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welcome to it is what it is shout out to our sponsor I’mma be ready tomorrow you said you’re going to be ready today no it’s tomorrow I said by the end of the week you got one day is Kim there I I got to do the intro cam tomorrow I’mma Be Ready welcome to it is what it is I don’t know I don’t know what that means that’s wow PA cam yesterday at the end of the show you had like five different lines I was just letting you letting you finish pause cuz you was going crazy let’s start the show let’s do it on TV Let’s Do It Let’s do it5 [Music] yeah look they love me yeah they love me first love yourself and God we trust trust me I don’t trust myself your jewelry I get it welcome back to it is what it is this episode is sponsored by Underdog fantasy the app is an easy way to make some cash just by making picks on your favorite players Underdog is available in more than 30 States including California Texas and New York just to name a few make sure to support the show by hitting the link in the bio and downloading the underdog fantasy app they’ll also match your first deposit up to $100 and you get a special pick when you sign up I’m treasure Wilson AKA stat baby along with your hosts mace and cam killer what’s good same game how you bro you all right I’m doing excellent man I I was trying to send you this signature man so we can have audio up man I mean yeah we you know we waiting on you know to use doc you sign yet or you still need pen and paper dang cam I let you get away with pause you got away with a lot yesterday in the end what happened there was so many things you said I I was like I was telling stat stat didn’t even want to listen no more you you on a rad you on a rad it was like you popped the molly and you was sweating hey yo so do me a favor before we start the show yo Nick I like to go to a instant replay from five minutes ago so the audience can see what happened right before the show let’s go to that real quickers is available more than 30 stes in including Carolina La New York the name a few I’m your host for the day and and and that’s it y’all have some lotion y’ have [ __ ] runaway slate lotion man do y’all have lotion Runway yo Nick you got that yo Nick you got that on tape he said are you recording oh that’s good yeah I need that please please send me that clip immediately when the show is over send me that clip immediately please this too all this all this right here oh [ __ ] bring you on a set [Music] these all right we back yeah we back M who are you asking for lotion rubbing your hands like this you about I need lotion my hands were ashy I don’t know that’s that look crazy though we just watch it just watch it they’ll be the judge of it yeah Nick you’re goingon to be do tremendously because of what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing bro what are you doing who you askom people for the lotion bro your what are you doing that that was a good one that was a good one that’s was a good one Nick Nick the bonus is out of the question I thought we was on good turns just so you know just so you know Nick he been waiting for a reason to get out giving the bonus to it could have it could have been anything [ __ ] [ __ ] I like the way you been walking around why you breathing like that I can’t [ __ ] with you I can’t give you no bonus like that you’re sparing him today I’m definitely getting my notes together [Laughter] now okay yo it’s evidence you just out there asking people for lotion rubbing your hand and then you got the lotion and soed it out crazy but hey man I dig it I dig so we’re gonna start the top of the show discussing Ryan Garcia and Devin Haney so Ryan Garcia accuses Devon Haney of a hate crime after Haney shoved him while they were on the Empire State Building he said Devon touch me without my consent I’m suing him for putting his hands on me and I identify as a woman so he touched me as a grown man and hit a grown woman and I’m lgbtq plus so now it’s a hate crime so thoughts on that tweet the video footage that we’ve seen and thoughts on the fight that is coming up this weekend this is this is trolling [ __ ] say everything Y no disrespect the [ __ ] was everything n said I’m a man but I identify as a woman and I’m lgbtq so all I cover all everything [ __ ] I’m suing yeah yeah this is crazy and no disrespect in no different race I’m just saying this is wild before a fight before he got a fight on uh on uh weekend if he identifies let’s just let’s just take the trolling into consideration if he is identifying as a woman okay can he fight to can he fight tomorrow I mean I mean on on Saturday can he fight if he identifies as a woman can he fight I mean if if Devin Haney says yeah if there’s a rule in says yeah I mean they they ain’t no rules against it so he can’t knock a grown woman out in under um the boxing rules whose [Laughter] rules this is what we’re up against trying to talk about you saw that I got ask that she’s Generation Z and in Generation Z she said who’s [Laughter] Ru oh my goodness this is hilarious K what do you think can he fight on Saturday or not look I get with you say if we gonna take the trolling to the next level yeah if he’s identifying as a woman technically a man isn’t supposed to fight a woman yeah so that’s what Mas is saying but the end of day he said he’s a man and but he said he’s a man but identifies as a woman so he I really don’t know which one it is more the story is I think he taking trolling to the next level bro I seen the [ __ ] he was snapping his fingers doing the dance all type of crazy [ __ ] yo listen I think uh I don’t know if he gonna be ready to fight but I know one thing if he is he’s definitely throwing [ __ ] off yeah he’s definitely throwing [ __ ] off if this is some all Jedi mind trick type [ __ ] he’s definitely Jedi Mind trickly what was my boy name what was my boy name they used to smoke the cigarettes and walk in the ring and try to fight um mayor May yeah Maya yeah yeah this is what I what came to mind if he goes out Saturday and have anywhere near a good performance his ratings are going up cuz he is definitely making headlines every time that he gets in front of a camera and I think some people think it’s throwing a fight off but I think all when when it comes to fighting all publicity is good when it come to fighting all publicity is good unless you rape someone