How To Build An ANTI Early Extension Golf Swing – Comprehensive Guide




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Complete Guide To Shallowing In The Downswing

Ultimate Over The Top Fix Guide

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so if you want to build an anti- early extension swing so know how to craft it and piece it together this is the video for you because that’s exactly what we’re going to get into so we’re going to talk about in this video each part of the golf swing what what you need to have in those parts of the golf swing to not early extenders early extension is a result of things happening in your golf swing earlier to make up for it so that’s where if we can get the right pieces in our golf swing we can craft a swing that is completely resistant to early extension so this is going to be a comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to do it so let’s get straight into the first bit so guys number one here let’s get into setup but this again like we said this is a comprehensive guide there won’t be a bunch of edits at all in this video this is just absolutely pure info I mean chucking info at you on how to do this so again setup this is so important for not early extending cuz we would want to set up here where we are just like this so again you might be thinking that looks just like a normal setup but what am I actually doing here I have got my armpits over the bards of my feet now when the armpits are over the balls of the feet essentially what you are doing there you have got the mass of your upper body on top of the mass of your lower body so then as you swing the golf club the mass of your upper body is going to be nicely managed by your lower body CU it’s directly on top of it so that means you’re going to be able to keep your balance better so if you imagine that this stick here is a tin white rope for example and let’s say my mat is some huge Canyon I’m over the Grand Canyon or something like that I’m standing on it here if I am standing straight up like so it is far easier for me to keep my balance if I start to tip and hinge my hips and move more this way what am I going to have happen to keep my balance I’m going to have to quickly go back up again so that’s how balance and how you’re set up at set up massively influences you so if I’m set up in a way where I’ve got far too much hip hinge which is so many golfers lots of hip hinge really big stretch in the hamstring curve of the lower back straight back from here it’s like I’m over the Grand Canyon standing on let’s say a little tight rope there and I now need to quickly rebalance myself CU as I start to swing then all the mass of my upper body the weight of it going to be on my toes or even out front of that cuz my armpits will be over my toes so then to quickly gain my balance I have to stand up in the down swing if I don’t I’ll just fall over there’ll be too much pressure on my toes so that’s why it’s so important to get into that good setup so you’re not going to fall into the canyon so a good little way to go and get in that setup every time is have a slight Bend of the knees and then what I want you to do stand dead straight upright like you’re talking to someone in front of you then grab your club and then all I want you to do is get your Club onto the ground behind the golf ball by just relaxing your mid and upper back boom there we we go so now my armpits are over the balls of my feet now if you’re someone like myself with long arms you might have to take a little Shuffle back there just to get yourself a little bit more comfortable but again I’m not doing anything by changing my posture so again knees a little bit bent just dead up right with my back hold the club directly in front of me relax mid and upper back till I get to the ground no hip hinging there we go if I need to shuffle then I’m in a good spot and then I can swing back swing through and not fall into the canyon so number two is in setup as well and that is grip yes absolutely there are grip Styles out there which can absolutely encourage early extension to happen so what do we want to do as a safe bet here for what to do and that is having a nice standard neutral grip so I like to see two and a half or two Knuckles on that left hand for most golfers and with their right hand that line between thumb and the meat of the hand pointing towards like your right armpit area or just right side of the right Peck now that’s going to encourage a nice Square Club face throughout the swing Square to the arc so then I can stay in my posture and turn cuz I don’t need to do anything else if again other points that we going to talk about are kept nicely but I won’t have to do anything else to square that club face I can stay in that posture and turn through nice simple one standard grip because what we see quite a lot of golfers do strong grip so this is where I’ll see from a video over a couple weeks ago I’ll talk to one blue in the face about a strong grip is really hard to make work for so many golfers so that’s if you grip the club let’s say for our example here four knuckles as strong as we can get which is a lot of you out there and then move your right hand underneath the club on the side there to where that line between thumb and the me to the hand it’s pointing behind you so you’re now going to have big problems with trying to manage this club face because a strong grip what does that do closes the club face down more of course so a lot of you will be doing that because you want to fix your slice again I’ve got actually a complete Garden how to fix an over the top slice that’s from last year as well so have a good check out of that so as soon as we swing back yes that club face is going to get more shut Club face is going to point up to the air so straight up to the sky very closed so if I now try to stay in my posture and turn that club face is way too closed coming into impact unless I’m Dustin Johnson who can get so much rotation I can square it via sharly and lots of it but that’s where what would happen for vast majority of the golfers who have that strong grip and close face they’re going to stand their body up they’re going to early extend because what that does that gets the hands going upwards raises them and then that opens the club face up and squares it so early extension is their mechanism to be able to square their face not good that’s where with weak grip players absolutely can suffer as well from early extension griping the club let’s say with one knuckle very weak and with the right hand the line between thumb and the meat to the hand towards your left shoulder so always pay attention to your grip guys so many lessons come