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Tyson Fury Gets Deep About Life, Mistakes, Legacy Ahead Of Oleksandr Usyk Fight | The MMA Hour

Tyson Fury discusses his upcoming fight against Oleksandr Usyk, his family life, his father’s behavior during fight week, his new physique, Saudi Arabia, Mike Tyson vs. Jake Paul, and more.

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here he is the Gypsy King is he there hello Tyson how are you get in Tyson how we feeling I’m very good very good on top of the world well it’s certainly nice to talk to you again Tyson remember we did that uh interview back in uh in late January when the fight got cancelled you me turkey and uh obviously Alexander usk that was intense stuff I felt especially between you that was that was that was wild stuff what how would you describe your your sort of General mood on that day because I wasn’t quite sure how everyone was feeling intense and not for a fight on that day and now here we are three or four months later and you’re three days away Tyson I’ve been watching a lot of your interviews and uh all the content that you’ve been doing leading up to this fight and one thing that keeps um coming up and and kind of struck a chord with me was this everyone’s asking you a million questions about Undisputed in the beltin are you nervous and I and I noticed that like you’re getting kind of tired of all this stuff you’ve told us a million times you don’t get nervous you don’t care about the belts all this stuff and you always go back to Monday morning you’ll be walking your dog on the beach you’ll be with your family you always go back to that I’ve heard you say this now 10 times and it’s a beautiful sight and it’s a beautiful image of a guy who’s on top of the world the world will be watching you on Saturday and then there you are over on the bay walking your dog with your kids picking up the poop why do you keep going back to that image because it’s Grassroots always and the quicker I can get back to Grassroots and reality the better because living as a rockar on top of the planet with unlimited funds and unlimited everything you want there no sort of way to live that’s factual and I’ve experienced it and I know nothing good can ever come out of it the good side of life is appreciating Small Things taking one day at a time setting short-term goals being happy and contented at home and in your relationship where you wife and kids and that’s that’s the best thing any any man could be a happy home man a man at home who’s happy is on top of the world take all the achievements and all the fancy stuff away if I was just at home having a cheese sandwich and a cup of tea and had a 9 to-5 job but I had a loving wife and a loving family I’m a very blessed man but all the other stuff on top of that an added bonus do you feel you need to talk about that and to remind yourself of that to not fall into the Trap of buying into all this hoop on Buzz you know i’ I’ve grew older and wiser since I beat Klitschko I was in bought into all that uh I’m a legend I’m a superstar I’m this I’m that and you live and learn don’t you learn from your mistakes and now I just treat it as the job uh get paid get laid go out go home there’s nothing more to it really go there collect me Bank check and off back to the bay run away nice and swiftly see you later and there’ll be no talk of boxing I don’t want to watch any videos I don’t want to watch any interviews I’m not interested until I get another date which has already been confirmed but I can’t say oh do you want to confirm it for us now do you want to announce it for us now just just us mates no I can’t announce I I’ll leave his Excellency announce that one okay fair enough um just curious are you happier walking your dog with your family than you are walking out to the ring or even on fight week and all doing all this stuff are you in a happier State when you are doing that said I’m happy because I’m in a good place and I’ve had a good good training camp and I’m prepared well and I’m going to do the fight whether or not on Saturday night um and then I’ll be back to what I do and I’ll be happy both ways this is all fun in games for a little minute while it last five minutes of fame and then when it’s gone and back to reality back to doing the normal stuff and and back to the cheap stores and all that sort of stuff discount bargain stores and whatever else we have in the Bay Area could I ask what was the turning point for you from the guy who did buy into all that stuff Klitschko fight Etc to now the man who just wants to be with his family and then left alone essentially yeah um I think I asked God before I was world champion I ask God to don’t let me fall into the Trap of every heavyweight champion in history before me alcohol drugs women clubbing whatever else you can think of all heavweight Champions get trapped in that rubbish and I was really asking not to get caught up in all that sort of stuff um and I believe I was I had to go through it to be shown the reality of it all and I used to take everything for granted no matter what I’d won championships whatever I’ve achieved whatever I um got in my life I was never happy I was always hunting for more and I was always never appreciative so I think I had to have it all taken away from me even me sanity so I could go back to Brass tax and then appreciate fresh air I appreciate having a nice cold Diet Coke I appreciate sitting in the room and just being normal and having a normal life and now everything’s come back to me tfold just like good old job and um and here I am the other side I’ve learned I’m Wiser and I’m older and I’ve I’ve learned from him mistakes and you know we’re all humans we make mistakes and we’re Natural Born Sinners however it’s um it’s a learning curve and a man keeps making the same mistakes as a mug and um some sometimes I fall into that trap of of being that mug but I’d like to say I learn from it and move on what is the difference Tyson between this man that we’re speaking to right now and the one back in October who was three days away from fighting Francis and ganu spiritually mentally obviously physically you look quite different you look to be in tremendous maybe the best shape that we’ve ever seen you in but internally what is the difference between you today and back then nothing obviously I’m in bad physical shape bodywise Greg marot’s done