Golf Babe

Golf Girl VS Long Drive Champion! 9 Hole Strokplay Match | Sabrina Andolpho

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what’s up guys welcome back to my channel so this is the last 4 and 1 half holes of Martin and eyes match this is Martin say hello hello long drive Champion we we’re doing a match and we decided to do four and a half holes on his channel four and a half on mine so make sure to go watch the first four and a half holes to see how amazing I’m playing and how poor actually that’s very true no I’m just kidding it’s I’m on the green though it’s a close match this was my idea and I actually looking back it’s like a really dumb idea and it’s a little confusing this is my dirt shot hitting into the green now and you’re on the green so how much how much up am I right now two I’m two up yeah because he didn’t give me that putt that’s why oh on the last hole of his channel he had like a two-footer and I didn’t give it to him if I give you a putt it’s because I feel bad for you and I’m beating you okay 98 yards I’m going to hit a 52 here we go please oh gosh I cannot hit a wedge for my life go it’s short oh okay I I don’t see it is it on theen it’s right on the front but it was not that good I did I did not see it like that that sun right now is is messing with me but okay but okay so I’m on the green and three Martin is on the green and two this is a par five I am two up and it’s stroke play so anything can happen here but the cart cam like the little camera inside the cart where all like the funk conversations happen I it broke somehow like of course it broke I’m narrating what we’re we’re talking about so Martin is a long drive world champion who’s your biggest competition oh there’s a lot we have like I would say five really good guys Josh CCH Justin James Kyle burar Sam Judah is there ever like new guys coming in you’re like oh [ __ ] who’s this guy yeah especially like baseball guys the baseball guys for example Sam Judah he was one of those that came in like 2 years ago and he was like 225 ball speed right on the gate and you’re just like it’s like that doesn’t happen when these guys improve on technique it’s really dangerous I have to go to a long drive tournament oh you should you should actually you should just compete I don’t know how to do it so you’re putting for Eagle right now that is very true this is for a big BT a big Bert oh wow go bit more what a line that is not a what a line that’s pretty good A that was right online going to you definitely cannot give a birdie though I’m not I’m really not good with like these short distances see but yeah like people will expect like oh yeah that’s good right I’m like no there’s like a 50% chance you’ll miss it oh 50 come on okay guys this is for birdie Martin has a good look at birdie so I have to make this oh wow what the heck I mean that’s not going make it’s not that bad actually at first I was like where’s this going I’m an emotional golfer a little bit I kind of figured is this good oh okay par I’m I get nervous over those do you yeah so so now I know I’m not going to give any of those to you because this is for a birdie and to go back and a this putt sucks oh gosh so one down only one down now we’re doing stroke play so anything Canen so you are one over par I am back to two over two over that’s really not bad cuz like you never know how the long drivers are going to play I was telling I mean with a double bogey with a chip three putt you’re right what was your lowest round it was 69 yeah like actually it it seems fake that number but it’s actually a 69 I was very proud of that it’s this way it’s this way oh go no yeah it’s going that way yeah that the T box is not even here oh no over there it’s the other T box yeah you sure it’s not this whole yes okay so you’re really sure yeah yeah driver um um I I feel like on your channel I’m going more conservative are you serious right now you have to hit your long drive swing yeah like but this is not a hole okay fine hidden iron I think that’s the better call well of course you’re going conservative now yeah sure I’m only one behind and I don’t know where I’m hitting this golf ball it’s like a brand new hole to me is it am I in shank zone right here yes but I’m not going to shank it it’s all good is that good right in the middle oh okay I mean it was really short but but but in the in the middle of the Fairway who’s the best girl long driver right now probably Monica living who do you think has the most potential to be the best ooh there’s a few out there I mean Gabby oh Gabby yeah she’s great Cass still has a lot of potential Cass looks like she can rip it so do you want to go a long drive here I don’t know you don’t know should it be like an extra swing no sure yeah no it will be sure okay I’m going to hit this and then I’m going to have do a long drive I I got to do a little something here to actually you have to fetch me another ball okay this is my roll swing to keep your Insanity going what do you mean mhm go hit it are you going to like scream in my swing maybe no you never know what might happen I was nervous you were going to I know you were okay I’m going to get another Ball but hey wait for it that’s perfect that was it’s right down the middle I know that wasn’t my long drive swing though that that was weird okay what that was weird what do you mean yeah you hit the ball and then you just left it was perfect it was perfect that’s why I left okay okay this is what