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Short Drives, LONG Putts at Champions Landing! | Dynamic Discs Open B9 | Jomez Practice Round

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Tournament: 2024 Dynamic Discs Open
Course: Champions Landing | Emporia, Kansas
Hosts: Jeremy Koling & Paul Ulibarri
Guests: Ricky Wysocki & Andrew Presnell

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[Music] all right guys welcome back to the Back N here in Emporia Kansas at Champions landing at the newly named Emporia Community Club we have two wonderful guests the newest major Champion Andrew prell is it prell or presell prell yeah yeah okay the president and we’ve got six-time major Champion two-time world champion one of them was here in Emporia Kansas Ricky Waki leading the way after the front nine one under and the other three guys were all at even you got this disc here what what are we giving away here yeah we got a moonshine trespass so I threw it on the par five I’ll probably throw it a couple more times I’m going to throw it show you guys how it flies and we’re all going to sign it and one patreon member is going to win it yeah we have a couple of changes on the back nine yeah uh we got some new OB on a few holes but whole 18 has been uh there’s a whole new basket there so we got some new things to show you guys if you familiar with this of course there’s some new things we got to learn today uh what do you say let’s get into it all right let’s go practice [Music] Yeah ho 10 is a par 4 585 ft really tight window you can Flex a sidearm to the left or pitch a Hiser out left if you try to go straight down the middle there’s all kinds of obstacles big old trees in the way from there you’re going to have a low ceiling if you don’t get all the way through the Guardians into a pretty protected green that’s actually uphill so this one plays tricky but if you get a good drive it’s a pretty G Gable par for I like it be good I think pretty good for a slip go you slipped athlete no I was perfectly it was you look like Fred Flintstone dude Fred slipstone slipstone [Applause] slipstone but it’s not necessarily fair when their combined weight is near mine so try one more I’m going to try something I’m going to try a little fancy little Fancy Feast flick roller I like [Applause] it oh that was going to be fun I bet you that’s good a little bit overturned early but man I tell you what if I was playing this tournament I think I think I found my play oh you’re not playing no I’m doing commentary that’s right okay okay for uh for dgn nice yeah bridge the gap in my career all right let’s see how this thing flies after the after the road rash after the road rash wow is it flippy or no a little bit what are those what are those flags about OB you’re not out of bounds though but cely not sa right I’m on the side I think so I think so yeah well a well it’s it’s like on the wall oh I see it standing up yeah it’s not that hard to do that right yeah good shot hey thanks Nice Shot uh holy good little forehand there H good little forehand I threw one there yeah oh what you grab that y said good forehand oh thanks yeah I got lucky I hit the path oh you you nice there’s a birdie yeah they can happen how would you feel if you had a dedicated Heckler in every hole is that Yulie no me oh oh if I just came by and just shook the basket I’d be fine with it I’d be fine with it just not in a tournament practice rounds yeah you don’t want it for tournament no would you like it I don’t care hole 11 we got a 395 ft par three this is a gradual uphill we got a gap on the left and right that you got to hit so you got a gap and you got a ceiling and you also have a wind tunnel there’s always seems to be some weird wind that comes up through that tunnel which makes this hole a lot harder than it may look on camera so that’s what we’re dealing with got to get the nose angle got to get the speed got to get everything right to get yourself a birdie putt ha too low yeah it’s so easy to do know it don’t I’m about to do it right here Psych [Music] short left yeah a it is a PT yeah a long one this thing plays forever it’s literally right by mine and it was one inch off the ground ah I know so hard to get the right height there’s no wind here it’s a total roller I know soon as you get past the trees it just does a freaking crazy throw roller on this cut it way left oh with the lift I like that J lift and separate that OB line right there there is there is an noon over there yeah it’s close hey there Andrew you’ve thr the same shot for three straight weeks and it’s it’s paying dividends uhhuh imagine being me and every single disc you throw isn’t flippy enough imagine that we are going upul I’m sure you imagine you imagine it all the time your lens and my lens are so different on the world what do you mean we’re so similar in in a lot of really important ways we both think Rick’s weird um other than that that’s pretty much it yeah everything else is completely not you don’t see eye to eye huh no no not really yeah we do all right name some similarities all right are you picky or not picky Yulie I’m um since you eat no food I’m not picky you eat literally nothing so you don’t like anything when you go to a restaurant there’s about three things on the whole menu you can actually you want yeah that means I’m not picking a lot of different VAR varieties yeah that means you’re picky no no no you’re not picking you guys pick all kinds of stuff which means you’re very picky oh that is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard three against one you lost thinks it’s dumb so he WIS hold he’s the president yeah don’t speak for presal he laughed at you so I think that’s all he said who is your running mate well uh MC Beth is the campaign manager that’s uh that’s what he’s been saying this whole time okay running mate I don’t know I don’t know if I have a run better pick one quick dude the election’s coming up in like I don’t know four months five months think