Golf Babe

How to be a good ball striker

How to be a good ball striker.

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hello ladies and gentlemen my name is Jimmy I’m with tropican golf and today’s headline is how to become a great ball Striker well why is ball striking even important well ball striking is the way that you hit the ball towards the target over and over again with the same trajectory the same intensity it is very very important you’re not topping the ball you’re not hitting a weak fade or a nasty hook every time you hit the ball I’m going to show you how to do that it’s coming up right after this okay so what’s the importance of ball striking anyway who cares right like just hit the ball and put it in the hole who cares how it gets there as long as it gets there wrong totally wrong you need to be consistent with your shot you need to know exactly how this Ball’s going to fly every single time and most of us myself included hit a different ball flight eight out of 10 times and it’s super annoying but I’m starting to really understand it all of my favorites Lee trino Ben Hogan Mo Norman great great ball Strikers so I want to be a great ball Striker but how so I research it and I learn it and I think you know is it this is it how they dropped the club is it whatever ever El mechanical no what I like to Envision is that my body my torso is an 18 wheeler going downhill through the Great Vine at a 100 miles an hour on an open road so imagine a close your eyes for a second imagine this 18-wheeler on an open Highway flying down this hill aund miles per hour now think about what would happen if the operator Slams on the EGS well that trailer that’s fishtailing it might flip all kinds of disaster this is the 18wheeler this right here your body your legs your torso your hips your butt your everything and so many people stop it instead of using it they just stop and swing from here you see it all the time people finish like this what is that no if you stop the 18-wheeler and swing guess what there’s your fishtail way out here there’s the fish tail of the trailer and slice City or if you close the face hook Nation no this is your power this is your engine this is your big rig don’t be nasty okay so here here and now take it and send it down the hill that promotes the same swing every time instead of or or no no no no no no you must continue this I’m not so worried about this and this and whatever other crazy shallowing methods and hips and neck and all kinds of stuff that everybody is thinking about it’s very simple use the engine to bring it forward and continue I don’t accelerate the engine I don’t decelerate the engine I just maintain it at 100 miles an hour or would I like to think 55 miles an hour 100 miles an hour is very very intense okay and your mind starts working but for the image that you needed to see there of this stopping I used 100 but to me if you told me hey imagine this big rig going 55 miles hour cruising cruising on a flat open road okay what would that look like well it would look like this just cruising well guess what that’s a golf swing that’s a good golf swing that’s a great golf swing that you can repeat over and over and over and over and over and over and over again 55 miles hour cruising on an open road like always I’m going to play a couple holes to show you that this works what’s a tip if you don’t Implement so what I’m going to do today is I’m going to Envision that truck rolling down the freeway that’s it so I’m just going to turn it and go no acceleration and definitely no deceleration okay and we’re going to start with a part three a long one because part 3es are difficult for people they’re difficult for me you have to basically hit it on the green on your first shot in order to make par it’s very hard to chip on now this is downhill and I have a lot of room short I have bunkers left and right so what do I do well nothing I just find my target I line up and I use that 55 mph truck going down the freeway or the highway or whatever and just Envision that no acceleration no deceleration three two one fire I really like it it could be a little short oh you’re so lucky you’re so lucky guess what you’re going to get to see with my brand new Lambda shoes I’m going to get in the bunker and I’m going to show you now listen here’s what happened there’s the pin oh wait it’s maybe short of the bunker a awesome I may have tricked you and maybe it’s not in there it’s a good shot okay it’s 108 six seven yards away from my Target in most scenarios seven yards from your target from 188 yards is not terrible this one CU it’s a par three you know it’s not the greatest but in most scenarios that’s a good shot you’ve done your your job if you’re 188 yards away and you hit it to 10 yards of the pin that’s pretty good for an amateur golfer unless you’re playing on Sundays on tour you’re probably not watching these videos and then you’re not playing that well but for most of us it’s pretty good now I came up short of the bunker Thank God now my shoes stay clean I don’t want to uh ruin my new golf shoes love these shoes very elegant look at them wow Lambda golf great company very uh classic shoes not a lot of the uh trainers or whatever they call those things sport edition shoes that you see today it’s very classic wing tip these are wing tip and uh it’s more my style you have your style and that’s just fine it belongs to you but this is very much my style so there’s the bunker there’s my ball right there Odin golf ball and look yeah it’s six yards maybe five and a half so not a terrible shot just so happens that it’s a little