or or kill someone all of all everything is good is good so you support his style of trolling um he’s trolling I don’t support his style of trolling but he they tell you to market the fight he’s marketing he’s bringing a whole new crowd he’s bringing a whole new crowd so that’s good that’s good marketing yeah no I’m just I was looking at your gesture I like yo that that’s a mature m but he really just said was [ __ ] is you talking to [ __ ] you mean to [ __ ] F Fu you mean do I support that [Laughter] sty said the same thing since when Ma goes like this what he basically saying go ahead with that said I don’t the J was like I don’t support that D TR [ __ ] that [ __ ] is you talking to like like like I support like supported but he’s bringing a new crowd he’s bringing a new crowd to boxing if he says now he identifies as a woman and now he’s um he’s actually you know reaching out to a new community to be a part of the boxing and I think when it comes to boxing the zone or Golden Boy they wouldn’t care long as them seats get filled up but will he be able to handle it when they start really approaching him on it you know everybody like to troll until trolling goes wrong and then in response to that do y’all want me to read the other tweet he said or y’all want to go to the next question yeah go ahead and read it we you might as well we’re here after that then he said about Devon Haney Ryan Garcia tweeted bro I thought he was going in for a kiss no cap did he got him good Devon whispered in my ear saying come do me like Diddy daddy pretty weird yeah he’s trolling he’s definitely TR that’s what he said come what he said Devon whispered in my ear saying come do me like Diddy daddy pretty weird yeah that’s this is wow that’s probably where that’s probably why he pushed him when he thought oh but he’s saying Devin said this to him no he said so Ryan Garcia basically tweeted this after Devin pushed him when they were on the building oh man this is interesting Dev got to knock him out now and I’m not against I’m not against um the community I’m I’m saying that he he definitely got knock him out now yeah cuz if he if he even gets close to winning and he did this much trolling like I said before his stock is going high because this this means he could sell the fight in unconventional ways and still can come to fight and if he loses after all of this trolling like an early knockout it’s a WP all the trolling he did well I’ll say y’all are better than me because I’m all for trolling but I think it’s annoying I think like which is crazy because I’m usually one to be like yeah like do this do that but like I just feel like all right can we just get to the fight like I just feel like he’s doing the most and it’s kind of unnecessary but if that’s his style that’s his style but I’m I’m cam what do you think about his trolling whenever saw the tickets I ain’t tripping on this trolling like look he’s a little more like flamboyant than Hector kamacho kamacho like like we ain’t call it trolling back when [ __ ] was trolling yeah man [ __ ] trolled Muhammad Ali the biggest troll M that’s why I say it’s different styles of trolling you get what I’m saying Muhammad Ali this was when you had to go trolling it when [ __ ] eating in a restaurant and go harassing think about this murder Roy Jones never lost and I’m not just no disrespect like he was invincible and then Tara just kept trolling the [ __ ] till where he had to fight him like if he ain’t troll him in real life Roy would have curved him because I kept being like who is this [ __ ] keep trying to fight Roy you know what I’m saying so it’s different ways to go about it and maybe he on something that we don’t know about and that trolling trolling did work that trolling did work now that trolling did work for for Tara yo but the [ __ ] but the [ __ ] Bill s because the ticket sales haven’t been that great so they ask Bill Haney why he doesn’t think the ticket sales been that great he said cause New York full of real [ __ ] and they know Ryan is fake I said like Bill Bill Haney crazy he said he been invited to homicide I say yo Bill Bill knows how to Mar he been invited [Laughter] to yeah so but Floy Floyd was a good Floyd was a good troller as well Floyd called um what’s his name suar Shan the leprechaun with this green su he got on I remember every every time it was a 247 that’s what made me start watching like boxing like really really cuz Floyd was on there and he was trolling every time whether he was throwing money at the camera that was the stuff that made me watch but that’s still very different from the way that Ryan Garcia is deciding to troll that’s why I’m just like okay he definitely got Twitter fingers which is like probably the new generation thing for sure but the whole thing about it that is this is like this like yo we’re telling you what we grew up on you tell us why he trolling like this I I don’t have an explanation for this cuz I don’t even understand like is crazy I’m usually the one who’s like oh like this is what people do like this is different like I’ve never seen somebody troll like this and people do crazy things I would rather him like do surprise popups like even when he came out on the fight like on the on the horse or the goat whatever it was but all of this like he pushes you on the building and then rather than you saying something back then you wait till you get home and go on your phone and then and then tweet that you now identify as a woman he shouldn’t put his hands on a grown woman like you had all the opportunity to do something then so it’s just like all that this generation though that’s that is definitely this generation I don’t like it I do not like that’s definitely this generation cuz nobody’s letting you push them on camera like that right amen it is what it is okay so now let’s do discuss the playing tournament so the Heat lose to the Sixers 105 to 104 in general what did you guys think of the game and did it go the way that you guys expected are you surprised me yeah I am because we were up in the first half and so coming back um just seeing how things kind of declined quickly and how offensively we just didn’t play as well yeah I’m surprised cuz I thought I thought things were going to pick up momentum and that’s exactly what didn’t happen so so you was expecting them to win the Heat I did say it was going to be a tough game but I