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LIVE: Boston Bruins VS Florida Panthers GAME 5 Scoreboard/Commentary!

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you I [Music] you [Music] want [Music] and welcome into the live stream folks oh welcome to the live stream welcome into the live stream folks welcome to the live commentary welcome to the live stream tonight [Music] call coming to bruss the goal he scores Frederick scores TR Frederick from the circle and the burins regain the lead it’s 3-2 postrock Ki Saka scores again what a pass by the checkline check mates makoy he shoots he scores to BR C for makoy shooting scores so this is the third freaking time in the past 30 seconds we’ seen this damn commercial of Dak Prescott talking bling on a damn mattress bro get that off my TV screen [Music] d [Music] hello everyone and we welcome you to game five where the Bruins season is on the line how is everybody doing in the chat happy Tuesday welcome to game five of the second round series between the Boston Bruins and the Florida Panthers referee screw jobs and all it is a terrible situation for the Bruins down 3-1 in the series backs against the wall will they pull through we’re about to get some answers let’s get into your starting lineups for the Bruins on the left it’s Morgan geeky Jake de bruskin David po Charlie Coyle Dan Nan and Trent Frederick pav zaka James Van reik and Justin brazzo Johnny beer Jacob lco and Pat maroon Mason lorai and Charlie McAvoy hampus lyol and Brandon Carlo Parker wers Boon and Andrew Peak with Jeremy swan in net for the Panthers on the right it’s Alex barov ter Vladimir Terra Sano and Sam Reinhardt Sam Bennett cardiv hagy and Matt kachuck Anton lindel leran Kevin and Evan Rodriguez Kevin sendin and Steven Lawrence with Kyle aoso gusta forsling and Aon nebl Niko Mika and Brendan Montour Oliver emman Larson and Dimitri kulikov with Sergey bosski in how is everybody doing welcome to the eulogy ladies and gentlemen welcome to the eulogy Brad marshan out again night where’s Sam I’m right here what is the crime where what do you mean where am I I’m right here I’m right here have a blister new haircut and no beard oh well okay I had the haircut last game but I shaved the beard to try to bring some good luck to the Bruins hopefully that happens I’m not sure the game actually starting 710 few more minutes y maran’s exact entry I’m not they say it’s upper body but I’m not sure what it is this is the last game of the season it’s been a good one can’t wait for next season Panthers Panthers were handed game four where we got this see what happens man yeah shav the beard I shaved it yesterday okay I got rid of it I was lowkey getting sick of it and on top of that I think it just kind of I trying to get bring some good luck to the Bruins maybe getting rid of the beard might have been a good move I don’t know but think the hurricanes are going to do it here’s what I’ll say about the Hurricanes right they’re back in the series only down 3-2 now if they win game six tomorrow the hurricanes are winning game seven they’re going to win and it’ll be funny because I have friends who are Rangers fans and it’s really funny to me um if they choke a 30 because they gave me so much [ __ ] last year they gave me so much [ __ ] so it’ll be really funny to get put it back in their face if they lose but the same time I don’t I don’t know Rangers got to get their heads out of their asses real quick they can’t be comfortable the leads anyway excuse me the roughs are on our side tonight I hope the referees are even that’s what I hope actually I hope the referees are even and not whatever that was in game four Dean College water bottle oh what a mark what a mark I’m g sell out for my school what a loser Rangers are going to experience the 2010 Bruins win through also the Rangers are winning the cup next year great works for me tired I played basketball for a few hours and I was I’m exhausted now and I just got back see what happens here tonight you have a theory oh God the Death March e we welcome you to the funeral of game five it’s a very sad situation can the Bruins can the Bruins come back they they put the Panthers in this hole last year can the Bruins fight back if the Bruins lose tonight can you do another playoff series uh here’s the thing so here’s my plan if as of right now um if the Celtics make it farther than the Bruins which they should then I’ll do the Celtics if not I’ll cover it another another Series so don’t you might be getting some basketball here little hole and my and I don’t want another hole in my w tonight excuse me sorry I’m really tired if the Panthers blow a 31 series lead clean cut and shaved oh yes indeed the St L Cup Final series uh depends Pro I might depends on who’s in it number one depends on who’s in it as they’re doing the national anthem now depends on who’s in it and it also depends on um where the where the Celtics are the Celtics are playing then I’ll be covering the Celtics because I want to cover a team that I like over teams that I don’t you know what I mean I think you guys understand that and plus I’m pretty sure most of you guys like the Celtics if you’re Bruins fans right most of you probably will support the Celtics or at least will come and come by and support me hopefully no risky but the if the rest call of fair game we should win should have won the last game hopefully how far okay all right let’s get into your keys to the game play defense take shots on the net stop letting the refs dictate the game and save the damn season you got to throw everything you got at boski he’s not playing Amazing this series you just got to take shots on the net you’re going to break him look what happened in game one you had 40 shots on that in game one you scored five let’s get back to that all right come on your season on the line let’s not screw it up Bru’s going to start off with Coyle hinen and Frederick with Lin Holman Carlo on defense Swan and net for voson B Browski for Florida again are there the same exact lineup as game four I’m watching on ESPN plus I’m a little bit behind you Coyle wins the draw game five is underway the Bruins season is on the line if Florida wins they move on to the conference final and we’ll wait for the winner of R of New York Carolina if the Bruins win there will be a game six back at TD Garden on Friday night oh God I hit the wrong button I’m an idiot fubo TV I’m a dork I’m an idiot I hit the wrong button pleas move up a little bit sorry about that folks Sam Bennett now did I pause it now it’s being an idiot all right forsling Heinen takes it away Heinen will dump in the zone what’s the latest on 63 he’s out again tonight I don’t know anything I don’t know more he skated today he was out with the scratches so here is Justin brazzo brazzo will get around the bend brazzo trying to get through he got knocked off the puck zaka beating teraso to the puck brazzo tied up there by barov he’s thrown off the puck by barov come on brazo you’re biging of them eblad nice hit by brazzo Panthers will get it out to Center be an IAC against Florida here a minute 14 in Joker and the thief is slowly growing on me well there you go it’s a good song the Bruins are 0 and 25 in series where they’re down 3-1 they have never come back from being down 3-1 in the series so we’ll see if they can start changing that tonight I’m a I’m a mark Puck comes out to Center here is maky lost it to Reinhardt he shoots save Swan again to brus on it dropping it ly Holm up ahead just ahead of poock could got deflected deflected to will not be icing e blad for barov here come the Panthers just ahead of teras senko and that was not touched by tereno it’ll be another icing on Florida early on Sam if we win tonight hope serve at home then anything can happen to game seven yeah who knows man it’s not over till it’s over but it’s not looking good for the Bruins right now zaka wins the draw Lori a slap shot and a save by bosski right off the draw it came from lorai don’t understand people that like one team and like other teams AC from across the country like my friend’s a Spurs fan Mets fan and a Bruins fan like what is that my roommate you guys know him you guys know Grant Bruins fan Celtics fan Jaguars and Mets fan zaka is upended by Lindell trying to Center he can’t here’s Evan Rodriguez back to the line kulakov over Oliver Ekman Larson over kulakov he shoots save in front it got knocked down brazzo will get it out and also uh Kyle who’s been on chat before um uh who’s been in chat I’ve been on stream many times Seahawks white socks Bruins and Celtics fan maroon for beeer we’ll get it we’ll chip it in past Lawrence knocked down by Loco I’m really disappointed I’m not seeing jper boquist out there makoy shot save brai get his first shot on goal all series crazy think about right Lin Holm trying to put it in it’s Montour who takes it away the Bruins will keep it in Loco again his shot going wide makoy for Maroon centering loo dropping oh he had a shot NOP ly Holm beer his one timer misses the net macavoy for Maroon again trying to Center for makoy can’t the Bruins had a little bit of rotation there with the fourth line going Andy hey they ice the puck LOL beats AO it’s an icing good try good job by the fourth line of loo beer and maroon trying to play that puck you said last game and also true tonight then we must improve our for check you’re right exactly and they have done that here they’ve had some good for checking here from the fourth line early on you need to see that from the top from the other three lines geeky will take the draw [Music] here against Lawrence geeky wins the draw looking to the looking to try to Center he is tied up there by Lawrence stenland can’t get it out wspoon keeps in shot comes in on bosski he’ll make the Stop and he’ll hang on the brones have a shot first mentality tonight which is what they’ve been looking for and what they’ve needed all series long and they haven’t had it and they have that early on even though they only have two shots on the cage um they have taken shots on on goal Narco is playing in the arena Bruins win the draw Frederick back W spoon to the front knocked down by Reinhardt in hinen pressure there by forsling Heinen dropping here is a chance for Coy Fredick now Bruns will keep it alive in the offensive zone Frederick oh Carlo and W’s been a miscommunication Puck comes out W will go reather Carlo Coyle quick G entry for Boston Heinen looking wspoon will keep possession drops it for Carlo Carlo shoots save Rebound in front scramble it goes wide barkov can’t get it out Frederick will try to hold in Reinhardt will get it away for Florida he’ll try to again around wspoon San will clear it aside and it’ll play to hinen Heinen hit there here is Carlo pressured there by Veri was deflected no icing shot attempts Bruins have seven Florida only has one geeki on the four check went down on his knees almost got the puck free emman Larson four for haggy he’ll move it out goes off of kachuk emman will try to dump back in makoy is having trouble getting that puck out he’ll get it out though Morgan geeki geeky closed off there by Veri he turns around plays it around the cage pass poster knock makoy holding into the line makoy intentionally wide to bruss looking to Center finds geeky he scores Morgan geeki what a play create offense and good things happen the Bruins are off to a good start Morgan geeki getting his fourth goal of the Stanley Cup playoffs and it came at a perfect time they had a really good start setting up the Play geek’s Hands man jeez they get rewarded for a hell of a start to br looked to Center he found geeky just put pux on the net good things happen I swear what a beauty so Morgan geeky gives the Bruins a one- nothing lead here in the first period within the first five minutes B ream Chen to Center for zaka it comes in front sa bosski and this is how you start you have to for check get PU on the net good things happen and Morgan geeky just helped himself out help yourself out man don’t shoot yourself in the foot for check and get Pucks in front take shots on the net it’s like some things that I say actually make sense sometimes I know I know it’s a crazy concept but geez like H as Lindell wins the drop but nice for check by brazzo for pressure by zaka and the Bruins are going to pin the puck in the offensive zone for a moment the Bruins have six shots on the cage oh brazzo almost got zaka springed on a little break there as Rodriguez will move it ahead here is loose Dar and Pete cutting him off Montour will dump in it’s on side for the moment geeki taking a costly goenda and fell over bosski which kind of screw the Bruins over there for a moment brazzo throws aoso down here is peak for Mason lorai lorai will cross the line Johnny beer that line right there got everything going offensively for the Bruins lorai loo and maroon brazzo’s out there for Maroon right now brazzo’s doing pulling double duty he’s been out there for a long time he’s going to go for a change now maroon will come on The Geek Squad indeed The Geek Squad who do you call when you’re in trouble you call the Geek Squad uhoh bad bounce here come the Panthers here here come the across the line too looking to drop Loco tying him up back to the line ebl can’t play it maroon will go race for it against ebl eblad will beat him here is stenland getting it around makoy Lawrence getting getting it around lolm stay away from penalties they’ve done a good job of that so far he going to stay out of the box as much as you can here is e Vlad what did I just say what what did I just say what did I just say say power play for Florida it’s going to be on coil for hooking what did I just say literally right as it happened I was saying they got to stay out of the box don’t shoot yourself in the foot let’s see I mean yeah yeah Coyle you can’t be doing that man I mean these referees are known to be good refs so as they go to commercial break Bruins had the lead but are going to be short-handed as Charlie Coyle