I got maybe whoevers oh I like that what if you win you can’t be on your own vice president uh not really no not really got it oh who says I can’t do stuff I didn’t say that he just said good shot good shot he throws the same shots same shot just with a putter instead of a driver vice president that was nasty dude he called it midair too you did oh I can’t even kick it safe why not where you at White saki I’m already went okay we good how does that not drop hate that nice PT nice these baskets are actually a lot better looks like what’s that it seems like they’re a lot better yeah well the chains are hanging down to the proper depth that makes a big difference but this one’s this basket’s actually leaning a little bit they need to fix that be a purple [Music] one like it’s leaning bad purple like that’s that’s unexcusable inexcusable all right hole number 12 part three 404t uh a lot of players are going to be taking the sidearm out over the sidewalk on the left side or just throw the uh straight line drive back hand ready you laughing Paul or no oh same thing happened in the other hole so right where I wanted right where I wanted so can throw in Z shot would you say that that throwing was more in Paul’s face or my face you why why she said I couldn’t be myself as my running mate I like that see settles the debate you’ve won this debate congratulations you’re doing well in the [Laughter] primaries wow remember what you said right before you threw the t- yeah always leaks left well it’s not my fault they put tea pads up a mountain good excuse I’ll show you how to throw it straight Yulie yeah see nice shot oh yeah I went straight throw it lower there Dumbo hey at least I went straight I said I show you how he did actually said that that’s what he was going to do I was so focused on throwing straight for you that I didn’t worry about the height oh good that one more oh get wrecked total wrecked job what happened I hit the tree next to the basket and rolled backwards try to go a b w I was actually kind of like I had a little glimmer of hope that it might jump up and give me a little metal job nice Rick is this a signature shirt of yours or is just a shirt no it’s just a like a DD came out with them okay and uh yeah they sent them out to some of the team team members oh so that’s not like something that people yeah buy or whatever they probably can they just got to go to Dynamic whatever but yeah they just gave them to all the team team members nice yeah pres do you have anything you can promote of course all the uh all the new press for press stuff on ledstone website yep um I have a whole bunch of discs on the ledstone website were those out before no no we we had that little silly campaign thing planned time and there’s just really good timing to win a big tournament Dr wild time so yeah dude oh man those are cool I like that hat yeah yeah smart play that’ll work what a cat smart play that was for Yulie that was in his face got throw 100t short and then make the putt I like how no matter what happens if a long putt goes in Paul’s [Laughter] [Music] face all right swing it in there right in jm’s face now the wind’s in my face oh it’s got him damn how does that right I’ll be cous who you got tonight for the NBA I don’t know I haven’t looked nice pot there it is you don’t get enough spin on those notice notice that thanks appreciate it stupid tree oh you saw that too huh I’m just saying you it more of that no all right then I’ll throw it over there in the trees really yeah okay whole 13 says 397 it’s actually 450 I don’t know I have no clue why they think it’s even funny to put 397 it’s not even close to being true it’s a big difference you have OB this this entire way right yeah yeah it’s not oh these little Flags maybe denote the out of bounds but this whole straight path here is out of bounds up to about 400 ft the safe way would be going out to the left side with either a forehand or a backhand just out there but the aggressive play for the two or the Ezra hold Ace right there in front of you one of the coolest Aces ever I think it’s Hazard this year is it is that why it’s yellow yeah yeah it’s Hazard yeah so if you go be you just play it where it I like that change encourage people to actually go for the aggressive shot right I like that speed of play too is that far enough yeah yeah it’s far enough it’s perfect Nice Shot thank you I don’t think I can get there still it’s worth it I mean what are you going to get a bogey no no I’m going out that way yeah good stop I just I’m saying like if it’s a good wind you could probably go for it this thing was level when they first put it in but over the years right to left different height for shot like a yard I don’t throw it that far dude get up skip SC the gr like 4 foot long I love when people say that and they’re dead serious there’s absolutely no chance come back come back the thing’s on a roller angle kner how did that not Hiser oh uh-oh spaghettio Heiser Heiser tell roller toer a huge respect for Jeremy rusco and everything he’s doing for this place buying this property elevating the sport in so many ways but these narrow Runway teads that don’t have width to come in from an angle that are flat to the ground at all places got to go it ain’t it it’s just not it I like it I I I know you’re trolling but here’s the thing good shot you like I said you got across no problem barely got acoss I was a foot from that High Grass yeah really thing is if it’s okay for some people that’s great that’s really nice but if it’s not okay for different types of throws if you’re eliminating people from approaching from a different angle for sure you might not know it because it doesn’t Evol you but for other people yeah no I agree should always be safe on the tea box if you’re you should have a lump like that but they’re trying to they were I think they were just trying to make it wider basically go swarm oh hey the hazard’s way shorter this year yeah or the basket’s way further I think uh-uh Hazard