thought that they were going to be the ones to win this game well you know games like this is not the ones you want to lose especially you rather you rather lose a game by double digits if you’re going to lose than right there because you start thinking about all of the things you could have done differently and I mean it’s it is better that they lost though for real CU if they was going into the playoffs without a healthy Jimmy Butler that wouldn’t matter so I think the team that needed to move forward definitely did when when you look at um what how you say his name B batam huh bam batam having 20 Off the Bench anytime somebody’s having 20 Off the Bench that that that team should normally win I I like to go with the obvious so when you got Joel embiid 2315 they’re definitely looking strong you got Kelly UB he could have done better but once again once Tyler hero does what he does and Jimmy Butler gets hurt it’s best that Miami did lose cuz I wouldn’t have wanted to see a Miami Team without playoff Jimmy Butler I’m not going to lie even though I know Triple J you’re excited about Triple J that I would not want to see Miami without Jimmy Butler I just didn’t want to see Jimmy Butler get injured at all and we didn’t have NE added to us or Duncan Robinson at this point but it’s like that’s that’s not like a oh like this is a better like outcome like it’s still a terrible outcome like that’s not what I want to see at all but you know how you know how and and cam you I know you definitely understand this when you’re playing a team and you feel like we lost to a team that’s going to lose the next round like we didn’t lose to somebody who’s going to win it all you will feel better about that but if you lose to somebody you know the next series is getting you know knocked out you like man we shouldn’t have lost to them it was only one point you get what I’m saying killer yep I do yeah Like Them [ __ ] Ain’t Even they’re notamp it ain’t even but it ain’t like the heat is out they still in it yeah but I’m saying even with that game thinking about how how if Jimmy Butler is not there they are out actually is over their season is over love that for us I don’t see them winning the series in the playoffs without Jimmy Butler no what I’m saying is no I agree with you but it isn’t like it’s it’s overright this right second it look bad for him the [ __ ] finished the game but he looked [ __ ] up after the game um yeah he finished the game but um yeah that [ __ ] was [ __ ] up he limped out of there PA but uh I really believed that uh this is probably better to me well you know Jimmy Butler’s hurt but looking at the 76ers they look really good tonight it was a good is a hard for battle but I believe for me my opinion this may be better for uh the Knicks I’m not I don’t know Miami just be having [ __ ] New York number all the time don’t matter what place they in what what year it is they always got these [ __ ] number I think the Knicks may be okay against the 76ers man what you think Mur yeah I definitely think that you know if yeah who would you them play if for if you if you think they GNA win the series I think they’re better off against the Sixers I think they would have a harder time against um against Miami because again they will have that that that perimeter defense that I’m talking about but against the Sixers I see Jaylen Brunson if he can get 61 against um you know he definitely going to get 50 he’s getting 50 on on the Sixers I’m I’m putting that out there so sin going to be excited about this sin you wanted me to say something good I’m saying it with that performance that Stephen Curry had I got a bump pause Jaylen Brunson ahead of Steph Curry this year okay yeah we’re Wilding we’re saying a lot of things today aren’t making sense that that was for Sin City yeah Sin City there you have it you you got to take use it now he’ll be happy yeah I don’t mean any of don’t yeah that’s what he gonna say don’t do it out of pity I think Jaylen Brunson had a sensational season like I said to me he’s the best guard on in the east coast um and it’s exciting to see because you know as much as the Knicks can play Nick fans that is oh we doing this and so and so is injured and and and randle’s injured and and OG is injured look y’all finished in second place so y’all whatever’s going on in the lineup and the and who’s in the game and you got to give Tibido a lot of credit for figuring it out the chemistry is good right now no matter who’s hurt or not y’all have G great chemistry with whoever’s playing if it takes Jaylen Brunson averaging 38 points that’s whatever the chemistry is because y’all are winning they got 50 wins and finished in second this is whatever’s going on stop complaining about the injuries because this may not have happened if everybody’s playing and Shout to tis for you know figuring that out yeah I think now they can use the players that are coming back for trade bait because I like the way this New York team is playing actually I really do it reminds me of you remember when you was on a team with a bunch of guards and and really no big men and you’re just pressing pausing and winning games because everybody was fast that’s what this team reminds me of and it reminds me of the early Knicks when they had Trent Tucker and and um Mark Jackson and just you remember that team Roy Sparrow Gerald Wilkins just a whole bunch of [ __ ] well what the [ __ ] had Gerald Wilkins man n got the whack Wilkins you gonna run into jald wils keep it up you gonna be running right into that’s a fact [ __ ] felt disrespected because we got D Dominique was the real Wilkins like [ __ ] like how we get Gerald Gerald thought he killed him when he jumped over the chair and the dunk H us it was trash B well what I will say is Miami losing this game was probably the best thing to happen for the Celtics um because our next game because Jimmy Butler is injured I don’t see us winning meaning that the Bulls will probably play the Celtics which I see the Celtics beating um because if Miami would have won this game we would have played the Knicks and I think we would have had a better opportunity against the Knicks no diss at any Nicks fans that’s just what I think would have happened um stat that’s what I just said yeah I’m agreeing with you but oh still saying that like the Celtics because we didn’t touch like get to that point I still feel like the Celtics