’s keeping kids productive in their life and not out doing stuff they shouldn’t be and reading about them sadly on a Facebook post about um you know being charged with the crime or being found dead somewhere for being something they shouldn’t whatever the case is if it’s keeping them busy after school I’m for it no matter what it is I just happen to have a desire for wrestling because that’s what I did in school I officiate it now but I say that because wrestling’s been overlooked it’s been ignored for so long and now Kentucky wrestling we the show there’s not another Kentucky High School sport that you can find anywhere on the internet YouTube Facebook you name it you can’t find a more documented a more publicized Kentucky High School sport then wrestling wow you talk about leaving a legacy I mean there’s no way you could have envisioned in 1987 hey we’re going to be doing a review video about this in 2024 but you come before you did it and now we get to tell the story for everybody that knows you your family your grandkids your I’m great grandkids I’m sure at some point and it’s just like one of the one of my favorite lines of the whole series is a a gentleman named George King 2000 state champion from Union County most outstanding wrestler um most pins in the least amount of time quick as pin the whole game he was an animal and his son is currently being recruited by a plethora of division one football uh teams to play play football for him but in his review video George says maybe not now but at one time Dad could do it yes and I love being able to to say that you know hey y I may not be as strong as you now I may not be fast as you you may be able to beat me in a race you might be able to take me down but let me tell you something Buster at one time old dad could do it and I got the proof you know what I me yes sir now you earlier you said your kids used to watch your your take championship video um how long has it been since you’ve seen it you think it’s probably see over probably over 20 years my kids were small my kids were small that time yeah so it’s probably been probably been at least 20 years ago cuz it was on VHS so a long ago as when we had a VHS player so probably been 20 years ago kids if you don’t know what a VHS player is or VCR you know ask your parents Google it whatever there was these old a uh these old cavan style uh devices we used to have to as the only means we could watch tapes now you’re in the finals you’re wrestling Mark Richardson from Woodford County and here’s a little thing about Mark I didn’t realize until just now you mentioned Steve Bailey were did you know Steve outside of like you all friends outs yeah we grew up together Steve played baseball I played baseball for a little while our families are close I’ve been knowing Steve for 50 years okay well you know we did Steve’s review video we also done memorial for his brother Troy it’s both of those are on the channel but I was doing my research and Steve actually beat Mark Richardson in the 86 finals so did Steve kind of give you like a heads up hey watch out for this dude or you know watch this or he’s good at this or no no um I knew Mark Richardson very well because we all we all grew up together I mean we would go to wff County invitationals and and we would wrestle so I knew Mark Richardson I remember his b his his battle with Steve was much of a battle because Steve was a he was one heck of a wrestler so um Steve just outman so but I was a different type of wrestler and so um I I remember I’ve wrestled marked several times over the years and be honest the only time I ever beat him was a state championship and sometimes that’s that’s the one that matters right you talk about leaving the Legacy that’s right that’s right that’s right and uh John po Dexter funny you should you should bring that up John po Dexter he was in the finals twice 85 and 87 of course John gets beat by Pat Moody from Fort Campbell in 87 but in John’s video he said that before the state finals he had beat Pat Moody 12 times beforehand Pat had never beat him until the state finals and then Pat beats him when it counts wow wow wow so w that’s a I guess he he you guys kind of flip the script on each other you know what I mean but um we’re going to pull up your video here man you guys are seeing what we’re seeing we’re at Aon gy in L this video has the face off Match metal ceremony and then the the uh State runner up Trophy presentation man so here we go [Applause] 67 from wford [Applause] County 52 and Rec record [Applause] he I love those warm-ups man yeah the bell bottoms believe it all right so course you’re in the uh navy blue sing with there yeah all right now from neutral here what’s our go-to takedown what we looking to do here man listen I was always a counter wrestler so I was waiting for him to shoot on me and so I like I like a good CR right there I like a good crossface I like a good crossface and I was trying to uh I was trying to get my crossface in and then through a then do a throw so that’s that that was that was Mo because I knew Mark too Mark is he’s he’s a fast guy and a little bit shorter