short and whatever and it’s fine this is okay all right this is just fine you didn’t hit it out of bounds you didn’t do anything bad you’re just here so now it’s just an easy chip now okay let’s go into further detail let’s make a playing lesson More Than Just ball striking how do I get this ball there it’s not far why is this so hard why is this so difficult well let me tell you why I see so many people excuse me it made me laugh I’ll watch people play this I don’t mean to laugh it’s it’s rude but you’re you’re seven yards away and I see people’s up here you’re telling me that you had to swing this hard to hit the ball right there come on man so once they get up here what happens well now they their brain realizes hey dummy uh what are we doing way up here and then they decelerate and then they chunk it or they stand up and then they thin it and the ball goes past those trees look just go like this take a putting stroke look like this that’s all it takes to get the ball over there you don’t have to hinge and hold and rotate and shallow no look I use a 69 degree wedge that’s what I use my feet are below the ball so I choke up on the grip and I just go like this swing the V you ever seen swing the V video it’s great here we go swing the V three two one fire go in go in make it easy guys make it easy okay make it easy let’s go tap it in for all of the purists at home as you should be this game only counts and the ball goes in the hole so let’s get it in the hole we have a one footer downhill do not think about it do not analyze it do not overanalyze it by any means you look at it you say oh it’s one foot step in gently calm relax like you’re pulling a cocktail off a bar with a fine lady sitting next to you you’re not going to grab it or you know do some weird you’re just going to grab it and walk away grab it and walk away nice to see you enjoy your cocktail let’s move on to the next tool okay you cannot miss one Footers that is not okay and I know it happened it happened to me uh possibly Friday it was it was not too long ago and it was ridiculous it was it’s nonsense was one footer it did break a little bit but come on man I overthought it I was like analyzing I had to wait for everybody to putt so I’m sitting there staring down this one foot putt why I should have just walked up hit it and walked away but I didn’t but I’m still here and everything’s okay so don’t worry about it all right we’re going to play another ball striking I want to use my irons because I want you to see that ball striking is consistent and sometimes with the driver it’s not as pure so I want you to see the consistency of the ball strike okay we have a dog leg left um this is all going to be ripped out here they’re going to put a lake right there isn’t that awesome so the Fairway is going to be that only that’s cool right so your t-shot is now the the hole is like way oh my God look at the size of that finger the way back there so you have to hit it you know out here now you can fade it in there or uh put a little draw on it now what’s the safe play I don’t know whatever you feel comfortable with but I like to just hit a straight ball and let it maybe fade a little bit it’s not a hero shot so I I line up over here and I try to hit it uh like you know right there that’s my that’s my interpretation uh-oh we are very amateur right now and do not have a te um hold please look at me running in my shoes wow okay we’re back sorry let’s see the ball up here and I have to go back and check make sure I’m in frame cuz once again my cameraman decided to call in sick I haven’t seen him since uh I’ve never seen him actually he’s never shown up to work so I have to operate every single one of these things anyway here we go what is it again keep the train or the truck rolling see how the truck never stops this is the truck stopping here look truck stop this is truck stop this is not truck stop just feel this this is the entire swing ladies and gentlemen right here at home just do this power it with the truck power it not it’s just this as relaxed and as cool as you can be I’m dizzy from doing that don’t get old ridiculous okay I’m ready here we go drive the truck ready three two one fire that’s what we call Purina Dog Chow oh my God I think it went in the there’s a storm drain in the middle of the Fairway and I think it went in there oh I think it went in I think it went in I saw it Go in I’ve never actually hit one in there I’ve never actually seen one go in there but I have seen uh like when people hit balls here and then they just magically disappear and we go I don’t know what happened I think it goes in there more often than not and there’s like a grate on there that’s supposed to protect the balls from going in but for some reason it doesn’t so let’s go see if it actually went in oh I think I see it yeah I think I’m okay yeah I am okay oh man it’s literally on the lip of this drain I’ll show you the drain right now it’s pretty wild this place uh has like a lot of water it comes off of these Hills so when it rains this whole thing gets full of water now I’m no archaeological architectural digest type of human but I know that these kinds of Hills store a lot of water and then they release it and then marshes like this happen so they’re going to replace it and just pull it all out and make it a lake anyway here’s the storm drain that I’m telling you about and a lot of balls end up going in there luckily mine’s right there so we’re safe this is 150 right here so that would be 148 to a middle flag I like it I like a 145 number so we’re going to take a pitching wedge and and we’re going to hit 