have the best opportunity to win the Eastern Conference Finals now because I just feel like they definitely have the upper hand compared to the other teams with an injured Miami now I know how cam feels now I know how you feel killer when a [ __ ] take your line and don’t give you credit for it and try to act like they said something really brilliant that’s crazy it’s called ISM you haven’t been out of school that long it’s called plagiarism it haven’t but I know what plagiarism is you a good grasp on the obvious n do you know that you put your name you heard that before you put your name on my essay just now on my thesis that welcome [Music] welcome okay so also along also along those lines the Bulls dominated the court beating the Hawks 131 to 116 how did you guys feel about that game in the Bulls performance should people be more concerned about the Bulls team yeah I I knew Kobe white was nice but I did I did not know he was that nice PA when he had the when he he put up 42 and he’s three for seven from from three-point Lan and this is a good team I mean on the perimeter that he’s playing against so it’s not like he’s playing against scrubs but he is around 66 at the point guard so this is something to look out for especially when they if they get Lonzo ball back this is this is a very strong team I think when it comes to how they was playing before Lonzo got hurt and I know that was a year ago but I think this this team would just one solid big man could be a real a real problem in the East and I wasn’t surprised at at them beating the Hawks yeah look that that kid Kobe went off I watched the game he killed uh Demar D rozan has been looking good the last couple weeks before the plan even started this bull Team seems like they’re pulling it together the last two weeks of the season because it’s been a playing situation uh for them for a long time and uh just injury plagued a lot you got to think about this man uh ball is not there and where Zack Line’s not yeah so you gotta think think about that that’s important pieces man so um where they’re at congratulations to them to be honest with you I don’t know what the better question is is what’s gonna happen with Atlanta like the Murray and and ice tray [ __ ] ain’t working out that [ __ ] ain’t working out and somebody got to go I don’t think that they want to get rid of a [ __ ] like like Trey because he sells tickets but you’re not winning games he actually declining each year since you know he he he sent the Knicks home pack in like two three years ago yeah and [ __ ] like oh he gonna be one of them [ __ ] and it just hasn’t panned out and I don’t think Murray’s happy there either so I would like to know what’s going to happen with that situation but congratulations to the BS yeah Murray had 30 and six now when I think of when I think of trading each one of these guards um a lot of people think that that ice trade would do better with the Lakers I I tend to tend to um agree with that because if you send Murray to the Lakers he’s I think he’ll play the same as um the combination of of um Austin Reeves and and um DLo it’ll be the same type of play in that position pause because LeBron will have the ball so much um I think he would do very well if Murray went back to San Antonio as crazy as that sounds right now because they got wbe probably already got a house out there but they got to do something about this this Atlanta team because it’s too stale you know it’s like you got two players play the same position they both can get you 30 points it’s a matter of do you want a 6ot guard that’s going to get you 30 points or you want a 64 guard that could get you 30 points um I don’t think you lose anything by getting um keeping Murray and trading um ice trade because I’ve never really seen a six foot guard or a 61 guard win the championship in the NBA other than k and then what I do want to add about uh and Avery Johnson Avery Johnson what I do want to add about Kobe is that he was in the 2019 draft class so I feel like this is more of an opportunity for him to be able to like kind of put his name on the map because compared to like Zion jaah Tyler he was I guess kind of always overlooked so they were discussing how like this is you know that opportunity for him to really be able to reprove himself again so I mean we’ll see what happens with the bulls and then I know I gave my prediction but I got to ask you guys obviously the Bulls will play the Heat who do you guys see winning that game the heat the heat question mark I mean they could pull this off one time pause on the Hawks but they won’t get this off again against um the heat I think they’ll be ready Pat rally I have them ready to play and so well supposed to I don’t know it depends to me it depends on if Jimmy Butler’s playing or not or healthy or not because if Jimmy Butler’s not healthy I think I may go with the bulls the way that they look last night but now Jimmy Butler’s playing I’m going with the heat a healthy Jimmy Butler that is and you and you may have a point cause cause the roosen plays good against everybody but LeBron so he doesn’t have to play LeBron he might he might show up again and then for Jimmy Butler’s injury update he did injure his knee so he set for an M MRI so with that being said it is questionable there kind of goes your answer not hoping for the worst but we just are unsure what will be next okay we’re going to go to break and when we return we will discuss an NBA player who received a lifetime ban don’t go anywhere a lifetime B pink horsepower what’s happening bab baby What’s happen why you walking like that that’s how that’s how I walk and then like you come on breathing on me like that I [ __ ] breathe to live and like you used to be dark skinned and now you act like hella light skinned you [ __ ] blind I’m dark skinned what what the [ __ ] and then like look at your beard what the [ __ ] is wrong with my beard stupid what the [ __ ] are you talking about no I don’t even like it the way you breathe in all of that has this ever happened to you your girl seems to be mad angry upset she’s frustrated it’s only one way to handle that pink [Music] horsepower no breath your breath is really refreshing no no no no I’m just trying to give you a massage Plus have I told you how good your beer looks lately it looks so good looks PHP it works every time wait where you going welcome back now