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Thai Fight League on May 5th features the ISUZU THAILAND CHAMPIONSHIP with the Central team taking on the Lower-Isan Team. In 65 kg class, “Petchpakmhai Chor.Chana Muay Thai” vs “Petcheak Pachara Gym.” In 67 kg class, “Yodthewin Mor.Rajabhat Mubanchombueng” vs “Busan Prasathinphimai.” In 69 kg class, “Chanachai Chor.Chana Muay Thai” vs “Kittisak Sitchangpao.” And Super Fight includes “Fahsai Or. Yutthachai”, “Younes Benali”, “Poya Bayrami Piralgher”, and Myanmar boxer “Man Ye Kyaw Swar.”
📌 Sunday 5 May 2024
⏰ LIVE 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. (GMT+7)
🎥 Channel 8 Press 27 (Thai & Eng)
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draws and his opponent in the black corner he goes by the name of petak s his real name is kakah 22 years of age 67 M tall from Ching Rai province in northern part of Thailand he has a total of 43 fights 27 victories 11 losses and five draws so AC we have seen him compete here on tie Fight League before as for petak of sansuk he is making his tie Fight League debut here tonight pisak seen him compete a couple of times around the ptia city area and also at rangit Stadium trained by Kat o sansuk will be interesting to see how he does here tonight got some heavy hands on him it’s a big low kicks well the last time that we saw saw compete here he got a victory over chak nay big right kick there attempted spun himself yeah in fact this is pet gak’s first time fighting katcha he’s told me he always wanted to do it so here’s his opportunity but it may be one of those situations where you think to yourself uh be careful what you wish for son yeah and of course he’s going up against someone who’s got huge experience not only in car CH but of course in leftway as well the Beres that where of course it’s traditional to wear rope hands or taped hands I believe I believe it’s taped it’s just taped in it oh massive elow there beautiful strike by pet kyak again looking for that elbow strike walked straight into a knee though will saw like he is no stranger to the three round Muay Tha R set so he knows exactly what he needs to do he knows he needs to start moving forward from the get-go and that’s exactly what he’s doing walks him into a left double there thrown by saw tries to Counter Strike with the right of his home these two balls locking horns here on tie Fight League in round number one it’s always a spectacle when you get to see a Thailand versus Myanmar match up oh good left hand there both Fighters keep walking into each other shots at the moment right hand big right hand indeed by saw that right hand scoring very big for saw AC low kick and another big right hand from the man from Myanmar get sck leaving himself way too exposed and it seemed like he just sort of collapsed there I’m not sure from what two big knees to the midsection there might have played a part in that [Applause] K low kick there from pet going for another low kick but his right hands once again that’s right he was not able to block them once again and that’s the thing about fighters who the C For the First Time The Blocking may be just a tad different 100% oh another right [Applause] hand see p gets out trying to tying up now buy himself some time cuz at the moment it’s a big round for saw AC [Music] saw AC just so relentless at his [Applause] attacks it’s been a good round for saw no doubt about that once again in the clinch it’s saw he’s throwing and connecting with those knees side need to find a way to stay on the outside because on the inside let’s be honest it’s not working for him at the moment end of round number one here on TI by [Music] [Music] and now coming into the second round of our second bout of the evening and that was a big round for saw AC from Myanmar he was a lot stronger on the outside has to be said he hurt his opponent a couple of times and even on the inside he had the advantage he looked stronger there as well Aaron yeah pet kite didn’t do too badly the beginning of that round as you can see on the highlights throwing some big elbows and connecting but there was a part within that round where saw did take control of the fight and it was him he was throwing the bigger shots and connecting big as well and it looked like by the end of the round pet Kitty side might have been a little bit fatigued you can see there the W wobbling that big right hand almost dropping pet Kitty side he took he took a [Music] he almost rolling into the back of the head all right let’s see what happens to in round number two the credit to him he stayed on his feet fre samai Hong gets the action underway for the second round and back to where we left off yeah 100% oh big right hand left hand left on the right elbow going for the knockout already saw AC figuring that he was pretty strong there in the first round said to his quarterman maybe I’m a Little Bit Stronger here in the second round he’s showing just that right now there another big right hand saw AC quite honestly he’s not the type of fighter to run out of steam anytime soon massive elbow in reply there from pet Kittys s takes it and then delivers another big right hunt yeah both of them very strong in the chin Department yes left hook there I mean these are these are Big right hands that they being connected to and like you said K doing a good job of absorbing them at the moment not sure how many more he can take though if it continues like this well we do have a guy called kittisak who’s really good at that now it’s pet kak kitak I wish he was fighing today oh he is in bout number six boys and girls I’m sure be happy to hear that confused me for just a moment there [Applause] big left hand there from Pak there the overhand right once again question is no kicks coming in is saw AC slowing down oh