used to be up by Circle too I swear the basket used to be right there no no the hazard used to be up here that’s what it is okay you can see the old cut right here get in ut I want to have my my chance in your face Paul moment see I told you look at where the old cut is yeah my 10 miles yeah but you’re by by a mile oh yeah I’ll never do that never do that what do you mean you pass it by 100t no no that’s what I’m saying I’ll never I’ll never do that but when it was right here yeah for sure that was good exact same miss it looked exactly the same felt different it did did there you go PR save the bogey saved it I like that Hazard chain I do too I’d have probably gotten like a nine well it speeds it up so we don’t have to like have people throwing from right there in front of the T box yeah nice rickle yeah you know like you rethrow and yeah yeah yeah cuz that’s an easy distance to clear now the penalty is the penalty you don’t need to make it right you’re still getting a bogey if you go out of bounds you can throw a Hiser into Circle two now yeah I just like that it encourages the aggressive play for sure but there’s not as much fear behind the T box behind the T anymore no not at all it takes kind of the that that fear was a real thing on that hole oh definitely it was like a US dgc type hole yeah no totally was had the US dgc nerves yep like oh my tournament could be over if I don’t if I mess this hole yeah I don’t like the change I thought they should have kept it I’m I’m actually kind of agree yeah I don’t know I’m I’m torn on it to be honest hole 14 975 ft par five out of bounds left out of- bounds right t- shots essential get something down there as far as you can it’s easy to leak left towards the out of bounds line You’ll see rollers sidearms Flex shots all kinds of stuff and then the neck shots pretty brainless down to the bottom of the hill from there go into like a slanted green have to have a little touch going in there and that’s how you get the birdie or you par or wel it and just sarm sarm Eagle it true I don’t think we’re doing that that is actually nutty that was to get to this hole in two with four hands is nuts if it’s a good wind it helps but yeah that either way for sure but that was insane see but you still have to have the the aggressive nature to even try it for sure that show the do you ever Force baby flexes anymore Rick or you mostly alliser I don’t know I just kind of I seen you just goer I’ve beening more lately I don’t know why yeah it works when your heer still gets you 470 yeah yeah good shot I like that dude nice that was smooth yeah good shot dude appreciate it I’ll try to get an eagle since I’m 100 over maybe a roll or something I think that would mess him up even more nice that will work heads up Bubba a silly shot go ahead you throw a roller I’m throw a roller throw the show as disc whoa nice Rick Rick you should bag that all right I’m not giving this one away sorry guys holy keep crap oh my God I’m keeping it no patreon’s getting that thing that was crazy Miracle wow wow now it’s a headwind all right dude I will have to sign up for patreon Guess can I sign up for patreon and get the disc or how’s that work you can try rollers in the good old Kansas headwin are always fun hey that helped it looks good halfway down yeah that’s the emotion on every headwind roller shot most embarrass most embarrassing shot of my career is on this hole this I I tried a roller in a 30 mph headwind why and I went 300 ft forward 250 ft backwards out of bounds in the neighbors yards that’s a fun sequence how long did this shot take to complete it was a while I I think shorter te but I was like over by that light pole I uh I went to the Salt Flats for the Big D in the desert back in like 2011 I’ve done it a couple times but this one story came from like 2011 and uh I was walking with Dion Arland who’s one of the yeah yeah you know Dion Ron the whip but also the owner of or one of the guys behind stat Mando but we uh I threw an MCA shot I threw it into the headwind and the disc just like immediately you know ripping headwind yeah and it hit the ground and it started rolling behind me and Dion and I just had a conversation for literally 15 minutes walking next to this disc in the Salt Flat where it’s just speed wobbling and we just walked next to it for 15 minutes we walked 2 miles away come on 15 minutes got to the edge of the lake bed and it hit the Rocks finally where the edge of the lake bed is it fell over we picked up and we walked back to the site but it was literally a 15minute walk that’s insane 15 minutes it I threw a disc 2 miles behind me that’s Insanity that is a true story too far goby no I might goby oh we’re good I kind of thought it was going to wow four let’s try that again W that one didn’t count that’s better good shot that one counts that’s a putt that one counts playing that one like at least I got to discover that that boss has got more fight than I thought that’s good to know like you throw a a big shot and you think that maybe a couple s that just turned over for you but then when it fights out you’re like all right you still got life yeah exactly it’s good to know that it has life yeah you’re not getting benched not getting benched mhm that house is sick minus for the fact it’s in Emporia other than that it’s [Laughter] great hey I like Emporia but I don’t like Emporia oh come on why are you always like Granny’s just on the deck right there dude who is Granny oh yeah well she’s got a cool house this location isn’t the best but the house I think that when I’m like driving through like the boonies of Arkansas sometimes I’m like this isn’t for me but for the people that are here they’ve landed on their dream home because some of the houses out there in the Jonesboro area area are just insane absolutely beautiful you know what there’s no reason why like I wouldn’t want something like that just want to slow down a little bit it’s just access to food’s my main thing like I love going out and get