takes a penalty having a rough yeah he’s not having a great series he hasn’t really had a great playoffs so barely bring myself to watch this game good on you for streaming Sam well I gotta see it through right yeah unbelievable H that was a penalty it was a penalty on coil he hooked him off the puck so it’s geeky from De Brusque and makoy de Brusque is having a great playoff I’ll tell you that right now de Brusque has five has five assists and I believe he has five or six goals too he’s having an awesome playoff playoffs yeah it was poor timing on a dumb penalty yeah you know I had I have to stream the game it’s what people know me for regardless they win or lose I got to see it out right you don’t see professional broadcasters going hey I’m not g to call this game because I know they’re going to lose like you can’t you know Bruins win the draw as Coy clears was beater out there with hinen as Coyle one of their key Killers is in the Box I think pwl Boston Clos up this year oh yeah how’s let me please give me updates on the U pwl Boston Montreal game I want to know how that’s going go Boston hopefully they uh pull out the win and sweep Montreal and then get to the pwl finals Reinhardt will drop back for barkoff Florida the power play 30 seconds in nothing of of note yet Veri around the cage Heinen takes it and clears off a awful bounce hinen will clear it and we’ll get a change WR with the Panthers to win no it wasn’t a it was it was the right call it was the right call it was a penalty on Coyle he did hook him it was I wouldn’t have called that but it is a penalty Montour Falls down it’s an offside against Florida and the Panthers are off to a rough start yes to Celtics won last night good job congratulations to them hopefully they finish off the Cavs what tomorrow night it’s game five tomorrow night or is it or is it uh Thursday it’s tomorrow night go Celtics tomorrow night hopefully they pull out the win against the Cavaliers Panthers win the draw here is Matt kachuck Tatum met a good first quarter I saw I watched the first quarter last night and I I went and went something went and did something here’s Montour to the front goes off of Reinhardt saves San that puck is whacked up and out of play 53 seconds to go in the in the coil penalty you guys have not noticed I did in fact shave the beard somebody requested save the beard for good luck so here we are beater against Lindell londell wins the draw emman Larson Bennett for emman Larson poke check beer takes it away beer oh he got poke checked lell will dump in linol will try to move it ahead he gets it out past Tera senko and emman Larson and all the way back down pwh El name them the Blazers Boston Blazers already exists it already exists it’s a lacrosse team emman Larson dumps in it’s a great name though Puck comes to Coy it goes off a stick sorry Carlos excuse me goes off a stick and it goes all the way back down here is emman Larsson for Bennett to only 10 seconds to go on the power play W excuse me W spoon cutting it off Andrew Peak off the glass and out and that will do it for the Bruins penalty for the Panthers power play only one shot on that power play we’re back to five on five Coyle out of the box with de brusen pster knock out there now Puck is dumped in around the around the Bruins net for hegy right let’s the loose terrain excuse me stenland trying to center it’s broken up and now the Bruins left numbers Here Comes poock geek will come on for coil poock across the line he’s poke checked by eblad De brus lifts a stick for a second geeky pressuring eblad as well is played ahead of loose terrain and Andrew Peak will go back and get it shot through 62 Boston Peak will try to play it to De broset take cut off by senin puck comes back to Peak bounces off AO Peak having a rough time getting out of his own Zone and geeky will get it out eventually to a poke check but it comes right back to Kevin stenland here come the here comes a chance for Florida mikola misses wide and lorai will get it away one of our best kills of the series oh it was it was that was a good penalty kill Peak for Morgan geeki out there with loo and maroon for the moment geeki will move it ahead through Center he’s closed off by barov teras will get it back Blazers team folded in 20 oh did he did it oh I thought they still existed oh all right well if that’s the case then name them the Blazers Loco will flip in Loco scored in game three a meaningless goal a Chris Paul dagger goal if you know I if you if you understand the reference Coy out there with maroon and Loco right now because beer needs time off wait Van Rey oh lolm ly Holm shoots knocked down then Ry coil maroon is the current line right now Coy maroon was up in the four check here is coil pressured there by Mika maroon going to in going to be in there to help out maroon van reik back to makoy makoy shot knocked down in traffic but brosi comes way out and the play is blown dead why do they stop play what what I’m freaking sorry they stopped the pl it didn’t hit him the mask it didn’t him in the shoulder it hit him in the shoulder I’m sorry how is that a stoppage in play the Bruins were attacking ah that’s dumb how’s it going Ashley how are you I love an explanation as to why they blew that play Down me too Bruin’s Insight on Instagram me too buddy me too I would really want to know why why did they stop the play genuinely with I don’t know but had for on heels and they rough sto the play excuse me they suck it’s okay because here’s what I picked up they’re saying that they they didn’t know if bosski was going to be bosski was going to be in trouble ref off side of the puck it’s right there lolm has it Z will take the draw out there with van reik and poster knock for the moment these lines are so jumbled up it’s because it’s I think it’s because of the penalty kill they’ll be fine in a minute teraso will dump in Boston dragons oh I like that name the women for the pwhl team I like that they’ll come up with something creative here is baroff now just like Utah will Utah will come up with something creative shots are 82 Bruins Peak will lift it out it’s Justin brazzo sorry that was post I thought that was po brazzo around e blad is closed off to the third eblad tied up there by brazzo eblad knocked down but comes to forsling shot across the line Sav by San on a chance from Reinhardt makoy for lyol lolm will cross the center line gets it through kulakov he leaves it there b Broski left it there for a second lyol is up on the four Che I like I like this idea but the problem is he’s going to be up on the ice Heinen’s back with makoy right now makoy shots are 83 Boston maoy will dump it in nice bump from makoy on makoy from kulakov barkov over to emman Larson Puck played ahead here is Veri Veri gives wspoon a cold shoulder wspoon responds and he catches a high stick what is this San shoving it for haggy and now this is where it get physical Bennett’s getting rocked by Heinen down there W oh okay all right all right they’re letting things go they’re letting the boys play Frederick wrestled W spoon wrestled down Veri that probably should have been a penalty but there was a Mist highe stick beyond Behind the play so they’re going to let the boys play a little bit hold us up hold up a standard if you’re going to let him play call it both ways good Swingman to leave it for lorai lorai up ahead nice pass poock has a break here is poock he shoots save rebound to brus with it he is getting bullied there by eblad and now the pan picked up the physicality the Bruins got to respond Lindell will dump in Rodriguez going to sidestep lorai that’s not going to work Lindell in front Rodriguez is knocked down leran shots knocked down leran back to eblad Panthers are scrambling eblad looking he works his way down the left circle eblad to the front he’s knocked down D brus will move it ahead crowd is screaming for a call won’t get one poock curls and drags around forsling he turns around and shoots kick sa bosski what is this ebl will flip it out of the Zone this game is intensified real quick loo back to Peak Peak we’re going back and forth up and down the ice we go Bruins will keep it in loo for beer around down the net maroon playing it over to Andrew Peak on the right Point peak in deep around the cage here is Johnny beer back to the line lco over to Peak Peak he takes a shot it Knuckles wide going to shower will be back after I see you later Ashley icing against Florida good tough playoff hockey being played yes shots are 103 Boston good good keep that up zaka back W spoon ronins win the draw makoy in front tip by zaka and a save by by boski and here come the Panthers it’s dumped in the zone makoy cutting off Lawrence Lawrence gets free with the puck but mako’s not going to let him have much space Lawrence gets drilled trying to center it in front brazzo takes it away skate buddy there you go just gets it out of the Zone gets it out of Harm’s Way good keep it clean absolutely keep the keep the play clean Brazil’s wiped out by Bennett shots are 113 Boston now zaka lifting it high in the air Montour brazzo takes it it’s on side here’s Heinen for brazzo trying to get Dan around Nikola couldn’t hinen pressur there by by Montour hinen throws him down or Montour throws down hinen and the Panthers will ice the puck Carlo will race back icing is called five and a half to go in the first period face off is what it could be coil here against Veri faceof one back by Boston again Frederick out there with Coy and poock right now poock against here is poock with it trying to center it for Coyle Ken he turns run in front big scramble that puck free but Browski has it that was a thrown on on the net by poster knock there and Frederick caught something from Montour they go to commercial break Mao and W spoon both got hit with a high stick one two should have been a high stick on Veri no call there but the Bruins picked up the intensity took a nice shot there they’re up one nothing 5 and a half left do you see P’s overtime goal against the Le I called that goal live actually I of course I saw it I called the goal live and I freaked out over it like as I as I would you know also and plus I’m Le’s hater oh that you’re you’re welcome here anytime I’m a troll I’m sorry well here’s the thing social media was up a was up was a storm yesterday right it was a mess because of the whole Bennett goal that shouldn’t have counted right you know it’s bad when the biggest Bruins hater Steve dangle comes on YouTube on his podcast and says hey you were wrong League that was not that was a goalie interference Steve dangle defended the Bruins yesterday so zaka with de brusk and past I’m not seeing any Morgan geeky right now lolm will get it in posto whips it across makoy with it makoy can’t play it and here is zaka pressure there by eblad debrus in the slot Puck comes to Pasto he’s knocked off the puck by eblad puck moved ahead Reinhardt will flip in right in on Swingman he leaves a rebound that’s dangerous but lolm will get there touch pass from to BR to zaka zaka has poock and it’s going to be it offside for the moment poock left to flip back in no Moran geeky coil that wasn’t Co that was Carlo there’s geeky with Van Rey and brazzo brazzo trying to Center for it for geeky he couldn’t geeky pressure there by Lindell where’s Geek Squad there is he’s right there they just move zaka up and and geeky down why geeky geeky scored Montgomery don’t screw anything up please Rodriguez SE angle MHL situation just heard about oh yeah the Major League Hockey I hope it’s true I hope that thing happens W spoon trying to get it for you against Rodriguez Crow is screaming for a call that was non-existent geeki is knocked what is that how is that a penalty on geeky what is that he didn’t do anything he’s trying to play the puck are you kidding me what a great a dive by Lindell oh oh that’s awesome great job great job nice dive that doesn’t get called in the regular season season and of course it gets called in game five of the freaking playoffs that is unbelievable that that just got called for a penalty oh lindel’s in the Box H you got embellishment oh that’s even better all right fine got it was embellishment four on four works for me if they’re going to call geeky for that londelle sold that I knew he did it’s an embellishment good I’m glad they got it right if they’re going to call geeky for a cross Che you got to call lindel for an embellish all right four on four for two minutes no problems all right I don’t have any problem with that now how’s it feel at Florida when you get the short end of the stick when it comes to officiating now Reinhardt and barkov with forsing neck BL for Florida zaka and poock with lyol and Makow for Boston fair enough honestly yeah they’re to call geeky for that you got to call Lindell for an embellishment I agree with that poock will drop it for makoy Bruns will move it ahead four on four the Bruins were one of the better teams in the League this season on fouron four maybe they could put that to an advantage here no icing forsing against zaka battling for poock digging it free back out high lolm lolm he he wh what a whiff from lolm what a miss that was H icing good job ly Holm beats Reinhardt back for an icing called against Florida wow how’s the ice looks fine uh what a what a fair call yeah they got it right what’s up Knight how’s it going hey the Bruins are playing good they’re winning and they’re out shooting Florida like 11 to five or something like that they’re actually doing a pretty good job Knight you’d be surprised and geeky scored and de Brusque set up the whole play and makoy got an assist Co de brus with with uh lorai makoy now as the Leafs as the Panthers win the draw it’s 11 of four shots on goal in favor of Florida and sorry in favor of Boston Bruins are winning one- nothing Morgan geeky the goal scorer on a nice setup by Jake debrusk and Charlie makoy for hey for kachuck he shoots it goes over the net and the Bruins might will might try to push this here comes d bruski as coil