a fantastic job um I’m me I’m in fantastic shape you know I’ve wind did a clock back 10 years or more um but mentally physically emotionally nothing’s nothing’s different uh you you did say after the fact that there were all these dinners there were all these events leading up to Francis this time it seems like there’s a lot less on your plate did you ask for that did you try to not recreate that same type of um you know schedule so that you don’t get distracted and pulled in a million different directions I am doing a lot of media a lot of stuff going on listen I had a lot of um issues going into the Inu fight which I don’t talk about because I don’t make excuses at all because I’m not interested because after the event it’s not worth talking about so I’m not one of these people who blames an elbow or a trainer or a piano lesson I’m not interested it’s in the past so we just look forward to this fight and getting a going in there and doing what I got doing and going home getting out of here but are there lessons that you learned matters are there lessons that you learned from that experience that you you’ve applied this time around you learn from every experience and if you don’t then it’s not worth having the experience and why do you consider it an excuse you won the fight so I’m just I I guess we’re just trying to like paint the picture of the difference between you now and the you from you know October um because I feel like you’re you’re in a different kind of mood as well um I don’t know if I’m just reled you know I’m relaxed and I’m um ready to rock and roll I’m Eng good spirits mentally and emotionally and physically and I can only do what I can do I go in there and do the fight get paid go home there’s nothing more to say is that I could glit it up and make it a big fantasy scene for you but I’m never not about that I’m about going in there getting paid getting laid and going home that’s it BOS out of here I’m on that big Redeye jet straight out of here straight away back to my wife and kids and me dog I love it will will you a couple of weeks and that’s it will your family be at the fight I’ve got me Brothers my daddy I don’t one of my kids here yeah okay um and and speaking of your father do you the the clip of you seeing your father cut has gone viral just because it’s a very funny interaction where you said what if you thought you’re forehead do you do you ever in a moment in a quiet moment behind the scenes say hey you don’t need to do this you don’t need to get fired up we’re all good like do you ever try to to calm him down or is that just who he is no my dad is my Angelo dunde yeah you know he’s my salesman he um he just had so much hype and so many views to anything we do so fantastic that little Ruckers he did probably had half a million pay-per-view buys crazy the world was talking about it even more so than the actual event just brings eyes from all over the planet to this event and to Saudi Arabia so it was fantastic he’s the promoter dream um is he okay did he need stitches no he’s okay little CT’s not going to stop me dad that’s for sure I love it um and and and what have you you know I’ve seen clips of usyk talking about you and your physique and saying all this stuff about the weight that you’re losing what kind of vibe Bey have you gotten from him I know you guys haven’t faced off yet but what are you sensing from him know you know he Demands a boxer with a pair of boxing gloves on he’s going to come and try and punch me in the face I suppose and I’m going to try and do exactly the same to him so there’s no um nothing more to it you know a lot of people make a lot of stuff up in their minds about like mind games and whatever else I don’t know if if you’re going to let something someone says to you affect your performance then you’re a [ __ ] house anyway you shouldn’t be boxing that’s a fact MH um I asked uh Frank Warren this question about an hour and a half ago but I’d love to get your take on it as well because I’ve also noticed in some of the interviews that you talk about how happy you are fighting in Saudi Arabia because you love the way they treat you there and uh you feel comfortable you feel welcome it’s and and you say you feel a lot more comfortable and welcome than you do in the UK except for you know all the taxes that they they ask you to give about uh otherwise you don’t feel like you get that same type of love and respect can I ask you to expand on that don’t know what Frank Warren said about that but um I like Saudi Arabia it’s a good good country and I really recommend it I recommend people to come here and another a holiday Jed wherever all over Saudi people are very welcom in and homely people and I can only speak from personal experience and before coming to Saudi in 2019 I heard bad reports about it all but when I got got off the plane I realized it was all [ __ ] what people were talking and you can’t believe anything anyone says unless you experience it for yourself and i’ I’ve had nothing and me and my families have nothing but love from this country and the Beautiful People and it’s a beautiful country and I’m honored honored to be a part of their 2030 vision and and to be clear that is consistent with what I was saying I was saying about the way you are treated back home the respect as opposed to the respect that you receive in Saudi Arabia I was asking I I don’t know if if anyone gets special treatment of any governments and that I don’t know if Jon Jones gets sent um the jet for on Biden or not I’m not sure if Air Force One picks up Jon Jones and takes him to his fights and stuff but over here you get it you get H presidential treatment um you know it’s just fantastic the when I’m at home I don’t get sent private jets from the prime minister or anything like that so it’s it’s fantastic fantastic to be a part of it and I think it’s I think it’s just Saudi I don’t think it’s any other sport countries any countries around the world that do that or if they do I’m not privy to it and I’m not aware of it maybe you’ll know I don’t know no I I I don’t I don’t get that believe it or not no one sends me any private jets from any country so I’m I don’t know if you could believe that but I’m not quite baller status uh like that just yet um C could I ask about all the you know the the love between Frank and and Eddie do you feel funny about all of this because like you and Frank