good Thai food you know like I love going out and getting Vietnamese or Italian or empanadas oh what Ramen cake absolutely they have like five good like I I don’t even know which Ramen place to go to in Charlotte you know what I’m saying so like soon as you start moving away from that you you’re like okay well I guess what’s your favorite one I bro I don’t have one there’s too many good options I I really honestly don’t have one option did I literally did I park the eagle shot oh yeah your second shot yeah all right I’m playing that one of course you are I’m playing it who cares it’s for charity yeah that’s true yeah for charity my butt mine’s for triple eagal for charity nice prie thank you germs count score is just void or how does that work SC he’s never had a real he’s never had a real score that’s not true it’s kind of true thank you truish good pretend Eagle dude it’s only kind of a pretend Eagle because I actually did it it’s like a second recording it yeah it’s like a second Ace it’s like yeah you did Ace it but you don’t get anything for it yeah I I feel accomplished I know that I’ve done it that’s it and I can say that was in your freaking freaking face dude my par was in your face technically mine was a par too all right whole 15 we got a 439 ft par three we got a good oldfashioned Kansas Hiser if you’re Lefty you’re still throwing a righty Heiser on this hole that’s all you got all right that’s that’s funny I don’t like it go in for germ I don’t like it oh look like it might have clipped the bucket The Bu I like comfy seat huh I eagled it okay that looks good good I might go in skip in yeah yeah yeah yeah come on skip forward oh oh that’s weeny good shot I don’t like it it’s the only thing your cart’s missing is a seat no it’s it’s got one I puted it somebody else puted oh looks like he just B his from brella and broke it dummy did it break no I don’t think like it hope the spokes are all bad I don’t like it oh looks super comfy got these little bag brackets right here that just nice and comfy stab you up The Bu hole well it keeps you in place yeah stabilizes you stabilizes as your squ uhuh D stable boy bags there is a there is an attachment there’s an attachment you can put on it for the seat okay but it’s just one more thing to put on and take off I just don’t need it yeah I’ll just usually steal like your seat if I’m playing with you right which we’ve been playing a lot can’t sit on it when you’re throwing so we’ve been playing a bunch lately we have Nashville we played and then champ last week champions cup two weeks in a row Champions Landing Cup champions Landings cup cups You’re Going for two tournament wins with the same name Champions Champions Cup champions Landing well it’s not technically the same names tournament yeah I guess so pres what are you going to do with all that money dude 15g let’s guess what he’s going to do whoever’s the closest you guess going to do with his money he’s going to get a rocket League themed Xbox all right be more off I think he’s G he’s going to get a new nice of soccer cleats kick it back Kansas City style wouldn’t be more off have have you already bought something nice no no no I just got I just got paid this morning yeah just hit so I guess I bought some gas on the way up here or or unlet it or oh just unlet oh uh give his car premium dude I’ll uh I’ll probably just save it for now and yeah I’ll be boring with it all right dude what I park it that’s boring dude I know you skip almost chain high shinger ball oh no thought I had it robbery move move Mo what it’s too l oh move it yeah what’s wrong what are you guys talking about Heads Up Fort someone’s shank aotus roller yeah roller nice putt that was fun missing in front of Ricky is like the worst thing you can do because it’s immediately you know you’re just going to hear it that’s all right he he can do that all he wants but the fact of the matter is that I have to commentate on every round he ever does you can say whatever you want here all right I get the last I’m sorry I’ll show you how to do better you want me to say that but I I get the last word every time oh that is so true oh no you got me that’s true well now I got this guy on live commentary and this guy in freaking post produc I’m oh you got me and post too you better act up act right hole number 16 320 feet one of the most iconic holes in dis golf hole 16 at Champions Landing uh pretty small island not much bigger than Circle one got to put it on the green you talk trash when a friend missed the putt so I don’t know if that act does that affect the score at all or are you still good is he good his score gets affected because he missed but I’m good barely barely yeah what’s the difference between even and one under out here no one stroke barely barely is the right answer whatever one stroke is to you it could be barely it could be a lot depending on if you win or lose by one stroke that could be a lot D one stroke that uh that spit out that I got a whole five during Music City I would have tied you and whoever you tie for five oh yeah you the one you and Nicholas freaking yeah we both spit out on that one that cost me like 900 bucks don’t talk to this guy about to spit outs he’s the worst oh never had spit out I’m the best putter I SP never spit out in my whole life yeah it’s you guys you guys you’re everyone else is the worst Putters ever when they spit out yeah but I’m the greatest even if I do spit out the way you can the way you can uh listen to people who are full of crap is when they go they go into this voice they go into funny voice that’s because we’re talking about you that’s what I’m saying yeah and that’s how you know you’re you yourself CU that’s we were imitating him that’s understand let’s have a cordial conversation about all right a cordial conversation yeah like without so Paul’s like all right well Paul is all like I’ve never had Ain out I put it soft see what I mean you guys can’t have a serious conversation about that’s serious bro I had