I know so far about it you have to it really high right yeah that that’s a start I’m going to do a little twist that’s another good start okay so basically really long and just swing fast this is how your swing is okay let’s see if I can hit it further than my other one long drive swing okay we’re done let’s see maybe maybe maybe that’s actually going weight it’s still rolling still rolling still rolling I mean it’s close it’s close but it was a good start I mean I see that’s what I’m saying I I think you picked up a couple yards there with your long drive swing I got 180 180 do you work out a lot every now and then yeah so this is interesting because I don’t have a club for this can I hit you n iron yeah sure don’t don’t break it I’m not going to break it my Tacomo 101 T’s because I broke my ninar in the other day have you heard of Tacomo before yeah sure what are you doing clean my ball oh I didn’t know we were doing left clean in place we’re playing YouTube golf yeah your Li angle definitely is flat wait oh my wait why do you not have your n iron oh bunker because I broke it oh yeah exactly now you’re trying to break mine no I didn’t do it on purpose but it like I it was a caddy issue yeah he was not happy with my Club selection so he broke the nine where were we playing in uh Orlando yeah I hate orando Orlando mhm do you like Orlando I I think Orlando is literally the freaking worst okay guys Martin is did you hit it OB come on I’m in the bunker okay Martin’s right I’m 114 did you hit an OB I think I’m just going to hit a full pitching W from 180 yards like with no OB I mean there’s fence is like a 100 yards right but yeah okay okay full pitching W here see I don’t know maybe I should hit a little little nine but we’re going to just go with this I did not feel like this was the club please go oh wow that was like the perfect Club pretty good yeah I’m hitting my clubs way further what did you hit man a pitching W yeah you you kind of glided you you’re not really taking a divot right you’re like a glider 101 101t I’m I’m hitting them good it’s a Finnish it’s a Finnish brand right um yes it is yeah that’s European I’m obsessed with golf again no like do you like golf a lot or not I oh my God right now I hate golf look at that like this no no no I don’t like golf I love golf how in the world like how am I supposed to hit this like a bunker shot like I think you’ve got this oh you have a 58 not a 60 I have a 58 and a 62 62 mhm wow you like that no I’ve actually never heard someone say they had a 62 unique is this in the bunker camp can I take a practice s yeah sure I don’t think it is it’s not a bunker no it’s not okay this is this is rough go that was great really good don’t hit my ball more look same place almost Martin these are Big putts right now I know so this is for my birdie that’s for your par I need to make one birdie I haven’t even made a birdie yet oh I didn’t even mark it I think it was like I think it was here it wasn’t it was a little closer than m all right guys I’m going to make this this is for birdie I’m going to put pressure on Martin Show me the line sure what the heck oh wow it stayed perfectly straight that did not move that’s not even and no what the answer is no please please you did a lot of that to me gosh I don’t like to give gimmies but I like to get them oh yeah sure o oh good good oh I mean you asked for I mean I’m I’m cool with a good good 100% yeah yeah I am good good okay good good oh maybe not Maybe not maybe not no no no no maybe not no maybe not okay fine you can take it back maybe not okay we maybe yeah it was good we didn’t need them we didn’t need them okay still one up three holes left no that’s that’s wrong I just made bogey so I’m two up again that is true okay two up two up with with three to play yeah what’s your favorite city in Europe oh wow come on I know mine come on that’s like asking for like your favorite movie mine’s Amsterdam Amsterdam is really nice I love really nice it’s crazy there I mean the the red light is my favorite place I really like I mean I like Munich where I live it’s it’s a really cool place I’ve never been to Germany you should go to Germany I will definely like October Fest is like the time when all the Americans come over that is the time when I hate my city October I don’t really drink that’s okay you can drink I I don’t either I I mean you can have a dyed Coke a dyed Coke I can get high off caffeine oh yeah you can have water par 4 pretty short a lot of Danger on the sides so this is one of the cut shots I want to hit on hit a cut shot great really wait uh-oh Sabrina did you see that yeah did you see it fly like all the way I think that’s right next to the green no it’s not three palm trees see those oh it’s right there yeah see it’s kind of hard for me to follow the ball like yours it goes so fast did you see that you were like yes no you didn’t apparently didn’t I saw it go left you saw it start left did you yes yeah and then did it cut yes oh yes it is he’s up by the green but you know what what he’s forgetting is I still have a two shot lead which is what I like so how old are you Brina I’m 24 how old did you think I was 27 damn all right maybe 26 how old are you what do you think 39 wow holy [ __ ] you said 27 so I’m going to go High for right back at me huh right back at me 39 holy [ __ ] you said I was older too 26 though you’re 26 no no no I said 26 27 that’s like that’s perfect age 39 is old K beautiful thanks wait but how