2024 PGA Championship: Tiger Woods cards +1 in Round 1 | Highlight & Recap | CBS Sports

Kyle Porter and Rick Gehman recap the early slate at the 2024 PGA Championship.


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let’s get a check on Tiger Woods the 15-time major Champion making his 23rd start at the PGA Championship his first since the 2024 Masters where he finished 60th he started on the back nine this is the 10th hole on his first shot nice little drive down the Fairway 293 yards from the big cat he would wedge it out of the rough just past the pin though a little bit of spin there he would make par even through one jumping ahead to the 11th hole this is a second shot tiger out of the thick hits the shot Into the Bunker tough break there for him it would be up and down for bogey then on the 12th hole after getting into some trouble off the tea he buries the putt nice save there then on 13 17 ft there for birdie so we’re back to even for the tournament the first birdie of the day for Tiger this is a long par putt on 15 but misses just short little curve there on the finish so it’s another bogey he shot 37 on his opening nine that is the third hole where tiger walks in the birdie putt we back to even then on seven mid-range buries it eight another mid-range par misses it back to even then on the ninth hole tiger under 10 ft for left par so it was a tough day to end the opening round he finishes at one over for round one taking a look at his scorecard here we mentioned it throughout the highlights an up and down day but tiger said earlier in the week he believes he can still win a tournament he’s going to have to do a lot more than he did today if he’s going to catch Xander sha there at the top of the leaderboard comfortable would not be the word I would use to describe Tiger Woods at any point right now it is I think the word you used the yester laborious there’s a lot that goes into just get to that first tea and getting the peg in the ground let alone hitting the golf shots for lack of a better term Ricky does limp home as we see here bogy bogy but a one over t63 he’s going to have that carrot dangling in front of him on Friday that we’ve really dangled here over the last couple years that’s making the cut at a major yeah the 14 in the middle were great you know he started he started on 10 so he made a par On a par five that’s playing under par and then he made bogy on 11 and he kind of turned the tide with a very nice par save on 12 before getting into uh basically a really good you know 14-hole stretch and then to kind of cough it up and then a little bit more with back-to-back Bogies on eight and N to to end your day it stinks you know it’s it’s going to leave a bad taste in your mouth to go from one under to to one over and uh you know expectations have changed so much KP you know it used to be win or bust for tiger and then it was you know is he going to is he going to show up how many rounds is he going to be able to complete and Joe’s right it feels like every Friday that tiger has played it has been a cut sweat and it seems like that’s going to be the case again yeah which depending on how you look at it is is interesting and fun to kind of follow I remember Southern Hills uh watching him grind to make that cut on Friday was was kind of thrilling I mean it’s very different than what we’ve come to expect but again this is an expectations thing you know it is um I think those of us that are kind of involved and and cover the sport and and are you know out here a ton it’s like yeah this this 7 is actually a pretty good score for where Tiger’s at physically now if you’re just jumping into maybe you watch three or four tournaments a year you tune in when Tiger’s playing you might think oh what’s I thought this was Tiger what’s the deal well this is Tiger this is kind of the median of what I think we should expect at this point in his career from a physical standpoint so I was impressed with the short game his hands were really good he this could have been 75 honestly he saved a bunch of pars hit some long putts kind of kind of showed a little bit of magic around the green but he just doesn’t have the te to Green game to keep up with a Xander aor not to mention guys like Scotty Sheffer and John ROM who are about to tea off last month at Augusta there was that historical reference point for him making the cut and that was obviously what was driving him there it appears to be what’s driving him here again and like he said a couple weeks he just just loves to play the game of golf and golf hasn’t loved him back in that same way but it is still a pleasure to have Tiger Woods out in this field always add something in the crowd it’s still moving with the big cat out there on the ground we’re going to get to some of the big names but I think it might be time to talk Tony who quietly climbed up that leader board believe sitting in second place right now feno really on no form Rick the putter bulky throughout the year but ball striking the numbers have been up and down how do you explain the round he amassed today yeah it’s it’s interesting this on paper or if you went back to last year this would have been a pretty decent setup for him you can bomb it around and he can use his head speed but he has often been able to uh unable to out hit his putter that that’s been the issue it doesn’t matter how many greens you hit how many opportunities you give yourself if you can’t roll the Rock and he’s gone through um a couple of adjustments that he’s made he tried having that that toe up very high in the skyi yeah it worked out for a little bit and then the numbers kind of fell off a cliff and he was giving three four five shots back every every