a little bubble pipe in my mouth IM let me ask a question and be honest with a real answer do you think there is a speed that is too hard for a basket to catch yes then why are we having this conversation cuz it doesn’t mean that that’s what yeah that doesn’t mean hey just because I said yeah doesn’t answer the question no there is a there is a speed then that is a perfect speed okay well you ask you ask Sil question here’s a silly question do you feel like people hit the right speed and still spit out no that then yeah that’s then we can have a conversation with you cuz you’re living in a world of make Bel well maybe the right speed with the right angle oh there now he’s going back on it I’m not going back I really believe that all right let me make this one last point when you when you step up JMS yep and let’s say you have a pup from me to you in this the headwind right here all right okay and you putt it and it’s going in the direct Center yep you have to wait for a second because you know you’ve done a naughty you know that right here if you put it in the middle of the basket it could do what come straight back to you no no because you could do that just the putting soft as well yeah you have this like air of superiority that you figured it out but you’re just not no no no I’m asking you when you putt those putts don’t you have to wait to see if it comes out or not like I do which means that and you putt soft and you still have to do it right but if you aim lower that means your speed’s not good either he DOD bullets more than your Neo from Matrix you guys AR let me finish my point I was saying that that’s why you aim lower right you aim lower from that the cage you aim lower from that distance like you can’t go in the middle from here to you right yeah because that that speed is too fast so you aim lower because you know that it’s has a tendency to spit out and the Ring Pops it up and you spit back out yeah there’s there’s other there’s a whole another can of warm it’s like not like it’s not a guarantee either way though thank you you well you proved my points you said yes that I’ll take that no I didn’t you didn’t say yes oh my what the heck at least you can get it back maybe prey what do you think and yes JM the era of superiority that I have is that in fact because I don’t get spit out so I have figured it out and you have it I I very rarely ever get him too I I really very rarely get spit outs I swear every time we do thingies that commentary you tell me oh my gosh I had a spit out here I had a dead center spit out here what trying to catch a fish Rick humongous bullfrog I’m about to catch it’s huge all right let me make this let’s see a spit out right now get in go yeah oh my got to spit up good shot ridiculous yeah the lake just went I spit it right out of the water Jesus squeez us good shot jerem let’s see the softest spit out in the world prove WR I’m going to try to be I’m going to try to control everything from here Rick I want to hit dead center and still spit out show them what’s up where is the spot right here it’s not even marked did we go from here is there a new one there’s a drop zone over there I think oh right I didn’t know that in my whole breakdown a new Drop Zone it’s actually harder it’s closer but harder yeah that’s way scarier Drop Zone on ly because now when you spit out you go in the water you don’t just go on land yeah but you but apparently there’s no speed that even matters so when a driver hits dead center and it comes out that should stay in every no I didn’t say that you get the rifle in there at any speed but there is a correct speed that still produces spit outs you’ve seen it I believe that on every putt there is a spot on the basket with wind conditions and everything that you could be able to putt to to where you know you have the best chance of it not coming out and that’s not on this drop Zone’s even harder that’s crazy this is way harder this is a nogo yeah this is a lefty putt yeah literally you want to play goalie yeah please do actually don’t matter if he misses he’s just going to count it anyway’s he’s actually right I was already planning on it oh God Ricky let me try again I just move out of the way just lets it go right through your legs I got to go from here too let’s have three goal goal I’ll go I’ll go it up yes all right I need a goalie it wasn’t even going to you guys let’s going to me a oh thanks guys I guess it’s gone forever appreciate that all right ready yeah oh perfect thanks for the goalie well I guess we don’t need a goalie Oh wrong speed RI wrong speed no no look it look it look it I’ll prove my point right here oh here we go come here I’m serious give me a chance here like an honest chance if I putt this disc right here even this speed and I hit the center is that to you a good putt because I I would never putt that spot I would go like right here to be honest you’re going to put over here hon better no no no you’re making situation that’s what you just said you said you can’t put here you’d rather put left and right Paul yeah I would a chance to do this no no not from here Paul this part right here that’s my that’s this part right here is a little different than this put right here because there’s sometimes a separation straight to that pole so if I see that there’s no there’s no chain link between me and the pole then I’m not trying to hit the center I’m trying to hit just right you know what I’m saying so you think think there’s a better spot and you’re actually aiming for the pole no I’m aiming right at the pole right and are you aiming middle so the putt that I had the one that we’re talking about from Music City two weeks ago I aimed right center I hit right here with this amount of Hiser it stood up and went out the backside right and too fast and for me what I would say is that would be a bad putt because you should listen to like you just laughing but I’m making a good point here okay if I’m here I am not aiming middle I am aiming low if I aim higher