Golf Babe

Master, QR Hole 2 – Par 5, EAGLE – Driving Legends 9-hole cup, *Golf Clash Guide*

Hey guys and gals,

This is Hole 2 (9) – Par 5 of the Quail Hollow, playing from 3rd tee for the Driving Legends 9-hole cup.

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all right on the drive rock at P P0 nmt then we’re swapping directly to a Pock and Cat bag the reason we start with the rock is to have our nmt further back where a PO will be higher up we do want to utilize a slightly slow needle here on the drive then you may be thinking what type of sorcery have I found what type of magic have I I found so we can play with such a slow needle and still get ourself to a chance for Albatros no we cannot we can not even with in testing uh with a Top Spin boost four P5 win five ball with a 7.2 mph which is the best W wind or the lowest wind we are still then approximately 20 yards too short to even have a chance for the albatross so here I had to change my mindset I had to look at this as how can we secure the eagle in the best possible way using a special ball now we will be having a free-to-play ball shot as well on this one for those that do want to double into and you could play this shot with a P5 win four ball if you would so like but I wanted to focus at least as a start to have a P5 win five ball where we’re getting ourself the easiest possible way to secure the eagle because there will be players here that is in your bracket that will struggle here in getting themselves a birdie this is the first first time we ever have a ever have this type of headwind on this hole and I um couldn’t imagine something more boring to be honest but we’re playing oursel once again for a safe Eagle that’s the only thing we do and making sure that we’re focused all the way through as we’re playing not two shots to get the eold we’re playing three shots on the second shot we are just going to transport ourself towards the past trees we’re looking at the White Ring to the right by the rough line with the white ring bottom White Ring to the left to just covering the shadow slightly I’m using the left side of the Shadow I’m using the shadow as an extra reference to allow myself to know what type of distance I should be where I put my white drain but you shall always know that you’re going to be somewhere around plus 4 5 6 7 something like that if you do hit a perfect ball drive now we’re using the crack of the circle as a reference point with the rubber band and we call this one I mean 0.75 ball of right curl as it’s somewhere in between um some somewhat slightly less than 0.8 ball right curl gets the ball down there with seven Top Spin one right Spin and from here we do have a wedge to secure the eagle on the third shot we are playing a wedge we either play a no spin which is the standard e school plus 10% elevation P5 numbers or we’re playing a Max Top Spin version of the EB school I do strongly advise the max Top Spin EB school if you do have M Brer seven or M bringer eight that’s because we are going going to allow ourselves to pull very few rings and as we’re playing a rough bump we definitely have some fault margin uh included there all the Top Spin ball guideline one green square through the hole adjust is going to be EB School minus 15% elevation p0o numbers so in this instance we uh do uh like 95% is can’t really remember exactly what I played but it’s approximately that distance but we do a s school um play but we’re using minus 15% elevation P0 numbers to get that one to drop and like I said the no spin definitely viable as well and it’s still going to be less than 10 rings to pull even though you are at Max Club then you play EB schol plus 10% elevation P5 number scan the QR code and get yourself the best guides on the market on clom you have the link as well in the description down below for

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