old are you actually 29 so you think 29 yeah okay that’s bad I actually can’t tell you’re one of those people I literally have no idea so I could be like 50 or 20 no you could be 37 or like 29 you cannot be 20 I don’t think can I be 25 H I don’t know no you don’t like you look like every age to me no every age we are 120 I’m going to just hit a nine a little nine I’m going to choke down a [ __ ] it’s a back pin though I don’t know if this is smart I’m going to do it anyways you do what you want Oh My Gosh see if this gets over and it’s fine you okay that is right next to the pin again it’s not right next to the pin it’s not though like if you look that was a chunk and like people say I’m dramatic like the shot before and the shot before like you Mish hit every shot but the ball ends up right next to the pin because to me that there is right next to the P but it didn’t feel like pure and everyone’s like o stop bitching about it but I’m like I don’t know how you feeling I mean I don’t I don’t care how you’re feeling all I care about is where the ball ends up I’m not going to react then oh my God I’m not going to hit this off the cart path yeah take a drop yeah I mean even the normal golf I could take this drop this is like a regular drop but I got like the perfect angle between the trees so low shot Maybe oh oh hello wrist that could be really good sit come back come back fast greens fast greens damn it’s actually coming back a little bit look at it look at that Back Spin though oo I don’t think that was the Back Spin I think it was the backdrop yeah there was like a huge ho that’s cool I take it I take it I take it in English you have the for every word we have three different ones yeah know we so so words can be so nouns can be male female Fe male female or neutral and guess what a girl is what girl is neutral yeah I don’t get that at all isn’t that crazy no but like I don’t get the whole ma like I don’t get that the words having like a gender or something I don’t really understand do you speak any other languages no no my family’s Italian though so my grandparents speak a little Italian I hit that hard you left that short I know you did not hit that hard enough I’m going to just it’s going uphill though yeah that is you know what Sabrina that’s good yeah yeah yeah it’s good it’s good but I wanted to tap it in though I I know you want to that’s why stop please it’s so good but I’m going to tap it in I just want to mess with you get away don’t get a feel for can you chill I like when it goes in the hole I know you okay literally oh my God shut up just go she snaps this one o she doesn’t snap one bit that’s good Martin thank you try and he’s literally oh [ __ ] that was like the slowest reaction ever yeah we both made bar wow okay still two of two holes left to play he’s going to need to really do something special because I’m the par machine right now you actually are the par machine I wish I was the birdie machine you’re also the green and regulation machine I know you’re chunking it on every Green how do you like that thing over there what what is that a duck too yeah the Ducks this all ducks all right oh you’re taking out the iron of course yeah sure because guess what I want to put it in play it’s only 349 so we need a ball in the middle middle of the Fairway and give us a chance for something cuz we’re to back ooh sa that’s going to be in the trees a it’s over the trees damn that was good I think that was a sick shot I was very Happ really over the trees I think that was over yeah damn these T’s are back they’re usually up more I I do you want do you actually want to use one of these no look no got like a long one for you no I don’t want that you don’t want that nope okay guys here we go driver down the middle used to be more oh my gosh this is every time on this hole oh really yeah that’s so screwed I think it’s not though I mean for me that’s nothing if I have a shot to the green you find it I’m going to get on used to be more see like whenever I hit a bat I’m like please just give you oh my God this is perfect okay guys I’m 86 yards I have the power line in my swing that’s fine just ignore it okay 86 yards I think I’m just going to G we’re in the sand though I’m good out of Fairway bunkers I’m just going to pretend it’s like that please be so good that’s okay that was really good from here though I’m not mad so that was the first time you actually liked the shot when it it was in the air the result was worse than all the no but the thing is is like the contact felt really good oh it’s about feel for you no it is like if it feels really bad it’s just like it’s hard for me to be like Yay great two more holes we only have one more hole yeah one and a half it’s actually nice to get up and do this early it’s that’s true okay I got to hit like a cut shot here 68 yards go go oh you know what Martin that’s not too bad though you got to be kidding me that was terrible I mean it’s not too bad it can always be worse that’s true like an into grain kind of chip so I really don’t know how to deal with it it’s a good lie though and I might actually make it you never know I might make it you could always putt that I could are you serious oh my gosh are you serious uh yeah I am it’s like that’s just how I do because my putting sucks so might as well put it right next to the green and then chip it gosh are you for real that was so good you’re going to keep it in thank you guys that was unexpected I I was expecting