let’s get into our Underdog fantasy pcks of the day on Saturday Saturday the Cavs will play the magic Underdog fantasy has Donovan Mitchell at 6 and a half first quarter points do you have them higher or lower mace Donathan M how much six and a half first quarter [Music] points lower okay Cam lower okay Darius Garland is at nine and a half rebounds and assist do you have them higher or lower cam higher hi okay and M your boy Paulo banero is at 21 and a half points do you have him higher or lower higher lower okay download the underdog fantasy app and you can make your picks too so it was revealed that Jon Porter has received a lifetime ban for violating the League’s gaming rules they alleged he bet on games passed on information to Gamblers and claimed ill illness to influence a wager so what do you think about him being banned and not even just being banned being caught if you’re going to ban him forever right yeah like if you thinking about banning somebody forever what what did he do just bet on the game yeah but he was like okay like say you know he had to score a certain amount of points like make sure like that like oh he went crazy he went crazy all right yeah I didn’t hear everything you said first um I think the league if you’re gonna if you’re going to ban somebody for betting it I just don’t think they should have banned him forever there’s been people that have done a lot of things in the league um it’s been major allegations against a lot of people and they seem to be very tolerant and high tolerant towards certain things so I don’t know why they would do that with betting when when even the sport is starting to open up to betting you got you got major networks now talking about sports with with betting present and I know it’s going to be a problem to people if it get out of control but I don’t think it should have merited a lifetime ban I can see them Banning them I can see them Banning them for some years but not a lifetime B but realistically how long was this career going to be anyway no I’m saying cuz now I’m thinking it over in my head with a mic in front of my in front of me but when you say life that’s crazy that’s crazy that’s crazy yo that’s wow has been so like Kim I’ve been spining you the whole last two days you on a run soundra you on a run Paul sounds crazy you on the run you was on the Run cam you was on a roll you just grab on a roll I’m thinking it over with a with a mic in my face and grabb the mic pause I did not grab the mic she I’m looking at you my [ __ ] stop thinking it over with a mic in my face now I grabb the mic a wow bro that’s crazy bro yeah that’s on you though man yeah I I tried to ignore this [ __ ] my [ __ ] I’m trying to ignore this [ __ ] man what’s the question stat so I can say what I had to say this [ __ ] murder it’s crazy what was the exact question yeah so basically Jon T Porter you know has a lifetime B from the league he y murder yeah my bad yo Mark the [ __ ] no I smoke my morning and black yo listen the [ __ ] the [ __ ] had they they this is the teach a lesson joint this the like yo you don’t kill in this town yeah you know you know certain cities where you go yeah yeah yeah you you don’t do that here we make sure you know that we gonna make sure you understand from the jump and like you said no disrespect to the to homie I feel bad about it but you wasn’t a superstar if you was a superstar they would have figured something out like May said they would have been a few years but they would have been a few years this was like yo we can we spare not having this [ __ ] in the leag like you know how much the [ __ ] average I don’t know like I don’t know how much he Aver but whatever it was he wasn’t an important enough to keep around and he was just not important enough I’m part me not to keep around to make an example of [ __ ] say yeah matter of fact let’s not just do that let’s make a whole example so [ __ ] know not to play you got to get better cuz if it was certain [ __ ] that would have they they would they did it you get what I’m saying Mur like yo certain [ __ ] say Zion say Zion they gonna give Z 18 months yeah what what cam is saying basically is that your character doesn’t matter if you’re a good enough basketball player the true they’ll figure it out they’ll figure [ __ ] out B that’s man it’s a fact though what do you think about that was just not important enough um I just think the whole thing is crazy like because when you hear lifetime ban right automatically that just sounds like a lot it just sounds like that’s really severe like we ain’t got to do all that like but when you really look at the fine details like was he 24 yeah so that that is like 16 years in basketball year yeah still no because like the in okay so let me read more details right so like he wouldn’t play past 40 years old but still like gambling the amount that they were like so for example I want to read more so people are up to speed on the because it’s kind of crazy the more you read read into it so okay this is just one of the cases there is another individual orig original receipt um he had an $80,000 parlay bet to win 1.1 million dollars basically saying that he would underperform against the Kings to make sure that the bet would hit he pulled himself out of the King’s game after three minutes claiming that he was Ill oh yeah they had to do something about 1.1 million yeah now that I’m hearing that’s crazy they had to do something about this cuz if that’s the case more players may say you know what my hip I got that seven points I got three assists my hip and they and they just meeting their paray and they can make $2 million a night that’s more than a game and then because of that the NBA will not be able to control the betting because there’s people swaying the bet so I can see it now it’s messing up a lot of money and is messing up the game yeah so especially because like so he was a two-way player we know how those contracts are obviously significantly lower than you know just players on the team but to make 1.1 million in one night and it hits and nobody knows you’re going to keep going and then go back to the suffk County Cougars playing for the G League he need that 1.2 he can’t afford to not take the 1.2 yeah it’s it’s the situation is like I I feel bad when you hear it but that that’s a lot yo bro I I I don’t feel bad cuz [ __ ] are stupid yo you how you get