than that that’s silly to me and if anybody disagrees with me that that’s crazy cuz I know you do too I watch you tap out and you aim low I mean sometimes yeah for as good as good as you can and sometimes we miss and it goes up and you have to wait for a second to make sure that it doesn’t spit out yeah I mean that’s all say I never think about it like that but yeah like from here I’m not aiming Center I would never aim Center ever I would never do that cuz Center I could go through I could cut through left I could do any of that I’m aiming lower yeah all right look we’ll acknowledge that anytime anyone’s ever got a spit out their putt could have gone in a different part of the basket and it wouldn’t have spit out right that’s not an argument that’s obvious like clearly the disc could have gone somewhere else and it would have stayed in what it boils down to is I think middle like he literally thinks certain putts are bad when other people think they’re good that’s what it boils down to yeah and it’s like if I putt in the middle and I spit out I’m not I mean I’m pissed off but I’m not like hey I I shank the putt like but you actually are saying like hey you missed the putt even though you hit Dead Center May 6 in higher we all know that dead center even on the pole compared to high and and low is the prime spot to spit out so if you choose to put it there that’s fine but we but there’s no argument saying that there’s a there’s not a better spot to hit the putt hold on hey guys what up guys you guys doing good oh the best practice round of my life all 17 you just want to spit right through that Gap right there it’s uh probably get about 350 to 400 off the te low ceiling there is out of bounds right there’s also a mandatory over there even though no one so high on this hole in 10 years uh there’s also OB left if you aren’t in proper position going for this te is scary because you will eventually have to cut over out of bounds over a large section you remember this hole from mcth heroic 480t approach with the big putt ended up pushing to a play where he won the World Championships this hole is a great setup for the final that’s for sure oh pushing to the right side that’s it might be OB nice shot I don’t think so I think you’re great close depends some depends the OB changes sometimes sometimes it’s tight sometimes it’s wide ah yeah it did might be able to get there from there no I don’t AC I took like a 40 CU When you go right all right that means I’m or throw it like just tight to that tree or throw a side yeah let it push oh boy turned a bunch oh that tree helped I think it was going to be good anyways yeah it good shot yeah more wind I always feel like it should be no problem to hit that right side armpit gap on this hole with the forarm and never hit it ever hit a house that’s that’s going to be pushing it yeah half player skip going to be pushing it I got a respectable round now what are you at uh six jeez yeah I together to Back N yeah I bir how many have you birdie back here that the uh the new Hazard hole I’ve bured every hole since then oh yeah I got question since since we’re talking about catching fire were you checking scores final round um I checked scores after 14 I think oh that was the first time so you you never got to see Ricky breathing fire down your neck I yeah I knew what I was on my card I knew had a couple ah head yeah and I double checked just to see what Chase card was doing after whole 14 dude how do you get get in these modes where you just don’t par things you bogey or what is that about dude you do that so much just because there’s nothing to lose really I mean you got to you got a you got a birdie so you’re going to get Bogies when you try to birdie a lot that’s fair yeah but you do it so often it’s crazy like you get like eight birdies and like four double Bogey and like you’re like even Parts what the heck right somebody made a point that like if if Ricky was on lead card would I have like been a little intimidated like buring what do you think I think so hell yeah I think so too I mean it doesn’t but he wasn’t yeah but he wasn’t but dude yeah that would have been frightening to see him just running in 60 Footers and then like doing that let’s go Dan he does I knew if I was winning my card and shooting under par that Chase Card probably would catch it would have taken I think a seven catch okay heck yeah safe baby thanks yeah oh that’s good math for sure knowing that’s big cuz 700’s hard out there yeah that was pretty sick if that’s not OB that’s really good shot H that was crazy went right through give it to them now I’m inside no you’re not he’ll still jump Hut don’t [Laughter] worry I’m just kidding dang it I trying to help what did he say huh what did you guys say he said I’d still jump put if it was inside Circle there you go that stop okay that’s funny thank you hole 18 is a par five 880 ft clear the water out of bounds left uh where the shoreline is there’s also out- of bounds that wraps around and Fades toward towards that uh back wall where all the Banners are from there you go through a tight tunnel thumbers over top side arm flexes however you need to get to about 300 ft from there and then you go back across the water to this side to an island green so this is a new edition I’ve never played it that’s the best way I could describe it hey good playing good playing good planing playing pry pry yep thanks for joining us today buddy glad it worked out thanks for having me I am glad it worked out as well heck yeah dude really oh door’s open dang it pres what are you at I I think one up or two up oh no door’s open Do’s open there you go good shot nice that’s a good shot shot thank it oh boy all right Rick go to the island I know no I don’t want to no I just ace it 430 to the Green from there 480 to get to land it’s only 455 from right here okay so if you got up there close yeah you’re 44 only 430 for the eagle that ain’t bad pry might be having to go for it especially with the door open