140 yard shot 142 yards okay it’s going to be driven by the truck here and around nice and smooth no Herky jerky anything just boom drive it with the truck drive it with the truck three two one let’s drive catch a piece of the green oh my God oh my God this is what I mean this is what I’m telling you the pess the pess of how I’ve been hitting the ball lately is incredible you saw that I hit it from 150 yards and you saw that I used a pitching wedge wait till you see where this ball landed my pitching wedge is supposed to go 140 4 yards 145 maximum maximum when I slow things down and I deliberately do it slowly like no pressure no tension no effort almost the ball flies further than I’ve ever hit the ball let me show you where this ball ended up remember I had 148 yards to the middle that is a pitching wedge for me all day a pure pitching wedge let me show you where this thing ended up here we go so there’s 148 middle of the green I would assume I would say that that’s Middle look at my ball off the back of the green that’s at least 65 yards let’s call it 162 let’s call it 160 with a pitching wedge like that’s not even necessary here’s my ball it’s not even necessary the fact that the ball jumps off the face when you smooth it out is so rewarding I mean I have to recalculate my shots but hey I’ll take the extra distance now listen here we go again you have 12 yards okay I didn’t hit the green so what am I going to do am I going to take this big swing and desell and hinge and hold no I’m going to take a putting stroke I’m going to just take a little putting stroke nice and loose and just get the ball down there and try to make a putt any if I don’t make a putt I will make what’s called a bogey and that’s fine cuz I didn’t lose a ball I’m not pulling my hair out going why can’t I play this stupid game in fact it’s the opposite I’m hitting the ball so well that now I’m in this position so it’s okay it’s just fine so here putting stroke swing the V see the V that my arms make swing the V I don’t know all the technological terms for all this I see the V right here and I say swing to V there’s probably some weird thing of some uh analytical way of telling you how to do this with angles and deception and and superation and all these other Asians that people create no listen there’s the V swing the V okay three two one swing the V easy on me ball hey it was a good effort okay the ball didn’t do anything crazy it just rolled down the hill it’s fine it’s good I like it it was easy to do okay easy to do now I have a comebacker of three and 1/2 fet now if you’ve practiced your three Footers this is a no-brainer this is actually 5 feet it’s not quite three okay put this down gently I’ve learned that sorry for slamming it earlier um what do I have a three-footer for par four-footer five-footer for par it’s going to break a little left just going to give it a good effort and like I said over there I make a bogey it’s not the end of the world it’s okay let’s line up the ball right there I know it’s going to fade a little bit this way so I aim at the right corner I keep my head down and still this now this this is the big rig okay this is the big rig coming down the hill and this is a little baby brick wall at the bottom of this hill this truck is coming down 100 miles an hour and so many people do this they stop don’t hit the brakes just do this keep going drive right through the wall like the wall is not even there okay it’s the same analogy keep going just keep going just keep going three two one fire oh very close let’s play another hole you guys got anything to do today hope not we’re going to play another one the next one’s hard the hard hole hard hole I like bringing people here for the first time and they’re playing well and then they get to this is kind of a hard hole especially if you have never played it before and if you like to fade the ball or if you hook the ball forget it you’re dead because it’s gonna go up in there um but this next hole it’s tough I it’s it’s not long but man it’s narrow and you’re looking down you’re looking down this little baby barrel of a window and you’re like uhoh uh what do I do I love doing this I love showing this course and showing different shots and showing you how even though the course changes my mentality doesn’t like it’s just it it’s just the same thing over and over again look at this see how narrow it is so you got to hit one through that window right there and the hole does go yeah it goes back left okay so I te it up a little bit on the on the right side here can I do this right there like this I’m going to show you right here I’m going to angle this up look at that what a pro um and I’m going to hit a ball here’s a here’s a little bit here’s a little extra something people change their swing when they have a dog leg dog leish when they try to draw the ball you know they’re doing all kinds of weird things or snapping it over hard I don’t do any of that stuff I think the easiest thing for me and for most people is when you address the ball like this instead of having this Square Club face you just go like this just close it just a little bit that’s going to hit the ball with a kind of a closed face and the ball’s going to go from right to left so I aim normal aim I get here and I just close it just a little bit and I take my normal easy nice relaxed calm swing and let’s see what happens I have the face closed a little bit and I just swing normal three two one fire ball starts on the right starts moving left gets down and in the middle of the Fairway easy does it I’m going to leave this here for the next guy so that