a bogey you know sometimes sometimes you know it sometimes you feel it did you feel that one and I did yeah 100% I I felt it oh this puts more pressure on this put that’s very true might be two shots on this hole sh oh my gosh go it’s going sit sit go in sit oh my oh my this is not what I expected I was actually way too confident that I was 100% winning okay guys well this is a weird turn of events here Martin just chipped in for birdie he was two down so if I don’t make this then I we go back to Hall Square going to the last hole wow this is really bad oh my gosh how did this happen that’s good well I chipped in you three put it guys we’re even going into isn’t that sick that’s amazing couldn’t be couldn’t be any better so what are you overall now are you are you two over well if yeah probably I made I made a double bogey a chip three putt on we would be the same you know we are the same I strike Germans as colder than swedes nah I don’t know why n nah nah I think yeah every sweet I cold no but you’re not but like I’m half American though like my ex-boyfriend’s mom a little cold not going lie to ex-boyfriend’s Mom a little cold is she going to watch the video no okay we got 358 and like a lot of water here a lot of water lot of water and you’re drinking all the bottle of water look at this breakfast burrito breakfast sandwich at you’re really hungry aren’t you you’re really you seem very hungry I don’t know why but you seem hungry okay Sabrina here it comes here it comes are you ready for it we just need a good shot right down the middle wow go in the bunker I mean I would call it perfect not bad I really don’t know about the distance but it was exactly how I wanted to hit it it’s hard to see in the sun all right guys I don’t I know where he is but I’m hitting a 3-wood and I need to win here we go that was good let’s see perfect we’re both in the same spot I think that was that was pretty good thank you 118 118 uphill used to be more wow wow wow wow 118 54 for me choked down shot thought that like a 50 a 62 for you no I I mean I could get it there but then it’s spinning back in the bunker so I tried to choke down 54 just hit a nice cutting shot in there it’s really anyone’s game here Martin it’s true sounded chunky that might be really good actually oh no go oh no oh that might be right next to the pin okay I’m walking off I’m going to that was actually pretty good this is not sounded she was like sounded if you want you can pull up your cart sounded chunk yeah I took a divot I know that’s what you’re that’s what you’re supposed to do you just never do it take divots yeah I know I don’t know why I know when you’re flushing it you don’t take divots huh you’re that kind of do this you’re that tiger type of girl yeah wait tiger doesn’t take divots yeah you don’t know the video and he said like when I’m flushing it I don’t take divots yeah let’s go then that’s fire I thought that it was bad I didn’t take divots what he meant actually is like the I think with the long irons when he was hitting the draws he didn’t take divots but with a wedge he’s going to take a divot divot okay thank you div I’m 86 yards away how do you spell divot d v o t that’s good see like some I feel like I would like be put under pressure and like actually spell it wrong div at I’m just trying my best to get in your head here 86 yards guys I think I’m just going to hit the same thing a 52 oh gosh please go it’s an bunker please please oh it’s over we’re putting we’re both putting yes go guys I did not know if that was over cuz I chunked it but it got over it really comes down to the wire where are we we’re right next to each other I want to win this if we tie we would have to have a rematch o oh yes I think you are closer yes Victory I’m going to make a birdie and he’s going to five Putt and you are not close closer see that’s fine I actually didn’t want that but yes Victory no this is beautiful I know right Yas what do you think like this is it huh public course so good are the courses are nicer here than in Germany right I mean yes I mean the very best courses in Germany are pretty much like this okay let’s uh let’s let’s lock in here this is my puff for birdie he has a puff pleas please here we go you nervous huh no I’m not no this is 100% And I have to take my glasses off are you serious okay you know what tap and Par wow how that came back okay so if you make this you win but if you don’t we tie let’s see what happens or you because I want to go I want to go for the win obviously but I want to I want to putt this aggressive no no snap snap snap come down there come down there fall fall fall no wait for for wait for it one 2 3 four five 6 not in that’s not that’s brutal n 10 no okay stop that’s that’s good for par that’s good for par shoot yes victory victory no Tai okay guys so I don’t know what do you think do you think we just ended a tie do another rematch video I mean we have to some people do like a trip off but I don’t want to do do that that’s dumb yeah that thank you guys if you enjoy good game if you enjoyed this make sure to like And subscribe and check out Martin’s Channel and like And subscribe to his thank you that was that was tough that was tough it came down to this no that was actually crazy you got to be kidding me that’s perfect yay I won you did not win yes I did we tied you’re not going to make this look like you won okay that was a good match though that was a really good match you’re better than I thought