were kind of you know you were in this together and now all of a sudden I see him singing Kumbaya with Eddie up on the stage I know you don’t feel the exact same way and I know you were asked about the five on five and don’t really care to talk too much about it but is it a little weird for you to see them in such good graces let me tell you money speaks every single language in the world the dollar speaks every language and it can make two worst enemies best friends as you’ve seen with Frank Kennedy and that’s it but say me if I don’t like somebody you give me 20 million I still don’t like the [ __ ] not interested so that’s the difference um apologies if you’ve been asked this already but your your namesake Mike Tyson is returning to the ring on July 20th some some Fighters feel a little bit weird about this how do you feel about it only only Fighters what’s that only fighters who are not paid and not getting laid they’re the fighters who are jealous people negative people who are not making any money and don’t I’m not set to gain anything from this fight between in Jake Paul and Mike Tyson I think it’s fantastic I think I think it’s creating a lot of money one for Texas selling out all them tickets and E that means drinks alcohol food and beverage everything for the local area big influence in in dollars being spent in in the local area and then you got obviously all of Mike teams are being fed and all of Jake’s team’s being fed out of it so there’s a lot of mouths being fed a lot of people’s rents are being paid so I don’t know what’s to be negative about it I’m over the moon for it looking forward to it you’ll be watching to see the in Mike Tyson back in the ring in my era fantastic I already saw one him against Roy Jones it was fantastic so I get to see him again live and exclusive as an adult what what a treat and then you got like Jake Paul him and his brother have done fantastic you know I know we’ve got a rivalry going on with Tommy and that but I got to speak at how I see it Jake and uh Paul have done Jake and Logan have done absolutely fantastic for for themselves from becoming like young kids to be multi-millionaires and YouTubers and wrestlers and boxers and everything else and entertaining so I know they’ve got a lot of haters and stuff however I’m not one of them I’m a fan and I support it I support people going in and making lots of millions of dollars out of boxing my Sport and it only makes it better for young people who don’t get paid because more people will see the fight and be interested in it and think you know what I’m going to watch a young kid who I don’t even know it might be a good fight so more eyes to the to the game and it um it’s better do do you have a sense as to who’s going to win who do you think is going to win it’s kind of a hard one to call right you see are going to be a an actual decision or is an exhibition or what I’m not sure it’s it’s a it’s a pro fight um 14 ounce gloves but two- minute rounds eight two minute rounds um but it’s Pro like there’s there’s no restrictions no stipulations there’s none of that listen if Mike Tyson it’s anybody don’t care if he’s 90 he’s going to knock him out cold is he it’s I am Mike Tyson he’s the baddest man on the planet you know and Jake Paul’s obviously he’s very experienced now he’s had a lot of tough fights he’s had a lot of good fights so and he’s probably a quarter of the man’s age um but obviously I have to back Mike Tyson I’m named after the legend and I back him as he always backs me I’m backing Mike for The Knockout come on Mike yes uh I loved your walk out before the in ganu fight I love chasing status what a great song are we doing that again or are we switching it up I will be switching it okay what do we got this time I can’t let out the bag you’re GNA have to wait and say tune in on Saturday night to find out fair enough uh um and we’ll let you go in two minutes um big fan of your brother Shane I like I like listening to Shane talk and I like his Vibe and he’s a brutally honest guy and that’s what I think is sort of a Hallmark of the fury family oh there he is what’s up Shane how are you much respect I didn’t even know you were there I can the compliment hey shout out to Shane I didn’t even know you were there well you know what you’re Shane I I saw after the enanu fight you were you were brutally honest about your brother’s performance and I said you know what that’s a that’s a good brother you told it like it is you didn’t sugarcoat things you got the win but you were honest and a lot of people wouldn’t do that whether they’re on the team or their their blood and so I was I was wondering and maybe you can weigh in after Tyson does a the question to you would be you know why you did that why you felt the need to be that brutally honest and and Tyson how it felt when you did hear your brother’s brutally honest assessment of your performance against Francis I didn’t need a brutally honest performance you know I’m a realist myself um so I don’t need anybody to tell me good or bad I’m not someone who needs a pats on the back or [ __ ] or anything like that I’m just original OG I know if I’ve done good or done bad you know what I mean um negative or positive comments don’t affect me because they’re just someone’s opinion do you know what I mean but listen to have a family around Dre tell you how it is good bad they indifferent it’s always useful as well Shane’s told me to retire about a million times um throughout the last 25 years so you know we’re have our up and downs no what what what gets me uh I know what he can really do um so when he don’t when we’re not seeing it in the ring it’s um it’s quite frustrating but he’s had a good camp this one and there’s no excuses and hopefully he’ll do his job well I I appreciate you both thank you very much good luck to you Tyson always a pleasure and an honor to have you before these big fights good luck on Saturday can’t wait to see it all down just tune in don’t forget and Monday don’t forget to pick up the poop off the ground all right don’t be leaving it on the ground over there don’t forget that I won’t I won’t all the best there he is the Gypsy King Tyson Fury thanks for watching we appreciate it very much hey if you like this video give us the old thumbs up subscribe as well you can get many more of these videos on the channel so please do that we would love you forever if you did so