through to me on skillist from people who say they just don’t think they have the physical capability to be able to not early extend and their grip’s terrible and they’ve got a really open or closed Club face again myself golfer with cable pausy I’m a disabled I can swing in a way where I don’t early extend it’s not because of my disability or mobility in general it’s because I’ve got the things in my swing not to do it that’s why I’m telling you in this video how to build this swing so if I have got that weak grip the club face is going to want to open of course so I’ve got to find a way in the down swing to be able to square it so that’s going to mean my body is going to early extend it’s going to sto out to be able to square the club face either from an early release or a roll release so that’s where early extension is putting on the brakes to give you time to do that so a nice standard neutral grip is what we want that just makes life easier for you boom and there we go there we can stay in our posture and work nicely okay so that’s our setup done let’s move our attention into the takeaway and first and foremost the most important thing when it comes to the takeaway and that is how you’re moving with your Club face so we just got into grip the which is the biggest influence on your Club face but I’m well aware from the amount of golf swings I’ve seen that you can have a nice standard grip and your Club face can still either get too closed or too open takeaway is a big reason for that so I want players to have their hands go in and Club goes slightly out that is multiple reasons why this is good which we’re going to get into a little bit so when those hands go in club goes out just like so with a little chest rotation fairly quiet lower body that is one keeping the club face Square to my spine angle and it’s setting up good sha movement for the rest of my swing so when that club head is outside the hands it will promote more of a good shaft travel up to the top good arm movement good shaft movement at the top of our swing again there is a point in this later on in this video but we want hands in club out standard grip alongside with that your Club Face is Going to Be Square so good we’ve got that takeaway sorted we don’t want too much forarm rotation that’s going to open it we don’t want too much forarm superation which is rolling it too much the other way which will then make you way too shut so nice neutral forarm movement just keep it simple have just hands in club out with a little chest rotation there we go so we could do a little drill there hands in club out and then swing up swing through Club face is nicely Square so let’s talk about mid back swing now so there’s a couple things we want to do and see in mid back swing so this could be a little bit of a longer portion this bit this is really important for making sure you’re not early extending again like we said it’s stuff that’s happening early in the golf swing that causes early extension to happen so okay midback swing we want to number one see this right arm so let’s talk about this part first so right arm’s in a good spot when I talk about right arm being in a good spot I mean in front of the seam line so the seam line of my body warmer here I want to keep the right arm nicely in front of that because what that will do for you if the right arm’s in front of your seamline you’re turning up to the top it will make your Club shaft either down the line or slightly laid off so why that so beneficial for us is because then as we move into the downswing we don’t have to do much to shallow the golf club and you need to be slightly shallow at the least to be able to stay in your posture and turn so right arm standing in front of seamline that’s why I like the feeling of let’s say you’re turning up to top whilst doing a half bicep curl so like you’re in a gym doing a half bicep curl you now you have a little lift of the right arm whilst you do that that’s our Movement we don’t want to full one that’ll get you lack of width you could still same posture with a lack of width though but we don’t want to be massively having that right arm moving behind we want it to stay in front for better shaft angle slightly laid off so we can keep the shaft shallow and turn right arm staying in front now when your right arm gets a little bit behind little bit pulley inwards so that’s kind like that starting the lawn mower move that will make you a little bit across the line at the top so then you’re going to get Steep and then you will early extend one of the biggest things that causes early extension is a steep shaft so that’s why we’re making that mid back swing in a place that really helps us ensure ensure ourselves that we’re not going to have that steep shaft in the downswing so just like early extensions steep shaft is normally a byproduct of things that have happened earlier in a golf swing so right arm standing front nice little tip here kind of thing to keep this nice is having that setup again right elbow inside of it pointing in front front of you that’s a really good one to be able to go and do so okay that will help that natural movement the right arm staying in front so that’s not only it for also this midback swing we want to start to get this right hip being moved backwards so we want this right hip to start to be pulled back as we go back there this is called hip depth and having really good hip depth so that is where we are starting to turn those hips after that takeaway getting that right hip being pushed back because that will then you being pushed back add you in into a little bit of hip flexion which will make it easy then to go and hip flexion in the downswing which will get you in your posture squatting down nicely so then you can turn through the shot hip depth and pushing those hips back the right hip and the back swing is so crucial to be able to get this so if you can keep that right arm nicely in front and then make sure that right hip is going back you’re in a really good spot now to not early extend in the down two if your hips start to go forward what do you think is going to happen from there they’re just going to continue to go forward in the down swing this again there so many students who send in their videos to me on skillist whove let’s say sending them because they’re struggling with early extension not knowing why again thinking it’s just something their body cannot do but why is that it’s not because their body can’t do it it’s because their pelvis moves towards the golf ball even by a little bit little bit of a lack of hip depth will make you early extend you only need it to move a tiny bit forward that sets in motion it continuing to go forward