I throw that far I’m safe though I on the other side what is your max distance and do you think that you are the shortest throwing major champion in disc golf history at the time of winning like yeah I guess that make I’m I’m I might be trying to think other Brin are Crush did he Crush yeah what about SE Steve Rico no Nate Nate actually gets him out there okay surprisingly Nate’s got like weird under the radar distance I’m trying to think if there’s a shot out there that is more than 400 ft that I have to throw I guess maybe like the drive of 8 and N are the only bar shots I’m really throwing maybe 10 but 10’s kind of also a a sneaky line did t- shot on six the Par Four okay yeah was kind of a big t- shot to get to The Landing Zone do you think pres is the shortest throwing major champion of all time him or barsby barsby this whole got a lot easier that’s what ulie and I were saying got a lot easier what it doesn’t matter what I do on my second shot now well no you can actually reach it from there look at that J you can throw a sidearm that’s what I’m saying you could lit this way easier I feel like you see that Gap though yeah no doubt like that’s actually a thing too like I’m just curious you can get a sidearm there down the hill yeah yeah but I got to thr it kind of high so I don’t know if I feel comfortable with that but it probably 4:30 it’s 412 to the bank oh yeah but I got to throw it high I don’t know if I like it okay I just don’t want to lose a disc that I like for a tournament I’m not playing throw one you don’t like it’s the perfect time to lose a disc you want to throw one of mine playing I’ll throw whatever yeah going for it I really this is like a product of 100% peer pressure you just put it in bounds throw a sidearm to here throw a sidearm over who anybody yeah like it’s not that hard of a hole anymore for it was harder over there that’s it perfect nice go in is that short nope yep oh oh you’re getable though that was close good yeah that was really close nice pretty good thank you getting here on your second shot it was parking that one that was the hard thing right yeah yeah this this second shot was engaging right because and now getting it close on the baskets on the hillside now anyone can get it to just out here in two pretty much exactly like it’s gonna play it definitely makes it to oh no unless do that you would never do that in tournament you would never do that in what just not commit to your shot like that like You’ take your time I do that all the time actually the island could be about a third of the siid yeah for sure I think that yeah some something where like if if it were that way then how close you put your approach shot to the edge would actually make a difference and then it makes that second shot engaging right I just feel like we lose that engagement by the island being big and having the the huge stones that you can’t skip out of right but I like that they’re always thinking and tinkering and trying to improve it looks really it does it looks beautiful it does yeah I can’t imagine how much time it took them to bring stones in and tons do all the work those stones like that are super expensive too please don’t be lost no you’re gay you’re I’m sure you were real close oh yeah I’m right here yeah God you’re almost safe nice if you’re felberg you’re safe remember Memorial right in the water Maple Hill too he did in Maple Hill oh yeah I’m in the water but ah since uh but technically I’m under the line felber throwing it right in the water arguing he’s safe oh dang it dude son of a gun right in The Sweet Spot too I can’t believe it didn’t go in oh bummer oh God all right Julie yeah sweet perfect I got a good one almost came out the back ouch that hurt that hurt my foot just listening to that that all right that’s going to wrap it up here at Champions Landing Ricky you kind of champion landed us a beat down today on the back nine dude yeah you told us we had to do good on the back nine so that’s what I did did I say that someone did PR did yeah yeah well you listen to him so congratulations you’re going to be able to send some money to any foundation you like which one are you thinking of um do I have to answer right now I think it’ probably best okay I’ll do Julie’s Foundation you the Saki Bomb Foundation oh Saki Bomb Foundation yeah well I didn’t know I could pick mine too late I don’t want to be rude too late well I thought you I’m confused you could pick whoever you want okay well mine it you can split it up if he wants to yeah you can do half half I’ll do half yeah half to only half to mine that that was unexpected but amazing well I didn’t I didn’t know I could pick mine so I was like of course you can I was like not Cherry yeah yeah okay so yeah I’ll do half to mine half to you at least that’s the final final answer like pres prie can vote for himself in the presidential election like that’s how it works I thought if you win you couldn’t pick your own self no okay so we’re going to send some money to Yulie we’re going to send it to the Saki Bomb Foundation prey congratulations and I hope that that that uh confidence continues with you for the remainder of the week and for the remainer of the season and all that because you’ve been playing great and it’s awesome that you’re getting that recognition that you deserve one of the true Road Warriors of the sport for sure so once again thank you for joining us yeah thanks for having me um three round tournament this week here in Emporia that means that coverage will start this Saturday on the Jas Channel um any notes guys anything you want to say yeah we have the the disc right I threw a couple shots with that we’re all going to sign it and give it to a lucky patreon member I threw a really good shot with it so I kind of want to keep it but I’ll give it to some too bad we’ll get you another one yeah that trespass can be yours it’s going to be signed by all four of us and uh yeah thanks for watching and we’ll see you guys next time [Music]