we don’t keep blasting divots on the T box that’s that’s this is a lot of pressure on this hole especially when you have people watching because the street is right over here and then that Hill is crazy and you have to hit a good shot so I took an iron there obviously I’m not going to hit driver in such a narrow hole and I just hit something in the middle of the Fairway and now I have a long shot in but it’s doable it’s totally doable it’s all about keeping the ball in play and keeping staying away from the super high pressure shots High Press shots are not the way to play golf I I mean it it’s just it takes a toll line you ever played golf and then you’re exhausted at the end but you’re like why am I exhausted I literally rode in a golf cart I got out I I walked eight steps hit the ball got back in the carart why am I so tired mental there’s my ball okay the pin way up here now I’m 150 yards exactly if I learned anything last time last hole it’s that I can hit the ball 150 yards with my pitching wedge with a smooth swing the pin is in the back this should be absolutely perfect if I hit the same exact shot I just hit okay I am four eight I’m 10 yards further I’m 10 yards further but if I swing and do everything exactly the same the results should be almost exactly the same so what am I doing I’m driving the truck all the way through the finish line drive the truck three two one fire well wouldn’t you know it well wouldn’t you know it is that short are you kidding me I love this game like I just did something on the last hole and it was great then I do it over here and it’s totally different I think it’s short I think it ended up short let’s fill this in a little bit gets a little attention that it deserves uh yeah that’s just how this game works like you think you have everything dialed in you’re like all right well this happened on this hole so this should happen on the next wrong it’s like the Earth stopped spinning for a second the gravitational pull was off 1.21 gaw was all jacked up 1.21 gws plutonium was low whatever all kinds of stuff Hey listen just so you know um you can play good golf oh it’s not bad look I thought it was bad I was only kidding it’s on the green um you can play good golf and not have to do too much like it’s not a a big science okay let’s fix this so how do we fix this in in in in in in in in now I go get my putter cuz once again my cameraman didn’t show up so I only have one hand so I get my Putter and then what do I do I tap it down see it already looks better listen I have one hand give me a break wasn’t great all right here we go what do we have you see that Street where that car is driving right there that means the ball is going to go down towards that street it’s just science that’s the way it goes hardly ever does the ball not want to go to the street unless the street is up the hill we have a hill we have everything moving that way so I know the ball’s going to go that way so I kind of just aim up here you already know about the Tropicana hot tub so I’m not going to go into that right now but this this is it this is the perfect example of the Tropicana hot tub I just envisioned it out there a big hot tub with women drinking beer here and I’m just going to take this ball and put it in there like this like this I’m just going to roll it in there I see the hot tub the bubbles the girls drinking and I just want to take this ball and gently throw it in there just like this three two one fire little chart little chart he okay you seen the jacuzzi it’s very nice it’s very wow uh I’m going to leave the pin in you know why cuz it’s kind of downhill and things can get away from you quickly here so I’m going to take this I’m going to there I’m not even going to think about it I’m going to move this little thing out of the way and this little thing out of the way and I see a one two foot putt I’m just going to send it down the line three two one fire this is the one footer that you make Hey listen Bogey’s happened I’m two over through three holes now all right listen here’s what was going to happen I was going to make you this video about ball striking which I am and it’s important but it’s also important to know how to play this game okay it’s important so we’re going to play another hole I’m going to show you that even though you make Bogey and you miss a one footer for par two footer for par cuz it happens you must flush it out of your brain like it never happened and continue I’m just going to continue that was terrible that was a mistake I got to make those but I’m human and I miss things and I’m carrying a camera and not really focusing on that but nonetheless no no excuses I should make that Putt and you should make that putt cuz you should practice that putt over and over and over again let’s play one more hole let me focus on what I have to do let me get in a mindset of smooth we’re going to hit driver now because this is a driver hole and we’re going to see what happens okay because this is Golf and bogey happen I’m not editing anything I’m not only showing you the eagle holes don’t you love that come play a hole with me guess what Eagle get out of here bro stop it stop it stop it everybody always shows their best holes don’t be nasty I show everything don’t even be nasty okay look Par Four down the hill it’s not really down the hill it’s pretty straight shot this is golf this is golf the way it’s intended to be not easy here we go how do I swing the driver Jimmy what’s different do I do something different with my irons that I do no no you don’t it’s still that truck coming down the freeway boom okay still the same here