and lorai with him here is debrus across the line he slows up doesn’t have any help for the moment Panthers take it away but coil will take it back out to Center Andrew Peak with it Peak with it a minute to go on the four on four Peak finds an opening he’ll enter the Zone Peak will play it around the net de brusin poster knock out there with Peak and lorai Peak drop POS trying to drop for D brusy can’t de brus will keep in but it will be uh everybody’s going for a change right now 40 seconds to go in the power in the forarm on four geeky and Lindell will come back geeky got called for a cross check Lindell got called for an embellishment here is forsling now for loose to in lolm knocks him off the puck zaka trying to center it to try to move it ahead lolm oh pastr didn’t see that pass coming just off his stick here is Montour 20 seconds to go on the four on four two minutes to go in the first period Montour for forsling now barkov down to 10 seconds to go on the four on four here is barkoff what up lava just saw you in sh how’s it going Frederick takes it away 5 Seconds to go on the four on four Puck is moved up ahead here is hinen he has Frederick he geeky coming back shortly back to five on F back to five on five W spoon for Carlo Frederick nice touch pass here’s Heinen Heinen looking to the front oh it trickles wide it was trying to center it for geeky or something couldn’t quite find him Carlo W spoon left point trying to fire it gets blocked by barkov and goes out of play with a minute 27 to go on the first one- nothing Montreal shots are 18 to4 yikes dude that’s period so far only concern is that San needs to be more more needs more action to be on top of his game okay Bruins fans are fickle hold on a second Bruins fans want less action on swiming because he’s getting out because he’s getting outw worked but the minute he gets less action you want to have more action it’s like what what do you want it’s like you can’t the is having a really good first period they’re keeping the puck away from swing and giving him a rest but the minute we do that but but I don’t know I feel like it’s kind of I don’t know I kind of just wanted this is the period I wanted to see the Bruins have oh a turnover in front and the Bruins can’t take advantage it was Coyle trying to center it for and he couldn’t find them here’s Lindell uh oh chance for a shot for Rodriguez misses wide here’s kulak Around the Net Lindell trying to center it for for Rodriguez lolm will take it away Coy Will Spring Heinen up but hinen to the end of a shift he’ll dump in as we reach the final minute of the first period Carlo around for w spoon 45 seconds to go in the power in the period de brus will chip it ahead here is Pasto nice feed for geeky geeky with space KY shoots sa brosi he was looking for his second goal of the period almost had it it’s a great attempt it’s a great shot Puck comes to Montour with 30 seconds Bennett shot off Carlo wpon will knock it away de brusk now will flip it out to Center poock will cut off will cut off uh Montour down to 15 seconds monor has doesn’t have a defenseman right now he has Veri with him 10 seconds to go Montour last push right in on Swan he’ll make the stop he’ll reverse it around for wers with three seconds uh oh chance of the buzzer a shot it goes wide and that will do it for the first period a probably the best period the Bruins have played since game one and the Bruins out shooting Florida 124 and have a one- nothing lead going into the intermission it’s exactly what the doctor ordered it is exactly what the doctor ordered good that was a really good first period that’s exactly what what I wanted to see the Bruins do come out play with physicality uh get the first goal and keep throwing the puck on the net we get an A+ that first period I agree completely agree that was a really good first period they have to keep doing that in the second but a really good first period they did what they were supposed to do and what they were supposed to do was come out throw Pucks in the net and get rebounds and get a goal look what happens and keep the puck away from swming and guess what happened they did exactly that that was what I this is what that is what I saw in the first half of the Season domination in the first period that was good they need to do that again in the second period keep up the momentum here all right send this series back to Boston for game six on Friday Bruns need to keep the momentum yep they do and another thing I want to see them do keep the keep your s out of the box Bruins had six shots in the first five minutes of the game that’s good you had six shots in the final 15 which is fine but hey you’re winning so it’s whatever I don’t have one mod in chat right now what where are my mods I don’t have any mods come on I just realized I do not have a mod in chat right now in the moment I need my mods do I have any mods in chat right now I’ll give you some time if you when I don’t want to get our hopes up I just one I’ll feel better about this series if we at least send this series to six I will say this if the Bruins come out tonight and win and force a game six and then Florida wins game six I’ll be I’ll be Satisfied you want to know why they pushed Florida their limit they got to six games which is what I predicted would happen I’ll be Satisfied BRS must stay out of the box right exactly took two penalties in the first period sure one of them was was even it was it was four on four but you know stay out of the box coil and geeky like come on like geek’s penalty um geeki penalty I I don’t see call in the regular season but of course it’s the playoffs they call that um however uh at least they got the embellishment AI powered social what does Boston go plof mean what’s that what what is a ploff go play golf is that what you’re trying to say play golf I don’t know that was a good first period they to keep that up pck got 10 shifts in the first period dang dude you don’t you you don’t even you’re not even typing in English bro at least if you’re G to say something stupid at least make it make it easy to read man you know what I mean like come on if you’re gonna you’re if you’re gonna type some snarky comment at least write it in English man you on the Socks game tomorrow have a great time they’re playing the Rays right razor winning right now one nothing me check that though see how they’re doing they are they still losing last time I checked they were one nothing top of the fourth is it going to be good weather tomorrow down in Boston for the game tomorrow night when when is the game tomorrow is it at what 7 o’clock tomorrow night for a bunch of guys have a good time man yeah 710 tomorrow night oh yeah it should be a nice it should be a nice night doesn’t care about go horns I a found a perfect recording of like melon Arena horns one my most recent videos been looking for a good recording for a few months here I’ll here I’ll I’ll play it I think I’m subb right I should be if I’m not I’m a bad Marshon still out yeah he is Penguins 2009 sing cup final horn is that it is that the horn right here yeah they’re playing the melon right yeah I can’t even hear it wa it man I will say this though oh Bruns 2011 horn they blasted the horn back [Music] then nice it’s a good point uh any explanations to why shaten Kirk hasn’t played you want to know my explanation to that you you want to know my explanation as to why he hasn’t played at least one game in the series I don’t know I I feel like it it should at least once crickets I got nothing I mean I think they have the right six defenseman in but I if with Marshon out I kind of wanted to see the Bruns go seven defenseman get shaton Kirk in there get some Reps for him you know he hasn’t played since game seven of the well wait a minute yeah he hasn’t played since game seven of the Lea series he hasn’t played in about what 10 days get him back in there Wheeling nailers at the loudest go horn in my opinion all right let’s be the judge of that real quick the Wheeling nailers of the ECHL let’s be the judge of that real quick Wheeling nailers right now [Music] well that is pretty loud but I do respond I have a response Penn [Music] State my response that that’s my response may Lees did come back 31 and tie the series still lost but will Boston Strong hopefully Bruins M TD guard bring the 2011 sound system they they didn’t even do that they just need to turn up the go horn that’s all they need to do the song’s blasting in there oh you can barely hear this the horn on TV it sounds like this here’s what the horn sounds like on TV ready one second can you hear it here’s what the horn sounded like in [Music] 2011 much difference right a much different much louder you know in the regular season whatever the playoffs that horn should be blasting dude I don’t care what anybody that horn should be blasting I should have ringing ears after the goh horn okay you know what I mean like come on let’s get on it here is the captain playing no Captain I was born in 2011 never got to watch the Bruins wi you were born in 201 oh my God so what are you 13 wow what do you use for these horns uh I have an app called gold horn Hub it’s on the app store iOS Android whatever you want whatever you use um I have NHL vintage AHL e bchl e e CHL o HL qjl WHL M MLB NFL other custom teams NFL San Francisco you [Music] know MLB uh Tampa Bay at my discretion goh horn Hub Hub a U ladder doesn’t NE necessarily mean better you’re right well yes and no as long as it’s not like an ear rape as long as it’s not like this at max volume how the Bron’s holding up at the moment they’re doing pretty good they got to keep up the M the momentum here in the second period uh can you do MLB Boston on that app uh the breed Sox don’t have a home run horn the Red Sox did have do have a home run song they play and I have played that on stream before red whatever I call the Red Sox Red Sox home run song I got an ad because of course I did here Red Sox home run song it’s kind of lame low key I’m surprised they haven’t change I’m surprised I haven’t changed that yet what’s up Kyle what’s going on man it’s kind of lame to be honest should use like a shipping up to Boston or something like that you know we can see we can we can hear speak Caroline Fair that’s fair that’s the right that’s that’s completely fair you’re right Sweet Caroline’s a great song you’re guaranteed to hear that at a Red Sox game regardless they win or lose they play in the middle of the eighth inning regardless I was at a game uh the Vlogs up on the channel now was like 13 to1 Blue Jays about 2third of the crowd’s still there sweet carola a Leaf’s horn why would I want to bring myself back to round one I’m not going to blast it either I don’t scare the B Jesus out of my family out no but here fine [Music] garbage front office garbage team sh up the B me a terrible goal song for the for the Bruins oh I agree I don’t I don’t I don’t like that song as a goal song I think it’s a more of a hype up song yeah hot take not a fantas sweek Caroline is a Red Sox what what that’s sacrilege you can’t say that you can’t say that boo tomato no I’m kidding tomato tomato tomato I’m only playing the maple E versus the first round is probably their biggest rivalry in all sports but um it’s funny Di’s from Brooklyn and he’s singing it live at Fenway before he loves the Red Sox play he think it’s great what’s the point USHL team uses a poor man’s Montreal horn oh wait is it this wait a minute hold on is it this one no where is it nowers sword that’s Minnesota fact that’s what that is that’s no wait wait that Horn’s weird what is that hold on I’m trying to find the right one where is it it’s a train horn right to train horn Bing of the coach Bom Bay for up appr nope that’s definitely not [Music] Montreal those you don’t know uh I I write sport history books looked up the Youngtown Phantoms go gotcha uh I write Sports history books yes you yes he does he he and hopefully uh I get featured in them in the next one Youngstown Phantoms goldhorn second period about to start here just a second here we go that might be worse than Montreal H that’s awful no offense what is that that is awful that’s a terrible goh horn man what how kind of a goal song is that I don’t mind the goal song the horn sucks I don’t I don’t mind the goal song it’s fun it’s it’s a it’s a I don’t know ponzo reportedly turn out a seven-year dealer to re time the Mets maybe he’ll go to Boston thoughts oh my God delusional Red Sox fan alert no I’m kidding I’m kidding here we go second period about to start Bruins going from right to left Panthers going from left to right here goes game five Co second period coil against Lindell Panthers win the draw second period underway Frederick battling against Mika and the puck is forced into the into the Panthers end montal dump in and the Panthers will get Panthers lose the puck Here Comes Heinen with poster knock and Cole Heinen will take the puck and dump in Frederick uh went off the ice right after that opening exchange lolm will keep in De Brasco will get a run in on the for check played around he almost pumped into bosi there lolm gloves down they dump out poock will try to take it away comes to Rodriguez he’ll dump in the Bruins have nine players with shots biggest trade the Red Sox ever made was Trading mooki bets I completely agree but at the same time I’m really liking Conor Wong dude geeky pressure there by forsling puck moved ahead makoy will take the puck back and dump back in right in back in the end of the floor to end brosi will play it around knocked down by Reinhardt and it goes right up into the Bruins bench yeah Bogart’s playing with the Padres now in San Diego that’s unfortunate got a massive contract hasn’t really done much since so kind of like it’s kind of like all right well and we have Tyler O’Neal now who hits the ball like a mile and he’s like the second coming of Jesus when it comes to hitting the ball so maybe uh keep that up Red Sox could have a could have a run it’s been a fun team