than me and so I I knew that he was would probably be aggressive because uh he had lost his stud the year before and he was a senior as well yeah know I get it now show a sportsmanship there he helps you up yeah yeah he he W up going to wrestle at George Washington University after uh after he graduated wow didn’t know that it’s pretty cool yeah I don’t think he stayed I don’t think he stayed there long but I I know he he got a scholarship that’s good that’s good to know man that’s good to know um course you guys you said you know you’ve Wrestled a bunch with each other kind of know each other did you kind of when you knew you were wrestling him in the finals did you kind of already start mentally game planning like okay I know he’s he’s better at this than me or I know I can try this on him and maybe get it or was it just take it as it come or how did it go for you list I I thought he was probably faster than me but I I I didn’t think he was strong as me and so so I I wanted to kind of use my strength as much as I could but uh I probably was not in the best of shape probably the better shape than I am now but I I get tired here here here shortly and I take a little break here in just a minute I I remember that I got you all right so we’re still it’s z0 nobody scored yet now uh of course we know coach paren in your corner but who’s in the other corner with you the other coach Kurt Lancaster okay yes yes yeah yeah and and in the other corner for for w county is coach Carr yeah and um his one of his brothers I I knew from West Virginia that uh I wrestled briefly at WVU and so um I knew one of his brothers back then what uh was it Nate Carr the one went to the Olympics or no no Nate Carr was Nate Carr uh Nate Carr was our assistant coach or grad assistant at WVU and I was there he placed he placed third in the bronze I think in 1988 yep that’s exactly right yeah he he played third and you know I can’t remember his brother his other brother’s first name but uh is it flet he was there at the same time I was there oh his other brother you’re right I’m sorry they got like four or five brothers and then one came after me to WVU as well okay so you get a reversal there uh it’s two nothing you got the reversal [Applause] we’re out of bounds yeah and that’s one thing we said it in every video the the Christian County M Maids back then once they started cheering during the match they didn’t stop man that’s right that’s [Applause] right they have went this whole match and atherton’s a big gym but this place was crowded I mean this place was standing room only on back babe so you’re trying to get like a bar there some type of a wing what’s like I am and I am I think I I’m probably trying to work on the other side maybe try to do half Nelson uh really I’m just trying to I’m trying to get him tired and and take me a little break I’m trying to take a little break try to get him turned yeah know what hey buddy you got to be strategic sometimes on stuff like that you know what I mean [Applause] yeah and he’s gonna get an escape here shortly I think they’re right there NOP he was able to ride through it that’s a good job on your part out of bounds [Applause] yeah he tries a gy nothing that was a good job on your part not getting not giving up a reversal now you look like you’re hurt there you remember being [Applause] hurt uh no I I remember being tired be be honest I may have been uh I may been tired hey buddy fair enough you know fair enough yeah so you’re up two nothing he he down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah here comes the Escape yep yep he gets his one so now it’s two to one you have any idea who’d be filming this for Christian County cuz this this is a Christian County video yes this is this is uh and Andy and Tom’s dad okay did our who did our videography okay it’s good to know I didn’t know that yes yes who’s crawling out all right so stalling and the thing about back then referees didn’t wear wristband so it’s kind of hard to know who we call stalling on yeah I I could I can imagine either one of us stalling at that time yeah nope you got a wizard that’s very good that’s a good job on your part keeping that wizard [Applause] right we’re out of [Applause] bounds short time in third all right so right here you take injury time yeah need a little breather it’s all right we get it on [Applause] my you’re back to that front headlock it looks like he’s trying everything trying every trick he’s [Applause] got behind get behind nothing nothing [Music] nothing nothing referee’s not give it yet he still got your leg and that’s it and here comes Alvin [Applause] Byers he just wrestled six hard minutes and he wants to jump in your arms the referee gets him off the [Applause] mat that was great man that was a great performance they come over there to get you guys photo after the match my mind I can’t imagine why they do that after the match they should do it before you know I have that photo you gotta send me a copy of it yeah I I I’ll look for it yeah that’s Coach P right there that’s that’s my guy and here’s the uh here’s the metal ceremony now I don’t know this