so really really important okay so top of the back swing so top of the back swing we already talked a little bit about shaft angle when we talk about mid back swing but also your hand and arm depth now we would want to typically see at the top that you’ve got your left arm covering your shoulder plane so obviously flip that around for a left hand golfer so that’s going to mean that as you start to swing down the club’s going to be on good path so hand and arm depth so we need to have that club travel on good path to continue to stay in posture and turn through the golf ball to maintain everything cuz if we’re up here with a lead arm too high we pick the arms up the club traveling out in front of us is going to make us really out to in the body will have to stand up to be able to make you know that movement work to get the club to Res shallow coming into the ball pull the club more in to be functional or if you’re way too deep dragged it all around you you’ll have to early extension Chuck everything back out in front of you again so again that’s where early extension is happening to help you out there but that’s where if you’ve hit those other points you’ve got that midback swing with the right arm nice in front of you and you’ve got that right hip going back you’re going to be in good depth so that’s why I said that is ultimately the most important part of this video is that midback swing portion so making sure you’ve got that good hand and arm depth at the top that’s going to make life so much easier for having an let’s say anti- early extension swing but there is wiggle room here like I said I want the left arm to be covering the shoulder plane but you don’t have to be there perfectly you can be a little bit above it a little bit below it fine we just don’t want to be extreme on either side so absolutely good hand and arm depth so let’s get to the next bit starting the down swing so this is what most golfers will think is the most important part to making early extension let’s say an anti- early extension swing fixing it for themselves and it can be but most often it’s something early in the golf swing that is causing players to early extend but we need to nail this bit of course we if we want that anti- ear extension swing we’ got to have it in there is a good start the down swing so now we’ve got our right hip back we’re in a little bit of hip flexion there we’ll actually be in a little bit of left Bend but our hips are primed backwards so now what we want to do now we’re in all these other good spots we just talked about we want the left hip to be pushed back so what do you see there when that left hip gets pushed back it looks like I’m squatting down more doesn’t it that is hip flexion in an artshell if we are getting that left hip going back gets you in more hip flexion which then forces the upper body more down so this is where a lot of players once they get this they’re there they are really there and it’s quite simple from there so that’s where when you get that left hip going back that gets you flexing down which flexion is the opposite of extension and then you just continue to push that left hip back and that keeps you down that keeps you in your posture so really making sure left hip pushing back in the down swing so we are going to get into in this video a drill that pieces it all together Li a little drill exercise to do for there that’s why all these are going to be very difficult to individually put in there it’s generally what might a lot of you might have to do but the knowledge area of this is so important but we have to push that left hip back as we start down if we don’t do that and we just try to spin the hips we’re just going to stand up so again if we’re trying to spin the hips with the right side terrible this is going to make you clear the hips with the left side with hip flexion brilliant so that is starting our down swing to encourage us to not have an early extension swing so last little bit let’s get straight into it now last little bit so this is moving through the golf ball cuz our last point of that hip flexion left hip moving back will get us down to around Shar parallel now what do we do from here technically we get the left hip moving back more we just continue to move the left hip back but more in depth what that actually is as we’re moving through the ball that is your left side starting to extend and your right side flexing down so this is where we see those tall players we see them having that left leg start to straighten as they’re getting into the golf ball you’ll see that right side drop so that’s extension on one side flexion on the other that will happen naturally for you so we want that left side just to continually be pushed back back back back back back and that just gets us into that nice left leg extension which is a simple way of us approaching this just to get that left hip continue to push back but also make sure that right side is being is going down now this should happen when your left side extends but I have seen players who have extended their left side and their right side has stayed up cuz if you extend your left side and right side goes up you won’t early extend but your club’s just going to Tumble out in front of you so that’s where I like to see that right side going down it’s like you’re skipping a stone across a pond same type of body movement not necessarily the arm movement but the body movement is what we want so extending that left side but more than anything just keep pushing the left hip back so the downswing you can really just view as push the left hip back more more and more back and then you won’t early extend boom there we go so okay let’s talk about the drill to pie it or give okay so here is our drill so our drill you need two things to be able to build this we need an alignment stick we need a chair preferably can be a golf bag as well so a good old classic chair drill has returned so okay now what this is technically this is called a swing mapping drill now if you’re building any Motion in the golf swing or you’re trying to let say rebuild your swing you won’t be able to do it without a swing mapping drill so if we grab our alignment stick and put the alignment stick up the left hand side of the golf club just like so that’s what we want to do okay so now as we’re set up you’re going to notice how that stick is touching your left side so see how it’s running up my left hand side there that’s great that’s going to be good for us in the early takeaway so I’ve got my setup we know what to do from there good got a good grip brilliant so if you stand to where this chair is just at the back of your hamstrings here or your golf bag or whatever it