every week that he played and now he’s starting to get into a little bit better of a uh routine a little bit better uh situation KP and and if he can unlock that part of his game cuz he’s always got pretty decent hands around the green if he can unlock the putter he is Elite in some of the long game areas and this is a good setup for that it really is I mean you watch him out here just on the Range and it’s like this this is so there there’s there’s a handful of guys that you watch and you’re like this is so easy it looks so just almost flippant almost U non chalant for him to hit it 310 320 330 and it’s the type of golf course I think about number seven I was just watching Brooks kka and that crew on number seven and Brooks hit it to 2 feet from 240 out or whatever he was made made three there made Eagle there and that’s the type of hole where you know it’s playing I think 570 today 580 something like that 590 maybe it’s the type of hole where if you have distance it just is the biggest advantage and and that’s that’s an obvious thing right at par five guys but it just it when you’re walking around this place it just this is a really weird thing to exp or to say out loud and a hard thing to explain but it just feels big it feels like a ma it feels like the Polo Grounds out here it’s a massive ballpark right and so for somebody like feno I agree with you Rick I’m glad you said this on paper you’re like man this fits Tony really well and for him to go bogey free so far through 17 holes I think is um it’s exciting I love having fenale involved at at uh at Big Time major championships don’t look now but the a mentioned Brooks kep go four under as he puts a birdie on top of that Eagle at number seven that you allude to there KP we’ll get to Brooks a little bit later on once his round does go final but I think we do have a couple others to explore here that are in the house what is it uh Jordan Edward be Jordan Alexander Alexander spe pardon me I I hate to to Mis uh misremember the the middle name there of the great Jordan spe but a PGA Championship does the thing that only five before have done and if this was going to be the round I’m not sure you could have envisioned much better than a two under 69 to open coming in on little form yes three squares on the card but I think to to borrow from Rick here those are built into the models for Jordan spe you’re going to see a couple of those for him to offset number of birdies he made you have to be enthused gay about what you saw through 18 holes well first of all I’m not enthused that you’re asking me golfer middle names on live I know you know all of them uh that’s that is terrifying now this was great I mean listen like I I I did not come into I think so you go back to he won the Open Championship in 2017 so uh 20 uh that’s when the PGA was still in August so from 2017 on he’s had a shot at the career slam and I think coming into this week might have been the lowest of all those expectations maybe 2019 and Beth Page expectations were not very high uh he had not he that was kind of when he was in the middle of of his bigger slump Rick but I just didn’t have really any expectations for Speed coming in I it was for me it was Sheffer Rory and Brooks at the top and spe you got to talk about it but it wasn’t it didn’t seem that real to me I was impressed with what he did from Tia green now can he do that for all all four days all 72 holes I don’t know about that but I thought at least for Thursday it was it was a really nice start for Speed I would like to get deep on a speed theory if I oh this is the time in place you’re at the right I’ve Got the Right audience yeah so he has entered this week in the last couple of weeks driving it really well I know it’s crazy crazy good long accurate and and also struggling to hit those second shots yeah the other thing is he’s been dealing with this wrist injury that he does not know when that ligament is going to pop out when it’s going to pop back in it’s kind of this in the back of his head all the time here’s the theory driving it’s no problem there’s no impact with the turf yeah second shot big problem lots of impact with the turf you guys have been out here the that zoa it’s almost like a sitting up there a little bit of a trampoline I like this Theory it it sits up you do not have to get down and compress it you do not have to dig it out of the dirt he can almost pick it clean and I think it removes some of the doubt and some of the fear that he has and I’m obviously more than vaguely interested I’m picking up what you’re right now he might he might just like lose five Strokes on approach tomorrow it’s the patented muso thin seven iron is what that I think what he’s got in place what was Theon stros did you see a final number cuz I I know I know off the T he was he was solid once again I hope it’s a big number cuz if it’s not my theory is Ru is ruined already Talk Amongst yourself it was it was still it was still shocking to me how good he was um off the tea and it’s been that way yeah for several weeks now you know who led the field and strokes gate off the too Hill speed Jordan Speed no G like five Strokes off the te at o kill for the entire tournament last year yeah I didn’t know that we will see if he can maintain that form over 4 days here at Valhalla it is going to be a massive ask as you said k a big Ballpark and some weather on the way we will explore it all over the hour here on the first cut podcast live on CBS Sports Network plenty more to come don’t move a muscle as world number one and new father Scotty Sheffer takes to the first te just about 100 yards behind us here on CBS Sports Network for


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