so far they’re not they’re not great by any means but they’re not bad either they’re not bad zaka kicked out of the draw against Veri it’ll be brazzo taking the draw Veri wins it kulakov dude is a man man he’s so good he was injured for like a couple weeks comes back first game he h a home run back like what is that man shots are 13-4 Boston Bennett back to the line kulakov emman Larson shoots knocked down in front kachuck trying to center it for Bennett he could not back to Veri play it around the cage Bennett right on it just ahead of him kulakov Wilder’s spon takes it away over to Peak in front of the Boston net Peak will play it up ahead for bro touch pass van ream has a two-on one with zaka here is zaka his shot blocked zaka against kulakov with it looking clean look good clean shaven thank you you know what I I I’m kind of I kind of wonder if I look better with the beard or clean shaven so I appreciate the the nice compliments about my about my clean face I appreciate it maroon big maroon is not moving this Puck I like it Puck comes back Carlo right Circle maroon throws it in front for beer he gets it back beer looking to the front beer out tie to lorai lorai his Drive saved by babski the fourth line pinning the puck in deep for the moment Laur will get it right back here’s beer enters in on side beer shot it’s blocked by kulakov Veri throws it away it’s G to be a penalty on Florida well all right for hagy getting call for gloving the down the puck two minutes against the Panthers ver Hy in the Box’s going to get their first Power Play of the [Music] game how he looking so far right now got to knock on looks pretty good peach fudge stays at 17 but I don’t know if the jeans will let me beard it out oh that’s unfortunate Co poock Van reik de brus and makoy the Bruins did score in the power play in game four their only Power Play goal of the series and de Brusque trying to change that and it’s a save by bosski goes out of play shots are 144 Boston right now that is a really good number Bost has to make this count they literally have to it was a good Faceoff win by coy de brus got had a nice shot it was it was blocked by uh loose dur and it goes out of play you do only hockey streams or do you do other sports hockey mainly but baseball sometimes during out a season or if the Celtics get far do the Celtics as well Coyle will take the draw big tie up for it eek will try to clear held in by makoy makoy his shot tripped in front save by bosski it was tipped by Van Rey and the Panthers clear first shot on goal of the power play then 15 seconds nice looking fresh by the way man appreciate it makoy dropping it for Jake de Brusque he’ll move it out to Center Post nice touch pass over to Coyle trying to center it foring breaking it up up ahead makoy oh makoy oh buddy he’s got to play that puck mway pressured by barov he’s down barov taking it away mway will sent will move it head for to brus it’s a Pinn de brusk with pastron and Coy oh poock all right the Bruins are awful in transition it’s confirmed San coming way out of his net to play the puck van re for poock moving it ahead off of De Brusque geeki battling for it the Bruins goal scor tonight Morgan geeky to bruss back to poock out there with low ride now poock for geeki poock barely holding in lorai poock looking across for D Broski couldn’t play it brazzo bras is knocked into and the Panthers going to have a two-on-one short-handed it’s stenin with kulakov stenin walks in shot save San brazzo will try to move it ahead past will gather crosses the line trying to get it over and wow past’s doing so much a lot of nothing with the puck a lot of nothing here he goes off lorai will cross the line lorai breaking shooting sa B brovi rebound brazzo pressuring Lindell Lindell will try to get it out he will 10 seconds to go on the power play not a whole lot of nothing for the Bruins here two shots on goal but they were meaningless ones oh man not a good power play again from the bees back to five on five or hiy out of the box lolm ahead of zaka to turnover it’s Sam Bennett oh boy here we go oh no lolm cutting off Bennett’s angle Carlo will whip it around it’s it comes out to Center brazza will get a change it was the Bruin’s 12th power play of the series Panther have at 22 Puck play it around held in by emman Larson maroon the Poke check and Brandon Carlo will get it back Carlo oh he fan on the pass Puck comes to Bennett Veri for kachuck Puck played around back to Montour right point and Veri centering in in front lolm sweeps it away Puck comes back to Montour here’s a chance for Veri closes glove save San he has to do a whole lot tonight it’s a good save oh I didn’t even notice that move po Rock’s been good with the puck tonight man when it comes to moving pucks man I can get down to mean mu especially when I’m reing Junior Hockey they take take me more seriously well we’ll see about hope well I mean hopefully you actually hold hopefully you actually call the game down the line here is Mika in deep lolm that’s W spon and Rodriguez down on the ice Peak for Coyle taken back by leran leran pressured by by hinen and Coyle and who’s out there with loo right now Bruins will get it out to Center Coyle has Heinen with him it’s a two on two drops it for Heinen looking for a drop feed Heinen takes the shot and a save by bosski there’s some extra stuff in front Coy shove at Rodriguez after the Whistle the line right now was hinen Coy loo because Frederick had had just had a shift so Poss shooting the puck stupidly with the right shot but that’s not what we need just keep throwing Pucks in the net some of them are bound to go in pressure bosski make him think especially with a guy like David pook make him think I have a cold wet rag in front of me CU I just played some basketball before this game and had to come run run home and play the game and call the game so Bruins have won more draws tonight well not for long Panthers win that one it’s now 1212 Coy with Frederick and poock that is an odd Trio ebl will move it ahead chance a shot by barov saved by Swan makoy throwing teraso away from trouble Celtics may need you Sam well well I wasn’t all that good I I mean I couple I made a couple of big shots today but I’m more I’m like Nica yic man except I can’t post up they go to commercial break niola yic man I can shoot from outside and I’m a big man I’m 6’2 I’m tall and I got three-point range man never had a game never had a game get out of hand or insane booze oh hey that’s good and by the way uh the Celtics won’t need me they’re doing really well right now so play basketball a good passer not a good shooter I’m pretty I’m good for when from three and I’m also good like getting rebounds because I’m tall but like I can’t I don’t I can’t drive to the basket I can’t I’m not good at it like do layups oh well you know what layups are good layups are good we like layups they’re the easiest shot in the game but that and a free throw but layups are good back from commercial break like Spike yes massive like Spike 74 only 39 likes no thank you hit the like button on the stream if you have not yet run up that like count run up that like count massive like Spike coming on Paul Maurice is screaming at his guys right now face off one back by Florida foring shots save by San terce angle back eblad shot knocked down in traffic rebound Reinhardt scores get pucks out of your Zone guys uh Sam Reinhardt I guess the screaming worked one to [Music] one I don’t happen the Florida goal animation but it’s glitched out there we go Sam Reinhard get a nice play in front and it’s one to one here in the second period as a rebound you got to clear Puck away got you cannot be letting those rebounds come in front of you man we’re deadlocked at one the Bruins can’t they can’t be sitting back they got to step up now zaka for brazzo a shot knock down Pucket moved ahead here come the Panthers Veri only Waller spoons back drops it a chance swiming great save on kulakov Paul Maurice was very upset Reinhardt assisted by E blad and Tera senko San cannot be letting that rebound up I’m not gonna blame him but come on like here is Lindell pressured by wspoon here is Rodriguez shot is blocked and it goes out of play the shot are 17 to 10 now do you make your scoreboards uh no somebody made it for me but next year I’m GNA think I’m going to make my own I’m G to try to figure out how to do that but I’m gonna make my own I think coil against Lindell moved it’s tied up there Peak will try to move it ahead he’ll get it out to Center rodri oh it’s a turn oh a steal Charlie Coyle with Frederick Frederick in alone he’s stopped by mosy the puck came free he has it Cole feeding Frederick on a on a platter and Frederick got denied anyone that takes Sam’s Board taking two minutes for copyright yep what a pass from Coy to Frederick here Frederick bobbled it but he had a better shot there it’s a good save by bosski if Frederick didn’t Bobble that puck he might actually have a better shot he’s got to lift that puck too beer maroon and Loco out there Breer tied of senin wins the draw emman Larson pinned in by Peak he will try to reverse It Around the Net he will loo in on the four check against kulakov and Peak will glove down another attempt but Lawrence will flip it out crowd is getting on Swan’s nerves now Channing Swan because they scored finally emman Larson against maroon was waiting for that to happen Ean Larson will try to move it ahead he was getting tied up there by Maroon poke check by Peak here is maroon trying to get it to to beer it got tied up and the Panthers not letting that get through opposal will take the puck and dump in here is lorai now blo in the neutral zone trying to find m who’s breaking barkov will lift it out lorai will will keep it alive against against the ooso lorai S it over to Jake debrusk fresh legs of the bees here debrus across the line looking to try to Center to Braska around the cage and he’s thrown off the puck by barov he is pushed lolm a turnover tereno drilling lolm Reinhardt across nobody there lolm cutting it off lolm debrusk will take the puck and dump in around the around the Panthers net B Broski will play it around and it comes all the way out will not be iing not where Mark’s going next year I have no idea lolm for Carlo up ahead off of geeky in the zone bosski moving it along kachuck through Veri Veri will dump in and and now here come the Panthers Here Comes Their Here Comes their surge right about now the Bruns got to stop that Swingman good save on a chance from kachu the Bruins have to stop the surge here I’m not talking about Carolina either I’m talking about Florida got to stop that surge when will Trevor Kar make an appearance next year or two Lindell kicked out of the draw against coil it’ll be E2 loose to raining ruins hop on it brazzo with zaka and Coy right now brazzo will flip in Coy is only on for the face off Ben Rey will come on now brazzo pressured Lindell takes it away lendell will dump in Rodriguez pressured by wspoon here is terrain looking in front Haman he couldn’t find him as was cut off there by Van reik zaka will get it to brazzo brazzo in the neutral zone he’ll reach the red line and chip in Nika against zaka and now here is Rodriguez dumped in by Rodriguez once again Peak around for lowai merkulov made his debut earli this year he’s up here for like 10 games Puck goes off of Frederick in the zone and now here is kulakov with it shots are 18 to 11 Boston halfway through the second period we’re halfway through the game and it’s 1-1 here is kulakov with it backman Larson Bennett up ahead oh no Carter ver hay shoots save San good stop there lorai will move it ahead Cole he’ll a man Trent Frederick up ahead Frederick is hi and coming hit the Brun of all man Rush Frederick’s SL down Coy dropping here’s a chance makoy score Charlie McAvoy that’s how you respond makoy got served up on a platter it’s two to one I had McDonald’s earlier today I had a Big Mac two to one I guess I did something right I did something right today what a play by the hi and coil Frederick line that line was unbelievable in game four they were good again tonight what a play makoy finally showing up in the series huge goal huge goal the Big Max strikes goal interference hold on a minute goal tender interference don’t do this if you if they take this back it’s rigged if they take this back the series is rigged if they take this goal back the series is confirmed rigged rigged confirmed Florida is challenging for goenda if they call this off Heinen barely touched him the standard was set in game four when Bennett was shoved Bennett shoved Coyle into bar into Swan then that was not goal interference if this is is what is goalie interference that that’s not going interference guys it can’t be hean touched him yeah but comparing to Bennett and Coyle no no oh come on he had time to recover he had time to recover he had four seconds to recover after that shot after that goal interference if this gets called back I am calling the league myself if this gets called back it’s going to be we’re going to have to investigate what go chender interference really is we’re going have to investigate what it really is and I’m not sure what it really is if that gets called back I’m not gonna like if if I’m the Bruins here if I’m filing an injunction if this gets called back here’s the call hey yeah they got it right they got it right it’s a goal Bruins lead two to one makoy will get credit Florida you’re not gonna like it a I’m so sorry see how it feels yeah this how way we’ve been feeling all freaking series shut up they got it right and the Bruins gonna power play for delay a game y’all [Music] suck ah how’s that feel Mao first goal of the playoffs paay back a [ __ ] Bruins uh win the face off they’re going to have a power play now because of that Ford is getting charge of the bench Miner delay a game Coyle with poster knock to brusk makoy and Van Rey van re will keep in at the line playing it around remember guys I on fubo TV I’m way behind you guys