and go okay nice controlled smooth 55 going down the freeway three two one fire look at that finish and guess what the perfect shot you must finish you must swing to a full finish nice relaxed calm finish now I missed a twoot putt on the last hole most people would have broken their putter been yelling and screaming heart rate and then what do you do you get up to the tea box and you fire one into the street because you’re so amped up Let It Go man let it go it’s okay you have a chance to get it back it’s never gone and even if you don’t get it back today you get it back tomorrow it’s all right you’re not getting paid to be out here you’re paying to be out here so enjoy it enjoy it have some fun I know you want to play well I get it but getting mad and getting upset getting frustrated and overanalyzing everything doesn’t do you any good you must rinse it away flush it it’s gone it’ll get better listen I just missed that Putt and I’m over here in the middle of the Fairway I’m going to try to make a bogey I mean bogey shouldn’t have said that a birdie um here’s my ball okay I got 100 yards to the middle and it’s a front flag so that means I have less than 100 okay less than 100 means I take a 100 yard Club I choke down and I take a 3/4 swing so my 60° is my 100 yard Club 60° so instead of taking it up here I choke down to almost the metal and I swing same swing I just choked down a little bit so it’s not as long that should reduce a little distance three two one fire that’s hammered also I’m incredibly too strong for this game I don’t know what’s going on there’s a 100 yard marker right there look it’s a 60 dee can you see that there’s the 100 yard marker that’s where I hit it from the ball is 15 yards past the hole I I don’t know I don’t get it maybe I’m just hitting it so pure that the ball goes further I mean that must be it I guess that’s a good problem to have I don’t know o i see a tiger we have tigers out here it’s like a it’s a puma you want to see the Puma here in [Music] sanus Black Cat done crossed my path you know I’m not making this butt hi Kitty Kitty look at him he’s a tiger ladies and gentlemen it’s a Siamese Puma looking me right dead in the eyes okay that’s enough go back through whatever you were doing pal I think it’s chasing lizards they chase lizards and rats and uh and then the coyotes come and get them circle of life like Simba and Pumba all right let’s go see what we can do now I’ve left myself a terribly difficult shot okay I did everything correct I hit a great Drive I took the right Club it happens look look look at this that’s a tough shot it’s a downhill chip to a front green it’s bad look at this look at this lie it’s downhill like it’s not ideal by any means so first I need to study it from the other side to see what I’m looking at I got to give myself a a real read okay so let’s see what we got straight downhill going to come off of this hill and then there’s that street again so everything’s going to break that way so what I’m going to do just so you know I’m going to take a putting stroke I’m going to take a regular putting stroke with my 69 degree wedge and I’m going to hit it here that’s all I can do I got to try to make a putt I make a bogey I make a bogey whatever I’m hitting the ball really well that’s all that matters and I’m having having fun I’m here with you guys swing the V swing the V swing the V see what happens three two one swing the V go oo that’s pretty good it’s pretty good I’ll take that I like that now guess what I got another one of these putts five six six 4 and A2 something like that putter these should be automatic they really should okay do I practice putting as much as I should no do you no these should be automatic putts and the really really good golfers really good golfers make this every single time okay now I need to make an effort to practice this putting more I’ve been obsessed with stri the ball and doing what I want and and and it works I’m hitting the ball hard I’m hitting the ball far I’m hitting the ball straight and this might be a weak spot so let’s focus for a second and see if I can put it all together I know that everything’s moving this way I know that it’s kind of feels like it’s almost uphill might be flat I feel like a little weight in my heel so tells me it might be in this way so I take a stroke I cut the Putt in half I go from here to here to here now I know I only need to hit it to right there in order for it to go in so I line it up I look at that spot and I say I need to roll it over that spot right there I see the spot what do I have to do to roll it over that spot I need to go here drive the truck through the hole here we go three two one fire not that good my putting is terrible let’s try it again three 2 1 okay listen I made three Bogies and a par and for most of you watching these videos it’s not terrible I had a chance to putt for par on every single one of those and truly honestly I’ve made a video about it that’s what I always try to do I try to have a good putt for par I missed them all that’s okay I’m going to keep playing and I’m going to make some of them because that’s how golf works I’m not going to get down I’m not going to get upset oh man I’m three over now no I’m three over but on the next hole I can make a two or I can make a three and then one after that I’ll make another birdie then I’m only one over now it’s all about maintaining so flush the bad holes keep it going make sure you have a putt for par try that that’s very important and if you miss it you miss it go back to your cart finish your cocktail and smile life is good see you next time