yeah something is boy Kitty T at the moment maybe he’s seen the his opponent is starting to fatigue a little bit that seems to be the case at the moment his Corner telling him to rush forward and I believe he needs to do exactly just that we saw AC in the beginning of the round he was very very strong see the fans there of pet Kitty side good knees there to the midsection by the Tie Fighter the ti mayang yeah big uppercut there from petak oh that’s that right hand once again right hand of his own from pet kak doing everything in his power in this round to stay in the fight and by doing that I feel like he’s he’s getting closer now to what winning the round it’s very close this round yeah has changed drastically in the beginning I mean we saw saw AC he had the advantage on the inside but now I’m giving that to ktis and he’s throw when he throws that right hand if he misses the hand it then leads P kide to come oh big right hand once again knocking pet kide back into the corner left high kick by pet kide tying up and delivering a nice right knee there is pet Kitty side this run has become a lot more equal now Aaron indeed oh massive right hand once again another knee straight across the back by petak and that is the end of the second round and what a round it was brutal stay with us round three up [Music] [Applause] next very interesting second round that was from pedak and saw AC and much closer than the first one I mean in the beginning of the round we saw saw AC come in with some harder strikes that he actually threw in the first round however as the round kept on going a s TI did change yeah 100% you can say that unlike the first round when we saw petat pet kitak starting well it was actually soru started well in round number two but then pet kitack came back completely reversal of roles there in rounds one and two the question is though did pet kyite do enough in that round to take it cuz he pretty confident that saw took round number one you know what let’s go for a 1-1 I agree why not let’s go for a one one ladies and gentlemen this [Music] m i are not judges so sometimes between us the scores are made up all right here we go whoever wins this round wins the fight according to us unofficially unofficially we do have three judges at ringside ladies and gentlemen it’s not me and Aaron he does it that would be a weird think if it was us but let’s see if oh I poke might have been a poke in the eye that’s what he’s complaining about okay he’s okay okay now some shy definitely a big issue here as the doctor to check on the situation considering how tough these boys are D fighting catch the let’s have a look at the replay here definely definitely definitely unintentional as well does happen unfortunately very rarely very rarely the same thing but guys okay at the same time it is pak’s first time competing in katuk that’s something he will have to look out for for and he’s just found out right hand there for pisak and now we’re into the clinch again where pisak had a lot of good moments in the second round I think you in the corner of p k side you telling him to try and get into that CP position throw some Le to the body trying to avoid the overhand right though when you do move in yeah he’s taking a few of those over right hand has you see blood gushing now from the nose of pet k s cut over the left eye though as well of saw I mean these boys have gone to war here on TI Fight League low kick there by pep kak back to the center of the wiing they go oh there’s that right hand once again you see pet Kitty trying to throw one of his own there but saw doing the right thing and ducking under you can’t be throwing lazy little kicks like that so almost made him pay for that go back into the clinch we go there’s that right knee final stages now here of the third and final round still anybody’s fight here in the third round this is just one of those fights where you can tell that both Fighters have left it in their big right hand there saw pushing forward left knee to the body I believe both of them have almost emptied their gas tank I me that’s just how brutal this fight has been so far brutal on the body anyways unable to throw the knee there P both Corners are trying to urge their fighters on one last big shot could potentially sway the judges here it’s that close I’ll tell you what I mean this could potentially go to a fourth round by the way this round is going so far so true good low kick there for Pak trying to return just missing with that but connects with the knee to the body will that be the Difference Maker Aaron could [Music] be oh tempted elbow wide of the mark there from pet Kitty side into the clinch once again another big right knee there from the tie and again two big knees from pet gak could he run away with the victory with that one another elbow pit gak going for the elbow now so see so see returns so you see trying to unbalance K sck but good balance there from the tie from up North and there you have it the end of the third and potentially final round it would not surprise me at all if this goes to round number four it was so [Music] close throughout that third and final round let’s have a look at the highlights see the right hand basically the right hand of Saw versus the knee striking from pet kyack was the story of that fight the both Fighters having moments oh big moments wi that fight to try and claim it but it will be up to up to the judges to try and separate these two are indeed if they cannot the rules on Thai Fight League not in the Isuzu Thailand Championship but on the super fights if it is indeed a draw it will go to a fourth round how exhausting would that be though Aaron [Music] oh and the winner is white Corner s AC [Music] [Applause] there [Music]


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