here is makoy here is Coyle trying to get it and stenin takes it away and now here comes leran short-handed he has foring breaking leran trying to center Shot save San good save Cole to brusk with it crosses the BR crosses the Panthers line playing it around the cage bark off Cho Puck comes back to Coyle who holds in for the moment Coyle into debrusk oh off a what was that Jake Jake what was that that pass was nothing what was that for here is makoy now halfway through the power play drop back for zaka zaka for geeki had the first Bruns go geeky gets stick lifted oh God it’s like it’s I’m seeing Deja Vu again Reinhardt makoy cut off geeki will try to move it ahead geeky will move it ahead for poock trying to get it through eblad and e oh it’s a turnover Reinhardt shorthanded save San they’re being parist with the puck in the power play stop you just scored don’t make me angry again e all alone save San don’t make me angry you literally just scored terrible power play ah zaka now dropping it for geeky turnover another one zaka nice job buddy that’s the fourth turnover on this power play and it’s a penalty on lorai unbelievable unbelievable with one second to go in the power play and lorai is upset hooking on lowai you can’t make this up man our momentum went to [ __ ] they deserved to take that penalty Man dive that wasn’t a dive lorai hooked them it was a stupid penalty aoso was was serving the penalty coil against barkov and minut to go it’ll be a minute 59 Panthers power play and they win the draw but it comes out beer racing against aoso back but beer almost got beat be my ring partner yeah maybe I should should I I should take a trip oh god oh wait I forgot I can’t skate here is bar parkoff I’ll I’ll ref from the from the from the uh from outside as lyol clears kachuck dumps in Veri pressured by beer Carlo will try to get it ahead beer cutting off barov beer thrown down beer hin in with linol and Carlo right now comes to LY Holm ly Holm clears and that’s a good one Bruins got caught in the change kachuck slows down he didn’t have any room to work with ver hegy kachuck again barkoff left corner Reinhardt around the cage back to kachuck at the right side Montour center point kachuck across barov has space trying to center it nobody there here is kachak here’s Montour shooting it’s stopped in front barkoff pressure by debras Alex I do not want any spoilers shot save San no spoilers in the chat I am behind and I don’t want this game spoiled and neither do you neither would you so do not spoil until I say something that happens please do not say anything that happens in the game until I say it all right please and thank you 53 seconds to go on the Florida Power Play the second unit comes on Coy against Lindell Lindell wins it back to the line emman Larson Lindell looking Rodriguez Bennett shoots and misses wide and the Bruins will get it out thanks to a bad bounce for Florida good chance for Bennett there better save though here is teras senko for Bennett Maka nice cut off W spoon with a nice clear all the way back down to Sergey babski babski will leave it for Eckman Larson 25 seconds to go in the Panthers power PL and the Bruns will get lowai back here is Rodriguez crosses the line big tie up here tereno around the cage pass Bennett here’s Evan Rodriguez battling with makoy lelle and deep playing it around and here is teras looking to Center and here is emman Larson for Rodriguez Rodriguez looking Ean Larson shoots it’s blocked to brus he’s going to have a break at the end of the penalty kill here is Jake D brosin alone save rebound Frederick’s denight two great Saves by Bovi to brusen Frederick gets mean get hosed by bosski and the puck goes out of play with five and a half to go great chances better saves they’re in maral break I’m going to back out and go back into fubo to make sure that I’m up to date I do not want to watch women’s WNBA right now no not play from the start no not play from the start you suck watch live thank you uh they’re in commercial break be right back be back in 30 seconds I’m not going far oh God I almost just dropped everything be right back all right we are back ah the goalie interference it went to our advantage they actually got it right it’s a beautiful thing I think I saw sof said that listen to the listen to the Sam because the announcers suck B would choosin leave that man alone sof’s going to happen in game let’s get to game six first guys let’s let’s get the game let’s get to game six Coy will take the draw against Reinhardt sry geeky nice win back by geeky I’m sorry makoy to the front saved by babowski again lyol shot is blocked and it goes above the net shot for 2216 Boston and it will come all the way back down does not touch swam it’s going to be nicing here against Florida Bob a nice commentator that man’s nice all right I have him on linked okay he’s a nice guy okay I follow him on Twitter nice guy I promise he Jacko reaction to this series oh I would have loved to linol a hip check kind of a thing barkov against makoy barkoff wrapping up gets wrapped up by makoy teraso back e blad to the front shot knocked down well game Seven’s uh oh chance for Reinhard great save San on Reinhardt who’s trying to go for a second of the night here’s eblad back forsling left point he shoots oh SW by save by Swan again barkoff eblad again shot blocked by Lin Holman high debras will try to move it ahead geeky will wave it to the out of the Zone barely it is going to be a delayed offside Puck is moved ahead it’s going to be an icing here against the lolm but yeah I would pay so much to hear the Jack Edwards reaction to the series me too there was a video posted uh Jack Edwards did a cameo and he was asked to call the game seven overtime winner somebody put it together um I’ll play it during the intermission I was I saved it on Tik Tok right I say it on Tik Tok right seven Tik Tok notifications what did I do or I reposted it on Tik Tok that’s what I did I’ll play it next intermission uh four and a half to go shots are 2218 Boston right now the shots were 13 to4 in the first in favor of the Bruins now it’s only shots are 14 and N Florida here in the second come back with a better attack offensively Montour here’s a chance Bennett looking shooting went high and wide and the puck will come to the line barely held in by Mika play it in deep goes past Sam Bennett Peak will try to move that puck ahead it goes off brazzo and the Bruins are way offside van ream got pushed into the Zone practically it’s going to be an offside against Boston another commercial break here I’ll play it now because we’re in intermission or we’re in a commercial break here you want to hear the call from Jack Edwards if I were to call he’s sitting in his car game seven overtime goal sad but it’s poetic would beat like this lindol cross Corner a dump hits the end boards and pck swoops by Mar and Scoops it home the brues win they blow the leaves off the lawn and Into the Wilderness once again or something like that uh Gotta Love Jack Edwards but man I’m sorry yeah you gotta it was time it was time but it classic Jack Edwards blow the leaes off uh off the one he Jack Edwards was a really good announcer um for many many years and then like 20 and like Co hit and then it was kind of yeah after that yeah I’m gonna miss Jack too but I hope I hope they pick the right guy for next year I do hope they picked the right guy post game rant against Montreal in 2011 oh and he talked about how they I’ll play that later that’s funny that was a funny rant I remember I did it word for word one time uh as a joke spoke to my friends and they had no idea what I was talking about and they’re all Bruins fans no idea what I I was talking about until I said for Nako Fama and Andy Brickley and our Ness and production crew I’m Jack Edwards signing off from TD Garden and they’re like what did you just say they had no idea what I was talking about beer oh no beer oh aoso Jesus beer what was that buddy recover with a gold beer what was that man and he turned over the beer come on man why are you giving the puck right to Lo right to aoso play is blown dead if the Bruins had a hand pass what was that he gave the puck right to him in front of the net what is that beer give yourself a break man oh come on until I uh until I knew he had a speech issue I thought he’d just become a drunk it sounded it I remember I making jokes of oh Jack’s drunk again but no it was just because he was um he was having speech issues which I’m hopefully uh he gets those fixed and at least he gets those improved and I hope he becomes much better with his voice and his speech because I heard an interview with him uh recently and it sounded he sounded very sad I don’t know why it was before he announced his retirement though I’ll see if I can find the clip I’ll post it after the game um it’s it was really sad you know he sounded like very like this like he wasn’t talking very loud he was talking like he wasn’t really talking like an announcer either you know this is how I usually talk the way I’m talking right now is the way I usually talk the way I broadcast is the way I usually talk shot comes in front save San um you just knew it was time and you know what I’m I’m happy that he fig that he knew and it was time to move on to a younger and more active voice and more understandable voice no offense at the end he was just brutal to listen to Jack Edward’s telling me tell ham to get up while he’s Mak laugh and Hammer goes down as as if he as if he got shot get up I couldn’t believe it when I first heard that clip I I I was like what did he just say when I actually understood what he said when I got older and matured and I what he was saying I couldn’t believe it pu goes pass eblad and brusk geeky beating forsling will it will negate the icing and oh no Sam Reinhardt has a break he has oh Reinhardt getting a round makoy he curls barov hits the post that was not in that was not pretty tereno pass broken up by poock De Brusco move it ahead he’ll just dump in because he can’t really go anywhere with two Defenders right on him Panthers are pressing [Music] here here is tereno Bruns got a got a got a stop for his offensive attack there you go good stick look by De brusk he’ll move itead he has pck up ahead and he gets beat and the Bruns go for a change Montour will dump in Van reik will get it out of the Zone mikolo will have to reset van reik trying to jam it to geeki who’s at the end of a shift zaka comes on a bad change for for geeki there puck bounc around oh that just went wide of the net woo W spoon for brazzo Bruno try to move it ahead he’ll get it out of the Zone Annie Brickley too Annie Brickley making fun of uh um who was it Kovu when he got slashed or something like that oh so funny in like 200 um four in an overtime when Glenn Murray scored the overtime winner oh man it was so funny I saw that clip the other day I started laughing lolm over to over to maky with speed makoy across the line he gets around kulakov and he loses the puck man why is he so why is he down there if he’s not going to keep the puck man Bruins keep it in for the moment it’s lifted out to Center maoy bats at it and gets it back to lolm yeah the Bruins were playing too relaxed right now they got to get back to what they were doing in the first period under minute to go here in the second Bruins lead two to one loose toan will flip it up ahead it’s going to be knocked down by Carlo High stick play was play was blown dead hes fans were guilty of imperious conce was brilliant oh man it was so good oh oh kovalev that’s what it was Alex kovalev right kovalev got slashed and he sold it he’s doesn’t try to play the puck he’s like ow and like like come on make a try at least I don’t know unless he broke his hand which he didn’t he was trying to be he was trying to get a penalty what he was trying to do and it failed miserably zaka bounced on that puck oh no bar Reinhardt trying to get through wers spoon cutting off with 30 seconds to go he’ll lift it out forsling against poock moved ahead zaka takes the puck and dumps back in with under 30 seconds to go on the period here is teraso play it across forsling barkoff with under under 20 seconds Carlo denies H it gets it back out forsing with 10 seconds crosses the Bruins line he shovels it in deep 5 Seconds To Go bark off in front posto will tie the puck up in the corner Bruins lead two to one going to the SEC going to the third period all right Bruins I I have a pep talk for you and I know these usually backfire but I usually I want to say this now CU I won’t I won’t be have another chance to say this you have 20 more minutes to save your season you’re doing good you’re doing good you got to keep it up lock down defensively get Puck out move Puck the other way and bury it come on it wasn’t bad no it wasn’t bad but also wasn’t great I mean they scored and it was kind of shitty the way it happened but at least they responded you know what I mean Jesus I have to score in the third they don’t have a choice they have to score in the third period 69 viewers down to 62 make sure to keep running up that like count bro got jump scared by by uh L nzx by the way somebody was blasting out in their car stay out of the box yes at all cost do not take a penalty unless you absolutely have to avoid it if you can save your season because I don’t want this to be the last Bruins game I call this year I don’t want that to be the case you know what I mean I don’t want that and neither do you I know y’all don’t want want this to be the last one I I call this year right neither do you guys more Bruins hockey the better right I don’t want this to be the last Bruins game I watched to watch this this this season I want to be able to to uh want to use this song again I want to use this song again man I want to use the song one more time cuz spoiler alert I’m not using this next year and I’m actually going to stick with it next year I’m not using this song next year this is the last time I could never used this song guys it this