is you choose to use and then what we want to see as you start to go back we want that stick sliding down the left side like I said little bit of chest rotation and making sure that stick is sliding down that left side okay that’s going to give you that nice neutral takeaway brilliant Club fa is square so if you got that right arm nicely set up in a good spot as well you could be priming a good right arm movement so now as we start to go from here up start to gradually push the chair back and have this stick being down on a ball line so if you were set up to a golf ball cuz you don’t have to have a ball doing this at all let’s have the ball here for reference again sliding that stick down and now pushing that chair back having that stick tracing that ball line there so then if we continue to go up to the top keep pushing that chair back can notice how the stick’s going to point slightly in front of you and that’s going to mean that little bit of a laid-off shaft and then all we want to do from there is simply push that chair back with the left tip all the way through even to the finish so that’s how we got into it in such complexity which we need to understand that but now we’re just doing something really really simple so that’s where of course knowing the these the little bits that you’re doing in the certain areas is great you don’t need to think of all those little areas a drill just like this you’re pushing the chair back after takeway making sure this stick is going along the ball line and it points in front of you then going in front of you in the down swing is all you need to do to have a good drill to feel those feelings so what you can do absolutely do a bunch of this and then if you want to grab a ball and then have let’s say a net in front of you be deal get up to the top of your swing so we get right up to the top pause and then push the chair back and swing through that’s all we need to do if you can rep that out a ton that’ be absolutely brilliant so we can do it while practice swing of course sliding the stick down the takeaway pushing the chair back with the right hip and getting the stick pointed in front but pushing the chair back with the left hip in the down swing all the way through to your finish and then you can do that with again a ball just pausing at the top just to make it a little bit easier again better into a net because the ball isn’t going to go very far when you do this here’s a little practice tip and really good one here so I’m just grabbing this little ball here cuz this is not a normal ball a foam ball now this is an extremely important thing so for those of you who are still watching this video thank you very much because this is exactly the most important part right here this tip is going to save you so much time and that is using a foam ball when you’re hitting balls into the net so why foam ball because with a foam ball you can get into positions you technically wouldn’t be able to get into first and performance of a ball when you’re starting working on a new movement because you’re not hitting something with that much mass to it your body is not going to have the kind of tensing up move which is one of the big things that prevents your swing let’s say in the early stages of a swing change the move from getting into your swing it’s that tensing braking movement so that’s where when you have a foam ball there it’s so light and it’s got almost no Mass to it of course it still does but your body will not have that same tensor move it would act like a practice swing more and we know we can move our body a little bit better in our practice swing so if I do that same drill the body is going to get way more rotated now as you notice there the ball’s not going to have quite as much lift so it will go a little bit thinny it will feel like it as well but of me view this as kind of like a glorified practice s where you’re physically hitting something so it’s going to have a little bit more a subconscious trigger in your brain but you can swing like a practice swing as well which is brilliant so if you do a bunch of those let’s say they moved the stick away now you’ve done an absolute ton of those I would recommend if you want to build this swing do your first week or two weeks of practice just doing with those pause drills with that stick because again we want to build this new type of golf swing we don’t want to encourage our old swings to happen so don’t even try to do your old swing or even replicate the moves in your early first couple weeks and then you can take those away and start to use again you can do those with a foam ball and then once you’re not doing that stick drill you’ve got those feelings in there try to replicate it with the chair here with a foone ball you’re going to notice that how you could get into some much better positions foam balls are so beneficial but then after you’ve had a bunch of weeks let’s say a months down the line then you can start to bring the chair out the way and absorb those same Fields you’re going to notice that how you’re going to be swinging in a much better place but let’s say you know your swing here this is the important bit know your swing know what to look for in your golf swing let’s say when you’re watching this you can watch this whilst looking at a swing you may have recorded of yourself and then see okay oh you might thinking oh my right arm isn’t moving quite how we said in the back swing let me go and do some drills to fix that or my takeaway isn’t too great let me go and do some drills to fix that let me work on these other areas so that’s where you can tailor it to your swing by knowing what to look for so always know your golf swing so that’s where that can even speed track this even more there might be a bunch of areas on here you might be absolutely fine with so that’s where might just be that right arm might not be in a good spot it might just be you’re not getting enough hip depth if you fix those then you’re going to be pretty much in that anti- early extension swing anyway you might not need to rebuild it you might just need to tweak a couple areas here and boom there you go so absolutely guys well done for watching through this whole video AB is a long one just like with my anti overthe toop video I really enjoyed making that one I think a lot of you guys enjoyed watching it as well I thought early extension would be a great one to make a video just like it too so very helpful one so if you enjoyed this video click that like button if you want more golf instruction just like this hit the Subscribe button hit the Bell button too to be notified every time I put out a video

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