caught like yo my [ __ ] like that’s my own [ __ ] like yo how you get caught [ __ ] all right cool you trying to bust some moves get some extra paper cool you get caught then you doing you the the like I already knew the information that that’s talking about you put up that much bread on a parlay yo come on bro you you the [ __ ] you doing is stupid what was you’re gonna get caught you’re bugging what was the Chinese guy name what was the Asian guy name in baseball that was betting yeah you gota have you gotta have a sidekick well well technically he wasn’t betting but yeah he wasn’t that’s like technically yeah what what makes say what makes us saying is what makes us saying is this [ __ ] riding with a gun in the car with nobody Otani man was in the passenger and said yeah give me that that’s m my [ __ ] don’t worry about it you got to go play I’mma take this he Riding Solo just get yo bro what’s wrong with you I to be to be honest I don’t feel I don’t really feel bad because I don’t know what the that’s why I be asking stat what the [ __ ] really be going on nobody talking to these [ __ ] tell these like yo who is talking to these [ __ ] B so nobody’s telling you you might be bugging maybe like yo I don’t know that may not be a good idea my [ __ ] everybody like around you is like word n that’s it right there that’s it nobody yo bro you bugging [ __ ] is dumb B I’m more mad [ __ ] be getting caught that’s the thing though like sadly people people don’t care like we hear a lot of news stories all the time and y’all be like how are they not thinking like why did they do that it’s because the people in their Corner especially like younger generation like people aren’t telling us to do the right thing that’s not being old well they better start telling y’all St that’s the advice yeah who’s say they got yeah the OG’s got to start talking more and they got to start telling people the real truth that’s why I try to tell the truth cuz people need it you know young young people they don’t know at least we had we did have [ __ ] who tried to tell us we didn’t listen but at least they tried to tell us I don’t think this generation people cuz the people that are older are trying to be the young [ __ ] so it’s really nobody telling you because they’re competing with you that’s that’s a good point that’s that was a word like yeah but when somebody not competing with you they could tell you because they they’re not trying to get your spot so how we fix that that can’t be fixed it can it can ready to cook no what they used to call them the Statesmen like the older people got to take a more they got to take a different role but everybody’s not ready to take that role yet well that leads us with not a lot of help a solution that there’s a few of us out here you know yeah CA tell somebody what they need to hear I definitely would tell somebody what they need to hear problem is when I tell [ __ ] what they need to hear I think my cence and my voice is deep so they take it as I’m being disrespectful or talking to them crazy and I’m not I’m just telling you cold cold clean I’m not sitting here got play yo you got a problem do you want to fix it I’m talking to you crazy they don’t know you know [ __ ] is sensitive yeah [Laughter] basically is trying to say you notice how each time each one of us talk we have to give the other one have to give the disclaimer because sometime I’m too straightforward and sometime cam is real passionate about what he’s saying so we could both be misunderstood so I I could definitely see that can’t have to say ma really doesn’t mean nothing about that cuz I don’t I’m actually just saying what I thought needed to be it be from a good place though but I could see how the delivery is just like dang like some people like don’t take that well but they want the truth you know well yeah like just how I talk man I ain’t got time to be nice and put like like for me totally honestly dead seriously for me it’s really no in between yeah I even dumb night so I just gotta tell you what I need to tell you yeah it’s like certain words don’t exist to New York people like um compassionate you know certain words that just they heyo listen we was on we was on the phone the other day the [ __ ] the [ __ ] the [ __ ] s that makes you cruel man [ __ ] M said the crest it’s and I respected it I understand can’t and there really not a lot of compassion he’s right and then speaking of jont but that’s that’s really probably only with New York people though cuz we understand that like we don’t expect compassion from each other interesting shaking his head too I’m like what world now for you we have compassion but he doesn’t expect that from me he’s not expecting that I mean being from Florida everything is very like yeah Sunshine smiling go y you better get up you not that hurt yeah I will never forget when that um woman fell in the in the window and you guys were like but she’s strong like you know just was like this is how people need to be crazy what yeah I didn’t say that that’s crazy basically that’s what I heard she’ll be fine that generation got it hey yo none of none of y’all none of us got up to go help y’all just all look it was eight people in the studio yeah nobody moved Nick didn’t move either Nick didn’t move said Nick went oh all [ __ ] did was put the camera on her that’s even fa [ __ ] shifted the camera on her that was definitely that’s how they do it in Queens he’s from Queens got Lisa and Harlem we going to wait to see if you’re hurt then you’re not hurt then we get to laugh if you’re not hurt okay the more the more you know the more you know um and then regarding jonay Porter he’s the first active player or coach to be expelled from the NBA since 1954 so he made history but not in a great way okay so Rudy goar reveals that his family on his mother’s side did not want him around because of his skin color grandma has said we don’t want that baby in our house thoughts on the story that he shared that baby what him like that baby like that baby cuz he was the black baby wow I thought he had the complexion for the protection nope not in France well not in that’s not true true for people in France got to clarify that in that household wow his grandmother said that what do you do if your grandparents are racist or I’m learning that people say they’re not racist they say they just have a preference you think that’s true