  1. Love fury but we don’t need his dad acting like an idiot to get eyes on the first heavyweight title unification fight since 1999 and his view of Saudi Arabia is distorted because he’s a big star that gets treated like royalty. The citizens don’t get that same treatment.

  2. Fury better not clown around in this fight or he’s losing his lineal title lol. I his is history in making for the undisputed HW champion. Fury wins decision or Fury loses Doc stoppage from Cut over fury eye. His scar tissue is a problem

  3. Tyson Fury Has The Love From All Us Gypsy’s And Travelers Here In The 🇺🇸
    Finish The Job Tyson Fury Gypsy King

  4. He speaks facts. 🙏 . Can't wait for Tyson Fury to claim the era with ease. By far the best of his era by miles and miles.

  5. Always liked fury from when he very first started stayed grounded and has not let money changed him

  6. Fury v Usyk 2 is lined up for 12/13 October. A rematch being inevitable, when both champions insist on a rematch clause.

  7. Unfortunately, Fury and his team also has plans.

    Both sides are bringing the best strategies they can come up with.

    Who does it better?

  8. What makes you think a boxing champ has the answers to life?

    No one has it all figured out.

    Maybe it can't be figured out.

  9. I think the ngannou fight was actually good for him. Gave him a chip on his shoulder and with something to prove right before what will possibly be the toughest opponent of his career

  10. This interviewer don’t dare to ask any critical questions to a point where it’s ridiculous … fury rates the Headbutt of John fury „fantastic“ and the guy asks how John fury is doing and if he needs any stitches…and then ends with „I love it“ … this interview is beyond ridiculous!

  11. Roll on Saturday, can't wait! An undisputed heavyweight champion will be crowned. Great undercard as well. It's gonna be a great night of boxing.

  12. The sooner I can get back to grass roots to reality the better. Yet in his series and many of times he says you can’t bear the thrill of walking to 80,000 people and that not being there and going you can’t beat it and you stop down in a depression. Literally he changes sentence-to-sentence, interview-to-interview 😂

    Another one. People gone on about and make thing out these minds games when it just a figjt. These the same guy that goes I’ve won the mind game with Klitschko I’m his head wijt that sauna moment. He says the same now being in Uysk head rent free

    Honestly it’s laughable with him! 😂

  13. I like that tyson is straight talking and doesnt ham up an interview but chheer up a bit, Give ariel a bit of an interview

  14. This isn't the gypsy king I'm glad he got his stuff together and wants to be there with his family and live privately, but it seems like the passion, obsessuont, fire of boxing is gone from Mr. Fury

  15. get paid get layed is great when it comes to the ladies but its not great in boxing…im also pretty sure every time fury has used that quote before a fight hes been dropped 😮

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