gentleman’s name but he’s from Simon Kenton right there just got on the podium yeah I I forget his name but uh we had met in the semifinals okay we’ll have to get we’ll have to get our buddy Dave bnes or Jeff abman on it to give me his name first place CH County and there you come man marus who got fourth place that year from Hoptown do you remember yes that was uh North Mills okay [Applause] [Applause] here’s the video of you guys getting the runner up trophy M Diamond Kenton was going to be hard to beat that year they had a pretty good team there Dominic black my main man course there you are you know getting your’s photo [Applause] together and that’s where the video ends man so you know it’s you said earlier it’s been about 20 years since you’ve seen it does it besides you winning does it play out the way you remember it yeah it plays out the way I remember it uh it plays out I remember again I remember being tired I remember kind of U taking a breather there every now and then I I remember just trying to finish just just trying to finish strong and um yeah I I one of the great uh things that I’ve been able to do in in my life I I I’m really fortunate to get that uh chance to do that and you it was a great performance two to one decision you had to grit it out he didn’t quit the whole time you know it was you guys went at it for all six minutes and people that are new to the sport or their kids are getting into it or U whatever the case is or grandkids are getting into it you go watch and until you’re out there and you have to grind for six minutes you don’t understand how long six minutes can be and you don’t understand how tired and just exhausted your body is and then especially have your teammate come running out of the stands and you jump to catch him I mean he should been picking you up you know what I mean what’s going on there we were we were just excited we all yeah kid we all we all you know they were cheering for me as hard as they could you know so it we were all just excited to to uh for us to get uh the state runner up but also for me to get a chance to win again because Mark had as the WCI as the Cy invitation he had pinned me he had pinned me and that was I I guess that was right before Christmas or right after Christmas I was coming out um yeah yeah so so I I remember that I think I’d had the flu recently but no excuses I lost but uh I knew we would meet again yeah man that’s that’s a that’s a great mentality to have and the um reason I can say that about that Woodford County tournament it’s always during the uh like the Christmas uh school break so it’s always right there at and it’s been I’m not sure how many years it’s been going on but it has to be one of the longest running tournaments in the state that’s still uh still going on so the U of course that year you guys had David Donley in the finals of course David comes up a little bit short against Jeff abman you uh Tom Lee and I think there was another wrestler in the that comes up a little bit short as well I can’t take the top of my head his name is Ed de yes Ed de okay Y and I knew there I think I thought there was four that was in the finals that year and of course Hopkinsville ra represented Aaron Herring uh uh um um Roger Holloway course Roger gets beat by Dominic in 87 couple couple other dudes there uh Point extra in the finals like we mentioned earlier so just a great team and man you know you you guys uh that 87 886 team you all laid the foundation for 1988 even though you were gone it was still uh your your fingerprints as a senior leader winning the state championship was all over that 88 team and continued on um Christian County in 2020 they had probably Pro I’m going to go on record and say they had the best team to not win it in 2020 they got of course Union County won Union County had the best team in State history that year it’s not even close they’re the best team by far in the whole history of the state wrestling tournament but Christian County ma’am they just they just were behind the had that team come along one year after or one year before Christian County wins it again I mean they were they were stacked top to bottom and just come up you know behind Union County that year but um man we’ve covered a lot of ground we’ve talked about a lot of topics we’ve discussed a lot but is there anything that you know we haven’t brought up or you’d like to say or add uh on from your side of it yeah you know I think one of the things that the wrestling that I didn’t know what was happening during that time is that wrestling Was preparing me for my vocation um I’ve I mentioned at the at the beginning of the video I’m a physician assistant that my job but my vocation is to share the gospel so I’m I’m a minister of the Gospel I’m associate minister at Washington Street Church I do primarily Men’s Ministry but there are times that I have to what I call wrestle with the scriptures and to really see what the Lord is saying to me about the scripture and so I can get it in proper context and so I think the what what God was doing back then was helping to prepare me for my time as a 55 year old