this song lowkey helped me rise my channel up right don’t question my heart man it was it’s it’s underrated as hell I play that right now the song goes hard man smoking cracken watching your streams the my favorite thing to do it’s G be the last one of the Season jokes jokes is it jokes though I don’t know I mean because I could use I have other ones ready to go like I can use that a throwback you here the first two months of the year you guys remember this song right this is a throwback if you were here for Saturday night games the first few months of the Season Elton John man like jeez and if you’re really an OG of these streams if you’re really an OG you will recognize this music to introduce stream get you guys hyped up I’ll make I have to find it here oh here we go like come on you know in 2013 ra well yeah I used it it was great dude you’re absolute Legend just want to say in case the last stream I really appreciate everything you do for us you’re my favorite streamer and our going place so keep it up man well I’ll be back next year it’s I’ll say about that play my head at random times this one oh look at this classic Tonight is the Night imagine this even pyro my afterwards well Bo n boom boom bo boom bo boom welcome to Mond night what would you guys want us a song next year I already have an idea in my head and I’ve been thinking about it and I think I’ve told you guys about this before but what what would you guys want the song to be I was thinking something like uh I was thinking something like this that song Hypes me up every time no fail nothing that song Hypes up every time Let It Rock Kevin Rudolph Lil Wayne every time that song gets me going every time every time no fail and I want to switch it up because I feel like I do like rock and stuff like that we switch it up a little bit but still get you hyped up you know what I mean somebody suggested I do good company by Andy gramar you guys remember this convers I think I’ve had this conversation with you guys before but if you haven’t if you haven’t heard the song here you go Noah nah I said no no thank you no thanks he has been relevant since 2016 crazy crazy statement also true NHL NBC song you serious I don’t care what song You is long a bangs me the NHL NBC song wait wait a minute let me get it real quick screw you advertisements damn it Sleep Number why haven’t they brought this back on NBC and NBC I hate this NBC Universal you got to get the NHL back because we got to bring back this banger ESPN song is fine TNTs is fine this is so good why do but then they have this one Wednesday night hockey Wednesday night rivalry on on NBCSN this song Went hard too [Music] one night rivalry them was better oh fair enough wait this one yeah okay fair enough I guess you’re right the ESPN’s is fine like what whatever like oh I hit a jackpot what is this oh wait wait SM oh Jesus oh there you go yeah here we go this era of SmackDown was so good 2016 Smackdown was unmatched bro that song was that oh I’m telling you right now oh was so good that era of SmackDown was so good run Smackdown who it was good back then that was some good [ __ ] I love that era of SmackDown with the passion that was one of the reasons I got into wrestling in the first place that era of SmackDown was so good H just got here your shaped in war Jersey I listen to you I listen to what you said you’re you you you remember you’re paying me money every month so I bet listen to you you shave I you told me to shave and wear a jersey I shaved also because I kind of wanted to and I wore a jersey cuz I wanted to the ra War theme oh yeah that was a good one [Music] like come on man oh why doesn’t why don’t wrestling companies use music like that anymore man I’m gonna get so many copyright claims and honestly I don’t care I I’ll take care of it later um I don’t know man it’s there there’s something about that era of wrestling that’s so cool to me like rock and wrestling go together I agree I think Rock and hockey go together which is why I’m so sad that all these companies are using like like like hip-hop music for like all these networks using hip-hop music like it’s not hockey man it’s not basketball sure baseball sure not hockey hockey isn’t a hipop sport it’s it’s a rock sport I think football too football is a rock sport I think it’s hard hitting like that I mean I understand the hip hop and everything but but rock at the same time that Hypes me up to watch games how’s pwhl doing is Montreal getting beaten badly or Mont is Boston getting beaten badly again oh Boston scored hey there you go nice two to one in the third period too much hip hop well I don’t know I’m also just not a fan of modern music anyway nowadays I’m just not a big fan of it for the most part like modern popular music I I’m not a big fan of no I just that’s why I don’t use it a lot I don’t I don’t know I feel like it’s just to me I don’t I just don’t really care about it too much whole playlist of metal and rock updating it soon I send me that playlist I need to see that soon lot of garbage out there I mean 90s rap and 2000s rap was good this modern stuff I’m not a big fan of man I never have been dude just not a fan of it but it’s crazy because my generation all loves it I can’t do it I can’t I can’t like I’m watching the NBA on ESPN last night and I’m hearing this hip-hop music I’m like no man ring the 2000s pop overload I thought 2010’s rock pop was good until like 2016 country music does not belong in hockey I agree I just number one I no offense I do do not I hate country music I can’t stand it it’s hit or miss with country like it’s either you really like it or you really don’t I can’t I don’t agree with it I don’t well I’m not I don’t agree with that I just don’t like it I don’t know all right enough of the music talk it’s time to talk cocky again Bruins up two to one going to the third period we’re about to get started country pop oh with the hit with with the the like Morgan Wallen for example Country Music Works your National well that obviously that’s different like Boston should not be I should not be hearing country music in the garden when the Bruins are about to play here we go third period final period period of the night could it be the final period of the Season or will there be a game six we about to find out Coy wins the draw Carlo will dump in all right Bruins let’s force a game six it’s a good start with an icing from Brandon Montour enjoy edming games oh yeah that’s what Ryan Callahan’s doing nowadays wow oh yeah Ryan kenan’s been an announcer for ESPN ever since ESPN got the NHL back so Joe sacko his job might he might get canned this summer yeah EDM music man if I’m if I’m at like a like at prom I was at prom like when I went to my prom a couple years ago pck comes in front oh my God big scramble the puck was literally on the sitting on the goal line it didn’t go though geeky trying to get free from Lindell he can’t geeki is getting bullied down there he keeps it alive back to lolm makoy throwing it on the net it goes wide but brosi was knocked down and the Panthers will get it out I’ll talk more about that in a second about what I was going where I was going with that here is makoy oh my God I got to get back into hockey mode here makoy up ahead it gets broken up it deflects into the Zone geeky will race to the puck against eblad geeki gets out get out uh bodied by eblad puck comes to forsling will move it ahead eblad will enter the Zone W spoon behind his Zone cage he’ll move it for Coyle who as who has hinen and Frederick with them Coyle in the neutral zone reaches the red line flips in forsling battling with Frederick Frederick wins the battle but Heinen couldn’t play it teraso up ahead it comes to Reinhardt Reinhardt Puck is gloved down by wers spoon is’s out there with Carlo now o it’s a turnover teraso Reinhardt waiting for barkov to get on side he will Reinhardt through wers nice move save swayan he’ll hang on um but back to what I was saying EDM I heard it in my prom and the prom gwi got crazy dude reminder guys I’m a sophomore in college I my SE my prom was two years ago uh we only had senior prom because Junior Prom was canceled because of Co um but senior prom man uh so fun they blasted Ed like it started off with like some nice 2010s pop and which was what our generation loved as growing up with and they turned into EDM it was a blast I had so much fun that song was so that it was such a good night prom is one of my favorite nights I’ve ever had when it comes to like oh my God penal on Boston two minutes though it’s only two minutes Bennett taking a high stick for makoy playing hard I’m playing at this club not far from your college oh well I don’t really go to Club like no I I don’t just don’t want man oh yeah Mac yeah you can’t do that macavoy like I’m I would rather like unless it’s like prom or like a big event I’d rather stay back I’d rather hang out with friends in like in my room I would never I don’t like going no nah not for me barkov wins the draw against coil Montour goes off of Reinhardt skate all the way back down into the Florida end anyway all right enough enough music Talk going to uh get back in hockey here here’s barkov across the red line he fans on the pass trying to dump it in the zone over to Montour going out and partying in college is overrated monor for barov here is brard he’ll dump in here is Veri trying to Center playing it over to Matt kchu edited I see your comment about him shot on that save San the M the said it he’s going to wake up so don’t say that so many things I want to yell at Bennett my lawyers are probably watching oh you have a lawy you have multiple lawyers oh no but I I I don’t know partying in college is overrated face off one back by Florida Bry poke check here’s pavl zaka on a break he shoots bosi a good save that was actually a good try by zaka he went Far Side just a better stop by barowski probably his best chance he’s had all playoffs let’s be honest here San oh God he turn oh he almost turned it over the puck W spoon’s there to help out though beer it comes to Veri it’s held in here is barkov Woon cutting him off and the Bruins can’t clear Verge he holds in he shoots saves Swan Peak will clear all the way back down the ice bosski up ahead here is Veri he’ll play it around the cage I’m calling it a cage call it the net call it the goal debras will get it out stop calling it The Cage WF was WTF is Monty doing on the bench he’s over exaggerating what happened with the Panthers there how he took the penalty so he’s just trying to I don’t trying to get a point across Bennett for Rodriguez over to Lindell Lindell lyol knocks down Lindell and Coyle takes the puck and clears and that’s going to pretty much do it for the penalty what a hit by lolm actually throwing the body in the postseason Bruins will get uh the Bruins will get makoy back it’s back to five on five shot by forsing is block it comes to Eads into the line Puck is bouncing around Bennett will redump in as the brins got it out of the zone here is little lorai for Peak Peak across the across the Panthers line Peak looking around the cage he keeps it alive Andrew Peak back to the line lorai over to peak one timer kick save of Browski he’ll make the stop he will hang on and the Bruins will get an offensive zone face off here what a poke check by zaka on Montour he read that play moving it up the ice had a chance to almost seal it but a better save by bosski is mar playing no he’s not playing tonight but he’s making uh but they’re playing all right with him right now so shirtless guys wearing painted Bob zaka zaka has never had a playoff goal maybe this is the year maybe this is the time for him Reinhardt will take the draw against gigy with maroon andstock I think is out there right now yeah reinhardt’s kicked out of the draw geeky with maroon and posto geeky against barov big tie up comes back to the Bruins poock makoy tipped in front by Maroon it goes off and wide maroon trying to get that first Bruins goal here is poock through the legs nice move Puck comes back to wspoon who almost fell over wspoon gives it to EAD as the Panthers take it away here’s tereno for forsling across the line shot to the front knocked down by wers spoon Panthers were caught behind the play here’s a three on two four on three what maroon for geeki back to Maroon looking to Center in front for poster knock and he couldn’t find him wers spoon was in front waiting for a tip that would have been something else huh and forsing will reather both teams will get a full change feels like every second is going slow in this game oh well all right it’s a slow ticking clock right now here is Lindell across the the line he puts it in deep Carlo pressured by leran leran for Rodriguez back to emman Larson playing it over to kulakov right point he’ll put it in back around the net linol will reverse it kulakov will hold in lolm gloves it down puts it off van reik and it was deflected by kulakov it deflected up into the benches up and out of play Red Sox tied up tied at three with the Rays go socks hopefully they pull out a win tonight they lost last night didn’t they the last five to three 3 three going to the ninth damn Raphael homered in this economy Dominic Smith had a two-run double what the hell aan Larson takes the puck and jumps in Around the Net as the Panthers won the draw lolm for Peak maroon who’s still out there now he’ll chop it ahead Loco puts it a little too far beer avoids the beer against stenland stenland apparently beat him it’s a nice thing against Boston how are you 10 seconds ahead of me I honestly don’t know I’m on fubo I should be way behind you guys Veri wins the draw a shot there and it goes out of play as Bennett to go one two timer got deflected up and out of play five and a half into game into the third period of game five Bruins lead two to one at the moment face off W by Rodriguez Puck is put in deep makoy for Coyle makoy will get the puck back and flip it out to Center Montour for Mika here is lcan he’ll move it ahead he will dump