cam do you think that’s true before we dive pause deeper into this conversation my grandfather my like like my grand I didn’t grow up with my blood grandfather like my grandfather that you met mace was just married to my grandmother before I was born but my blood grandfather didn’t [ __ ] with my father because he said he was too dark wow yeah but is it possible that people just have people that they prefer like I prefer these type of people it’s not racist that is just a preference is that possible like you have people you prefer I mean you can definitely have a preference but in this context that’s not a preference that’s blood that’s family and if you don’t want somebody around because of the color of their skin that’s crazy do you have family members you prefer prefer over others yeah I have family members that I’m closer with than others but that doesn’t mean that I prefer them more than others but you didn’t answer the question do you have family you can’t say it on TV I know cam have family members he prefer listen man I’m agree I’m agreeing with stack on this for a minute man before we move on to preference I think all yo because you no no because you have to think about this you got to think about this murder yeah and I’m talking about from from my family point of view yo you don’t [ __ ] with your son because he’s too dark but you had if you’re lightskinned you had to have sex with a dark skinned woman so did you prefer that good question now now we’re really getting [Laughter] somewhere maybe maybe that was a mistake that night we don’t know I’m not saying that he was but it could have been something no no no but that’s how no that’s how I even look at it with my grandparents is like yo you know how it is [ __ ] [ __ ] like yo I don’t mean to be rude with my family like that or nothing but it is what it is but the end of the day whether it was a one night s slip or whatever like stat said it’s still blood but [ __ ] was like nah I’m good I’m straight so I understand the story with Rudy go at the end of the day look if they ain’t [ __ ] with you a [ __ ] with you but like don’t start being like 34 and start having backlashes and like yo you ain’t just win a chip [ __ ] this ain’t time for that story that story come with the documentary and all that yeah that story supposed to come with the dock and all that this ain’t the time to say you Ain you ain’t win yet [ __ ] you don’t bust out with that to try to pull a tear jerk of course nah bro you ain’t win nothing yet bro say that see this the this The nonc Compassion I’m talking about [ __ ] you ain’t win yet [ __ ] [ __ ] he’s broke in he like my family don’t want me you didn’t win yet [ __ ] save that ass b y why you well yo bro it’s just y’ [ __ ] y [ __ ] came in third my niggaas yo get ready for the playoffs [ __ ] [ __ ] are you talking about well just to about compassion hold on hold on brother Rudy go was out here spreading the co Rudy go B the Co in the league [ __ ] wiping microphones doing all type of wild [ __ ] in the league Rudy Rudy Rudy was first Rudy bought Co to the NBA pause allegedly any have no compassion [ __ ] start wiping microphones and all that come on my [ __ ] get wait till the dot my b no it’s okay I just wanted to give more context because I guess this was supposed to be a bit of a tearjerker because he basically because of all the sacrifices his mom made because after those comments were made you know she did kind of keep him away from family and just made to take care of him he was talking about how he recalled the moment he saw his name in an NBA mock draft and it represented a source of validation he took pride in seeing his family’s name plastered in other places and he wanted to serve as an example for younger players and fans to show it’s okay to be emotional and be your authentic self which is why he gets emotional in a lot of different cases but the stems he is the way he is because of his story so I don’t know if that changes you guys’s opinion at all or what you say still stands but this is just part of no no now I’m starting to think like killer he trying to turn the story he trying to take the real MVP from KD moms that’s what I’m hearing trying to make a new MVP we ain’t going with that you gotta do that from France saw you he can’t do that [Laughter] here saw KD Go sheo the real MVP he said oh I’m going take a page out of that book n no you’re not not on my [Laughter] watch not take that page right now wait to the dock like killer said wait to the [Laughter] dock yeah man that’s how I felt about it I it don’t change my opinion if you asking me stat no it doesn’t change my opinion cuz I mean don’t get me wrong somebody asks him the question cool dig it but you could have say I’ll tell you more later like fam the [ __ ] I just told you about just now I’m only even bringing that story up because we talked about this that’s that’s in the dock when my doc come out that ain’t for now yeah do [ __ ] story ain’t told yet yo I could yo F fam I could have I could have yo yo check it listen [ __ ] I could have been like me and murder got back together I could have hit [ __ ] the next two days like and and my they didn’t want me neither it was know it isn’t just about me and murder getting back together it’s about my family didn’t want me and and my grandfather didn’t claim us and yo [ __ ] I can you could we could do these stories every week yeah these if these are stories we we got a whole series yeah exactly you know what I’m hearing though for real though I think it’s I think it’s time for people to really understand they don’t prefer you I think that’s a powerful realization instead of looking at it one way a new way to look at it is they don’t prefer you and if you look at it that way it’ll it’ll bring the power back to you because you just recognize that it’s not really nothing wrong with you it’s just you’re not what they prefer but there is somebody that prefer you this is just not the person that prefer you so are you saying that in general or in cont relationship business industry culture you’re not what they prefer sometime people do a great job and they get nothing from it and then somebody does lackluster performance and they go crazy and people try to figure that out M when they don’t realize really this is just a group that doesn’t prefer you you’re going to find somebody that prefer you but this is not it and