  1. I know now why I like how you teach, Jimmy. You present clearly. However, the visuals are simple. Your rotation described as an 18 wheeler was spot on in my brain. Tied to 55 mph was spot on. Back and through. I could see your belly button face the target at the end every time. My Dad always, always said make that happen. I had the big lightbulb moment. I'm going to practice later. Thanks Jimmy. Oh, the shoes? Very nice! Classic.

  2. I text you couple weeks ago after watching your videos. I played so great. So stress free. Then Saturday was like never played golf ugh. So frustrating. Consistency is my biggest problem.

  3. I used to play in your neighborhood……Marshall Canyon. Then I moved to Las Vegas three years ago and stopped playing. Just started again and now I can't break 100 to save my life!! Maybe the air's thicker here or something!😆 Anyway, I've been watching your videos and my scores are improving slowly but best of all, I'm feeling more comfortable. Keep making those videos, I'll keep watching them and I'll get it back.

  4. The Gotti family swing instructor.

    I have to tell you, I played this weekend and went “Smooth” all the way through. Played about my best golf in 15 years. Teed with 3wd all day and hit 11 fairways. Thanks for a new approach for me.

  5. Jimmy – great vid ! Once you learn the main motion .. everything falls into place. Keep it simple ! A good followup is tempo .. as the motion can get to quick or slow some days .. depending on coffee intake 🙂 Careful you don't disrupt the golf instruction biz .. haha. They specialize in complex rocket science. PS. My favorite answer from Brooks Koepka when asked about his key swing thought: ' I don't have one '.