in around the Around the Net Around the Net San came out to play that puck when he shouldn’t have lolm recovered though Frederick for Coyle he’s pressured by Mika he’ll get it back to lolm Bruns will hopefully have a clean breakout yes they will here is Heinen crossy pass Coyle off es skate to his stick blade Coyle flips in Frederick will go get the puck against Montour Lindell takes it away he’ll move it head back up the other way for Florida the Bruins need to get get some more offensive pressure here only three shots in the third period’s not going to kill it Carlo for wspoon Puck comes out again eblad having trouble playing the puck is pressured and they come back into the Florida and forsing will back skate Florida finishing a change forsling through Bennett That’s icing Bennett didn’t touch that puck that’s icing against the Panthers and the Bruins have to take advantage by winning this face off and getting a shot on the net or two Wyatt Johnston star absolutely Face Off is one here by the Panthers geeki can’t win the draw Bruins keep it in for the moment geeki has poock breaking Posto’s taken down no call come on he was wiped out by the panther illegally forsing will get it out of the zone kachuck will leave it for Veri kachuck looking geeky a stick lift Puck comes to Aaron aclat he shoots it goes over the net Puck comes in front for heggy couldn’t play it to bruss tied up his stick poock High sticking call it’s going to be on Florida e black going to the Box it’s be a slash they’re going to call slash [Music] as they go to commercial break the Bruins have a chance to take a TW goal lead the Bruins actually need to execute on this power play they need to execute must score power play you bet no go demise I really think that too I don’t want that to be the case go right now would really help yeah Sherwood look at Montgomery Bruins win the draw but the Panthers get the puck in clear the Bruins second power play of the night poster knock to bruss Van re with makoy and Coyle right now makoy will drop it for Coyle ruins will have a chance to break it in the zone Coy off a skate he’ll play the puck himself gets it to Van reik chopped it to the brus RS will try to set up makoy poock right side van reik back to poock Van re pressure by forsing comes in front coil and the Bruns are doing too much again with the puck kulakov will clear because the Bruins are doing too much they’re doing too much with it they’re not they’re overthinking they’re overthinking their attack in the offensive zone they’re doing too too too much with it they’re not they need to slow their game now simple up their game like Reinhardt right there Reinhardt forcing Coyle to make a back pass with nobody there slow it down 54 seconds to go on the power play makoy back poster knock makoy will go for a change played over to geeki Across the line geeky chopped in front they’re doing too much with it again geeky with it zaka tied up there by Montour bra’s got to get on that better POS St the ice for some reason Puck comes in front geeki stopped the puck is free it’s behind the net Montour will get it and will clear because lorai doesn’t know how to hold his line that was it geeky had it he goes a great save by bosski great save lorai will drop back poo sorry that’s geeky Heinen’s on for poock pass broken up by on a chance on a pass to brazzo brazzo will try to move it ahead it takes a couple of weird bounces oh my God oh my God attack you have a power play dude ah power plays back to being garbage again Geeks is right he was he has a great shot too a great pass from zaka it’s a better save H it’s her only shot of the entire power play it’s a good one too so it’s unfortunate lolm moving it where was he putting that puck I have no idea Lo Frederick maroon weird laa will get it out maroon try to try to race for that puck maroon will try to keep it alive against zman Larson but he turns it over instead Bennet will take the puck and dump in linol will recover moves it ahead maroon he’ll dump in with 10 minutes to go the Bruins had the power play if they scored they could have put the game away dumped in off of Rodriguez’s stick wers spoon will play it high in the air and get it out they could have put this they could have put game five away right there if they had scored they could have put the game away but nope here is Lindell it’s going to bite him Lindell shot save Swan Rodriguez I hope it I hope it doesn’t bite them hopefully they score relatively soon here or they can hold down defensively and hope for an empty Netter n and a half to go in game five Bruins lead two to one in elimination game the Bruins Lo the Bruins lose they are eliminated from postseason contention they are eliminated from the playoffs the Panthers win there Bruins are out the Bruins win there will be a game six Montour shots blocked geeki will try to move it ahead against Rodriguez and WS will get it back he’ll move it up ahead and out but it comes right to Mika right off the bench yeah reminder Florida wins they move on to the conference final if the Bruins win there will be a game six of the series back in Boston on Friday night and whoa whoa whoa aoso right talking to swinging what are you doing man you a fourth liner in Buffalo and your fourth liner in Florida hiding in the other net other night right through the five missed the net I think that was the bruss you’re talking about but yes yes I know what you I know I remember I remember that play vividly I remember exactly what play you’re talking about PTSD open net Miss from Pon 20 the Islanders oh the chance on game four yeah 105 viewers only 59 likes no no no no no keep running up that like count on the stream let’s get a a massive Spike like Spike the goal right now 75 likes so keep running up that like count if you have not yet make sure to smash the like button I uh cover every Bruins game it might be the last one of the year so let’s make it off with a good one right if you have not yet also make sure to subscribe to the channel if you have not yet we are on the road to 1700 we’re 32 away from 1700 subscribers on YouTube make sure to also hit the Bell to never miss when I go live or upload on the channel follow the social medias as well to get to be first to know about new streams videos and more um also um one more thing if you want to donate to the stream you more than welcome to uh you can do it multiple ways you can hit the pin comment in the live chat or the first link in the description same link and and donate to the stream or you can hit the Super Chat button which is the dollar bill sign and and uh send a donation over um obviously you don’t have to but if you want uh please do so it it helps me out and uh it shows uh your support to one of your favorite content creators and the puck is in the neutral zone Lindell across the line Lindell dropping for Rodriguez turnover Peak takes it away and the brones love it three on two Coyle with Frederick and Peak right now Frederick is coil is poke checked he recovers and plays it across Frederick will try to enter the Zone it’s gets denied there by Montour lolm tripped number one number number one that was too many men number two that was a trip I don’t even know what lolm was thinking there what was that man too many men the sixth Too Many Men penalty the Bruins have taken what is l doing they had two defensemen they had Pak and Carlo what Panna come back and play defense why is lolm there why is he there if Edmond if Florida scores I’m saying trade lolm this summer how is that possible they should make lolm Serv it he was the one who did it Reinhardt with it Panthers have another Power Play and it was a stupid stupid decision by lolm here is kachuck for Montour Montour playing it Center Point kachuck and Montour will play catch here’s barkov Montour Center Point to the front it goes wi went off lolm hey do something right here zaka gets it out coil couldn’t play it but zaka got it out the Bruins will get a change Veri cut off by Carlo does not have a stick Veri trips Carlo without a stick kachuck for Reinhardt here is Montour loads up a shot save Carlo has a broken stick now the shot is blocked and it comes out Carlo would need to get off the ice immediately for a new uh for a new stick Carlo tried playing the puck but he had a broken stick so had to drop it barkov makoy comes on for Carlo Veri across the line pressured wspoon cutting off barkov wspoon tying him up makoy de bruss will get the puck de bruss clears huge clear for Boston under a minute to go in the Florida Power Play kachuck Here is Reinhardt will move it at with 720 to go on the third beer gave it right to Veri he trying to clear it but it went right to Veri instead cross ice pass and it misses why was Reinhardt and it comes all the way back down to bosski in the Florida end seven minutes to go in the third here is Bennett now who has a goal in this series Puck comes to Heinen he will clear with 20 seconds to go in the penalty geeky will be coming out of the box in less than 20 seconds he’s serving the Too Many Men penalty for Boston here’s Bennett for tereno and the Panthers are offside with 14 seconds to go on the penalty yeah montour’s penalty shot is lethal 14 seconds to go zaka hinen Carlo lhol right now for the bees Lindell wins the draw second unit out there Lindell Rodriguez and Bennett with eblad and Ekman Larson lolm will try to get it out Frederick can’t get it out eblad for Lindell Bruns going to get geeky back right now now back to five on five Lindell closes in front Bennett knocked down scramble in front Swan great save and he will hang on with 626 left in game five the Bruins have the lead right now we are 32 subscribers away from 7 00 trying to run up that sub count thank you very much for everybody who been here but if you want more make sure to sub and don’t miss game six face off one here by Florida forsling to the front it’s knocked down another try by eblad going wide leran turns around shoots San may have got a piece that I’m not sure forsling into stenland beer taking it away trying to play it ahead of geeky he could not beer oh geeky going for what was what was geeky doing beer takes down his man M will flip it up and out they’re not going to call it Puck is out of play with six minutes to go Bruins get the third line out there now van re zaka brazzo lyol and Peak defensively the Bruins only have four shots on goal in the third but the Panthers don’t have much more they only have six Bruins win the draw lolm will try to get it out they will off and rs stick Mika against brazo on the for cheek under six minutes to go here is Mika 550 to go flipped up the ice lolm bats at it and gets it out of the Zone Mika pressured by zaka Montour taken away there by Van reide zaka trying to get back to Van re oh he didn’t play the puck he thought he had it he didn’t there is barkov across Reinhardt in front nobody there was trying to find barkoff for teras senko pass went right through both of them play back to the line forsling over here is eblad to the front swiming a great save it’s on the side of the cage a tereno goes off zaka comes to Reinhardt brazzo G to tie him up zaka digging it free Bruins love a three on two if they hurry nice feed brazzo short-handed and alone brazzo shot missing the net he got knocked down that one out of Play It wasn’t a short-handed but it was like one-on three situation a good chance for brazzo and a went out of play under five minutes to go they go to commercial break did a car pass by yeah I’m on the main street cars pass by all the time what’s the shot count it was two it was 13 to4 at one point ready it’s 26 to 25 come on pressure the net pressure the net dude please pressure the net take shots man it’s not that hard cross the line take shots and kill clock oh SC Michigan oh John torella won’t like that no no who is it yeah no John torella will say it’s disrespectful glad the bees aren’t aren’t head hunting tonight yeah good thing they’re actually trying geeki wins the draw to bras over lyol put Puck comes in front poock puts it wide lolm why aren’t you shooting that puck in that situation you have a free Lane why are you not shooting that puck forsing enters the Zone his shot save San and now the shots are tied lolm has a shz aane but he decides to put it in wide shot attempts brones have 43 Panthers have 52 come on acman Larson for Montour puts it in wide Frederick got to be better on that puck he can’t be sitting there Puck watching barkov with four and a half to go Montour goes through barkoff wspoon takes it away move that puck out there you go now push RH Hart will take it right back for haggy pressure there by Coyle and Frederick and barkov will cross blind Carlos stepping up on him Reinhardt will scoop it into the corner W spoon getting pressure by Veri Heinen will get it up and out four minutes to go emman Larson now will dump in deep here is wspoon for Coyle Bruins will get it up and out POS trying to play that puck he found it P shooting well hey a shot on goal very nice de Bros takes it away from bosi D Broski B brosi trying to play behind the net to bruss took it de bruss now lyol shot blocked by Tera s go Panthers will get it out lolm kicks it back in the zone there you go turnover created by poock he takes it in front he got through bosi but it didn’t go in it went wide where’s the puck bosski somehow has it but brosi got beat again and it didn’t go in ah this is stupid poock created a turnover geeky gave it right back to him he beats bosski but the puck goes wide the nette be oh come on dude he had him beat H come on oh my God he can’t believe I can’t believe it makoy shot saved by bosski dumped in the zone just over three minutes to go the puck went out of play yeah I was going to say 311 left Superstar for what I have no idea if I’m the Panthers I’m pulling bosi probably the next 30 seconds to a minute Coyle wins the draw and at Center ice makoy will take the puck he’ll dump in icing Icing all right well they’re going to pull boski now icing where was he okay yeah well