that’s what it was for Rudy Gober they didn’t prefer him even though it’s in a family I I know it doesn’t make sense right now but just it makes no sense to me right now just remember I told you it because when you’re there and somebody’s like you know what now I’m cool and you like but I’m stat baby just know they didn’t prefer you no okay b b when you say statement some when you say statements like that certain certain things need clarification we’re talking about a young Rudy go bear who grew up in France and his family it’s not a oh I just I don’t prefer you Rudy because you know like on this league we want a shorter shorter player like that’s his family saying we don’t prefer you because you’re black like that a very different context from just not being preferred by a group of people or not being preferred because you know I’m not relationships I’m not attracted to you or I think you’re this or I think you’re that that’s very different from a family member not wanting you in the household because the color of your skin is black mind you he’s light-skinned I I hear your plight I I really do hear your plight but what I’m trying to give you is the keys I’m trying to give you the keys hit me out hit me out hit me out let me land that’s how the Young Folks said let me land let him cook yeah let me cook what I’m actually trying to do is give you the keys so you can make it where you need to go cuz in family sometime I know that seems strange because it’s Rudy go beer but I just asked cam this and I asked you this and you couldn’t answer it because the truth is even in family there’s people that prefer other people and don’t prefer you it’s not something we could talk about but that’s why it’s so so revealing when he says it but there’s people every day that’s not preferred in their family yeah and I’m gon give you an example I’ll give you I’ll give you an example of what Mas saying that and just so you understand it so it doesn’t seem so callous and it’s coming off a little bit callous but understand what m is saying 100% a million perc you got a you see you you come from a great household so I’m going to give you an element if you’re a grandmother or let’s just use a grandmother your son has a baby with this one woman that’s cool then your son has a baby with another woman not even race or not same race they both black the grandmother May not [ __ ] with the second mother like that so she’s not accepting this baby like that I’m [ __ ] with the first baby mother even though if he may not what and that’s my real grandbaby so now exactly this baby can’t come to the house because I [ __ ] with this baby don’t that’s like another scenario I went through that’s why I’m saying is because you know grandmother may not [ __ ] with the girl that you [ __ ] with and already got you already got another kid with another girl that she do [ __ ] with so the kid suffers from that yeah if that makes sense that’s exactly what I’m saying and and normally the child that’s not preferred is the one that becomes the most successful often times so that’s why I was saying and it happens a lot in families I just wanted you to have more clarification CU I could see somebody hearing that right based off of the line that I just said and we know how social media Works being like mace said that Rudy gober’s grandmother not preferring him is like you know what I’m saying like I just like to ask follow question her her not preferring him if he if he if he internalize it it’s going to it’s going to mess the rest of his life up he can he can understand that she didn’t prefer me and I can use that as energy and tools to go and be something great and now cuz she’ll come back around cuz when somebody is not preferring you it’s because of something that’s normally missing in themselves now when he has success I can almost guarantee that she’s reached out you don’t feel like she’s reached out yet no I said I can almost guarantee that she has okay cuz what what’s missing in the person that preferring you a lot of times is in them it has nothing to do with you so that’s why I I was trying to give you the keys live around it and go around it because it doesn’t to do you when a person prefer this like a woman that prefers a guy with money and have all this money cuz she never had money it has something to do with her it doesn’t it’s not really based on that stat that’s why they got me here that’s why they P me the big bucks stat the big bucks well let us know what you guys think about the Rudy gobear situation but that’s all the time that we have for today thanks for watching and as always hold on hold on yo what do you think real quick murder that Zion’s not playing he’s out with a hamstring nah I don’t think actually they’re going to be able to win without Zion trying to win without Zion is almost like Miami trying to win without Jimmy Butler is I can almost guarantee they’re not gonna see that win and Sacramento will be hitting the lights I guarantee you they’ll be hitting the lights yeah Tracy Le so Sacramento gonna be you you you saying Sacramento’s gonna beat a Zionist uh Pelican yeah if they don’t got Zion they not winning all right I just wanted to ask you that real quick cuz he’s out that’s [ __ ] up man got a really good game last game I’m sad about that oh yeah they going to be able to what’s that thing they going be able to hit the Hit the Lights in Sacramento they got to go to new or they got to go to New Orleans but if they win they house some home games yeah that’s how I feel I’m good I just want to ask him that but okay cool that’s all the time that we have for today thanks for watching and as always it is what it is


  1. I understood fully what Mase was saying but with this Gobert situation is straight up racism. His grandmother didn't want a "black" grandchild. It's that simple.

    Not saying Gilbert has to live his entire life agonizing over that moment but there's a big difference between a preference and straight up hatred.

  2. Ryan Garcia beat the brakes off Haney. Ruined his health and career. Bill was crying. I won bread on Garcia by decision at +1900. Haney never could punch and has holes in his defense.. Weight Bully fake muslim gor ironed out and outclassed.

  3. @BoosieBlaq90 I was just bout to post that…I'm surprised made let'em get away with it….."Lets do it on tv"😂😂😂

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