  1. Sabrina what did you think of Martins shorts LOL I had a few pairs but you don't want to know what yrs they were in fashion LOL hint you weren't born yet pretty paisan LOL 😂😂😂

  2. Sabrina liking a shot being positive during the round must be coffee involved 🫣I’m enjoying the New Sabrina ⛳️ Martin was almost a pure gentleman during the back 4-1/2 almost😳 Sabrina you tamed a giant trying to remember he was a bit different with the King DOD you bring out the best in people. All The Best⛳️ Be Well Be Safe & Stay Blessed.

  3. Bad boy Martin tapping Sabrinas pink lab putter while shes putting should have been given a 1 stroke penalty LOL Sabrina doesn't like gimmes Haha I do Jimmy s😍😂😂

  4. Oh Sabrina your too nice LOL giving putts in any match feeling bad for your opponent if your winning maybe if playing weekly for fun ok but you know how quickly a match can change right !!

  5. Martin is always fun. And, of course, we all know Andolpho. She's always nuts (yet very pretty, of course). But together they made for some pretty good golf and a very enjoyable video. A rematch is unavoidable chaps. We all want to see who's really the best! Cheers from South Africa 🇿🇦 where we have some of the world's most beautiful and exciting courses (with lions, elephants and crocodiles often lounging on the greens! 😂). Come visit!

  6. Martin is entertaining but get those see through, tight ass shorts out of here and give them to Sabrina to wear

  7. Great golfing, you guys are amazing! It always comes down to a putt 🙂 love the L.A.B. Putter and hockey shaft + odyssey 11. Happy Gilmore 2 might be coming for you Martin.

  8. "I am an emotional golfer, a little bit." Sabrina Andolpho. Chunking nearly every approach and goes 8/9 GIR? Welcome to the most emotional space on YouTube, Martin. Great match. Hilarious trash talk. So fitting that there will be a rematch. What's next, Sabrina?

  9. I wouldn't want to make fun of borgy to his face but those shorts are ridiculous. He looks like Freddy Mercury in concert🤣

  10. Great video on both channels, Sabrina. I’m still hoping by the end of year i will get to see You and Bob Does Sports collab haha

  11. Good idea to collaborate with Martin! Two great personnalities. And it is also a very good idea to invite Carter. A video with the 3 of you would be hilarious!

  12. Love Martin. Good colab. Sabrina ain't afraid to ask questions lol. I love her back and forth after contact commentary " oh gosh that's bad, what a min it's actually really good. Lol

  13. Haven’t watched the video yet but have to comment…. First 30 seconds on mute because I am watching the Rangers game – Sabrina on the couch?, 4.5 hole remaining?, does Sabrina have a 1960s era rotary phone on her side table?! Could this girl get any cooler 😎

  14. Martin obviously doesn't know Sabrina. For her to stripe a drive and walk off the tee box while the ball's still in the air is totally normal. You simply can't help but laugh. Sabrina is a treasure.

  15. I played with a long driver hardest thing tracking their ball when hitting so far. I don’t take divots either.

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