  6. This is the most amateur-friendly golf station on YT! Jimmy eschews the analysis that causes paralysis on the course. I just turned 76, and, after incorporating Jimmy's approach to the golf swing, I've gained back the accuracy–and most of the distance–I thought age had robbed me of forever. Turns out, it wasn't age that was the bandit; it was the detailed direction I'd fallen prey to. Thank you, sir. You keep filming, and I'll keep watching.

  7. Well Jimmy, another great video! What I learn most is your outlook on things. The truck analogy was great. In the evenings I sit on my porch with a good bourbon and cigar and enjoy my favorite golf channel. Very entertaining. Thank you!

  8. Jimmy!! I watched your ball placement video earlier. Went to the range. Felt wierd with my mid to long iron being so far back but right away, great contact and straight divot. Been pulling my irons on longer par 3's, been a bad stretch really, but even off the tee they were going straight. Can't wait for tommorows game. Also, played the ball back even farther on .y wedges… I've got a good wedge game but I'll be dasmned if they weren't going a tad bit further. Hitting my 54 almost 20 yards further. Made a point to relax, swingbeasy snd let the club do the work. Fantastic Jimmy!! Thsnk you!@

  9. Dude, you have THE best style of any YouTube golfer. It's not even close. Also, your advise and techniques have transformed my swing. Thank you so much.

  10. 37:50 It was the cat, man! It was the cat! 😄
    Cool video anyways. It was about ball striking, not about putt sinking 🙂

  11. Another great video. The mentality really is a game changer. Played 9 on Sunday with my dad and actually shot a 48. Had two pars. Quite a few strokes off my 55 stroke average. Just been trying my best to keep focusing on the shot at hand and keeping everything smooth. Still teeing off with my 4i though. My confidence with my driver is pretty bottom of the barrel right now lol.

  12. To preface: I am one of probably 99% of part time golfers who gets lost down a rabbit hole of golf videos on YT. Within the first few mins you earned my sub. For the first time in hundreds of YT hours spent, this video actually made me feel like you were one of the homies riding on the course. Super calm, logical, and relatable content tbh. You are on to something here and I hope your channel goes far! Im super glad that I am not having to take copious notes or remember like 55 cues and techniques for this one. You preach tempo…but more importantly, at a easy tempo. Thanks for the vid. Ill be watching more. Peace.

  13. Mike Malaska …. you need to ,learn how to use your hands first… that has helped me more than all the big body gyrations most people aren't able or coordinated enough to make…. some good points but the HANDS/GRIP come first.

  14. Exactly the type of golfer everyone would love to play with. Just turned 64, started playing at age 50 and have never broken 90. As a former all star baseball player, decent athlete, I thought golf would be "easy," and it's been the typical endless journey since day one for me of being dumbfounded and never feeling confident with my swing. Just now discovered this channel and can't wait to chill a bit, drive my truck and implement these tips asap … I'll be back. Cheers …

  15. Brand new to your channel from the UK. I love your attitude and your honesty and I don't see much ego there which is freaking awesome. So many other content makers are producing golf shit that I just can't relate to as a mid-handicapper and I'm so glad I found you!! Will be setting the truck downhill tomorrow morning but in shoes nowhere near as smart as yours…..

  16. Words of wisdom Jimmy …every hole is a new opportunity “don be nasty” hahaha!! Going to say it again your videos have helped me some much I don’t view anyone else. Can wait for the next one buddy 👍🏾👍🏾

  17. Hi Jimmy! Love your teaching/clothing style here 👍. Especially, the part where you shared not to get upset for missing a putt or a shot because it could happen to anyone @ any level of golf @ anytime during the round. I usually said to them that we're not playing on TV, guys 😁. Thanks for sharing this clip Jimmy.

  18. Hi Jimmy you are my saver four the golf season this year. I have playing 3 rounds so far and i playing much better and are more consistent than i use to be just following your tips.
    So thanks four your videos they even works hear i Sweden as well 🤗⛳️

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