all right well I got it right at least he was I at least it was icing he was behind the line come on maoy Skate like six feet but brosi to the bench extra attacker on for Florida Coy against barkov barkov wins the draw oh my God Reinhardt shoots it’s blocked makoy he try he gets it out it tookes a weird bounce it’s going to be no icing with under three minutes to go the Bruins get it back down Veri with it again Veri will carry it up to Center he’ll take the puck he’ll dump in and got knocked down by the boards Carlo will try to clear got knocked down by bar off Puck goes past teraso LOM will try to move it ahead he got beat by Reinhardt terasen for kachuck who’s behind the net kachuck tring to Center here’s teraso kachuck back to the line Montour is in front ver HEI in down low kachuck again barkov with two and a half to go in game five here is barkov toy tying him up not letting him through Puck played around the Puck’s in the other corner now Carlo impost tying him up Puck comes back to Reinhardt with 215 a shot breaks to BR stick here right in half he goes and races for a new one for hakei a shot knocked down in front and went off lolm Puck comes in front it got knocked aside with two minutes to go for haggy a shot another save rebound oh chance for M Swan what a save with 202 to go mtor put it through his legs Swan with a better save 202 to go in regulation the Panthers need one to tie things up Jeremy Swan is not GNA try to let that happen on his watch through the legs here what a chance for M if he scored I couldn’t even be mad at that at timeout Florida timeout Florida 202 to go Montgomery’s yelling at the Florida bench shot to 2827 Boston at the moment 202 left in game five if the Panthers score it’ll save them from it’ll it’ll save their game if the Bruins get this the Bruins win it’ll save their season Montour will dump in with under two minutes to play Veri pressured there by makoy puck comes out to bruss battling with Montour oh he almost took it away rehard takes it away with a minute 40 to go it’s dumped in around the Florida net around the Boston net San will take the puck play it around but it goes right to Reinhardt what was that Puck goes past kachuck Veri holds it at the line Puck play it around lolm will try to clear to a weird bounce Bruins will try to chip it out they can’t maoy gets it out of the Zone with a minute and a half left barov baroff across the line barov looking to the front shot save Swingman he left some space open but he he made the blocker save Heinen can’t get it out down a minute kachuck around the cage here is Veri mon T fires it’s knocked down lolm doesn’t have a stick right now lolm lost his stick he’s trying to kick it ahead but Heinen takes it away he plays it into the corner under a minute to go makoy cutting him off poked poock gets it out he will gladly ice the puck with 48.4 good clear the Bruins did really well there and got that puck out 48.4 to go posto diving to get that puck out of the zone and it’s a big clear I don’t care if they ice the puck there that is good that’s the one time we’re all accept an icing in that situation just a good clear desperation barov kachuck Reinhardt Lindell ver hegy and Montour for the Bruins Coyle hinen Reinhardt shots blocked Coy will get it out coil hinen poster knock right now lyol will get a chain oh sorry maky will lolm still on the ice right now brazzo’s on lyol does the smart play gets it out with 30 seconds to go here is Veri playing it ahead off a stick wspoon on for Carlo wspoon he’ll get it out he’ll ice the puck with under 20 seconds to go 20.2 20.2 to go 20 seconds and the Bruins save their season here is barkoff against Coyle faceof W by Florida comes back to the line Veri shot going wide here is L here is kachuck for for Reinhardt in front Lindell shot it goes wide Carl with 10 seconds Montour takes it away in front Reinhardt San what a save 5 Seconds to go barov trying to look in front the Bruins are going to clear they win game five the Bruins win they saved their season two more days game six Friday night at the Garden the Bruins are back in it two1 your final holy hell [Music] Jeremy swiming You Beautiful Bastard oh my goodness they save their asses another few days 32 in the series they’re back in it they’re not going down without a [Music] fight they [Music] survived the Bruins are alive game six back in Boston Friday night with a chance to force a game seven oh my God [Laughter] [Music] wow responding to snaps now don’t mind [Music] me felt like I was on a drug trip beautiful sorry Mike Mike Monaco I have to shut you off for a sec game six of this series is gonna be on Friday night they survived I cannot believe the Bruins won that game I was I had zero hope coming into tonight’s game that they would even try they came out even though they only scored two goals they came out and played a great hockey game tonight and they deserved to win this game tonight and they did good job well done that was good beautiful oh the o almost scored early on McDavid almost got a gorgeous pass from Newen Hopkins for a goal my prediction was Panthers in six so regardless I’ll be I’ll be okay with it at least they didn’t lose in five that’s good beautiful oh it’s it’s a perfect situation let’s get to your three stars let’s get to your three stars of the game tonight third star open the scoring beautiful pass from Jake de Brusque Morgan geeky Morgan geeky your third star of the game tonight your second star of the game tonight and the game winner in the second period Charlie McAvoy what a beautiful goal that was makoy finally doing something productive in the Stanley Cup playoffs and it was a beauty I’ll tell you that right now it was a beautiful beautiful goal and the first star no [ __ ] are we even surprised 28 saves on 29 shots Jeremy San is the first star of the game tonight he saved our asses tonight Bruins my only message to you for game six is this please score more than two goals that’s all I ask it’s not that complicated that’s all I ask please just score more than two goals for the first time since game one wow I honestly I will be perfectly honest with you I did not see this game ending the way it did I did not I was convinced tonight was the last one based on how games two three and four went I thought tonight was it I was proven wrong I was proven wrong they will Live Another Day game six coming up Friday night TD Garden the Bruins haven’t done well at home in the postseason change the narrative win at home so you can do what you’re better at win on the road the Bruins that this is their second Road win of the series right they won both their games on the road game one and game four and game five on the road how you feel the Bruins do lose game six sad obviously but like you know I’ll live um but holy [ __ ] guys I can’t believe it the punch the Marsh’s head from a few nights ago Sam was clearly a punch to that oh yeah but we didn’t of course we didn’t see that angle until right before game four starts of course we didn’t see that angle tomor trying to take another game off I hate to say it but it worked I don’t know look here’s what I’ll say he want some constructive criticism going into game six oh no here’s some here here is some constructive criticism please after the first period take shots on the net please and thank you please take shots on the net in game six after the first period all right Bruins had 13 shots at the end of the first period they finished with 28 come on like help yourselves out the three days until next game work for better for PE bees or Panthers probably the Bruins they need the break they need the extra day off good good good they survived tonight they have to do the same in game six game six is coming Friday night it’s quicker than you guys think it’s be an extra day off good extra day for me off fantastic let’s do something about it tomorrow’s your day off you’re going to travel back to Boston you’re gonna stay the night in Florida you’re gonna come back to Boston tomorrow Thursday practice okay work keep working on what you’re doing before game five and it’s good I’m very pleased that tonight I didn’t have to give the postseason ending eulogy I don’t want to have to do that in game six so let’s not if you know what I mean all right Red Sox are in the bottom of the 11th do you want me to call the bottom in the 11th of the Red Sox game real quick Red Sox are playing they’re down 43 in the bottom of the 11th rafhael is up with a plate he homered in his he homered and he bunts it a a sacrifice squeeze it’s going to be an out but he gets uh David Hamilton over to third so one out runner on third that’ll bring up jiren Duran who is 0 for four in the ball game tonight so I’ll call the Red Sox real quick and after that I’m getting off I’m done I’m done after this maybe if the Red Sox win I’ll have another excuse to play dirty water tonight who knows gotta love johnboy John Boy is the man he is so funny his lip sync his his uh lip reads are so funny the funniest stuff on the internet I know one of the people from johnboy um he he went to my school he was a senior when I was a sophomore um so and then he moved down to New York to get a job and he works for johnboy media now look at how look at how cool that is right yeah on finishing up your finals thank you I appreciate it it was a mound visit so they they uh delayed it Hamilton on third jiren Duran can tie the game with one swing and he takes the first pitch inside for a ball one and0 I’m GNA say a word till it was Final go Bruins yes they survived another day game six coming up Friday at the Garden we’ll be live for that like you know you know bu the ball’s in the dirt the oh he lost it but Hamilton didn’t uh didn’t budge still it’s two and0 to dur now 58 likes no we got more than that right we got 82 actually 82 likes on stream that ball got away but the but the catcher had no idea where it was it’s a two- to Durant runner on third the game time run on third the Go the game winning runs at the plate and it’s three and know a Durant it’s a hitter’s count here I’m saying full on don’t you freaking swing don’t swing that b three 0 and that’s G be a strike wish we could acquire besser well money will be freed up this summer we got to put we got to put some of that to San too right so we’ll see 3-1 Ball Four Duran will take his base runners on the corners with one out very nice Duran will get a walk that’ll bring up Rob ref Snider Runners on first and third one down there’s uh Kevin cash Ray manager sitting in the Dugout spitting out his sunflower seeds ref sniders only one for one he uh pinch hit he had a single in the eighth inning bat 340 damn good for him home run 8 RBI Hamilton on third Durant on first Red Sox have a chance to win the ball game with an extra base hit cuz Duran can run on the oh no wait the runner is g to score Red Sox tie it because Rodriguez froze it’s 44 on the sacrifice nice play ref Snider red so BLS won two to one the Red Sox tie the game at four Rob Ru Snider froze the pitcher Hamilton comes in to score and we’re tied 44 in the 11th hey good job Rodriguez the pitcher for the race froze he didn’t know where to go with it so he threw the first and then Hamilton came in to score Wongs up with a chance to win it check swing he didn’t go one and0 Runner game-winning run in scoring position yep will I’m calling the Red Sox ending of this game right now Red Sox tied up at four two outs runner on second Connor Wong the pitch swinging a Miss strike one it’s one and one he SW he missed the he was in front of that slider 89 miles hour on that so [Music] oh one one hits W it hit him in the shoulder Wong will take first he got hit he is slowly uh walking away but Conor Wong uh will take first base it’s a hit by pitch and out comes the trainer in Alex cor to go check on Wong it hit him right oh that in the left hand him in the hand that’s unfortunate W looks like he’s fine cor and the trainer is going to walk down with Wong down to first base uhoh Here Comes Trouble Des is at the plate no B on to our king of sway I bowed down Swan’s my next Jersey by the way W to let you guys know that San’s my next Jersey GI Michaels you need to rethink your life Wow damn JT the Box power play yeah let me know how that’s game how that game’s going while I call the end of this one Jeremy SW Jeremy swiming man he’s the man he is the man rapael Des one swing of the bat ends this ball game one swing he’s one for four he’s singled if he gets another one it might be a winner first pitch to de takes it for strike oh that’s his pitch it’s a fast ball loow in that’s his pitch if he crushes that ball forget it this game’s over if he swings game over de’s the 01 come on and the dirt one and one great win tonight indeed very good win Jared you’re right very good win Bruins win two to one I’m calling if you’re just joining us calling the ending of Red Sox rais 44 bottom of the 11th Des at the plate Runners on first and second a base hit wins it here’s the 1-1 Des on the ground we’re going to the 12th inning all right no thank you I’m not calling the rest of this game because this game could go another hour and I don’t want to all right well that happened how the Providence Bruins doing they are eliminated they got knocked out by Harford in four Games 3 to one that’s the end of that that I tried hey they tied the game that’s pretty cool um yeah game six on Friday boys and girls ladies and gentlemen it was not the last time you hear the legendary intro song that has helped me carry through all this time I will see you guys for game six on Friday Bruins win two to one your final one me two more games clutch up I’ll see you guys on Friday Bruins win two to one see you guys on Friday hey it’s the last time is not the last time you’ll ever hear this song on stream woo heard stand


  1. "Welcome to the eulogy." 🤣

    Not yet Sammy boy! You got at least one more stream! Time to go back to Boston and flip the script!!! LET’S GO BRUINS!!!!!!!

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