man so even all those times that we were back there in uh we were at practice and all those times coach paren was talking to me you know I can still see I can still hear coach paren saying some of those things and I believe that wrestling helped me to look at scripture differently and helped me to articulate that to to the to congregations differently uh and not just look at it at surface level because so many times you had to go back and say hey what was Paul really thinking at that time or what was happening in Ephesus at that time or what’s happening in Rome and so those those sort of things I really have to wrestle with and U in in Ministry we do something call apologetics that’s that’s defense of the gospel and that really helps me to defend the gospel by and I think my background in wrestling helps me to do that so I’m so thankful to coach parin so thankful thankful to all my team teammates for giving me that opportunity to Here I Am a 55 year old guy again being able to share in that moment oh man absolutely and it’s uh that’s what I love is just being able to bring it out being able to bring out everybody’s story and let let the world see you know we got some good wrestling in Kentucky we do we do we got more than we got more than horses and fried chicken and Bluegrass and all that we got some we got some good wrestling here and it’s I’m glad that we’re able to to share in everybody’s uh Journey their life story what they’ve done after wrestling because that’s you know I’ve said in so many videos and you you touched on it but I just want to kind of uh my spin on it is we don’t go around wearing our state championship medals or Rings or letterman jackets whatever unless you’re going to a wrestling meet you’re going to like a reunion you’re being honored Hall of Fame something to that effect of course if you’ve got your stuff from way back in wear it be proud of what you’ve been able to keep and what you earned but when we leave high school and like you said being a minister being a physicians’s assistant you can look back and say yeah I may not remember how to solve for yal MX plus b from Algebra I may not be able to write the best uh English paper ever was but I can remember my wrestling practices I can remember my coaches saying this I can remember whoever it was that had an impact on your wrestling career say this or made me do this and then I understand why they made me do it and that’s the person I’ve become today and that’s what I love about being able to share these stories because it’s not just Marcus turnley story you could be speaking to somebody else that’s never met you that’s like you know what that made sense to me the way he worded it the way he phrased it that made oh my gosh something you know something clicked you never know what’s going to click with somebody else that you’ve never met or somebody you’ve known your whole life so the more stories that we get man the more people we can touch and what was uh what was that Jesus said before he lifted up uh there after 40 days go out to all the Earth until you know uh I don’t know the exact name of the father and all of J always yeah I’ll be with you always and tell them to watch Al screen YouTube channel I believe that was in there somewhere too I think no I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding but Marcus man um excellent performance in the finals you had to like I said you had to grit it out man you had to really dig down deep was just gonna roll over for you and you were able to get the job done um so excellent performance excellent story um I’m sure the Christian County fans The Hop town or the supporters the fans the people that knew you may be wrestled against you your family your friends everybody you come in contact with everybody at your church now can can watch this and be like okay Marcus I see you you know we we need to put you like do one of those uh bring in one of those like um uh professional wrestling fundraisers and have you the the uh the wrestling Minister you know what I mean bring them in say bring man Hey listen man that was probably about two million cheeseburgers and about uh 5,000 gold Golden Oreos will go so I don’t so that type of wrestling is over uh we may had to P out of retirement one time you know what I mean p out of retirement and say hey he’s got he’s got at least three minutes in we’ll do three one minute periods you know what I mean oh maybe no I could probably do about uh yeah give me a 30 seconds 45 seconds you know 45 seconds we we can do 45 seconds we pay-per-view or whatever okay hey sounds good hey yo we have to get it lined up man for thank you for being here I really appreciate it great video even better story even better um life after wrestling but you had to be prepared for it and I’m glad you were able to use that analogy so I believe we’ve reached a pretty good ending point here I think we’ve covered all we needed to cover and said about all we need to say so thank you for doing this I really appreciate it thank you all for watching we will see you guys and girls on the mats

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