  1. You can tell Ricky, Jerm, and Uli have been friends for so long. Haven't heard this much laughter on a practice round in a while. And then there's Andrew P. hangin on the side lines trying to wiggle into the convo. This was an enjoyable practice round to watch for sure!

  2. Official "like" petition to get Ricky on multiple jomez practice rounds this season 🙃🙏🙏

  3. One of the best practice rounds of all time. Pres being stoic, Ricky's banter, Uli's putting woes, & Jerm's stories made this great content for one of the best! Goodluck to you guys….

  4. Always amazes me how how jovial and easy going Ricky is in non tournament setting. But as soon as tees off for the real thing dudes on demon time.

  5. Big Jerm was hinting about his life after disc golf competition, a couple of weeks ago. He's been pretty competitive this year so far.

  6. Boy is Paul adamant when he makes a point that he believes is correct. This one was, but it is still just an opinion up to consider….

  7. Can’t change the quality just on this video and it looks awful. Never happened on a jomez video or any video actually. Anyone know how to help ?

  8. Injecting Ricky into the Jerm/Uli social dynamic is chaotic evil, and absolutely incredible to watch. Thanks as always for the content Jomez crew.

  9. Love how Jerm talks about keeping gripes about stuff "off camera and in private," but proceeds to gripe and complain on nearly everything…on camera, and very public…lol
    Also, its such a backhanded compliment talking about Prez being the shortest throwing major champion in history…. Like…just let the guy enjoy the fact that he outplayed the best in the world, on the hardest course in the world, for 4 rounds of disc golf!!!! Good grief….

  10. Rick and jerm are vibing and it’s hilarious. Is uli a little salty with Rick’s trash talking or is it just me? 😂

  11. Paul's point makes complete sense to most people, but Ricky and Jerm were in full roast mode so it was hard to get the point across. If the basket had a heatmap of the % to catch with every location/angle/speed, there should be a theoretical ~100% location/angle/speed. Most players have nearly ~100% at 5ft in most conditions, but when the wind blows or the angle changes, that can drop to 99.5%. That's still a high enough % that if it misses, the player would attribute that to bad luck. Paul's saying that when that's the case, if you adapt your putt, you could bring that back to ~100%

  12. Ricky must be the player I've grown to like the most, compared to my first impression when I started watching disc golf.

  13. I'm on Uli's side with the spit out argument. He makes a solid logical argument, but no chance to explain what he means. Jerm and Ricky just spoke over him and defaulted to a strawman argument.

  14. Seriously, what are these tee pads? This is supposed to be a pro tour and most small town courses have better and safer tee pads than this. Players should not have to worry about slipping on every tee shot.

  15. Uli is right on the spit out point. Jerm and Ricky went overboard talking over him and making fun of him, probably because they couldn't bring themselves to admit he was right.

  16. Would be fun to swap bags with the guests, and the guests can be one Innova and one Discraft so they are still throwing their sponsors!

  17. I like the idea of the new 18th but I definitely agree that it's a lot less difficult. Putting on old 18 looked so stressful and when a tournament is hanging in the balance that makes for extremely entertaining situations. This new hole has none of that risk. Sure it's over water, if I was playing it would be a nightmare for me, but these are the pros, and they just won't mess up those water carries. Imo if they could make it a par 4 and bring the island closer to the landing zone that would be ideal, because I like the idea of eagle for this hole but it looks too risky as is when birdie is so easy to get

  18. Ricky loves to hear himself talk. I'll bet he said 3X more words than everyone else. Love Ricky, but wow, was he having fun!

  19. Paul was 100% correct – I get they’re trying to joke around but just give it a chance

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